OUTBREAK Part 1: Arma 3 Zombies (506th IR RU Fun-OP)

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no I saved in the Arsenal it's cool okay yes birds all right so just jump you guys on a little bit of Intel president Williams has been pronounced dead so yeah shocker right general Oliver therefore is now the stepped up to the chair of President of to know a little background on - Noah - Noah is off the coast of Australia and it is a French colony everybody speaks French here so if you guys find any Intel and it is written in French our reporter over there Nichols she will be able to translate for you she speaks well she doesn't really speak but she can write in French okay maybe she does speak a little bit French alright anyways short and simple we're gonna be inserted into the airport of Genoa where you guys will meet up with dr. Mario who he is the head of the relief center there and basically you guys are just gonna be kind of in charge once you guys with the ground I keep security in the area the reporter there I don't know what her deal is she's just I was instructed that she's good to go along with you guys keep her safe obviously she's not armed so if anything [ __ ] hits the fan down there make sure she said and then local populace in the area are kind of friendly and non Kremlin's so try not to instigate them the local government or military forces are currently mobilized and we're not sure what they plan to do but just be aware that they might try to pull some [ __ ] any questions it's up to you okay decided hey damn they wrestle so about that I just got instructed the chips gonna be leaving the area so once you guys hit the ground you guys are gonna be on your own for a little while we'll go ahead and have the helo fly back here grab some supplies from off the ship and fly it back that way you guys got some extra [ __ ] to go with ya any other questions yeah yeah got a question at the mask so are there designate areas that are contaminated that we'll have to go put on our masks budget mainland go ahead and put your mask on I'm sure the doctor there will clarify what areas are good and no good copy everybody ready to go all right let's go standby gotta go grab something real quick give me some coke while you're back there and thirsty you're going with something else got some water and I'm good all right that's out there waiting for you go ahead and head on out fancy Vincent's in carries it make sure you guys get your [ __ ] eat earplugs in we all in a firm got the all right miss you too I see Roger dunder are you sure I can handle that it'll be okay pick your mask on that's just a lot of pressure dude spot let me put my [ __ ] mask on so it'll be on when you get out okay okay oh and there's my gasps best guard guy is up with it I know you'll be fine if you put it on in the helicopter it'll be on when you get off there we go yeah I couldn't get back up there yeah I can't get my mask on so hey what you do is put a copter in a helicopter and pick it up to put on your face you just [ __ ] it oh god you don't die hey if you're the one that turned to a zombie can I shoot you first is anybody carrying a shotgun today and somebody took my gas map knowledge new media anyway breck not seriously somebody took my gas mask the other one they don't look good with my own so somebody's missing one with the head and whoever doesn't have to hurt one give that back I'll suck right they're gonna burn there it has five six I gentlemen all right once we touch down go ahead and just probably hit the hangar solid solid solid Bartlett salad ballot she just sees her eyes in that wedge everybody out went for the back door to open up having a little bit this will be open those about time there we go I think we'll move it anyone home twins big dog so I came down with a really bad case of AIDS you got a cure so nervous Tarara must be a lot of inbreeding here this mass cloning they all look the same to me no racism that goes down good call on that we've been [ __ ] this you know what situation you speak each of the five of the twins word for five is quintuplets it seems that our esteemed general general Oliver he's gonna grant us a disease so he'll just stand by make sure he doesn't [ __ ] try to pull some [ __ ] he'll be arriving here shortly oh I'll be right back he seems really stressed I'm appreciated as hive minded honestly they have to be alright well we don't know if this general is gonna be a dick or not so let's spread out and expect a possible firefight don't know okay I might be dick well I don't know who to follow so I'm just gonna be on my own there's a helicopter coming copy north-northwest Gilligan consider us Hill keep us that's my vision I take it he wasn't too happy thank you the town of Rockefeller I'll mark it on the map for you I see it anyways the rumors are that is is where it all began and so I want you guys to go up there and see if you guys can find any Intel and having about to me we have to are you safe here do we have to leave anyone here to guard the airport well how are we getting there is the question I've got some nice videos it's ready the game there's something ATC all right what's what's mine is yours copy I got it over there under the hood this is fixed one day bad things were taken it and you wearing sunglasses I don't think they speaking like clicks wait French right let's see Nicholls can persuade these guys the sounds interesting I think Esau and other vehicles other side of the hangar there's at least to offer up that's all yeah okay routine find a big don't get this six bucks so you're gonna have to take that other vehicle HTC man okay [Music] I keep on it's mad bargain Bravo do you want the Vig here or the off-roader rip you missus in the Vic which one are we in the offer are they in the offer some let me get in the front ones I got a machine gun we're gonna fit in this [ __ ] right in the [ __ ] roof yeah we're not thinking a Landrover I'm sorry there we in charge the other vehicle that that's what I meant too [ __ ] reporter not doctor yes copy lights rear fog light no no let's plug like Casey watch out for this idiot driver coming under six all right once closed the Gator leave it me yes yes Japan British I can play wooden in a race what are they doing with the reporter human sacrifice we're going right or left but do we know where we're going any duel right now we just don't even go the way that they're wanting us to go let's hurry this up I want to get back in time for chow for breakfast - what the papers for us to go through hey pal sounds like you're asking for some five five six I got plenty if you want it heard tree just like hearts and minds they're driving away from the ejectives I'll have to keep it slow cuz you're gonna kick up some dust where are we going I can plug it in on my GPS some road till we're cooler if we win well [ __ ] course [Music] what [Laughter] this poor farmer's field [ __ ] your rice crust or suppose they make Latin next left next left turn left Roger at the four keep lift I labored we stopped with short so I don't follow that but this case I'm sounds good keep doing that till I tell you to stop we're almost there we have arrived at our destination make my way to you hey buddy find you just uh interesting shut up too strong I'm with you that's locked I just makes me want to get in better carry me Oh some point to where yeah brother right in the middle left anybody findin anything I think it says they are here they are Journal you are me Vincent yeah right behind you I need you're talking about dying I doubt okay like I translate the bread it's like people eating great there's no man the white coat here anymore that's why talking about the yeah let's follow you Roger where's my afk buddy if he's talking about a man in a white coat do you think he means the doctor I ask you now that this whole oh you here in the cocaine we've got some sort of explosions out to the east-northeast far off cover yeah we having the light up actually helps [Music] take it on one throw yours in a way bigger than I'm gonna ride it with melius cuz it's fun yeah I'm fun survived even without scallions we're having today fellow pencils gonna talk Oh fish dicks get in the beach Vincente soon I had one of the guys all right so general is halt smile graduated generals a dick before we headed you we're going back to the base yeah you can spare the time you apparently our concert Xterra I just found karma rider get down Bravo Mela son why - yeah we pushed the dark cover sitting now here what's going orders don't Karl's Firefox they're [ __ ] 200 I got a guys at trucks I got some sort of launch on their back hey I've got Auto to audio on something coming now got some coming out to the north just uh northeast just across the runway Bedell eyes on it so are we getting engaged by anybody or we just sinky are we just engaging these guys they're running for the tarmac on us got any targets let's move up let's move up yelling you there did we lose it Vox alpha let's get moving this way Bravo Team were pushed to the hangar out to the break up to the south so let alone oh [ __ ] there's a bunch of there's a [ __ ] lot of them we love you Oh moving moving be advised the pop green smoke in a green flare on my position I've got pretty good coverage from them hey Carrie meatless interrogative ability we're inside the hangar to the south of the manor main runway breakout you're loading y'all good good reloading reloading carries down here Jerry's gone careful we got people coming in - hey get up here what the [ __ ] is that all right we got friendlies coming up this is raw up here we got a man down down there oh we're getting [ __ ] shot at we're taking fire to those southwest you up you up looks like don't um - when they go down [Music] god damn it they're like to the [ __ ] Southwest outside Lima Charlie um points you over I got you dude I got you I have a man down in my position I'm taking him up right now someone called the [ __ ] mic I need to get this guy up I'm on the South part of the hangar he's uh he's right he's right here oh the [ __ ] doctor got shot hey brother [ __ ] get the medic on the doctor yep there's [ __ ] I'm up I'm up I'm up reloading reloading I think your screen should start like sniff this freaking green Roger Roger I got Riley we need to get the probably right arm left arm need I'm not a badges yeah we need I need like freakin like Ferrara's down right here anybody other than carry on Bravo check and I want you there we go hey what's going on [Music] that's why I wish I brought a short-range optic instead of the long race if anyone needs ammo I grab the [ __ ] on so Kerry need ammo [ __ ] this regard all right if you can't bring some back here I don't know if I'll still be me you know I gave what I have forever you know where that a crate that Moe with that yeah all right all right yeah I really [Music] Charlie dark post leave what's the status does anyone have eyes only Oh what the [ __ ] when you see the interpreter later no I have an extra pair of night-vision for hire actually no they're mine well if somebody used her names isn't anything here [ __ ] everyone grabbed a grenade we are visiting thank you okay me this is Glock cocked ready to go [Music] what's your status where the [ __ ] is lead are you've been Hornet met it where's the [ __ ] mic a fun person come with me no clue [ __ ] uh Lee's down over here or something yeah he's [ __ ] I just got shot in the head dude [ __ ] it I was looking everywhere for you you Mike our helicopters coming in Oh Haley if you're talking we can't hear you [Applause] [Applause] all right Holly there's a hanger come get us off a little bit brighter huh are you sure about that anyways I hate the pretty conversion right now guys but y'all need to be heading towards Georgetown if you guys want to see see I realized in two hours now guys long pieces damn otherwise you guys do at the end a Georgetown yeah I guess we were supposed to be waiting for vehicles of some sort was my last understanding like see this game oh right here like this yeah no I didn't realize we be going for two hours we're disconnected from new channel Li's trying to get in sugar will again there's one seat left all right Kerry shake your trusty now alpha this is Mike we're waiting for one person to get in the vehicle are Roger user joined your channel we rate those I've got something fearing 0h0 behind the hanger I think I think that one guy that kids have trouble getting in has suffered some neurological issues after getting shot in the head will you have negative issues sort to tell Wow someone watch those zombies make sure they don't get to switching or walking their way over a year there we go everyone get out what is wrong you guys having some difficulties oh it's okay oh [ __ ] go ahead I recommend you and Paul we're trying to get in the vehicle Roger reproach you for now beads that's funny okay jihae you you try to now oh yeah police didn't need Oh oh [ __ ] manage me oh I don't even have any [ __ ] bandages around I'll try my best advantage is that you're on driving and we gettin out or what the [ __ ] going on [Applause] there's anyone that bandage this I'm [ __ ] and I can't even walk reloading frosting or which house we [ __ ] going to oh good good anyone else sees anything if you need more if we'd let me know and I'll put it in the bed truck for you Roger I could use it but when you get the chance stick them there's the contract for it Roger did another one let me know anyone need a bandages morphine Oh I'm about to pass out [Music] [Music] I'm about to pass out dude I'm about to be infected so stay the [ __ ] away from me [Music] that's us we're [ __ ] up dude I'm about to pass out go any good all right kill the [ __ ] running by God why is it switch my channels contact you gotta guarantee one thing such [ __ ] arrest dr. Mario I mean I don't know but everybody's pointing fingers it's in my bag take it you guys I'm teasing out of here [ __ ] out of my way Thanks thank you apparently you look a lot like a zombie hey perky when you get a chance give me some blood metagame you can't say anything about that no another one almost walk while we're all I'd see a new [ __ ] optic we're getting [ __ ] seed holy [ __ ] there's a fuckload of untoward backside the building oh this fit on the stairs coming upstairs [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] snapped on Dubai's I'm on the roof first we connect on foot vehicle coming down the road don't shoot the big put the doctor shoot the Vic my eyes are Ewing armored [Music] the suit the ejectors he's asking if you want be careful not to share needles with me you would you want just you wanna you want all 27 of them or just one all the truck okay all right there during the truck hey there in the truck hey oh you you and you in the fake white suit their dog dog do you have any way for us to get the [ __ ] out silence you over now stealers but now we're gonna look you cheese [ __ ] starting at ten thousand a little weave in there talking all secretive over there I have something called a clean war I was told to come here and make sure you don't get bit something there's nothing around I don't care anything I don't like they're the apex ak's I wanted an arch sak your horse listen left the island the general has pretty much placed a blockade around the island it's no so there's no giving in or out I know [Music] the light pretty obvious roll into the car alright anyways did you guys have fun yes are you alright did anybody leave we lose anybody
Channel: Vince
Views: 856,321
Rating: 4.800302 out of 5
Id: 98cQ9D67Na4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 44sec (6464 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 03 2018
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