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hey guys drewski here and today we're back playing some more squad over the course of my channel i've played this game for over 55 episodes and in these 55 episodes this game has always been early access but today is the first day that it's not an early access game this game has left early access had this gigantic update where they dropped basically the most detailed map they've ever dropped fallujah and then also they dropped a whole new faction and the game is now 1.0 no early access owi you left early access that is a thing that not many game companies have been able to do with the games in this genre so good job and talking about owi this video is sponsored by the guys and gals who make squad they they sponsored me to make this video about 1.0 now i've already played the game for 55 episodes so why wouldn't i accept the sponsorship i don't understand i mean game good game game pretty good the game is also on sale right now for 25 off so it's 30 bucks if you want to check it out the link is in the description of this video definitely go down and buy this game if you haven't yet it's a super fun game and i've played 55 episodes of it i wouldn't just do that because you know i because i might like the game this game is one of the best shooter games you can really get on pc today definitely would suggest it anyways let's get into the action first part of the video is fallujah and then the second part of the video is just normal squad gameplay have fun everybody enjoy the vid this map is so cool there's just so many little tiny angles that people could be in it's kind of terrifying in a way it's really hard to push objectives there's also a lot of rooftop to rooftop gameplay like this like that i think they're on top of the mosque in my building [Applause] what a good angle i have this is so cool i just love the building design the level design is amazing this happened in fallujah what that's actually really cool i thought it was in pakistan no no it wasn't in pollution wow interesting we're just admiring the uh shouts west yeah i heard it i'm looking for him contact directless assault 75 meters right on the rock [Applause] one down copy i think there were two hop oh you made that yeah that was pretty sick got one more i smell an enemy vehicle oh my god can i have it i'm just you're the real people sign my baby uh just want to let you know yep you can't put up oh you're the biggest fan pika i watch all your shows you guys think that was the real choice got it i gotta reload push got him nice is he a buzzing push or just the one there's still one more there's more around this uh north of me on ground level this round is insane i've got a bandage for a minute unfortunately come on bud just peek in where were you there he goes i hope he's not there anymore where'd he go oh my gosh yep got the guy across north oh [ __ ] got it again they're across the road north uh second floor second floor got it watch north second floor watch north about to shoot him with a frag once i get you all right i'm good oh oh oh my god you're facing the floor there's a bridge to the left there's a nice little convenient bridge there listen listen we are going straight into enemy territory by the way i am going to die so quick okay oh no oh my god can i just turn in i'm just gonna lean up no turn it in no we're yellowing you're here now can you turn right at the next right please no go jump out oh minimum oh [Applause] that in your million sub video you forgot to tell people that i made your channel with the two videos that i was in three years ago why can i speak chocolate chip hab yes it's a chocolate chip heck still beer over there it's kind of cute go ahead yeah so it's on the way from the top it's a bradley also look at these holes you can shoot through these holes in the bazaar yeah they drop grenades pretty nice uh that's dirty let's go sewers all right where's the flashlight attachment or some pvs 14. you can put a radio down here and you can just place so many we're just going underneath their entire defensive line there's an m wrap above us right now are you guys like yeah we are underneath us right now yep we're right above you really yeah there you go i doubt all right i will deal first brothers copy that right behind you guys got it watch out there if you can pop smokes that direction marcellus i'm going to check our backs really quick oh you're dead dead just give me a second give me a second and you're not gonna be dead take your time you need to murder about six of them to the west i'm just popping lots of smokes if you could get back over to the entrance to the sewer i think you might be able to hide behind the dumpster spread out guys once you're healed once you're healed um thank you coming in for northeast guys getting whoever this is grenade over there [Music] [Applause] oh my gosh [Applause] staircase on me all right i'm gonna heal you bubba is there uh they said there's so many crosses this is awesome this is where you start to feel the hundred players whenever this many people are just in one place get some shots off here oh oh [ __ ] you're done i am down but you're welcome to come to me enemies are south from the south east the north [Applause] oh wow oh god yep just don't stand up thank you oh my gosh crouch jeez so many dead [Applause] 202 left to right got it [Applause] geez this is a just such a fun fire fight [Applause] i guess if you're down he did try about the rally while assaulting this [Applause] they made no attempts to hide that hat oh bad guys skylining [Applause] it was already in the air i promise i'm sorry you gotta know [Applause] very angry and a dude right here in this bush what's up brother jeez that was a fun little attack west southwest this uh north compound is clear i got ice on their head oh what almost him in the head throw some grenades over there yeah cause everyone's sitting within 10 minutes of each other oh come on amazing little bunker this is an intense fire fight man never mind oh he just gave up oh they're just outside the wall oh okay i thought that was a bigger drop [Applause] this is gonna have to be a really good flank like the pkp flank the aks good time [Applause] damn whoever's over that hilltop let me know how these rounds land they're gonna be landing like right on top [Applause] good right on [Applause] the wrong spot but hahaha peek it i dare you thank you got it [Applause] he's on the west side moving north got him dad they're dead let's go that room is the best thing ever you can jump up on a box lay down and lean and you're just definitely gonna run back in there oh there's a guy alive in here he was alive are you good yep i'm fine i think we're approaching from the south not the north i don't know why not take that back [Applause] yeah if you jump up on this and then you can lay down and lean and it's just oh it's perfect they just can't look up that quick yeah i pop around that window oh [ __ ] oh thanks too right here thanks me uh [Applause] oh my gosh sorry man he was looking right at me oh you're good got him he's down thank you yeah i i didn't mean don't shoot i meant just he's to my front he's sitting on there here [Applause] goodbye friends goodbye friends it's been an honor try to rush try to rush west west oh my god there's a radio over here oh my gosh okay they're getting a little bit closer got it 300 330 for me yeah i just saw some dude hop out of that logi i called and just pit like legit just panic fire one down a poor guy who was just walking up did not even notice my headshot is clear i don't know what the rocks he's peeking nice good head shot i shot the air that was where his head was about 40 seconds earlier hey [Music] all right i'm out good night everybody later [Music] [Music] you
Channel: OperatorDrewski
Views: 657,058
Rating: 4.9474831 out of 5
Id: hACvwLgxihw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 50sec (1550 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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