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[Music] [Music] [Music] country consultant wavelength or [Music] 7/7 Bravo squad should be finishing up on their way point seven we're gonna salt the city so as we're moving through the waypoints we'll just say a squad Waypoint blah blah Dayton's gonna be on me in copilot see alright demon you got all in you might need it mighty top over radio I can't really hear long range why dummy I don't copy you have to scream of me I'm just gonna go land you copy yep jeez what is this L see I can't see really anything we drop you guys a little bit off to the side if that's okay get it down Oh what's up Brazil oh [ __ ] where are you guys going sorry don't say no they say Milty sorry we just breaking you down go go go go dayton stay in dayton saying tell me all out demon all out yeah be diggin off Daten you want a controls land us all right WASD to to lean right to lean forwards and backwards yep you got it and then shift is up C is down yeah they're over at the fire tower right now just once we get close to the ground make sure make it soft landing soft landing you have to keep going down soft soft soft just tap the Ziva tap see just tap it tap it tap it tap it a little bit to the left little bit to the left tap tap tap tap tap real quick copy that was Dayton landing allows you to actually hold four handles 24fps pilot for the wind let go there is no green light i'ma drop you right here VIPRE a little bit for walk by a little bit safer hey go go go go go go tell me all out and I'm gonna have to apply an 18 in this this will be fun [Music] okay it's a little bit simpler than DCs but it'll do have to turn down the in-game audio well don't take off back don't do that drew ski 5/5 check check okay haven't taken this thing off in a very very long time I'm gonna put the flaps in half roll onto the runway here the throttle is a little bit interesting compared to DCs but also the tires are super grippy to the ground so used to flying DCs now this game feels like it's a alien which is funny all right let's take off make sure my collision lights are off instead of on I want to be stealthy here and about 230 I think is when we can pull up yet 230 cool this thing is still so slow though Nine's me of the good old good old days jeez it's dark coppy alpha moving to Waypoint one look at the snowflake effects Bravo be advised there is an enemy Humvee in the center of the town copy thanks for the heads-up Wow look at that how far is that jeez yeah turn my laser on I don't even think it is lazing them it doesn't even show the distance don't know why oh yeah there we go look at them that's so cool their support be advising your wife point one there's a vehicle in the bend of the road I'm going to be lazing it you can go ahead and strike copy via Khan middle road lazing Bravo stand by for lays after air strike dental push-up don't know if I see the lace done Oh yep I see it I can lazy target clear for stress alpha engaged oh the frames oh yeah we definitely got the car I already see the fire going on I think the little my viewed isn't this is a little bit much heavy enemy contacts on north side of town moving west still north still in the bill in the buildings area oh there's our friendlies moving and I think I think those are friendlies Piper I think I was mistaken for a friend lease there it's so cool I love the thermals in this game it's being able to spot that is really cool weight point three is six times enemy infantry correction seven times per widget squad alpha way point three he'll with radar on it coppy going could I not go guns and go gbu or something splash hehehe hahaha man I'm surprised you're still alive good effect there I said we're pushing it now heavy enemy contacts on your left side of that compound coffee left side compound one man still alive inside in a square sandbag cover are you far right of your squad I'm not gonna bummer right now he's running out semi semi circle barrack right side of it oh shoot oh no we got a man down think you have two friendlies down on left side outside hostile down jeez oh they didn't they didn't I that corner he ran up he ran up and surprised them damn jeez Bravo cetera purposes Bravo we just clearly apply for ready to move to a Wi-Fi copy out for the waypoint for cleared we're moving the Waypoint five viper you've got two enemy MBTs heading from north I believe Northwest can you confirm hostile confirm visual on hostile I don't know what tank those are copy we here up north northwest rolling in hot two times two times stay low just need visual ID I can't tell what tank those are standby see ATC ATC eighties [ __ ] my truck I was messing up hello placing secondary tank for you dismount dismount dismount good job dismounts on right tank to copy this mountain [ __ ] off I might go down here vipir do you copy VIPRE copies go ahead hostiles South East approaching bottom of your Hill copy southeast demon are you in a tree line just past a road copy we are just south of y5 copy from your direction of movement check right there is a squad coming from your right at the Y in the road why in the road coming from that direction those guys are hostiles those guys are friendlies they're coming on the the road that you're you're moving to right now they're on the road running towards your compound you just assaulted I think very close fifty meters out I'll be moving away for a part Bravo tank tank tank on the road EU passed before can you get visual ID on that I can't tell what tanks those are on these thermals man oh [ __ ] okay they got it they have it under control damn okay oh that's a PKM gonna right there I think they're shredding our boys oh geez what are they doing to those tanks damn Paris I be advised we are lacing and MVT to our front left to our south basically direct off South selfies copy where is your location Viper Sega what is your pause alpha in-between Waypoint 4 & 5 jeez I'm lost I'm lost sampai we're getting a lazy gaunt lays now papi see the laser striking I'm on I'm on a to Jamie to our West just moving out of plays range out of blazed range we have multiple we have another one to ourself something the [ __ ] was a that was true striking yeah I see the one to your South in the trees right in the forest yep I see it yeah Viper lays what you got and I can hit it or mark on Matt mark on Matt easy lazing now careful within 150 meters at that tree line at the tree line yes there's bunkers that I'm lazing currently in the tree line copy engaging copy friendlies within 150 oh there are bunkers up there I see it calling in guns on this hilltop I'm not looking at your laser Shirou also near that hilltop I hear a vehicle audible was that a good hit or is that a little bit off that was spot-on are still taking fire from it I can go in from another run could you get your guys to back up a little bit or is that impossible right now I can I can back them up for one more run yeah back him up back him up I'm gonna cluster bomb I'm gonna close to Bala just for the just for the heck of it committing a few war crimes here and there no no nothing nothing too big of a problem you know there are two striking stay low stay low stay low copy stigma splash that was thick closers are so cool God those clusters are so cool her asset be advised we have a transport we're engaging now standby copy did you splash that transport splash the driver no I splashed the squad copy got out of it work I see you guys moving fight for these are basically gonna frag the inside far end he's cutting but that is almost our makalah ever just he's got a but watch out I don't have eyes on the transport fiber it looks like it's disabled and no infantry is topped out so Gabby disabled I think possibly a friendly knocked out on the barn outside the barn Bravo is down near some pie oh no he's up he's up easy Viper 810 is Joker RTB copy Joker Britta oh I haven't landed in 18 in a long time either it's spooky man the heck I see that vehicle it's gone secondary vehicle drew three vehicles turning to oka the three vehicles coming into town right now Southside southeast [ __ ] I didn't just kill diamond did I or did I cut him off [Music] deeming you up I think he's dead cheap Hera's Neffe if I heli coming in from the southeast copy am i dropping proof I'm still here in a vehicle somewhere it's never got we're boring honestly it's so much fun look at that scene - so cool alright I'm gonna do a sick flyover and I'm gonna go get the heli coppy Tennant yes but I got it mission accomplished fighting about [Music] [Music] and then oh we lost a man he's dead it's all right [Music]
Channel: OperatorDrewski
Views: 1,120,186
Rating: 4.9602375 out of 5
Keywords: a10 warthog, a10 thunderbolt, arma 3 a10, arma 3 a-10, arma 3 a-10 gameplay, arma 3 milsim operation, arma 3 milsim, arma 3 gameplay, arma 3 2020, arma 4
Id: nsWpY_-yGnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 44sec (1664 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 11 2020
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