STEALTHY ISLAND ASSAULT! - ArmA 3 Stealth Operation / Sahrani

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[Music] everybody get underwater [Music] I wheel in what are you can hearing [Music] interesting I'm gonna go do avy notify me when you're within a hundred meters of your drop point or sorry correction 300 meters of your drop can well I didn't know where Raul's well the silencer on that you have a PKM dude you're gonna silence a PKM well I'm just at it you had a silencer Shawn check for enemies out in front of us we go yep yep pop out pop out pop out how about everybody get underwater oh my gosh there is no way these guys don't see us oh my gosh oh my gosh I'll up oh there's no one to fire cuz I've got a clear shot we're engaging away from one our ones down where's close one made out on him Jamie good Oh Jamie's not good yep let's get Jamie up dang that was unfortunate pinning your right leg you want to continue to hold or move totally point to if you don't have any sight lines on Whitmore one move to two lap here welcome back all right let's get to the top of this hill right here Jay you good to go ready move progress move farther west if it is if these guys get closer let's engage them these ones to our left or right our Southwest I'm lazy let me know when we're going to engage if so yeah if they get anywhere like close I think they're turning away though yeah it looks like they're gone just let them pass yeah we can probably sneak behind them they also got a patrol on the sky lining Southwest yeah there is one really close Shawn let's get this closed guy look around him see if there's a second one don't know why staying here by yourself let's just hit him suppressed only ready he's down another flashlight you're gonna want to approach Waypoint to very slowly this crawling with patrols yep got him he's down okay push up more flashlights cast it - oh yeah nice let's move up where is he Shawn oh yeah behind us here behind us East topic they don't seem to be moving let's keep going then here shot yeah that's them that's a v-notch hi yes yeah yeah contact front can't see him his lights to the left he stood left that light he's he laying down his light look you know yes yes okay thing he's down Jay you're just gonna be our like [ __ ] hits the fan gun and RPG we've got a tower yeah we've got to push this and attack it kill everybody in it and around this quickly can you see our lasers from up there avian clutch yes that's good oh yeah yep please unless we're pointing at somebody on the top how many up there do you see if you have visual got some runners coming towards us yeah PBM runners - all right go right course a dozen four guys coming towards you yeah we're gonna second one sec where'd they go where'd they go they're all heading our way Southwest like they're coming right towards us you guys forming patrol right yeah behind on the right edge see if we can hold just hold there's another there's another - I'll come behind kept getting a house key in the house where are they I can't see them at all flooding I'm coming hey hey go help Jamie go Jamie okay okay I had to crawl up here with a broken leg I got your leg oh okay I'll get your arm got your arm got your torso again Thanks I'm gonna start what you buy that let me get my head again you can start more feigning yep morphine warm to the leg I was no I'm good I'm good fine I'm gonna toss some need to our left to our Southwest a little bit close look closer I thought well I saw their tracers from up there dang that was cool whoa think he's down yeah it's so it's the darkest it can be right now your temple tower is clear but there may be one at the face that we can't see copy where thank house in the woods right now bandaging up Jay when he's up we'll continue to the tower CPR like let me see if I can revive him don't use FBI won't see think again with C I don't think it'll work who knows okay good okay epi it probably takes several tries welcome back Jay dammit contacts West wait let's get a more defendable spot here if you're many things go to the back room go to the back room or go upstairs to the back room we defend better vantage point there's a pretty sizable force moving into the woods from the southeast toward your car position yeah guys let's move let's move thank you reinforcements let's move let's move B 2 or 3 let's get up in that Tower yep check this field before you drop the car yep right good kill good kill yep keep pushing contacts to the right where's this left shed left shed tossing Nate out unsaid Nate out on shed should be should have just gone inside I got them all I got him I guess my legs hurt got any means I'm not ladies coming down from the hill yeah I just sprayed the blower area to kill him oh my gosh let's drag him let's drag him yeah carrying on I'll carry him up the tower damage I would dine like 10 all right I'm getting Jay up the tower that's definitely a few patrols from Bravo yeah Dora from the tartar whoa what's up the rest of the building is yeah you AZ coming down the road oh gosh somehow walked on the other edge of arey you got an RPG right let's set up an ambush let's spread out in the windows here they're coming this way they're running there's seven six or seven of them one has an RPG get ready guys they're coming they're about to be in this next pasture next I'm firing J you is he went up the hill up the hill you see lights let's see you easy okay yeah contacts off to the won 3-0 as well runs on daylight now by the way yep Oh on the right side of the house are you guys on the tower still I'm below it right now I'm in the tower I'm putting down whoa those guys right below the tower ripe right below the tower holy whoa Nate out there coming from the west southeast got contact I've pushed up to our tower AVD up of the eyes on we're behind the flares to the southeast that's where the guys are there's a patrol back there we'll try to get a vantage point up there there's a lot of dudes get to cover everybody and then we'll try to engage flashlights or to [Music] 28:25 I'll prepare to engage contacts on construction building one-seven-zero prepare to engage third floor ready five four three two one target down college hockey yep low low low left low left left side the building against the wall tossing smokes whose green smoke contacts okay standing up to the building Chicago push the building wall I hear going inside I'm gonna switch unsuppressed I'm gonna push in okay I'm right behind you I'm here I go this way yeah clear I got it oh I see em I see em got it I'm gonna drag him into first floor Sean why are you so fat I'm also grabbing you by your helmet oh my god he got shot in the neck I am a Papa here J pullback jr. all by yourself right now we're helping Shauna I'm getting left arm left arm again head is still red yeah he was me a really weird sound out his mouth good Xiang yeah okay oh god J oh my gosh day oh you look like a Russian I didn't hear you alright let's secure the rest this building let me go up I'm on I'm on - I'm gonna go to the back stairs to the other side stairs I'm on the other back stairs now go one down nice Thanks there's I believe there's two more missile Susan flashlights at what building 60 degrees that birthing going yep take shots vehicle park took a hit helicopter helicopter East once in game get off the roof get off the roof or these J can try to hit him I'm gonna go down a lot of paratroopers paratroopers coming down oh really copy where they at are they copy you're gonna hit guys more paratroopers southeast or sorry Gretchen Northeast I got a badge we're gonna shot it watch the house snipe there by something far back there at that house I cannot see him good night I might have reflected off a J what the hell Wow you also have a large AI force moving through the east through this trees hey get down the first floor get down the first floor well wait until they close in because if they're in those forces it's gonna pop us in our long distance just wait until they get close we could also push out of this cuz they're all trying to surround this building what if we were to push out to like the new Southwest up that hill into the forest you want to try that let's just I'll just smoke this area just smoke it he got smokes that's mine it's mine my grenade it's awesome smokes yeah well toss smokes out there and we'll run off for the southwest watch that what down West West West he's down no damn in my leg crossing I've got a bandage first and I'll be good to go yeah let's move Southwest Jimmy yes run yeah just run it we're running out of that uh that industrial building moving Southwest Roger remember that huge force from the north yep front front front ready go one down tossing frag on their bodies double the frag front J in front nice shoot they're lighting up J I got him Jake got him Jamie Jamie good Jamie can you hear me Sean's down on the ground let's go get Sean yes are you alive are you awake yeah just need take cover man watch the field surrounding we're in a really big bowl vehicle no no no it's metal with metal grain leaning on metal oh nice come on boys did a floating base of Doom copy yeah no I already called it yeah cops tower destroy copy we're gonna drive up you know I got us a fast car would yes stuck the stunt guys it's easy just don't die [Music] this is a nice scenic well man oh yeah boy that's J's middle name watch that back class yeah please don't how do I have pack mags [Music] you can do it while moving it's here it's your interaction menu and it's just an option on the front [ __ ] yeah three-barrel was at the 8th I I mean there's a bit of a mountain right here I got half five boys are we taking fire taking fire oh no we're good we good all right next but wait what where where where where where where wait hold hold it look at your shooter yet you dumb dumb dumb dumb no he looks he's dead look at him look at him look into his eyes that's a cset pupil right there I don't trust that that multicam it's a little more yellow than usual everybody who can hop in Oh No the rest of you watch hi can we all fit we can all fit nice all right we're gonna go in a joyride okay missions already completed we just want to get revenge for our lost brothers okay yeah oh [Music] Oh watch out close by in the forest no wait wait wait where is he he was right there men stay strong hug oh my god it's the ending of Halo Reach it was an honor with Donna you
Channel: OperatorDrewski
Views: 438,496
Rating: 4.9430904 out of 5
Keywords: arma 3, arma milsim, arma milsim operation, arma 3 sahrani
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 46sec (1966 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 16 2018
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