Stay Hydrated - 7:30pm Replay

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after all of the world witnessed what took place in the bahamas i've got good news because of our partnership with jetblue and hampton university tonight 46 students are about to arrive in virginia to start a new lease on life i'm grateful because two weeks ago i didn't know what was going to happen and god opened up the portals of heaven i'm rejoicing because these young people will not have their dreams dashed but we'll be able to run on and see what the end's going to be tonight i'm going to show you the first leg of the marathon continue [Music] [Music] bless hello come on new birth make some noise for the glory of god i was glad when they said unto me let's go into the house of the lord anybody glad to be alive glad to be saved glad to be on the wake up list come on give god glory for it hallelujah you may be seated with all the teeth you got left would you just smile like you happy to be here like you're glad to be in god's presence this has been an amazing week of demonstrating god's power and his love i i just want to uh report back to you uh with the video already intonated uh that because of the grace i am the christ-like compassion exercised and demonstrated here at new birth we were able to bring over on monday 46 students from the bahamas come on give god a hand clapper praise i want you to join me in thanking god for our partner hampton university that allowed all of them to come in and here's where you shout with no tuition no room no board come on give god glory for i owe a debt of gratitude and i want you to join me an expression of thanksgiving uh to jetblue that gave us a chartered plane to go bring the students over come on would you give god glory for them that was on monday i came back to atlanta on tuesday wednesday i had a letter uh sitting in my email from barbara scotia college in concord north carolina barbara scotia college said pastor bryant we saw what you and new birth are doing uh if you'll please send the word back over to the bahamas that we'll take 20 students with no tuition [Applause] come on y'all got to give god glory better than that [Music] i thought we had tapped all the way out then got an email on yesterday from american baptist college in nashville tennessee said pastor brown we heard what it is that hampton is doing barbara scotia is doing we gonna take 20 more students in nashville tennessee come on y'all got to give god glory for it [Music] we owe a debt of gratitude to our partner at delta airlines our delta airlines already has taken over for us three cargo planes full of resources and food [Applause] i don't know what's wrong with y'all i said three cargo planes i drop off station here in atlanta reported back to us pastor brian uh new birth has given so much that we are filled to capacity uh we we weren't expecting all of this we're gonna have to charge y'all for extra footage amen y'all are way over your weight way over your weight uh but there's still room at the cross i need you to do me a favor for whoever's sitting around you you don't know who it is but would you just clap for every person that gave that donated i want to thank you new birth and i want to thank those of you who partner with us online appreciative for our sister churches of the dream center church with bishop william murphy uh apostle jennings the grace uh church with pastor mcfarland uh pastor melvin walford in virginia thank all of you for sowing seeds i'm grateful this week we were able to wire over the bishop neil ellis and to the churches of the bahamas fifty thousand dollars [Applause] come on y'all gotta give god glory for it [Music] i want to thank you for uh your graciousness uh we were able to send over to bishop uh aj richardson the senior presiding bishop of the ame church we sent the ame churches in the bahamas an additional 15 thousand dollars come on i can't hear nobody [Music] we brought over 46 students from the bahamas on monday but we had 105 that were ready to go 105 ready to go but that that president that we pray is going to be impeached any day now come on now come on god can do anything with 105 students ready to go only 46 were gained entrance the state department of the united states blocked them from getting on the plane monday saying that they didn't have enough documentation with visas and passports while we tried to explain to them that many of them have lost their homes and all of their valuables because of the hurricane but only 46 were allowed to get on the plane and then after we got them on the plane that president that's going to be impeached any day now tried to block the plane from taking off saying that all of them needed to get shots before entering into the united states they didn't have enough serum on the island of the bahamas for them to be able to get the appropriate shots and so i want to give a major shout out to the black doctors association [Applause] come on y'all got to give god glory black doctors association gave us all of the resources that we needed when it is that they landed in virginia uh and so i'm grateful tomorrow morning i am flying into the bahamas tomorrow morning i'm going to the bahamas tomorrow morning i'm going to the bahamas representing the greatest church in the world [Music] amen and uh i hope you all get excited about it we've already sent fifty thousand bishop ellis uh already sent fifteen thousand to the ame churches tomorrow i'm going to meet with the prime minister of the bahamas and on behalf of new birth we are bringing one hundred thousand dollars come on y'all ain't excited what's wrong with y'all come out who couldn't serve a god like our god our god can do exceedingly abundantly beyond what we can think dream hope or even imagine that's the kind of god that we serve and i'm believing that the same oil that's flowing for those who are getting restoration in the bahamas is now getting ready to hit the lives of those who are connected in worship i don't know who needs to hear this but god told me to tell you this is your season to rebuild this is the season everything the enemy stole is gonna be added back to your life 20 40 60 80 100 fold is going to be added back to your life and i'm expecting god to do it i want us to demonstrate our expectation on today uh you're mindful that this is our 2 35 sunday [Applause] it's our 2 35 sunday we're believing that today we begin our journey towards being debt-free i better say it again y'all didn't hear me i said we begin the journey towards becoming debt-free uh we are not just hearers of the word but we are doers of the word also and so i want to challenge all of our members this is not our 235 moment but all of our members ask that you would secure your tithes either now are your tithes or your offerings even now god loves what kind of giver what kind of giver amen i'm glad to give just because i got something to give how many of y'all remember when you didn't have nothing you just the plate passed by you just had to touch it say blessed lord amen god god to turn that thing around i want you to get your tithe in your hand in your possession uh we're going to be sowing collectively our 235 seed later on in worship but ask that you will please get your tithe now our dear friends who are watching and worshiping with us virtually as a part of our cyber sanctuary asked that you were pleased so collectively uh with us a month ago a month ago we had no idea the havoc that was going to be wreaked on the island of the bahamas but we're so grateful to be a church that while we are locally situated we have a global assignment and god is blessing us to reach nations and to in fact infiltrate dark areas that's what god has called new birth to be is a light in a dark environment i want you to get that seed in your hand i want you to get your sacrifice uh in your possession i i want you to demonstrate to the world that everything connected to you is about to shift y'all didn't hear what i just said i said everything connected to you is about to shift i'm declaring it and i'm prophesying it everything connected to you is about to shift i'm waiting for y'all to get it everything connected to you is about to shift i'm waiting on you everything connected to you i want you to lay hands on yourself and shout it out loud everything connected to me is about to shift hallelujah get your tithe in your possession please sir please ma'am get your tithe in your possession our young people our seniors get it in your hand lifted above your head your season of elevation is your season of promotion it's your season of increase that seed is lifted repeat after me lord thank you for what you did last year for what you did last month for what you did last week for what you did yesterday but the seed in my hand is an expectation for what you're going to do before this month is over amen bless the lord i ask that you will please govern yourselves as our servant leaders come to receive your offering uh as is the custom and culture of our church after our ushers would have passed your role uh if you would like to sow your seed for yourself the altar is open for you to be able to do it how our music ministry is going to lead us in this season of giving [Music] i'm appreciative for every person who is connected god's given me to do something amazing today it's gonna be monumental and it's going to be your story this is our 235 campaign what is 235 psalms 23 and 5 my cup runneth over i'm believing that you're getting ready to shift from just enough to more than enough i want to challenge you today that you'll sow with us that you'll give with us we're asking that you'll give in any denomination whether it's 2 350 1500 1500 or the best that you can but today we make history we break the back of the devourer and we operate in expectation that the worst is behind and the best is yet to come be a partner in the miracle that god is doing god bless you [Music] is [Music] [Music] hey [Music] is [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] your hands [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] come on clap your hands if you know he's greatly to be praised hallelujah i i'm appreciative for all of you who are present i i got some of my homies here today uh and i'm just grateful members of the new shiloh baptist church in baltimore maryland where are you would you all stand all the way from baltimore give god some glory for him [Applause] come on y'all got to do better than that thank you please give my love to pastor carter i appreciate uh you all for coming and sharing uh glad to have members of the gordeen family your family reunion is here where are you the gordeen family y'all stand up cordines we're honored to have you thank you so so very much uh october 13th october uh 13th is the second uh sunday in october uh mars brown college has elected uh to close out their homecoming weekend here at new birth isn't that amazing amen uh they're coming here uh to close out their homecoming weekend they bring in everybody the president the band the sga uh everybody is rolling in here deep uh and so to uh celebrate uh morris brown college uh we're asking everybody on october 13th to uh wear purple and black those are the colors of mars brown uh whether you went there or not we want to stand in solidarity uh with them uh in case you don't know that is the alma mater of our first lady uh vanessa long amen uh and so we we want to give major props to mars brown college uh this week is our first lady's birthday amen and we we're just so thankful for her life uh thankful that god's hand is on her and we're believing that god is going to undergird her for many many many more years to come i am uh excited uh yesterday i went to the sweet auburn festival uh and uh i had never been to the sweet auburn festival y'all didn't prepare me appropriately i uh i i was in that i wasn't sure whether i was in atlanta or kenya it was it was crazy it was uh amazing uh over 80 000 people come down to the auburn uh music festival and i want you to know we've got a team from new birth at the sweet auburn festival right now witnessing about jesus christ amen winning souls for jesus christ uh as well as registering uh people to vote uh we are making a commitment as a church that we want to register 2 000 new voters for this elections how many of you all believe we can do it 2 000 new voters and so we want to make sure that everybody is registered to vote if you are not registered to vote uh there is no shame in not being registered to vote in the past uh but now we giving you an opportunity amen are you gonna be a part of those of us who history will record put trump out of office you've got to be registered to vote uh and i i want you to be a part of it uh we are just a stone's throw away uh we are stone's throw away from our imaginarium uh and i am excited about it and i want you to be just as excited as i am uh on three nights that tuesday wednesday and thursday i am grateful under god october 15th through the 17th pastor john hannah from chicago reverend marissa farrow from baltimore dr matthew stevenson from chicago they're going to be here on our campus give god a hand clapping praise make sure you're present and you're a part of it uh then that friday and saturday of the same week is our international film festival uh we're the only church in america that boasts uh of hosting their own international film festival and i want you to make sure that you are part of it we have film entries from africa from the west indies uh from the caribbean even from the uk um all over the united states if you have a leaning towards the arts and influencing culture i need you to make sure that you register for it today immediately after service is over let me ask if i can all of our entrepreneurs would you please raise your hand all about wave that hand at me wait i'm trying to make you some money wave that hand amen you stood up thank you so very much uh this what we're gonna do uh is our samson's gym which is right on our campus uh thanksgiving weekend known in uh commercial circles as black friday uh that weekend uh friday saturday and sunday we're transforming our gym to kwanzaa plaza are transforming our gym to kwanzaa plaza what does that mean pastor is that we're going to be a 100 percent minority run shopping mall are there gonna be over 150 vendors of black owned businesses somebody give god a handclap of praise for that [Applause] so i need you to do two things number one all of our entrepreneurs who lifted up your hands make sure that you please register so that you can be a part of it and number two i need you all to get the word out i need you to get the word out i want there to be a line outside that we would be able to support our own bring relatives in family members in so that we can be a blessing to all of our entrepreneurs our entrepreneurs do not have to be members of our church uh but we would hope that our members would please take full advantage of it i want you to get your bibles in your hand we're getting ready to go uh to the word of god uh and uh we're closing out this season uh right where we started psalm 23 psalm 23 our music ministry is uh going to lead us in a moment of worship but something dawned on me that i wanted to share with you about how fast god can move stuff around in one year y'all don't believe that do you i need you to look at the person beside you and tell them god or turn stuff around in one year they weren't ready for your prophecy they they don't value your gift would you tap the person in front of you and tell them your whole life is gonna be different in one year y'all don't believe it all right one year ago today one year ago today i'm jumping back pinching myself one year ago today i came to new birth to preach for youth day can y'all believe that as a guest i came for youth day uh to preach uh at new birth a year ago and a year later [Applause] amen i want to uh so it's uh throwback sunday i want to show you all the clip from last year those of you all who are here last year when i came would you raise your hand yeah now most of y'all lying because this church was half empty you was not here all right god knows you wasn't here and you was not watching online i want you all to see where we were a year ago to bring us to today media ministry i want you to take that neighbor by the hand be that i got to show you something please would y'all be seated please y'all still don't i got to show you something hallelujah i just need a thousand people to shout out loud he's here [Applause] y'all see this i need 50 of my millennials y'all tweet that real quick god is that new birth hallelujah i'm in john 11 verse number 14. i got to show you something he said watch this i'm glad i wasn't there it's going to bother you for your sake do you see that in your bible just bothered me deacons ministers executive pastor just bothered me because it wasn't until this moment that i realized what lazarus went through wasn't for him god y'all don't like me it wasn't for him he said for your sake i'm glad he died what are you saying to me pastor god said i have the authority to manipulate your life and some of the lessons are not for you the lessons are for the people that are watching you because they want to see how you gonna make a comeback i can't hear nobody i'm telling you the devil is mad because he thought new birth was dead but god said i'ma show the world that new perfect still alive for your sake [Applause] just look at somebody and say i'm still here i look at somebody else and say we're still here if you will lift your hands with me we're going to teach you a song called our 235 song but just shout out overflow now say i'm expecting overflow if you can already see your cup running over just give god worship right there that's a great opportunity come on lift up your voice in the atmosphere yes lord his presence is here thank you lord thank you jesus let's sing it together everybody see there's a table prepared for me in the presence of my enemies he anoints my head with oil and my cup overflows yes lord overflows let's do it again say there's a table [Music] prepared for me yes lord and it's in the presence of my enemies but he anoints my head with oil yes lord and my cup overflows yeah overflows say i'm anticipated i'm waiting [Music] and i'm waiting and i am waiting [Music] for overflow [Music] [Music] now come on and worship him right here if you're waiting on your overflow and while i'm waiting i'm worshiping while i'm waiting i'm praising while i'm waiting i'm praying [Music] as a matter of fact it's already running over and we worship him for that yes lord hallelujah it just says this it's real simple my cup run it's over my cup run if over my cup run it over yeah i'm expecting overflow my cup run it's over my cup run is over my cup running through yes lord i'm expecting overflow lift [Music] yes [Music] lift it up in the house [Music] [Music] is come on [Music] i can already [Music] [Music] [Music] let me [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] i am waiting for overflow overflow [Music] i'm anticipating i am waiting for overflow overflow can you sing it can you sing it i'm i am waiting for overflow say overflow [Music] and i am waiting i am waiting for my over waiting for my overflow come on i'm anticipating yes [Applause] my cup runneth over i [Music] [Music] pain [Music] i'm anticipating [Music] [Music] come on clap your hands if you love our gun hallelujah would you secure your bibles join me in psalm 23. one verse and that verse says verse five psalm 23 verse five once you found it won't you say i got it if you can't find it say lord help me amen let's read it together with uplifted voices everybody you prepare a table before me come on let's read it again with a little bit more vim vicar and vitality everybody you prepare a table before me i want us to read it the third time to put the seal of the holy spirit on it psalm 23 verse number five everybody you prepare amen you may be seated i want you to arm yourself with a writing instrument those are your technologically savvy uh acids you'll go to the appropriate place in your smartphone that affords you the space to take notes i want to uh to look at psalm 23 and 5. he prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies you anoint my head with oil my cup overflows i want to preach for a little while this morning using as a subject stay hydrated look at the person beside you and tell them on a day like today you need to stay hydrated the core of one's vulnerability is always connected to need our lord and savior's most critical moment while he was dangling on the cross his humanity peered through his divinity when he gasped i thirst by declaring father forgive them he was trafficking in that which is sacred but admitting to a deficiency is a human occurrence do you know how difficult it is for many people who are sitting around you to acknowledge and to admit what they need the scriptural sequence exposes that since the last supper he was giving nothing to drink the physiological taxation was overwhelming to go from the trauma of betrayal the shock of arrest the anguish of trial now the exasperation of crucifixion all with no hydration water accounts for 60 of your body and it is essential to every cell at the british psychological society's annual convention a report was presented that found that college students who brought water with them in the exam scored higher marks than their counterparts with no water it's highly recommended by the institute of medicine that every adult would practice eight by eight i want you to write that down eight by eight eight x eight pastor wood is eight by eight eight by eight is to drink eight eight ounces of water by eight o'clock at night it's your challenge for october i'm giving you two days to play around with soda beginning on tuesday i'm challenging you in this sanctuary challenging those who are part of our cyber sanctuary that every day you would practice eight by eight eight glasses of water by eight o'clock at night i want to tell you why four reasons why you need to hydrate four reasons why you need to hydrate number one is to eliminate toxins while the kidney filters waste from the body the organ requires water to function properly if the kidney doesn't have enough water the waste then becomes trapped in your body when the body is dehydrated the ability to eliminate is diminished adequate hydration prevents constipation infection inflammation and arthritis so many who grapple with those areas at its core can be traced back to dehydration so you need to hydrate number one because it eliminates toxins number two somebody needs this you need to hydrate because it alleviates weight i'm looking down and making eye contact with nobody it alleviates weight in the medical journal of obesity dieters who consumed increased water lost weight sometimes thirst is disguised as hunger i need you to have that again sometimes thirst is disguised as hunger you're not really hungry your body is just dehydrated number one it eliminates toxins number two it alleviates weight number three i need you to have it it prevents attacks heart disease is the leading cause of death for our community the largest contributors are cholesterol and plaque the american journal of uh found that drinking more water cuts down on coronary heart disease jesus declared aloud let not your heart be troubled he was assuming you were already drinking water four reasons why you gotta hydrate what's the first one come on class what's the first one the second one number three here's the fourth one protects your mind protects your mind the journal entitled frontiers in human neuroscience provided research that h2o intake enhances brain power that you're able to operate in better cognition and process thinking when it is that you drink helps us to understand the psychosis of the woman at the well who have married all of these different men but still had to go get water because jesus was really saying to her it's clear you ain't thinking straight because the one you with now ain't even who you supposed to be with but if your mind was on right you would already recognize that all the more you don't even know who's standing in front of you because if you knew who was standing in front of you you would never thirst again psalms 23 psalm 23 verse number one watch what david annunciates to us he says the lord is my shepherd when he's saying the lord is my shepherd he is making a declaration into the earth that because the lord is my shepherd i will lack nothing i better drop that right there cause you just missed it i just need a thousand of you to just declare out loud i will lack nothing i need that to just marinate right in your heart come on would you declare it with a little bit more first force i will lack nothing come on i need you to get that right down into the mirror of your bone because today we are disrupting generational curses not only you hear this but nobody who has your last name will be in the orbit of having to be in need i need you to say it with all apostolic authority i will lack nothing i'm talking about for october november december and i speak it over all of 2020. i need those of y'all that have that kind of crazy faith would you shout it to your bills to your creditors to your credit report shouted out loud i will lack nothing says the lord is my shepherd i will lack nothing look at psalm 23 i don't want you to take my word for it i need you to see verse number two is he leads me by still waters now this is significant hear this it's because he led me by still waters and still didn't let them drink anything because god is operating sometimes he needs you hear this to see it before you have it ah i i need you to get in your mind what you seek god getting ready to do in your life hallelujah whatever it is i need you to know it is a sneak preview of coming attractions just because you don't have it yet don't mean you ain't gonna get it the worst thing that you could have ever done was get exposure when i didn't know no better i didn't dream that much but now that i see what is possible no devil in hell is gonna stop me from achieving what i'm supposed to have he leads me by still waters he he restores my soul hallelujah he will show us my soul and here's the area that we hop scotch over is he restores my soul here it is for his name sake now don't forget he's operating as my shepherd and he is restoring my soul why because his name is on the line now if he is the shepherd and i am the sheep there is no way in the world he gonna give me my name and then let me get devoured so he gave me his name knowing that there were wolves out there that wanted to devour me but god put his stick in the sand and said all right hold up now you don't come far enough they rolling with me now you should have destroyed them before they get on my side but they are not gonna go crazy they are not gonna have a nervous breakdown they are not gonna commit self-sabotage my name is on the line he um i carry the name of god that that that's why i'm a christian here it is because that infers i carry his name he was wounded for my transgressions he was bruised for my iniquities the chastisement of my peace is upon his shoulders and back his stripes i am healed god told me to tell you get ready because whatever you ask for here's your shout in my name it shall be given it to you if two or three are touching and agreeing there i shall be also i tell you to grab that neighbor by the hair and tell embrace yourself whatever you can afford whatever you didn't meet the requirements of whatever did line up with your credit score if you got the name of jesus it's getting ready to be given to you press down shaken together and write it out hallelujah hallelujah be seated please he he restores my soul in the presence of wolves that wanted to see me destroy yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i ain't never scared i'm going through it but i'm coming out of it y'all ain't saying nothing to me i need 50 of y'all that been in some near-death experiences but you walked away from it and you're able to say through it all i learned to trust in jesus be seated i'm coming says yay though i walk through the valley now the valley is significant why it is the low place in between mountains if i am in the valley here it is then sunlight is blocked god help me so i'm walking through a dark season where i cannot figure out what is in front of me but what the enemy doesn't realize is i walk by faith and not by sight the reason why your haters can't handle you is in spite of what you've been through you still walking like you got it folk been talking about you but they don't know i'm stepping out the valley they got no idea if god wasn't with me i would have lost my mind says i'm walking you through the valley when david writes this you understand that he's in israel and the israel is 290 miles in length 85 miles in width and god had to walk with me all through israel and now i get to verse number five and when i finish walking and coming out of my near-death experience you know what's waiting on me on the other side of the valley he prepared the table y'all just missed it he only prepared the table as a sign that i survived what was trying to kill me this is your celebration party that you able to look the devil in the eye and say do you know who you playing with this ain't my first time [Applause] something says i i i prepared a table in the presence of your enemies and here's where we've been for the last eight weeks my cup runs over and all this time we didn't even understand why my cup was running over my cup was running over and the lord kept pouring here it is because he was trying to hydrate me pastor i'm lost i'm glad he kept pouring and i hope 50 of y'all will get it because while he was pouring he was getting toxins out of my body some of y'all better receive your healing everything that is illegal in your body is coming out of it in the next six to eight weeks i cancel every fibroid every tumor every cancer cell everything that is detrimental to your help is coming out says i'm i'ma keep pouring because i got to get illegal stuff out of your body he said i'ma keep pouring your cup is running over because i am now eliminating dead weight whoever is attached to you that is not assigned to you i'm getting ready to disconnect them from you i'm tired of you being stressed and worried and depressed and anxious but god said when you give me glory the weight is coming off when you give me praise the stress is coming off when you give me a holler the depression says i keep pouring cause i gotta get the toxins out of your body i gotta get the dead weight off of your back here's number three and i hope y'all tear this church up he said i'm pouring the water why because i am preventing the attack whatever the enemy thought he was gonna do to you the last three months of the year god said if you give me glory the attack is canceled if you open up your mouth the attack hey huh stop that please come out hey hey i feel god right through here i need you to pull on that neighbor's hand and say neighbor you didn't hear what my pastor just said if you shout again the attack on your life the attack on your children the attack on your health the attack on your finances has been canceled this battle is not yours this battle is the lord hallelujah [Applause] hey i just need somebody to shout the attack his hope the attack is off the attack he says i'm keep pouring the water cause i got to get stuff out of your body i gotta eliminate dead weight i can't hear no worshipers in here i gotta stop the attack your enemy's playing here's the last one i don't know who this is for he said i had to keep pouring water why because i needed to safeguard your mind god god i can't hear nobody god said i need you to give me praise cause you ain't gonna have another sleepless night i need you to open up your mouth because whatever's been eaten at your mind is now being replaced [Music] lift up that hand he said if it was just for you if it was just for you if it was just about you i would have filled the cup y'all missed it i said if it was just about you he would have just filled the cup but he said you don't know how important you are how vital you are how strategic you are he says i hope you all have received it i am getting ready to bless whoever is close to you [Music] because when your cup overflows whoever is close to you is going to be able to live on the overflow of that blessing you are the shout for whoever is close i don't i don't want you to limit it to who's sitting next to you on this pew this morning but you may give god glory to hear me and you only got 30 seconds to do it you're getting ready to worship him for the people you care about for the people that live in your house for the people that occupy space in your heart god said when you worship me and i hope you'll join in i may heal the bodies of family members i can't hear nobody when when you open up your mouth i'm getting ready to handle the mind lift up that hand hallelujah get ready for the overflow i said get ready for the overflow it's too much for just you get ready for the overflow i pray over every lifted hand that by the spirit and the power of god that no area of your life will be dehydrated that as your hand is lifted god is touching every area of your body that has physical challenge by disease by sickness by impurity i pray even right now very lifted hand that he's opening up every closed artery dissolving every blood clot i can't hear nobody he's touching your respiratory system your digestive system over every lifted hand he's touching your reproductive organs i speak of every lifted hand that god will free you from false obligation whatever unnecessary weight you've been carried god is now taking it off of your back i speak over every lifted hand that god will guard your mind guard your thinking guard your dreams god your ideas i pray over every lifted hand that god himself will address whatever your needs are and those of you your faith suggests that you are now entering a season of overflow i want you to demonstrate it by a sound of thanksgiving would you open up your mouth and give it to him come on i said open up your mouth i need you to embrace three people and tell them it's your season for overflow is it's your season [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] overflow [Music] [Applause] [Music] listen to me i'm anticipating overflow in souls being saved today i thought y'all get excited about that for hearts being touched today same pastor i really feel like this is uh when my drought comes to an end this is where that i i believe that not only am i going to be planted but this is where i'm going to blossom i believe pastor that god ordered my steps to be here on this day that i don't want to be in the audience i want to be in the army i don't want to just be in the crowd i want to be a part of the congregation wherever you are in this room wherever you are in this room you've seen enough you've heard enough you've felt enough to know that the presence of god abides in this place you're in this place hear me i want to invite you personally to come and make new birth your church home i'm telling you with no strings attached i want to be your pastor i want your season of seeking and looking to come to an end i want you to make up in your mind this is where i'm supposed to be wherever you are god bless you sir wherever you are would you come please come on clap your hands as they come [Applause] [Music] make some noise here they come [Music] [Applause] [Music] listen i need you to help me please there are some amongst us who still need to get saved still need to join the church they just need a little help they just need a little support they just need to know they're not in it by themselves even if you got to walk with them i need you to give them the assurance they're not in it by themselves would you help me please virtue has gone out of me i don't have much left would you help me i want you to move from where you are i want you to go talk to two people who you don't know find two people whose names you don't know i want you to walk right up on them and ask them are they saved ask them do they have a church home have they given their lives over to god come on wherever it is that you are would you meet me at this altar for overflow i need you to give god glory they're coming in the aisles [Music] come on clap your hands [Music] bless his name hallelujah come on clap your hands for these young people coming i need you to do me a favor please i'm believing god for men to get saved today for men to find jesus christ for men to serve and to stand on the front line i need you to do me a favor if you don't mind would you just please canvas the brothers who are standing around you as the men are in your section are they saved to ask them do they have a church home ask them are they involved in a ministry if they avoid eye contact drag them down here if there's somebody here come on quickly please quickly hallelujah we're getting ready to wrap it up put a ribbon on it [Music] come on clap your hands here they go [Music] bless his name give me a favor real quick this is the last call this is it this is the last dance the bar getting ready to close this is it i need you to do my favorite would you do a road check for me just ask the people on your row are you sure you saved you sure you got a church on come on would y'all shout here they come from the back [Music] come on clap your hands forever [Music] come on clap your hands here let go [Music] all right bless the lord all right uh we got a lot to do today so let me just ask for the last three holdouts the last three who i'm waiting on and you know i'm talking to you because you think you dodged a bullet and here i come again i need three of you to come real quick real quick [Applause] that's one where's two here comes three [Music] here comes four are y'all gonna shout about it [Music] he'll come back [Music] that's his name all right right so that's five uh so let's just make it six so i'm not all together wrong i said three i was saying in threes that's right that's what i'm saying so if you'll uh if you're just the last person would you just come real quick new birth when they come i need y'all to tear the club up when that last person comes come on would you shout for this young person coming all right all right stretch your right hand to faith here comes seven here comes eight all right here comes nine is she coming in the back all right that's nine that's ten [Applause] even jesus needed 12 disciples i mean i need two more to come i need two more to come real quick 11 and 12 wherever you are 11 and 12. i'm looking for peter and john come on where are you 11 and 12. that's 11. come on give god praise [Music] okay so for real this time it's just one last person if just one last person comes look at that 12. we're your energy come on make some noise for me here comes thirteen [Music] so that was 13 so i need 15. i need 15 and we scrape i just need two more to come wherever it is that you are i'm praying for you that even the sound of my voice will irritate you till you get to this altar you ain't gonna have no peace till you get down here wherever these last two are i need you to come please 14 and 15. i promise i'mma be your best friend if the two of you will come come on here they come would you give god glory for this family here come 15 right behind them [Music] all right stretch your right hand to faith stretch your right hand to faith that's 16. you don't mess up my whole count that's 16. uh so we're here for 17 years just come on the people getting tired those of you who are watching online i need three of y'all to join right now i need three of you to become a part of our cyber sanctuary 17 18 and 19 i'm waiting on you go to i don't care where you live i don't care what you've been going through you can be a part of this new move of god that's taking place in stonecrest georgia would you give god a major shout for this harvest that has come [Music] they came as friends but they're leaving as our family stretch your right hand to faith towards them repeat after me you're in the right place at the right time joining the right church serving the only god and i know that's right if you know him right come on big ups to the savior give god some praise for him if i can ask all of you if you'll follow our team out this way new birth make some noise for him would you follow us out this way [Music] all right you may be seated for just one moment hallelujah in this harvest amazing the bible says that the angels rejoice when souls are saved angels are shouting right now in heaven because of the work that is taking place here in new birth i need you to do me a favor just to upset uh the enemy would you shout for the souls that gonna be saved at the auburn music festival today come on come on [Music] we've been praying we've been believing god that god was going to make psalm 23 and 5 come alive for new birth that he was going to prepare a table even in the presence of our enemies to signify that we have come out of the dark season that we have walked out of our low place we've arrived in our place of destiny i'm believing that god is going to do it for us and it begins on today when i assumed the leadership of this church i was given the gift of a 30 million dollar debt y'all just missed what i just said that's that that was my welcome it's 30 million dollars worth for and i went to god asking god to give us the strategy on how it is that we were going to turn it around that we needed to get out of the chokehold of the financial institution in which we were in bed with been squeezing the very life out of us as soon as i got here i don't know whether they heard my prayer or they were praying themselves to get away from me but the bank said we're going to give you all till december of 20 to renegotiate your terms and take uh your debt to another institution they were so accelerated in the process they said if you able to find somebody who will do business with you we'll take three million off your debt oh y'all ain't got faith come on now [Music] so i met with our our leaders our team our staff our deacons our board i said that we've got to model and exemplify faith in the earth realm so heaven will be pleased with us i called out by faith that in one sunday after tithes and offerings after times and offerings that we would raise a half million dollars in one sunday some of y'all ain't got that kind of faith i better say it again this ain't a wish this ain't a hope this is a declaration that we're gonna raise a half million in one sunday malachi chapter 3 god said test me in this and see if i won't do it for you today is our day of reckoning our servant leaders are moving amongst you all of you who are in the room many of you who are watching online made a covenant pledge commitment for what you were going to do on this day there are those of you that made a covenant of 23.50 2 350 others of you 5 000. others have viewed 1500 a great number of you 1 000 another group 500 yet another group at 235 yet even a greater group they say pastor i'm going to do my best and god is going to honor your faithfulness on this day [Music] the year that uh not even a year i've been with you now for nine months amen and i hope that you'll be as excited as i am already in nine months we have already paid off a million dollars worth of the debt oh come on y'all ain't shouting in nine months the hand of god is with us we are the largest land-owning church black church in america largest land-owning black church in america sitting on 280 acres 280 acres and god gave me a vision for economic development for how it is that we can utilize the property that god has given us to do affordable housing to do senior assisted living housing uh and for us to be the very first i hope you will be as excited as i am uh the very first black church in america to go completely green [Applause] y'all ain't shouting about it that we will be able to minimize our carbon footprint and really address head-on ecological injustice that impacts our community i i shared this dream with the board with the team a year ago when i came in 10 months ago when i came in and they said are you sure you're going to be able to do it we we haven't seen no church do this are you sure i said i'm not sure what god is did y'all hear what i just said i'm not sure but god is new birth i hope you will be as excited as i am friday georgia power and the county have already given us the green light to put solar panels on our church oh come on y'all ain't excited come out [Music] what does that mean for us you see the vastness of this space it cost us an orbit of 70 000 a month just in utilities between here the parking lot our gymnasium on the other side of our campus once it is that we install these solar panels on our roof and even in our parking deck we're going gonna be able to save upwards of one million dollars a year come on y'all ain't shouting good and here's the real economic development and i hope you'll get excited all the power we don't use georgia power will buy it from us oh come on i can't hear nobody that's we can do some radical and some revolutionary things i made a covenant with god covenant i made with god god if you make us a debt-free church you make us a debt-free church the first sunday of the month we will use it just for our maintenance and the upkeep and the staff of our ministry in the second third and fourth sunday 100 of it will be for outreach [Applause] come on i can't hear nobody can you imagine that all we do is for the empowerment of our people in the empowerment of our community today we start there we've got to uh free ourselves of this albatross of debt and i'm telling you hard-working everyday faithful people are going to lead the way to raise the standard of faith for what the body of christ looks like in the 21st century i don't know if you realize it but you are about to be a part of history how many of you know you were born to be a history maker you were born to be a world changer i want you to lift up that hand i want to pray for you as we proceed i want to pray for you i pray even now that god will enlarge your faith that he'll infect you with the spirit of jabez that whatever it is you thought about giving is now too small for you god is going to enlarge your territory i pray that by your sacrifice today nothing in your family will be missing you're still gonna have everything you need in order to sustain i'm believing by faith that begin today begins the journey where our church becomes debt-free that by our act of faith god is going to take the responsibility to begin eradicating our debt and those of you that believe it clap your hands and give god glory for it dr king said um you call yourself a leader and nobody is following you you're just taking a walk whenever you lead you have to lead by example i lead today's uh seed offering today uh with a seed of ten thousand dollars to begin uh what it is that i'm believing that god is going to do for us you can't be a shepherd and have a taste for lamb chops can't eat off of what you protect i i i want uh to ask first those of you through prayer through your covenant you made a commitment of 23 2 350 or more would you come meet me at this altar 2 350 or more those of you that made that commitment i want you to come meet me at the altar please come on new birth y'all got to clap your hands as they come even our dear friends who are watching online and you're saying pastor i want to be a part of this miracle process i want you please write where it is that you are write your name on the screen i want to be able to thank you personally those of you who are giving that gift of 2350 or more i need you to please please if you'll write your name on that screen hallelujah i need intercessors i don't need spectators hallelujah bless his name here at new birth we do not harbor the spirit of jealousy come on i can't hear nobody there's no spirit of competition we understand why says if god can do it for my neighbor that just means he's in the neighborhood hallelujah how many of you all know i'm next i'm next for what god is doing those of you who are standing in this first tier i want you to please if you'll just come place it in my hand do me a favor new birth would you clap your hands for those come on thank you elder i'm grateful for you thank you even if you're giving it by phone thank you so much come on y'all ain't clapping good thank you sir come on y'all ain't clapping good for me [Music] come on thank you i appreciate you thank you mama thank you i appreciate you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you y'all ain't shouting good thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you come on y'all ain't clapping thank you i'll come into agreement with you you're gonna make me cry this morning i need y'all to shout for elder baloo last week he was in the hospital from a heart attack but today he's standing giving god glory would you give god praise for thank you so much thank you so very much i'm appreciative for you those of you giving a seed of 1500 or more 1500 or more would you come meet me now you're giving a seed of 1500 or more i want you to please press your way our friends who are watching online help us make history help us to lift this burden to break the back of the devourer i need you to come today is not just individuals some people are giving on behalf of their business some are giving on behalf of their family i need you to come i need you to come come on clap your hands as they come [Applause] they're still coming and y'all still ain't clapping [Applause] even if you give him by phone i want you to do it even if you're giving by phone i want you to come you can give through gimplify and give through cash app not cash out give life push to pay text to give you give on our secure uh page give god a handclap of praise for every person coming to every person sowing for every person sharing every person giving hallelujah do me a favor please clap your hands would you just place it right there come on clap your hands [Applause] i'm thankful for you i'm thankful for you i'm thankful thank you elder thank you minister thank you thank you thank you so very much hallelujah thank you god bless you thank you thank you i appreciate you thank you so very much god bless you thank you hallelujah come on give god some praise for this family i appreciate both of you thank you thank you thank you so very much i want to thank uh pat jackson from arkansas angel brown and marquise terry from alabama i've forgiven that seed of 1500 give god a hand clapper praise for them who are watching online [Applause] thank you yes thank you so very much i appreciate you and those of you giving a seed of a thousand or more would you come quickly you're giving a seed of a thousand or more come on rip the runway come on our friends who are are part of our cyber sanctuary our online community i need you to help us come on please come on come on come what on getting ready to do in your life what is going to do for your family it's getting ready to do for your business pals in comparison for where you're getting ready to go and for what god has given me to do for you you were just scratching the surface of what it is that god has in mind i'm excited about your future i appreciate your labor of love and i believe that heaven is rejoicing because the journey of a million miles begins with just one step and this is our first step to being a debt-free ministry and i'm telling you heaven and earth is going to be able to record your faithfulness in this day new birth do me a favor as they sow their seed which you give god glory for them come on i feel so ready come on [Music] time one oh time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] those of you giving a seed today are 500 or more would you come quickly you're giving a seed of 500 or more i need you to come look at this lord y'all not excited look at this [Music] [Music] spencer watching us online just sold the seat of three thousand dollars [Applause] i need y'all to go crazy laurie park watching us in dubai just sent a seed of one thousand dollars [Applause] jacqueline abramson in saint thomas virgin islands just sent a seed of one thousand dollars monica mcbride sending us a seed of one thousand dollars give god a hand clapper praise for them those of you watching online you're giving a seed of 500 or more i want you to type your name on the screen our online our online ministers are ready to process and to help you those of you giving that seed to 500 or more would you lift up that seed these are individuals these are families these are couples these are businesses that believe in the vision that see what it is that god is getting ready to do and have absolute confidence that in him there is no failure god honors faith and faith honors god did you hear what i just said god honors faith and faith honors god everybody say it again god honest faith and faith honors god even if you're giving it by your phone i want you to meet me at this altar every person who's giving would you sow it with a glad heart come on we're blessed in the we're blessed city we come when we go sickness [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on give god a hand clapper praise i need you to clap your hands for janice taylor in kansas city missouri just sent five hundred dollars one to wilson 500 donald's ronald heinz one thousand dollars candace in de cooler georgia five hundred dollars give god a hank clapper praise would you bless your son it's not equal giving it's equal sacrifice i want to ask those of you who believe in the vision of god and are putting your hand to the plow and not looking back you're giving a seed today of a hundred or more would you meet me at the altar you're giving over 100 would you come meet me please meet me please my heart is doing some assaults right now come on clap your hands as they come just sold that seat come on just sew that seat [Music] i'm expecting [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] i can [Music] everybody if you give me some other baskets please we were supposed to have other baskets thank you so much come on we can move quicker [Music] i [Music] i [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i [Music] am [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] would you help me thank god for katina benton in miami florida sending 235 when he coltrane 235 julia smith 100 tracy mash 2350 lorraine from new york thank you for 235 give god a hand clapping praise i need y'all to shout for our cyber family those who are part of new birth from around the world and still connected to the vision [Music] [Music] thank you those of you who had your 235 seeds you ought to be bringing it you're bringing 235. amen hallelujah [Music] jennifer and kevin petgrave thank you for sewing on line 500. come on clap your hands for him linda forge 235 cheryl long 2235 george johnson 235 tina ashley in new york 235 nia nearly 2 35 give god a hand clapper praise jesus went to church one day and people were given all kinds of big checks all kind of big donations and a widow woman came walking around with two mites and he stopped everybody from moving and said what she's given is more important and more valuable than all them people who were given just to be seen because she gave from the depths of her heart i'm telling you in this hour with everything that's taken place in the economy we are appreciative for every gift and every giver there are those who couldn't give five thousand couldn't give 235 couldn't give a hundred but saying pastor i want to be a part of what it is that god is doing would you get your best seed and bring it now new birth i want you to clap for them as they come come on whatever you gonna bring bring it now [Music] [Music] something happens [Music] okay we got a good problem we got a good problem too many of y'all was giving on push pay at the same time they done locked up as if you please go to gimplify as that you'll go to giblify or go directly to our uh secure website at go to our secure website at uh we'll be able to give ain't nothing going to stop us today amen are we going to get it done one way or another cleopatra mcphee thank you for giving assist a seed of one hundred dollars come on clap your hands for alicia dunbar 2350. beth mcdaniels 250 karen brown 235 deidre chambers 235 somebody give god a hand clapper praise thank you thank you bless his name for every gift and forever giver we give god thanks we give him praise and we give him thanksgiving hallelujah if you've not yet given i need you to come hallelujah god can do anything but fail did y'all hear what i just said i said god can do anything but fail we're thankful for our uh chairman uh deacon elder stambach he is away this weekend but sent his sacrificial seed in even in absentia give god a hand clapping praise for the chair of our deacon board [Applause] uh even in absentia uh we thank god for our first lady lady vanessa long sending her seed in give god hank leopard praise for her bless the lord all right we almost there would you stretch your right hand to faith let me tell you what happened one time as uh jesus was teaching on the mountainside one day and it started getting dark and the disciples said send them away and the master said no i'm not going to send them away give me what you have said all we got is two fish and five loaves of bread jesus took the two fish to five loaves of bread he lifted it up he blessed it he broke it and do you all know what happened it started multiplying hallelujah i want you to stretch your right hand to faith i want us to pray that even while our leaders accountant is going to still keep multiplying oh i can't hear nobody in here i'm i'm telling you that god is going to start opening up reservoirs from the north the south the east and west that god is going to raise up angel donors uh anonymous sowers are going to start believing in what it is that god is going to do on tuesday night on tuesday night what it is that you see on our screen is our estimates uh clearly we haven't processed we haven't counted any of this but it's our estimates of where it is that we are on tuesday night at our bible study we'll be giving you our grand total uh for what it is that we have collected on this day i want you to give a god praise for those who have already given come on i can't hear nobody i said give god glory for what is already given lord we give you glory we give you praise we give you thanksgiving i pray that you will multiply it one hundredfold that you will break the spirit of lack off of every believer that you will remove in every strand of death connected to this ministry god we are ready for the overflow prepare the table in the presence of our enemies we speak by faith that our cup is getting ready to run over and those of you you've got at least mustard seed faith would you give god glory for what god is gonna do come on i said give god glory i want you to stand to your feet you'll stand to your feet i want you to take that neighbor by the hand tuesday night bible study at 7 30. i want you to please make sure that you're here we're starting a brand new bible study series for the month of october i want you to please make sure that you're present and a part of it pray for your pastor for traveling grace going to meet with the prime minister tomorrow in the bahamas but i'll be right back for bible study amen if i'm coming all the way from the bahamas you can come from alpharetta amen so i need you to please i gotta come through customs just to get to y'all amen so as that you'll please meet us on tuesday night amen how y'all feel amen y'all feel good amen i hope that what it is that you sowed today was from your heart that nobody made you feel pressured to give or under any obligation to give but you see the vision in the hand of god for what he's doing in this season if nobody's told you today i want to be the first to tell you that your pastor loves you i'm praying for you every day i want to see god get the glory out of your life i want to sing an old song today uh jonathan on our way out old song reach out and touch somebody's hand make this world a better place yes we can come on everybody with uplifted voices let's sing it together [Music] [Applause] come on yes we can you can reach [Music] repeat after me walk with god and he'll walk with me talk with god and he'll talk with me listen to god and they'll listen to me build for god and they'll build for me love god because he first loved me lift your hand as high as you see yourself going now unto him who's absolutely able to do anything but fail may god make you sleepless until you help somebody may god make you restless until you help yourself may god irritate you until you have enough sense to worship him and may god bless you until you have to give stuff away i'm telling you the worst is behind and the best is yet to come have a great day in the lord hug somebody tell them get ready for the overflow [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: New Birth Mbc
Views: 1,972
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 9sec (6909 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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