Daily Inpsiration with Pastor Kervance Ross - I Refuse To Pay A Mortgage

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[Music] greetings and welcome to another opportunity for daily inspiration you're tuned in to the right place at the right time for the right reason and because of that i'm glad about it i'm your pastor of internet and innovation cravance ross and you are right now on the new birth missionary baptist church platform where our senior pastor is none other than the one and only dr jamal harrison bryant and we are always honored as a pastoral team monday through friday to be able to engage you inspire you and to pray god's richest blessings upon you thank you for tuning in whether you're on our facebook campus our youtube campus we are newbirth.org campus or our new birth global app campus wherever you are we're grateful for you and i'm excited to be in your presence you know that on the daily inspiration moments at 12 30 whether you're watching us live or you're watching us in replay it is our goal to be able to get you through the daily run of life by inspiring you at lunch time and i'm excited so good to see so many familiar faces and i want to get into this you now know that we are through our senior pastor in an amazing series that he's kicked off called word is bond it is a conversation and a series on covenant and he's using the title word is bond and we are using the james bond concept to guide you week to week to each series we are focusing in on october the 24th because we're making a covenant with our finances knowing that god did it two years ago with 235 he did it last year with 365. and this year he's doing it with bond 700 and i want you to join me whether you're doing it for 70 700 7 000 wherever god is placing you as a business owner i'm going to do it for my business as well as for my family and i'm encouraging you to do the same if you would go to we are newbirth.org and you just type backslash bond 700. you can make your commitment because your word has to be your bond we know that god's word is never a concern it's always ours so i'm encouraging you if you hit the share button i'm ready to get into this inspiration this message is impactful i need you to tag every woman you know in your family i need you to tag your mama your auntie your sister your girlfriend your wife your cousin this message is going to inspire you in a way that it has blessed me i need us to do what we need to do share tag text call some people let them know that the king maker pastor vance ross is getting ready 15 minutes of daily inspiration if you're ready just type in the comments i'm ready give you a few seconds fill your screen if you're on facebook with hearts thumbs up let me know that you're ready and i'm ready to get into it if you would go with me to the book of numbers genesis exodus leviticus fourth book numbers numbers chapter 27 and i'm reading from my study bible the message bible and it we're only focused on verse six and seven numbers 27 verses six and seven and it reads god ruled zelophehad's daughters are right give them land as an inheritance among their father's relatives give them their father's inheritance god ruled it you made a decision zelophehad's daughters are right give them the lame as an inheritance among their father's relatives give them their fathers inheritance for the few moments of daily inspiration that i've been allotted in this new series that i kicked off last week in lockstep with our senior pastor called family and money matters that's the series that i'll be running for the next several weeks family and money matters i'm gonna show you how the bonds with your family and your finances are important so you need to be able to be tuned in in lockstep with this passage with this thought and with this series i'm talking from the subject i refuse to pay a mortgage i refuse to pay a mortgage you type that in prophetically on your behalf god is getting ready to allow some of you to sign as a homeowner for the first time you're not going to have to pay a mortgage he's getting ready to give it to you scot-free i refuse to pay a mortgage i believe it is important that as we're talking about family that i give you the definition for the word family by webster miriam's definition of merriam-webster's definition the family is defined as a group of people who are related to each other a group of people who are related to each other they can be related by blood they can be related by cause they can be related by genealogy or by ethnicity they can be related by gender but the key there is that there has to be a relation and relationship creates family when i think about the impact that women who are related to each other have made on history i think about 52 years ago on january 3rd in 1969 shirley chisholm was sworn in as the first black woman elected to u.s senate it's amazing that 52 years ago she became the first then in 2019 the 116th congress set a record where 36 new women joined the house bringing the total number to 102 women in the house which is an all-time high and it's amazing that so many women of color as a result of shirley chisholm making a pioneering pathway to open up doors that would be 52 years down the line rasheed rashida taliba elian omar alexandria ocasio-cortez ayanna presley and our very own vice president kamala harris have all been able to be recipients of her pioneering sacrifice they inherited as a family of women in politics that are of the same color of the same you of the same decision mindset of making women have a voice in places in politics what happened 52 years ago created ripple effect 52 years later and we're seeing so many women of color being able to have their voices heard in congress and it's amazing to me the power of women i want you to tag a woman that you know now that has made an impactful impression on your life that has changed your life for the better all of us have to admit without women none of us would be here i don't care who you are a woman has impacted your life whether it was a mother a praying grandmother a aunt that made a sacrifice a cousin a sister that stood up for you women have made an impact on our lives and it is important to realize that their refusal to be silenced is the reason many of us are heard and i am imploring us to realize that this is not a new phenomenon because when i look into the political realm of the book of numbers the middle of a census there are five women who decided that we're not going to be silenced anymore they are the daughters of zelophehad these five amazing women mala noah hagler [Music] are in this space where they realize it is not protocol and apropos for them to have a voice you go back and read numbers chapter 16. there was a rebellion that had just been led it's called uh cora's rebellion and three levites led by a gentleman named cora created a rebellion of 250 people that appears to be about moses exalting himself over the people and they decide they want to pull a coup and they want to levy accusations against moses but the truth was they were not upset with moses they were upset with god and it's amazing that these men had privilege but not realizing that sometimes privilege can become a punishment their privilege put them in a position where it made them feel like everything had to go their way they could minimize leadership that they can marginalize women that they could maximize their position without spitting in the face of the master all of a sudden god allowed these 250 including cora and his team regime along with 14 and 700 other people to die and it's amazing to me how situations in your past without you realizing it are setting up opportunities for your family in the future you have to think about it that you wouldn't be where you were if it weren't the ripple effects of situations in the past you thought it was a bad situation you're trying to figure out how is this connected directly to you you didn't realize that one individual making a decision against the better judgment of their own privilege would impact your voice that's why you gotta embrace the fact that for we know that all things work together for good you may not have had dad at home but he put you in a space where mama had to be mama and daddy it worked together for your good you found yourself where you were being raised by grandmama because mama was drug addicted she was not responsible and you thought when you were going to high school and didn't have a mama like everybody else didn't have a daddy like everybody else that it was working against you but you now know that god put you with grandmamma to give you the faith you needed allow you to have the intercession that was required allowed you to have the determination to be who you are today it worked for your good you need to start counting it all joy even when things don't look like they're on your beneficial behalf but realize that god is allowing ripple effects to happen that you'll see will give you a voice after you've seen all of this they have now been put in the tribe of manasseh they are of the lineage of joseph some kind of way life put them in place after the census and after the government is trying to count and organize individuals for tax purposes and they have a law of land inheritance because of this law only way you can inherit land in a family is if there was a man there and lo and behold god would have it be that the loafer had would die and the loaf had has no men's uh in his seed strategy of life he had all girls he was a girl dad he didn't produce a boy he only produced girls every time he went to the well it came back a girl now he's got these five daughters mala noah hag lamelka and terza and he is now in the position where he is giving them the authority to be shirley chisholm from the grave and he now allows them to realize it doesn't matter how the situation is aligned it doesn't matter that there are only men in the temple it doesn't matter that situations are traditional i'm giving you the voice to know that if you stand up for yourself if you put yourself in a position where you will find your voice mattering and you all join together as a family because family is first it is important and as you all connect for a common goal watch god start ruling on your behalf and they decide against protocol against structure in a male-dominated society to stand up and say i know our dad has died i know we don't have a man in the house but we believe that god has given us a family matter that is going to affect our finances and going to change the structure of our future i know that even if it is decided that this will happen the year of jubilee every 50 years he's going to set a default and allow it to go back the way it was and we could lose it it does not help me to understand that if we marry into another tribe that even if you give it to us it can go into the hands of the man of the other tribe we're gonna take the risk of standing up and speaking on our behalf and realizing that our dad's name means to unite we are going to unite and come together and as long as we are a family our voice is going to put us in a position where we refuse to pay a mortgage because we believe god is going to stand on our behalf and in numbers 27 verse 6 and 7 god ruled on the family for finances and for the future he said the daughters are right moses give them their inheritance and don't allow it to go to anybody else they're gonna change the rules the laws and the regulation now henceforth and forevermore and i want to testify to you in these last five seconds that you gotta stand up for your family you gotta stand up for your finances you gotta start speaking that it's gonna be mine i know what the rules say i know what the the contractor said i know what the seller said i know what the bank said i know what the court said but i believe that god has the last say and i'm not going to pay a mortgage i'm not going to pay this bill god said it it's his will it's his bill and i'm going to believe that he's going to give it to me and change the rules you're gonna go down in history it's gonna change for you i'm praying for you that your family dynamic is getting ready to shift because you're getting ready to speak up and your word is gonna be your bond and god is going to hear your word he's going to acknowledge it he's going to bless and you will watch your family change for the rest of your life i'm out of my time i'm so grateful for yours this series this covenant this moment is getting ready to change your life and i know it i believe it i feel it in my bone that your covenant your bond is getting ready to shift your future and your family along with your finances and i need you to sow a seed right now in lockstep in congruency with covenant five daughters i'm asking each one of you to sow a seed today right now plant that seed right now of 50 50 is not there for you and it's uncomfortable in lockstep with bond 700 any gift ending in the number seven i want you to sow it whether it's seven dollars seventeen dollars twenty seven dollars thirty seven dollars you sow that seed because i believe your family and your finances are getting ready to change i believe it with everything that's in me the prompts are on the screen so that seed right now and i know that god can rule on your behalf but he can't rule on it if you're not in covenant with him if you're not a part of his family and right now i want to offer jesus christ to you he has adopted us into the family of god forever i realize that god picked me he wants you to be a part he has a need for you you just go to join newbirth.org right now and if you need prayer we now have a virtual prayer altar group here on facebook and you can join and we're praying for you 24 hours a day seven days a week you can go to that group and become a member you can email us at prayer newbirth.org and we're praying for you right now get ready to sow your seed and bond with your covenant october 24th is coming quick i want you to be connected be tuned in on sunday on tuesday and monday through friday as we give you what god has given us in this place called new birth don't go anywhere i got some announcements that are customized just for you thank you for tuning in i love you there is absolutely nothing you can do about it have a drama free virus free remainder of the week and i'll see you when i see you peace hey new birth it's time for our video announcements prepare for a shift in your mindset dr bryant's new series bond will bring next level illumination and revelation dr bryant's teaching will navigate us towards our next destination as we explore the importance of covenant as we continue to operate in love and in service to our community we will prepare for our day of over and above giving on sunday october 24th we will be endeavoring to reduce our church debt address much-needed maintenance for our facility offer support to those impacted financially by the pandemic and natural disasters [Music] sacrificially hundreds of souls have been saved thousands are served weekly at our king's table and covet 19 vaccines are provided at no cost to the community we are doing amazing work and changing the lives of many tests 700 to 71 441 right now to make your commitment to our bond 700 giving campaign also please join us weekly for our tuesday morning prayer call at 7 am our prayer call number is 609 [Music] you 663-5452 needed to help us beautify our campus and local community on saturday september 18th from 8 to 11 a.m we will clean and beautify our church ground volunteers are also needed in the garden of eden volunteer [Music] emerging generations is taking over the garden of eden all youth ages 12 to 18 meet us on the new birth campus on saturday september 18th from 9 00 to 11 a.m for some sunshine and garden five parents volunteers eg leaders and youth should all rsvp by september 13th by using the link below our discovering intimacy kingdom relationships is a new powerful life-affirming class that is designed for everyone learn how to relate with one another and understand your god-given need [Music] join the conversations on virtual therapy on thursdays october 7th 14th 21st and 28th from 7 30 to 8 30 pm we have inviting top leading clinical and professional therapists to share how to work on your mind in changing times please visit our new birth dot org events to register new birth save the date it's time to pull up and worship again join us on our campus on sunday september 26th at 9 30 a.m our special guest will be none other than the amazing pastor video
Channel: New Birth Mbc
Views: 766
Rating: 4.8222222 out of 5
Id: o--ZUtJ_6pY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 13sec (1333 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 16 2021
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