STARWARS Mandalorian INSPIRED Text Effect / Davinci Resolve Tutorial / Fusion

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my name is William justice today we're gonna be making a Star Wars text effect inspired by the new Disney Plus show with a Mandalorian it's about a bounty hunter and a baby Yoda and they run around and they have adventures and stuff I'm watching it with my family it's not a bad show it's not it's not the best show but it's kind of interesting something too something to watch so in the intro to the show they have a penis I think they did a really good job they have some kind of chrome helmets it's they have a kylo Ren at Darth Vader some droid helmets and they have these red blue and green lights that kind of go across them and kind of shine across it's like kind of a light saber II kind of a look and that fades out to some Star Wars text the typical Star Wars but a little bit different so the typical Star Wars text is a it's got a yellow outline around the the Star Wars font what they did here is the font kind of fades in and they're red blue and green around the outline it's kind of kind of damned I'm gonna do it a little bit brighter like I said that mines just kind of inspired by that so we're gonna go into DaVinci Resolve fusion and create something kind of similar okay so what does all this blue green blue green stuff I saw that's all the new Star Wars movie tonight the rise of Skywalker um I'll let you see for yourself you can sight decide if you like it or not the force awakened I thought was really really good the last Jedi I didn't like it so much the new movie you step state for yourself and decide what you think so I decided to light this up with lightsabers because we're doing some Star Wars we got the blue and the green they're a little bit loud but I wanted to see if I could like this video with alt lightsabers and see what kind of effects we could get it's kind of kind of interesting if you like my videos please subscribe comment below let me know how you think I'm doing okay let's get into the Vinci resolve fusion and we'll set up a real quick text effect okay let's get started setting up the Star Wars text effect now this is not exactly I just from watching the Mandalorian when the text comes in it's got some just hints of the red blues and greens going around it mine is gonna be a little bit stronger a little bit more of a couple more more colors on it but you'll get the idea once we get started so first thing we wanna do is create a fusion composition so we'll right-click on the media pool it's a new fusion composition and once you set it for 15 seconds we'll drag that down into the timeline and get into fusion so the first thing we want to do is create our text we'll take the text node and drag it down into the note area and I guess we can go ahead and connect that up with the media out so with the text selected we'll hit - so that we see it in the monitor and we'll go over to the inspector and inner r-texas can really be whatever you want but we're gonna say Star Wars like that now we I downloaded a there's a Star Wars signings called Star Jedi font so we're gonna go with that to kind of give us the right look let's scroll down and find it [Music] star Jedi so there it is let's go ahead and crease the size a little bit so there's our star wars font so you'll notice that when with the the sample the the the center is transparent and the there's an outline around the Star Wars so what you can do is go into the paint area now this is this is not gonna work but I will show you why so when you hit appearance you can choose outline that's supposed to solid and you see we get an outline around it but the problem is right here some of the way this font is the letters overlap and we don't really want that so we're gonna have to do something a little bit different so we're gonna put it back on put it back to solid and we're gonna use the edge detect so we'll hit control space with the text node selected and search for edge detect and add that put - so we can see it so there we got the edge detected and we're gonna make it a little bit bigger so we're gonna bump up this denoise strength to kind of give it a little thicker okay so that's good enough to get started now the next thing we're gonna want to do is start creating the the colored versions of the text and to do that we're going to use the color corrector so okay right clicking to click in the main area control space and church for color corrector add that in there okay so we have our color corrector now let's go ahead and take the edge detect and we're gonna bring that into the color corrector so with the color corrector hit - then we can use the color corrector to change the color here so if we want this to be red over in the inspector we can select the green Channel and take the gain all the way down and then we can select the blue Channel and take the gain all the way down and there we have a red outline text so we're gonna do this for pretty much all of them all the colors are going to follow the same pattern so we're gonna do it once and then copy it so we can take a merge node and slide that in and then on top of the merchant we're going to use a fast noise and that's what's going to mix up the for us so we'll take the fast noise and bring that into the merge okay so that's gonna be our basic setup so we're gonna hit two on fast noise and let's scroll out here so we can see it we're gonna crank up the detail and crank up the contrast and we're gonna bring the scale up so that it's there's a little more detail we can adjust the seed and change the see the right now these are all settings that you can play with when you're doing this so that we can see like that and we'll bump it up a little bit more so you'll see what that looks like okay so now so we have the fast noise being merged with the Star Wars text our sects fast noise so when we do that we're actually gonna want the the the text to be the foreground and the fast noise to be the background so with select we're gonna hit ctrl T and the green is for the foreground and yellow is the background then we're going to change our operator to in now you'll see that what we have is we have the Star Wars text with the colors kind of being blocked out here and there so all we have to do is create one for each of the colors and we're gonna overlay him and it's gonna create the basics for the effect so we'll select the color corrector fast noise and the merge and we'll copy that and we're gonna paste it right here we're going to paste it one time and we're gonna paste it one more time so we're going to take the edge detect and bring it into each of these color correctors okay so this color corrector we're gonna change this one to blue so to do that we're gonna let's reset it with the reset and upper right so to make it blue we're gonna take the red and bring the gain all the way down and take the green and take the gain all the way down so now we have blue it's going into the merge so for the fashioned oiz we just need to adjust the seed because we don't want it to be exactly the same as the one up here so we'll hit the fast noise and we'll just kind of adjust that so it's going to be slightly off from where the red one is okay so now we have we have a red ever blue and now we need to make our green so we'll go back to the bottom color corrector and we'll reset it up a right and because we're making a green we're going to take the red and bring that all the way down and the blue and bring that all the way down oh yeah there we got my screen so there may be a better way to do this I was playing around with it for a while the reason I wanted to set it up like this was that so that there would be one text node so if you if I wanted to adjust the text I could just do I could put really whatever I wanted to in here and I'm using that and the same edge edge detect so if the if we're adjusting the edge and the settings on that it's going to apply to each of the copies so let's reset that back to Star Wars just like that okay so now what we do we need to take each of these and merge them on top of each other so we're gonna create a new merge node by dragging it on here and we'll take thee this is going to be the red and we're gonna put that into the background a background foreground it doesn't really matter and then we'll take this one and we'll put it in there now when we look at that merge you can see that both of those are kind of on top of each other okay for this next so we did the we got the color we got the green set up now we need to change the the seed for the for this one right here and then we're going to take the output of heat of the this one right here is the blue and the red and we're gonna take the output of the blue in the red and merge it with the green like that and we'll hit two on that and you can see that we got a little bit of red blue and green kind of all mixed in there and when we play this it's going to animate around so now the last thing we want to do is well one more of these because the four in this effect it fades to yellow so we're gonna create another color corrector and see we can hit control space and check the color corrector and add that in in this color corrector we're gonna take the edge detect and bring it in - it looks like - and we're gonna make it yellow so we want to take the blue out of it so it's just gonna have red and green and that by taking the blue out we're gonna get some yellow [Music] okay so let's work on the effect of the main the main one here so the the effect that they have is is a lot more muted than this so we're gonna put we're gonna add a brightness contrast node just like that and we can take the saturation and bring it down quite a bit and I'll see you later - on that so this is gonna make it a little bit more muted like kind of like there's was we're also gonna add actually let's go ahead and put it on a black background so we can kind of see what it looks like we're gonna drag a background in here and we're gonna merge this in with our black background hit the background - it's black and merge it in there and bring that to the media out so that's kind of what we're looking like right now so we'll take this over here because we're going to do add some more effects in here first thing we're gonna add in is a little bit of a blur and with the brightness/contrast connect selected we're gonna have color and we're gonna bring up the blur size a little bit just just to touch a blur and then we're gonna add in some glow so with the blur selected keep control space and type in glow and we can we can adjust our glow settings kind of give it a little bit of a little bit of a glow there I'm gonna take the blur and bring it down just a touch and we can also come over to the edge detect and adjust how these settings look if we want to make it a little thinner line like that the last thing that I did is I added a little bit of a I added some light rays to it because I think it's kind of a neat effect I don't think they have that on theirs but but I like the way it looked when I did it so we're gonna hit select the glow hit control space and search for light rays and we'll add that in and we'll take the bring it down just a touch turn down the brightness on it so it's just just kind of barely there and let's see what we have now there's a lot more muted so we could act we could actually take this and be kid you know bring bring the gain down with the brightness contrast to make it a little more fade blended into the background okay so one of the things you'll notice with their logo or their their text is it fades it starts up with this kind of a muted multicolor look and it fades in two of the full-on yellow so we have this yellow color corrector down here so this is this is our full yellow one so what we're going to do is we're going to use a dissolve node so we're gonna right we're gonna click on that the color corrector hit control space and search for dissolve so this is our dissolve node and we're gonna have the going to dissolve between we're gonna dissolve between this version and the full-on yellow so we're gonna disconnect the brightness/contrast and put it into the dissolve and then we're going to take the dissolve and put that into the blur so what this is gonna allow us to do is with the dissolve selected we can go up to the inspector area in the foreground background and we can actually let's hit the dissolve there we can toggle or switch between each of the different versions so we're gonna be able to have it let me bring this down and it select the media out so we can see what looks like I'm back black so we have the dissolve and we're gonna be able to kind of blend between the full-on yellow version and then the colored version so let's go and do that we'll start out at about let's go save 90 frames and we're gonna have it right here so it's gonna be a it's gonna be showing the color version and we'll go to let's say maybe 130 and we've we've hit the keyframe there so we'll be able to blend it back like this so now it's gonna start with color and it's gonna slowly blend in and dissolve into the standard yellow one and we can play with all these settings we can still come in and change the change the edges make it a little cleaner or we can make it a little softer if we want to and the LAT the last part of this effect is there's a the text kind of starts fading in right here so the text kind of fades in so we're gonna go ahead and add that so we can do that right here in this merge with the blend so we can take if we want to fade we can take the blend all the way down so let's go to the first frame and the blend we're going to hit a keyframe or we're gonna set that at zero and we'll go to maybe frame 40 or something and bring it up to about one so that that way the text is going to kind of fade in yeah the last thing we got to do is the we're gonna put in transform so the take the Texas can start smaller and get bigger so we can do that right after this dissolve we will take control space and search for transform add that in so the first frame let's go ahead and for this merge we're gonna crank it up so that we can kind of see our text so for the first frame let's see go back to transform we're going to take the size and bring it down quite a bit like that and then we'll go out to maybe frame 100 and actually go back to the first frame we're gonna keyframe the size and go to frame like say 120 that's good enough and we'll bump the size up just a bit like that now we're gonna go back to our merge and go back to the first frame and we're gonna take the blend all the way down and that should be most of the effect minus some just adjustments in tweaking of settings so let's take a look and see what it see what it's like if you like my videos please subscribe comment below let me know how you think I'm doing you
Channel: William Justice
Views: 3,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Video Effects, Davinci, Davinci Resolve, Davinci Resolve 16, Fusion, Davinci Fusion, Tutorial, Filmmaking, Effects, tips, tricks, davinci resovle tips, Starwars, Text Effect, Mandalorian, Light Sabers
Id: cq014UmOJtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 21 2019
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