(Cinematic?) Title Sequence - DaVinci Resolve 16/17

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[Music] okay so this is the final product that we're going to be aiming for there'll be a couple of differences as we go along the first being potentially the glow in the middle the lens flare i used a plug-in called lens master flares by learn now effects there are lens flare plugins within fusion that you can have a play with or we can make a little simpler version within fusion i'll leave a link for the the lens flare pack if you're interested you can go and have a look and we'll take it from there just before we get started i want to ask you a favor the muse has abandoned me somewhat and i'm struggling for inspiration as to what kind of things people want as tutorials so if you've got a couple of minutes i'd greatly appreciate it if you could leave a comment below with sort of some kind of things that you would like to see as a tutorial and then i can see what i can do to accommodate you okay so as usual we're going to go after fusion so we'll get a fusion comp drag it onto the timeline what i'm going to do is i'm going to make this 10 seconds long the actual animation part of this is probably only about 5 seconds maybe a couple of seconds more but if we go for 10 seconds we've got a bit of spare that you can play with at the end okay into fusion so we're on the fusion page the first thing i'm going to do is bring in the background node and just connect it to media out this gives us something to sort of eventually put everything onto once we've got it all built up so the first elements are going to be the text i'm going to have two text nodes merged together because i want different animations on the different texts so the first text is going to be the main text what we're going to do is select that text node come and put in whatever text we want now we're going to select font now for this particular thing i used a font called caribbean but you can use whatever font you want a sort of chunkier font works best but you can get pretty much any font to work so put your main text where you want it the second text is the present bit and i'm going to leave this open sans make it regular and now we can just drop it down underneath like so so before i do the sort of metallic look to the text i'm going to animate my text to get that bit out of the way so i'm going to come back to frame 0 i'm going to select text 1 and i'm going to right click in the text field and choose follower this opens up this modifiers panel at the top here if you click on that and these are all your follower settings the first thing i'm going to do is put a delay of two frames and come back and change that later if needs be i'm going to change the order to random but one by one and then i'm going to come to the transform tab i'm going to come down to size and i'm going to keyframe x and y size and then going to come forward 12 frames which for me is half a second keyframe again now i can use these little arrows next to the red dots to go back to the first keyframe and then i'm just going to drop both down to zero now if we play through we get this pseudo random text coming up what i'm going to find is the place that animation stops which is at frame 42. in this instance i'm going to come to text 2 again i'm going to right click choose follower modify is opened again i'm going to set a delay of two we can always come back and change these i'm going to leave the order as automatic this time this time i'm going to come into the shading tab and i'm looking for position which is down at the bottom and what i'm going to do is i'm going to put a keyframe on offset this will open another panel we're not interested in it we're going to come back to the offset so from 42 again i'm going to come forward 12 frames which will take me up to 56. no it won't it'll take me at 54 add another keyframe so this is the where the text is going to end up so if we go back to 42 we can now take the white and drag it down i'm just going to drag it till the text goes off the screen like so what i'm also going to do is keyframe the opacity which is at the top so at frame 42 the opacity is going to be zero then at frame 54 the opacity is going to be one now we have our text coming in like so okay next stage is to get the metallic look the way i'm going to do it is fairly crude very basic you can look around youtube there are tutorials notably by david cohen of learn now effect that go into this process in more detail but for the sake of this what i'm about to do works so what we need we need a blur node i'm going to put our text into the blur node and we're going to blur it again we will change these settings later on but this is just so you can see the workings after the blur node we need an eroded node so shift spacebar to bring up your select tools and type your road and again we can tweak this a bit and then we need a create bump map node so shift spacebar create and this gives us hit this if you look closely you can just see the writing so what we're going to do is we're going to up the height scale like so now what we need to do is mask this to get rid of all this background purple and to do that we are going [Music] to bring in a background node which we're going to make transparent we're going to take the create bump map output and merge it onto the background node so that we get this merge node now we're going to take an output from all our text so from the merge one node and pipe into the mask input the blue mask input of the merge node and now if we view this merge node we've just got our text what we're going to do is use this to drive a displace node and the displace node will be affecting a fast noise node which will give us our reflection our pseudo reflections so if we bring in a fast noise we can view that we can tweak that to be something like we want again this is all personal preference you can play around to get the desired effect we're now going to select the fast noise shift space bar again and this time i'm going to type displace initially nothing's happening because nothing's driving the displace node but we're going to take our text so the output of merge 2 and pop it onto the green input of the displace node still nothing appears to have happened what we need to do is with displace selected come to the inspector change type to x and y we're going to crank up the x refraction and the y refraction like so and you can also drop the offset on both so what you've now got is your text showing through your fast noise now again we're going to need to mask this off so that all we're left with is the text so it's the same process grab a background merge the output of the displace node onto it and again we're going to use our text as a mask if you want to try and keep your flow looking a bit more understandable put your cursor over your pipe hold the alt key and just click and you get this little square which is called a pipe router so you can see what's going where a bit better so now if we look at this merge node we have this we need to make this background transparent so this is what i was saying about changing the blur and the erode they're going to affect how this looks um so if we do the erode first and play with that and let's see what we get you can see if we rode too much we lose our bevel it's about finding i guess the sharpest bevel also with your blur node blow it too much and it flattens it so it's about tweaking them to get the best looking setting that you can get what i did after this was i put a colored curves node which you can get off your hotbar again initially nothing seems to have changed but what we can now do is play with the color like so you can do whatever color you want here what i'm also going to do is come back to this fast noise i'm going to go into color and i'm going to change this color 1 from transparent to black now what we can do is animate in fact i'm going to tweak these because i don't like the look of that what i'm going to do if you pull out your fast noise to make a bit of space and come to your heart bar and put transform you can drop a transform in and we can now animate the fast noise going across the screen so to do that go to transform node come to frame 0 keyframe center x y come forward frame 12 ish and just change center x to 0.51 what that will do is it will just move your fast noise a little and what we need is for that to happen continually so come to edges and change from canvas to wrap and now with transform one selected if you come up to the top of the screen where it says spline and click that this opens your spline window check transform come to this button here that says zoom to fit drag and select both and then come down to the bottom of the screen you've got these icons and you're looking for this one here that says set relative and what that will do is it will now move 0.01 to the right every 12 frames or infinity like so and what that will do now if you watch your text you can see movement in your reflections if you want that to go a bit faster just move it a bit further in fact i may well do that i'll come back to the keyframe and change it to 0.52 and see how that goes yeah it gives a bit more movement okay so we now have our text in place and we can get rid of that go to one viewer because we only need one viewer really so we've got our text in place the next thing i did was i put the lens flare in and say i use the plug-in we don't need to use a plug-in we can make our own and to make our own we're going to get a background node we're going to get an ellipse and we're going to pick our color for our background so select your background pick your color you want something that's fairly bright maybe a bit orangey yellowy to match our text and we're going to make it quite tiny so come back to your ellipse and let's do it here right click on the word height pick expression now where you've got this plus sign just drop it over the width what that does is it ties the height to the width so whatever the width is the height will be and then we can just drop our circle way down we can add a little bit soft edge and now we're going to shift spacebar and type glow i'm going to look at our glow and we're going to unlock x and y i'm going to make the x glow quite big pump this up a bit and then we can pass it through another glow and do the same again and we start to get this kind of look and say it's not the same i accept as the lens flare but it will do as an alternative if you want to mess with lens flares you come to your effects library go to templates fusion and then down the list you've got lens flares and you've got various lens flares that you can try um i don't know what this one is but we'll put it in so let's try this one so put this one in and merge it onto our output from our text and see what we've got i suspect the lens flares need a transparent background or a background of some description to work yeah like so well so that one's a bit over the top compared to what we wanted um you've got little icons that give some kind of vague notion about what the lens flare does that might work is that one let's try that one that's it so that's [Music] so you've got various things to play with in these i don't i don't use them too often i must say so i'm a bit so it's finding this bright blob in the middle that's there there we go we can kind of take that all down and you can reduce maybe your strengths on the other two bits as well you get the idea you need to sort of fiddle with it and play and get it how you want it let's say i'm not going to use a lens flare for the tutorial i'm going to bring in our homemade lens flare and all you do with this is you'd sort of position it maybe and we can animate it so if we come back to frame zero we can select our ellipse center keyframe it and maybe take it off somewhere up here and then we can work out where our main text is finished coming in which i think was around 42 wasn't it if i remember rightly i've got a keyframe now and get rid of that one so if we come back to 42 i think was where we decided the text was fully in and then just bring our flair that in probably go with 0.5.5 there i know needs to be a bit higher like so so now as your text is coming in we'll also have our lens flare coming in what we can also do is if we bring another output from our text and put it on the mask of this merge again we can use a pipe router to kind of tidy things up a bit and what that will do is as the flare comes in we need to apply mask inverted so go back to the mask the merge that we were just doing come to settings and apply mask inverted so now as our flare comes in as it crosses our text it will disappear behind the text like so and again we still need to just maybe get that up a little bit the final thing i added was a very simple particle system that kind of puts dust motes around so to do that come to your hotbar you want an emitter and a renderer like so come into your renderer change that 2d come into your emitter change the region to all to style and change the style to blob and now we want size big so now you're starting to get your articles appearing like so maybe a bit bigger what i also did was i had this size over life so that they started quite big and then faded down to nothing so now our particles appear and slowly fade away so first off we can come to fade 0.1 in fade in 0.9 you fade out basically that just lets the particles appear slowly rather than popping into screen the next thing you will notice is that we've got way too many particles we don't want that many so come to controls so still with p emitter come to controls and drop this number down 0.25 so that means it will spawn one particle every four frames like so next thing we want is a little bit of movement in here so with the p emitter selected shift space bar and type p turbulence and this will now move our particles around but we don't want them moving quite so fast so change the x and y strength to 0.05 what i'm going to do is come back to the p emitter open up velocity and just put a little bit of velocity oh i said a little bit so 0.01 and velocity just so that they're drifting over to the side the final thing i'm going to do with particles is if you come to p render and you've got pre-generate frames type in 100 so that's basically typing where you put that's displaying your particles where they would be at frame 100 and so now you've got these little particles dotting around so we can again output vp render onto the output of your last merge node so we have this going on and finally in fact just sticking with the particles what i did was back in p emitter sorry go to style go to color controls and select color over life controls you've already got one point in put your mouse over the bar so you get the plus sign and add another point and then i set this point to blue and this point to quite a pale blue so they start off dark blue and then as they get older they fade pale blue lastly what i did was i brought in a fast noise at the very end which i merged on the last merge node and this puts smoke over everything so in this fast noise i went to color and i changed the black alpha to one so that it's not an alpha and again i change this to a blue and again you're going to need to play with this to get the color you want and then i came down to the merge node i went to blend and just drop the blend all the way down so that it becomes quite a pale glue go to the fast noise and again we can tweak this to give a better sort of look probably easier to do this put the blend back up so we can see what we're doing like so and then i added ever so slightly a seed so we've got movement again we need to drop that blend all the way back down again i didn't want the blue fog to be over my text because it it kind of dulls it down so much the same another output from your merge into the mask input of this merge node select merge go to settings and apply mask inverted so now your text is clear again you can point router and then finally we take the output of our last merge node and just merge it back onto our original background like so and now we have our finished article and if we come back to the edit page just do some tinkering here so that we just focus on that give it a second cache or cache whichever you prefer we should be able to play our animation through i say it's just a bit of a nonsense that i came up with um just to repeat really if you've got anything you'd like me to do a tutorial on just drop a comment below and i will see what i can do um yeah thanks for watching hope it was helpful please feel free to like subscribe and hit the notification bell and i will catch you on the next one cheers you
Channel: Simon Stansfield
Views: 304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Dif4XPEJbI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 14sec (1814 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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