Davinci Resolve Free Vs Paid - Should you upgrade to Davinci Resolve Studio?

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Thanks for this, your videos have helped me immensely in getting up to speed with Resolve.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/RenRen512 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2020 🗫︎ replies
what effects Alex hey I hope you're good in this video we're going to be doing a quick comparison between the free and paid studio versions of DaVinci Resolve to see if the upgrade may be worth it for you so let's say for example you're currently using the free version to create some YouTube videos some vlogs or some family videos maybe you have a hobby you would drone use it you use a GoPro that sort of thing we're going to see whether the upgrade might be worth it for you now if you do enjoy this video don't forget to give me a thumbs up any comments or feedback down below and if you new here don't forget to hit subscribe write without the way let's go into the first point H dot 264 GPU accelerated decoding most consumer-level cameras like mirrorless digital SLR GoPros phones that sort of thing they use the h.264 video compression system so the video is compressed within the device and then your video editor has to decode it or decompress it before you can start editing now with in DaVinci Resolve studio under preferences and decode options you've got this here decode haste up to 64 to 65 using hardware acceleration and then in my case Nvidia now what that essentially means is DaVinci Resolve studio can utilize the dedicated video decoding chip found within your GPU to actually perform that decoding process freeing up your CPU and your GPU to do other things making the whole process that a little bit faster now this option isn't available within the free version and from what I can gather online the free version will use your GPU to an extent but it can't actually use that built-in dedicated hardware acceleration and the result is much smoother and faster video editing on the timeline within the Edit tab you're less likely to have any hiccups you're less likely to have any drop frames and the whole thing just feels smoother and faster to use and it's quite a big noticeable improvement over the free version now it's actually difficult for me to demonstrate that so you just have to take my word for it but it really does make a significant difference number 2 much faster output thanks to GPU accelerated encoding so in the free version when you go to export a video there's options for what you want to use whether it's the CPU or the GPU it would just use the default which is generally the CPU in the studio versions you have the option to change between the CPU or your GPU your graphics card and using your graphics card is considerably faster let's open up DaVinci Resolve and I'll show you how significant of a difference it really can make this is a project that I set up previously it's ten minutes long as you can see and the timeline is set to 4k we've got 4k video footage hey statistics for straight from my camera we've also got some titles as well as some cutouts for some overlays and different backgrounds as well as some fusion transitions and as you can see we've got an adjustment clip here which has got some color grades are so with all out of the way let's hop into the deliver tap codec you take up to six for the encoder we're gonna leave as native that's where you'd select either native or Nvidia would do in native for now resolution 4k framerate 24 and the quality is going to be left to best so we're going to add that to the render queue and see how long that takes now while that's going I just want to show you this as you can see my GPU is tuned a little bit doing 40 50 % ish but most of the work is being done by my CPU which is currently running a 100% and there we go that's a good total of 60 minutes and 22 so we're gonna run the exact same thing we're not gonna change anything apart from the name we're gonna keep the location exactly the same and we're gonna change the encoder from native to Nvidia I'm gonna advert to the render queue and then start the render and while that's going I'm just gonna show you this again and you can see it's all flipped over basically the GPU is running it near 100% where the CPU is only running at 30 ish 35 % so most of the work now is being done by my NVIDIA GPU so let's see how long this takes that took just eight minutes and 18 seconds so pretty much half the times are 100% faster so that for every single project that you do if you're editing and exporting on a day basis can stack up to a considerable amount of time really quite quickly number three effects now the first thing to mention is the studio version doesn't get any additional titles or transitions or any of those sort of things everything that you get within the free version is the same within the studio version now the title some transitions as you already know aren't that great but you do want to get access to fusion between great your own titles and transitions or you can download packs to import all that sort of thing so actually there's a reason man that you can do within the free version of DaVinci Resolve however the studio version does have a bunch of additional features and effects which are really really useful now I'm not going to go through every single one because there's actually a whole lot but we are going to hop into DaVinci Resolve I'm going to show you some of the key ones brief description of what they're doing real quick demonstration as well to see if any of them important to you now the first one I'm going to show you the tilt shift blur now you can do this manually I've actually made a video on it in the past but with studio it's much easier you just grab this tilt shift blur drag onto footage like so and then you've got this tilt shift effect we can open up the inspector go to open effects and then you can mess around you've got different types of blur blur strength iris you can change the depth of field you can do loads of different things to create this specific look that you want it we're gonna stick on this bit of footage we're gonna scroll up until you see these you've got lens flare and lens reflections so lens flare will just drag that on there really simple it's a simple lens flare effect lens reflections we'll put that one on there as well gives you this light league lens reflection effect which will move around throughout the image and again you can adjust it however you want and I move on to this skateboard clip now this one is one of my favorites within here I'm gonna scroll down until it gets you analog damage and I'm gonna drag that one on there this one's really cool cuz we go to open effects you've got preset custom and you've got all these different types of analog damage early TVs black-and-white TV clean VHS security camera etc so I've got security camera he'll give us a security camera look nineteen sixties black and white we get that with the frame 1980s clean VHS so there's all these pre-built effects which can look really cool and you can apply them really easily next up we've got a speed warp so if we have a look at this clip here this is already been slowed down and it looks like so if we slow that down to twenty percent we get this footage which is really janky because obviously it's too slow for my timeline there's not enough frames if we give them a click in the inspector we could open the re time and scaling real time process we can say that's an optical flow the optical flow will essentially try and smooth the frames together to give us a smoother slow-motion effect now as you can see it's sort of working but it looks a bit janky there's lots of artifacts going on however if we change the motion estimation to be speed warp this will do a much better job it will essentially create the missing frames to give us a much better look now this is really really intensive on your computer so it'll take a long time to render no as you can see it's not perfect but it's done a much better job of filling in those gaps to give us a some sort of smooth slow motion from a clip we didn't have enough frames to be slowed down now also still within the inspector you've also got lens correction lens correction is a bit of a pig to do anywhere else within DaVinci Resolve but if you've got these Judeo version you can just come down to lens correction you can hit analyze it'll analyze your footage and I'll apply the lens correction it thinks needs applying now it's not actually doing a great job on this it's gone way overboard that's what we can do is bring the distortion down until we're happy we can get rid of any fisheye effect which you may have from our GoPro or our action cameras and get the footage that we want nice and easily nice and quickly that's also really quickly it'll play back full speed because it's not actually that resource heavy whereas if you try and do the same thing in fusion it can be really chopping now that's just a selection of some of the effects you get within the Edit tab there's actually even more things which you get within the color tab which are only available within the studio version so again let's hop in there and have a quick look at those so sticking with this footage from the bike we're gonna jump into the color tab and we're gonna come down here and click on this icon here for motion effects now within here you've got noise reduction and you also got motion blur so if you wanted to add some additional motion blur to this footage we can do really easily but the type so faster or better that's basically the quality will go better and then you've got the range large medium or small and then you can just adjust the amount of motion blur within there so we can see here on this tree there's not much too much there and we can just add that if you want to and if we hit play we've got considering more motion blur and that's not the best footage forex it's really really jumpy but you get the idea you can add additional motion blur to really give that sense of speed within your footage now for the noise reduction again it's really easy you can just change your frames here again you've got type you've got range and then you can just the luma and the chroma and the motion to just remove any noise from your footage next up we've got the objects removal tool which allows to take footage like this with this car drag along this road and really quickly turn it into four to sit like this which is the exact same clip just with the car removed and that's actually quite easy to do so we're just going to open that in the color tab we're gonna set up a real basic frame we're gonna do this really quickly just for the demonstration not gonna be too tidy with it at all we're gonna track that and that will track the car throughout the footage we can then right click on our node and we're gonna add a serial node in connects and then we're going to open up our open effects objects removal and we're gonna add it to there like so we can then click on scene analysis and what that's going to do is analyze the scene and remove whatever we had within that little tracking window and there you go that's finished if we just go back and play again you can see it's actually done a pretty good job of removing the car it's a few little errors but overall not too bad removing the car from footage but of course our options free to play with to make sure that it's perfect and lastly from within the color tab we've got the face refinement tool so I've got this clip here of this lady and we're just going to open up the open effects and we're going to find the face refinement and just drop that onto our node and then we're gonna click analyze and what that will do it will actually not just find this person's faith but it also outline the jawline as you can see here as well as the lips the nose the eyes and the eyebrows and it will track all of those elements throughout the entire duration of the clip now once that's done like it has here we can just turn the overlay off so we can actually see what we're doing and then we've got lots of options so let's zoom it we've got texture so we can actually apply some additional smoothing you can see on the forehead there just to smooth the skin out I've got color grading so again adjust that contrast mid-tones tints etc we can do i researching so we can just increase the contrast for example the brightness lips blusher forehead cheek chin etc and it will all just be on the individuals face and it will be tracked throughout the footage number four jewel screen now I've got two screen setup where I use a George screen system and it works with the Rings result but we're completely honest DaVinci Resolve isn't the best at this sort of setup neither the free version nor the studio version allows you to detach things and move it wherever you want it you could resize some bits you can do bits and bobs but it's not that great it's not as great as some of the other systems out there which are completely modular just a light to take things and move them wherever you want them the only additional thing you do get within the studio version is a video clean feed know what that means is you can do a full screen preview on one of the monitors without having to do any external capture cards or anything like that you can use one of your monitors as basically an output viewer so you can see your final project all the time full screen it will remain on the screen as you go on your timeline as you edit as you drop effects as you do titles whatever it may be you can view or in real-time on your clean feed really handy whether you're on the edit tab editing your video or you're doing some color correction within the color tab the last thing I want to mention Blackmagic have made the free version of DaVinci Resolve a fully fledged fully capable video editing suite not been hindered by ridiculous watermark it's a really good system even if you remain on the free version and that should be applauded on top of that the studio version is a one-time fee it's not a software-as-a-service as a monthly payment or any of that nonsense which you get from a lot of places it's a one-off lifetime license and that includes all the upgrades includes everything going forwards so I think that should be applauded as well cuz that's not that common these days into much better way of doing things in my opinion so if you've made a lot of use of the free version you're making money off the free version for example supporting black magic by buying the studio version is something which you should definitely consider you're not just doing for the sake of its as I've mentioned this video there are a lot of things which do make it worthwhile anyway but have shown some support so a company like Blackmagic we should doing things the old-fashioned way he's definitely not a bad idea at all so that's it for this video I hope you found it useful if there's anything else you'd like to know about the studio version make sure to hit me up down in the comments below as I said the beginning if you enjoyed the video give me a thumbs up if you're new around here don't forget to hit that subscribe button and if you really enjoyed this video and you want to thank me you can buy me a coffee by using the link down in the description below thanks ever so much for watching take it easy until next time see ya
Channel: MrAlexTech
Views: 53,762
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Keywords: davinci resolve, davinci resolve 16, davinci resolve free vs paid, davinci resolve free tutorial, davinci resolve free download, davinci resolve free review, davinci resolve free version tutorial, davinci resolve free vs studio, davinci resolve studio 16, davinci resolve studio vs free, davinci resolve studio 16 review, davinci resolve studio 16 effects
Id: S5Ua4yw49yo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 07 2020
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