Start Thinking BIG! | Bob Proctor & Sandy Gallagher

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so let's turn around and say hi to the streamers welcome this is gonna be an awesome weekend I did not get a see you guys can sit down I didn't get to see how many of you are at a live event for the first time how many of you including those that were at our little workshop yesterday how many first-time look around you guys whenever I see that that just makes me so excited because I never ever ever will forget the first day I attended a Bob Proctor seminar I mean I know exactly where I was sitting right about where you are I know exactly how I was feeling when Bob walked out on stage I didn't even know it was gonna be above Proctor seminar I thought it was just gonna be a leadership seminar which I went to all the time and Bob walks out on stage I loved that video wasn't that a great video I want you to think of that 58 years all bob has been doing is trying to help people realize who they are and get the results that they want and when I was in that seminar I was blown away like I hope you feel this weekend I hope you feel it today where your heads chopped off and shake it all around and you stick it back on and you're like what's up what's down what do I believe what don't I believe what is possible for me and you really start thinking big because I'll tell you what huge transformations happen at this event and if you've watched us live or if you've watched us on video like on YouTube that's awesome if you've gone through digital programs that's awesome but being here live and being with everyone in this room is so powerful it's hard to even put to words so what I would ask you to do is sit back make a promise to yourself you're gonna play full out this weekend I remember Bob asked it's to do stuff which I thought was really silly and I didn't want to do it and I just suspended disbelief and I agreed to do what he was saying because I liked the results that he got in life I liked the team he had surrounding him I liked them I loved the work that he was doing fascinated with it and so I decided just like he did with Earl Nightingale he said I'm gonna do exactly what he tells me to do until I find out he doesn't know what he's talking about and he never found that out and I never found it out with Bob and it's done really well for me so do that suspend disbelief playful out get to know everybody in the room and you know creativity is the opposite of routine so do things differently I mean silly things like wear your hair differently than you normally would you know like you spike your hair tomorrow he's like no I'm not gonna have it you know wear something different sit next to somebody different go if you're not used to walking up and just saying hey I'm sandy stick your hand out meet someone new even if it scares you just do things different than you normally do and I want you to walk away here Sunday afternoon and just thank God that you've had a big transformation in your life because those transformations can happen in a heartbeat they do happen in a heartbeat you just need to be open to it all right so now I'm gonna hand it over to Bob and then I'll be back with you in a little bit let's stand up and give a big hand for Bob Proctor [Applause] [Applause] that's had thank you the paradigm shift as you'll see in the screen is a resourceful environment where people from around the world collaborate mastermind and explore opportunities for developing financial independence by setting up multiple sources of income a long time ago I learned that you and I have a program deep in our psyche and most of us are not aware of the program we're not aware that it even exists we're not aware of course then how it was built and the role that it plays in our life I'm quite certain that every one of you can relate to this when I was a little boy my mother would say why did you do that don't say I don't know she'd say what do you mean you don't know you know better I know why did you do it I don't know I went into the Canadian Navy they weren't quite like my mother proper yes sir why'd you do that I don't know sir you know better I know why'd you do it I don't know and then they punished you find you out the parade square run with the right for something whereas why did you do that we don't know why we did it we know better we know we didn't have to do it we didn't want to do it and we do it anyway now it's a strange thing that a high percentage of all people walking on the planet are going through that they know how to live the way they want to live they know how to treat people the way they should treat people but that doesn't mean they're gonna do it in most cases they don't do it and that's rather sad because they want to so what they're doing they're working with an unseen enemy that's programmed right into their mind now the strange part about this we didn't build this program someone else built it but we're responsible for changing it it was built genetically that's why you look so much like your relatives when I was young guy I had red hair and my mother didn't have red hair my father didn't have red hair I have a brother and his sister neither one of them had red hair which could lead to all kinds of speculation couldn't it however my mother's father and all his brothers had red hair sometimes it'll jump one generation come out in another one but it's not just the color of your hair or the shape or the form of your body it's your behavioral patterns and they're passed down from one generation to another do you know that almost all welfare recipients are third fourth fifth generation welfare recipients well people are creatures of habit way back in the late 30s Alberti and gray was the secretary - Prudential Insurance and he wrote an article he wrote a talk it was a great talk I carried it with me for years the common denominator is success and he said the common denominator of success was in forming the habit of doing things failures don't like to do I think of that the common denominator of success it's forming the habit of doing things failures don't like to do well you know a young guy asked him one time why successful people stopped doing the things and he told them they learned how to do it and they changed it and that's really what this paradigm shift is all about I think what a paradigm is for a mama because it's mighty important paradigm is a mental program that has almost exclusive control over our habitual behavior now think it's a mental program that has almost exclusive control over our habitual behavior and almost all of our behavior is habitual I went along until I was 26 going in the wrong direction picking up speed and all of a sudden just like that I stopped and I went in the other direction my income went from four thousand a year to fourteen thousand five hundred dollars a month within a year no formal education no business experience thing just like that had happened it wasn't an accident I was following the direction of an individual that came into my life he gave me this book Think and Grow Rich and he said if you'll read this every day said the man that wrote it spent his entire life putting it together he said I think it would be a very prudent move on your part if you spent the rest of your life trying to understand and apply what he wrote and then he said if you'll do exactly what I tell you until you find out I'm lying where I don't know what I'm talking about now I had never done that I was I guess what you'd call a bad kick not really bad but bad I wouldn't do what I was told I wouldn't go to school I had a brother and sister that lived a pretty straight life I was always getting in trouble how does I look back I was probably screaming for attention but I was always getting in trouble and I wouldn't do I absolutely resented any kind of authority but all of a sudden this guy said if you do exactly but net then he said listen your ways not working mine is why don't you do when I'm telling you now I was always broke at that time you could bite to a gallon to get our five gallons of gas for two dollars I was forever trying to hit somebody up for a couple of dollars for gas I I was not a happy guy and so something the way he said it made sense your ways not working why don't you try mine he said you have anything you want I didn't believe that how could I believe that was like Jack and the Beanstalk her the tooth fairy or something I just couldn't buy it but there was something I guess by the way said it I thought about there's so many times why did I buy into it and I don't really know because it's looking back a long ways but I guess maybe it was the way he said it I once heard when you hear the truth you'll know it the truth resonates with the essence of who you are there's perfection within every one of us and when you hear the truth it resonates with that perfection within us and that's probably what happened so unconsciously I had something in me telling me this guy knew what he was talking about and so I tears I started to do exactly what he said I was mentioning I said at dinner that I formed the habit of doing that and when I went to the next mentor I had him for a mentor for quite a long time and I went to the next one it wasn't that he was telling me so much I observed what he was doing and I would start doing what he was doing I watched what he was reading and I would start reading what he's reading now I've had six or seven seven mentors in my life and I've always done exactly what they told me and you know it's worked like unadulterated magic now they didn't tell me what time to eat or what time to go to bed but there were certain things they did tell me and I would do exactly what they said and everything in my life turned around when you go from struggling I was 26 at 4,000 a year and in under five years over a million I started cleaning offices to earn a couple of dollars extra dollars I ended up cleaning offices in Toronto Montreal Boston Cleveland Atlanta London England everything and I had no idea what I was doing absolutely none I was what you call an unconscious competent now I've found that most successful people are unconscious competence they cannot articulate on why they're successful they really don't know yet because they don't know they've got something that's not transferable they can't give it to their own children they can't give it to the staff if they have a company most highly successful people can not articulate on why they're highly sick they do not know they don't understand paradigms they really don't and so it's none transferable now this shocked me but I found him going into companies that some of the people at the top didn't know why they're at the top some of them didn't belong at the top anyway but they you know that was the deal and so one day I broke it all down and I went to studied and I figured out how to put it together and when I got the dots to connect all I wanted to do was teach it to other people I have learned one thing very very well you are not going to go very far on your own if you don't have the help of other people you're not gonna go very far our company is doing extremely well but we've got phenomenal staff I wouldn't trade to anybody that we've got in our company we just just a phenomenal group of people now I I learned something last night all successful people of high energy we'll talk about that a little later I had high energy but I could make things happen man I was cutting a path and all kinds of business but we never had any money I don't millions and there would be no money about 13 years ago sandy yellow you came to a seminar and one thing led to another and she ended up being a business partner with me a 50-50 deal and I'm gonna tell you she changed this company like night and day now I've always done very well I've had business all over the world I've got the confidence of some of the largest companies in the world that we work for we've always done very well but we never ended up with any money and because we didn't have any money we couldn't enjoy the growth that we should have enjoyed that takes money and when she came to seminar and then she became the partner she said you got to do exactly what I say you know she's not very big but I said okay I'll do and I'm gonna tell you there's times it was very difficult to do very difficult wasn't easy at all but I've done it I've supported her a hundred percent and of course it got easier because things got better but we are enjoying tremendous success today and because of that we're reaching enough lot more people if you're sitting at home or sitting in your office watching this it's because the company did change and because it changed we were able to now do what we're doing with streaming we're into all kinds of countries all over the world there's thousands of people that are not in this room but they're going to enjoy the seminar just the same as if you were in this room and I want to welcome you and I want to thank you for tuning into us and you're gonna end up thanking us because this is phenomenal information no I've often mentioned I've got license to brag about all the ideas I use because none of them are mine I did not originate this information I was just a very curious guy and I've never lost my curiosity I've never stopped studying I love studying and we're all the beneficiary of that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I hope you enjoyed this video we put a lot of good information up here and it causes everything in your life to get better if you'd like us to notify you every time we put a new video up hit subscribe and then turn on notifications check out all our videos and we will notify you when we put a new enough [Music] [Music]
Channel: Proctor Gallagher Institute
Views: 114,953
Rating: 4.9204612 out of 5
Keywords: Bob Proctor, Proctor Gallagher Institute, Law of Attraction, Paradigm Shift, Self esteem, Self confidence, Prosperity, Thinking, Inspiration, Rules for life, Personal development, This will change everything, Change your life, How to manifest money, Goal setting, Manifesting, The secret, Subconscious mind, Happiness, Spirituality, Self help, Life coach, abundance, wealth, mindset, potential, life, God, fulfillment, grow, Success, paradigms, visualization, coaching, life coach, universal laws
Id: ZhH5nMK1dfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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