Health + Wealth POWER Meditation | Bob Proctor

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So I just want you to close your eyes and I want you to listen to me. You're going to be totally relaxed, totally relaxed, just sit and relax, let yourself relax. You're going to totally relax, totally. Let your body relax, you're going to stay awake, you're not going to go to sleep. And you're going to be totally relaxed. You're going to listen every word I say. You just listen to my voice, listen to nothing but my voice, you only hear my voice. Your body is going to remain exactly as it is. You're not going to go to sleep. You're going to be consciously aware of everything I say. It's going to be very clear in your mind, just as the chair under you is clear in your mind. You hear my voice, you hear nothing but my voice, all right? Everything I say is energy that's flowing from me and it's flowing through you. We make a very strong connection. I want you to imagine your whole body moving into a very relaxed state. You're not going to go to sleep. You'll remain upright on your chair. But your body is becoming lighter and lighter. Your whole being is totally relaxed, totally relaxed. I just want you to hear my voice, and you hear nothing but my voice. You're letting everything I'm saying flow right into your consciousness. It is the most magnificent feeling. You actually feel the energy flowing in your consciousness. You're so totally relaxed. It's flowing to and through you. I'm going to count from five down to one. Each time I count a number, you're going to let yourself sink deeper and deeper into a relaxed state. You hear every word I'm saying, you hear everything I'm saying, and you're totally relaxed, totally relaxed. Each time I go down one number, you find your body becoming more and more relaxed. You're totally relaxed, we're going down now from five to four to three, and you're sinking deeper and deeper into a relaxed state. You feel so good. Now we're going down to three, to two, to one. And you're so relaxed. You're so totally relaxed. It's a wonderful feeling and you only hear my voice, you hear nothing but my voice. And you and I are going to step on an elevator. And this elevator's going to go down. It's going down. We're on the 10th floor. We're going down to the first floor. Each time we go down a floor, your body becomes more and more relaxed. We're going down from 10 to nine, eight, seven. You're becoming more and more relaxed, your body's lighter, lighter, and lighter. You only hear my voice, you hear nothing but my voice, and you're totally relaxed. We're going down now. Six, five, to four, to three. You are so relaxed. Two and one, and you're totally relaxed. As the elevator doors open, you're going to step into your room of images. This is like a celestial place. It is the most beautiful room you have ever been in. There's nothing like it, absolutely nothing like it. Everything is just phenomenal. The door's open, and now you step into your room of images. This is where you go... when you want to be good to you. Now, you're finding yourself in a very relaxed place. You're laying down. And you're totally relaxed, totally relaxed. Totally relaxed, you just hear my voice. You hear nothing but my voice. You can actually feel the energy flowing into your being. And your body's becoming more and more relaxed. More and more relaxed. Now, as I put my hands on your shoulder, you're going to feel a charge of energy that is unreal. It's going to move into your body. Every molecule in your body is going to become strong and healthy and alert. The second I put my hands on you, you're going to feel the energy, just like a rush of energy. It's moving into every cell of your being. And your body is becoming stronger and healthier and more relaxed. There, just feel that. Feel that energy flowing into you. It's such a beautiful energy. And it's charging every cell in your being. You have a feeling now of health. There's a dynamic that you're feeling that you have never experienced. You're seeing now that you're going to move into a place of prosperity, where money will never be a problem. It's just going to keep fixing itself and going to keep getting better until you are in a marvelous financial situation. It's so good. And your body's becoming healthier and healthier, stronger and stronger. And you're totally relaxed, totally relaxed. You just hear my voice. This beautiful energy is flowing to and through you. And understand every word I'm saying is recorded in your brain. And in a millisecond, you can go back into this magnificent state that you experience right now. You could do it on a crowded subway. You're in charge of you. You are controlling the vibration of the body. Your body is moving into a healthier, more dynamic, more powerful vibration, and you're staying in it constantly. I'm going to put a coin in your hand. And you're going to make certain that coin is with you wherever you go. One side is E, that's the environment. That's thinking the way all people think about almost all things. The other side is the G. And that's where you're working in harmony with God's laws. That's the power for everything there ever was or ever will be, it's flowing to and through you, and it'll give you everything you ask for. You're so totally relaxed, totally relaxed. It's a magnificent feeling you're experiencing. You're so totally relaxed, totally relaxed. Totally relaxed. I'm going to put this under your palm on your right hand. And you're going to feel that, and there's a feeling come with it. The G is pressing against your hand. Understand, that is a physical instrument that represents an infinite power, that's the Spirit of God flowing to and through you. And it will give you whatever you ask for. It will keep you in an absolutely magnificent healthy vibration. It will keep you in such a prosperous vibration that your financial situation will continually improve, day in, day out. It will keep you in such a wonderful vibration that you will find yourself surrounded by people who are good people, they care, and their friendships like you have never heard of. This is such a magnificent vibration. You attract all things to you that are good. You're in that vibration now. You have let yourself go there. Everything I'm saying is programmed deep into your marvelous mind. Let yourself experience this deep, meaningful feel of gratitude. You're totally relaxed. I'm going to count from one to 10. Each time I count a number, you're going to move up. You're going to feel like there's phenomenal charges of energy flowing to and through you. They're just enormous charges of energy. On the count of 10 you're going to open your eyes, you're going to have a smile on your face, you're going to feel like you've had a wonderful rest. Each time I count a number from one to 10, new energy'll flow into you. It's the most magnificent experience. And everything I've said, everything that is programmed into your mind, it's in cells in your brain, it's there at will. Understand the body cannot be ill in healthy vibration. Understand a person cannot be poor in a prosperous vibration. Understand a person cannot be alone and lonely when they're in a gregarious, loving relationship vibration. Everything in your life is going to get better for you. Every, every aspect of it, there's nothing that you can touch that isn't going to improve, everything's going to improve, because you've got that touch. You've got the magic. You're going to do things you never dreamt of. You're so relaxed. You're so powerful. So powerful. So powerful. Coming up from one, two, three, you're feeling new energy flow into you, it's just coming in from every section of your being, every spot in your body. We're up to four and five. It's a phenomenal energy, you can feel it. It's just lifting you to a higher level. You're up to six, to seven, to eight. There's a phenomenal power moving into you. It's a feeling like you've never experienced. On the count of 10 you're going to open your eyes as if, feel like you've had a wonderful rest. We're at seven, eight, nine, ten. (hands clapping) Now, just relax. And let yourself be aware of what we've been doing. We're asking, ask and you'll receive. What, whatever you ask for. You ask in the form of thought. Don't ask, talk, or think about anything you don't want. Just ask, think, and receive, graciously receive everything you want. The trick is, willingly give and graciously receive. Every aspect of your life. Now, I want you to listen to this often. I want you to listen to it often. I want you to listen to it and understand this is being directed with and through you. And it's going to keep getting stronger. And you're going to live healthier, happier, more fulfilled lives. You're totally relaxed, totally relaxed. I'm going to suggest you listen to this every day. Totally relax.
Channel: Proctor Gallagher Institute
Views: 746,775
Rating: 4.9081268 out of 5
Keywords: Bob Proctor, Proctor Gallagher Institute, Law of Attraction, Paradigm Shift, Self esteem, Self confidence, Prosperity, Thinking, Rules for life, Personal development, This will change everything, Change your life, How to manifest money, Goal setting, Manifesting, The secret, Subconscious mind, Happiness, Spirituality, Self help, Life coach, abundance, wealth, mindset, potential, life, God, fulfillment, grow, Success, paradigms, visualization, coaching, life coach, universal laws, Meditation
Id: FKyztk5P9ec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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