Why is Goal Creation an Art? | Bob Proctor & Sandy Gallagher

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Hi, anyone having the new lead the field program by bob proctor? I want the complete course.

In exchange i can give any of these:

Working with the law

science of getting rich seminar

science of getting rich audio program

Living the legacy

Think and grow rich seminar

Art of goal creation seminar

Magic in your mind

Thinking into results (HD quality)

Path to agreement

You were born rich audio program

Paradigm shift October 2019 seminar

The terms of exchange are negotiable. let me know if you are up for it.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/shdh2208 📅︎︎ Dec 03 2019 🗫︎ replies
this is gonna be awesome this is a special bonus section and we get just those in this room for this session and it's gonna be really really mind-expanding you know we were backstage and I was sitting there I was thinking about the first time I attended about Proctor seminar it actually blows me away that that was 13 years ago it seems like yesterday August 18 2006 is my first seminar live seminar in fact it was the first time I had ever heard Bob teach and it was such a I mean it had an emotional impact on me I was sitting right about where you are at that table back there right almost exactly where you were and I didn't even know it was about Proctor seminar until I arrived I was told it was a leadership seminar and I'm in there getting ready for it to all happen and Bob walks out and he starts saying these things that I swear within moments it felt like he chopped my head off took it off shook it all around and put it back on and I was supposed to figure out what was up what was down what was right what was wrong what was possible what wasn't possible and I started in my imagination just going through the boardrooms and executive offices that I'd been in at that point 18 years as a corporate attorney doing bank mergers and acquisitions and you know forming banks and IPOs and that kind of thing very far removed from teaching this material and Bob got my imagination turned on to such a high degree and I just started thinking about what do I want what I really want this session that we're doing this afternoon is the art of gold creation and the title has great meaning to it I mean how many of you think of goals as an art you know really think of goals as an art or goal creation as opposed to goal achieving first off how many of you are in a live Bob Proctor event for the very first time Wow awesome oh that is so awesome because it just totally changed my life well we're gonna talk about the article creation it literally makes life magical I'm often asked what's the biggest thing you learned that changed everything for you when you went to your first bob proctor seminar and it was to latch on to a big goal to a goal that was beyond where I thought I could go you know I mean when I was in that seminar I honestly didn't I thought life was pretty good I was at the top of my field is a banking lawyer had a beautiful home family horses dogs life is good and Bob he kept asking these penetrating questions and he started quoting some people and he quoted Earl Nightingale he said most people tiptoe through life hoping to make it safely to death I thought well that's kind of interesting you know and then he said for most people when their heart stops beating it'll be a mere formality I kind of chuckled at that I thought that was a little bit funny and then he quoted bill Gould who's like the Frank Sinatra of public speaking who taught Bob how to speak even they validity they don't speak anything alike but Bill go was on stage and he was saying if I want to be free I got to be me not the me I think you think I should be not the me I think my spouse thinks I should be not to me I think my kids think I should be if I want to be free I got to be me and I better know who me is and something about that it was like a bucket of ice just got thrown on my head and I just really woke up and then Bobby kept saying what do you want what do you really really want doesn't matter what somebody else wants for you it doesn't even matter if you think you can do it I felt it said it doesn't matter how old you are how young you are how much education you have or don't have the only prerequisite is do you want it and I latched on to something huge in that seminar and it changed my life and that's what I want for you today is to latch onto something really huge that you love and when you do that it propels you to a whole other world and it introduces you to a part of yourself you didn't even know was there it truly is magical you know as Cindy's talking here what was running through my mind is where she's gone since she was in that first seminar and if you make even 25% of the progress that she's made you're in for a real good ride I'm telling you her life has changed so dramatically in so many different ways and yet when she was here for first seminar she would be considered by almost anyone as being very successful so this isn't really about where you're at from a dollar and cent point of view or where you're at in your business it's where you're not relative to where you can go if you take a look here we point out that goal achieving is an art and you wonder why is goal achieving an art what you're actually doing what we're doing when we're going after an achievement goals we're manipulating energy all science and all theology have been very clear about one thing nothing is created or destroyed now think of that nothing is either created or destroyed so what we're really doing is manipulating energy we're taking energy and we're moving it into another energy and it probably never would have gone there if it hadn't been for us gold creation I believe is what we're here for I think that's why we're here we're God's highest form of creation there's nothing on the planet that will equal you or me most people unfortunately they're stalled somewhere in life and they stay that way and there's no need of it now I was fortunate someone woke me up when I was 26 and I thought I was fairly old and started as I look back I realized how young I was because there's no one that can even guess at what you and I are capable of doing now as we go through today tomorrow in the next day two or three days let me explain it this way I was speaking to a group in Las Vegas a couple of days ago where's but I don't know around five six thousand of them and I put it out that I'm not a motivational speaker that's what people buy sometimes but that's not what I am I see myself more as a teacher than a speaker and what we're going to teach you is absolutely incredible information is not taught in school is not taught in very many homes and it is the reason so many people in life are stuck and think about this for a moment we have people go right through our educational system and they come out and they've got multiple degrees in many cases and yet they're stuck a clear ninety five percent of the population just aren't making it happen and they know they're capable of doing better but they not sure why or how they've got degrees coming right off the end of the business card and yet they're in debt they can't even pay their school loan school loans I understand are higher than credit card debt I mean it's just absolutely ridiculous amount of money that's owed and so people are coming out of universities and they've got all kinds of knowledge but they really don't know who they are they don't know how to sit down and charter straight course to wherever they want to go when I was first given this book the man said to me if you'll do exactly what I tell you you can have anything you want now I didn't believe that I had too much high school I had a terrible work record I had a bad attitude and everything was going in the wrong direction I didn't read anything he asked me of her bread and I said no I can't read no I could not well but I could and I've since found out that most people read at about a grade 7 level and that's because we learned to read by the time we're in grade 7 and we don't improve on the skill from that point on but he said if you do exactly what I tell you now there was a bunch of other information that we shared but that was the essence of it he said do exactly what I tell you I had never done what I was told I was the kind of kid that was going in the wrong direction all the time I spent a number of years in the Canadian Navy and I'm telling you I paid all kinds of fines and I put up with all kinds of punishment because I wouldn't do what I was told here he's saying if you do what I tell you and that's what he said then your ways not working why don't you try mine and I don't know why but I said okay now Johnny in retrospect I realized I did that and everything in my life started to change and it changed so rapidly I I really couldn't keep up with I didn't know what was happening I went in a matter of a year from earning four thousand dollars a year to fourteen thousand five hundred dollars a month I mean it was just boom boom boom in less than five years I was over a million dollars a year I had absolutely no idea what I was doing now this may sound strange sandy had graduated from University as the top banking lawyer in all universities in the United States she was from one side of the tracks I was from the other side of the tracks as she was mentioned she was a you know a lawyer that was merging banks by in banks selling banks turning the public I mean she was so far removed from me but as we talk later on she had no idea why she was doing so well she didn't know why so she was what you call an unconscious competent here we are from opposite side of the tracks but we hit a point where we're doing just about the same things we're accomplishing the same things neither one of us knew why now I was living in England I had opened an office in England I was living there and I was learning all kinds of money and I knew where the money was I really didn't care what I did with it I was totally irresponsible and I would go down to Playboy Club it was on Park Lane down by the London Hilton and I'd play roulette and I didn't care if I lost because I knew her to go and get more money but one day I thought this doesn't make sense this is not being responsible I don't know something moved me and so I started to wonder why am i winning because the change was so dramatic in my life and I didn't know why and I couldn't find anybody who could tell me now I had obviously been doing something very right but I didn't know what it was if you had asked sandy because I was asking her questions and she couldn't tell me why she was so successful at what she was doing and so I made it my mind I was gonna figure it out I was gonna find out and I couldn't find anybody that could tell me why I went from losing to winning and I mean really losing really winning no one could tell me and so I started studying it took me nine and a half years now when I got the dots to connect all I wanted to do was teach it to other people when I figured out why I changed I knew that if I could change the way I did anyone could I had to figure out though what I did and I did figure it out it took me nine and a half years and that's not figured out I'm gonna teach this because I wanted everybody to have what I had and I have seen some phenomenal changes take place now I started to spend time teaching this to Sandy and I watched her put it together in bang-bang-bang marvelous things started to happen in fact she changed our company so much it was like night and day and we'll tell you some other stories about people that we've worked with corporations I work with the largest insurance companies in the world we saw Prudential sales one VP told me and went up over a billion dollars we changed the whole company we weren't meant to Punk life and then great eastern over in Asia everywhere we went results were just springing up all over the place and that is really because we were helping people understand who they are see there's all kinds of goals program now there's a bit of a phenomena that we learned a lesson here we advertise we were going to sell the gold seminar for three or four days we're having trouble selling it Mikey said let's take it back to the paradigm shift boom it went like a rocket we sell it out now that's because people think they know how to set goals and the truth is they really don't they really don't they do not know how to properly set and achieve goals and ones that do they can't articulate in what they're doing I was talking to Keith yesterday and his business has changed like night and day and yet what we touch is pretty simple would you agree with that there's nothing complicated about it like that he started during millions of dollars that he wasn't earning before we've seen that happen time and time again if it happened with Sandy and then I started having me again when I figured out what I had done so what we're going to be doing here today and then for the rest of the week is we're gonna teach you some of the things we found out about how and why this worked now you've got an exercise book here and we point out if you just look on page three we say the concept and laws incorporated into this goal creation lesson are universal they'll work for every person see it doesn't matter what you're doing it'll work I've gone into prisons with it it's work there I've gone into school it's gone into corporations doesn't really matter where it is now this section is designed to help you bridge that gap between where you are and get your imagination going where you want to be if you're looking on the very first page we point out here goals are where you are able to express your unique gift of creation but that's only if you're setting the goals properly and you're doing it the way it should be done now sandy I want you to share with the group what was the biggest thing you learned when you started to get into this to really make things happen well the biggest thing I learned was how to set the goal and why it's important to set the goal of something beyond what you think you're capable of doing I mean to me that sound sounded so incredibly illogical and you know in fact one of my mantras when I first started really getting into this was do theological which as an attorney was a crazy thing but I mean sometimes I would say that over and over and over do theological do theological because your paradigm is keeping you in a box you don't even know you're there and it's so important to set the right goal because if you don't set the right goal you stay in that box you might you know bounce off the walls bounce off the ceiling but you're staying in there when you set a goal that's way beyond where you are it inspires you and propels you to move past the obstacles that you're going to encounter to move past the criticism of people around you that you're gonna encounter it's it's going to cause you to go through the difficult changes you have to make to change your paradigm so when I'm in that seminar and Bob kept saying what do you want what do you really want and the way he was asking it and his eyes he's just petty what do you want you know here we got Phil Goldfine in the front row here and Phil you're just such a great example he's got shoeboxes of goal cards and he's taken probably more notes than anyone in this room how long have you been studying with Bob 20 years and he's probably taking more notes than anyone that's in this room because he's cracked that code he's cracked and understands the idea that the more you get of this the more there is to get I mean it's like peeling an onion it you just keep getting ha ha ha ha and it's the goal that you latch on to that's gonna determine how much you raise your awareness at any given point in time so Bob is really just opening something up in me and I'm and I'm thinking what do I want what do I really want and we were it was actually a science of getting rich seminar we had a little green book wallace wattles the science of getting rich and I had it open and he's like what do you want and he had us write down whatever came to our mind and I wrote in teeny teeny tiny print this and I don't write small but it was the smallest I could writes and nobody would see it and I said I want to be Bob Proctor's closest advisor I want to be in the inner circle of this company and I really want to create a program with him to bring into these boardrooms and executive offices because all of a sudden I could see that even though I could literally do a bank merger in my sleep almost I didn't understand the human element the human dynamic I didn't understand what was going on inside of the each of these individuals that was stopping them in many cases from achieving what they wanted so I thought well if I could create a program with Bob Procter with this information and bring it into the boardrooms and executive offices in a way that they were open to it because I remember when I told one of my law colleagues the head of the corporate finance department that the new career I was going into and he looked at me in all seriousness and said that sounds scary like personal development scary and I wanted these executives to welcome it to realize the benefit they were gonna get from it and so I wrote this down teeny tiny print and then before anyone could see it I slammed it shut and then all this chatter started happening inside of me who do you think you are Bob Proctor doesn't even know who you are you're just a lawyer what do you know about personal development and I wanted it to be a corporate development the most transformational corporate development program of its kind and I'm inside my head what do you know about developing programs what do you know about this and Chad Chad chat and then what's your dad gonna think you know what's dad gonna think cuz I was practicing law with him and at this point had become a client and this was just oh my gosh it was so loud it was overpowering and I didn't want anyone around me to see it because the paradigm was in full charge I didn't want to look ridiculous to everybody and but I fell in love with the idea and when I wasn't beating myself up in my mind telling me why I couldn't do it I was imagining what would happen if I did do it and I was imagining the changes in the boardroom and how that would overflow into their family life and that would overflow into the community and I started thinking about the impact around the world and my imagination was just going off to these beautiful places but the paradigm kept bringing me back and but I was so in love with that idea by the end of two and a half days in this seminar that I made a decision I was going to do it no matter what it took so long as it was moral and ethical I was gonna do it and I had no idea how and it's through that journey it took until April it was actually April 1st 2009 when we presented the program to the public for the first time so from August 2000 six-two april 2009 and there are so many moments in that journey when I didn't think it was happening I didn't see any physical evidence that this was happening that these changes I wanted were taking place and I had strong opposition and I had to change my thinking continually and I had to stretch and I had to overcome obstacles that were huge and we'll get into that but the point is that I latched on to this and fell in love with this idea and so while I was here at my level of awareness by the time I achieved these goals that I set out that summer-house way appear on another level and it's the goal and falling in love with the goal and feeding that idea and changing the vibration that you're in changing what you're in harmony with that is the real magic and that's the biggest thing I learned at that seminar the what sandy really did was created an awareness if you look on the third page here we say individuals involved in goal creation are interesting people and they really are they're productive people they frequently accomplish more with their life in one year than most individuals do in an entire lifetime now did you know on the surface as you look at that that may sound like a gross exaggeration but it's really not you're gonna find individuals they will accomplish more in one year that some people do in an entire lifetime that's not an exaggeration now let's take a look at next paragraph we say an effective goal will inspire you and will you'll also expand your level of awareness awareness is really the key that's where you know what we're going after when a baby is born a baby is not aware of the difference between a male and a female a baby will be looking for a nipple but they'll suck on anything you put near their mouth you could put your thumb there and they'll start sucking on it they're not aware of the difference of male and female it takes a while and then they develop the awareness shortly after we start send them to school and the awareness takes a backseat and we start to develop intellect and the intellect becomes the most important thing and it stays that way almost all your life we're really into helping them develop the intellect we say they're really smart you know a lot of people who have a highly evolved intellect that are really smart but they're also broke they're not very happy they don't do what they want with their life they're not going where they want to go I always point out a person is not earning a hundred thousand a year because they want a hundred thousand a year they're earning a hundred thousand a year because they're not aware of how to earn a hundred thousand dollars a month see awareness is really the key people are not alone and lonely because they enjoy being alone and lonely they're alone and lonely because they're not aware of how to develop meaningful relationships people are not struggling all the way from the cradle in casket because they enjoy struggling they're struggling because they're not aware of how to sit down and chart a course for themselves and then stick to it and that's really where it's that we say the higher awareness will automatically shift your perception of who you truly are and what you're capable of doing that's really what we're after if somebody had asked you who you are what would you tell them see most people are really at a loss and as I started to study this I started to become fascinated with it I first got this book he gave me the book Think and Grow Rich and I started studying I've been reading this every day now for going on 60 years 58 years and then I found Earl Nightingale had condensed narrated that onto our record and so I started to listen to the record that led me into other records he had made a serious programs to lead the field program great ideas and selling well I started to listen to this I never heard people talk like this ever anywhere I had never heard people talk like he was talking and in looking back I became addicted to listening to those records and it was the addiction to the records that literally changed my life because it changed the paradigm and I started to understand what a paradigm was and over the weekend here you're gonna get a very good look at what a paradigm is see you and I are all programmed we're programmed to live the way we live you get up in the morning and there's an automatic program you just move into action on that program now if you're living with somebody you don't mess with their program when they first get up in the morning they're very quiet usually and they move around and they've got a pattern that they follow and you know screw around with that pattern well most people do that all the way from great weight right through their life we will find them as a little kid you probably heard this my mother I do things that I wasn't supposed to be doing and she'd say why'd you do that and I say I don't know just say what do you mean you don't know you know better I know why'd you do it I don't know then I went into the Navy every commanding officer Proctor why'd you do that I don't know sir what do you mean you don't know you know better I know why'd you do it I don't know then I get married my wife says why are you doing that and I just said drop it right there we're doing things we don't want to do but we do this many way it's giving us a result so you don't want but we're doing them anyway why do we do these things we do them because we're programmed to do them this is designed to help others and change that programming here in the bottom of page three we point out the beautiful truth is there is no end to the benefits that will be derived from an effective goals program the operative word here is effective an effective goals program begins by laying a solid foundation where all of the basic fundamentals of the human personality are covered it clearly explains they create a process of life which is governed by exact laws see this whole universe operates in an orderly way you know it's going to get dark tonight and it will get dark tonight you know that it'll get bright in the morning we know when the tide goes out it doesn't just keep going out it comes back we know that winter never follows winter we know these things we grow up knowing them we just don't spend any time thinking about them outside of my studio I have a beautiful studio that I work in right outside the studio is it Japanese maple tree a big one and in the spring that tree starts to bud leaves and the leaves are very dark they're a dark green brown color and then they change as the air goes along right now those leaves are becoming crimson red and then they'll fall off the tree now there's a pattern to this tree and I love watching it I like watching the change take place I know what's coming next I know it because I've been living with that tree now for about 40 years and so I can predict just about when the color is going to go from one to another to another and when they're gonna fall off the tree you know this you know how to do this if you have a farm you'll know when to plant certain seed or when to plant certain crops and you'll know approximately how long it takes what we should do is ask yourself why do we know these things we didn't always know them why do we know them what's the benefit from knowing this well there's all kinds of benefits but we don't relate to it ourselves we don't say well wait a minute I'm something like the leaves on that tree we're in something like that tide or I'm something like the field the crops that we sell they all operate by lot and so do I everything in this universe operates by law so as we start to understand this and then we start thinking gosh if I could do that now I got a call 20 years ago I don't know how long ago it was but Phil just said it was 20 years ago and a guy named Ed Morrissey phoned me he said Bob I'm talking to a guy that's reading your book and he doesn't believe I know you that's their left Liz oh yeah and still Goldfine was reading the born rich book and he got talking dead about and he was telling him you should read this book you should read this book so finally it said the line nobody's you don't know I mean it's a phone so he phoned me now still said where are you and I said I'm in I got on phones then I said I'm in Vegas he should I come and talk to you listen Jeff you want so he jumped on the plane he come over and we started to talk and one of the first things I asked him is it person I usually ask the person what's the most you've ever earned in a year now I don't really care what the answer is but I learned a long time ago that money is something you can measure right to the penny it's about the only thing you can measure is accurately as that you can't measure health like that you'd say well helps more important than money maybe but you can't measure it like you can money you can go to a doctor and the doctor tell you in perfect health watch it drop dead that people do that so you see they couldn't really measure it that accurately money you can measure very extra so I'll ask a person what's emotion burned in the air and he he said 250,000 I'll be later she told me he lied he was earning around 200 I asked him what he did he said I'm a movie producer and I said what do you really want this is over a period of time and involved in conversation he said I want to earn a lot of money and they said well sure how to do that that's how much one he's done a winner in millions nice thing sure he had to do that is that all your monthlies you're the one who won an Oscar I saying sure you do that you don't want to win an Emmy and so I show you how to do that see it almost sounded like I had some magic wand because it didn't matter what he said I said I can show you how to do it see the truth is everything you want you get the same way the same way the crops grow are the leaves on that tree change you get it by following the laws the laws are God's modus operandi it's how everything in this universe happens now you're going to find that not everybody understands the laws most people don't understand them at all now you'll say well people with Roman colors understand it no they don't some do but not many you'll say well psychiatrists psychologists understand them no they don't some do but not many see the truth is very very few people understand what we're talking about here now it's not so complicated that we're going to use words that nobody understands the words are very simple you have a very limited vocabulary and start to understand this when I first started attempted study this I didn't eat very limited vocabulary but I could understand what these records were telling me and I would just do what it said and I'd win well over the weekend we're gonna cover what Phil did because here he went from struggling I was in his studio the other day we flew in from Vegas and we went down the studio how many movies you got going right now you had more on that list so there's 13 Phelps yeah cuz he went over the last 13 films that he's working on right now I asked him one time I said how many films does a person make in a year well it's just some don't make any in here he said usually maybe two or three every two or three years and yet he's got four he's filming right now in nine in post-production that's extremely unusual all right and two others that are gonna be releasing by next month now you know over the 20 years he is with her question where the best students I've ever seen he'd Sandee be about on a par for learning and hearings millions of dollars he's probably the busiest producer in all of Los Angeles if he's making ten fifteen movies in the year and somebody else is making one or two every three years he's won the Oscar he's won the Emmy he's won a Tony I think there's been three thousand and seventy two Oscars awarded since 1930 when they first come out 3072 only twenty six people had won an Oscar and they and a Tony you had the Oscar for the movies the Emmy for television end of Tony's for a Broadway filth formula well ago a few months back he said you want to come to opening night in New York with me we're opening Tootsie and he got his Tony she's got the Oscar the Emmy the Tony he's got other awards that I'm not gonna go into right now earns millions and hours and he follows this to the letter you see what we're talking about here anybody can use for anything Sandy's used it she was looking at a house and the house was quite a ways out of what she thought her reach was and they said well you want the house and well yeah she's I want it I said okay then that's the only prerequisite see the only prerequisite to get what you want is do you want it you don't have to know how you're going to get it you don't have to know where the money is now this sounds so absolutely ridiculous to the average individual that is rejected but the truth is the Wright brothers didn't know how to get the plane off the ground until after they got it off the ground I had the good fortune of working with that hill tree on two or three occasions he didn't know how to get to the top of Mount Everest until after he got there nobody had ever been there nobody had ever taken a plane in the air they were the first time first to do these things but they didn't in the same way you see the only prerequisite is do you want to I hope you enjoyed this video we put a lot of good information up here and it causes everything in your life to get better if you'd like us to notify you every time we put a new video up hit subscribe and then turn on notifications check out all our videos and we will notify you when we put a new one up [Music]
Channel: Proctor Gallagher Institute
Views: 100,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bob Proctor, Proctor Gallagher Institute, Law of Attraction, Paradigm Shift, Self esteem, Self confidence, Prosperity, Thinking, Inspiration, Better life, Rules for life, Personal development, This will change everything, Change your life, How to manifest money, Goal setting, Manifesting, The universe, The secret, Bob, Proctor, Subconscious mind, Happiness, Spirituality, Self help, Life coach, abundance, wealth, mindset, potential, life, God, fulfillment, grow, visualize, Success
Id: 3Lfj5x0uDRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 30sec (2250 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
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