You Squared: Create Your Quantum Leap Strategy

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you know we got 58 years it seems like a minute time is a funny funny thing looking back 58 years seems like yesterday look ahead 58 years it seems like it's never gonna come we played games in our mind I was backstage and I was thinking of what this book has done for me and what it really did it enabled me or from motivated me I suppose to change my way of thinking you know all the great leaders all down through history have all have been in complete unanimous agreement on one point we become what we think about now you hear that and person immediately looks at the results and say well I wasn't thinking about that they have a cold I wasn't thinking of getting a cold but if you check back maybe a month before they got the cold they were probably wrestling with a decision there was probably a lot of mental confusion and they forget the fact that there's a gestation period for confusion to manifest on a physical plane just the same as this for a carrot to grow from a seed you don't understand that and so they they discard the idea that you become what you think about but you truly do that's the one point all great leaders have agreed on now I have found that leaders are readers they really are they love to read I have a wonderful library actually have two libraries here we got one in my house and one in my studio another studio is only 50 feet from the house so you know these libraries are not far apart and they made an enormous difference I am frequently if I'm interviewed asked what do you read then they'll say what are the three most important books you've ever read and I've always got the same answer I said that thinking Burbridge as a man thinketh and you square now I was very fortunate last night as a couple of other people where we had dinner with the author of U square how many of read you square how many of not where are you in for a treat this is 35 pages of pure dynamite I have been reading it for many many years shortly after I guess it was first published it's just 35 pages but it is without question one of the best books I have ever read and if you're somewhere in Europe or in Australia or in New Zealand this is the place where you can order this book put it up on the screen there you go now leave that up for a few minutes I want to introduce you to mr. price Pritchett would you send up lived in the big house I want to personally thank you again that book has done so much for me and I always say I always carry one with me but that's not always true because I usually end up giving it away and then I haven't got one with me and I don't have one with me right now I give it away I get telling people about I said well I think I've got one and I usually carry one in my case because I I was telling I was telling price that I use it to inspire myself if I'm working on a project sometimes you'll get a little stale and you need something just to jiggle your cells in your brain I guess and that book will do it now if you have not read the book you've got to order it it's a thin little book in fact if you really want to do yourself a favor order two and give one to a real good friend put a little note in it and give it to a real good friend the universe will see that you'll be rewarded you'll start attracting books trust me I've been doing it for years this is a thin little book it's probably one of the best investments you'll ever make the small investments you've got one there Tommy's got one you're a good man that's your sign copy but I signed that so it's got my name on it this is the book price I'm gonna get you to sign it again for him mr. Tommy Tommy Collier has made a bigger difference in this company probably than anybody short of sandy he's our creative director he does a phenomenal job and so that's a book I gave me listen this little book it's only 35 pages and Senators price is finished with that I'm going to tell you how I sold thousands of these books I sold so many of these books that one day this man phoned me and he said I was just wondering what you're doing because I would have people some of them buying a hundred books we buy buy them by the hundreds and Cory was mentioning last night that we had our consultants in for a meeting we sold five hundred to the consultants it's just it's an incredible book and there's 35 page it's all about quantum leaps quantum physics but it's not written for a scientist if he ever no it's not written for a scientist it's written for laypeople like myself thank fish and anyone can understand this I was saying last night I was talking to him to price I would said you know it's almost like music the way it's written there's there's a rhythm to it it's beautifully written you are really great with words well I would be speaking at a convention and I'll do what I usually do how many of you believe how many of you believe if you tried a little harder you could do a whole lot better stand up if you believe that come on isn't this interesting okay if you just tried a little harder you could do a whole lot better okay you sit down now now listen to this this is a true story it's written right there a true story I'm sitting in a quiet room at the mill Croft in a peaceful little place hidden back among the pine trees about one hour out of Toronto he says just past noon in late July and I'm listening to the sounds of a life-or-death struggle going on just a few feet away dramatic there's a small fly burning out the last of its short life's energies in a futile attempt to fly through the glass of the windowpane the whining wings tell the poignant story of the fly strategy try harder but it's not working the frenzied effort offers no hope for survival ironically the struggle is part of the trap it's impossible for the fly to try hard enough to succeed at breaking through the glass nevertheless this little insect has staked its life on reaching its goals through raw effort and determination the fly is doomed it will die there on the windowsill now across the room just ten steps away the door is open ten seconds of flying time and this small insect could reach the outside world it seeks with only a fraction of the effort now being wasted it would be free of its self-imposed trap the breakthrough possibility is there and it would be so easy why doesn't the fly try another approach something dramatically different how did it get so walked in on the idea that this particular route and determined effort offer the most promise for success what logic is there and continuing until death test seek a breakthrough with more the same no doubt the approach makes sense to the fly regrettably it's an idea that will kill trying harder isn't necessarily the solution to achieving more it may not offer any real promise for getting what you want out of life sometimes in fact it's a big part of the problem if you stake your hopes for a breakthrough I'm trying harder than ever you may kill your chances for success it's such a phenomenal story and then I tell them you know that's only one page there's thirty five pages in here each page tells a different deal let's share another one with you this one I I love to read I'm just gonna read it part of it most people operate with a mindset there's some success comes one step at a time you know that's where most people think success comes one step at a time the unspoken but popular notion is that we must move systematically from our present level of achievement to the next then the thinking goes from that stage we can begin working towards graduating to still the next higher level in the sequence gradual progress this is an unfortunate misconception and it's clearly reflected in the way most people function they go about day-to-day striving to make incremental gains in their performance that's pretty routine that's the pathway of continued growth but your life simply does not always have to operate that way advancing that a measured pace step by step from where you are so a higher level ordinarily feels easier most natural and even safer but in certain areas of your life you can just as easily think in terms of skipping levels you can move from your present level of achievement to one that's several stages higher directly you can make the quantum leap you become you squared instead of accepting your present circumstances as being or being content with gradual progress you can go for a breakthrough and love this part you Square implies an explosive jump in your personal performance that puts you far beyond the next logical step it's a formula for stunning advances and achievement and the realization of your dreams the concept is one of exponential gains rather than incremental progress you might compare to multiplying instead of adding it means the geometric progression in your effectiveness that's exciting as well as provocative but it gets even better remember quantum leaps come without apparent effort their high velocity moves that carry you to dramatically higher performance levels without time-consuming struggle quantum leaps seem to violate common-sense utterly the idea of moving to a orbit were skipping several rungs on the achievement ladder in the process straights people as far-fetched maybe even outrageous after the fact quantum leaps may be viewed as practical sensible even obvious moves but they typically do not come to you as the obvious moves at the moment usually it's in retrospect that you perceived their hidden logic and elegance invariably quantum leaps are not complex or in current mirrors they tend to be simple energy efficient and time-saving you square the contem leap strategy that means you square your performance think of that square yourself you deliver these special dreams and ambitions that instinctively feel should be yours but the breakthrough demands a radical departure from some of your habits that's just two pages have read there's 35 pages now I don't know where you're living but there's the address Oh Tommy you you're gonna be rewarded for bringing this up to me if you want to come and get it back again I'll keep it because price is autographed it for you you see it's reading that I've read this book thousands of times I was having difficulty here with the lights but it's such a valuable document it will stretch your mind and that's what you have to do if you want to change outside you got to make the change inside the outside is a reflection of the inside now well I was reading that thoughts were running across my mind about making this quantum leap yet you might be thinking I'm just an ordinary person you know I'm just a young girl or a young guy and I don't know all this stuff you know Proctor look at when I was 26 I had two months high school education I had a bad work record I had a bad attitude but I committed that I was going to do what this man told me in 12 months I was on the fire department in a suburb of Toronto that chief was only earning eleven thousand two hundred dollars a year the chief there was only one chief yet one year I took my income working part-time I was still on the fire department to fourteen thousand five hundred dollars a month though there's another side to that I was afraid to quit the fire department because I thought there was security in a job what a dummy I was yep you think there's security in a job you're toast if you lose your job you're going to be tomorrow totally tomorrow life you've lost everything if you haven't got it inside you haven't got it you know how to get it study this read this burn it into your mind that's how you change your life is how he changed mine and I made this quantum leap I didn't know enough to know how to make quantum leaps I didn't know I didn't know what quantum meant if you had brought it up I didn't know very much of anything I just knew do this do that put one foot in front of the other keep going and at the end of the air that's where my income was so if you'd annualized that I'd take him from 4175 year now I hadn't there in 100 75 but if you annualize the monthly income that's what it would come to if I could do that with the shallow level of consciousness that I was operating with at that time I believe anybody can do anything I really do yep you don't own this book for God's sake get it but get to don't get one get two you know a dozen if you want but we ordered them I usually have a drawer full of them I haven't got any in my drawer Gina Gina fills the drawer for me and in my studio and I give these away like candies to kids and I've never given one away where people didn't thank me after they read it so get a couple and do what I did with Tommy I wrote a note in this what do they tell him please go to work Tommy no I put - Tommy you're the best much love and light Proctor and I gave them this book it's them and then price wrote an informant but it's that kind of a book so that's the address we'll put it up again later on but I don't care where you are you're somewhere in the world go to that comm Pritchett dot-com slash u square it's u square U and a to a high velocity formula for multiplying your personal effectiveness in quantum leaps it's said I want to thank you for coming out I really it was such a pleasure having dinner with him and chatting with you back and forth to me commands an extraordinary individual an extraordinary author you've got a beautiful way of writing it's like we were talking last night I said it's like music whether you read it I hope you enjoyed this video we put a lot of good information up here and it causes everything in your life to get better if you'd like us to notify you every time you put a new video up hit subscribe and then turn on notifications check out all our videos and we will notify you when we put a new one up [Music]
Channel: Proctor Gallagher Institute
Views: 144,220
Rating: 4.9197836 out of 5
Keywords: Bob Proctor, Proctor Gallagher Institute, Law of Attraction, Paradigm Shift, Self esteem, Self confidence, Prosperity, Thinking, Inspiration, Better life, Rules for life, Personal development, This will change everything, Change your life, Goal setting, Manifesting, The universe, The secret, Bob, Proctor, Subconscious mind, Happiness, Spirituality, Self help, Life coach, abundance, wealth, mindset, potential, life, fulfillment, grow, Success, You2, You Squared, Price Pritchett, Quantum Leap
Id: XRr-t96l_Qw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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