Law of Vibration (Full Lesson) | Bob Proctor

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welcome everyone i think you're really going to like this and it's something that you've really got to pay a lot of attention to it's not something you learn overnight but you get studying this and you can literally have anything you want now if you look here i've been studying this for 60 years i was 60 years i started my 60th year last october and i think you know this is something you should study all the time it's not just something you study once in a while if you look at this for a moment i think that neville put it very well he said you're only limited by weakness of attention and poverty of imagination i want you to think about that for a moment really give that some thought you're only limited by weakness of attention you know i have quoted dr warner von braun on numerous occasions when john kennedy when he was a president of the united states asked the good doctor the father of the space program greatest scientist you know what it would take to build a rocket that will carry a person on the moon and bring him back safely to earth he answered him in five words he said the will to do it now will is a mental faculty your perception the will reason imagination memory and intuition these are all our higher faculties this is what makes us who we actually are this what separates us from all the rest of the animal kingdom and neville's saying you're only limited by weakness of attention warning ron brown was telling president kennedy all you need is to give it your full attention the will to do it see the will gives us the ability to concentrate i don't know what you want but i do know this if you can think it and you can let yourself get emotionally involved with it and you stay focused on it you can have it now that's very basic concept but it's not the easiest thing for most people to do but the more you study it the better you're going to get at it but i love this you're only limited by weakness of attention and poverty of imagination you've got to activate your imagination a lot of people just use their imagination for gosh i hope this doesn't happen or i hope that doesn't happen they're letting it go in the wrong direction our imagination is the most marvelous hill in in think and grow rich he'll said the imagination is the most marvelous miraculous inconceivably powerful force that the world's ever known it's it'll create anything for you it'll take you anywhere your imagination will take you anywhere and it'll give you anything you want that's a beautiful thing to know now you know everyone has a story and i'm not an exception i'd like to share my story with you some of my story not all of it but some of it and it has a lot to do with when i started to understand this law the law of vibration do you know the secret talked about the law of attraction the secret was a runaway it went viral a very best seller it's reported a half a billion people have been impacted by the movie or the book the secret now i was very fortunate to have a key slot in that movie uh it's been often said that i'm better known in iraq than i am in indiana and i think that's true this is the primary law right here law of attraction starts with the law of vibration and let's take a look at where the law of vibration starts it starts right in your own mind right in your own head your mind activates brain cells and when those brain cells are activated you're impacted you impact the whole universe do you know that thought waves are cosmic waves that penetrate all time in space you see as you get studying this and as you start to get into it in some depth the ideas are so vast they're so huge and you think this is about me see i don't think the vast majority of us have ever been introduced to who we really are i think that if a person started to show some promise in developing a healthy self-image they were told that they were being conceited don't be like that that's not the way it should be and of course we get a lot of other bad information in there but this law of vibration starts in our own marvelous mind and i'd recommend that you start really studying this if you just stick with us i what i've done i've taken some of the most complicated material and i reduced it to the most simplistic form because that was the only way i was going to understand it and i had marvelous teachers that helped me get that now lincoln said something absolutely incredible lincoln said many things that are incredible but he said to believe in the things you can see and touch is no belief at all but i believe in the unseen is a triumph and a blessing think of that to believe in the things you can see and touch we've got things we can see and touch that's no belief at all to believe in the unseen is a triumph and a blessing do you know the biggest part of you you'll never see the real you you'll never see now we've got to start to we're going to start to understand this we've got to start to get it in the right slot in our mind we've got to realize that there's so much to us um that we don't we don't really get we don't understand our educational system is so lacking in teaching us who we are you can study psychology but most people that study psychology you've never really got to know themselves i'm talking about in depth who you really are your relationship to the whole scheme of thing or your relationship to god you're talking about an infinite power and you're created in that image we have infinite potential locked up within us what we want to do is learn how to use it for good in our life this man changed my life probably as much as anyone in all the years i've been here leland valve vanderwaal he introduced me to some enormous ideas that's a slide of val working in a seminar that he and i and mark victor hansen jack canfield started i come up with the idea on a plane i phoned mark victor hansen and then we got a hold of val and jack and got other people and we put together a thing called the million dollar forum and the idea behind it was we were going to teach people how to earn a million dollars by setting up multiple sources of income it was an absolutely phenomenal program now we had some phenomenal teachers in that program i mean it was really a mind blower it was it was so good and val of course welled them all he's gone now god bless him but he made he had such an impact on my life and he helped me got me into things that i never thought of in my life he was the one that first told me about this he says those who tell stories rule society he said learn lots of stories bob because he said you are a story you are a story now think about that you are a story you're a massive energy and you function on frequencies you are now think of that you may not think of yourself that way then you might say what's this got to do with anything well if you really understand it you can attract more money all the money you want as a matter of fact you can attract good health you can attract great relationships you can attract phenomenal business i sat down on a sofa in a room by myself a little house on maplewood lane in 1973 and i said i'm going to build a company that all operates all over the world the lady that introduced us mikey stuller is our chief operating officer and she's also our marketing director and i sat down to watch television one night which i very rarely do and i only watched it for a few months i thought i don't want to watch this and as i was getting up my phone rang and it was mikey on the phone this would be a baby two three weeks ago and she said bob i just got a call from betty we're in every country in the world i thought wow i wrote that in 1973. i was intellectually involved and i got emotionally involved but i was it i was the company there was no one else i was by myself that's what i wanted to do if you don't know what you want to do you're going to drift you're going to float around like a leaf on a windy day you're not going to go in anywhere you are a massive energy and you function on frequencies and val really helped me understand that val vanderwaal had a very strong spiritual understanding and he said bob if you take a picture of yourself with a curling camera you're going to see yourself as a glistening radiating gleaming form simeon kirlian was a russian photographer back in 1934 and he perfected curling photography what occurred what we're calling how curly in photography after him when you photograph mass you can photograph the energy coming from it you can photograph a a plant and you'll see there's a vibration coming from the plant everything vibrates a garden rock is vibrating everything moves nothing rests now why am i telling you this i'm telling you because i think it's a mighty important thing for you to really understand you see energy functions on frequencies and that's what you're made of your body is a mass of living energy a frequency is a level of vibration that's exactly what a frequency is there is an infinite number of frequencies remember i said you can think activate brain cells you send off a charge of energy now stay with me here this is so important yet it's so misunderstood there's an infinite number of frequencies every one of those little purple lines or a level represent the level of vibration now you know albert einstein god bless him he sure had his act put together didn't he he said everything is energy and that's all there is to it match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality it can be no other way this is not philosophy this is physics now this is what we teach here at the proctor gallagher institute we teach you the primary cause of the good that you desire you take care of the cause the effect always takes care of itself in fact emerson said the law of cause and effect was the most important law in the universe i don't know if i agree with that but he's certainly pretty close to it if he isn't right everything is energy now think that's all there is to it everything is energy everything match the frequency of the reality you want yet you cannot help but get that reality it can be no other way this is not philosophy this is physics earl negriel said essentially the same thing in 1959. he brought out the strangest secret record right at the beginning of that recording he talks about the good doctor albert schweitzer being interviewed at london at an airport in london when he got off a plane and they asked the good doctor what was wrong with man today said he thought about it for a while and he said man simply doesn't think we do not think you say well everybody thinks no understand mental activity does not constitute thinking you have five senses you can see hear smell taste touch when any of those five senses are affected it causes mental activity that is not thinking it causes pictures to fly in your mind that is not thinking if you heard a siren in the background right now you may see a fire truck or an ambulance on the screen in your mind that's not thinking you have higher faculties these higher faculties most people know a little about oh they hear the word every now and then your perception the will reason imagination memory intuition these higher faculties are what literally separate us from all the rest of the animal kingdom all the rest of the little animal kingdom they're completely at home in their environment they blend in you and i are totally disoriented in our environment we're totally disoriented that is because we have been given the godlike ability to create our own environment charlie tremendous jones was a great man just a phenomenal public speaker great teacher and always promoting books he said that he believes that we're the we're the composite of the books we read and the people we associate with i'm kind of agree with them well as you start to listen to earl and the strangest secret a lot of things started to happen to me and it changed all kinds of things in my life now there's the two men that both ended up being mentors of mine because i i worked with them i worked very closely with them but it was as a result of me listening to this recording i was listening to this recording and i thought it would be phenomenal to work with them well it was in 1966 i went to visit them and i decided i want to work with them and you see it was what they would teach me what they'll teach me would teach me that helped me understand how i had done what i did you see ray stanford sat down with me and he put an r in a sheet of paper then he put three letters down beside it two h's and a w now he said bob let the r represent results and look the two h's and the w happiness health and wealth then he asked me if i thought he was a happy person i said you seem pretty happy to me he said you ever see me sick i had to admit i hadn't he said did you ever see me when i was broke i had to admit i hadn't this guy always had money on him and quite a bit of it he said bob you're one of the most miserable people i've ever met now this is in 1961. he said you're always sick he said you don't have a terminal illness but your mom's got a cold or a headache or something and he said you're always broke now he was so right i was earning four thousand dollars a year i owed six thousand dollars now i want you to think of this at the time i had two months high school i had no business experience at all i was 26 i left school when i was 15. i worked all over the place i was in the canadian navy i worked in bars and in factories always dumb jobs no wonder i was unhappy second broke i studied and i read nothing he said do you ever read anything and i said no i can't read and that's when he introduced me to this book and he said bob napoleon hill studied 500 of the world's most successful people over many many years and it was at the counseling of the richest man in the world that he did that andrew carnegie and he found there was a golden thread running through their life and he he wrote the laws of achievement i have the laws of achievement right here um pull those four over a bit and they are right there there's eight little books and that was the laws of achievement now he wrote those at the request of andrew carnegie carnegie said it was a shame like people like himself who was the wealthiest man in the world is going to their grave with all his knowledge locked up in their bones he said nobody's ever organized the laws of achievement it and as a result most people never achieved very much and he got healed to do it well after he did it then the this book the laws or thinking grow rich came out of that and this is what i was really into studying okay you know that within a year my income was at 175 000. now at the beginning the end of this meeting arash is going to be giving you a directive and what i would suggest you do is listen very carefully to them this is a gold card that i have my goal written on i carry this in my pocket every time i put my hand in my pocket and touch that card the picture that's in my mind flashes on the screen of my mind i painted the picture in words on the card and it's tucked into cells in my brain well that's how i went from earning 4170 and i did it in less than a year this is no formal education no business experience i had no idea what i was doing in less than five years i was over a million dollars a year i had business operating in toronto montreal boston cleveland atlanta sunday in in london england if you asked me how i did i i had no idea i had no idea i have found out since it was through the repetition of what i'm talking to you about right now the action of repeating something that has already been said or written look it ray said to me if you read this every day every day your life will change he got me to commit to doing that i committed i would do it and god only knows why i've kept that commitment in my 60th year every day i don't read a lot of it i just opened and read something right here just where i open that now remember too that all who succeed in life get off to a bad start and they pass through many heartbreaking struggles before they arrive the turning point in the lives of those who succeed usually comes at the moment of some crises through which they're introduced to their other selves and just just read that i mean that's inspirational you learned something from that well 1968 i was their vice president of sales because that is something i wrote on the card i decided i wanted to do work with them i want to work right beside them and i had an office right beside the two of them this is vice president of sales and you know earl taught me something that is so valuable and i want to share it with you he said you know bob there's an enormous difference between knowledge and the experience now i want you to think about that because when he sat down and explained this to me and he said before we agreed that you were going to come here bob to work we checked you out and that's when he told me he said you've got something very strong going for you that we need in our company and that's when he told me he said there's an enormous difference between knowledge and experience he said you see bob if we read the book and we understand it we can talk about what's in it we have some knowledge but he said experience is totally different experience is when you've done it so you just don't think this is right information you know it's the right information what i teach here in this are in our programs i don't wonder if it works i know it works i'm going to be 87 in july and i feel like i'm just getting warmed up i have no intentions of slowing down we are millions of dollars we operate all over the world and i believe we share some of the most powerful information in the world it's not just something i've studied it's something i did and it was only after i did a lot of this that i got help because one day in london i was thinking how the heck did i do this i was actually being irresponsible i was earning over a million dollars i'd go into the playboy club and play roulette on hyde park right next to london hilton and i didn't care if i lost the money because i knew where the money was and one day i thought you know this is being very irresponsible and i think how the heck did this happen to me because you see i had been struggling all my life up until i met ray and he gave me the book to study i had really been struggling my whole life never had a half decent job had nothing really going for me and here i am owning a company that operates in seven cities three countries and i thought how did it happen and i couldn't figure it out you see i knew i wasn't lucky i just inherently i just had an innate awareness that i was not lucky um i had been raised to believe if you're earning a lot of money you'd be really smart i knew i wasn't really smart i knew that i knew a lot of a lot of people thought it was but i i knew i wasn't really smart and i've been raised to believe if you don't go to school you can't get a good job i hadn't gone to school and i didn't have a good job i owned the whole company and so i made up my mind i was going to find out how my life changed i want to know how it changed and since that's what i wanted to know that's what i started to find out and that's where i learned the power of repetition i was sitting with the lady catherine washapple she's from germany she is in germany and i was sitting i was sort of like a review meeting with her she was a consultant of our company and i was sitting with gina my assistant and catherine said i believe success is five percent strategy and is 95 mindset i had never heard that before and i looked at her i just intuitively knew she was right i knew she was right i would go back to my when i was on the street in england i don't even know if i knew what strategizing meant didn't feel bad not knowing i mean why would i know i hadn't gone to school i'd never been in business you know success is five percent strategy 95 mindset you see it's all about the mind it's about your marvelous mind now before tomorrow i'm going to show you different concepts i'm going to explain them so that if you had a 15 year old the 15 year old would understand it believe me i pride myself in explaining things in a very simple manner i don't want to complicate it the people that taught it to me did that they kept it very simple it's about your marvelous mind as vandwell taught me he says it's all in awareness bob he said there's a marvelous inner world that exists within us and the revelation of such a world enables us to do to attain to achieve anything we desire within the bounds or limits of nature now listen this is vitally important information i have never really studied finance i'm not a financial guy i've earned millions literally millions of dollars i think it's the easiest thing in the world to do but i don't know how to manage money i really don't and i had my own company but you know if we go back to what einstein said if we get the picture and we get into the energy of the good we desire you can't help it have it manifest around 15 years ago we had a lady come to the seminar who is a securities attorney we've got a little friend here and sandy gallagher was a securities attorney very successful one she became fascinated with what we were teaching one thing led to another i'm going down the road pretty fast here and sandy gallagher became my business partner sandy is really a financial genius she really is she was buying and selling banks turning banks public here's bob didn't know nothing about finance and i attracted the perfect business partner for me and i could just go ahead and do what i love doing and i knew that our company was in good hands with that and sandy runs our company she is the ceo and the president of the company now why am i mentioning this you've got to become aware that you can and will attract whatever you require to cause whatever picture you're holding in your mind to move into form it's not an accent there is a marvelous inner world that exists within us and the revelation of such a world enables us to do to attain to achieve anything we desire within the bounds or limits of nature now that law or that truth was taught to me by this man he taught me so many things god i miss him down i became great friends we did a lot of work together i think of hell he was a big guy i've always been not that big i think i was about 135 pounds and i started to work with him we'd be out in the road and we both liked buying clothes we'd go into a clothes store he's getting men's clothes in here he was always ripping me he said you know this guy has to run around the shower to get wet i think what he was doing was making excuses for him being as big as he was but sure a great guy now he's the one that woke me up and then he introduced me to this drawing and he said bob i want you to let that represent you and he said the big circle represents your mind the top half of it is your conscious mind and the bottom half is your subconscious mind now you've been reading a lot about this but i would suspect that you're very confused when you read a lot of this stuff i think one of the best books on the subconscious mind is dr joseph murphy's book the power of the subconscious mind it's a phenomenal book if you don't have it your library is not complete and any rate he taught me this drawing and he said when you think of yourself you've got an image you can understand the mind is everything in your life you'll learn how to work with it now he said let's look at it this way there's the mind and there's a positive sign the negative sign now he said that actually represents a law of polarity the law of opposites and he said here a power flowing into your consciousness and when it flows into your consciousness you create thoughts you literally create thoughts from a power that flows into your conscious mind you can originate thoughts you can think something that no one has ever ever thought before you have a unique ability to do this it's the thoughts that you think in your conscious mind that you impress upon your subconscious mind that causes you to feel the way you feel feeling yes conscious awareness of vibration those feelings are expressed with and through your physical body that causes the action which produces a result now getting them all lined up is called attitude now some people line up on the negative side they're going to see what's wrong and you know something they're right there's something wrong other people go on the positive side they see what's good and they're right there's something good you can find what's right or wrong in anything doesn't matter what you're looking at if you want to find what's wrong with my presentation just keep looking take a pen and pencil because you're going to get busy or if you want to look at what's right look at that there's a power flowing into our consciousness and we have the ability to think anything we want to think and it's the thoughts we think that causes the feelings because we get emotionally involved with them that causes the body to move into action and produce results now this drawing is without question so valuable and so misunderstood and he went on to explain more about the conscious mind he says that's your thinking mind bob problem with most people is they don't think they really don't think mental activity never constitutes thinking i remember when he said that i never forgot it he said that is your thinking mind it's also referred to as the educational mind this is you i'm talking about now as i keep building this idea you're really going to get to know yourself the world you live in and the laws that govern your being a lot better yet as you understand yourself a lot better you're going to find your finances are going to improve your health is going to improve your relationships are going to improve your whole world starts to get better the educated mind is also referred to sometimes the intellectual mind that's where all the intellectual factors are remember i told you what they were yet perception the will reason imagination memory and intuition there's six of them they are our mental muscles and as you start to understand how to develop them you can become a very powerful person if you've ever been a seminar that i've been in you know that i can walk up to a person i can tell them all about themselves everything that goes on the inside shows the outside it's your intuitive factor it enables you to read that we hide nothing and i always do this in a seminar to show off a little bit i want really get your attention see what i can do but then what i really want to do is say if i can do it you can do it see we watch other people do things and we become fascinated if they're doing it really well what we want to understand if we want to do it we can do what they're doing the subconscious mind is your emotional mind when you're emotionally upset you've got the wrong ideas being fed into that part of your mind now over here on the side because you can think you have the ability to choose and because you can choose you can accept or reject everything that comes down the road everything because there's a lot of crazy information coming at us through tv newspapers radio television just overhearing restaurants and conversations if you can get into a restaurant you can accept or reject everything and then you have the ability you can originate now the subconscious mind doesn't have the ability to do all those things all those magnificent abilities are in the conscious mind subconscious it must accept whatever you give to it must it has no ability to reject and get this it's what you impress upon your subconscious mind that ultimately turns into results in our life this is where we want to get our imagination going in high gear your subconscious mind cannot differentiate between what you've imagined and what's real yet is no ability to differentiate between the two unfortunately most people imagine what's wrong they think of what they don't want rather than what they do want now look here for a moment let's take that knowledge and we'll say this is you today there's information coming at you today and it is terrible information and it's flowing into your conscious mind now you have the ability to think you have the ability to reject that you can say get out of here and they all go away but you know something most people don't do that you want to know what they do this is what they do they're not thinking at all their subconscious mind is wide open and that information goes right into the subconscious mind remember what we said about the subconscious there is no ability to reject all that negative information why do we leave the mind open like that it's our paradigm it's how we're programmed we're literally programmed to live that way who did this why did they do this well let's take a look just close the window in there for a minute let's go over here this is you as an infant now the more you understand this the more you're going to be able to put tomorrow's lesson to work because i'm going to get in i'm going to show you how you attract whatever you're in harmonious vibration with this is you as an infant your subconscious mind was wide open when you arrived on the scene i don't care what language was spoken around you that's the language you learned if there was more than one language spoken around you you would learn more than one language you see everything that was going on around you all the love the hate the prejudice it was all programmed right into your subconscious mind it's like in the song a person has to be taught to love and hate they must be taught before they're six or eight before it's too late see a child whose mind is wide open the child is being programmed first of all they were programmed genetically that's why the child looks like they look that's genetic conditioning you see it's a little bit of energy from a little bit of energy from dad that formed the nucleus of you and when those energies came together that was the start of you and then 280 days later you made your day debut on the planet but over that 280 days there was a lot of programming going on there's genetic program and now there's a my environmental program and the paradigm here we are years later people you know they've learned all kinds of information but they're not doing it the paradigm is in control you see the paradigm is it's it's something most people don't understand it's something everyone should understand every one of us has gathered an abundance of knowledge covering numerous subjects however most of what we've learned has very little of anything to do with our paradigm therefore we frequently don't do what we already know how to do i maintain that everyone that can hear my voice already knows how to at least double your income you know you may be thinking oh that's not true oh yeah listen trust me i've been there i've done that i've worked with thousands of people i know how it works we have superior knowledge inferior results that causes confusion and frustration now let's put our model up here and take a look here's a person here they've got all this knowledge in their mind they go to school they get a ton of knowledge but you know something the knowledge doesn't match the results why is it that a person with a great formal education worked in a good company for maybe 30 years is struggling to meet a mortgage payment explain that to me how does that work they've gone right through our educational system we're very dedicated to employees for maybe 30 or 40 years and they're having difficulty making a mortgage payment doesn't make sense does it well all they know isn't working for them because the paradigm is in control of them their results are nothing but an expression of the paradigm that's all that conditioning that took place before they could even think if you want to change your results it's essential that you change the paradigm that's absolutely essential so as we get into the law of attraction tomorrow and show you how it's just an extensional law of vibration i would recommend you study it pretty closely because you see you do have a paradigm oh i do everyone has a paradigm is a mental program that has almost exclusive control over our habitual behavior and think of this almost all of our behavior is habitual something to really understand now let's take a look at this you can create your own economy you can create the life you really want nothing tricky about it energy functions on frequencies remember we said that a frequency is a level of vibration there's an infinite number of vibrations of levels of vibrations of frequencies an infinite number let's take a look again at what albert einstein said so beautiful study this very carefully everything is energy and that's all there is to it match the frequency of the reality you want yet you cannot help but get that reality it can be no other way this isn't a philosophy it's physics look at when i sat down and wrote out that we would have our company would operate all over the world then i went to work i had the idea mikey phones me now that was in 1973 it was just a couple of weeks ago she found she's wearing every country in the world here's the trick decide what kind of a life you actually want quit fooling around with your life it's too short then say no to anything that isn't that decide what kind of a life you actually want then say no to everything that isn't that now look here once are where it starts you know where it wants come from i'm going to tell you look at me you have at the center of your being your spiritual dna is perfect there's perfection within us now that perfection has so much junk on top of it that we call a paradigm that is difficult expressing itself that spiritual perfection within us is always seeking expression with and through us that's why we always want more now when i was a little kid my grandmother said you always want more you should be satisfied with what you've got grandma was a angel of god but she was wrong you should never be satisf dissatisfaction as a creative state it's dissatisfaction that causes you to reach to stretch what do you really want what do you really want that comes from the essence of who you are now that's not to get getting is nice too that gives you greater physical comfort you can have all the good you desire i am i was talking to a friend of mine earlier this morning he said something just blew my mind i loved it i wrote it down he was saying it's his girlfriend's birthday this week i know his girlfriend didn't have a week's birthday but he said we're celebrating it all week we're having a birthday lifestyle he said we've already got a birthday lifestyle and i'd love that that's what you want you want to have a birthday lifestyle everyday celebration what do you want the want is not to get that's a side benefit the want is to grow it's for you to bring more of you to the surface your god's highest form of creation the wands turn into desire desire comes in latin desire to give birth to the children give birth to the idea the want creates the desire the more you feed the desire the stronger it becomes desire is the effort of the unexpressed possibility within seeking expression without through your action the desire is what moves into form now that's where you're going that's what you want to do it's all vibration it all has to do with energy and we're going to talk more about how you attract it tomorrow now i don't know what you're doing ten o'clock eastern time tomorrow but i'd be here about five to ten i always have a pad handy to write notes on always i'm going to explain the law of attraction tomorrow i've been studying it since the 60s i understand it very well i get everything i want in my life you say oh yeah that doesn't true oh yeah no it is true and i can show you how to get everything you want now that doesn't mean it's going to manifest for you overnight but if you'll follow the laws and do as i'm suggesting you'll get everything you want you are god's highest form of creation we want to study this i hope you enjoyed this video we put a lot of good information up here and it causes everything in your life to get better if you'd like us to notify you every time we put a new video up hit subscribe and then turn on notification check out all our videos and we will notify you when we put a new one up [Music] you
Channel: Proctor Gallagher Institute
Views: 1,001,577
Rating: 4.9179025 out of 5
Keywords: Bob Proctor, Proctor Gallagher Institute, Law of Attraction, Paradigm Shift, Self esteem, Self confidence, Prosperity, Thinking, Inspiration, Rules for life, Personal development, This will change everything, Change your life, How to manifest money, Goal setting, Manifesting, The secret, Subconscious mind, Happiness, Spirituality, Self help, Life coach, abundance, wealth, mindset, potential, life, God, fulfillment, grow, Success, paradigms, visualization, coaching, life coach, universal laws
Id: -ENj3vyFvKo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 23sec (3023 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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