WHO AM I? 🤔 Bob Proctor

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we talked about there being six phases to gold creations and I think probably everyone knows they may not know they're six but I think you know that there would have to be some kind of a process a pattern when you think of plants growing in your home or in your garden I have I have a beautiful studio that's really it's a it's actually a little television station I can broadcast all over the world it's 50 feet from my back door it's in my own backyard and it is I love it I quote there and the music is always playing very quiet music Carol doll and it's just very quiet and the only time the music comes shut off I'll throw a switch if I'm recording when I moved into the studio first day it was open sandy sent me a beautiful big plant then at some other point I forgot maybe there was a birthday she sent me another one I have when she sent me a money tree so I've got this big plant from opening day and then I've got the big plant I think birthday or something and the money tree and these things grow so well in there the energy is so good in there it's quiet quiet energy it's very creative energy it's all create that's all we talk about in there this is all we do is create in that place and those plants love it I remember vendor well member of mine we did a SEM was called the million dollar forum and the first one we did we did in the Laurentian z-- in the mountains the million dollar forum is where Chicken Soup for the Soul books came from the program was set up to teach people to earn a million dollars by setting up multiple sources of income and we had the tables it was a classroom to house stuff set up and so there'd be chairs right down in a row we had a little single Vaz with one rose in it in front of every person there was a woman that sent near the front and every day her Rose died yeah and I remember van der Waal saying I wouldn't want to live in the house where flowers couldn't grow I thought that's a good point I think that's why I love the studio so much the energy is so incredible in there and the plants show it they grow I think we know there's a process with all of life at the moment of conception and then over 280 days there's a process taking place and then the baby makes its debut on the planet in physical form so we know these things but do we really think for every goal there's a process I believe that you'd accept that you may have thought of it you may not have thought of it but you think yeah that makes sense well where do we start this is where we start wearing my going where am I going she still said I want an Oscar I said show you how to do that now one of the first things I told him I said you how to start walking talking working living being as if you've already earned an Oscar and you earned it you don't win it you earn it so you don't operate where I hope this happens sometime you've got to walk like you've already got it let me read you something we've got it in here in the program somewhere determined imagination thinking from the end is the beginning of all miracles the future must become the present yet in the imagination of the one who had wisely unconsciously creates circumstances we must translate vision into being thinking of into thinking from imagination must Center itself get some state and then view the world from that state thinking from the end is an intense perception of the world of fulfilled desire see that's where Scott says perception so important okay I guess it is so if he sees himself already he's already earned the Oscar he would walk and talk and work and treat life like he was an Academy Award winner well this is where we start now not many people live that way because if you're acting like you're already there somebody to say who do you think you are what are you doing that for come on get with it for god sake who do you think you are you're gonna people are gonna laugh at you listen I don't know statistics are accurate but I'm inclined to believe they are was they come out so many different ways if 97% seem to be going on the wrong track what are the odds of you being with someone at any particular time that's on the right track you see if you don't consciously and deliberately choose the people you're going to associate with guys if you're picking up good information it's pretty slim I am very selective about the people I spend a lot of time with I don't think I'm better than anybody in fact I know I'm no better than anybody I know we are all the same we are all descendants from the same stock I mean we're we're really all the same there's only one mind but there's a lot of people that don't understand that they're the same as somebody that's doing very well so they don't see themselves doing very well I don't want to spend a lot of time with anybody that's not going or goal oriented I don't want to spend a lot of time with anybody that doesn't know exactly where they're gonna go I don't want to spend time with anyone that wants to play it safe because I might catch what they've got I went into prisons and security maximum-security in Canada this was the big place I went in once a month for five years I got to know them very well I got to know how to speak their language because if you don't speak their language they're not good you're not going to communicate effectively I mean you didn't call it guarded guard there were screws you see and anyway I got to learn their language and I communicated effectively and I'll tell you story about it later on part of it's funny part of it's very interesting and but you know everybody leaving there almost everybody knew they were going back when they leave the this crude say y'all be back and how's that don't hold your breath but they knew they were gone even the Khan knew they were gone back recidivism rate is up around 85 90 percent that means out of eight or nine out of ten people that have done their time and leave they go back and some of them send almost their whole life there they don't get life they get six years thrown the street for six months they're back for four years down the street for six months they're back in for three years and then they go back in for nine years and they're just in and out their whole life recidivism rate is way up there why well all they do is deal with criminals all they talk about is crime that's all they think about so that's who they are you go into a welfare area there's a place in Toronto called some Park I forgot the name of the damn place now any rate Regent Park and I remember many years ago back in the 50s it was ramshackle old houses and this was right downtown Toronto and these houses were falling apart I mean they were just falling apart yeah and the city took over and tore them all down and built beautiful big apartment buildings well do you know they just finished here in those apartment buildings down see they took the people of slums but they didn't take the slums out of the people eighty-five to ninety percent of people that grow up in welfare area live in wealth that's where they go welfare recipients almost all welfare or fourth fifth sixth generation welfare recipients why Karl Menninger pointed out that environment is more important than heredity you gotta really watch what you're doing who you're mixing with and I have a lot of people out of the 85 my next birthday a lot of people say how do you stay so young I don't hang around old people no and I I was saying that as a bit of a joke one time and I realized it's true I really don't I spend very little time with anyone my age almost all the people I hang around 5055 I mean sandy be about as old as they come now imagine she's watching that and that's not going to get her that was her send love you know no but you see this this is important now if you're just spending time with a certain group of people and you're not taking a look see some people don't pay any attention to that you should pay attention to it most people have no idea where they're gone they really don't and you don't have to be much of a genius to figure this out stand back and watch the way most people live watch the way they operate the way they talk the way they walk the way they act with a dress everything about them is an indication that there's nothing but confusion in here they start doing this and they stop they go over here and they start that and they leave it and they go over here and they're doing this they never get anything done they're all over the damn place there's no order now I'm not the most orderly worker and I there's a lot of things I didn't want to learn how to do so I delegate it you get an assistant I think if you're gonna build anything you should have an assistant you gotta have a good assistant is he I think that's very important so I have orderly people around me I've got just the most phenomenal team of people that you ever wanted me you talk to anybody in this company I'm I'm just proud to work with any of them I mean they're that they're that good they really are and I don't run the company I just work here sometimes sandy runs the company and she she didn't think I'd be able to do that she's gonna do what I say I said okay and when she took over she didn't think I'd be able to do that she says usually when that happens a person leaves the company when somebody else comes in a CEO and I'm not going anywhere he does phenomenal job and if you ask her she'll tell you and she'll tell you the truth I do what she wants done something I don't agree with I don't agree with it at all and sometimes I tell her I don't but usually I don't I just did what she says because I know that she's on the right track the results indicate she's on the right track we're growing we're profitable we're doing the right thing we're going in the right direction you see you've got to know where you're going and then you got to pay attention how in the hell you're gonna get there how do you do that you have to know how to get there no you don't but you've got to pay attention for you to live like you're already there you're gonna have to disrupt yourself there's no question about it okay you've really got to do it now the next part is it can't be done you know well it can be done and we're gonna go in we're gonna talk about these people that say can't be done now that can't be done on their real to do that well it can be done but we've got some good examples for you and then Who am I the average individual hasn't got the foggiest idea who they are they really don't know who they are they hear that they're God's highest form of creation what does that really mean that means I'm more than the trees or the squirrels or something like that we're created in God's image now I'm not teaching religion I'm not qualified to do it and I don't even want you to get the idea that I'm trying to but I'll tell you this we are truly created in God's image now the problem most of us have we got that equation reversed and we created God in our image and that causes any amount of trouble we got to get this straightened out Who am I when I started study this I couldn't have answered that question I said what do you mean Who am I I'm Bob what were you talking about you know who I am but I'm not Bob I'm not that's my name but that's not me say well this is me no no this isn't me this is my body my body you've never heard anyone say M hand we don't say that we say my hand my leg my head my name but that's not me now do you see most individuals they never entertain what I've just said they don't let that run around their mind Who am I listen yep I'm going to act like the person I want to become I better know who I am I was them yeah well I'm every now and then I get ideas that have to digress I was standing way back in the back corner of the room at the O'Hare Hyatt this way back years ago the late 60s I was very shy I had a low self-esteem but I was very shy if I was with a group of people just the size maybe at one table I wouldn't ask the question I would just sit there I wouldn't I would never speak up I would be quiet I would never hold up my hand to volunteer to do anything I was shy well what does that mean I had very low self-esteem I had a low opinion of myself I had the strongest desire to teach this as odd as it may seem I was doing very well with this poor image it was poor image socially but I started and I developed my image we have an image in many different ways that's why kerchief talks about the many eyes of the personality I'm gonna do this I'm gonna do that I do this well I am I wanted to teach this you see when Diane was saying the story about me with the guy in the cassette work I was so embarrassed I didn't want to be a speaker her own Nightingale was not a speaker he would speak I speak and they pay me a lot of money sometimes to do it but that I don't see myself as a speaker I never have it's not something I wanted to do but I had an enormous desire to teach this yet was so good and I'm thinking it's essential people gotta learn this and I knew it very well and I didn't think it wonder it worked I knew it worked I did it yet like the Wright brothers didn't care who said you can't fly they said I know I can I just did you think and that's a different thing so I'm in the back of the room and Bill Gove has a handheld mic and he's standing there was about a thousand people in the room 500 here 500 there was a middle aisle he was standing here bill Gove the best speaker I ever heard man was phenomenal and and he became very good friend anyway I didn't even know him but I'm in the back corner and he stand here he's got his hand up he said if I want to be free I've got to be me if I want to be free I've got to be me not to me I think my wife thinks I should be he not to me I think my kids think I should be if I want to be free I've got to be me not to me I think you think I should be if I want to be free I gotta be me they said I better know who me is I'm in the back of the room and I'm thinking got a special good at this I can only do that if I could only do that well in Erlang gals lead the field the first recording is unedited and at one point on that recording he said no right here we come to a rather strange fact we tend to minimize the things we can do the goals we can accomplish and for some equally strange reason we think others can do things that we cannot he's I want you to realize that that is not true that you have deep reservoirs of talent in the building and I'm listening to that and if you said you understand that and said of course I understand it I didn't understand it at all I bet I had listened to that at least a thousand times maybe two four years I've been listening to it here he is saying yes I want to be free and never thinking if only I could do that you can but I can't you know and all of a sudden that damn record started to play in my head now right here we come to a rather strange fact we tend to minimize the things he's talking about that's what he's talking about that moment I became aware of the truth in what had been listening to for a few years our problem is we have been trained to read the book and then we think we've got it you could read the book and not have it at all yep you read the same thing over and over and over and you're relaxed and you look at it and you think what did he really mean getting to their head understand what they're saying I didn't understand it I thought I did because I'd listened and had this and so often I made mine's right then I know lonely was gonna learn I'm not only gonna learn it I was gonna get him to teach me and Bill Gove became my mentor my coach and he taught me how to do what I'm doing right now now I don't speak anything like Bill Gogh he was he was the Frank Sinatra of speakers I just speak anything like him you see he didn't teach me anything about speaking he taught me something about me he taught me to be totally comfortable talking to you that's all I had to do if I'm very comfortable talking to your I will express whatever I want to express I'll share what's inside most people are not comfortable in public speaking because their focus is all on themselves all they're thinking about is himself and the thing I wonder what she thinks of me wonder what he thinks wonder if they like what I'm doing today I might might I is that is my shirt you know the focus is all on self you couldn't possibly be effective doing that I've got one focus I want you to understand this like I do and I will do everything that comes to my mind I will say whatever comes into my mind I think it'll help you understand it well what I really again was that if bill could do it Bob go do it all I wanted to do was do it I just wanted to do this some of you are going to fall in love with this you'll really fall in love with it it's so easy to do because you see I think you are genetically programmed to want to help people I believe that I believe you're programmed to want to help people there's something in you there's a gene in you or possibly there's a part of every gene and you everyone that you want to help people gets instinctive it's part of who we are it's an instinctive it's not instinct it's just programmed right into our genes well if you want to do we're done you can do it and you can do with us I'd love you to do with us Elma Odin Orange County Elma I hope you're watching again because I'm really glad you've decided to work with us and I'm gonna work with you and you tell me what you want element and I'm gonna show you how to get it I will and as long as you keep telling me I will show you and if you don't believe it'll work go and ask Phil see that's where it works now if we don't take time to understand who we are if I don't take time to understand who I am it won't much matter where I'm going you know what matters much matter who I'm doing it with because I'm living in ignorance about the most important thing in the world Who I am there's something absolutely phenomenal locked up in you right in your core of your being and this is the truth if you can see it here you can hold it here yep you can entertain the idea you can cause it to move into form because you are in harmony or can be in harmony with the laws that you're being you can get in harmony with God's laws and when you do then you can make anything happen anything people say well there's limits well if that's what you think then there will peak I hope you enjoyed this video we put a lot of good information up here and it causes everything in your life to get better if you'd like us to notify you every time we put a new video up hit subscribe and then turn on notifications check out all our videos and we will notify you when we put a new enough [Music]
Channel: Proctor Gallagher Institute
Views: 54,748
Rating: 4.8992887 out of 5
Keywords: Bob Proctor, Proctor Gallagher Institute, Law of Attraction, Paradigm Shift, Self esteem, Self confidence, Prosperity, Thinking, Inspiration, Better life, Rules for life, Personal development, This will change everything, Change your life, How to manifest money, Goal setting, Manifesting, The universe, The secret, Subconscious mind, Happiness, Spirituality, Self help, Life coach, abundance, wealth, mindset, potential, life, God, fulfillment, grow, visualize, universal laws, attract, attitude
Id: -J5bWU-nwD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 29sec (1649 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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