Insightful Interview with Bob Proctor | 2020

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bob here we are in your at last at last in your hometown of toronto we're just outside of toronto i believe you moved to toronto when you were 10 years old it was actually on your 10th birthday that's right what would ten-year-old bob think of all of this of the life that you've created he would probably think it was a fantasy yeah and it really is in a way because that's where it starts starts as a medicine you know oh yeah it's such such an enormous change from the lifestyle that i came from yeah there are even things that are in existence now that weren't in existence when you were 10. sure for sure right almost everything that we are used to using every day yeah it's so incredible in fact it was after i moved to toronto it was right after the second world war i moved to toronto during the war it was in 1944. my grandfather came to stay with us my dad had been in europe in the war and he he brought my grandfather to stay with us for a while and my grandfather's son ad in a magazine for a ballpoint pen that was the first ballpoint pen i ever saw there weren't on that it you you had to load your pen with ink and they were always leaking or you had an ink well on your desk or yeah i know that sounds like a thousand years ago but that's that's the way it was every time you see a ballpoint pen i think am and it skipped all over the place you're right you'd miss right and miss you know it didn't have a good flow to it it certainly changed it certainly changed it and so many things have changed bob i think of you as a 20 something year old with your job at the fire station now here's the thing i mean if we're being honest it's kind of a miracle you even got that good of a job at the fire station right well i'll tell you the they probably had two or three thousand applications you had to weigh 160 pounds i weighed 135 pounds you had to have high school education i had two months high school education you know they say it pays to know somebody i didn't even know this man the magistrate magistrate lin lived two doors up my mother and i thought i wonder and i saw the ad in the paper and i went and asked him i said i was going to put in an application for the fire department and i was wondering if there's anything he could do to help me i think he was flattered that i asked him he said well come on in son he took me in living room and he sat down he got on the phone and phoned bill allen who was the reeve or the mayor of east york where i was like that i was on the fire department they were hiring about 21 people i was one of them okay i mean you must have felt like you won the lottery in a way well i'll tell you i was working in a service station pumping gas and changing oil for a dollar an hour i'd work six days a week and once a month i'd work seven so i was earning 48 dollars a week and i went on the fire department i was working seven days and seven nights a month because there was only two shifts and i started a hundred dollars so i doubled my pay and i cut my hours almost in half and so there you are and there's a mishap that happens you're in east toronto that's where you are and there's like this mishap of a flatbed truck and bricks are everywhere and they call in you and other firefighters to come and pick up these bricks off the road but i believe the person that owned that company would change the trajectory of your life that was ray stanford yeah that's right he didn't own the company he worked there he worked there and he didn't they didn't call the fire department in he asked me if i wanted to go and do it and he got a couple other people i said sure we were we were always doing side jobs yeah i would never do it again i'll tell you picking up bricks my back was just broken when i was finished but that's how i met ray yeah and ray saw something in you bob i think ray saw something in everybody um and i i think if he liked you he would help you i think that's where i've sort of analyzed it and he um he's he suggests he said why don't you change the results you're getting well i didn't know i could like to i knew we thought of changing results i'd wake up and i'd go to work and you know the idea of results and changing results happiness health well that never entered my mind but he said listen he said i'm happy healthy wealthy you're unhappy sick and broke he's my way he works yours then why don't you do exactly what i tell you now i had never done what anybody told me i was 26 i just would not follow direction i hated discipline and for some strange reason i decided i would do what this man told me and what he did when he did that or when when i decided i would do that i learned a great secret of life and here i was a person who was getting results that i would have only dreamed of i never thought i could get them you go to a person that's getting the results you want ask them what to do and then do exactly what they tell you and so i did that with him and then as i moved on and kept growing and developing and i kept doing that i would go to people that were getting results that i wanted to get and i would do what they told me i mean we do that with basic things if you're going to drive a car you go to somebody knows how to drive the car and then you do what they tell you but that's an unusual practice in life in general and it's too bad because we can do anything we can have anything we want i think it's so remarkable bob that ray says to you do exactly what i say and before that you were undisciplined you already felt like you won the lottery you were at the fire station so probably by your standards you were doing pretty good yeah so what do you think it was that you were like yeah i'm gonna do it well he gave me this book i got elastic around it hold it together and the book is literally falling apart now yeah i've been reading this book every day since the day you give it to me that was in october 1961 and he said if you follow what's in this book is you can have anything you want now i mean i couldn't believe that but you know he sort of had me he said my way is working yours isn't and then he said listen the man that wrote this book was mentored by the wealthiest man in the world at the time andrew carnegie he got together with carnegie in 1908 carnegie commissioned him to write the laws of achievement hill was a writer napoleon hill and he introduced him to 500 of the world's most accomplished individuals so he started to study them all and study their lives and he found there was a like a golden thread running through their lives if you're winning you're following certain rules it doesn't matter what you're doing and he said you know he said he spent his whole life writing this book he started in 1908 it was published in 1937. now he said he spent his whole life studying 500 so you've got the composite here of the best thinking from 500 of the world's most accomplished individuals like the author hill was he was an intimate friends with henry ford and thomas edison you know harvey firestone these were giants in their field at that time and he became very close friends with them and so he said he spent his whole life studying putting this together he said i think it'd be a very prudent move in your part if you spent the rest of your life trying to understand to play it yeah and you know that's it he said do exactly what i tell you to tell you find out i'm lying or i don't know what i'm talking about i said i don't lie and i do know what i'm talking about it changed everything it changed everything you named your youngest son after ray i did i did that's how much he meant to you raymond douglas stanford yeah raymond douglas proctor yeah were you named after anyone i guess my grandfather my mother okay so this book bob so now you know you're in that material and you fall in love with it because you've changed your life this book is a bestseller times you know over and over again and it's interesting because i think some people don't know the backstory of this book i love this you are in a taxi in toronto you've written out with a pen the manuscript for the book you come home linda's there you're talking to linda about it and you reach out reach into your folder to show it to her but it's not there linda starts panicking she is going through the yellow pages which by the way if you're too young that's what we call the phone book she is going through the yellow pages phoning every taxi company to find this but she says what strikes her is how calm you are and you say linda i guess that wasn't meant to be the book there's a better version of that yeah well you see that's part of what i've learned from reading this book when something bad happens it's not just bad it's also good like if it's 50 feet from that wall to that wall it has to be 50 feet from that wall to that wall they're equal and opposite it's all governed by law so when something bad happens i i just sort of calm down and think there's it's just real bad it's real good i had written the whole thing by hand i didn't type and paper swells i had a folder it's about that thick i didn't have my name on it nothing i left it in the back of a taxi i couldn't tell you the color of the taxi the name of the taxi nothing so i mean it was gone now the only difference i wasn't in toronto was in atlanta is where we were and i just thought there's some good reason you know the book probably wasn't any good so i started writing it again but you see bob when people are hearing this they're thinking they can't even wrap their head around that kind of calmness of mind that kind of demeanor so this comes from awareness your ability to it does isn't it if you're not calm you're tied up in a knot you can't you solve nothing energy flows to and through us when we're up tight it's like putting a kink in a garden hose and wonder why the water doesn't flow freely yeah if you want the energy to flow freely through you and get good results you've got to become so the trick is don't let anything outside really upset you now there's another side to this if you let something outside get you excited you're going to let something outside get you depressed because you're reacting to what's going on outside so something really good happens you get excited something bad happens you're going to get depressed that's because you're letting the outside control you i don't think you should get excited about anything i think you should get enthused about it see excitement has a polar opposite and it's depressed enthusiasm doesn't have a polar opposite enthusiasm is in god it comes from the latin and theos in god and it just is just is nothing good or bad just is everything just is in truth you know so it's a bit of a philosophy you got to get into and then you train yourself to think and live that way you know what you just made me think of when you talked about how you're tied in a knot and you're not allowing the energy to flow it reminds me of when you're looking for your keys you've got to get out the door and you're looking for your keys and you're all knotted up and stressed it's panic it's panicking and nothing happens you don't find it no you don't find them at all until when you calm down then you start to find then you start to find them i love what sandy writes here in the introduction sandy your business partner she says this in the book she says by letting the ideas in this book fill your consciousness your life will instantly become a fascinating journey but that journey is not going to begin as if you're walking through a beautiful flower garden when you lay this book down you'll be confronted by construction sites detours and potholes in other words a respectable amount of resistance from virtually everyone you know i'm speaking from experience she says did that happen to you when you got into this material oh yes really absolutely that shirt did yeah it did i was so fascinated with it though i couldn't stop listening to it or reading it see i got i was only i was only reading this for a short time and then i found where earl nightingale are broadcaster in chicago a radio broadcaster kai had such a great voice he had condensed this book and narrated on a record and so i would drive around with a battery-operated record player playing the record i was i was absolutely fascinated with the information now keep in mind i was born during the depression in 1934 right in the heart of the depression um when i'm five six years old just starting school the whole world went to war so everything's rationed um fathers are all gone mothers working in war plants grandmother's trying to raise three of us i mean there wasn't a whole lot of attention given to anybody it was not a good time food was rationed everything was rational so i grew up lacking limitation was sort of the order of the day for everybody and everybody lived that way i mean so it wasn't that we were just bad off and nobody else was and when i started to listen to this the idea you could have whatever you want that you've got these mental faculties if you start using them you know that's your god's highest form of creation and i don't mean that from a religious perspective i'm talking about from today living today and i just never lost my fascination for it i study it every day it makes me think like it spoke to your soul like it spoke to different things for sure inside of you absolutely it did you see i think we are a soul we don't have one we are one and i believe our spiritual dna is perfect there's perfection within every one of us and that perfection is seeking expression with and through us that's why you're always going to want something that's why you'll never be satisfied if you run you want to run faster if you jump you want to jump higher if you sell you want to sell more it doesn't matter what you do you're going to want to do it better and that is because the essence of what's inside of your spirit is always for expansion and fuller expression so you want to do it bigger you want to do it better faster you know but here's what's remarkable to me as you're describing the environment that you grew up in which was all around you and as we know so it's three or five senses you're seeing here tasting smell and touching this environment you're in it you're hearing this material that's touching your soul you're hearing this material like it had to be such a big pull when everything around you is saying there is no way that can be possible well that's true but that's one of the things he says in the book okay so you heard it enough time you know he said if you want to win and you want and you follow other people yeah he said if you see a large group of people going one way and one or two going the other way follow the one or two wow the others have never known where they're going to go 90 some percent of the population struggle all the way through life school doesn't teach us how to take control of our life i don't care where you go and i don't care how long you go or how far you go in school it does not teach us how to control ourself we've got to get involved with self really understand who we are um so everything every time you would caution you you look around you see it it's all around you everybody's telling you you're crazy you can't do that you know and when i quit the fire department i quit the fire department going to clean offices everybody thought i'd really out of my mind in fact i was really questioning myself at one point because i was the second person since 1934 to quit the fire department no one quit that job and they couldn't fire you i mean it was like having a pension and you only worked half the time you know and when you were working at night you'd sleep i mean it was like being retired because i was in a slow hall if you're in a busy place when that's different downtown toronto would not be a good place but at any rate um i got into that and i thought i can't stay here because they were sitting around doing nothing wanting to play cards or play darts and i think i know i got to do something i got to do something so i eventually quit and i went and started cleaning offices yeah and you hired some of those firefighters i had about 10 of them working for me at one time you see i everybody thought i was quitting to go and clean offices yeah but i was quitting to go and build a company and i didn't have any formal education i didn't have any business experience so everybody thought well what makes you think you can build a company well i don't know what it made me think it but i could think it you see and um i went from earning 4 000 a year to 14 500 a month in a year now get this for a minute the fire chief of east york at that time was earning eleven thousand two hundred dollars a year a first-class fireman was earning four thousand dollars a year there was only one chief now there was a couple of district chiefs but the chief the fire chief eleven thousand two hundred a year i got to a point where i was earning fourteen thousand five hundred dollars a month i mean it was just it was an unreal change you talked about quantum leaps and it just kept growing i kept if i could see it in my mind like the book was telling me if you can see it in your mind you can hold it in your hand in other words if you can get the picture then you can do it see we're creative beings that's how everything starts everything these cameras the microphones the lights everything started out as a picture in somebody's mind well i was starting to understand this because i was listening to it all day long as i was driving around and listening to the records and i thought if i can get the picture then i can go and do it and so that's what i would do and so bob when you were even making more than the fire chief more in a month than he would make in a year were you still scared to quit i was still in the very absolutely i was scared to quit even when you were seeing that you were making the money even when i was you see conditioning is a funny thing i know it really is it's insidious yes um i was breaking a paradigm i was going against my conditioned way of thinking your mind is conditioned everybody's mind is conditioned it's conditioned first genetically and then environmentally so we're conditioned to believe there's security in a job well that is absurd there's no such thing as security in a job if you think there's security in a job you lose your job you're going to be totally demoralized because you lost everything security is an inside thing and if you haven't got it there you haven't got it well i was starting to develop this feeling of security now still quitting i was scared but i quit i gave a month's notice i didn't have to give a month's notice i only had to give two weeks i gave a month was the month for you or for for me it was me kept me safe you see i could stay there so anyway um the second i walked out the door i knew i'd done the right thing but i had to walk out the door so you got to do it i know it's like we want to know we've done the right thing before we walk walk out the door we want we want a prediction we want to know it's going to be okay and even as you said that bob about security i can tell you i was talking to someone the other day even now all these years later people will still have a very difficult time accepting what you have just said that their security does not come from their job but they have benefits they have a pension yeah well you can buy the benefits i know and um see i'm i'm an entrepreneur at heart yeah you know and i think we're more free to become the more of an entrepreneur you become yeah i've got to play my own game yeah and i know there's no limit to what i can do so i just keep doing it you know you keep building the picture and you help as many other people as you can build the same picture do the same thing you know i remember you saying that we're here in your studio and there was a contractor that was obviously working on the studio and he looked at you and he was like how old are you and how much is this going to cost he didn't know you've got pictures you've got things to do we were i think we built it three years ago yeah it cost us probably i think we spent a little over a million dollars on it and but i've got a studio i've got a tv station in my backyard this is literally a tv station and we can broadcast all over the world from here and we do um and i was 83 and somebody said you're building a studio and you're 83 well i'm 86 now and we're taking the top off the house we're adding 2500 square feet to the house so we had to move out while it's done so i'm about a small place around the corner that i'll live in while they finish this it'll take about six months but then i can keep coming back here to work because i'll be close by if you let your age your gender your education your bank account anything control your thinking you're in a little prison of your own making yeah and uh um that's not a good place to be it's just a bad place to be you know bob i i'm thinking about when you started to make money and because this is so interesting because we all do this i'd love to hear more about this from you you start to make money so you buy a nice car but i guess there was still a little bit of disparity in your self-image and the car because you would park it far away from your meeting a question of it listen when i worked in a gas station there was a guy mr dever he would come in he'd park this great big long cadillac by the pumps yeah we'd be working inside working on a car and we'd see the car out there when we saw that car there the drill was you wrote you fill the car up with gas you check the tires you empty the ashtray you clean the windows you check the oil and then you win the glove compartment and right against the wall of the gulp compartment a credit card you'd win and run the credit card put it back in in the development department and then go back to work this guy put more gas in the car i was wondering how he got the money to put the gas in the car because he's forever filling an app yeah how he bought the car never entered my mind but i always wanted cadillac because of that really and i had enough money in the bank to buy poor five cadillacs and i went downtown and i went in the cadillac showroom and soon as the salesperson starts to come over toward me i get out of there and one day i went in and the guy got over to me says can i help you and say i'm going to buy this oh okay and uh he said you want to know the price well it's okay you know and so he said well how are you going to i'll give you a check he said okay this guy was very skeptical and i said can i take it with me well no we're gonna have to service the car he said what he didn't say is we're gonna make sure this check isn't going to bounce all over the city and i got the car i was afraid to let anybody see me in it yeah i'd park it around the corner and if i saw you walking down the street and i was driving i would hide so that you wouldn't see me driving the car my self-image didn't fit in that car although i wanted the car my self-image wouldn't fit in now i changed that because i got where when i recognized what was going on um i started to understand self-image and i changed it you know i think a lot i think many of us still worry about that worry about what other people will think oh well that's that's another thing too you know that it's a spin-off of that terry whitaker wrote a book it's titled what you think of me as none of my business and that's so true we spent too much time worrying about what someone else thinks and i think that comes from when we're little kids or parents that say what would the neighbors think right i found out they don't the neighbors don't think we got to quit worrying about what somebody else thinks what we've got to be concerned with is what we think yes because what we think is controlling our life you know yeah and it's so interesting because worrying about what people think keeps us small it keeps us from not doing certain things because we're worried about how we'll be perceived so even our successes we don't want to share it we don't want to come across as bragging or who do we think we are showing up in that cadillac mr proctor um you know what i love bob i love when we go to your events and if you haven't been to an event you've got to get to one this is what you're going to notice is bob at your events you have people of all different races all different ages different religions you have devout muslims devout jews christians people that are not religious they are religious i have not seen that from any other event i've been to with other speakers in your space why do you say they all have one thing in common they're people but it's your messaging yes they do have one thing in their people but what is it about you well i believe we're all the same the religion is an accepted concept that's what religion is um people are not born christians they're born and christian is a belief system right they adopt from the appearance or the jew or the muslim um i think we should set all that stuff aside and look at the potential that we've got and then how to develop that potential how to alter that subconscious conditioning the paradigm how to put a new one in see we've what we've really got a program in our subconscious mind it's like our bio computer and this program uh was put there by somebody else so the people that wrote the code for the program that's literally controlling our life had no idea what the hell they were doing they really didn't know much it's been passed down from great grandparents to grandparents you know and down and that's how we're conditioned as children so it's genetic you know there's particle energy from the particles and dad come together that forms the nucleus of you and that keeps an attractive force going and 280 days later you make your debut on the planet well there's been a lot of conditioning go on there yeah all that dna it's all there every idea that they believe is built right into the genes our belief system and it's our belief system that controls us now when we start to question some of our beliefs that's when our life starts to change like the belief well i'll give you a good one that we're operating with women are not as valuable as men and you'd say god this is 2020 that that idea is gone long ago not on the paycheck it isn't you're right you're still i think a woman gets about 70 percent of what a man gets it's absurd that's why you find so many women now going becoming entrepreneurs and very successful ones too well look at your company our company's run by women really the most successful consultants we've got almost all women yeah earning millions really yes absolutely so you said that so we get this conditioning we're in the in the culture in the environment that we're brought up in and what i think happens what i've started to realize is that we start to accept things that are fa as fact that our opinion that our beliefs should be changed well another thing look at it this way we go to school we read the book we answer questions on the content of the book that the teacher puts together and if we get a certain mark we pass and if you did this year after year let's say for eight years then they'll put you in high school or maybe it's 10 i don't know and on through university but it's the same deal you get the book you study the book and then you answer questions on the content so you've got people going out into the world they pass their exams they've got excellent grades they've got degrees and they're failing miserably why because they've never really understood and applied the information that's in the book what they got wasn't an education at all they gathered information they gathered knowledge knowledge on its own is no good if knowledge was valuable all librarians would be multi zillionaires knowledge is not valuable knowledge has to be organized and then intelligently directed and that's what we've done at the procter gallery institute you know we've organized knowledge and we intelligently direct it i feel like we just have to let people take this in this is huge this is huge because people feel like they have to forever gather information they don't know enough to start anything i don't know enough i have to research this i have to research that and you see people going back to school to get another degree because they have trouble getting a job and what you said about what you do here at the proctor gallagher institute i you know as you know my background is in psychotherapy and what i tell people is i don't think i have found anything better than the thinking into results program personally in a way to facilitate change at that subconscious level have a transformation but in a shorter amount of time like i love people but i don't need to be with them for years they may not want to be with me for years um and this is what i love about it is that you can have that transformation but it's because it's exactly what you just said it's organized it's organized and intelligently directed and intelligently directed and honestly we have to thank sandy gallagher for that yeah the program itself yes sandy put it together see what sandy did she studied everything that i do yeah and then she said now i'm going to take certain things that you know and put them together in an organized manner so that we could take it into a corporation so absolutely she gets full credit for that but the growth of the company she gets credit for too um i've been in the business a long time when i met sandy gallagher and i said she's been with us now 14 years something like that but she's a financial genius she was a securities lawyer i mean buying and selling banks she was very successful person but she um she wasn't really fulfilled i guess and so she started to study everything we got and then she became a partner in the company and i think it's because of her perspective that she was able to organize it and then create thinking into results in a way that she knew was needed in a way because honestly you're taking big concepts here but you're making it simple so that we it's accessible to everybody that's what i think is so incredible and you know of course people this was originally intended maybe for corporations for teams but for anybody for anybody i use this with people um in their marriages sure like you start doing what you know how to do in your marriage what do you see get better sandy was buying and selling banks merging banks and there was once she was in the boardroom and two two banks were going to come together they would have been very successful they just couldn't seem to meet they it was simple ideas that were stopping them and she thought if only had something and that's what she was thinking of when she was studying all my material if i had this organized and took them into those board rooms that would change the game and so that's what she did well that's you guys have changed the game you've touched millions of lives you know bob i see people come up at events to you and i see how you take in and accept their good there's so much gratitude always pouring out to you but one thing you've told anybody that works with you and you caution us on is don't drink your own bath water which is kind of gross but what do you mean by that listen we we really do help people yeah there's no question about it but we don't help everybody the person has to take it and use the information now if they're the ones that's taking and using it they've got to get credit for it we can't take credit for it we'll take credit for putting the information together but we can't take credit for the change that's taken place in them now they haven't learned that yet so they write us beautiful letters and you've done so much for me i had a mentor way back he said bob don't read that stuff don't even read the letters i may read one periodically if somebody asked me to read one but i really don't pay any attention to that because i know they don't know i did not change them i don't deserve the credit for that they deserve the credit for that they just haven't learned that yet i deserve the credit for the change i've made in me you deserve the credit for the change you've made in you you see and they don't understand that in the beginning and what's the danger when we start to believe that oh we have made the change in that person you're getting in trouble yeah you're in serious trouble um i think that's when you're on your way out of business really yeah yeah um corey kelly proctor head of the consultant division this is how she said she imagines you feel about this part of your company she said bob holds the consultant division near and dear to his heart this is how bob began his journey when he signed on with nightingale conant he knows the self-doubts and frustrations that a consultant will face and also the incredible rewards they will achieve when they persist i believe he also sees this the consultants as his legacy do you see it as your legacy listen i don't really spend any time thinking about legacy i don't really care about legacy i i don't i think that's the same as reading some of these letters i'm only interested in what i'm doing right now while i'm here uh when i'm gone i'm gone and i don't buy into all that stuff if it becomes a legacy it'll become a legacy but that's no intent of mine i just want everybody to really understand this i want the consultants to understand um the way i understand it and many of them are yeah and they're doing a phenomenal job yeah you know i was just watching a video on my phone it came through whatsapp yeah well i had it on my phone and i didn't know i had it on my phone and i come across it yesterday and there was a message there from kim calvert yes and it was a video and i watched and i thought wow this is pretty cool here's this little girl and she is a little girl when bob says little she's small she's small yeah she was working as a nurse 35 000 a year she sold her car to get into this but she was making this movie in front of a brand new [Music] oh was it the car the ferrari the ferrari yeah yeah a quarter of a million pounds yep this is one of the top lines and it was parked in front of this beautiful home that she owns and these things were paid for she's done a great job with this now there's others that have done a great job too yeah but i was watching that and i thought wow this is so good it's so cool and here's the best part about the ferrari because she's so little um they had to adjust the seats and specially adjust them for her in the driver's seat so now nobody else can drive it so she could see out the window so she so she they had to raise it up so she could see at the window so you've shared this material around the world and what a you got to get a kick out of this that now we like other people are sharing who are around the world are sharing your material but you have shared around around the world what's your favorite country malaysia why i'm not sure no i just i just love malaysia i love the people um i spent a lot of time there yeah deliberately i would keep going back um i think it's the energy of the place it's a very spiritual country like you've got 18 million people there half of them are muslim so they're praying five times a day you've got a lot of muslims or of um buddhists they unashamedly play and they're praying their little chapels on the street and you've got a strong christian community over around kuching um a lot of praying going on and i've and of course you've got the forest too you know so it's um the jungle mm-hmm so it's the energy of the place i think that i like i love it there i really do the people are i went down to kodakanabalu it's right on the coast it used to be borneo one of the most beautiful places in the rainforest um i didn't even know where malaysia was at one time i love it now is it true that instead of coffee breaks you had prayer breaks for sure yeah now this in a lot of places yeah yeah any muslim country you'd have prayer breaks yeah so you've got to find out what time the prayer is because they're at a different time every day so it was one of the first things we'd find out in the morning is what time spur having said that you are a proud canadian i love this story bob this is from linda your wife she tells this story in this book inspired which i don't know if people can get i don't think they can i think this was something special made for you these are stories from family and friends yeah it's a good book it's so good they gave me that for my 75th birthday i think you had to be in the family to put a story in it mark victor hansen wrote the forward yes but other than that it's all family and some of these stories are real little kids you know yeah and we're going to hear one now from linda about you being a canadian she says bob is a canadian a very proud canadian i on the other hand hail from south of the border the united states this has presented some interesting situations conversations and debates over the years some time ago bob and i traveled to the us to attend a friend's wedding we flew in the day before to enjoy the pre-wedding festivities it's not often that there is absolutely nothing on his schedule on any given morning so this rare occasion we lingered in bed to fully enjoy the freedom from his hectic schedule we were engaged in a quiet conversation which turned into a debate about our respective countries bob was winning the argument until i mentioned to him that i had recently read in a toronto newspaper that the canadian navy had lost one of its three submarines in the great lakes wow this was just too much for him to overcome so in his loudest voice possible and without regard to the other hotel guests bob began to sing the canadian national anthem oh canada i tried to stop him i tried to quiet him down but he insisted on singing the song right to the end i can only imagine what the folks in the surrounding rooms were thinking we were in alabama for pete's sake well you would stop and think about it you know you're talking about the american navy yeah dominant in the world canada has three submarines or head i don't know if they have any now and they lost one of them in the great lakes i mean you talk about a bit of an embarrassment i was beat i couldn't win and i started to sing okay and it still makes you laugh so oh god that was so funny and forgotten all about that you know bob she continues to say though that um you really take your responsibility about being a canadian very seriously especially when it comes to voting that you take the time to get to know the candidates and what they stand for and you vote um you you know you vote all the time what does canada mean to you and being canadian well it's a great canada's a great country yeah um we we've taken in people from all over the world here i've watched it happen because the the the flood of immigration really came after the second world war toronto was a very dull city up until the end of the second world war it's probably one of the most cosmopolitan cities to in the world today i read one day where there's over a hundred languages spoken in toronto yeah well that certainly if there wasn't a case uh prior to 1945 or 1946 or 47 when they really there was a very heavy flow of immigration i think canada is a great country it's it's a big country with a small population you know um there's more people in southern california than there is in canada but it's a huge country you know so i um i like being a canadian yeah because you could live anywhere i like the americans too i like being in the states yeah i think america is a great country too yeah you know it's um america is really the country of uh entrepreneurs opportunity no question about it yeah it's so big and you've got all those states and i'm very fortunate that i can travel around i have visa to do that and i feel very privileged you know speaking of travel you recently did something that you've never done before you were an actor in a movie i was and here is what one of the producers kelly's pascuzzi said about you on set bob was the most interested one on set he obviously understands the value of specialized knowledge so he made it a priority to connect with our director and actors prior to his scene because because he had such a sincere interest to understand everyone's roles and also to see what he could learn he did share with me though that he did hit the terror barrier but didn't stay there very long some people bob don't know what the terror barrier is can you explain what that is and how that showed up in that situation for you it's an emotional wall i think you hit when you go to do something you've never done before that you consider fairly difficult to do you hit you get scared and you want to back away yeah and you're stepping out of your comfort zone really and if you're not doing that you're not growing so the terror barrier is actually an indication you're growing but it's a scary situation yeah i was a priest in a movie yeah what was it like bob i mean well there's a funny story on this i got there and they had me in this priest's room and it's it was an old church in louisiana down in new orleans and it was an interesting old building and so i was asking this old guy that was in the church questions and he knew all about the church he was telling me all about it and it was really interesting well leslie albums the singer yeah she was in the movie and her husband was there with her who was an australian nice guy and he was asked he started a like i had never met him he didn't know me he was asking me questions about church and i was telling him all about it he thought i was the priest of the church i mean he really thought i was the authentic priest well we went out for dinner that night yeah with leslie and her husband and he was shocked when he found out i wasn't a priest i was just the actor priest yeah it was a great experience i'll i'll probably do it again would you yeah oh yeah i'll do it again yeah i love that i'll get phil to put me in a movie yeah phil get bob in a movie he sees it in his mind so it's going to happen you know bob one of the things many times people say and you've heard this countless times i want to teach this to my children i want to teach them how to think i want to you know teach this material to them and i always think i think well the best way to teach it is to be it is to live it and if this makes me think of another story in inspired with your grandson and your grandson i just love this story because he was nine at the time john carlo sure he says he was nine when he wrote this he says when i was eight my grandma was in the hospital i was very sad because she was very sick my sisters and i stayed at my grandpa and grandma's linda's house for a few days because my dad and mom wanted to be with her i was cuddling with grandpa on the couch and he was watching golf i was pretty upset so he stopped watching golf and talked to me he asked me to tell him how i was feeling he told me to stop thinking about her sick in the hospital he said to think of all the good times that i had with her he asked me questions about all the fun times i had with my grandma and remembering those times made me smile grandpa taught me not to think about all the negative things and that i should only think of positive things sometimes it's hard but there are always ways to do that and when you do you feel good i think that's how you teach it isn't it yeah i'm asked that all the time and the best way to teach it is to live it do it yeah you know that your kids are following your pattern they really are whether you like it or not and that's kind of scary sometimes almost all welfare recipients are third fourth fifth generation welfare recipients you know there's a pattern and kids get in that pattern so the best way to teach this information to the kids is to live it you're right yeah we're living this right now thanks to you bob so my oldest who's 12 was like i'd like to have a dog and i was like like we've already got a dog i was saying no and he said okay so he just started writing and he'd say just wake me up in the morning so i'd wake him up in the morning because i want to wake me up earlier than normal and i said okay and he would write his goal i was like damn it who's teaching you this stuff he would write his goal he would visualize it he would go on amazon and look at dog beds and then that energy gets me involved and now i'm looking for dogs well he just adopted his dog it's a jack russell chihuahua mix gorgeous little one named tulip who was actually from texas from the states on the streets and they're falling in love as we speak but that is it he sees what we do and he just applied it and he completely ignored us yeah um that's so good speaking of children and age one thing i want to ask you is a question that you asked a few of us we were at a training in la and you said to us in a small group if you forgot your age how old would you say you are i want to ask you that um i'm 40 45. oh yeah i worked the same as i was working then age is a funny thing i mean it really is it's some crazy thing in our head i don't think any person when they get older they feel older now some do some and some act like they're old people i don't somebody asked me how i say so young i told them i don't hang around old people and i don't yeah i don't mix with any old people almost all the people i mix with they're much younger than me they're in the company because we're working all the time you know 30 40 maybe 50. but outside of that you know age is ages years old as you think here you know yeah and we started the conversation with what ten-year-old bob would think of the life you've created if you could meet your 10 year old self what advice would you give him you know i've thought of that in a different manner for a long time probably none really i wouldn't want to change anything that i've done i um i'm very effective at this i know i'm very effective at it and that is because i changed so much there was such an enormous change took place in my life so when i see a person that's struggling or having a tough time or maybe they got poor self-image or something i knew exactly where they're at so i know how to help them because i've been there and they may not know i've been there but our conversation will work i don't think i'd really change anything i wouldn't i i really i've had a great life and i plan to keep going yeah i want it to be bigger and better you know bob as you say that i just wanted to mention one thing here is that we see your generosity i mean we know what you do with the unstoppable foundation i don't even know if you've probably lost count of how much you've donated how many schools have been built how many lives have been touched but you leaving everyone with the impression of increase your generosity they're so that's just who you are because there's so much that people don't see that you just do as an extension of who you are and you really attribute this quality in you to your mother yeah when um when we were kids it'd probably be around 1943 or 44 it was particularly bad winter i mean a lot of snow and it was cold and there was a family in in in school i was in the class with one of the boys there was two or three boys and a girl and they had no fuel they had no heat at home everybody heated their house with coal in a furnace and they didn't have any coal and i told my mother about it and she had me she went away and she got a twenty dollar bill and she had it all folded up she said i want you go to the store and get two tens for this and i brought back the 210 she gave me one you take it to that boy's mother and let her get a ton of coal you get a ton of coffee for ten dollars yeah and she didn't even know them that well i'm still talking about it yeah you know 75 years later um so it really impressed me yes but you see i've studied money too and i've studied it very carefully if you don't give it away you're not going to be happy um money is used to extend the good you do far beyond your own presence and there's all kinds of ways you can help people with money and that's the only way you can help some people um the people that hoard it people that i've known that were always very tight with their money they were not happy people i have no desire to save great piles of money so in that case then is it your obligation to be rich oh well there's no question about that i think it is there's no question about that money is a reward received for service rendered [Music] so the more service you provide the more money you'll receive but you'll often hear a singer that's earning millions of dollars and somebody will say well they're just not worth that much well yes they are right they made a recording that millions of people love listening to they're entertaining millions of people yeah only in the studio maybe for a week to record it but they're paid millions because they're entertaining a lot of people it's the reward we see for service rendered the more service you provide the more money you earn a lot of people think you go to work turn money that's the worst way to earn money but that's what we're taught we're raised to believe you go to work to earn money you go to work for satisfaction so you should be doing what you absolutely love doing you provide service to earn money you can earn money while you're sleeping i earn money while i'm sleeping and we teach people we've set up a company the msi connect we set that company up to teach people how to set up multiple sources of income and so on that note is it important to pay your mentors oh yeah absolutely you see if i'm teaching you something you don't pay me you'll place little or no value on that anything you get for nothing you place little or no value on um a lot of people that come into this business they have a difficult time charging for their service i don't have any trouble at all i charge a lot and i brag about it now i charge i i don't need the money that i earned i really don't but that's not the point if i charge you a lot for something you're going to really pay attention i charged you a lot you did and you really paid attention i did do you think mentors are important i think they're everything you change your life yeah yeah that's why you're very effective at this yeah you see you're very effective at it for the same reason i am it changed my life yes yeah people that are afraid to ask for the money they don't understand money i have no difficulty people can always afford what they want if they were to look around their home almost everything they see they don't need they got it because they wanted it yeah and they always find the money to get it if they go into their wardrobe or their clothes closet there's more there's clothes in there they will never wear again never good clothes and yet they'll buy more not because they need it they buy more because they want it we always find the money for what we want so when a person really wants to change their life they will find the money and they will get into a good see i think we've got the best program in the world i really do and i don't say that because our names on it i say that because of the results we get that's right because it's not about gathering information this program is about changing your life changing your results and that's how we know if we've learned something we work all over the world with it yeah i've been to china i've been to monasteries i've literally been all over the world there's no place to go that people are not using this and benefiting from it you said if people are afraid to charge they don't understand money no they don't could you just explain that they don't understand money and they think they have low self-esteem okay so it's tied to how they feel about themselves absolutely absolutely and they don't understand it they don't understand that if they give it to the person the person's not going to use it when they pay for it they will use it if i told you by the way that's is a nice dress you're gonna thank you if i told you i saw a beautiful yellow dress this thing is really classy you'll love it and it's only 64. you probably wouldn't even go to look at it you see our desire follows our dollar our desire follows our dollar that is something to write down our desire follows our dollar but then you know bob we're wrapping up here but one of the things i see so many times for people that want to do your programs for people that want to work with you is that if it was for their child if it was something for somebody else in a heartbeat wouldn't even think about it they're investing why is it difficult for us to invest in ourselves we've never been trained to okay we've never been taught to train to develop ourselves we've never been taught to even think highly of ourself right don't love yourself that's conceit love others you can't love somebody else if you don't love yourself right if you haven't got it you can't give it we've been programmed the wrong way we don't put the proper value on education and then you have to understand what education really is see i believe what we do is real education what they get in school systems not real education they're gathering information think of all the people that come out of our school systems this is all over the world not just here with degrees coming off the end of a business card and they can't find work they're working for a little bit of money you have multiplied your income you're professional [Music] how many times more have you multiplied your oh i don't even know i'd have to do the math but i don't i've stopped counting to be honest i was thinking about that today many times yeah yeah yes but we're not taught and we have judgment on it it's selfish i should you know i shouldn't be doing this that's incredible okay so brings let's bring this in for a landing bob um i'd like to call this the couch back to my psychotherapy days where we'll do some free association so i just want you to say the first word that comes to mind here we go favorite dessert ice cream really what flavor vanilla really favorite animal doug my dog my little pomeranian dolly yeah your best habit discipline i'm very disciplined mother i think mothers are the most important people in the world i had a phenomenal mother in fact when my brother and i and sister and i get on the phone we're always saying god bless mother mother made a change in her life that was huge when she moved to toronto from a little town everybody told her she was crazy our life is so good today because of that move god bless mother mothers are very important fatherhood i don't relate to it that much my own father i never had any relationship with i like being a father yeah you know i i enjoy the kids i enjoy the grandkids i love it and great grand you have a great granddaughter right yeah coming over here friday morning for a swim the soul you are a soul god you get one oh sorry you don't you don't have a soul you are a soul i am the soul you are and when you understand that makes a big difference the soul is forever seeking its awareness of its oneness with god god is everything god is everything all-knowing all-powerful ever-present everything is god our responsibility is to gain our awareness of our oneness with god well then you answered my next one which was god so god is everything absolutely and the final word the first word that comes to mind when i say bob proctor salesman that is perfect yeah i think of myself as a salesman yeah i'm always selling i love selling selling is leading another person in a path of agreement it's helping other people get what they want nothing would move if it weren't for salespeople yeah i hope you enjoyed this video we put a lot of good information up here and it causes everything in your life to get better if you'd like us to notify you every time we put a new video up hit subscribe and then turn on notifications check out all our videos and we will notify you when we put a new one up [Music] you
Channel: Proctor Gallagher Institute
Views: 93,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bob Proctor, Proctor Gallagher Institute, Law of Attraction, Paradigm Shift, Self esteem, Self confidence, Prosperity, Thinking, Inspiration, Rules for life, Personal development, This will change everything, Change your life, How to manifest money, Goal setting, Manifesting, The secret, Subconscious mind, Happiness, Spirituality, Self help, Life coach, abundance, wealth, mindset, potential, life, God, fulfillment, grow, Success, paradigms, visualization, coaching, life coach, universal laws
Id: kw4Y6C9ApuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 37sec (4057 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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