Follow These 6 Phases Attract Your Desires | Bob Proctor & Sandy Gallagher

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all right sandy go up to Matt now also in your bag you have this coin it's in a little violet pouch and then a plastic container and take it out if you will then you see on one side is the G for your goal and feel how nice and smooth it is you want to keep this in your pocket it says my desire is moving into form that's on the G side now on the east side that's your environment and feel how rough that is and it says choose your friends wisely now I want you to think about that we're gonna get into the ABCs of goals but if you come up with a goal here that is a C goal then most of people in your life outside the seminar room are not going to be in harmony with your goal so if you look at the five people you spend the most time with and you look at their results your results are likely to be very similar but because we've become what's going on in our environment the people we spend time with so if you come up with your goal and you move towards your goal you're gonna want to carefully choose the people you hang around with like Phil's accountability group you know they're all feeding each other they're all holding each other accountable helping him move forward I wish I had an accountability group back when I went to that first seminar because it was rough and so if things are becoming rough in your environment keep focused on the goal and if you need a reminder take this coin out of your pocket and just feel the rough side and then feel the smooth side and you'll find as you move down this path of going after a big C goal you're gonna reshape your whole environment including the people that you spend time with and what you attract to you so this is a really great tool I'm Sammy you also have a gold card the I love the quote on this card is by Earl Nightingale he said this great dream the surging dynamic thing invisible to all of the world except to the person who holds it is responsible for every great advance of humankind we put this in a plastic sleeve for reason you can carry it loose in your purse or your pocket I've been carrying this one with me for quite a while I've been carrying a gold card since 1961 61 62 61 everywhere I go I've got this now why do we do it well first of all your goal should be written in the present tense that's why we start it for you by saying I am so happy and grateful now that everybody starts to roll the same way I'm so happy and grateful now that and then you're right your goal in the present tense here's what you want to grasp the second you decided on a goal you can see it in your conscious mind if you can see it in your mind you've got it on an intellectual level second you turn it over to your emotional mind that's the feeling side of you you've got it there emotionally you're involved with it the only place you haven't got it is on the physical planet and that is because a period of time must elapse before that idea will move into formal okay all seeds have a gestation or an incubation period now we know what the gestation period is for most physical seeds for spiritual seeds and that's what an idea is we don't know what the gestation period is so we guess so you can put a date but understand you're guessing at the date you don't know how long it's going to take to move into form I've had to change my date three or four times all right I have missed a goal by a year I'm missing it by more than a year right now but that's what this goal cards for it here enters you can have to flip there you go now what we're gonna do I'm going to flip through these slides quickly and then I'm going to ask you to take each page six through twelve don't not right now after we go through the sides and I want you to discuss each one of them the six phases the first phase is you're going to stride Who am I see it's you going for the glow if you don't even know who you are you're gonna have trouble and that's why most people have trouble they've never even figured out who they are they think they're their name or they think they're their body you're not your body you've never heard anyone say am hand you've never heard anyone say ham leg we say my hand my leg my name my body Who am I that's a good question where am I now where am I now you don't know where you're at right now next one where am I going these are basic questions think six phases Who am I where am i where am I going these these are so simple hardly anybody has the answer to them then you're critical choice what is your critical choice that's the target you're gonna be shooting at then you've got to see that it can be done how are we going to know it can be done it's by gaining an understanding of the laws a serious understanding who laws you will know it move into form see there's one thing that sandy has going for her phil has gone for him Bob's got going for him for me is we don't wonder when we set a gulf what's gonna happen we know it's gonna happen how do we know we know from past experience you just do this for a little bit of time and you will know you won't wonder whether it's going to happen you know now the people around you may not know people around you may think you're a little strange people around you they may think that you're really you know stretching it I was going to Malaysia one time I was running back and forth between kuala lumpar in toronto every month for about five years and as I often mention is 25 hours in the air one way if you go any further you're coming back it's as far as you can go from without coming back so it didn't matter which way I went sometimes I go through la sometimes I go through London I go around one way or I go around the other way it didn't really make any difference check the same length of time well why am I even telling you that oh yeah um I spend time on the plane working with ideas for numbers well on this one plate I wrote down a one and six zeroes a million and I earned a million dollars a long time before and I thought what's so different about people that are in millions of dollars and people who think it's your fantasy what is the difference and it's suddenly you know I was playing for quite a while before it done on me they don't just have one source of income they have multiple sources of income that didn't come up with multiple source of income right away I have many you know a lot of sources and I dare wrote it down we eventually called it MSI's multiple source to income well then I thought of some other people that I knew that had earned that kind of money that we're in this business and I thought of Mark Victor Hansen and so I got into Kuala Lumpur and iPhone mark I go actually woke him up and I got him excited I said why don't we run a program where we teach people how to earn a million dollars by setting up multiple sources of income and he loved the idea he later told me couldn't go back to bed after that well we did and we called it the million dollar for him and that's where the Chicken Soup for the Soul books came from we were teaching people how to originate an idea and turned into a million dollars well I remember he came to me and he said we're gonna write books he said you got lots of stories give me some stories so we give him some stories and and he said we're gonna sell this book we're gonna sell 50 million before the turn of the century I I think it was around 1991 or 92 I forgotten when it was and and I thought this guy's smoking something now mind you we're teaching people laying do anything and yet I'm thinking he is nuts yeah 50 million if you sell a million books you're doing well they didn't sell 50 million they sold 72 million and it's gone on to sell over a billion bucks they ended up selling the whole company 4 million many millions and I learned then that whatever you think there was no limit it was a great lesson for me way back in early nights I mean anything you think of you can do so you've got to understand it can be done now how do we understand that well what you want to do is relate to nature you're part of nature you're God's greatest form of creation there's nothing that will equal you now you're gonna find all kinds of people they go to their church they go to their Templar their mosque or whatever and they say whether you can all happen but they don't really believe it at all and they say God please help me God ingre help you it's been written that God will feed every bird but he doesn't put food in the nest you got to do it you've been given the tools to do it so it's not good enough to get on your knees and make a noise you got to understand prayer is the movement that takes place between spirit and form with and through us all things are possible no limits yet can be done and then the manifestation is paying the price you got to pay the price if you don't pay the price you're not going to get it you've got to pay the price now that's the bottom line yep you're not prepared to pay the price they're going to get it it's that simple I hope 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Channel: Proctor Gallagher Institute
Views: 110,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bob Proctor, Proctor Gallagher Institute, Law of Attraction, Paradigm Shift, Self esteem, Self confidence, Prosperity, Thinking, Inspiration, Better life, Rules for life, Personal development, This will change everything, Change your life, How to manifest money, Goal setting, Manifesting, The universe, The secret, Bob, Proctor, Subconscious mind, Happiness, Spirituality, Self help, Life coach, abundance, wealth, mindset, potential, life, God, fulfillment, grow, visualize, Success, hard work
Id: PlFVYKfae4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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