27 Minutes of PURE PROCTOR GOLD | Q&A with Bob Proctor & Sandy Gallagher

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now who's good questions for either sandy or myself Peggy my microphones in my tie we have a creative director Tommy Collier who is if he doesn't border yarn border on genius he is genius he does wonderful work and he's got my microphone in my tie so I'll have it clipped on or I'm gonna little dumb things hanging around my ear Sandy's got to start wearing a tie you think she's got a dumb thing touch to her ear you got any diamonds the microphones too small we've got questions they're over here Brian Peter good on you mate it seems that most the first question most people struggle with it's been a lifetime most people struggle what for sometimes a lifetime figuring out who they are I think that's a really big question can you give some some thoughts on that I can making you anything with that I will but rather than answer the question right now since the question is over I'm getting into that we will answer it see you're a spiritual beings that's who you are you're pure unadulterated spirit you're an extension and expression of God whatever your concept of God is we see God as everything the all-knowing power the all-powerful all-knowing omnipresent and you're a spiritual urine you're a spiritual expression and as such all knowledge is with you you have all knowledge you have all power you just don't believe it in to the degree that we believe it we have it and the trick of life I see is developing our belief system our belief system is based upon our evaluation of something and frequently if we're evaluate a situation our belief about that situation will change it took me nine and a half years to figure that a I was sitting having something to eat with battle Bell then de Waal he was a marvelous mentor of mine and I had been reading the Bible of the New Testament the Old Testament the Book of Mormon the bhagavad-gita the Quran the Torah I mean I was seriously study on all this because there's only two sources of reference you can go to to find out about yourself one science near this theology and they all teach you essentially the same thing they come at it from different angles and and everyone everywhere they tell you've got to believe belief is an absolute prerequisite if you don't believe it ain't gonna happen well I'm thinking how do you believe I mean that's somebody holy believable they don't know that how do you believe I was having something deep with him one day in the restaurant I can still see the two of us sitting there and in idle conversation that come out he said our belief system is based upon a revaluation of something and frequently if we reevaluate a situation our belief about that situation will change well it was just like Rockets going off of my head I got him to repeat what he said and I realized that's why my life had changed I was studying this non-stop non-stop non-stop everything I think of my hands and get my hands on so I was continually reevaluating who I was and because I continually reevaluate my belief kept changing it kept changing it kept changing and of course my results kept changing my results were a reflection on my own belief I just know that if I get an idea I can execute that idea I don't know how long it's going to take me I don't know where I'm going to get the resources Bradley knew I do know it's going to happen that's what William James said believed and your belief will create the fact we'll get more into Who I am and question here that is the great secret of life that people want to keep searching for my question is I remember like being a kid people saying where do you see yourself in five years and I would draw this total blank like I don't even know what I'm having for dinner you know well from your mouth just a little bit yeah I was saying I when I was when we were kids and we were asked where do you want to be in five years and I would just draw this blank like I don't even know what I want for dinner what am I gonna do with five years and when I think now about goals it feels very shallow to think I wasn't raised that way it feels very shallow to think about monetary things material things I'm just wondering like what are questions that you ask yourself beyond you know you know you want a nice house or you want to have some security in life but I guess I'm looking for questions to ask myself that make me feel more of an emotional connection to it well I first of all I would suggest you understand money a little better than you do you've got to take the time I believe to sit and totally relax and ask yourself what do I really want and you'd probably do it at the same time every day first of all I think you should decide on what your purpose in life is why you're here why do you think you're here what is your purpose my purpose is to live and work in a prosperous environment that encourages productivity and pleasure so that I can continually improve the quality of my service for my family my company my community my nation and ultimately the world that's my purpose now it took me a long time to get that but I got it and I think you have to have a purpose then once you get your purpose straight why are you here why do you get out of bed in the morning that's not a goal that's a purpose then when you choose goals the goal should be on purpose if the goal is not on purpose you shouldn't want it like I have all kinds of opportunities presented to me because I meet so many people I know so many people all over the world that I'm forever offered opportunities where I could earn all kinds of money and I turn it down because I'm not interested in just the money I'm interested in earning money and I earn a lot of it and I give away a lot of money lately I think you're a channel for stuff to flow through so my goal has to be on purpose so then you ask yourself well what do I want you see I think probably everybody wants something but when it comes to the surface they don't even let them stay there long to give it serious consideration because they don't think they can get it they haven't got the money they haven't got the resources they don't know how you know know that all reasons why they can't people spend more time thinking of where they can't do something then they do I'm thinking on how they can so you've got to note that if you want it how you're going to get it where the resources are going to come from are irrelevant you when you want something you got to get on the frequency that it's on nothing's created or destroyed so when you get on the frequency the Sun don't attract everything you require and we'll cover that more as we go through some of the lesson I hope that helps and and you shouldn't want something shallow you want to realize that you are magnificent beyond description there's something phenomenal about you and you want to sit and get serious and don't pay attention to most people around you because they don't think that much and you've got to let that come to the surface of your mind and you've got to nail something you really want and if it's right out of your reach you have no idea then you're into it and if it scares that daylights out of you you know you're on your right track okay hi Bob my name is Essie I have two questions and the first part of the question is about timing could you talk about how time had to do with a co-creation and the second part is setbacks like in the process of goal creation you hit a roadblock like how do you stay focused at all times and if you hit a setback how do you get back on track well first of all in the and the time factor everything happens by law the law of gender decrease all seeds have a gestation or an incubation period Northcote Parkinson what his laws he says work expands to fill the time allotted for it if you give yourself too long it'll take you all that time to do it yeah I believe in sense of urgency give yourself a short period of time but I understand you're guessing if you were to have a baby it's approximately 280 days in the moment of conception to birth we didn't always know that I remember all night Gail doing a radio show on that one time there was a sect of people that believed the woman got pregnant when she looked at a certain range of Mountains now you laugh at that but there was a time when we didn't know there's there's we didn't know how long it took wheat to grow or how long it took a carrot to grow we didn't know any of this stuff but we developed an awareness but we had to become aware that there was a gestation period for the birth of a baby and stop and think about it the sexual activity the birth of a baby they're so totally different in nature and so far apart how the hell did they ever get it together you see that takes an awareness well all seeds have a gestation or an incubation period no one knows what the gestation period is for an idea an idea is a spiritual seed you pluck it other than no thing and create it in your mind an idea is a thought or a collection of thoughts that directed toward a purpose so you're guessing at the date you'll usually guess fairly accurately I have seen maybe two or three times in the last 50 years where they guessed a trait to the day but it's unusual you can be out as much as a year two years I'm a couple of years on mine right now but it's see I can see it happening so now the roadblock understands it's the road box that caused you the stretch it's the road box that caused you to grow it was just a you know slide downhill all the way I mean there would be no work there'd be no growth the goal is not to get that is not the purpose of a goal to get stuff getting stuff is rather simple thing the purpose of the goal is to grow you've got to raise awareness you've got to grow you've got to be a greater individual you're going to be war aware of who you are as you go after the bigger goals so the roadblocks are they're sent to strengthen you test you okay and don't mean if it's a big roadblock I sort of like it you know because it's tough the simple things are not much fun yeah yeah thank you Bob and Sandy this is incredible I want to share what happened to me about three or four months ago I've been going to every year seminar for the last three years and haven't steny what happened is I had an idea and every day something urged me to take another step and I just want to share with happy the universe works and I kept taking another step in another step and all of a sudden something magical happened now what I did was be very relaxed in thinking about this idea and would always spend online spend time on my own but I would have never learned it if I hadn't taken a course called thinking into results and chad is my director in that and going to your seminars what you do is you make us think beyond us we are spiritual and if we're God's creation we can do anything so I'm excited to even expand even further thank you so much for what you do for us my pleasure well you know sandy really gets all the credit for thinking under results she was coming to the seminar and she was on the board of a number of companies and she was spent a lot of time in boardrooms where they were you know discussing these big problems and she found that a number of the executives were butting heads against each other that didn't seem to work and she thought if they only had this information they would solve their problems so much faster and that's what caused her to start putting the idea of thinking into results together and she knew in the area of what I knew so what she did was create questions the answer to which would solve many of the problems that she was running into a boardroom not so thinking of the results is there's not a script that was written we would sit she'd ask me a question I give her the answer and it was all filmed and then when it was done she and I sat down and we made the action planner for it and it is an excellent program so I'm glad you recognized that sandy did a phenomenal job on that you know else we got ya have a question for you about what is some advice you would give to people that have to separate themselves from their families in order to achieve their goals because of where their families choose to keep themselves in life I'm not sure if I heard that question properly what is so why advice would you give to people that have to separate themselves from their families because of where their family their families choose to live life and the mindsets but the people that have to separate themselves in order to be able to achieve the goals that they want to achieve well I had to do that for periods of time and I did it I had her followed everybody's advice that was around relatives and friends and neighbors I wouldn't have done it but I did I've got a phenomenal relationship with my children and I think they benefited from my growth in fact I think my entire family has benefited from my growth not just my immediate family but it's spread out I've lived long enough to see the result of that I think your first responsibility is to grow you'll look after your family make sure they don't want for anything but that doesn't necessarily mean that you've got to always be there that's my own experience I don't know if that helps good bye hi um okay do you ever feel that your physical experiences are like catching up to where you've already been yeah yeah you've been there and you're catching up to it yeah well you see nothing's created or destroyed you can go there mentally before you get there physically it's called prek ignition recognition yeah you've been there you think yeah it's a phenomenon mental phenomena but it's very real mm-hmm it's an interesting point been there lots of times okay you go there deliberately too you can learn that go ahead my question is I usually hear you reference 97% of people don't understand this material and only 3% of understand it do you believe that number will stay the same in the future or what do you see with this material say for example 100 years from now or even say more into the future no I believe it'll change I believe it is changing I think it's changed in fact I don't think I know it has changed dramatically since I started working at this now keep in mind I've been added a long time 58 years is a long time when I first started there was no recorded material I mean and there is the the self-help books there was how to influence the friends and influence people by Carnegie power positive thinking by in New York what's norman vincent peale yeah marvelous church and thinking Grow Rich but there wasn't very many of them and they weren't bestsellers they were fairly popular but they were also way out of the box today self-help books are bestsellers all over the world today they're seminars going on all over the world now a lot of them I don't think are very good I think they're run by people who just wandering some money they really haven't learned a whole lot about their the road they're selling I believe we've got some of the best material ever find and we are all over the world with it and that's our objective so do I believe those numbers will change I think they're changing I don't know how much they've changed and I don't know what to degree but I do believe they're changing we reached so many people today the Internet is it's it's everywhere I've got a studio in my backyard it's the studio's closer to my back door than that wall I can broadcast all over the world from there multiple cameras I got I'm coming out of the ceiling Scott who's in the back cuz you got to hear history I got to get you to tell the story over the weekend he's from Manchester in England he set a goal when he was 13 he was gonna work with me he is our studio director he knows how to take that place apart and put it together off his phone he can control cameras in my backyard in the studio this is like magic and we can broadcast worldwide from my own backyard that's that's an indication we're going in the right direction we're reaching so many more people so I think the numbers are changing I don't know what they are but I think you're changing dramatically yeah thank you we'll take one more maybe any questions for Sandy I just Antron eight I I the first thing on my list on my gratitude list and I noticed her looking in my gratitude but she was sorry she just saw him oh yeah trusting I know what you're doing first thing Sandy's financial genius that's the first thing I'm grateful for it every morning because she has literally changed our company no question about it yeah I'm in there yep thank you very much very good speech what advice would you give to a person who has set a goal and has failed how to achieve that goal that's good that's not a bad thing I filled lots of times you don't learn from your successes you'll learn from your failures you get up and run it again so you're not a failure until you quit feeling is not hitting the mark that doesn't mean you're a failure you failed but you didn't you don't become a failure the only time you failure is if you quit you don't quit you'd have to shoot me to stop me I mean none there's no quitting it doesn't it's not part of the deal there's no extra exit strategy you know where you're going that's where you're gonna get their sale a number of times I've failed miserably if you feel big enough it's exhilarating I mean I've got some real beauties that help you just you just get up and get going - don't you dare lay down and I don't care if you blow everything you got listen I lost everything I had one time and I am so clear to me i sat in the living room I closed the front drapes i sat in the dark a great big chair probably for a better part of a month I was so despondent I lost and then I don't know what moved me but I got moved I went and I got to long-playing records Earl Nightingale narration not condensed narration his narration of the book as a man thinketh by James Allen and I put those records on I started to play them I got up I open the curtains and I went bought a brand new Cadillac heart son of any money but I knew the card makes me feel good when I got in it and I went to work that's very clear man that was a long time ago yeah just get up and keep going if it's big enough you mean you're gonna you'll grow you don't just grow your successes ha Bob hi I have I have a question for sandy hi Sandy hi Julie you know how when you first started with Bob and you were doing the law and the business and he comes to you and he gives you the look and says are you enter you out well there was a time where youth you said everything worked perfectly and he got you in front of simpie and said you could have made that decision sooner so what is does everything happen perfectly or could I be doing stuff sooner than I'm doing it does that make sense of course you could I mean I do believe things happen in the perfect time and in the perfect way I do however when I was in front that was it a consultant training and this was after I had made the decision I did leave my law practice I went I was already I was CEO of the companies for four and a half months before I left the law and finishing creating thinking and results and this was maybe a year or even two later and Bob got me in front of the consultants at the training and he said he wanted what he wanted me to say he said did you leave when you should have or should you have left sooner and uh he wanted me to acknowledge yes I could have left sooner I should have left sooner and I didn't I just I was still absolutely convinced that it wasn't the right time and so he called me a liar in front of the whole room and I didn't think I was lying but my paradigm was so strong around that that I couldn't see it this is the paradigm is insidious and you know the only thing worse than an excuse is a good excuse there's a lot of truth in that because you come up with these great reasons why you shouldn't do what you want to do and it wasn't until I had written the letter to all my colleagues and my clients and my family and I explained why I was leaving the law this career that I had spent two decades at and I was leaving I was going into this new profession I had written that letter months before I sent it Julie and in fact before right when I came on as CEO and the only things that move me in that moment I probably would have been months more before I did anything was Bob just coming up to he's looking because what are you doing and I'm like what's he talking about you know I'm like hey I got it under control I can practice law I can run this practice group I can finish thinking in the results I got the company's 19 of them at the time and I got this and he just gives you that Bob Proctor look he's just like what are you doing are you in or you out and so I'm like okay it's time and I get the letter and I queue it up and I've got it on my email ready to hit Send over 2,000 people it's going to and I just froze and I picked up the phone I called Bob I got the letter in this is I've got it on my email but I can't hit head son yeah jump you'll develop wings along the way hit Send and his voice was just booming up boom and I hit it yeah I still went to the outbox praying it was hung up in my outbox and and just like freaking out about how people would react and what would happen and 24 hours later I had I think was 893 replies and they were all along the lines of I wish I could do something like that you know I wish I had that kind of inspiration excuse me I wish I was going for something big like that kind of super that water and there are three I'm the water boy and there were three that really stuck with me they were these lawyers that have practiced for like over 40 years doesn't excuse my voice and they were so good at what they did but they didn't want to do it anymore and they all said essentially the same thing I would love to do something like that but I'm gonna sit here till the day I die and I know that's what happened I know that's what they were gonna do and I just thank God that I had gained enough awareness and someone screaming in my ear that I hit sin that's probably the greatest thing that I think back on and like thank you God for making that decision you know ultimately I think everything happens as it should I do I think everything happens as it should happens by law it may not happen as fast as you think it should but it's way it's supposed to happen and we shouldn't argue with that because I think I think the law is always working I think everything that is perfect it only appears that it's not I hope you enjoyed this video we put a lot of good information up here and it causes everything in your life to get better if you'd like us to notify you every time we put a new video up hit subscribe and then turn on notifications check out all our videos and we will notify you when we put a new enough [Music] [Music]
Channel: Proctor Gallagher Institute
Views: 50,470
Rating: 4.9247861 out of 5
Keywords: Bob Proctor, Proctor Gallagher Institute, Law of Attraction, Paradigm Shift, Self esteem, Self confidence, Prosperity, Thinking, Inspiration, Better life, Rules for life, Personal development, This will change everything, Change your life, How to manifest money, Goal setting, Manifesting, The universe, The secret, Bob, Proctor, Subconscious mind, Happiness, Spirituality, Self help, Life coach, abundance, wealth, mindset, potential, life, God, fulfillment, grow, visualize, Success
Id: FB52-DUS0Lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 29sec (1649 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 27 2019
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