Do The Illogical | Bob Proctor & Sandy Gallagher

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now what I tell you to do with that house see this is the part you have to understand is you got to be willing to do remember I said do theological yeah she's a lawyer yeah and they deal with precedent and logic all the time yeah well this is beyond do theological because I I how many of you when you go shop for something like like a blouse or something you look at the price tag first to see if you like it honestly how many yeah or how about if you're shopping for real estate you know how the books are divided into price points and you go straight to the point where you think you should be yeah well I used to do that too and when I start going to Bob Proctor seminars I quit looking at price and so I have been looking for a place for a long time I was living down in Malibu at the time but I'm from the Pacific Northwest and I I was getting ready to go visit Cynthia Kersey who had a place she runs the unstoppable foundation and we do a lot of work with them and she has a place on Whidbey Island Washington and so I googled luxury waterfront homes Whidbey Island and I came up as there were three there was a whole list of things but the one the third one jumped out at me so I clicked on the third link and the third link in that link jumped out at me and it was this home on mutiny Bay and there was a virtual tour and I watched a virtual tour it happened to be 10 minutes from Cynthia's - which is pretty cool but I'm watching the virtual tour and I'm like oh my gosh I'm and I have been going to look at places for years and never saw anything that just really felt like wow this is what I want for my home but I looked at this tour and I thought wow this place is built for me like it wasn't the kind of home that you'd want to have little kids in I didn't have little kids I wanted something really creative a place where I could write books and I could study and teach and you know do my work and and this place it just wow I mean I I fell in love with it and so I made an appointment to go see it and I went and I saw it Cynthia actually came with me and I went and I saw and I mean I just fell in love with it but at that point I found out what the price was and it was nowhere near the section I should be in and my logic was screaming I am never gonna spend money that amount of money on a home and I I didn't even just say it's illogical I said it wouldn't be prudent you know cuz prudence felt like a better word but to rationalize how I was barking at doing this and I get a call from Bob did you go see the place and I said yeah I went to see it he said well what do you think I said well I loved it he goes why are you gonna get it and I said no he's like why not and I said well because I'm just not gonna spend that kind of money I found out what it costs not gonna happen and he's like do you believe what we teach you know I said yes he goes okay here's what I want you to do I want you to go back and you go look at that place and I want you to go into every room in the home and I want you to just imagine that you live there this is your home have conversations with people I wanted to have my family for Christmas dinner this was in September and I won down my family for Christmas dinner and so I you know I'm he said have conversations with him actually see them at the dinner and so I'm like oh okay so I made an appointment went back the same day and literally I mean I did what he said like in the bedroom he took my shoes off put my feet up on the Ottoman pulled my book out looked out at the water and you know turn the fireplace on went and used the restroom you know I had wandering around the house at one point the realtor's are like following me and they're trying to tell me things about the house and you know I'm like excuse me but I need to be one with the house they're like okay crazy lady I'll just leave you alone and but I'm doing what Bob said and then I go out into the kitchen and it opens into a great room and there's a big fireplace and the whole wall is just views of the water and I'm just like I could see my family there I have a really large family and I could see us having Christmas dinner and I had the conversations in my mind and you know and I just felt like wow this place was built for me and so then Bob calls again did do what I said I'm like yeah I did well what do you love it I said I absolutely love it are you gonna get it no no and you know and he's starting to get really annoyed with me but I'm like it wouldn't be prudent us too much money blah blah blah and he goes okay here's what I want you to do he said I want now this is where it starts to get beyond a logical and kind of crazy and he said okay I want you to create a really fancy Christmas decoration card Christmas card and I want you to email an invite to your family for Christmas dinner at your new home on Whidbey Island I hadn't even made an offer yet and I'm thinking this is crazy and he said this is what you need to do and I did it and I made this invitation I sent it to my family everybody RSVP'd will be there and then you know but what about this new home on Whidbey Island and I'm like well we'll talk about that later yeah because I didn't even have an offer on it and that's that's like crazy like like everything inside me was fighting that but what happened I'm not going to not have this house there is no way I'm gonna invite my family to Christmas dinner at my new home on Whidbey Island and not have a new home on Whidbey Island and so I started negotiating the deal and I struck a deal with the sellers and I was able to do a deal where they would do seller financing in other words I didn't have to go to a bank and I didn't have to come up with cash for the whole thing I had to plunk a bunch down on clothing and then I had to pay a certain amount called a balloon payment every year for three years and then it'd be paid in full and I paid it to the seller because they kept a note on the property and I negotiated this and I gave myself three months to do it now I did not have the downpayment and in fact I told the seller upfront I said I want you to know I don't have the downpayment just sitting there and he was like nervous whoa wait a minute maybe we shouldn't sign this contract I said no I will have it foreclosing and so he said well let's hold off on actually signing the contract until you've made good progress on getting the house yeah oh you've got the house this is the house this is the property and so it's so pretty isn't it and so I so I said that's fine but in my head I had the contract and what I did was I would watch this virtual tour I had a plane on my iPhone I had a plane on my computer and the Realtors were genius they had a picture book a color glossy picture book with pictures of all the rooms in the property in the water view and I'd look at that all the time and what I was doing was assisting my imagination in feeling the experience of living there I had already closed in my imagination I had already closed on the property I already had the money and believe me buttons were being pushed inside of me like how am I going to come up that kind of money I mean it was it was a time when I had just gone through a divorce it was really you know a challenging time and I just allowed myself I would skip from the worry about how to do it and I would flip over and understand the creative process and feel it as real that it already happened I didn't have to think about how do I get the money that's outside there I had it you see what I'm saying like I'm already there and so then I can look back and say well how did I get there and I can piece it together it's a huge flip in your mind you don't think of the place outside of you you think from that place and this is what we're gonna get into about being in harmony with the laws about being part of the creative process about understanding something that we're never taught in school that that is the real power and it seems so simple but when you try to do it it's not so simple and you have to overcome all of that resistance inside and outside of you and I did that I just kept flipping the switch already happened I already have the down payment already paid all the balloons off haven't had the Christmas dinner wonderful Christmas dinner wonderful experience and I'd feel so good thinking about it and I ended up closing early I put more down than I had to and I prepaid every balloon every year and had it paid off in full there's huge power but you have to be willing to do those illogical things you see I think the thing that that made sandy different and feel different they would do what I suggested even though though it was right out of the box it was absolutely ridiculous to the average way of thinking but you're not gonna live an extraordinary life if you're gonna operate with the average way of thinking most people never really make it happen big and they're surrounded by people who do play it safe you can't play it safe and win in a big way see I don't think God's designed us that we were designed to play it safe I don't buy that I think we're designed to step out and really make it happen in a big way it's like Ray said to me when he gave me that book he said listen your ways not working why don't you try mine well you know that could that made sense my way wasn't working his way was guy always had money he was happy he was always working on some exciting project I wasn't any of those things sandy was playing everything safe and when she went to look at that that was the first real big move for her and the beautiful truth is she did everything I suggested I said go and sit in the room tell the tell the realtor to leave the house and you're gonna be there for well sit in the room and mentally mentally play with yourself get your mind going live in that room make believe you're just come home and you're wandering into that room and go to another room and another room and take the time to sit and get real comfortable live their experience what it's like I had kill stand up in a seminar right here in LA he had been nominated for an Oscar but he hadn't won it the odds of winning are pretty ridiculous you have a better chance of finding a purlin oyster than winning an Oscar I think you stand three point eight times more likely to get struck by lightning than win an Oscar the odds are winning are ridiculous I had him stand up and give an acceptance speech in front of a whole seminar full of people the following week he had the Oscar sandy lived in the home she had all the people come her family she had a beautiful invitation sent it to them when she hadn't even put a deposit on the house didn't know how she was going to do it you see if you stop and think if you take each individual in your own situation it's so illogical but let's think about the people that have made it happen how about the Wright brothers they were bicycle mechanics in Dayton Ohio for goodness sake their dad was a bishop in a Reformed Church he told them they were going to burn in hell for suggesting they could fly so I mean there wasn't a whole lot of support in their immediate environment but they got it in the air sandi good in the house Phil got the Oscar you see I sat down in 1973 in a little room and a host on Maplewood Lane in Glenview Illinois and I took my pen I said I'm gonna build a company that operates all over the world we operated over a hundred and ten countries today I had absolutely no idea I was gonna do that I didn't have the money to do that I didn't have the help I was all by myself I had nobody helping me I was alone was the pen a dream and a pad that's all I needed to start with I didn't need anything else I didn't need money or didn't need people look on page four we're talking about goal achievers these are people or there are people who always play it safe there's no percentage in playing it safe yet then there everyone you know does it's no fun playing it safe these people never tackle any more than they can handle without ever to risk they invite neither triumph nor defeat they never learned the greatness of their mental ability are they're the strength of their endurance on the contrary goal achievers are potential path finders eagerly in search of a trail to place make sure your goal is big and interesting enough to really fire up your emotions you see the odds of you turn the house lights up a little bit the odds of you doing this right the first time are so slim that it's almost ridiculous it takes an enormous amount of courage to take your pen and write down you're going to do something that's right out of the box that's not an easy thing to do and most people won't do it they've never done it in their whole life I've often said I wouldn't want to get to the end of the road and my grandmother was like an angel of God but when she died she was 94 she was in a crib bed like they put a baby in it with cribs you know the side and that is because they didn't want her to fall out and I don't know hurt herself you'll see people tied into wheelchairs because they'll follow it if you don't tie them in there right at the end of the road their body is it's spent no grandmothers mind was sharp as a tack I could sit and talk to her and she would remember things she did when she was a little girl there's a lot of people like her there's a lot of people like the ones that are tight in the wheelchair I want you to imagine that that would be you at the end of the road your mind is as sharp as a tack and you're reflecting over your life he's thinking I wonder what would have happened if we hadn't moved there I wonder what would happen if I had to quit the job and started the business I wonder what would happen if we had to board the money and bought that company I wonder what would happen I wonder what would have happened if only I could take another run out I get another bite at the Apple but you know you can't wouldn't it be a lot better to be like that and relive all those times I mean if you lose big enough it can be inspirational I've lost big yet it can inspire you I think would be a to be at the end of the road and look back and wish I wonder what would have happened I don't want to be wondering what would I want to know what would happen and then relive it and you know something I think if I gave you a polygraph and really set the truth that of you that's what you want to but will you write it down then won't do it there's not many securities attorneys you know the kinds that buying so banks turn the public mean these are smart people you know they would do what I told sandy to do Muslims say you're out of your mind I'm having no bloody one no way I'm not doing that but she did it I would tell Phil would phoned me and he would tell me about something he was telling me about a guy he had an opportunity to shoot a movie over in Bulgaria but the guy won't go he won't go because there's a nuclear plant and he's not going near it I said Phil see the movie being shot forget what he's saying don't listen to him listen to me Doug the picture that guy not only went and shot the movie he wanted to move there for God's sake I remember one of the big big companies we're gonna sue him they were selling them for a lot of money I said forget it don't even think about it they're not gonna sue you they're just trying to rather your case they're causing you problems you know they got lawyers at that so they got these lawyers for I said you guys throw it all I didn't you know he threw it all alone here's the point they would do some of these things I'm suggesting you're gonna ask yourself will I do what they're gonna suggest see it's not gonna cost me and if you do her if you don't I'm doing what I'm suggesting I'm doing it taylean second gold achievers make their own decision only you can decide to see it would have been so natural just sandy to go to her dad her dad what is an attorney he was exactly the same as her it a very good one and he was her mentor and she knew if she went to her dead and explained what I'm telling her to do he'd say honey you don't need all that don't do that the guy was so practical nice guy but very practical so she didn't go and asked her dad you know it's sort of nice having her and Phil here because they have both done these things the way I've lived my whole life like I didn't there's a side of me everybody thought was crazy I thought myself every now and then but only you can decide what your goal is going to be now you may be sitting there with your spouse and the odds are pretty good you'll say well what do you think honey don't do that don't ask your spouse when you got married they didn't say this is an ownership yet it was a relationship we're not supposed to ask somebody else if we can do something we're born free God gave us the ability to choose it takes guts to live this way now if you want to play it safe and just do what the other people think three buddy says in there about opinions geez everybody's got a flock of opinions ready to be raised upon anybody that will accept them yet it won't cost you anything you can get opinions it won't cost you anything and that's what they're worth see why shouldn't we ask somebody I'm not saying don't brainstorm with somebody but when you follow your heart's desire see there's perfection within you there is actual perfection you created in God's image perfect there's perfection within us there's a spark of idealism in our heart inside of us yet it's that perfection that seeking expression with and through us that's causing us to want my dear grandmother I was talking about when she god bless her she was an angel husband but she didn't know yet she kept saying you should be satisfied as well she was wrong you should never be satisfied with what you've got you should be happy with it but not satisfied dissatisfaction is a creative state it's the spiritual essence of who you are wanting to open up in your consciousness that's where wants come from now when once come the inside you don't have to go and ask anybody what do you think you know you know it takes courage to live this way I had the good fortune of working with it Hillary the only difference in him and anybody else I know it was this size he was a big guy didn't talk much but he did talk a little bit about it he was a beekeeper in Auckland New Zealand a beekeeper never possessed him to think he could go on standing on top of the world but no one in all the history of the world had ever done that and many that have tried to died there's people up there in case they're nice they're never coming down they died in the people that go up there then enough saying - did your mother the ice they would stay there forever everybody in his family thought he was out of his mind he went in 1951 and he missed he didn't get to the top he failed and they went back - okay and 52 he would back to Nepal now they he told me many of his family and friends got angry with them because he was going they said you're gonna die you can't you're good you got an obligation your family enough but he went back and he failed again it was considered impossible no one could get to the top of that love no one ever had yet in 1953 he went back now he was running into all kinds of opposition from his loved ones but in 1953 he and Tenzing Norgay stood on top of the world she know there's been over a thousand people do it since then but they were the first ones I think probably Sandy's the first in her family to accomplish what she's accomplishing I was first my family you see most people don't do what they want now we say only you can decide what your goal is going to be a law another person you're supposed to your parent employer associate may offer suggestions you and only you can make the final decision no one else can help you there's no one in the entire world capable of setting your goal for you if they try and they probably will do not permit it to happen you will not commit yourself to someone else's goal or one you set to please someone else you just won't do it that's the part you're loving right there in this you could expand your eyeballs now we say choose once nut needs there's no inspiration it needs absolutely none think of this for a moment your house is full of stuff that you don't need you know you got it because you wanted it that's the only prerequisite for a goal you got to want it your goal should be something you want not something you need there's no inspiration and needs see there is inspiration in once and if you're going after something big you've got to be inspired what does inspired mean in spirit and theists you got to get into God be full of it you've got to let that inspiration flow into your consciousness that caused you to reach and stretch and go where you've never been yet it caused you to do things you maybe never even dreamt of before the goal does not have to be logical in fact you'll probably be much more inspired if it's totally illogical that's such a tough one for most people the old year goal may be a rough one therefore it's important for you to be very emotionally involved with the idea of reaching the goal I hope you enjoyed this video we put a lot of good information up here and it causes everything in your life to get better if you'd like us to notify you every time you put a new video up hit subscribe and then turn on notification check out all our videos and we will notify you when we put a new enough [Music]
Channel: Proctor Gallagher Institute
Views: 154,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bob Proctor, Proctor Gallagher Institute, Law of Attraction, Paradigm Shift, Self esteem, Self confidence, Prosperity, Thinking, Inspiration, Better life, Rules for life, Personal development, This will change everything, Change your life, How to manifest money, Goal setting, Manifesting, The universe, The secret, Bob, Proctor, Subconscious mind, Happiness, Spirituality, Self help, Life coach, abundance, wealth, mindset, potential, life, God, fulfillment, grow, visualize, Success
Id: rCrIQWfYv4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 32sec (1652 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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