Dwarf Fortress Monday: Cliffside Fortress

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[Music] it's good to be back it's gonna be back and and talking as well but thankfully on thank you appreciate have appreciate you having you here okay okay first off um thank you to to Nash thank you very much - appreciate it so the way I had to set up is my my modem is in the other room and apparently my daughter has discovered that she can yank on one of the cords and oh look at the chat oh my and and pull it out and so my daughter UNPO was very angry from ISP I thought oh not again not again Cox Communications but nope it was my daughter okay so um my me refresh youtube over here yeah time to bi you're right there is one human that's hilarious one human is that the entire human civilization oh man now it fits check out this world this is ridiculous is crazy okay first off look at our map it's like it's like a hand like fingers [Laughter] oh man okay okay so here we go so here's the world we have 7,000 ELLs in the world you mean you left a lot of elves eight thousand I suppose no that's not a lot look at all the Frog demons they're on the road that's that thought you'd be the most look at all the war elephants there's twenty seven thousand war elephants in this world oh my and goblins there is nothing of the normal races we've got a bunch of elves but that's basically it yes war elephant is a sieve look at all the dead folks man this is a crazy place Roo guitars are all dead CO balls are all dead humans are basically dead man you know what that makes me makes me want to be the humans we got one guy left in the world where is he there's the giant fighter spider fiends fight fighters means the elves are over here in the top right corner we've got the Frog demons here war elephants are dominating all this land where is the human anybody see him me a different color is a him right there no that's not him those goblins I think they have to be the humans we start with one you know it's not gonna be good though we're not gonna end it's not gonna end well for this guy I don't even see where they are because we can go in this way [Music] other way up there that's a lot of a lot of religion you guys have there I don't know why you're all basically gone that's all we have is one-to-one human go so the Frog demons in the war elephants have basically completely smashed us we have the the violent war the conflict of stabbing the war of sabers going on here we never really had a chance looks like [Music] okay I like this we got to be humans I think where's my sibs so we are we're up here mixed with someone else [Music] somewhere up here I don't know where we are but we're somewhere in here at us yeah it is there is there's us right there the skulls skulls merged is the name of our place we have we have over bears with $121 I slander like build a frost Kingdom okay okay let's go back in the door fort or someplace in that how about that [Music] okay start playing in I see mirror [Music] hey bruh Gaurav [Music] so I looked forever to find one of those I've been think about this for a while I've had two weeks since I played Franz been to or it's been three weeks and I played tour fortress I'm thinking what thumbnail do I want to have for my for my I think we're gonna do cool balls right I typed in lizard with hats you go G out of here you're here too early [Music] all right so make sure we can actually be humans I want to be the Vermillion Kingdom yes that's us that's awesome that's we want to be yes we can be them we can only be the murky jackal would have rights in Vermillion who are these people um is this doing here yeah who are you people so we meet Els and the gob we can be the goblins my problems around the charcoal workers that's a unfortunately name ok so I think we're gonna go well thank you very much I appreciate the the Patriot the patronage zeal up okay so we're gonna go I think we need to go I want to go frosty we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go cold cold you be a problem cuz it's going to be cold but when go like towards the mountains down here as of a million kingdom and is like oh if that's water we want to make a mistake while we're like separated by the way there's a lock though again maybe we go somewhere down here like on the cliff like a cliffside what's here sand clay deep soil shallow metal and deep metal that's good that's good which biome is that [Music] make a run buttons what am i doing [Music] f1 and f2 does not did same kind of sort of think thing I thought it did back up back over here burn those with the Stetson speaking of hats oh hang on hang on innit hang on well played over to say one second thing those of you that watch can she know of what this means to me ah can you see it ah I can't put it all the way on the back okay what do you say huh I've been wanting one of these hats forever and while it was on this trip I went to oh and Indiana and Indiana is where Townsend's is you guys may know James Townsend and son is YouTube channel and they do like 18th century things and they have a shop they have a store there in Indiana and being for Oklahoma these hats like don't exist you can go to like the the medieval festival but they're like you know Chinese made and whatever else but this is a proper tricorn I finally got one of one of these things forever yeah yeah I should just leave it on for the whole street I think I would but I can't hear anything cause I don't have headphones can't some way of putting it around there we go ah what do you say I have a cowboy hat seen there Cowboys are the things that like everyone has a run you can buy cowboy hats and Walmart around here well of course but yeah anyway anyway but yeah so there there's my new hat I have been wanting one of those like literally I don't want to like nerd out too much but I'm a bit of a history nerd and I have always had a thing for like that time period and I've always wanted a tricorn like a proper tricorn but they don't sell them around there were anywhere around here but I finally got one dozens of more than okay okay that's right now yeah no no he didn't have a katana he has a like a polearm like I got a stick without with a sort of anyway let's play some dwarf fortress how about that if I could figure out a way to wear the hat and the headphones and I certainly would but I feel uncomfortable I feel feel naked on my headphones off okay uh back there we go [Music] we want to go we are the were the kingdom right we want to be on a cliff I think wouldn't it be cool we build like a nice thing on it on the side of a cliff something like we're worried before we were alike somewhere over here you're like me like you won't even want me make it on the middle finger there's a middle clerk connect that's the question I think it does yeah can we go as a river like flowing through there [Music] yeah I say around here there's like nothing around here what was that spot I had before right there [Music] I want to be here this is where I want to be and we're gonna go like that this is where I want to be because I want to be in the cliffs but we've got a lot of nuffin here on the edge so we can we can actually build our fortress like in the side of a cliff I've always wanted to do this I've never been able to do it we have all the stuff we once we have everything in there temperate zone scarce tree that's fine we don't need trees we are the humans we've got goblins frog demons and warrants all around I like it yeah yeah or just ear buds okay what's the name of our people do we do that here no we did it somewhere else with an aquifer yeah but aquifer will be down below that on the mountain so fine air carefully okay so this is where it's important so we're a bunch of humans right we probably should have someone that skilled in mining we're enough to people that know how to mine and I want to have what last name bruising Tahir is going to be my my everything guy he's going to be my judge of intense my appraiser my organizer American super and that's it correct speaker importance the important to know how to talk and I don't need a teacher I need a leader it's all I want for him and then I need and someone else to know how to be a doctor that's right we are we are multiple multiplying the the human population exponentially you know that's the other thing I was whining about to my wife and I whined to you about it as well so we went to this place while we were out there in Indiana called Prairie Perry something very something it's some sort of light it's like it's like an old like living history town so they've got like an eight teams like 1836 team event it just like an old town people like pretend to be like from the town you know sort of colonial Michael yeoman expansionists store era you know why don't we have those around here no it doesn't it doesn't exist in Oklahoma you think there's plenty of like you know Native American kind of things but this is like they didn't have those in the museum I mean it made me angry come on little wine okay we'll address our decision yeah yeah that's a good doctor there we need someone else to be a soldier yeah I was really cool it was sort of a lucky walk around the town it's it's like a it feels like you're walking into a mutant park the way they say have it set up a bishop initially you walk around and they have like the old 1836 town they have like an old Civil War town and have set up and you can walk around see the houses and people are like dressed in period stuff and and yeah all these volunteers where's the Texas one that I want a tactician and a leader and a fighter we're gonna go with a ax man one man's gonna defend us all a deal padilha you're going to defend us I do like going to music I shield yes please sounds like that he's probably pretty good okay the other two we probably could use a Mason a Mason and a that's probably good enough and it will need a woodcutter I guess what cutter carpenter that's gonna for now alright back to our people so we've got a couple battle-axes yeah I come Pixar good iron Abel yeah sure swamp whiskey delicious I wanted to lose what do we not need here we don't need the Quivers buckets splintering ASM we can make all those ground nuts oh we're humans right or humans we have to live like above ground that's right pineapple seeds prickle berry strawberry seeds rat meat I don't know which of these we want swords gonna make off pay they have maze maze I here's pretty good [Music] alright right we're here humans are $100 can't afford he means all right dump I can't afford horses we do need cats couple cats will bring a couple dogs I don't know which ones Mayo is my female we need some chickens in a human society it's important you know I guess we're building inside of a mountain but were humans we're not maybe we should build on top of the cliff and have like a human town up on top of the cliff like a fortress on the side of it but not in the cliff like dwarves but on the cliff like like humans that might be a better might make neighbors since bring a hand a rooster and a couple hands go for it praise Kane go your Escalade on I'm gonna see what else we want to bring I want to bring a llama but I don't have the money for I'll pack up no nice to have like an alpaca hook so we get afford to focus so we can bring some thread here at the front think I've heard that but what what town is it in did you say I don't know what else to bring I'm gonna clue barley I guess barley will need to make beer I'm assuming we have an anvil we got picks we'll bring an extra battle axe I can't win at twelve points left anyone know of anything else that humans desperate gonna need coats in Dallas [Music] just got back to cats I guess a cat and a elephant's head amaranth not a flower fort name is going to be e crew grips no no no no no it's going to be [Music] yes where's cliff cliff maybe maybe a sec orally cliff no cliff [Music] there's no clue [Music] we're gonna go with [Music] it's just random see flickers [Music] Bittan ropes we should take in see flickers I was gonna drag goose gray goose is the name of our fortress fort Grey Goose can I do fort I need a fortress no no ray goose is just fine Regulus is the name of our place our our group name is the Council of tips no no no no it is the the flags and fellowship no no this is a family friendly stream the League of savages the League of chuckin okay League of chuckin that's us okay we go and we vomit everywhere [Music] Ceylan my paradox an active Salem like the old I guess I haven't miss didn't have something else okay good good I think we're good not bringing anything else I really would love to bring a horse but no horses for us let's embark Mindy although I hear there's a nice basement there we are the glory of as B Hall yes the glory of that one human else the dingos get hungry okay no spot here alright so alright right we're on a myth again the myth pal say it again so everything's looks all pretty for you guys you can't handle pretty graphics or real graphics we're gonna go up here and we're gonna build our fortress it's just it's just a straight mountain isn't it there's a behind though alright well we'll build it at the bottom of the of the cliff I guess build up here we could we can make it work I think we could make it work you do a lot of digging look we can do this we can make it we're gonna make it work get to work everybody we got we got mountains to move we're humans that's what we do we move mountains around and destroy things like that okay remove all those ramps okay get their work on that there really isn't a lot of trees ER is there I thought there would be a few trees around there is there's one somebody get that tree there is one tree on this entire map really there's two now there's a desert oh there's plenty that's plenty um it's not water it's ice over there what do you think do we build it we could maybe put it in like right in here there's a bit of a flat spot here all right up here maybe I want to keep in I got like a proper castle and do you think I could I could clear that one out pretty easily and have a nice flat spot right there I think so the only person no one's that destroy more than us are the worldís I want to cancel all that cancel all that okay wherever change blinds we're gonna go here D and an H and channel out this spot here like that well remove all of that well remove the ramps as well and we're go ahead and put in a stockpile of everything real quick except of course well that's fine and good like whatever everything can go right up here just for right now there you go so you forgot starts moving some things up there I know we're not built we're not we're not building outside that's right we are clearing off the top of a cliff here so we can live up on the cliff side I'm really to him that for a minute so I apologize if it's a little bit annoying as much campbell's around here is there cold camels cuz they're gonna go and channel some things there's the camels right over there let's go ahead and get remove these trees will remove the ones on the ground first yeah lose my stream again I think I'm they're moving they're moving it pretty quickly following everything from the wagon up to here and go ahead remove that wagon as well down here remove that wagon what are we actually digging into here this is a sandy clay loam where's all the stone at there's what obsidian won't really really obsidian walls oh man the dwarf part of me is excited I've seen walls like this this is silty clay over here is more obsidian obsidian means that there's lava right that's how idioms formed we have over here this is copper copper and more obsidian and play over there what are you over this way you are hornblende which I don't know that it is copper copper obsidian it's like we're gonna be a Copper Age folk because the innocent zircon complex more copper and ru obsidian as well yep obsidian and brimstone hmm interesting okay so we're gonna clear out this spot right up here we can actually do as fast as we're going we can probably write a little bit more let me go ahead and set them up because not gonna be anything else until we so we get started you're so let's go ahead and clear up all of this remove all of that shouldn't be big enough for a fortress and be kind of small but it'll it'll it'll follow along the edge of the cliff side here what are you you are answer hello mr. bungles yeah it's working pile Kanak right exceeding his only forms by magma magma and water is that a real life thing or is that just war fortress thing well I guess might dig into it so let's dig let's just dig down like we've been doing I just dig all this H not the trees remove all that okay so this all be cleared out and we'll have a decent sized spot here first thing we want to get was we wanna make sure we do get a couple of water and magma yeah my stream is apparently telling me that I'm in the orange as if I am not having a very good connection here which which is really a problem give me one second I'll be right back [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] want to go kick people off the internet and there's nobody here so uh that wasn't that's that's not it yes it's more of a glass you're right obsidian is a great glass I'm just gonna have obsidian walls let's go get started on let's go ahead and get set up with a stock a workshop of I can't we do anything different here you think too crazy [Music] I build it down this is a really strange strange place doesn't it didn't want to do trying to think we're gonna have to get some sort of still going we need to get a farm land set up as well well party set the farms up gonna be down here in the bottom get them writing up I've seen the good and she does real quick should we have a food source build a farm plots I'm gonna set it in I don't know what to these I really want so wait we'll do this is I'm gonna set up a bunch watch farm plots and then we'll do another one that's here somewhere here I guess right there and faster oh yeah often I do if nigga's name it it would go into that oh you know I can do it I can do it the easy way sway my there yeah okay so if you want if you want in here let me know and I'll get you I'll get you in will put put a little zeal up in here for a zeal up in NASH and get in there see look and - the minor and we're gonna have VN Leon [Music] no furious well I take care of you know um there we go is everybody all right Aki is a carpenter a wood crafter we got dwarf furious the the bone person the doctor Leon the Mason Nash the Katya the miner national VA and the miners Telecom is our I think you are the got leader you got it does everything and then sail up is our fighter so on these tiles I want to put in it are you done I know you know I didn't put I took the serpent min out are you bees I think you are aren't you bumble bees did bumble bees make honey I keep I asked this all the time I would forget in into or done nothing to do into a fortress ants termites I think it's too cold for bees because this is ice right snow-covered dense bloody toes suck what what bloody what pebbles fawful leaves no I thought it went up here somewhere if we have some bees means we kiss me right in this is all obsidian laying up here yeah so I guess we gonna have up sitting in walls it's very very dwarf like office but that's fine I'm completely okay with that what are other cats okay do we have anyone that said on farming yet is that the problem I need someone set on farming which we can do the indoor therapist all right who what's the farm farm he's gonna be told of him you're doing everything else though I'm gonna have you farm as well actually maybe I should give it to the woodcutter because he's not gonna be doing anything Aki you are going to farm and I'm gonna let you gather and process as well press some milem whatever you want to do all that stuff as well if it comes to that okay there you go you deal with animals also [Music] okay or furious you the doctor doing nothing at the moment so I can have you cook and brew we got Leon over here doing the masonry stuff he's probably gonna be pretty busy I should've had a woman my minors of the Mason instead of him but you can mason and stone detail stone craft for right now nash the minor be messages mining and then our fighter is going to be doing butch retaining or they're working bone carving okay hey dragon heart [Music] well we do honeybees nice nice nice okay maybe these we can have some me to a house you have something to drink around here okay so let's build some obsidian wall I guess no that's no way the first thing we need to be doing but we're gonna eat we're gonna and when I throw them in box selects ease [Music] like over there out of cups again we go sitting in a walled fortress we'll have a front door somewhere around here and we'll make this into our cliffside I think what we need to do first though is get some sort of little building setup so we can have people save somewhere so let me go ahead and do box select and just throw it in right over here for right now just a little house with some beds in it for my doors my team Sorry Sorry Sorry humans let's fight dog is fighting a camel okay go right ahead dog you're chewing them up or the camels the camel chewed you up looks like I will go ahead and put in a butcher because I feel like we are gonna be needing it very soon I throw me over here thanks for furies UH one piece of obsidian sure that's not all we need for our butcher or fair word over there anymore stockpile space there's gonna be a tight place we can take all of this up though we can only build up to a certain point let me remove these ramps real quick if I can yeah grab all that obsidian good go do it there's more of it right here so we can dig down and grab all of that we'll have a bit of a mind going look good I think have some ambassadors I'm not sure what you mean you know can I make some of my own fresh house all right has cowboy hats yes what we gonna do now now that we're like we're not gonna be Cobalts let's I want to remove this stockpile remove remove this one and that okay butchers up and running so we we have a butcher so go ahead and butcher things please I should probably go ahead and get in a leather works and a Tanner right here and Tanner which is in right there um I think you can you can do what can you do you can send folks up you can attack of course I don't know if you can actually send away like you can raid I don't think you can actually do a peaceful mission of diplomatic missions some floors in here I don't use all that wood hang on will do in a minute I would like to get a carpenter set up here we've got a row of things to make food I'm gonna go ahead and set up three camels out there my fighter who has an axe doesn't have a shield yet it has an axe I do need to take a well you're right dry well I'm think about that now over here there should be an aquifer somewhere around here pretty close by any of you done yet yeah yeah okay so you're gonna be the big one's gonna be barley all year you're gonna be potatoes sure we need some rye I guess strawberries seems reasonable and I don't know fresher berries I guess they all grow every all year okay good neat butcher herbal animal yeah we have anyone yes the chap that you tried on that name okay let's dig a downstair right here next to it and then up down stare down as far as you can [Music] there we go found it okay okay so go ahead and dig that yeah go ahead and dig that and then channel also this one never give us that'll give us water so we can do well start it up get some water going leak ideally with a well in our fortress but for right now we're gonna throw it down there next to the fields that get and get started there we go it's filling in right now okay so there's an aquifer so we can actually probably build a well right right now I need mechanisms so no yeah you lots of things buckets and everything okay let's go and work on over here I'll move these shops in a minute and get things a lot more organized but for right now just not throw things in here out of wood I guess because I need to take more dig out that one and wasn't there more around here it's everywhere actually what are you you are clay so let's just dig out this spot right over here then oh you know we can do we can do this nope nope control Z control X control beep why is it fine [Music] okay plants are going got Campbell's around we can you eat the camels if we need to but we should have plenty of food if nine meat we got some fish it will be fine I guess we can like can you fish into an aquifer is there fish down there maybe I think ideally view one in case you didn't end up getting copper walls don't wait I would also like to clear this out so we're actually like a proper fortress on the side of a cliff like cliff side you know and remove all of this it'd be really cool again oh you know what I did last time I really want to do it again um as long as doesn't crash the game let me uh let me savor quick and pull this up because this was actually kind of a cool thing I'm not this one I want to pull up crazy this one it opened up our mock vision and see about getting like a tiny little our mock vision window set up so we can see our fortress happening [Music] stash it over here for a nap yeah I think I broke something I guess come on come on come on [Music] it's if that loads up properly then we'll be able to look at it but for right now would just like it can you wine okay so carpenter shop is working let's go ahead and set up a well we need carpentry which someone should have no I'll give it to Luton ash wood cutting it all that oh I do have carpentry Aki has it Aki get to work [Music] I can't say I think it's working [Music] just showing up here [Music] stash it over here what do you think [Music] I want to go zoom in find our place here which is over here and we want to go [Music] yeah there we go okay there's our tiny little fortress it's not much of a fortress yet but it will be okay I'm just gonna leave it like that hopefully it won't crash anything what do you think good good okay all right so things are still getting hauled up here there we go oh it's actually working okay good so a carpenter shop is almost done we can get some some beds and things like that made these are mock vision I do need to go ahead and set up a up stair right here Bota stashed inside it's fine out of city and please and they will put it down stair on top of it don't always be right there in second and we get a roof on top of that building [Music] is that a horse why is did I bring a horse I did I did bring a horse okay cool I should probably pin on my animals in here while they're building that let's throw them over here it'd be farmland Oh some animal land these are our farms if we get attacked we can run away you know back where we need to go this is pen pasture and I want the chickens the bunnies and the horses and and apparently have a camel with us to come over here okay and then I want this to be animal training awesome okay and you know what this place needs like a little house um for how the business should be doing this right now but I I got to do it let's build a wall it's been a little a little farm house right here nothing too exciting but you know something something like that out of obsidian of course I want to see build [Music] another wall which is gonna go like makes me think a little more interesting looking remove that one and that one okay well we'll put a door right there we'll have a little house there's a snail over there let's build a upstair right there and put a down stair up on top of it and get a tiny house going for our farmers why did you go this one yet get to work slackers okay in the carpentry shop I wanna make sure we get a bucket going here I would like a bucket please me couple those do give me a shield because I I do have something I can use it and some beds okay good now let's build a mason shop and go right here out of obscene I'm sure be careful with our our wood and we go the way that that staircase up looks like a ladder yeah I fell into laughing okay let's build a down stair on top like that out of obsidian [Music] okay and I'm gonna put a floor in up here also no I can't Jack [Music] I mean YouTube troubles today yeah I'm watching trouble today lots of YouTube trouble today is it running better on on Twitch [Music] nobody no it might it might be running more stable on Twitch I'm I'm thinking I'm sorry I think maybe I've had a lot of problems with my internet Li yeah I'm thinking it's possible I have something to do with me reach the restream thing where I go both YouTube and twitch you know and I've been thinking about don't put that trying it out so if you guys notice on twitch things are running smoothly let me know know about the same never mind hey axe I was going I need to call my provider it's just there's a lot of there's a lot of instruction going on around here and who knows but who knows what they're breaking yeah Mason Mason is Leon Leon why aren't you working okay this one's nearly getting made they're hauling all that around I could probably use a wheelbarrow you're busy it allows it for a minute stable sister crash good which is fine thanks [Music] it's if a games looking pretty you know something something's wrong I think it's time to go kill some camels are they still out here oh that's right now they're gone Ravens are here though I can't kill Ravens they run away once those those the ceiling is made we're gonna put up some beds in here I'm gonna have like a bit of a dormitory place in here yeah on video build build [Music] so I was watching Quilly 18 who doesn't you probably know and he did he did a Yvonne live in the stream which seems insane because it's just like asking to be ganked to play EVE Online just begging for it look I am here I don't know what I'm doing please shoot me basically with how that woman set up a stockpile of wood [Music] okay uh we want to a down stair now down stair made out of sitting on yes we'll make out of wood and we'll put a ceiling on top of that one I'll make some doors how we doing on the oh here we go getting built nice nice excellent well there's a wood one looks funny the well that's really good I like though the look of the wood and then Palin decked out it nice [Music] now is there some stuff up there remember move that oh yeah there's a whole like mountain up there can i channel all of that what are you bees are you honey bees honey bees yes you are okay let's get that start on that now I want to go ahead just look at some hive set up we got to get them the the mead going but we can get some some I've started up which I think are actually in the crafts dwarf shop I want to make blocks just make blocks okay and we're gonna build a craft craftsman shop oh yes that's right it's the the human the human hey Tom [Music] we're gonna call it cliffside fortress that's a good name for it that seems decent I can probably find some free pictures of castles on the on the cliffs that'll be my new thumbnails as much as as lizard with cowboy hats exciting as that sounds we may have to do a little different okay city goes I'm Marcin being we got it we got it mind some more of this stuff we're just like dig down here this is all obsidian right city an obsidian obsidian scene pebbles yeah I'm a few just dig all this out oh no we don't stop defaulting to chopping trees down hey Leo has gone floor of I'm going to be upset again not enough wood to go around plant trees and a few there though I'll go and chop them remove all these trees my pets [Music] so we need blocks we need we also needed rope don't we I have rope I have rope but we need to get we need a well over here blocks and mechanisms okay we're almost there so this is [Music] you know what sue f1 this will be up to and f1 will be everyone that's it [Music] okay we have a roof on there now let's build some beds right have some beds I do have some beds I'm gonna throw them in we put like beds on one side and like maybe a table and chairs on the other side just so people have a place to sit and eat make me a table and chair forget aside so we can share a bed it's not like it's fine we're my migrants I could use some [Music] all right let's gather some plants if there's any gee I said gee Oh Peter okay beds are good table and chairs getting made Mason you make me I'll make some doors let me suppose not I can I'm a hard rock subsidiary you know we have all this clay all right that's what all this is clay maybe we should make a kiln of some kind no howdy coal to burn we have a little bit wood Laure here hmm just 54 right now we're digging take out all this this is all this is copper in here stop defaulting to the trees like that all right that's copper yeah copper walls cool i I don't know what what humans change in in master work they can do all kinds of trade things I think I think I make guns also in master but this isn't master work so doesn't have quite all the cool stuff the other ones do make a couple nest boxes hive is what I want I have hives this box is useful too because we get this place for chickens to sleep chickens they share this house actually it's maybe a chicken coop / people cute coop as well need a place for all the food to go and I'm gonna make that so will do well put in here we're gonna set in here a a food stockpile like that tiny little spot there we'll build up our chair which will go right here and we'll put a table in right there so we're gonna have a tiny little gathering place for our people and in fact you know what this is gonna be a meeting place right there this is a meeting place they're gonna hang out in there and sit over outside okay you can make me you making goes now we should probably actually you know what stop doing this before you collect everything stop doing that but go ahead and keep on digging out the obsidian we're supposed to be control control something right control C control X control V shift shift I want to I want you to do the thing where you dig up the whole thing the goals is to bring this the humans back there's only one human left in the world well there's I guess there's eight humans in the world now but we looked at our our map our world map and there was one human literally just one in the entire civilization out here so we are trying to make more humans that's our goal build a floor of obsidian agent wonders um you have been wants to plate it if I call myself a fan but I enjoy the game and this oh yeah I will set it down here yeah so this is the MEF starter pack [Music] can I get to where I can see my I can't I can either see my my farming land or my castle up here there isn't really much of a castle yet it will be though it will be [Music] [Music] no that is put back because we're on that so let's go ahead and put in a couple beds we'll throw in I have three of them I can put a couple more down here let's put one in and we're gonna put our nest boxes in here also nice box is as soon as I get made [Music] we can build a fence of some kind is everything new what we can make I don't think there's anything human different for humans oh they can actually make [Music] time goes no havin nothin especially human [Music] you get a still running I'm gonna side here next to this house a lot of stuff over here [Music] it's still up and running so we can start getting our plants turned into systems and booze we do have blocks now actually because so it means we should be able to make know any mechanisms I want a mechanic shop or just eat we go rides back here [Music] [Music] and I have did I have a walker having to it [Music] you know what be cool we could put a fence around this like a wall around this and then dig a tunnel in here and then come up so it's all connected and have a fortress over here maybe we wouldn't would be able put a top onto it right because it's got farmland stuff it's sort of a offshoot from our main castle which is gonna be taking up this entire spot over here as soon as we get some more obsidian so we're working on still right yep and I remember the button for is Nate no I want to designate the whole thing let's dig out yes yeah motte-and-bailey yeah let me see some pictures here yeah just like just like this our big castle up here and we'll have a little bit of a fort down this way we're gonna have it go instead of going down like a hill which I guess we could we go with something that's a little bit more or like in the mountain enough perfect that's exactly what we want so if we get attacked everyone can run into the siege tower right into them ceejai brother the end of the castle and if aqip and then the the farmland all that stuff will be down here on the bottom yeah it's perfect we build a moat right if we had water we put a moat around we don't mean water we actually could I guess we could dig into the we could dig into the aquifer all around here [Music] how much obscene do we have not much [Music] are you done yet I need a mechanic who wants to do mechanics down here I don't know good you all done I need some mechanisms please no water source yeah yeah yeah we're working on it and once we have the well in here we'll be fine water will be dealt with food will be done with what we got Farms gonna here for that reason that was me a little bit more of I can actually put in a farm flaw to go back here I think yeah we can take all this there we go so this would be a big plot of something rice or but we brought maize all right we brakes bunch of corn we do corn there hooray okay still I want you to extract from plants brew drink from play matches what I want you to do and for sure sure just repeat all those all those I'm gonna build up a kitchen which kitchen I said over here [Music] [Music] got a crack day like again hey Dodger how's it going [Music] okay so we got some negatives getting made we shouldn't yes we do we'll get a a well here is minutes good you will have a well on top of there don't you dig out a little further you think that safety to channel to that one more [Music] I'm doing all right I get safely bunch of snails around here oh we have pigs we have a pig somewhere around here all right in here I want to set up make sure anyone bring any we brought yeah we brought a cow okay dig we dig all that okay we're gonna go get it now keep on coming back here but all the copper we have just laying around oh yeah the merchants they never really showed up today I'm just now getting here they're just not getting ready to leave um I'll see if I can haul some is a things over to you what do I have that you might want I have plenty of copper do you want the nuggets for right now I'll give you all bring more amount but this I'm just trying to get some value here we need to get people to join us go have those okay do not have a Booker you're right I want a manager in Cockrum a psychiatrist in league ooh chief medic is dwarf furious broker is a OD bookkeeper talk romp and let me get some names for these these new folks okay you want to be a dwarf they have taught me here Tom you're always here look at masonry pee bang with a 10 masonry village [Music] see over here no mods other than the we caught the mesh myth sort of pack here hang on hang on don't leave me yet Wow too slow I get it take it everyone leggo sure I'll get you all right Davos just be chat that was it that was a tiny migrant packet which might be how it's gonna be the whole game all right kitchen let's make some easy meals please go this one is ready to be something don't I yep door [Music] backup gear door right there let's make it bigger just make this room bigger for a little Dorian let's go and [Music] go out here [Music] add an additional room to this another just way fat I'm gonna have a doorway here we'll have an extra little room here which is not gonna hold in all right how much of anything but mostly just like food and tables and chairs and stuff like that just to have a sort of a tavern going now we go is go upstairs also which is kind of what I had planned originally obsidian blocks in advance city in and right there okay and we yeah we can put more walls up here and we'll have a second floor eventually I guess we can have this will maybe turn into our tavern and it will have the the rooms and all that stuff up up top above that because our original our our our plan looking more like a building go a little higher [Music] oh my go damn [Music] I wish I could see the whole thing there's a little our little farmhouse down down here and some giant animals we can't see double thing sadly [Music] there we go good enough [Music] I went these walls set up let's let's do that now before we get attacked and and Doc write this there's rampaging elephants people around here that are going to ruin or completely ruin our day unless we do something quickly we're still taking all that out good good good we can use some wheelbarrows probably not very sturdy fortresses there's a giant hole or neat it over get the car from the shop let me make a wheelbarrow please make me a few of those let's haul some things around those are in so we can now get a well correct correct build well these block we have blocks where they all go use them in our wall more blocks okay okay yeah wraps are pretty are they over us [Music] some sort of graphic glitz though where they're like disappearing so our wall will come around this way and then we'll move it go around we will go up to the edge here and back this way and then we'll have plenty of fortress line up this there and then I do want to remind all of this and clear this out so with it we actually have a cliff side over here and then I don't have I doing like a little staircase going down or we'll just dig a tunnel straight down and then come out over here with little wall over this way to enclose this one as well I think is the plan this room is kind of not doing anything at the moment because it's I was gonna put my nest boxes in there but I'm thinking maybe I'll - blocks down sign over here like that and we tell the chickens to go use those I think they will by themselves we could force him to stay in that spot but I think they should go over there anyway in crap and lay your eggs I think [Music] it doesn't appear to want to dig this out so so I won't make them bill oh well yeah there we go okay there we go we have a well coming in the snails are in my where's my cats you go eat those snails please can we eat the snails easy meals we got drinks I think maybe we should move all our food over this way hey Dan shoo and have like a granary kind of thing set up right here with all of our foods like a big ol big granary let's go ahead and set up o wall we'll put it right here there's gonna be just be a big food storage place a big granary like that do I have enough [Music] yes I want you now and then we're going to I move a door there we'll have a door on that side and over on this side and this will be fall food stockpile just food we can put a stairwell in here and then have a second story to this eventually the way I can adjust this I'm gonna how to adjust this drawl range down oh here we go [Music] it's not showing up right now but it really since I fixed this look at there you can see it now you see the whole thing and the castle up top yeah which way should be looks we look this way okay okay here we go at work hey those work is it big enough to be able to see what's going on so you've got the V Bailey and then the MOT [Music] very excited about this door there and a door there we're gonna get attacked soon I just I can feel it and I don't want to die so take out some of that obsidian please more obsidian some defaulting two trees more obsidian let me set up one as don't dig that one so we don't collapse ourselves okay and Mason you are doing Mason things right you are uh making as many blocks as you possibly can repeat that do it now when a door to go in here for our our tavern place will set in a little bit of food here which is good I want to have a food spot and then a table and chairs has everyone feel take a look and see what what's nash think that's what i feel satisfied with some work he was in this interested in a fine bed the interesting near fine babe with grouchy drinking the same old booze you know we'd have to have drink without a goblet same old booze yeah that's probably a things you probably look at we're super of teak bow you are you just love geek bow what about V in here online me be the button you know satisfied remembering work mm-hmm she felt satisfied at work felt satisfied upon improving mighty embarrassed dwelling upon sleeping without a proper room okay I could give you guys some rooms it's gonna be a dormitory probably you you love a xok we built some hives to right hives should go down here let's build those are all H Alton H will set them I don't want anyone getting stung somewhere assembled around this I can't wanted that to be a mouse at wall well stash them over here well still over here so someone sorrow marches can gets done I made five of those generally I made five hives there's our there's our hives for our bees general aquifer the moat lower fords yes that's crime don't think I'm thinking maybe we put in a wall and then and then channel out and have the aquifer as our as our moat yeah I think that's a good idea a drawbridge yeah they look really cool I think our main gate would be over here how are we doing on walls let's go and look at starting it up we have 18 blocks three so we have three wide [Music] go down here we'll set up a bit of a lookout tower right over here and then come across this way can't wish to deaf for now we'll keep using block statistica's a little further [Music] this is meThe MEP H no this isn't in the in the Nuba package [Music] sorry more bees your ants and we don't answer let's go ahead and put that bridge in I suppose bridges are G G like that it raises that way made of obsidian there's our well our well is working correct no no I mean it is active so they we have water now we have water we have to get this this farm doing something let's make where's the we brought a ton of maize where is it can I grow corn what would make potatoes everyone loves potatoes by light okay is everybody the strange graphic lives there what are you working no job no job that's a lot no jobs Nate why do you have no job Mason you should have job you should have dog show do we need another Mason uh I don't know I never added up tile set to a pack I think it's pretty easy I've I've had a tile set to vanilla before and it's super easy you basically download and toss it into a one of the folders so I would assume it's pretty simple most most of this is is made to be pretty friendly and easy to use I don't do a fortress isn't easy to use but most of like the mod packs and stuff like that is is pretty simple not much to it I think basically the game just looks at one or two files for the texture pack just change that file on I think meth any pH you can type in meth starter pack and it'll give you it'll give you this here left I'll set and this is sort of like master work but it's not it's basic master work and it also allows you to pick your meth tile set and I'm using the obsidian font for all that in case your colors and all that if you want to as well let's see what is something we need to be doing right now can I can I make I do wanna make a couple more shields make a couple beds just to have them do cages I guess in case we are spear something attacking us let's make a couple more chairs and a couple more tables to have them just wooden weapon what's a wooden weapon let me go and make wooden weapon rack maybe let me make here you guys are just making blocks I'm gonna make a second Mason I think Mason but another mason in over on this side actually let's put over here where all the masonry is happening all the mining is happening stash him back here sheriff by light so you gonna make they make loads and loads of blocks I'll give him a stockpile here of bars and blocks that he can just have and throw him all right in here and then we can grab him easily this is phylite we're digging into where's the working of sitting there it's over on this side this is phylite as well copper in there so we want to be digging this direction like that Cave of the strong sewers nearly a day's travel to the west looks at your thriving economy for its future prosperity what the heck does that mean anyone have any idea what that means something I've never seen before cave of strong sewers Cave of the strong sewers nearly a day's travel to the west where am I at I'm over here somewhere strong sewers there's a dragon living there one dragon settled in the strong sewers indicating the if the game was a giant living there there's a cycle off living there there's not a giant living there as well as what else lots and lots of spiders and swallows rats and moles so what does that mean it looked to me for their prospects I mean does that mean they want to kill me looks to your thriving economy for its future prosperity does that mean it like it looks to steal my stuff you know they're over here where are they don't see them that's us Elden cave of the strong sewers population more than 10 economically links to you what does that mean economically linked to you so we're over here we're the blue one the other ones over here the e over here yes this one says it's controlled by elves it was all that one anything over there no nothin over here that's us the League of Chucky maybe they all right maybe they are gonna come over here and trade with us that's possible that's that's optimistic I like it I like it I do I have a second Mason I probably use one if I don't Mason Mason right here oh yeah I have to village right he's a expert Mason so just you and Leon are doing all the Mason II yeah certainly Oh MF is in relation to Peck okay cool so meth the creator of meth is the same guy that made the that compiled the master work same guy I assume it's a guy [Music] yeah he's put a lot of work in the house hits and everything in poor fortress I'll take trade from a dragon that seems though it seems like a I've rather trade with him then then kill him or be killed by him make some easy meals how we doing speaking of meals for drink from plants please speaking of meals how we doing we have no meats no fish with four drinks and six plants yeah make some food I don't know I don't have the Master League master work down till you have to search that one out fresher berries to make some more but well it makes me alfalfa well nothing to do with a dragon that wants to trade with us but I think we should build a bigger wall here this will come around this way and probably linked up somewhere over here let's go ahead and remove that little spot right there connect our wall actually ready to fight we need remove all these all that all that copper so much copper we should be doing something with it [Music] struck brimstone okay so let's do more walls up here as well over here is gonna be all obtaining blocks [Music] I want to get my blocks done I wanna get my walls done just so it looks cool on down down here my cursor swoop down there no it doesn't up here then I want to see I want to see it in our mark vision [Music] and so I probably have miners doing nothing - dying let's try it let's do this we're a channel out oh my angles Lange of it I someone said that before I was I ignored them sorry about that channel that Channel that's we're gonna have a moat yeah where's my animal over there so I'm fed up what's gonna be in fish finish goods just throw it somewhere over here and furniture coming up furniture all right so we got meals being made we have we have stalks right we have barley which we can brew with we are have tons of seeds we have a lots of maize seeds we don't know how to do with it though I can't grow it and we have some hen eggs that's really all we have actually of the seeds and a bunch of hen eggs that we we are allowed to cook with it's gonna be brothers chickens yeah I could get to digging everybody there's some mechanisms you every now it's graham and fortress honor that means what are you working brokers not working so put our wall up here and over let's get that set up I mean with the front of the back first let's get back here first [Music] how's it called grim fortress I haven't heard of that one [Music] okay so what they got that moat eventually since we're not doing things you know we need we need more more humans in this fortress this is a bigger lack of them I think maybe we might need a little more I'm out of potatoes now my cooking the potatoes that was going on that's not good keep her bushes are we cooking these today I must have cooked them it's yet no it's not no we have rice here also will put we're not cooking it go ahead cook the maize I guess because we don't know what to do with it they went to rye beer [Music] y'all take a look so the only option we have here though is is raid we don't do that though [Music] now that same thing same as before take important treasures we don't want to raid [Music] I'm guessing that's that it has something to do with them trading with us now they're a new trade partner that would make sense [Music] just workable beds in here so we're not wasting them people aren't whining about not having any beds carpenter I want you to make me couple more shields Idol probably do for now I probably should make up a military make Mead that's new you need a honey containing I don't guess my no I don't the hives working no waiting for beekeeping no one is beekeeping it what to beekeeper who does nothing Davos you dress wounds and cook yeah how about I'll give you some pottery which we need to be doing I think and some beekeeping and Max working everybody get it work on that if we wanted to go do some some pottery we would want it's under where is that is it not in here I forget does it kill is that what we need me to kill I guess setup we'll just stash it up here in the corner there way to remove floors like if you mine under a layer the top piece stays there if you go up 11 floors look if you mine on earlier the top piece stays there if you go up like like what we did up here where we we channel this all out but I missed a level if you if you dig it it will remove the top I don't know how to explain how to explain to a fortress mining but I think there's a good tactic video on how to mine in do or fortress but I think I think what you mean is so if you channel it removes the whole thing if you dig dn in okay I say what you Sam yeah there you go the wall it goes back this way and put a wall in here with my walls [Music] gentleman said little more let's go channel [Music] okay so that should give me what I want we'll keep on channeling here though don't pick up that animal yet [Music] like that we're gonna go this way I Bridge need to be bigger what to do this right now [Music] up there okay that's gonna be our moat our wall will continue going around this way wall will go why is it showing up what am I missing why would I turn off ignore building restrictions what I hid there goes I'm gonna be a different material yeah fine [Music] and I do Oh No Oh No where we dug too much oh it's up here oh sorry buddy sorry buddy um yeah I shouldn't have done that [Music] again so all that I'm sorry I wouldn't got you killed good night cancel all that somebody go save that guy let's put in a what we're doing here bed right there and make that into well soon as it's done into a doctor you'll be get him I get to pick him up and we died right it was that I got smashed being vien is now unconscious sorry buddy a little a little too anxious you know we're not dwarves we can't mind like like a dwarf speaking out we're going to take this out but we're gonna leave a little spot what we want there [Music] yeah being you're fine quit your whinin can I say this one and then I want to go high and say this little spot right here is gonna be the Med Bay [Music] near fine you're fine those hives those are fancy I want you to don't grab stuff out of those too well that those DVR are makers and these will be our whatever else the kiln I went to collect play-doh set a spot up for that just do that always and then I also want to make jugs and clay bricks is exactly exactly what we want we have to set up a spot for them to collect it which is finally quit right over here this is a play spot and then we'll set up a clay stockpile which we go right there should be enough enough the wrong button cancel that I want to be okay let's take a custom stockpile of I want this way okay now customize that change settings I want this to be none of that only clay goes in there okay movie and you're fine Veon you're fine was a porcupine out there let's kill it and eat it let's make a military create squad we know that we've got we have nothing out here let me get at a leather because we'll we'll get some stuff for him and our fighter is ill up the whole reason you're here is to fight things see look no one else a they need skills whatsoever I'll let's just just you just you go get some some gear and go kill this porcupine stuff going to be [Music] another version convert to common DF and I just got that tileset okay have you got your gear buddy the old relics here he is here he is kill the porcupine you got this buddy so you got it look at you you're looking old look at look at how you look all spiffed up with your fancy tileset looks I want to follow you [Music] nicely done that was super quick and easy our butcher is up here somewhere I want to set up a stockpile of corpses right there all right there and we'll get to eat a little bit of meat steel plants don't cook the potato plants that we want we want to just brew them so that makes seeds that they work like like mushrooms excellent what the heck is that bring into my place up poet bull chicken but duckling quite the mining operation we have over here it's a frog in our in our well [Music] you hush viens fine I'm grades like the whine about things all right strawberries it is until we get more potatoes up again I guess I want you to be any new animals we have a calf a duckling poultry wooly like one cat can hang out in here kill these snails we have around here well the other wall looks nowhere near as cool the pits of matched nightmares has been founded a short walk to the southwest and looks to your thriving economy for its future prosperity I think the only the only I can imagine is this means that they want to trade with us Oh dark golem pits have matched yeah that wasn't there before was it right that wasn't there before [Music] no it's not there it's not it's not here on that's a new place that's just been founded cool that's really cool so there is you I guess what happened is someone else settled maybe some elves settled in this sewer next to the spice maybe they killed the spiders off and settled there and now they want to trade with us and now we've got another little spot of goblins I want to trade with us too very interesting [Music] sure okay yeah you guys dig things get that channel set up there let me go ahead and finish up my wall which I'm a little bit bit bitter about it not being all obsidian scheme blocks and do a bit of city and for that we have 45 yeah all obsidian just because it's cool [Music] so they're gonna be busy for a while digging that out uh how many but you guys we got quite a few actually we have one kid - where's being where's this guy there he is look he's back up and walking around being how do you feel weak I'm tired of looking at you being but we're gonna look at you again being finished up some work that was very satisfying he says satisfied at work annoyed dwelling upon choking on dusts underground uh-huh huh confused after being knocked out during a cave-in no I have to drinking without a cup yeah embarrassed sleeping without proper room okay okay maybe we should make a some sort of a place to sleep for our people we have one here I can set this thing up actually as a proper bedroom like that and say this is a dormitory everyone will just sleep in here that's fine and then up top here we can remove these beds and turn this into more of a tavern like we have a kitchen area back here maybe I don't know I like the idea this being it well we can make this into a visitor tavern I have a rooms up above it yeah the little chicken the midden stuck by a bee oh well are you making things make me some leather armor please and leather leggings sure and a leather cap and you tan things tan hi yeah yeah porcupine hide around there somewhere has Arby's looking bees are looking what was the button for this v no cute No throw over the button I remember there's a button to look at this don't know where it is though oh there is double click on ok we have 14,000 bees in there these appear to be empty but these have bees and these won't won't be harvested from so they'll split and then I'll come into here now how's the how's this going is this is this going there's a wheelbarrow in there is it is it going collect clay yes do that is one of my new guys what am I do I is gonna be a clay man what's what job is clay we don't know I couldn't go ahead get a name here who wants to be a dwarf sorry a human first off we named the kid the kid was he was asking before sorry over us you you are now a child yep beehives are really annoying to get working straws be is going to be fine rabbits just go cuz I'll raising cane in here before raising okay anymore patreon folks in here leo and we get a whole bunch of them don't you well vine are what you asked for it that's that's what you're getting now your lien right waiting at heheh you know what I think I could use it Worf yeah all right a human mate right on me and then we're gonna have our usual Bob Ross go give them all in who else doesn't have cause Allah you don't have one yet um let's see uh uh break break we'll get break in here Greg and and everybody I think so quite a crew we have here now who's good at things Veon is a nineteen minor look at that guy vinyl rabbits is a Mason Mason and that's about it we have a go here we go we have a Potter and a glazier in who is this Amy okay I will mind what is what do I what's the gathering of clay job [Music] but yeah do that look we'll be the Potter I'll Stephen who else was over here Leo is an amazing animal trainer make the animal care as well so you talk to our animals and maybe train some of them to do some things teach of dogs to hunt at least Bob Ross is a stone crafter Bob Ross is going to be a where is he other work a bone Carver glass worker I want Bob Bob doing a pottery also but Bob I want you mostly just doing the duty Bob [Music] all you do is wax work who's good at military anybody nope just the zeal up and vinyl rabbit knows how to uh how to as a whip okay okay that's something Oh save it yeah look L is idlers okay we getting some work done is it it's still not not there yet take one more layer down and it's been how how much thinking I have to do here Channel that's and all that [Music] this is the MEF tileset okay channel all that outs and they left channel even more outs but we'll do that in minutes [Music] okay how's the walls looking do we have enough for four walls is it too close to the edge what can't I build here what's happening okay billow something here though I can build it there can I build it up here fine we'll go here I go up this way guess I'm too close to the edge which is weird because I wasn't a minute ago weird [Music] this walls in there I picked a rock on a wall I think dangerous terrain being of all people you should be the last one whining about dangerous two-row they found the water it is dangerous I mean how many humans are we gonna lose here channeling this thing out hello Sorry Sorry you drugger man I've put you in there I apologize you guys can swim through that right yeah you're fine you're fine be enough the most dangerous job in this entire fort know it just oh you weren't in the water when it froze for you okay good who are you there's only one miner there now oh no oh no be in oh oh what a way to go Veon buddy oh man that's rough not even more oh man the pits a profane shames is founded I've been found a short walk to the south look set your thriving copy front yeah sure it does oh man [Music] but we'll find him here sometime next year that's that's amazing my Wells not frozen over oh it is why is my well frozen Oh cuz of that mm-hmm they put a little well house here it's gonna be a problem we don't wait water let me put a wall there out of sure fly light whatever wall here and in a wall yeah and we'll put a roof on top of this upstair [Music] there and I'll put it down stare and then and then will I think having a covering here will allow us to not freeze you look at all the clay well the clay who's doing the work who is who's that who's that Nash collecting Clank good now you're from clay hey open up from fire clay or okay must be glazed in order to hold liquid how do you glaze things need a glazier and what where do you glaze things from [Music] where he is it from Dunedin a Sheree for this I got to look this up clay hey Olaf okay so we went to get there he just plays under them at the kiln it's my most vittorio production it's a motor glass gather clay at a gathering zone [Music] great - clay boulder which we have like we're back stored stone stockpiling they used in workshops instructions made in the pots pricks statues hives yes mermaid jugs of course you need a fuel emporia magma kill [Music] before can hold hot cold liquids must be glazed glazing was performed at it kiln requires either unit of hash or caster I'd plus unit of fuel okay so we need to get a a Sheree right into that you know how do that I knew that from watching primitive technology at the guys name I'm a guy that makes like the houses out of clay and stuff aside channels are fantastic I want to go and make an azure II cancels give water yeah that's gonna be a big problem we did all that stuff out are you stuck down there oh you idiot who is that who is that oh no no you're not any you're fine you're fine I apologize dig out dig uh upstair no we were an upstart we won take a channel someone come let him out please [Music] on PBS build entire house with just an accent buck knife is there who's that yeah his subtitles yeah yeah he is fantastic I think one of the best parts of that is he doesn't say a word the whole time they just you watch the subtitles at which if you want to learn things but took me a long time I realized sometimes are actually gonna thing is yeah yet someone go let him out no water in the water floor on top of this like that okay build a down stair right here assume everyone knows we're talking about called primitive technology isn't the channel I haven't ever watched any of the other ones there's a bunch of them that are I think there's copycats off of him so I refuse to watch it I was making our lie making which I think someone might be working on somebody a lie maker even know where that is lie making we have a lie maker so we're gonna have some tough times here if alone an awareness eighty-three [Music] mrs. Scott what's oh is that the kid playing with her yeah yeah over us is playing with her but there's a bunny they're playing make-believe it's just now winter so viens gonna be in there a while sorry the N I still hilarious no thanks d'Anjou that was an hour ago but thank dance you host me for with the BT folks [Music] for Vian [Music] okay Oh nope got out good okay so we gotta get this wall done I'm gonna get attacked any minute [Music] so it's gonna have to be up here I guess so that's a lot smaller than I really wanted whatever making out of obsidian block please let's go ahead do the front around here I don't know where the gate that keep will be yet so we'll figure it out in a minute there's a little bit of a wall [Music] I don't know ray mears either how's everyone feeling start building so yeah yeah good luck to clay how does that actually looking is it looking anywhere no not yet [Music] good news is why is this why is this level of aquifer higher than the other ones mister some water over here oh here we go just go - we'll just do this so this would just be a water source why isn't in a water source [Music] you get a meeting there it is water source fishing if we can and yeah I got this there's some water for everyone's kind of panicking because there's no water but they'll be it'll be good now we need to dig this out and create a moat I need to redo this bridge I'm gonna remove it and start it up again I actually haven't go across the moat giant moat we also need to get a second layer of wall this one layer is not going to be enough we're gonna have to go up [Music] so collecting clay good making things I have lightning somebody make it lie making I had it or was it [Music] I'm Sierra [Music] by making somebody there you go make that thing [Music] [Music] well we have it I guess we have the bottom wall done let's should we dig out this spot here so people can just come walking into our place actually all well do that one and we'll have to remove this ramp here things can just walk in let's me go and let's go to a cliffside so we could dig I'm gonna do this [Music] pit's of poor Noble has been found ashore walking looks like a thriving economy for future prosperity what's going on there's horror novel a bunch of velvet goblins are invading over here look at this I've never seen this happen before I guess maybe I don't know I've never I've never seen so many new SIVs pop up [Music] and there bunch of goblins no-contact economically linked to you and then of course we have the one over here somewhere wherever these these elves are here elven cave of strong sewers no contact we're being surrounded by things our our goal is to expand the human lands are we even still around we were up here we relevant forest it was one guy right this whole civilization is one guy mr. Elden Hamlet's up there I don't know if I want to go declaring war on people but it's certainly not yet but once we get to the point we can have a lot of people living here then we can mix you know expand out and I'd like to have some sort of proper civilization so we if we were clear this out we can put a wall up here and make and finish our wall up I think put up on the on the edge on this ledge let me go ahead and channel this out a bit more that should clear that up so we can have the wall come up the edge up the ledge and then around streeted looks like it has those digging things [Music] so we're even to dig down here why is it show up those can tell you to stop doing that [Music] nice texture [Music] I don't know how to turn off these things showing next block the draw No hello okay okay escape canceled cannibal I was like MEF's avatar knows what that means how is the mead going tons of bees Tunde bees lots of bees ok basically ready to be split ok when they are though we'll have plenty of honey OH - we done good good I want you to make lie no matter what I do need lie anyway for soap this will make some lie and make potash from ash I think Neal I make lie needs ash I make ash not from an ash tree I make ash from a wood furnace right - furnace right in here I can make these others just sandy clay ok hornblende that one did you I think I wanted to do that that's not what I was going for I wasn't going for that level that's fine I guess we'll make it another throw up I look at that wrong so we want to there's gonna mess things up old walls out of that out of no brimstone blocks I can't sandy Claire just make clay walls how does it look and see nothing left before they make much of Citians way cooler [Music] okay so we want a wall to go he already was one there let's go up here out of obsidian block we don't have anymore [Music] see [Music] [Music] okay there's our obsidian there's a fortress it gonna go it's gonna go around this way and it'll continue up to here [Music] and this is gonna be our main keep we'll probably put a tower in here something like it we can you get a bunch of towers in yourself we get attacked we run back to here so we just doesn't need to be super defended but it doesn't need to be you know I don't think is coming through and eat my food that actually works there's a good water spot it'll it'll thaw and it won't drown but for now it's fine do I have a floor on top of here of sandy clay why not there's the clay wall right there [Music] so I want this wall to follow along the edge here isn't gonna look ridiculous because it's clay we can always adjust it later if it's too much can I go like that no there's there is a okay so we got it we want to remove these correct and then remove this one Japan oh do you picture [Music] I did that right I think it right [Music] and there's the ridiculous-looking clay walls okay look my can't really seem because there'd look like dirt the mold started looks although what can you guys not new oh wait a minute looks like Mohammed in we're building here to clay walls can you do this one because it's corner now how about this I will cancel this one there's a frog or something on it and build it's actually that sexy play another clay right there okay we're all going across here correct no it's still it's still try [Music] Hey look handle that one out and it'll be it'll be good and we're grabbing some water good good have a drink now that we have a wood furnace right is it in yeah let's go and make ash okay that will allow us to make dubs jugs will allow us to make to hold honey and then honey we will eat do I have to dig this out first before I put my bridge in channel that out real quick and we'll put a bridge in bridges gonna span across the whole thing and then in some be cool and as soon as its thaws this water will flood everywhere and this because this is a step yeah this is this is a level higher than everything else which is really weird let me just shirt remove those all this water will flow out and it'll be fine as long as no one's in their life right makes a little bit wider what what what where look you okay there buddy now he's fine he's fine he knows what to expect in this place now let's channel out that one [Music] [Music] I guess we can cancel those because there's no more wall there because we he just did it the easy way did the quick way that's gonna be a problem just do it one at a time I guess [Music] there you go [Music] dig hey uh any I need let's just do this the easy way just come channel and don't stand on the left side stay on the right side okay there you go there you go good job what's why'd you fall down there what'd you do why okay you're fine now let's take this one out dig I'll push the right button one of these days dig H that one maybe they'll fit all this before all thaws when it thaws it's gonna be very wet and there is a frog remains over there in a channel out it's just let's just I don't we should do we should remove all of these these ramps on the sides also [Music] all of these ramps [Music] need to go something is trapped down here they got to stay down here [Music] yeah tell V in that [Music] it's under the porcupine ah food go get him now you get I guess I need to get vinyl rabbit into the military right cuz he's a good fighter yeah he's a Lasher we don't think we have a whip for him but [Music] I want more hornblende I'll make it out of phyllite I guess [Music] it'll right there's already right someone that's and right come out here [Music] let's have a little bit more of a we got plenty of phyllite let's do this [Music] there we go there's our fortress enclosed completely so I have a door up here we need something I guess there's a gap right there we can put in it we do have a door we have obsidian door I think which can go in right there okay remove those ramps please quickly okay so you've got ash going on there you're making ash making potash from the ash you can now make things soon I guess any more trees around here to chop it's a pull on my southwest side spot right there up here oh that one missing that one's good it's just it's just not showing it's if there's a graphic glitch with it well you know what what do you owe me to burn I gotta make clay I gotta make blocks what what happened to nook oh no he fro what is this what is this why is there an ice spot right there what happened but frozen there didn't eat that little spot he frozen there that's just dirty that's just a game being a jerk the games start I think it's funny now oh man all right we're gonna make this bridge out of brimstone mmm look at brimstone we're gonna call the nukes the nut bridge how was there just a piece of water right there I guess we found a an aquifer maybe there was I don't know that's weird [Music] that's really weird so that wall that roof is there so this shouldn't fall next time so our well should work we please dig out these these uh these ramps we can't have these miners where my miners doing besides nothing okay so we've got a encased in the wall right let me let me take a look how does it look looks like a fortress I went to be drawing it up here we go here we go here's a good look at it yeah there we go we need to get a second layer of walls I want to get this a second layer as well let me build up a knee actually what I just push it kind of together bodies [Music] I know eggs pushed [Music] if yous gathered outside I want to remove this one because when I put in a upstair right there and we'll get into there under the floor going in there now as for our outside so we've got to get a wall miju upstair we're pulling on both sides here needs to go actually there no that's not what I want I want to go [Music] upstair go right here put one over on this side just a few of these around here and over here for right now okay I take a quick break so I can go pee real quick so I'm gonna leave the thing run hopefully nothing comes and kills me it should pauses something terrible comes so we'll let the other hands do that thing here I'll be right back [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] nobody's dead nobody's dead yet good good I have dropped 37 thousand frames today boy [Music] okay so up this tree right there there's more trees over here let's remove all the trees and we can find well they if I remove the trees will they continue will they grow maybe I should leave a couple honey how that works in the game will remove these over here will leave the ones on the bottom and hope they will grow more trees I'll leave two trees okay so that's that we'll fill this thing up we'll have a proper moat bridge is done we need to get the outside wall done we need a wall up here as well we probably work on this wall first because this is this is our key paint right our main key so one gets attached we can run up here and hide out up here so let's work on that when they get all of it out of obsidian but it's not gonna happen sadly we've got a bit of a problem there with that land up here we could we could cut it and let it just fall down him maybe kill some people I'm okay with that that's all gonna we're not gonna kill anybody [Music] boy so we went to dig out we're gonna channel how's this work going up to there so we're gonna channel all of this until that last they're wrong Channel Oh channel channel all of that hello come on channel all that okay so it it will fall down but there's no one else there's no over here so it there's no one harm some climb up here start digging and it'll be okay hope there he goes nope he ran away I go they can't running around okay well while they are messing with that let me build up say many we did before we're gonna put a bunch upstairs up here I will put one here and [Music] stash one over this way just a few different spots to put them in like that and we good mr. parkis probably put one back here also okay so that's a way of getting up up top we're going to build another wall right here since I'm talking name okay and let's build a wall up top so we want to go out here if I can I'm gonna go something like that deal with these other pieces in a minute okay so that's a good start we need downstairs also what we can do much before we can do too much on top of these I don't care if the stairs made out of clay the only one done just the one he's working on that yet let me get smashed pits of maligne flu and founded a short walk to the northwest that's a lot of goblins around here there's goblins everywhere [Music] you're right needle lever build a lever which probably should go up here [Music] we're a big button [Music] okay walls are going in good good how's it looking starting to see it in I starting show up on here yeah twist this thing around with it yeah yes thank you very much I appreciate a lot I appreciate immensely patreon is fantastic and a huge help from free call it frickle it thank you very much even the $1 ones are a huge they all add up and it makes it much less strain stressful and company like having to deal with ad stuff [Music] build a wall I want a downstair there's a lot of goblins around there's a ton of goblins around floors gonna go in here actually no no no no floors gonna go right there and then we're gonna have another wall in that corner soon as I built which they aren't gonna be built we'll figure that out a bit later okay reminding me are we doing any more money are we done I'm assuming we're done with all of it right yeah it's plenty more though so let's dig more let's go this way and dig out this but let's remove [Music] they're up there yeah I'm completely surrounded by goblins now 50 goblins over there 50 goblins over there I don't think we're at war with him though we're cobol's right we don't have a problem with them no contact so we're not at war [Music] no worries grins oh I'm innocent I need to remove this now if I remove the we are going in space again these that will do it [Music] don't remove those those ramps over there at either [Music] okay yeah lever you links to bridge that one okay [Music] what not cobalt for humans look at the title oh no I didn't change the title and twitch whoops what I call it cliff side force there we go maybe trouble loading some data for this channel let's stop that twitch [Music] okay do we have enough let's take a look at our stockpile it's gonna also if you look today in this stuff we have zero meets zero fish lots of seeds zero drink what's going on around here we can cook plenty of things I think we're not making any food though we got strawberry strawberry plants we have tons of maize which we are supposed to be cooking but we're not with strawberry seeds everywhere we have tons of things I think we have lots of ahead eggs I guess it's all we're eating right here so let me set up a kitchen as a fine we'll just do easy meals on repeat I mean uh not no-repeat I guess actually I don't have to do that we should do it this way I work I want to work order of meals make fine meals make me like 25 5 meals I'm not sure exactly how that lasts what's the way oh you don't we need to do we need to do DF we have DF hack again um what was it good so long to do this alts W yes workflow make this one repeat yes shift a biscuit spinning the tray yeah I want biscuits of okay now shift are we have 43 biscuits at the moment so I want to have at least 10 biscuits a 10 to 45 so if it goes below 45 they'll make more biscuits or doesn't attend it'll go back up to 45 we're in it okay good it's anything with fine meals I'm going to alt don't you yes Hey I miss I miss having this I meet you in like in a long time five to ten is fine of stew okay and then the other one yes roasts yep 5-10 roasts good don't keep our kitchens busy now for this still I really need you bring from plants for pete's w drinks of any material and range of 15 to 50 pinkie might be about that much [Music] fifteen to twenty five okay now how is the mead looking we should be able to glaze and things what am I missing about glazing [Music] you have ash and you're making lots of ash are you actually I don't need the potash I just need you only when I'm lying - I have some soap around here alright easy fish I don't think is any fish in the aquifer either I want to put a bag down we can really don't know a lot of like just little housekeeping things we've not put in put a bag in there we also need to get a traction bench set up which is gonna be here and make me a traction bench make me another one two of those so I'll have a small doctor's office right here thank you thank you very much is it is it pay truant a patreon day is my favorite day frugal it's as I guess changed is it just changed your amount I guess thank you forget it if you were in here why's our camp oh cool camels camels yeah that's camel huh let's go get some camels I want you to kill from a list all the camels go get him there they go permit do you have she have where is my rabbit where is my where is inventory following skirt dress Cape you're wearing camel clothes right now you have a couple battle lines okay we killed that porcupine we just left it laying their tails there anyway witness Chell because we can't get up there now things thawed yet [Music] no falling yet it'll fall real soon and drowned everything I want to build a up stair rights here no no [Music] here [Music] downstair on top of it this is a camp no they're not channeling that out because there's no way of heating up there I [Music] could put some hunting on but this is more fun this gives my warriors and training [Music] down stay there [Music] more balls we're gonna go in this way [Music] right there [Music] a lot of walls we gonna make here [Music] didn't get any of those ramps done so they're gonna get flooded [Music] don't doubt the elves did you give me yet more camels any camels gal have you got two camels left bunch of those things what's your put your things Brazilian book or fortress players thank you very much Vinicius came walls is fighting collapses military commander hacks camel in the abdomen with her cap couple battle axe well done all right we got a stairwell there so we want to put a down stair on top of it and then we're going to floor it if I can already I made you a clay floor how's that look [Music] they prepare there yet we get a floor in there and we can with another level of food in there another food food storage like zero food in here but we'll get food made and it'll get filled up yeah Noah back to the setback I won't enjoy these much more than been whining about a ski be the king out a fortress please record it [Music] we ever heard a king I think we had a king wants long time ago I know I fortresses never last long enough for kings but I'm pretty sure we had one a long long time ago when we had our golden fortress I think we had a king now the walls and floors are made out of gold [Music] it's channel these out as well just make some more space out here since we did the weirdness that that wall good and there never get anything done channel all this out all I need to go away so our wall will actually worked like we want it to ready a cliff of some kind okay no go go do some digging now have too many people that need a mine not enough mining people as a whole my wall there make it out of anyway [Music] okay run through this difficult life [Music] or there build a wall I can't put it there yet [Music] build wall rides can't do it here I think so hang on hand cancel that one he just was to start with a dying civilization I'm not sure that means right words of wisdom such as we don't watch TV we watch bonsai leave on ob bonsai okay ball goes there okay so that we'll roll that up can I put a wall on this floor I should be able to yes like that okay no I can't but I can remove the floor and put the wall in it's gonna be a pain well if it go deal with that in a minute I done with the walls up so get those blocks made my Mason we could do it all out of clay for right now just to be defended I know I'm gonna get a trial soon as there's goblins all around who actually get apparently are not my enemy we're gonna get rid of that too we can't do that what if I put a wall up here Tipton [Music] there oh here [Music] take it out of I'm out of sandy clay I know we're not right there so make it up why can't you put it right there what's wrong with this spot on the map hadar cellar I put it why can't I put walls here I don't get it a couple porcupines it's all we've had so far we should have a fall here pretty soon I'm looking forward to it we could find being look at the four it startled you oh there goes there goes who just got washed away oh so it's V and clothes I guess there's a pic in there is that that V in right there yeah we found him there he is there's being partial skeleton anyway his milk over here - there's nook there he is you got hope look look got hosed get all those migrants [Music] cool good more migrants but were we at before we got 27 plus I got quite a few of me here there's the moat filling up so we have enough beans been found dead frozen [Music] heimo completely fill up and what is this this is like a baby tree young Saguaro oh yeah it is a baby tree Oh baby cactus um no I'm boy drag I'm in drag them in right right right I'm gonna get you right now before I forget about you pause real quick let me save we're thinking about it alright let's refresh so we've got how many do we have this is tell me 18 plus ones we had nineteen before where we have now now wow that's thirteen thirteen new ones plus a kid okay okay okay anybody get some military deke is oh yeah we got a few you bid the biter toe Maude yeah well kinds of them alright so I need some names so if you want to be names I wasn't charging through my my list here deke you are going to be drag them in there we go um go for the patreon folks first and he went in patreon showing up in here dramas oh you know we got a new page Ron I knew what we're gonna do it Rick al it here we go I'm gonna deal up in there got Nash Dana Cruz my new patrons in here cuz these guys probably anything yes so in a cruise we've got to get who's next Lazare who's there [Music] teller sure will get a pull from chat here and what is your name [Music] who's got a kid Fullmetal angel all right you asked for it full metal [Music] anyone else anyone else sure oh yeah build it velvet I think you've been anyone yet see you there I think he almost won that match last week last month right all right open it okay okay who is what here Franklin oh no worries first one on my list here so I mean to work in there do we have Jack blades in there would you know jack sure I do feel like it just pulled over to chat a little bit of paint trail on we got so many of them oh you know max in your ex you in there will get a Chilean and because it's got one more roots hey then everyone right no no I got one more here let's go with the old starving poet sorry boy it has a nice interesting dwarf name from the path for past dwarf dwarf eNOS okay that's everybody I believe anybody that's really good things do built we still do those before who's the we want to look at migration finer weave sixteen new guys nice anybody go to anything in particular it's like we've got Daniel Cruz is my weaponsmith we should start doing very soon we have copper we should start getting on that frickle it is my animal care person and a butcher anybody good at Jack we just stone crafter I would hunts and farms good good good we can use that we got a thirteen glazier with lies air we can ever play snook something happened to him how about military a lot of good military folks I'm really into or even here this way so dragons gonna go into the old relics as well as route den now suppose we should put like eyes there he's a good fighter get in there and stay no crews sure hey toaster I guess we might as well fill it all up so Jack blade you get in there what skill of one that are the most of us in Newark get in there - and I get did you get you in there yeah okay there we go we have a decent side squad now we have lots of humans now we got up to 34 imagine even he looks more come in you do that wrong I did that wrong at night I double-walled that I've played this game before and again look it's on the side of the wall that I cook that's why it wouldn't work before whatever so I should be able to do this though why isn't that why is that working I can do that I don't get it we're gonna set this whole thing up we'll deal with the the annoyingness of it in a minute the annoying corners and things across there I'm really these these these uh open spots we're gonna be like no I don't know lookout towers don't like that was all made out of clay we will eventually will fix this I promise but it'll be able to while I just want to get enclosed first before we go and start looking at something before we you know we get too far into this and overrun by a bunch of goblins actually the thing attacking us this time is probably gonna be humans not humans Isaac's got ones goblins would attack us wherever humans keep thinking our Cobalts why can I put a wall there I can't put a wall that why can't I there's nothing there I want a wall just right here well whatever it's fine okay so we'll get done whatever we can get done there's a lot of it they won't be able to do which is unsustainable you look ridiculous cuz it's going to be another clay it's Andy clay even but it's fine stockpile look at that moat it's uh it's moding there's a little spot of water that's that's Doug oh that's how he oh oh maybe I killed nuke maybe I had something to do with that I dug down I didn't know I did that I fail at my Z level looking sorry nook all right buddy that's all my fault now that we have a lot of people we have to have more stockpile room we're going to have more beds as well Ram mostly more of a wall to go out here and we're I need to build this thing up like that actually just let's just go to box lift just go to the wall here okay no no caves yet now I haven't dug I really dug down and well we may get there eventually but not for a bit it's gonna cause a cave-in long as no one's underneath it it'll be fine okay how's those jugs looking a Sheree you are uh you have ash you are making me you can make me charcoal too if you wish I need to make a what else do I need [Music] [Music] we have it we have the wood first new media smelter I don't think so hey Horton Horton just miss Jim [Music] I'm gonna head you as a dwarf in here Sookie dishes we doing no accessible fuel oh oh okay okay that's so so whole probably just cart charcoal now one fact it's make we should be good okay would by itself will be enough but no guys not not find maybe a lot of that [Music] get all those walls done but you can't build the corners is that new that you can never build corners you can walk in front if it's good until two corners who has some blood over here Campbell blood okay walls are starting to happen how are we looking we're looking a little bit ridiculous cuz it's dirt but it's it's something do you have a moat a moat need to go away around Mount Augustine bish go on the side of the mound we need to move it back and have a proper cliff and we have a wall that goes up here actually you know what I could probably do it from here a little you know but I'm low what I'm doing just put a wall up around here maybe [Music] probably our next step though it's gonna be weapons so let me build a metalsmiths Forge fresh put down below and I will yeah it probably should go down I wanna hear that one for to go there we got plenty of charcoal coming in now we will eventually if not not plenty but we'll have some charcoal we have a severe lack of wood so we only make a lot of charcoal there maybe coal right here somewhere porcupine is fighting my hunters got him yeah man I just go all right no he must have brought a bow and arrow will ya but will it not cross that and in most look problems [Music] this is a water source right little spot right here is a seat back Wells automatically become water sources I hope zero i hope i think that i think that they worked fine there's like they are [Music] [Music] wonder if I just put a wall across oh it won't we do the roll across here [Music] maybe just did we do this something like that like a wall dig out those those two things cancel all this not doing it anyway so cancel cancel all that cancel all that my miners are just occupied better or the military has grabbed their pigs which is very paper possible it's something that happens all the time we're stuck with the plenty by a honeybee well not much longer because we are gonna have clay jugs clay bricks yes play hives I want jugs make me lots of jugs and we're gonna make a stockpile over here it's gonna be just right over here and this is going to become it's an animal in in and then customize it [Music] sable all that I just want where is honey I forget is it a finished good royal royal honey not in there [Music] uh-huh all these [Music] yes no no Mead in there we just want we want just the honey bee wax kicked sure no no actually not not at night not even that um honey bee royal jelly is what we want okay so that is gonna go into there right I think and it can have bins which i think is what jugs are or do barrel so just in case [Music] how's the wall looking it's looking terrible looking dirty let's go ahead and do it [Music] you're not gonna work for me now I don't quite get what's going on with my wall building there's someone downstairs right there he has my problem the other side I don't have it down stare I bet it is have one there no I have one I have one but it leads up to a wall that's not gonna work maybe it with a problem I don't know [Music] la does the spended walls in here let's go ahead and turn these things back on we can get any of these because there's no floor to get to him so let's build a floor right across here that's any claim why can't you put a floor here what's so hard about that put a floor in I'll sting and going on how's my weaponsmith going is it built yet you I would like you to make me some copper things make me some copper copper armor first I suppose copper longswords let's make some copper sores what's Mei six swords and then we'll deal with something else later what's what you mean needs empty foods needs one copper bar right right to have copper or not bars what was the other one cancels what needs empties food storage item maybe some barrels please and some bins okay Mason make me blocks why'd you stop and craftsman I think you're good so we need you to make Memphis worse we need no we need I want smelter we go right here it's melter made of clay sure and we're gonna put in a stockpile of ore right here customize that one as none of that [Music] no other stone no clay just metal ores can go there okay and then we'll build a stockpile of blocks right there for bars walls again getting cancelled our thing yeah yeah what's your whining I know I know you're all whining about things wall go over there and in another wall boy over here that one works can't put one here yeah there we go okay we had the lobster with the problem so if we put a floor in eat what business stare right there I put a floor right there there's no sorry but it's not a down stair that's that's why that's not working down stair look the song was so good let's listen to it again wall goes up on top of this wall and it's gonna go over here yeah just like that and is going to connect over to this one like that like that okay we got it how does it look looks very dug out because a lot of mining going on over here I seem to have stopped for some reason I do want to go and connect up to here I think we should go ahead do that now let's lift become Dwarfs for a minute scroll the right way here and let's dig out a lot of copper at once [Music] let's go this way nice that's fine like that and then we go here I think leads up to where we want to go yeah past our mine a little bit off he was like right over here [Music] I'm going oh okay then we're gonna go with a upstair but I'm gonna go we'll clear that out straight up into my new stockpile just made okay right there how about this we just take a little bit over to here and putting the upstair right there and then a put the mine right there not going to work [Music] cancel that [Music] got your attention we want to go sure there will take a little bit over and we're gonna go up more into here and then we can down stair right there okay so that's our way that's our way down to our spot this needs to be downstairs not upstairs not up down okay like that how's the wall looking incomplete as looking on our map it's looking ground-floor in that spot we have so much clay a little bit amounts of clay that's box and that one and it'll solve that problem she'll put a floor across here now yes okay [Music] that wall is getting done we're gonna put a floor here for them and there and we put another floor across here like that okay we will remove those ramps [Music] remove these like that we're going to remove the wall that's out here okay it's almost like we know what we're doing there's a big cliff hanging into our base though so it's a bit of a problem [Music] these are all suspended which we can on suspend okay should be a wall going across there like a this like that I would love to have lots lots of clay bricks and things but there's an issue with lack of material like a wood channel this not okay that our moat doesn't go away still at what were at 80 FPS 1716 [Music] we're doing we're doing okay we're acceptable after one day of fortress killing this map may not last we'll see how long I can last but we're not supposed to be here we're not gonna be here forever we're gonna be here a little while because we're trying to grow the humans right we've gone from one human in the world to how many now how many now to 35 humans in the world so we're getting somewhere any of you that are suspended exchanges you don't say anything why don't you say anything do that one and if an update that they can now dig they can now build diagonally it's always a big issue with with above-ground things so go all over here then put a wall there then remove that spot floor and we got ducks anyone need to be stuck in here we got stuck lling a bull calf a llama a nanny goat donkeys all kinds of things we can eat [Music] highways are materials and we have zero meat zero fish lots of plants lots of seeds I think we're doing okay on food you know we don't have any some things we have lots of wine lots of hand it well we got seven hen eggs left I'm assuming we have food tho wordes meals show up prepared from the barrel I say this is a little bit in there I used to working on this suspended so means you means you have it chuckles going okay clay is still being collected ash is still doing whatever needs to be doing we do have a bit of lie so we should have some lye in here and our is it in there no splints or crutches no buckets we know so how we make so we need a soap makers workshop empty bucket all right all right all right all right [Music] [Music] right someone that's that's what we always do and we always lose because we raid someone I am itching for a raid however we have all these goblins around us I feel like maybe that means the one to not attack maybe they'll trade with us alright it's all it's here how if I tell Who I am I lied the stuff with normally you hit see isn't it [Music] don't even listen [Music] no can only see who's around you who's your you're with and all that why don't I do that anymore [Music] it is a random road map how's our walls looking we have walls all around mostly this is the one we're supposed to get done last but it's it's a lot easier to do so all the way down there oops they're all up here so hopefully this will work as some sort of defense is this one working anymore no why aren't you working make blocks now and why aren't you digging anything anymore where's my work my workers need no more blocks why where's my minor Nash making wooden buckets why are you doing that do you have a pick I know where one pick oh you know what there's a pic right there next pick is down there take it it's not forbidden don't you go get the pic reclaim reclaim there should be a pic over here viens pic is also probably over here somewhere wherever it is go pick it up and get to work so those of you that are mining but who is my new miner now actually do we all have any mining gnash get to mining Oh nobody has it a job okay well violet know where we could you chop trees years the name like gears you should be we're kind of mill I guess a spinner well there's 34 of us one left in the world now we know of we could probably raid we who could we successfully raid I don't want to anger the the the goblins but as this elf cave over here which which I think has lots of terrible things in it so I don't know that I want to go deal with them either force yourself Thomas land no civilized civilize public population it'll explore that I suppose and he'll look a lot like daggers no population it goes for it okay accessible oh yeah this one explore tombs tomb Islands sure old rocks yeah go go do it to go see what's over there they'll head out and go go find some things will bring you some things back they should be heading out I got one guy left cela military commander I go digging he's happening again good good yeah that was the whole problem okay so you're all the way I don't even see you guys leave but good go find something there sorry [Music] gonna find path how is the smelter is up here somewhere smelter I would like copper what's failure I'd give me just just do a lot of copper don't do all of it cuz I don't have wood for that let's do a lot of it you do as much as you have charcoal for I guess [Music] [Music] they returned yet and a quiet fortress it's not secured yet at all all right have returned we set out to explore tombs tomb island found nothing no that's exciting what else we can go look at a cave of hollows of color no civilized population to abort this books for that one to cannot be why signe squad I will let him get back there's just not returning welcome back everybody what happened down what is all this Oh camel teeth oh okay found the camels just a whole bunch of camel teeth all of the place and those kittens playing him so we made it up to the top now we have just dig out down I guess I didn't do that right take out that so we get continued down down here and connect that up okay up here we are defended though right there's a wall hanging over us which is a problem I can't seem to get rid of hopefully that won't be a problem [Music] enacted well you're slowly working on it [Music] put a wall over here in this corner let's see here so this is somewhat defended you can see there's a wall there but it's not really defended if I could come in here now that we have minors if I could remove a lot of this channel I'll have this down I think that would there's a problem let's channel as a wall actually go down right there so we got a channel out this [Music] might result in some sort of cave-in I'm sure it will [Music] hey yaki building destroyers can destroy things like trolls large things can both things can't or permant I don't know that easy how goes the the smelting well do it now whoever is doing it [Music] we have another layer of this for food if we ever need food let me get up upstair right there there and we'll put in another floor so we can roof this thing and we need to have a proper keep need a place that we can like yeah build this one up too so we've got a stair already going up we can do another one stair right here next to it floor here [Music] downstair as soon as I can but second level to our attempt with to our Tavern Tremec this into a Tiber downstair right there a Firehawk Oh God probably oh it's a man it's late today yeah we'd probably to call day here let's set out huh my squad looking let's do what's in this on a high note we got room for two more people who wants to fight we got an on fire in Daniel and allies air we got a few people good who's not good Nord get out of there no argue or get replaced with Jack Jack I'm in you are going to replace a second who's that guy who's the traveling guy it's me broken [Music] you can eat broken somebody elect lost out there we explore this place on the mission okay good it's weird go explore that place and we'll call it a date next time we can get this here they are actually working on this digging out all this thing we'll get our walls set up well actually start working on getting our fortress working a lot more productive he's rather motte-and-bailey isn't it that was the idea look at it like an whoa calm down there are my vision where am i okay what just happened what just happened we broke our mock vision things are flying body they ever quit before I break more things what's the aim of it I mean it means they're on mission what about what a peaceful day nobody attacked we saw that coming nasty okay there buddy mining is a dangerous job I drop her frames again frames again stop dropping frames so much so peaceful you didn't work though it's it's still connected over here we got it we got to chop out we have to chop all this all right this isn't gonna be good this is gonna hurt but we gotta get rid of all this this is harming our our our defense here when of course had this one over here we have the area of two they returned yet was that it in the hollows of color yeah then found nothing well that's boring okay we're gonna call it we're gonna call here so the next next week we should be like it's uh more exciting things in we got 34 humans still mining is happening I don't know why this isn't being mined but finally if I'm lining up here go ahead and mark it out if I'm mining that and some mines more of this and even walls that are more than just dirt walls we'll get our full defense set up well build ourselves a military and we will yeah my friendship back into water now rebuild the kingdom right this is the human game there's only one human organ that what is that stuff only one human left in the world but now there's more more humans now as long as well as long as we don't kill them all there's more all right thanks Evan for watching we'll do another stream on Friday we might do one on Wednesday we might have some sort of a surprise stream Wednesday that's the thing when game was fighting so yes yeah yeah thanks y'all for watching and sorry we broke our my vision know what's going on this thing yeah thanks for watching and I will see you all next Monday at least with tor tor Friday maybe maybe Wednesday who knows sometime
Channel: Nookrium
Views: 33,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dwarf fortress, livestream, live, dwarf fortress tutorial, rimworld, nookrium, neptunesnookgames, rise of industry
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 221min 12sec (13272 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 06 2018
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