Starfield , The MOST POWERFUL CLASS-A SHIP Early! Starfield Ship Building Guide

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today we're going to go over how to build one of the most powerful Class A ships that you can use at the beginning of the game this is going to be maxing out the amount of damage and cargo capacity as well as pretty much everything else that a Class A Ship can do now what's great about class A is you can use this without having to upgrade your piloting skill and the base of this ship is going to be completely for free although you can use the outline that we're going to be using for this build on pretty much any ship that you want as long as it's still Class A and you can kind of take everything that you learned from this to upgrade the ship to B and C in the future as you progress through the game the damage output of the ship is pretty insane very few things are going to survive long enough to be able to do any damage to you and I really wanted this ship just to serve everything that I needed we've got 3920 cargo capacity 160 shielded cargo for your Contraband you've got four crew slots on here and plenty of other Habs built into it like a Captain's Quarters Workshop science lab pretty much everything you would need on your ship and everything that you'll learn in today's video will show you how all the mechanics that you need to know to build the ship of your dreams the thing I love most about this ship though is the way that it flows I hate a ship that does just like a giant maze we have our Landing Bay at the back and we have our workshop and everything that we could use here for crafting just at the back of the ship we'll show what's up and down here in a second but you can see that you can walk right through this to all the different areas we've got the all-in-one Habs here with a bunch of different things and you can go straight to the cockpit there's plenty of crew area and if we head to the back of the ship we have two choices we can go up into the living quarters which is just where there's some beds and some things up there or we can go down right here this is where we're going to be able to dock with other ships or space stations and then we also have the Captain Quarters behind here this is where you can sleep to be able to get your XP boost cuddle with your blushies or just get some work done the flow of the ship is really clean and Incredibly customizable for this video we will be using the Outpost shipbuilder it has access to the most amount of modules in one place it's essentially all of the different cities modules and pieces all in one spot except for some of the premium pieces from each of those companies that you can only get from that company themselves but otherwise this is an amazing way to be able to build a ship because it's going to give you the most amount of options possible without having to travel around to different cities and space ports obviously to be able to build one of these you're going to need to build an outpost I do have plenty of videos on how to build an outpost you can check those out on the channel but essentially all you need to do is just add some power get some materials and then build your landing pad it requires adaptive frames zero wire beryllium and iron now the ship that we're going to be using as the Baseline for this build is the Razor Leaf which you can get at the beginning of the game for free by doing the Mantis questline I have a full video on exactly how to get this ship for free as well as one of the best legendary armor sets right at the beginning of the game that's the reason that we're using this as our Baseline Razor Leaf is an amazing ship and we're going to outfit this to be pretty much the best com combat ship at the beginning of the game I do also have the star Eagle which is easily the best class a ship available it does take quite a bit longer to be able to get it is a fantastic ship as well and if you have either of these you can use either one as your Baseline I do have another build planned for the star Eagle specifically though but the great thing about either of these ships are they are our class A you don't need piloting skill to be able to use them and you can use them right at the beginning of the game now I have changed up the Razer Leaf already a little bit I've added some Habs but essentially the only thing we're really going to keep from this is the engines because those are Starship design Rank 3 which means we can't buy them but since we already have them we can use them and they are very good engines we're also going to keep the reactor we've got the shielded Cargo in the back but we're basically going to kind of take the majority of this ship apart and build something a little bit more versatile for us so we're going to leave this ship on the side the first thing we're going to do is we want to add a new cockpit I want to be able to add more crew members to this so we're going to be looking for something that adds four crew members to start off with here so we can use any of these Viking cockpits I'm going to use the one with the most cargo space available now you'll notice when you're in the ship Builder that if you grab something and you look at the right side of the screen over here on the computer we have R and F to be able to raise and lower things this will come in very handy when you're going to play stuff now the next thing we want to add is some structural is nice if you kind of look at a certain part of your ship that you want to connect to if you point say I want to add something right here if we hit G we can see what pieces are available there and you can scroll through them and see what they look like on that spot essentially I'm looking for something that looks kind of nice with this cockpit and I do like the taiyo braking engine so we're going to add that in behind this other piece that we just added I want to add the Taio engineering Bay three by one bottom this is going to provide us with another crew station and it matches up really good with this front piece and it does provide more attachment points on the bottom and the sides to be able to expand her ship more on top of that engineering Bay we're going to add a 2 by i1 all-in-one berth so we can drag this and we can put it right on top and from here there's a couple different things we can do I do want to make our ship look good as well so we're going to add a little bit more structure to this we're going to add in two of these Nova cowlings so you can grab one then you can hit Z or whatever button it is on whatever you're playing to be able to add it so that way we don't have it strictly just kind of all boxy you can move it up too if you want so you can kind of have it look like this there's a bunch of different options you can do here now you can make this ship quite a bit longer if you want depending on how many things you want to add onto this entire ship there's a lot of expansion possibilities if you want we're gonna go with the kind of basic version of this first we're going to steal the kind of loading area or the landing Bay rather and we're going to attach that right to the back of this so that way we can go from The Landing Bay into the engineering Bay if we want and on top of this we're going to put another Taio two by one you can really add whatever you want here for me I'm going to use the science lab for this so we're going to put this on top of here now do keep in mind you don't have to use Taio either whatever you have available in whatever you like the most is what you can use now this is going to allow us to enter up into this Hab here and then we'll be able to travel all the way through the ship to the cockpit now the cargo bays are going to be pretty important essentially what we want to do is we want to balance cargo capacity with mass The more mass we have the more Mobility we lose as well eventually we're going to start losing jump range as well so these Store max 50s provide us with 320 cargo but for each of them we're losing eight Mobility right now now I've decided to add four of these because I really do want a lot of cargo capacity so I've added four to each side and adding on our shielded cargo that's going to give us a total of 3920 cargo space if you don't want that much cargo space you can by all means reduce it and add other things to the ship as well basically any other Hab will attach to these same cargo spots now we are going to want to grab the reactor and put it onto the ship as well and we're gonna you want to and we're going to want to use that grav drive as well I also added a Nova cowling on the top in front of this reactor just kind of make it look not so weird up there also if you don't want to use this engineering Bay we have some other really great options we can use for the bottom as well we delete that out we can add in something like the all-in-one berth we'll have to use the mid so we still get all the connection points and we can add in the Captain's Quarters the Captain's Quarters are actually really good because you get a bed in there where you can rest to pass time but you also get a 10 XP bonus when you do that and then attached to that we can use something like the Tayo Companion Way one by one now what we're gonna do is we're going to actually add the taiyo workshop to the top so this is a mid Workshop piece and instead of having the grav drive here I'm putting this two by one here so it's just going to be above the science lab so we have the landing Bay that goes to the Companion Way which then leads to our Captain's Quarters we also have a slim Docker down here at the bottom this is how we're going to dock to stations and other ships we've also attached our shielded cargo to the back of this and then I'm going to add on our fuel tank and I'm going to add another fuel tank to this as well but what we do need to do is we need to actually upgrade our grav drive and we're also going to upgrade our Shields too so if we go to our grav drives the one we are going to use is the R3000 Alpha grav drive this is going to give us grab jump thrust 23 and drive Health 76. it's also max power of 9. we actually need this since we're kind of maxing out the capacity of a Class A Ship we're really kind of pushing the edges of what we're able to do with a Class A which means we need that extra grab thrust to actually be able to jump we're also going to upgrade our Shield to the 30s protector Shield generator which gives us 420 Shield Max Health if you have Starship design Rank 2 you can go for the 40s then going to attach the landing gear to the science lab like the this so that way we need to have everything level so your Docking Bay and your landing gear all needs to be level as well so we're going to attach this to both sides and then we're going to use the wings so the Shroud engine bracer as well as the dt60 engines we're gonna attach that to the edge of the workshop and then the engines to the end of that on both sides and we can add another one of the fuel tanks on here if you want you don't have to you can add it here or really wherever you want we'll probably add something here to make it look a little bit nicer as well now I've noticed that when I start attaching things I get this weird thing where cannot reach the cockpit from The Landing Bay does this happen a few times when I've been messing around with building ships where everything works perfectly fine then suddenly something happens and it doesn't and I think it's this front piece actually so if we delete this it has something to do with a little bit with what you attach to the front and I'm not exactly sure why it happens but if that does happen what we need to do is kind of just reattach everything and make sure that it flows to The Landing Bay properly so the best way to solve this when you're adding all of those pieces from your cockpit back to The Landing Pad you can kind of just click like hover your mouse or whatever it is over the part you want to attach it to and you want to hit the add part and then it's going to add in kind of right at that attachment point so we want to add our all-in-one birth mid and then behind that we want to make sure we hover over that we want to add in our science lab or whatever we want to add to the back could be an infirmary really whatever you want and then we want to make sure that below this that's we're going to add our Landing Bay now if we check our errors we should see that we now have a path to the cockpit so if you counter issues with that you'll have to juggle it back and forth the building system is great there's so much Freedom with it but it is a little wonky at times and then you can just add in the rest of the pieces that you took apart you're still having a lot of problems with that particular Landing Bay and not getting a path to the cockpit you can use the 120 LD Landing Bay which kind of looks better actually anyways it might be the better choice and I've had way less issues with this one so the front of this Alpha grab drive I'm going to add some structure to it there's a few different things you can add but I'm just gonna go with this Anova engine strut I think it'll blend in well once we recolor the actual grab drive now what we need to do is actually just deal with the whole landing gear problem since we are a thick ship now and we have a lot of weight capacity we actually need to add a lot of different types of landing gear well a couple different types so if we go over to gear we're actually going to go to the acculander 11s and you'll notice something a little bit interesting when you equip these so on this side you'll see that if we drag it out we have all sorts of different attachment points but if we go to this side I think it should happen where it's gonna look different right and what you can do is you can actually drag this out and you can edit it and then you can hit Z and you'll notice that we'll get that different version I don't know why it doesn't tell you that you actually can do that but we do want to do that so we're going to equip those there and then we're going to drag our other landing gears over there and we're gonna put this landing gear over here so we're still going to reuse all the other landing gears and essentially we're really thick now but you know what it's gonna be great so on the front of this we're gonna add some structure to make it look a little bit better there's a bunch of different options you can add here the braking engines look really good you've got those thrusters you get a ton of different options to kind of make this look a lot better I'm actually going to use these Stroud braking engines the taiyo cowlings also look pretty good if you want something a little bit closer to the ship though the dymos brake engines look really good too attached to the living quarters we want to make this look a little bit better too you can actually add more halves up here if you want but you got to be careful to not get too heavy or your grab Drive won't be able to support it so instead of adding any more halves what I'm going to do is I could add on another one of these Nova cowlings what I actually want to do is use these Stroud caps and if you hit Z you can rotate them and I just want to cover some of these hot cargo containers I think that looks a lot better now last but not least we need to add our weapons and we're going to completely change up the weapon system on here we're gonna use the pb30 electron beams there's also a disrupter beam that does more damage than this one if you have that this one will look a lot better on the ship but for the purposes of right now we're just going to add four of these electron beams they have a range of 3300 pie hole and shield damage these are absolutely fantastic you can add these to any spot on the ship that you want as we're going to be doing a ton of damage with these pulse lasers we also want something else that we can use to be able to actually disable the engines of the enemy ships without destroying them and for this we're going to use the spark 750 suppressor it's pretty expensive but it's definitely going to be worth it I'm gonna add that to the top of the ship so now you'll see that the only error that we have other than low mobility and missing weapon assignments is the unassigned weapons to fix this we can tab over to weapons and for w0 we're going to add our electron beams and for weapon one we are going to add our suppressor now we're still going to have an error for the missing weapon assignment this isn't required we don't have to have three different types of weapons and we don't need them because we're going to be doing so much damage anyways now low Mobility can be fixed we can replace our engines on here to increase our Mobility if we want the only real engine upgrade that we can do is adding a white dwarf 1020 engine which is going to give us maneuvering thrust of 2600. two of these will get us up to a mobility of 43 well it's better than where we were at it's maybe not the most worthwhile upgrade if you have Starship design Rank 2 or 4 though you could upgrade to these white dwarf engines here that have significantly High maneuverability so there is still room to upgrade the ship considerably as far as engines and maneuverability go the last option you can do is actually add a fifth engine to this which is going to max out your engine power and you can do this by adding an a moon or I don't even know how to pronounce that before engine which will give you another nine maneuverability getting you up to 52. once you're happy with the check once you're happy with the ship you can hit tab to exit and you can still accept it's only warnings there's nothing critically broken on the ship now once you're done building you can set it as your home ship and there are a ton of different ways to be able to upgrade this but I really do hope you all enjoyed the video let me know what you think in the comments below and I'll see you all in the next one
Channel: TagBackTV
Views: 445,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, starfield ships, starfield best ships, starfield class a ship, starfield ship, starfield ship guide, starfield ship building, starfield ship building guide, tagbacktv, starfield tagbacktv
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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