How To Find Legendary Ships In Starfield - Hardest Ship Encounters

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welcome to where I find my ships and today I'm going to be showing you how you can find three legendary ship encounters give you some tips and tricks and a bit of knowledge just to help and Aid you so you can get these encounters quicker easier and just so you understand what it's all about so first off what are the legendary encounter so there are three humongous ships that you can encounter there's the Veron shroud Bea which obviously belongs the Veron faction we have the spacer scavenger fla which is the spacer version and lastly we have the hardest and more challenging version which is the ecliptic Battleship camulus these are three encounters that you can come across randomly but you have to do it a certain way and there's some really important things you need to know before you do it just to make it quicker and so you actually don't waste your time otherwise you you won't find them now quickly looking at the three individual chips you have the Veron shroud Bearer doesn't have a shield so it's a bit easier to take out does have quite good weapons looks pretty cool very solid encounter and it's a lot of fun we have the the space scavenger we have the blad deer which looks awesome much more complicated looking ship it is smaller also doesn't have a shield it has quite good weapons on it so it's another very challenging encounter and finally the camulus is by far the largest and most deadly having a shield as well which makes it ideal if you want a good fight so that's just a little quick Insight so you know what they look like now let's get into how you want to find them so how do we find these legendary encounters what's really important to understand is that you're looking for these black ship icons now there's about I don't know 10 20 30 different encounters that you can experience from visiting these icons and how would you visit them well the biggest takeaway from this whole video is that if you want to find them they will only appear in the system once you visit that system so for example I'm looking at this system and I can't see any black ship icons but then once I travel to the system I then look at the map and I can see that the black ship icons have appeared now do note if I travel away and come back they'll still be there but the initial S sourcing or finding of these black ship icons only comes from visiting that system that loading screen that loads you into it is what will generate those icons and once they're there you can come back to them they stay there for quite a while I don't think it's permanent but they will stay there for quite a while but that's the biggest thing so you can't just look on your Universal map and click on systems to see if any are there it's only going to show when you've been to a system and you've already sort of seen it otherwise if you want to discover new ones you have to visit the systems which brings me to the next big point in order to to increase your chances of finding these Legendary Ships you need to change your difficult setting to very hard which will probably mean you'll need more ship parts and they have a quite a good ship because a lot of these icons will lead you to various battles against ecliptic Crimson spaces all of them and there are also a multitude of Civilian encounters that will be triggered from visiting these icons so it's not always enemy engagements it's civilian as well now the only real means to do this is just actually by traveling to system to system now the way I do this it is a bit random of course and there's no guarantees but I put the game on to very heart and then I'll travel to a system and if I can't see any icons once I'm in there I'll quickly open my map look on the map and I'll probably probably just jump I just jump somewhere random typically a bit further away and then jump to that system and then I might find some of these icons in that system so then I'll go visit those icons to S out to see if it's a legendary encounter and if it's not depending on the encounter I just jump straight over to another system now now do note if you hover your cursor over the icon it will tell you if it's hostile or if it's a distress call or there's a few different ones ideally I visit them all the One You're typically looking for will just say ship won't see anything else so that's a bit of a giveaway I'm not sure if the Hostile activities can also turn into legendary events so just keep that in mind but you're looking for the ship where it just says that so just keep in mind you can hover your cursor and it will give you a bit more information about what that encounter might be so that's all you're sort of doing to find these now the minimal level I'm not sure but I have heard people getting these encounters at level 60 and above so that's something to give you a Rough Guide of when you might be able to engage in these encounters but once you've been jumping around for a bit I mean it can take an hour or two possibly longer depending on your luck but you will come across one but there are a few caveats to this there are some known bugs and issues where you will run into these Legendary Ships but they'll either be invisible or there are a few bugs around this so something to note if you're not having any luck you probably have a bugged Quest CU what happens is when you do find these and you get close enough it will trigger a quest activity what can happen is these quests can get bugged and the ships can disappear and you can't complete that event so something goes wrong and there are some Reddit posts that I'll try to find and Link in the description that have sort of tried to fix these by forcing the events to be complete but do note there are some issues around this but not everyone is going to have the same luck adding to the long list of issues that desperately need to be fixed in Starfield even before we get to adding new content so there's a lot of work ahead and shouldn't be up to all the moders but anyway back to this so once we do find these encounters I highly suggest you just save because they won't attack you straight away they only attack you once you get close enough so as you get closer first things first you'll trigger the encounter Mission which means once that's triggered it's going to stay there for quite some time now it's not permanent if you get close enough or you see them and you leave the system it will stay there for quite a while days maybe a week or something but eventually I'm pretty sure the encounter will disappear if you don't engage with it so even if you've triggered the mission or the activity the activity itself can end eventually or if you haven't engaged at all and you've seen them and jumped to another system just so you can come back later it will stay there for quite some time but eventually it will disappear and again you'll have to find it again in another system that's my current understanding of how that works so once you are ready to engage it's just a matter of using your different tactics there's many different ways you can choose this I'll let you to figure that out but you can take these ships on and you get you will get some credits some XP and you just get a kickass feeling for being able to punish something so big they're definitely the funnest or more difficult encounters that you can come across now unfortunately we can't capture them or board them do anything really amazing with them just yet that will come later but next I'll add in the bit where you can actually add it into your inventory if you do just want to sus it out or play around there is potential that you can add it to your inventory strip it right down and only keep a few components to build Class M with mods or even just say take the Shields and try put them on so I don't know too much in depth of how that will work but what I do know is this next part if you do decide to put these in your inventory using console commands first of all if you're using console commands make sure you have the mod that will still let you keep your achievements going unfortunately if you're Xbox you get to just enjoy the battle but for PC players they can put this into their inventory just to have a look definitely don't save and keep your main game with these in your inventory it'll slow your low times up and it can just be a big pain so that's more or less the best way to find these legendary encounters you put your game on very hard you travel to systems you look for the ship icons you visit the ship icons and you repeat that process so that kind of covers it all this next part will just be cut from another video I did on how you can put these into your inventory that's only applicable to PC players who have the mod to prevent canceling out your achievements so thank you very much I'll leave you with this last bit hope you got something out of this peace okay so for you PC players out there if you do want to get the Shroud Bearer into your inventory even though you won't be able to fly it what you want to do is when you find it you want to fly as close as you possibly can to it basically touching it at least 100 m if not closer you want to be facing it and you want to click the your console make sure you click on the ship and you'll get this gbfm number make sure that's selected and then you want to go pry set player home spaceship and then enter that code in that's next to the gbfm I'll put this command into the description you want to copy and paste it and then you hit enter and you want to make sure it says success at the end of the command there that way you know that it's been added to your to your inventory now it says it's your home ship but it really isn't your home ship it will just sit in your inventory you can register it you can look at it but you can't do anything outside that now the reason we have to use this command and there's no other way else you can't spawn these ships like you would others you can only do this if you see it in front of you at least to my knowledge if there's other ways of doing it do let me know but that should get you the Shroud Bearer into your inventory but that was sort of cover it for this video thanks so much for watching if you got anything out of it let me know if you think I should cover something a bit more or something else on this definitely let me know in the comments now until next time peace
Channel: SiNKiLLeR
Views: 5,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, starfield gameplay, starfield guide, Starfield How to, starfield highlander, Best and rarest ship in starfield, rarest ship in starfield, how to get the rarest ship in starfield, rare starfield encounters, starfield news, ultra rare ships starfield showcase, legendary ships starfield, legendary ship encounters starfield, shroudb, Shroudbearer, Spacer Scavenger Blattodea, rarest ship encounter starfields, shroudbearer starfield, starfield tips and tricks, M Class Ships
Id: bB-WVT-NzeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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