How to Build The Most Powerful Class A Ship In Starfield

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so you want to build the most powerful A-Class ship possible well that's exactly what I've built here and I'm going to take you through the build process piece by piece focusing on a light Nimble craft with huge DPS output so much so that I think it's the most powerful of all my ships that I've ever created so just think what we'll be able to do with a Class C build but that's for another video so make sure to subscribe for that this is Star-Lord and as you can see she's not only ferocious but also sleek and fast and to prove how powerful she is I'll be taking care of all seven ships in the key or at the key in very hard difficulty and she'll still slice through enemies like a hot knife through butter let's get started building so we're going to be using this ship that we've commanded it's the Crimson Fleet Phantom 2 that we've sound and generally speaking it's an all-round pretty good ship for a starter if you can capture it but we're going to be making some changes to make this as powerful as possible and we have 149 000 credits to work with though ideally we won't be spending that much the first thing that I'm going to be doing is just separating the parts I do want to be able to walk through this and be quite proud of the way it looks so we're going to actually go with an engineering Bay straight after this and then I think we'll try and make it so that we have a little storage room at the bottom over here so and then on top of here we're going to place just a normal Companion Way one thing that I will mention if you're wondering how in copy and pasting things or any of the tricks that I'm using in this do check out my guide on shipbuilding we've just released it and I think you'll find it pretty useful by the way we are at my home base for this The Landing pant that we have there means that we have most of the options that are available there's still quite a few things missing but this just gives us the the biggest selection of everything here we're also going to want something here possibly just a all-in-one berth I think is probably best we will use these wing tips on the end here we'll grab our landing gear from here we'll also grab some more landing gears ideally I don't want to use more than four this will give us up to 800 Mass to build with that might be a little bit difficult but we'll try and work within that where possible so place down our grab engine we're going to get the best reactor I don't mind paying through my teeth providing we have the best reactor available we had this one here that's 23 000 can we do it better than that yeah so the 26 the fact that it's providing us with 26 power is going to be really useful when we're kitting out our Weaponry because we're actually going to use all three slots so we want to maximize the amount of power that we have available for both Shields and weaponry for this everything is quite streamlined we want a smaller Target as possible to be able to hit I don't know if it's possible to dodge having a smaller ship but in my mind that should work we need a Docker but this is far too big so we're going to look at what we have available uh oh the slim dock does this can we put this on we can put this on the bottom that would be really useful actually so let's put that here for now a bit too chunky around the side now that works well obviously with this being a weapon ship we're going to want to have some equipment Mount so we're going to go with two side sponsor mic mounts foreign at the moment fuel we do need some storage ideally we'll have about 800 storage if possible I think that's a good amount let's see if we can get some shielded cargo here that just looks too blocky I think that's going to be our best bet the the idea of this ship is that it's going to be a hard hitter and that it has the ability to stun an enemy ship dock with it board and take the ship if necessary it's going to have a fair amount of storage but really everything's going to be geared towards hitting heavy blows and outclassing the enemy ships so with that in mind what Shields do we have available 520 it's at the max check on that low Mobility so we could do with adding some more engines just to increase the mobility but we do have to be aware of our Mass we have up to 800 cannot reach the cockpit from Landing Bay oh yeah because this one has a top entrance you can't use this that's a shame I wish we could choose which doors to use for our ship because that one allow us to do that yeah yeah perfect so we need more engines I'm liking this I mean we haven't added any weapons yet but I am liking it still need to do a little bit of decoration so we have the general feel for the ship now we've got 26 reactor Class A and we have equipment power totalink 22. so with that in mind let's get started on the combat we're also going to get rid of these Auto cannons I've mentioned in previous videos that it's best to go with one type of weapon and then Max that out when it comes to power the reason for that is that you aren't bouncing your power between multiple systems and so you're you're punching as hard as you possibly can um and that is made even better with the fact that we have weapons like this Electron Beam which is a particle weapon and that does 13 damage to both the hull and the shield so this is perfect for all circumstances except when we're boarding and with that in mind that's what we're going to be using for this however we do have to be aware of the max power now if I remember rightly each of these allows up to 12. yeah 12 power and this particular weapon uses a max power of three so we can put up to four of these on this ship now at this point we still have plenty of Mass available we've got 115 mass and it's ready to go bar it would be really nice to have an em weapon I think we could place here and at this point we've got a pretty powerful craft if we look here we have top speed 150 Mobility 100 jump range 26 light years that could be slightly better as that's one to two jump sternly speaking up to four crew that sounds pretty good okay so we have a Max crew of five same weight by the looks of it 520 cargo I think we could probably increase that somehow Maybe here because we would like about 800 cargo if possible Okay so we've got 1120 cargo and it's dropped down our jump range of Mobility slightly I still want to add more weapons so now that we have 12 power to these and we'll also have one em weapon we have an extra slot available and if we want to Max this out we can add our proton beams now at this point these very powerful weapons they can do 21 damage each and they have a max power draw of four so three of them add up to 12 so that's slot one taken up then we have the other four particle weapons which are each three power adding up another 12 and then we have our em so this is a little heavy it's perfect but just over 22 so can we reduce these 52 this will bring our cargo down considerably okay it's still above 800 860. hey that's not bad and that means that this ship has a total of a hundred and fifteen particle weapon um damage uh per shot so the last thing that we need to do with this is paint it and then give it a name and then we're going to give it a test because I'm actually really happy with the look of this and there we are that is the outside of the ship I think that looks great let's jump down and see what it looks like inside by the way guys if you are enjoying this content make sure to drop a like and please do subscribe for more Starfield content I'm absolutely loving this game it's a little bit loud outside this is the engineering area it's a little bit dark but I think that really works for a spaceship we then have our storage area we can come up here into the if I remember rightly the control area perfect and then at the back we also have a living area as well for everyone and we have the bridge okay let's see how this fares so for this first we'll do the encounter in normal and then I'm going to do it on very hard and we'll just see how we can cope against them and here we are we have power we're going to go straight for the hardest hitting one which is this way and you can see we are making short work of a C-Class ship the second way out and they've now taken out our Shield which is a level four oh a level two Reaper isn't bad and a Banshee as well we do have Parts but we're not going to use them just yet oh and a third why this is a perfect opportunity to show you that we can disable their ships as well obviously you only want to do this when there's only one enemy left and you can just sneak up behind them and take out their engines their firing angles aren't great on these big ships and there we go we can choose two board it now if we want really not bad at all so this time we're going to load it on very hard and see how we fare against the enemy okay we have jumped into this again we're going to push it up to very hard this time just to check it's on very hard how about yeah it's saved and we're going to want to put Power immediately in Shields and I think engines is probably going to be the best one let's take out the white first we're doing a lot of damage but so are they we've almost lost our Shield first ship parts in use oh this is more difficult second ship parts to be used third I'm gonna pop another one okay we've still got a Banshee left they've done a huge amount of damage to our systems gonna pop another part boom just take out the white I've got a bad feeling our engines are down okay that's seven spare parts that we've used eight and we have one ship left about this is difficult we're on one engine we're moving at 25 27 there we go goodness me I must admit I'm really happy with how this has performed we were against against what six enemies maybe seven I'm not sure I'm very hard including at least two whites uh a banshee and I think there was a wraith as well I'm not sure about the others but those are still two classes and two Class B's at least against this single Class A so this can really hit like punch above its weight but guys do let me know if you want to see me do this with class B and class c ships and maybe we can do a specific Brands as well and see what we come up with those but guys we are going to leave it there thank you so much for watching let me know what you thought in the comments below special thanks does go to our amazing supporters on patreon most notably our solo Eclipse patrons James Irwin five less and treble as well as our Lunas the Calamity band star and back aw as well as our blood moon of the day which today is the city rat until next time as always ciao for now
Channel: TotalXclipse
Views: 94,722
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Keywords: How to Build The Most Powerful Class A Ship In Starfield, Starfield, Totalxclipse Starfield, Starfield ship designer, Starfield A Class Ship, Best A class Ship Starfield, Starfield ship Building, Perfect A class ship starfield, How to build the perfect ship starfield, Starfield guide, Starfield ship builder, Starfield ship design, Starfield Ship Building tutorial, Starfield tips and tricks, Starfield ship building tips, Starfield ship design ideas, Starfield Very Hard ship combat
Id: mIEo0B8OgI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2023
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