Starfield: All Snow Globes & Landmarks

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[Whoosh] Hey guys and gals, what's  up? This is Gimli1357 here. And today I'm going to be showing you  how to get all 18 of the snow globes   in Starfield for visiting all of the  Landmarks on Earth, the moon, and Mars. Now most of these have a book or interactable  object that will give you their location,   and there are a few missable ones.  I'm going to be going in the order   that makes sense if you are playing  through the game from the beginning. Now starting off, we're gonna be getting the  Apollo snow globe. Which the book for it is   in The Lodge in New Atlantis on the planet  Jemison. So, when you get into The Lodge,   you're going to head up the stairs around  this corner and walk down this hallway to   the second room on the left. The  second room on the left will have   a nice big yellow bed and a book that is  called Sir Livingstone's Second Journal. Once you pick that up and read it, you will get  the Activity Mission to visit the Apollo Landmark   on Luna. So, if you go into your missions and  activities, you will see that. You can tag it   and then "show on map" will bring you right to  where the Apollo landing site is. You can also   just fly to it like normal and land from  your ship if you prefer to do so that way. But once you land you will see the lander  and the nice beautiful American Flag. You   can climb up on top of the lander and you  will find the Apollo snow globe. Go ahead   and pick it up. There you go, that is  completing the mission. So, it will no   longer appear in your activities,  but the landing area will remain. Now moving on. The next one we're going to get  is the New York snow globe. Which the book for   it is also on Jemison, in New Atlantis. But this  time we're going to be going to the MAST District.   And we're going to be going to the MAST Tower  specifically. So, once you fast travel to there,   you will be at this part at the top of the ramp  right in front of the big MAST building. And   you'll want to run inside real quick, up into the  elevator. And you're going to take that up to the "Central Command / Office of  the President / Systems Defense" A long name for a floor. But once you get inside,  you'll probably want to switch to first person so   the camera doesn't go all crazy. But you're going  to come into this room, which is the office of the   president lady, and there is a book on her desk  that you have to steal. And she's standing right   in front of it, so she'll get mad if you pick it  up. However, if you do pick it up and she catches   you it doesn't really matter because the mission  will still activate, you will just lose the book   and probably get a bounty. But if you don't want  any of that come into this room and pick up one   of these briefcases, or any other pick-up-able  object. You can pick things up by holding down   "A" on an Xbox controller or holding down "E" if  you're on PC. And you can then move it around,   and just kinda shove the book off the table, and  she doesn't seem to mind that. And then you just   kinda keep pushing it along the floor. Sometimes  whatever you are holding will get caught on the   ground, so you have to let go of it and pick it  back up. But with a little bit of trial and error,   and a little bit of time, you can go ahead  and shove this book into a room where there   is no watching. And then once it's there, go  ahead and drop the thing you're holding and   make sure no one's looking and pick up "Our  Lost Heritage" book. And since no one saw it,   we get to keep it. And we get the  mission to visit the New York Landmark. Now if you want to remove the "stolen" status  from an item, here's an extra little tip. You   can go to any Trade Authority, and sell  the item to them, and then scroll down to   "Buy Back" and buy it back. Now your stolen goods  are clean, will no longer show as stolen in your   inventory. And they will also not be confiscated  if you do get caught for any crime. Quick tip. Now moving on, back to the mission that we got  from that book. To go visit the New York Landmark,   we're going to go do that on Earth. Ah, haven't  seen it in years. So we're gonna head over into   good old 'Murica and head up to New York and  land at that location. Once you get there,   you're going to see the giant, majestic  Empire State Building in its complete...   definitely complete glory. But you're going to  head over here to where the objective marker is,   and you will find your New York snow globe.  Go ahead and pick that one up. Good job,   that is the snow globe for that completed. Next, we're going to be getting the Hong Kong  snow globe. Now this one is in the "Sol" system,   so you don't have to travel far from Earth.  You're going to head over here to the Titan   moon of Saturn. And you're going to go to  New Homestead, which is a location here. So,   this is a nice little outpost, that you can  go inside of. This one has an airlock that   will take you inside and then down some stairs.  Once you go down the stairs you'll open the door,   go down some more stairs, and to your right there  is a shelf with the book "Maurice Lyon's Journal".   Lie-on? Lee-on? Either way, pick it up and you  will get the Hong Kong landmark objective. So,   go ahead and choose that in your activities, go  to that on Earth, and head over to Hong Kong.   Ignore all these other landmarks, I got these  in a different order than I'm showing them,   because I found them in that order. But once  you land there you will come down here and   find this snow globe lying at the base of  the giant, other, perfectly intact tower. Now, staying within the "Sol" system as before,  this time we're going to be going to Mars. We're   going to head over, right into Cydonia, the  main base of Mars. And we're not actually going   to be going inside of the base. There is a plaque  inside that relates to this, but you don't need to   interact with it. What you're gonna want to do is  stand right outside the entrance and head to the   Southeast towards this giant hill in the distance.  Thankfully, Mars has low gravity so you can pretty   much fly indefinitely if you have a jump pack. But  you can run around to this if you prefer to do so,   it's just going to take a while with the stamina.  You're going to want to climb all the way up to   the top of this giant hill. And once you get up  to the top, you're going to look over the other   side. I'm showing you that this is where you are  in relation to Cydonia. But once you get up to   the edge, you're going to look down and you'll  notice an area that has a lot of dark-patched   ground. Right here, this big area. You're going to  come down into this and hey look, there's a snow   globe hanging out here, the "Cydonia" snow globe,  which is for the "Face of Mars". It is the giant   face that looks like it's on the planet Mars.  And you can see we're about 1750 meters away.   This is also an aerial view to give you a little  more of an idea of where it is. So, from Cydonia,   there is the giant face of Mars, that is what  the hill is. And what you want to do is go into   its eye socket over on the left. Its right eye,  but the left when looking at it face on. Right   there is the rock where we found the snow globe,  that little pile of rocks right there is where   we got it so go ahead and grab that one. There's  no objective for it but it's still a snow globe. Moving on to the Los Angeles snow globe.  Now we have to go to the "Valo" System and   go onto this planet Polvo to where Hopetown is  at. And once we get to Hopetown, we're going   to head inside and go visit Mr. Hope... town.  And then go up stairs, all the way to the top,   to his office and you'll find the "Hope Family  Tree". Once again you have to steal it so,   once again, go ahead and pick something up  to do that with. Go ahead and shove the book,   just kinda smush it along the floor. Careful that  you don't knock it off of this grate here, because   then it will fall down in front of everybody and  that wouldn't be so great. But once you get it   outside, out of view of everyone else, go ahead  and pick up the "Hope Family Tree" and you will   get the objective to go visit Los Angeles. And  that's what we're gonna do. So, select that as   your objective once again, go to Earth and land  at our new landmark. Once you have landed there,   you will see the giant tower. There's a lot of  giant towers. A lot of these landmarks are giant   towers. It says something. But at the base  of the tower, you will find the Los Angeles   snow globe hanging out right there. So go ahead  and pick that up. Objective mission complete. Now this one is gonna be a twofer, we're gonna  be going to the "Cheyenne" system and we're   gonna be going to Akila. We're gonna be going  to Akila City. And we're going to be buying two   books here because this is the easiest place  to get one of them and the only place that I   have found to get the other. But once you head  inside, you're gonna head over here to the left,   down this area into this bookstore. This  lady will be having an argument with this   other lady if it's the first time that you've  ever been in here. So let them finish up their   little argument and then you're gonna talk  to her. You're going to see what she has for   sale and you're gonna be looking for two books in  here. The first one is going to be "Oliver Twist"   which is gonna be right there, "Oliver Twist".  This is a book you can find all over the place,   but this is just a guaranteed way to get it.  And the other one that you want is "The Ancient   Civilization of Egypt". Both of those books can  be grabbed right there, and you will see we get   our London one for Oliver Twist and we get our  Cairo landmark for "The Ancient Civilization   of Egypt" book. First one that we're gonna do  is Cairo, so we're gonna head over there and   visit the Great Pyramids. Now it's not on the  one that you're gonna land right in front of,   no you have to run all the way down here  to this other pyramid. Run, run, run, run,   run. And it's gonna be on this pile of stones here  on the side. Go ahead and pick up the Cairo snow   globe. Good job! Now we're going to immediately  select our other objective to go visit London,   because we also picked that one up at the same  bookstore. And we're gonna head over there,   so we don't even have to go far. And once we  land at the London landmark mark, there will   be- hey look it's another giant tower. We're gonna  head over here and we will find our snow globe,   once again laying at the base of the tower  on this rock. Go ahead and pick that one up. Allright, now for the St. Louis snow globe, we  need to have a specific skill. We need to have   the theft skill in the "Social" tab. That will  enable us to pickpocket targets. We have to be   able to pickpocket in order to get the next book.  Which is going to be in the "Volii" system and   it's going to be in Neon, so we're going to head  over here to Volii Alpha and go to the Neon Core.   Once you are at the Neon Core, you are going  to turn right and head all the way down here,   up into the Astral Lounge. In the Astral Lounge  turn left to go into this elevator and then make   your way all the way around this hallway  to Booth 4 where Benjamin Bayu is hanging   out. And he's gonna look at you and you're  gonna be like "Can you please turn around?",   and he's gonna say "O.K." and then you're going to  steal his Penthouse Key, so you're gonna steal his   only home. Go ahead and do that. You may want to  save right before doing that in case of something   bad. I'm not encouraging save-scumming. But  anyway, you're gonna head back into the elevator   and then out of the Astral Lounge, but immediately  turn left out of the Astral Lounge and you'll find   this elevator to go up into his penthouse. From  his penthouse, you're going to head up these   stairs into his office and you will find a book  right here "The Price of Destiny" lying on his   desk. And that will allow you to go to St. Louis.  So, we're going to go ahead and head out. Now you   may run into a weird bug where it won't let you  travel down the elevator to the lobby. If that   happens to you, you can still fast-travel out of  the penthouse so go ahead and just do that to get   out of there safely. Then go ahead and select  your mission to visit St. Louis landmark. Go   ahead and select it on Earth and we are going to  land there, right in between New York and L.A. And   there is the giant arch and our tiny snow globe  for good ol' St. Louis and it's beautiful Arch. Next, we're going to be getting the Osaka snow  globe. Now for this one you have to have at   least started the Crimson Fleet missions which  just involves getting caught with contraband at   least once on your ship. And once you've done that  you will get access to The Key. Once you can get   onto The Key, you're going to head inside up to  where the pirate headmaster guy's office is. If   you don't have access to this room, progress a  couple missions into the Crimson Fleet questline   and you will be able to come back here where you  will find this "Diary of Kyosuke Nagata" which   will give you the Osaka landmark on Earth. So,  we're going to once again head on back to good ol'   Earth. And once we land at the Osaka landmark,  can you guess what it is? It's a tower. So,   we're gonna head over here to the kind of  far from the base of the tower this time,   but in some rubble, we will find the Osaka  snow globe. Go ahead and pick that one up. Now for the Shanghai snow globe we need to go to  the ECS Constant. If you've already been there,   you will have an activity that will show you where  its location is because it does potentially move   after you do a questline with it. But if you  have not done the questline for it you will   want to go to the "Porrima" system. And you will  want to go into orbit around Porrima II, which is   where Paradiso is. So, you're just going to head  into orbit around it, but don't actually land   on it. The first time you come into orbit here  you will be greeted by the chief security guy,   you'll see this unidentified ship here. If you try  to hail it, it will just be a bunch of static no   matter what you choose. So, you're just gonna skip  through all that and then go ahead and dock with   them. Once you board onto their ship, you will  head up and talk to the captain of the ship. And   then there will be a whole questline to do with  this, but you don't have to actually finish the   questline to grab our book. Once they're done  talking, you're going to head over here to the   right, up these stairs here, head left, across  this catwalk in their greenery, and into the   classroom. And at the back of the classroom behind  the teacher- I guess the front of the classroom   behind the teacher, we will find the "Essentials  of Modern Macroeconomics" which will allow us to   see where Shanghai is on Earth. So, we're going to  head there right now. Once you leave the ECS, you   can fly wherever you want because it's Starfield.  And then you're going to head to Shanghai. So,   land at the Shanghai landmark and, that's right  it's a tower. And at the base of the tower,   because where else would it be, there's a snow  globe for Shanghai. Go ahead and pick that one up. Now we have Dubai, which is another snow  globe. Now this one also has to do with   the Crimson Fleet. This one is mission specific  to get the book for. Now when you're doing the   mission "Breaking the Bank", you will get to  this part where you turn off some life-support   in this ship to cause panic and you have to go  talk to some people, but first you're going to   want to come up into room number 05 up here,  passenger Dumbrosky room. And on his desk,   there is this book "Race to the Heavens".  This is the only place you can get it,   and once you finish this mission you cannot  grab the book again. So, make sure you grab   it if you actually want to the mission for it. I  am going to show you a way that you can find it   even if you don't have the book, but it's much  more difficult. As long as you have the book,   you can head over here to where this landmark  is and land at it. And it's a tower. It's a big   old tower. And we're going to run to the  base of the tower around the side here,   because I'm on the opposite side of where the snow  globe is. But go ahead and pick up the snow globe. Now if you missed that, if you've already  completed the mission "Breaking the Bank"   and you weren't able to grab it, you didn't  know about it, you didn't see, you forgot it,   whatever... Go ahead, orbit Earth and make a  Quicksave, because this possibly going to be   tedious or you're going to get lucky and get it  on your first shot. I've had both of those things   happen to me. Now what you want to do is head over  here on Earth, you can see where I'm pointing at,   below Europe and to the side here, where-  you know, Dubai is. There is this point,   now you want to aim slightly above, kind of  where it looks like there should be water.   It's not exactly right, if you try to land  down in the land area of that point. If it   looks like where there once was water that will  be correct. Now if you zoom in you can see that   the point of the landing area should be right  above the point of that peninsula. And that's   where you want to be. It is fairly precise; it has  a couple pixels of leeway. But if you land there,   you'll see the tower in the distance. It will  be far away; it will not be as close as when you   land near it. I have not found a way to be able  to actually just land any closer to it with a   custom landing zone. If you don't have the book,  you're gonna be huffing it for a while. But you   can still go there. The snow globe also won't be  marked so I'm showing you where it is again from   the other landing area. Because it's not marked  you kinda have to hunt around for it. But you   can still pick up the snow globe and still have  it. Now if you land and you don't see the tower,   you will want to reload your save, because trying  to land multiple times close together is not good. Now we're going to be moving on to the "Tower  of Pisa", where we have to do the same thing   again. Because the Tower of Pisa actually does  not have a book or anything to let you know   where its landmark is. But it is here. Right,  nestled in this kind of curved mountain area   right above where the water is. I'm showing it  zoomed in, I don't know how else to describe   what it looks like. That's what it looks like  once you place the landing area. That's where   I got it. When I landed, hey look, you'll see  it in the distance. And it's not that big,   so make sure that you actually look around for  it because you may almost miss it and reload a   save even though you didn't need to because you  actually landed correctly. I actually got this one   on my first try. I don't know how. But you will  head over here to the Tower of Pisa. And right at   its leaned base, like the side that it's leaning,  you will find the Tower of Pisa snow globe. Now the rest of our snow globes are going to  be during the mission "Unearthed". You will   have to go to the NASA launch tower. This is a  main mission and it's fairly far into the game,   so I actually don't recommend rushing to  this point because there's some things that   will happen that'll limit you on other things if  you go this far into the game. Not a whole lot,   but a little bit. Anyway, once you are on this  mission you will want to head up here into the   tower and climb all the way up these stairs. All  the way up, all the way up, all the way up. And   you'll come into this room, this is on level 5  right before you go down the elevator into the   actual place the mission wants you to go, you'll  find a NASA snow globe sitting in this locker. Now in this same exact building, from that snow  globe, you're going to head over here. I guess   this isn't a building, it's more like a  shack on a launch tower, isn't it? Anyway,   you'll head over here, and you'll find an exact  copy of that snow globe, another NASA one. Now from here you are going to want to climb all  the way to the top of the launch tower. And there   is the elevator that the mission actually wants  you to go down. But we're not doing that. We're   climbing all the way to the top. So go ahead  and get on top of the elevator, up the stairs,   up on top of these platforms. There are  multiple paths that will take you up to   the top of the Launch Tower, this just seemed  to be the simplest and most straightforward   one. But yeah, you can follow along where I'm  jumping to. You don't actually need a boost   pack to be able to get up to the top, but it  definitely makes it way easier. Because yeah,   if you fall off of this and miss your parkour  you'll die. So yeah, boost packs for safety,   no boost pack for hardcore parkour. Anyway, you're  going to continue along up here. Once you get up   towards the top more and more, there will be  missing floors and you have to kinda zig-zag   around a lot, and lots more things to climb on.  And this part would be a lot of fun without a   boost pack I'm sure, but I just boost packed  across then up these stairs. Once you get up   to this point you pretty much just have to go in a  circle around the tower. Keep climbing the stairs,   keep climbing the stairs, climbing all the  stairs. And then you'll come up here and   you'll want to jump up onto this yellow pad thing  where this snow globe is sitting next to some   lunch. This one is another NASA one, but it's  different than the first two that we picked up. Now heading inside. Once you get to the  point where you have to find information   about the Martian sample and you come to  the beautiful NASA history museum area,   you will find this little Rover sitting over here  for the MER Program. You'll want to interact with   this plaque and that will give you the activity  to find the MARS Rover Opportunity. So, make sure   you interact with that. This room will become  inaccessible once you finish the mission. So,   make sure you pick that up and you pick up this  snow globe on the bench directly after that. From there, you'll come into this room, you  can't miss it. You have to hit the switch here,   but it requires power from that wall. Before  you do that, go ahead and grab this snow globe. And that is the last of the NASA snow globes. So  now we're going to be leaving there and heading   back to MARS to get our Opportunity Rover snow  globe that we found that little museum thing.   Now once you come over to it you can see this  sad, sad sight. And you'll have the Opportunity   snow globe laying on top. Now, like I mentioned,  that room does become inaccessible once you finish   the mission, so if you missed it here is the  custom landing location for it. It took me a   couple tries to get this one. But you'll come  down here where you see this little dark line,   and that point and that point, those two little  craters. You kinda want to nestle your cursor   right in between and your diamond should be  positioned directly in between them so that you   can see that it's touching on both edges. Once you  land there, you will land quite far away from it,   but you'll want to be heading directly South  from where you land. And there will be the   giant crater here, that's how you know you're  on the right track. Once you get near it,   you'll see right there, the dirt in the  distance got a little bright right where I   was pointing. That is where the rover is, so  that's how you know you're on track. You'll   come over and once again be able to pick  up the snow globe on top of Opportunity. I'm going to show you also where you  can find this on the ground map. So,   you can see right here, just to the bottom  right of the massive crater is where the   Opportunity snow globe is. So that's where  you'll want to head to from your ship which   is way up at the top. And then yeah, that  is all of the snow globes in Starfield. And now, the time remaining on this  video is low, and it's getting dark. But I hope this guide was helpful, and  I hope you tune in to Gamers Guide,   and the Gamers Guide Channel Xbox Club, for  more Achievements, Tips, Shorts, aaaaand guides. See ya'll later folks! >> OPPORTUNITY: [Sings Happy Birthday]
Channel: Gamers Guide
Views: 7,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gimli1357, gamers, guide, achievement, achievements, guides, hd, 1080p, uhd, 4k, hdr, 10bit, xbox, series, one, tutorial, walkthrough, starfield, snow globe, landmark, apollo, new york, hong kong, cydonia, face, los angeles, cairo, london, st louis, osaka, shanghai, dubai, pisa, nasa, opportunity, rover, lander, flag, tower, pyramid, giza, arch, earth, moon, luna, mars, book, mission, location, ship, landing, planet, hidden, map, complete, explore, tips, space, flight, target, system, city, bethesda, completionist, discover, procedural, generation
Id: tp9vdIAva34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 52sec (1612 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 04 2023
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