The Complete Starfield Snow Globes Guide | Starfield

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hello my Starfield family and welcome back to another Starfield video this one is a little different than the ones that you are all used to like tips and tricks and a one ship building one and today I'm going to show you a complete guide on how to get every snow globe in Starfield including the ones that nobody really shows like the face of Mars and the little uh International Space Station one in the museum and all these other ones I'm going to show you every single one and I believe I have every single one in the game here shown complete guide how to get them where to get them where to get the quest and everything like that so if you enjoy this guys of course subscribe like comment and tell me which one is your favorite snow globe I want to know what your like top three or top one and you know let's see what you guys like so go ahead guys and I hope you find this guide useful so of course let's get started now I would like to mention really fast before we launch that I'm going to tell you that the first couple are going to be ones that are locked behind Quest including the main story side quest and the Crimson Fleet Quest so you if you've already done them you can't go back and do them but of course you can use this for New Game Plus and all that so don't be afraid to come back and see where they are so let's get at it hope you guys find this useful and let's go so let's start with the ones that are locked behind a quest so this one's going to be locked behind the Unearthed main story Quest and actually there are several of them locked behind this quest in the same place so go ahead and head to the NASA launch Tower in Cape Canaveral Florida from getting there just head on in like you would normally just don't use the elevator but still want to go to the elevator as a point of reference now if you didn't realize this is the elevator that's going to take you down into the museum portion but we don't want to go there just yet so actually just go ahead and turn away from from this elevator and just jump over this hole in the platform go across this bridge and to the right you're going to see a bunch of pipes go across these until you get back onto the platform like so now upon getting back on the platform you're going to see this door here to the back left go on inside and to the right of the room far in the back you're going to see these Lockers in the middle one there is a NASA snow globe there's going to be multiple of these so if you want duplicates you can find them and if you don't just skip the ones that are the duplicat including this one so from the lockers just turn around and you're going to see this door right here go inside and do a complete U-turn behind this desk to the left and there's going to be another of the same snow globe right here and you can go ahead and take it or if you don't want it you can just go ahead and leave it now the important one is going to be hard to get to and so I'm going to show you the exact route and how to get up there so we're here just between the lockers and the desk and you're just going to head back outside the door that we came in now you're going to want to jump on top of this container like so and jump above the door that we entered to the get to the lockers from here you're going to want to get on top of this kind of scaffolding that is on top of this blue container and go across the broken pipe like so and jump on this outside little balcony area jump up on these little squares here and upon reaching this top one you're going to want to jump up through the scaffolding again and get to this balcony or ledge from there you're going to want to make it to the highest point you can and as I look around here you're going to realize that there's probably multiple ways to go and I would like to remind you that there is probably multiple ways to get up so I'm just showing you one of the methods so of course you're also going to want a boost pack I'm just going to add that so go on go on ahead and cross this little balcony here and you're going to want to climb up these kind of tipped over scaffolding now just go ahead and climb up here to the right and get up to the highest point you can and turn your left and jump up and then just go ahead and jump up to this next platform that has this sand on top of it now from there you're going to just keep making your way up by using this little box here to the right just go ahead and jump on it and you're going to see a lot of Platforms in front of you go ahead and jump across now of course a boost pack is going to help but for these jumps it's not really necessary now just go ahead and keep climbing up these little plat forms these hanging ones climb up here on these little vents or whatever these are supposed to be and then just go ahead and turn around and you're going to see a chest on the platform Bethesda actually kind of awards you for doing this multiple times so go ahead and take whatever you would like to take from that chest and just climb up and keep going up for now now you're going to want to just head across this bridge to the left so let's just head across right now and then upon getting over here here you're going to realize the left is a dead end so just go over to the right now make your way across like I am and you're going to see another area that goes looping around so just go ahead and just follow the way I'm going right here as I'm just going to head on straight like so now just keep going to the left over this way and you're going to want to just head across these boxes or walk around it doesn't matter and then you're going to see these pipes that are kind of tipped down so go ahead and jump on this crate and go ahead and jump onto those pipes and go up now you're going to be in this area this little platforms with a bunch of sand you're going to want to just jump up here and you're going to want to walk across till you see these platforms that are kind of broken it looks like a bridge that kind of tipped down and you can go ahead and get on it and walk up to the next level and here is another little area with a storage box and some stuff you can take little tiny reward board for yourself now you're going to just want to keep heading along like so so go on and look to your left and go across the bridge now once you go across the bridge you're going to just want to go over here to the right and you're going to just see a whole other way to go which is exactly what you want to do so head to the right here on this little catwalk and just follow it along towards the end you're going to see these little parts that stick out and go ahead and climb on top of them and then you can just head across the entire thing like so on all of these little platforms once you get to the end go ahead and just climb up and you're going to be on this level right here and now you have one of the few easy steps of this whole part and that's going to be just climb the staircase this is one of the easier parts and there's a couple times where you're going to have to just climb stairs and right here is the first time so upon going up all the way up the stairs you're going to reach a new level of the place and that means a new way you're going to have to go so go back towards the stairs and go around them like so and you're going to want to go ahead and find this area right here now you're going to have to go across like this and reach the other side so you're going to go across this little tiny scaffolding turn your right and go across the bridge once you go across the bridge just make your way around like so until you get all the way around to the other side upon reaching this way just keep making sure you use your Boost pack to stay up or just jumping like normal and over here is another chest so here is another little reward section from Bethesda take what you want get yourself a little something from here and move on so once you move on just go ahead and keep going like we were and you're going to see an area to jump up like here and then you're going to see if you look over to your right a little way to go and jump on top of one of the bridges go ahead and climb like this stick to onto the wall and go ahead and jump up like so now reaching here you're going to realize that you have reached the top of one of the the towers and that also means a nice little reward section for yourself again so go ahead and take what you want from there now you're going to just head across this beam like so and get onto this platform this is a good time to probably quick save cuz I have a feeling this is where a lot of people are going to make a mistake you have to jump from this to the other bar like I did and it's not always the easiest thing for anyone like I said though earlier there's probably another easier route but this is the route that I'm taking so just follow me along the scaffolding like this and you're going to reach the staircase next to a Sandy platform go ahead and climb the stairs and upon doing so you are now almost at the top you have almost made it so go ahead and just jetpack up to the staircase here it's a broken staircase go ahead and get up to that and go up the stairs and you're going to be right there you are almost there the top is in sight so go ahead and walk around these walls and climb up the next staircase just go ahead and go up you you're going to have to jump to another set a broken stairs right here so go ahead and get up now here is another chest go ahead and take what's inside if you would like to now once you reach up here and take what you want just go ahead and turn back up actually you're going to want to jump up above where you were standing onto the SE in from there you're going to want to jump on top of the yellow thing above us but there's also this cute little plushy dog holding a toy rocket and he's even got a space helmet on I thought I'd mention that really fast so go back to where we were standing and above you you're going to see this yellow platform here go ahead and jump onto that and you're going to see right up here is the snow globe we have been chasing so go ahead and finally grab it and there's also some sweet rolls right next to it so probably a little uh little gift to Bethesda fans if you know what I mean so go ahead you can stay up here take some screenshots or whatever you want to do and here's the snow globe I think this one looks really nice it's the NASA one with a nice rocket going off now go ahead and go through the elevator and go into the museum and from there you're going to get a point to here so just follow the main story until you get to this room now I'm going to add an extra little thing here a little collectible on this desk here there's going to be a bunch of these pamphlets they weigh nothing so go ahead and take them and I don't know if you can get these anywhere else and I don't believe you can though so go ahead and take them and it's like another little collector's item now go ahead and just progress here like I am into the museum and around the left side here you're going to see this Rover now you're really going to want to click onto this program here this is going to give you the quest to go find the opportunity Rover on Mars which we're going to do a little bit later so just stay tuned for that but that's not it here guys you're going to want to go up this staircase like I am and right upon going up to the top turn to your left and you're going to find this red little room over here now it might look like nothing but actually on these seats to the left is another snow globe so you're going to want to take this one this one is really nice and I like this one a lot it's got astronauts on the moon with the American flag that we planted and it's at and it says NASA on it it's really neat really cool probably one of my favorites if I'm being honest so go ahead and grab this one and that's not where it has to end because right next to them is another hidden one that I haven't seen a lot of people actually put in any videos or anything so this one might be a good time to go and get this if you haven't already now this satellite here might look like just a nice artifact but if you go on top of the satellite and you climb up here and once you jump past this part that sticks out at the top turn around and you're going to see another snow globe this one is exclusive to this location and it looks really neat it's a nice satellite in a Mars or a moon looking snow globe and I really like this one too so go ahead and grab it I don't think many other people are know where it is or are putting it out there so definitely if you're watching this go grab that one now that's not it guys just progress the main story until you get to a part that looks like this now you're just going to want to go to those computers on the right so just head down and go to them you're going to see here on the desk is going to be a location of another snow but this is the same one we got outside twice so this is the last duplicate for it if you want it go ahead and grab it if you don't you don't need to go and grab it it's entirely up to you now guys this next one's going to take us to Mars for the opportunity Rover now if you just skip to this part you're going to have to go back to snow globe 4 and you're going to have to just watch the beginning part to where I show you how to get this it's during that mission which is why we're just moving on here but the snow globe can be found just sitting on top of it and this is also a really neat area of Mars just to look around and maybe make a house on and here is the snow globe it looks so nice I love how clean it is it's just got the marshan sand below it and the Rover nothing extra it's super clean super nice and this is probably another one of my favorites so go ahead and grab this one now our next one guys is going to be locked behind another kind of quest so going from the soul system go to the porma system from there around porma 2 you're going to have this spaceship here assuming you did not do this Quest already if it says here you can go to the orbit go ahead and go there and find this ship and board it you'll know what I'm talking about when you get there now go ahead and just follow the route I take but I also am going to warn that if you already did this mission that has to do with this ship and Paradiso then sadly you cannot go back and get this it is gone for good the only way you can get it is on New Game Plus or making an entire new save or going going back to an old save of this one and getting it but once you reach this classroom like this go ahead and grab this book in the front and that'll open up the New Shanghai Landmark so go ahead here and Shanghai this one's pretty easy to get and look how massive this place is this is one of the coolest ones for sure but go ahead here and it's going to be right here in the front so go ahead here and grab it it should be an easy pickup now don't do what I just did and slip off and not be able to grab it so just climb the rock on the side if you can or if you want I mean and go ahead and grab the Shanghai snow globe take a look at it because it is super nice I like this one too I know I say that about all of them but I actually don't really have one I don't like and Bethesda should really sell these snow globes because this would be amazing to have now this next one is in the same boat as the last one in the sense that you can only get this if you haven't done this Quest breaking the bank is going to be the quest and that is during the Crimson Fleet and UC vigilance quest line from there just go to where I'm heading in the air AR I think is how you pronounce if it's wrong uh whoops and go ahead and go to the siren of the stars from there make your way until you get to the area where all the parying is going on and just head over to the left and go up these stairs and upon going up the stairs just head to your left again and get into where all of the passenger rooms are now once you ENT just go to the left here and go up this grand staircase head through this hallway like so at the end of the hallway make a right and on your first left is going to be this man's room go inside of his room it'll open later in the quest or you can use a Digi pick to open it but on the left is a desk and on the desk on the far right is a book grab that book the race to the heavens and get ready to go back to Earth because back on Earth is now the Dubai location so now you're going to be in Dubai and there is another one of these large skyscrapers and it looks just amazing so go ahead and I believe if you land like I did it's going to be on the uh opposite side so you're going to have to go around the entire Tower like so but I mean just bask in the glory of how tall this is and how it really puts things in perspective I mean wow so go ahead to the other side it might you're going to have to go through a little a little bit of sand but upon reaching the other side there's going to be this kind of pile of rubble from the uh Tower so go ahead and you'll find it like so and on the left side of it when you're facing it will be your snow globe right here so go ahead and take it it's another really nice looking one so go ahead and you can look at it in your inventory and it looks really really nice I love how all the little skyscrapers on the outside like surrounding it looks I mean it's just so neat it's another good one I'm not going to say it's one of my favorites just because I keep resing it but it's definitely up there now this next one guys go to the alpha centuri system of course this is one of the starting uh locations and go to gent misson from there you're going to want to travel to the lodge this is a really easy one to go get while you're in the lodge go up the staircase to the right and you're going to want to go to the second door here where this hallway is just head down the hallway and on the door to the far left like this go on inside in this room look to your right right here and you're going to see this book go ahead and take this book and you can now go to the Apollo Landmark on Earth's moon so just head to Earth's moon and here it is this is my favorite location of them all maybe besides the Pyramids of Giza this is so neat the American flag Planet here the Apollo Landing the bottom The Landing structures here and on top of it by the way is your snow globe so go ahead and snag it but I mean this one is just my favorite one to look at I mean this is just so neat so clean and I think even over here is maybe the first uh footprint that it's supposed to be I can't exactly tell but I think it is I mean this is just I love this one so much this is my favorite and even the snow globe is just amazing I love this one so much this one is I'm definitely saying it this one is one of my favorites I love this one it's got the flag it's got the Lander it's got the astronauts again I mean this one is probably my favorite if I'm being honest only excluding Egypt because that one is kind of on a whole new level but this one is definitely one of my favorites so now our next one guys are going to be probably a lot easier we're going to go here to the shayen system and we're going to go down to Akila and of course that means we're going to to Aila City now this one is really easy guys to get so let's get started so upon Landing in Aila City guys you're going to want to just head to the main gate like normal and just go forward now guys just go past the Hitching Post and head towards the back and over here you'll see a little Alleyway up the stairs go through this and you're going to see on the far right will be a bookstore so just keep heading through this Alleyway and right over here is Sinclair's bookstore might I add so go ahead and go inside and just talk to Sinclair herself and if you go ahead and do this go into her shop you're going to be looking for two very specific books now you're going to want to go ahead and look for the book the ancient civilization of Egypt and you're also going to want to find another book after this one for the London Landmark called Oliver Twist so go ahead and grab these two books just leave her store and let's head back to Earth so once you reach the London Landmark you're going to just want to go towards it and if you land in the same spot that I did this snow globe is going to be to the right of it so just head past this one and you're going to find it on a couple of rocks like you see here now go ahead and just pick it up and grab the London snow GL and I mean this one is a really good one as well and it's also a very tall structure again so go ahead and look at it and I mean this one is really neat I didn't notice it the first time but the Big Ben is in the back I'm surprised they didn't make that the landmark if I'm being honest but overall the snow globe is really really neat now you're going to want to just head over to Egypt now and this is in my opinion probably the best one on the same level of Apollo now this one is super neat but this one this pyramid right here right in front of us is not the one we want to go to but look how beautiful Egypt is even like 500 years in the future and Earth being destroyed so go ahead and you're going to want to just travel to the other pyramid over there now just head on towards it and I mean I definitely advise once you grab your snow globe go ahead and climb on top of the pyramid and just take in the view this place is extremely beautiful and I got lucky with the time too it's a nice sunrise and everything so go ahead and get to the other pyramid from there guys you're just going to be able to find it right almost on the base of the pyramid as I'm going to show you so you'll be able to just pick it up and if you don't want to climb you're done you don't got to do anything so just go ahead here and it's going to be in this corner that faces the other pyramid just climb up about two three uh blocks and you're going to be all good so go ahead up here and go ahead and grab it this one is my favorite of them all and it's also the most related to the channel since we are feral Rising but look at it it's got all the pyramids on it inside and even in the back it shows I mean this one is really really neat and it's even got camels in the front I love this one so much so go ahead and grab this one for yourselves now that's not it guys I went ahead and climb to the top for you just to show it off and I mean look at this view every time of the day you climb up here is going to look nice but wow did I get lucky with the time so go ahead climb up to the Top If you want guys and check out the view it's going to look amazing take some pictures take some videos you know the drill and like just Cherish The View like it is amazing all righty so moving on guys we're going to head back here to the alpha centuri system and of course that that means we're going to head back to gemes and new Atlantis now for this one guys you're going to want to go and try and select the Mast District if this one's not available for you yet and you're just early in the story and you're watching this go ahead and just land it anywhere you can get to this place from anywhere but head on into the Mast building from there enter through the front door and in the back you're going to see an elevator that you can go in just go ahead and you're going to want to select the option that will give you Center uh command Office of the President and systems defense from there just head out of the elevator and go to your right then once you pass this door go to your left enter this door and on this table right here to the right is going to be this book our lost Heritage go ahead and you're going to have to steal it upon stealing it guys you can now go to the New York Landmark on Earth so go ahead to New York and here we are the Empire State building this one looks super neat I'm surprised they didn't use the Statue of Liberty I feel like that's like the post you know dead Earth kind of landmark that every Hollywood type thing shows off but I mean Empire State Building works too so go ahead and go to the right of the Empire State Building and that and just go past it because that is where your snow globe is going to be now just go on ahead and here it is on these little rubbles so go ahead and take it and this is yet again another toss structure but it's also a very neat one and of course the snow globe is as beautiful as ever and another one of my favorites I know I keep saying it but honestly I just love them all to death and this one is just also really really neat and the little city aspect on the outsides just adds to the overall look of this one so go ahead and grab this one guys I mean this one is one of the easier to get and one of the coolest ones in my opinion so go ahead and from the soul system again we're going to want to head down here to the Voli system in the Voli system you can go here and you'll be able to just go to Neon and you're going to want to head into the neon core this one's going to be a little bit longer to get but you're going to see what why so upon entering guys you're going to want to head to your left of the Spaceport terminal where over to the astal lounge now know if you're going in the right direction guys the Neon security HQ sign is going to be here just go past it and the Astro Lounge is going to be just up ahead now you're going to want to head inside like so and upon entering we're going to have to do a little bit of pickpocketing here so go on in and enter and on a hard left you're going to see the VIP elevator go on inside use it and then went upon exiting the elevator take a left at the end of the hallway take another left and at the end of that hallway take another left and at the end of that hallway enter the door to your left and in here you'll see Benjamin beay or Bayou and go ahead and pickpocket his Penthouse key now I won't see it in here because I already did this but it will be in here so go ahead and pickpocket his Penthouse key now leave the Astro lounge and you're going to want to head to the left here is another elevator how you know you're in the right one is if you click on it and there's only two options like this so go to his Penthouse upon entering go straight to the left up this staircase and after you enter the staircase go to your right and just go to the end of this room towards his desk on his desk you're going to see a book and you're going to want to just take this book which is called the price of Destiny and now you can go to St Louis landmark and this one is a really nice Landmark so you're going to want to do this one so now you have arrived in at the St Louis Arch so go ahead and actually this one's really easy because it's just going to be under the top of the arch so just head towards it and look at this view wow we got another good timed one just like Egypt I mean wow so go ahead and you're going to head towards the St Louis Arch like I said and right between the two bottom arches or right below the top Arch is going to be your snow globe right next to the scaffolding on the Rocks right here go ahead and pick it up and let's take a look at it this one is super super neat and as somebody who really kind of likes the St Louis Arch gotta say this one's another one of my favorites this one is really really neat and I really like this one so definitely guys go grab this one now moving on guys we're going to go from the soul system to over here where naron and Val is together and we're going to want to go down to valo go on in and you're going to want to head over to this one over here pvo and you're going to want to go into hope Tech or H town or whatever you want to call it go inside of the building guys into hope Tech and just head past the security and you're going to want to take these stairs in the back left so just go ahead and take these stairs up and up again when you get to this level and you're going to see this kind of desk over here just go around the wall and you're going to reach this area with a bunch of offices and cubicles just go to the back and go up the stairs and head across the bridge go through this main door at the end of the kind of hallway type thing and here will be the desk and you can go right here and take this book you're going to have to steal it and you're more than likely going to have to get caught but go ahead and take it even if you get caught guys in the books that are stolen it will leave your quest you do not have to keep holding on to the book now go ahead and here we are so this is another really tall Landmark but this one is going to be a little easier to get as if you just go straight towards it there is a little ditch right here and you can get the Los Angeles snow globe mine is some reason inside of a rock but this is a really really nice one again now let's take a look at the snow globe guys and I mean look at this one this one is another really neat one I'm not going to go ahead and say this one's my favorite or up there but this one is definitely really neat another good one for your collection and of course go ahead and grab it like always now our next one guys is going to be going from the soul system all the way over to CCS we're going to go aboard the key which is the home of the Crim Fleet now you might not really have access to it that's going to be up to your choices in the Crimson Fleet UC vigilance quest line but anyways you're going to want to head through the recker's core and take the door out to the left in the far left of the room and take this first elevator up so upon exiting that elevator go ahead and use the stairs right over here go up to delgado's room now once you get up to this point go through the doors to where his bed is and he's going to have this book on the nightst next to him I don't think he's going to mind if you just kind of take a peek and go ahead and take the book I don't think he's going to mind at all and oh my God Delgato what are you doing anyway let's move on and here is the Osaka Landmark on Earth this is going to be another tall structure and I mean of course those are going to be most the ones that survive getting buried alive by sand but yeah I feel like there's definitely ones like the Liberty Stat or statue Liberty that could have been used but regardless this is also just a really nice Landmark they're all nice landmarks but go ahead and here if you see this little H in this Rubble that's how you know you're in the right place but go ahead right here on this rock and go ahead and take it this is another really neat snow globe so let's take a look at it looking at the snow globe guys it's I'm not going to lie there's nothing really extra special about it but it still looks neat of course I still love this one not one of my favorites but definitely still worth picking up and of course it's just I love these snow globes I love the idea now moving on we're going to go to from the soul system and we're going to go to the soul system because that's really far to go and you're going to want to go to Titan which is the moon of Saturn and you're going to want to go to new Homestead from here guys go ahead and land and enter new Homestead and you're going to want to just go past the airlock and follow the route I take so just go forward and you're to see these stairs here go ahead go down the stairs and enter uh enter the real portion of new Homestead here on the right is a chunks but you're going to want to go past it and you're going to go right down the stairs and make a sharp U-turn to the right and on the shelf right around here is going to be your book go ahead and grab it I already grabbed it so I can't go ahead and see it now once you've done that guys just head to earth like always and head to the new location and just go ahead and go to the marker or just follow where I'm heading it should be right here close to the left go ahead and grab this once in all amazing beautiful Hong Kong snow globe let's take another look at it guys and this one is really neat as well but like my problem with the last one it's just kind of basic in the end and I'm going to have to say it's another one that I like but not one of my favorites now this one guys is going to be the fun one this is one I don't see many people putting around there at all so you're going to want to go to Soul and you're going to want to go onto Mars and go into Sedonia upon arriving in Sedonia guys go ahead and enter this next step I'm not sure if you absolutely have to do this but you're going to want to do this so we're going to have to go from Sedonia which is over here and we're going to want to head this way it's an unmarked location so go ahead and Mark it if you want you can kind of see that this is a face this is the face of Mars and where I'm standing is kind of like the eye there's another eye right over here and a mouth so you can kind of make it out but you're going to want to go in the far eye away from Sedonia cuz that's where this one's going to be so go ahead and enter I don't know why it's unmarked by the way because here in your radio it's actually named face of Mars when you're standing there so it's a bit odd regardless go ahead in Sidonia and just head straight through the entrance and just keep going until you reach the main area with where you can see everything and everything is and all that so go ahead here like so and follow on the left side and you're going to see the marker for the face of Mars it doesn't give you a quest I don't know if it's supposed to or not but go ahead here and you can interact with it and read what it is and we're going to head there right now so let me show you a bit of a guide to get there now this one is really hard to show you guys so you're going to have to try and stick with me here so here's Sedonia and we have to go here where my marker is this is where we have to get to so if you can figure out where this is on your map go ahead and put your marker and you probably should just be able to follow it and you'll be fine if you're having a bit of troubles I'm going to show you how we can possibly get there with no marker whatsoever so you're going to have to try and stick with me here it's going to be a bit complicated now go ahead and you're going to want to look from your land where you landed for this crane here try to match up your screen with mine and that's how you'll know that you're going in the right direction so head for that kind of crane I believe it's a fracking station so just head over there once you make it you're going to see what I keep calling a crane sticking out like this and actually that will go ahead and point you in the direction you need to go so just line it up look down and you should see this mountain go ahead and head for this mountain that's what you're going to want to do so once you head over there you're going to need to just get on top of the mountain as far and fast as you can now once you get up there guys like this you're going to see this huge crater but if if you turn around kind of see what I mean there's all of Sidonia over there so once you get over here guys you should see this little crater like so you're going to want to just jump and go down into the crater this is one of the eyes of the face of Mars and right here you're going to see these Little Rock patches and the one on the left kind of forms like a sea so you're going to want to go to the Bottom of the Sea and you're going to find right here is the Sedonia snow globe I don't see many people put this in their videos at all and especially I don't see them put it in complete guides like this one so if you made it to this guys go ahead and grab this one this one's really neat I love this one this is definitely up there top five probably Sedonas is really neat and of course it's really hard and more rare to get cuz it involves a lot more work so go ahead and grab this one guys this is a really neat one so let's get it and so everybody that concludes this guide if you did this right we should have every snow globe in the game in our inventory so I hope you guys found this useful and I hope you guys are going to come back if you need and don't be afraid to stop back in and check on some that you weren't able to get before cuz maybe you already did the quest now we've already spent 30 minutes together half an hour so why not let's spend some more time together I'm going to put up some videos guys for you to all go and enjoy tips and tricks and I hope they're all useful for every single person here and I really hope that you guys like the style of this video If you do guys subscribe let me know how you guys feel like it and of course comment let me know if you guys want more of these type of complete guides and all that I'm trying to get a footing here in Starfield and so far you guys have shown so much love and support so I want to keep expanding keep growing on Starfield and I really think guys we can make it great here so let's go guys of course like I said subscribe like comment let me know your snow your favorite one to three snow globes like I said at the beginning and of course enjoy the rest of your days I hope you guys have a fantastic day fantastic fantastic weekend whenever or whatever you're watching this and of course I wish you guys a lot of success so thank you yet again of course if you have friends that need this guy share it to them let them see this these are such cool Collectibles and they really enrich the gameplay so like I said before guys subscribe if this helps and if you want to see more Starfield and some other games content too like the video guys comment let me know and also share it to some of your friends or just share it around and of course like always I'll see you in the Starfield
Channel: Pharaoh Rising
Views: 1,852
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starfield, Starfield Earth, Starfield secrets, Starfield Earth landmarks, snow globes Starfield, Starfield nasa, Starfield unearthed, Starfield snow globes, Starfield mars, Starfield moon, Starfield Earth locations, Earth Starfield, Starfield tips, Starfield tips and tricks
Id: s4xv8RnhJxs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 38sec (2258 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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