Get the best Legendary drops in Starfield

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good day guys welcome back to wack gaming today I'm going to be showing you the best locations I believe in order to find the highest level uh bosses you can find and the best locations as in points of interest that have the most bosses and the best ones I guess for what you're looking for which is all of us are looking for the best gear or the best weapons so I'm going to be showing you my favorite location and and then the point of interest on that actual place to get the best out of you know your leveling up as well so it doesn't matter what level you are you could be level 20 or you could be level 100 these locations are going to give you the best loot for your level just bear that in mind some levels don't get certain weapons and and it's obviously some way weapons are scalable as well as as much as armor is as well as too so um look the planet I'm on I'm going to show you right now where we are we are in the Hawking Sy system which is to the far right of the map um you pretty much can't go any further to the right so I don't really need to show you much more than that just come all the way out here to Hawking um there's you know aredes here so just to the right of that is the Hawking now the place that I go the most I tend to stick to moons when I'm doing this and I've started off on Hawking 1 a so this and I've just basically started Landing in random places and then scanning now some tips with scanning too if you do have your scanning you know uh what do I say uh maxed out so I I've got a high level scanner it'll actually tell you with a little symbol what some things are um this one here you can see it says structure so there are military structures as well bear that in mind this one just came up as a normal structure as well I can't show you the symbol here but the lower level you are in regards to your scanning you it'll just give you a plain symbol and it will just say structure so just some points there I do get military symbols as well um when I'm scanning So and I've noticed that some people mentioned that they don't see that and that's because my scanner is is upgraded in my skills all right so I've gotten rid of everybody on the outside here just to make it a bit quicker for us uh this is the first location that we've come to and it is the abandoned mine and it doesn't look you know too much on the outside to be honest it's just this one Hab area here and then you know we've got this area down here now the great thing about this location it has uh at least three bosses and if I can remember rightly so there is a small I think a small boss on the outside here I just killed him down here I think if I'm right um all right so it's just uh you can see we just got yeah wasn't too good I just left it on him but it's a just a dagger so but that's your kind of first I guess boss you know with the two health bars now a lot of people come to this location I've seen some people do videos on this location and I've noticed that they've just thought this is it you know because you come to this door over here and doesn't open there's no no way of opening it so a lot of people have kind of like looked around and given up and then thought uh this area in the center here well it has a storage box I know and you know this stuff here weapons case got nothing in it but that's it and so they've disappeared so well that door does open so I point that out right now and I'll give you another couple of tips as well bring lots of Digi picks to these locations this one in particular because this location has a lot of locked doors do they have anything value and it has a lot of uh you know things like that like safes and and storage and stuff like that you want to open and there's nothing worse getting to a safe and going I can't open it now there is a way around that of course if you only have one or two Digi picks on you uh you could just save hard save before before you open something like this so I do that quite often storage crates generally have the garbage in them so if you did want to open this I would do a heart save first and then then open it okay so bear that in mind I'm going to skip that one uh cuz I've opened them in other places sometimes and don't seem to have anything in them so now the door you opens up this way there is this lever here and that opens that up there and then you got some you know Amo crates and stuff up here as well so that's pretty much it here there is some bits and pieces in that room up there uh there are turrets in this location two two turrets there's one there and one there they can be turned off in that room up there there's a computer if you can be bothered going in there and turning them off but they do shoot you as you come into the area all right we'll head on in and I'll show you this complex and I'll show you show you why it's such a good complex now uh next tip would be make sure that you're landing on this planet to uh World moon in the hardest setting you can always change that setting to a lower setting if you want and you're finding it too hard but bear in mind when you do get to these doors this is a a door that's going to do a cut scene so it's going to load into another area so you want to be on your harder setting before you go into this section don't forget to to do that make sure that you keep your setting uh on the highest setting or remember to change it back before you go through any door like this all right we'll head on in and I'll show you this area heare for all right had the wrong gun out sure what I was doing there so basically they're they're here straight away so um they're quite high level as you can see now there are two ways into this facility this is the first way you can go through here and there like a caverns and stuff I like to go the other way but the do we miss somebody all right hang on we'll just get rid of this person and she's shooting at somebody else but it looks we go up there just get rid of these two guys first but you can see these guys are valeron and zealots so if you're looking for a valeron you know weapon this is going to be the place to get it h he's not coming out lost them all right well he's just going to hide over there we're going to come back around that way anyway so we'll go uh show you this area so we've got first little module here this is our first locked door here so like I said if you want to hard save here before you do this you can reuse that uh save and save the digi pick this is worth the effort all right we're into this one so this one in here just has I think it has just like some credits lying around so if you some bits and pieces of um what else we got in here let's have a quick look nothing that I particularly want so you could if you wanted to if you wanted to skip this room because I just had some credits that would be the the you know you could go back and go all right well just there's no safe or anything in here so I want to save that Digi pick don't really want to use it you could reload that hard save and skip this room completely so as you can see there was nothing in here for me so we will reload that hard save to SA that Digi pick and come back okay I've um Reloaded The save to save me that Digi pick so that's what I was saying it's a little tactic you can use now we'll come back up this way and head back through here there's another module area through here now if you want to keep your scanner open you can it shows you where all these things are now the first thing you want to not miss it's the credits here there's also a monthly magazine here so make sure you pick that up and this room here has things like Med packs and stuff like that so make sure you grab those thanks to the new you can just eat away and replenish your health if you want to so not that that's making any dent on my health at all but there you go there's some more food there all right um so we head down this way um some more food okay we've got some dead miners in here and this room here has um some more credits I think on the table yep here we go and more food Etc and there's another locked room here so this is another locked room this one I recall has got some got a helmet at least in here so we'll go in here and have a look all right so we're in now and I'm pretty sure there's a helmet yeah there it is there's a helmet in here and um this will change as a rare helmet this time and we have medkit so we got some credits and there we go we got a Digi pick as well so we get our Digi pick back in this one so that's and more credits over here I think there's some more on the floor yeah it is some more floor credits all right so that's that room U there's not much else here if I recall okay thank you for taking out those people for us okay there's another room in here uh look to be honest there's not much in this room either uh actually there's a space suit in here so we we'll go in and have look um okay so here up here there's a space suit so it's a pretty high levels actually space suit so if you wanted to get yourself one um I think I'm at level 88 at the moment yep so if you wanted to grab that it's a little less than mine you can see when it says red it's down on mine and you can see green is it's slightly better uh but I have a legendary um space suit on so I'm not going to go that in this this got C this cutters and then I think there might be some credits in here there we go and our Digi pick so you're not going to lose your Digi pick and yeah some P of pieces there's another dig pick I mean sorry credit stick as well so that's pretty much it I think in here there's another gun and just some other stuff so yeah so there you go all right so that's that room so we're going ahead basically this way now we've come to the far side and there's plenty of ammo around so don't forg get to pick that up and what do we got got we don't need that and we're going to head down these stairs so this goes through a tunnel area now just down at the bottom of your stairs there is a helmet it's going to be different all the time I think all right and then we I think that's it in this oh there's a crate yeah nothing in that one all right so I think that's it for this area and generally there's yeah actually didn't even see me I don't know why but anyway there you go Spoils of Victory hopefully they go down this path and the bottom of these stairs is going to be where our first group of I guess you could say bosses are so it's in this area up here it's usually two or three just in this area here so we'll be a little bit careful coming into here there's another one hiding in [Music] there all right so around the corner here is going to be I think there's usually two or three uh bosses so we can tell them whether actually it might be a bit further up so we'll go a little bit further so if you wanted to loot these guys yep just going to have ammo and stuff on them maybe some credits now uh this area here if you go down the back here there's like a little tunnel can go this way if you want to got this guy here just got some stuff on him apple pie apple pie and like a a way to go up that way but we're want to go up the stairs I think it's just the best way so there are a number of ways you can go so we're going to go up these stairs now there are two ways you can go up those stairs as well go this way just to show you and just going up the top we got uh some ammo up here and these are the guys we just took out all right so that's pretty much this little section as you can see there's not much up here so we'll go back across here and then up these stairs and our first I guess you could say captains or bosses are going to be in this area what was that so this is where you want to here's our first one he's an 84 and I think there's going to be at least one more can't see him at the moment the and I am all right well we're just going to take him out and see what we get all right so we could have uh safe scummed on this guy you can see got some Digi piic in his uh what do we got there it's a cornered Advanced umoon star Shard it's so not too bad that's cornered and just to show you you can get the good stuff in here so you pay for that now this room here's got some stuff in it don't skip this room always something pretty cool in this one so this time we got just the lawgiver these things don't change so once you come into the building they're set and just some some other bits and pieces a few digy picks to stock up on and and there's some more stuff over here as well if you want to have a look at this as well well so we don't want that though so we're going to leave it um so we have at least one more guy in this area which we usually I've seen by now now there is another locked door up in here now this door is the other way back through so you but you don't want to skip this room it's got as you can see some stuff in here rare pistol if you want that and lots of ammo I don't probably need any at the moment and some got some helmets in here as well so just bear that in mind too so if you're after a helmet couple of space suits uh that one Bounty Hunter space suit there you go so a lot of people are after a high Lev Bounty Hunter space suit that is actually pretty high it's a little lower than my one but I've got a legendary one on at the moment and just go and see if we can find this other controls a good place bit of a rabbit Warren in here so we're gonna head up that way and down this way there's a other so this is a 64 so the other guy was the higher leveled guy just bear that in mind mind so oh there we go there's an 84 I knew there'd be another one in here somewhere so so we got two uh three that we could save on there we go you cannot beat me um what did he have Explorer is it not all right so he's in a good position we could actually have just we could save here do a quick save and now we can just take him out so we got a crappy knife that time so This Guy's in what 84 I think he was he's a zealot so we'll reload that quick save and slightly better gun this time so depending on what you're after I'm not after that gun so not good for me but we'll reload a few times we'll just do this uh scum save they call it I guess and we'll see if we can get something good I'm going to cut out a little bit of it so until we find something good and I'll tell you how many times it took me to get something good from this guy but as you can see this complex there's a couple more guys to kill in this complex but that's pretty much it for this one so I'll skip through as much as I can show you something good and then we'll go on to the next location all right we managed to get uh this particular gun out of this guy I think this is like the seventh time I tried the the reload and it's a 1in punch assassin's um it's a legendary laser rifle so there any downside with 1-in punch I'm not a real big fan of this on rifles for me like the idea of a rifle is that it's a for range and this one obviously with one inch punch lowers the range down to 20 you can see but um something at least you can see it's giving me quite a reasonably good gun and it's fire rate is quite high on this thing but we'll head off to the next location now she's not happy with me and we'll um we'll show you another great location on this Moon that you can find lots of commanders um in as well I should say bosses and we'll um go through a couple more locations okay all right guys we're our next location this is one of my favorite locations as well this is a mine again these mines on this planet seem to be pretty good it's an abandoned in mind this time and it's pretty distinctive this big tower usually on top of a rock and we quickly take out there's a few people on the outside that have really no consequences uh we'll take them out quickly and then we'll jump into the mine and show you how it all works in there there are a couple of good bosses in this one as well I think we have our spaces in this one and they're pretty high levels so we'll get to them and I'll show you this mine out all right I just took those guys out just to make it a bit quicker for us uh there is a small Hab over here here that's pretty much nothing on the outside though just a few guards to take out and again make sure you're in the highest setting as well this guy's got a big bang on him so if there you go it's a pretty low one but it's got no mods on it but essentially this particular location is again one of those locations you're going to enter a cut scene and it's going to reload everything inside the cave so make sure you're on the highest difficulty when you go into this place now this is yeah a mine like I said so Works its way down into a cavernous area spent more than enough time in my life in caves but if there is something to be gained in this one we should investigate and basically when I go through that door over there there'll be a few guys in here we need to take out there is a 50 in level 50 in here uh there are a couple of higher ones lower down I think that's it so there are a couple of ways again with this particular one to go down you can see there didn't have much on him you can go through that door there or you can go over this way actually there's the other guy there all right and you can go down this way now I prefer to go through where is it this door up here it's just you get a better vantage point of them from this angle rather than coming up the mine you're going down the mine the small area over here with some chests and stuff in it we got a few things in here what's this we got a there you go so rare heavy we'll leave it though U so we'll head on up this ramp here I'm skipping over a lot of stuff so take time through this I'm just trying to speed it up for everybody else and you guys that are watching so it's not too long so when we get to this section in here you're you essentially sorry I wasn't expecting him to be there to be honest all right so we've got another Captain that's our second one uh the second one up here so when you come to this edge here you can see it goes down in a second I'm just going to see what we got up here got anything we can use all right so we got a a walkway you can go all the way down through here and it's generally yeah there we go a guy over there so here we go he's down and then we have a bunch of them at the bottom here so we should have I think two captains down here him uh no he's just a normal should be a 98 I think oh not there we go there he is there's the pilot Lon and I don't think there's anybody else in here oh one more there we go get rid of him if we can you cannot beat me all right so we just got the pirate Legend left now he's a 98 so it's pretty high you got to get any kind of loot this is going to be where you're going to get it so we take him down a few notches in health and then we'll go down and do this save again you're not walking out of here your down all right we'll save here and we got a bounty hunter space suit so not too bad um a lot lower than the one I'm currently got I'm not sure how I I can't remember actually where I got one from but you can see the stats on the mine are pretty good um so I'm not sure where to get that I wish I could have remembered but we'll reload this one a few times and see what we can get from this guy I won't show you much else in here apart from you know obviously pick up everything that's here you got a chest over here I find the chests are a bit hit and miss these days I think they you're going to get the best weapons and armor off you know taking out these bosses to be honest so all right well we'll reload this a few times and see what we get and then we can head up to our last location I'm just going to do three locations for you guys on this planet Moon I should say just to show you the that what I think are the three best locations that you can look for and um definitely if you find one of these locations you definitely uh find this particular boss this one's probably the best one so far it's got a 98 pirate Legend and um if you're looking for that um which I am looking for the Hard Target uh then this is the guy that you're going to get it off I'd say so but if you're after the first one we did obviously valun valun uh you're going to get um their particular weapons from them so I know a few people like those weapons I don't particularly like them but um yeah that's everyone's got their own style of play so I'm going to roll this one a few times to see what we can get and we'll be back in a second with whatever we got all right guys we rerolled it a few times to see what we could get and we managed to get this big bang it's a legendary rifle um I already have one I'll bring up mine you can see mine's a skip shot I've got a few mods on mine so um it's I've got Corner corrosive and skip shot this one is extended magazine Hitman and Elemental uh randomly deals corrosive yeah Etc so it's actually pretty good and obviously the stats uh would increase if once I modded it as well so just bear that in mind but um yeah you can see the benefits of doing the the reroll I'm not going to grab this big bang I've already got one although the the value you can see it's quite good 46,000 if you're after credits I'm not after credits so you can see I've got plenty of credits but um that would be a good gun to get on this particular guy so yeah we'll we'll head off to our last location I said I'd do three for you guys just to show you three really good spots on this Moon that are good for farming and keep your eye out for these three spots this will be the last one and make sure that you head on to this Moon and yeah like I said hit that uh that hard on your you know make sure your settings are on the the very hard before you land and and then before you enter buildings and to get the most out of this but we'll head off to the last location now and see how we go all right guys we're at our last location this is my absolute favorite location if you can find this I think it's called the abandoned hanger it is pretty common I think look I've seen it a few times I wouldn't say it's the most common but it has uh an above ground and and a below ground which I love about it so and I think I've had ships come in while I've been attacking this particular base as well as lots to it so hope you guys enjoy this we're going to um set ourselves up on that Tower and kill that guy and we're going to use that height of the Tower yeah the abandon hanger there we go to take out the rest of the people so we'll just go up here hopefully we don't get seen oops all right we'll take him out and then we got this bird's eye view up here so we can just start picking them off as quite a few people and just get to find them all this guys are quite low level up here there is a couple of captains below us I think okay I think that's two over here okay and then we've got um yeah we got a 50 here and I think there's another one yeah uh what is it 86 so but they we've got a higher level one down stairs so we'll just take these guys out think going out take cover all right I think we got just the one left all right I think that's it for the above ground so this a whole area up here you can spend time looking through all this if you want to I will um just check the guys just in case there was something that dropped that I wanteds of Victory now there's two ways down into this particular area there is a um an elevator this is probably the quickest way I think that's over here there's the elevator there and I think there might be some stairs through that Hab so actually we'll go through the hab and we'll work our way down to the bottom so there's a bit of Close Quarter stuff in here so make sure you got a close quarter weapon you're sort of heading in this way now like I said I'm just skipping past if you say oh you missed that missed that don't worry I'm just skipping past all the boxes and stuff I'll come back and loot everything later just wanted to show you this place really quickly and usually there's some people in this area where did he go he had a legendary on him somewhere so there already is over there he was like a level two which is weird so uh shattering modified yeah not something I'm after but there you go first legendary for this one and like I said uh we get a ship Landing here sometimes I think I can hear it coming in so we'll make our way down I've never been able to steal the ship though so just bear that in mind so the ship you can see is landed and they get some people come out of it so so we got a 50 Captain over there we have a there we go there's a there's a 90 98 so that's our big guy so we want to take out everyone but that person that way we can spend a bit of time on rerolling the save hope to win we'll get over this way oh that's one of mind that's so funny all right we I not sure if that's the last one I'm just trying to do a quick scan there's another one on the other side all right and there's there is some boxes in here as you can see they generally don't have anything although this time it has a legendary in it that' be right not something I'm after but there you go um so and we've got these dumbasses in here I don't know what's going on either they just sitting here never had that happen before but um inaccessible there you go so you can't get into this one yes let get a take off there you go I think there might be one or two loose cannons around somewhere but we'll take out the uh Pate Legend and we'll roll hopefully and get something good this will be the last one we do today so where'd you go wasn't paying attention some on himy BR it H it's always a way isn't it I actually killed the pirate Legend before I had a chance going to take more than that all right well we uh we ruined our our save we didn't get out you got to be really careful there so U we ended up with this but uh that was the highest one of the highest legendary ones we've had a pirate Legend they dropped from pretty good stuff so I've got to save I saved before I came in here so what I'm going to do is I'm going to I play this again myself and see if I get something good I'll uh tack that on the end really quickly so you guys can see what sort of stuff I can get so uh hang around for a few more minutes we'll have this all wrapped up and I'll just rerun this really quickly so I can show you uh rrolling what I'll actually get with this prate Legend these guys are the best guys to get 98 is the highest you can get in game so this location is definitely by far my favorite location it's pretty quick as you saw like I mean I'm got some pretty good guns and stuff so that does make it easier obviously uh and you could lower the level of difficulty if you wanted to but just make sure like I said you land on this planet and and jump around on this planet in that highest difficulty so back in a second and we'll see how we go with getting something good out of this person all right we just uh took it down the second time did the quick save this is the first shot actually so I haven't done a rerun on this one yet but I managed to get this um Bridger straight up which was not too bad if you're into the Bridger I am not into heavy weapons as I said before but this is that personnel has lacerated bleeding so and then round sometime emit electricity so actually pretty good gun the only reason I don't like this gun is the uh rounds are pretty hard to get sometimes so that's probably something to think about yeah it's pretty hard to get the rounds for this guy but I'm going to roll this a couple more times and show you my last last legendary and then we'll wrap this uh video up all right guys just to finish off we finally uh managed to get something decent we managed to get a MAG sniper Rus um pirate Legend so we're just going to have a look at the stats on it now and you can see it's um demiz demoralizing um so it's 30% damage while in space so that's any downside with this particular gun I don't like space adapt on sniper rifles good for close combat but who's going to pull out a sniper rifle or you know a long distance rifle in the I guess in a in a spaceship probably not going to so I think the minus 15% damage on a planet is probably the negative on this one stagger ring is okay and yeah so it's an average gun but you know like it just proves if you just reroll this enough times you basically need two things one is time and the other one is luck so look guys i' I'm going to finish this video up please hit that like button spend a lot of time editing and and recording this video so and consider subscribing if you're enjoying them and we'll see you on the next video thanks again one Bat [Music] Out
Channel: Wombat Gaming
Views: 22,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, starfield gameplay, starfield guide, starfield tips, starfield help, starfield game, starfield tips and tricks, starfield tips for beginners, starfield beginner guide, starfield secrets, starfield chests, starfield legendarys, starfield credits, starfield armour, starfield weapons, starfield walkthrough, starfield glitch, starfield credit glitch, starfield exploit, starfield boss, starfield points of interest, starfield poi, starfield bosses
Id: 28P0tzDF5rs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 45sec (2205 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2023
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