Starfield Tips You May Not Know About

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good day guys welcome back to wack gaming I'm going to be showing you some tips and tricks that I continually get asked about and also a couple of things that I think some players are not aware of so hopefully these tips or tricks can help you in some way please let me know in the comments below if you find any of these tips or tricks are new to you and helpful and um yeah just provide your feedback if you want clarification on any of the things I'm going to show you as well that would be awesome so at the moment I'm at the neon City I will show you where we are on the map just in case you are unaware of where we are we are off to the right of alpha centur there's Alpha centur here and we are down here in the volley system so when you get to volley you want to head to this one here volley Alpha and on volley Alpha is the neon uh yeah City so when you get to Neon City there is an elevator that takes you from the Spaceport to the neon core and you will end up in this location here this is the uh elevator that takes you back up up all right so when you arrive here there's a couple of ways that you can go you want to head this way towards the trade Authority I'm going to show you a unique or a few unique clothing items that you may not be aware of we're going to be heading into this particular store new Wheels Goods we're going to talk to this guy here fully sted and ready of now normal apparel if you have a look here these items when you wear them over to the right you can see this particular item is giving you a plus 5% recovery O2 recovery and then the different persuasion chance well this particular vendor here sells these ones they're called uh neurocom Mark two and Mark three items now these particular apparel items can be worn underneath or they're hidden underneath your normal your normal wear so as you can see what I'm wearing at the moment when I kind of it's not changing if I check click on something else it is changing so these items here stack underneath the item that you already have on so there are I've only managed to find these three I'm not sure if there are more so this Fender is refreshable and I'll show you how to do that in a moment as well but the first item is the Mark II there's two of them they are 8,844 credits each but one gives you intimidation chance plus 15 and the next one + 15 instigation chance and then we have the mark 2 this one is 10% to diplomacy chance I've only ever seen the three of these please let me know in the comments below if you found another one or if you know of another vendor that sells these I've been looking around I haven't actually managed to find another vendor that sells these types of clothing options uh that you can wear under your regular you know item of clothing so I've purchased all three of these already so what we're going to do is I'm going to hop out and show you what they are all about if you go into your inventory and to your Appel section you will see I will just uh change it by here that these particular items are on the left here this inventory screen by the way is a mod that I'm using and I'm on PC and hopefully on Xbox you'll get mods soon but it is a quite a handy uh Quality of Life mod I guess you could say that I like to use now the um the items you can see I'm wearing the freestyle militia uniform which to the right you can see gives me a plus five reload speed at the moment so it's just a small percentage boost of my reload speed and then this item up here at the moment is highlighted as well so the intimidation chance I could always swap that out to this one or I could do the diplomacy chance as well so you can see I can just switch to that nothing changes and I still got my hat on and I've still got my uniform on so this is a fairly unique shop that you can come and buy these items out now to use these I think you just need to bring out your um your scanner and I think we'll only use on I think we only work on here we go social so you hit the e button and it says you got a 30% uh manipulation chance and you can you can activate that if you want to and it that was that failed so but that's how you use those particular things if you didn't know how to use them so depending on what piece of clothing you have on you okay while we're in neon City I'm going to show you one other location you just turn right and come down here there is a little cafe in here called Tranquility now if you think of these particular places you would just expect to be able to buy drinks and stuff here so a lot of people don't bother to come in here and and check this one out and but this person actually will buy weapons and armor off you so let's have a chat of anytime now they don't have a heap of credits but it is a small amount of credits if you go into the sell option and you can see now I can sell a space suit I can sell I can sell weapons and yeah just a small little bit of money that you can get from this particular location that you may not be aware of it adds another couple of thousand worth of credits to your tally if you are selling stuff here and you've got a little bit of gear that you want to offload and you've run out of places to sell it all right well we'll head off to the next location for the next tip okay guys we're at our tip number three now it doesn't matter what planet or Moon you go to as long as it has uh life on it like this so what you're going to be looking for are packs of animals that have health bars so this one here you can see it has two lots of health bars just like a a boss would have in um you know like a a dungeon or you know if you're facing some spaces is usually you know one particular guy who's the the captain or whatever and then you're going to get better drops from him so the same applies to these guys so I can't see any more of these guys around but this particular guy as you can see has the two bars so when you kill him you notice the top item is called genetic alien genetic material now this is a random chance drop so it's not going to happen on every one of these uh creatures but if you take this item it's one of the best items that you can have I pop these into my hot bar and I use them when I'm in a situ where I'm fighting a high level captain or something it just increases I'll show you what it increases so we got alien so it's this particular item here and it gives you a 500% damage resistance for 30 seconds and 500% energy resistance for 30 seconds now I've Ed these multiple times so I I just collect them when I find them and I put them in the basically as you can see I've hot bared them and I up here you can see it's link to my my number 12 and I basically just hit away at those if I'm finding I'm having a challenging encounter with a number of maybe there's a number of people that you're fighting or or creatures or you're fighting a boss this particular thing is going to give you that damage resistance for 30 seconds and you just keep hitting the um the button to to use it so we'll see if we can find another one just to show you what the deal is so uh let's run around a bit and find another one all right we found another one of Vector backs but you can see here as I was saying before this guy's only got the one health bar we really need to find one that has two health bars if you um have a look at him so he's not going to give you that material so this particular creature doesn't look like it is a pack creature um you'll find that a lot of those enemy type creatures on some planets are pack creatures and you'll find there three or four in a pack of them and you'll be basically looking for the captain version you might need to Kill Them All but um we'll see if I can find one more for you so give us a second and we'll see what we can do all right we found another one fighting some and we'll see what he's got on him so there you go alien genetic material so we'll take that again and the good thing about this stuff too it doesn't um disappear over time so now we have uh yeah we have 27 of those items and yeah they're going to give you that 500% damage resistance for and energy resistance for 30 seconds so grab those whenever you can definitely do not walk past those double health bar creatures that you're coming across on planets take them down and collect that alien genetic material all right we'll head off to the next tip guys we are at our next location this one is just a bit of a fun trick I guess you could say that I I wouldn't mind showing you guys you probably some some people might have seen this already I don't claim credit to this one I've seen someone else do it but we are in the Pima system and that is I'll show you where on the map just here's we were at just at volley here so we've come across to the right a bit further and we are on this particular Planet Hera 3 and it's red mile now there's a decent Quest here as well for you guys so when you come to the Red Mile though you'll notice there's tons of credits on all these tables and if you pick those credits up you're just going to basically start a bra but those temp very temptation to get those credits as a new player so there is a little way that you can get it so if you come up this stairway here and a bit further up there's this basket here now you want to like not be detected when you're picking it up so just pick it up and then carry it down the stairs whatever have now you can put this basket on the floor and you can put it just underneath the table now what the idea is you want to like knock this stuff off into the basket so we need another item so the item I've been using there somebody in there we'll come to this room maybe excuse just find need to find an item that you can pick up that's there we go we'll try this one come back here now you want to carefully just rotate and pull I went too hard then but you can see I can't believe Donan R is actually here in this you go slow enough you can knock oh I've placed a basket very poorly but you can see the point so I can move that basket out a bit now you can't pick the credit up again just bear that in mind so and so I'll just put that a little bit out a bit and I'll try this again you would last a minute in the red mile of course I probably would you can basically knock everything off the table if you want I've actually kicked the basket in a bit too far but look so we're going to bring the basket back out again be careful you don't pick up the digi pick so you want you are dig the credit S I should say so what you want to do is make sure that and we'll C on the other side I've dropped a few on the floor but if you're really careful with this you could you could do this without without dropping any we'll do it here as well this place to be the real di things are up all right we'll go for up all right so we' there's other tables there's a whole bunch of credits over there as well I'll just uh we don't pick them up out here so what you want to do is you want to head into a room like this but we're just dropping them all everywhere and close the door and then you can start to pick him up so we got 200 yeah this might be different for other people just close that door and you know we've probably got a couple of thousand maybe if we pick them all up so there you go and we didn't get detect it at all and you can bring that basket around like obviously there was credits on that table as well you could also steal some expensive items come down here I noticed that you know these uh where are they there are things that you can you know look if it as an early player these cans are worth not really that much actually are they so I was looking for wine bottles more expensive but look the credits is definitely the way to go these ones here there are worth a little bit more um but yeah essentially the credits is the way to go about a look I wouldn't bother with the other stuff but um you can see that was a pretty cool little trip you could use and you can use that in other locations as well I believe this just happens to be the most profitable place and this does reset too by the way so if you left and then came back here uh doing the reset counter again you could use Venus or you could just sit down and uh I think you'd have to leave the building maybe go to your ship and wait to 24 hours I haven't tried the 24 hours but I have done the Venus reset so um yeah give that a go let me know if this thing was new to you and give it a go so how you go just make sure you do a save before you try it cuz uh believe me if you do pick up one of those things or hell's going to break loose in the place so yeah all right well I'll just uh head off to the next tip I will show you um quickly just a really quick one that this happens a lot of people are probably not aware of so the um items that I use in my hot bar this one probably be my next tip would be amp um so I'm not sure if everybody's collecting amp now I've got a lot of lot of stuff in here a lot of this stuff I've just been selling I do keep the items that have a health treatment next to it but anything that doesn't I just sell but amp is one thing that I do use it gives you a 35% movement speed and a two times jump height for um for 2 minutes so it is Handy if you want to get somewhere fast I'm carrying about 29 on at the moment I do have an amp farm setup as well that's producing these I do have a video on that if you want to check that out uh it's pretty easy to set up an amp Farm but you do find these all over the map as well so make sure you pick them up but put them into your hot bar and use them to get places I'll just show you how it works essentially um you're just walking but right now you're sort of zooming around all over the place like you're on steroids so you can see and you know yeah you can see the point that lasts for 2 minutes so if you want to get somewhere really quick on a map uh from your ship to say a destination definitely hit the amp up and use that it gets you whipping around the place really quickly so that would be that next big tip make sure that you're using amp and that alien genetic material that I said before and also um I have Med packs in my hot bar as well so there are three things I kind of rely on all the time don't tend to use anything else unless like I said I was healing myself from something and I carry those other medical items around for that all right we'll head off to the next tip that I'm going to show you guys all right guys for my next tip this is something that you may or may not be aware of um now if you come to your weapons bench and also your armor bench space suit workbench if you go into your workbench now if you got items that you are considered favorite items that you don't want to sell the amount of times I've sold an item and left the vendor and forgotten then was unable to buy back or get it back for the same price that I paid for it is very annoying or you know you may drop a favorite item so renaming your items a lot of people don't realize you can actually rename it so I have uh this character here I've renamed this one and I've just put like a little Dash in front of it so what you can do is so say I want to rename this one there is a limited amount of characters that you can do so just be aware of that you will be changed the name cons considerably so I'll show you how you do that on PC that it's you can see the bottom right hand corner rename button is B it's easy to miss and then it'll bring up this T this option here so what you can do is if you see if I scroll all the way to the end and then I just put a a dash in front of it it does get rid of uh a lot of the information that you have so if we go cancel I'll try that again and you see cuz if if you highlight so see if if you don't get rid of some of that information you can see I'm trying to put a key in there at the moment but I can't so if I take out the commanders bit I'll take that out and then put the dash in space and hit enter now you'll see that those two items both have that particular little symbol next to them so that's two of my favorite weapons and if you come back out now my menu is going to be different to yours unless you're using the same mod as me but I believe the standard setup these will now be at the top of your list so they should when you sort by alphabetical have them up here you can see they've got this little Dash next to them so to me that's a a symbol there that you can see clearly and they're always at the top or the bottom depending on how you you're setting it up um you can put x's in front of them whatever you want to do and you can then have them as an item that you can clearly see that they'll be in a certain place so you're not missing them because everything is a bit of a a mess unless you've got this particular mod and you can um you know sort a lot easier than the way I do it but um yeah it's a good little tip there so make sure that you get in there and rename all your favorite items so you don't accidentally sell them I think that's a a pretty good tip all right we'll head off to the next tip and yeah I hope this is some things in here guys that are helping you guys out and hopefully the next tip will be helpful as well okay while we're on the ship I will show you another small tip that um I'm sure everybody knows this one but we're here so will show you um so my cargo hold is just full at the moment if we have a look and you'll see I'm only my maass should be only 3,240 but I have 88,200 now there are two things I'm going to show you here I have mentioned this in some of my other videos but so when you take another ship the cargo hold is empty so what you want to do is before you claim that ship as your home ship and then swap back you want to put everything that your carrying that you don't need into the cargo hold of the new ship that you've just claimed so when you then claim that ship everything from your your pre your your other Home ship then moves into that cargo hold and so forth so as you can see I'm only supposed to be able to carry 3,200 in Mass but I have over 8,000 mass and that's a good way if you don't have a ship that has a high cargo hold of making sure that you don't lose the items you just picked up so stealing ships has its benefits um if you're on a planet and you've got resources that you can't put on your cargo of your ship go and steal another ship uh somewhere uh then put everything into that cargo hole before you make it your home ship and then um then go back to your other ship and do the same thing just make that your home ship and everything will transfer back to you so um a really quick tip there now because you have got no room in your cargo hole the next small tip would be you can just dump items and I'll show you uh got some resources here so let's just dump these items we want to drop these and you can see they''re just falling into this area here now if you've got a small Hab area that you you know not using on your ship or an entry way you can kick them around and stuff so just be aware of that but you can keep them close to workbenches so I've got a workbench area in here in my ship um if I want to start storing excess things that I don't I just cannot put into my cargo hold and I don't want to carry I could just start to dump them in this area and then if I am making something and I go oh I don't have enough of you know control rods I can quickly come and pick up the control rods or the iron or whatever it is into my inventory and then come back to the workbench and make or do whatever I need so that will never disappear this these items will always be there if you don't change your home ship so just bear that in mind if you do change your home ship or take another ship don't worry those items will just go into the cargo hold of your new ship so nothing lost and that's why my my ship is so full so that's another good tip uh you can do that at your Outpost as well you can just dump things in a a Hab there as well on the floor you can dump them in you know if you got a spare room next to a work area rather than building you know storage units to to hold all this stuff if you know what's in that room you just continually just you can make one room for minerals dump them all in there and then you can make another room for items like this and just dump them all in there it's a just a small way of U getting around that limitations of how much items you can actually store so um I think we'll head off to another tip now and um yeah I hope these are be these are helpful for you guys please hit that like button if they are and consider subscribing if you haven't already as well and let's head off to the next tip all right guys my next tip is a tip that a lot of people I mean you shouldn't probably be able to do this but if you're in the middle of a fight like I am here and you are sustaining some damage and you want to heal yourself just wait until let's go down a bit further right so we're in the middle of a a lair here I'll just I'll just kill these last few guys all right so everyone's dead and we're still in the lair but you'll notice that I low a little bit of Health we've got beds here so let just says here you cannot sleep while you're taking damage but as soon as that damage wears off from the the last bullet just go e for Sleep hit 1 hour pop back up and you're full health again that's pretty straightforward so you can then head off to your next part of the I'm just checking these guys there a couple of captains in here nothing terribly interesting this time but yeah then you can keep heading off this is the lar of the Mantis I've done this I do this every now and then it's got some good uh weapons and things in it so if you haven't redone this I got a video on this one as well just going through this lay nothing too exciting you know you see the ship again at the end but there are a lot of uh you know easy to kill you know I guess you could say spaces in here and there's some decent loot still available or the loot resets in here so all these boxes you know these Health all these helmets and things like that these weapons chests they reset as well and you can see that uh you get something different in there every time so all these I've been through here a number of times and they all reset the safe resets everything resets but yeah use these these bunks like at the moment I've got uh you can see I can't sleep cuz I got enemies nearby on the radar down the bottom you can see there three enemies but if I was to you know wait we'll go back up the top there to those other bunks um and those red indicators have gone as they are now uh nope it's not going to let me so you have to do it in the other room but it looks but yeah just just a way of replenishing your health so look for beds wherever you can if you do need to heal yourself especially early game if you don't don't have a lot of Med packs it's an easy way of U regaining your full health again all right well we'll head off to the next tip again and see how we go actually while we're here I will show you one other tip and someone I didn't know this but it's it's actually pretty self-explanatory so if you come to a a box like this and hit the R button so it brings up this particular item but say you you happen to be carrying a Bridger at the moment on you or you just wanted to compare this with yours a lot of people haven't noticed this but down the bottom there's um a V on PC it's V you just hit V and it brings up the item that you're actually carrying and you can compare the stats because I've got to the point where I don't pick up weapons anymore so if I happen to be carrying something I can just pick that up um if I need to so if you come back out to if you go into your inventory and just go to weapons and the same thing applies so you've got got uh let's have a look see I've got a let's have a look here what have I got that I can compare I've got a I don't have any double weapons in here do I so no so all right we'll just say I wanted to compare this one with the one I'm currently do the same thing applies so in your inventory as well just hit the V button so that just gives you an ideas you can pick up the weapon then compare and then just dump the weapon you don't want or you know sell the weapon that you don't want but um yeah just a little trick there I thought I'd show you guys while we could all right well as I said we'll head off to the last couple tips and I hope these guys I hope these things are being of some help to you guys all right guys it's going to be my last tip today this one if you've been watching some of my videos you probably already Weare of this and no doubt you've probably seen other people doing it as well but there are a few people who are brand new that are going to watch this video so this is really just for them this is how you can get the best gear in Starfield this is pretty much the only guaranteed way you going to get the best gear there are a few glitches out there but they don't give you everything that you need so this is going to be the best way to do it when you get to the final boss like in this particular one here you want to basically take out the the guys that are not the boss and there three of them in this particular F you can see there's the PIR leer we want to keep him alive to the last we want these out of the way so then we can just concentrate on this guy now the idea is to get this person down to as close to their death as possible you don't want to kill them though so be aware of how powerful your weapons are so you've got three red health bars to get through first and now he's pretty close to dead there I'm going to save you can set up a quick save if you want and then when you've killed him you can have a look at what he's got and go well is that something that I really want in my case that's a no and he was a pretty high legendary um pirate this guy so I know I can get something good so what I want to do is I want to use that quick save to reroll a a different item so we'll show you how that works really quickly and you can notice in INF infant I don't know what the word is anyway uh let a okay so we'll kill him again infinitely that's the word I was looking for you can and um just do it until you find it what you want so let's roll this a couple of times and see what I can actually get out of this guy all right guys we rerolled this I think about five times and I got something pretty good actually um I already have a bounty hunter suit but um a legendary one but this one is quite hard to get so I'll just show you if we have a look uh inside at this one so all right so this one is a mechanized Advanced Bounty Hunter spacer it's a legendary so it has the blend adir the chameleon blending when you're sneaking uh weapon holsters weapons weigh 50% less which is pretty good like you're carrying a lot of weapons this is awesome and then magn has plus 40% carry capacity as well so it's actually a pretty good suit if we compare it against suit that I'm currently wearing the downsides are it is a little bit lower in specs than the one I've currently got and the one that I've got is bolstering which grants me 100% energy resistance and physical resistance the lower my health is so if you're using the uh trait I can't think what it's called alien uh anyway someone can tell me what that is in the comments it is a trait that if the lower your health is the I guess the more powerful your weapons are going to beat so this particular one is going to give you more resistance if you're using that that one as well so this is a really good suit if you have that particular trait and minus 50% fall damage yet not really that applicable if you've got a jetpack and incin 10% chance to ignite nearby attackers which you know happens from time to time so look the other suit is really quite a good suit if you um which is something I might actually start wearing just to see how how it goes because the holding the weapons War my weapons weigh quite a bit so you know bringing that down to 50% is quite good and get me an extra 40% cap carrying capacity as well but just goes to show you what you can get from doing the reroll and it's pretty much the only way you are going to get something really good out of this now this facility does have some other sections down the back as well but I'm not going to show you that right now couple of things that I did miss and I thought I'd better just say when we did talk about the sleeping there was a couple of points that I will make you can sleep obviously anywhere before you go at last 1 hour but you get a 10% buff um if you're in a romance for someone that's 15 I think most people know that already but just remember to hit that bed for 1 hour as regular as you can and it gives you that extra 10% XP buff and um what was the other one I was going to talk to you guys about uh yeah make sure that you when you're hitting a world like this or entering a facility that you're always on the hardest level and very play on very hard and then lower that down once you've entered a building or entered the Planet left your spaceship so to speak cuz you want the boss to be carrying or holding the best loot for you so yeah just couple of Point tips there guys and again if any of these tips were helpful please let me know in the comments below if there was something uh that you didn't know about and I or I clarified and also if there's something that I you know I can speak a little fast on an Aussie and if you want clarification about any of the things that I I mentioned please pop that in the comments as well I am trying my very hardest to get get back to each and every one of you I do appreciate all the comments and feedback and I will read every one of your comments and try and get back to as many of them as I can so again this is one bat out hit that like button and subscribe and I will see you on the next [Music] video [Music]
Channel: Wombat Gaming
Views: 36,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: starfield, starfield gameplay, starfield tips, starfield pc, starfield xbox, starfield xbox series x, starfield guide, starfield help, starfield game, starfield tips and tricks no spoilers, starfield tips and tricks, starfield tips for beginners, starfield tips no spoilers, starfield beginner guide, starfield secrets, starfield hidden secrets
Id: IbjJ9wfiaDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 29sec (1949 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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