I Played 100 Days of Stardew Valley

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Look at me... I'm the captain now!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/conitation πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 29 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Goals for the 200 days video:

-Make a friend

Bonus points if Krobus is the ONLY being in the whole town you raise beyond one heart.

Lol but seriously this is impressive. Tis a very pretty farm

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/tintinnabuleight πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great work! Mad respect for your planning.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Row_Secure πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 30 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
i played 100 days of stardew valley i had a couple personal goals going into this challenge like getting as much of the community center done as possible or ending up with a nice looking farm however my main driving goal of this challenge was to break one million gold in total earnings by the end of day 100. i knew it would be tough but let's just say this challenge did not go the way i expected it to anyways this video took over 50 hours and almost a full month to put together so i would really appreciate it if you could hit the like button and subscribe to the channel for tons more stardoo content alright without further ado here are my 100 days of stardew valley my journey started with a pretty routine first day character creation messing with some settings i'm using a couple mods by the way most notably a recolor mod and the ui suite mod since i think they make the game look a little nicer those mods are linked in the description cleared some land made a chest and was off to pierre's after buying 40 parsnips and throwing those on the ground i left to go foraging a day of forging later i dumped my spoils in the chest and went to bed also hit level 1 foraging which is pretty cool day 2 started with crop watering and mayor lewis requesting a parsnip which is just hilarious since the quest goes until the fourth and my parsnips are ready on the fifth just hilarious after getting the fishing rod from willy i spent the entire day fishing day three was lost to fishing as well i made sure to hold on to any fish that were community center items it was kind of boring but i walked out of it with 4 400 gold and fishing level 4 so i'm considering it a huge win day 4 consisted of wood cutting and foraging trying to hit 300 wood asap so i can repair that eastern beach bridge day five is puppy adoption day after sorting everything out with doofus it's time for my first harvest i save a parsnip for the community center and head to pierre's this time i'm investing all my cash in 80 potatoes in a backpack upgrade after investigating the so-called rat problem in the abandoned community center i head to the mines to go down as many floors as i can sadly i could only muster five floors since i ran out of energy and had the absolute worst possible lux stack but i did find a diamond which is pretty cool however in the end i pushed my luck a little too far and passed out three feet from my bed level one farming and mining though on the sixth day i did a little better in the mines dropping from floors five to fifteen making a couple furnaces and smelting eight bars of copper in the process day seven was spent wood cutting and foraging to combat the energy shortage that kept screwing me over in the mines i stopped by the wizards hut and one acid trip later the community center was officially unlocked day eight began with a potato casualty which made me realize that i had completely forgotten to make a scarecrow i made a couple and plopped them down to watch over my potato children since it was raining i didn't have to do any crop watering which meant i had a full bar of energy for the mines i used this extra energy to drop 15 floors and reach floor 30 before going to bed on day 9 i finished another 5 floors in the mines before running out of energy so i dipped and foraged for a while i also completed the spring forging bundle our first bundle day 10 was another rainy day plus i finally had a good luck stat needless to say i was an absolute beast in the mines i hit the iron floors at 11 am and left the mines that night with almost 60 iron ore day 11 is potato harvest day after harvesting all my potatoes and throwing them in the bin i head to the mines my goal is to craft 30 sprinklers by the 13th of spring so i can plant tons of strawberries without having to water them every day after a hard day's work i go to bed with 20 copper ore 92 iron ore and 8200 gold from the harvest on the 12th day i head to the mines to get some last minute resources for my sprinklers i also do some fishing to scrape together the last bit of gold i need for seeds we also hit fishing level 5 and i took the angler perk day 13 is the egg festival after brutally dominating some children in the egg hunt i hook up my 120 strawberry plants to my new sprinklers modern technology is incredible on day 14 i started the copper pick upgrade and fixed the beach bridge for some more foraging cash days 15 16 17 and 18 were all spent foraging for salmonberries if you watched my 39 tips video you know how much i love these things ridiculous early game energy day 19 i picked up my new copper pickaxe and used it to go down 10 floors i also hit mining level 5 and with the extra ore day 20 was also spent mining and so is day 21 somehow after all this i still couldn't hit floor 80. this is definitely the unluckiest save file i've ever had in the mines day 22 is the first strawberry harvest after taking care of that i finally hit floor 80 of the mines however got brutally assaulted by a crab and lost a bunch of my stuff from my backpack so that sucks at least i got level 5 farming and 16 000 gold from the strawberries after getting fruit bats in my cave i spend all of day 23 collecting gold ore for quality sprinklers day 24 was more grinding for coal and ore day 25 more grinding for coal this is going to shock you but day 26 was more grinding for coal day 27 was a big day i did a lot of farm clearing and beautification mainly with paths and fences also started laying out my quality sprinklers in preparation for summer day 28 the last day of spring i had to get a little creative with my sprinkler placement since i can't clear out any of the large stumps and boulders on my farm finally it's bedtime and we're on to summer my summer begins with a frantic sprinkler installment i run to pierre's and buy as many blueberries as i can as well as a few random odds and ends for the community center after spending all day planting my multitude of crops i head to bed day 30 was spent finding random garbage for the community center mostly fishing and staring at the started valley wiki like an idiot day 31 i finished the boiler room which means i can use the mine cart starting tomorrow which will save a ton of time i do a bit more community center fishing and spend the rest of the day in the mines farming coal and copper ore day 32 started with a copper axe upgrade after that i spent the entire day fishing for cash i also hooked a few sturgeons which are really tough to catch fun fact about sturgeons they have tons of little plates on their heads called scoots the earliest fossils of sturgeon fish date all the way back to the late cretaceous which is a so i caught the sturgeon and then passed out later because i forgot to eat on day 33 i began construction on the silo since i really don't have to worry about making sprinklers anymore summer's gonna be mostly dedicated to getting some animals going i also visited the traveling cart and bought a fried egg for the community center on day 34 i pick up my copper axe and immediately buy a steel pick upgrade afterwards i finish the construction and summer foraging bundles also i hit level 5 foraging and choose the extra forgeables day 35 my silos done so i ran to robins and bought my first coop i prepped the coupe area with some fencing and cut most of the grass on my farm on day 36 i was mainly concerned with figuring out the layout of my farm i spent the day placing paths cutting wood and building a little tree farm so i can send up some tappers later all of day 37 was spent wood cutting and mining for copper i woke up on day 38 to a finished coop so i went straight to robins to buy a barn then i got my first four chickens from marnie toby toby toby toby and spent the rest of the day wandering around looking for something to do day 39 is the luau i added an iridium bullhead to the soup which was apparently not enough to get the best score stingy little gremlin day 40 was just a bunch of chopping wood also i got a rare seed from the traveling cart on day 41 my chickens are all grown up now i can finally put my new mayo machines to use i also craft a lightning rod since i'll need battery packs later after that i went to the mines and dropped the floor 100 getting our first star drop what did i put as my favorite thing again oh right huh kind of makes you think day 42 my first batch of melons are done i harvest those save the gold quality ones and sell the rest after planting my second harvest and checking all my chickens my barn is finished can't afford to buy any animals or coop upgrades yet so i spend the day fishing for cash day 43 is finally my first blueberry harvest after taking care of that i sell them straight to pierre so i can get my 60 000 gold immediately i process some geodes donate to the museum upgrade to a steel axe buy my first coop upgrade from robins and attempt to get four cows from marnie but since she's too lazy to actually man her store i have to wait until wednesday day 44 i harvested my corn saved the gold quality ones and spent the day in the mines dropping to floor 115. on day 45 i pick up my new axe start the first barn upgrade buy four ducks and four cows from marnie and spend the rest of the day chopping hardwood day 46 is spent chopping wood and mining for copper and earth crystals day 47 is my second blueberry harvest i make a little community center run and buy an apple tree for the fodders bundle i also get a tea tree sapling from the traveling cart in what is the most incredible thing to happen to me so far i discover an ancient seed in one of my chests and i genuinely have no idea where it came from even after watching back old footage i still don't know either way i'm not complaining i donate it and plant the seed with some speed grow day 48 my barn upgrade is done so i buy four goats from marnie and get my final coop upgrade started on day 49 i clear some land in the southwest corner of my farm since i'm planning to use my 30 old sprinklers to plant even more crops in the fall day 50 halfway done on day 50 my deluxe coupe upgrade is done and my ducks and cows are all grown up i head to robins and buy my final barn upgrade finally i finished setting up my last sprinkler area and plant wheat since wheat will stay harvestable through fall so i don't have to re-hoe all the spaces on day 51 i have my third harvest of blueberries this harvest led to me hitting level 10 farming and i obviously picked the artisan perk day 52 my deluxe barn is finished i'm gonna need a lot of wood for all my tappers cheese presses and looms i want to make so i spent the day chopping wood on day 53 my goats are all grown up i spent the day in the mines farming stone and copper for tappers and cheese presses my second melon harvest is ready on day 54 and thank god i have enough gold quality ones to finish the community center since it's raining i spend the day fishing for a red snapper day 55 is the final blueberry harvest after wrapping that up i reformat my sprinklers in preparation for fall since i've cleared out most of my farm at this point day 56 the final day of summer i take care of my animals and do some final preparations for fall all right so before i head into fall i thought it might be a cool idea to just do like a little farm tour so you're caught up on what my farm looks like at around the halfway point here's my tree garden i got tappers on all my trees here's my little animal pen i want more animals but i can't afford them because i want to use all my money can y'all shut up please i want to use all my money on cranberries in the fall here's my main little garden area here's my secondary less decorated absolute mess garden area because i had to throw a bunch of plants in random spots in summer but it'll look nice during the fall and here's my little wheat garden that i'm gonna replace with cranberries tomorrow so that's the farm please don't leave yet there's much more to come i spent like a month making this video please watch the whole thing [Music] day 57 is the first day of fall my favorite season i run to pierre's to buy a couple pumpkins an eggplant a yam and 500 cranberry seeds we're making bank this month i scramble to plant them all before going to bed on day 58 i plant some mahogany seeds with tree fertilizer for some more quick hardwood on day 59 i run to marnie's to buy some animals but i could only afford four rabbits and a pig i spend day 60 messing with fences and farming stone in the mines on day 61 i start construction on my new coop day 62 i just tend to my animals and shop hardwood still waiting for my first harvest on day 63 i craft my final oil makers and cheese presses for my little animal area day 64 is a huge day i harvest my first batch of cranberries tend to my animals sell my harvest straight to pierre buy a barn and spend the rest of the day fishing for the community center i also unlock the special quest board and complete the vault which means i can finally travel to the desert starting tomorrow on day 65 i fish for a tiger trout and travel to the desert to find a coconut a cactus fruit and a sand fish finally i'm able to complete the fish tank on day 66 i buy three pigs and four ducks from marnie's and buy an auto grabber for my deluxe barn so i don't want to milk my animals anymore on day 67 i get a visit from emily letting me know that i can use her sewing machine to make custom clothing day 68 i begin upgrading my coop i also find a maki roll at the traveling cart which is fantastic on day 69 i harvest my cranberries and buy four more goats for my new barn on day 70 i head to the museum to donate a backlog of artifacts day 71 i upgrade my barn again i also realize i completely forgot about the stardew valley fair and scrambled to put together nine random items for a grange display day 72 is the stardew valley fair i set up my last minute display and spent the day spinning the 50 50 wheel over and over again until i could buy the star drop plus i got a fedora milady also i somehow won the grange display with the most low effort display of all time so suck on that pierre on day 73 i buy four more ducks and begin upgrading my steel axe to a gold axe day 74 is my third cranberry harvest i use the gold from this harvest to buy the final backpack upgrade on day 75 i pick up my gold axe and start upgrading to a gold pickaxe i also buy four sheep for my new barn on day 76 i replace all my wood fences with hardwood fences since a lot of them are starting to decay on day 77 i pick up my gold pickaxe i'm gonna be honest i did pretty much nothing on day 78 on day 79 i harvest my cranberries and use the money to buy tons of grass starters for my farm day 80 was spent buying hay for my animals since they're all starving i'm a good person day 81 my sweet gem berry is ready so i pick that and give it to the statue in the secret woods earning our third star drop on day 82 i bought a rare crow for absolutely no reason on day 83 i wake up to the millionaire achievement which confirms that i've officially reached my goal of 1 million gold in total earnings now i'm just aiming to complete as much of the community center as i can at the spirit's eve festival i'll buy a rare chrome beat the maze in like 45 seconds man that was tough day 84 the final day of fall i harvest my last batch of cranberries and pumpkins i pick my single ancient fruit from my only plant and throw it in a seed maker i also complete the pantry which means i can finally use the greenhouse starting tomorrow once that's done it's on to winter day 85 is the first day of winter we're officially in the home stretch i take care of all my animals and replace all the wooden fences in my animal area with hardwood i plant the three ancient seeds i've accumulated with deluxe speed grow fertilizer in my greenhouse and hook them up to a sprinkler finally i spend the rest of the day foraging since i can't plant any actual crops in winter i'm planning to plant the winter seeds that you can craft from winter forageables for some extra money after my foraging spree i'm able to complete the crafts room and plant my first 30 winter seeds day 86 is also spent foraging can't find any snow yams to make more seeds on day 87 i buy some more hay and a few heaters for my animals afterwards i continue running around looking for yams on day 88 i tend to my animals and continue running around the map like a i also spend all day cutting wood to try and level up my foraging skill on day 89 i forage donate some artifacts to the museum and check out the quarry i just unlocked on day 90 i continue running around and chopping wood day 91 i check in with my animals and check the traveling cart which had absolutely nothing of interest thank you ma'am on day 92 i harvest my first group of forageables and immediately turn them into 90 winter seeds which i hook up to my sprinklers next i go to the ice festival in the southern forest and absolutely dominate the ice fishing competition plus i get a little sailor hat which i put on on day 93 i checked my fruit cave dealt with my animals chopped hardwood and realized that i had completely forgotten to actually finish the mines and had been hanging on floor 115 for like a month anyway i finished the mines which means that i've unlocked skull cavern on day 94 i buy tons of stone iron ore and coal for bombs and staircases since i want to do a huge skull cavern run pretty soon i also used a secret note i found to discover a statue of mayor lewis made out of solid gold great to know where all my tax money's been going at this point my capture glitched so the game footage for the next couple days is completely gone i'll just replace it with some stock footage i guess i'm sorry day 95 has a perfect luck stat so i head to skull caverns i use staircases to get as far down as i can and then use the bombs to gather iridium i have a ton of close calls since my sword isn't great but thankfully i made it out alive with over 200 iridium ore and three prismatic shards one of which i used to obtain the galaxy sword plus i finally hit level 10 mining and take the prospector perk on day 96 i use my new iridium to begin upgrading my pickaxe i also bust open all my omni geodes and donate the new minerals to gunther on day 97 i begin constructing a stable since i'm getting pretty tired of walking everywhere by day 98 i've completed everything in the community center except the red cabbage since those seeds aren't sold until year two however as one final kick in the face the traveling cart finally sells a pack of red cabbage seeds but since i only have two days left that means i'm just barely going to miss my goal of completing the community center in 100 days at least i can finish it right away once i do a 200 days video you should subscribe so you'll know when that comes out by the way either way i plant it in the greenhouse pick up my new pickaxe and start my iridium axe upgrade on day 99 i harvest my next group of foragibles and turn them into 300 more winter seeds after planting all of those i named my new horse triscuit iii and ride to the night market in the mermaid show i used a secret note from skull cavern to unlock a pearl after a bit more shopping i head home day 100 we've finally arrived at our last day i take some resin from my tree farm check out my fruit cave tend to my animals pet my doggy and pick up my iridium axe from clint after a little bit of wood cutting i head to bed for the last time so before we end things i thought it might be a good idea to do a final farm tour after 100 days so here's just my house with the chest i never upgraded my house i just i never i never felt the need to i probably should have done that here's where i throw all of my machines because i don't know where to put them here's my tree garden eight of each tree all with tappers here's my stable with my horse triscuit the third here's my main planting area got some forageables ready but that'll that'll be dealt with once i do a 200 days video here's my secondary planting area i don't know why i'm calling this one secondary it's just a bigger version of the top one then i have paths over here here's my animal area i've got a big coop and a big barn down here and a deluxe scoop in a deluxe barn up top uh got a bunch of mayonnaise machines and oil makers there and looms and cheese presses here down here at the very bottom left is my tiny tertiary planting area all this space right here i couldn't figure out what i wanted to do with it so once i do 200 days i'll i'll have to figure out if you guys want to let me know in the comments what you think i should use this area for you can do that and i'll probably do it it's my dead apple tree and my very helpful ui sweet mod has let me know that this is in fact apple thank you ui sweet here's my green here's my greenhouse with one tiny sprinkler just got my three ancient fruit plants and my one red cabbage we completed the entire community center except for the red cabbage um but i'm not too unhappy because we did everything we were physically able to the community center i just kind of got unlucky that i wasn't able to get the red cabbage sooner our total earnings right there 1.3 million gold i'm pretty i'm pretty happy with that i think that's pretty solid here's my dog doofus my horse triscuit iii me i didn't pay much attention at all to these like collection things or as you can see friendship i did pretty much nothing there so once i do a 200 days thing i think it's going to be mostly focused on getting the completion 100 completion well i can't believe that i'm saying this but i think that's it i've been working on this video for a full month so it's so crazy to think that it's already done not already it was a while if you enjoyed this definitely subscribe to the channel because i have a lot more other content like it and a lot more content coming thank you so much for watching and i'll see you in a few days [Music] goodbye [Music] you
Channel: Therm
Views: 932,881
Rating: 4.9656391 out of 5
Keywords: 100 days of Stardew Valley, 100 days in Stardew Valley, Stardew Valley, Stardew Valley 100 days, I played 100 days, I spent 100 days in Stardew Valley, 100 days, Stardew Valley gameplay, Stardew Valley playthrough, Stardew Valley farm design, 100 days Stardew, Stardew, Stardew 100 days, 100 days challenge, Stardew Valley 100 days challenge
Id: u0StzAieewc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 29 2021
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