Spore! Tooth & Claw || Tide-pool Ferocity!! - Episode #1

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hello everyone and welcome back to sport and we are getting ready for a very exciting evening together because we are going to be diving into a brand new star don't worry before everyone begins to panic the spacefaring Adventures of our wonderful fin on the tap-dancing space slugs that have taken over quite a bit of the universe is not over but I have been hearing the calls for a carnivore species that would be a little bit different from our peace-loving ecology friendly fin ah and I have been reading a book recently over how important predators are in keeping ecosystems flowing and keeping them evolving and keeping them healthy and so I thought how fun would it be to start over in Spore as a little meat-eater so we're going to jump into a random star flower away from where the fin ah are currently enjoying their adventures in space and we're going to start all over again as a little cell and build our way up and maybe one day in the far future we will meet the fennel and we will be able to have the two races competing against each other and whatever kind of Alliance or maybe war that they end up going with so let's see which Leah's planets looks really nice let's see this one this one actually looks really good I kind of like it woo but this one has my favorite colors of the green and the blue and it is going to be stuck as our home planet hmm I kind of like that one this one is really fun though this one just is like lava look at this it's got red water oh man you know what let's go with this guy because I think this one's pretty cool all right we're gonna start off as a little cell and we're gonna dive in we're gonna be a little carnivore we're gonna be a little meat-eater um let's see can I choose from a theme I can't choice in a shame so no themes let's see we're gonna go on Normal difficulty and we're going to be and we'll change your name probably quite a bit let's be the fistin I like the sound of that we're gonna be the fist ins and I want to give our little guy a probiscus to like jab at people jab at the little cells so this is pretty exciting because I have been doing so much research lately on the evolution of predation when one creature sucks up another creature and probiscus we're actually oh look at this proboscis the little stabby pieces was actually a really key part to getting this whole adventure started oh this is so exciting here we go you guys oh look at this planet it's amazing wow what a place for our new species to emerge from oh this is gonna be exciting and into the waters we go as a little unicellular which means one celled creature well I guess we're gonna be a multicellular if we already have little appendages so here we are the spark of life carried from another planet oh this is so fun so we are in the tide pool it is time to start eating it is time to start progressing come come my little one I find food I will get you food here right here right here eat it there we go there are some food there alright alright alright Gavin get out of my way algae now this would be little bits of float some from other creatures that have been eaten by larger creatures than us oh there's some there's some food up here come over here little one I love this sugar we're getting bigger gir no you don't eat me girl and now there's these little cells we can eat okay alright come here you hey back up back out of your body other cells and meteor bits are the key to finding new parts each part has unique abilities that can help benefit yourself Oh like see this part could help us jab at all of the other cells alright let's get it there we go and that can help us to attack other cells for defense or to break open other cells and use them as food oh and we can we can call the mage to ourselves now well I kind of want more parts first hey are you trying to run away from me can I can bite him no way can I really bite this guy oh I can bite oh okay I'm getting a distracted he's like running for it nope nope you're mine now you're mine now oh my gosh look how much I'm eating now oh I'm getting so chav let's run away from the other big tough guy who's probably gonna try to eat us hey back off back off back off help help oh my gosh this is this is what happens we're dead before we get even mate so that would have been the end of our era and in survival of the fittest that would have just meant that we really we didn't do our best when it comes to being able to to procreate and share our genetic materials so our design would have been a failure however we're we're going pretty quick let's see if we can call a mate oh there's meat over here hello mate well there's some diatoms in the way look at these giant diatoms diatoms are really fascinating pieces of glass like algae that are in a lot of waters I love studying pond diatoms under a powerful microscope oh we need an egg we probably don't even have differentiated genders at this stage all right and here we are so we are gonna begin to create hey I thought we were all that was the planet named thistle you know what that's the perfect name for the planet oh no like the UH Leah PLO's was what they had so we're gonna go with Leo close early applause II Pau z4 that's too many too much too much Leo leo ply we're just gonna be the LI apply for now tiny cells in a big world finding our food where we can that's just what we're starting with right here alright so let's figure out how we are going to move how we're gonna attack what we're gonna look like um I think we're gonna look a little bit smaller I feel like we need a little bit more to win we try to like get out of the way because we didn't really have a lot of flagella to help us kind of wiggle it and move it and see do we need eyes I think we need eyes but I I wonder if just having like we're having one eye be better or having I think having eyes like this having stock eyes so that you can kind of see from this huge perspective all around you is kind of useful I want to make our little bite or appendage bigger I don't think making the flagella any bigger really helps out too much but we'll do that a little bit so that we can try to get some to get away we don't have a lot of DNA points just yet all right so let's try out now I'm thinking this guy might want to try blending in a little bit with the waters so let's see this might be a camouflage predator has this look that looks kind of like water you know what I mean kind of like the great white if you look at a great white shark from above it has a very gray back and that's to help it blend in when you look from above on the ocean it kind of blends in very very well but mostly it's the stomach the white stomach on the great white shark is actually what helps it to be able to blend in with the light to the bright light above the ocean so little fish with they're not the greatest eyesight looking up wouldn't recognize that something's coming to come eat them so oh this is so exciting what else do we have here I kind of like that because he does look like the water now what does this look like because it looks really cute hmm I like this one better still cuz he blends in what about this one Oh actually I really like that one oh it's so cute eyes new spots oh he looks like the little diatoms he's blending in by being a little diatom I'm going with it that's adorable alright so we've had our one of our first little evolutionary jumps all right let's get away from that guy and it looks like the additional flagella are indeed helping us quite a bit it all right I want this oh the pursuit of food is going to get me killed alright got to keep moving look at the big guy behind us hey you here you be my food oh no no no no no no no no my food hey hey nope I don't want to be your food all right let's keep moving and we're gonna be looking for sell parts I want to make sure that we turn I want I really kind of want to be like a super fast ambush predator this time around what do you guys think and I want to get this guy to stop trying to eat me oh now I eat you ha ha that's what he gets woo another guy in right behind me he's got the little jet propulsion thing alright but he's not really paying attention to me so we're good alright so we're gonna keep moving here's some food over here hey don't get too close to me I'm cool I ate him I hate him I hate him well he's trying to eat me no no no it's Jordan dude I'll do to you oh look this little guy has some more flagella maybe I'll get another another little soul part if I keep eating him alright come here you hey hey hey hey well you what do you think that's all the flagella guys like oh my gosh there was death right behind me right mmm mmm mmm Oh run for it but he's kind of slow I wonder if we can take him oh oh oh no no oh he just ate that guy one go one good no no no no no no no I kind of want to get him the home why don't I have more flow Jenna I need more flood Jenna oh can I eat on the run I'm an opportunistic predator oh hey yeah oh he shot poison at me look there's another one of my kind we got em you guys and I died at the same time Oh No hey hey you hit give me your flappy's give me your flat piece I need that so part wow those flat B's are efficient can I run this guy can you crashing oh he crashed into something am I gonna get him as a result there we go no no hate stop poisoning me you jerk ah he is so fast turns on the fin guy you were just such a brat you know that he killed me again alright so clearly his superior toxins are winning this arms race and our little tide pool the guy with those toxins is definitely winning so I think I need to go faster so let's wiggle over find a mate let's see what these are these fancy new sharp turning fins help us do hello my mate yes now we have a little egg still probably don't have differentiated genders at this point alright so let's go ahead there's a jet for speed let's take off these flagella x' I wonder if I can combined the two can I shrink my my spine yet no I don't think I can shrink my spine yet so what if we have cilia to give us like quick turns and what if we have a little jet to give a speed all right so let's try that out let's pop over I still love being a giant diatom it's adorable and let's see what we can do now so is this gonna help us is this ooh look at us cool dananana dananana and we descend upon the little guys who are feeding down y'all sorry little guys you're my food now settle points some points mountain lots of subtle points look at the giant guy down there he's like an old version of us yeah how is this guy fighting us off how on earth Hey Oh help em here's a different milk I want his mouth give me your mouth oh oh boy oh this guy I thought I was attracting this guy but he's got like a little herbivore mouth oh my gosh we're being pursued again I don't know about this what how am I did all those toxins you guys I'm beginning to wonder if we should be like an ambush but if we're ambush speed we don't really need toxins I just need to stay away from those guys with toxins come here food all right sorry guys you're moving you're moving energy for me to eat all right hey you I'm gonna take you out or I'm gonna take you out I need to take one of you out stop killing me clearly I am NOT the smartest predator in the tide pool here having some trouble with the whole survival thing well this little guys food okay grab him grab him grab him come on get the kitchen and get him somewhere where he's not aah I need those spikes you know what we need is we need some spikes let's find a mate we need more than just our mouth for offensive I'm thinking oh wait what's this wait wait wait did I get it I hope I got it I found a mate and I found a meteor shower at the same time all right what do we have now all right whoa we've got the poison spit all right and we've got the big fancy carnivore jaw I need more points in order to do some of these things but then other things can I have little rammers right next to my mouth is not something we can do if I'm very careful maybe can I increase their size there we go so let's see what this does I don't know what this will do it's kind of we're losing a little bit of our camouflage if you ask me going around with like sideways fangs on our mouths but let's see what it can get us can I take out this guy now no now we're just dueling oh my god him you guys I caught him not so sassy now are you we're dueling oh he got me ouch another one got me ok we died I would say that was a bit of a fluke I saw somebody with a probiscus swimming nearby though hope that was food that was food I need the food oh no no no no no no you back off you yeah that's right that's right you don't want to mess with me alright so let's see Oh food help help Oh help oh my gosh run for it the tide pool it's getting so crowded No hey you stop that oh oh I want that piece there we go now we're getting some movement under our feet oh my gosh there's so many spiky guys so here's the question we need to be able to attack these spiky guys to eat because you see how the tide pool is beginning to get totally filled up with the guys with spikes well that's making it harder for us to eat because I can't get them it's very difficult to be able to ram them and easily eat them they're like trying to eat sea urchins so what I want to try to do oh no help Oh help help I'm trapped in somebody's spikes do you hear that monster on this guy's using electricity oh my gosh it's getting crazy and the tide pool now competition is stepping up things are getting tougher can I get this guy was his what's on his rump I want whatever's on his rump what is that alright here's his food there we go so we've got the electric piece alright so he's a little electric guy I want more c'mere you there we go I need a little bit more meat yeah it's getting harder for us to eat really I think I need more offensive pieces so let's go ahead and eat up some more points worth of food and then we will I'm gonna nom nom and look at this now we're moving now we're moving and grooving and I feel like I want speed and the ability to kill things really quickly that's what we're gonna try to evolve for hey back off and there's a lot of things with a ton of protection is what I'm finding too like the spiky sea urchin II guys so if we had like ramming speed maybe all right come here you little shard of something-something hey but yeah there's a lot of guys maybe if we had poison spit and we could poison them but I guess poison spit is more of a defensive thing isn't it alright hang on and back off yeah we definitely need air ahead of me oh my gosh definitely something for defense in offense so let's dive back in I think that it was definitely Oh Oh careful there definitely an experiment putting those on the front of our iron little nose but I'm not sure about it so the Jets hmm and the sharp turns so now what are we gonna do maybe shrink this down shrink down our mouth maybe put the eyes back a little bit further hmm we could put down the omnivore proboscis which would actually allow us to eat two types of food which would be kind of interesting but we're kind of going with a little carnivore this time let me think about this and then speed poison spit electric I kind of want to try being electric or poison really like how do you can you poison things actively and not just as a defense hmm but speaking of defense I do feel like we need to kind of cover our defenses we need a few more defenses along the sides so we definitely need defense and I think speed and I feel like we need like a ramming we still need our little ramming spikes maybe to be able to kill things oh there we go oh that's perfect that's perfect ramming spikes right below the mouth Oh awesome and then um don't have enough for the cilia no I don't so I'm gonna go ahead and for now we'll add some back spikes to make sure that we don't get attacked and let's go in and this should do it so this should help us to hopefully get to the next stage so we are protected we have a spiky little mouth we've got a little bit of speed with our little jet going boom boom boom and hopefully everything will be okay and I can't really make my sharp turns anymore so we're a little bit sluggish but Wow look at that alright there we go you guys so we're we are slightly more protected now oh gosh we still have to watch out for for poisons and things like that oh my goodness and giant five mouthed creatures that were trying to eat us and not food pieces and yeah alright so there's one of us so I'm going to go ahead and try to find a safe part of the tide pool to lurk in for a few minutes and then we will come back and like this giant I'll get away can't wait get away like dueling with that thing I want this giant can I get this giant purple thing as food oh I can't look at him we have like a giant a giant little to rush right here and this guy was trying to eat us is getting shocked by our our defenses this is fantastic except the second guy who's trying to eat us the second guy got rejected off of us too guys I feel so strong right now and we just killed this big guy why didn't you drop any food oh my gosh these eggs hatched we got him okay so you can kill the big guys but they don't really drop any food hey you ate my food go away whoops and we died all right well clearly the design still needs a little bit of work and I will see you guys next time we will continue to putz around inside of our tide pool and figure out what kind of amazing predator we want to be so I will see you guys then bye bye
Channel: Seri! Pixel Biologist!
Views: 155,543
Rating: 4.940764 out of 5
Keywords: Spore Creatures (Video Game), Spore Creature Creator (Video Game), Spore Creepy And Cute Expansion Pack (Video Game), spore galactic adventures, spore gameplay, spore story, spore space adventure, space adventure, let's play spore, serisims, seri let's play, Spore: Galactic Adventures (Video Game), space game, spore let's play
Id: 0JN9bxM82Cw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 44sec (1244 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2015
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