Jurassic World: Minecraft Modded Survival Ep.1 - DINOSAURS IN MINECRAFT!!! (Rexxit Modpack)

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sixty-five million years ago dinosaurs roam free across the great continent of Pangaea then a great meteor six miles in diameter entered the Earth's atmosphere and wiped the mighty dinosaurs from the face of the earth today all that's left of these mighty beasts are their bones and fossils but scientists the waffle galaxy has a plan he believes he can recreate live dinosaurs using filles fossils but when his colleagues found out what he was doing they laughed at him and kicked him out of the lab waffle was confident he can bring back the dinosaurs even if it's the last thing he does this is the return of a Jurassic world another day of unemployment oh hello there beefy up hey why are you sure to be your nasty utters ooh God gross anyways welcome to jurassic world in this series we're going to be trying to bring back dinosaurs using some really cool technology and unfortunately i don't have access to some really cool technology anymore cuz i used to work at this really cool lab and we had a lot of machines and we could do a lot of stuff and unfortunately I lost my job they found out what I was doing they found out I was trying to bring back dinosaurs they called me crazy and now I don't have access to a lab anymore so unfortunately we can't go in there and get some of those really cool things we got to make them ourselves well I guess while we're here I might as well give you guys a little tour of the little village that I live in here so anyways here's the lab I used to work here of course boy I lost my job unfortunately and over here we have some other guys house I don't know whose house this is but I don't want to break into it there's a little farm right here and over here of course we have our city smeltery and anyone get to use this smeltery no problem that you just walk up to it and put some stuff inside of it and do what they won you know and over here's some other gas house and here's the here's the village church we can go inside here and worship notch all we want but it's not worship Dale wait nope never mind I guess souls coming in here to worship knotch but alright I'll leave you alone in there mister and it's here of course we have our library and people can go in there and get some books here's the city well and here's a here's a co-worker of mine I don't want to I don't want anything to do with him I see where's the blacksmith's guy I don't know where he's at but I don't want to steal all I got souls done oh my god he's died it was dying quick said oh my god there's the blacksmith what are you doing oh wait no you're doing the butcher right I don't know what you are but you're like spitting forever down into your own death get out of there No get out get out you're stuck I must say stop trying to kill yourself what are you doing oh I can just get back over here you go on oh oh no I'm stuck Oh God Oh I guess okay whatever you even do what you want I don't care jeez I'm trying to save your life yeah huh get out of here I know here's another guy's house over here some more guys's house and Widow we have a pretty good farm over here you know F carrots wheat and over here is the oh the outback area just a bunch of random nature and land and we can go explore that if you really want to you but right now let's just go back to my house I have a little bit of tools a little bit of food there to get us started on this adventure and I don't think we need this quicksand God let's get that out of our inventory alright so my house is over here it's a pretty pretty quaint simple little house I don't really have very much I just I just have a crafting station and a furnace but hey get out of you what are you doing there beefy kid hey there you go alright all I have is a stone Paxil some beef jerky and a backpack so unfortunately I can't eat beef jerky in front of beefy or else you'll get pretty mad so we have to eat that stuff outside alright well we have our backpack so we might as well equip that real quick there we go and now we got a little fancy backpack on us way that it looks pretty cool alright so I don't know where we should go to explore a little bit you know I don't I don't know we should maybe we should go out into the outback area see if there's answer anything interesting going on over there but let's actually do that so we're gonna need to get a lot of the essential materials that we'll need from Minecraft so you know iron coal cobblestone stuff like that we're gonna need to get a pretty good amount of stuff so let's see let's actually explore this way we also need to get some food so if we find any animals out here we're definitely going to need to kill them because we are pretty low on food and actually speaking of food Fifi's not gonna see me eating this beef jerky oh yeah that's so delicious mmm alright is there any any animals out here that I can slay for some delicious food unfortunately I don't have a sword cuz I'm not much of a violent type and I never really made one so I guess I'll have to just bash them in the head with this year paxil let's actually go over here I think that's a meteor that crashed over there so maybe we can go over there and see if we can get some good stuff out of there I don't think we have the necessary tools mmm some pretty cool stuff inside here we got a cave got some coal a little bit of copper pretty good stuff alright let's get some of this Oh some iron - alright Oh God fell down into the hole you kidding me let's get some with this iron here and this is actually gonna be pretty good we only have a stone pack store right now so get me some irons you want to be a perfect upgrade for us and of course we use this to get some of the technology will need in the future just throw this iron into the smeltery and get ourselves some double iron fossils all perfect we're gonna need these fossils to actually get our dinosaur so we're gonna need to get those in the future I don't believe that you can get them with the stone Paxil just yet so I'm gonna wait until I upgrade to at least an iron Paxil and then we can come back get those those those fossils you know so let's actually get all the rest of this coal here we don't really need that much but we can come back and get this lava as well you know throw it through the the smeltery and though we'll have a pretty good fuel source I don't think the city smelter even has a smeltery controller so I think we might need to make one on our own and we got to get ourselves some of some of that grout stuff let's see how do you make that again it's like sand gravel and clay right yeah there we go I am grout and yep sand gravel and a little bit of clay so we need that to make the actual stuff you know for the for the smeltery parts the seared bricks or whatever that calls though we're gonna need to get some of those let's go find ourselves some elderly in this hardened sand I don't know if we use this hard and sand to actually get the the grout you know so I think I'm just gonna go get some regular sand there is a desert over here so let's go over here to explore a little bit oh man what is that thing what is that red and yellow thing over there that's some sort of dragon in the ground whoa I don't even know what that is what oh wow I want to go over there and explore a little bit geez all right let's see here we are in the little oh no oh god I'll die in quicksand get outta quick sake get out of it oh my god I don't not see this stuff I guess it blends in with a stand a little bit too well alright so anyways let's see ourselves a little bit of sand I don't know how much we'll need maybe get like 16 20 or something like that that sounds like a pretty good number oh it's actually it's actually getting pretty dark out now so I think we need to hurry up and get our stuff and head back home here in a bit we'll see is there any clay over here I think there might be is that just sand all that is just sand oh man we need to get some clay we really do so we can upgrade that smeltery but I guess until then we want to just use our furnace and is this clay not sand come on I just need some clay Chabad uh I guess I also need gravel as well which unfortunately I don't have any either Oh what is that this is squid wearing a hat a squid wearing a personal it's at what oh okay this is this is definitely not gonna have any stuff inside here let's go over here to the meteor and see what's going on over here oh yeah that's a lot of lava we could use that for a smeltery you know oh that's perfect head is perfect alright let's keep that in our mind for later whatever we want to come get some lava for the smeltery but for right now I think we need to head back home before he gets too dark and and spooky starts trying to kill us so let's try and make yep there it is over there a little town so I will see you guys once we're back at the village alright we're back in the village so let's just go home drop off some of this iron and throw these into the first is hey how's it going there beefy how you doing a little bit of coal and there's some iron ore I did not eat any beef jerky their beef you don't have to worry about that uh-huh another morning alright let's check up on her stuff a little bit of iron not bad scrap the rest of that iron as well so let's actually check how do we make the things that we need to actually bring back the dinosaur so we'll need a DNA extractor of course DNA combinator just in case we don't get lucky and get some really good DNA so to make this yeah that's gonna be that's decently expensive five blocks of iron a block of tin a block of redstone a little bit of glass ooh I don't think we can do that one just yet and of course the DNA extractor even more blocks of tin a block of copper advance control circuit and a glass pane you can me I don't we go to make this stuff man we're gonna need to get some mechanism stuff here started pretty soon if you want to do that and of course we need to get these culture vats over here a little bit of stained glass some more iron and have basic control circuit ooh yeah this is gonna get pretty hard I think we're able to make anything here just yet but we are just starting out so of course we're not gonna be able to afford everything so how's our last bit of iron Oh yep there it is it must've been too much down there for a second so we should be able to get ourselves a upgraded oh there's a creeper Oh get out of the Farb get out of the farm oh oh that you know I triple the crops Oh the village is saved once more hello there chicken how you doing how you doing that chicken how you doing all right let's replant these carrots here I mean I'm going to refill this land too before someone yells at me about it all right plenty I'd bet I don't even play those seeds we don't have a hoe all right I know is let's go get ourselves a little bit of wood there's some trees in the village here but I don't want to vandalize them you know let's let's actually go out here and is anyone gonna notice if I cut down this tiny little tiny little tree we'll see hopefully no one okay no nothing happened to you okay all bad the the leaves from that tree of God now someone's gonna know so let's go to know anyways let's see we have a little bit of oak and when you're bigger sell some sticks but we don't have a crafting table here it's just yet because we don't have adventure backpacks in here I'm I'm so used to that from end of earth but unfortunately we'll have it to venture backpacks which building here has a crafting table I can use what about this one huh yep very there you go and we should be able to make ourselves yet another I don't think we can make another pack so we might be able to I don't know let's see we can make an iron pickaxe and the axe and a shovel and we need to get ourselves a little bit more sticks to make the shovel and we should be able to do this right and this will make the paxil and I think it needs to be in a specific order right hey there you go iron pack some nice 250 durability compared to seventy-six Wow anyway what why do I have a on well an iron pick in my inventory now what this does is this glitched I don't know if it's glitch turned hot but now I have an iron pick in my image - oh man I'm pretty hungry to eat some carrots omnomnom and um nom nom all right oh hey villager how you doing that's a pretty bad trade and you should feel bad there villager uh alright well let's continue our adventure um and we don't have any we don't have a sword so we'll have to fight all these creepy crawlies just like it we had to fight that creeper just bash him in the head with a paxil and hopefully it kills them alright so now we have the iron pack so let's go over here back to that little cave that we were at and see if we get those dinosaur fossils so Briggs actly was this cave let's look at the mini-map that's not that's not really helping it I think we're yeah where was this cave I don't know where it was it was a small little kid away maybe it was like over here I don't know I I think it might be yeah that little bit oh yeah that's got to be it over there that that's down there south of me alright so here is right here nice let's get ourselves some fossils from here and hopefully we can just save these for later and use them in the DNA extract or DNA culture VAT and all that stuff and get ourselves some dinosaurs ooh this is actually a pretty good amount oh so how much do we actually get okay we only got one fossil there okay that's not that bad that's not that's not bad at all and unfortunately I don't see any more fossils here just a little bit of lava right there and this cave doesn't really go anywhere so we're gonna have to find ourselves an actual cave here in a bit and but I don't think I'm prepared let's go adventure around a little bit more we have a little bit of a decent amount of food nothing nothing impressive you know but so we can actually just survive a little bit longer here on the surface I believe that there's a house over there if we go see if that guy has a juicy loot inside there he's not a part of the village so I don't think it really matters gravel we're gonna need that for the grout so let's get a little bit of that and save that for later we need to keep our eye out on a little bit of clay here as well if we find some clay how would it be amazing who just builds their house in the middle of the lake like this they don't even have like a walkway how do you how are you supposed to get to this house maybe you're supposed to it's like a boathouse I don't know all right what's inside of this help ooh okay oh my god what ever to wet a rainbow it hurt an eye okay I hope that means let's see what's this say they feel to seek gently empty faces hardly give a pleasant smile I don't I don't know that's an interesting poem there but I don't know I guess I'll take that furnace though and ya know it's like I've just got to get out of here before it someone jumps over and sees what I did hey there's two more houses just scatter around here there's a house over there there's actually a house right there as well and that will next looks pretty interesting that's a so weirdly shaped alley it even has like a fireplace inside there that's pretty cool oh is this another cave oh oh if we have another cave here ooh this is gonna be good stuff fortunately we don't have any torches right now it should have made some gum I have so unprepared right now but we do have some wood here so we can make ourselves some sticks if we really want to and hopefully this cave has some coal that we can get maybe banned it's pretty dark it's pitch black for me right now I can't even see I probably walking past coal whew spooky noise I'm probably walking past coal just left it ooh fossils scrap these fossils willfully no spooky spawn down here and kill me come on let's just grab them hurry up hurry up hurry up I think there's only one more right there I'll bet is so pitch black I don't even think there's anything else here oh let's just get out of this cave before something comes in here he kills us Oh hurry up hurry up oh oh okay oh my god that's too spooky let's get out here let's just get out all by God okay okay we're not gonna go into any more caves until we have some torches okay that that is the plan for I don't want to I don't want to put myself into any sort of danger like that Alice too spooky something could have spas I'm just could've killed us let's see what's inside of here more cobwebs really why are why are people just leave it a bunch of light cobwebs in these abandoned houses why why are they not leaving behind some juicy loot like they know that people like beer you only come around another cave here but it's not super dark so we can actually actually it's not even a cave it's just a little Inlet thing out anyone knows going on there and there's a lovely cow over there oh this is a pretty good amount of cows and some or berry bushes ooh I'll be taking those and put those that are our village and grow ourselves some iron or berries that'll come in useful in the future let's see is there anything else over here ooh there's a SATA heute I don't know if that's the cave or oh no that's just like it a little Inlet over there but I do see coal it was that Oh clay this is perfect we need clay for our grout to upgrade the smeltery perfect alright so we have a little bit of clay nothing nothing impressive you know but we have enough to actually you know get a few bricks or whatever they're called so it's a little bit of call right here now we have some torches now we can go into some caves and explore them perfect oh this is actually a pretty good amount of coal here wow this is a pretty good vein right here there's this really big vein holy poop I'll just grab all that coal and a little bit more over here just grab as much as we can actually oh wow is this the last one Oh finally gee I don't think that coal vein was gonna end right there so let's make ourselves a little bit of coal real quick or torches real quick just so we can have a little bit of stuff to light up the area while we're down mining and I don't think there's a cave over here so there's no point in putting a torch over there so let's actually see here's a here's a is this a straight-up desert over here ooh yeah that is hmm wonder if there's anything in this desert though anything any like loot any any desert temples that we can blue ooh that'd be pretty cool mmm Oh what is that that is a weird shape that's it's just a weird mound Mountain over there okay and that looks like some sort of Oasis ooh let's go over there to see what's going on over there se is pretty cool oh god I just got prickle by a cactus tiny little cactus okay let's go over here explore this little oasis I yell it's got to be an oasis yeah that's just a bunch of greenery in the middle of a desert was what is happening here these trees look pretty interesting though I kind of want to cut one down maybe one or two palm trees nice I don't know if this is gonna give us anything juicy but oh my god come on cut down the tree I see creepers on the mini-map but I don't want to get exploded this tree kappa teh turbot is taking forever oh we finally got the palm tree oh holy poop is there anything else down here any any more clay marble no no clay I'm not seeing a clay unfortunate unfortunate what is that thing what is that thing there's some sheep oh oh watermelon oh I can add that to the farm we don't have any amount of watermelons so this would come in quite handy and I bet all the farms people you're gonna love me for bringing all these extra new crops alright there are some sheep there maybe we can wrangle up some sheep in the FIFO creepers oh my god I got that creeper has a pretty cool hat up there he's got like it's something with a cake on top of it Willis need some carrots real quick and then we can go up there and kill that creep ring and take his hat I was Decius oh he sees us he knows oh yeah he knows oh oh oh don't explode I want that ad I want that hat it's a top hat with a cake on top of it oh we got it we got the cake at nice nice what are those what calzone were they're wearing some silly hats let's do these hats are so what's that one just to have pants hat right there nice piston piston with like another brick right there you get out of your stub spider you get out get out oh well let spider just drop ooh a mini shred heart oh that's gonna be quite dank roof if you ask me we got ourselves some heart containers in the future here but let's see what is this building is there like a certain entrance here it's just some random bit of fire here I don't know seems rather we oh god I'm getting sniped I'm gonna sighs I gotta get out of the desert it's so dangerous let's get out oh oh guy died died skeleton died come on oh I think you dropped some armor right there huh let's get out let's go let's go let's get out let's not go into that quicksand oh oh let's go home that is it I am out of here out of here okay I really I think we're a pretty safe distance from everything uh okay let's see do we have anything and that he dropped he dropped the British World War two helmet Haley that now we have a British World War two helmet and I have an arrow I have an arrow straight in my eye Wow how do I not feel that that must be super painful god speaking of painful there is a sheet oh wow never mind that sheep is dead Tom sheep was just running into a cactus huh now is there anything that's another meteor with a little bit of iron not bad at all but we should definitely head home come on get away from me zombies get away okay let's just go home let's just go home we have a lot of stuff there's some pretty good blue and actually we have our cake top hat thing that we have we should definitely put that on here a bit is there anything here anything you're going to touch me so let's see let's cake hat oh yeah there you go nice we have a cake top hat now with the world war ii helmet i'm just running in the cacti like it's nothing all right let's head back home and where is home actually I think okay there's that Mound okay so it must be over here somewhere Oh another song oh you actually have some pretty good armor hopefully you drop that when we kill you come on get out get out you have such good Arbor I what it come oh that's gotten us what steel armor I think it oh oh did you drop steel armor I don't think you did yeah I think you just drop some rotten flesh uh unfortunate uh oh I see the village or is that no I start one house with the the chimney and the bills all abandoned it all I had was two cobwebs inside of it boring dumb house over there anyways let's see what do we have Oh a little bit of sugarcane I can grab that and add it to our little farm area at the village hey let's go over here is this another one of those dragon thing I don't even know what this is it looks like a dragon just like underground or something you know made out of this stained clay and stuff let's get out heroes go through all that and here's the villagers had a really big Tower I've I've actually never been inside of that tower so let's see what is this tower all about I want to see real quick and I guess while we're out here and beefy no we can eat ourselves some beef jerky haha there yo up to full hunger alright so let's see what is this building all about what's inside of here oh look at this Wow is this some sort of kitchen it's sort of hotel or something it might be wow that's actually not that bad a lot of crafting tables inside of here oh yeah this must be like some sort of hotel a little bit of beds not bad and ooh all bids supposed to be some sort of guard tower or something I don't want to steal those mmm you know what iron sword we could definitely use that no one's gonna know and a little bit a little bit of armor and a bow a little bit of arrows I'll take those what is this andesite I don't think we really want that right now we have a full inventory too so we can't really keep everything all right so these guards are not gonna know that I took their stuff cuz I don't see I know one here so let's just get out of here let's go home real quick now we have two furnaces we can add to our our house and we have some watermelons we could plant here as well so Oh get half those melons get some that we have to get some melons he's here in a bit once we clear our inventory hello there beefy how are you doing where have you been all day I've I've been outside exploring all day don't believe me beefy get away from the door get away get away ah okay so we have some clay we have some iron ore berry bushes we can plant those here in a bit let's just throw all the blocks that we have into there and essentially throw everything is I there for right now you know there we go a little bit of armor and a bow I can keep that and where's our arrows that oh do not leave me there beefy you stay there forever all right let's get half of our melons and let's get our stuff some seeds for that so they're a guilt and if we have some of these seeds as well so oh I think we should make ourselves the hoe and retail that farmland over there because we did destroy accidentally so might as well it's the only it's the right thing to do so let's get our stuff some acacia wood get some sticks out of that some cobblestone and yeah that's pretty good let's put on our armor oh yeah I totally forgot we had a backpack on and we can we just throw some of that stuff aside there no problem so now he has three furnaces we can smell things three times as fast at least until we repair that smeltery you know so there's that and there's that I think oh yeah yeah yeah look at that we have enough carrots to actually throw that and they're no problem and some seeds there you go and I don't know where should we put these watermelons you know maybe we can extend this farm out a little bit yeah we could yeah and melons don't even really need farmland like this because they just grow on the next block so we might need a little bit of extra room here so this is gonna be where some water is gonna go so we can put some water here and then we'll put what should we do two four one two three four and then here's the edge right here all right so let's move the edge all the way over here now and we should probably have cut down these trees before if we did this so let's get down this tree I don't want to break this more if they'll break these blocks I just placed down so and there you go got it all right perfect let's grab ourselves a little bit of dirt so we throw that into the new farm area dairy guilt should be a pretty good amount or to at least get us started and we want to go cut down some more trees you're in a bit to actually finish out the little outline here but for right now I think it's pretty good we're do you only need a little bit more dirt as well I don't know how much we'll need ten fifteen yeah something like that you know let's go get her so a little bit more dirt yeah that flower looks pretty cool then go give that to a villager girl laughs RSI in the future if we ever fall in love I highly doubt that's gonna happen though we're too busy we have a really busy mission ahead of us so I'll think we have any time for love right now and let's just put all this up hey there's some more of these purple flowers guess we keep those and we're gonna need two more dirt to finish this out you could be and there you go and that's now that's finished completely so we should be able to put melons on is here in the middle and then they'll grow here and on this little strip here so that'll be pretty good we need to make ourselves a bucket though so we can actually transfer a little bit of water there but for right now I think it's I think it's pretty good all right do we have any iron on it we have iron ore berries so we should plant these somewhere where should we plant these hmm maybe over here yeah over here by the farm the newly extended farm area that would be pretty good but these or berries do require it complete and utter darkness maybe we can make a basement for our house that would be handy dandy let's see yeah there's a little bitty cobble there and there's no way for me getting out of here now so let's see can I get down one more layer I can ooh this is perfect so now we can grow ourselves a little bit of iron or berries underground here nice nice let's do that so we can always just dig out the rest of this here in a bit right now there we go we have two iron ore berries they're gonna be growing and we're gonna need to make ourselves some ladders if we're gonna want to get in and out of there pretty easily so let's do that real quick get ourself some more sticks uh let's get some more sticks like that and they were gilt and in a skinner sells a set of ladders so that should be more than enough ladders I don't know how deep our house goes we can always make another base but if we really what oh god I'm getting prickled of it okay so there you go and we can make a trapdoor there if we really want you but beef he's not gonna it's not gonna escape down there you can't even fit he's so huge we have some seeds as well some melon seeds did we have enough of these to actually get I don't think we do yes I think you smelt these down and you get iron nuggets so yeah we don't have enough we're gonna need nine to get one iron ingot but we're gonna have to either go to that meteor get ourselves some more iron and then make ourselves that bucket or see if anyone here why do you have dirt inside I'm group why is like I have turned sighs this house that's so weird and let's see is there any one here yeah here's the potatoes dad I didn't even know where they were too earlier I don't know if anyone here has any any iron I could borrow or a bucket I could borrow you know maybe the blacksmith does let's go check him real quick I think we checked earlier but we did not I don't remember what it was inside here ooh Iron Chef plating an iron ingot let's see you'll see hopefully don't come in here I'm just like oh you know no you don't know she does not know all right so maybe we could stop carrying our backpack put on the iron oh wait we need to we need to do this right we need to do this there we go so there's the backpack on the ground and then don't we put on the iron chestplate put the backpack in our inventory instead of just carrying it around so you just we just put it like here you know and then just place it on the ground and then open it like that so I so that looks pretty cool well we have the backpack opens whatever you right-click it like this oh cool all right let's break that can we break with it yeah there you go break it with the packs a lot faster like that nice ah anyways I guess maybe later we can go get ourselves some more iron to finish that farm area and continue getting that all the necessary tools and stuff that we'll need to actually get some dinosaurs here pretty soon but anyways thank you guys all very much for watching if you guys enjoyed the video be sure to let me know by leaving a like down below and if you guys want more of these awesome videos be sure to hit that subscribe button I'll put my latest videos on your youtube homepage as soon as they come out so you don't miss an episode put on till then thank you guys all for watching and I'll see you guys to your next town which is a more Jurassic world but like a bike a top hat it looks it looks so ridiculous doesn't it doesn't it beefy huh I see you looking at it there I see you want some of that cake huh you're pretty hungry there huh beefy anyways they you guys all for watching and I'll see you guys next time Oh bye there
Channel: TheWaffleGalaxy
Views: 11,760,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dinosaur, Minecraft Dinosaur, Minecraft Modded, Minecraft Modded Survival, Minecraft Modpack, Jurassic World, Minecraft Technic Modpack, Minecraft, Game, Gameplay, Rexxit, Modded Survival, Minecraft 1.7.10, TheWaffleGalaxy
Id: uCCrwq79MIg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 30sec (1830 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2015
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