Peace was Never an Option!!! - Life of a T.rex | The isle - Part 1

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Dave didn't make it that far did you Ross looks cool I don't remember being Ross right what do we do when we start a new episode of the aisle would call for help as quickly as possible I do have a state Gaming Bevers tamashii mas those are your school game or steam us trying not to die you die lo how do you even get that stupid I know you're the crouch yes that's good hello Meg wolf came before you real buzz off Rex is going what's wrong with Rex's show me the way 8d Louis oh it's a dealer last time good night always are we gonna do this just be friendly to big rigs he didn't knows me that's amazing any large car no I'm happy with really oh wait what's a nest blue blue what are you but if I get tricked into like some weird little dryer don't wanna be Utah no mold what is that oh it's Raptor oh yes good likeliest of trios and here we are you know what us three against the world die low help me help me I swear to God if I can become a t-rex by following this dialogue I will think of good Tyler holding little Bubba Rex's huh likens like who cares god damn it play realistic I've got grass all around me it's got like a whole room to make him look like he's in the game oh what's that oh what's that ding dings then dinger behave deliver deliver oh wow oh I am really the slowest on time I got this is it walking towards it it looks like a player Oh what are you oh you're a baby giggle we love you beaver hello where you going Oh Belle bird who's Belle bird well we just moved out in a second one of these guys that I pampered yeah are you recording beaver do you think I play this game for fun whoa you just killer oh Carlos are cannibals there go waste know what not whoa I've been alive for like two seconds and I've already eaten so many meals is it the same beaver who streams over watch there's a beaver the streams over watch I need to find out who this over watch beaver is this guy isn't a real beaver oh my god I run to me I do I've drawn you for Utah egg oh we could have been a baby trike that's what they're doing oh my god fever I love your positivity what is that like my positively thinking I'm gonna become an adult is around the aisle as a rikes is that it cuz it's not well-founded positivity you shouldn't encourage it you know at this point I'm getting so many positive responses I feel like I could just run up to any confer and say hey I'm beaver leave me alone oh look Diablo El Diablo okay I'm gonna decline that just because I'm getting somewhere with this guy go t-rex go please tell me it can't headbutt me okay he's just what he looks like he's hobbling though so this is good don't run away come back you little buggy you imagine being able to use the chat for communication this other guy was annoyed at me oh it was part of rules I don't want to do it I was just like having fun I don't know go on why not I'll join your oh did it die no it didn't okay here we go here we go no it's still bloody run it away okay sorry I'm gonna this thing has been eating whatever this is down here for ages oh you killed it is that a baby truth is that baby trike oh there's a baby trike oh thank you that whatever do oh I turned it into a carcass gonna follow the dilo dilo knows the way you have provided me with many meals I am forever in your service hey that's why you were gonna put a B why are you gonna draw it yourself it's gonna say don't waste er don't waste those precious thighs bring him here Adams yes ah the final sacrifice a protector can make to become a meal if you ever get big-headed somebody's just summed up what I do he plays the island as a YouTube channel pretty much everybody in the world could do that because it stops you from becoming big head it doesn't it's like well actually is a youtube channel and he plays the isle and it was like ah oh is that you oh crap I just blocked it oops yep you are the real game beaver right I won't judge you if you're not you wouldn't believe me if I said I was if you are that's amazing but I won't bother you too much Oh bless wasn't gonna wait for this guy to catch up to me and then I'm just gonna take off again ready and oh my god I wasn't this I'm pretty sure I chose a gold ooh ready skin did I not oh this car no still here is it hmm a mighty feast oh you see you look so much nicer than me come on if we're hiding the trees and we'll get away from him Wow look at what's bigger I've gone that's crazy oh I'm gonna be the big one protected oh god he's still there I'd like to think that this guy who's following us realized he was paying attention to the chat service a t-rex kill themself respawn as a t-rex and I was desperately just trying to where is he bless me there's a lot of calls going on though around here oh I see the water leave him behind never never have I became an adult as a t-rex legit I became really close as a sub-adult I can't remember and when I was the last the t-rex I think I I think maybe I got her out of but I died straight away it was it was something like that I thought I could take on a Sukkah - I remember that being the thing and I still died ah go away ma'am oh it's a little bigger you're the Giga from the beginning oh and this the place where as a dial oh I remember this where did the other Rex go did he not make it no he's still there oh no he's still left there he is what are you bleeding for I don't want you to die but also I'm a little bit hungry so you have two choices gonna die and feed me or you die and feed me life is cruel will you stop calling out I will kill you I think he's starving should we eat him too I need him our a.m. you would not believe this but of just I've been recording for 40 minutes already so far nothing much has happened yes just like the lost world rip it into hems very good oh god he's all back from the grave quickly eat it all before he gets any I don't like it because the longer this game goes on the more I've got to lose [Music] the fact that his skulls aren't healing he's gonna die there's this wait for me to go in the wooden cross he was like I don't know but then I go he's like okay wait wait what did you just bite why I just hungry do you want me to die give any fever I've been subscribed to you even before you met subscribers you should appreciate I was wondering why he was biting I think it's cause he's so close to death he's like ice on it I'm just gonna bite although saying that hello mister oh do you know what shot him eat this eat this before he comes you don't want him surviving there we go eat some more as well just make sure it's gone just make sure it's gone yes although he lows oh for God's sake he's back again like you'll be attracting those dealers we just heard if you just held out a tiny bit longer for God's sake Telos can you just kill him oh yeah there he is he's hurting yeah he's hurting from starvation now he hadn't a bitten I would have been happy to share that right that's it ya dead son alright this will give me a little bit of practice there you go yeah a little buggy get him what you doing there you go kill him oh my God my bleed it's everywhere yeah had a feeling that was gonna happen oh that's good just as food approaches you know you know what I mean it's just sods law you peez a little bit of an ass because he's running out of food we run we get norio then he decides okay gonna do it again we hear one of those triceratops things I come over there cold well even though I'm fooling his body just because I can I will consume is stronger are you painting a pretty picture on the floor there it's like some weird hell Satan spawner oh that's part of the rules is you have to stay with the body until until it's gone I got you look at me however I've matured taken the game by the rules I like it everybody that this face I like it oh that's a cool shot that looks awesome funny my head wasn't in the way I won't have to leave you soon will you be alright don't worry about it I'll be fine by myself I'll do something in the water I'm not gonna kill it I'm just curious where'd it go oh it went up this way oh we're on the hunt for whatever it is oh it's a little Syrah Soros is chasing of it because no idear above me though I just want to watch him chase it down hello go get it go kill it I'm not gonna hunt you don't worry I think it's a sir I suppose it could be a baby Giga no it's a baby cerrado blessum now go get it being a little ducky crossing the pond oh well that's good we've torn the skin off the carcass can we move now good luck and don't die oh oh do you I guess I'm okay here this doesn't seem to be a place that has a lot of dinosaurs and there's only cerrado and it's smaller than me for now but they just found a tree to log off there's lying down in a bush I'm gonna grab a little bit of water just max up then I guess I'm come on my own oh dear stick to the trees always the best way I was a sub-adult I'd feel a lot more confident ah their normal atomic cloud in this sky good to see that back Oh big body of water down there ah this surely gonna be stuff here right so let's go to it I mean how hungry I go there's something that's a dryer saw and recognized I call anyway I mean what what growth of my own I am on 93 percent so I'm really really close really really close really really hungry just fill the stomach up with water it won't realize where's the damn AI god dammit what do I do to go back towards the beachy area or do i or do I go forward into the unknown where there might be food but I know there'd be babies at the beach to eat no I can't do that I can't kill the babies of the beach although if I die it's because I took the moral high ground okay what am i 96% I don't never gonna make it at least need a little bit of food there's got to be food down there though no it's a huge lake it's gotta be something around there right oh there it is first pain oh no not me this way this way this way oh please please please please have mercy whoever you are there is there is no yes yes oh I did it oh my god it was so close Wow eat all of it don't waste any boys give me so much yes whoa don't waste it can read the carcass - uh-huh yes we can there we go it was so close okay what are we on 98 this looks like a good area I feel like I could be a sub-adult and I'd feel good I'd be like yeah this Matt King dude do I kill him I think we'll try and make friends oh look another carcass well I guess I'll eat that yeah now you're running I'm just gonna make sure I get my fill from this and then I'll chase you waited a little Carnotaurus buddy get - ha ha ha looks like you've run across and then he went this way look unless that's my footsteps ah there he is there he is up in the distance running about toast come back I just wanna play a game tell me who's gonna play Cluedo with me now so hard to find good company he went off this way but growth a hundred row yes big boy oh yes I am glorious I should have waited I should have waited to like go right next room and then grown that's what I was hoping to do but guys oh my god you might actually do it I know if this been one video maybe one and a half maybe we're halfway through a video I don't know how to do it but it has been 1 hour 46 minutes 20 seconds and we have finally gotten to a sub-adult I am also fully healed it would be good if I could be good if I could lower and heighten the camera because I'd rather be and rolling with the camera down because the center of the camera is like way above the t-rex nothing's coming so you may as well venture off let's go this way I can't get up you're right good good good I'm just so huge I didn't know if I could get up there when you're carrying this amount of pure or muscle I'm like a tank unstoppable yeah let's go for a Joey let's go for the water I left I mean right Hey well those the place is boring I'm gonna go away a lone tree oh there's another one over there hello and big tree it must be such hard work to be this t-rex the way around of like sway in those hips like swing your whole body left right there's a floating one all the way up there - they're just like disks I don't know why I can see that one so clearly though and now I'm completely out of stamina never a good situation for a carnivore to be in whether it's hunting a hole being hunted a raptor hello mister rafted then I'm going for you but I'm going for you or not you know whatever good luck Ian yes haha I thought I could hear two things all right hold on yeah hold on you let me just kill this thing all right I'll be right back for you oh that's it okay I'm coming oh well yes I'm gonna sit by the carcass now all right well that's where we're gonna have to end it now we're looking pretty good 80% we've just got ourselves there's a glorious kill and hopefully we can become an adult good god I know but if you try this video leave a like until next time I'll see you later Oh bye you
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 1,023,061
Rating: 4.9552488 out of 5
Keywords: TheGamingBeaver YouTube, TheGamingBeaver YouTube channel, TheGamingBeaver Channel, YouTube TheGamingBeaver, YouTube channel TheGamingBeaver, Channel TheGamingBeaver
Id: o585is0qzYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 14sec (1154 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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