Eat it Or Yeet It #9: Drinks Only

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a very special episode either neat it's a good old Smosh fan here today oh no what I'm hungry you're well you're gonna tell your buddies or something whether it's solid or liquid because this is the first trap episode baby its drink it drink it or yank it yeah dude I can't wait to see that in the final cut of the video when it makes it here the rules first thing the bell eats the dish that person is that out and safe for the rest of the game last person standing eats the big bite which is either the best or the worst dish of the game [Music] interest anyone in some bread before your body's weight real quick no with your I'm wearing one of the coveted beanies Courtney freaking Miller jacket and of course drink is some of my favorite coffee you're lying your stomach that's good that's smart you never know what's gonna enter that tummy and if something crazy does we have the Garrett care station off to the side with our producer Gary best and finally not a contestant where I'm also not destroying people it's it's awesome I actually don't I I asked not I didn't want to know I want to be surprised what gagging already thinking about what I could possibly be drinking today we go back to that I don't even drink pureed soup what what you're a how do you get your a anybody have any strategies this time I don't know I'm gonna get the good one and the bad ones humming leave for y'all okay [Applause] [Music] the lesbian at this table but I felt like I saw we're doing on the shores this is this is this a little scary this is like they're trying to throw me off no we're trying to throw me off the trail by putting the tea bag here so my fingers are sticky from this thing could be a little ladybug Oh who that is um that is savory it looks like gravy it's it's warm so it's very lovely uh-huh it's a other than savory they're like what's the flavor like is it I know that it's not like I think it's okay then the cop it's Buffalo semen great you watery way to our house right down buffalo summit it's all my favorite bass it's a little salty it's a little savory it's not bad the tea bag throws it off what is it what is it [Applause] [Music] once the hydrate hydrate [Applause] just like occurred to me what I did Paul Newman's Own anybody want a sip yes I thought that was clam juice because that looks an awful lot like planning that's eliminated what no that's a very good lemon Derek so Mays do it no good lemonade it when it's nice and tart know we like taste good [Applause] [Music] why I say on the meniscus of the water there there is a little tinge of green which is exciting to me that's just waiting pasta that dig that nothing I want to see here stuff I want seafood this doesn't even pureed yeah I should have drink it I'm gonna count me in or what [Applause] finish it it's water my baby I mean well that's my guess but let me get let me describe the taste cuz that's like how we'd like to do things here it's very like it tastes like there's no taste there's a smack of green but it's very like it's watery like it's wet it's really wet in the mouth on there's no flavor confirm this is already knows baby take pictures that comes out we'll put it in this episode that's my boss I want that on record I wanna see it we all are following I really tried to beat you to that no but I'm too powerful sure I do I have to do right now yeah you're gonna do that yeah wherever you spit that's the fourth drink that we're doing gosh Olivia I don't even want to look at it [Applause] worse than whatever the Big Bite is no but there's already water what's better than you played yourself the second you dressed up like this is this quit hell if anyone is an animal pink try that if you have balls of steel you will take a sip of this hey Garrett describe how you describe it that is the saltiest thing I've ever had in my entire life there's only one thing that has ever tasted close to this and that is sir strumming if this is sir strumming blended up I know it for a fact as I've had it before and if it's not it's something else fermented in sand this is a byproduct exactly the same taste as sir strumming which is well known as the worst tasting food on the entire planet along as well and what is surstromming sir strumming is I believe a fermented herring in the ground for like 10 months whatever it is it's close to it the saltiest thing you will ever have to the point of like disbelief you think it can't get saltier it's past human what I just had no it is straight it tastes like just that blended straight up maybe ice maybe ice was in it to give it a little bit of a thicker texture swear to God if anyone were to try this you have never had anything this salty it broke my brain I'm gonna have to try this try it you try it Garrett you've got a camera something like this it smells like hot trash me too I took a breath don't worry don't breathe he's a frickin nature but he eats tires so that's the only answer that tastes like a tire does anyone else is doing like man yeah you could do it on your time [Music] [Applause] that was I think I know what it was no it's miss shape ice cream cherries whipped cream answers promise yes thank you like that you know you answer strumming or connected spiritually both of us are dead on the inside sake is a relative word oh my god [Music] okay game Olivia this is it is this your first big fight feel like you've got a bunch right you've had a few big bites feel like it can only go up big fight big dreams yeah yeah I agree I mean like this smell is so pungent right now from the previous dish yeah it can't be worse yeah absolute good it yeah I have thought of a liquid that could be worse and I was hoping I would maybe see it today you know it's some Starbucks the label is not doesn't have anything you tapped it and it didn't move it's in a weird state enjoy that I've never seen like an off-the-menu Starbucks drink that looks like it's the plot of interstellar to be it was meant to be like the blue with your hair this is also your strumming with your past this is your Smosh pit outfit great you know so cut butterflies on [Music] she vomits from food tonight so we so this is a bliss a little bit of a turn from it either easier to eat this cuz like I think the last one maybe the second last one like all of them were bad yeah or like most of them were bad this one the revenge one on me yeah yeah they were all bit I have to make sure Garrett H yeah so Wow Wow thank you guys thank you for a nice reach in except for no no this tastes like a vanilla like a vanilla frappe I would say vanilla bean oh you're so right yeah I just Starbucks crap this is Starbucks frappe but like is it a vanilla I gotta say I really showed up exactly how I should I'm a dunce that's a stuff that's my brain that you're doing you're drinking with me drink alone so make sure you guys hit that Bell event the next video don't miss the next one we get better foods or worse with who knows also we got a special video from YouTube right over there at salami one mommy one and also we know either another big bite over here that we pick just for you for that one mm-hmm laughs but are suffering you guys can we bring that stress trauma smoothie back
Channel: Smosh Pit
Views: 2,339,344
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smosh, smosh pit, smosh games, funny, comedy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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