Spider-Man / Deadpool "Old Man Future to Canceled..." - Full Story | Comicstorian

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Anyone else see spiderman TAS in one of the screens in deadpool's helicarrier?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ThanosHadAJob 📅︎︎ Aug 25 2020 🗫︎ replies
welcome to the full story series right here a comic story into your home for audio dramas if your favorite comic books video games in movies typically we bring out multiple videos in a week all within different story arcs happening with your favorite superheroes be it Batman Superman or Deadpool and what ends up happening is as the years and months go on sometimes it becomes a little difficult to keep up with it if you miss an episode or two sure we keep these in a playlist but every Monday we like to grab that playlist and turn it into a giant episode just to make it straightforward and easy for you to enjoy and today we're going to be bringing you the second major story arc of the now cancelled spider-man Deadpool comic book this was something that was slightly out of continuity but had spider-man a Deadpool teaming up for various reasons and in this particular arc it's all about Deadpool and the LM DS than the AI it's crazy it's all over the place and I had a lot of fun covering it and I hope you enjoy this story with the fall of Parker industries Peter Parker was forced to give up his life of luxury and was reduced to sleeping on friends couches one of which is Mockingbird Bobby the ex SHIELD agent who's already sick of Peter sleeping in past 5:30 a.m. as she yells for Peter to get up he looks at the clock and asks why she got up so early and is already dressed to go out and she tells him that she got a tip from some aim jerks trying to make a move on some black market weapons without shield around someone's got to clean these things up Peter starts to get up telling her that he could join her and Bobby tells him no spider-man already has a job Peter Parker doesn't she knows things are difficult but he needs to get back on the horse and get out there also don't touch any of her food and don't spend all day watching TV ones Bobby leaves Peter sits back down and he turns on the television after flipping through several news outlets talking about how much of a horrible person Peter Parker is Peter finds a commercial with Deadpool Wade tells the viewers that if they're tired of being held back in life by the lack of weapons of mass destruction then look no further come on down and see the finest selection of artillery implements of mayhem for your bathroom bedroom and more Peter grumbles as he grabs his phone and tries to call Deadpool and just as he expected Wade does not answer as Wade's voicemail beeps Peter shouts enough you've got too far this time it's bad enough that you're already the most wanted person in the world but now this there won't be any stone left unturned until I brought you in for what you did I will fight you oh and by the way it's spider-man Peter throws his phone and he tells him that he can find him all he needs is a computer and then he can go arrest wait and after a whole two minutes Peter grabs the phone and asks Bobby if she could do him a favor Bobby tells him that she's kind of busy at the moment with the bad guys but what is it and he better not be eating her food he pauses as he pulls a sandwich out of his mouth and Bobby says that he is literally the worst who is it you're trying to find Peter tells her that his dead Poland Bobby asks Deadpool the Deadpool most wanted man in the world Deadpool Peter tells her many of those would work a few seconds later she pings his phone telling him that he should be there or around there and Peter tells it that she already found him and she says yeah she could multitask after suiting up Peter heads out to the coordinates that Bobby gave him and he wept through the city he thinks to himself that he knows that Wade was the one who shot agent coulson under the orders of the evil Steve Rogers but somehow he feels that this is partially his fault maybe there's a way to help Wade maybe hasn't gone too far SP Delancy sighs stating come on it looks like this is an old shield Helicarrier named the USS Poole he jumps on board and sneaks into that Helicarrier finding Kate Waynesboro and her assistant hell cow which totally shouldn't be here Peter says all right mad scientist lab complete with talking cow this is pretty much just Deadpool written all over it and then he's face to face with a Hulk plushie and screwball flies by asking what are you doing here Peter tells it that this is perfect every circus needs a clown a screwball says the last time that they tangled he was the not so friendly neighborhood spider-man since then she's gotten a new job in some new upgrades her boss is now a totally awesome guy with a killer dental plan Peter tells her wait but as screwball pushes the button a trap door opens causing spider-man to fall but not before webbing up screwball and taking her with him the two fall into a room full of Hulk plushies and Peter says yeah this is definitely the house the Deadpool built as screwball begins to get up she charges into Peter shouting how did you get past my defenses only friendlies are welcome aboard and a voice calls out that's right and wait Springs out of the plushies standing that's because spider-man is my super most bestest friend but before Wade could even finish his thought Peter yells you're under arrest and he tackles way to the ground wait does a body fight but first let me give you the MTV Cribs tour you need to see my collection of stuffed animals Peter throws weight across the room and into the lab of clay Quartermaine a life model decoy with a living tree living on him as clay begins to tell Wade that the Rogues shield Be Loved tanks are about to be picked up Wade whispers to keep the criminal thought down Peter grabs weight and he says look look I know what you're really here for you need a job right after getting fired from that loser Peter Parker spider-man need some money Peter yells you stole a Helicarrier and Wade says in my defense I found it in a ditch Peter then goes on telling him not only that but you're Sully rogue shield gear on late-night TV ads this whole thing is over no more jokes no more stupid rooms no more away tells it wait wait I'm not selling shield goods on late-night TV ads all of these weapons are from my personal collection okay then goes to the computer and sends an email to screwball stated that she needs to look into late-night ads starring him also they need to work on the intercom system he walks up and punches the keyboard and in doing so causes the two of them to fall back into the ocean where Wade telepathically introduces and Deborah the mutated sharks Peter then asks him how are you talking to me telepathically and the man phibian swims up telling Wayde that he's told him countless times no swimming during training hours man phibian then goes on telling him you freed those shorts in the black site shield aquatics weapons facility they are designed to read thoughts and project them into other's minds Wade because to swim away after having his leg bitten off and he says come on there are so much cooler toys on the Helicarrier as everyone swims bruce says soon we will consume them and Deborah says yes but first we should go download those new episodes a stranger thinks once Wade gets Peter into his bedroom Wade tells him hisses where all the magic happens buddy Peter shakes out the water from his mask shouting that is enough you killed Coulson you have to go to jail but since we've worked together I'll make sure you get help Wade punches spider-man telling him I'm always gonna be the bad guy I tried I really did but you know what I'll never be one of the good guys and what you saw on TV that was an imposter thanks to screwball super-fast research I can tell you what's going on with all of this late-night crap spider-man ends up falling into a hatch and Wade then goes on telling them and for the record I would never wear a lariat Wade then jumps down grabbing on to Peter while pulling a chain and opening the hatch and yells and we're gonna stop this impostor after falling a few hundred feet Wade tells him it's probably tied to web one of those parachute you got you know so we noted the ground Spiderman being as to create a parachute and once he stabilizes them he immediately lets go of Wade letting him fall face-first into the ground as spider-man because the land on what seems like a giant pumpkin he asks where are they and Wade tells him come on don't you recognize tabula rasa one of the pumpkin Plains tries to eat spider-man it he says right tabula rasa what's temple of rasa again Deadpool waited and pulls out a cue card and he begins to read located in Montana tabula rasa is a once sealed off patch of land that was wiped clean and reborn with the power of the life seat blah blah blah it's also a solid episode of Lost but come on we're here so the weekend have a team-up I know you want to kill one say it's spider-man see blah after fighting his way out of the plant falling on the ground spider-man gets up and says okay then you go to jail wait wait tell spider-man to keep his eyes on the prize we're here to stop some bad guys who are probably worse than me that's what a giant bird-like creature walks by and weight quickly yells wake up and face the creature stomps on the ground trying to crush the two of them and Wade calls back up to the Helicarrier asking anyone can even read them which no they do not but what they do see is that Deadpool the spider may need help and everyone on his Helicarrier chooses to do nothing and spider-man and Wade run Peter comes up with an idea jumping onto the side of the creature webbing up wait he then pulls on the web choking Wade creating a tripwire that trips the giant bird creature Wade begins to pull the webbing off tell you of see we have such good chemistry the creature snorts and uses its trunk it starts to suck Wade back up and then it tries to grab spider-man eye spider-man dodges Wade yells come on don't let me die at some monster sack as the creature ends up grabbing spider-man is slamming him to the ground with his trunk spider-man gets back up holding the trunk flipping the creature over slamming it down onto its back and he pokes the sack asking Wade hey are you still alive in there Wade says it smells kind of like a Sarlacc and shame in here which bt-dubs is totally fine with me and the boys calls out to spider-man standing good work for stopping Deadpool spider-man spider-man looks back as he's husk riding one of the bird creatures asking what she's doing here she tells him that she was moonlighting for shield here in their non human resources department before it all went to hell but after all the good work that they did she couldn't just leave these fine feathered creatures in the lurch the one who's got Deadpool in his neck sac that ones Jerry this place got worse after Deadpool showed up so we should probably let Jerry's acid slowly kill him Peter says yeah whatever Deadpool you saw that was a Deadpool the one dying in the sack that's the real one and husk asks so the one that we ran into was in a posture fine let him go Jerry Jerry snorts shooting Wade out and wait shouts best day spa ever spider-man goes on state in that fake pool has been selling stolen shield weapons and guess is that he probably is headed towards the central lab in this location husk tells them that they can work together to stop fake fool so follow her Wade yells aah can we please get a ride on those creatures and a few moments later Wade screams hi ho creature thing away as a three right off husk asks spider-man why he's working with Deadpool anyway and spider-man tells though that he's not it was kidnapped after going hunting for him and after this Wade shouts I'm going to jail everyone heard at the first five times she said it's spider-man can we go and punch stuff now just then there's an explosion that the bird creature speak throwing everyone to the ground on another voice shouts good morning campers the fake Deadpool steps up and asks can you believe that she left behind some highly impressive little creatures they seemed so happy to be let out wave gets up stating that he can walk the walk not so much talk to talk let's see if you could fight the fight husk sheds her skin turning it into a hard rock like substance and then jumps up punching what a fake pulls monsters to the ground Wade gets up walking up to fake pool pulling his mask to reveal himself big pull tells of the truth hurts doesn't it raid reaches up ripping off that mask revealing dum-dum Dugan and Dugan says that's right dum-dum Dugan punches it way to the ground telling him I only need a few pieces of you for the next part so do me a favor and hold still wait jumps up and says I got something for this and he reaches down into the flood of his pants he pulls his hand back out and has a small Nightcrawler imp there and then he grabs the boy spider-man shouts really a husk says perhaps Deadpool is beyond help spider-man says I'm starting to see that back over the Helicarrier weighed bamps - screwball and asks oh they found the secret stash down there yet screwball says that the comms aren't working down there but scans are showing that there's a vault of the edge of the forest Wade then asks if anybody has seen his cowboy hat he's gonna need it for a thing back on the ground Peter and husk lead do get in the monsters to some water and Dugan then asks are you all ready to die yet husk then says that she's had enough of this and jumps up knocking Dugan off of his monster and begins punching him into the ground just then another mask flies off and fake bull stands up it's Captain America and he says yeah I'm still bad suddenly everyone here singing and Wayde bamps one of the sharks from before on top of the monsters letting it bite down onto it's heading weight lands and it looks back at Peter and husk asking what you thought I'd leave you just then Wade is shocked and the electricity shoots through the water shocking everyone fake fooled gets up telling them no more games or jokes and no more masks it's time for chameleons to show his true face later a spider-man begins to slowly open up his eyes he sees himself upside down and he tells Wade this is all your fault wait asks how was it my fault chameleons not a part of my rogues gallery this is on you at husk that asks can you both shut up and try to figure out a way to get out of this because those things down there don't look friendly Wade looks down and sees three of chameleons and monsters and says oh maybe it's time for us to leave it then calls out that he's got this he just needs to get his knife out of his pocket and as Wade reaches for it he doesn't feel anything like anything at all and then he asks if anyone's seen his right hand by any chance meanwhile over at the secret vault chameleon slaps wade's severed hand onto the hand and the computer announces handprint identified Avengers override activated chameleon tosses the hand aside stating that's better now let's check out all these weapons back at the pit one of the monsters jumps trying to grab weight and he asks who steals ahead like who really would do that Peter tells him it's probably to open up whatever secret vault he came for and Wade tells him how dare you assume we came here for fake fool also at this time husk began shedding her stone skinning climbs up out of the ropes grabbing what awaits guns and begins to fire down on the monsters wait since don't worry I got this see those two shark fins in the sky watch this seconds later Bruce and Debra fall out of the sky chomping down on the monsters and while husk finishes untying the other two branches reach down grabbing everyone lifting them up to the ledge spider in that stairs that clay it asks what are you and clay tells him a life model decoy claimed Quartermaine that was infected with a sentient organic virus to which the branches say hello Peter then sees an apple hanging from one of the limbs and he asks if they can eat that branch then says that those are the fruit of his bowels and Wade while currently eating one it mentions that they're delicious once everyone is ready to head over to the vault and the first thing that Wade sees is a giant missile and he says that these look wonderful and Peter tells up don't even think about it and branch says he is thinking about it and then Wade tells branch that's not cool silence is golden screwball runs over to one of the computers and begins going through the files and then mentions that according to this chameleon was looking for something called but before she could finish there's a loud boom as the desk is destroyed and chameleon stanza through the smoke with a rather large gun he tells Wade thanks for the help you're real handy and Wade yells back Wow I was pretty mad about the whole hand thing but I got to admit that was a pretty solid wordplay chameleon that fires the gun at hell cow and husk jumps in the way with her stone skin to block the attack just as chameleon goes to fire again spiderman shoots some webbing down on the barrel of the gun crosley gate to explode when chameleon pulls the trigger chameleon gets back up hitting the button telling okay let's see how you handle some of shields robots well screwball handles the robots peter and wade begin fighting chameleons directly punching and feeding into him chameleon pulls out his gun weapon it at spider-man firing it and as fighter man jumps the shot it's a tank that clay is standing next to the chemicals on the tank begin to pour onto clay and he shouts that whatever was in there it's making it so that he can't control branch the virus is losing control the virus then begins to grow and spread and has the grab onto everyone Peter tells Wade you are the best huh and Wade yells back I found about Craigslist chameleon fires through the vines to escape and while everyone else begins to get back up wait till spider-man and husk to go on ahead who's gonna handle this spider-man husk went on ahead spider-man calls back that they're going to find chameleon at HUS asks do we really have to up ahead chameleon jumps on two husks shield rocket car and begins to take off but spider-man webs it up at the last second and pulls himself up he then lands on the hood telling chameleon that that was pretty rude of him for leaving without saying goodbye chameleon tells him don't worry we're gonna see each other again and when we do I'm not just going to kill you there's going to be something else more fun in mind after pressing a button on the steering wheel an electrical charge shoots out hitting spider-man causing him to lose balance and fall off he falls back to the ground where husky catches him with one of the bird creatures and she asks do we really have to go back for deadpool and spiderman tells her yeah and they get back to the vault they find it completely emptied out Wade and his team are also not there just then the lights are turned off and husk tells spider-man that she really hates him spider-man tells her that he's been getting that a lot recently backed up on the stolen shield Helicarrier the USS Poole Wade lassie anyone a branches apples stating good control branch classic Deadpool than high-fives everyone stayed in that they did their parts well just look at our Hall screwball tells Wade that it seemed like chameleon did get away with something a file that contained something we'd laugh out loud again asking paper he stole paper what an idiot rocks beat paper and more importantly WMDs beat paper come on let's just go see who's gonna buy these toys at the highest price daddy needs the new stuffed animals however over in chameleons secret hideout he because to pull out the file with the words project doppelganger written on them and he says now though real fun begins and the snowy suburbs of the Rolling Hills Deadpool walks with clay down the street to their next target location and Deadpool asks is this the right place play tells them that they must maintain radio silence there may be telepathic creatures an area Deadpool whispers that it just means that he can think even drift your thoughts and by the way this hologram disguise is super itchy the two walk into a door and Deadpool looks back and he says that he doesn't want to alarm anyone what are we being followed as Deadpool and clay look back one of the kids following them says you can't hurt me anymore you won't hurt anyone anymore Deadpool then rings the doorbell to the house stating they seem nice and creepy and clay tells them maybe Kate was right this might be a death trap whatever these things are they're not on the area 14 manifest hopefully they will be open for negotiations instead of outright to murder just then the front door to the house opens in a couple inside yells howdy neighbors and as the man continues his speech turns to robotic and she begins to ask how may we be of op-op-op the man falls over and the woman then says please forgive my husband he's one man - Matt Matt Matt Deadpool and clay quickly walk inside and Deadpool slams the door shutting clay says they look like LMDS former shield agents like myself Deadpool that says if it's robots I can handle robots and clay looks outside telling them well the things outside are now robots Deadpool looks at the window and yells oh so many tentacles clay then tells Deadpool you can head to the lower levels me and branch will stamp here and make sure that nothing gets inside as Deadpool hurries down within seconds he's already blasting his way through the robot guards watching over the facility and just as he gets in spider-man appears and calls out that's enough except for you to go to jail can't believe you would actually ditch me and tabula rasa and Deadpool then asks him are you sure about that because that would totally be a thing I would do spider-man punches him yelling you ditched me after you stole every weapon in the place a Deadpool because the fight back telling him technically not everything chameleons stole some paper like come on who steals paper as the to go back at fourth Deadpool knocks spider-man towards vault 22 and Deadpool stops and says amber someone's saying something about fault 22 he then thinks back to just before the operation while clay was going over the contents of each vault he'll cow told Deadpool specifically not to go near vault 22 spider-man he goes to pick himself back up asking what did you remember and just then white and black tentacles break free from vault 22 grabbing post man a Deadpool Deadpool then says well don't feel bad webs we had a pretty good run 27 issues is actually really good in the market to be honest the tentacles then lift the two of them up and slam them to the ground knocking their heads through the floor and into the room below as the two of them look around the room starts arming itself with machine guns Rockets flails and Deadpool tells them you know really oh what a joke daddy conclusions here but between those of the slave droids upstairs in this Fifty Shades of Grey training room I'm starting to think shield might actually be bad the tentacles then whip back up and Deadpool yells and if that's the case that it's good news because that means I'm actually not stealing anything I'm setting things free spider-man tells if you're not being a hero here you're still a criminal and you'll always gonna be one and apparently that's how you're gonna die Deadpool stops to think about it it says you know what you're right he pulls out one of his katanas and he starts to carve through the tentacles telling him I am a criminal a murderer a monster but I thought I could be better maybe I could be a hero like the person I look up to spider-man however I was wrong it doesn't matter whatever and thinks about me or who I let down except spider-man and for that I'm sorry spider-man gets up throwing a chopped tentacle off atom and he says if you really mean that then prove it turned herself in walk away Deadpool reaches into his pocket pulling out a small device and then he looks back at spider-man and he tells him I'm sorry and as soon as Deadpool pushes the button all over the vault doors light not teleporting their contents along with Deadpool back to his Helicarrier a short while later while everyone looks over the hall screwball says that this stuff is great she's already got some buyers lined up where should they go next but instead of answering Deadpool hangs his head and he walks away back down an area 14 spider-man looks at the empty vault 22 and he says now that the monster is out of the way let's see what's behind the locked door he heads into the back and he begins to push buttons on a control panel and after entering a code a small compartment opens up he then reaches in pulling out a small green device and he leaves and back outside spider-man walks up to the children that were guarding the house and tells them thanks for letting me in one of the children then says hey you kept your promise you got rid of the bad things spider-man then pulls off his mask handing it to the child and he walks off but the man under the mask isn't spider-man it's actually chameleon elsewhere a spider-man the real spider-man tells husk that he came over as soon as he could what did she find out about chameleon and husk says well it turns out chameleon stole something called Project doppelganger the vasila in now used to house thousands of robots which were just stolen by chameleon and husk says actually yes the robots may be stolen but they can't be powered up unless the user has this and husk opens up her file and it's a picture of the same device that chameleon just stole from area 14 later that night at mockingbirds apartment spider-man slurps his slushy and Mockingbird and husk stare asking how did he get away again spider-man says that he already told them chameleon but husk stops him stating no Deadpool how did he get away and spider-man just sits there and takes a another sip of his slushie many ELLs fine well it all started off like any other day typical hero stuff saving a school bus full of kids in them telling me how cool I was husk asks him did that really happen and Mockingbird says of course not now get back to the actual story but it was like spider-man said he was out on patrol when he spotted Kraven terrorizing people on the streets as a fight between spider-man and Kraven began spider-man quickly began to notice that grounds starting to shake seconds later Deadpool and chameleon burst out of it right beneath him both fighting over another shield facility spider-man looks over stating oh look chameleon Kraven and now Deadpool and his gang are stealing off in the same place shocker Deadpool yells shockers here too but before the banter could continue chameleons using tendrils grabs the two of them slamming them into the ground as Deadpool starts shooting he tells spider-man I really gotta quit meeting up like this people are gonna start suspecting things buddy spider-man then asks what are you even talking about and Deadpool tells him look about what I said last time I really meant it then spider-man shouts seriously what are you talking about last time I saw you was back in tabula rasa husk and me were stuck there for 36 hours we had to eat bugs bugs Deadpool chameleons then says I must admit it was an amazing performance but now there are places to go and people to be he then turns and shoots into a building causing the debris to chip off and falls straight towards a group of civilians spider-man quickly jumps up creating a web net to catch the falling rocks and then he looks over at Deadpool telling him so the last time that we saw each other it would appear that you got played so what was it that you apparently told chameleons who looked like me that was so important Deadpool sighs he tells him the truth and then he leaves with his group with the stolen weapons back in the current time mockingbird asks why didn't you go after Deadpool if spider-man says you know the building people in danger that was a thing and mockingbirds I stayed in the Dead Pool with his crew stole everything those weapons are already on the black market there's too much at stake now we need backup the next time that you come across deadpool and spiderman tells her I know I know it goes down for good meanwhile over at the SS Deadpool everyone stares at Deadpool and Deadpool asks what I already told you chameleon and man phibian says no not chameleon spider-man how did he find us again clay asks branch if he's able to read Deadpool's mind and branch says that he can't at the moment Deadpool's mind is closed off but there is something off about him helical out naught of us are going to jail we work for Deadpool the world's greatest assassin next time Spiderman gets in our way Deadpool tells them I know I know I'm gonna kill him a short while later as chameleon returns to his hideaway Kraven begins to help him with his robe and chameleons phone begins to ring he answers it stating that they have his thanks for leading the horse to the water someone in the shadows aboard as a Deadpool says that they will do whatever they want but they've got to be careful going forward Deadpool is getting suspicious chameleon then tells the person that they will proceed with caution but keep him posted on where Deadpool is heading next as he hangs up he and Kraven walk over to a room full of life model decoys all copies of superheroes and says that these are the perfect imitation this is the true value of shields project doppelganger even a fake Kraven will fetch a hefty bounty just imagine how much people would have paid for these the next day people wait in line at the bank when they started to see a shadow looming over them people move out of the way and the teller asks how can she help but Hulk shouts Oh withdraw and that he kicks open the vault Hulk along with several other hero LMDS are displayed on a screen and chameleon tells the people that he is broadcasting true their looks and how they sound like the real thing the most important part is that they have the powers near equivalent to the heroes themselves this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and it's going to be expensive back over at the bank's spider-man swings down as Hulk walks out carrying a sack full of cash and he says don't take this the wrong way but aren't you supposed to be dead Hulk even swings at spider-man and spider-man radios over to mockingbird asking if she's busy she tells him yeah she is the life model decoys are over here as well it he's gonna have to managed by himself for a bit spider-man steps back and tells the Hulk word on the street is that you're not the real Hulk Hulk then holds out his hand and says Hulk and Hulk smashes he claps his hands together sending a shock wave into spider-man that sends him crashing into the wall and then charges in after him and as he pulls his arm back of webbing hits it throwing him off balance and spider-man asks how did I even do that and the voice tells him that he did silk jumps in kicking the Hulk finishing off stating it was me spider-man gets up asking what is she doing here in silk says that she's here to clean up the mess by her former employers absence this is starting to look a lot more like a spider-man mess than a shield mess to be honest spider-man yells that this is a chameleon mess and silk says that Mockingbird said that it was a Deadpool mess and Hulk shouts no more talker and spider-man tells him that's a good idea as both spider-man and Silke begin to web him down soaked radios over to Mockingbird asking how she's doing and Mockingbird tells her that she's fine even though she's not really and husk will give them directions on where to go husk then says that she hopes that they like road trips because the signal is bouncing all over town but as spider-man and silk follow the trail to the other side of town the Deadpool and his gang are also following the same signal as spider-man lands on a rooftop he asks what they're doing here and Deadpool yells spider-man clay whispers the Deadpool that this would be a good time to do that thing that he promised that he would do and Deadpool tells him don't ruin the move of murder spider-man yells wait what a Deadpool says before we get our fisticuffs we need to talk about something real quick Deadpool leans over to silk and takes her hand and says no we've never met before your silk right didn't your book get cancelled and then she punches him stating cancel this and Deadpool says don't blame me I bought every single issue hashtag silk squad for life as the Sharks jabber and Bruce lunge at spider-man spider-man tells Deadpool that he's got shorts and didn't attach lasers to them it missed opportunity there buddy Deadpool asks really guess we need to show you in a light show Debra and Bruce and pull out laser guns then begin to fire at spider-man and Debra says that she can't believe that they are missing the golden age of television for this trash a spider-man jumps away Bruce continues his lunge biting down onto Deadpool and then Deadpool yells thoughts of biscuits and gravy I know I'm delicious but everyone really needs to stop fighting me Bruce then continues to carry Deadpool to spider-man and as Deadpool gets ready for a clip spider-man punches him out of Bruce's mouth back with mockingbird the LMDS are beginning to close it in honor when suddenly all of them begin to BAM pout mockingbird begins to yell what's going on at husk tells her that the signal just disappeared over on the roof Deadpool starts to get up and he says okay we both want the same thing spider-man tells him if it's you arrested then yes no more games plus I'd rather not get murdered today so Clavin asks that was the plan right Deadpool says yeah it was but first things first we beat the everliving crap on a chameleon he pulls out his rocket launcher he fires a hole into the roof and once everyone gets down Deadpool excited asks is it just me or his chameleons penthouse suspiciously empty meanwhile at another hideout chameleons Nightcrawler bamps in the last of the lmds laughing stated that he might just keep his net Carla to himself but it's like I'm forgetting something oh yes he pushes down on the detonator in his hand causing the penthouse where everyone is at right now to explode in the far future but old man awakes from a bad dream and it begins to wonder what has his life become he's an old man bound to a wheelchair who takes pictures of fallen leaves as he turns on his light he smiles remember the good old days the days when he used to be spider-man as time comes Peter gets dressed and he heads out into the retirement home cafe however as he pushes himself along he starts to overhear some of the other tenants talking about how things of theirs seemed to be missing first a necklace then a pair of glasses all gone without a trace Peter crabs his food and he takes a seat on one of the tables and it begins doing what he does best taking pictures everything in this retirement home is good except one thing it's also the home of the old the promiscuous Wade Wilson Wade puts his foot up on Peters table telling him you know these pills the doctors got me make me feel like an n64 all over again Peter sighs stating he really doesn't want to hear it and Wade says fine I didn't come over here to talk about my letter to penthouse anyway I came about this Wade holds up a tablet with the news article and Peter asks are these even real just look the Avengers deal with it or something Wade slams the tablet down yelling they're all dead if you know it this is our chance I've been tracking him for years this is fate he cut you in half remember Peter looks at his camera stating that he's retired now let the kids handle this it's not their time anymore and wait scratched his head telling a fine how about this how about we look into the missing items last night I saw someone sneaking around the home in a ski mask computer asks what are you even talking about and Wade walks off telling him you really are your own little world it's probably nothing anyway see you at Bingo kid later that night Peter heads to his room and he gets ready for bed as he lays down he takes off his shirt revealing the giant scar across his back the day's begin to pass and everything seems normal for Peter but one of the nights that he was developing his film he spots something the burglar Wade mentioned so he rolls up to his window with his camera and sure enough he spots the same burglar creeping out of one of the windows Peter looks back at all the news clippings of him as spider-man and then he sets out to Wade's room as he gets ready to knock on the door II pauses for a second and it begins to hear wait inside with another woman and decides it will come back later just as Peter gets ready to leave a dark shadow runs past him and Peter quickly gets into position up ahead the burger there begins to look for a way out and as he steps into another Hall Peter who was still in his wheelchair on the wall says those shoes really don't match his mask he then Springs off the wall elbowing the burglar in the face and when he gets back up the burglar punches Peters teeth out knocking him away he gets up launching himself with his arm spinning around knocking the burglar with his wheelchair after jumping on the burglar and head-butting him weed reaches down grabbing Peters teeth stating hey doesn't that feel good Peter snatches his teeth back from Wade and Wade pulls the mask off of the burglar and says it's the janitor this is some scooby-doo stuff right here one security guard comes by to grab the janitor and Wade rolls Peter away telling I admit it it felt good to get that guy again right Peter looks at his hands and he tells him it felt it felt amazing as Wade takes Peter back jurors room Peter looks at all the hero and villain tech and asks that you really keep all this stuff and Wade says yeah but that's not important what's important is that we have a chance to take out that turd burglar again Wade holds up another tablet with the same thing as before but this time Peter smiles and tells them yeah we should get the heck out of here as Peter and Wade begin to sneak out Wade parks Peter off in the shadow telling him to wait right here he needs to grab his meds before they could leave a short while later Wade walks into a room with the beat-up janitor and security officers telling them Academy Award winning performance guys the janitor yells that the guy broke his face and ribs and Wade says I'm sorry but now you're a millionaire so who cares about a few broken bones the janitor asks just who the hell is that old guy anyway and Wade tells him that amigo was the amazing spectacular friendly neighborhood spider-man flash-forward a few minutes later and as a wait hang on to Peter while he wets the city Peter asks who he was talking to and Wade tells him the reader genius now what do you say we go off and kill Deadpool but before we can continue this story let's flashback to a time to learn why Wade is so focused on killing himself yeah let's go with that it was just after a fight when Peter had been slashed in the back by what he thought was Wade Wade told him to hang on so that he can get help and Peter said it's okay he knows it wasn't the real him Wade says that someone must have cloned him and when he finds out who Peter told him it's okay let him say one last joke thought Wade begins to pull the mask off of Peter and Peter asks well what's the superheroes favorite part of a joke the punchline as much as Wade holds back you can't help but let out a chuckle and soon both him and Peter are laughing and as they do Peters laugh fades and Wade is left knowing that his one and only true friend has died now back to our originally scheduled story Wade wakes up on the rooftop screaming at her dream that he had about Peters death and he begins to hear Peter waking up next to him before Peter wakes up though Wade takes out the needle that was connecting the two of them together and he tells Peter to just get some rest he's gonna need it a few moments later Peter wakes up and asks what did he miss and Wade finishes cooking breakfast telling him nothing no sign of jerk faux pas how was your sleep Peter rubs his arm telling him that his arm feels kind of funny like something bit him the two begin to eat breakfast or the weights dating well I didn't bite you no matter how many times you ask I cross that line as Peter eats he asks why would his clone come after them after all this time anyway why now and Wade tells him I'm not sure I'm just grateful of my chance for revenge once breakfast is over the two heroes go to search for faux pas and as the night comes Wade looks into the sky and says that he thinks that he found them but he can't believe that he's still using the old shield Helicarrier that he totally did not fail just that a large container shoots down onto the ground info pool steps out stating hey there golden girl visiting your future final resting place Wade grabs his katanas and he lunges at foe pull yelling how dare you take the golden girls names in vain for Brianna as Wade gets close fool knocks Wade away telling him that he looks suspiciously old these days isn't that weird your healing factor and now you look like a rotting potato Peter jumps in hitting faux pas with his wheelchair stating that he's going to be looking so much worse you carbon copy and faux pull asks copy its weight still selling you on the whole clone thing clothes are a Spider Man thing not a Deadpool thing Wade then jumps on faux pool from behind cutting into his back at boat pool shouts in pain yelling all right now that foreplay old farts I have no beef with spider-man or are you mad that I almost cut you in half I can still finish the job you know wait asks do I really talk that much I'm really starting to see why people find me annoying faux pull then asks if Wade made him does that make Wade his dad or God computer asks him made him faux pearl jumps through separating the two of them and as faux pull slams waves head into the wall he says yeah Wade brought me to life the moment that he touched the console back at tabula rasa Wade punches folk pull off and Peter webs up his head and folk pull asks hidden what is Bessie to know the truth huh Peter then flings fofoo to the ground asking what is he talking about and folk Ville tells him I'm talking about the fact that Wade here knew what I really was the whole time and that he's responsible for me even being a thing he's been trying to kill me before you could ever discover the truth foe cool kicks Peter back continuing to state that Wade knew that he would come out of hiding the second that he turned that device on that's been tucked away faux pull then brings out his sword and Wade jumps and stabbing him in the back and then he punches him off asking do you really think you could stop me old fart faux pulled and jumps on Wade and Wade yells to Peter to take the device out of the bag Peter reaches and pulling out a small green device and then faux pull asks did you really think that I was sitting around waiting I was building peter flips the switch on the device and it stabs in a faux pull and subtly full pull begins to become electrified as the electricity burns him it begins to show that faux pull is in fact a robot and Peter's is white he was a robot and Wade tells him the politically correct term would be life model decoy it's the things that chameleon unleashed all those years ago and he's right this is all my fault before Wade could go on the faux fool because the laugh telling him I've been looking for that device for decades who would have thought they would have just brought it to me you may have thought that the device was my kill switch but it's actually my on switch and just as he says that a swarm of fake a life model decoy Deadpool's jump out of the Helicarrier descending upon them as soon as all of these faux pearls land Peter and Wade begin to escape and Wade because to shout I know a place that we can go and as soon as they turn outside of an alley another group appears and Peter says that he has an idea he webs up one awaits katanas and he swings it cutting through a large group of the fake Deadpool's while peter does his thing Wade says you know I'm filled with mixed emotions right now on one hand I've always wanted to see spider-man go on a murderous rampage that's what most of my fan fics are about to be honest but on the other hand you're slicing and dicing copies of me which is actually some other fanfic I was writing Peter tells them that he's supposed to be helping and Wade tells him right follow me spider murder man after a bit of running Peter looks around he asks why are we in Central Park this isn't helpful at all and waits it's come on where is it up this giant rock and Wade because to knock on the rock with Peter frowning telling him we're about to die here and I hate to slash blame you for this but ignoring Peter statement Wade asks little help big guy and suddenly the rock begins to rumble before lifting itself off of the ground the giant rock creature begins to stand up and Peter asks that bed grim wait doesn't know it's Ben's son Reed the details don't matter right now but we got other things to worry about Reed begins to lift his arm and Peter then asks does he want a high five or something and waits his wait for it Reed then slams his arm onto the ground shattering oops clobbering toy and just then the rest of the new Fantastic Four appear the old female in the Bluebell area asks you rang Oh life model decoy Deadpool's perfect Wade jumps down and another one in the group venom vision shouts one zero zero zero one zero zero one one zero zero waited and says that's a weird catchphrase and Valerius tells Wade that he asked him a question he might want to answer before they leave him to himself Peter then jumps down helping the fourth member the last devil and asks who are you supposed to be and the last devil does an answer I'm and Peter says all right just like daredevil good talk fofoo then knocks the last devil away singing spider-man spider-man does whatever Deadpool's beaten blood allows him to do not as catchy Peter Pan webs is now telling him no more singing that bow fool rips it off telling him the next song is about how I cut spider-man eternity Peter then grads fo pull and headbutts and telling him no the Fantastic Four stitched me up and fool stumbles back telling except they didn't Wayne Wilson brought you back to life using his mutti blood it's been haunting him for years that's why he was gunning for revenge see how gullible you could be when it comes to your best friend foe pool oven kicks and Peter catches it telling him you're insane and full fool tells him I am Wade Wilson so duh Peter then webs up the other foe pulls swinging them into the original but as the original gets back up he grabs his katana jumping behind Peter bow fool then says alright it's time to end this but he slashes there cutting him in the back again wait here's his screamin like a madman he because to carve his way over to Peter bhopal tells in the spider-man go down again and once again it's all your fault Wade valaria then picks Peter up telling everyone that they need to retreat read everyone begins to climb up onto Reed's hand and as Wade tries to attack faux pas beau Poole says that's the spirit don't listen to her you can't change destiny Reeve shouts in pain as valaria calls out to him and a group of folk pulls begin to stab into him to climb up him Wade grabs on to the foe pulls climbing up to help himself up and Reid tells him to just get in his hand Rita then pulls his arm back at he throws waiting the others out of the park and he asks I wonder would robots taste like as the group crashes into the Baxter building a medical drone rushes over to Peter and begins to scan Wade rushes over and Peter asks why does she do it and as Wade takes off his mask he says because I couldn't lose my best friend Peter tells him it's okay forgive you that's the best friends do now be a friend to me a best friend and forgive yourself as Peter slowly begins to stop breathing Wade chefs no not like this sub will take my point all of it bring him back the valaria asks what are we supposed to do now there's billions of LMDS how are we gonna shut them all down and Wade pulls on his mask stating you can't not now now wait he runs off into the old storage room stating this is all my fault I could fix this I could change things he pulls on a tarp and Valerio tells him wait you can't use dooms time platform it doesn't work properly it's cursed the Wade starts turning the machine on telling him yeah so am i meanwhile in the present-day spider-man and Wade Wilson are back to back surrounded by a group of LM DS with spider-man telling we had a good run and Wade tells them yeah 31 issues let's get a hope when we get to 50 but hey 31 is a really good number in this market wait did we suddenly jump an issue just before the LEDs converge there's a bright light an old man away two steps out shouting mom Rach and young Peter asks what da but old man way tells them you're out of pages webs cue the Tippie continued as master matrix jumps into the air saving spider-man from being hit by Mysterio he excitedly yells I will save my two fathers spider-man kicks doc Ock's LMD stating we are not your dad's and Deadpool tells matrix don't listen to spider daddy kiddo as that pole shoots another LMD he stops and says actually we're a family now and family doesn't keep secrets from each other which means that I can share with you webs real name matrix punches vulture stating no spider-man requested his identity remain a secret Deadpool groans no fair fine don't tell spider-man about the Sasquatch inspired costume that I found at his place and definitely do not tell him about the fan art that's been made especially the one set medieval times those are for patreon followers only spider-man who can clearly hear Deadpool says okay I'm shutting this down quick we can't risk raising a killer robot that our future selves had to come back and patch up Deadpool tries to explain his point though but while the two begin to bicker master matrix finds himself surrounded by some of the lmds he releases a blast ripping through them and then spider-man a Deadpool looked back with the Deadpool shouting that's my kid the next morning at a former shield safehouse spider-man sits at a table with mockingbird stating all right I I can explain Bobby after a few awkward minutes spider-man says okay I can't explain Bobby Mockingbird opens up a briefcase stating that she understands that they want to do good and save that machine but like most things in his life he's wrong about this they all know what the machine is capable of doing that's why this device was made it's a kill switch that will shut down matrix permanently spider-man leans over to take it then he stops telling her I can't I won't my parents found matrix and helped bring him into existence he is family Mockingbird sighs telling him fine keep the switch though you're gonna try and have matrix do good you can start by keeping matrix locked up here there are spikes and magical energy popping up all over the city and we can't pinpoint what the spikes are but every time that there is one there's a robbery shortly afterwards dr. strange isn't picking up his phone and I need to go back up the others in Detroit so it's up to you to figure this thing out spider-man meanwhile over in the next room Deadpool's looking at the shoddy apartment and says that he really loves what's been done with this place do you need anything maybe a puppy matrix sighs asking am i a disappointment Deadpool pulls up a chair is telling him of course not you've been wanting to murder the sinister six with 36 issues matrix then asks what about spider-man did i disappoint him and dead police ha who cares this is all about you now how are you feeling buddy matrix takes a moment to think and he says that he doesn't want to be the monster that ruins the future Deadpool gets up and leaves telling him you get to find yourself in the negative sit there and think about what you want to be and when you do well then we'll be ready to go for the next lesson a short while later spider-man a Deadpool after getting a ping off of the tablet that Mockingbird gave them head into the shores of New Jersey when the beaming starts to get louder they find the Wrecking Crew spider-man peeks around the corner stating wait where's Thunder ball a second later the two heroes are hit from behind by a giant wrecking ball and Thunder ball tells him right here when's the two of them get back up they've run in to fight the crew and Deadpool tells him I don't want to be that guy but should the guy with the wrecking ball be called the wrecker wrecker shouts to piledriver to get the portal open a Deadpool kicks piledriver from behind stating the portal is in debra charging yet spider-man that webs up bulldozer asking how do you know this is your fault isn't it Thunderball grabs his chain stating oh you've had enough of this and he throws the wrecking ball nearly missing spider-man spider-man tells him hey you kind of missed and Thunderball yells it wasn't meant to hit you just then the walls of the store begin to crumble around them and as the walls come down there's a power blast that shoots over the two of them destroying the debris through the smoke matrix steps out Deadpool asks what are you doing here and matrix tells him I'm trying to be helpful you asked me what I wanted to be it is helpful matrix is ready to attack but spider-man tells him wait don't do that and matrix then charges up for another blast but record shouts to piledriver - just do it driver spins around throws open another portal a few seconds later a portal opens up in the middle of the jungle spider-man Deadpool and matrix all tumble out with spider-man stating oh I really hate magic Deadpool looks around asking where are we Hawaii and then Spiderman sees something big stating yeah definitely not Hawaii we're in the Savage Land with that a t-rex roars and it charges straight towards everybody later after a hasty retreat spider-man and matrix set up camp while Deadpool well Deadpool gets comfortable with the surroundings equipping himself with nothing but a speedo at a spear matrix asks where the dead pulls clothes go and spider-man said that if he had a dollar for every time that that question has been asked spider-man gets up webbing up the spirit something okay I got to know what was that device you sold to the wrecking crew Deadpool thinks about it and says well I may have skimmed over the manual they came from Asgard and it's something that the dark elves or those ice zombies from The Game of Thrones they used it to come to Midgard shield confiscated it and it's been sitting around so I sold it but enough about that this is the vacation we've always wanted webs spider-man rubs his head telling Deadpool it just watched the perimeter while I figure this out and put some frickin pants on as the night winds down spider-man takes off his mask and he tells matrix that there's something he's got to tell him matrix asks if it's about the kill switch that Mockingbird gave him Spidey mr. shermin and matrix puts another log on the fire stating yes I downloaded all of her files before leaving but Mockingbird is right I am unstable you and Deadpool should be safe spider-man takes out the kill switch and looks at it stating we are safe and he hands it to matrix matrix looks at the switch smiling stating you're exactly like your parents described you spider-man that asks what else do you remember matrix tells them that they were kind and they did their best what do you remember spider-man thinks about it he tells him love after a few moments of trying to understand matrix asks what is love spider-man chuckles I'm sorry it's just your phrasing was really close to a song lyric matrix looks at him again what is love and continuing to the song deadpool jumps out of the wood shouting baby don't hurt me don't hurt me no long after plugging his phone into matrix Deadpool and matrix start dancing and spider-man begins to ask everyone if they remember those dinosaurs well they're back guys Deadpool grabs his spear throwing it yelling for Jeff Goldblum the spirit bounces the t-rex his chest and he says Doris everyone stops and after a few moments Deadpool asks is it me or that dinosaur just talk deadpool tells him nada I heard it too spider-man does okay at least highly advanced dinosaurs are going to eat us the t-rex leans down stating I'm not gonna kill any of you after listening to your so-called banter it's clear you're not aligned with usurpers another dinosaur says the ones who enslaved us will they wreckingball one looks like the juggernaut and they all generally have an unpleasant fragrant the t-rex then leads the three of them to the cliffside stating that there's a building down there where the others have been taken they know not of what they're doing but it is hurting their kind and damaging their ecosystem it seems machines are used to sway their kind and forced them into labor this madness and stood a matrix raises his hand stating actually I might have an idea as to why they are here their projection of a map appears in all of the locations that were recently robbed matrix says that according to mockingbirds reports the wrecking crew had been hitting very specific locations based on where they've been before it would appear that they're collecting parts to build a powerful drill the last place where they went was a vault but aside from money inside it was a vibranium be drill bit spider-man tells him that's it as tonnes of vibranium be under the Savage Land surface that anti metal would fetch a high price on the black market matrix his eyes begin to glow skating I'm glad that I could help but I will be even more helpful destroying those who would subjugate these creatures hand spider-man stops him whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa how about you just stay back and watch Deadpool yells wait we can't touch the kid he had his trigger warning so let's all just matrix tops both of them stating please do not fight you are stronger when you work together I will wait here and if anything goes wrong I will step in under your guidance Deadpool then says just remember I'm the one that's perfectly fine with him working out his rage feels through violence I'm the cool dad as everyone heads off matrix stands on the cliff alone looking at the kill switch he breaks it in half and then turns to follow the others high in this guy Deadpool rides a pterodactyl stating and he pulls out a large gun that clearly doesn't fit in any of his pouches the heroes of the dinosaurs charge in onto the wrecking crew compound to try and free the enslaved dinosaurs but just then a patch of vines lash out t-rex yells to avoid the flora but before he could finish the binds have already grabbed on to everyone well everyone struggles wrecker steps out stating alright it's time for us to get ticket and as the giant gaping maw of a plant pull spider-man and Deadpool in Deadpool because the shad Little Shop aboard Little Shop of ours sing it with me now as the plant finishes eating them bulldozer says see told you they'd be dead wrecker looks at the plant stating in my experience these guys never die all this did was buy us some time let's get out of here inside the plant the vines begin to lower everyone towards a pit of acid so that the plant can digest them spider-man begins to ask what are they going to do now so Deadpool snaps his arm out of its socket stating haha I got this I just need to grab it Goodin right spider-man head butts Deadpool telling him okay use that then we'd all be blown to bits Deadpool doesn't yeah probably but my bits grow back just then the plant is electrocuted releasing its grip on everyone causing them to fall closer to the pit of acid at the last second a portal opens up grabbing everyone throwing them back outside spider-man asks do we just go through and Asgardian portal and Deadpool tells them I'm not sure this one looked a little different maybe it was the color spider-man that asks why would the wrecking crew be helping them and the t-rex says that perhaps one of his kind stole the portal from them Deadpool turns around stating whatever the case were free so it's time to but before Deadpool could start walking he bumps into a porta potti he runs in slamming the door shouting fine thirty eight issues that I can finally go just go ahead without me I'll catch up in a while t Rick the t-rex asks do we in spider-man tells him yeah Deadpool's no help to us anyway as ed bull sits down it begins the laughs to himself that he really didn't have to go at all he just wanted to read the next issue of their comic so we could see webs real lame and then there's a loud boom the porta potties walls fall down and Deadpool throws the comic stating I walked into my reference dead night as the t-rex begins to lean down it jumps onto Deadpool's upper half and it walks off up the path a little ways spider-man who rides on the back of one of the T Rexes when suddenly a portal opens up and he's punched in the face more portals begin to open up allowing the wrecking crew to attack without actually being there until finally spider-man is knocked out piledriver steps out of the portal with Thunderball stating see I knew that would be fun just then the sound of a t-rex passing can be heard boom boom boom piledriver tells the t-rex of this is perfect go on and eat those creeps another boom goes off but instead of coming from the t-rex his feet it comes out of its stomach the t-rex opens up its mouth letting the fire out and Deadpool's upper torso shoots out attacking piledriver telling them this is what you get for interrupting my reading time spider-man and the dinosaurs slowly begin to get up and they join into the fight and as they push the wrecking crew back spider-man tells them look Deadpool's height finally matches his IQ Deadpool tells him you know not your best work at least being a dad finally justifies all your awful dad jokes as the wrecking crew inches closer there's a loud electrical foon knocking everyone back and from the smoke three people step out and the voice tells the wrecking crew to stand down and return what rightfully belongs to the Wario's free as the Asgardians join the fray spider-man says thanks for the help Hogan your name is Hogan right and Hogan tells um I that it is Hildegarde iou's I'm not prattling Hildegarde has drinking to return to now where's the ring of the hidden paths Thunderball opens up a portal throwing his ball through a telling them it's right here after a quiet chant from Hildegarde the portal closes snapping the chain on the wrecking ball and Thunder ball laughs stating first rounds on me after punching Thunder ball out and rounding up the rest Fandral mutters to himself elfish magic is the worst and then a voice tells them actually it's not a magic matrix steps out of a portal continuing stating its technology from your world with some salvaged parts I was able to replicate it spider-man then asks are you the one that did all of this and matrix tells him I thought that if I could force you to work with Deadpool you would stop fighting but it would seem that I am wrong I wanted to be helpful but I have failed next time I will not fail I'm going to fix this once and for all matrix turns to go back into the portal and spider-man deals for him to wait spider-man sighs is the portal closest and he picks up dead pulls upper body that fool tells him I was checking out the last issue and matrix is right we are stronger when we work together spider-man tightens the webbing around his back to carry Deadpool and he says I really hate my life after regrowing his body spider-man and Deadpool head out to try and locate matrix by following his path of as spider-man a Deadpool looked down into a warehouse with a stack of in bodies piling up spider-man rubs his face and Deadpool says well it looks good to me spider-man yells no this is your fault we had one job but it was to make sure that matrix doesn't go crazy Mockingbird was right matrix has started to become more and more like you Deadpool sultry moan and then he jumps down into the building stating hurry up Mockingbird left us a quintet if matrix is like me then he's gonna know where it is later in area 14 the neighborhood shield site filled with children guards spider-man looks at the kid stating you're you're kidding right he begins to wave at the children stating I'm just your friendly neighborhood spider-man so I'm cool with whatever neighborhood watch thing you got going on the children start to yell freedom bring her returns and Deadpool says that's right the freedom bringer we should probably get going now the children that stayed that they're thankful for the new century BOTS that their friend has brought to keep them safe as did pull-pull spider-man away he then asks what's going on and Deadpool says well there's a vault and there's some tentacles and I thought that I met you here but it was really the chameleon spider-man stops him stating you have 30 seconds to explain Deadpool tells him look matrix is fixing everything all that stuff I screwed up dawn this place is probably the biggest screwup below was a fault were a lot of things are stored and matrix steps out from in front of the vault house stating it's where the chameleon began working on freeing me Mockingbird deals for everyone to take him down and as they run to the door they all begin to bounce off of a force field matrix tells everyone please I mean you no harm I only wish to speak with that Mockingbird shouts no I am done talking she pulls out a second kill switch spider-man a Deadpool begin to scream for her to stop she pushes the button but nothing happens Mockingbird looks at the switch asking what's going on and matrix tells her that he made some adjustments after reading your files please understand this force field is to keep me in not you out there have been LMD centuries dispatched to each of the decommissioned shield warehouses to protect all of the weapons that you are housing including myself spider-man yells he deserves to be free and matrix tells him perhaps in time but for now I will be staying here an area 14 I have caused a lot of problems so to make amends I have cleared myself of all problems that Deadpool has created for you I won't anyone unless you try to harm the occupants of area 14 and if I am to strain matrix holes at his arm creating a second kill switch dating you can use this to shut me down once and for all do we have an understanding mockingbirds takes the switch dating no I have better things to do right now as she leaves matrix opens the door for spider-man and Deadpool if you would I would like to show you where I'm staying everyone heads inside and as they go down into the vault matrix says that this shall become his new home Deadpool tells him that he doesn't belong to cage but matrix says it isn't one I am simply here to recharge and spend my time above with others I choose to be here so that I may learn and grow but what about Deadpool don't you belong in a cage for your sins spider-man thinks about it for a moment it says honestly I'm not sure I could see him trying to do right and if he keeps trying well that's good enough for me matrix then looks at Deadpool and tells him this is your chance to tell Spider Man how you really feel Deadpool sighs well I'm sorry for letting you down for being you for everything the two Santa's silence and after a few moments Spiderman holds out his arms Deadpool gasps and like a skinny little kid he runs into spider-man's arms hugging him matrix then says there is something else now that we are all on the same page it is time for us to work on your friendship he opens the door in both spider-man and Deadpool stare as matrix tosses them a key later that day spider-man a Deadpool go on a road trip in their new spider pool buggy in the middle of nowhere American spider-man drives the Spidey pool mobile underneath the bridge and notices something Deadpool is holding his hand fighter man looks at him and asks is there any reason for this and Deadpool tells him it s we focus see I made a map of all the places that we should go and we're going to have so much fun seeing the sights Spidey but of course it's never that simple there's always going to be bad guys along the way so why not just knock out a few of them while checking out the attractions not rejecting out the last of the few baddies spider-man says that he thought that it was supposed to be a vacation shouldn't they get out of the big cities a Deadpool tells him actually I know the spot later that night at the grand tent maybe who knows but spider-man is sitting in the middle of the woods staring at his campfire stating that he hates to admit it but this is nice Deadpool begins to roast a marshmallow State in the master matrix thought of everything they have the perfect snacks the matching tents even the magic jammies spider-man then asks him what do you think that matrix is doing now and Deadpool says probably learned in some language or inventing one he did get your dorky side meanwhile back at the bunker matrix is having a dance party with all the kids watching over the ex shield story ups Deadpool smiles to himself stating don't worry matrix webs doesn't need to know about the last panel Piderman pauses for a moment and asks who are you talking to and after a few moments of silence Deadpool's points stating well the readers the people reading the comics fighting spider-man looks and says all I see is a woman reading with her grandkids so you think we're in some kind of a comic book Deadpool Deadpool tells them how I know we are we're also in movies the to go back to their marshmallows and spider-man asks why would anyone read a comic starring the both of us and Deadpool says health reasons we have solo books to bottom ed asks do we sell well and Deadpool tells them if you consider bestsellers selling well once the marshmallows are ready spider-man lifts his mask to eat stating look there's no judgment here I use my mask to hide my issues too but talking to an imaginary reader is just a way to not deal with the real world the next day the two of them head out to their next campsite but as the Sun comes up they begin to hear screaming from all of the campers spider-man a Deadpool suit up to see where everyone is running and they find bunks lots and lots of bunks the heroes quickly jump in the way to stop the bugs from chasing people but as the swarm surrounds the two of them fighter men says I have an idea he presses the bunch of the keys on the Spidey pool mobile and a second later the buggy comes speeding through running over a group of bugs they begin to skitter back into their hole and spider-man jumps into the cave entrance tossing a tracker on a bug stating this shall let us know what's going on as the bugs begin to move underground spider-man a Deadpool get into their buggy and they follow topside when suddenly they're stopped by a giant buck just before Deadpool could go on a bug killer rampage they hear a bug steps out from the top of the giant bug stating thank goodness you're here spider-man asks why would he attack these people and the bug says actually I didn't these things bird and from another world they're being controlled by something or someone and when they made it here the connection was weakened I just latched on to the big one so I can help get the others to calm down the bug turns around and begins to speak in their language and steadily the swarm turns around being as they head back into the mountains and bug says they need to investigate spider-man that asks where should they start and bug points to the large hole in the ground stating that he's going to take a guess that they got to go there so our heroes begin to descent while elsewhere reports of them coming down are being told to a shadowy figure and the figure says to destroy them as a three get deeper and deeper the light becomes non-existent a Deadpool asks spider-man don't you have something on your belt to fix this spider-man yells oh yeah let's see spider-man pushes the button he lights up the tunnel we see walls of bugs who was Deadpool telling him yeah I changed my mind I don't want to see that ever again spider-man tells bug to try and do the thing that he did before and as bud steps out and speaks in his bug language the bugs ignore him and they begin to attack as the bugs swipe at spider-man he shouts to bug that they could use some help and Deadpool tells him yeah I'll get on that when we can we're a little busy having my foot cut off right now bug gets up to fight stating whatever the spongy stuff lining on these cavern walls and Deadpool tells of it spoke we're all just walking around a feel at potent bug clears his throat telling him oh whatever it is it's radiating some kind of energy and preventing me from talking to the bugs as the bugs begin to overpower the three of them despite it asks if we're in a comic book can't you just jump forward a few pages a figure what we got to do and Deadpool looks at him and goes what do I look like gwenpool wait am i quite cool a thought bubble of gwenpool pops up she tells him nah only in your fanfic a Deadpool asks Bob and Wyden Paul tells him you know what way to gross to me I'm out of your book good talk the bugs begin to pin Deadpool down at heels that's it no more mr. nice Deadpool time for some age-appropriate violence he takes out his guns and he begins to rip the swarms to shreds dating look at that all of my Starship Troopers role-playing has finally paid off as Deadpool continues to shoot spider-man stop some yelling hi night they're already dead bug looks at the wall stating that they're right the substance on the wall is bug poop we're acting like some kind of conductor my guess is that before he could finish the three are shocked with a bolt of lightning and a group of voices can be heard one of the 3-liter bugs tells the others that they're gonna go round up the others and make sure that these despicable heathens are killed as one of the leaders walks off the two remaining get ready to kill everyone but they stomp one says that he's not sure about this Dennis he signed up to expand the universe not murder and Dennis looks at Kiko stating you know if you want to make an omelet you got to break a few eggs Kiko then goes on stating that it's supposed to be about freedom who are we to take another life but while the two go back in for spider-man whispers to Deadpool to hit his belt and Deadpool whispers back oh I thought you'd never ask as the light blinds Kiko and Dennis Deadpool jumps up kicking Dennis with his recently grown baby foot shouting Wow that hurts more than it should butter man gets up to his feet webbing the two of them up asking who's your boss Kiko says that he was shown a lot of things today but one thing is that he isn't a rat as bug gets back up he says that the pulse was curious but it wasn't electrical the lining on these walls needs to be tested but while bug goes back to the surface spider-man and deadpool go deeper into the caverns with spiderman stating that he's been thinking a lot about what's been going on him talking to the imaginary people got him thinking how about he talks to him instead deadpool tells him yeah that that'd be nice but who am I really talking to when my best buddies always spider-man spider-man tells him fine how about this and he pulls off the mask Deadpool shows oh my god your fighter man asks what you knew I'd pull yes no I can't see your face it's blank there's only one group of people who could stop this and that's Marvel Comics comm spider missus okay okay how about this my name is BP Deadpool jumps up and down shouting that's not working either all I hear is a bleeping sound this is borderline cruel Marvel a spider-man puts his mask back on a blue light shines and Deadpool runs towards it's dating oh love shiny things let's go a spider-man catches up he sees Deadpool standing next to a blue portal and Deadpool yells looks like we're about to do a Stargate crossover a Spider Man examines the portal the third bug leader says that they wanted to beat the boss right well he's waiting for them on the other side of the negative zone as the leader blasts the ground the two are flung into the portal after falling outside of time in reality spider-man and Deadpool landed in a barren world the two begin to walk and Deadpool tells him look on the bright side Spidey at least we don't have to deal with the bugs anymore right looks like her road trip continues as the two past the next sand mound though spider-man folds his arms asking Jewish saying as Deadpool looks down he says son of a-- explicit if word down below the eternal ransack beats down on some of the natives the Deadpool says I love the Eternals maybe when they're done with their vacation we could team up Spidey ransack grabs Deadpool throwing him through a building spider-man then begins to help some of the natives and he asks you wouldn't happen to be losing some livestock to things that are bugged like in nature would you and one of the natives asks bugs our livestock have carapace is like all of milk bearers Deadpool jumps down crows I'm a little rusty on the continuity thing but aren't there Turtles good guys after reading the edited note which explained that ransack is a good guy Deadpool then says that's what I thought the editors always having right so it gets spider-man tries to web ransack up but before the webbing could set he grabs the two of them throwing them into a building spider-man pulls dead pull out of the building dropping him down and he asks so what's going on with ransack just then two women appear in strange clothes and the first says that her name is Jen or and this is coley-cole the two of them it says 'set nerds spider-man begins to reduce himself and Janna tells him we know who you are we have to stop ransack so we can deal with the Galax that you call bugs ransack is the one responsible for the whole between all of these worlds help us and you two can go home finally if not you can go to jail spider-man looks at Deadpool and he tells him only with you what a road trip and in prison and Deadpool asks haha don't all road trips end that way spider-man a Deadpool jump on to Jane or as flyer and Kohli says that they've had a close eye on ransack ever since he came to the negative zone he was peaceful up until he punched a hole in the universe he hasn't just gone mad something isn't right here the Deadpool looks at the hologram description stating yeah it says ransacks eyes are blue right now they're pretty red spider-man that asks maybe he's possessed a Deadpool jumps up telling him that works for me maximum effort goes after Deadpool shoots ransack spider-man tries a different approach trying to reason with ransack which ransacked answers with a punch to the face the four of them tried to bring ransack down and as genore hits him with her electric staff ransacks possession faints he stands up asking what have I done spider-man asks are you okay for ransack tells him no get him out of my head it's returning spider-man runs over to try and help but before ransack converts back he hands spider-man a small device stating that this is his failsafe take it the only thing that could stop him it's the only way they can stop him spider-man asks him who and Deadpool tells him it's actually actually don't you mean whom just then there's an explosion knocking the two of them back and a voice tells them nothing stops blastaar but as everyone gets ready to fight against blastaar deadpool takes his time to look at the device that ransac gave them he looks at the small box pushing the button stating no I'll get it I pressed it and nothing happens spider-man tells him really you want to look at that now and Deadpool says all right last time ransacks throw spider-man into Deadpool to knock him away and blastaar grabs both genore and Coley slamming them into the ground Deadpool then gets ready to help the two of them but as he runs ransac grabs him by the leg breaking dead pulls back over his knee spider tries to web ransack out but ransack grabs the Strand flinging the boat to the ground blastaar then shouts enough and he shocks everyone with electricity as everyone falls to the ground blastaar tells ransack that he did good now all we need to do is finish everyone off it stabilized the portal then we'll be able to rule both universes ransack begins to groan and blast our asks what is it you're killing the moment here man oh he looks back before he can say anything car cast tackles him to the grounds telling him thanks for ruining my retirement now where is ransacked charges atom and car cast asks what's going on with friends spider-man quickly webs up ransack while he's focused on Clark ass a Deadpool says that was Koch just like in your video games but I'll admit I've only played the story just started swinging around and changing outfits on you Spidey carcast walks up to ransack and asks what happened listen to my voice you're not a monster you're good ransacked tries to break free but after a few moments blast starts possession wears off and ransack says that he's so sorry it was living peacefully here when he noticed someone was following blast star took control of his mind and before he knew it he opened up a portal for the bug step went through it the horrible thing about it is that he liked it blast star showed him who he really was car cast tells him no blast or filled your head with lies you're not the rage inside you've always been more than that you need to find the weapon that blastaar used on you so that you can and blast our asks you talking about this weapon he shoots both Deadpool and Kohli with the same energy weapon that he used to take control of ran second blast star tells him alright my pets tear them to pieces Deadpool runs at spider-man punching him telling him it's time to die webs and there's another flash of green with blastaar telling the natives come one come all nothing will stand in the path a blast star for now let the invasion of Earth begin Deadpool chases down spider-man telling him there's no getting away and you notice look we both had a good run but we knew that this comic was going to end with me killing you spider-man looks over at the natives gathering and he says that is a giant army it might be time to but Deadpool then slams his head into the wall telling him it's about time I started acting like my old self no more pg-13 Deadpool time to get some hard R he slices through spider-man's webs telling him there's too much pool in the pages not enough dead back on the ground ransacked throws car cast into Jan or and Jan or it quickly gets back up stating that she will stop this she opens up her shirt revealing a plasma cannon carcast asks you're a robot and Jana tells him I prefer cyborg the cannon goes up stunning ransack and Koli broke our cast spot spider-man falling off in the distance carcass grabs Jan are standing that he apologizes for this but spider-man's in peril before Jan or could finish asking what is he doing car casts throws her across the field to catch spider-man and stop his fall spiderus slowly starts to get back up a car cast tells him that he must hurry and find blasters mind-control device just then there's an explosion with Deadpool stating please do not ask me where I hit this rocket launcher just know that it was worth it he continues to fire the rocket so spider-man jumps up webbing a katana asking how about we level the playing field a bit Deadpool Deadpool takes out another katana clashing with spider-man shouting family classic swords pun slightly intended he leaps into the air slashing at spider-man cutting through his suits chest and mask but Deadpool that asks why he's smiling entity dare and spider Murr doesn't know it's just well this he webs up the electrical panel behind it while bringing it down crushing him Deadpool starts to move with spider-man asking did I just kill you a Deadpool doesn't not my back now but how spider-man helps him up telling him it must be the electricity it seems to jolt blast stars mind-control Deadpool says I vaguely remember that from the last issue the to jump onto jános flyer when bug radios in stated that he just finished working on his device it can control the bugs that crossed over but the portal is radiating what is happening on their side spider-man says that it's blast star he has an army and is leading them to the portal if any of them get through they need to blow up the portal so Deadpool asks what about a road trip spider-man tells him it's over the portal is right over there now's our chance too but before the two could cross over there's an explosion sending them back to the ground and blaster now has everyone under his control telling them all that they'll be next soon you will bear witness to the end of the world but while blaster is a model logging spider-man whispers something in it comes blaster shouts asking what is that now there's always someone to ruin my monologuing moment ransack begins to grunt and point off in a direction and when blaster looks at the time he says oh crap through the portal the bugs begin to pour out with deadpool singing it's raining bugs hallelujah thread and bugs blast our opens fire on the bugs but while he's distracted spider-man webs up the mind-control device throwing himself over to Deadpool Deadpool that catches him and spider-man yells I meant for you to catch the mind control thingy Deadpool so Deadpool tells him a thank you would have been nice you know also is that some new deodorant spider-man frantically begins to push the buttons on the mind-control device until a shock wave goes out freeing everyone Jan or then walks forward stating that she's been waiting for this for a while blastaar you're under arrest with blastaar safely under control Jan are then asked spider-man a Deadpool maybe they'd like to become members of the negative force spider-man begins to say actually we have business back in our Jan or let's out of sighs dating thank goodness I was just being polite Deadpool then asks what are we supposed to do now the portals closed the Canon on Jan or stomach begins to spin and a beam of light shoots out and a portal opens up Deadpool says wait you could have done this the whole time spider-man pushes Deadpool through to the other side but as they get through everything has changed spider-man hops in the buggy and he calls bug but after a few moments bug doesn't answer Deadpool pops open a compartment stating well thankfully matrix put a teleporter on this thing dad to go back to New York the two of them reappear in New York and they begin to look around my spider-man getting up asking what happened Deadpool looks at the destroyed building and says well looks like our comic got cancelled there's one constant across all of time and space all things end at one point or another and the earth the earth is no different a war came and it took down some of the earth's mightiest heroes and all that remained were the unlikely duo spider-man and Deadpool after spending some time in the negative zone webs and Deadpool came back to a destroyed New York for once it wasn't Deadpool's fault spider-man picks up a newspaper looking at the date stating that a whole year went by from when they first the left what could have happened in such a short amount of time but then Deadpool begins to feel something or rather he can't feel something the readers they're they're gone he should be able to read the captions on the pages to see what's happening but even they're gone where are the asterisks the captions where are the editors webs could it be the fourth wall is back it's over they're gone spider-man asks what is he even talking about the readers look around everyone is gone everyone Deadpool baguettes cradling himself stating this is it before the wall is back I can't break it if our Raiders are gone what does that mean spider-man shakes Deadpool telling him just stop already we need answers come on dead bob's in the back of the buggy stating that there's got to be a simple explanation for all of this maybe master matrix went crazy and killed the planet all we need to do is scan for matrix him but just as the buggy finishes scanning it tells the two of them that there are no signs of master matrix on this planet records indicate that he went offline 42 days ago but before the two of them could even guess what happened it to master matrix their robotic son that was sealed up in a shield facility several Rockets shoot up ahead and explode right in front of the Bucky the boys calls out for them to drop their weapons and Deadpool shouts make me you smog monsters from lost but as the voices get closer one asks if that is Peter through the smoke silk now fitted with a bionic arm and Deborah walk through with silk running over to hug spider-man stating that she thought he was dead Deadpool says wait a minute did you just call him Peter so tells him that they don't have time for that right now sorry about shooting but he'll be back soon Deadpool mutters to himself though yep Peter I've heard that before has anyone else hear that rumbling just that a giant bald man burst through the ground grabbing and releasing dozens of moloids from his mouth which all scream food food food deadpool opens fire on the moloids asking what happened a mole man and Deborah tells him that it was the nukes spider-man that asks what nukes so silk explains that Mole Man was near the dead nation's downtown he survived but well he and the moloids mutated spider-man asks who set off the nukes and Silke says that they did they tried everything to stop him but nothing worked Deadpool asks him and Deborah tells him that he has no name most call him the manipulator Deadpool scratches his head stating it sounds like a big over-the-top kind of a name did an event take place while we were gone as Mole Man slashes at silk Deadpool cuts off his hands stating that he's gonna have to take a guess here there's some kind of alien evasion or a bunch of scrolls came in and personating people Seok says well the scrolls were here but they were fighting alongside us against the aliens that did invade many heroes died countless numbers as Deadpool hacks his way through the moloids silk starts webbing up Mole Man and spider-man latches onto the top pulling back asking what about the civilians spider-man is so pull on a web slamming Mole Man down on top of his moloids and Seok says that the survivors of the invasion were taken to harvesting camps Deadpool then says yeah invasions heroes dying all the hallmarks of a major event most important question though is why does Silk call spider-man Peter spider-man looks a Deadpool and takes off his mask stating I'm Peter Parker so Deadpool then says why are you telling me now wait no no no no the writers haven't let me know you were identity this entire series so that means something bad is about to happen soaked that says they need to hurry up and get out of there there's an abandoned shield facility that they use close by Seok leads the two down a secret subway and as she opens up the door spider-man and Deadpool see puck a mutated Wolverine and Christ are soaked then turns back and says that she would like to welcome them to the underground she goes on to explain that before when the manipulator appeared anyone and everyone fought they had the numbers to focus the unity they had him on the ropes that's why they called him the manipulator just when he seemed down he turned it against them he parted the earth and many people fell into a pit of lava though managed to live were taken away by the harvest he would open up a portal and bring people to harvesting zones which is why there is a slight possibility that all of those people are alive which is why today they're going to let the manipulator harvest them Deadpool says wait a moment Deadpool then says wait a moment there's still nothing no asterisks no captions explaining everything this has to be connected spider-man's sighs stating that they're going to have to ignore him there's got to be a better way to fight this manipulator guy than getting themselves captured puck says that they're open to ideas and Wolverine tells him that he's really tired of hiding it's time to put up or shut up spider-man that looks at Christ are asking if he's in it he says as well as the spirit of vengeance Deadpool stops whoa Christ our Christ our is the spirit of vengeance what's a Z list you're doing in a big event story much less surviving this far spider-man that asks if there's anything that they have to go on and Silke says that she got a message from her mom there was a distress call put out in it read Cindy if you can read this we love you stay safe stay away destroy the manip spider-man then says I'm really not loving that stay away part what are we waiting for Deadpool then shouts we have to think for a second this is all wrong the fourth wall is gone I can't talk to the readers anymore I can't hear them there's no editorial notes z-list are showing up in what is clearly a huge event all of this has to be connected webs I know I've joked about it before but this comic has been canceled spider-man groans asking why are you always you so Deadpool says it's still up in the air of our solo series is still going if we die in these pages we're gone for good so how about we stay in this bunker where it's nice and safe it did wonders her silicon look at that giant metal finger clearly not censored now spider-man pushes Deadpool off stating that he may think that this is a comic but it's very real he needs him to take this seriously for once if there are people out there they need help it's what heroes do so what do you say Deadpool looks away blushing stating you had me at I made you now let's go get ourselves killed as everyone hurries outside to confront the manipulator Deadpool looks up at the giant cosmic being stating I thought the manipulator would be a bit taller Wolverine tells Punk this is the guy fastball special the PUC says I'm on it and he Hulk's out spider-man looks at the two of them asking when did that happen I can't tell whether to make a Canadian joke or a hockey joke puck hurls Wolverine towards the manipulator space but the manipulator just claps his hands together squishing Wolverine then begins breathing on him he then turns his fire breath on to the others and Deadpool shouts didn't Wolverine just come back and spider-man swings away stating less existential crisis more escaping the fire pours down to the cry start but as he's reduced to a pile of broken crystals he starts to reform himself shouting the giant cry start grabs manipulator by the throat but the manipulator punches a hole through Christ star causing him to shatter puck then jumps up beating on the manipulators helmet shouting box Bosh and a manipulator ignites him throwing him to the ground Silke screams for puck and then jumps up transforming her bionic arm into a giant sword she then swings cutting off one of the manipulators arms and everyone gets to work attacking as the manipulator falls back spider-man asks if he's dead before anyone can answer the manipulator lifts his hand to attack and deadpool charges in pushing spiderman out of the way the blast goes off incinerating deadpool leaving him as nothing more than a pile of ash the manipulator gets back up or regrowing his arm stating dodgers adult it is time to harvest earth the last heroes later in the harvesting zones spiderman wakes up hearing a voice tell him that they didn't stand a chance they were United until broken they were in prison and made to fight each other every time it was the same thing they fought they failed they died then they were brought back here spider-man says stop just stop you talk too much like Auto United until broken who even talks like that blah blah blah blah blah just shut up so I could have a look around and see how things are going but then he stops and thinks about it for a moment wait did you just say that we died and came back so maybe just maybe Deadpool still alive elsewhere between the panel's Deadpool is wandering around aimlessly asking if anyone's there is this heaven or is this the end of the last Harry Potter movie cuz I would take either honestly and just then a voice tells them to keep it down some people are trying to work here across the way gwenpool is sitting at her desk draw and Deadpool asks where are we and gwenpool tells him gutter space the place beyond panels so if you could be a little as stupid and realized that right now all of Marvel Comics seem to be ending Deadpool then tells her if we're in the gutter space then this place is a fourth wall breaker so breaks up walls already go ahead pull tells that's the thing I can't I was here with a fighting started at first the manipulator nabbed me for harvesting but the next thing I knew I was out and back in the world things started to go south so I escaped here the only place safe there is and it's not working like it used to normally I'd be able to move between the pages and the panels but most importantly see beyond to the fourth wall right now all the other panels and comics are gone and the fourth wall is very much back so I started thinking maybe if I drew everyone I could bring them back they would be safe long enough for us to figure out what to do except the only problem is you showed up alone could it be because you're also a wall breaker who knows the only other thing that I was able to draw up is a giant pile of guns Deadpool runs over arming themselves telling her haha this could work if you could draw me here could you draw me back back in the harvesting zone spider-man patiently waits when suddenly one of the guards bots is shot in the head he looks over at the shadowy figure and saying hello to the strangely shaped thing Deadpool steps out asking thought a little melting would kill me spider-man asks how did you but Deadpool stops and telling them we got to get out of here like right now it's a long story actually no it's not but we got to get everyone else free as the to start freeing everyone Deadpool says look I was right the fourth wall to manipulator it's all connected we have to fight to the fourth wall and break it it's the key to beating the manipulator spider-man then says fine so I do believe it how do we find it how do we break it first we got to get up and do the same thing as always maximum effort as deadpool and spiderman take down more of the guard bots the manipulator appears asking who dares deadpool tosses fight him in a rocket launcher telling him don't take just shoot so spiderman pulls the trigger firing an RPG at the manipulator as it explodes the manipulators chance back up asking do you really think you could defy me spiderman tells him well that's a solid maybe and deadpool also chimes in with salad maybe but we do have a plan and the manipulator ass what is their foolish plan so Deadpool tells him the plan is simple tear down that fourth wall to help of everyone with the newly freed heroes everyone gets to work taking the manipulator down while with Reed Richards Deadpool says he's got a bit of a theory so a picture this we all exist inside of a comic book universe not the real world none of you know that there's a fourth wall separating us and the readers but for me to break that fourth wall all the time it's kind of my thing so the manipulator restored the fourth wall cutting us off from our audience and giving himself power over us Rita listens and then says okay maybe not all theories are good ones Deadpool then shots asking why does no one believe me pop a slash gwenpool can you hear me go ahead and pull cells up yeah I could hear you but I just can't find the fourth wall maybe it never existed maybe we never existed we haven't been able to see it since the manipulators showed up wait wait a second that's it must draw faster with this I might be able to find the other comics just then out in the battlefield something slams into the ground and Deadpool looks at asking what's that mom always did tell me to stick my hand in whatever mysterious black hole so he pulls his arm out of the hole wearing the Infinity Gauntlet asking does this make me look retcon yet he opens up his fist to seize a note and after reading it he says well damn that's just stupid enough to work now we just need a few more heroes like cap Jean Grey Thor and maybe even Mean Joe green over there so right first things first the fourth wall is the problem second the fourth wall used to not be in existence third the fourth wall reappeared at the same time as the manipulator ergo the manipulator is the fourth wall everyone stares for a moment spider-man then says I think what he's trying to say is we all need to strike his one with the most powerful weapons and entities that we have captain says that they've already done coordinated attacks what makes this one different and Deadpool tells it because now you have us so cap thinks about it and trucks alright what's the worst that could happen everyone gets into play spinning the manipulator to the ground and with some of the strongest heroes Deadpool spearheads right into the manipulators chest and out of a portal spider-man looks around asking where are they and Reif says that according to these readings wherever they are it doesn't exist Deadpool tells them yeah that's right wait in Kansas anymore we smashed through the manipulators chest to beyond to the fourth wall welcome everyone to the real-world Spiderman stops him wait what do you mean the real world we were just in the real world Deadpool grabs spider-man hugs him can't you feel it the fourth wall is gone captain says hold on i antedates a mantis here the plan worked we broke through whatever was there is the manipulator gone how do we go back what in creation is that Deadpool looks up at a billboard advertising Avengers endgame and it says that it seems that they've changed the Avengers catchphrase after he got booted all that matters now is that he can see the readers again man I should have missed all your smiling faces especially you writers mom spider-man yells this is serious and Deadpool says I know gwenpool can you hear /t me so when Paul tells him yeah I can see you I'm just covered in comics right now Deadpool Pat spider-man see covered in comics everything is gonna be okay spider-man that asks oh yeah tell that guy over there manipulator stomps down shouting you cannot escape the manipulator Deadpool that asks how could he follows beyond the fourth wall he is the fourth wall gwenpool calls out that now that they have these comics they can check out how the other heroes hurt manipulator in the event check it out Quentin pool shows an issue of next force and we see Silver Surfer attacking his armpit so Deadpool tells everyone that's it hanging from the armpit everyone focuses their attacks but the manipulator just swats everyone away so Gwen fold and says okay how about this one Deadpool looks at the cover of silk and the murder sharks and says you know what we're just gonna pull all these heroes out all these guys look like phasers so maybe we just need to do they're phasing thing which does work if even for a moment so Grenville asks really um how about some aliens you guys can use them right that also doesn't work so she moves on to the next comic the NV Fantastic Four starring Hulk puck literal Wolverine Bionic silken ghostwriter Christ our Spider Man that asks weren't those guys dead and Deadpool tells them come on nothing is real anymore we'll take these there's two everyone starts fighting again but Deadpool then says wait you're right none of this is real so Gwen ball flips through another comic stating as much as she hates to admit it he's right check this out this comic a spacetime venom that comic was cancelled two years ago and Flash Thompson is dead right now so with everything not being in continuity nothing is real or fake depending on your perspective which means nothing can beat the manipulator spider-man yells we have to try so Deadpool stops them telling him no that's the thing we're not real anymore Gwen bull see it up when bull starts showing different comics and Deadpool that asks what's the one thing between all of these that are the same spider-man takes a close look and says Thompson and Deadpool says that's right the writer Robbie Thompson there's no way that Marvel would hand over a huge event to a d-lister like that bro spider-man then asks can you say it like maybe we both understand it so Deadpool says sure that means that we've been on the writers head this whole time it means that none of this really happened as the heroes vanish spider-man that asks can we bring them all back and the manipulator gets ready to attack shouting - I for things to come to an end a Deadpool tells him yep starting with him just then the manipulator shrinks down and now that would turns into the writer Robbie Thompson's office Robbie jumps up from his chair wearing a bucket with eyes cut out asking are you guys gonna kill me and Deadpool asks how would you stole enough from Jerry Dugan spill it how'd you do all of this Robbie sits back down and says I just wanted you to know each other's identities to help the two of you grow a giant of Ben is the only way editorial would approve of you knowing each other Deadpool tells us that's sweet but you know what else big events are good for other than sales cancelling books Robbie asks my out of a job and Deadpool asks can you really blame us have you been reading these books spider-man pulls a comic of himself from the shelf asking wait why does this show me getting married Deadpool snatches it telling him odds it's just a fanfic and Rob yells no he really did get married so Deadpool punches Robbie shouting you've caused enough pain already just turn the damn page on the cover of this comic Robbie yells that he isn't the villain here he's just the writer and Deadpool asks what's the difference on the next page spider-man a Deadpool bring Robbie to jail getting high five some master matrix but before they go to a Cell spider-man takes off the helmet stating that he won't need this so maybe I won Deadpool really does know spider-man's identity now spider-man I did full stare at each other and they burst out laughing as Deadpool slams the cell door shut and he says yes Robbie yells for them to wait the door closes and spider-man tells Deadpool that he's really proud instead of killing a villain he put him behind bars they saved the world brought back all the fallen heroes in all before lunch what's next for them a Deadpool says well we line whatever comes next I'm just glad that were finally on the same page spider-man puts his hand on Deadpool shoulder telling him same weight same and there you have it the conclusion to the Spider Man Deadpool arc this was the second major one that they had in the storyline the first one being their love child itsy bitsy what do you guys think about it did you like it did you just like it personally I really did enjoy it and I'd love to see them bring this book back I don't know why they stopped producing a spider-man Deadpool team-up book but they did so let me know what you think of the comments down below don't forget to subscribe to get a full story every Monday and then watch all the individual parts as the week goes on and I'll see you next time right here [Music]
Channel: Comicstorian
Views: 329,244
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comicstorian, comic books, dc, dc entertainment, marvel, storytelling, full story, dc universe, justice league, comic theories, avengers, superhero, injustice, miles morales, deadpool kills the marvel universe, batman, gwenpool, godspeed, doom patrol, marvel zombies, spider man, spider-man, iron man, spiderman real life, spider man far from home, spiderman in real life, far from home, hulk, spider-verse, spider man real life, in real life, spiderman far from home, gta 5
Id: iNSP4o9-wJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 58sec (5578 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2020
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