X-Force - Deadpool & Wolverine Kill A Child - Full Story | Comicstorian

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x-force is the team created by Wolverine to go out and do things that the x-men are not allowed to do we have covered this entire story Wolverine and Deadpool on the x-force team traveling through time a long time ago but that was broken up into multiple episodes as time for our full story Monday's massive Mondays storyline of us taking our old videos which does contain some of our old editing styles and voice recording methods and put them together to bring you the full x-force story and I hope you guys enjoy because this is some of my favorite x-men stuff right here Deadpool is standing on the head of a gargoyle looking down why did the nickel jump up the building but dime didn't then he leaps off into the green pool beneath him time had more sense he lands on a platform and he leaps over the green liquid until he walks into an evil looking room and he looks around okay now that's what I'm talking about Omni is Fortress of impending doom inspires dread stops the tone and he fires a grappling line onto the structure and he pulls himself up what manner of evil lies within the Citadel des Crips Vil Ponder's our hero he pulls himself up and he looks down at a ritual going on individuals surrounding a sarcophagus a woman is then sacrificed in front of his eyes willingly and the coffin begins to open out it's him no doubt Deadpool says to himself but before he can act he hears something behind him and a giant beast leaves in that it with an axe and that's what Psylocke wakes up with a gasp angel wakes up next to her asking if that was a bad dream the dream that she just had was of her killing angel because he lost himself to the dark angel inside dark angel is deep inside of warrant and psylocke is the one keeping it in check if she were to remove the hold that she has on his mind and dark angel it would fracture his mind it would make him broken but angel is okay with that he feels that there are times where arc angels brand of justice may be needed he thanks Betsy for her help in keeping arc angel at bay for everything else he has x-force to handle it but after they talk about the relationship for a minute a call goes off and Warren knows only one person that has that line and if he's not dialing him drunk it may be an emergency meanwhile over in London Fantomex is on a job trying to acquire good aren't exactly his when Wolverine interrupts the job to make him aware that they have a secret meeting to get to Wolverine Psylocke angel and Fantomex all loaded up into phantom X's ship and they get on with their mission the call was from Deadpool and it was a red alert he needed help and the target was something huge the ship reports that they have arrived and the team gets to work jumping past the green liquids that Deadpool was near before Wolverine then begins tracking Deadpool sent and he follows it to a big ugly statue sitting off on its own and he pops his claws but he leaves in Wolverine is known for his tracking skills so when he decides to attack a statue there's a reason and the statue responds by swinging at him Wolverine digas to cut into it and then it digits axe into his shoulder infecting with something possessing him he turns and he sees angel bloodshed horror Gore lost baby leaves an angel with his claws ready murder fire cylon jumps onto the beasts back and because the Digger weapons into his brain hatching into it psychically then there's a feedback as she hits the ground telling everyone fire is the only solution phantom X luckily can make people see what he wants them to see misdirection he calls it and he points at the beast and he tells him the girl is the one the Beast stops grunts and it seemingly explodes and when Psylocke asks what happened phantom X tells her that he made the Beast think that he was in love with psylocke and it didn't agree with him she didn't pass his into Wolverines mind fixing his rage the team presses forward they find Deadpool strapped to a table and they let him go Deadpool leads the way out of the building and as he jumps into attacks some of the guards he asks the most important question how do you kill a circus go for the jugular and he cuts the guards throats they all leap out the window and on the phantom X's ship before escaping but as they leave Wolverine asks Warren how long has he known about apocalypses return Warren explains that he had deadpool hunting dead leads for years all for this moment the moment that he returned and he intends to be the one to kill him by any means the team regroups they go through a little research until they discover that apocalypse his followers and his horsemen have brought him to the moon for training they suit up and they ride phantom X's ship into space but as they get closer war opens up by smashing the front of their ship they crash that hard into the structure on the moon and war appears before them smashing into the ship even further the ship is actually Eva and it's linked mentally to fajn tome X he could hear her screaming out of hate till she's gone as Deadpool runs back mess with war the group looks up to see another of the horsemen tapping on his drum Ratatat an angel takes to the skies screaming that he's going after him but as he gets closer he's dropped as soon as he gets close in severe pain as this Horseman is famine meanwhile Deadpool is dodging Wars attacks singing war good god y'all what is it good for absolutely nothing and he tries to open fire but war grabs him and throws him across the moon Deadpool bounces across it stating ouch crap damn ass ass damn crap and he lands in front of a woman with an umbrella hello pretty moon lady he stands up with his sword ready and she opens up her mouth revealing hundreds upon hundreds of insects back with war Wolverine has a plan that involves using the low gravity and he picks up warhead he throws him into the sky so Fantomex can throw a grenade at him they seemingly have killed war but that's and they realized they didn't do crap because a guy in a magic carpet is carrying war back in he lands next to them striking them with the black death pots and consumption and they all hit the ground has all four of the horsemen assemble in front of x-force Wolverine isn't done yet though he gets up fighting against the magic carpet guy only to discover that this guy can transmit disease through metal so with Wolverine as close as he is he's now dealing with every disease within the world in his body phantom X distracts the pretty bug moon lady with a misdirection while Deadpool pulls himself to warn and pops a Deadpool tent bringing Warren inside Warner struck down with full famine and he's wasting away so Deadpool reaches into his belt o pouches dropping pop rocks and soda into Warren's mouth telling him you just need some carbs buddy but it isn't enough meanwhile Wolverine is pushing through every disease known to mankind to get closer and closer to the horsemen and war brings Psylocke back to his chambers because this is the same guy that exploded before and he's still in love with her from fantome X's last misdirection the horsemen finally gets his hands on Wolverine and he looks at him as he's wasting away until there is nothing left of Wolverine and that's when Fantome X's misdirection fades away and the horseman realizes that he just struck down the bug moon lady with every disease killing her while this was going on phantom X got Wolverine out of there so Logan asks him where we at are we winning and phantom exit forms him not even close Logan a fan to make sneak into the building and they go deeper and deeper while Deadpool is still stuffing war and full of soda and pop rocks but psylocke she managed to use war in love with her to get away and she walks in to apocalypses room she will end this herself she sees what apocalypse is it was reborn as a child deadpool decides that Warren needs even more protein if he's gonna pull through this so he begins to cut off pieces of his own arm to feed to Warren or it asks him where he got it from but Deadpool decides he probably shouldn't tell Maureen of Fantomex jump in cutting and shooting up as many of the guards as they can as they ride the bodies of the guards down into the chambers of the evil facility the horsemen that all walk out and bombard both Wolverine and Fantomex with everything killing them or did they as phantom X's once again misdirected them eventually Wolverine fan toe Deadpool and warrant all recover enough to get into the core chamber where apocalypse is and inside they find Psylocke standing in front of a child she raises her blade to her teammates informing them that they will not touch a hair on this child's head Wolverine steps board okay bets he's down an angel tells her man or child we cannot allow him to live he isn't a child he is a bloodthirsty monster silac stops him there no Warren he is a child a mutant child and if we killed this boy for what he might do then what does that make us heroes who stops the Armageddon how could you be certain of that angel and Psylocke begin to go to blows pity shouts Logan do it so Wolverine pops his claws at the child crying and even Deadpool is stunned what do they do this is a child and Wolverine can't do it Betsy's right Warren we can't do this so Warren gets up swinging at both of them and he walks to the child himself the child begs I won't do anything wrong I swear I swear but Warren is determined and gritting his teeth he tells him you can't help yourself you are apocalypse and then he falls to his knees can't can't do it Sarlacc runs to his side we understand Warren and then blam a gunshot goes off and everyone looks stunned as phantom X took the shot and he killed the child with a head shot he walks over and he closes the boy's eyes and everyone silently loads up back into his ship and they begin to fly home no one can believe what just happened they killed the child they killed him in cold blood for crimes that he may commit who is Fantomex well he was born in the world and using its unusual technology he was brought into adulthood within a month of real world time the world is a product of the weapon Plus program and it is a high-tech self-contained research facility and after Wolverine Fantomex and Captain Marvel destroyed it it came into phantom X's possession and he controls the entire facility his home but while he was gone in his last adventure something happened to it it changed into something else and Fantomex began trying everything in his power to purge out the quark that had been placed into his system he would kill the person who had been put in there and that person would also be attempting to kill him he then crawled out of the shrunken facility and left it contained meanwhile in cavern X the home of the uncanny x-force Deadpool calls a meeting because he wants to talk he wants to talk about what happened they killed a kid Wolverine is the first to stop him you called us in for therapy yeah I don't know Logan this isn't what I signed up for wrong this is exactly what you signed up for to the letter we took on something terrible for the good of the entire world how could you say that we walked into a room and we saw that he was a kid we all agreed it would be wrong to kill him we all agreed on killing apocalypse I don't lose sleep over it we did the right thing and psylocke stops him who are you trying to convince Logan everyone storms off each with their own opinions as to what happened and how to handle it and while this was going on phantom X went back to his home but the woman that he called mother he explained where he had been doing deeds for the greater good and as he convinces her that everything will be okay the wall blows up in in walks a death lock he opens fire on phantom axes he tries to save his mother but then another Deathlok walks in one that looks like Elektra two more death locks walk in Captain America and the thing and Fant omix knows what this is they're after the world he because jumping around them trying to take out two of the greatest superheroes in the Marvel Universe but since they are now slower cyborgs he's able to get one over on them Deathlok Captain America then slips away and grabs the world while phantom X is distracted by Deathlok spider-man as spider-man is holding his mother don't hurt her he yells out to him and then Deathlok spider-man snaps her neck phantom exit jumps in grabbing him but he flings him into death Captain America they both got through a wall and Fantomex tells Eve his computer system to find Wolverine and get exports on this he then jumps down to fight them even further only to see Deathlok Hawkeye waiting for him with a single arrow he destroys phantom X's house seemingly killing him and then all of the deathlok's leave with the world of their possession phantom X managed to get to his ship though and he got away just as everything exploded and now he's bouncing out in the snow he crawls out of his ship and he looks up to see another Deathlok standing in front of him but this one is the actual death block from his timeline that's when Deathlok spider-man jumps it back in as phantom X's ship flew away Heath ripped onto it and now he wants to fight but he's much slower as a cyborg and Fantomex gets him to the ground and points a gun at spider-man's head we don't deserve to die like this we fought for what was right deadlock spider-man tells him I believe you and he shoots spider-man in the head the original death block walks over telling Fantomex Captain America has the world we need to stop it the cyborgs begin running towards father as they are calling and telling him that they have the world they will save him and phantom X shows up out of nowhere opening fire on them you had the world with phantom X's bullets and deathlok's help they managed to take the world back from the cyborgs phantom X looks down at Captain America shield that he acquired during the fight and he asks the deathlok of he'll be keeping it because you know he could use it for a new museum that he has to build that's when one of phantos ships lands and he applauds thank you all for coming so late but we don't really need you now the door opens up and out steps the deathlok versions of Angel Wolverine Deadpool in Psylocke these are not my friends phonto says as he dodges more bullets and he makes a break for it he had Deathlok make it to a cliff and Deathlok asks him can you fly no me either and they jump off the side of the cliff fat joe grabs onto Deathlok and he jumps down using Captain America's shield to break their fall and they break into the lake down below then another ship lands and out steps Deadpool Wolverine angel and Psylocke with the real current time versions a Deadpool looks over at fountain and he tells them you have no idea how close the vote was vote if we were gonna leave you to die or save you Wolverine then tells Wayde to shut it and ask sleep.you what the story is so phonto explains that mr. robot guy in him are holding an unconscious cyborg captain and the fate of the world in their hands they load the cyborg camp into the ship and phonto explains what they're after after explaining why he didn't destroy the world the first time that he Wolverine stopped it they patch into cyborg Captain America's thoughts and they see who's controlling them in an alternate future a program known as Operation Deathlok was started and every hero that they dropped was changed into a death lock adding to their numbers the heroes had become their own judge jury and executioner they welcomed the change in in the end everyone was a death lock the plan had succeeded so Wolverine demands to know why they came back in time if their plan had worked and cyborgs camp explains because of apocalypse angel tells her that that is impossible they killed apocalypse why send back an army of death locks to kill phantom X he's the one that killed apocalypse and phantom X interrupts stating the obvious none of this matters they can kill father they'll end this so where is father cyborg calf then tells them deep in the world where he always is so phonto decides it is time to kill the future and he moves out to the desert which is the perfect place to expand and be self-contained a laboratory known as the world they walk inside and phantom X locks the minute shoots the lock why did you do that do you think it'll lock even tighter psylocke asks him it works in the movies he tells her as they walk deeper inside then they split up to cover more ground the team ends up fighting against the defenses and the cyborg versions of themselves it is Deadpool that finds the father and as he prepares to kill him he takes a knee in front of them and the father refers to Deadpool as his favorite son meanwhile Fantomex has found his way into a lab within the world the one where his own project is being kept the one that he's trying to keep secret from x-force and father he needs to ensure that it will remain safe but that's when he sees a line in the computer coding one that states I know what you've been working on and now I know where it is phonto is confused how could father have tracked him unless he's been misdirected two whole time he turns around pulling his gun out into the face of death block the person that was supposedly following him to help him Deathlok then begins to change into the cyborg version of Fantomex he's been misdirecting himself the whole time fontelle thinks to himself it's a little off-putting to be misdirected and he begins to fight against his own future cyborg self luckily that's when phantos own experiments begin to activate weapon 15th ultimate on and it blasts the evil phantom X then cyber war burring jumps in to keep fighting phonto he shouts out for ultimate on the seal up the lab and that's when he gets clawed in his back back in father's room though Deadpool is watching this happen on a computer screen and father tells him tanto is a spoiled child and you you are the proper heir to everything as they watch the Ponto dying father tells Deadpool your father is so proud you'll get a cake for this week and a kiss in the forehead as I took you in Deadpool thinks to himself yeah that's gonna be a wait a second did that creepy old man just say he was planning on kissing me and tucking me in no that doesn't sound right and he turns around cutting off father's head as he calls him the creepy uncle with the death of father all of the death locks vanished because that timeline doesn't exist everyone meets back up at the edge of the world and dead polarized with fathers bloody head on the end of his sword telling everyone he was a loafer then as the original Deathlok looks into the deep depths of the world phantom x tells him it's time to go there's nothing to see here so what was fantome ex working on that he needed to protect well the world is the technology to create super soldiers and clone individuals and deep down his side phantom X is raising his own clone of an individual someone named in Sabah know or you may know him by his more common name apocalypse Wade Wilson also known as Deadpool is in an army based snooping around he calls back to inform Wolverine there's nothing here and Wolverine tells him keep a look at bub meanwhile Deathlok the original cyborg individual has joined up with the x-force and is discussing the objects in phantom X's Museum with them while Psylocke is helping strengthen the walls within Warren's mind you see a long time ago apocalypse came and he turned Warren into one of his horsemen the persona is known as arc angel or Dark Angel is a pure evil and is now locked within the mind of Warren its Psylocke that daily goes inish to rank Tain's the hold on arc angel because she fears that if she removes him she'll do damage to Warren's mind that's when Wolverine comes over and wakes her up from her trance they have a mission before the Deadpool stopped answering his comms and Wolverine thinks that they need to go retrieve him they break inside of the base and they hide in the outskirts of it while Psylocke sends an astral projection of herself inside she walks right into the main chambers where she sees the villain a mall he's the one behind this he was also expecting them on the outskirts of the base he grabs a hold of Deadpool using his mind control and the various guards around him turned into um balls thugs then as Fantomex turns to his friends for help he sees that a mauls also taken hold of angel and Wolverine idiots why am I the only one with a telepathic dampening field phantom X says is it begins the lift of sidelocks body deadpool leaves in adamant and Wolverine jumps over cutting off phantom X's arms except none of it happened phantom acts have misdirected them and made a break for it with psy Locke's body meanwhile on the mental landscapes I lock in a mall are battling it out a mall digs deeper into psy locks in mind pulling out the bad memories me other thoughts that she doesn't want a mall to have realizing what he's done she gets out of the mental landscape kicking Wolverine in the head as he's about to kill her and then she because to run off because she knows what she has to do she begins to sprint across the base looking for Warren she finds him off on his own and she hits him right away with sleeps romping him then she enters his mind but she finds a mall has already entered the memory in which she locked away Archangel Amal walks into the room that is the cell for Archangel and he lowers it he'll use Archangel against her but arc angel murders the malls mental projection greatly disrupting him he then takes control of the body that is worn and he murders the guard next to them salic Wolverine phantom X and Deadpool all walk into the mean where they see angels standing over the dead body they all watch as he doesn't say a word before walking out of the base a few short days later Amal heads over to a well-known journalist to let him know that he has information on a certain x-man and a certain Avenger who are both working for a black ops team murdering people the journalist tells him that that would be a bad day to be a mutant and Amal leaves behind footage of Wolverine and Angel murdering the guards on the military base news of this travels up the newspapers chain of command and as it turns out Warren Worthington owns that newspaper so he gets the phone call and then he informs the editor-in-chief that it is all slander to kill the story before it's too late he then walks over to the edge of cavern X with Psylocke telling him that he's due for his session and then he ignores her as he leaves so Psylocke runs over to inform Wolverine of this potential problem the editor is quickly discovered as missing and the journal is seeing this realizes what that means for him so he begins trying to upload the files so that everyone can see what he's discovered but it's too late Archangel is standing behind him demanding to know where he got that information from Wolverine comes crashing through a window and begins to fight it out with arc angel but Archangel throws were read out the window and then he lets him fall to the street down below he then chases the journalist up to the rooftop and as he goes in for the kill salah hits him with a mental blade knocking him unconscious she then wipes the journalists memories of everything and they all head back to cavern X where they lock up Archangel in a Cell they all come up with a plan they're gonna need to find a way to safely remove what apocalypse did to Angel all those years ago the plan begins with freeing dark beasts now he is an evil version of beasts from a future where apocalypse won and conquered the world it's known as the Age of Apocalypse they bring dark beasts back to cavern X where they tell him right away what's happening angel was turned into the heir of apocalypse and he is now preparing to move into his proper position a death seed was planted within Warren that will lead Warren to using the power before him to wipe out all life on the planet it started anew he will lead this world to extinction but since the Celestials are the ones that created the death seed which can lead to the end of all they also created a life seed the only problem is a de life seed which will free Warren from what's going on with him won't be created on this earth for centuries so they're going to need to go to the only place that he knows what exists the celestial garden in the Age of Apocalypse his home time so the plan is set they will travel to an alternate future where apocalypse is already won they'll get the lyceum returned to free Warren from the hell that he's going to root x-force and dark beast entered the portal and they arrived on a hellish landscape dark beasts then leads the ways they move towards one of his old lamps it is there that they find a life seed that he acquired long ago but that's when Nightcrawler appears before them wandering white dark beasts would bother returning to this time period and if it's for this particular item then this item must be important dark beast tases him dropping him to the ground and Logan walks over trying to explain the situation to Nightcrawler but the moment that he sees Logan has his hand he assumes that Logan is a clone and bam he is gone Psylocke tracks him out to the streets and the group runs outside to find him but that's the moment - Sabretooth jumps on Wolverine the two arch enemies began swiping and clawing at each other while Deadpool finds a Nightcrawler Nightcrawler exclaims that he is the one that killed Deadpool the first time so they used the same plan and he branched behind Deadpool cutting off his head then he didn't because dead fools head and body vanished it was another miss direction from bottom X and fantome exit Deadpool now have the lysine and they're making a break for it psylocke stop Sabretooth and Wolverine will make for the caches of diff'ent oh and dead bolt and in the fight the life scene hits the ground that is the moment of Sunfire needed to swoop in and grab it then just like the others he decides that if jarred beast needs this it's not good he flies up into the sky throwing it far away from him and blasting it with his powers destroying it once and for all to make matters worse while they were messing around on that fight dark beast walked back to the portal and then he used it to go back to their earth stranding them in the Age of Apocalypse once the x-men of the Age of Apocalypse realize that there is more going on here than dark beasts making a bunch of clones they decide to play nice and they bring these younger x-men to their base to meet their leader Jean Grey this is a bit odd for Wolverine as he is still in love with Jean but in his timeline she died in this timeline she married Logan and then he died when apocalypse took over they are both confused by their feelings for each other because they aren't the versions of each other that they fell in love with but as they finally give in to it and lean in for a kiss something arrives at the window behind them a giant Sentinel he begins to walk through the glass wall and he begins the target gene so she channels all the power that she has as she blasts the sensitive with the power of the Phoenix Wolverine then asks if this happens a lot and she tells him that this is the first - meaning that apocalypse his forces know where the resistance is now so discussed many plans and they decided the best course of action at this point would be to attack apocalypses forces first and get the other seats you see dark beast was lying there is more than one seed and the other ones are inside of a defeatist celestial that is on planet earth the resistance also found a mutant with the ability to jump people between dimensions gateway and using him they can get everyone home so the plan is set attack the celestial garden hopefully pushing them back for the resistance get a life seed and go home saving Archangel seems simple enough while they prepare for their mission phantom exercise it is time to tell Psylocke what he sees in her and warns relationship and he informs her that she doesn't love warring she loves being needed she punches him across the jaw telling him how dare you so he raises his mask and he kisses Psylocke passionately only to be pushed away when she tells phonto that she won't be giving up on warring with that everyone loads back up and Afonso makes his ship and they begin their assault as they walk into the base Wolverine suggests that Jean and her team come with them come back to their world it's so much nicer than this place there's no reason for them to stay here this fight is lost and that's when the blob lands in front of him and behind him is the Black Legion grim chamber white cloak iron ghost zombie sentry blob orange hulk demon acht and bado red Nightcrawler turns to his comrades and he tells them to run this crew is beyond them everyone runs down the hallways choosing to find gateway and hopefully just get everyone home and they'll deal with ARC angel then but as they are assuming everything will be okay that they've won the Wolverine of this time blasts his own daughter killing her and tells everyone is just going to hurt well everyone in the Age of Apocalypse fought the bay had lost Wolverine it turns out that he is the hare to apocalypse and the whole world right now is because of him the x-men and the Black Legion begin to battle it out with no other option heroes are being lost in every turn beginning with gambit sacrificing himself but while this is going on Logan diggins swiping at his evil doppelganger with the mutant gateway bound up behind them Deadpool and Nightcrawler begin to jump into the battle against the evil Wolverine and evil Wolverine grabs Deadpool by the throat telling him you need to go home there is nothing to be gained from killing you and Deadpool responds with that's like crazy reasonable but you just killed your own daughter and she's kind of the daughter of our Wolverine and he's kind of our boss so the evil Wolverine Rose Deadpool aside fine you weren't bored of this world but I will bury you here then Jean tells everyone to stop as she floats over to evil Wolverine they were married they were together and he traded it all in for this fate he invites Jean to join him what's the culling is done they can live happily ever after right here she considers it for a second she legitimately does and then she bombards him with the power of the Phoenix it doesn't even faze dark Wolverine as he smacks her aside and that he picks her up and flies off he will force her to be his dark bride if he asked you but as he's preparing the ritual Wolverine and the x-force leap in on top of him now that they've accomplished all of their separate missions and Deadpool says it best hi Wolverine Wolverine action with everyone swinging at evil Wolverine he is slightly distracted and psylocke tries to patch into his mind but he has defenses that he throws it back at her then as our Wolverine goes in to rescue this version of Jean d'Arc Wolverine cuts him in half with a laser beam then everyone vanishes because it didn't happen phantom X is added again psylocke then realizes that phantom x is back which means he must have all of those extra life scenes that they found it's out of the celestial use one of them a dark Wolverine she shouts at a make him normal again and fonta holds up the scene with a sad face telling her there's only one psylocke and if we use it we can't save Warren so Jean tells the x-force to take it and leave Wolverine turns to her there's no way I'm leaving you with this chump he then turns to the x-force take that chump out but even Fantomex can see the Wolverines judgment is clouded Jean sees that he won't give up so using her powers while her resistance holds back the dark Wolverine she lives up the x-force Wolverine tells her to stop I won't let you do it I won't abandon you again Jeanne you are gonna abandon me Logan because I'm not your Jeanne then looking at dark Wolverine she tells him I'm his goodbye save your world she sends them through gateways portal with the one life seed then they land right in front of the last person they wanted to see Warren with the dark angel persona and full control and his own army thank you for bringing me to live scene now please hand it over this story is only just beginning Wolverine font omx Deadpool and psylocke now all stand ready to do what they have to with Deathlok bound by angels followers already font omics uses his powers of misdirection right away only to fall to the ground with dark beasts telling him we've got a plan in place to prevent that so Wolverine gets his claws ready Worthington you son of a [ __ ] I haven't used any ancillary language why escalate things Wolverine dives in slashing of Warren's armor but then a child named the genocide that looks like pure radiation blasts away half of over his body bringing it down to the bones salic runs to a sign an attempt to block the nerve endings and Wolverines body so that he can't feel the pain and then she turns to Warren how could you do this and Warren calls for famine one of his horsemen Deadpool sees him oh come on not the Jenny Craig drum machine then he hits the ground instantly starving Oh feels like diarrhea made a sadness a taker angel then walks over to fajn tomek's the life seat please font omics and response font omics stabs him in the foot warren yells out i never liked you Psylocke goes right to work cutting up the horseman of war then she leaps over cutting up the arm of dark beast and as warren goes in to kill Fantomex she stabs him in the chest from behind angel turns around to see her struggling with his followers and he tells them not to harm her she is important meanwhile Deadpool has dragged himself over to death lock where he learns they took control of the world a place where all kinds of experiments have been conducted and Fantomex has been guarding it then with a smoke grenade everyone runs out of the room as quick as they can they eventually make it back to fajn Tomek session where they take off deciding that they can't fight with only half of over inna a famous Deadpool and an injured fawn tomek's but as they leave Psylocke jumps off the ship landing in front of Warren telling him I'm not giving up on you Warren she tries to tell him that she will save Warren has to be in there but he informs her this is my evolution this is what I was always supposed to become she wants to know is he supposed to become apocalypse because they just escaped a world of Rana by apocalypse and it was a nightmare but Warren explains that he is here because the world has been distorted when the Scarlet Witch said no more mutants she reduced their numbers to less than 200 the natural evolution of mankind has been altered and he plans to correct that he flies high into the sky and he brings genocide with him and they land in the middle of a town where he launches into the sky again and he watches genocide hits the ground hard and in a massive explosion the town in the lands around it are destroyed and altered wiped clean from the face of the earth and a mushroom cloud angel then brings dark beasts to the spot where he places the life seed and they watch as it expands and it begins to alter the very face of earth creating a new evolution a new path time begins to move in an accelerated rate around them while they are protected in their laboratory and while they are saved and removed from their time sphere they watch the effects of the life seed and they watch is 120 million years of evolution happen in the span of a single day in front of them meanwhile x-force isn't quite done yet Deadpool is eating some cheesy Chum chumps to replenish himself while Wolverine is trying to heal but Fantomex has found the world since it was his laboratory he has his ways to track it and he sees that this weird forest is now in front of them they land and they begin looking for angel and his followers been steadily Deadpool hits the ground again jamming famines don't be it's got me again so Deathlok cuts the magic carpet that they are both riding on in half throwing famine and death down to the ground angel then lands over by Fantomex prepared to continue their fight while Dethklok continues to tear apart death angel pins phonto to the ground phonto fires a shot into the sky an angel thinks that he's won until phonto sentient a bullet comes back hitting angel in the head genocide then lands next to him telling angel to leave while he handles this rat and as angel leaves phonto taunts him oh come on at least acknowledge that you're leaving because this rat beat you as genocide begins to blast out of phonto Mex feeding us to retreat and then he finds Deadpool sitting around eating what appears to be a weird fruit figured you drop the ball oh and what did you accomplish today Wade we killed death and caught famine we well Deathlok did good let's get his masters location funny that's what I said and it looks like deathlok's psychopathic Oates is back in control because he kind of smiled meanwhile back over outside of San Francisco angel reports back to beast that death is dead beast informs and that he'll need to pick a new horseman of death and then they both fly up to the dead body of a celestial as it appears that a Celestials decision was to force evolution that angel serves evolution back with x-force Deathlok comes out after torturing famine for the information and he discovers that angel has retreated to on kabah a city underneath pull Fantomex tells everyone that they need to stop angel before he does this crazy single day evolution thing to the entire planet as they speak he's trying to scorch the skies the age of arc angel is coming luckily Deathlok Fantomex and deadpool have all arrived in the North Pole to stop the age of Archangel from happening meanwhile back in Fantomex a ship famine has begun to tap his finger on the chair starting a beat that leads to an explosion with phantom X's ship beginning to burn due to its bioelectrical nature famine stands up and looks down at the recovering Wolverine you could burn it Hellboy like my children did and he begins to walk off into the snow meanwhile in his base Warren walks down into psylocke cell to inform her of her new role as the new horseman of death phantom X can see what they're doing at this lab they're preparing it so he turns to death lock and he tells him you got to go destroy that luckily death lock downloaded a map after Fantomex refused to let him destroy the world the last time they had to do a battle with someone trying to take control of the world you know no one likes I told you so deadlock phonto tells him and then he and Wade head off to kill Warren the only problem is that as soon as they get to the roof the blob crashes Fantomex by sitting on him Deadpool begins dodging and shooting and the bullets begin to bounce off a blobs massive size and skin and once Deadpool runs out of bullets the oversized blob grabs him and gets ready to literally eat Deadpool he takes out his sword and he stabs the blobs tongue Deadpool that hits the ground fought so vex if you could hear me in there I'm coming for you buddy except famine has been watching from overhead and as he prepares to drop Deadpool again Wolverine puts his claws to Feynman's head famines drums begin to tap and then the blob becomes famished turning into piles of skin Deadpool watches as this is happening in front of him and can't help but crack a joke a bra is a big decision in any man's life but wow I just don't see any other options for you famine feels the claws against his skull you promised that if I did this you wouldn't kill me I did and I won't worry says he cuts off a man's arms meanwhile Warren brings psylocke into his inner chambers to show her the death scene the very thing that changes a person into a horseman and the thing that corrupted Warren to begin with Fantomex crawls out from underneath all of blobs skin gasping for air and complaining about the smell then he jumps into the nearby water shouting unclear as Wade tries to tell Wolverine that he's happy that the leader is back wolverine tells him to shut it going for board and he begins to run towards the inner chambers Fantomex comes up for air only to meet another person to have joined this fight from the age of apocalypse the evil bobby trick this evil ice man betrayed everyone in the age of apocalypse and now he needs to ensure that his new boss is happy he takes all of the water from the bay growing to the size of a building wolverine tells Psylocke through their psychic link that he's back and she needs to kill warren if she has a chance seeing a chance she kicks a gun up into her hands and she opens fire only they have him smirk and tell her this is the warrior that I've been waiting for deadpool jumps off slicing off chunks of Bobby but Bobby responds by creating three giant versions of himself eddie blasts deadpool with his gold beams has all of the giants form around him and unable to move Wade thinks back to one thing mr. crusty pot-herbs my love my cat I don't leave any food out for him and the darkness will come for him next then Bobby shatters the frozen Deadpool into pieces back with Warren he walks psylocke into a room with an alter her being unconscious after he down to the bullet he sets her down informing her that they will rule this new world together but back at the beifong - max is trying his best to outrun me onslaught of ice that Bobby is throwing at him as he makes his way to the edge and he leaves off the cleft side luckily his ship is recovered and is waiting for him down there so as he's landing on it the ship asks him should they opened fire and phonto tells her that we're leaving save the energy meanwhile Deathlok has made it to the inner labs of the world only to find dark beast and the horseman of war waiting for him war strikes in Burma Hani begins to infect him with pain fear loss murder infect him with the desire for war Wolverine looks over to see phantom X leaving the whole area as he flees and he realizes that he was just abandoned then Bobby sees him climbing up the side of the tower so Wolverine jumps off towards the evil Bobby back with angel he tears open the back of sign locks dress and he because the stabber with the death seat she will know his struggle everyone is failing Deadpool is in pieces Wolverine is fighting an ice giant phantom X is fleeing and Deathlok is being controlled this may be a loss for our heroes in the entire world to be gone Psylocke then gets up as the horseman of death and she walks over kissing Warren and Wolverine is having all of the air around him freeze and this is causing him to not drop Bobby luckily Fantomex didn't run he called a few friends that they've made and he may time portal to the age of apocalypse and brought in the x-men from that time period the people that Bobby betrayed Sunfire Nightcrawler Sabretooth and Jean Grey of the future Oliver odd we begin taking Bobby apart with the knowledge that genocide is scorching the atmosphere Nightcrawler teleports right into the central room grabbing his hands on two genocides helmet he then teleports himself and genocide into the room with angel inside lock and everything begins to burn around them as they take cover he then teleports over to psylocke grabs her and teleports her back to Wolverine and the rest of them they realize she may be lost meanwhile angel flies into genocide trying to get him to contain his flames and then he tells everyone to see to the boy while he plants the leg seat evolution cannot be stumped as neck crawler vamps everyone right into angels path whoo Marie starts the fight by slashing an angel seeing his plans of evolution potentially crumbling around him angel blasts outside and as Bobby holds Sunfire still while he moves towards the central point in the world where they are scorching the sky if he could just plant a life seed this will all be over luckily the heroes still have Nightcrawler any bamps Wolverine Sabretooth right into the air above angel and they tackle him and they all begin to tumble back down to the earth meanwhile Fantomex is trying to talk some sense into cylon so she pulls out a knife slicing its throat quickly she realized what she has done and how horrible it was and with that momentary lapse in her mental fortitude Jean breaks in removing the threat of death trapping a deep inside sigh locks mind the real psylocke begins to wake up and faun toes arms if she realizes that he misdirected her it's what he does that's when he tells her what she needs to do and it's not gonna be easy back on the grass amber - at the Wolverine - hacking and slashing into angel but he is able to deflect them both so Nightcrawler bamps onto his back only to be stabbed by angel's wings that's the moment that Jean Grey arrives at the power of the Phoenix and begins to burn angel except angels power is greater than that of the Phoenix and he throws her aside wolverine tackles angel pinning him to the snow and that's the moment that warren speaks out wolverine kill me while i have control this causes wolverine to pause joy so blossom surprised you fell for that then a sabertooth leaps in angel guts him leaving him for dead and with all four of his assailants down he flies back up to the world prepared to take his victory only to see Psylocke and phonto mix in his they both begin swinging at him but Angel cracks Ponto in the back of the head telling him you were always angry she picked me over you weren't you he then kicks psylocke and the gut before getting punched across the job by phonto angel finally has had enough as he launches into the sky launching knives at the two of them and then with the both of them on the ground he runs over to bury a knife into phantos forehead realizing he is at a loss phonto radios into the world for his own experiment he tells ultimate on to release him back on the bridge leading to the end of the world silent bombards angel mentally forcing him to the ground but then he just blows her aside and he keeps moving somewhere else in virtual reality memories a young kid apocalypse going by the name of evan is leading a happy and normal life that's when his uncle cluster which looks conveniently like phonto mix walks in and tells him that he has to go what he's been learning and preparing for it's here and he wakes up from his perfect world into the real world with a suit in front of him ultima sonnet forms him Evan it is time for you to save us all back with angel he doesn't understand why the world hasn't scorched the earth yet it should have burned the skies and burned the ground he then looks up to see Sun fire is absorbing all of the energy Evan then rockets in out of nowhere hitting angels so hard that he bends his back informing him you will not succeed villain the two of them land in the main holes of the world and they begin their fight except Evan has all of the power he has the Genesis Eddie blasts angel back ultimate on walks over to font dome X and Fon Joe tells them that they had to save Sun fire he can't contain all of that energy angel and Evan go back and forth until finally angel gets the better of Evan throwing him down telling him it's not your fault you were born for this and then with him finally having one Psylocke stabs him with the life seed he hits the ground and he looks up at Psylocke Betsy I where am I but then the change begins as beams of light begin to pour out of him meanwhile sun fire is finally absorbed by the power that he's been trying to stop phonto tells ultimate on that he needs to save sun fire he can't die for a world that isn't his own but it's too late and he burns up having prevented the Age of Apocalypse or the age of Archangel from ever happening Warren hits the ground psylocke hits her knees at his side Warren it hurts so bad time bets I'm really no you're fine it's gonna be okay Angela just close your eyes so he does and instead of feeling the pain and feeling his own death and mortality betsy gives him what they both want a life together she gives the two of them the mental image of an entire lifetime where they got married they had kids they teach their kids and they grow old together and as Warren is dying of old age he holds Betsy's hand and tells her that he loves her and she tells him that he deserves all of the happiness in the world she didn't kissed him on the forehead telling him he was her hero back in the real world phonto tries a snap Psylocke out of the trance that she placed herself into he tells her that they have to go as the world is crumbling around them and with tears in her eye she tells him to leave her here leave her but he won't he takes her to the ship where ultimate on and Evan are and they blast off and they land in the snow far far away where they find Deathlok and Wolverine and to make things even better Deathlok collected up all of the pieces of Wade because he loves him Deathlok explains that he loves all of them he had to learn to love to defeat war and as psylocke looks into the snow she sees Warren walking through it she runs over kissing him and calling his name and with the world burning behind them he asks her who are you the life seed remade him as an entirely new person a true angel he's no longer Warren Worthington [Music] now the britain core has kidnapped both Fantomex and Psylocke she questioned why he chose this to be involved in with everything that's been going on in the world of the mutants recently and he explained that because they are in other world it is the duty of the captain Burton Cork to watch the entire omniverse not just his home world other world is the home of the Captain Britain Corps and the court of Camelot ruled by King Arthur it is a world of magic and intrigue and also where Captain Britain has taken Psylocke and his new prisoner Sala casks and why he has brought her here and he explains for the Battle of other worlds Brian walks her through the castle explaining that they need her and they have no idea who's behind these attacks but the person behind the attacks their goal is to reach the tower omniverse her other brother Jaime explains that whoever they are they know the core well as they've anticipated every move and that's why they needed to bring psylocke back it's one move that no one would expect them to do elsewhere back on earth Deadpool Wolverine and the Age of Apocalypse version of Nightcrawler that is now joined x-force are fighting it out with villains when they get a call from ultimate on Psylocke and Fantomex have been abducted from ex cavern that's when Brian explains the psylocke that they took Fantomex to answer for his child killing ways phantom x is an anomaly he only exists in one reality because of that the punishment will be severe after his trial if he is deemed guilty they will sentence him to being erased from existence no one will even remember him he tries to argue that he prevented a war or possibly seven but they don't care they deem him guilty and they deemed the punishment to be severe the argument is that they have no evidence that the child apocalypse would have ever actually committed his crimes they only have facts and the fact is Fantomex killed a child meanwhile Wolverine is rounded up gateway a friend that can teleport people anywhere and they attract Psylocke and phantom X to a dimensional disturbance a doorway to other worlds ultimate son explains that Otherworld is the source of magic a dimension outside of dimensions where the denizens guard the intersection between all of reality Deadpool with his typical wit comments magically today well I'm 1/16 level Ranger and Advanced Dungeons & Dragons chaotic neutral saving throws o'plenty as they walk in wolverine tries to calm him down ain't really like that we'd to striking place green hills berries Pixies kindly old wizards I don't think we'll but as they enter Otherworld dead Bulls head is cut off kindly wizards he says as his head ghost line the team just walked into the middle of a fight between the Britain Corps in the attacking forces and they see the leader the enemy's a goat-headed man casting rather large spells meanwhile psylocke dons her captain britain outfit and prepares to fight with her family with all of this happening Fantomex has been placed into a machine that will inject him with a substance that will erase him from existence no one will even remember that he existed he feels the injections going into his head and he feels his brains starting to give up on life he has three brains in his head and slowly he loses one then another and just as the third is begging to be put out of its misery Psylocke breaks the cell open to free him Fantomex looks at her confused and disoriented mother is gone father has killed her Colt I want to go home she grabs him and pulls him out of the machine only to turn around to see her brothers waiting there with the Captain Britain Corps her brother tells her to just leave Fantomex here at a few moments you won't even remember him but she blasts everyone with psychic power and walks out of the castle back at the Wolverine he jumps at the goat headed man prepared to end whatever this conflict is except with one simple spell the goat man grabs her reign by the orb of metallian and he watches as it crushes Wolverines sculpt compacts his brain twists his spine and breaks his joints night Carla looks up at this situation and explains my thoughts before he teleports up to grab Overeem and then teleport them both onto the back of a skeleton horse he then rides over grabbing Deadpool's body and then he grabs Deadpool's head by shoving a sword in the back of it and Deadpool tells him this place is like it and she had the vacation back with psylocke she tries to make it to the door leading back to earth-616 but instead Jamie appears before her telling her to stop Pancho Mex is a murderer so she is forced to jump out of the castle and out into the open world of Otherworld while Brian would have chased after her he gets distracted as word is the goat man is attacking a nearby village the one that he sent his lover mcgann to so his priorities are slightly altered to go save her back with Nightcrawler he gets everyone to Mekons town to see them all relieved to see Wolverine and the x-men she's so thankful that earth would send them to help the Wolverine explains that they are here to recover Psylocke and phantom X in a Brian his way they're gonna have a home of the war in their hands meanwhile back with Psylocke she has run out of options and decided to bring phonto next to the forest of Sorrows to see if crow rule will help them someone her father banished ages ago while he may not like her or her family ties he doesn't the power to wipe the poison out of phonto makes his mind but he refuses until she offers something that he needs the only thing that she could possibly trade him for poncho makes his life back at the Breton cores base they're trying to figure out how Goathead had access to the mythical orbs the orbs that he used is one of the three with immense power and they were supposed to be held by Merlin but somehow they had it to use against Wolverine and to make it even more confusing the oars are still right where they were left locked up and the Brittain for his vault so where his goat had getting his power then as Brian and Jamie tried to put this together the castle is suddenly under siege by the undead awoken by the orb of necromancy how is he doing this and to make matters even more challenging the goat headed men has sought out an old building upon tome X's the skinless man everyone begins to battle preparing their own assaults all over the world of Otherworld but that's when phantom X wakes up next to psylocke she saved him he begins to inquire as to what actually happened what about her brothers her family and she tells him well she won't be invited to the family reunion this year he then asks her if she's okay and she tells him she isn't at all she erased a man that she loved Warren Worthington she betrayed her family by saving phantom X she just liberated a child killer phantom X apologizes and tells her that he only tried to convince her that she didn't love Warren before the Dark Angel event because he needed her to doubt her love it was the only way that she'd be able to do what she did she turns on him with her psychic blades ready to kill him for manipulating her but they quickly calmed down as she informs in - they need to get out of Otherworld now before her family tries to kill him again back with Wolverine Deadpool and Nightcrawler they are led down some tunnels and out into an open battlefield where they find dragons dinosaurs and giants moving towards the town that they intended to protect the battle for the town has begun and Wolverine and Deadpool moved towards goat heads main base to try and assassinate him while Nightcrawler helps mcgann and her forces with the battle while this is going on [ __ ] and phantom X load up on a flying dragon to make their own escape until the skinless man stops them he knocks Psylocke off of the dragon and he wraps his muscles around phantom X before asking phonto a simple question where is my skin Deadpool make their way up the tower and into the main chambers of goat heads army and as the enter Wade finds multiple orbs in front of him any questions what are these but then the goat headed man appears behind them telling them you don't stand a chance of killing me back with the other psylocke confined to are bound up tight with no escape and the skinless man explains the psylocke why he hates phonto so much he is a mutant with the power to stretch and mold his skin until he was portrayed by father and font own ex he was then left in other world where he was punished for his own attempted assassination and the punishment was the removal of his skin eventually he learned how to move his muscles like his skin and he went to go get his skin back from the Britain core but he discovered someone named Fantomex had already taken it so he asks again where is my skin when he can't get an answer begins to peel back fond toes mask leading us to cut off his face everyone is in dire straits the battle is getting fierce all over other world and the most volatile of them is the battle in town and it looks like it's a loss they are losing their footing and there are no reinforcements coming so Nightcrawler takes him a gun by the head but he leans in to kiss her a final farewell hold me to have Bryant arrived informing Nightcrawler she has spoken for the Britain Corps flies in public all of the enemies here while Brian asks McGann what was she doing everything was a loss as she moved on to the elf and that Carla tells him do not scald me that back with phonto skinless man is holding his face telling a bag Berg luckily psylocke is a psychic and she uses everything she has to shut off on tome x's pain receptors and shut down skinless man she wasn't using her powers because it would make her family aware of their location through their psychic a link bond toe gets up putting his face back on so that it can heal and then he puts his mask over the wound but when psylocke opened up her mind she saw that the rest of exports had come to Otherworld to save them it's time to reunite the group the battle rages on while we're moving in and Deadpool are thrown around by the goat-headed man except that he's about to win over them and that's when Merlin and Roma arrive awoken from their sleep they intend to shut down the goat-headed man except they didn't wake up as another misdirection from von tome X and the goat-headed man can see through it shutting it down Psylocke hits the ground she tries to pry into the goat-headed man's mind to find out who he is and how this is all happening and that's what everything makes sense and it's rific goat head knocks everyone down and he flees out of the area only to arrive at his goal of the Omni doors the doorways to the entire omniverse he will rule all of creation and while he stands there there was one man left standing between him and his goal Jaime Braddock Bryan is on the ground near them in Psylocke from her location transmits psychically what she learned to Bryan's mind she tells him everything go ahead is Jaime their brother and prying needs to kill him you see years from now Jamie will make a deal with the goat devil to acquire cosmic omnipresent enlightenment but the evil tricks him into controlling Jaime's body he then takes the magical orbs and he travels back and time to the weakest point in the recent history for the Briton core this day the day that their sister returned in betrayed them the core they are distracted Bryan can end it all right now if he kills Jaime for the actions that he hasn't committed yet but Bryan can't do it he can't kill his family not for something that Jaime hasn't done yet it's a Psylocke does the unthinkable she takes control of Bryan's body and uses it to strangle Jaime with tears in his eyes crime is forced to watch as he kills his own brother then throughout the omniverse the goat heads all vanish having never existed Bryan holds his brother close in his arms as I lock and x-force finally gets to the location he cries out telling her they could have found another way but she informed him millions of souls were being lost every second - this was the only way and you knew that Bryan so you made me kill Jaime so you could remain the good guy and with that she walked to the exit so what did she give up to save Fantomex his life and once they had their adventure in other worlds they needed an extraction which brings us to match up or right now were a woman in a short skirt is knocking on a door it opens as she walks inside to see Bobby Drake naked lying in a bed with dozens of beautiful women we're not looking at her he tells her to get undressed and get in bed with him so she climbs onto the bed and tells him don't worry me love you a long time it's actually Deadpool dressed up like a hooker pointing a gun at his face Bobby begins to get up you had just pulled the trigger I'd be dead but you couldn't resist the quip then with a powerful punch he knocks wade through the window and clear across the city with Nightcrawler and Wolverine watching wayde's wait didn't work now we try the plasma grenades way gotta be a few hundred feet from the pedestrians to detonate that not to worry Nightcrawler then bang ups into the room and grabs onto Bobby's back we'll be high as a kite won't be Bobby Kurt and he bans two two of them up into the sky meanwhile phonto mechs and psylocke aren't helping because they are attending the funeral of her brother that she was forced to kill in our last story Jamie Braddock Nightcrawler and Iceman hover over the city and Bobby ices over the grenade freezing Nightcrawler to himself and to the grenade if you want to blow me up you're gonna have to do it yourself buddy NAT Carla thinks about what he's doing he and Bobby had been through so much he was there when Nightcrawler lost his wife and he saved his life during the second coming of apocalypse a Kurt needs to do this because the true cost of Bobby's betrayal can't be measured he doesn't look at this as killing Bobby Drake today because he considers him lost years ago Wolverine leaps into the sky slicing Bobby's hand off and freeing current then while Bobby falls into the building below Kurt vamps himself and Wilbur ring to the ceiling above Bobby Drake prepare to drop the grenade again except this Iceman has learned a few new tricks that this day in ages Iceman doesn't have and the evil Iceman grows to the size of a giant the growth startles Nightcrawler and Wolverine and Nightcrawler activates the plasma grenade by mistake and he drops it to the streets down below as he tries to go for it Bobby Drake freezes him in place so Wolverine jumps off the building grabbing the grenade and holding it to his chest then as he hits the ground it contains the blast by blowing himself up back at the X cavern phonto can't help but notice psylocke has been off because she doesn't even seem to care that she killed her own brother so he finally grabs her by the shoulder asking her what did you give up for me because back when she saved his life and the world that's what she changed she turned as she asked him you want to know what I gave up I gave up my sorrow and capacity to ever feel again thank God I did because after everything we've done it would have pushed me over the edge back in Magic Ward Bobby has made dozens of Iceman clones and they are all fighting against Nightcrawler on the roof Kurt this Wolverine is at the Omega weapon he is a weak you picked the wrong side why couldn't you just come with me and enjoy this time period we could have gotten a steak some ice cream watch the sunset over the blue ocean why is this so important for you to get your revenge Nightcrawler of advance into the room where Bobby Drake is sitting to make sure you don't get to enjoy those things he then grabs Bobby and he bans the two of them to a furnace what is this Kurt this is where you die Kurt then throws his sword to the side to old friends fighting to the death no weapons no tricks they go back and forth punching each other with the force of two men who have already given up everything in another lifetime just as Bobby appears to be winning Kurt kicks him over to the furnace melting part of his face he then walks over and he opens the door to the furnace bringing in the temperature into the whole room and forcing Bobby to begin changing back to normal he then picks him up give me another shot Kurt I'll change yes and then current lifts up Bobby prepared to throw him into the furnace yield melts Kurt I guess what did you enjoy my life I hope you did and that he throws him in through the screams of Bobby melting Kurt tells him Sunfire sends his regards down on the street below wait is helping Logan walk into the alley oh boy are you lucky I found you Logan at least at because I thought you were some sweet Street barbecue almost took a bite before I realized it was my little snuggle cousin Kurt then bamps right in front of them done yes I've killed my friend and they all BAMF back to the ex cavern over in Paris of the Eiffel Tower Wade because to follow a man that he knows is carrying a rather large amount of money he's bringing it somewhere as he looks down at the man he sees the man pushed in a brick revealing a hidden passage and he hears an automated voice saying that the teleportation port will be activated welcome valued customer before the man walks in at Wade jumps down and begins to change out of his suit to see exactly where this teleporter goes once inside Wade walks down a long hallway and a woman greets him welcoming him to the white sky showroom during this over at cavern X the headquarters for x-force Elizabeth begins to wake up leaving the sleeping man in her bed thinking all that she wanted to do was try and fill this void left inside of her phantom X rolls over asking what exactly was that the other night and Elizabeth tells him that it's just a one-night stand to satisfy her curiosity but don't get your hopes up there were no feelings involved if you missed the last episode the thing that Psylocke had to give up in the other world to save phantom X that was her emotions back in the white sky showroom the woman begins to walk Wade through telling him that they grow all types of assassins here to suit whatever he meets even implanting memories to believe that corporations are behind to their families deaths as they continue to walk Wade notices an empty showcase and the woman tells them that that is where they held the Omega clan unlike their other models those ones were derived from the remains of the actual Omega red behind the way to tendril appears and it grabs Wade and the woman tells him that they underwent programming to grow a personal hatred towards their new targets can you guess who they are mr. Wilson back at cavern X Logan sees the emergency call from Wade and he says that he'll gather everyone up and then he hears Elizabeth telling him that they're gonna be one short she's quitting X force Logan asks her why she tells him that she needs time to process everything that has happened with Warren and Jamie she can't just continue to kill she won't watch how far she'll go as she walks away fonta max tells him hey there's no more Warren there's no more money so there's no more me so with the only Nightcrawler staying by his side the two of them head over to Wade signal over in the Pacific Ocean where night for all their teleports them into the floating facility Logan looks around to see the assassins already waiting for him and he thinks this is what they wanted they wanted us to know that they were coming that way I can release the animal inside he pulls out his closet he gets hacking and ripping through the people in front of him until he sees Wade running past dating you should looking at what he's wearing Logan asked what do you have on and Wade says it's the JCPenney dapper boy spring wear just shut up and run but it was too late the Omega clan grabs ahold of Logan and Nightcrawler telling them that they will suffer for slaughtering their parents as Logan struggles he can feel a tendril slowly moving inside of him building him with poison wait no that's not poison the Logan's body begins to become bloated and fat and Omega black says that they will now suffer for their retribution they will suffer the heads of the Omega clan over in Paris Fantomex walks through a party in his apartment trying to pass the time telling himself it isn't even Elizabeth Logan will find Wade without him but soon he finds himself staring into the city from his balcony that's me here's Elizabeth's voice calling out to him asking if they could talk the way she feels about him so soon after losing Warren she knows that he's mad but if he'll just listen phantom X turns to the crowd inside and tells them party's over collect your familiars and your servants and get out as the crowd leaves he turns back stating okay talk back at the white sky showroom Omega red tells Logan that he's feeling the effects of his super lupus inflammation runs amok in his body swells with pus fin spontaneous decay as his body is consuming itself he will die bloated and ridiculous after what he did to their parents he then continues by explaining what they did to their parents it was him Deadpool and Nightcrawler they came when the Omega clan was kids and they killed their father or megared then when their mother hid they killed her too as Logan grows fatter he struggles telling them this isn't right we just met the elf andwe just started running with us we were never together than that many years below them though wait sits at a computer picking up various options that maybe he can use against the Omega clan like jetpack thruster rockets our heart food genitals guns lots of guns lots and lots of guns above them Logan continues to struggle but he ends up falling down to the lower level and then Omega red tosses his body off the ledge to an even lower floor over in Genosha Kitty Pryde and Hank looked over the destroyed city and Katie tells the students that that is why they need to make sure that they can coexist with the humans and never repeat what just happened here above them all Sabretooth watches and one of the boys points at Evan stating how about we don't raise our very own apocalypse seems like a good way to avoid any more genocide right kitty stops the boy telling him to shut up whoever Evan may resemble she will not stand for this kind of taunting elsewhere though Shadow King will watch his kitty as well as the other x-force members telling saber to but the Brotherhood is activated go ahead and grab the poi a voice then tell Shadow King I'm ready to live it up cuz soon we're gonna have our own apocalypse back at the white sky showroom Logan starts picking himself up knowing that he needs to get this poison out that he does the only thing that he thinks will work he starts to tear open his own stomach during all of this back in Paris Fantomex asks [ __ ] if she's gonna suddenly remember that she hates him and Elizabeth tells him no but she does have a surprise for him so close his eyes Vaughn tomek's closes his eyes and he tells her that she should know that he'll need at least five minutes before he's of use again and then he tells her that he remembers when he first saw her she had such amazing pure violet eyes she didn't pulls out a gun and Fantomex continued stating which is why he found it odd that she said only aspects of yellow in her eyes right now so he pulls a gun on her and then Psylocke begins to change into mystique telling him shall we just get on with it and she fires a shot but phonto makes ducks and tackles are down stating we shall back in the upper levels of the white sky showroom the Omega clan continued to beat down on Knight brother as he tries to fight back but his knight brother falls to his knees somebody hears a voice stating beware the lord of hot dogs approaches and just then Wade's robot that he created flies in attacking the Omega clan and then Logan and Wade run in grabbing Nightcrawler as he teleports the three of them back to the Blackbird II Logan then says we gotta find psylocke and Fantomex everyone is in danger and I don't even know who we're dealing with but it's bad over in Paris Fantomex and mystique moved their fight to the rooftop and he tells her that she makes love nothing like Psylocke and she tells him and yet you continued I didn't say it was bad phantom X then kicks mystique off and as she grabs a clothesline she swings back kicking him and she says he should be poisoned the toxin shuts down his mutant abilities which is why his misdirection isn't working he pulls himself back up and mystique tells him he'd better die before he sees what they have in store for Psylocke and then his Missy goes to stomp on his hand he grabs her pulling her down stating I'll stop you she falls through a home and she gets back up seeing Fantomex escape and then over the radio she asked if he was poisoned and she tells them oh yes poison - the guilts back in Genosha the boyfriend before calls Evan over telling him that this place is creepy huh must be a paradise for a psychopath like you but you know what I see when I look at you a monster but then a voice says such a subjective concept and sambar tooth appears slamming kid's head to the ground telling Evan let's go take a walk and get to know each other but before they can walk off another student stops him and say bruh truth looks at him telling him you have stupid hair and then a voice from above says his hair is all bad and blob comes crashing down sitting on the kid stating you just needed a little styling grease to give it more of a relaxed look evan runs off and he begins to hide in a toy store and that's it he begins to hear Sabra - telling him you've been lied to you've got power power to change the world samer truth that appears behind evidence says you just need a better teacher that's all and that he shocks him with a stun gun over in New York Fantomex rides Ava to Elizabeth's apartment and jumps through the window and when he lands inside Shadow King tells him ah new friends Fantomex asks where is Sai Locke and Shadow King tells him that he came here expecting to defeat the warrior that a caged him so many years ago but instead he found this fragile broken girl she's over in the bathroom Vanja max runs and kicks in the door seeing elizabeth sitting in the tub stating she did it she killed them all forever he leans down telling her everything is ok but she pushes him away telling him to get away from her he tells her he's not gonna hurt her but then a tendril creeps out grabbing him and skinless man tells him look you've terrified her skinless man and slams Fantomex into the mirror and just as he goes to stab him Fantomex grabs skinless man and slams it into the toilet he then turns and grabs Elizabeth pulling off his mask and he places it on Elizabeth so that the dampening plates and the mask will block shadow Kings connection but the problem is Fantomex knows that without his mask he's the next target so he grabs Elizabeth and begins to head back to Ava and after getting her on board a skinless man reaches out grabbing him and fountain X tells Ava to get him the hell out of here the airship leaves and skinless man begins to pull Fantomex back through the window and he tells him just where were we skinless man holds Fantomex up telling him we have the boy and now we're gonna crack open his brain and use him for all manners of misbehavior just know that you were the one that set it all in motion skinless man that sticks his knife into phonto makes his chest and he pulls out his heart telling him so many brains but only one heart back on Ava Ava tells Elizabeth that the connection between her and Fantomex has been severed and that Psylocke needs to jump before Ava crashes the ship flies over to cavern X but as the ship begins to fall Elizabeth jumps out while Gateway another mutant with the ability to teleport everyone watches the ship crashed Lance and with Ava down that means that Fantomex is dead and Gateway goes help Elizabeth back up and through the explosion a figure shuts to walk towards them telling him do not fall into despair the second stage has just begun inside the cavern Logan tells everyone get the medical lab prepped as Psylocke walks in the door falling over he catches her telling her that everything will be okay but she tells him no nothing is okay he's dead and then Logan asks who had a voice over the monitor tells him Fantomex stupid and that everyone sees Daken on the screen sorry dad I killed your friend so I guess I'm granted now huh Logan demands to know what he wants and then ultimate on jumps down behind Gateway before Logan could do anything ultimate on snaps gateways neck and then begins to start charging Daken tells him funny thing about super sentinels like ultimate son once free a phantom X's control they go right back to their primary function killing humans the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants watches on screen as cavern x explodes and jack can tell seven being a bad guy is a better side of the coin to land on luckily thirty seconds before the explosion psylocke realized what was going on i should realize that she needed to get everyone out of there understanding the gateways their only way out she links to gateway telling him please hold on and forgive her for this but he needs to send them away send them anywhere but here a blue light begins to shine and then as it fades Deathlok tells them right on time welcome to the future x-force then he tells them we need to go I'll explain on the way everybody gets to look around and he tells him you're in Los Angeles thirty years into the future just as you were about to die you were warped here there is no need for secrecy I am NOT here to hurt you but there are others who are and they're anticipating your arrival Wei tells them I bet you're dying to say come with me if you want to live right but who's they anyway down on the alleyway Deathlok hands them a plug telling them to hurry up and put these in your ears it'll keep you guarded from the magistrates thoughtcrime surveillance satellite tells him that her mind is well guarded and wait asks are these Bluetooth compatible Deathlok then takes the group down into the sewers to have those injured receive medical attention then he tells them to hurry and gathered themselves we'll be leaving in five minutes Logan tells Deathlok look we just two of her owned by my son who's looking to mind tweak a young apocalypse unless we stop him said no orders and Deathlok tells him murder is the wrong solution and Logan says all right lesson learned but what the hell is the plant as Deathlok walks off he tells him you will see and then he shows them around and after that he uses one of Kang's Chronos cues to send them back a little later topside Frank Castle reports that there are no sign of them yet below him though Logan asks why the Punisher is hunting them and Deathlok says that they need to send them back to the proper time before they see before they change you must follow me soon death life leads the group to the other side of the building where they watch officers pull a man from his apartment while his wife shouts they didn't do anything yet and the man tells her no not yet the officers take the man and they throw him into their aircraft and they fly off salic asks where are they taking him a deaf lock tells her preventive termination your methodology taken to its exponential conclusion Logan that asks who who's in charge here and Deathlok points to a massive billboard telling everyone magistrates Braddock Deathlok explains that the boy that they saved Evan he ascended to apocalypse and became the worst threat that the world has ever known so Logan gathered an army of x-force to stop him and they did after apocalypse was killed the world was free and everyone celebrated them as war heroes electing them to ensure such monsters like that never rise again and years later he killed every single known criminal but after there were no more criminals Logan began to lead the army and free emptily killing anyone who thought of killing anyone and Logan says stopping killers before they kill what's so bad Deathlok slams Logan's shouting murder for any reason is still murder and Logan tells him sometimes murder is a necessary sacrifice as Logan walks off Deathlok pulls out a gun cocky and telling him I will save the world from you the only way that you would understand he then begins firing the gun at night Carla grabs Logan before he's hit so Deathlok turns to attack the next closest person wait the wait doesn't wait so you're gonna kill us establish I'm creating a future where we kill people from stopping them about triad Niekro Levin reappears with Logan above Deathlok sending Logan flying down onto him Deathlok manages to catch him stabbing Logan with his own claws and as Wade runs in to help he finds himself getting punched in the face knocked back Deathlok dead stands over Logan pulling out a Cree staff telling him this will evaporate your flesh but before he could strike down Deathlok is Sean Moulton times in the head officers then begin to show up and Deathlok crawls to the side of the building telling them because your turn to murder you deserve to died knowing that this world will go on and then he crawls over the edge a short while later cable reports that Deathlok is down and Logan asks him awful strange business were in here so are you here to help us or and cable tells him I'm not here to hurt you no matter what lies that freak told you Wade tells old Poole that he has some questions like when they got older how's the SAG factor low and lazy but future Wade tells him shut up where did Braddock go elsewhere Elizabeth runs through the rooftops telling herself she will kill her own future self she will put an end to this she will stop all of this from happening and once she reaches the edge of the building she stops and draws out her sword she then holds her sword to her stomach stating if this is what I am to become then I will kill myself before it happens and she thrust the sword into her own stomach all around Elizabeth the world begins to change and things begin to become distorted all she has to do is finish it sever her spinal cord but before she can't Frank Castle flies up pulling the sword out of her and telling her I'm here to help but Elizabeth kicks him in the head telling him oh I'm sure you are slowly she begins to get back up walking to the edge of the building so Frank pulls out a gun telling her to stop but as she jumps she asks or what you'll shoot she doesn't get very far as cable flies through grabbing her but Elizabeth continues to fight by head-butting him causing his hover bike to crash into a building cable then fires a grappling hook to catch them and again psylocke fights for them to fall and soon a red cloud appears catching the two of them Nightcrawler is the one that caught them and he appears with them back on the roof Logan runs over to check on what's going on but she says she cut right through she's dying future Logan flies and it tells him to give her over there's still a chance and current Logan tells him it's okay being you I know you're not gonna let her die Elizabeth struggles and breaks free from Logan telling everyone this isn't your decision and she runs into Wade grabbing his gun as she holds the gun to her chin future psylocke tells her not to do this this isn't the way lower the weapon and calm yourself the sleeve comes and slowly psy locks eyes begin to close and both Logan's scream for her not to do it don't close her eyes as everything begins to fade to black she begins to hear a voice the voice of Lorne asking her if she's dead again so soon Warren helps her from the fountain she wakes up and telling her what you're doing is wrong she tries to say that she can't let what happening continue and he tells her there are Devils but you aren't one nor is Logan but did she ever think what Fantomex did was right as ugly as it may be he saved hundreds of millions of lives just as you did when you stopped me and set me free Elizabeth says that all she wanted to do is protect her friends and family and Warren tells her you have and you will so now you could forgive yourself and find a new love allow yourself joy because in the blink of an eye we'll be together again soon Elizabeth awakes from her dream but then she sees her future self and tells her it was you you used Warren to change my mind to keep me alive future silac tells her I did no such thing but I even still see him in my dreams love leaves a mark on the soul sidelocks snaps that are asking what do you know about love and her future self tells her more than you know what we felt her Fantomex was true but his love would have corrupted us in the end so you'll get over Warren and jean-philippe and he will find fulfillment elsewhere and when no one else can do what is necessary to protect mankind you will sigh Locke tells her that she's a murderer but her future self tells her that this world is perfect because of it so Psylocke tells her nothing you say will convince me that this is the solution but a future silac tells her i already have or we wouldn't be here soon the future versions of themselves begin to prepare everyone to return home and future Logan tells them you know what you're up against it'll be hard but you can hack it he then leans in and begins to whisper something to the current time Logan at future Psylocke tells everyone to be safe moments later a light begins to shine and the group returns back to their time future Logan then walks with future psylocke asking do you think he'll do it and she kisses him and tells him we're still here aren't we in our last story the x-force had just returned from the future where the ID of preemptively killing potential criminals was normal and Psylocke was the head of it all the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants had finally gotten what they wanted in the present time they got the child apocalypse as the x-force returns they learned that Evan has been taken and it's time for them to move out and end this once and for all it's another day in Kansas for Evan as he plays catch with his uncle cluster his uncle tells him about in Sabah nerd the first mutant on earth and how they were selected to ensure mutants would flourish and become the dominant species however apocalypses Duty was stopped by the x-men when the x-men Wolverine learned of a reborn apocalypse he formed a team known as the uncanny x-force to kill him however that monster was still just a boy Evan wants to know more about this did they actually kill him and his uncle cluster turns away and walks back inside as Evan follows he's told to go wash up for dinner and as he does he asks why was I never told about any of this before and as he looks in the mirror he sees himself as apocalypse and then the Shadow King in the door telling him because uncle cluster was the one who shot you soon Evan awakens from his dream and he finds himself in an RV with Daken Sabretooth and Shadow King welcoming him back to reality Evan tries to use his eye blast but the Shadow King tells him that he's a powerful telepath equal to that of Charles Xavier so if he doesn't want Evan to use his abilities well he won't as the RV drives on Daken stops at a gas station and Sabretooth gets out and dad can says to Evan if I told you the zebra truth is gonna kill everyone inside unless you killed him first would you evan runs out telling him i'll find another way but a saber-tooth enters the store deciding which one to kill first Evan fires his I blast knocking Sabretooth away Sabretooth lays on a broken shelf and he says he held Rach so this woman pays he then punches through a woman's stomach and Evan jumps on him ready to fight ready to release his powers but he hesitates Sabretooth grabs him telling him that's what I figured so whoever I kill it's on you soon they head back out and Dec and tells him preemptively killing that's tough your dad's are hypocrites and evidence says they aren't my parents and Dakin's is right about your parents our next stop is Evan hits the shadow king telling him no it he jumps out of the moving RV to begins running running towards his home but when he enters he sees Sabretooth and AK and already there with his parents murdered he begins to fire his eye blast blowing up Sabretooth and Daken launching them out of the house and as he gets outside he sees the two are not dead and he begins to fight them but just as he knocks Sabretooth away Daken jumps in from behind slicing Evan up in the back and then his chest he tries to fire again but Jack and just dodges and slices at Evans chest again the anger inside of Evan grows and it grows but he grabs a hold of both Sabretooth and dak and telling them I will crush you and then he stops and he tells him but I won't be like you that can tells him that's a pretty good self-control but there's some good news and some bad news good news is they weren't actually your parents the bad news as well your parents never existed in the first place kid at this time Logan and the rest of the x-force returned from their time-travel adventure to find Deathlok and Wade tells him you know the last time that I met you and you tried to kill me within an hour Deathlok tells the team about Evan being kidnapped and a plan to corrupt him he then tells them that he'll take care of the ultimate son but he wanted to leave x-force is one thing beware of vengeance but rich corrupts those who live to enact it later Evan sits in a room telling himself how he loved his parents but it was all a lie uncle cluster's lies headmaster Logan's lies good people couldn't jacket as Sabretooth they told him the truth he is nothing more than a science experiment cloned from a boy uncle cluster murdered maybe he should be the one to hurt the liars moments later uncle cluster comes running and calling out for Evan and then as he hugs him he sees the blood as the body falls skinless man tells him surprise uncle cluster is still dead Evan knew him as uncle cluster but actually he's fond tomek's and then behind skinless man and the corpse of Fantomex dacum tells him that was really screwed up man look I know you're pissed kid so that's you right there put it on it'll amplify your powers and make you into a god if you put it on you can get your revenge the suit is looking at is the apocalypse suit Jack and his skinless men then leave Evan to think but as they walk out sandwich with pulls deck and aside to make sure you've still got it in you right Logan never respected you before but now he will he's gonna be hard to kill but you can succeed where the others have failed Sabretooth continues to tell Jack and how Logan pampered this Evan kid while leaving him his only real son in the shadows so now it's time for him to rise he deserves a father who loves him a short while later Sabretooth visits mystique as she gets out of the shower telling her that they need to talk away from shadow King and the others but as she asks him for what he tells her be quiet he might be listening the two of them leave the underwater facility and sabre-2 tells her that he thinks they have a problem Shadow King may have been listening on her murderous thoughts about him he worries that the Shadow King is using Evan for himself and if that happens they're all in for a bad century mystique tells him to just come out with it I could smell the lies what the hell do you really want Sabretooth and he tells her more about what we want and then silo drops the illusions it says that they need a few minutes alone with her a Psylocke looked through her mind she tells everyone it might be too late Sabretooth seems very confident that Evan will crack Logan tells everyone not to worry he's a good kid and he won't go dark but Nightcrawler says Evan is being tortured and the shadow king is in his mind we need to be prepared to kill that child or we will lose your world Elizabeth tells him no but speaking of all of this killing wisent Dakin's named Ben mentioned Logan argues it's not that simple he's my kid psylocke turns to ask Wade where he stands on this and when everyone looks weight is gone back inside evan looks at his suit and he hears a voice behind him telling him i couldn't do it the first time around and as Evan turns around he sees Wade holding a gun at him stating but now I can back topside Wolverine and psylocke make their way down into the underwater facility where Evan is being held but deep down inside Wade tells Evan hurry up we have to get you out of here I never asks him why should I trust you aren't you just here to kill me but wait tells him what I am is some kind of unhinged psychopath covered in guns and swords however I'm one of the good guys Jack in an Omega black up here at that moment and weight tells him you know what was sitting in is sober rude he's tries to escape with Evan but as he runs a mega black catches him with her tendrils and she begins to pump him full of cancer toxin Wade begins to fight back by cutting off the tendrils and he jumps behind Jack and firing his gun into him blob begins to run after Wade but as he rolls underneath them to his backside Omega Black begins to attack again except this time Wade jumps over blob causing him to be the one injected with the cancer toxin as he lands away draws his sword telling deccan you killed my friend prepare to bard Evan and Shadow King stand over him after being shot by one of Evans eye blasts as he tells Wade these people told me the truth they could have killed me but they didn't Wade elsewhere a mystique begins to wake up from Cylons at hack and finds the night crawler watching over her she tells him you're not my son and he tells her yes actually I'm from another place the two begin to talk as mystique asks him how she was in his world and he tells her she was a hero she's dead now she then asks him to tell her about the world that he's from and Nightcrawler tells her that it was a world where her companion blob killed his wife and the world was then ravaged by the same beast that they plan to corrupt followed by Weapon X mystique Dan asks if he's here for revenge on the man who slaughtered his wife well she can give it to him back down on the facility skinless man on the rest of the Brotherhood discuss how the others are going to be coming and when do they think that Wolverines gonna be here Sabretooth asks what are you dim and as he looks up wolverine bursts through the ceiling and Sabretooth says he's already here whoever he gives a swing at Sabretooth and then he grabs him and slams him into a terminal next to him but the feral berserker begins to come out and Wolverine because the knock Sabretooth away Omega white runs in but Wolverine kicks her in the head breaking off parts of it Wolverine then tells himself I need to find Evan but as he goes to leave skinless man grabs him in place he quickly turns pulling himself closer to skilless man but he stabs him in the gut and as Logan lets go Omega Red tries to attack just as the tendril hits Wolverine he grabs it and pulls him close slashing away at Omega Reds chest Wolverine then here Sabretooth telling him it was a bad move to come here alone and the two of them begin to struggle elsewhere in the facility Sol lock means making your way through trying to rescue Wade but along the way shadow king can hear her talking to wade in his mind and with her mind open he begins his onslaught of her on the mental scape a psylocke begins to open up her eyes again she doesn't see the facility instead she sees shadow King back with the computer room Logan beats down on Sabretooth when he hears Nightcrawler and Ava BAM in Wolverine says that he told him to wait outside but then Ava stabs Logan in the neck and then he sees Ava begin to change into mystique neck Carla tells him I'm sorry but I came here to have my revenge and I will do it too by any means as Wolverine begins to wake up from his teks poison he sees himself tied up to a table and dak and asks hey would you like a drink after pouring the two of them a drink and drinking all of his Dakin's slams his cup back down stating how watching him act like a hero has always made him feel bad and it began to hate the very thing that he was genetically intended to be Wolverine though he can murder people and still call himself a hero a teacher a good guy and he hates him because he's being true to what he is but Wolverine tells him I don't hate you I'm actually sad for you but what they're doing now they won't get another chance if they die they will stay dead and this is how he wants it to be between them he's got love for him but really he's got it all wrong making it such a damned mess the two of them sit in silence and dak and pours himself another drink asking Wolverine have you ever wondered what it would be like to be raised me have you had really been my father I was at the age of seven that I started to kill Wolverine tells him it should have been different for you I'm more sorry than you know but Atkins says well two regrets back in the lab Omega block beats down on wait until Dagon calls her to go ahead bring them the boy as they leave wait till seven all is it you gotta believe me where are the good guys over on the astral plane silac continues to fight against Shadow King but just as she strikes him down she tells him that she will make him suffer inside of her mind jailed but she won't kill again he tells her such a kind gesture and then he reaches back up and she try sir and he asks her how will you make such choices when your psyches been shattered sigh lock opens up her eyes in the current time and begins to wander and then she asks herself where am I Who am I over in the aquarium blob walks out asking why mystique wanted to meet here does she want a ride on the freddy dukes cheese doodle Express and step right up babe then from behind in the shadows Nightcrawler appears telling himself this is it I've betrayed those people for this he leaves from the shadows swinging his sword at blobs gut but blob smacks him away telling him sorry but nothing gets in unless I watered in just ask most of your wife as Nightcrawler hits the glass it begins to crack so he bamps out grabs a shark and then he asks steel hungry mind friend Niekro Levin teleports the shark inside a blob and the teleports back outside stating Linda sends her regrets and as the shark begins to eat the block from the inside out he falls over in a pool of his own blood another a figure appears then stating you had your revenge now it's time to pay for it back in the rumors Wolverine and akan Dacus says that he's made a few good points about everything but he sees that he's already past the point of no return dad a trapdoor beneath Wolverine begins to open up and then he falls into a tank of water and when he looks up the window he sees Daken and Evon water begins to fill the tank and Daken asks you know the secret to killing wolverine it's simple it's round him and that he turns to evan asking would you kill me to save wolverine when Evan doesn't answer dak and punches him Evan doesn't fight back and dak and grabs him stating fine you can watch Wolverine die while he watches you and after a while of watching Omega black brings Evan back into the room with Deadpool evan struggles and tells him we need to leave he's drowning Wolverine he's crazy he's gonna kill us all unless we stop it Deadpool tells him if you do this it's gonna end so badly you have to stop that Evan asks stop I've only just begun sigh lucky gene is to walk through the halls trying to remember who and what she is but as she begins to calm down she finds a mental nob she is Elizabeth Braddock she is Psylocke and she put herself into a state of self amnesia to escape the master plan she just needs to remember to never do that again before her a mega white runs up carrying omega red telling her this is all her fault now it's her turn to suffer elsewhere Nightcrawler walks back to the corner as Ava tells him that he deserves it died for what he did all of his PD Nightcrawler teleports as Ava swings but as he reappears Ava turns and stabs the same spot impaling him Ava says that he jeopardized their world he is a selfish coward and he says I had to make sure I got him but hopefully one day they will learn to forgive me as he teleports away as the facility begins to burn evan follows skinless man as he tells him come on be a sport skilless man then grabs a jar with phonto makes his heart in at telling him look let me go and you can have all go cluster back Evan looks at the jar and as he reaches for its skinless man crosses it along with the heart telling him okay that was my last joke and then he hears a voice telling him bummer Deadpool appears stabbing skillet Schmitt through the neck telling him I just butchered the punchline Evan then asks how could people be this horrible and Deadpool tries to tell him calm down calm down and Evan stands up shouting how could people be this decayed elsewhere Shadow King begins to escape but before he can leave Omega White appears stating that he killed Braddock he was a fool to let her break free Omega white then grabs shadow king by the head telling him that I'm mega white its psychic energy and begins to absorb him into his mind as he Shadow King seize Psylocke Stanley there any demands that they finish on the astral plane but she just psychically punches through Omega white stating she just erased the artificial mind so now he can stay locked away forever after freeing Wolverine from the tank Deadpool gives Wolverine mouth-to-mouth the winged come up and he tells him Evan well he's gotten a bit angry Wolverine Wolverine says go find him and Sai Lockheed get the hell out of here Evan continues to walk through the halls destroying everything when he sees Psylocke run up to him stating that they need to get the heck out of here now but Evan just backhands her away and on the floor she changes back into mystique Evan tells her you're a bad person you set this up but before he can strike her again Nightcrawler teleports in telling her come mother there's nothing left for us here up topside Wolverine looks down as Jacket is laying in the rubble of his base and dacum tells him I'm good you got out it's better this way Wolverine leaves town slamming Daken onto the ground of the two of them starts swinging at each other and soon dad can begin to gain the upper hand slamming Wolverines face into a wall dad can tells him quit holding back and with one final lunch mover he slashes and grabs him holding his head down in the water jaqen begins to wonder what his life would have been like growing up with a father how different would things have been how differ would he have been and then the thoughts stop and Wolverine let's go he looks down at his son dead but while holding him Evan talks to him and tells them that this was the only way this could have ended a little while later Evan begins to carry Wolverine back to Ava with the others and he lays him down to rest psylocke watches as the facility begins to blow up and then she looks at her sword Ava begins to take off and what's left behind is her sword and as Wolverine lays there he thinks to himself just how it would have been if he had been there for deck and as time pass things slowly began to get back to normal I haven't went back to the Jean Grey school and then one night while Evan was reading just before bed here's Wade asking hey what you reading he tells him it's on meditation and then he asks Wade if he thinks sneaking up on an apocalypse is really a good idea and wait tells him never refer to yourself like that kid Evan begins to say how he is he has that evil inside of him in a way tells him yes you fought it even if everything was a lie phantom X raised you right what I'm really trying to say kid is I'll be here for you if you need me as Wade leaves Evan tells him you still have my book and Wei tells him yeah meditation is for hippies or Psychopaths trying to be hippies they ain't for you kid I left you something that you'll like much better Evan looks down it seems that way left him a bunch of nudie magazines sometime later over in Manhattan psylocke returns to her apartment it finds Wolverine and Ava waiting for her she asks what she owes this honor to and Wolverine says there's one complication that we have left as they leave on Ava [ __ ] asks before they teleported back from the future future Wolverine whispered something to him before they left Wolverine remembers back to what future Wolverine said future Wolverine said that he didn't kill Daken because of not killing Jack and Dec and killed all of the students in the school silac asks him again but he still doesn't tell her what future Wolverine said and Ava announces that they are now at the white sky as they walk in Wade tells everyone that he was wondering when they would come back so we started pushing buttons or whatever anyway it seems to be working capsule begins to open up and out steps phantom X telling everyone you've got to be kidding silac runs over hugging abstaining jean-philippe and then a voice tells her no that would be me everyone looks as he's another faun to mix holding a gun and Wolverine tells him we're not here to hurt you and the other one tells him hurt how could he he's already gone and just like that phantom X disappears wait States I just got my head around the idea of a one phantom X sort of and what are we gonna do with phonto sexy over there because now there's also a female font to mix phantom X asks Ava to explain what happened as she tells him that they took his body to clone him but it seemed that it cloned one for every one of his brains he had three brains the female phantom X states that as they can see the other one wasn't very nice and wait asks if she's nice and she tells him that nicest phantom X looks at Wade and asks are you hitting on her and fonta max looks back and asks what did I miss where are we off to whatever would remain silence so he says oh we're done later phantom exit Elizabeth leave to the French Alps and Elizabeth asks where are they he tells her his home there was someone that he wanted her to meet his mother and as his mother walks out she states that she never met any of his girlfriends so he must really like her I sound like asks if this is real and he tells her maybe but is anything maybe Shadow King cooked her noodle well if it is and she's in control than just once she would like to imagine a happy and it's the two of them kiss and there you have it thank you whoever you are for staying to the end of this video for joining us for a massive Mondays let us know down below which is some of our favorite stories that we've done before that you would like to see is a massive Monday and don't forget to subscribe every Monday you get a massive Monday every Wednesday you get a comics tonight every Saturday you get podcasting we do it all here and on between all of that - bunch of complete stories like I forgot to mention that we do a lot of other things if you're still here wow I don't know but you're just listen to me ramble you just you stuck around for like a crazy long video I don't even know how long it ended up being maybe an hour maybe two oh it wasn't like eight Phil's eight hours would you still stick around eight hours that Wolverine and Deadpool kickin it you know just pop on a nice little like like video game maybe place Call of Duty does they don't play call of duty do you play call of duty anymore destiny no don't play is that either monster her I play monster hunter thank you I'll see you later [Music] you
Channel: Comicstorian
Views: 792,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comicstorian, comic book, comic books, dc, dc entertainment, marvel, storytelling, full story, dc universe, justice league, comic theories, avengers, superhero, injustice, miles morales, deadpool kills the marvel universe, batman, gwenpool, godspeed, doom patrol, marvel zombies, spider man
Id: _mZNXoryuyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 58sec (5458 seconds)
Published: Mon May 21 2018
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