Agent Venom "Secret Agent to Space Knight Ending" - Full Story | Comicstorian

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welcome to the full story series where me in the comic story and team compiled a collection of our older videos into one giant epic movie today you're going to see the entire run for agent venom which in my opinion is one of my favorite comic book characters agent venom is amazing I love him I have a separate video explaining why I connect with this character so much but this is the story of agent venom over in Eastern Europe Flash Thompson finds himself jumping headlong into a city being destroyed a mercenary group is attempting to extract a man who has learned how to weaponize Antarctic vibranium and flash need to stop them before they can but during his arrival he found some of the terrorist soldiers opening fire on the innocents in the city flash jumps into shield the last standing woman he fights off the rest of his soldiers however as he wraps himself around the woman he sees a grenade fall out right in front of them he quickly plugs the pin hole and decides to bring it with him thinking how this mission is already off to a great start using the guns when the other dead soldiers flash runs through the alleyways firing in all directions killing off the remaining soldiers that he finds what he's looking for and he stares down at the barrel of a tank after getting the woman in the child the safety flash goes back in pulls doctor eek emic out of the tank the doctor tells him to release him at once but flash tells him you're actually pretty lucky to be alive and a green ghost floats over and wraps itself around flash a voice then tells him that he has a pretty neat costume so first you get a trick and then jack-o'-lantern slams his broom down on Flash telling him and here's the treat Jack then grabs the doctor and begins to fly off and the symbiote starts to creep out from the ghosts wrappings using the tank next to them flash fires a tank shell at Jack to try and stop him but as he goes to give chase the woman from before begs him to take her son out of there so flash decides to take them with him while swinging through Jack comes back and knocking flash out of the air causing him and the civilians to begin to fall back down into the streets Jack then slashes away at Flash's face and control radios in telling him to stay calm he's losing control of the symbiote just then a flash turns webbing Jack and the symbiote punches a back stating wearing control now Jack quickly jumps back in pins flashed down ready to cut off his head and that goes flash another idea the grenade from before is then thrust into Jack's mouth and it explodes Jack begins coughing and calls out to his room to try and escape but before he can fly far enough all flash webs of the doctor and brings him out of Jack's grips causing him to fall back down to the ground later over a project rebirth general dodge has the symbiote removed from flesh telling everyone to get out he needs to talk to flash alone dodge tells flash that he had to kill the last soldier that occupied that suit the man lost control and soon dodges inches away from ending Flash's life if he lets the symbiote take control like that again just no next time if he ever lets the brute anger Sully his operation venom again who cut it off Flash's next mission takes him to the Savage Land where he's being hunted by Kraven the hunter with javelins ready in him Kraven jumps in stabbing flash with one of them flash knows that he needs to run he has to get away from him before anxiety can begin to set in he needs to remember Benny as the two of them begin to struggle flash manages to stab Kraven but he just grabs a hold of the spike and cuts the symbian off rage begins to set in to flash as it begins to take over and Kraven jumps up hitting and knocking flash back down to the ground he decides that he has to run he can't stay here any longer he can't let Betty bury another liar a little while later flash wakes up in a cave regaining control off the symbiote once he pulls out the last of the spear heads he looks at his watch and he sees that it's almost been two days since he bonded with the symbiote and after a full two days it can permanently bond with him luckily command has not set off that failsafe to kill him yet he only has one bullet left just in case the symbiote tries to take complete control he has a mission to complete but he also can't let Kraven run free so he'll have to kill and just as he's leaving the cave Kraven appears before him with a strange look in his eye he knocks him back down into the cave and he tells him to give him what he desires one final and Bruce flash retreats back further into the cave and he finds himself in a room with giant bats ones that can make a lot of loud sonic noises things that the symbiote really hates Kraven calls out to him but as he talks flash webs his mouth to stop him from making any noise he then drags him across the ground but then Kraven jumps up thrusting his javelin after a missing he then throws it but before it could hit the wall flash webs onto its wings at around stabbing craven craven screams out causing the bats to wake up and as they screech the symbiotes screams separating itself from flesh craving gets up ready to kill Flash Thompson but then the bat swooped down grabbing the both of them carrying them out of the cave just as they get out flash takes up the gun that he has only one bullet left in and he fires it into the Bands neck the bat releases them and flash grabs onto a vine if he pulls himself back to the foot of the cave this is it he's going to go back home and tell Betty everything no more secrets from her as long as he has her nothing else can matter and then he sees the symbiote crawling towards him as it begins to bond back with him he can hear a voice one stating how it needs him just as much as he needs it there's no time for questions though he has a mission and he needs to stop the Antarctic vibranium from shipping out of here elsewhere though someone watched the whole thing and saw flash outside of his symbiote suit a little while later over in Brooklyn Betty begins to hear a voice of the foot of her bed and in someone lighting a match jack appears before her and asks how does she loved that legless drunk anyway back in the savage land flash makes his way down into the vibranium mines killing all of the henchmen in his way his fight with Kraven cost him days and now the vibranium shipment is getting ready to leave slowly the symbiote is gaining more and more control over him once the last henchman falls flash gives himself a sedative to try and relax the symbiote but it will only give him about an hour so he needs to hurry topside of the mind the henchman begin to prepare to take off with the vibranium and flash runs in charging through all of the men but before jumping off the ledge flash leaves behind a bomb and he shoots his WEP he needs his Hail Mary play will he make it the web grabs ahold of the helicopters tire and flash pulls himself up and as he opens the door the pilot tries shooting him but then it's quickly thrown out just as flash jumps into the pilot's seat a voice over the radio begins to come in telling him thank God he managed to get his shipment under control but since he destroyed his mining operation using his clearance in the army he's going to deliver that chopper to New York flash asks if he really thinks he's just going to bring him the vibranium and the man tells him yes I would want to deliver it to you know if I didn't want to see my girlfriend blown up back in Brooklyn Peter Parker goes to visit Betty and realizes that something is wrong in Betty's apartment something very bad and over in Bushwick New York crime master tells Flash Thompson one hell of a job really got us out of a pickle but just like I promised Betty is in a warehouse by the river and Valentine Lane you have about five minutes so you might not want to call your superior so that bomb will go off a little early flash leaves swinging through the city but assembiy it slowly begins to take more control of him he's had it too long but that doesn't matter right now all flash knows is that he needs to get to Betty he can't let anything stop him and the spider-man appears kicking venom down flash tries to tell him to wait but spider-man punches him it sends up flying into the ground and this fight him in Lane is telling everyone do you need to run and through the dust venom webs up spider-man pulling him in and hitting him with a massive punch Flash's mind he tells venom to stop the venom continues flinging and beating down on spider-man the more flash tries to talk to the symbiote the more he realizes there's no response the symbiote is blinded by rage and then a venom screams out chill spider-man back in push with crime masters henchmen begin unloading the helicopter and that's when one of the notices something laying inside he shows crime master who looks at it and that he pushes the man off the building seconds later an explosion goes off over at the project rebirth facility general dodge says someone please correct him if he's wrong but pushing that kill switch was supposed to blow up venom right Catherine I mentioned well a bomb did go off but it was over in Bushwick back in Brooklyn the fight between venom with spider-man rages on but not long into it spider-man begins beating venom down shouting where is she flash manages to mutter out whoa spider-man it goes back to punching him shouting what did you do with her flash tries to back away to escape with spider-man webs up his leg and slams her back into the ground he then jumps into attack but as he gets close venom turns back it cracks him across the face the punch said spider-man flying through a store an event of charges and reaching out but instead of grabbing spider-man he grabs the sedatives next to him it starts downing hundreds of pills venom slowly stumbles away it says warehouse valentine Lane spider-man tries to figure out if he can trust him but then venom lifts a truck up and throws it flash tells venom that he needs to stop it if he does it Betty is going to die if he stays dodge will kill him does he want another host venom stops and thinks about it and decides he doesn't want another host so he'll allow flash to take back over flash rushes over to the warehouse and just as he gets to it it explodes everything is gone everything good in his life Betty he's not a hero he's a villain and then he sees spider-man escaping at the last second with Betty flash manages to say thank you but spider-man tells him no you're a deranged sicko I'll find you again and neck time you won't be thanking me as the Symbian begins to pull back flash notice is that during the fight spider-man managed to place a tracker on him so for now he'll keep it there will probably be a time when he needs spider-man to find him flash ready is the Catherine that the vibranium shipment is in New York and he's in route to stop it currently he's still in control of the suit as flash swings through a little robot Devils flutter around stating how they love his costume and then they begin to breathe fire all over him flash manages to fight some of them off but then jack-o'-lantern flies back in punching flash off of the building jack tells him that he's kind of new at this he's never really had a nemesis before so he's gonna chain him up for now he then starts flying through the buildings dragging flash along and just before he can kill him crime master radios in he says that vibranium is being intercepted by the government the shipment he was supposed to guard Jack takes off stating that they'll have to continue this later but he'll be seeing him around Eugene but before leaving flash managed to tack the locator a spider-man left on him stating that he'll be seeing someone soon a little while later flash Betty and Peter all sit in Betty's apartment after finally getting a chance to go home everyone begins to wonder why was it that Betty was targeted she mentions that it might have been because of the recent crime story that she put out and they just kind of sent Peter says that it may have just been the monster trying to lure out spider-man but flash says maybe spider-man is just getting in the middle of something like he's a trouble magnet before the argument of whether spider-man is good or bad for everyone but he says then maybe it's just all brought on by Betty Brandt's crack journalism too just gonna have to wait and see what happens next as Betty Lee's flash and Peter sit on the couch Peter says maybe she's just unlucky ended up in the middle of something bad and flash tells him yeah that much is clear things in New York have gotten weird recently people are gaining spider powers from a bizarre infection going around New York City right now it's kind of contained a bank robber that's strong enough to break out of webbing a police officer that's able to take them out with a single punch and maybe I want to be a vigilante this is all a part of the latest plan from The Jackal when a spider-man's worst villains the man that is capable of cloning Peter Parker and is currently trying to see how far he can spread this disease causing mild panic in the hospitals as people are coming and reporting sticky fingers and odd feelings Peter Parker aka spider-man himself is off training with madam web but more worried about his lack of spider sense you see horizon labs the company that Peter Parker works for accidentally created a device that jams spider-man's spider-sense in a response he's been learning kung fu and how to properly fight from Shanxi and Madame web herself he calls it spider foo while Peter Parker is going back to his apartment because his girlfriend Carly Cooper wants to chat about something that she discovered jackal is moving forward with the next part of his plan the revival of the first Peter Parker clone the misfit the reject came he's looking a little bit more like a spider though and less like Peter Parker now over at Peter Parker's apartment Carly shares an amazing secret with him somehow she's gotten his spider powers she tells Peter this while standing on the ceiling of his apartment Peter's in shock so you got spider powers and you just come out and tell me and just like that she makes Peter feel like crap well yeah we're a couple and this is what couples do who else am I going to share this with uh thanks I guess so after showing off her strength she asks Peter that since he makes tech for spider-man can he maybe make her some spider tech maybe he could even set her up with spider-man so that she could possibly become his sidekick um can we just do something normal I need to go drop on May off of the airport oh that's lame I should go on Patrol or something that'd be awesome meanwhile jackal is putting the next phase of his plan into action he goes to a local gang with his two enforcers the spider King Insurance Allah he has the gang a box filled with Spiderman uniforms and he tells them that it's their lucky day he then sets a bunch of criminals with spider powers loose on New York all dressed up as spider-man mary-jane look Serena doesn't the spider-man swinging around causing problems and she says to herself that if we're doing the clone thing again I swear I'm going back to LA she then jumps underneath the car saving a kid as various superheroes arrive and Hawkeye shouts everyone assemble over at the George Washington Bridge after dropping Automator husband off at the airport Peter and Carly find themselves in a traffic gridlock when the radio host starts reporting about spider-man going crazy all over the town carly tells Peter sorry she's a cop and she gets on the roof and then using her organic webbing she's not of there but as she leaves she decides to tell Peter that this looks like a job for your friendly neighborhood spider cop Peter then gets out of the car so that's what that feels like and then he sneaks off and changes and joins her as spider-man well the real one meanwhile back at Ground Zero with the spider-man attack the Avengers and everyone else are shocked because every single one of these spider men are a strong as spider-man himself at least they aren't cracking the Webb heads lame jokes Hawkeye says dropping another one of the black suited spider-man speak for yourself Hawkeye that give me a bigger reason to pound them Luke Cage says preparing to punch another armored spider-man but at that exact moment spider-man the real one Peter Parker comes swinging in and he sees Miss marvel hey Miss marvel I'm looking for a girl and she knocks him on the ground great now they're all getting pervy she tells the rest of the superheroes Peter gets back up but he tries to explain I'm the real spider-man but the thing turns back to him yeah like I haven't heard that five times already and he clobbers spider-man then Iron Fist comes in with a fully charged iron fist so shanxi jumps in to save the day he was watching the whole thing unfold with Madame web and Madame web can see into the future and she saw this coming but he refuses to stand by while Peter is getting beaten on by his friends hawkeye snaps at Shang what are you doing that's one of the bad guys but a Wolverine confirms it yeah that one smell cigars plus he ate a cherry pop-tart Peter rubs his head telling Wolverine Shh I didn't bring enough for everyone but everyone tells Peter that he has to get out of this fight if he's here everyone will be holding back just in case they might punch him so sadly Peter leaves and he changes back into his civilian clothes he then runs over to Mary Jane and a reporter friend of his but that gives him an idea if spider-man can't join the fight why couldn't Peter Parker so he hands the camera to Mary Jane that are pointed right at him keep him on frame hey if you're watching this then you know what's going on some New Yorkers woke up today with spider powers and now they're tearing our city apart and all over the world everyone's asking why would they do that because everyone knows us as loud rude obnoxious jerks well guess what this morning I woke up with spider powers just like the rest of you and I'm gonna do my part my name's Peter Parker and I'm a native New Yorker and when I look around I don't see a bunch of jerks I see teachers nurses cops parents neighbors and friends good people who give their all every day I see heroes and today were not just heroes were superheroes so Peter Parker then swings back in with a bunch of regular people that got spider powers ready to save the day and they begin beating on the spider power two villains and Carly notices her boyfriend Peter is in the fray but once all of the villains are nabbed up things go into full swing the Spider flu is a disease that Reed Richards needs to cure city lockdown New York and a quarantine it no one gets in or out and Peter then reports to Horizon labs while spider cop Carly gets to work trying to prevent the regular citizens from becoming superheroes Reed takes Peter aside because he knows that Peter is really spider-man and he takes his blood the only thing that they know at first is that super-powered individuals aren't affected it's only affecting normal people but while they're searching for a cure something else interesting is going on Eddie Brock now known as anti-venom is running around trying to cure people of the spider flu his symbiote can do it and he's just crazy enough to think that he can be New York's Savior while Flash Thompson aka agent venom is also secretly jumping into New York to assist with this problem as a black ops operative back with Peter Parker he has now joined Carly in her investigation because Reed got what he needed as she decided that this whole thing sounds like something than an old spider-man villain The Jackal would do so they swing themselves to the last known hideout of the jackal to see what clues they could find out but while they're tracking down the jackal agent venom has run into a bit of a problem on the nearby bridge as he's battling against King spider one of the Jackals enforcers he manages to use one of the local superheroes as a weapon by throwing them into the air and having him land on King spider knocking him unconscious and then he hauls him off to his black ops unit to figure out who King spider is while the entire situation is a mess because King spider broke free Flash Thompson was able to get his Venom symbiote back and he's about to kill king spider and that's when everyone discovers that King spider is actually a transform to Steve Rogers he's actually Captain America so they subdue him and agent venom uses his symbiote to change his appearance into King spider allowing him to go undercover into jackals organization meanwhile back with Peter Parker and Carly they've entered jackals lair only to find a white rabbit chance and scorcher waiting carly tells Peter that this is perfect that the bad guys are here that must mean jackal is involved they both leap into the air dodging the flames coming from the scorcher in Peter throws at a web barrage and Carly starts trying to fight against the white rabbit told me to take a hit to her head seeing his girlfriend in trouble Peter jumps onto white rabbit using a spider foo and this confuses Carly because if he had these crazy moves why didn't he use them earlier but that was all it took to wrap up the villains and hauled him off but before she goes carly tells Peter that she needs to talk to spider-man and him together figure out a way to get them both into the same location because she needs to see them meanwhile anti-venom is trying his best to cure everyone near him but the civilians of New York don't want to be cured they consider Eddie Brock's anti-venom a monster trying to take away their awesome powers and he keeps trying to tell them that he is their Savior but all of these spider powered individuals popping up is also causing issues from Madame web because she's now becoming overwhelmed with the amount of spider powered people joining the web of life it's overwhelming she doesn't know what's causing it back with spider-man 2 Carly he explains that she just missed Peter and that's when they get a call to go stop shocker because he's breaking into a bank during this whole thing as odd as that is when they get there right off spider-man can tell that something is wrong because the shocker now has six arms I need this money I don't want to be a stupid freaky shouts out as he begins throwing his beams all over the place they said they could fix me if I got this money wait shocker are you serious spider-man says dodging everything and that's when the Shocker pulls off his mask to reveal the monster that he is changing into batters get even worse though as Carly begins changing into a full-on spider monster behind Peter Parker and then the web of life goes to its extreme as people begin changing all over New York spider-man looks in horror as everyone around him because changing into these giant spider monsters and they all begin to crawl away he then hits his knees feel defeated because he lost track of spider Carly all of these spider monsters are going to one central location in Central Park to the Spider Queen it turns out that jackal isn't the evil mastermind behind this plot the Spider Queen is actually a woman named Adrienne Soria a woman with a history tied into Captain America and Spider Man she originally defeated them and then went into hiding until Captain America found her as she was starting her plans with the jackal so she defeated him with her new super powers and had him changed at that moment agent venom disguised as king spider arrives at the location he kneels before the Queen and they accept him the plan worked meanwhile back with anti-venom he's retreated into a church where there are now mutated spider people that have changed their tune and they're begging for him to cure them he decides to take his role as the Saviour to heart he'll care the ball back at Horizon mayor jonah jameson has decided that he has his own plan and he demands that his bodyguards take him to the emergency command center of course this is the terrible idea as his convoy is quickly under attack from the giant spider monsters and spider-man has a swing in to save the day but Jameson refuses to be saved as spider-man again and he gets out of his car using his own spider powers to start fighting against the monsters with spider-man j-jordan samisen the sensational spider-man too many twits my brain is overloading spider-man says not another word Jameson says joining him in the fight meanwhile back with the Spider Queen she now gets news that there is someone named Eddie Brock otherwise known as anti venom out curing the spider flu so she decides to send a spider King off to kill anti-venom not realizing that she actually just sent agent venom off over at the command center spider-man a Jameson arrived and spider Misty's Jameson's plan to use Alistair Smythe despite her Slayer against the spider monsters with everyone telling him that he's insane Jameson walks over to Smythe how do I stop a whole city of spiders but since Jameson has displayed spider powers he is also connected to the web the same web that the Spider Queen is using to manipulate the spider monsters as she makes Jameson remember his own wife being killed by Smythe Jameson begins to change and morph into the giant spider monsters and he lunges at Alistair biting him on the neck and killing him meanwhile across the town at the church agent venom has arrived to get Drock but Brock recognizes the Venom symbiote and he begins to freak out he tells agent venom that venom is a leech and it'll change his owner like it did to him but agent venom tells him that he's not a mass murderer so anti-venom throws agent venom out of the church and he tries to cure him wiping out the symbiote to finally get his revenge against it but agent venom manages the kick anti-venom off of him the two Duke it out even more with Flash Thompson slowly losing control of his symbiote venom is mad and flash can't keep it in check once anti-venom gets agent venom back onto the ground he starts to get ready to cure it again and flash freaks out pouring the whole symbian on to anti venom now without having any control over it it starts to try and take control of Eddie and it begins to try and get rid of his anti-venom so it can go home where it belongs it wants to become the true venom again but flash begs it come back return to me I need you the symbiote considers it and it leaves Eddie Brock for Flash Thompson again leaving Eddie unconscious agent venom picks him up and he drops him off with Reed Richards back at Horizon labs where Eddie willingly gives up his anti-venom symbiote for Reed to use even if it'll turn Eddie back to normal again he'll be the savior all agent venom had to do was ask back with Mary James she's finally gotten spider powers after everyone else around her has already completely changed and using them she's trying to save people and become a spider powered individual it's time for Spider Jane people and then back over at the emergency command center spider-man is fighting against a super power to Jameson trying to kill everyone luckily he was able to knock him out and web him up he then runs over to Alistair we could save you but Alistair knows that he's done and he tells spider-man that he already has the answer the spider-slayers meanwhile reed has used the anti-venom symbiote to come up with a cure and he injects it into one or Peter's co-workers to check if it works and it does but the moment that he changes her back the Queen knows because she can feel Reed severing people from the great web realizing that them having the Cure isn't good for their plans jackal suggests that they send their other enforcer to destroy the cure sent in the monster is Kade back at Horizon labs madam Webb has figured out why she can't see the future it's not just the fact that there are so many spiders it's the fact that this problem is combined with the spider jammers to get there are too many visions you can't find a correct path to the future she teleports into horizon labs into a ball of fire and she tells the fools there to turn off their jammers not only does it block spider-man but it also disrupts her visions fix it now spider-man on the other hand is returning to his lab to see if he can figure out what Alistair is talking about and he slips in like he always does but he does find it odd that the computer is already reading him inside he drops into the lab and Kane jumps on him came because the swing of spider-man as spider-man tries to convince him to stop Cait is just doing the Jackals bidding again he's better than this but can can't hear him he just hears the Jackals orders and he swings the spider-man again so spider-man goes to plan B and he starts using his spider foo on cane the cane isn't even affected and a first spider meant to the ground see me our moves got them on tape with spider-man on the ground cane runs over to the doors and using his parkour DNA he gets inside where the cure is being manufactured off of the anti-venom symbiote if he can destroy this they won't be able to make him have a cure King creates a toxin that the jackal orders him to do and he throws it into the VAT of the cure but before it can hit the fat spider-man uses his webs and he catches it Kayne replies by getting his webbing on to spider-man's face and yanking him towards himself and then he holds him over the VAT of the cure ready to shove him in with the toxin and cure spider-man and contaminate the rest of it once and for all right then at that exact moment the scientists of horizon labs deactivate their spider chambers it's back spider-man has a spider since again and it's stronger than ever he dodged the punch jumps into the air and cracks cane on the back of that head throwing him into the cure Kane then crawls out of the VAT of cure little help over here spider-man runs over cane and cane explains everything the Queen is behind this that jackal is working for her and that they need to stop her while over with the Queen and the jackal she slams him with a sonic blast for failing her again and Madame web realizes the mistake that she's made because the Queen is now getting all of the power from her spider underlings meanwhile back with agent venom he's decided to infiltrate her base and once she catches him she kick his his butt across the floor until they both end up in Central Park where a now cured Captain America jumps in to join the fight but their efforts combined they drop the queen and finally succeed in ending this or so we'd hope because the Queen begins to get all of the power from her spiders and she changes in to the giant spider Queen the true queen of the spiders Captain America turns to agent venom soldier are you with me always all right round two across town back at spider-man's laughs Kaine at spider-man come up with a plan why not have two spider-man so he gives him one of his older suits and they get ready to taxi in this adventure over in what was once Central Park the Spider Queen is rampaging with agent venom and cap on a helicopter in front of her and the rest of the super arrows trying to figure out what the heck they should do Cain and spider-man land a safe distance away trying to think of what they should do and that's when Madame web appears she's feeding off with the strength of all of her subjects an entire island she's a god now Peter the only way you can stop her is by killing her Peter and Kane then jump off the roof together you know that's not my way Madame web Parker Brothers away that is not our catchphrase we'll get sued Kane says ready to be the hero again spider-man swings in with a solid punch at the Queen's head and she throws him back against a building but he gets caught by Mary Jane swinging by figured I owed you a few tiger I don't know how to fight this one MJ build something that's your speech build something do you see the size of her we wouldn't need a million spider-slayers to I have an idea with that spider-man and MJ leave the superheroes and came to fight against the Spider Queen he takes off to the police precinct where all of his old villains Gear's located and he goes to the safe where they're keeping doc Ock's octobots then they go to the largest atena in Manhattan using it he controls all of the Doc Ock octobots every single one of the millions of them out there and he gets them to horizon labs where he grabs up all of Reed Richards cure then using the bots he sticks every single one of the spider monsters with the cure to turn them back into regular people the loss of so many spider people begins the deep hour the Queen I'm good to save everyone MJ Peter says with a grin back over at the Queen she begins to lose her power but she isn't done yet so Miss Marvel turns to cane me a Spidey have a move you think you can do it if you can do it I can do it so she grabs one of his webs and she spins him around throwing cane he then crosses the line Peter Parker never could he pulls out his spider fangs that are in his wrist and he launches right through the Queen's head killing her and the superheroes went again the queen is dead all of the humans turn back into humans and everyone laughs and how they're naked now Eddie Brock is considered a hero to all of New York after saving everyone and Reed gets credit for saving the city with Eddie's help Cain decides that he needs to move on now that he's alive again there isn't room for another spider person in New York the whole head off for a little while maybe somewhere down south like Houston Carly Cooper figured it all out she figured out the spider man is Peter Parker he was too good with the powers and he adapted too quickly she's a cop after all and the fact that he didn't tell her is a break of trust that she can't live with so she left him while everything seems to be going rocky for spider-man as it always does because he lost Carly and he lost Kane Mary Jane has him open his eyes for one second the New Yorkers themselves have found a way to honor their hero now at the end of the Spider Island events Flash Thompson is faced with reading the letter that his father passed away still bruised from the last fight he sits with his mother and Betty at his father's services but behind the priest he sees him jack-o'-lantern the service has come to a close friends and family all say their goodbyes and Jack goes to flash to give him his condolences jack introduces himself to Betty telling her that flash here saved his life back in Missoula which is why he's so pretty now flash also sponsors him in an Alcoholics Anonymous group which is why he's here he knows it's probably a bad time and he could probably use a friend to talk to at first flash tells him now is it a good time but Betty said this all right he sounds like he really needs him and Jack tells her it would mean the world to me who knows he might just be saving a life a little while later Jack takes flash to crime masters hideout where crime master tells him that he has his condolences buddy but to get to the point I need your alter ego to get a little work done flash asks him if I do this will you leave me alone and crime master tells him oh god no probably not for those of you who don't know Flash Thompson aka agent venom is currently being blackmailed to work with crime master and Jack O'Lantern the deal here isn't what you've given us flash it's about what you get to keep your mother Betty I'll allow them to keep on living if you work for me so I'm gonna need you to go ahead and head out towards Las Vegas your suit will know what it needs to do when it gets there flash knows that he could kill him twist his head off right now but the goons would gun him down and then Jack would kill Betty though now is it the right time soon he will kill them as venom kill every last one of them the next day at the project rebirth facility the military organization keeping track of the venom situation general dodge receives a visit from Captain America who's here to shut down his project rebirth though if it wasn't for venom the world would be plagued with spiders in the Spider Island event but because the Venom symbiote is such a dangerous tool it is to come back with him to the New Avengers station for containment when Captain America then asks where it is so he could take it he's told that sadly enough the operatives identity is confidential along with any file that contains his identity lead it worse yet agent venom is already long gone outside of his snow flashed things that there is still time he can turn around and take the suit back but if he does he wouldn't be able to protect his family says crime master found out his identity he could just kill Betty without the suit he's just nothing so flash bigges has scaled on the mountain and that's when he hears Captain America telling him this could end one of two ways and he would prefer the easy route flash tells him that he needs the symbian right now lives are on the line you're gonna have to trust me on this one captain and Captain America tells him it's a rotten alien I don't trust just as Captain gets ready to throw his shield flash launches himself at Captain America camp catches the kick and once flash jumps away throws his shield hitting him in the back of the head the two of them struggle on the ground and flash webs up caps face and punches him the hit was so hard that it knocked cap over the cliff blasts quickly swings down catching him and after setting him back down on the ground he swings away shortly after cap goes back to report that agent venom fled and what's worse he took my bike days later Flash Thompson heads back home to make sure that everything is all right with Betty and his mother and as he hangs up the phone he knows that Betty isn't going to put up with his lies much longer as he heads back to his hotel room he plans how he's going to kill crime master but just as he opens the door he sees Jack laying on his bed the venom suit quickly covers flash and Jack doesn't relax not here to kill you I'm just here to help you we're gonna be roadtrip buddies flash tells them that that wasn't the deal Jack says that's the funny thing about being blackmailed the deal is what do we say it is and I know we're supposed to collect Jack offers flash a drink and he tells him no so Jack says your father was a drinker too right flash grabs him and venom takes over telling him never mention my family again Jack tells him temper temper you're losing it all we wouldn't want that thing in the driver's seat it'll be bad for business the next morning the two of them head out for Vegas but along the way a news report comes on the radio about a cave at the Douglas mine and elko tramping several men flash stomps on the brakes and spins the car around and Jack asks them just what the hell are you doing flash tells them that they just passed Elko they're gonna go help those men over at the mine some of the workers gathered around as one of the men was impaled and it's currently under a few large boulders the workers tried to tell the man to hang on they're gonna go get some help but moments later everyone because to hear rumbling they all look up and they see venom pulling back some of the rocks and telling them that he's not really an expert but this roof seems a bit faulty as he holds the roof back from caving in jack tells everyone to hurry up and run and one of the workers tells him that they can't leave their friend behind Jack tells him here's the thing my friend won't leave until everyone's out and seeing as this one's kind of stuck blam Jack shoots the man and then he tells flash you're right about this superhero thing it feels terrific after the incident flash and Jack stop by a local diner to get some food as the waitress walks up she sees Jack and his startled thing jack says that he's got a real trash mess for a face doesn't he the waitress tries to tell him that that isn't it but as the cook comes out to ask what the problem is Jack tells him judging by the food you cook I might pass on getting something flash tells him to forgive his friend he's got some brain damage he's a poster child for PTSD Jack says yeah I've had a real rough childhood I was snatched it was a kid by crime master and raised to be his son raised and trained to be an assassin and eventually I went home to my real parents and killed them and discovered that my particular signature of hollowing out heads and lighting candles in them Jack Dunne gets up to go use the bathroom and flash thinks that he should just return the suit no more lies except he needs it Jack then comes back out stating that they need to hit the road he already took care of the check as they get outside flash asks if he left the poor woman attempt and Jack asks him what I some kind of an ass don't worry I took real good care of them later the two reach of Vegas and flash enters the casino shouting and creating a scene spilling his drinks throwing dice on the workers so much so that the security has to drag him off once alone the guards tell flash that he picked the wrong casino to pull that cramp in and then flash jumps around knocking the two men out something here is upsetting the symbiotes whatever crime master is having him come get phantom doesn't like it flash heads to the elevator because they had farther in but the more flash thinks about his family in danger the more II began to lose control until venom finally Jace over as the elevator doors bust open venom leaps out throwing all the security guards to the side he leaves any blast through the security fall smelling something it's here and they must kill it they must kill the competition for what is coming toxin must die Jack tries to radio in telling venom to control himself but venom grabs the toxin simia tearing it apart Jack crashes through the window shouting what are you doing you realize that you just breached our contract right after blasting him away Jack begins to put the symbian into a canister and venom Elyse back in stating that we have to kill it he knocks the two of them out of the building and Jack grabs his broom to stop the fall crime master radios back asking jack if he has the symbiote and Jack tells him yeah what should I do now crime master tells him you should run venom begins chasing Jack to the city and he jumps on his back causing him to crash into an electric billboard Jack tries to get back up with venom just stops on him he gets up ready to swing but Jack doesn't wait you need to get this under control or my dad will kill your mom he's totally a super bad guy he would really do it slowly venom begins to shrink smaller and smaller until flash is back in control jack tells him that's good I know you weren't in full control so now I will leave your family alone so long as venom leaves my family alone alright do yourself a favor and get a drink later after Jack leaves with a canister that contains toxin flash makes a call all the way back to Benny he tells her that he can't go on like this he can't keep up with her needs and his job she's been great but they're through he then heads to the liquor store buys a bottle and sits down next to a bum in the alley the bum watches as flash drinks most of the bottle than once if aney asks him hard times flash hands in the bottle and as the venom shadow appears behind him he tells them we're getting used to it my story begins in Las Vegas as Flash Thompson sits in a hotel telling Betty to stop calling him there finally through after throwing down the phone flash tells himself that this is good it just needs to keep her away from him and then he turns back to the half drank liquor bottle meanwhile over at the devil's den casino Laura Kinney receives a tip someone has made a purchase of her blood the casinos owner mr. degli has been planning us stealing something that many have attempted to do before and that is steal her soul however else were degli and his assistant oily make their way to the construction site the site is guarding a giant pentagram oily says that is time for them to get the party started and then her and degli begin their preparations first 100 human souls alien flesh provided by toxin and the blood of a mortal who's been to hell and back the skies begin to turn red and degli says now they must await their final ingredient just outside of Vegas the new ghost writer Alejandra and the former ghost writer Johnny Blaze sit in a cafe getting a bite to eat as they get their food Alejandra starts to hear them hundreds of cursed sinful souls screaming out Johnny says that's a pretty big number they should call a friend of his to investigate however as Johnny runs outside to a payphone Alejandra has already left him behind back in the hotel flash looks at a picture of his father thinking about how there were never really any good times and how now he's following in his father's footsteps with the drinking suddenly there's a loud boom and Thunderbolt Ross comes charging into the room telling flash housekeeping Ross says that he's going to hand over the symbian now but without flash the bond with venom starts to cover Ross he runs back out of the room trying to pull the symbian off of him and just his venom releases Ross sees venom caused him to run into a gas station which then explodes out on the strip flash runs away thinking that there's no way that he could handle a whole grain now he needs to get away and then from the blast at the gas station Ross and jumps down he smiles at flash and he tells him poke smash moments later flash is launched and shot across the city and then over at the construction site Alejandra makes her way closer and can hear the screaming getting louder and louder she realizes that this device is a black doorway something that can literally bring hell onto earth after jumping down Alejandra begins to ride in the opposite direction that the device is spinning all the while degli is watching and smiling soon the force from Alejandra's riding begins to open up the portal and degli calls out to her stating that he could never have done this with any other soul but she's just powered the centrifuge and opened in a door to him but she should think twice about stopping because if she does the door we will reverse and pulled down everything into hell during this flash and Ross continued to battle but as Ross is knocked to the ground he sees the ground is kind of on fire he asks if this is one of Flash's powers and flash tells him no I actually thought it was one of yours both of them turn back and they start to see demons bursting out of the ground and to begin to chase all of the humans and flash says hell is exactly what this is flash quickly tries to jump in to stop one of the demons but another gets by and Ross gets ready with a school bus to smack it down but back outside of the city limits Johnny pulls up to see the fire slowly thinking to himself that he knows what this means someone is making a play at the convergence so after pulling out an amulet and placing it on the Las Vegas sign he says that this will make a barrier that the Hellfire can not pass so it's time for him to step in and fix this as degli an oily ride through the burning city on their chariot degli says that Hell's expansion seems to have been halted once they get back to degli boy Lee says that has been a long time as they've seen home since his father cast them out degli his voice then begins to change if he says and now all of a sudden he'll browse to black art technique changes back into his original form a black heart an oily changes back into a demon she tells him that if she had to disguise herself any longer she would claw her own eyes out but at least they did have uses for their flesh after the two of them kiss black art turns to a Norma's says that now it's time for them to gloat the orb begins to display an image of a best toe and black heart asks how is his corner of Hell tonight professor tells him that it's secure though he can see that that was not a part of his plan to leave it as such mephesto laughs stating you could have uprooted all of Hell but you only managed to draw in a small meaningless corner surely you didn't think to call and brag about that failure black art tells him that soon the souls of hell and earth will be his as soon you will have more power than mephesto and he will torment him for eternity black art then tells oily to bring him there symbionts warriors and she tells him that there's a bit of a problem with that somebody's already gone and released them the orb then displays images of Laura already engaged fighting the symbionts that were created from her blood back outside of the centrifuge Johnny makes his way out to Alejandra and he tells her that he'll take over for now she needs to hurry and find whoever is casting the spell she says the spirits will tear him apart but he tells her that he's made uh some pretty Stern stuff he could survive for a while now go soon inside blackguards office a loud crash comes out of the window as Laura jumps in asking if he's the pig who stole her blood and then flash in a Ross burst in from the door asking and he's the one responsible for this black heart looks at them and says I am guilty of all charges moments later to the other window Alejandra storms in and black car tells everyone you are all weak now the Hellions mera caldron will steal the impression of your souls true form and twist it the four heroes stand is there for counter parts and make their way out of the mirror black cartels oily to go find out what's stopping the expansion and just as she leaves all of the counterparts begin attacking Ross calls out to Alejandra and tells her to follow of you but ugly one with wings and whatever she needs to do stop her as flash stands before the Evangelist he tells him that he never really was big on Church plus it looks kind of weak the priests peak is the shout weakness I'll show you weakness just like how much you rely on that suit pages in the book to the priest his holdings start to fly towards flash and they start a ripping venom from him the shadow starts to take form and flash sees his father drinking and the priest says that it's like father like son following in the same footsteps as his father he was crippled even before the war took his legs laura begins to look around asking if this is hell that Hal and X 666 finishes stating you're wondering how you can be in hell if you don't have a soul x66 begins cheering and lower pushes her aside stating yeah you're the blonde peer all-american cheerleader I could never be hell is gonna have to try a little bit better than that X 666 then stabs Laura in the back with her metal pom-pom and tells it that she's exactly what she is on the surface a cheap Wolverine knockoff back with Alejandra eight-course slowly catches up to Alejandra and knocks her off her bike he stands over her telling her that he has the blood of the gods he is pure retribution without their human frailties as he cracks open the ground a hole starts to open and Alejandra falls in he goes on stating that her brand of vengeance is it Olli it's just selfish mortal revenge he then tells her that she has so much to pay for and Alejandro says you're right Alejandra was a bad girl and you may hold power over her but Valley hot draws jaga ghostrider calls out ally hunters bike rides in and then she starts to ride over it Gore adds ghostwriter telling him Ghost Rider is all that's left but as Alejandra has overcome her weakness the others are still struggling along with Johnny who's trying to maintain the centrifuge back outside of the city limits Stephen strange and Damon hailstorm look at the barrier around Vegas and Damon says hell is coming as Alejandra makes her way back black art tonsure state and then once he'll will spread the spirits of vengeance will sit at my right hand she tells him to get out of her head besides she's about to snap his beloved's neck black art watches and tells her to wait and then calls for all of the counterparts to move in an Alejandra's location a little while later flash finds Ross sitting alone and Ross says is that brain matter thing new and made him cry on for his mother they will not talk about this to anyone flash then asks if he's got a plan before leaping away he tells him soldier I've always got a plan back at Black Arts Tower X 6 6 6 tells Laura that she'll be back soon she's needed elsewhere but until then and keep on smiling still wounded from before Elora pushes her way into Black Arts chamber and black hearts voice asks as she's here to kill him so she tells him yes he tells her that she's welcome to try but he does have bodyguards and she may recognize them since they're all made from her over with Alejandra she manages to pin oil down but just before she can cut her head off the rest of the counterparts appear to stop her the priest tells Alejandra to just face it she can't beat all of them she belongs with them God's spirit of vengeance she might be but she carries a demon inside X 666 starts cheering telling her join us I know an exciting sauna routine for the new members seconds later Ross and flash come crashing in stating they really don't care about routines Ross then calls out for them to switch counterparts and for Alejandra to hurry back up and catch up to oil the priest then asks Ross if he feels like his fists are stronger than hell because if so he's a fool a blast shoots out of Ross's chest and everyone turns to see a giant gaping hole right through him Alejandra shouts that she will kill them but the brain matter being opens Alejandra's chest telling her that there is nothing venom stars to take over flash and he tells Alejandra to just go he'll hold the line as she tells him that they will kill him like they did Ross and her venez voice starts to take over telling her so they'll kill me but I'll hold the line meanwhile over at the tower Laura fights her way through the symbionts clones of herself and after one last slice at once Edie she focuses their attention at black heart black heart stops her for a moment and asks if she would like to know if the clones have souls because he knows the answer she stops and tells him yes he says you're suffering in Hell right now you couldn't be in Hell without a soul but that's the trouble with souls black heart pushes a button stating Souls make people stupid and then the floor opens up in Neath Laura's feet and she falls down into a pit of lava back outside the priest begins to attack flash using the pages of the Bible as he did before but this time venom rushes forward grabbing the book and aiming it at the brain matter being even grabs the priest by the neck and because of squeeze the pretty shouts you can't kill me and flash tells him you're not too real mymind created you so I can Tim well kill you as the priest takes his last breath hands reach up her behind flash and then snap early reports that she won't be able to catch the ghost rider in time for the ambulance but Alejandra rides off Blackheart whispers to her that he can put the souls back into people that she's wrong so destroy the amulet as she will put right those that she is wrong losing more and more of her strength she begins to crawl towards the amulet and Stephen strange asks what are you doing she grabs the amulet of did Damien shouts no don't do it and then the amulet begins to burn ash slowly begins to fall and she says that she's sorry and the fury skull fades however just as she grabs the amulet everyone begins this in two lives that they wanted Alejandra finally finds her mother flash sees that he has all of his limbs again and how spider-man offered him a place add spider-man Ross leaves a special group known as the hulkbusters and even Laura was saved at the last minute by Logan from the lava pit but slowly these visions begin to turn they turn into twisted versions of them or their loved ones dying everyone because the scream out and they realize that it was all in their head a voice then calls out to everyone asking if they know where they are and flash says that they are fighting evil doesn't that give them a pass on this place the boy says that they let the infernal border spread they were already on the threshold so there really is only one place they could have gone welcome to Hell mephesto appears before everyone telling them what really burns him and pardon his expression was the new territory was broken into by Blackheart Alejandra asks if he's competition mephesto says he's the worst kind he's my son but Festo then goes on stating that he can fix this because technically you shouldn't be able to die in hell so all you need to do is agree to one condition of mine and I will put you back on earth to beat the snot out of that boy flash says what do you need our souls and professor tells them actually I kind of already have them you are in hell but I will call on you at a later time so all you need to do is enter into my eternal covenant but Festo holds out his hand asking if he has their vows and one by one they all place their hand on his a short while later back up on earth the heroes return to the world of the living and Alejandra tells everyone of things are getting worse black art is in possession of the spirit of vengeance but before the group can move out - the demons start to crawl out on the ground laura jumps in hacking away and everything that moves and once the last one is done everyone starts to set their new plan in motion the plan will be for lower to sneak over to the centrifuge and leave a bomb to blow up once Johnny spins the other direction while the others head back to the tower while lower quietly cleans the demons out their black art begins his preparations for bonding with the spirit of vengeance and just as he does a giant red hulk gets closer and closer closer once he gets close enough Ross punches through the window knocking black art to the ground Ross jumps on top of him but before he can continue beating on him spikes shoot out of Ross's back before allowing him to do any major harm venom jumps in punching and swinging and while flash and Ross battle Alejandra sneaks in and grabs the spirit of vengeance flash tells her to give it to him and stick to the plan but Alejandra tells him screw the plan she's leaving venom webs the vial before she can leave and says now Power Bars however before venom can open the vial black cart throws Ross at him launching the two of them from the building black guard then turns Alejandra and tells her that her friends don't seem to want to see her back with the spirits so if she tells him their plans and without resistance she does Black Raven says oily to the centrifuge until daily hundra aah mortals so many schemes I truly love torment to you and he knocks her out the window he calls out to mephesto stating look what you've become and then he stops and he looks down and he sees Ross with the Venom symbiote and the spirit of vengeance meanwhile in a back alley flash sits alone holding off a demon board he checks his remaining ammo when he tells himself giving Hulk the symbiote was a bad idea back in the tower black art tells them so what you've combined hell's hatred fuels but his sentence is cut off when Ross fires a fire web in his face yelling shoots over at the centrifuge Laura began setting up the explosives as oily grabs a hold of her she fights back but orally tells her that gar girls are versed in black magic alchemy for example she looks at her claws and sees them beginning to rust away she then tells her how she's about to give her a little taste of her own medicine back in the alley demons begin to overwhelm flash it subtly a hand reaches out grabbing him Alejandra tells him come on stumpy you're gonna help me get the spirit of vengeance back flash says they kind of need that mixed up monster but Alejandra stops him telling him she never agreed to this flash then says fine but they needed to stop the centrifuge first she shall says she's not going to help him so flash points his gun at her stating I bet you will now meanwhile only starts to cut and beat down on Laura and through their fighting Lauren manages to place one of the bombs on oil ease back but before she can hit the button to oily grams Laura and bites doubt on her neck seconds later flash and Natalie hundred drive-by shooting her away however wild flashes focus is outside Alejandra takes the chance and pushes flash out the window or Lee watches his ally 100 drives off and tells him man looks like you're screwed not only are your friends jerks someone ran off with your legs but an oily remember she had something to do alright kill Johnny Blaze flash grabs a hold of his gun and he takes aim boom and pieces have oily start to fall out of the sky Laura tells him good teamwork back over at the tower black art shouts what can you do once I ingest a little spirit but a creature shouts that it's found something it's found his hell Ian's Bureau caldron light from the mirror shines and black card shouts that there is nothing that can stop him and that a voice tells him let him heal his squall and heart to your brother as the light begins to fade Alejandro says they've had their fun now give back the spirit of vengeance the spirit pulls away from venom hulk stating she's the host and once the spirit bonds back with her she takes off moments later blaze rides up with Laura and flesh and venom starts to leave Ross Ross tells flash thanks to the lone and a voice then says there you are everyone looks up to see Captain America and he tells flash you're coming with me flash tells him I've saved New York you and now Las Vegas will you just give me a break caps tears and jime in a beast agree maybe they should just let him help flash pulls back his mess and extends his hand stating there you go the nerds have spoken but while flash and cap shanked Steven asks daemon if there's something wrong daemon looks at flash Ross and Laura and sees the markings on their chests he says it's nothing it's problem for another day it was a dark and stormy night as Hybrid jumps from building to building the symbiote has bonded with Scott Washington and Scott's done a good job at suppressing crime in his neighborhood because of it but the demon will turn become another spore through the rain there's a man who manages to capture hybrid the man who helped spread the alien plague the one who knows the cure many brock stands above hybrid and he tells them you put up a good fight but he unloads a clip into hybrids chest he tells him you didn't deserve this is that he walks off he tells them none of them deserve this but I've seen of them now or the entire planet and later over at the Lighthouse Space Station beast tells Captain America how him and Hank were able to create a serum that will allow flash to use the symbiote without risk of it permanently bonding to him but as venom is contained flash tells everyone that he does have enemies and one day he might need venom in a hurry Hank tells him not to war he's going to give him an emergency number somebody calls it he could send the suit through the phone with the help of Pym particles flash tells himself that he has to sell it like he doesn't even want to think and says that it's fine now that he has his prosthetic legs it'll be nice to get rid of the damn thing for a little while Captain America shakes Flash's hand and he tells him that he's glad that they can make this whole thing work he knows that he won't let him down you see after everything that flash has recently done Captain America wanted to get agent venom under control but he knew that he was trying to be a good guy so this is their answer flash tells Captain America of course and Valkyrie nudges flash telling him that she'll send him back home after they leave beast mentions that if flash is lying and they're gonna have a big problem and Hank as if there's another issue do they tell Spider Man a few moments later flash is teleported back to his home just in time to hear a knock on his door Peter Parker's voice says he's in there the landlady says he hasn't left for days flash opens the door tells him I'm sorry I was just in the shower then Peter walks in stating that it's funny he still has all of his clothes on and his hair isn't even wet Peter looks around the apartment and says that Betty came by his place crying a few days ago she said that flash and broken up with her over the phone and after a little digging she also said that she contacted the VA to talk to a supervisor and now no one has even heard from him flash tells him look after my father died I got stoned drunk and I stayed that way Peter tells him come on let's get some fresh air while the two of them head out for coffee the symbionts scream swings through the city of course after hearing about hybrid she had to check out a few things herself she begins to follow a trail down into the sewers and the trail leads straight to Eddie Brock who has set up a trap he drops from the pipes above releasing a sonic grenade that stuns scream and while she's stunned he pulls out a knife that's been sitting in burning coal over at the coffee shop flash and Peter discussed some of Flash's recent problems mainly the one about him dragging Betty down with him flash tries to tell him that he knows but he's got to tell him something very important so he has to promise not to tell anyone else Peter tells him of course but before flash can go on his phone rings as he looks at his phone flash tells Peter that it's his sister Peter says that he needs to go a little while later flash heads over to his mother's house Jessie says look at him using legs and flash tells her that is taking some getting used to but on the road of the wheelchair is a hassle he turns to his mother and he tells her that he's sorry that he had to leave right after the funeral as she tells him that she's lived with a lying drunk for 46 years but if he can't tell the truth about what's going on with him don't tell her anything so if he wants to have a relationship with his mother he needs to stop lying later flash had some thinking to himself how like before he lied again it's only because she's still in danger from crime master but his flash opens the door to his apartment he sees Betty looking at their old pictures he tries to talk but Betty tells him no he doesn't get to talk since he couldn't even break up with her face to face she came here to say that the man that he is isn't enough for her and they will never be getting back together again she slams the door on her way out and then flash gets a phone call hello dr. Pym yeah I'm ready for work yeah life it was good and seconds later flashes teleported away flashes mission had him escorting me prisoner to a new location and the prisoner is the human fly fly explains that he's done some bad things he's a bad guy but there's another thing that he has to tell him about he goes on to state that a week before they economy swiped a few million dollars from kingpin flash says that if he's trying to bribe him but fly says no he just wanted to tell him about his son fly continues explaining that kingpin knows he took the money if he doesn't get it back they're gonna kill his son Sam flash tells him to just give him the information and they'll get his son into protective services why then tells him fine forget it because that won't help but in my belongings as a letter to my son can you at least get my son that letter well before flash can even answer agent Dahl Rumple comes in stating that he need some signatures for the transfer the flash follows and once they're alone doe Rumple says they have a situation H Judas reported it to kingpin has put out a ten million dollar marker on the fly flash tells him not to worry the randomizing their rent and Dharampal stop stating that finding them isn't the concern is the fact that one of their mandroid picked up the marker so they need to secure them now flash walks back into the car holding two Rumple telling the mandroids that this agent accepted a bribe for their prisoner so they need to secure him and move the fly as he goes to open the door fly asks does he know what he's doing and flash tells him keeping him safe then there's a struggle and the Hobgoblin kills the mandroid stating hi I'm not a cheater Rumple I'm da Hobgoblin Hobgoblin Ben tells flash my employer would like to offer you a contract to help you kill the fly then we'll help you kill crime master and jack-o'-lantern doesn't that sound up healing to you flash and Hobgoblin begin a struggle back and forth that he tells flash again that they want to give him ten million dollars and flash agrees fly shouts fine go ahead and kill me why don't you go ahead and help kill my son while you're at it flash holds his blade to fly and he tells him does it make you mad mad enough to spit fly asks what - oh I get it and he spits all over Hobgoblin Hobgoblin tells him that it was a good trick he has a few of his own and he gets a throw bombs back at the flash charges forwarded as he gets closer Hobgoblin begins screeching pulling venom off of flash next Hobgoblin strikes down his fiery sword and he asks how does that feel flash turns around webbing of his mouth stating that he's about to feel better and he throws the two of them out of the Train Hobgoblin starts to hit down on flash enough to break away and leave flash to fall to the ground below fly then tries to escape but Hobgoblin jumps on him telling him that it's bad form to be leaving in the middle of their party fly flips Hobgoblin over and spits acid on his arm and then he sinks his teeth into Hobgoblin he shallots could the kingpin hear me chewing through yours and yet Hobgoblin pulls out of night but he stabs fly to push him off and then they both begin to hear something from the overpass above flash drives a motorcycle off of this side crashing it into the Hobgoblin knocking him off the train flash then points is gonna fly in fly says you're gonna have to kill me to stop me and then a voice calls out for help and flash sees a guard holding on to the side of the Train fly tells him go save him let me save my son I'll turn myself in once it's all over flash stops for a moment and he reaches out to grab the guards hand the fly flies off telling flash please deliver the letter that I left and flash heads back in and grabs the letter opening it and that's when flashes eyes widen as he reads the words I don't have a son as flash sits in his apartment he begins to think about how he used to have options run away from home or take the beatings stuff Peter in a locker or give him a swirly stay with Betty or a break clean and spare her the heartache but now there is no choice he has to do this he picks up the phone and he tells Hank that he needs the suit Hank asks if he needs some help but flash tells him that it's a local thug thing he can handle it on his own however as flash leaves and swings away Eddie Brock is watching from afar with the recent escape of the fly crime master has reached now and extended his hand to allow the fly to join his group currently crime master is working on a new project and he needs some specialists like the fly to help him but as the meeting goes on flash sits in the rafters above aiming a rifle at crime masters head crime master knows who he is he knows his family so right now he needs to be a soldier and just killed the man down below crime master makes a toast to their new putrid friend and he welcomes him to the savage 6 flash takes a breath and he aims his shot and then a gun goes off - bullets fly at flash he looks over and shouts Brock Eddie screams out the Serbian must be annihilated the world must be cleaned of its blight as flash falls he quickly webs to catch himself in any webs Eddie in place once getting stable flash that opens fire on the villains down below the living computer program mega tech creates a barrier to shield the group and crime master tells fly to go kill whenever son of a [ __ ] is shooting us Jack O'Lantern flies up telling flash that he just knew it couldn't he just leave them alone and fly heads up dropping Death Adder onto flash flash tries to fight off the now three villains that are attacking him but it last long before flash comes crashing down to the ground cry master says that he's a reasonable man maybe he'll just kill his mom over in Queens flash picks himself up aiming his gun and then part of Meg attacks barrier slams down on him barrier pulls up and they shoot again a flash manages to pull back to avoid it right now he just needs to escape he has to get his bearings and then kill them after flash escapes a jack notices that flash seems to have left him a present up in the rafters a short while later Eddie wakes up stripped of all of his clothing while Jack starts to open a canister crime master tells Eddie that he saw profit and what Blache was doing with this whole superhero thing but the thing that they missed was their symbiote didn't have a host toxin begins to crawl out covering Eddie and crime master begins to ask how do you feel what would you and your new friend like to do and toxin Stan's not telling him kill Adam but shortly after making sure that he wasn't following flash heads over to Betty's apartment to check on her there's no one home but he sees a note in the fridge that Betty went to go meet Peter for coffee over at the coffee shop Betty mentions to Peter that she is sick of being lied to by men heck even her own brother Bennet got himself killed over her gambling debts and as the two of them go on Betty notices her phone ring when flash calls so she doesn't answer Peter gets up stating that he hates to leave but Betty tells him it's fine she knows that he has to get back to work after Peter leaves Betty's phone rings again and Betty says not now flash now she heads in line to get another cup of coffee and as she goes to pay Jack hands the money over stating that this is on him the two of them walk out Jack says that he needs to talk to her about something it's about flash he leans in and Betty tells him that she's not so sure and the jack grabs a hold of her arm seconds later flash crashes into the coffee shop tackling jack to the ground flash begins to beat on jack so Betty pulls out a sonic pepper spray and blasts it in to flash his head he webs up the pepper spray and tells Betty to run flash then goes back to beating on Jack and a giant arm punches through knocking flash away and Jack tells him meet Meg attack Jack laughs stating that we need to go and find Betty but flash webs up Jack's face and flings him and Meg attack into a wall flash escapes and he tries to call up Betty but just as he holds the phone to his ear meg attacks arm flies out punching him after falling to the ground flash decides that he just needs to leave the phone behind and go grab Betty once the two of them are safely away Betty asks what does he want and flash tells her he's trying to help her and right now better hang on the to swing through the city and the two red tendrils shoot out towards them Flash's grip on Betty is loosened as she starts to fall and just before hitting the ground a flash grabs on to her and then they hear a voice stating we've come for you toxin comes charging at flash and the two of them begin punching away at each other toxin and rats flash up and flash because I've recognized the voice as Eddie Brock using the pepper spray from before flash pulls away and begins to blast Eddie in the face and now with Eddie stunned flash wraps him up and tells the people around to call 9-1-1 these restraints won't hold him for long flash then asks where did the woman that was with him go and the small child points towards the ally he calls out to Betty she tells him to leave her alone and as the mask pulls back flash tells her that he's not going to hurt her more than he already has Betty looks up and realizes that venom is flash and slaps him she tells him that this whole time and flash tells her that he's sorry but she's in danger and they need to go at the two of them swing through the city Betty says damn you Flash Thompson and while swinging he grabs onto a man's cell phone to call his mother back with his mom she lays in the ground as the fly asks who could that be Betty says that she's not answering and then Meg attacks face appears on the cell phone Betty tosses the phone as Megatech reaches out but the grab mrs. flash then heads over to his sister Jesse's apartment to check on her but as he walks to the place he sees Jessi's husband at the top of his head cut off next to the bed Jesse's voice calls out who's there and flash reaches out grabbing a blanket and as he pulls it away the devil dolls spring out blast destroys most of it and then he notices one of the eyes on one of them is changing into a countdown he quickly runs back out of the apartment grabbing Betty and Jess's they get away the building explodes and as the smoke pours into the air flash notices something shoot out from it and realizes Jack came back to watch the show following the smoke flash soon finds Jesse tied up on the roof of a building flash makes his way down and Jack's lashes away at his back yelling boo look at the two of us we both got hot dates and we both just leaving them on rooftops flash reaches out for his gonna to begin to fire at Jack though he misses most of his bullets one does hit jack right in the side he grabs ahold of flash and because to pour fire onto his face throwing him off at the side of the roof while flash is washing the fire off Jack picks up Jesse and tosses her over the ledge flash quickly swings down catching her and then suddenly hears betty scream for help he looks over to see Thaksin grabbing onto and Jack says tough break but I've got to go now bullet holes to patch up but before he goes he does have one question have you visited your mother recently flash as Thaksin and Jack and leaf flashes over to his mother's apartment to find it destroyed he begins to check the pile left by fly and flashes hid in the back he turns around to see Death Adder and Death Adder knocks flash into a wall he grabs onto every knife that he can and he jumps back stabbing at Death Adder and the two of them get it struggle but after death I'd heard knocks flash away again he begins to escape as Death Adder runs flash webs him up by the head and slams him back into the apartment Death Adder continues to try and run away that as he runs through a woman's apartment flash jumps onto his back he screams to the woman to get out and things how he doesn't want her to see this and with one quick jerk of the head flash snaps death adders neck and he falls to the ground some of the other tenants in the apartment building begin to come out and he decides that it's time for him to leave a short while later over at the Lower East Side the fly begs for him not to do it and without any words Flash's mother watches in a horror as the fly begins to scream flash stands over the fly holding a recently cut off a wing asking where is she and flies shouts to flash his mother telling him to look at what her boy is doing flash the leans down telling him you better not speak to her again Oh we'll see how well you fly with one wing and no eyes the flies says fine I'll talk and flash turns to his mother stating ma'am close your eyes flash cuts off the second wing and tells fly you wanted to talk right so talk meanwhile over the abandoned shipyard Betty wakes up is one of crime masters men directs her into another room she steps to the door and sees pictures of her and Bennett crime master tells us quite a shrine isn't it an ode to Bennett in his little sister Betty crime master begins to pull his hood off stating how that family was strict for him and now crime is his family that he looks at the man realizing that it's her brother Bennett Bennett says he's right here he's offering her a second chance to be together and she's gonna watch him murder the hell on a Flash Thompson as the night begins to fall one of the guards asks why does he have a silencer on his gun what do they need to do that's quiet bullets begin to fire at the guard and flash reverts the suit back to his normal look back inside Bennett begins to explain that he was in a bad place in life was shot and killed and what stung more is that his sister thought that he was nothing more than a gutter trash gambler after pushing her away he tells her that he can't blame her he's himself now though that day he was shot and he suddenly woke up in a secret and Morgan began to walk through the hallways though he wasn't sure as though why they saved him they chose him they chose him to fulfill a great destiny and live on the noble tradition a crime master for every generation as Bennett goes on one of the guards runs in stating that he's here and out in the hallways flash begins to fight off mega attack however mega attacks power slowly begins to win the fight he said that even the flash is a weak his code is clean and toxins voice tells him no mercy is not your right to offer him such kindness toxin appears and he bites down a mega attacks that shouting his line as mega tech begins to fade away flash bigges to fight off toxin they throw some smoke grenades out there and toxin shouts wait that you resort to trickery but through the smoke toxin sees flash and he rubs him to pieces and then he shouts what's this and flash shouts it's a decoy and he opens fire literal fire begins to cover toxin and flash jumps into toxins mouth spreading it open he reached his down and I begins to whole Eddy out of it and he drops another set of grenades into the symbionts mouth as the symbiote begins to burn toxin reaches out trying to pull Eddy back to him to try and escape but while both toxin and Eddy burn and he screams what have you done to me the flames begin to take over Eddy as he screams out in pain and flash runs off thinking how Eddy didn't deserve that deeper down in the facility Betty tells Bennett the she'll do whatever he wants just leave flash alone and then it asks if she really thinks that he's foolish enough to convince him that she's just going to be his doting sister crime mistress he goes on stating how she'll just portray him the first chance that she gets and flash calls out that he's right he's going to die Jack flies up telling flash that he's getting bored of their rival but his sentence is cut short when flash jumps down knocking jack off of his broom Jack's body begins to hang over a vat of acid as he tries to call for help but soon Jack's legs give out and he falls below crime master points his gun laughing ha ha ha he's a tough kid he'll be fine but he shouts for flash to wait it's her brother and flash tells her it doesn't matter it doesn't matter who he is Bennett fires his gun releasing sonic shots that are stunning flash and then he begins to fire fire at him to burn venom away venom starts to fall off of Flash's body and Bennett says get ready for another shot and as the gun shot goes off Bennett looks down at his chest he falls to his knees and that he stands behind him with tears your eyes as he loses his strength he falls off the ledge into the VAT of acid he stands up stating that that was her brother and Betty tells him that her brother died a long time ago shortly after the two of them leave flash tells Betty that he never knew but she tells him it wouldn't have changed anything he says that he never meant for things that turn out this way and Betty says that she knows he didn't but for what it's worth she forgives him but she does not ever want to see him again after Betty heads home flash returns to the lighthouse station and tells everyone that he may have hit a big stumble it didn't go well but it's time for him to come clean as time passed flash begins to think about how normally this is the kind of day where families have those fuzzy feelings sunny memories but for him that was never really the case his father beat him and in turn he beat others right now on Father's Day jack is making it a point to let flash know that he's still alive at all of these killings Jack was brainwashed into thinking that Bennett the crime master was his father and the killings escalated on father's day with those killings Jack made it a point to leave clues as to where to find him so flash followed those clues and as he walks into the sewers he finds a door with an X on it the door flies open and at the end of the table sits Flash's father's corpse with its head carved out telling him have a seat the corpse goes on stating how he never really liked him it took all of his strength to not crush his skull in flash allows rage to begin to float through but he slams down screaming you rotten son of a [ __ ] the table breaks in the body slumps over and it says I'm back to kick your ass one last time cuz behind the body is a bomb and it begins to beep the explosion goes off and Jack jumps down asking if it was nice seeing his dad again because he knows how much it hurt to lose one he slashes at Flash's back and it because to cut away his chest and Jack says that Jessie told him a lot of things about his dad and almost made him feel sorry for him flash tries to crawl away but Jack steps on his head and raises the sickle before he can strike down flash turns back shooting his gun into Jack's chest he then jumps up beating Jack letting the rage out just like I was father used to do back then and once Jack stops moving flash points his gun down at Jack's head flash says that their father's hatred will run through their veins he picks up Jack's body and he goes on stating but if we make a different choice who knows what'll happen and with that Jack was taken in to be arrested and things go back to the way they were Betty's staying away from flash Flash's mother being alone and flash going to bed looking at a picture of his family and happy flash things back to all of the events that led him up to this point including returning to the Avengers and Hawkeye yelling at him Hawkeye wanted to make it clear that his next mission was to be recon only and he was not to engage the enemy but as flash continues to sit there a woman's voice tells him that she's been standing there for a little while now and he has yet to notice her what she wouldn't give for a peek inside of that brain flash looks up and asks if she's the reporter and the woman tells him yes Katie Kernan of The Daily Inquisitor after handing flash a paper she asks if anyone told him that he looks like spider-man he tells her yeah it also comes with a I thought you would be bigger but a different guy Katie then asks why does he need her help the stories that she puts out or not very newsworthy and she suspects that he already has connections after flipping through the papers flash says yeah but those guys haven't come up with anything yet and I need information on these guys as he pulls out a picture the picture is a building the building of the Department of occult armor myths a secret Nazi occult weapons division Cady tells him that it's not really any of her business but those guys are bad news and flash says there's no need to worry he's just going in for a simple sneak and peek operation except that's not what happens flash jumps through the halls of the do a shooting at all of the attacking occultists the moment that he walked into the doors his comms went out he had to make a judgment call which is it exactly his strong suit but as the last of the occultist fall flash looks around us these rows of containers each holding a person after pulling one man out and seeing if he's still alive flash gets ready to pull the next one out when the man steadily lunges at him the man shouts you are too late his soul is mine his eyes begin to change in the settling he stops and falls to his knees he says that he did not realize please forgive him please command him not really sure what's going on flash tells him I command you to get the hell out of here the man says as you desire a demon spirit then releases itself from him flash asks if he really just banished a demon and that an explosion goes off behind him a voice tells flash that he knew that they would meet again he just didn't think that it would be so soon he looks up to see Daimon Hellstrom daemon used to be one of the good guys until he betrayed everyone and flash knows that he can't handle this alone so he needs to get outside but as flash tries to escape daemon blasts him with fire knocking back down to the ground Damon jumps into strike but before he could hit flash grabs ahold of him and slam some to the ground he quickly then jumps on top of him holding his gun to Damon's head telling him to talk Dima says that he's pretty sure the possession engines speak for themselves but obviously he's building an army but that isn't really what's bothering him is it flash that asks how could you have betrayed everything and Damon laughs hahaha the two of us are alike in that regard the mark on daemons chest begins to glow then flash is knocked away he jumps up blasting venom again into one of the possession engines and ooze begins to pour over him Flash's body because ashamed and grow bigger that's the mark from a Festo begins to shine soon a venom stands up horn as loud as you can venom shows what is this I see no offering younger Damon tells the occultists to go fetch their guest a snack venom reaches down and grabs one of the occultus and crunch and he says that was disgusting and Damon says of course without appropriate preparations but luckily we have some more for you three men sit in the is from before and they tell venom thank the Dark Lord who we are the sacrifice but as venom looks flash begins to take back control of the suit it he sees them and begging for him not to eat them venom begins to scream and Damon says Bravo clawing your way out from beneath the demon's influence that is no simple feat he'll make an impressive addition to my little zoo blast shouts for him to shut up but he punches Damon to the ground while the occult is trying to help team and flash tries to make his escape and as he gets outside of the facility he asks himself what is it that Damon did to him whatever it is it was like a monster was put inside of him but the symbiote likes the way it feels a little while later at Katie's apartment she hears a window suddenly being opened as she reaches for her gun a voice calls out to her and flash pulls himself in telling Katie that he doesn't know what to do he needs help she sits him down telling him that she'll get him some water and Flash says that he doesn't need water he thinks he needs an exorcist a short while later Katie takes flash to see a friend of hers Reggie who happens to be an exorcist he sits tied to a chair and Reggie asks Katie if she you know wants to look under the mask she tells him to just do what they came for and Reggie says fine and he pulls a chair next to Flash he tells Katie but he hasn't done this since he was in the church so he then turns to fly she says that he wishes to speak to the entity that is nested inside of this man flash says father and Reggie says okay why have you um chosen this vessel Flash's voice begins to change he says I chose nothing this isn't what I was promised I was promised power and endless slaughter but this man is marked it is forbidden Reggie asks forbidden by who and flash remains silent subtly the demon venom grabs Reggie and shouts that he tries to break free but the vessel drags him back get him out of here please up to let him go flash because the change back to normal and he asks what happened am i exorcised never Reggie says it ahh looks like the demon who wants to leave but can't so my advice go back to whoever did this as the night begins to fall in the Bronx Zoo Damon walks through with his group of occultist after sending one away to report back to Mistress in flash begins whipping out from one of the robes he tells demon let's just cut to the chase what did you do to me and he slams him back down to the ground he grabs and picks up everyone telling Damon that he is going to fix this and Damon tells him that there is nothing to fix it looks like you're in control and flash throws everyone shouting you put a demon inside of me but I want it out Damon just laughs telling him all of that anger and hatred maybe you had a demon all along suddenly an explosion goes off behind flash knocking him away and flash can feel the demon inside recognizing something recognizing a toe a spiked tail Jets out knocking flash further back and fetishes leap out to grab him Damon takes his trident and cracks flash across the face telling him that he would like to introduce him to some of his friends the monsters of evil the demons begin to gang up beating down on flash and the flaming bull bites down trying to eat him but flash fights back shooting spikes out of the roof of the bull's mouth soon after breaking free the demons continue putting flash right back into the ground and as the sphinx pins flash down Damon asks if he would like to join them let me show you your true purpose flash pushes the Sphinx off and he points his gun at Damon telling him go after yourself Damon smiles and says that's a pity the bull charges in knocking flash off into the distance and he tells the monsters to go find him if you won't join us rip the hell spawn free from his flesh as the sphinx begins searching flash waits and jumps up grabbing on to one of his heads he then punches through the mouth one and Speights shoot out destroying part of it as the Sphinx falls to the ground the mark begins to glow on Flash's chest the rest of the monsters begin to gather around and flash tells them to hold and they do elsewhere Damon walks off and flash calls out to him Damon just laughed stating I see you're still alive but you're outnumbered and outmatched here flash tells him you're wrong about one thing I'm not alone all of the monsters of evil jump out begin a ripping demon apart he then tells the monsters that's enough now get lost and only forage for berries or something he leans down to Damon and says that's something isn't it seems that we have a lot to talk about huh after transporting Damon into a holding cell he tells flash that he might want to get a chair this might take a while flash begins to ask why he is able to control the demons and Damon says frankly it's because of the mark back in las vegas when you and your friends became marked there's a process known as the descent a day would one of the hell lords fall farther than the others it becomes a true devil and mephesto was preparing for it he's marking his potential airs flash tells him that he's no devil and Damon tells him I'm not either at least not yet once the descent has occurred one of us will be or neither of us or it could be another marked Damon then looks through the glass and tells flash we're gonna help each other but if you refused think hard about it would you rather see me sitting on the throne or would you rather see a real jerk get the job a short while later flash begins to head over to Katie's apartment to inform her of the current situation and also to thank her as she sits there she asks him if he needs something else he says that he's not done with the DOA yet and no one knows as much about the supernatural as she does other than maybe dr. strange Katie says that he would be surprised how much he calls her but either way she'll help but this is not off the record she needs to put food on the table flash tells whether that's fair and she asks what is it that she needs to be researching now he tells her let's start with the end of the world afterwards flash calls a Betty to let her know that he's just checking up on her and making sure that she's safe even if she's still not answering the phone but just as he's leaving the message he's interrupted by a transmission on the lighthouse station telling him to report to Colorado they have a prison break an individual named Cletus Kasady it's only been three hours since the prison break and flash arrives to investigate what happened flash has been through a lot in these past few days but at the end of the day he still tells himself that he is a superhero as flash leads a group of soldiers into the prison he thinks about all of the cold-blooded killers here and there's only one person who would take to lighten this right now that man is missing from his cell but as everyone goes to check on Cletus his cell there's one thing strange about it the glass was broken from inside of the cell meaning he used something to break out a few hours later at i-25 the police begin to set up a checkpoint on the interstate to try and see if Cletus Kasady is trying to leave the state as one cop stops a truck he begins to notice that this man is Cletus Kasady the cop pulls out a gun and he tells them not to move but Cletus tells him that his new friends went through a lot of trouble to break him out and he doesn't take kindly to threats they say that they've got big plans for me suddenly the cops neck is then slit and an explosion goes off blowing everyone away as Cletus derives off he smiles telling them toldja back at the prison flash goes over the surveillance video of the attack and as he watches he sees the guards being killed by something and then he zooms in on a fallen guards back he then sees a small creature and flash says that he needs to call this in he steps outside to make contact with the lighthouse station to report his findings and he tells him that he will track this but he will need help on this and after that flash makes a call to Cady Kernan he tells her to give him anything that she has related to tiny killers seconds later she sends over an article about something called the Prometheus pit and it's being built in Houston Texas a few days later over in Houston the failed clone experiment of spider-man known as Cain now going by the name of Scarlet Spider receives a call of a burning building with people trapped inside he jumps into the building and he finds a body but it's a person who was killed rather than died from the smoke and this person's death while the killer's savoured into killing Kane that sees another man in the corner repeating I'm so sorry I'm so sorry over and over again Kane reaches out to grab the man and the man screams in fear of him regardless Kane grab some of the escapes a little while later Kane learns of the man that was killed was Nell Fletcher the man he rescued is Ryan khatola no the only thing that they were able to get out of Ryan is that someone who looked like this Scarlet Spider did this and that monsters a real target was his wife over at the lyndon b johnson space station katie sits with dr. khatola regarding the rumors about their exploration of a subatomic universe katie mentions that she does know that a few years ago her team decided to start back up the research the professor philip prometheus started regarding it dr. Gazzola tells Katie dat whatever she may have heard it is a highly classified situation and currently she does not have the time to discuss it she will call security to escort Katie out but before she can call security a voice tells her sorry Jose just went off the clock soon khatola and katie turned as he clearly skewering the guards and he jumps at the doctor telling her your husband says hi as carnage leaps through the air Caine burst through the window punching carnage away from the women Kaine turns to them and tells them to run but carnage gets back up stating I guess I'm gonna have to kill you I'm gonna miss all the jokes in came jumps and snapping Carnage's neck and carnage says wait that was different whoo I like it one of Carnage's tendrils shootout stabbing Kaine and then using the retractable claws in his hands Kane cuts the tendrils off carnage says that he's starting to think that this guy really is some Spider Man and Kane tells him that he's about to see how much different they are suddenly Kane's body's an electrocuted he falls to the ground and carnage tells him me my little friends and Kane looks up to see a group of little tiny people carnage leans in to kill okay but before he can he's shot in the back and Katie yells at him to get away carnage turn is grabbing Katie and khatola and he says that he knows the scientist but who are you Katie says that she's a reporter and cartage tells her I'm gonna give you something to report on soon soon carnage and the group of tiny people break into the Prometheus room and to begin to activate the pit the pit begins to light up and carnage tosses Katie and telling her you first one of the tiny people then tells carnage that it's time to move out remember their deal but before carnage can jump in his arm is webbed up and Kane tells them I'm not done with you yet carnage throws khatola instating well I'm done here tired of all of you people being so angry take it away my towns locking me out tearing me in half he jumps into the pit he begins to fade it has Kane screams that he's going to kill him a voice tells him to step away from the pit Flash Thompson appears telling Kane to get on the ground and put your hands on your head Kane jumps on with his claws out and flash tells him you may want to rethink that flash goes on stating we just need to settle down but after Katie's yelling for you flash tells him we saw the carnage can do we need to stop him Kayne steps back telling flash never touch me again or I will kill you I know all about you but why is carnage here what the crap were those little people flash that explains it that those people helped carnage break out of his prison and then his words trail off Kayne asks what's going on as suddenly venom takes over and flash yells for him run the tendrils from vana begin to wrap around Kayne it came because to punch upwards with this cloth through Venom's mouth then I'm tries to attack but came jumps up punching him down if he gets a beating into him Kane tells him stay down and then Venom's hand reaches of grabbing Kane's wrist but slamming him into the ground slowly venom because he had smaller and flash fights to gain control until finally the Supra verts back to agent venom cane shots you thought about what was that but as Caine goes on flash tells him to shut up we have a survivor over there khatola says that they went through the prometheus portal they took the reporter to the Microverse she goes on stating that it is a universe that is on the subatomic scale and there's a life there flash says they have to go after them but Cain tells them if that carnage is gone so good riddance to that flash tries to tell him that carnage will come back but Cain says once he crossed into the microbrews that whole thing stopped being my problem meanwhile the Microverse carnage says that he finally has a world all to himself now and katie says that she's going to die isn't she carnage tells her you can't die yet you have to be my witness and you're gonna have to live for now as the micro group wants is the female of the group reports back that they managed to bring carnage into their world but they're not so sure about this decision the hologram tells her that carnage will do his job now they better do their job and bring him in back in the macro verse khatola finishes the repairs on the pit but before flash can step in Kayne walks up asking do you really think that carnage is gonna come back and flash says if it's one thing that I learned is that the bad ones always come back so Kayne asks them at this point gonna get any worse I know another idiot who always talked about responsibility and flash responds with yeah well I know a great man who does the same the two step through the portal and moments later flash wakes up alone he looks around the new world and he notices little fairies flying around and one of the fairy says it burns and flash notices this envy it from his boots sticking into the ground the fairies begin to scream corrupters and then began attacking flash with Sonic screaming the simpie it begins to rip apart but as flash tries to run away a green beam shoots out knocking away the fairies he looks over to see you guru people and the man leave them says that his name is Arcturus Ron and they need his help elsewhere Cain begins to wake up stating how he hates everything right about now and a voice tells him he is self-destructive I can feel the rage inside of you Cain looks up to see a man and he tells him thanks but what happened where is this and most importantly who the crap are you the man tells him I'm called many things but above all I am a man and I am preparing Cain asks for what the man says to die Cain turns back to see a giant monster about to eat them and he says probably should have led with that meanwhile in another area carnage looks around a facility called the body banks and he said that he's a little disappointed he thought there would be you know bodies the female leader explains that this is a flesh factory they churn out perfect men and women and beasts and as she continues katie tells carnage that he knows that he's not here as an assassin right they brought him to use him as raw material carnage jumps down stating you're pretty smart must be those two reporter instincts but I bet you're going to be real surprised when you know what I'm about to do a little while later arket aureus welcomes flash aboard his ship and he introduces everyone there is the Enigma force flash tries to say his name but Flair says that he's the corruptor so she would rather not know his name as marionette and flare expressed their concerns of bringing the corruptor with them are curious said that it's not up to them the ever Deemer wants to see him suddenly the ship's alarms begin to go off an artery Estelle's everyone that they have the ships from marquis Radu's armada coming out of warp right in front of the battle stations everyone back over with candy begins to fight off the giant monster that was about to eat him he quickly jumps onto its back and he steps into it but as he jumps away the monster grabs him out of the air and he shouts to the hooded man hey I could use some help over here the monster pins came down and Jes is about ready to eat him Kane grabs its jaws and runs it off he walks back over to the man and he says I'm not sure if you noticed or not but I did save us so a little thanks but the man stops him and tells him to sit he will tend to his wounds sure I'll bite who are you the man says that he's been called many things a king a traitor as some have even called him the Redeemer but the names are meaningless all the matters is his purpose cane that asks and that would be and the man reaches out touching Kane's head stating I am a healer back at the body banks plant carnage kills off a few people who brought him out asking if they really thought that they can make an army of carnage soldiers because what of him is already enough but before carnage can kill another of them the female leader charges in state him is she told Marquis that this man was unstable carnage jumps on to one because ripping him apart and the female says that he will be dead and it was trip to corrupt her off of him and breed him carnage walks over ripping the electronic snakes out of the females end and then he walks over to the man that he has pinned along the wall the man asks what does he wanted carnage says that he needs to chauffeur with all of the things happening he wants to meet with the guy who's pulling the strings over our Doctore is his ship the Enigma Forrest Fenn's off against the enemies who are now trying to board their ship and as the group fights flash throws one of the men away and then another one comes running in with a sonic blaster stripping venom off of him suddenly everyone hears a scream and they turned mech to see venom tearing through everything in its path elsewhere Cain and the Redeemer continue travelling as the Redeemer explains that there is a war going on a giant mobile base starts walking by and the Redeemer says that is Marquis Radu and as the Redeemer he has come here to heal the Marquis suddenly the two here carnage his voice telling him that's really sweet but I also happen to be looking for the same guy so the healing plan sounds got a boring he leaps off the cliff telling them be real still I'm gonna make your death a slow and agonizing as humanly possible back on Artorius a ship venom begins killing everything in sight like I just said and that's what bug tells everyone look on the bright side at least the corruptor is killing the bad guys too venom begins attacking artorias his crew when flash tries to get control of venom and that's when flare starts to sing slowly venom stops attacking and a flash says that the song is soothing the symbiote have you haven't been following our agent venom storylines Flash Thompson is using the Venom symbiote when it behaves and listens to him as a weapon at his disposal but at times the Venom symbiote goes crazy gaining control of itself and it has no conscience it just kills everything but as this battle ends flare says that she still thinks that they should have killed this thing and that's when the alarms start to go off everyone on the ship begins to fall as the ship rams into a giant structure Artorius gives the order for everyone that is on the bridge to move and get out and that's in the ship doors burst open back with Cain he tries to fight off carnage as carnage has found him and jumped him but the entire time carnage keeps shouting who are as Cain punches the carnage symbiote jumps off of Cletus Kasady and bites down on Kane's head Cain manages to kick him off just as the Scarlet Spider would and he goes right back to beating carnage his face but as the fight goes on Katie finds the Redeemer and he tells her that the corrupters cancer is spreading everything is falling apart the rock that they are standing on begins to crack and ever Deemer pushes Katie back to solid ground but while the rock is crumbling Cain jumps off of carnage to grab the Redeemer he will not let him fall carnage jumps over to the ledge and he tells Katie I didn't see that coming and then a blinding light shines down soldiers begin descending upon him shouting for him to stand down a short while later Flash Thompson walks over to Arcturus in restraints asking how long was I out Artorius tells him not long enough this is the part where marquee Raju kills them flash mentions that this guy must be the bad guy he's seen bad at his time but Artorius tells him well he's trying to kill God mark even arrives at sooner voice tells them to the symbiote doesn't believe in those things does he a symbiote only consumes and he would like him to consume God but his mark he goes on the other soldiers begin to bring carnage in with them and he tells everyone that this is going to make killing them so much easier carnage breaks out of his restraints and he asks why didn't you just say you wanted me to kill nothing would make me happier mark he tells him with all due respect I'm not interested in your happiness and he slams Carnage's face down into the ground Markie and and tells the soldiers to bring artorias it is a nygma Force to the cells and bring the symbionts to the banks as the groups are taken away Marquis tells Katie to come with him he understands that she's a historian from the macro verse Katie asks what is this all about and he tells her that the Microverse has always been in war overseen by a mad God and he intends to end that Kate even asks if he's sure that it's not God who's mad and the Marquis tells her oh he's sure now look her head is pushed into the light as she begins to see visions and Markie explains that some time ago the micro burst was breached by the symbionts though symbionts were like a poison their mere presence alone break things down and in the end as the symbionts tried to bond with God to consume it the Enigma force destroyed the beasts and expelled them from the Microverse Katie that asks why would you bring them back then referring to the fact that he summoned carnage which caused venom to chase after marki says that he wants to be God and in order for him to be God he has to kill the old God first back on the planet Kate asks the Redeemer if he's okay to which he replies with I'm obviously dying Kaine that asks okay beyond that are you okay the a redeemer explains that the symbiotes are a poison to the enigma force and he is the living embodiment of that force Kaine asks why don't you all just leave them and the Redeemer says that it's not that simple if things here in the Microverse are destroyed then it will destroy the Macra versus all things are tied together that's when Kane realizes how bad this could be crap and the Redeemer adds crap indeed over in the body banks the solders begin to cart flash and carnage down the halls but his flash looks around he slowly realizes that the army that they want to build will it be out of them he now sees what carnage saw they are building a symbiote army once they are secured in a flash because to see visions of venom the symbionts past the symbiotes have already taken over planets in the Microverse and then they were later wiped out by the admit more force and right now him and carnage brought them back flash watches of the people on the containers to get a score armed as the symbionts consume them and Jessica symbionts or it poison to this world and everything that they touch well seizes restraints slowly corroding away and then they release him just as flashing carnage break away so do all of these new symbionts soldiers flash jumps to attack carnage but as he does carnage tells him it's said that our kids will have to pick a side and all of the clones begin to surround flesh everyone because to attack and carnage says that he must be feeling rather nfident seeing all the clones listen to Barry last year's all of the voices of the clones are in his head but the venom has been altered and changed and carnage is just pure symbiote so for flash to have a fighting chance he has to start thinking like him thinking a real me he leaps into the air he cops off carnage his head but even without his head the clones begin to attack suddenly carnage just someone calling out to him and came jumps in stabbing him while flash fights off the clones he tells Kane that he thought he was dead and Kane tells him you're lucky that I'm not the Redeemer tells all of them that they must hurry the corruptor is growing stronger and will soon bring both universes crashing down Kane shouts that's right they're playing for keeps here and carnage jumps on his back pouring himself into Kane's mouth telling him you're mouthy like the other spider-carnage slams cane into the ground and flashed jumps in a grabbing carnage as the two of them begin a struggle flash slowly begins to gain control and he throws cartage away and as the clones surround Kane and the Redeemer flash tells himself that he might be able to control the clones he just has to remember remember the beatings that he used to get to all of the bruises the broken bones the phantom pain from his legs remember everything and that he lets out a massive roar and all of the clones fall to pieces carnage begins laughing from his broken body you probably think that you saved the day but I'm just getting warmed up slowly carnage his body because I sink into the cracks and then Redeemer says that he can no longer sense Carnage's presence anymore so Kane asks where could he have gone back over in Houston bodies lay scattered all along the ground and a close-up of one of their faces shows small red creatures and those creatures are sending its clones elsewhere in the city an old man begins to cough and then he slowly begins to spin up something we read it soon everyone else because to scream out of pain is the clone start attacking everything in sight but on a microscopic level back in the Microverse the Redeemer and the rest of artorias is crew get aboard their ship and the Redeemer tells them that it's before leaving and being sent back Mari hands flashed some of the sonic weapons that the soldiers are using against him when fighting in case you're unaware sonic weapons and fire are the two weaknesses of symbionts mari says that he might be able to use them on carnage but Flair says unless he wants to come back and if he does he can use it on himself even though marki managed to escape but it's time for them to return to their worlds suddenly flash cane and Katy are covered in the lights and they arrive back in Houston and as they fall out of the portal they realize one slight problem one teeny problem one itty-bitty problem they're still really small flash remembers dr. khatola mentioning that something like this could happen when they returned though the effects would only be temporary except the problem that they face now is that carnage has had time for that to wear off carnage is now full-grown it begins and laughing as he slams down on the three of them but I think get away the clones begin to attack that you fight off what they can but more and more clones begin to crawl out and once there's too many of them carnage grabs both flash and Kane telling them it's like you want it to be killed or something carnage tightens his grip but flashing Kane begin to glow and shoot out of his hands as they grow back to normal size the two of them a look at carnage and they noticed that carnage size is still much larger due to him being able to absorb his clones they began killing off as many other clones as they can for the clones begin to overrun Kane they begin to bring down our Scarlet Spider carnage bites down on flash and he tells him you need to relax just let it happen flash pulls on one of the sonic bombs and Mari gave him and he drops it he tries to climb back out but as he reaches the teeth of carnage his body the bomb explodes the blast blows parts of venom off of him and Kane runs over to help flash him but as Cletus starts to get back up without the Carter symbian around him Kane looks at him and pops a claw in a split second Kane stabbed Cletus in the eye the flash runs over asked him what did you do Cain tells him how many is he killed how many times we have to lock him up so he can break out just so we could kill again flash asks what separates us from them what makes them different there has to be another way and Cain swings away telling flash get back to me when he find that answer as time passed the Prometheus pit was dismantled dr. khatola quit her job and the city grieved over the loss of the people that carnage had killed but as the people and the heroes go their separate ways flash stands in front of Cletus cell the doctors state that after the wound that he received Cletus has become completely catatonic he's effectively been lobotomized flash asks if this means that he's harmless now but the doctor says no the symbiote is still in his bloodstream Cletus is still the aliens host which means the symbiote is in full control and carnage is more dangerous than ever since returning back to New York flash spends his time sparring with his somewhat kind a new girlfriend and fellow Avenger Valkyrie the flash seems to be holding his own against a Norse goddess as he throws her to the ground Valkyrie tells him that that's a nice trick that he could do and then her hands begin to glow with a quick slice she summons her sword it cuts through Flash's symbiote legs telling him that the rules of fighting can change at a moment's warning as flash falls back he tells her that that was cheating you can't summon a sword from thin air she crawls on top of him stating maybe she should just make it up to him but before she can give him a kiss flash his phone begins to ring he webs over to it and he tells Katie that whatever it is it better be important she tells him that she's over in Philadelphia working on a story that he might be interested in as she picks the lock to a door it swings open and Vapor says the vector that she thought that this place was supposed to be secure x-ray says actually he's a bit more concerned as to who she's talking to but vector tells him not to worry she doesn't know anything to tell anyone after hearing Katie being abducted flash quickly heads over to Philadelphia to figure out what happened he tracked down Katie's motel room through her editors and he began his investigation and as he enters her room he finds a newspaper articles on something called Project rainbow something that has this ability to make things vanish as he rates to the article the entire room begins to catch fire including Katie's work flash jumps out of the door and he sees the UFOs burning the building to the ground and he tells him that he remembers them guess he made it to the superhero big leagues now x-ray says that he knew that reporter was talking to someone as iron-clad attacks he tells everyone to make sure that they leave nothing left with the reporters research and flash because to think about how the last time you ran into these guys he almost died and that was when he had backup he kicks iron-clad away and that he jumps onto his head and iron-clad says it that judo crap isn't gonna slow him down and just as flash jumps away he tells him that he knows he just wanted to see how well his head holds up while as a grenade strapped to it the grenade explodes his ironclad because they yell goes you know grenade went off on his head and then paper flies through releasing a poisonous gas the CIB it begins to filter out the gas allowing flash to breathe and he tells vapor that sort of thing really isn't going to help them but while flash is fighting with vapor x-ray and the rest of them begin firing down on the motel flash swings through grabbing any survivors that he can and just as they begin to run x-ray fires a blast cutting through some ironclad then starts crushing the ones that escaped the building and vapor infects the rest of them with his gas paper tells x-ray that venom isn't jumping around anymore Newcombe x-ray turns and blasts flash burning away the symbiote and that his skin meanwhile an empty warehouse begins to have things appear out of thin air including Katie strapped to a chair she shouts that whatever it is they're doing it doesn't scare her and vector tells her that she may not be scared but they certainly are or were whichever the case may be she looks around to see the other people strapped to chairs mostly dead vector then tells them that there's nothing wrong with fear they still have a lot of equipment to test so how about they see what this thing can do to her pretty little face meanwhile back at the motel flash lays in the burning rubble opening his eyes he stands up was the simpie it begins to retract into return and he thinks about how the mimicry surprisingly worked down well back at the warehouse Katie says that someone is going to come looking for her and vector tells her that he knows all about her and her identities that she uses for her stories but he doubts that anyone would actually come looking for her she then tells him that he better hope that this machine doesn't give her super powers because as soon as she gets out of this chair vector says that he's been running dozens of tests since they found this location there isn't really any worry about positive side effects she then asks what he's been doing abducting people so that he can play alien doctor with all of his bizarre technology and he tells her that once they found this war house and figured out the transduction equipment they managed to put together some workers but it's time for them to go ahead with their experiment an orbit in front of Katie begins to glow and visions of Katie's past start to appear within it vector says that she's lucky the machine didn't kill her but it seems that there is some kind of memory machine dredging up her old secrets let's see what happens when someone is overexposed to that after following a few leads flash tracks down a warehouse where the things mysteriously I've been vanishing as he Scouts the area he notices small orbs floating around to watching him back in the warehouse some of the guards mentioned Venom's outside vector then tells x-ray that he thought that venom was dead maybe they should just bring him inside vector holes at his arm and flash suddenly begins to materialize and he looks around telling everyone hey he pulls out his gun and sword telling everyone that they should just skip the fighting they go straight to the surrendering part x-ray flies down asking what is this sword going to do to them and in response to that flash throws the sword and it pierces through x-ray he didn't tell him that the sword belongs to a friend of his and it's not really part of this world as the sword hits one of the crates behind x-ray he says the sword acts like a beacon - and as the light begins to shine Valkyrie rides in and flash tells everyone to mean his back up or in this case his girlfriend she stops and asks girlfriend and flash responds very quickly saving his butt okay saying that might have been a little awkward Valkyrie begins fighting off the UFOs while flash takes out the guards under vectors control but while they fight Valkyrie says that they need to hurry and get the hostages out of there flash tells her that there's a dozen of them there's no way that he can get them all out before they get dog pilots Valkyrie grabs his sword she says maybe coming here was a bit implosive and flashed his recklessness is a gift you know vector tells him that he's had enough and fires a blast knocking both Valkyrie and flash away flash tries to get up stating that he can't do this but then a voice tells him no he can't but he can and the demon his side of the Venom symbiote begins to take over the team into venom jump some shooting tendrils and all of the guards vector tells everyone to focus their power and slaughter that man iron classes that he may have broke something in Venom's head with that last blast and vector says that he doesn't care that guy is just spider-man in a monster mask and were the damn UFOs more guards begin to appear firing away at venom but as he jumps around more of his tendrils shoot out grabbing them and soon the firing turns to the UFOs X ray asks what is happening to everyone and vector tells him that his venom he's controlling them Valkyrie gets up looking around asking what sort of devil tree is this and venom says that he's a little preoccupied at the moment but she's just stick around he's been feeling a little patch up lately Valkyrie rides back into the fight telling him that that is profoundly creepy she rides over to the machine holding Katie and tells her that she's no scientist but she hopes smashing this device won't do any harm towards Katie while the guards continue to fire at the UFOs venom says that he hopes that they don't might have commandeering all of the weapons and if it makes them feel better the guards didn't like him to begin with once Katie gets free of the Machine she goes around helping the rest of the people and tells career that it's nice that they can free everyone but aren't they kind of surrounded by an interdimensional forcefield Valkyrie cuts a hole in the portal to the outside stating you were saying back as venom x-ray begins to blast away I'd have been a while iron clad grabs a hold of him telling him that he's about to feel a little pain but his ironclad begins to choke him Fatima the demon venom said that he doesn't have to be tough he just needs to be sue order iron cod looks over and sees the guards working and activating some of the machines Specter calls out stating that they're trying to activate the transduction equipment but before they can stop them the UFOs then all begin to dematerialize outside of the warehouse Valkyrie and Katie wait for flash to come out and within moments the light begins to shine as flash steps out of the portal Valkyrie asks if it's the real him and flash tells you that the guy who doesn't want to be microwaved yeah that's him so Katie asks him where of the UFOs he tells her that he's not sure but he's guessing he sent them packing short wild later flash stands at our rooftop telling Valkyrie and Katie that he doesn't remember anything about what just happened Valkyrie says that she's pretty sure that those people don't care what saved them because if he hadn't shown up they would all be dead Katie brings up that he needs to be there sooner next time and Valkyrie adds that as long as she's known him he's wanted to be a hero perhaps tonight he proved it but flash tells her sure but he's going to be doing it alone isn't he it's not like they stuck around long after the fight he'll right now he's just talking to symbiote puppets both Valkyrie and Katie's heads begin to change shape and they retract back into the suit and he tells them good talk he's actually been talking to himself as he looks out over the city he says that he's just a man with a symbiote and a demon but sooner or later they're all gonna have to have a little chat meanwhile over in Brooklyn officers arrive in an apartment to where there have been reports of a strange odor coming from the inside they burst into the home and as they look they see bodies mutilated and piled up inside of the middle of the room one officer aims our flashlights up and she says what the hell is that and a body tangled up in vane says don't worry these guys were all criminals and gang members so you could thank me later unless you want to put me on the payroll the woman shouts that is Eddie Brock it's venom but Eddie tells her you got it all wrong these days phylogeny called toxin with everything that was happening in Flash's life he decided that it might be best to have a different view on the world and moved to Philadelphia but as the movers finished dropping off the last of his boxes because to hear one of his new neighbors shot for them to keep it down he heads out to tell the neighbor that he's sorry he had just moved in but the man doesn't care he just needs to get some sleep because some people work at night as the man slams his door shut flash says that it's good to meet him too and then a girl's voice asks if he's the new guy flash looks back and the girl tells him not to worry about mr. Frick's over there he's normally yelling about not getting to work on time which he never does anyway flash tells her thanks to the tip and then he asks if she goes to West Philly because he just got hired at the PE department the girl looks at him and tells him whatever she's got places to be and in response to that flash tells himself look at that I'm making friends already as the night begins to fall in the city it's time for flash to go out do some good around the town because that's what honest-to-goodness superheroes do they patrol the streets and they stop crime which is still boring as hell as the patrol goes on flash spots a man who left a bar after our woman had turned him down as the woman walks down past the corner she sees flash hanging there with the man telling her that she might want to make it home quick after swinging and dropping the man off flash lets venom take over to scare the man for a bit and he tells him that if he wants to live he's gonna go turn himself in and if he catches him out here again well you know the man runs off screaming for the police and the venom just says no no no a little while later off in another alley a street gang corners a young boy telling him that his cousin runs for them there ain't nothing change in that and the boy Rafe says that his cousin Enzo can do whatever he wants but he himself does not want to join their little gang the gang leader says that no one said that he could even join them but they're both still going to work for them members of the gang begin to grab onto Rafe and as the leader grabs enzo a shadow begins to float behind them a voice calls out that's enough the chains then begin whipping around knocking all the thugs down and the figure appears before them telling them that her name is Hail Mary the Mother Superior of punishment all of the thugs look at her and then they begin to run once alone flash because to revert back into his venom suit laughing that that was a good one and the next morning he wakes up to look at the medicine the beast has been giving him to help him keep the symbiote in check and under control as flash puts the needle down he tells himself that he won't use this unless he needs to so far he's been able to control venom with very little problems and now it's time to finally get some rest a little while later he wakes up from his nap with the sounds of a knock on his door he hurries it answers it and two police officers state that they're sorry for waking them up so early but they wanted to ask if he had heard any disturbances in the last couple of hours flash tells them no seems like he's a pretty heavy sleeper the officers tell him that it seems like his neighbor Robert Frick's has been the victim of a home invasion and he's been hospitalized and it might be a while before he regains consciousness flash responds with he's sorry he couldn't be of any help to them and then he asks himself if he did that and then he says that he already knows the answer to that meanwhile back in New York and flashes old apartment a man knocks on the door asking for flash to hurry and open up an older woman walks by stating the flash has started a new job over in Philadelphia so he's not there anymore and the man pulls down his hood and Eddie Brock says ah that's too bad I just hate it when flash skips town like that after getting cleaned up flash gets ready to start his first day of work but before leaving he tries to call Katie since she's the only real friend that he has left these days but just as the many times before it goes right to voicemail before leaving flash grabs Beast medicine to bring with him just in case even with what happened to mr. Fricks he still feels like he's in control and hung over even though he hasn't had a drink in a long time later at West Philadelphia High coach Yates introduces flash as a new assistant coach joining their staff one of the kids whispers what's he supposed to coach the Special Olympics and coach Yates tells them that he expects them all to show coach Thompson here the same respect that they show him Yates then blows the whistle to run drills and as the students run flash notices one of the boys that he rescued the other night as he looks around he then sees the girl from his apartment and he says alone though he never caught her name she says that her name is Andie and no she would not be dressing up for PE today as the day ends flash heads back to his other job being a superhero patrolling the streets of Philly and while out he notices one strange man who decides to keep watch on him The Hunchback man heads into an apartment building grumbling to himself as he takes off his overcoat showing four canisters on his back he then begins eating the dog food that he brought stating that he's just so hungry but this isn't working he walks to the tied up family telling them that he's sorry please forgive him and suddenly flash jumps down tackling the man telling him that he should give the family a little space flash tells the family to hang on so you can get him out of there and the man says that he can't do that he needs them flash pulls out his gun and the man's body begins to rip and tear exposing metal limbs and he pins flash down telling him he's so sorry for this but before the man could bite into flesh Venom's tendrils reach out pulling the man off of him and flash tells him I think I know a thing or two about being hungry myself I just got to keep it in check flash then rolls to grab his gun and he aims it back at the man but the man is already gone outside the man walks through the streets looking for something to eat and then he spots another man sitting in an alley he tells himself that they have something in common they both made mistakes and Eddie Brock turned stating I was tracking a friend but it seems like his stink is all over you and then toxin takes over another sin deity says it seems like we both picked the wrong guy toxin grabs on to the manatee throws him to the side and as the man lands the canisters on his back begin to wind up more skin tears away he says he doesn't want to kills a man but they won't let him stop toxin tells him that's good for whoever that is because I wanna fight the man lunges the toxin a toxin punches him away he then gets back up jumping away ripping toxin off of Eddie telling him that they can't be stumped the adaptation matrix is in their blood toxin grabs onto one of the man's mechanical arms and tears it off and then he holds him up over his head toxin says I'm just gonna get one more freak off the streets and the man's stomach being is to twist and turn and to metal spikes shoot out of him and they wrap around stabbing toxin in the chest toxin throws the man off telling himself I've gotta go heal now and asked toxin struggles to heal he looks back to see the man gone and shouts hero Brad arrived now it's time to get back to the bait hook with the Sun rising flash heads back to his apartment to speak with a beast regarding the man that he ran into the other night flash tells him that he thinks the man is infected with something some kind of alien technology Beast says looking over the reports from the encounter with the UFOs it's possible that it could have been infected by them though it's a long shot they may be able to help him that is if the man can be brought to them flash tells him that he just needs to catch a flesh-eating monster and bring him back no problem he'll get right on that later that night back at the local kennel the last worker begins to hear the dogs barking at something as she walks to go check on them she sees blood everywhere and the man looks up stating I'm sorry I had to feed he then looks at the woman and says I still have to feed any chases after her as the woman runs outside the man follows close behind him any stopped eyes flash webs him up and throws him into a car the venom suit starts to assemble his gun and flash tells him that he doesn't want to shoot him he can help if he lets him and the man says I may watch hell but it's too late flash fully webs up the man standing barn call my bluff for not shooting you and as flash stares he begins to wonder if killing him would be but then toxins voice tells him mercy killing from the shadows toxin jumps out stating I think the man should be put out of his misery so I'll take care of him and then we can fight as toxin gets closer he slashes away at Flash's just ripping through the suit and into flash Thompson's chest he then stands over flash telling him you may want to pray now but flash whips his arm back smacking toxin away flash tries to crawl away so he can let the wound heal but toxin jumps back onto a car slamming it down next to him toxin rips the car in half and if he gets walking towards flash and flash opens fire but the bullets do nothing against toxin skin and he just lasts through the pain flash jumps up kicking toxin in the head and just as his foot connects toxin thrusts his arm out stabbing into Flash's head flash falls back unable to see if the blood covers his eyes and that he hears a screeching yell both look up to see the man from before jumping at them and toxin quickly steps in to flash and then steps through the man as toxin pulls back he holds up the man and he starts to open up his mouth flash begins to shout stop and then one of toxins tendrils whips around throwing him back to the ground and toxin tells him I admire what you're trying but you're no hero sooner or later you won't be able to help yourself and that's when you will die toxin widens his mouth and chomp as the man's body falls to the ground toxin turns back asking now where were we flash jumps forward letting venom shoot out shouting you didn't have to kill him a second chomp can be heard and then one of toxins arms flies off toxin gets back up telling him yes I did he'll he grabs onto Venom's head and as Venom's tongue whips out it cuts off toxins claws toxin pulls back screaming and then he towers over venom and he bites onto him then with one quick jerk toxin throws venom into the air and it begins ever to generate himself venom jumps back up and charges back in to continue this battle but toxin grabs him by the head and stabs him through the chest while toxin is holding Venom's body up what a Venom's tendrils crawls out with a needle and stabs it in the toxin the needle that contains the medicine toxin throws him down shouting what did you Joe and he slowly begins to retract off of Eddie Brock last taking over starts to crawl away and Eddie shouts were not done I'm gonna teach you a lesson and show you just how dangerous a monster could be a little while later Andy sits on top of her apartment building when she suddenly hears a loud thud she looks back to see flash crawling out of the shadows she runs over to ask what happened and flash tells her oh I'll be all right and Andy tells him no way you look like but then flash shouts telling her leave me alone she gets up telling him sorry for trying to help hopefully he doesn't rot up here and as he lays back down he tells himself he can't let people get close that's why he left New York and Betty meanwhile in another part of town a homeless man kicks over another homeless man telling him you ate the last of the baloney didn't you and as the second man turns back he sees metal spikes crawling out of his mouth the homeless man stumbles into another man but then sees the same thing the machines start crawling at it affecting new hosts all reciting that their targets are Veneman toxin the next day at school the students all begin to look at flash and he already knows why the fight with Eddie and toxin left a nice shiner on his face and all the students want to know how it happened but just as he begins to think about Eddie he sees Eddie through the crown at his school full of students that he walks right up to flash and tells him it wasn't very hard to find you I was a reporter before flash tells them that this isn't happening not here and Eddie tells them this is happening we'll finish what we started we're gonna walk out there go somewhere isolated and end this flash six up asking and if I tell you to go screw yourself and he leans down it tells him then I'll release Chuck sand right here in now the two argue whether they're going to fight but then Eddie smells something and flash asks them what is it and he tells them it's oil and blood chemicals in a rock just like that alien freak from the other night suddenly there's a scream and everyone looks back to see more of those infected people grabbing on to the teachers the students begin to run but the infected people walk down the hallways killing anyone that they can grab flash looks back at Eddie and asks are we gonna do this michaela the students get hurt and if you want to kill me fine but after we save these kids flash then starts directing all the kids into a roo and Andy asks him what about you and he tells her don't worry I won't let anything happen to you as flash takes off and venom crawls out he asks Eddie do we have a deal and Eddie tells him fine we can kill each other later the effect that roamed the halls looking for venom and toxin and toxin jumps in fighting away at one of them he tells the other infected don't worry but I'll leave you out of this then and then starts crawling into the duct while slamming some of the infected around but as toxin is left alone the effect to begin ganging up tearing toxin town just as they're getting ready to kill them toxin shouts who I will kill every last one over you and then there's a sound of cracking coming straight towards them has been a burst out of the ground shouting for them Drude off venom gets out he's just running through the infected tearing them apart and once toxin regenerates he then jumps in killing off the remaining stragglers venom says I saved your hide huh and toxin asks them are you ready for what's next venom shouts do you really want to do this and toxin tells me yeah I know what it was like to wear venom I couldn't control it then and then slowly reverts back into his suit and flash tells him I can control it because I have to toxin leans in him tells him okay and flash asks what a toxin goes on stating I'll be watching you then why do you lose control I will come back and kill you flash looks at Emmet Ellison if that ever happens I want you to kill me Eddie perverts back stating it won't be an if it'll be a wet a little while later the police arrived and the students are all released from the school as flash leaves a reporter runs over asking what exactly happened in there and flash says that he's not sure he has much to say he was locked away in the supply closet but he did see some creature even though it was brief it was red and black and covered in something like pasta but it single-handedly fought off those killer cyborgs or whatever they are and then just took off it's good knowing that there's someone like that out there and elsewhere in the city one of those machines crawls out of the ground and skitters away since the run-in with Eddie Flash's return to his normal life PE coach during the day stopping crimes at night and occasionally he goes to his AAA meetings day after day it's the same thing until one Sunday night flash begins to notice something while taking down some drug dealers in their meth lab one of them pulled out a gun it was ready to fire before he could pull the trigger flash jumped on top of the man telling him that pointing a gun at someone surrounded by a ton of chemicals really is a bad idea he then goes on to state that someone has dumbest him clearly isn't calling the shots so he's gonna need some information the next morning during class flash watches as the kids begin their dodgeball practice but then he notices Andy the young girl living in his apartment complex still not dressing up for PE he calls her out telling her that if she isn't going to make an effort to dress out she could at least put away her phone during the class Andy tells him whatever as she puts her phone away dodgeball is so educational but out on the court flash watches as one of his jock students begins to pick on some of the weaker students making fun of them as the student last flash looks at him thinking how he used to be like that always picking on the weaker students so he decides that maybe he should take him down a peg or two he grabs one of the dodge balls and using venom he throws it was such a force that it knocks the kid down and across the court now all he has to do is play it cool this shouldn't be a problem so long as no one saw him throw it except Andy did see him throw it in flash knows that she did later that night he follows up with some leads that he got from the night before with the drug runners he attempts to stop another group of runners on their way back to see their boss Lord Oh grrrrrr but while trying to stop the van the runners slam on the brakes throwing flash off as the runners escape flash tries to figure out how he's going to catch up now and then he sees an old broken-down car next to him a short while later at ogres hideout the runners pull up and begin to unload as they suddenly hear an engine revving up through the garage door flash charges in it is venom mobile he jumps through the window slamming down two of the runners into the ground or the rest opened fire on him after taking down a couple more of the runners one manages to shoot flash in the head blowing part of it off flash stumbles back Walt venom repairs his head and then he spits out the bullet telling the shooter he will chew it benhams mouth begins to open as his tongue creeps out licking the man's face and he asks where could I find your boss a voice then calls out stating right here and flash sees Lord ogre ogre says that if he's coming looking for him stead of busting up his business he should have called for a meeting flash tells him that from the looks of it he's kind of ruined his business so this will now be the part where he takes him down the man that flash is holding begins to tell her that he never would have sold him out he knows that right an ogre tells him of course he was always a good apostle he lets go of the chains on the two dogs that he's holding and they charged towards Flash and the runners one jumps on the runner while flash grabs the other and throws it into the first dog knocking them away he quickly pulls out his guns and as he takes aim he sees ogres already escaped flash tells himself that he couldn't have gotten far he should be able to and then he hears a thump coming from a van he heads over to the van ready to take down the runners who decided to hide in there and that's what he sees a van full of people so not only was ogre doing the drug business but he was also in the human trafficking game there's only one way to deal with a monster like that the next morning flash heads back to work when a voice calls out venom flash turns back to see Katie and asks how before we can ask that she tells him your Flash Thompson right you were here when venom showed up he tells himself just to play it cool she doesn't know who he really is and tells her that he didn't really get a good look at him so he doesn't have much to say Katie says that's too bad but here's her card in case anyone happens to know anything later the night after taking on more of ochres men flash begins to think about how messed up it is that he hasn't heard from Katie in weeks and now she's trying to get information out of him what is she trying to do get her next big story that wasn't part of their deal after taking down some more of the thugs flash tells the kidnapped people to get out of here he's got some questions that he needs answering without them seeing Venom's mouth because to open up wide and it wraps its tongue around the thugs neck asking where can I find Lord hooker but before the man can answer he passes out did more thugs appear opening fire on venom the men are no match for flash until he's cracked across the head with a shield flash begins to ask if it could be Captain America but that he sees that it's not capped it's some guy called dust shield death shield tell this jagged beau to take his shot so that they can hurry and cash their checks and flash tells him that it's normally a bad idea to try it act like heroes he jumps away a jagged bow releases his arrows hitting flash and then they emit a sonic shock the shock pulls venom apart and then the one called blood spider jumps in punching flash tells him that there's only one knockoff wall-crawler in this city who's that smooth venom starts to take over and knocks him away Vora can lay in the final blow death shield charges and slamming into flash venom gets back up and grabs death shield throwing him into jagged bow he then makes his way to the three of them and suddenly a wire shoots out grabbing flash around the neck and electrocuting him the wires coming from constrictor and with him is mr. destroy Gore Lord death strikes something with death in it constrictor continues shocking flash and jagged bow shells that betta was their target constrictor tells him no he's been tracking this for a while venom belongs to him death strike then cuts the wires around flash and soon all of the mercenaries begin to fight each other but before they can realize that flashes escaped while swinging through the city flash because to think that with this much muscle under ogres payroll he's gonna have to make a call he's gonna need some Intel a little while later in an underground parking lot KT says it's like that first time when they met isn't it flash tells her that he knows that she's trying to dig up dirt on him he thought if they had an understanding and Katie says they do but she also has bosses who would he rather have poking around in his business her or a random reporter lucky for him she's got all of the resources that he needs meanwhile over at ogres penthouse he welcomes all of the mercenaries who have been gathered regarding the head that he has put out on fennel he tells him that he knows that it might be overkill to have so many but that's what he wants overkill sends a message a voice then tells him that he happens to be singing his tune with Danton jack flies down telling him I'm sorry that I'm a bit late I've had some troubles getting a Hall Pass with Katie's help flash begins gathering resources making allies while taking down over hitmen one by one however wild flash slowly takes out some of the Hitman Jack continues to watch from the shadows waiting for his next move back in the apartment building Andy sits with her father as the two of them watch TV but after thinking it over for a little while she begins to feel how this might be the time to finally talk to flash about what she saw she heads downstairs and knocks on Flash's door asking if he has a few minutes to talk and the door swings open and Jack says I'm afraid Eugene isn't home right now but I'm actually a really good listener myself Jack says that he actually should just leave a message for their crippled friend and use her blood to do so Andy begins running back upstairs and Jack and his dolls stay close behind her she runs back into her apartment and tells her dad to call 9-1-1 call anyone but before either of them can move Jack bursts through the door yelling Yahoo Andy's father tells her to try and get to the fire escape he'll do what he can but that's him flash jumps in tackling Jack telling him to stay away from them flash knows that if Jack can break out once he can break out of Connecticut so this time he's gonna put up town watch it for all but before he can shoot Jax says that he would like to say something in his defense and then he starts spitting a fire flash stumbles and Jack jumps up cutting away at Flash's stomach but as Jack gets up ready to swing again Andy's father runs in pushing Jack away jack hits him on the heads just to walk towards him and flash tries to hold him back but Jack reaches out and stabs Andy's father in the chest flash screams and venom takes over shouting I will gooooo Jack throws down sets of teeth to slow down flash and he tells him that he wasn't in it for the money really since he will get some maybe he can donate it to his orphans fund Jack Tim throws gas bombs at Andy and tells her to catch but rather than going after Jack flash releases some of the venom to cover Andy's face to protect her from the gas but something else happened and now angie is wearing a venom suit Andy starts to look at herself in her new venom suit asking what just happened and jack tells flash that he's pretty sure she's talking to him Andy looks down at the wrench that her father was using to protect her and grabs it shouting that she will kill him she cracks the wrench across Jack's pumpkin spinning it around and $1 shout he or mean Andy then tears through the dolls just as Jack turns his head back and he sees flash charging towards him once flash gets close enough he punches jack across the room and Andy follows up knocking him through the wall Andy then grabs jack ready to kill him but flash grabs are telling her to stop she shouts for him to let her go let her kill the man that killed her father and jack stands back up with the pumpkin cracked and chipping away flash sees that it's not Jack at all flash grabs him asking who is he and how did he know about him and the man smiles telling him you can never run far enough no matter what we are Jack and we are everywhere just a few weeks ago I was a nobody that was until I stumbled upon a storage unit that happened to belong to Jack I went inside and I changed and Jackson mind took over Andy gets back up stating that she doesn't care she's heard enough and flash stops her stating that this man is just as much of a victim as she is he gets up stating that that's right he was forced into his little predicament just like she was and now it's time for him to go the man hop so does broom and he takes off in a flash and he follow right behind as flash stops he asks himself if he should really just kill this man and Andy shout for him to wait up flash tells her that he can't let her come and Andy says that the guy just killed her father there's no way that he's gonna stop her now flash looks at her and says yes can and he holds his arm out to call that Symbian back except it's not returning the bond shouldn't be so permanent Andi leans in it tells him whatever you just tried to do don't ever do that again now get out of her way as Andi swings off flash watches an amazement at how well Andi is adapting to her new powers it's as if she's a natural as Andi gets ahead an explosion goes off knocking her to the ground jack with the other mercenary step out stating - that's not venom it's just a kid and constrictor said that he doesn't care who anyone works for no one is killing a kid jack says that's nice and all but he should have told him that and then flash the wigs and kicking constrictor town together flashing Andi fight off the mercenaries until it's just Jack left after flash knocks him down and he picks jack back up and slowly because a crush his head and flash tells her not to do this if she goes down this path there's no coming back and he shouts that he's the one who did this to her why would he give her this power of he didn't want her to use it flash says that he's just trying to protect her if he could take the symbiote back he would but there's something that's wrong they need to get through this together and if she kills him now Sophie on her own so make the right choice sirens begin to go off into distance and the police arrive to see all of the mercenaries webbed up as the days pass flash tries to get things back to normal but the fact is it can't go back to normal after the funeral Andi moved in with her aunt in her and flash have kept in contact but with everything happening there's just so many questions that need to be answers how did the symbionts spawn another one like that how did Andy get so used to the suit so quickly there's one person that he can ask right now he's not talking yet for flash life hasn't been very simple with his two new jobs the first involves him fighting alongside the guardians of the galaxy the second though being an agent of the cosmos is a little more complicated and the current times flash begins to rip apart giant alien craps at 8:03 radios down telling him that he's not sure why they stopped on this wreck of a planet anyway after stabbing into another Krab flash tells him that he heard a cry for help in his head again and as that last crab is destroyed the native aliens all-praised flash for his help but before long it begins to rain and one of the aliens says that it's heat rain it burns flash quickly expands the Venom symbiote to create a giant bubble it asks the alien where is their village one mentions that is down the river so flash push it the bubble into the river and lets it float on inside the bubble flash says that he heard someone calling for help what exactly is going on here another alien says that the four ma are normally docile creatures but since the drill came and took away their food they've been attacking everyone flash asks what drill and as they get to the village the alien leads him to a rock ledge down in the valley they see a giant mechanical drill and the alias says that he's not sure why it's here but there's no one in it and every so often green canisters flying to the sky filled to the foremost food flash tells me he's got this and your radios over to 803 seconds later flashes ship swoops down from space and blasts the drill destroying it as flash gets on board the aliens all praise him for his help calling him a god he sits down at the command seat NATO 3 asks if he's a god now and flash responds telling him just to get them out of there 8:03 dozen right away oh by the way we may be trapped outside the ship is a giant war cruiser before they can fly back to the planet the cruiser begins to pull them in with a tractor beam and as the ship docks flash hops out and begins to search and then he calls out that he knows someone's there an alien jumps down screaming and swinging it flashed but a flash dodges them and moves away the alien begins to move in for a second attack but flash reaches out grabbing a pipe asking if they like baseball with no answer he cracks the alien in the head telling him that he guesses not as the alien stumbles back flash calls out that he's pretty sure clenched our are supposed to be peaceful so he's going to assume that they've got a real nasty piece of work underneath that symbiote the alien begins to change its arms into blades and tells them you have no idea the alien lunges forward and then a voice calls out telling them all it's enough another Clint our steps out explain him that his name is mineral and her name is Tarna and like him they are agents of the cosmos tarnish acid it can't be one of them he's chewing barely in sync with this Glenn jar and flash says they may have been getting along pretty well since they've been cleansed and things are going well with them aside from the voices in his head now Mitchell tells them that they're not voices that is the cosmos and it is their job to answer it he goes on saying that they have been testing him to see if he's worthy and he's done rather exceptionally tarna adds adequate who got to breasts and flesh says that we're all gonna be best friends now aren't we as Tarna leaves saying he's just a waste of time flash tells minstrel that he was just on a planet that was being tacked for fuel with some intense tech know anything about it and Mitchell tells him no but it is possible that the rogue maybe the same person whose chemical weapons they've been intercepting flashboards his ship and asks if it's all connected and Mitchell says yes that's why they need him to find out who's behind all of this as he leaves Mitchell adds that Turner is in charge of training so if he needs her just call she will most definitely probably not answer elsewhere on the barren planet reports begin to come in did they have a lock in the ship that destroyed the drill one of the aliens asks Lord murky over his orders and he tells them to find their most vile creature at the holding cells and have them follow this so-called venom flash continues his travels stopping by many planets helping those in need and just as he finishes up on the last one who decides that it's time for a break he gets into the call he says hopefully it's a place where people like high-fives or something so he flies down to see a volcanic planet with lava flowing everywhere and he says a giant planet of lava and fire also works he guesses 8:03 mentions that sense Clint ours are vulnerable to fire they do have some rumble suits in the back that might help him get on the planet flash gets into one of the suits and grabs a rifle realizing that this will probably work 8:03 stops him telling him actually the planet's atmosphere is too volatile to allow gunfire so you would need to go with this crude weapon instead flash looks at the chest and happily tells 8:03 to open the pod he's got himself a sword seconds later flash jumps out of the ship landing in a river of lava near the three radios that he only has three minutes in that suit down there he notices the woman running towards him and he radios back to hang on he's about to be ambushed but the alien calls out in her native language and the suit begins to translate and what she's saying is that he will bow before her inca queen of the wicked flash defends himself telling her that he missed the first part there but either way his name is Flash Thompson nice to meet her Inka swings away saying that he speaks their word blessed Thompson he is one of the your supers who have come to destroy their world as flash hold his arm out he tells her that he's not one of your supers actually he's there to help any chance that she can take him to the earth servers inca steps back and tells him fine she will take him there but any false movements that she would eat his skull if flash tells her that that's a fair a short walk later inca points out to her warriors who are fighting the beings known as the underdwellers who live inside of the creek i sense something landed us out of the great volcano the underdwellers have been attacking thinking that they are there to destroy their home which all they want to do is help flash tells inca that it needs to get up there so that he can get inside of the great eye and get this whole thing sorted out and he kisses fine to the battle then along with the Wigan warriors splash fights his way through the great eye in 803 radios that he's pretty sure the suit won't handle much more especially jumping into a pit of lava flash tells him that he's going to go radio silent for a bit and 8:03 asks if you don't return do I at least have permission to fly to the nearest star flash leaps in and says no you have permission to live forever and write epic songs about me as flash swims three finds a device planted in the volcanoes Cora destroys it he reaches his hand back out and he could grab him it kisses him telling him that he always has a place here in her husband's stable plaster spawns telling her that he may have to take a rain check on that and back up on his ship he hops out of the rumble suit telling himself he just kissed an alien totally didn't know that that was on his bucket list besides that Rumble suit worked like a charm no sooner does he say that then the suit falls apart 8:03 asks you were saying 8:03 then mentions i have something that i would like to give you if you would be so kind as to head to the midday flash heads over there asking what did he want to show him and 8:03 says that it is not a song he has made him a pair of legs a short while later flash sets himself up on the prosthetic legs and says that he's going to need a cane while he figures these things out he then thanks 8:03 and realizes something and asks a very important question who's flying the ship 8:03 brings flash back to the control room and tells him that is the Clint R and venom looks back telling flash it's probably charm dude we had a talk sits with Veneman he tells him that this is a little strange and Venom responds with tell me about it flash asks how come he's never done this before become a sentient being from himself and Venom tells him that he couldn't not since he's been cleansed but now here they are venom goes on saying that he can hold this form for about an hour but with the practice he should be able to hold it for half an earth day allowing them to work as separate entities if needed if you're still wondering what's going on this all started when the Venom symbiote went back to its home world and learned that it was supposed to be a hero for the cosmos someone to save people and his original race the clinton urged him of all of those evil thoughts and hatred that he was building up with anyway venom tells flash that when they're joined he can feel the cosmos better they make great partners flash tells him it's nice to hear that speaking of to hear that humming just then the ship is shot and begins to fall out of space as it crash lands down on a planet flash gets out telling venom that he appreciates him wrapping him up and venom tells him that he won't be able to communicate in this form but he will always be here flash gets out pulling some of the debris and he calls out for 803 he's droid that he rescued throwing the rubble aside 8:03 says that he's here but he's afraid that they may be under attack flash tells him you don't say and 8:03 goes on to say that he scammed the attacking ship the only life-form that he found on it was pique Rolo a vicious criminal flash turns around to see peek and asks if he's sure that she is a criminal and 8:03 says yes she's wanted for a murder treason in arson across 15 systems she is a menace but as Peake stands before them flash says she's adorable but just as he says that peak smacks him shouting your head belongs to mark Gill she grabs 803 and starts to tear him apart as he yells sweet release one one one zero zero one zero one flash jumps back in punching him is the two of them fight flash begins to rip off Peaks space suit telling her that she heard his friend which pisses him off and when he gets mad his partner takes over venom takes over in a small beam of light shoots in hitting flash and peak knocking them both out an alien ship then flies down and two robots step out stating that they needed warm bodies for their master their master will surely be pleased as they are brought aboard the ship and placed in holding containers flash tells peak that this is all her fault you sad sad panda she responds telling him that she is not a fan she is a Runa toh and what she has experience is not sadness she feels own a rage flash looks around on all the other aliens and containers and says that rage might come in handy going where he thinks this is going to go soon all of the prisoners are released into the arena and the master robot shouts that their deaths at the hands of their battle be shall be for nothing and flash shouts he hates when he's right he then turns to peek and tells it that if they're going to live through this he's going to have to kill her and Peake responds with you you're welcome to try though for what it's worth I'm sorry murky Oh has my child giant beasts begin to make their way into the arena the master robot shouts that they will teach him that the ways of war once he's had enough he'll rule the universe when the fighting begins Peake explains that that murky oh is a gramo sin which are normally peaceful however their planet requires vast quantities of energy to survive and a murky Oh went rogue he now collects energy and weapons were all over the galaxy one day he raided their planet and kidnapped their greatest warriors but since he extorted them into a criminal life she's the only one that's left alive as the bodies begin to fall flash says that he'll make her a deal if they do survive this she will take him to murky oh so that they can take him out together and save the kid they both continue to fight in the bodies fall until there's only one person left freddo the massive robot steps from his throne and calls out at last the great white bear has fallen but as the master robot goes on flash because - laughs the massive robot says he does not know why he is laughing humor is not required but from behind the massive robot peak shadow looms over and she rips the master robots head off all of the other robot guards rushed down and surrounded them and while you would assume that they are there to battle against them they end up bowing and shouting praise the new masters flash says how about they'll just go free declare themselves as their new masters put another robot shouts we live to serve tell us how to serve so flash follows up by telling them he's gonna have to sleep on it he has something good it needs to go check on a little while later pique says that she's not sure why they're coming back here and flash says that he's not leaving his friend behind but descendants is stumped when flash sees a fully repaired 8:03 and a fully repaired ship he asks 8:03 what happened and 8:03 says sadly he was not killed so he put himself back together as well as the ship Peake says that she's sorry that she nearly destroyed him but 8003 says that he only wished that she had finish the job once everyone gets on the ship flash says all right let's go rescue your kid after their getaway everyone meets in the weapons hangar and Peake asks if this is really their only options flash says that this was their stealthiest of options it will work probably has her in flash get ready she tells him that if that was humor it was unfortunately timed venom begins to cover the both of them and flash says they're going to get her kid back as long as they survive this part outside of the ship preparations to fire are set and then the ship fires venom shaped like a missile the missile venom orbits murky o's planet and crashes down and as flash and Peake get out of the wreckage she says that she prays to the gods that she'll never have to endure such a thing again could you make their way to the base but flash begins to notice none of the guards are running to stop them Peake tells him that he is less than intimidating in flash says that's funny coming from a murderous space bear but then they stop as the guards come out and flash says that he vouched for her and Peake says that she's sorry the guards grab onto flash as he manages to punch at peak he struggles trying to fight his peak hits him back stayed and that she had no choice she had to protect her child as the guards walk away leaving flash the ground one says that it's time to give him the treatment a sonic blast emits peeling off a venom leaving him as just a pile of goo murky Odin walks out saying he finally gets to meet the man meddling in his affairs flash gets up charging towards murky oh but he's easily knocked down he picks himself back up in once again but this time murky Oh takes out his sword cutting the prosthetic legs off telling him that he's nothing without his Clint r he then raises the sword to kill flash but Peake tells him to wait they need him alive for now the Clint R is bonded to him until they can fix the Clint r his plan would be for nothing flash crawls shouting not to lay a hand on him but murky Oh kicks him down knocking him out the guards then pick up Flash's body and murky o tells them to take him to the pit he examines the puddle that is venom and he tells Peake that she played her part well perhaps a little too well Peake lunges at murkuro bearing her claws and without even getting up Mercure releases an electronic pulse shocking her he continues beating down on her until more guards begin to drag her away and as they do he tells them to inform her that she will need to kill her friend or he will drown her child a short while later Peake has thrown into a pit alongside flash and as she lands he tells her look he told her that it would work and she says that if she was not broken right now she break him however back outside murkuro begins to laugh as he is now bonded with venom murky hotels venom that he feels strange they're not wearing each other it's as if they are one and he can feel the hunger however he cannot fear it he shall keep him well-fed back down on the pit flash here's the door shift open and he says right on schedule as murky Oh steps in flash asks how bad is it Peake says that it looks like this is going to be the end flash that says that he wasn't talking to her suddenly venom starts to peel himself away former kyo telling flash it's worse than we thought this man has an Al Motta mercury outs you must obey me but flash tells him just give him a nice squeeze as venom reaches back out he wraps his arms around mercury begins to crush and break his body he then slams him down and starts top bead on him until flash tells him enough after stopping venom says I'm sorry please let me return to where I belong murky Oh then crawls out calling for his guards to kill him and flash runs towards the exit with peak saying that she's pretty sure the bad guys are behind them flash says murky oh called for backup which is smart because he too called for backup outside they see all of the kujan warriors and the robots all fighting and taking down murky o's army as it cos stands into one of the soldiers she asks if the furry thing is a friend and flash says that it is peak Rolo peak Rolo this is iike with her back against Peaks Iike says that she's already placed a husbandry claim on the human and peak tells her that he's all hers one of the robots then shoots at the soldier shouting for master and flash tells him I am NOT your master you're supposed to be free through the crowd murkier runs up punching flash calling him weakened as he does venom because to take over again after a roaring scream ruh-oh venom grabs mercury and slams him to the ground and grabs the closest piece of machinery that there is venom shouts we are not too weak we are vegans bashing murky Oh over and over flash tries to tell venom to stop but venom continues to hit him soon 8:03 shouts for him to stop please flash tells him he didn't know what but 8:03 says it's okay it is now over behind the murky ol fires a gun hitting flash shouting pit is it over we're gonna meet again next time you're gonna die as mercury tries to get away 8:03 says that he's sorry that he got in the way please feel free to deactivate me flash tells him no you did good you got everyone here and then the voice of peak shouts Pyrrha peak picks Hillah and she asks if there's anything left for her to destroy pique pops her on her shoulders telling her that's her girl flash grabs a no.3 telling him that he told her the plan would work and Peake says next time tell her the whole plan flash then asks what she means by next time and Peake says well this ship needs a crew off in the crowd Iike shouts that she needs a quest she will come make a name for herself also he seems unstable and she finds that attractive flash tells everyone fine you can come if you want but I'm no captain also there's no pay 8:03 asks what about the robots and flash says I know what to do with them he orders the robots to protect both the planets of the first aliens that he came across and quickly leaves before they ask anything else later aboard the ship everyone relaxes as they have a small party but venom is not with them venom sits alone looking at himself in the mirror and slowly his face because the change before getting back into the universe though eco looks at their new spaceship telling flashed that she doesn't understand his scribbling on the side do ships where he come from come with the terrible names flash tells her how dare you in pic adds that she has to agree with iike everyone looks up the newly acquired ship that he has apparently named the USS Enterprise flash says that at least it's nice to have a new ship anyway while sifting through and salvaging the remains of the robots in their last battle 803 the suicidal robot that helped some out said that he has a bit of concerns pointing upwards flash asks if he doesn't like the name of the ship either in a two or three responds then his concern isn't the foolishly named ship it is that ship up above another space ship because the Lana and flash asks if by any chance they could be friendly at 8:03 tells them that with his luck does he really need to ask as the ship lands tarna steps out stating that she is here to inform flash but the agents of the cosmos are quite pleased with his progress flash tells her that he's pretty sure it wasn't easy for her to say that it she tells him you have no idea but nevertheless your recent battle has proven that you are a worthy host which is why we must speak in private flash says that if she has a problem with his crew but tarnis stops him telling him that his selection of companions are dubious but rather she would like to speak to him without the Clint are just as tarna finishes her sentence her Clint art begins to separate revealing that Tarna is a Skrull Flash Terezin tarna asks if her appearance upsets him he tells her no just scrolls and the folks from Earth never really played well together she assures him that her allegiance is to the cosmos now a moment alone please once finally shedding venom tarna pulls flash assigned to inform him that there is a bit of concern involving venom the agents they all felt rage she goes on state innocence venom bonded to murky oh they felt a pulse from him and since then the rage inside of him has been steadily growing she has come to tell him that venom is not to be trusted since the cleansing the Clint are are monitoring for any type of the impurities in venom is not pure which is why they need to find flash a replacement to Clint our flash stops her telling her that impure or not venom is my friend I'm not about to let you take him away just so that you can kill him tarna extends a spike from her wrist telling flash that it is not over quite as flash and torna begin to battle against each other iike a bit watch Andika says that it seems as though they are mating pigtails are that of not convinced you know what mating actually looks like but furthermore both flash and tortoise Clint tars watch venom asks if their training and tardes Clint are says no torna has come to collect him so that he may be returned to the cosmos Menon then says that is an agreeable way of saying destroyed isn't it tarnish Clint r tells him that it's not what you think but before he can even finish venom jumps out of shouting John's very King back with eco and pick eco says that is clearly combat perhaps we should be assisting and Peake tells her you're right I'll take the inky puddle vinca then jumps in to help flash but before she can even attacked Hornet kicks her away Inca then picks herself up stating that she just made her bleed at last a true challenge but as flash punches Tarna he tells her that there should be less trash talking and more punching while venom in the other Clint are fighting pic jumps in to try and help with the other Clint are just throws her aside tarna punches flashed down telling him to stand down and then venom towers over her telling her if you watch me you should have talked to me venom starts to beat down on torna and just as tarnished Clint our tries to help venom rips him in half and runs off flash calls out for venom to hold on but he doesn't listen and he boards the ship harness Clint our groans as he puts himself back together and then they all hear a humming and suddenly the ship engine turns on throwing him seconds later the ship Rockets off into the sky and venema laughs as he flies away as some time passes it doesn't take long for flash and everyone else to figure our where venom has been stopping he's been stopping in all of the planets that him and flash have rescued and flash tells everyone that venom is sending him a message this is all my fault after helping clean up the destruction left by venom pick asks why would venom start undoing the rights that they have previously done and flash says that his best guess would be that venom thinks of himself as an agent of chaos not of the cosmos as everyone because they head back to tarnish ship she mentions that she will have the rest of the agents assist in the cleanup of the planets but it might be best if flash doesn't but flash in a rough start telling her I won't let you kill my friend no matter what he's done next the crew heads out to the next planet where Flash and venom were supposed to be relaxing but instead venom drank everything in destroyed a bar while going through the destroyed bar the bartender explains what happened and tells flash to the Clint are drank everything except this he slides over a cheap beer bottle and the bartender goes on to say that the clinked are said that he left this for his drinking buddy taarna tells the bartender that the agents of the cosmos will help fix all of this for him but flash the stairs of the bottle taarna calls out to him and he grabs the bottle and throws it against a wall and walks out over in tarnished chef pic and her daughter began to hear some buzzing coming from the vents picked turns around to see ven attend rules creep through and she jumps on her child to protect her just before flash and Tarna can enter the ship tarnishes Flash out of the way telling him to look out venom smashes through them asking flash if he's feeling a bad Thursday ha ha ha her behind nikka jumps in with her sword but before she can even reach him venom swings back knocking her away venom then turns back to flash and grabs him telling him that it feels good to be him again Tarna charges in with a broken piece of the debris x' but before she can get an attack off she's knocked away flash calls out to everyone that they need to fall back venom only wants him and it Kishan said they will not leave him alone as TARTA has started into a wall she says leaving actually sounds like a pretty good idea after beating everyone to the ground venom starts to make his way over to the ship and flash tries to tell him to stop but rather than listen venom boards the ship and begins to take off while everyone is still recovering from the battle flash decides to board the ship along with venom while Tana helps it up everyone watches flash fly away and it could ask so what should they do now taarna tells them that if they have gods they should start praying to them a short while later up in space flash heads towards the ship controls 12 venom tells him that he just wanted to show him the truth show him what we truly was flash sits back in the pilot's seat he tries to access the controls but it tells him that he's locked out he asks where he's taking them and venom says to the place where it all began the spaceship lands on a barren snow planet as the hatch opens venom tells flash to go out and follow the path through the icy winds flash walks in while venom continues telling him that this is the path they've always been on the path to their home he continues to state that this is the place where the first host was born flash asks to be brought him here to kill him because there's some symmetry to that venom tells him no today mr. J Murrey birth before flash is a field of gravestones as far as the eye can see and venom says this is where it all happened his first host came back to this home world and everyone they murdered everyone flash looks down at the open graves telling him this is not who you are this isn't your fault and Venom stops him this is who we are we are both agents of death not of the cosmos never in your life have you been good been selfless or even kind the grave in front of Flash reads Flash Thompson and venom begins to crawl out from it telling him it's job to accept your fate the gray stone shatters his venom grows larger and he grabs flash covering his entire body and he tells him it's time to achieve your true potential Flash Thompson is dead venom everything begins to turn black and flash asks where he's taking him venom says to where you belong I'm taking you home flash begins to open his eyes and he sees himself as a child the voice of his father rings out shouting how he just stepped on one of his dolls what the hell is wrong with him for even playing with dolls flash then turns back to see his father with Venom's face venom big is a break things while flash tells him not to and venom says that he's not going to hurt him just knock some sense into him he doesn't starts to show flash images of his life back when he used to pick on Peter back when all he did was drink everything bad in his life and flash shouts for him to stomp I'm in control here I just need to get out of you suddenly a light begins to shine revealing a passage flash walks to it reaching out telling himself that it can't be as bad as what's inside of there right but outside taarna nikka and pic are all fighting the rage filled the venom while venom continues to beat them down pic asks what are they supposed to do and tarna tells her that they need to stick to the plan and hope that they survive back inside a venom flash follows the light to find the man that he idolizes spider-man threw him venom tells flash that he is just pathetic trying to be like him a spider-man jumps down flash says that he's not really in the to begin to battle back and forth and just as flash because to win venom tells him go on Jim and as he grabs a venom outside grabs eka and she shouts for him to try and resist back inside Flash's vision begins to change again and this time it's of his mother in a hospital bed she tells him that he promised the monsters wouldn't hurt her but he's the monster he's always been the monster while flash struggles outside tarna tells 8:03 to lock onto their coordinates they're out of time then starts to grow larger and larger acting as if he's fighting something and icky then asks what is he fighting and Tarna tells her he's fighting himself inside flash sits as venom is telling his mother that he's sorry that he couldn't protect her she hugs him saying that she knows it's not his fault she still loves him and outside his 8:03 gets into position he fires the Jets melting venom but inside his flash and his mother hug she tells him that she forgives him and fades away a short while later flashes standing in tarnish ship looking at venom through a containment tube he tells everyone thank you for saving him and for not killing venom taarna says that whatever he does next is up to him and flash tells her that venom needs to go home Tarna asks to be sure and flash tells her not really but the Clint arm might be the only ones who can save him now however there is something that I saw while inside a venom a small bright spot Caden pilots a course to head back to earth right down to Philadelphia he goes on saying that he could never really reach that light but it was as if something from it was missing after venom was contained flash and the others went to the Clint our home worlds where venom was placed under trial because of his recent actions as everyone watched the trial they can hear venom scream out in pain and flash says that this isn't a trial it's an execution deep down on the pit of the arena venom stands there trying to defend himself against the other Clint ours who tell him that he needs to still be cleansed flash tries to enter the arena but a force field blocks his path pic then asks what does he plan on doing it he says that he's going to go in and even the odds a bit pic says that that sounds like a terrible plan mind if she joins flashing the other sneak down into the entrance of the arena where the two guards are stationed just as flash jumps in to fight them Mitchell calls out for everyone to stand down he's seen enough bloodshed for one day so but of the blast shields the guards asked if he sure and Mitchell says that if the human wishes to die with his friend is so be it the shield doors begin to open and through Mitchell Turner's voice tells him to jump Mitchell runs through the doorway shouting to tarna asking what has she done TARTA changes back from Mitchell's form and tells flash 1080s to hurry go flash jump step through the opening into the arena and he asks venom if he needs a little help venom still filled with rage lashes at it flash and flash says that he probably shoulda seen that one coming well the Clint DARS continued to attack venom flash grabs a battle axe and he cuts down on one of them asking if they would like to pick on someone who's remotely their size back in the corridor Turner and the rest of the battle against Mitchell and she shouts with him to stop the trials after grabbing picks daughter Hiller Mitchell tells them the trials will finish when a judgment has been made over in the arena venom begins to pick himself back up and flash tells him you do know that the Clint are didn't attack until you attacked them right they're supposed to be agents of the cosmos keepers apiece so maybe you should give that piece a chance the other Clint are standing around and they all get ready to charge in attacking again and flash says that he probably should have seen that one coming too as all of the Clint are attacked they each begin to wrap themselves around flash and venom showing them Venom's past a voice tells them the de cleanse shall be purifying venom however they have proven themselves worthy the cleanse showed that something was missing and flash says that he knows exactly what that missing thing is Andy and the symbian known as mania and the hell mark as the visions begin to fade a Clint R says that Andrea Benton must be cleansed only then will venom be free of the pain that haunts him though hell mark cannot be cleansed on its own there is a way to temper its effects an image of a planet is displayed in the clincher go on to state that there's a temple on the planet wimp if they drink from the fountain of purity it will keep Andria's demons at bay and allow her to be cleansed now go in peace a short while later everyone begins to head back to the ship to leave for wimp but mitchell stops taarna he tells her that it was a noble thing to stand up for her friends but when they returned the clincher i will see if she is still worthy of fighting for the cosmos once aboard flash says that he should go with them but pic says that they will go to wimp and he shall return to earth and as they leave back down on earth and he continues to struggle with the rage that is within mania flash quickly reaches Philadelphia and he begins his search following up on some of Andy's most recent killings he follows the trails to the outside woods and suddenly venom begins to cover him he asks what's wrong and venom says we're being watched suddenly several poles shoot down into the ground around flashing the admit sonic disruptors venom scream turn it off and inside flash says judging by the color scheme of these he know who just did it Peter Parker also notice spider-man flies down at his ship stating we are way overdue for a ketchup over on when tarda and the others make their way into the temple of caverns when tarnan mentions that she doesn't understand why this place is empty Vica turns back stating that they're not the only ones seeking this temple and then a voice tells them no everyone turns back and they see a guru people standing there stating you are most certainly not pick asks who are they thieves and everyone throws their arms up and tarna says no they are much worse they are the space Knights back on earth Peter tells flash that he knows what he's thinking who catches up by catching an old friend well last time they tangled they were a bit of a handful flash slams his arm into the ground and the tendrils from venom crawled through the dirt they throwed the disruptors into the air he shouts out well I don't want a fight and Peter asks him are you sure cuz you destroyed a couple million dollars in our research and development breaking those flash tries to get away but Peter follows up behind him webbing him down and pulling him back after punching venom in the face he jumps on trying to stop him but flash says who I don't want any of this flash manage the jump away but Peter says I've got a friend in their venom punches into the airship pinning Peter against a tree shouting flash chops it is my friend to venom the Grahams Peter Dave rips him away and throws him off to the side Peter takes out a small tuning fork it yells for him to stop the fork amplifies the sound and the force biggest rap venom away from flash flash looks up and Peter tells him told Warren you're gonna be safe now but Flash gets up telling him you don't understand venom is my friend he's changed after grabbing the containment device Peter tells him I'll be more than happy to listen once we get venom back to the lab but judging that venom isn't in there he's right behind me isn't he venom grows and he screams no crash and he punches into Peter Peter shouts out fine we'll do it the old-fashioned way he jumps back in tackling into venom again he punches and kicks atom and in the moment of confusion he raps led him up in his webbing venom flexes ripping the webbing away and he grabs Peter by the neck with his tongue he throws Peters body into the trees and into a car in the street shouting no cage as Peters body slams into the car he says he gets it no cage no host but remember I used to be a host too right maybe we can talk about it over some lunch he tries to jump back into the fight but as venom swings around knocking him back down he asks if he was actually a host while Peter picks himself back up he says him not remembering hurts his feelings and then venom walks over and begins to wrap himself around Peter and he tells him welcome back darkness because the story on Peter and he shouts that he's willing to accept his surrender now and as he looks around he says he likes what he's done with the place very minimal yeah homicidal images begin to flash and Peter finds himself in a cave and Venom's voice rings out as he shows Peter the place that he was born the place where they were bred to become agents of the cosmos however for him his first host was not worthy and created a thirst inside of him making him addicted to rage but flash brought him where he can be cleansed however in the process he lost all of his memories he tells Peter that he is not the venom that he once knew he will not enter his mind and feed on his rage Peter asks him what rage I don't have any and venom tells him respectfully you are teaming with it for me which is deserved I'm sure venom then points to a light and Peter asks if that's the way out and venom tells him in a manner of speaking not all of me is cleansed which is why me and flash are here in Philadelphia moments later Peter is released from venom and flash tells him that he can explain the Peter tells about to worry about it his partner here has him covered venom goes on to tell Peter I do not know what I did to you in the past but I can only hope to earn your forgiveness and time through my actions Peter tells everyone that this was not what he was expecting but hopefully they could forgive him as well for jumping to his conclusions as flash and Peter shake hands there's an explosion in venom shouts look out through the smoke a group of bounty hunters step up pointing at venom calling out the monster is like her seize it Peter leads over to venom and whispers and he's pretty sure she's talking to him and just as the bounty hunters begin to attack a venom and Peter begin to web them up and venom shouts at the leader asking where's Betty uh the woman says that she mostly sticks to the sewers they were just hoping that if they attacked that maybe she would show up as the woman goes on Peter webs up her mouth telling her that he stopped listening after she said sewers after grabbing a costume replacement back in a ship Peter grabs the canister that he was going to use for venom and he says they should probably go ahead and try to find their friend over on a whim pic asks what's the difference between the supposed to be agent of Cosmos in the space Knights one of the space Knights says they don't have to answer to anyone and the female commander adds but they don't banish anyone for being a little off they accept their members just as they are she didn't fills the canister with an elixir and as she does it could turns around asking what does that foul beast there another member says that that is weak and he is the reason it came here in the first place wink tells them wink sorry wink wanted to warn Maya of the outside trolls are coming Amaya asks how many are coming in wing says wink fairly certain that all of them are outside back in the sewers of Philadelphia flash and Peter begin their search for mania and they stumble across an area that looks like someone has been staying there flash quietly says that he started this she had to live in the sewer and then a voice asks are you sure then show me how sorry you really are and he jumps in clawing at flash knocking him into a wall and then continues to slash away but as she swings flash doesn't fight back and she asks him why won't he fight her flash falls into the water telling her that he won't because he deserves this he's sorry for leaving her he's also sorry for this Peter crawls down from the ceiling and using the tuning fork he shouts time out blasting both symbiotes off of their hosts flash could somebody runs over to Andy telling her not to worry he's got her and Peter says that he's got them well both of them venom and mania that is so they should probably hurry over to the lab a short while later over at Parker industries Philadelphia branch flash and Peter let Andy rest while they review venom and mania Peter looks at the canister stating that they look pretty good for being a pile of alien goo flash says the cleanse seems to have worked before but the Hal mark that was placed on venom remains in which hopefully his friends should be able to help them clear spider-man heads out stating that he has to hurry back to New York to handle some things but he tells flash that if he needs spider-man for anything like Peter Parker new flash checks in Andy and then asks venom how's everything going inside venom says that he has cleansed the symbiote with the he'll marquel mania is afraid flash tells him that there shouldn't be anything for mania to be afraid of they're here to help the venom stops from telling him that mania is not afraid of them it's afraid of Andy the light begins to fill the room and Andy because to get up from her bed burying the hell mark on herself demons begin to crawl out from a fire that surrounds Andy and she begins to drag venom and flash down flash because to fight off the demons telling anything that she needs to stop this but Andy says that the hell mark made its choice it burned through the symbiote to where it belongs bond her she that calls out to the demons to go ahead and bring Vania back to her and while they're added bring venom as well flash continues fighting back the demons trying to escape but he doesn't get very far as more demons to get a chase after them flash stops to get ready to fight Andy appears before swinging down with a fiery sword splitting venom in half and exposing flash she holds the sword up telling him don't worry she'll keep venom nice and warm for him but before she could swing a blast fires in their direction forcing Andy to take cover taarna walks of holding a gun telling him that she's sorry that they're so late 8:03 assists putting venom back onto flash and flash tells everyone welcome to my planet it Cosette this place is a foul odor and feels unstable she likes it flash turns back and looks at the space Knights and asks who exactly are they magia introduces herself along with a blog named punch and a spider named JK mahi and then says they brought the elixir with them and it seemed like it worked on wink so hopefully it'll help his friend though keep in mind this isn't a cure flash sighs telling them there's always a catch does anyone else feel that rumbling and then rumbling becomes more and more unstable as a giant demon bursts out of the ground knocking everyone away flash quickly puts up a shield and tells pic that he's got an idea and he throws it at the demon crystal thingy Hilla cheer shouting make her fly and pick gets ready and tells it could good luck as Hillah is thrown it calls back that she doesn't need luck she has a blade of fire and rage and she slams the sword down into the demon's chest the demon falls back and has it withers away more smaller demons begin to crawl out of the cracks of the demon flash jumps in grabbing it cascading like I said there's always a catch to these things as everyone begins to get backed into a corner flash calls out for to stay close and 8:03 tells them respectfully sir I think the end is finally here I am grateful then we shall experience it together Andi and the demons begin to walk towards the group when suddenly a giant hand slams down grabbing a handful of the demons wake pulls back biting into them stating wake hungry well and he gets ready to summon more demons flash jumps through the crowd tackling a neat ab86 the elixir needle into her neck slowly Andi begins to fall to the ground and whispers that she doesn't want to be angry anymore she didn't pick yourself back up looking around asking what has she done flash tells her that it's not her fault it was his for leaving her Osmania pawns back onto Andi she says no it was the hell marks fault and flash adds that that too is kind of on him he goes on telling her that the injection is only temporary but as he hugs her he says that they'll figure it out together everyone being is to gather back up in the forest and turn it tells flash that she isn't going to be going back to the agents of the cosmos their little adventure made her realize that she would much rather not answer to anyone but herself the two shake hands and flash tells her thank you for everything that she has done for them Maya says the entire crew is coming with them and he's welcome to come as well but flash looks back at Andi playing with hilla and he tells her that maybe down the road he will but there's some things that needs to take care of back here on earth an interns Ditka and before he can even say anything she kisses him and tells him that he will always have a place in her husband's stable if he never chooses to come back then flash tells her duly noted pic Pat's flash on the back saying that she isn't going to kiss him but the Rollo's are forever in his debt and as everyone boards Maya ship 803 asks what's next and flash tells him that's up to you 8:03 tries to state that he will stay but flash tells him that he's going to say this one last time 8:03 you're free 8:03 hugs flash telling him I will miss you and flash says proven by outliving all of us a little while later flash and Andi watches ma his ship takes off and E says that the Descent thing is still out there and she's still cursed the end flash smiles the states that this is not the end long live venom and mania so let's go out and do some good mania covers Andi and she tells him you're such a dork and if you could do me a favor shift back to the old look for just one day that looked so much better the two begin to web away and flash shifts back to his original agent to venom form and flash tells her for her anything and there you have it the conclusion to a full story meaning it's a lot of videos put together meaning my voice changed midway through and probably did different character voices and stuff but I hope you enjoyed this now you're probably wondering what the origin of agent venom isn't in there and why we never got to his death because he did in fact die in going down swinging and I'm going to link that down below the reason is really simple venom as agent venom is a story after his origin but before his death it's a complete and full story all by itself talking about his journey of becoming a superhero and that's what I really did enjoy about the character so I hope you did as well and don't forget you can subscribe to our channel to keep up with our full story Monday's or massive Mondays or whatever you really want to call them and I'll see you next time right here at comic story
Channel: Comicstorian
Views: 2,030,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comicstorian, comic book, comic books, dc, dc entertainment, marvel, venom, venom movie, tom hardy venom, eddie brock venom, flash thompson venom, storytelling, full story, dc universe, justice league, comic theories, avengers, superhero, injustice, miles morales, deadpool kills the marvel universe, batman, gwenpool, godspeed, doom patrol, marvel zombies, spider man
Id: GDnoOnpaZuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 171min 44sec (10304 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 06 2018
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