Wolverine "Goes to Hell to Sabertooth Reborn" - Full Story | Comicstorian

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welcome to another full story right here at comix Torian a full story is basically us taking a lot of our older videos that have been broken up over months years and weeks as we were creating them and we put them together into a giant video for you now this series is known as Wolverine goes to hell at least that's what Marvel basically calls it it was a couple different writers at a couple different directions to the character Wolverine now we basically took the series known as Wolverine goes to hell and we put it together as a story for you so I hope you guys enjoy this Wolverine basically coming back fighting against the x-men and then going on a journey to fix a lot of the things in his life our story begins with a young girl coming to the Howlett estate a building that has been said to have been built on tiers the oldest of the holiday kill as soon as the building was completed and he died and the tragedy sent poor mrs. Howell it to the madhouse since her return and she's never been the same the grandfather of the family is someone to be avoided as he is a self-made millionaire coming from a fortune in copper and he is just not a pleasant person to be around an hour young girl well her name is rose and she's coming to the Manor to be a companion for young James Howlett she lost both her parents to influenza and she was recommended to this position by a friend of the family the driver who brought her to the home and warned her about all of the tragedies in the family warned her that if she wanted to make it to age 13 she should keep to herself and do as she's told this isn't a family to be trifled with upon arriving Rose met dog who threw dirt in her face he was the son of the groundskeeper Thomas Logan a bad apple if you ever saw one according to the maid staff every day she would keep James company reading him books and playing in the yard with him and living on the estate most of the family was nice to her though she did never see mistress Elizabeth as she always stayed away from everyone and the old man was a cruel buzzard James's father John though he was a nice man the three children in total on the estate dog James in Rose they were all friends though as much fun as they had James had conditions like he couldn't be on the Sun very long and water would make his skin blotchy but after all of their fun James and Rose would go back to the estate while dog would go back to his life down below one day while playing James fell into the nearby Pond and dog had to jump in and save him the boys then went back to James's house so that they can let their parents sort out what exactly had happened and while James's father John told the Thomas Logan that it was okay there were no problems the old man and his grumpy nature insisted that Thomas Logan and his child to be punished John wouldn't have it though and he let them both at home but that night dog was punished by his father a lesson that he needed to learn that their kind and the people on the top of the hill don't mix some time passed and winter came James hadn't seen dogs since the incident at the pond but when he finally saw him at the hedge maze he chased after him hoping to catch up the dog vanished Christmas then came an unboxing day dog was caught spying into the home so John gave dog one of James's presents much to the old man's displeasure the old man and John got into an argument over how to treat the help while Thomas sat down in the town down below getting drunk on the holiday John didn't deserve that manner he didn't deserve his life he didn't even know how to treat his wife as he stumbled back at his drunken stupor dog came running up to him to let him know about the toy that John had given him so Thomas felt that dog needed to be punished and that was their lives years began to pass and after rows stumbled into a room that she shouldn't have been in and got kicked out of a house temporarily she ran into dog but dog wanted her he felt he deserved her that she was his even if she didn't agree James saw this happening and he told Rosen not to worry he'll get father and once James left she knocked dog out herself but the damage was done James had told his father and John brought the issue up to Thomas Logan telling him to fix this he wouldn't stand for this type of behavior on his property he needed to get his boy in line later that night when James is all alone with his pet dog Callie dog showed up he told James that he shouldn't have ratted him out and he jumped on him asking him where his father is now who would protect him Callie grabbed dog's leg and chewed it up so dog turned around and sliced Callie open John was furious he had warned Thomas Logan to get his boy to check and because of this he had both Thomas and dog thrown off the property and fired but Thomas wasn't done with the Howlett family as he arrived back in his home dog was fearful that he'd be beaten but Thomas told him that John didn't deserve that pretty of his and he intended to fix it this time they broke into the property and they took Rose hostage forcing her to let them inside of the manor Thomas then broke into mistress Elizabeth's room and then John arrived to find out what's going on this woke up James and he walked into the room just in time to watch his father have his brains blown out by Thomas he ran to his father's side and they began to shot for everyone has shut up they can't think it wasn't supposed to go down like this so dog went to shoot James because he wouldn't stop crying and Rose pushed the gun out of the way James then got up hitting dog across the face and he ran over to Thomas Logan shouting you killed my papa he punched him in the stomach and then Thomas knocked him over but Thomas quickly realized that he was bleeding heavily from his gut and he fell over dying everyone looked at James to see him screaming in pain as bone claws protruded from his hands as James asked what was going on why can't he feel his hands his mother walked over and slapped him not again James begged for his mother not to do this but she called him a monster and demanded he leave the house Rose chased after him and dog cried out in pain over this and James's mother went over and held Thomas in her arms sad at what she had caused she didn't grabbed the rifle and ended her own life leaving dog in the room all alone unable to see Rose fled the area taking James with her and they hid in the nearby barn and James finally woke up and asked if he even knows rose he asked her if she could smell the apple dumplings that he could smell but they seemed so far away and then he mentioned that he could hear people walking by the servants entrance and that he could hear three people in the maze and that he was having the worst dream ever he then asked for his mother but Rose realized that something was wrong and asked him don't you remember what happened and her name was rose he told her that he remembered now doesn't she work for his father meanwhile as the police arrived at the home dog was the only one left there and he informed them of what had happened Rose had a gun she killed everyone Rose then took James to her aunt's house but her aunt informed her that the police were after her for murder and kidnapping and she wouldn't have anything to do with it leaving Rose and James to flee in the snow alone they went to the old man's cabin on the Howlett property where Rose begged him to hear her out and take in his grandson but the old man wanted nothing to do with James and as far as he was concerned the last of his line died in the murder tonight he had no grandson so he gave Rose money and he told her to take the boy to the train station and he warned that if he ever saw them on the property again he would have them both shot the two of them were on their own and they fled the area the whole time James's mind wasn't right he didn't fully understand what was going on until eventually Rose brought him to the logging camp she begged for work for the two of them and introduced them as rose and Logan their time there was odd because James was distant like he was trying to block the memories of what had happened to his father and he had problems with the people at the camp the cook in particular would shorten their rations which led James to learn how to hunt and get his own food as the years went by James started to accept that his name was Logan and that he had become a hunter Rose asked where this hunting urge had come from and he told her he really didn't know it was just an urge that he did have and then he told her to never call him James again because their lives before here were gone this was their life now time would go on the cook would constantly cause problems for Logan until the leader of the camp Smitty told him to stand up for himself Logan couldn't do it though he couldn't fight against the cook and just when the cook was about to finish off Logan the camp leader Smitty saved his but terrified and Logan ran off into the woods where he found himself surrounded by wolves and that's when something awoke in Logan that night he popped his claws ready to fight but instead he fell to the ground and the Wolves accepted him time would have passed and after a while he found himself pushed to his limits and he took control of the pack of wolves but back at the Howlett Manor the old man was finally getting on in his age and he realized his mistakes so he asked the boy that he took as his heir to find his grandson and bring him home and dog Logan agreed back at the camp Logan and the cook eventually got to work out their differences in a cage match with Logan's new nickname being chanted Wolverine Wolverine Wolverine he find that conquered the man that was holding him back emotionally and then Smitty the camp owner came over and told Logan that he was leaving him as the foreman to the camp so he can start a new life with ROS you see during this time when Logan was distant and trying to figure himself out Smitty was getting close to rose and he's now decided that he wanted to start a new life with her he wanted to live with her away from this Logan told Smitty that he always loved rose Sohus Mitty ever did anything to her he be answering to Logan and with that Smitty and Logan parted ways on good terms everyone is gonna be happy rose was gonna have Smitty Logan was gonna be the new Foreman and no one was gonna challenge him anymore and that's when dog arrived shouting you stole my name Logan's memory was all repaired though and he didn't remember anything from before so he didn't remember dog and dog proceeded to beat him down but this just pushed Logan to his breaking point again and once again something snapped at him he got up and he began beating dog back dropping him with ease and that he popped his claws just as Rose came running over Logan no she shouted as he went in to stab dog and he raised his claws prepared to go through with it she fell on them Logan stared in shock as Rose died right there and with her any chance that Logan may remember his original life as James Howlett his mine had healed over the trauma and therefore healed over all of his bad memories he ran into the forest that night as Smitty chased after him begging him to come back to help him through the loss of rose but this is another thing that Logan was going to heal over another thing that he would forget and he wandered off into the force to live with the wolves for years it was 1907 in the Canadian wilderness a pack of wolves chased down a deer and just as it passes by a tree Logan bursts out of the ground his claws stab into the deers flesh and the Wolves just watch the pack leader is gray scarred and together he hunts with his three sons and one just as close to as any son that he's ever had the wolfish man along with the one called red streak Logan lives among this family of wolves accepted just like one of their own kind though it is rare for a wolf family to accept one that isn't of their own blood rare is not another however there is one wolf that isn't a part of the pack the lone wolf is different he watches he waits he desires but it is not family that he desires he wants what the family has one night as the pack heads out on another hunt they head through the woods to find something strange a polar bear this is not that bear's home and though the Wolves knew not to anger the bear Logan had to know more for the first time in years he felt pity for as strange as the bear was the force the forest was strange to it as well as logan watches the great white bear he even went as far as to bring the bear gifts of food however what the bear needed was flesh and flesh logan couldn't spare with that the days passed and the day was spent with the family and the nights were for the hunting life continued and nothing changed until one day red streaks Hal cut through the night's air and that's when everything changed Logan heard the call and he rushed back to the cave his brothers are running ahead of him he underestimated the stranger who lurked in their woods and as Logan ran he learned that the bear would soon find its way home but now his home the bear stands tall holding the lifeless pups with blood dripping from its mouth at all Logan could see was red for a moment he couldn't comprehend what he was looking at and then he did he screamed as the claws popped out and he lunged at the bear but with its giant stature it smacked him to the ground the bear made his way over and just as he looms over Logan Logan jumps up burying his claws into the Bears chest the bear once again knocks Logan away partly breaking the bone claws as Logan tries to ease the pain in his hand the bear leaps onto him sinking his teeth into his neck with a firm tug the bear rips a chunk out of Logan's negati spits it to the ground signaling Logan's defeat the bear then looks at Logan's body me begins to walk off and just before the chunk of flesh can fall onto the white snow ptoo falls in defeat though once pure white snow is now covered with the blood of the pack Logan and the bear and as the steam rises from the meat tossed aside the lone wolf walks by and bites into it the lone wolf then moves to the Great Bear having a taste and then he notices the one thing that he wanted Logan before the wolf has a chance to even react there Logan punches the wolf in the forehead with his good claw breaking through the skull Logan gets up watching his wounds heal knowing that this life is over his second chance at living vanished he once lived as a man he once lived as a wolf as both the wolfish man found only whoa wind em as he screamed into the night a glint of metal could be seen on the Bears nose and the tag red subjects to the next day a man tells his dogs to stop barking or they're going to get the stick again a woman tells him to just stop it that won't calm them down as she kneels down before the dog quietly telling him to shush and she starts to pet one of the dogs the dogs begin to park and the man says that was incredible you're good with animals the woman turns back showing the part of her disfigured face saying so she's been told another man named Hugo walks over telling Clara that they don't have time for this they're here for business and Clara says that he does know that the business is the animals yoku then says speaking of animals where is her BAE Clara tells him that there are too many people here if he uses that word to describe him again she'll cut him as the group heads into the saloon Hugo pays one of the patrons stating that his information better be worth it the man says that it's worth every cent and he goes on to say that when him and his compatriot were tracking a polar bear they did find it in fact dead it was torn to bits when they examined the wounds they could see that whatever killed it was not just an animal but something big I see who looks at the maps and the charts he asks how do I know that these aren't faked and another voice says consider this would I have traveled to the lowest pit on God's own earth to silence one of my employees it was flapping tongue was speaking of something he shouldn't everyone turns to seeing it extravagant well-groomed man and the patron says that it has nothing to do with you dr. Essex Essex pulls out his pocket watch and he tells you go in his group that he doesn't know who they are but it's time for them to leave Clara tells him that from what she hears it's not a man that they need to be worried about out there but before anyone can argue any further a scruffy man pushes his way through Essex men telling Clara and Hugo that it's best that they move Hugo tells Essex that he may have expensive toys and men however I have mr. creat the best and Victor Creed walks over telling him tracker just an everyday working tracker who thinks his fool of a boss should get moving while there's light outside as hugo in the rest leave Essex turns back to the patron and he tells him I do not believe I wanted any of my business sold to any hunter this is an experiment and any results are mine and mine alone later Essex stares down at the frozen body the man who talked and he says I suppose it's my fault should have been more clear on the penalties of disobedience he turns back to his men and he shouts well let's get out there let the hunt begin Essex men begin to put on gas masks and they start to throw gas into the location of where he is supposed to be everyone watches to see any movement but before six could even say what Logan is torn through most of the Marauders everyone aimed the gun at him at Essex tells them to hold it's a man a mutant at last elsewhere in the forest Creed follows Logan's scent and he tells everyone that there is a cave entrance hidden nearby he's gone to ground Hugo I says are you sure and Creed tells him I treat you and Clara pretty well considering but if you ever questioned me about what I do again I'll open you up from cross-connect a short while later everyone arrives at a pile of branches and Creed tells one of the guys to go poke it just as the man walks up Logan leaves out of the brush cutting away the man with animalistic rage Clara runs through the group shouting for Logan to stop just stop and Logan looks at her for a moment and she says there you go there's no need to kill anyone it's going to be all right he pauses for a moment than a rope is stored around his arm and he's yanked back his body flies through the air and Clara shouts for Krieg to stop but it's Logan falls to the ground Creek kicks his face telling him that's were making eyes at Colora before creed can kick again clara shouts for him to stop and she shows her teeth while Clara and Creed argue Hugo breaks the most stating that that's enough they will see what they've come so far from civilization for with Logan tied up Clara says that he's not an animal he's a man and Hugo says he's an animal man oh I see it now welcome to Hyuga The Grates phantasmagorical celebration of the strange of the wonderful without further delay let me introduce you to the clawed man of the woods the marvel of the modern age after Hugo's show Clara walks up to Logan's cage and tells him that it could have all been stopped if he would just talk what they're doing to him isn't right Logan stares that are thinking back to what happened when he was younger what happened at the cave and he remains silent first traded Clara says not a word great you're really not being helpful here she throws her hands up telling him fine you're strong as hell but they're going to keep shocking you to make those claws come out do you really want to die he thinks back to all of the things that he's lost and he remains quiet and Clara reaches out telling him please the moment her hand gets close logan growls popping his claws and then he's hit with the electrical shock standing next to a smoking battery Cree tells Clara that she's a damn fool he's saving her from her soft-hearted nature Clara says with everything that he's been through she'd think that he'd be kinder and Creed looks at the cage and says you know what I think better him than me as the days go on Hugo shows his marvellous wonders to the crowds but one day Essex is in that crowd he watches as they shocked Logan forcing him to bring out his claws and he waits after the show he stands outside of Hugo card hearing how Clara is yelling what they're doing is inhumane Hugo says they can't stop now this is saving the circus they need the money and Essex knocks on that moment and he says that he couldn't help it over here if money is an issue I would pay handsomely for the beast Clara snaps telling him he is not for sale Hugo says she's right take those Prussian pounds or whatever and leave meanwhile back in the tent Creed awakens from a drunken nightmare and he sees logan watching it Creed shouts that he doesn't know anything about him how he was treated like an animal like property first chance I had I got out of my cage no one's gonna put me back into that one again except half the time when I close my eyes I'm there again Logan doesn't say anything at crickets of shouting stop looking at me runt but before he can press the shock button Clara steps in telling Creed to get back to his car now she looks at Logan and says Creed just breaks her heart she then puts her hand on the cage holding Logan's hand telling him do you do too the next day Hugo's reading the paper which states that his show is a hoax and then there's a knock at the car Hugo steps out telling Essex I'm not selling and ESSEC stops him telling him you misunderstand what I'm suggesting as you allow me to do an experiment on him that way I can speak for you and prove your show isn't fake Hugo waits for a moment and then he says I come with the savage along with the best meta my company Essex says whatever makes you feel more comfortable later in Essex lab Logan is strapped to the table when Essex begins to turn on the gas the room fills and he puts on his mask and he says I know the savage can survive this but humans not so much after looking at his pocket watch he waits for the gas to take effect that hugo and his men killing them and then he turns on the vents to clear it out stating it was a sin to suggest that you were a fake to the press but I had to do what was needed he then picks up a scalpel and says now let me make amends to science back at the circus Clara runs over to Creech shot him at Hugo and a bunch of men have taken the Wolfman to ethics Creed then shouts while whittling a piece of wood stating and and she tells him we need to find him and Creed says no you need to find him you need to go get them I'm not an idiot I know you're falling for him you're gonna leave me sorry I says no nothing will ever change between us I love you I would never leave after everything please over in Essex Lab Essex cuts into Logan watching his broken bones men back together reforming the muscle and then patch itself together he washes up stating I'm surprised you survived vivisection in my experience is universally fatal he hands over a small vial and then the man drinks it falling over as he finishes more of Essex men come in to drag the body away and Essex says that when we see you again you'll be an uber much a perfect soldier for a perfect war as Essex leaves he tells Logan that Nature has made you more wonderful and I will make you complete as the lights go out Clara and greed open up the doors and sneak into the lab she lists the blanket over Logan and tells Creed that he heals better than even you Logan's eyes shoot open he tries to form words and a faint run can be heard and Clara smiles telling him you don't mean that and then she holds his hand he looks at them and he says help and a few moments later the three escape the facility a month later in New York Logan and Clara stand in front of a butcher shop and Clara tells Logan that it's all right he can do it he walks in and he says so I saw sausages a pound of sausages the butcher wraps them up and Logan leaves the money telling him thank you as he walks out Clara says see I knew you could do it and then the butcher steps out he taps Logan on the shoulder telling him that he forgot his change and his thing tilting Logan spins around popping his claws later at the motel Creed says here's a pen for the new pet and between the board and paying for the sausages that's the last of our money we don't even have the sausages Logan says I'm sorry I couldn't help myself I'm a broken animal and Clara says no we should be so lucky you've been trained to do this and we can train you not to however I know you're in pain and what is it the paint you so much Logan thinks back to his previous lies and Clara asks what is it that you're not talking about he tries to form words but it can't increase says maybe Essex has the right idea if the pain hurts so much take one of his potions and you'll have no more feeling or problems cloris snaps back that maybe you should be the one to take a damn potion then Creed snarls and storms out of the room leading the two there and later the night as Logan and Clara sleep Logan begins to have nightmares and he wakes up screaming taking out his claws he looks at Clara as she wakes up and says that he's sorry Clara tells him that's okay I'm used to sharing rooms with people who have bad dreams but come over here and tell me what's going on he sits down on the bed and he wishes that it could be that damn simple he ran away from home with Rose the girl he loved her she stumbled and just as he turned his claws came out and she was he had to run he didn't want to be a man anymore he found a life with the Wolves the story of roses Wolverine Origins one don't leak will be down below and you could find it on the channel when Essex bear came it all ended for them as well he tried to end it but he can't die in a few hours he just heals from everything clora then holds up a hand covering one side of her face telling him life is pain and she holds up another hand covering the other side and finishes telling him but it's not all that life is the pain is the price and the price is worth paying for she reaches out she kisses Logan and he pushes her back asking what about Creed she tells him it's not what he thinks they're not like that she'll explain everything in the morning and as the to lay down Creed watches on the outside later the night Logan wakes up and says they found us a seconds later Essex ubermensch kick in the door and Logan goes feral the men tried a shock Logan but from the times he was shocked in the circus it has very little effect he gets cutting and tearing through them and Clara runs and telling him that they have to but he turns and as he swings he stabs into Clara's chest few moments go by and Clara touches Logan's face telling him it's all right it's all right doh Logan's vision begins to blur and everything that he sees and has been through because to happen all over again all he can see is red he is red the room is red everything is red at moments later Creed steps in seeing Clara and shouts no no no he picks up her body telling Logan we never agreed on anything but I think it's time to we go cut ourselves a slice of her bench it's the to run outside Logan says I loved her Creed says everyone she ever met loved her you wouldn't believe that held and we'd been through together back inside Clara's body begins to breathe that she opens up her eyes gasping for air Creed finishes by stating Clara was the best sister a guy could ever wish for later just outside of New York the two men arrive at Essex home in lab and Creed says they're gonna sneak in find Essex and kill him for Clarke Logan thinks back to seeing her lifeless body and rather than answer Creedy charges in Klaus already through the minds in the ground and a hailstorm of bullets Logan continues to run until he managed to get over the compound wall once over the oomba wrenched around him and he lets the feral beast within him out Creed hops over the wall telling him that's a good start partner as the to get inside Creed says it'll split up and whoever finds him kills him Logan then says do you want to be there and Creed says no I don't care who does it just get it done the two search the castle it has the door to Essex chamber swings open logan stands there essex says i had learned so much from our few samples of you a war is coming do you not know how many people are going to die logan asks right now just one clara is dead Essex is ah I didn't know though I didn't care for some silly little girl I did promise Creed that she wouldn't be hurt Logan stops in mid-step and Essex says you didn't know Creed is the one who said where you were a fool played to the end played but before he can finish his sentence Logan drives his claws into Essex chest tossing about the window over another part of the mansion Creed stares at a cauldron of the potion and Logan says it was you to blame for all of this crea tells him no I'm not we are fine without you Logan that retracts his claws and he runs beating Creed into the ground with his fists Creed leans up bloodied nose pulling out a - stating Pope cares killing me won't fill that hole Cloris dead Clara reminded me why I want to live maybe the both of us should just knock back a bottle in this tub and forget everything Logan looks at the peakers of the potion and Cree says it makes no difference make me drink it kill me it's all the same we're the same just end it before Logan could do anything Clara walks in with a gun stating she never thought that she would rather her mother I've kept the afterbirth then her brother Logan drops the beaker asking him how but Clara walks in pushing Creed back telling her I was going to tell you I'm gifted like you all the Creed kids are where I got my knack with animals and Creed here got the wolf boy crap Logan asked but then what about your face and Clara stops him telling him Creed's ripped acid on it turns out after an afternoon with it it sticks needed to find out if there was a limit Creed shouts she told me - she said it was okay and Clara yells I know this just makes me wish I hadn't Korea tries to say that he was doing it for her and Clara stops him telling him you don't get it I love Logan and Kris says I mean it I can't have you in my life life's not worth two cents I'm gonna drink Essex elixir if I have to be alone Logan thinks back to what he saw the lone wolf and he tells Creed maybe you should with that Logan charges Act created though Creed swipes back Logan holds us at intha culture II Clara screams for him to stop or she's going to shoot and Logan keeps his hands under telling her do what you have to do the gun goes off the Logan doesn't loosen his grip until Creed stops moving flora pulls his body out and while she tries to revive him Logan says it was for the best he would have killed us I had to protect us as she shouts I said didn't want anything to do with him not to try and murder him even still he was my brother she gets up telling Logan just get the hell out of here or you're gonna have to kill me too he reaches out but Clara pulls away telling him go and as Clara looks at preach he says though the animal rage of the sickness I could have helped but really the problem was the man the man that he was with a damn cold-blooded killer sure he can heal but it would have been better for everyone if he didn't and Logan looks at Clara one last time and walks out never to see her again he walks out of the compound thinking what he thought of us experiment is so badly to be the gray wolf however in his heart he always felt like the lone wolf the truth though he was something much much worse deep in the forest John Wraith sits with Logan at his church as he tells him that there are two types of Hell the actual hell and the hell that they create for themselves which he's pretty sure he knows plenty about John goes on to state that the important thing to remember is that even back in there Weapon X days they're not victims they were born killers Logan asks what is this supposed to get easier and John tells him well it doesn't logan and says with everything going on in this world already B's defeated everything in the world is right again except that's never the case the thing I'm worried about is not carrying the darkness in me it's the hope John tells them having faith and hope are fragile things but is it the faith being broken that worries him or being rewarded when it does three weeks pass John gives service and notices Logan isn't in the crowd which is strange but as the service goes on a man runs and shouting that him and his wife were attacked the man just cut through the entire house like it was nothing John looks at the woman's arm where she was cut and he sees three distinct claw marks he tells the crowd to stay in the church he's gonna go find out what's going on and outside he heads to the shed behind the church where he keeps his weapons cache he starts loading up when he hears an explosion in the distance John runs through the woods and he sees something and it charges forward knocking him to the ground a hooded man stands over him and John tells him that he's not going to beg if that's what he wants and that bugs start to crawl over John's face and he begins to scream the hooded man walks back to the church and as he gets back to the doors he spits acid on this depp's is suddenly they burst into flames the fire starts to climb the building and John runs into the woods telling him to stop as John grabs him he feels several claws stab into his stomach and then he's tossed to the ground John looks up and says you can't be Logan so who are you the man pulls down the hood and asks what do you see tell us and John says Hal PCs Hal over in San Francisco Logan's girlfriend Melina begins finishing up a story that she was writing down when she hears the elevator doors ding as the doors open a security guards body falls out with a knife in it and with it gunhawk and his men step out standing find the woman one of the larger men runs through the aisles stay there and he can smell her and soon he looks over to cubicle and finds Malita she reaches for her purse firing a gun that Logan had given her knocking the man away and she starts running the female of the group chases after then suddenly there's a REM of an engine and a woman rides a motorcycle through slamming into her Malita points are gone at the woman on the bike telling her to stay away and mystique pulls the helmet off stating that if she wants to save herself and Logan hop on the bike she's here to help as Malita jumps on the to escape and gunhawk reports that the woman escaped and mystique helped her the man tells them to just go ahead and proceed to their next target and then a woman says that mystique has betrayed them but the man tells her not to worry when the time is right they will deal with mystique and Melita out on the streets of San Francisco Malina tells mystique to forgive her for you know not trusting her at all but who were those people back there mystique says oh they are people who hit her and her boyfriend Logan even more than she does some Aleta asks the big question where's Logan and mystique says that's not really an easy question because the questions are where is his body and where is his soul down on the pits of hell demons hold up Logan's body to the devil and the devil says that he's going to enjoy playing with his new toy as time passes Logan finds himself fighting off wave after wave of demons all trying to wear him down it could have been days months years but either way he could at least be himself here and that's a killer as Logan tears through the demons he tells himself that he should be somewhat careful his wounds are not healing as fast as they should be and his claws are now bone instead of an ax meant 'i'm as the last demon has cut down the devil's voice can be heard laughing are you ready to give up yet because i have plenty more people who would love to see you Logan looks at him and tells him keepo comment bub more demons appear and all of the people that Logan is killed at his past appear but that doesn't stop him as he rips dude of all the same the more of them that fall the more appear but there is one who really wishes to see Logan a tendril claws out grabbing Logan by the throat in a mega red tells him that he's going to make him suffer just like he did his old friend but Logan grabs the tendril and flips a mega right over and cuts through his torso he screams out that they won't ever break me and the team has continued coming and he begin to overwhelm him the devil begins to pull on a chain telling Logan that he has so many more men who claimed the same thing but every one of them has broken down including Sabretooth here up in the real world mystique pulls over Molina asks of what exactly does she mean by Logan is in Hell like the actual literal hell Molina takes her phone out and misty gasps who's she gonna call and she tells her that she's calling the x-men mystique tells her don't do that her and the x-men don't really mix well so she calls them count mystique out elsewhere a phone begins to ring and Yukio picks it up telling whoever is on the line to speak Molina says they have a mutual friend who needs help and yuki hotel so that Logan always has a habit of falling for helpless women but what is it helpless American female Molina goes on stating that this might sound crazy but and then before she can go on Yukio hears a creek and then a man slashes where she's sitting she fights back and she kicks the hooded man and that's when she sees Logan's face dripping with blood he holds out his arm slamming Yukio into the ceiling and then he brings her close he holds out his claws and he stabs into her chest Malita asks what's going on and Logan picks up the phone telling her she's jagged Molina asks if it's him and Logan tells her not anymore the line then goes silent mystique looks back telling her told you and Molina asks what are they supposed to do but mystique tells her they wait for daemon and the ghost riders meanwhile back in hell Logan watches as the demons bring out Mariko he says that he will do anything just don't hurt her and the devil tells him oh no I'm not going to hurt her she's going to hurt you one of the demons hands Mariko a barbed flail and she tells Logan that she's sorry and she whisks him with the flail the barbs tear into his back and she tells him police just give in he doesn't answer her and he screams out in pain that's the bar continue to tear away at his flesh looking on though our two figures watching Logan's torture the taller man says that he'd better not give in if he does the plan will go out the window all he needs to do is talk to them and the shorter man puck steps out stating that he's pretty sure he won't be having anything to do with them when he finds out who he is but for now he's got puck to help him as the biddies go on the devil comes up with a better idea and he releases Sabretooth Logan laughs ha ha ha ha ha it looks like you finally found your place in life Sabretooth guess cutting off your head was the best thing that could have ever happened to you huh Creed roars and the devil tells him that's enough I have something else I would like to show you Logan more demons show up carrying someone and as they get closer Logan sees the silver samurai the devil says that Harada here would like to tell him a few things and Harada looks up stating that it's because of him this is all because of him and then his head flies off the devil picks up the head and crushes the body with his sword it holds the sword to Logan's face telling him that this is the sole cutter wounds from a never healed so either you break or I'm gonna cut you into little pieces Logan looks at him as spits in his face the devil roars a slice it's out cutting off Logan's ear and he tells the demons to go ahead and nail Logan to something for a few thousand years while Logan has taken away back up top mystique leads daemon to where Logan was taken away Malita says that it was her wasn't it the one who lured Logan here a mistake tell her yeah there were some powerful people that hired her and she doesn't want to be a part of it anymore Damon tells bolita that mystique is telling the truth at least unaware it happened but there is one thing that he wants her to understand if they fail their attempts to exorcise the demon out of Logan's body they could be spending an eternity and agony beyond imagining is that something that she is ready for back down below Logan stands nailed to a cross so he hears a voice puck tells him that he's looked better and Logan asks what are you doing here Punk explains right now if you want out you need to keep holding out the demons here are wanting to take over the throne there and every time you defy them the devil's grip loosens so no matter what don't break puck then leaves and Logan hangs planning his next move his arms begin to flex it he screams as he pulls the nail out of the board it is add the demons all start chanting for Logan to fight to the devil asks what the hell is going on soon the bodies begin to fall from the sky the devil looks up to see Logan ripping the wings off of the flying demons and the devil shouts whose act is enough it is time to end this Logan tells him talk is cheap Bob so you better show me and the two charged at each other as they meet they begin to swing and slash away at each other and as the fight goes on the devil cuts and slices into Logan knocking him down he that holds out his sore telling him this is good boy and Logan says at least you proved one thing that's that even the devil can bleed dripping off a Logan's Colossus green blood and the devil notice is the cut on his face the demons begin to rally and Logan jumps up punching the devil puck in the tall man watch and the tall man said that it looks like things are at their tipping point puck tells the man that after that he's gonna get out of here meanwhile up on top of the x-men's utopia the possessed Logan begins his assault attacking Colossus first Colossus knocks him down telling him I would rather not have to hurt you and Logan says you must not know much about demons huh speaking of where is the little hell tease of a sister maybe she can enlighten you Colossus grabs him and throws him back down to the ground telling him you will not speak of her and then after throwing Logan out of the building Colossus tells Kitty to go and get Scott before she can leave Logan crashes back down knocking Colossus through the floorboards Logan stands there with his collage dripping with blood telling him look there must be something soft too squishy inside the other x-men run in to help and as Iceman gets close Logan Berets fire all over him angel runs up and as Logan walks past him his eyes begin to bleed Logan walks back over to Colossus that he tells him when I took this body I made a pact to kill everything that Logan has ever loved so now it's time to die back in Hell though Logan continues chipping away at the devil making cuts all over his face and with one last attack the devil pushes Logan down breaking his bone claws after pushing him down the devil picks him back up and that's when he hears something a sudden roar from behind the devil approaches then he asks who dares the demons that swarm around him topside mystique and the ghost riders head into utopia to find the possessed Logan standing over Colossus his dead body and they pull him away but down below as the fight continues Logan grabs a hold of his broken claws and he uses them to nail the devil's body while the other demons flutter around now with the soul cutter out of the devil's hands the demons began fighting over the sword and the devil tells Creed to hurry up and free him the kree growls and slashes away as the demons all fight Logan looks over and I've always tell if you're thinking of joining don't the man steps out and says that he would like to have a moment to talk to him man to man father to son Thomas Logan steps up and tells him hello son Logan tells him that he's not his father but Thomas tells him I'm not mad at you for killing me and sending me here I just took some years to figure out what you really were but with all of this that is going on me and puck set it up all I wanted to do was tell you that I'm proud of you top side mystique and one of the ghostwriters rags the possessed logan to the church that Damon told him to bring him to and as they ride and Logan stabs his claws into the road and he pulls back on that chain the ghost riders fall off the bike and mystique sprays him with a holy water mace the coast rider runs in punching and head-butting but Logan leans back grabbing the skull and tearing it off of his body he then takes the flaming skull and he throws it at mystique and stabs into her Logan looks down telling her we're not the same low condition what's new and mystique tells him it's true you're stronger and faster but you're still just as stupid the other coast rider blaze if they're grabbing Logan's head and flings him into the church as his body tumbles and rolls in Damon look cinema tells him that it's time to send his ass back Oh back down below in hell Logan says that he can't believe what he's hearing and Thomas tells him just believe it now go out there and be the son that you were born to be over in the crowd out demons Creed grabs ahold of his soul cutter and then he charges it after Logan using his broken claws Logan stabs and decreased neck and the two of them begin to struggle over the soul cutter Logan fights and decrees here and he rips it off his body and that he takes this sword from his grip holding the sword he tells Creed this sword will make us so the wounds don't heal anymore so with the one swing Cree's head rolls off everyone watches stating no but Thomas watches stating yes we will all now bow before the new lord of hell thomas walks over to his son telling him you've done it hell is yours hell is ours together and as thomas reaches out to Logan Logan tosses the sword back into the crowd of demons Thomas shouts you had it you're pathetic coward and Logan turns back punching Thomas Logan in the face as Logan walks off his father watches stating you'll be back some of the demons starting to surround puck and Logan steps in with a bard flail and the two start fighting the crowd back as they clear a path to the wall Logan at puck begin to climb the walls of hell and then Logan sees Mariko inside her cell she wishes speed on his journey and Logan looks at her telling her that's crazy you're coming to she responds by telling them that they had their time together this is where she belongs until she give redeem herself so go Logan reaches out to her Mariko tells him to just go don't look back and Logan and puck continue climbing as the demons begged to be let out as they climb one demon who reaches out grabbing puck head pulling him back down Logan tries to catch him but puck shouts for him to keep going Logan climbs on thinking to himself but the man down there he has every bit his son a killer a walking talking tragedy and soon the liping is the shine and the possessed Logan screams out in pain everyone looks at Logan's body and Molina asks if it's working she leans in asking Logan to say something but instead of an answer Logan gets up and runs Damon says that Logan's mind is still in turmoil they need to catch him and as they walk out a voice tells them I'm not sure what the hell is going on and that's when everyone sees Logan stopped by Scott and he tells them but this ends now with both Damon and his ghost riders along with Scott and the others Logan tries to regain control over his body Malita slowly steps forward asking if he's alright and as she does the demons take over and they slash away a milita's arm Logan struggles telling her you need to run just go but soon the demons we get to take over once again and they shout there will be no more talking for whom and if we can't have the Wolverines flesh no one God the demons be enforcing Logan into stabbing at ripping himself apart the mystique that asks why is it Logan back to normal yet and Damon tells her the spirits possessing him aren't giving up without a fight demons can kind of be like that Scott asks Damon what is going on has Logan killed anyone yet and everyone remains silent if Scott asks again so finally mystique tells him yes Malita then asks please mr. Cyclops these men I have to finish what they're doing it's Logan's only hope but Damon says that he's afraid that they are finished the spirits have dug themselves in real deep but now it's up to Logan to fight his way out inside of Logan's mind he begins to wake up in a field asking where am i the demon horde looks over him telling him we hope you don't mind but we've made ourselves at home while you were gone Logan looks around the field of ash and the demons tell him we hope do you like what we did here logan then pops his claws telling them it's time for you to get the hell out of my head outside everyone watches as Logan continues to struggle within his own mind and Emma Frost looks in it says it it's like a psychic armored getting in there as she looks deep she screams and falls back stating the demons looked at her it's like a pack of dogs running wild inside of her mind there were so many different entities in there far more than he was she could count all tearing him apart from the inside Malita says that he can beat him they just have to give him a chance and Emma telepathically tell Scott that even with Logan's mental defenses he won't last long against those things that are infesting him Scott tells everyone to give Logan five minutes until then no one touch or get near him Namor then tells all of those abilities to go on and leave and points to demon telling him that includes you demon says like hell I'm leavin if Logan wins those demons will scurry out like cockroaches looking for a new place to hide places like inside of you soon the two groups began arguing over whether or not they should be leaving but Malia shouts of them to remember they are here to help Logan suddenly everyone is here demonic laughter coming out of Logan and the demons tell them you've all come here to save your friend but instead you're going to die by his hat he pops his claws and other claws begin to burn with a low fire and Scott tells demon that if he wants to take point then be his guest Logan charges through one of the ghost riders and he stabs his Closet in the next and demon tries to stop him with a fire blast but Logan just turns grabbing him and throwing him into a traffic light Scott gives the order for them to go and Logan continues destroying everything in his path well everyone gets into position to Emma Frost tell Scott that he cannot be controlled anymore he's already killed before and he'll do it again he would want him to end this Scott radios to magneto and tells him to do it so magneto because the Lich Logan stated that he will try and make this quick and Logan biggest a scream inside Logan's mind if the demons begin destroying and setting everything on fire his memories begin to burn as he runs through a graveyard where he buries his regrets and then there's one place that the flames haven't reached yet a place where he will make his final stand Logan makes his way inside he suits up but he's going to stand a chance he needs to let them out it is a lot of all out the demons weaken forcing their way in and Logan tells the rest of himself that if they die they will die as one and then all at once low in her personalities begin to tear through the demon horde back on the outside magneto begins to pull all of the iron out of Logan's body he tells him that he takes no pleasure at doing this and Logan tells him that's too bad because we certainly will Logan reaches out strangling magneto until he's free and it's Logan because to walk closer he tells Magneto I know you from somewhere but where o magneto grabs a sewer lid and breaks it down shooting all the shards through Logan's body and as he lays there Logan tells him you were much younger back when we met but where the demons begin to take off Magneto's helmet and Logan says there's got to be something with that helmet blocking us out let me soon suddenly magneto submission begins to change it before him stands a Nazi soldier and the soldier tells him that's right this is where we met Logan tells Magneto you can sit there and cry now but where is your other friend oh never mind here he comes knee more charges through the traffic grabbing Logan and launching the two of them into the sea Scott now the head over to the shore but as they get closer Emma says that she can sense the water boiling Logan is burning in a more under water Scott tells her to focus and then she tells him that it's over the to watch as Logan gets up onto the water's surface and he starts walking back towards them as Scott charges any shouts for Emma to go to play and be he'll hold him off until they get here so Emma makes a connection with dr. nemesis asking if he copies nemesis tells it a quiet down he can hear her without her shouting into his head but they're on their way nemesis that asks Fantomex if he remembers the planet it responds stating that if he's asking if he knows how to kill a man he remembers back on the ground Molina holds a gun to Emma telling her that they're going to help him they have to help him and Emma tells her that she knows that this is difficult but they don't have time to and then she stopped as rogue tells Emma that the girl's right they're going to help Logan all of them are over on the short scott is firing blast after blast into Logan and as Logan walks through it he tells Scott I know you're fear isn't about dying it's a broad feeling so the sad thing is this is going don't really hurt rogue jumps in turning your hand into steel and punching Logan and telling him yeah he's right about one thing storm picks up Logan's body and Emma helps Scott back up stating that they're going to try one last desperate brain read which mean her mind guts could get ripped out but then again they wouldn't be very good superheroes if they didn't do something completely insane right just make sure that if she goes brain-dead to pull the plug before her looks go storm then throws Logan's body down onto a nearby island and Emma tells everyone that what they're about to do could leave them with their brains scrambled ro tells it that that's fine just go ahead and take them inside already and that says they're gonna need to keep Logan close by and storm tails are not to worry about that she'll keep him one place inside Logan's mind him and all of his personalities continue to fight a losing battle but suddenly Logan hears a voice all of the girls charge in and Emma says what a surprise this place smells like a burnt-out strip club and it's time for us to get to work but while the girls charging at aid Logan in battle there's another person wandering around his side of Logan's mind the figure says that Logan will die here enlist the opens up one last door the one that he buried deepest underground Nightcrawler says that he's sorry for doing this but this is the only way to save him from hell and he pushes opened the doors and have the Phoenix symbol hanging above them outside of Logan's mind nemesis and Fantomex arrive and as they watch storm nemesis says that that's his kind of woman Fantomex says that perhaps they should focus on the task at hand they do have a dear friend to kill and as they get close to storm tells them to get back she has this under control interfering to put them at great peril nemesis fires his gun telling her never mind she's too bossy for him and the blast tears part of Logan's face away so storm asks and what are you doing and nemesis says shooting him in the face - then asks with what and he says a little bit onic plague mouth cancer a - a flesh-eating bacteria back inside Logan and the rest of them begin to fight off the demon horde and while killing one demon bolita tells Logan that she understands why he likes this so much and then Logan tells her come here and he kisses her but jublee tells him that's right but stopping to make out is not really helping out a situation bro calls out that they're losing too much ground and Logan tells everyone to get out this isn't your fight but before anyone can move the ground to get to shake and tear report and as the dust begins to settle everyone finds themselves at different parts of Logan's mind where he's locked things away Emma looks at a door labelled sexual fantasies and as she looks in she says that she knows she's going to regret this the door opens and Emma sees several women one of which is her she that asks world the demons are at because she kind of needs to die this instant Jubilee looks at another door it says that this is definitely not what the Danger Room was meant for rogues he's one labelled how I cheated cards and she shouts I know it up in the higher floors the demons all begin to overwhelm lobe and through them a person shouts it cutting the demons away the arm reaches down to grab a Logan and he looks up and he says you're and Nightcrawler tells a dashing I know but more importantly I'm not alone Logan looks over and says it can't be everyone gathers around asking is that and Jean steps forward telling everyone this is no time to talk you almost flee to the safety of your own minds the only thing that could save Logan's soul is the fire of the Phoenix Jubilee asks if that's the real Jean and Emma tells her no it's just a chunk of Logan's subconscious that thinks it's Jean but it's not really her Logan tells Jean to get them out of here and within seconds the girls begin to wake up outside as Jean migas taking care of the demon she tells Logan that even though she's not the real Jean she's real enough and the only way to salvage what's left of his mind is to finally let her go the demon started to grab a hold of Jean and she tells him there isn't much time outside nemesis and Fantomex try to keep Logan down but as he walks through his fuse fire knocking him away find him X says so they should probably never do that again and nemesis tells him that he'll drink to that back inside the demons begin bringing everything down a night crawler says that even though he is dead he would very much like to not be ripped apart by the demonic hordes Jean then asks why hesitate is there a reason that he wishes to live and Logan looks at the door labelled people that I have to kill before I die and he tells her you bet outside the demons begin to weaken as Scott's danced over Logan telling him that he's sorry but before he can fire Logan falls to the ground stating Jean nemesis shouts right into fire but Scott and waits and then the black energy because the shoot away from Logan's body and he hears the voices asking if he's okay Logan gets back up but he tells everyone I could sure go for a drink feels like my throat's been on fire afterwards he goes to see colossus over in utopia to make sure he's doing okay but before leaving Malita tells him that he doesn't have to do this and Logan tells her to just stay here until he gets back Scott then stops him asking if he's got a minute Logan tells me not to war he doesn't blame him for what he had to do when Scott tells him it's not about that it's about Jean he said her name just as he was waking up Logan says now isn't the time for that it's just something that he doesn't want to be a part of back inside of Logan's ruined to mind everyone begins putting things back together one of the personalities says one of the others said that there's something that they needed to do first before that the personality asks who and the other points at the Berserker personality the Berserker begins writing something on the wall with blood and then he steps away they see Logan's objective the word revenge is were there after tracking down some leads he managed to find her but she was already in a battle against the red hands own assassin for betraying them the three of them clashed and lower death strike managed to wound mystique so that she was unable to escape with Lord death strikes job done all that was left was for Logan to kill mystique never the one pop of his claws Mystique's body was left in the streets while Logan continued his search for the red right hand with the information from mystique and maverick Logan's search brought him to a home out in Mexico he wastes no time ripping the door down and calling out that if nobody wants to die like dogs they should come out and face him as Logan walks through a voice calls out telling him that everyone's right here waiting for him they all have cannon foot then says but they all got to draw straws to see who would go first and Logan tells him you musta lost humph up as cannon Foote tells him actually he won he drops a steel paw down on his foot he throws it at Logan's head kennefa then says he's supposed to leave some of him for the others but he's thinking that maybe he'll just kill him right now he grabs Logan and he throws him into a wall all the while the red right hand watches some of the members stated this is actually pretty brutal but the leader tells everyone that they can't look away they need to remember why they're doing this the leader as a young boy grew up watching his father taking charge of any situation no matter who it was he never once lied and he always beat down anyone who deserved it though he was a fair and honest man he did run into trouble with his workers down in the coal mine went on strike and began to organize a union the boy's father dealt with the unruly workers and then they brought in a man a negotiator of sorts and that was the day that the boy saw something in his father that he had never seen before fear fear destroyed the boy's father and just as he hit rock bottom the negotiator came and killed him the boy watched as the negotiator murdered his own father and then he told the boy that he knows that someday he'll want to try and kill him but don't just move on with his life the boy didn't he grew up building back up his father's legacy at once he managed to put everything back into place he hunted down that negotiator the man's name was James Howlett and now the young man shot and killed the James while he was drunk its stumbling in the streets except James didn't die the young man woke up the next morning bloodied and bruised and then he put everything in his life on hold to kill James Howlett over and over again he tried each time failing and that's when he realized that he may be doing this all wrong he started the help of others who have been wronged by James Howlett and in the current I'm the leader now what old man watches his candid foot screams in pain and Logan asks can a foot what are they gonna call you now without a foot Logan then turns back to the cameras watching him and he asks who else do you have suddenly Logan has cracked across the head and a woman calling herself the shadow stalker tells him that his blood tastes so sweetness she might freeze it and make popsicles out of it with a pop of his claws Logan charges back in telling her you could look at these shadow kicks Logan before he can get to her and then whips the spiked flails in her hair slicing through Logan's neck he gets back up blood pouring all over and shadow presses herself against him stating that she thought his claws would be much bigger after smacking a one more time shadow leans in stating that she just wants a one kiss to give him a bit of pleasure amidst the suffering Logan leads in fighting away the side of her face and she pushes him back and as she does she notices that Logan has ripped that flails out of her hair and then kicks him back through a door he gets up but he looks around seeing that he's in some sort of Museum all of things have along to him or involved him shadow walks through telling him that she hates to break it to him but she's had better than him and she charges back in it doesn't take long as the red right hand watches as Logan kills shadow and destroys everything that belonged to him he steps out of the hole shouting if you're still here I'm coming for you Logan continues to make his way through the home until he steps into a room with two others he tells him to walk away they don't have to do this but the man begins to speak in Spanish and the girl asks if he knew that everyone that she's met in her entire life all hated him he must be like the worst person the young man readies the saw blades on his fist and the girl takes out knives stating that her name is fire knives so he can guess that he's called softest the to rush into attack and Logan manages to deflect the first view but soon the two strikes stabbing at him fired in terms of the camera stating he's screaming right is that good or should there be more screaming Logan pushes saw back as fire jumps instead into him and just as saw moves into attack Logan breaks the saw and throws fire off of him he pulls the burning blade out of his back and he cuts through it he then tells fire and saw to just walk away fire looks up stating that if there's a time to say over my dead body this would totally be that time the two stab their weapons into each other and Logan continues on back with the red right hand one of the men shouts that this isn't enough he needs to suffer like they did he has to know why but as the man makes his way through the crowd the leader tells him that he knows the rules and then the man shot in the head the leader tells everyone that they need to stick to the plan let them all remember that everyone turns into camera and sees Logan at he tells them who dies next the leader turns to gun hawk and he tells him it's up to you now hopefully you'll fare better than the dearly departed gunhawk bushes opened the doors to see Logan standing in the hallway Logan tells him that his friends talked a big game but that didn't keep them from dying so what about you gunhawk looks at him without saying a word Ross his guns that he gives a fire Logan walks through the shots and as he gets closer he slashes away at one of gun Hawks arms though gun hawk manages to get a hit in Logan rushes for its jabbing into him and throwing him to the ground Logan asks they should be right through that door right and as he spits up blood gun Hawk tells him yeah you really shouldn't go through it though Logan looks down telling him that if there's more like him on the other side he'll take his chances their plan to kill him hasn't exactly worked out yet gunhawk struggles telling him that that's where he's wrong the plan was never to kill and inside the room the leader tells everyone that everything is set it's time for them to welcome their guest of honor back outside gunhawk says the plan was only to make him Hart was behind the door is a whole lot of that before pushing open the door Logan asks do I know you were something and gunhawk tells him no you don't know me at all and that he draws his final breath Logan pushes open the doors that he says yeah a whole lot of hurt is here and it's coming in right now inside the crowd toasts to revenge and they all begin to drink one by one they then begin to fall dying from the poison if they just drink the leader says they will all die well with victory in their hearts to die with a smile but before drinking his glass the leader notices that one of them is not drinking it he asks why are you waiting the young boy says that he wants to see his face when he realizes what they've done the leader places his hand on the boy's shoulder and he tells him that he understands but now is not the time for regret now is the time for us to rejoice in takes his drink and he falls over just then Logan bursts into the room but he sees everyone dead he walks through it he says it's a damn shame hope they all enjoy hell as much as I did and then the monitor turns on and the leader says we'll come mr. Hallett if you're seeing this that means that we are all dead I'm pretty sure that there are plenty of unanswered questions and why we went to such lengths to make you suffer though I regret that I will not be able to tell you face to face we thought that it would be best to deprive you of the joy of actually killing us the answers of who we are rest inside of the book that we left behind and inside it are all of the faces of the people who are precious to us fathers mothers wives sons daughters we felt that they needed to seek out revenge for the things that you've done which is why we sent you to hell it attacked those close to you however our mission isn't done in order to get there we had to kill five people those five are known as the Mongols and there are also files about them that you may find interesting Logan begins to open up the folder he begins don't worry you the leader goes on stating we spent years studying you some our entire lives and during that time we found things that even you may not know we know everywhere that you've been and everything that you've left behind Logan tells them this can't be true the leader continues estate we've searched the globe for these five we trained them we knew that they could never win in fact we wanted them to lose to die specifically by your hand and why would they do that because they were his children he then finally tells Logan that now finally he is like them so let him welcome James Howlett to the read right hand the screen shuts off and Logan drops the book and the young boy looks up laughing seeing the look on Logan's face as he falls over from the poison slowly all the members of the red right hand begin to wake up in the burning fires of hell and the leader sees his father and he hugs of telling him that he finally did it everyone starts running to their loved ones and the young boy stands there calling to his mother but the mother never comes now over in milita's apartment she asked slogan of the rumors of him leaving San Francisco are really true he tells her actually I've already left I just came back here to get a few things and say goodbye Malita asks if he was ever planning and asking if she'd like to come with him and so he does and she tells him that she's not sure lately she's been getting a lot of job offers as a journalist Logan tells her that he understands there are things out there that they both have to do and one of them for him is to go back to Westchester and rebuild that school Malita hugs I'm asking how is he going to pay for all of this he practically lives out of a paper sack he says that he has money he just chooses to live this way as Logan turns to leave Meletis stops him telling him that even if they're not going to be together for a while it doesn't mean that he isn't supposed to kiss her and as they do Malita notices a young boy staring at them through the window the boy lets himself in telling Logan the people were starting to think that the black dragon was dead and Logan tells him that he's been a bit busy Malita asks who this is and the boy opens up his vest showing off his trinkets telling them that his name is unique does she want to watch the diamond earrings maybe even a slightly used switchblade Logan says that this is his friend from Chinatown and you and tell Zahra that that's right and now it's time for them to go back there so we can take care of his responsibilities Logan tells Molina that he'll explain later and unit nudges him to hurry up and kiss her they got to get moving a little while later Logan II knew you'd walk into the destroyed bar known as the drunken mantis and a voice calls out that their esteemed black dragon returns Logan bounds and tells him that he apologizes that he has neglected his responsibilities and he humbly resigns his position po tells him oh no no no you don't get off that easy you need to go out and clean up this mess there's a drug war going on even though it doesn't look like there is much of one by the scene there is a new player in the field that no one knows of Logan starts to look around and PO goes on to state that these men in these masks came looking for him but as Logan reaches the back he sees his safe where he kept all of his money has been broken into Logan looks back to poni tells him that he needs his money back and PO says that he needs his streets back so Logan grinds his teeth and he tells PO fine to show me who to stab later over in the warehouse and the docks a guard hears a knock at the door the man goes to look at the people and then they hear a sound of Logan's claws pop and shoot through the door stabbing into the man he then bursts through the door he runs through cutting and ripping apart any guard who even looks into Direction PO begins to investigate the warehouse and finds that the whole warehouse is a storehouse for heroin but the big problem is how are they moving this massive amount of drugs Logan looks back at one of the fallen guards and he asks Povey has any idea who these people are PO mentions that they do have the mark of the Kalan their chest and Logan says claw I said he stops and he sniffs the air and suddenly from the shadows a giant figure jumps in saying claw that's in Jade claw gorilla man leaps in front of everyone telling him I was just about to find out how they were removing this stuff until you showed up they were to begin to argument each others face until gorilla man starts not beat his chest roaring while the two continue to yell at each other and then begin to fight PO finds a switch to a secret stairway and tells them that when they decide that they want to be useful he already found where they all need to go gorilla man says their fight will be continued later and they all sneak down into the lower levels where PO mentions that something is wrong Yoon asks how could a bunch of drug dealers make a tunnel of this big and PO tells them that the drug dealers didn't these Red Dragons hauling the drugs did Logan asks how far do these tunnels go and PO says all the way back to the motherland gorilla man stops them and asks if this is literally a tunnel to China because that would be insane and I'm a talking gorilla while the group talks one of the Dragons overhears them and even before they can move a voice calls out welcoming the black dragon a group of assassins led by Seoul striker steps out from the back standing - they are grateful that they have saved them the trouble of tracking him down as all of the assassins move around the group gorilla man asks it was too late to back out of their team up within seconds fists begin to fly is Logan a gorilla man charged and swinging at anything that moves Seoul striker punches like a real man and he asks why do they call you that a Seoul strikers fist punches through his chest and he screams in pain telling him okay I get it now hey group of leaps at you and asking if he's really gonna show them his kungfu so he pulls out a gun and shoots them and tells them that's right because all Chinese know kung fu you racist pig as everyone continues fighting one of the Dragons leans in and opens its mouth to breathe fire down the entire cavern while Seoul striker shells to leave their souls for him po leaps in kicking and punching him he didn't looks down telling him you have dishonored yourself by using these noble dragons but as he says that Seoul striker asks noble Yusei and a dragon snorts right behind Po and so striker tells him you don't know much about these dragons dead moments later Seoul striker shouts that's enough I've captured PO in Yunnan you wish for them not to die then you will stop Logan throws his hands up and tells them fine we give up and gorillas man asks what the hell where does that leave us but after he and Logan are strapped to two dragons ready to be ripped apart he says it leaves us here how silly of me Logan shouts to soul striker that when he gets out of this he's going to take his other hand and if he asks nicely his head to soul striker tosses PO down into the pit saying yes well they both seem to be working just fine so I have other places to go so even if by some miracle you get free you can have fun wandering these caves until you starve to death after soul strike and the rest of his group of leaves the two dragons begin walking apart and Logan shouts to gorilla Man 2 hurry up girl a man finishes untying his feet and says having opposable big toes huh bet you wish you had them right now gorilla man unties Logan's arms the one dragon holding them begins running off dragging them both behind it but then the dragon suddenly stops after something punches it a voice calls out that at long last someone has come to rescue him he welcomes them with a hug of a thousand thanks that Cobra steps out and says hopefully you have brought me food meanwhile elsewhere in the caverns unit looks out of the vast poppy fields asking if that is really a poppy field at the center of the earth Jade Claw tells them actually it's a field the size of Australia Chinatown is but the first inner road but soon the world will pay my price for the privilege of buying my drugs so while everyone fights amongst themselves up top she will stay down here to rule the world from down below and you and says actually that's a pretty awesome plan maybe reconsider your a whole concubine thing you got going on then back with Logan fat Cobra grabs Logan to squeeze him for a hug shouting my old friend has come to save me after letting him go Logan looks at fat Cobra he asks if he knows him and he tells him of course I am fat Cobra though you may not recognize me due to practically fading away into nothing down here gorilla man that asks how did he get lost down here in fact Cobra tells the miracles of Peng Lai warned me of a deep trouble within the earth and I got lost on my way down since I got lost I've been reduced to a diet of cave moss and warm puddle of water and three days ago an entire dragon but come if we can make it out of here we have all the food wide and wenches that we could ever want as the three move on they see three Dragons pass by then gorilla man says that if there's a base in this maze they might be the key to leaving them right to it without a word fat Cobra jumps out shouting - the Dragons prefer to be Ian logan a gorilla man soon follow while they all battle against the giant dragons logan says that he has an idea of how they can get into their base but they might not like it a short while later the three dragons make their way back towards the jade claw Eilis when suddenly from one of the dragon's stomachs a man vomiting can be heard and from another stomach Logan asks what was that in fact Cobra shouts that he just ate a part of an apple that he found in here and it did not seem to sit well oh hey there's another Apple the three dragons walked through the gates to the hidden base and soul striker stops them shouting what are you doing you're all a bunch of lazy bloated beasts and all at the same time the three dragons that vomit on to him through the bile gorilla man says I'm not sure where to kill first the bad guys are Logan Logan pops his claws and says it might be best to go with them after getting up from the pile of dragons stomach fluid gorilla man asks what's the plan and Logan says a bunch of stabbing so gorilla man tells him right Bravo Plan General Patton Soul striker shouts for everyone to get them with us we quickly jump into battle out in the fields the guards all look around the palace to see what's going on and unit knocks one down with a sack of Poppy's he then takes a gun and fires of the rest of the guards telling the other slaves to follow into freedom though a word of warning the economy up top really sucks so being an opium slave might be a better job when guerilla man runs and knocks everyone around him out back Cobra tells him that his monkey style needs work - which gorilla man tells him you got kiss my ass through the crowd soul striker tells everyone to leave Logan alone he will kill him alone and Logan says it's nice to know that you care that much about me soul striker tells him I'm gonna beat your soul into a quivering pulp Logan laughs take your best shot bub soul Shriker pulls his arm back as it begins to glow and he punches strike through Logan's chest ittan steps back in pain asking how are you still standing Logan tells him I may have toughened up a little bit since we last met that and I've been through a whole hell of a lot of bad things so someone armed Joker hits like a girl isn't doing any damage as the fight goes on there's a sudden blast a fire covering the entire area and everyone looks up to see the Dragons and soul striker tells him to hurry up and kill them you would suggest that maybe they should offer the Dragons the fat guy so that they can escape but then there's a second blast and instead it hits soul striker everyone looks back up to see PO riding on a great dragon it he shouts that's right Master PO yet lives and no thanks to you after the Dragons all finished torching the ground Logan and PO walk up to a smouldering soul striker and Logan tells him Jay claws that I reckon you know what's coming next with one quick slice all strikers remaining arm flies to the air and Logan says you punched your last soul post inch before Soul striker and he tells PO surely you wouldn't hit a man with no arms right and PO says no so he kicks him in the face back Thomson everyone sits in a bar and po finishes the story saying how he said but I'd kicked the living crap out of him everyone at the bar laughs and drinks and Logan asks PO how is that he escaped PO says that well he fell into the Earth's molten core where he landed in a dragon nest gorilla man stops him telling him that he's going to need another beer if he's going to listen to this and it had another table fat Cobra asks you and what kind of perks does being the black dragon include and if he's unclear by perks he means wenches as Logan drinks his beer he asks gorilla man what happened to Jade claun gorilla man smiles telling him well last time I saw her she was on her way back to China being chased by a few dragons boys then asks Logan if she can buy him another round seeing as how she's now employed Logan looks up at Malita and says Daily Bugle now huh and she says yeah funny thing is she never applied to them he then says that's really strange must have been one of her admirers who submitted a resume then Molina goes back to look around at all of the people and says that she can tell that he got his money back but dare she ask who all of these people are Logan says that he would prefer she not and Malita says that there's a gorilla drinking our gorilla is even supposed to drink Logan laughs telling her that he's not sure but they're gonna let him elsewhere though three figures all stand before a board full of pictures and one says of the pieces are all falling into place while another says yeah but in all the wrong ways sadly the last one says for one a lot of people are being killed and they're going to have to swallow their pride and face the last guy on earth that they ever wanted to see again our tale begins in Japan as Logan looks Anna Hirata's grave and the voice of Yuriko tells him that they buried him where he fell Logan tries to say that he's sorry this is his fault but the ones who did this all burned the building's killed the silver samurai took her legs they were the red right hand right and now they're all dead Logan tells her yes Yukio says then there's nothing to whine about - so come we have much to discuss as the two make their way through the destroyed village Yukio says that she assumes that he's come back because of the war with the silver samurais death leading the clan Ishida leaderless the hand and a yakuza have moved in with the hand assassinating the supreme god there are the Yamaguchi Gumi taken naka war is inevitable soon yukia opens up the door and she says that this is the ancestral fortunes of Clan da Tschida the secret treasure of the silver samurai Logan looks around telling her it's impressive and I take it you know that we're being followed right Yukio tells him that she may be paralyzed but she's not deaf this is just the quickest way to draw them out Logan is suddenly blown away and once he gets back up him and Yukio began slaughtering the attackers 82 seconds later as Yukio kills the last of them she says that this always puts her in the mood how about the gore on the block once for all times sake she does have some feeling below the waist Logan ignores the question it says surely the treasure hunt isn't the only thing that they were after and Yukio says that's right they were hoping to find a clue on Hirata's air she read the will the silver samurai had a son Logan asks where I can find the kid Yukio tells him that she's a bit hesitant and telling him because it answers another question that he hasn't asked yet elsewhere Emiko Logan's adoptive daughter tells Shin that she's really not sure what they're doing here Shin tells her that it's simple they're breaking into the most sophisticated corporate laboratory in all of Tokyo with secrets so coveted they allegedly used assassins as security guards Emiko asks why exactly is she helping him with a crazy and highly illegal plan and he says that because she's his girlfriend and she has to admit that it sure beats the hell out of dinner and a movie a short while later Shin bursts out of the wall of the lab stating that he's got the power source and now he can finally power his suit as Shin asks a Miko how she's doing he quickly realizes that she was captured by the laboratory security meanwhile over at a restaurant another part of town a woman leads a few Yakuza to a table saying that he will see them now the man at the table asks what is it that he could do for them and one man says that they have come with a business proposal the man says that's funny last time you checked him and the Yakuza weren't exactly on the same side and the man continues stating 1 million in cash someone will be waiting for him at the Los Angeles Airport in 12 hours the man then says that he's starting to like it here this Kobe beef sure is something besides there's a meeting plan tomorrow and his boss sure would be sore if he missed it the Yakuza then pull out all of their guns telling him that that's not good enough and Victor Creed asks are you sure you don't want some of this beef they can carve off whatever you want the next day at the Los Angeles International Airport our Yakuza member reports of the deal is done Kri just walked away with the money back in Japan a you Cuza boss hangs at the phone stayed into the animal Sabretooth has been dealt with so if the hand has the guts to show themselves they'll shoot them as many times as they're stupid ninja faces want just as the meeting begins as an opening at the temple doors and a young man steps through stating that he hopes he isn't late one of the Yakuza asks who the hell's this guy and the young man says azuma goda and he'll be representing to hand today another Yakuza says that they don't deal with lackeys where's Wilson Fisk and Goethe says probably stuffing his face but I'm the man that you want to talk to oh and I was the one who had your boss take knock out the road out of a plane in midair I was the one who started this entire war so if there isn't any more questions can we get started elsewhere on the road to the meeting Logan rides his motorcycle and suddenly he crashes through a wire trap shredding his bike leaving him hanging from behind the trees Creed walks out saying you know this sounds crazy Logan but someone swore up and down that you would become a school teacher now if you're teaching what the hell kind of class would you be qualified to teach Creed then hits the switch on his jet pack stating it's always been a pleasure runt and he takes off as Creed heads over to the meeting your reports to go to that Logan has been Wiley coyote and he'll be there in about 30 seconds back at the temple as the Yakuza all point their guns at him go to tells him it's fine take your time as the call ends Logan jumps off of a cliff tackling in decree telling him you're gonna wish you stayed dead back in the temple one of the aku's of bosses tells goda that he must be the worst ninja that there ever was they will be sure to kill him and mail his bits back to Wilson Fisk Goethe says that he rather likes his bits where they are and hello bits have been threatened so that's the cute suddenly handed ninjas jump out of the ground and go to shouts yes let your swords death to the Yakuza oh I'm gonna live in the hand and the tunnels below the temple more ninjas run to attack and suddenly both Logan and Creed are pushed down with the fighting between the Yakuza in the hand as well as Logan agreed one of the hand ninjas tells Goethe that it would be wise for him to get to safety Goethe says that's ridiculous he isn't going anywhere until the guest of honor shows up and next to him that captured Yumiko tells her my dad is going to kill you and go to says that it's not her father that he's interested in as a wall explodes Goethe says there's our man I was hoping your boyfriend would show up just wasn't expecting such an outlay just get up from the Sun of the silver samurai a few moments go by and Shin begins to rip through a group of ninjas and Goethe says that it's almost a shame that they have to kill him notice how I said almost so why isn't he dead yet Emiko yells for shin to run but her cries pierced through the killing and Logan asks is that a Miko crease lashes into Logan's back telling him to keep her head in the game and then he lunges in for another attack with Logan jumping over him telling him see that's the difference between the two of us and that he stabs Creed in the back and punches one of his claws into Creed's head telling him I actually have something to fight for while go to watch his chin kill more ninjas Emiko says that his ninjas really suck and then she wraps her chains around his neck shin shouts that they need to get out of here but I shouldn't gets closer to a Mika Logan charge than shouting for shin to stay the hell away from my daughter as he tackles into Shin amico shouts you idiot suddenly she's picked up by her chains by Creed and he tells her to keep her hands off the boss he still owes me my money meanwhile shin tries to rock it off the Logan clings to him if they crash outside telling him that you should never a drag my daughter into this pal Shin says that she is not his daughter and he is not his pal and Logan is fine who the hell are you then Shin says that his name is shin gana Harada his friends call him shin but you can call him the silver samurai Logan's swing stating that he can't just put on a costume call himself a samurai it doesn't matter who his daddy is Shin blocks the hits he says that he loves I was getting a lecture on his own culture from an American Logan charges in telling him I'm Canadian and shin tells him that's even worse Shin tries to punch Logan back into the woods telling him just go back to Canada and as Logan gets up he throws a tree trunk knocking Shin down Logan runs back in telling him this isn't a kids game they were playing and Shin jets down kicking Logan into a tree stabbing him in place telling him I grew up a long time ago power begins to gather around shins fists and then a giant purple explosion goes off leaving nothing but ash in its wake I shouldn´t gets back up a katana cuts through the smoke and a smoldering Logan steps out telling him you may think you're all grown up but there's plenty of growing up that has yet to be done back at the temple go - shouts - just forget about the girl and kill the Samurai Logan is should hurry back to the main fight and Logan knocks him away telling him you might want to get into a new line of work and also get a new girl for as Logan goes back to killing more Han didn't ingest shinden gets up telling him I can see what my dad always hated this guy then Creed's hands over him telling him well well looky at what we have here after picking up Shin go to tells the Yakuza I suggest you go and bury your dead while you still had people to do the digging and then a cloud of smoke covers them the Yakuza opened fire and as the smoke fades go to Crede and Schwindt are all gone later that night Logan Yukio nameko all go to the hospital while amiko says they need to find shin Logan tells them not to worry they will but as they come up to a man in a bed Logan asks who's this and how the hell is he gonna help us find a hand Yukio says that this is mo Moreau and according to her records he's been in a coma for five years Logan pops a claw five years huh looks like we need to give him some motivation to wake up Logan cuts the tube connected to him and tells everyone not to touch him nurses Russia and saying them they need to help him or he'll die and Logan tells them nah I don't think so a few moments later ma'am Abreu jumps out of his bed shouting you insufferable bastard I will kill you later atop the hospital roof Logan and Mo Maura Stan armed with katanas and amico says that Yukio said that they were supposed to fight it's been about 15 minutes Yukio says if that's what she believes then she is simply not watching more time passes in a moment shall it's impossible Logan boughs telling him that that was a splendid battle mama Roo says but I just killed you and 487 moves you have never beaten me he even throws his sword down saying you just wasted five years of work I almost had enough to capture that people who have been secretly murdering coma patients I just needed another two years Logan tells them I'm sorry for that but once I finished my business with a hand I'll help you right now I need the help of the only ninja who will talk to me Mamoru says that the hand are not ninja they are the cheapest imitations slandering a once-proud art the rats of the hand used many places to hide in the darkness not as much as the Yoshimi tombs meanwhile at the tombs go to slices a slit in the shins neck stating I could kill you but we would still have the problem of the war with the Yakuza for me to deal with so maybe after I'm done stuffing you with the flesh-eating beetles you might be able to help me I'll wait until you're done screaming of course later outside of the tombs entrance Logan tells Yukio this is it are you sure that amigo was unconscious when we left Yukio says that she passed her bedroom she won't be awake for hours back in the trees behind them Emiko says da like I don't have a gas mask in my bedroom as Logan and Yukio enter one of the hand ninjas reports that they are here for the boy another ninja says that and probably they're going to kill most of them as well another calls out that they are fools to dare enter the cave of the mind ninjas and mystique says the only sounds that she wants to hear are the screams of the man who killed her once inside of the tombs Logan sees a flash until zpo to watch out he then opens his eyes again and he finds himself washed up on the shores of hell again Logan gets up stating oh how and then the devil rides by stating hello James are you enjoying the swim Logan tells him this can't be am I still in hell and the devil shouts flower it is look at the infernal realization that you have been in hell all along Logan says I don't believe it was it all a dream and the devil says not entirely then Logan's five estranged children walk up telling him hello meanwhile back in the real world Yukio fights back the mind ninja shouting for Logan to hurry up and get up as the ninjas surround Yukio smoke starts to shoot out of the wheelchair and suddenly she's gone the ninjas begin to ask where and then the chair explodes and that's when victor created mystique walk out stating she's just one [ __ ] go find her over in the control room Jin watches a monitor with a miko making her way through and he shouts that if he hurts her go-to stops him telling him yes yes you'll perform all sorts of subtly gruesome acts upon each of my bodily cavities however what I would like the answer to is a simple question chin says that he can't do what he's asking and go to this fine the ribbons it is then back in the cave a miko walks through when suddenly gas begins to fill the area she calls out that they should just come out don't be afraid of a little girl that's what a miko sees a giant dragon come out of the smoke and to get re she pulls down our mask saying that that's the dragon that killed her mother and ruined her life she's always dreamed that one day it would come back back with Logan the children all begin to eat and bite into his flesh and Logan asks have I been in Hell this entire time I can't think straight it's like someone's shooting me face which in fact is what mystique is doing in the real world Creed says that shooting off his face is seriously one of the sexiest things he's ever seen her do a few days earlier Logan remembered back to his training with Rachel and how sometimes if he finds himself in a mental bind it's okay to go a little Berserker from the shores the children say that Logan looks a little different this time and instead of the regular Logan walking out its beserker Logan as Berserker Logan tears into the children the real Logan tears into the hand ninjas back with a miko the dragon throws her against a wall and she tells it that she really hopes that she tastes like crap but before the dragon can fight down she grabs a rock and stabs it into the dragon's paw suddenly the illusion of the dragon fades and she sees that the big bad dragon it's just a bunch of ninjas in a costume a bunch of ninjas that she can easily kill seconds later Shin rockets by cutting through the ninjas and grabs a Miko telling her that they just have to get out of here Amica says that she was supposed to be rescuing him and he tells her that the hand doesn't care about him anymore they're too busy died elsewhere Goethe and Creed strap on their jetpacks and they escaped while Berserker slaughters the ninjas around him Yukio says that there's no sign of the samurai boy and Logan tells her he escaped at a miko but in the back of Logan's mind he tells himself that he thought he was in Hell under the influence of the hand not in his right mind now though god help him because he knows exactly what he's doing and as he kisses Yukio he says he's going berserk back at the sheeted treasure Shin cuts into the door and amico asks what is even going on Shion tells her that the treasure of the silver samurai belongs to him as does the clan of Yashida gotas boys tells him that he should rephrase that and Shin tells him I'm sorry amigo go to in Crete step in stating that it belongs to them now however back in the grave Yukio rides through on a horse stating that she's sorry that she missed the fight but wait why does this smell like there's more than killing going on here at another part of the graves mystique converted back from ukyo's form stating that she wanted to see if her powers are strong enough to fool even Logan's senses which they did and even though she just made love to the man who killed her she's not done screwing with yet over in the States Wilson Fisk looks at a picture of Goethe asking who's this and a subordinate says that it's a zoom of Goethe head of the Tokyo branch and Wilson stops him saying was head I never authorized a war with the Yakuza kill him and be sure to send someone good over at the airport Lord death strike picks up his suitcase and he heads to Japan however back in the treasure room amiko slap chin and Creed tells her to forget her they'll get him another go to laugh stating there will be plenty of women for a song there's just work to be done and as of now the hand is officially dead in Japan the next morning Creed reports to Goethe that it's done The Wolverine just killed every last shuriken tossing one of them Goethe looks off his balcony stating at last no more fools running around in costumes no more Wilson Fisk now we can finally begin with the hand out of the way thanks to Wolverine killing them all Creed asks what exactly you're trying to do now and go to tells him let me ask a question who's the scariest of the villains in the world Creed thinks about it and says obviously be for one but maybe Doctor Doom there's also that big purple guy who eats planets Goethe tells him wrong it's the villains you've never heard of the ones who are solely in the shadows yet to control and exploit every single facet of life instead of me being brought back to life and staying the same how about we rebuild and transform with the hand used to be that is assuming our new friend hasn't lost his nerve yet down on the highway Shin says that he can't do this a mystique tells him it's just a bunch of bloated Yakuza bosses he's got the silver samurai armor and the big glowing swords also let her remind him that he doesn't have a choice because if he doesn't she'll kill him and take his form and do it herself back at Goda's penthouse goto hands create a paper stating these are the names of the most secretive assassins these are the only people that we need to make this work but our first target is going to be dear old Wolverine he worked for us now it's time for him to die crea tells him it looks like you've got all the angles covered and Goethe says yeah all but one and that's for me to become invisible there's only one real way to do that isn't there as the night falls go-to stands on his balcony as a woman hugs him telling him to come back to the garden there are still so many fruits for him to he tells her I'll be there shortly just enjoying the beautiful night a laser has been pointed at his head and a gun fires shooting him right in the forehead lord Deathstrike scans the body to see if there's any signs of life and then go to jumps back up kicking death strike as mystique begins to change back her form go to watches shouting why is she fighting back she's supposed to be playing dead but on another monitor Cree says it looks like that could still be arranged Wolverine is here go - shouts asking how could he have found us and created just grins Creed walks off and go to chases him you did this didn't you he sold me out and Creed says that's one way of looking at it another way would be that I really didn't give a damn in the first place stepping into the balcony where mystique and lore district are fighting Creed says there's one thing that is different about me coming back to life I came back for something a lot bigger than you as he Jets off with his jet pack he tells goda by the way getting stabbed with those claws hurt like holy hell seconds later Logan kicks in that door go two turns and fires right into Logan's face meanwhile falling down the building mystique and Lord destro continue fighting when Creed tells them hang on remember when we all used to be friends right few moments later Logan looks off a gotas balcony and says god I love this country and as he walks away go to his body hangs over the ledge blood pouring down the side of the building later back in yuki-onna Miko's home Yukio tells a Miko that it's okay there'll be other guys but through her sobs she says that she doesn't want a new boyfriend just to kill her old one however as Logan packs up to head back to the states created along with mystique Lord Deathstrike and Shin all began taking down any and all major players in Tokyo just as Logan leaves he says that he can't help but wonder what he's accomplished here Yukio tells him that he just wiped out the hand in Tokyo won a war but he can always come to visit more often Logan tells her this is Japan I will always come back and then a Miko yells for him to wait she leans out of her room saying she uh just heard the police radio say that there's a robbery maybe he doesn't have to leave so soon Logan looks back and he smiles however Logan's story doesn't end here it ends in Madhupur at Victor Crees birthday party where some of the world's biggest villains have gathered and just as the last of the guests arrive a bloody bodyguard is thrown through the door logan asks why is everyone standing around I thought this was a party creed smiles and says it is now and everyone charges towards Logan it begins killing everyone at arm's reach and anyone that's not he runs over stabbing and impaling them just as Logan hacks up mystique Creed jumps in clawing at Logan's face and Logan laughs hahaha I'm sorry I had to crash the party but it got me thinking it reminded me of how once a year you were just called to beat my ass because you could as Logan stabs and decreed stomach and he rips the claws out he goes on telling him I remember it's been a rough couple of years but that's no excuse for forgetting special traditions which is why I'm here now as Creed falls to the ground Logan tells them happy birthday from your old pal Wolverine now I'm gonna leave everyone to party I'll see you all next year later that night at the bar the bartender asks would you like to start a tab Logan tells him I sure do he thinks to himself that this is it cold beer and his gullet football on the TV Creed's blood on his hands yep this is it he went to Westchester to find the Green Jay school for higher learning and became its headmaster however even with all of that taken care of there are murders popping up around the u.s. all with their heads cut open and their brains are removed over in the Bronx the officers arrive in the scene of another killing just like the ones that happen across the states as a lieutenant Granger and detective hick look at the bodies Hicks mentions that it seems that they're in the middle of a nationwide killing spree as Granger looks at the men having their brains removed she says that this isn't a killing spree it's a harvest and another officer tells Granger that they have a witness they said that he saw everything from up in his window as Granger and Hicks head upstairs to see their witness they see that it's just a young boy the officer whit the boy holds up the picture that he was drunk and he says the boy said it was the picture of the murderer and on that picture is Logan over in a run-down bar in California a waitress asks Logan if he's ready for another beer he tells her that he probably shouldn't but the waitress tells him that the beer here is so watered down another won't kill him so as the wait just goes on asking where he's from all Logan can see is everyone there is cut and torn to pieces he snaps back to reality and says that's the million dollar question should asks if he needs a place to stay and after finishing his beer he tells her no I got places to be as he walks to his car he tells himself it's hard to resist that girl's charm now more than ever he just needs to be alone the problem is is that there's blood on his hands blood that he doesn't remember spilling he's been blacking out and waking up in strange places coming in core and reeking of death someone has been sending him out as their personal murder doll and he knows who's responsible he just needs to find them his Logan suits up he heads over to Dunwich sanatorium Dunwich sanatorium is an abandoned mental facility where many people were changed and changed for the worse hitmen assassins were created there when the new management took over things went from bad to just nightmarish there was a time when he was a resident there they tried to strip him of his mind they tried to turn him into their plaything and things didn't turn out so well for their staff what Logan begins to go through those old files he begins to smell something and as he turns back he sees a hoard a fleshy brain creature shuffling their way towards him he says they must be a little gift and left behind for whoever came snooping around he pops his claws with his neck and he tells them I guess it's time that opened up my presence the brain creatures all begin to jump into him but Logan tears through them spilling their blood and guts all over the place more and more of the creatures are killed and more and more appear the next wave begins to grab everything in reach scissors scalpels anything with a blade to it the creatures jump and attack and Logan cuts them down but one manages to cut into his throat with a knife he catches themself before falling over and as he looks back at the creatures they all begin to change shape changing two things from his past no matter who they are or who they were Logan slaughters them all just the same meanwhile in Westchester at the Jean Grey school of higher learning headmaster Kitty Pryde and Rachel summers walk through the halls trying to figure out where Logan may have gone but as they taught a student runs up to kitty telling her that there have been some people here who want to see her and as she leaves she mentions they look kind of official kitty says oh great and Rachel stomps are telling her that she knows why they're here as Kitty goes to meet the detectives the man tells her that he's sorry to bother but his name is she stops him your special agent Denis Wells right he tells her it's a neat trick but if she knows that then she can guess why he's here with look kitty says that she's afraid so they think that their headmaster is a murderer back over at Dunwich sanatorium Logan leaves the building covered in the blood of the creature setting out to find him but as he does a small mechanical brain watches showing a picture of Logan carrying a file on the screen dr. rot tells a nurse fester to go ahead and turn that off there's so much work to do here watching the boob - well just rot your brain with the files in hand Logan heads over to where it all began the place where dr. rot was born however when he was born his name wasn't rot well it was Bentley Newton and he grew up in the heart of suburban America this used to be a place where families would come to get away from it all but now it stinks of mildew and decay as Logan walks into the old destroy Newton home the stinky smells is the worst thing that he has ever come across but then he sees a man the old withered man asks Logan if he's here looking for his son please tell him why he's here police say that he's come to kill him Logan asks where is he as he looks at the old picture of rotten his mother and his father mentions that he couldn't shake his rot well heritage too much of his mother enemy rots father goes on stating how he was a creature after they put him away they thought that they would never see him again and then Logan notices something coming from the back of the old man's head wires and tubes hang out from a hole in the back of it he goes on stating he came back and he left me like this Logan asks where he could find his son and the old man tells him I'll tell you the promise you will leave me like this and after a short moment Logan's claws pop and he sets out over in New York special agent Wells visits Melinda Garner Logan's ex-girlfriend well says that he's sorry for having her meet them on such short notice but it involves her boyfriend well it just stops him telling him ex-boyfriend but if they think she's gonna talk to them Granger then slides the drawn picture of Logan telling her that a child watched him kill several men Melinda says that it's not that she doesn't want to help them but she hardly knew where he was even when they were dating Wells leans in and tells her look is this strictly off the records but the murders were dealing with her involved in the extraction of brains Melinda's face turns pale and she tells them dr. rot back with Logan his search has brought him to an old abandoned house in the middle of the woods logan begins scouting around and then a voice calls out to him shouting would you look at this Logan turns back to see a giant man with chainsaws four hands and a slender woman with a gun and a small man with a bunch of knives trapped to his chest without saying anything Logan jumps is swinging thinking about how he knows the large one charlie chainsaws the other two well he'll figure it out when he cuts them down but just as Logan turns to Bailey Ann she fires her shotgun blowing off half of Logan's face while he falls to his knees tater jumps on his back stabbing into him he leans back it tells them you could cut me over and over again but I'll just keep coming back for more ain't that but before he could let him finish Logan throws his head back crushing taters face and kicks BAE leans legs out from underneath her as he gets up Charlie swings his arm sawing into the side of Logan's stomach he screams in pain swiping back breaking Charlie's hands and then he escapes Taylor shouts don't let him get away the three begin to search the woods but his tater follows the blood trail left by Logan he feels blood dripping on his shoulder Logan leaps from a tree branch stabbing into tater blood begins to fly as Logan stabs into him repeatedly until he finally disembowels him Logan stares down grunting trying to catch his breath but the root choking on his own blood tater tries to whisper something dream a dream a pretty prey and blood read as a rage suddenly Logan freezes in place baleen Ann and Charlie run up asking what happened but as she tells Logan to look at what he's done he sits there staring into nothing later he begins to open his eyes and he can hear rocks a voice calling out to him but he can't move inside rots Gori home rot tells him that he's going to help make him remember who he really is after all he's a part of the family now rot then tells him that it seems that he's forgotten his manners let him introduce everyone he already knows Charlie and nurse Fester and you've already met Bailey nan and tater though it doesn't look like you've made a good impression on him next is dear dear mother and finally the old gentleman is my great-great grandfather at ramus Nicodemus rot well he was such a huge influence on my life and career baleen and jumps up asking what they're waiting for they need to make him pay look at what he's done to poor Tay she pulls out a knife and a rock restrains her stating uh sisters am i right it goes on saving of course she's not my real sister she's just a sister that I've always wanted even put her personality to get him myself rot then pushes Logan's chair onto a dolly she's right thou first I want to show you around a bit the world once stripped me of my family name which you should be familiar with right we're so much alike Logan he pushes the chair into the next room with a great machine holding hundreds of brains telling him this is the new and improved god Brayton machine pat pending of course what I did it done which was just child's play compared to this but this this gives you goose flesh doesn't it Logan struggles trying to break free but as he tries to pop his claws nothing happens rot leans in telling him it's no use you really have no idea what those fiends at Weapon X put inside your skull admirable work actually rock pulls out a giant sheet of paper stating they placed a code in your mind to make sure you played well with others I correct that code he then says it's back to business of what you did to tater the rinks must be replenished after all short while later Logan is strapped to an operation table with machines hooked into him he screams out in pain and rot tells him it's okay let it all out rebirth is a post art so let's give you a little jolt another electrical wave passes through and Logan mumbles kick you rod holds out his arms and nurse fester hands him a coat hanger and then rock begins cramming it in to Logan's nose he tells Logan you have such an amazing canvas always blank ready to be worked on every time I return after pulling up bits of brain matter rot then tells him take the flesh puppet for example I took brain samples last time I worked on you and that's what created those after throwing the bloody coat hanger into the sink rot says that should be enough for today let's let you get a little rest after passing out Logan slowly begins to wake up in a basement full of dead bodies and blood written along the walls he tries to focus telling himself that he needs to get out of here then a claw pops out he cuts down the door and he says I need to kill them all who thirst Charlie comes charging down the hall and Logan sinks one fist into his chest telling him oh you'll too then with another swing of his arm Charlie's head flies off and Logan continues walking down the hall Logan again here rot telling his great-great grandfather that he can't wait to show him what he's making it's gonna make you strong again as mother turns back she sees Logan a shout eggs louse inside Logan's head all they can hear are the words kill him kill them he yells as he jumps to the air slashing away at mother and then grandfather as deployed because his spread on the floor Logan hears a familiar voice scream now he knows that voice right as he opens up the door he sees nurse fester holding Melita fester shouts for him to stay back and all the flush cruisers begin to take the shape of everyone he knows but Logan tells himself they're not real I just have to fight my way through it after cutting everything to pieces Molina looks at Logan and asks if he's but he grabs her kissing her telling her yeah it's me I don't know room rot is watching a screamed Logan on it stating isn't that the sweetest Weapon X program and combined with my own special techniques of breached his mental defenses but as Logan kisses Malita Malita begins to change into Bayley an and over the intercom Rock asks tater how he's feeling more like your old self Logan turns his head back and tells him yes much better rock tells and that's good because you got work to do we have interlopers coming to crash our little family reunion right about this very second and outside of the building is Malita with Special Agent Wells as they start to surround rods house rock tells him make sure you murder every last one of them okay as the FBI agents begin to make their way towards the house the chainsaw rips through the doors and Charlie busts out cutting off the arm of one of the men elsewhere another team calls in to see what's going on but across them is bailing an aunt who asks the agency if David like to play over in the barn mother and nurse fester hold down Special Agent Wells and as they struggle mother manages to inject him with some medicine however outside of all of this Malita sits and waits in the car waiting for a word from anyone she sighs stating that she wishes he was here and then she looks back and sees him but Tanner tells her in Logan's body not really that old boys did he jumps down onto her and Malita tells him I get it you're not Logan but even with his unbreakable bones you got some soft bits and she swings up hitting tater in the groin and running off as she runs tater calls out you can't run very far for me tater runs through the woods tearing a path as he goes and then my leader runs into someone she looks up and sees Charlie staring at her and then Bailey and punches her asking tater what's taking you so long Bailey and that throws Malita to the ground and calls out to Logan but his tater lifts his knife Logan's mind begins to recite dream a dream of pretty prey blood red as rage Logan's life begins to flash through his mind the things that he's done the people's that he's met and then there's the pop of claws he lifts up Bailey pne's body with those claws and she asks if it's tater and Logan tells her no your boyfriend's dead after setting Bailey Nan's body on the ground Molina asks is it you I brought help but Logan turns and walks away without saying a word over and the barn mother asks what they're going to do with their special agent friend now as Wells body is hanging there fester says that rock could benefit from having a mole in the FBI and then they hear a crash they turned back to see the shadow of Logan and him stating you better hope rot is good it's fiction of guts a short while later rot because the question why there have been no reports and when he turns and calls out to everyone hears a voice Logan tells him you should be calling for your great-great grandpa to rot turns back to see Logan stand there holding his gory great-grandfather by the throat he throws the body to the ground breaking the brain container and rod says ah Wolverine as Logan starts to walk forward rot recites the program code to stop Logan again but it isn't working he keeps saying and he stops asking how is it that you anchored yourself mentally Logan looks at him and tells him you've had this coming for a long time and just then the flesh creatures grab Logan and pull him back while Logan starts hacking away rot runs off to the next room telling him that they were just made for each other each creature that you kill you're destroyed things that you'll never get back however as Logan walks through rot tells him stop or I'll but Logan stabs him in the stomach and asks do what scream bleed rot tries to tell them there's more trigger phases dozens of them Logan tells them that's enough your family is dead and now I'm killing you with a swing of his arm rots head flies off a few moments later the house begins to burn down and Logan carries agent Wells out and tells a bolita that he'll live and if they want to talk to him he'll be in a school as he tries to walk off Malita stop some asking shouldn't the two of us talk about this Logan turns back telling her I don't know what to say I don't remember who you are a few days later Logan returns to a school and as he walks through the halls he can't see the faces of those that he's forgotten the things that rot pulled out of his brain he can heal his brain but he can't heal the memories that he's lost he's pretty sure the things that he's forgotten are gonna come around a bite him in the ass one of these days however back in the woods nurse Bester holds her intestines from falling out as she begins to crank a machine the machine begins to hum and turn on and from a giant cannister a fleshy blob falls out that blob stands up rot tells his great-great granddad I'm sorry I wasn't able to bring you back but I'll make you proud one day first things first now let's dig up everything for the Weapon X program and there you have a Wolverine goes to hell now before you ask yes technically there is a final volume to it but they completely shift the direction and they were no longer going on this trail of him trying to make amends for his past and the final volume of Joe's it's a completely different story hopefully starting up something new but they ended up canceling this Wolverine run starting up something new afterwards so this is as far as we intend to take the Wolverine goes to hell vol saga because as you could tell from the beginning to the ending it almost had a completely different tone a completely different direction it didn't it was going in a weird it was a lot of him fixing up his old stuff but overall it was just weird the direction it took but I hope you guys enjoyed this long series of Wolverines storylines and I hope we'll see you next time right here if you enjoyed this please consider subscribing to the channel and I'll see you next time right here at the comic store
Channel: Comicstorian
Views: 414,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comicstorian, comic books, dc, dc entertainment, marvel, storytelling, full story, dc universe, justice league, comic theories, avengers, superhero, injustice, miles morales, deadpool kills the marvel universe, batman, gwenpool, godspeed, doom patrol, marvel zombies, spider man, logan, marvel comics, scene, fight scene, deadpool, superheroes, claws, ryan reynolds, movie clip, comics, x-men, hugh jackman, the wolverine, mutant, 4k, movie, xmen, weapon x
Id: zJz7g5e2gvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 51sec (6291 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 02 2019
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