White Lantern Saga (Kyle Rayner) Full Story | Comicstorian

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It's okay guys it's just nekros prime from warframe

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Aug 05 2019 🗫︎ replies
welcome to the comic storyand channel where we create complete stories and full stories we take the lore to your favorite comic books and video games and movies and we take that story and we present it to you in a audio narrative format allowing you to enjoy it as a pseudo movie while going about your regular day well at this channel we've been around for quite some time and because of that we've got some older videos in playlists that people don't know exists so we're going to take some of our really old videos and put together a we're calling the white lantern saga now the story is going to begin with the blackest night and at this time we did very condensed story lines so this is a very condensed version of the blackest night and then the same thing with the brightest day we then spread it out a little bit more as we tell you the story of Kyle Rayner and the new Guardians and then what ends up happening to the white lantern himself so what you're gonna get is old old videos in a nice format to explain to you the full story of what actually happened to the white lantern now keep in mind we are going to be remaking the blackest night and brightest day storylines very soon so you're gonna get a much longer form version of those storylines but for the sake of the white lantern this is give me the cliff notes that you need to understand what happened to Kyle Rayner white lantern the blackest night happens after all of the lantern types have been discovered and there's a prophecy that the blackest night will be arriving soon the Guardians have been doing what they can to prevent it but after a few Green Lantern's get swallowed up by the Black Lantern battery as it calls out for flesh it's too late it's awake and it picks William hand as it's anchored to the mortal coil this is also taking place during the period in which everyone thinks that Batman is dead but he's actually traveling through time so with that going on things begin with Hal and Barret paying their respects to Batman their friend who they think was recently killed by Darkseid and they reflect and all of the friends that they have lost Martian Manhunter Aquaman firestorm and countless other superheroes and now Batman they comment how they hope everyone finds a way back just like they did and they head off from the graveyard but somebody else was there black hand steps out of the shadows and he takes Bruce Wayne's skull from his grave rise Bruce Wayne for the dead will rise John John's Ronnie Raymond Ryan Kendal Roscoe Dillon Lisa snart digger Harkness Arthur Curie rise every dead super hero and villain suddenly receives a Black Lantern ring and they rise from their graves and John John's standing in front of Hal and Barry would like to know how are you guys alive right now things kick off right dead with the dead walking amongst their former friends and the first superheroes to fall are Hawkman and Hawkgirl to the Black Lantern elongated man and suit Digby and now that they're dead Carter Hall Kendra Saunders rise over with Hal Jordan and Barry Allen they look rather shocked to see John John standing in front of them and how it quickly uses his ring to figure out that John's isn't what he seems and their fight begins the flash and Green Lantern quickly get away but then our Black Lantern Martian Manhunter goes crazy on the city did everyone forget that he's as powerful of Superman flash and Green Lantern quickly go to work trying to stop him but he quickly begins to mess with their minds so that they think that they're fighting him when in actuality they're fighting each other meanwhile back in space the Black Lantern rings are moving over the entire universe looking for any dead body that they can jump on to and this is where things get really bad because Aquaman shows up and begins to attack Bera aqua woman and dead man begins to panic that his body is going to rise but how can it rise when he's actually standing next to it as a spirit more superheroes and villains keep reviving all over the place and it even manages to take over Spectre the spirit of vengeance but things for the Green Lantern and flash back over the city get even worse with all of the local black lanterns showing up looking for them out in deep space all of the dead members of the Green Lantern Corps begin to rise Mogo included and the other course they're all dealing with their members reviving yellow sapphire and orange are all now facing enemies that cannot be defeated back on earth again the Green Lantern and flash are trying their best to defeat their former friends and they seem to be failing that is until an indigo Lantern arrives and shows that she can destroy the black Lantern's by tapping into the emotional spectrum she quickly grabs the flash in Green Lantern and she teleports them to the Hall of Justice we're standing there is Mara firestorm in the atom they all ask her what is going on does she know what these black Lantern's and these zombie things are and she explains that the darkness was here in the beginning and it was placed in check by all of the other emotions while the darkness is now pushing against us again and all of the lantern cores are gonna need to come together to stop him and by him I mean necron the entity of the Black Lantern Corps but before they can come up with a solid plan the black Lantern's find them and begin to assault this small batch of surviving superheroes caught off guard the evil Black Lantern firestorm quickly turns the current firestorms girlfriend into table salt killing her and removing firestorm from the equation every time the black Lantern's kill somebody that power levels on the ring continues to grow and with the death of the other half of firestorm the black Lantern's are at 56.50 6% but killing the other half of firestorm wasn't even their goal you see the Justice League keeps the bodies of their enemies in a crypt but Neath the Hall of Justice which means that a whole bunch of former villains are now waking up as black Lantern's the Indigo tribe members see this as being a problem and she quickly grabs Hal Jordan and warps him away to build a group of lanterns to face against this coming threat flash Mara and the atom all escaped through a phone line using atoms powers now across the galaxy everyone is losing their fight against the undead the Black Lantern rings brought here by the emotional spectrum are being used to try and take over the entire universe with black hand leading the charge as necrons connection to the real world the lanterns need to come together or this'll end horribly knowing this the Indigo tribe goes down and grabs each one of the primary members of their respected core and they assemble Hal Jordan for green Larfleeze for orange Sinestro for yellow st. Walker for blue Carol Ferris for sapphire and Atrocitus for red while they may not like each other they all realize that they need to stop the black Lantern's or everything will be lost back on earth flash does what flash does best he warns everybody on the entire planet to hold off the black Lantern's they aren't your old friends Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps are trying to stop the source of this right now just hold fast my friends we will win this day but can they because just now the power levels of the Black Lantern rings are reaching 100% and at 100% necron is brought to the mortal coil and he revived all of Ko city as black Lantern's but don't worry because the flash has friends and the Teen Titans and the Justice League show up and they go to town destroying the black Lantern's I mean come on guys no one can stand up against the combined effort of all of our superheroes right and to add fire to that fight the new combined Lantern show up and they begin to blast the black lantern battery core with all of their Lantern beams that's it guys the superheroes win cue the happy music for winning weight a black ring revives Batman and then he spits out a crap-ton of more rings and Diana price kal-el Conner Kent part Allen Oliver Queen die you see Necron explains that many of the superheroes have died some of them repeatedly but they didn't escape death nekron let them go back to earth and he did it for this purpose because they are all still connect to him and now there are his black lanterns the Barry Allen and Hal Jordan also recently revived and the Rings begin to chase them don't worry though because Barry runs two seconds into the future breaking the connection the Rings had to them making them temporarily immune to the chasing rings to help even the odds once again again fed of the Green Lantern Guardians causes a chain reaction and all of the Rings forcing them to duplicate and seek more members for their respected Court welcome the newest member of the various Lantern cores Barry Allen for hope the atom for compassion scarecrow for fear Lex Luthor for greed Mara for rage and Wonder Woman for love they all go crazy on all of the black Lantern's melting them left and right and through merging with parallax once again Hal Jordan is even able to take out the Black Lantern spectre of regardless of all the power they have they still can't harm Necron eventually after some infighting in a battle against Black Hand nekron literally takes the heart out of one of the Guardians and slams it into the ground and he's making contact but with what behold the entity the beginning of life and life in all of the universe began right here on earth and nekron aims to kill it because all living beings are connected to it this is necrons masterplan kill everything by killing the entity but the entity is just like any of the entities for any of the cores if he can be hosted by someone they might have the power to stop Necron and it's Sinestro who wants to prove his worth to everyone and save the universe as the first white Lantern but it's still not enough nekron just reaches inside of Sinestro and tries to rip the entity right out of him what can they possibly do to stop this Hal Jordan gets all of the cores to blast neck run with the power of all of the Rings and he then says Necron you wanted to take credit for all of us coming back from the dead but it wasn't you we chose life everybody came back from the dead because we did it ourselves we all chose life when given the option and we are all connected to life the entity sees the and gives everyone who came back from the dead a white ring the white Lantern Corps is now born the white rings go even further and they revive William hand back to humanity which is necrons connection to this world and lastly it revives everybody who rose first Aquaman Deadman Hawkman Hawkgirl all of them are back and with no connection to the mortal coil any longer nekron is defeated by our superheroes choosing life things are a bit off in the aftermath heroes and villains have been revived from the dead and for what reason we don't know even the anti-monitor has been revived from the dead and his roaming free in the universe once again and black hand has vanished with the Indigo tribe and Deadman is no longer dead for some reason there also seems to be a single white lantern crash-landed in the world right now I need you to understand the Lantern cores and their history everything for the lanterns it came to a head in the blackest night I need you to understand that all the cores had a prophecy a purpose and a goal they all knew about the blackest night and they all knew it was coming but the lantern story it doesn't end there the cores didn't close their books and turn in their rings one short individual blue in nature begins walking through this temple talking to himself he needs you to understand that the future is now unwritten the universe has endured its horrible night and it entered a new day the brightest day my day I wrote that in the oath so long ago fer of reason before the Green Lantern Corps before the Manhunters I protected the universe under the watchful eyes of the guardians and I will do it again not even Hal Jordan will stand in my way as he enters a room with every Corps listed out we see where parallax went after he escaped in the blackest night we see what happened to him this person this blue individual has the entity that makes up the fear core parallax held captive Hal Jordan and Carol Ferris are celebrating the fact that they're alive and well they have just stopped the end of the universe 24 hours ago and they saved everyone so what do two pylons do to celebrate well they hit to the skies and they hit new limits that is until Sinestro destroys both Jets as his way of saying hello Hal and Carol whip out the Rings to get ready for a fight but Sinestro stops them I'm not here to fight I found the white lantern and the entity and it's asking for you how but while Sinestro was explaining where the white Lantern is we discovered that oddly Larfleeze is on earth looking for the fictional Santa Claus Saint Walker is helping bury the dead from the blackest night and one of the guardians along with Guy Gardner is explaining to Atrocitus that he's needed on earth for his entity sohow Sinestro and Carol all head to New Mexico where the white lantern is just sitting there all by itself no one knows what it is or where it came from or even why it's here so they each put a little effort into lifting it and discover that no one can almost like it's the sword in the stone but when they decide to lift it off the ground together that's when something happens that's when the white lantern speaks it cries out to the three lanterns standing in front of them help me live around house and sto and carol appears the constructs of everyone the white lantern has revived and it tells how Jordan to find them he looks around confused and he says who in its States find the predator Orpha died adhara proselyte the butcher and ion and Sinestro realizes what this is how it wants us to find the entities the entities for each core the problem is my listeners how Sinestro and Carol are already behind the curve as our mysterious blue skinned individual from the start is already at the location of ion the entity for the Green Lantern Corps and the entity for willpower ion is actually being kept by one of the noblest of the Green Lantern Corps members and the power is being used to keep his son powered up our mystery person then takes ion and he jails him up alongside parallax well while this was going on how discovered that Atrocitus is on the planet earth and he heads over there to discover why after a few blows are exchanged in what also involves a cameo by lobo how discovers that Atrocitus is here to get his entity the butcher and he explains that he is here for the entity because someone is capturing them all someone is traveling the universe to trap each entity and currently already has parallax an ion Atrocitus then explains that the rest of the entities are all trapped on earth right now looking for new hosts he then takes off sohow realizes that Carol Sinestro Atrocitus Larfleeze saint walker and himself are all going to need to team up to capture these entities for their own protection and while he and Carol are both worried about how deadly they can be Carol says maybe they're like The Corrs and maybe they aren't all bad during the discussions of the trosset us though our Mysterious Villain has arrived on earth and he's talking to an old Green Lantern villain if you help me I'll help you Hector Hammond so our journey to assemble the cores begins with Hal Jordan flying to Minnesota you see the local police have been reporting about a dog looking monster going into people's houses and stealing things and then he holds up in the local forest so Hal takes a stroll through the forest until his ring warns him that the light of avarice is closing in around him how looks around worried and he realizes that the light of avarice is just Larfleeze his constructs putting up Christmas lights he throws a few constructs at the orange Lantern goons and they fully leading him right to Larfleeze whom he finds hunched over a desk writing a note he asks Larfleeze what he's doing at earth and Larfleeze just says I'm writing what does it look like I'm doing now on very busy Green Lantern go away but Hal's not to be brushed off so easily no I mean what are you doing on earth I live here now Larfleeze says matter-of-factly well Larfleeze explains that he wants to live on earth because here everyone shares his greedy urges and he wants to stay here until Christmas because that's when Santa Claus arrives side note if you want to know what happens with Larfleeze and Hal for Christmas now that he wants to meet Santa Claus check out our orange lantern Christmas special because there is a story there anyway Hal shrugs off this weird desire to be here and asks Larfleeze about his entity does Larfleeze know or Orpha deines Larfleeze just holds up his Lantern and says I have him trapped in my Lantern Hal is a little surprised that that's exactly where the entity is and he explains the lard fleas that they're trying to save the other entities from something that's trying to kill them but Larfleeze just looks at all what do these entities do but Hal ignores him can you show me how you trapped orphan he asks and just then the orange lantern is taken from Larfleeze and it floats over to Hector Hamet Larfleeze freaks out that's mine and begins to throw as many orange constructs as you can at Hammond to the point where he's actually getting in house away meanwhile while all of this is going on saint walker is prepping a vessel for his entity to take over adora the entity of hope has a I've done earth back with Larfleeze and Hammond Hammond decides that he'll just use his giant head to swallow the entire lantern and while Larfleeze can't believe that this guy actually ate what was his voice inside of the lantern says through Hammond it's time for a makeover or Verdine then takes over Hammonds body making him the host of the entity of avarice hey Ward Larfleeze looks at Hal and he says you know it was a bit tricky to try by entity in my lantern and Hal just nods I figured the oversized two or four nine possessed Hammond reaches out and grabs Larfleeze with his tongues you dare enslave me but how steps need to prevent Larfleeze from peeing Eden are you eating aliens now Hector isn't that a little over the top even for you and that's when the personality of Hammond takes back over and he realizes that the one thing he's always wanted is now in his grasp the one thing that will now become his Carol Ferris and he takes off at Lightspeed Hal enlarge leaves look at each other and Larfleeze jumps on how my lantern I can't live without it so Hal takes Larfleeze with them to Carol's last known location in Las Vegas meanwhile Carol is patrolling through Las Vegas looking for the predator the entity of love when her ring picks up an extreme amount of lantern energy assuming it's the predator in action she runs over to the location only to find Larfleeze running around Las Vegas singing Viva Las Vegas I've arrived the problem is that this isn't what Carol is sensing as the predator has taken over a host and a man who's been pining after a girl that he couldn't have seeing Carol the predator laughs at her and says you are not the one I am here for tonight and he blows her out the window surely to plummet to her death except Hal catches her in a Green Lantern at lazy boy chair construct I wonder if those come in various other brands the host of the predator keeps calling out for a woman named Alisa to love him as Carol and Hal begin to battle with him Larfleeze then jumps in since the predator just ruined his buffet but Larfleeze gets removed from the battle quickly as the predator shows him the one thing that he loves and he wants his family and that his family is actually still alive Larfleeze is confused and he falls to his knees the predator then takes off with this Lisa girl where he screams at her I just want you love me but Carol explains we all want that and we all want to know what it feels like to be loved this forces the predator to stop in his tracks and Carol reaches in stating that she wants the same thing she then kisses the host of the predator which pushes the predator entity out of the host and then the sumerians used this chance to teleport Hal Carol Larfleeze and the predator to their home world you see the Sumerians are the keepers of the Star Sapphire rings they are also known as the guardians of love and they explain that they plan to trap the predator but Carol jumps in the way and tells them that they can't the predator didn't do anything wrong unlike the other entities the predator doesn't infect its host it's infected by its host and it took a host that just doesn't understand love the Sumerians decided to restrain Carol as she's preventing them from trapping the entity but the Queen steps up and says no she's right thus with her last breath she declares that Carol Ferris is her successor and then she dies every Sumerian then turns to Carol and declares all hail Carol Ferris the new queen of the star sapphires boy that escalated quickly meanwhile Atrocitus and Sinestro are searching in Montana for the entity of rage and the entity of hope adhara seeks out a young girl who's in a bad situation and joins with her back on the homeworld of the star sapphires Larfleeze is going to town trying to kill the man who was hosting the predator for stealing his privacy when Hal arrives and he tells him dammit Larfleeze when you work with me you don't cross the line confused Larfleeze yells at him I didn't cross any line who's crossing what line is there a line at all but before they continue seeing Walker calls to he'll come celebrate with us adora has chosen her host well this can't be good Hal and Larfleeze arrived just in time to see the young girl that a dora has possessed and Hal begins trying to figure out what he needs to do to actually fix this but Larfleeze when Lara flees arrived he got struck with hope adora informs him that his family is in fact alive and they do in fact know he's alive and they miss him adora then reaches out to connect with Hal when the flash runs through and wants to know all right what's going on Hal explained this right now meanwhile the entity of compassion has found its host in a dying EMT Hal explains to flash that he has the whole thing under control it's fine flash could just go back to the Justice League and call it good and that's when a Daraa states all will be well Hal just looks sheepishly at the flash and says I uh I'm planning to fix that the flash goes on about how needs to have a reality check he's teaming up with his enemies and he's ignoring the Justice League he has other friends that can help good guys that can help and just then the Indigo tribe arrives with their vessel declaring that they are here to team up against an unknown enemy and they bring their entity with them Hal and flesh realized right away that something is a bit odd because the Indigo tribe has black hand with them they questioning to go one but she says that she gave black hand to the ring and they gave him compassion they then explain how indigo rings work to Hal and he realizes that the Indigo rings just brainwashed their users side note if you're curious a little bit more about the indigo rings and how they brainwashed their users check out the indigo 1 origins video as how quickly gets his ring ready to attack in two go one now that he realizes that she's just brainwashed and stating that he doesn't know if he can even trust the Indigo tribe anymore our mystery villain finally arrives but he isn't alone he comes in riding a parallax the entity of fear and he sends it in to flash to possess him parallax quickly uses the Flash's speed to begin wrecking Hal realizing that he won't be able to beat Flash's speed Hal drags him off the granite into the sky that parallax is too powerful and he uses his powers to break free from the constructs and get back in the ground in a hurry where how straight up challenges him I know what you want parallax you want to be what are you afraid to try and take me over again but our mystery villain stops them you will not try parallax you will not take over Hal Jordan again with his previous experiences he will likely resist you and that's when we see who this mystery person is because Hal states that he looks like a guardian but he has emotion so at that moment Saint Walker indigo one Larfleeze in Hal Jordan all turn on this villain this evil Guardian and he just laughs thank you for bringing all of these entities into one location and he just absorbs them all hope compassion beer all join his collection as he removes his bandages and he reveals that he is corona the renegade guardian you see Crona was a guardian who wanted to explore the origins of the universe and what he found it he accidentally created the antimatter universe due to this he was banished to long ago by the other Guardians meanwhile Atrocitus and Sinestro are in an enormous fight with the butcher and the spectre but it ends with Atrocitus getting the butcher and placing him into a pocket dimension you know the same one where he keeps his Lantern Hal begins to unload everything into Corona but then he discovers it was Corona who invented the Lantern technology that enabled the trapping of the entities and just as Hal figures this out and Korra is absorbing the energy of the ring Hector Hammond finally returns with the entity of avarice at the same time Atrocitus and Sinestro arrive with the butcher to join the fight Hammond inspects Atrocitus and he realizes that the butcher is being kept in the pocket dimension and Corona declares I invented that also and with that he reaches into Atrocitus his pocket dimension and he pulls the butcher out Corona then declares I've done it I have all of the entities and now I can leave this wretched world and begin my conquest he that hits every Lantern owner was a sheer blast of emotion Hal wakes up in the watchtower with Batman Superman in the flash and they ask him what the heck he was doing working with villains ignoring the Justice League causing mass destruction with all of these other lanterns but Hal only wants to know one thing what happened to Corona and Batman tells him you lost Hal just then the rest of the LAN chest teleport in with indigo ones power and they tell how to come with them now they're gonna get their entities back and they're going to fix this how powers of his ring and he apologizes to Batman Superman in the flash and then he vanishes a much larger adventure awaits our lanterns our story begins with a member of the yellow corps tormenting space pirates until his ring removes itself from his hand and it takes off into space claiming that he's been decommissioned the space pirates that he was tormenting take this opportunity to attack and kill him a member of the red Corps soft burning murderers alive when he becomes decommissioned and his ring leaves him killing him as red rings act as the hearts to their wearers a member of the Star Sapphire core loses her ring as she's trying to save you a loving family from certain death only to be rescued by fatality of the Star Sapphire core before she could perish and Kyle Rayner well he's on earth saving people as usual and after a brief argument with a kid about his choice in costume Kyle's day gets a lot more interesting as a blue ring arrives declaring Kyle Rayner of Earth you have been chosen followed quickly by a yellow ring a red ring a sapphire ring an orange ring and an indigo ring Kyle Rayner of Earth you've been chosen and Kyle simply declares well this can't be good if only Kyle knew how right he was as our Killough of the yellow corps jumps in to get his cores ring back and then he gets sucker-punched by an enraged bullies of the red Corps fatality of the star sapphires and monk of the indigo core both teleport in and they tell Kyle to give back what he stole it each core begins their onslaught again Skylar's beliefs Bews napalm blood all over the bystanders requiring Kyle to save them and our killer throws Kyle through the ground and into the subway system this entire time the rings are circling around Kyle and everyone is trying to grab their respected cores back but once they do they get hit with a charge and the Rings declare feedback overload so Kyle takes off of the skies trying to get away from all of these other cores only to become encased by a violet light crystal which in prisons him by fatality but that won't stop Kyle because his ring begins to declare its power levels are rising 70% 80% 90% a hundred percent a hundred and ten percent one hundred and twenty percent Kyle breaks out of the crystal and he realizes that this can only mean one thing sage Walker has arrived to aid his friend and he lets Kyle know that he is here to see what's going on with the blue ring but that doesn't matter because all will be well Saint Walker overcharges Kyle's green ring and the two of them blast off at light speed into space to escape the rest of these other cores Kyle tells Saint Walker that they're gonna go ask camp that of the guardians of the universe what's going on and the two of them travel through space now while Kyle has Saint Walker traveled to space I want to explain something Camfed is probably the only friendly guardian as he understands what needs to happen and he wants to see the universe be taken care of properly while the rest of the guardians just want straight order regardless of the cost Gant that is willing to embrace his emotions and allow them to help him in making the right decisions he is the guardian who hand-picked Kyle and he is the guardian who started the Blue Lantern Corps of Hope with his fellow Guardians Sade both Kyle and Saint Walker view him as sort of a father figure while the rest of the ring bearers decide that they're gonna give chase to Kyle and get their rings back just as Kyle and Saint Walker arrive on OA Kyle finds forget that is located Amy heads to the main guardian chamber a smile forms on Kyle's face as he sees Gant that and he has over to see him and ask him what's going on get that I haven't heard for you and I was worried about you but get that replies you should only worry about your sector Lantern Kyle Kyle looks puzzled what's wrong with you get that it's me Kyle and the other Guardians reply with there is nothing wrong with brother Gant that his emotions were impeding his judgment so we've removed them for him and Kyle snaps at them you lobotomized him and the Guardians apply with no he is still fully capable now explain to us why these rings have sought you out and Kyle just yells I don't know that's why I came to you Gant that and just then every ring slips onto Kyle's fingers Kyle looks very worried and he should because the next thing that happens is every ring welcomes Kyle to their core and he wields every ring at the same time a blast of energy shoots out of Kyle knocking back all of the Guardians and the Guardians stand their estate this is impossible no human can harness every emotion filled with rage greed willpower hope compassion love fear Kyle overloads on all of it and he loses control of every ring they all shatter except for the orange ring and he falls to the ground exhausted yet that comes over and declares Crona tried the same thing Kyle and he was an immortal you hope to control every ring and just then the orange ring reveals its true nature as ghulam ulis it was never an orange ring it was simply another member of the orange Lantern Corps which is just a construct of the orange Lantern Corps Kyle starts to wake up and he realizes what's going on and he simply says this can't get any worse and just then every member of the other cores come barreling in the guardians of the universe go to town removing all of the threats that the ring bearers posed to them all that is until Larfleeze himself comes through the ceiling riding atop his personal guardian sayed declaring you are all mine Kyle asks Larfleeze if he plans to fight the Guardians alone and Larfleeze replies with of course not I expect my new Guardians to chip in so the ring bearers all get up and they prepare to get involved in this battle with Larfleeze when Sade gets up and tells Kyle that if he wants to know why the rings were attracted to him he needs to leave right this second but Kyle refuses and he says I could say ganthet and he jumps right back into the fight telling get that to let him help the Gant that tells Kyle do not worry about me you can't rely on the other courts for help stay here and let us Guardians study you let us figure out why you're attracting the other rings trust me one more time Kyle please but Kyle sees at the camp that he knew is gone and he blasts ganthet with all the willpower he has declaring from now on I forged my own future he runs over to monk and he tells him to teleport all of these new guardians out of here they need to go and boom just like that they all end up on Okara the homeworld of the orange lanterns and of Larfleeze please immediately takes off with a Red Lantern homeworld in a hurry and her kill oh is furious at a monk for forcing him to retreat but after Saint Walker calms down a kill oh they have a chat about what's going on Sade and Larfleeze explain why his ring wasn't a ring and why the Rings went to Kyle you see Lara fleas in Sade felt something pulling at the Rings trying to get the power out of the Rings Lara fleas felt that this was happening because he always holds on to his Lantern so he sent a Kalam ulis out to pretend to be a ring to see where the others were going he Vincent's aide to the location that they were being pulled from and what Sade found was an entire solar system sized ship that looked like a solar system coming through a white dwarf star so our kill Oh fatality saint walker kyle monk and globulus all head to the solar system sized space ship to investigate what they discover is that each of these planet sized ships is actually a planet on the inside they've got a remade tomb area they've got a remade Okara as well as other well known planets and the Vega system all recreated right down to the inhabitants they discover that this collection of worlds is a remake of existing world in the Vega system in its entirety which is the solar system that Larfleeze resides in and this ship is calling itself the orrery this entire ship in this entire remade solar system is presided by one man the archangel Invictus he steps out and he witnesses that he's being invaded by other ring bearers and just like the orange LED wielding scum he begins to utterly wreck the entire group his power is insane and one by one he breaks down the ones who he says wield the darkness they don't even stand a chance against him until he reaches Saint Walker Saint Walker uses his power to see into Invictus his mind to bring him hope and try to fix his attitude but the blue light of hope brings forth nothing because as Invictus says he is the hero of this tale and he is the hero here to rescue a solar system he sees that Saint Walker obviously fights for what's right but he seems to be confused so he explains what his purpose is you see the Archangel Invictus and his people the Archangels used to watch over the Vega system they were trying their best to cultivate this into a or house of a solar system with super intelligent and passive races everything was going as planned until one day Larfleeze came out of nowhere and began trapping the residents of the planets in his orange ring turning them into his orange lantern constructs the Archangels of course fought back but they kept losing to Larfleeze and their race doesn't die like normal once an archangel dies his power goes back into a pool in which all of the Archangels share from so every time Larfleeze killed an archangel to add to his collection they would slip out of his grasp until Vindictus was the last remaining archangel in this universe eventually this led Invictus into a direct fight with Larfleeze and the two of them fought but due to the fact that Invictus had all the power of all of the Archangels at his disposal now he was actually able to begin defeating Larfleeze and he opened up a white door star so that he could banish the evil ring wielder but Larfleeze had his own plants and he used his constructs to throw Invictus into the portal instead so st. Walker looks at Invictus confused then your purpose can't be one of vengeance he states and Invictus replies no I've rebuilt the entire solar system so that I could replace the tainted one that Larfleeze has created well since Invictus has been taking so long explaining his evil plot Kyle was able to recover he asks if you were able to remove our rings why didn't you while we were down and Invictus replies with if I could remove your rings I would have defeated the orange beast eons ago so Kyle puzzlingly looks at Invictus he says so you didn't remove a bunch of ring wielders rings that send them to me and Invictus says What nonsense who told you I could do that so they begin to try and talk it out to solve the issue but just as they appear to be getting somewhere Belize returns and she begins to spray napalm blood all over the place screaming you dare take a red ring of course this makes Invictus mad as he thinks that their plan was to distract him the fighting begins again but it doesn't get much further as Invictus is still all-powerful and still able to remove the threat of the ring bearers without a problem after a little bit more fighting and a little bit more of talking Kyle finally stalks down and victus again and Invictus agrees to stop on one addition Kyle and these new guardians but they'll kill water fleas for him well the new Guardians leave the orrery and they tried to decide what they're gonna do now but first they need to go charge their rings a few things happen during this period such as arkillo learning that he is one of the last yellow lanterns and getting the weapon er of cord to work with him because Sinestro has gone through and destroyed the yellow power battery and he disbanded the Corps as a green lantern Saint Walker returned to his homeworld to discover that it was being assaulted by the reach which is the homeworld of the Blue Beetle armor the blue lanterns lost their battle that day and the Blue Lantern power battery was destroyed as they tried to get it off of their planet but since the blue legend world was hidden from all Saint Walker assumes that it was Larfleeze who gave out this location so he decides it's time for Larfleeze to answer for all of his crimes the group comes back together eventually and they decide that they are going to go get rid of Larfleeze it's time for him to answer for everything he's done I mean he's an evil guy he's killed billions and now a whole solar system is about to die because of his actions well they may not kill him it's time for them to remove this problem from the Green Lantern lore for good so they come up with a masterful plan in which they'll sneak in and attack Larfleeze but honestly none of it works because Ghulam ulis is one of Larfleeze his constructs so anything that globulus knows Larfleeze knows Kyle looks hurt and he looks at glomming and he says I thought you were one of us thought we were friends glom II and Columbia just looks sad but he feels he betrayed Kyle but Larfleeze replies with I have friends too and you'll be joining them today and he begins his attack on the new guardians meanwhile at the edge of the Vega system and victus arrives and he announces that he's here to get rid of the entire solar system for its crimes in his debauchery he will abide this no longer and with that he destroys an entire planet and replaces it with his own back when Larfleeze in the new guardians the attacks continue with Larfleeze just laughing as his toys at beat on these new guardians and while this is all going on seeing Walker demands to know why lark Lee sent the reach to destroy his homeworld but Larfleeze just laughs I didn't send anyone after you blue van turned if I wanted to destroy you I wouldn't have shared that pleasure with any but kayo realizes Larfleeze is one weakness so he tells monk to channel the energy of avarice back on Larfleeze burned him with his own greed furious largely smacks Kyle over the head with his orange power battery and he tells Kyle to prepare to join his collection but just then kalam Ulis jumps in a screams master now Larfleeze just bombards globulus with his power and he swallows him back up into the ring and he tells him you stay dead this time furious that one of their own has gone down but Guardians rallied together in the attack Larfleeze once and for all they're doing this for globulus they're doing it as a team as the new guardians and Larfleeze calls out my pet guardian save me save me Pet Guardian bus aide has had enough and she joins in declaring that she was never Larfleeze his pet and he will stop hurting them after all she did to bring these new Guardians together and then Kyle realizes Sade is the ring thief Sade started this whole thing and he simply stops and asks why if she replies you of all people should know why I did this Kyle but the rest of the new Guardians also stand firm and they ask I think we'd all like that answer Sade but just then and victus is floating planet ship looms overhead and the group decides that they may want to finish this first since their fight with Larfleeze is obviously over Kyle asks Larfleeze to join them in this fight they're gonna need the power of avarice to join them since globulus is no longer with them it's going to take all of the colors of the spectrum to stop Invictus they all hurry to the latest planet that he's planning to attack and invictus himself begins the battle with them by jumping down from his ship and attacking Larfleeze straightaway 1 billion years I have waited for Bob revenge and the rest of the new Guardians they stand there and they watch they all agree that Larfleeze deserves just a little bit of a beating and eventually they jump in to save them they use all of their powers combined for an epic battle against Invictus and while they are battling against him they have the weapon er of quard move the ori away from it victus traveling farther and farther away and everyone realizes that Invictus his power is coming from his solar system sighs ship with it leaving he has no powers anymore and he realizes this too but he realizes that a little too late as they continue to move it away and he begins to fade into nothing paid out of existence and he finally perishes Larfleeze grabs Invictus and says I finally got an angel and he takes off for a car again but the rest of the lantern stopped right there and they look at Sayed and they demand to know what's going on she explains that when ganthet sand motions were taken from him his mind cried out across the galaxy and Sayed felt the most intense and overwhelming thing ever she felt them extinguishing his soul she was the only one who knew what happened to her beloved so she made a desperate plea and she took the Rings from the weakest members of each core and she sent them to the one person who loved ganthet as much as she did she sent each ring to Kyle because Gant that chose Kyle originally because of his potential to command every shade of the emotional spectrum something the Guardians couldn't even do she was hoping that Kyle would learn to control every emotion and tap into ultimate power and saved Anthon but the rest of the cores don't like what they're hearing and they decide that this group was poison from the start by Sade so they all leave [Music] have you ever wondered where this all began where did the Guardians discover this power who was the first to harness the emotional spectrum who is the first Lantern the guardians were well-intentioned they always had the betterment of the universe in mind but somewhere along the lines they slipped something went wrong they discovered a man one man who had somehow tapped into the power known as the emotional spectrum and one man who led Crona down his dark path this man became the first Lantern this man became the prisoner of the Guardians as he was deemed too dangerous to just let roam the galaxy the Guardians went on to use his power to start their Green Lantern Corps and now they've decided to tap into his power one more time this time to create their third army you see the Green Lantern's have been deemed a liability they're just too impulsive they make their own decisions and they don't listen to the Guardians they're driven by heart after many mishaps in the eyes of the Guardians they've decided to remove the Green Lantern Corps and replace it with this army the Third Army quickly we see the usefulness of this army as they create the first soldier he jumps onto a nearby man and he absorbs him he changes him into one of its own kind it takes over his mind it takes over his flesh and it ejects the weakness of the Green Lantern Corps the heart it erases any form of individual thought and the only thing that remains is the eyes of the original owner forever locked in a state of fear so where are Hal Jordan and Sinestro after our last adventure Sinestro discovered the book of black and he took it back to what he calls his Batcave he then went ahead and gave Hal Jordan are charged in the Green Lantern ring that he gave them last story arc and he brought him to the book which they opened revealing to them the entire Green Lantern history and sucking them up inside but it didn't ramp them inside like it's done before it spit them out right in front of black hand while he was enjoying Chinese food with his family they have an epic battle which ended in Hal as Sinestro using all of their power to countless black lantern puppets with Hal Jordan weakened and defeated Black Ant had an opportunity to kill him but he held off as the book of black told her how Jordan will become the greatest of the black Lantern's so black can let them get up and their fight continued while he demanded to know why it said that how can Hal Jordan be a Black Lantern but Hal Jordan didn't know so their fight continued until a force poked through everyone's rings every emotional spectrum ring all of the colors all at once lets me out something cried out through all of the Rings and it was the first agent being awoken to be used as the Guardians power source Sinestro and Hal didn't know what that was and they had bigger problems on their hands with black hand but just as the guardians were moving to their position to use the power of the first Lantern they saw through the Rings what Howe was doing they saw the Sinestro gave Hal a ring and they were working together to defeat Black Hand and they decided that this could become a potential problem they thought they removed the problem notice how Jordan so they instantly teleported there and protected Black Hand and then they declare black hand you will be our new Lantern and they overcharged him to max power he turns his full power against Hal and Sinestro and then black hand begins to suck him up into the land of the dead the land of the black Lantern's the land that is in his ring as they're getting sucked up their rings both decided that they are dying and they begin to try to pull away from Hal Sinestro but in an explosion of willpower and death Halas initial vanish and their rings take off for the heavens to find a new Green Lantern the Guardians then teleport black hand into the chamber of shadows where they were keeping the first Lantern and they declare that he is now their power source but the ring that was on hallasan Destro's finger it Reimer jizz back into one and takes off at light speed to find a new green lantern one without the intentions of the Guardians one with the intentions of both Hal Jordan and Sinestro it lands on a man named Simon bass and then a mixed message begins to play which basically tells him stop the Guardians but before he could do anything the Justice League would like to know what he's doing with a Green Lantern ring and as much as I would love to tell you this story this is the tale for another day because it's Simon's origin story so let's go across the galaxy now you see Halas and Esther are luckily not dead but they aren't in our universe anymore they're inside the realm of the black Lantern's and without them there's no one to warn the rest of the Green Lantern's there's no warning as to what's coming and because of this the Guardians had begun assimilating the entire galaxy with them reaching far and wide they end up intercepting guard Gardner and his Green Lantern honor guard and as much as Guy Gardner tries to fight against them he loses every single one of the honor due to this guy Gardner and the honor guard failed the mission that they were on and when guy went back to OA to try and explain what happened that these weird monsters arrived and took everyone he was forced to resign his ring by the Guardians all a part of their plan to ruin the core and its strongest members but salic and Kilowog have been secretly watching this whole thing unfold and they're trying to figure out how they can stop the Guardians how they can prevent this from happening any further but before salic can't even do anything the Guardians see him and they come down hard locking him up and removing any potential problem that he may possess he yells out that you're giving up on life and as they lock him away they tell him no çelik we're saving it things can't get much worse Halas and Esther are believed to be dead guy guard has been kicked out of the Corps Jon Stewart has been sent on an endless mission to try and repeat mo go together and Kyle well Kyle is out in space trying to master each of the rings he's trying to learn every emotion to become a white lantern the ultimate power of the Lantern mythos now he's aware that Hal Jordan has gone missing and he knows that ganthet is in trouble and if you're curious as to how he knows all of this check out our Green Lantern new guardians video but if only he knew how bad everything was maybe he'd be trying to stop it right now because right this second he's actually studying under Atrocitus and while it takes some convincing he mastered the rage of the red core but while he's struggling to contain these emotions he realizes that this journey isn't complete as he takes off to find our kill oh and he learns how to control fear and while this is going on the Guardians travel to the homeworld of the star sapphires you see they know the danger that Kyle Rayner possesses in them and they know that Carol Ferris is currently training him to take on all of the emotions of the spectrum so while they can't track Kyle any more because this ring is contaminated they can find Carol and find Kyle that way Kyle continues his journey by learning compassion and then eventually he has to go get greed from Larfleeze and after Carol promises to use her abilities to locate the one thing that Larfleeze wants his family he agrees to teach Kyle how to be greedy but before they can make any real headway the Guardians send in the third army because they tracked Carol to the location of Larfleeze and as Larfleeze saved Carol and our kill a fight the Third Army back Kyle grabs the orange lantern to charge off of it he must learn to control this emotion and now he just wants it he wants it he wants it more than anything but now is not really the time to begin losing yourself into the emotion and Carol realizes how much of a problem this is Kyle's losing himself to the greed emotion and our killer Carol and Larfleeze all rushed to Kyle to help him get out of there and Sadie yells out tell camp that I loved him Kyle do not let him die the soulless monster and sage stays behind to battle the Third Army alone dying in the process so that everyone can get Kyle out of there to find out what happened was Satan ganthet to get to this point you're gonna need to watch the previous two Green Lantern videos I'm really sorry but we can only put so much into this video meanwhile ganthet looks on a save dies before his eyes by looking through the eyes of the Third Army and he's not even disturbed he has decided that it's time to end a potential problem of Kyle and he will do it himself so he goes to their last location the homeworld of the star sapphires to end it Kyle himself you see Kyle's actually managed to master every single one of the emotions except for he lost one of his greatest loves in his life and he still hasn't gotten over that so he can't conquer love yet but he does fly to their homeworld to try and master this power it's the only thing standing between him and the power of the white lantern and when he gets there he sees Gant fed and he knows what's coming and yet that opens up with a blast of his power he hits Kyle and he tells them that he was a mistake that he should never have given him the ring and Kyle whips out the power of fear yelling I am NOT a mistake and then he channels compassion and he teleports next again that holy to eat a blast of the Guardian power to the face once again which enrages him so he channels rage but again that just grabs him and he wraps him up in the Guardians power you see I know that you've mastered avarice and hope but six emotions will not be enough to defeat me you are going to need love and without love you cannot win and it would appear that the sumerians agree with Gant that because they blast him with the power of love and just as everyone is beginning to win the Third Army descends on Cimmerian ready to absorb everyone there into their army when suddenly Kyle's friends the new Guardians Carol Saint Walker arkillo all arrived to put an end to this and everyone declares ignore the monsters focus on their master and they use everything on get that declaring that get that must die only to have Kyle leap in the way and yell out No if you believe in love then you need to believe that I can get through to him and again that looks on a disbelief Kyle stopped everything to save him so he stabs Kyle in the back literally Kyle falls to the ground and the blood begins to pool around him all hope is lost the one Lantern who could have possibly gained the power to stop the Guardians has been defeated and as he dies he looks to get that and he says I forgive you old man and get that turns love his forgiveness what appear you'll nonsense but Kyle believes it and he taps into the final emotion the emotion of love and upon mastering the final emotion Kyle becomes the first and the only white lantern of the white Lantern Corps instantly he understands all and he understands why the Guardians feared him becoming the white lantern as he uses the power of the life on the Third Army instantly killing them Gant that sees that he has failed to stop Kyle's transformation and he rockets off back to OA to tell the other Guardians and back on OA the Guardians begin to realize that they are spreading their army far far too thin and with the white lantern awakened they're going to need to tap further into the first Lantern they will get the power that they need meanwhile back on earth Simon is still learning how his ring works and learning what the Third Army is but now badge has arrived and is showing him how to charge his ring so that he can learn the message that Sinestro and Hal have left behind immediately both messages begin to play again but badge tells Simon to just untangle the messages and that's how they understand what happened how Sinestro split his ring and gave one to Hal because the Guardians kicked Hal out of the Corps how they battled against the black hand how the guardians showed up and powered up black hand and possibly killed them while this is going on badge finds the book of black and he tells Simon that they're gonna use the book of black to find out Jordan and bring them back so pack your things because we're gonna go looking for the greatest Green Lantern ever but before they can leave they have to pick up civilian guy Gardner and bring him with them after they fight off some more of the Third Army but how Jordan is Sinestro are somewhere else right now somewhere in the land of the dead tomar ray explains that they're here in the land of the dead for a reason because they need to stop the first Lantern the guardians are not the problem the first Lantern will change Lantern history as everyone knows it and the dead demand that they help and just as you think that this couldn't get any worse the Guardians put on a fake distress call to get all of the remaining Green Lantern's who haven't figured out their evil plan yet come back to OA they recall all of the Green Lanterns for an inoculation against the supposedly unknown threat that is taking over the Green Lanterns but guy badge and Simon know that this is a line Kyle Rayner knows that this is a lie and Kilowog knows that this is a lie so guy tells badges Simon to figure out what Hollis and Esther are and he asks badge to give him a power suit so he can go straight to OA and get his ring back this is oddly not the most suicidal thing that he's ever done so Simon a badge opened the book and they find themselves sucked into the chamber where black hand is being kept and while I would love to continue this story we will come back to that very soon once guy gets to the ring foundry he quickly finds the Kilowog has been hiding there and he asks for a sitrep what's going on so Kilowog explains that the Guardians have an energy field going and the moment at Lantern lands he has locked into the energy field and unable to move any Lantern flying again sees Green Lantern's standing there at attention so they're all falling for it thinking that this is normal so realizing that he's gonna need to try something drastic to get the Guardians off of the mainframe and allow Kilowog to warn every incoming Lantern guy remembers one toy from an earlier adventure that's still lying around and he attacks the Guardians head on using Coronas power gauntlet while he puts up a good fight the Guardians overwhelm him rather quickly so they ask him why would he come at them alone and he smirks I was the diversion it's called self-sacrifice the ancient blue bastards Kilowog uses this moment to finally tap into the central power battery and alert everyone the Guardians are in control of the Third Army and they're trying to eliminate the Green Lantern's I don't know why but we need to stop them but as that wasn't enough kyle rayner shows up as the white lantern along with the rest of the new Guardians Kyle cracks the ring foundry a Lying guy gardeners ring to go free and Guy Gardner is back in the Green Lantern Corps so the entire Green Lantern squad the entire new Guardians team even the Manhunters that Atrocitus is controlling all battle against the Guardians and the Third Army and seeing that they're officially going to lose this the guardian said the drawn as much power as they can from the first lantern to turn the tides in their favor but at that exact moment Kyle hits them with everything he has everything that he can muster with the power of every emotion causing the cell holding the first lantern to break and the universe stops it's time to meet both them it's time for everything as you know it to end when everything left off reality ended everything ended the Guardians leash their power from a being known as the first Lantern known as Volvo they created a third army of creatures to remove the Green Lantern's as the Green Lantern's had become a liability in their eyes just as the fight was about to be resolved they tried to draw too much power from the first Lantern and they broke his cell he is now free and he's not happy with the Guardians they messed up the universe the Guardians took his gift for granted he arrived from another universe and he showed them the true power of the emotional spectrum they were afraid of it and then they were afraid of the first Lantern so he takes Kant that and he simply says let's see if we can fix this and he pulls ganthet apart like a deck of playing cards every moment of his entire life laid out before the first Lantern he sees the moment that they met he sees the moment that they forged the Rings he sees the moment again that met Hal Jordan the moment that the red lanterns were discovered he sees everything and he finds the moment that he's looking for the moment that the Guardians decided to discard their emotions he goes to that moment in Gantt dad's history and he has ganthet convinced the rest of the Guardians not to dispose of their emotions what would happen if he did that reality itself would begin to shift and the timeline would become altered and a new future would be told back in the chamber of shadows black hand and Simon bass are talking about what they should do that Simon Baz is looking for Hal Jordan suddenly the history of the Green Lanterns instantly shifts black hand is no longer black hand and the ring that Simon bass holds returns to the original owner whom didn't die in this timeline bobbin sewer that's right that simple change in the history of the Green Lanterns the Guardians keeping their emotions changes everything and the first Lantern has the power to make this happen but things instantly snap back to normal with black hand and Simon Baz in the chamber of shadows the first Lantern hits the ground and he realizes that he's been in prison too far too long he's going to need to recharge if he's going to permanently alter the history of the Guardians and the Green Lantern's so he looks further into ganthet and he sees hal jordan kyle rayner Guy Gardner Jon Stewart Carol Ferris st. Walker and all of the other ring bearers it's a good thing that Gant that no some individuals so full of emotional power that the first Lantern won't have any issue free charging his power meanwhile back with black hand at Simon Bass black handle looks at Simon what did you do to me are you trying to trick me if you want to find Hal Jordan so bad why don't you join him and he sucks Simon up into his ring an assignment hits the ground in the land of the black Lantern's Sinestro looks at him and he says please don't tell me you're the human who's supposed to rescue us the first Lantern goes to town quickly by grabbing Guy Gardner who is at the site where he broke free and he pulls guy gardeners life apart he tries to alter his history to change it so that he lost his brother and sister he alters it over and over worlds where guy kills everyone as a Red Lantern world's where he is pure rage the first Lantern tortures guy with all the possibilities that could have happened and they all Drive guys emotions to their peak and he feeds off of it he does it so much that guy begins to beg furry to end and then he moves on to Kyle and he pulls Kyle apart just as he did with ganthet and Guy Gardner but Kyle's a little easier he sees when Kyle lost his girlfriend Alex and he teases Kyle with the world where Alex lived to the point where Kyle begs to have that life and then he rips it away it's the misery that he wants so much emotional power the first Lantern continues his onslaught on each of the members of the course tearing them apart over and over and deep down a side of black hands ring Sinestro Hal Jordan and Simon Baz are trying to figure out what happened but Halla Sinestro have differing ideas of how they can get out of the world of black Sinestro wants to take the ring off of Simon Baz's finger and just leave Hal and Simon there but Hal insists that they need to work together to stop the Guardians and that's when Toma ray explains none of this matters the biggest threat isn't the Guardians anymore it's the first Lantern volthoom came from an unknown time in an unknown place and he arrived just as Corona was discovering the light of creation and the Guardians discovered the emotional spectrum the guardians were terrified on the power that the light of creation was teeming with so volt them took it all into himself and he became the first Lantern but he refused to share the power of creation with them so they ended up initially building the Manhunters just so they can stop him but they discovered that he had become creation itself and if they defeated him they would destroy the universe so they locked him away so they can feed off of the emotional spectrum that was trapped within him now that he's free he's feeding off of the pain of your friends and he's charging himself until eventually his fake 'world and his fake constructs will become reality and he becomes the very light of creation once again but just as tomar finishes explaining badge pulls Simon out of the world of black you see badge has been battling black hand to this whole time in the chamber of shadows trying to get Simon out of it and Simon reaches out for Hal Jordan and says I'm not leaving you the universe needs the greatest Green Lantern ever through sheer will the ring duplicates itself once again and it begins to go to Hal Jordan but Sinestro jumps in the way yelling that Corrigan needs him when suddenly in a sheer explosion of will Sinestro uses a moment of weakness and how to take the ring and get out of the world of black and back to the real world where bash Simon and the real new guardians are standing there these are the new guardians who never remove their emotions and they've been hiding in the chamber of shadows this whole time trying to contain the first Lantern Sinestro grabs and he holds him in a chokehold that he simply says now where is this first Lantern back in the world of black though how realizes that he can't wait for someone to save him again he needs to get out of here and there's only one ring in the world the black the black ring of death but he can't use it if he's still alive so what if he wasn't alive in the water during all of this the first Lantern continues his onslaught by tearing apart Jon Stewart's life by tearing apart fatalities life he tears Carol out of reality forcing her to fight for her love over and over again and he shows Atrocitus what could have been and it's Atrocitus his rage that finally feeds him enough emotion that he can finally alter reality he's finally on the cusp of having sheer power of creation at his fingertips but he isn't done powering up he needs more power he wants to alter everything so he warps in to find one person who keeps popping in and out of everyone's memories Sinestro and he finds him in the chamber of shadows so he pops in there takes him and he warps away he takes him to Corrigan so the Sinestro can defend it one last time and defended he does by actually hurting and damaging the first Lantern no being can contain Sinestro he will defend Corrigan but the first Lantern laughs I can't believe you heard to me but it doesn't matter I needed you here to witness this Sinestro you see over the years you've created so much emotion in this planet what happens if I take it away from you what if you fail in your job to protect it and with a single thought the first Lantern destroys Corrigan and all of its inhabitants except for Sinestro he then leaves it's what he needed but Sinestro was hiding something in the center of that planet a yellow power battery that is now free and floating at space meanwhile while the first Lantern was busy dealing with Sinestro and Korra Garr mojo the Living Planet took this chance to encase everyone in pieces of his planets that he can sever their connection to both them Mogo begins to pull them all to his surface to keep them safe but both them immediately know something is wrong and he instantly warps back who dares he takes off for the service of Mogo and says I'm far from done there's just so much more for us to experience together now let's see if a planet could scream he then rips out other versions of everyone their versions that are Red Lanterns the versions that are yellow lanterns and he makes them real as constructs and he sends them in to replace the real versions everyone goes to town trying to defeat themselves this is the Green Lantern Corps though and they pushed through they use their will to show the first Lantern who's boss they control their destinies not to both them and the constructs stopped they all vanish and Mogo yells Mountain it was involved them it was me Volta was still dealing with Korra gar I gave you the Green Lantern Corps the things to fight the things that you needed to take your frustrations out on you all needed to realize that you control your own destinies not the first Lantern as you are the last line of defense against both them and guy just yells back you have a funny way of getting his back in fighting shape mo go but it worked and the entire Corps prepares for the final battle and brightest day in blackest night no evil shall escape our sight let those who worship evils might beware our power Green Lantern's light meanwhile Carol Ferris has slipped out of the first lanterns grasp and she got away and she rocketed to Kyle as quickly as she could and she found him on the floor of his apartment Kyle comes to his senses and it begins to ask the white ring where everyone's location is but the white ring can't find anyone so he asks it Hal Jordan or Sinestro and it says Sinestro found so Carol and Kyle take off at light speed to his location only to discover core gar has been destroyed and with so much death it throws Kyle off but before he can get his footing back Sinestro comes barreling in furious over all of this he demands to know how kyle has a white ring and he wants him to fix this raise his planet but Carol fights back demanding to know where how Jordan is only to be bad at a side by Sinestro telling her he's dead now revived my planet but before he can do any more harm to Kyle he's quickly wrapped up Bosch and Simon's standing there and badge tells them calm down have respect for the dead Kyle looks to Sinestro and he tells him I'll try but not for you Sinestro for all of the lives that were snuffed out here and so he pushes his power to the limits he tries his hardest to create life to revive the dead he is able to open the door to the lands beyond life but the people of korah guard need to walk through it they need to help him and they don't so his revival fails so Sinestro realizes that there's only one route left to him and he grabs his yellow lantern and he takes off for the first Lantern to get his revenge the first Lantern during all of this was busy giving a speech to the Guardians he's reminding them of how this all started how they tapped into the emotional spectrum creating the first ring how he reached into the spark of creation itself and it forever altered him he was infused with all of the emotions and he created the great heart and the first Lantern he then reached into gantetsu mouth I need this back now the tool that you used to keep your emotion all of these years how you differed from the other Guardians and he pulls out the first ring ganthet has had the first ring this entire time and then the first Lantern who reaches out prepared to alter all of reality to fit his whims when Green Lantern cuffs appear to nowhere and they land on his hands but the first Lantern just laughs you all don't know yet I'm back in tip-top shape anything that I imagine is real and the final battle begins between the Green Lantern Corps and the first Lantern but just then the red lanterns also arrive and the fight continues but the first Lantern just bats everyone off of him it's not enough they can't win when suddenly Kyle shows up with the entire Blue Lantern Corps and the star sapphire Corps and guard Gardiner calls everyone up everyone converge on me I have an idea and he has every ring bearer fire their energy into Mogo who then focuses it all into one beam and fires it all at the first Lantern and for the first time he's weakened but it's not enough you only delay the inevitable I have seen my destiny he tells them as he gets back on his feet until Sinestro arrives and he begins to beat on the first Lantern with the power of fear you only delay your own death he declares but it's still not enough as the first Lantern just grabs the nest room I am not ashamed to admit that I know fear Sinestro and suddenly out of nowhere the Indigo drive teleports all around them and channels death opening a gateway to the land of the dead Carol looks on horrified as Hal Jordan comes through the portal has a black lantern leading every soul that the first Lantern ever killed into battle take him black lanterns he is yours to get your revenge Hal cries out but the first Lantern kills every black Lantern in one move and he grabs Hal Jordan by the throat and he traps him into a bubble you you are the one who has touched every side of the emotional spectrum from death to life yet at your core you were never altered you will more powerful than even the power batteries themselves if I can find one moment in your life I think that the last bit of power I need I can get the spark of creation back what is the one moment that you are most fearful in your entire life and he pulls out the moment that how lost his father the last moment that he was truly afraid the first Lantern kneels down in front of young Hal Jordan and he says what is your wish with tears in his eyes young Hal Jordan looks up and he says my dad I want my dad back an adult Hal Jordan just begins to tear up that's it that is what the first Lantern needed and he reaches into Hal Jordan pulling out the spark of creation Sinestro realizes that even with the combined power of everyone they can't stop the first Lantern it's all failed so he has one last idea and he takes off for the green power battery where he pulls out parallax the entity of the fear or take me creature I will be your host and with the power of an entire Corps Sinestro takes off right to the first Lantern and he tears his heart out of his body the Guardians all look on fearful terrified of the power the Sinestro now possesses and the first Lantern just looks at him you think of me as a petty Lantern I am a god and seeing that Sinestro was going to need a little help Hal Jordan decides that he'll bring the entity of his new Corps to the fight and he raises Necron the entity of death nekron begins the battle with the first Lantern and using this opportunity Hal Jordan bombards the emotional spectrum that is inside of the first Lantern not the first Lantern himself and with the power that he throws at him he removes the emotional spectrum from the first Lantern otherwise that first lanterns death would destroy the entire universe Hal Jordan continues to lay on him until the first Lantern becomes human again and Necron kills him Hal Jordan lands in front of his younger self and he tells him don't be afraid everything is going to be okay I've saved the day and he absorbs his younger self back into himself and a green ring senses it Hal Jordan of Earth you have the ability to overcome great fear welcome to the Green Lantern Corps without a person to host his entity any longer nekron fades back to the land of the dead but we're not done yet Sinestro takes off to kill the Guardians and Hal Jordan chases after him the two titans of the Green Lantern mythos begin their final bout and Hal Jordan tells him I'm not going to kill you you can still come back from this I've seen what kind of Green Lantern you can be a Sinestro tells them the Guardians have to die everything is their fault the Manhunters the Third Army even the whole first Lantern disaster they destroyed Corps guard with their poor decisions they desert to die for what they did and Hal Jordan stops deserved you see Atrocitus has already killed the guardians their first creation the Manhunters destroyed his entire sector and it's left him this rage-filled monster since we met him all he's wanted is to get his revenge and he got it but he did leave one guardian for Sinestro get that and as Sinestro went to kill again that he asked him won't you fight me how looks at Sinestro Sinestro looks at him I'm leaving hell all of this is done you'll never see me again and housetops I want to ask you one thing we ever truly friends Sinestro stops cold to that question that's the tragedy of all of this Jordan we will always be friends and that is it the other Guardians the one with emotions who have been trapped up with the first Lantern this whole time they've decided to take over the Green Lantern Corps by learning from the greatest Green Lantern's example Hal Jordan and combined with the power of the star sapphires and the blue lanterns everyone begins to rebuild OA the emotional spectrum itself hasn't spread out to the universe so that the cores can use it there is no first Lantern there is no one person containing everything and there is no all-powerful being any longer this is the end of our tale my friends but before we close this chapter on our stories as massive as it is there's one last thing a secret only you me and four other people in the galaxy will ever know you see when Sinestro left he went to one place where no one would ever find him he didn't kill Gant that he brought can't that here with him and he asked al are pleased to bring Sayed Gant that and say to look at each other overjoyed that they both survived they don't need to know how they survived house saves arrived the Third Army or that Sinestro didn't actually kill again FET with tears in their eyes they embrace finally getting to be together and Larfleeze looks at Sinestro and he asks him what do I get for this as the nester tells him you get the greatest secret in the entire galaxy Larfleeze knowledge that ganthet and sayd survived and are together Larfleeze looks a little puzzled and he says well that doesn't taste so good after rat wheel cheese but Sinestro just leaves them all there to be together forever in secret things have been calm since our last adventure with the lanterns nothing to fear no universe ending disasters Kyle Rayner is still the white lantern and he's still able to communicate with all of the emotions within the spectrum out of all of those emotion that he can channel though he feels that hope is one of the strongest because even when their homeworld was taken from them they did not lose their hope they found a new homeworld and they set up a new power battery there they never stopped believing that all will be well so it doesn't surprise Kyle that Relic came here first Kyle arrives in the homeworld of the blue lanterns just after relic bringing the new guardians and Carol Farris of the star sapphires with him what fortuitous timing Kyle Saint Walker exclaims I tried to warn you through the Rings but he's blocking it somehow relic has arrived on this planet to suck the power battery dry of all of its hope and Kyle flushed right up to his face to talk to a mono e mono stop relic they haven't hurt you they haven't hurt anyone I wish that were true and with that he continues to suck the power battery dry of its hope you don't really think that you can harm me with your rings Lake Smith's do you us no and then emotions for the Guardians to bombard relic with the source of all will power them probably but just as they're starting to make headway the Guardians all enter a mental landscape with relic by themselves with no help from anyone I need each of you to see feel understand and relic shows them the truth about what he is doing the truth about the emotional spectrum this truth cripples each Guardian and they all fall to the ground allowing relic to continue draining the blue light of hope Carroll decides that it's her turn so she bombards relic with the love but it doesn't affect him because as she says he's already filled with love for everything Kyle decides to tap into the yellow light of fear and blast Erlich with fear but he slaps it away claiming that he's already seen the worst fears that the universe has to offer if only you knew what a waste this was what a precious resource that you squander relic says as he continues to suck the energy from the Blue Lantern and then he redirects all of the Lantern's energies back at them kyle dodges his Kerala maneuvers around first but Saint Walker takes a full blast to the chest and he falls out of the sky as he falls to the ground relic completes his absorption of the blue light Brodie looks on in horror brothers the battery is empty our rings are all that we have left and you will lose even that I cannot allow another universe to end because of your arrogance and relic burns in the ground bombarding all of the Ring wielders with everything that he has Brodie throws up a blue shield using the little energy that his ring still holds while Kyle runs to st. Walker's side but the Guardians run over Lantern Draenor this is a fight we cannot win you need to understand and may reach up and they pass the memories that relics shared with them Kyle finally sees what the Guardians saw he understands what relic is doing and he understands what the point of all of this is and he realizes that there is in fact no hope Kyle we need to leave teleport us out of here with your indigo Lantern powers Carol calls to him but Kyle can't teleport everyone there's just too many for his ring so Brodie turns to him keep hope alive kyle rayner there are secrets that even the white lantern does not know and he over charges Kyle's indigo Lantern ring allowing him to teleport the Guardians Carol and Saint Walker away the rest of the blue lanterns sit there and with no blue light left Brodie looks up a relic Oh will be well and relic turns them to bones and dust so who is relic he is from another universe where the ring wielders were actually called light Smith's and he discovered something terrible the light Smith's were actually using a resource and known as the emotional spectrum for the betterment of their races and they ran out he learned it early on that the emotional spectrum was limited in its energies and by wielding those powers the light Smith's were draining the universe they failed to listen to him and the universe died their source wall crumbled and all life was propelled into the void of nothingness he was pulled in himself but the void made him anew with the new universe a surviving relic from a version of creation that would never be known again billions of years passed until eventually he was awoken again by the presence of Kyle Rayner in these new guardians he cannot allow the universe to implode again he will stop these ring wielders and he will prevent the emotional spectrum from running on empty meanwhile over at OA the lanterns are wondering what's going on with their power battery because as they're all reporting in to Hal Jordan it recently spit out a rather ill looking eye on their entity and then ion flew off into the sky the power battery then temporarily shut down all rings almost killing a lot of lanterns but before they can get any real information on this situation Kyle warps in on the scene with Carol st. Walker and the Guardians Kyle explains the situation to have that the lanterns have all been destroying the universe and that there is one individual coming now named relic that defeated all of them and intends to absorb all of the light how looks at Kyle oddly one old geezer beat all of you and our defense he is large greetings green light Smith's of this universe I have come to collect your light surrender now and I will allow you all to leave this planet unharmed were lanterns gulliver Green Lantern's and surrender isn't in our dictionary Hal tells him the new leave me no other choice but to teach you spectrum collection has begun all of the Green Lanterns begin to feel their energy being absorbed by the small robots that relic is sending out so Hal throws his green lighted relic you want light will give you light but relic just looks annoyed as you've read directs the energy back in Hal Jordan Wow I seem to pack a punch everyone let's do this house shout says he gives everyone orders Kyle and Carol need to swat away the robots while Jon and salic go off to protect the Lantern reserves and Kilowog will round up all of the new recruits Hal himself will begin the battle against a relic but relic throws his attacks aside and he redirects the energies everyone is quickly overwhelmed and no matter what they do they can't stop him before he drains the entire green power battery Hal on the rest of the Corps look on in horror as the central power battery explodes and oil begins to tremble sadden salak says Owen is about to die relic turns to hallam Jon as they come barreling and ready to fight still refuse to lay down your rings Green Lantern's have one thing that can never be stopped willpower and they continue their battle against the giant known as relic but he just tosses them aside again so John looks at how we need to retreat our rings are losing power and if we stay we'll lose most of the core not all of it take everyone and get off the planet hell I will distract him I'll make the final stand John you can't be serious how says but he knows that there is no other option the whole planet begins to shake and quiver without the central tower battery to keep it afloat and Hal calls to arms all of the Corps be ready for John's signal to leave we're going to escape so John takes the best soldiers that he could muster and the recruits are ready to lay down their lives and he gets everyone ready for the ultimate showdown with Relic they used as much power as they can to make a construct based army and they begin to battle against relic and his collectors as John stands valiantly against relic in his collectors all opposition from Hal Kyle and everyone else leaves leaving them the opportunity that they need to leave the planet finally once everyone is safe and Allah is on the brink of exploding John takes his men and they leave the planet one of his trusted friends sacrifices himself so that everyone else could leave after saluting his fallen comrades John heads to the planet of the Indigo lanterns to get their help relic moves on to the next phase of his plans because he has enough energy to do what he must and out in space staring at what was once our pal is at a loss as to what he should do next but everyone agrees that they should go to Yasmin and talk to guy Gardner because he's currently the leader of the red lanterns and the red lanterns are a mix of emotional spectrum and blood magic maybe they have an idea and how they could stop relic when out of the blue all of the entities arrived in front of them all of the true source of the emotional spectrum just show up they all enter Kyle Reynders body transforming him into the ultimate entity host without a word Kyle begins to take off in a different direction and how orders with a cordis stopped him in his tracks if all of the entities are entitled they can use this but Kyle weighs off all of the Green Lantern's and Hali I'll stop and the entities listen we can all hear you we all know the struggle that you are dealing with but it is not relic that made us weak this is bigger than you lantern and if you wish to go to Yas melts then go and with a wave of their hand Hal in the core all vanish and Kyle is left alone to struggle with the voices of every entity in his head it's too much and he can't resist them as they begin to search for the butcher one of the missing entities luckily the guardians were not thrown to Yas molds and they're here to save Kyle and help him gain control once again the entities are inside me still but I have control Kyle tells them as it begins to calm down and he does gain control the Guardians Luke - Kyle and they tell them that maybe they should all convene with Hal and the others at y'all's vault then they'll be a little behind but they can get there but Kyle stops them no I know what the entities know and we can't stop relic we need to help back with Hal on the core they arrive on Osmel to get the help from his undercover agent Guy Gardner the current leader of the Reds but guy isn't too happy with how and he feels that he's been deserted among the Reds after a fistfight in an argument Guy Gardner agrees to aid them but on one condition the Red Lanterns will get earth sector to patrol after this is over back in space Kyle Rayner takes off to get the butcher the entity of rage that is currently being contained in Atrocitus his body after she was kicked out of leading the Reds by Guy Gardner Kyle takes the butcher into himself and he leaves Atrocitus afloat in space but decks start here to help him once all of the groups are assembled they all head to relics position to find an end to this relic is currently at the source wall the edge of the universe and he's trying to find a way through the wall to existence itself Kyle is the first one to arrived he looks at relic I have all of the entities with their power there isn't much that I can't do that may be true but I will not surrender my cause to a mere threat you don't understand a relic I want to help you the source wall must fall back with Hal guy and Carol they decide to get moving and since Carol is a star sapphire she can warp to the one that she loves which is now Kyle Rayner much to house dismay so she starts the teleportation process to get everyone to Kyle at the source wall but before they get their relic and Kyle are running out of options to open the source wall relic doesn't have enough power to get through so he grabs Kyle I accept your offer to help and he begins to drain the light of the white lantern and the entities themselves just then Carol Halleck guy and the rest of the cores arrive and they begin to open fire on relic in his collectors and they quickly break Kyle free and right at that moment Shaun teleports in with the help of the entire indigo tribe he tackles guy saving him from a blast and calling his new outfit the outfit of a deranged Santa Lantern and with the aid of the green red and indigo course they all opened fire on relic ship causing it to explode from the inside and then crash into the source wall forcing it to become one with the source wall how watch has it become part of the wall and remembers anything that the wall touches it absorbs he finally has an idea ring check everyone's charges to keep us updated John Stewart at 5% Guy Gardner 12 sent Hal Jordan is 6% and kyle rayner at 28% hey Kyle get in the fight why togetic guy says to him sarcastically we've got enough power for one more run so don't waste your energy on blasts or constructs IndyGo one teleporters between Relic and his reflectors so that's exactly what she does and they all literally jump onto relics head and they all begin to push him backwards towards the wall as he struggles to fight back but once they gain momentum Hal John and guy all back off like planned but Kyle he uses the last of his juice to continue pulling relic towards the wall Kyle's ring overcharges as he pulls relic into the source wall relic finally sees the source behind the source wall as he attempts to pull himself out then a relic becomes one with the source wall everyone stares in horror as they realized that Kyle just gave His life to replenish the emotional spectrum by going through the wall with all of the entities the emotional spectrum is officially refilled Kyle's gone Hal says he went down on the line of duty and will honor him for that but now we need to get everyone home Hal so the Indigo tribe surrounds all of the Green Lantern's and they begin a massive teleportation warping everyone - Mogo the giant planet sized Green Lantern and their new home the Indigo tribe was even nice enough to use their ancient arts and restore the green power battery sohow raises his recharged to ring into the sky and the brightest day and the blackest night no evil shall escape my sight let those who worship evils might beware our power Green Lantern's light and then he realizes that no one is reciting it with him one of the green lanterns step forward don't you see how relic was right while Kyle sacrifice did replenish the emotional spectrum the clock is already ticking down to when the universe will end again and who's to say that there will ever be a white Lantern again to replenish meanwhile across the galaxy at the source wall the Guardians stand at the absorbed relic in the comment and how losing how Rayner was a great loss for them only to see a rainbow shoot out of the wall and out steps Kyle tell us Kyle what happened over there the entities they sacrifice themselves they're dead what else do you remember you must have experienced so much I don't remember but then one of the other Guardians speaks up Kyle Reiner's revival must be kept secret brother for it is time for his true journey to begin we now go to Carol Ferris on the homeworld of the star sapphires trying to explain what happened to the star sapphire council she is sad because she started to develop feelings for Kyle but at that moment she gets an odd message from the new guardians and she leaves at top speed you jerk she screams at Kyle as he stands in front of her smiling you'll and all of us think that you were dead Kyle why didn't you tell me that you were alive I did tell you that I was alive that's why you're here he retorts no the Guardians asked me to come here and I'm quoting here to address a matter of concern regarding Lantern Rayner uh sorry she then jumps into his arms just happy that he's alive and here and she asks why he isn't telling anyone else and he explains saying Walker is in a coma guy is a Red Lantern now and John would just tell how and he isn't ready for how to find out at that moment one of the Guardians brings over a native to the planet that they are on and he holds his hand out I am nice dent Ronon and I am happy to be making new friends so Kyle holds out his hand I am Kyle Rayner of the white friend of angry women Carol isn't exactly happy with that remark and Nyhus walks them through the planet introducing them to a utopian paradise his people the exert us have accomplished something that no one else has managed to pull off perfection he then jumps off the tower backwards forcing Kyle and Carol to jump after what they are assuming is a suicidal alien but the planet actually catches him and floats him to the bottom nice explains that the planet provides no one on this planet has a need or a want everything is perfect and provided for them and once Kyle and Carol are alone Zala one of the guardians approaches them to explain why they're here their predecessors the original guardians tried for centuries to create a utopia and they failed horribly while this planet that was once on the same path as Earth has managed to do it by themselves she wants Kyle to explore this planet until he finds a place that he isn't allowed to go because once he finds that he'll find out how they did this because paradise doesn't come without a cost something must have been done to these people so as the guardians distract Nyhus Kyle uses his ring to sense all of the emotions in the spectrum and he can of course detect love will hope and compassion but is the feelings of anger and fear that make them curious because it's coming from all of the teenagers heading to a single large building as Kyle says if you're looking for fear and anger teenagers are the way to go Kyle and Carol head to that spot where oddly they are welcomed to actually enter the structure they do not hide anything here as a matter of fact they want everyone to see this that is what these young ones are doing they are coming to see the truth Carol looks at Kyle this has reassured written all over it but Kyle does as the guardians have asked him and he walks in alone to a room filled with people how anti-climatic Kyle says to himself he demands that the one on the ramp stop what he is doing none of this feels right and if he's hurting these kids I am the man says and this causes Kyle to pause not the answer that you were expecting friend well most villains don't come out and say it I am to be the villain in this then huh friend so he invites Kyle to look at the broken mirror thing so that he can explain this planet is able to look into other timelines timelines where small and large changes have happened and then they go there and they take the change they take the miracle from another timeline he then takes Kyle and he walks through the mirror showing a world engulfed in flames and destroyed they take the best timelines and they leave the subpar timelines with the Otherworld sometimes they take small changes but sometimes they take big changes Kyle is in shock you're stealing futures to create a world where everything is gone right yes and all of our people must accept it some do and they come back knowing what is sacrificed for them while some can't deal with what they've done and choose to in those worlds to try and help those people and you think that this makes it okay Kyle demands to know I do if we left those moments in place many timelines would be okay but only by small amounts instead we can make one perfect place and that's when I spear comes out of nowhere and hits the old man Kyle takes him back to the portal but then behind him he sees who threw it as the residents of the destroyed timeline are here to get their future back Kyle immediately begins to throw around his constructs but for some reason he can't hit the invader and that's when the Guardians tell him it's a living structure it won't allow violence if Kyle keeps using his ring the structure will keep pushing back and it will prevent him until he destroys the planet so he makes a will power based bubble around the invaders he then uses the power of hope to heal the old man the invaders break free from the bubble and they begin with their plan to kill everyone on this planet then the ultimate old man comes through the gate to reconfigure the structure and turn it into a mass portal allowing all of the other timelines to cross if they want to Carol looks up at all of the other destroyed timelines oh this is not good Kyle then begins smashing the mirrors trying to prevent the portals and with the change in the structure the protection systems are down allowing Kyle to properly use his ring an all-out war begins on the planet with the invaders attacking everyone and Kyle and Carol try to hold them back but with them keeping the invaders busy the guardians have an idea and they begin heading off in a different direction Kyle then begins battling against the other worlds champion and an alternate Nyhus and he's trying his best to win this fight and save the planet while all of this is happening the old man that controlled the portal and the one from the alternate universe realize they are actually one of the same as much as they tried to picture each other as monsters they are just different versions of the same person during this talk Kyle is hitting the ultimate Nyhus with everything he has until he finally gets a free shot at the device on the alternate knives his arm the device that can reconfigure the structure he then smacks him down winning their fight the structures begin repairing themselves and Kyle holds the biggest culprits to the invasion while Carol as she puts it pushed the alternate versions back through the holes she really doesn't have a vocabulary for this Kyle then gives them an ultimatum shut these portals down and make it right or he will and with that he takes off into space until Carol catches up and asks are you okay because giving an ultimatum like that doesn't feel like you Kyle explains that he has all of this power but sometimes even the best solution is the worst one and he can't let them keep stealing futures so if he has to be the one to lay down the law so be it he then takes off into space to think but the new guardians have their own conversation did we learn all we wish to learn from this no Lantern Kyle doesn't understand what he saw beyond the source wall but they are still coming and he is not ready to face them we'll have to keep testing him there is something coming something incredible is something ferocious Kyle needs to get ready for his role as the white lantern but some wonder if he could even do it it's time for his next trial our story begins without him though in space sector zero six one nine an alien race is telling a father that he has to pick one of his children he then asked orts his child to an altar looking location and he tells him this is a great thing and the center of the structure a holy being sits ready to accept his offering he then reaches down and he places his hand on another child's head and with holy fire he burns him alive so the child that was walked up here then begins to cry he doesn't want this he doesn't want to be an offering he doesn't care if the Sun rises tomorrow and that's when a being in Armour jumps in killing the God he tears off the gods head and he declares I bring you freedom as the Sun begins to rise behind him the people realize that this was a false god meanwhile in Sector zero zero zero one not far from the source wall Kyle Rayner the white lantern Carol Ferris a star sapphire and the new guardians are on a journey of discovery to learn about the white lantern and its powers it contains the powers of all of the lantern rings and of life itself someone say that it turns its wielder into a god but it's not true as they're flying to their next location kyle is explaining that there are currently six guardians with them but there was a seventh after they were confronted by relic he left the group to seek his own answers and discovered the universe on his own Kyle had a bet on how long the new guardians would last in this journey and he's currently winning because one of them has now left their company but that's okay Zala one of the guardians also had placed a bet as to how long it would take Kyle did notice that one of the Guardians had left and she won that bet with that they arrived at the planet kalasa their next location Carol asks what they're looking at it Kyle tells her a planet but palco explains the planet to them before she can Jam her ring up Kyle's well you get the idea this planet is not particularly remarkable but recently a new religious sect has popped up and they are spreading their word as the light in the fire they are a peaceful Empire with a peaceful religion that has been going from planet to planet spreading their word bringing each world into their religion the interesting thing that has drawn the attention of the new guardians is that each world that this religion touches gets better and it grows that's when Kyle sees the cost of this piece they appear and find an army of murder caterpillars as Kyle puts it bombing to poor farmers in the area so Kyle and Carol get to work saving the day with their rings except that they're told to stop everyone stop Kyle looks down to see a tamarind woman standing there in a robe bloodshed is not the way it is not what she would want it is not what we want she explains that the army has been dispatched to round up the religious sects members because their beliefs of equality and Liberty make them a in a convenient target for the elite Kyle asks why they don't fight back as she tells them it is not our way it would only a sight to more conflict every time you push back they shriek harder and that she points down at the army that Kyle was just fighting looking down Kyle sees that there are more weapons coming in he facepalms Carol you take the murder caterpillars on the right end how many cannon balls do you think you can stop with your ring not enough so one of the new guardians flies in I think this will take a different approach and he tries to reason with them but they fire their cannon balls and Carol and Kyle have to try and stop as many as they can but then he realizes this isn't going to work they can't stop them all before the people die so he tries something new and he spreads compassion over the entire planet and everyone stops they feel everyone else's pain fear anger hope will both sides have shared their feelings with each other and neither can bring themselves to fight any longer Carol looks at the ending conflict well that worked not really I can't spread it very far just what happened in this spot and when it wears off they're going to fight again he then stands up and sees the burning city in front of him I wish I could have stopped this and then the incredible happens the light in the fire comes to the planet restoring everything a being of pure light and fire has appeared the goddess that they worship Saul but elsewhere in space sector zero one seven zero the god killers have picked up on her arrival and they realize the object of their obsession has returned to the world and it's time to kill it the goddess appears to Kyle and everyone would you not kneel sorry no I'm not really inclined to bend the knee for a light show I've seen gods before might have been one you won't kneel this all shout spreading her fire all around good you're right to be skeptical and frankly I've had quite enough of the kneeling Carol asks so not a god then but Saul stops that train of thought I am a god but not one that requires or enjoys worship and not one who enjoys false modesty enough to deny what is obviously true she says looking at the new guardians you know us Zola asks what sort of God would I be if I didn't have recognized fellow gods I am Zala and we are not gods is that so you're kind of reshapes the world to fit your ideals and you prefer to call yourself Guardians but I see it differently Kyle interrupts them so are you a God in presence alone or are you here to help it is my power that will help Zoe announces and her structure begins to melt and he begins to reshape the world of round Kyle I'm gonna need to know a little bit more about you before I let you do this Saul there's that arrogance again do you think you can stop me but a few moments later a streak of blue races through the sky and it lands in front of Saul the god killer then stands up I have found you destroyer confused this all tells him I have not hidden why have you come here you don't remember us you do not remember the tale of your creation the makers arrived it's your God's home world and they kidnapped her they then experimented on her until they granted her this power and in her wrath she destroyed the planet that the makers were on at the time my homeworld you came to our world and we saw hope but you only brought destruction with your rage he then commands the rest of the God killers to land and they all Spears all with their weapons over and over killing her I can't die and then she explodes enlightened fire her disciple hits the ground screaming no and Kyle floats over to them Kalles damn right no the lead god-killer turns to Kyle we will do our duty as God killers and I suspect you white Lantern will do what you believed to be yours so be it kill them the god killers jump in battling against Kyle Carol in the new guardians and they try their best to keep the God killers focused on them and not the city but that's on the Guardians notice whatever weapons they're using are far stronger than they ever should be if this fight continues to escalate it will endanger the entire planet but that's the least of their worries Sol is not dead and she is very pissed as Kyle's getting beat down with those weird weapons Sol begins to burn with the power of a god the equivalent of small nuclear blast start going off as scorching the planet she then begins creating fire tornadoes wrapping everyone up in them the Guardians don't even have the power to stop her and they do their best to contain her fury and rage but while she's exploding in power the god killers kill her disciple kala with so much rage spilling over this planet and kala dying Kyle absorbs all of their hatred and he allows the red power of Rage to flow through him he begins blasting to lead god-killer and forms a construct power suit around him to beat the man down he then because they lose control and he almost hurts Carol but he stops and he realizes that he's absorbed too much hatred Kyle realizes that this is a losing battle and if this continues to escalate they will lose the whole planet so he takes Carol's hand and he tries something that he's never done before he uses the full power of love and compassion and he pumps it through his every fiber in his being all of the God killers are teleported away and Kyle hits the ground with his essence leaking out of his own body the Guardians fly over and a hurry with Carol begging for them to help him and they stabilize his form barely Saul screams of them you will tell me where you sent them this cannot be allowed to continue and zawa tells her you know we will not tell you and if you try to force us this planet will suffer you could be more than this you can help these people you can be what kala believed you to be we will not force you but we will ask be what your children needs all Saul turns away from the guardians to kala her fallen disciple I'm sorry kala but this can't happen again and she vanishes over with Kyle Carol is holding his head in her lap did we win because if we lost this is the worst afterlife ever the god killers are gone Saul is gone and your brains are in your head that's when the Guardians float over and they ask Kyle how he's doing and they tell him that he did the impossible he teleport into all of the God killers out of their weapons and armor and away well he may not want to accept that he is a God even the guardians don't know the full range of his power perhaps he may want to admit what he's becoming meanwhile on the old homeworld of the blue lanterns the god killers are preparing to survive and find a way to get their revenge after everything has happened - I love sitting at his desk in his apartment trying to draw it's all wrong something is broken about it he holds his hands to his head and he tells himself I could see it in my head just can't get it right the messed up broken looking girl next to him apologizes for looking the way that she does and he tells her it's not your fault I'll get it right he begins to erase the drawing and the girl next to him begins to vanish from existence while a black and purple energy flows around him oddly meanwhile Carolus finally returned home from her journeys with tile and space and after being berated by her board of directors she decides she needs a break so she flies to New York to have a little stay in Kyle's apartment while he's off the world but after he opens the door she asks him what are you doing here I live here no I mean on earth Kyle who told me you were gonna stay with the Guardians while I went back home Kyle looks confused I don't not I'm not sure I just needed to be here I needed to have a life Carol looks around us these various scorch marks on the walls and there's especially one that looks like a human being where the girl just was she then looks around and sees that the entire place is in shambles she turns around with her uniform on wrapping up Kyle in her power just who the hell are you Carol what what are you doing I'm Kyle I don't believe Kyle would come back to earth without telling me or come back without me feeling it and I definitely don't believe that he would take his ring off so Kyle makes a white ring appear on his hand Carol I have the ring on you need to let me go forming a ring out of your skin is not doing a lot to convince me that you are actually Kyle in front of me so Kyle begins to form his uniform around him but it's not the white Lantern's outfit that we're used to this one is a black version with a white Lantern symbol on his chest he breaks out of her bonds that he tells her I'm not sure what's wrong with you but I'll make it right I can fix anything she didn't blast him to the chest and he acts unfazed it's okay it's okay I can make it right meanwhile deep in space kyle is fighting it out with space sharks and space squids Kyle comments about how this isn't right someone is changing them altering them space sharks are already rare in space squids don't exist the Guardians explained that whatever altered the very makeup of these creatures is beyond them there's something new out there and they notice a nearby space station it's come completely void of life when it shouldn't be but before they can resolve this mystery Kyle gets a very bad feeling there was something wrong with Carol the Guardians tell him that he can't go them not till they find these makers that the god killer spoke of the ones that had a hand in these missing people and the space squids but Kyle isn't going to be stumped this is Carol and he leaves at Lightspeed he arrives back on earth going right to her Carol is which is oddly Arizona the home of Kyle's father more shockingly is that there's an energy field around his hometown when he tries to scan it he loses control of his ring and he falls through the energy field landing in front of his father's shop he then looks down at his hand he's literally coming apart at the seams coming apart I need to stop this Carol floats out in front of him yeah we do she explains that whoever this is is constantly changing everything originally they were in New York with Kyle's apartment but now they're in Arizona with Kyle's hometown regardless of what he's doing he believes Carol is supposed to be there so she can't believe she didn't looks at Kyle as he's unfading it tells him stay real Kyle stay here you're with me but something is overcoming him he falls to the ground chanting I'm not real I'm nothing I'm nothing I'm nothing Kyle you need to feel it so she gives him a big kiss and he feels what's real now that he's in the right state of mind he looks around he realizes he can't see the people but Carol tells him to relax she shows him his father she kept him safe the Kyle turns to her I'm about to find out who he is aren't I and behind them is Kyle it's the evil Kyle draped in a black version of the white lantern uniform it's surrounded by the incorrect versions of all of Kyle's friends it's all wrong everything is wrong but don't worry evil Kyle wants to make it right they both fly straight up and stare at each other it's my face evil Kyle tells him but Kyle asks him what did he do to these people and evil Kyle explains they were right trying to fix them so Kyle tells him they aren't his to fix that's his life down there an evil Kyle slaps him away this is your fault you took everything that's supposed to be mine you did this and he blasts Kyle with a barrage of energy Kyle hits the ground and he feels the energy hitting him again so carol hits the evil Kyle with her power the building and the people begin to melt and fall apart around them as the evil version of Kyle is beginning to get filled with the red power of rage and that's when his father steps forward stop but evil Kyle turns the power to his father and Kyle has to jump in to save them I'm ending this and then he hits the evil version of himself with the white power of life the evil version vanishes and Kyle embraces his father but everything begins to melt all over again and Kyle begins to feel weak because it isn't over the evil version grows to the size of a building Carol gets Kyle's father and the civilians out of the way while Kyle uses the white power of life to create a giant version of himself to grab the evil version the evil versions long tongue is swinging in the wind that's he throws a building at Kyle I know what has to happen now he then charges a Kyle I have to consume you I need to be whole Kyle creates a giant white mecha construct and he begins to bombard his evil version but the evil version flies right up to Kyle any begets filling in with darkness using tentacles to start pumping darkness into Kyle so Kyle explodes into white light Carol runs through the scene as quickly as you can pulling all of the civilians with her and they barely get out of range as the white lights explosion envelops the area once the smoke clears things are even worse because the source wall has formed around the entire city and Kyle's face is popping out all over it as a voice and Carol's head explains that he went beyond the source wall during the fight with Relic and it's been haunting him ever since he has seen creation in the face of where everything began the source but he couldn't remember what he saw now Kyle knows what this is what this evil version of him is it's oblivion he is Kyle when Kyle went beyond the source wall it changed him and beyond the source wall Kyle saw everything the operating codes to all of reality it was his anxiety his fears anger everything that knotted his mind given form it became oblivion the evil version of himself and now he knows the answer is not to fight because he has finally realized why he's getting more and more powerful recently he's been doing it subconsciously when he wants something he has the ability to rewrite the codes of reality the codes of life itself but the possibilities are so endless that he has been losing himself in the engine of creation and with that message to Carol Kyle closes the source wall and he vanishes from existence because he needs to end this himself but Kyle's not dead or removed from existence like Carol thinks he actually wakes up in an empty world all alone he has no idea where he is so he explores and he realizes that he is now in a dead world and he can feel the people that were once on this dead world he feels sympathy for the dead he's not sure if that's the indigo power of compassion amped up to 11 or a new white light power he panics and he runs through the hills of this planet and that he turns around to see that life is growing on his dead world with his every footstep he is life and he's needed so he has a hunch he flies to the center of this planet he understands where he is now it's a living planet like Mogo and he finds the planets heart and he hits it with the power of life reviving it from the dead he then asks if the planet is alive again and the planet thanks him so Kyle asks for its story it tells him that it is a living planet and it made friends with a race of beings that resided here he helped them and he provided they took all they could and they left him bare so he killed them all he had to prevent them from taking everything from him he had to prevent his own death the planet then tries to burn Kyle and throw him to the surface where hits him with lightning strikes because it explains that the Green Lantern planet Mogo his brother destroyed him for his actions that is who killed this planet the planet continues to try and crush and swallow Kyle cuz it doesn't trust the lanterns and Kyle begs for it to stop don't make him do this in the end Kyle needs to fly back down to the center of this world and take the life that he granted it and then he flies off into space between oblivion giving life and taking life he understands what the problem is his power is too great and he has no idea what he's doing with it how do you just become a god-like being what do you do with the power of creation but what about Carol in the Guardians well the Guardians arrived on earth looking for their white lantern they have their own emergency their brother Cara's that left us in the last adventure sent out a distress call they want Kyle but a Carol asks them is that because something awful is coming it's time for Kyle's solo journey to come to an end soon as he finally meets the makers recently one of the Guardians left Kyle Carroll and the new Guardians quorus went at his own adventure to discover the meaning of life itself it right now he's on a planet telling a poor Aelia to be quiet before they get abducted he's here watching billions of aliens get abducted directly from their homes and he charges at the ship shouting I will not allow this so the ship above moves every one of its beams to him and even he can't stop it anymore it begins to pull him to the ship show yourselves a makers show me what you are he shouts as they pull him helplessly into the ship yes we will show you the rest of the new guardians arrive on this world much later to try and get their clues Carroll wants to help them but she's telling them Kyle is missing also why aren't they looking for him as well and one of the Guardians tell her Kyle is powerful enough to defend himself if he's in trouble they would feel it so the Guardians used their powers to link with their brother and try to get answers as to his whereabouts and they're immediately blown back by his psychic energies they could tell that he is suffering quorus is strapped to a machine one that is literally tearing him limb from limb the new guardians and Carol go to the location of the maker ship and without even considering a plan they go directly inside with Carol telling them this is a very bad idea being desperate is making them dumb inside they find creatures that are altered they're bloody limbs lying on the ground and they could tell that these beings have the molecular coherence that they saw ins all the goddess they go deeper and they find more mutilated aliens still alive asking for help and creatures attached to machines the guardians begin to panic these beings cannot be allowed to mutilate a guardian of the universe one of the altered creatures begins to close up around them trapping the guardians and Carol begins to panic herself she knew this was a bad idea the poor creature is apologizing she can't help it they did this to her then a bright white light appears next to her and Kyle appears out of nowhere I missed you too Kyle so what the hell is going on and what the hell is that Carol asks Kyle what happened to him after Arizona when he fought oblivion and he tells her after Arizona when I destroyed a bolivian by doing whatever it is I did I woke up on a living plan that had gone insane and I revived it that I had to kill it again and it really wasn't fun for me and then I tried to find you and now this Carol just stares at him are you gonna slap me or something anything Carol and then she jumps on him giving him another passionate kiss that's better than slapping they get to work flying deeper into the ship and Kyle pushes out the power of life to see what they're dealing with but it confuses him because he's reading everything and nothing at the same time meanwhile the Guardians are being tortured in attached to machines drained of their life force and Dallas shouts with blood spewing out of her mouth we will destroy you but another Guardian tells them enough is enough but it isn't the High has looked and seen that you have forgotten we have not we have only done what you would have us to do we have learned we have only done as asked we have made ourselves better don't touch me what are you doing why are you doing this The Guardian asks the creature known as a maker to become better we are many but we each walk a path of protection together to become worthy of you our creators the Templar Guardians all looking shocked Carol and Kyle rock you through the ship looking at the makers experiments in a horror creatures torn apart creatures combined together creatures turned into nothing but hands or nothing but heads with eyeballs Carol freaks out on the cells no no no no no but back with the makers in the Guardians he refuses to believe that they could have created these creatures the makers tell their tale there were aliens unintelligent aliens until the Guardians arrived and experimented on them they changed them they made them what they are now but once the Guardians left them alone they felt abandoned and they knew what they needed to do it was a test to check their worthiness to complete what the Guardians had started the makers then traveled around the galaxy continuing the Guardians work in hopes of becoming worthy / with Carol and Kyle they continued to fly through the ship looking for the makers and eventually they find qua Rose the Lost Guardian strapped to the ceiling machines hooked into every part of his body and his brain removed red rage because the flare up and Kyle but it calms down this is what they wanted they wanted us to see this this it do you hear me the experiments and then one of the makers lowers itself to Kyle you are correct it is time for this particular experiment to come to an end the Guardians began tapping into each other's minds and palco explains what he has learned that they made these things long ago and this is their fault while there are limits to their power they need to do whatever they can while the leader is occupied by Kyle and Carol so Kyle starts making constructs to begin the battle while Carol asks if this is the boss because normally the biggest one it's the boss the makers see Kyle's hard like cons for technology and they realize they need it for themselves but he notices that it absorbs his constructs due to a very weird looking object powering the makers device ping a mother box Kyle tells Carol to find the Guardians to get some additional support on this while he rages out putting all of his red powers to work meanwhile the Guardians have used this distraction to break out of their bonds and head in Carol's direction while she makes a detour into the organic archive to free all of the prisoners the makers jump in to continue their battle with Kyle telling him that it is interesting that he fights and he tells them that it's interesting that they don't stop talking do you not seek perfection do you not follow the makers path you have the power within you to reshape the universe and the drive to do so in response Kyle hits the maker and everything and then he stops the maker is unfazed by the blast and asks you have ceased fighting you can't have given up with a smile Kyle tells him nope then a blast of Guardian power hits the maker just wanted them to have a chance to get a piece of you where is our brother Kyle you don't want to see this where Kyle vans Alice sees him quoi Rose her brother in pieces oh no no no no not only is he in pain but he is still alive and conscious he tells his brother and to get out of the ship he is interfaced with it in this state and he could save them all with tears in her eyes Zala refuses to leave her brother we have no option sister I do not want to leave you but we must destroy this place it will not make right what our brothers did what the scions did but we can save thousands Kyle stops them no you can't kill all these prisoners we can save everyone you included no Kyle what the scions did broke their minds they only know suffering quorus puts a willpower bubble around his brothers sisters kyle and carol and he shoots them out of the ship to save them then they watch as the mother box pings and the ship explodes the shields around them begin to fade in zahla cries knowing what this means for Queiroz knowing that he's gone from this world kyle is just looking at his friends the guardians and carol asks him are you are you I don't know it's way too soon for us to be finishing each other's sentences I do know that I don't know if they're gonna be all right I can feel what they're feeling their despair is like a distant echo it's deafening one thing survived the explosion of the ship though one thing going ping and sending off a signal a mother box a device of the new gods in Darkseid himself who do you think it's calling in the beginning was the void then from the darkness of the deep erupted the energy of the deep out of this tumult formed the heavens a multiverse filled with glittering stars amid the multiverse firmament the dust gathered and was shaped into a world where waters boiled with light and from the light sprang life the old gods ruled all the base saw but that was not enough if they had to share it darkness still clung to this new existence jealousy and pride had burrowed deep into their hearts it cursed them and they returned to the dust then the new gods rose God against God there was no personal vendetta but a battle for the soul of the cosmos an army of light against that of darkness after seven days of war there was more dead than living so the new guys soaked back into the multiverse hi father and his side had built New Genesis high above the world that they had destroyed while Darkseid and his ilk built apocalypse one would search for the life equation while another would search for the anti-life equation and thus began their search throughout the entire multiverse and the high father was brought to the source wall to speak with the greatest knowledge beyond the wall but he was unable to pass through in the beginning there was the word and the word was the source but today the high father and Metron sees something new a new being has been trapped within the wall when Metron uses their technology to speak with the being he starts in ramblings and nonsense his name is relic his universe lost it's emotional spectrum and he came to this one to save it but the light Smith's of this universe know the lanterns of this universe United and defeated him with one going through the wall after him my father is speechless a being in this universe went through the wall Metron do you know of these lanterns mortals they channel energy through their rings and wasted on trivial they know not the power that they wield that those rings can pass through the wall it could only mean that these mortals possess the ultimate weapon over in Sector zero Hal Jordan and Kilowog are looking through their computers when Hal remembers it's been a year he flies off to the graves of the fallen lanterns where he finds John in front of Kyle's tombstone they both remembered that Kyle was always the light that would shine the brightest and in the distance Saint Walker is watching his friends remembering that he wasn't there when Kyle sacrificed himself he doesn't feel hope anymore and he can't wear his own ring though it does seem to follow him and Mogo the planet Lantern everyone is on asks Walker do you not find white lantern kyle rayner inspiring but he doesn't over on new genesis Orion hears a boom as a boom tube opens behind him it's the high father and he has a mission for his generals there are these rings in this universe they have the power to access the life equation so he wants seven of them so each of them needs to get him one of the rings while his eighth general built him a device to access the combined power of these rings the generals do not question the high father and vacant to work on the homeworld of the Sinestro Corps a new god of general named Becca appears telling Sinestro your yellow ring you will give it to me or that was not a question and she throws him aside as she disables the other yellow lanterns and cuts off our killers fingers taking his ring then boom she leaves over on Oh Cara the whole world of Larfleeze another general appears and he begins to fight the orange constructs telling Larfleeze he only needs the ring this could be so much easier mine mine the Rigas mine it is the only one so the Beast snatches it off of Larfleeze his finger and leaves on Sumerian the whole world of the star sapphires a speedster zips through the planet taking one of their rings and simply leaves on knock the homeworld of the Indigo tribe another general takes a member's ring through his pleading that it'll turn him back into a monster and as the general leaves the Indigo memory gets a grin on his face he is now free of compassion and on earth a woman completely incinerates her tormentors before flying over to the new god general and giving him her red ring she got her vengeance and now wants to die the ring theft continues as Orion appears on Mogo and he sees sage Walker with the only blue ring realizing that he is on a living planet Orion wonders if it'll put up a good fight but it isn't much of one as he takes Saint Walker and moco's rings before trying to leave pal sees him and before he can leave he tries to hold Orion back but Orion shatters Hals constructs and throws him against the wall before boom tubing out then moco goes dormant with no life left in him the new gods have succeeded in getting every one of the Rings and the highfather holds it over his subjects they have the life equation and can finally defeat Darkseid and bring order to the multiverse they can reshape this universe into a trap for Darkseid so the moment he appears they will have everyone waiting to defeat him but they need to test this first so they go to a planet destined to fail a world consumed by his own greed poverty overpopulation starvation and sickness the high father unleashes the power of the life equation on the planet changing them into something better hopefully they feel the full force of every emotion in the emotional spectrum and they do begin to change but in the monsters creatures beasts that suffer they have not created new gods but monsters so the high father decrees the planet will be slaughtered out of mercy they cannot be allowed to suffer he looks at his device trying to figure out why it failed and Metron suggests maybe they don't need to combine the power but the rings into a central white ring a white ring well if one exists that it holds the life equation within it and it is the ultimate power in the universe by whatever means necessary I will use this power against Darkseid over on Mogo palace trying his best to figure out what just happened Mogo has gone dormant and their systems are reading an entire planet was just exposed to a massive amount of spectrum power to planets size problems to the core to handle and that's when the new gods begin to trace back the Rings to read its information and try to figure out the answer to the white lantern just as Hal and Kilowog are sitting there trying to figure out their problems they see someone trying to access the course computers their first reaction is to sever the connection but Hal tells them not to these computers have 10 billion years of knowledge in them there's no way that these guys are after all of it there must be a specific thing that they are searching for that's when they see their goal the white lantern how also counter traces their signal to find out met Ron's current location that's when he takes half the core to go meet them they arrive with Orion Metron and a small sliver of the new god army standing there waiting he approaches them demanding that they give themselves up and come back with the Green Lantern Corps demo go Orion starts the fight sucker-punching how and that starts the one-sided battle of the lanterns versus new Genesis and it's a bloodbath the constructs are useless against the new gods army and after they kill a good chunk of the lanterns the army of New Genesis gets bored and decides to boomtube back to New Genesis at first Hal demands the Green Lantern's chase the bus Alec tells them look through the portal it's an entire army how realizes this potential problem and he sends an order to all of the lanterns to leave mow go and go to the last place a green would go knock the world of the Indigo lanterns because mojo is dormant and there's no way he can protect them meanwhile John has brought a group of lanterns to the planet changed by highfather he asks his ring what happened and it tells him the entire planet was hit with every energy red orange yellow green I get it the curious part is that they can't find anyone on the planet to living or dead until one leaves out of a building and drops him to the ground the lanterns easily put this monster in a constructs cage but then it breaks out and it goes in to kill a lantern when it suddenly dropped to the ground dead standing there is a general of New Genesis and he explains that this is their doing they are showing mercy with Swift blows to the back of the head he explains that their plans did not work because the rings are flawed not the New Gods they are God's he then demands that John and his Green Lantern's give up their rings they are far too dangerous for mere mortals John responds by putting handcuffs on to the general and the general breaks out with ease and then grabs John by the throat left and right the lanterns try their hardest to battle against the new gods but the new gods and dispose of the constructs easily so John tells his team to get off the planet he'll finish them the Arats chains around the buildings nearby and that he pulls them down on top of the general and himself he got out just in time and he caught up with his team but the whole thing was pointless as the general boom tubes right next to them all hope seems lost until indigo one teleports in behind them to tell them to join her the war has begun meanwhile across space the Templar guardians are explaining the situation to Cowell Raynor he isn't dead he's been in hiding ever since he touched to the source lanterns around the universe are under attack by beings older than the Guardians because of what Kyle did it was supposed to be impossible they explained that when Kyle went through the wall and came back he took the life equation with him that is how he has been capable of so many feats because of that kyle is now a target that's why you wanted me hidden that's why you wanted me to let my friends think I was dead not because of the reservoir but because of me you have to understand Kyle we weren't sure we only had a theory we couldn't risk anyone knowing you couldn't risk my knowing you lied to me you made me a liar we did not force you no you lied misled and manipulated until you got what you wanted Carol steps in who does that sound like Kyle wait how did you know about the situation with the quartz we tapped into their communications you are spying on the cores Kyle chuckles of the idea of course they did why not they were supposed to be better than the last Guardians they were supposed to be different than Kyle lifts off the ground I'm going back to save my friends but the Templar Guardians get in his face we cannot allow that and they bombard him with their power what are you doing Carol shouts that's Kyle the power within Kyle can not be allowed of this universe we had hoped for Kyle's help and returning it but if you won't we will remove it our cells they then continue to hit Kyle with their power and he hits the ground telling him stop stop these houses an explosion of white power comes out of him more than ever before he begins they all show the very universe around him showing all versions of the multiverse and life itself and to make matters worse he can't control it that's when the new gods get a ping on their radar of the power of life and they boomtube their the highfather steps for and tells Kyle enough please this is not a power mortals are meant to have is that not clear to you you nearly drove the universe into extinction with your use of the emotional spectrum now you dare use the life equation is there any doubt how this will end hi father reaches out he places a hand on Kyle's shoulder absorbing the power of life into himself helping redirect it and then he throws the power off into space all of the multiversal possibilities showing as it goes the Templar Guardians fly in telling hi father they can't allow this and he teleports them away Carol looks at him you attacked the cores yes I am seeking to protect all of the universes this is my duty in my honor the actions of your cores almost ended this universe prematurely any threat I should have been made aware of but was not perhaps I acted hoarsely when I sent to my generals to obtain the Rings so that I might understand them I did not think merely asking them would have resulted in my obtaining them was I mistaken the high father then opens a boom tube back to New Genesis and he invites Kyle to join him to better understand the white ring Kyle looks into Carol's eyes this is the only chance I have and Carol looks into Kyle's eyes I will follow you anywhere this is what you want I trust you they kissed passionately with what could possibly be their last and may enter blindly into the boom tube if only hi father's intentions were as proper as he was making them out to be because we saw with John that his troops are taking all of the Lantern rings across the universe back on earth guy Gardner's trying to relax after his Red Lantern Civil War when members of the New Gods army appear before him to take his ring by force he tries to hold his own but the New Genesis army is wrecking his power and draining his ring at a rapid rate as they come in to kill Guy Gardner Simon the bass comes in to his rescue explaining what's happening there is an army here trying to kill all lanterns and they need to leave now Simon tells them that they don't stand a chance Lantern power doesn't work guy tells them they don't run lanterns don't run luckily the new Genesis the general gets a call to return they have the way lantern they leave guy and Simon there elsewhere Sinestro and his army are trying to figure out a plan of attack because oddly Sinestro seems to be obsessed with the woman that active he has lists attract the woman and Alisa finds her assaulting the homeworld of the indigo lanterns knock the location that all of the Green Lantern's fled to on knock the greens and the Indigo tribe are getting their butts handed to them so Sinestro sends in his Corps to help repel the army but they are also dying all over the planet's surface it's a hopeless endeavor the Sinestro knew this going in he had decided that the Sinestro Corps had grown bloated and he wanted to weed out his numbers as they appear to be losing he ordered her kill oh and his squad to leave the planet taking the Greens the Indigo tribe with him then Sinestro detonated the remaining members of his cores rings stalling the armies of New Genesis as everyone fled Beca looks up sacrificing those loyal to you for you Sinestro holy damnation waits in the beginning there were the old gods but once they fell to their own nature the new gods of rose and a battle between light and dark began highfather versus Darkseid they were never able to defeat each other and things were always at a standstill until now the high father has taken his army to the universe of the Lantern Corps to see what this power is that they wield and once he discovered how powerful it was he set his troops forth to kill and claim every Lantern ring no mortals should wield that power Kyle Rayner the wielder of the white ring has gone to New Genesis to learn how to control his powers as he is unaware of the high fathers decree against all lanterns Hal Jordan is leading the Green Lantern's that were not on the Green Lantern homeworld to the home of the Sinestro Corps and he realizes that the only way for them to even stand a chance against beings that can shatter constructs is the team-up with Sinestro as they approach Alisa sinestro's council tells him that the Green Lantern's are now upon the world and it is his daughter Soren ik to blame but as they begin to argue Sinestro tells them both to be quiet while he welcomes the Green Lantern's Sorna gets to work trying to patch up the injured Green Lantern's and Sinestro goes to hell just as the Templar guardians that were keeping Kyle's secret arrived they explained that the new gods now have the most powerful of the lanterns the white Lantern Hal is confused he thought Kyle was dead and Sinestro wants to know how Kyle is the most powerful the Templar Guardians explained that they have kept Kyle in hiding because the obtained the life equation saying Walker hears that his friend is alive and he runs forward to hear of Kyle's survival himself and the Guardians explained they were just trying to save Kyle from himself from what he could become the end of everything Hal is even more confused you drop out out of nowhere and tell me that my friend is alive but bad news you've misplaced him we're at war and we could have used your help we know you're at war Hal Jordan how do you know that I haven't seen you in a year that is for another time how thinks about it the new gods of each ring red yellow green sapphire orange blue and indigo and now they have a white ring there is only one ring that they don't have and the Guardians stop him right there we will not allow you to do that hel Jordan it is madness and they demand that he find a new solution so he walks into Sinestro chambers to try and figure this out with Sinestro joins him how you did well because you were unpredictable that's why I could never kill you any plotter or schemer in my path I will crush but I can't predict you Hal Jordan so the next row decides that he will move everyone to the antimatter universe of qward and hide them there while he does that house should do what he should do what no one is predicting go get the black ring of death all the way over unearth black hand has an army of zombies enacting a circus for him everything from Harry Houdini to the flying Grayson's and the police are too scared to walk in and stop him so they stand outside preventing the zombies from escaping until Hal Jordan arrives black King gets ready to fight against Hal but he tells him I'm not here to stop you I want you to take this show on the road black hand the rest of Sinestro indigo and green cores all go to court as the star sapphires are being invaded by the new gods but as they enter court the Guardians ask where is Hal Jordan Sinestro looks at them your great leader that led dozens of lanterns to their deaths is off to Ray's reinforcements he went for black hand after we forbade it he's playing a force is too dangerous too uncontrollable but that is a matter we must address later we need to rescue kyle rayner before they can turn it into a weapon Sinestro informs them the home of the new gods is beyond our reach the Indigo tribe can't teleport us there so forget to Raynor I will do what we must enough Jon Stewart shots interrupting the arguing they need to rescue whatever hues of the spectrum remain Sinestro suggests that they rallied the star sapphires as they are still at full strength but Jon tells them that they can't trust the star sapphires recently John's lover turned out to be a shape-shifter pretending to love him and then he found out that the real fatality was forced to love him because of her ring but he's quickly convinced that they can't leave that planet there to get wiped out and the Sinestro walks them all over to the weaponeer for new weapons ones that can fight the new gods weapons built out of the shattered remains of the old white lantern rings a sword and shield sword ik tries to talk to John about his feelings but he still can't believe what happened to him with the star sapphires but when she tries to talk to him he snaps at her I'm not a victim and he leaves her battle meanwhile over on xamarin the star sapphires are already embroiled in a war with the new gods when the Indigo tribe teleports John and his new weapons there he stares down the new gods of general the white light that caught the eye of you new gods it's a blade that cuts both ways and he jumps in swinging while John is battling him out Kilowog tells the sumerians to get everyone they are leaving a stamp the weaponeer and John began beating on the general smashing her helmet and revealing it to be the new god Artemis and she has her soldiers fire a net over the entire group before they can escape but it's not a normal weapon the moment John tries to cut through it with his new white light sword in bricks the rescue mission is a failure due to a simple net but John asks the sapphires they can teleport to their true love's can't they take everyone with them but sadly they can't they'll just go chasing their loves across the universe and leave everyone else trapped here then one of the dying members of the Corps has an idea to give her ring to John discuss it he replies with I would rather die not after you brainwashed vitality and forced her to love me but they explained that in order for fatality to love him she needed to have that love in her heart already the ring floats off the Sapphire his finger and over to John where he eyeballs it and accepts it John Steuart of Earth you have great love in your heart welcome to the star sapphires he then points his ring into the air for God country and the core and with his love for the core he grabs everyone within the net and he pulls them back to the course headquarters as they flee Artemis soldiers ask her why she didn't shoot the ring out of the air she could have totally done that she could have stopped this from happening and she tells them it doesn't matter they'll all be convert soon meanwhile over on new Genesis a boom tube opens and highfather steps through a Kyle and Carol follow him they have no idea of the events that are transpiring everywhere else and the high father has promised that he will help Kyle control the white ring hi father walks Kyle over to a machine and he informs him that he can't separate the life equation from the ring but he can remove the ring from Kyle's finger Kyle kisses Carol when she objects telling her he has to he can't risk the universe he won't risk Carol so he puts his hand into the device and in a blinding flash of light it is removed and placed into the hands of the high father he takes it and puts it into his device and as Carol picks up Kyle off of the ground she asks hi father will he return the rings that he stole now stolen those rings are not stolen that would imply legitimacy of your stewardship that never existed those rings are rightfully mine as I have said for them for further study if you aren't giving them back what are you gonna do save the multiverse he then shows Kyle and Carol his scepter with the white ring inside of it I will use the life equation to remake your universe beginning with Earth I will prepare it for the war with Darkseid no you said yourself that no one person should have that power no one should decide for everyone and as she says this Carol bombards the high father with the power of her ring everything she has draining it faster and faster and she tells Kyle to think of something fast she can't keep doing this but this is all a part of the high Father's plan because her ring reaches zero and then he uses the white ring to cast them out of his chambers down to the barren world of old Genesis their old planet Kyle Rayner and Carol Ferris are no longer of any use to him they are both now stranded in a foreign universe with no rings no power and no way home but the high father isn't done he walks to a city where he holds up the new scepter to its willing participants and he tries to change them into the new God's army and it works he changes an entire city into the Willing soldiers of his army he has ultimate power meanwhile Guy Gardner and Simon Baz are still on earth wondering what they should do next and guy in His infinite wisdom decides that he doesn't care if he's gonna die he's gonna fight against these things so they argue a cyborg and to convince him to use his boom tube to warp them to New Genesis following the energy signature of one of the generals that attacked them but once they boom two of the New Genesis they quickly learn their mistake as they arrive in the bedroom of the soldier that attacked them after a few hits they are both unconscious and they wake up the miracle cell of New Genesis while this is happening Sinestro it was taunting Becca in deep space as a yellow construct and they have a not-so-nice to bait about the purpose of the lanterns and the new gods but he does admit that he is following her because he enjoys watching her work and this is because she is worthy of a yellow ring Becca of New Genesis you have the ability to instill great fear and she looks at the ring but this hasn't been the only thing Sinestro has been tracking he's been tracking all of the new gods and his universe and John plans to use the Indigo tribe to teleport every single one of them to the soldiers so that they can steal a mother box and warp in right on top of the New Genesis army so they all teleport off to the soldiers but it's not where they were expecting to go in the middle of a puff of smoke they realized that indigo one in her tribe betrayed them they had been warped right into the middle of an ambush the high father now has the power of the white Lantern and he plays the chains of the universe of the Green Lantern's into a universe capable of fighting Darkseid he plans to literally change the universe TripIt three of its free will and make it an army against Darkseid Kyle and Carol have been stripped of their powers and they've been thrown to the planet's surface to rot and Johnna Sinestro are imprisoned on new Genesis even with the power of parallax the very entity of fear they can't get out Guy Gardner and Simon Baz are also in prison to buy one of hi fathers generals for being stupid enough to chase him to New Genesis and Hal Jordan our only hope that remains he went to earth to see the one man that might be able to help black hand the wielder of the Black Lantern ring Hal tries to convince hand to come and save the universe but Handa tells him the universe always needs saving why is this different how explains that the life equation was stolen that perched up black hand that doesn't sound good I need as many people as you can get me hint we need to make it army that sounds like a war not a war hand V war that perks up his interest finally and they both fly off into space with hand declaring space war now show me where I could kill some gods they fly to the source wall where Sinestro was supposed to meet them and black hand is impressed with the architecture the face is forever frozen in fear on it palace confused them where are Sinestro wood John that's what Oh Ryan stops by to say hello with an army of his own how throws up a will power based wall to block them while black hand stairs of the wall asking is the space war behind the wall house snaps in a bocas hand Orion then smashes the shields well I didn't fly all this way not to kill something black hand tells Hal in Orion and he summons an army of fallen green lanterns to assist Hal is horrified at the idea of this and the new gods begin blasting their way through the army of the Dead at first the new Genesis guards can cut them down but eventually the new Genesis guys are overwhelmed by the guards and begin getting dragged to the source wall one of the guards cape touches the wall to become a part of the wall forever in tune and never-ending death and black Hanna realizes the wall is in a wall its death a mass grave back on oogenesis highfather hands indigo one the indigo ring as payment for betraying everyone it's because of her the Sinestro and John and everyone with them are now captured on new Genesis he then begins dropping lanterns a few at a time in front of him and he turns them against their will into his followers stripping them of their personality and willpower turning them into members of the New Genesis army he then opens up jhana Sinestro cell dropping them in front of them both get ready to fight preparing their biggest constructs but that now mindless follower lanterns grab them and hold them still John is shocked at the high father would strip people of their personalities will power in their free will and high father explains that his plan is to use this universe it is the only one ever able to defeat Darkseid and due to that he will return hi father wants to go to earth and change everyone there including its champions into the ultimate weapons against Darkseid then he prepares to bombard Sinestro John and their friends with the white light when one of high father's generals Malarone steps forward taking two blasts hi father is appalled that someone that he saved from dark side and made a general of his would do this to him but he explains that he left Darkseid because he couldn't see people become mindless followers anymore and then he boomed tubes out of there with Sinestro John and st. Walker at his side he explains that this is all he could do with his mother box it won't survive long from that blast but if they can get another mother box they can boomtube themselves around while Sinestro goes off in his own plan John runs back out onto the battlefield steals a weapon dropping one of the guards and then grabs themselves a mother box before booming out of there this is surgeon C is only getting warmed up John says as they leave meanwhile Kyle and Carol are on the surface of the planet separated from everyone has no idea how to get back when he knew God arrives before them Metron he sits above them in his charity explains that the balance is shifted while he will not help them he will leave them something that will allow them to help themselves a mother box with one charge using the boom tube Kyle and Carol end up over by John st. Walker and melodrama neveri one is overjoyed to see the friend that they thought was dead you see everyone thought Kyle was dead ever since relic attacked this universe it's been a year Saint Walker his dearest friend is the most overjoyed he is one of Kyle's greatest friends everyone in braces and he explains what was going on then before anything else can come out of there welcoming two guards of New Genesis find them and they begin opening fire on the group but Kyle notices something no one is shooting at him so he walks up to one of the guards and knocks him down and as the guard is saying that they are not allowed to hurt the bearer he then beats the guard down taking his spear weapon he then turns to everyone let's get my ring back they run right to highfather and they begin fighting him John tries to hold high father with a construct but of course he breaks out of it saying Walker and Carol both began to open fire on him with the spears lasers and he blocks them but then Kyle leaps him destroying his scepter and separating the white ring from it he grabs the ring and he puts it on declaring let's see how you like fighting a white Lantern but nothing happens the high father tells him that he is foolish the ring is not needed the life equation within it the high father is the life equation he then gains a white lanterns appearance and he blasts them with a white Lantern gun seemingly killing everyone meanwhile Simon and guy are in the miracle cell a cell that if you do manage to escape from will surely kill you but guy in His infinite wisdom charges his ring up for a massive blast a break out of their cell as it explodes Simon puts up a shield in a hurry and they take a massive hit from their cell Simon then uses his willpower as far as it's ever gone before breaking them out of the miracle cell only to find melech Rowan in front of them he takes his helmet off and he explains everything to guy in Simon that's been going on with Sinestro John as Saint Walker you see guy in Simon have been out of commission for a while he then explains to kaien Simon where all of the stolen rings are being kept when Holt the new Genesis blacksmith Simon and guy get into position and they begin their attack on Holmes Simon is about a full blast of willpower - which halts returns fire with his hammer guy has a bit worse of a fight though as he's getting involved with robots trying to fight him dead of woken up within the forge and have begun detecting him as a contaminant if the ROS guide and he gets full of rage contaminant screw you pal he then runs out to Simon Anholt fighting and spews his napalm blood on halt which seemingly weakens him this gives guy an idea and he places his napalm blood into the Green Lantern willpower football's made by Simon he then punts the bombs at the forge and hopes as the escape guy shows their prize the stolen Lantern rings and the sapphire ring lifts up and carries itself off to its new user back with John Carroll Kyle and Saint Walker they've survived and they were teleported somewhere else then the Templar Guardians appear before them to inform them that it will be all of them who will save the day not the Guardians Sinestro was off in a Zelan trying to sneak through the city undetected until he sees one of his old yellow lanterns changed my high father he allows parallax to envelop him and burns devil dog alive then he crushes the new Genesis soldier that saw happen just at that moment he sees a sapphire ring zip past him so he decides to follow it and watches it land on Carol Ferris his finger he stands before everyone laughing at the idea that the white lantern will still save them he wishes to prove his worth to the Guardians by flying straight to the highfather trying to throw the fear of Darkseid in his face only to be rejected and Sinestro flees from the palace using the boom tube that the high father's army has opened up allowing them to go to the Green Lantern's universe back at the source wall black hand is looking at the corpses laid out in front of them and he touches the wall the very thing that traps individuals inside of it he begins the field of sand taking over his hands and then he throws back his Black Lantern power and wakes the wall up everything that was trapped within the wall wakes up confused but forced to do black hands bidding rise black head calls as even relic himself wakes up Orion sees his end coming you may best us here lanterns but without a boom tube you are bringing this army to Genesis at that moment the boom tube this industrial road opens up next to them you were saying Al Jordan are you coming then Sinestro black head and Hal dive into the boom tube and black hand turns back to his army follow me friends so the wall of zombies begin to come through as well let's play everything that was trapped in the walls begins to attack and destroy New Genesis some of them are even calling them the wall Titans as they are massive beings from the time before and the high father calls this madness Hal tells Blackhand to keep the new army Genesis busy while they go after high father himself in black hand two smiles over with John guy and Simon they all joined the fight but Carroll stays with Kyle as the Guardians argue over telling Kyle the truth they agree to and they approach him my father does not have the life equation he has tapped into your mind to use it it is still in your body and you will still die from it on the battlefield black hand begins to lose control the beings that he raised from the dead because they are resurrecting they are returning to life and black hands arms begin turning into the wall itself he shouts Hal Jordan you knew this would do this to me and he flies back through the open boom tube right past a relic that is staring at the now empty wall wondering what changed with the source wall Titan stopping their onslaught due to confusion the new Genesis army surrounds Sinestro and Hal over with Kyle he knows what this means and after debating it and Carol trying to talk him out of it Kyle goes into the recesses of his own mind to find the highfather there while this is going on John guy and Simon go to the prison cells and they free the rest of the lanterns and as Hal Jordan is being taken by the army he leans over any shouts to the highfather you are taking people's free wills you are starting a war that will kill billions and all to create an army against Darkseid don't you get it you are becoming Darkseid the high father stops and says no what have I done the source Titans keep crushing the city of New Genesis killing thousands and no one even knows who to fight anymore it's only death and destruction over the entire city realizing that he needs to end this the high father goes back into the mindscape where he gives the life equation back to kyle rayner you are worthy of the life equation prove it now Kyle Kyle wakes up with his powers returned source tightens that doesn't sound good everyone take cover he takes off into the sky and he bombard the planet's surface with the power of life Saint Walker watches as his friend returns to full power hi father is remorseful as he realized the humans did what he could not they saved everyone the problem is that the source Titans have damaged the antigravity device in the city and New Genesis is now barreling down towards the planet's surface Halsey's so much death coming and he tells Sinestro that they need to save it but Sinestro argues it is time to take our win kyla biggest will fall to the surface as every time that he bombards an area with life he passes out Carol catches him while the high father orders the city to evacuate Sinestro takes off for home but Hal is not done yet he flies beneath the city literally catching it with a giant construct of himself Hal will keep fighting until the end even if it means saving his enemies but it's not enough he doesn't have the power to catch the entire city luckily Saints Walker is filled with hope thanks to seeing the White Lantern return and his ring has sensed it it declares hope detected and he declared all will be well he super juices Hal Jordans ring to 300% turning his miniature construct of himself into the size of the island itself then using everything he has he puts the city down gently before collapsing and having John Ketchum he asks seborrhea was safe John there all right now take it easy hi father approaches Kyle and he tells him that he misjudged him if this world is destined to be a final battleground of New Genesis and apocalypse then they have proven that they are worthy return to your world with my sincere regrets and know that we are adversaries no more as they begin to leave guy comments is it just me or is the guy to girl ratio here on new Genesis a little skewed way to go guy always inappropriate at just the right time Kyle ven catches up at how to apologize to the whole Carol thing how tells him it's fine I'm over it just treat her good otherwise then I'll be pissed Kyle tells him that Hal and Carol should talk but how this misses it we will one day everyone boom tubes home where a simple forest critter takes mogo's ring and it runs it over to his branch to plant ammo go reawakens thinking everyone the story of Godhead comes to an end kyle rayner has had a crazy adventure as the white lantern he discovered that he had the power of the life equation within him and the ability to reshape reality itself his own doubts and fears over this created an evil version of himself with the power of a God and the desire to destroy everything oblivion while oblivion went missing after their last conflict Kyle met with the new gods and after a conflict with them he discovered that he was going to die from the life equation and that no one man should have this power now that everything has calmed down we go to Carol Ferris of the star sapphires sitting on xamarin looking at a ring Kyla flies over to her as she's sitting there she tells him she wants to talk finally after everything that they've been through she wants to say she loves him and that's her problem because she also loves being a star sapphire and flying into space adventures and the travel they fly up into the air together and he holds her close suddenly they get a message that something massive is coming towards the planet it's huge and flaming from entry into orbit they both move out of the way in a hurry but Kyle throws up a shield as it collides with the surface of the planet Carol's ring reports and no deaths on the planet and then as the dust clears they see what it is it's one of the beings from the source wall that black handle woke in the Godhead event and it's been scorched with the white lantern symbol someone is calling out Kyle they follow the symbol back to a planet that's been destroyed and they find the one surviving member of the alien race that once lived them she is scared of Kyle because he is wearing this symbol of the white Lantern it's a symbol to be feared on this planet because oblivion is here he wraps around Kyle and developing him swallowing him telling him this is the end this is oblivion Kyle is trapped within Oblivion's makeup and he decides to inform him Kyle you will tear the universe asunder it's inevitable you know this that is why you created me you call me oblivion because you know the truth the universe would be better without you Kyle breaks free hitting oblivion across the face you ought to fight you got one on the outside of oblivion oblivion is fighting against Carol breaking through her shields and telling her that he can't escape his nature until the alien blasts him in the back with a gun oblivion grabs the alien and began swirling around her and Carol tries to fight against him until white light begins to pour out of oblivion and Kyle explodes out of him would you shut the hell up Carol catches the alien and Kyle tells her to get out of here go she tells him that she isn't leaving him with this monster but Kyle doesn't want her to go she knows what she needs to do so Carol takes the alien offworld leaving Kyle alone with his own demons reality around Kyle and oblivion begins to shift back and forth is the two of them fling the life equation around back and forth over and over they fight at a complete standstill Kyle is powerful but oblivion is his own reflection and has the exact same power oblivion explains Kyle knows the truth he knows that he'll try to do the right thing he won't alter life but eventually he'll grow tired of those that opposes and he'll dig deeper into his own self-righteousness and eventually he will remake everything until it is alpha his liking Kyle grabs oblivion that will not happen it will you believe it or I wouldn't be here he then throws Kyle down and it begins to absorb Kyle into himself that's what Carol returns with what Kyle asked her to bring hope because she brought Kyle's friends they all swooped in and they began battling against oblivion throwing everything at him all of them the ones that stood by him when he needed it with their weapons they're able to cleave pieces of oblivion off and hit him with the power of pure willpower Kyle is drained and weakened by a Bolivians attack he doesn't know what he can do any longer but ability it tries to absorb the power that is for Adam growing larger and larger it's Saint Walker that tells the group I don't think it's working Kyle sees that they are feeding oblivion and that oblivion explodes pushing everyone back and reforming oblivion gets so strong that he can even alter reality for the Templar Guardians and Kyle sees only one answer he needs to end all of this and the white lantern rings which will end oblivion he will sacrifice himself for the good of the galaxy again but Saint Walker and Carol stop him he isn't going to do it this time he isn't going to sacrifice himself again there needs to be another answer and Carol gives him an idea if the burden of the white lantern is too much for him changed the game don't end the game Kyle thinks about it and he comes up with the perfect answer one person can't handle the life equation so he asks for the Templar Guardians help he asks them to help him make more White Lantern rings because this looks like a job for the White Lantern Corps unlike the rings that came out of blackest night these rings will be permanent and they will spread the life equation out there so it can't consume one person but if it's ever needed the rings can reform into one single ring again to stop a great evil the rings fly off to six individuals telling them you have the ability to preserve life in all of its forms will you join the White Lantern Corps in each of them accepted the ring oblivion still growing stronger asks Kyle what he did and he tells him something that I should have done a long time ago given this power to others the white lanterns all converge on the planet and they begin bombarding oblivion finally shrinking down his power and Kyle flies right through his Center pulling out the real oblivion he holds him up but he tells him the ring was split seven ways which means no one ring has the power to rule the galaxy my fears are gone and that means you are gone and that's it oblivion fades into nothingness and the new white lanterns all head off to see what this new power could do and the Guardians head off because they are always needed elsewhere but Kyle is welcome to join them whenever he desires Carol flies over to Kyle and asks where's the seventh ring you said that there were seven but I only counted six he goes to hand her the ring but she stops him because she loves being a star sapphire they look at each other and then they take off in this space because Kyle is ready to go home with Carol the end and there you go what we are calling the white Lantern saga now as I told you we're going to be covering it the blackest night in the brightest day in a much longer format more akin to the style of content that we do now but either way I hope you enjoyed this just getting a nice Cliff Notes version of what happened with Kyle Rayner as the white lantern and how he officially ended it now as you can tell the end of the storyline the white Lantern ring is kind of out there doing various things with various other individuals they do briefly mention the white Lantern in the rebirth storyline but as more of a way to just get rid of the white Lantern as opposed to you know actually using the white Lantern so technically there's like one or two more mentions but it gets disbanded and taken apart relatively quickly so I really wouldn't consider that a part of the actual white lantern saga as far as I'm concerned the Kyle Rayner storyline that ends with him making a white Lantern core is the saga now if you enjoyed this video please consider subscribing to our channel give this video a like and let me know in the comments down below what you liked the most about the white lantern ring and I'll see you next time right here
Channel: Comicstorian
Views: 1,630,728
Rating: 4.8653669 out of 5
Keywords: comicstorian, comic books, dc, dc entertainment, marvel, storytelling, full story, dc universe, justice league, comic theories, avengers, superhero, injustice, miles morales, deadpool kills the marvel universe, batman, gwenpool, godspeed, doom patrol, marvel zombies, spider man, dc comics, hal jordan, kyle rayner, green lantern, comics, comic book, blackest night, red lantern, blue lantern
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 21sec (9861 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2019
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