Old Man Logan Full Story | Comicstorian

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welcome to the full story series right here at comics story today we're going to be doing old man Logan now for those of you guys who don't know what the full story is this is us taking a lot of our older videos that have come out over the spread of six months who sometimes up to three years meaning voices will change Styles will change and even quality changes as we're going through it old man Logan is a famous storyline in which we see a potential future for Wolverine recently in 2015 Marvel decided it would be fun to bring that older version of Wolverine to the current day to replace our actual Wolverine and so what we got was a long-running storyline of old man Logan about 50 issues and crossovers now some of those storylines weren't that great so I didn't cover them so what we did cover in this basic spread of old man Logan stuff was the original 1 through 30 issues and then we jumped into the finale and we did a bunch of the crossovers where he fought against Deadpool and he fought against our Lord and he fought against a Hulk merge with a Wolverine either way this is the bulk of the old man Logan storyline that happened recently in comics it's great it's fun I hope you guys enjoy and if you end up watching it all the way to the ending you're incredible but since it's so long I do have to say if you like our style for presenting storylines please consider subscribing to our Channel with as long as it is we need you guys to give this a smash of a like just so that it could be in the YouTube algorithm either way thank you so much and enjoy the video [Music] we open on Logan now an old man riding his horse into his small rundown farm in California he's in charge of this land and he has a family a wife and two small children things are not well for Logan this is not a happy life but a life with struggle where Logan pays rent to the halt gate and the rent is due with nothing to pay this month Logan refuses to sell his children's toys to pay this rent so he decides that he will face the Hulk gang and try to reason with them perhaps get a pass on the rent this month but the whole gang does not do reason and when they arrive in the farm the next day and the fantasticar they bully Logan and they run him down they already know that he can't pay the rent a confrontation is brewing and suddenly Logan pops his claws and he fights back against the Hulk's except he doesn't it was just a daydream a fleeting thought Logan has become a pacifist and he swore to never unleash his claws again and instead the Hulk gang pummels Logan into the ground they leave him a bloody mess and they tell him that he owes double next month otherwise his family will die lying in his bed at Logan's healing factor helps mend the wounds but he's paid a visit by one of the old Avengers Hawkeye who was now blind but even a blind man can see the trouble that Logan is in and he proceeds to offer the former Wolverine him a job to help Hawkeye deliver a package to new Babylon on the east coast of the United States if mobin's willing to help him he'll pay him five hundred dollars which should presumably cover his debt to the Hulk game Logan agrees to take the job and the next day he says goodbye to his family and he gets on board the spider mobile with Hawkeye they embark on an adventure to save Logan's family their journey begins by taking them through northern California where they encounter the Mauna Lloyd's that live underground and have infested San Francisco as Hawkeye tells Logan these things are new and they've been sinking coal cities he thinks that this is the earth trying to take back what belongs to it they begin by exploring an empty building for survivors when the ghost riders attack out of nowhere Logan scrambles to get to the spider mobile but he's immediately a act by a ghostwriter gang member if the gang member shows no mercy as he beats that life out of Logan egging him on why don't you fight back and Logan tells his enemies that he will never hurt another living soul leaving Logan on the ground Hawkeye has seen enough of this astonishing sight he proceeds to shoot the ghost riders with arrows murdering them at where they stood you see Hawkeye might be blind but he has an amazing sense of hearing Logan is appalled by the violence from this one-time adventure but Hawkeye just looks at Logan and disgust and asks what the hell did they do to you man Logan replies they broke me bub the two eventually arrived at hammer Falls which is the number-one tourist attraction in America because well it's the final resting place of Thor's hammer even though they were simply planning to stop through the town they're immediately approached by Ultron 8 who is now married to hawk ice third ex-wife Tanya Ultron 8 pleads with Hawkeye to go see her and when they meet her they learned that his daughter Ashley has recently formed a super team that has been captured by the new kingpin Hawkeye needs to rescue her but Logan is only interested in going to deliver the package Hawkeye offers to double his pay if he helps him rescue his daughter and Logan reluctantly agrees although he still plans on not using any violence to assist Hawkeye he won't pop these claws at Salt Lake City kingpin sits in an arena as he watches two of Ashley's TV's daredevil and Punisher get eaten alive by a pack of Raptor like dinosaurs as Fisk leaves the arena Logan identifies where Fisk is keeping Ashley and Hawkeye in axe a crazy plan where he uses the spider mobile to simply drive into the building and rescue her the spider mobile can do whatever a spider does as the car crashes into the prison hawkeye leaves out and kills all of the opposition in his way and as it frees - Lee the kingpin walks and demanded to know what's going on but before he can get an answer the newly freed Ashley takes a shotgun and uses it to decapitate the kingpin as it turns out Ashley was planning to take over the kingpins territory by killing the kingpin she had no intention of coming here to save people Hawkeye's daughter has gone completely evil her father and she lifts the shotgun to bash ian hawke eyes head but Logan uses the spider mobile to drive into the building and rescue Hawkeye from his power crazy daughter they drive off only to be pursued by Ashley's newly acquired evil henchmen and as Logan and Hawkeye make their escape suddenly the earth opens up beneath them in an earthquake and they fall into a dark and awful peril the victims of the earthquake surrounded Logan and Hawkeye in darkness as they realize that they're surrounded by the Mauna Lloyd's and they're going to be eating them alive thankfully our heroes are able to free the spider 'mobile and climb out of the earthquake curve s just like a spider can shortly after that the to travel across the country without much more incident and we see some of the horrible sights of this new world's eventually they find a calm moment to sit down for a drink at a small dive bar in Des Moines where Logan nearly lets his claws let loose on a drunken idiot he gathers his composure he storms out of the bar and Hawkeye once again asks him what happened man what did they do to you this time Logan says sit down and I'll tell you so you want to know why Logan hasn't popped his claws at 50 years why he is now a pacifist it began in Westchester when Wolverine was with Jubilee and they were receiving distress calls from the Avengers shield and the Fantastic Four it turns out that the villains had finally assembled they were attacking everyone at once it's just at that moment that a large group of villains pop into the room and they seemingly killed Jubilee there are too many villains to count not just mutant villains but all of the famous Marvel villains all at the same time this is it the final showdown Wolverine pops his claws and he does what he does best by eviscerating all of the big bats he fights to the protest of the mutant children in the mutant academy and he continues his assault on these super villains as he begins a long drawn-out battle with bullseye which ends with Wolverine punching his claws into his gut as bullseye dies in his arms it's at that moment that Wolverine comes to his senses and he sees that it is Jubilee dead in his arms in the room with Wolverine is Mysterio the master of illusions he says did you really think that you could do this alone take down 40 super-powered villains talk about delusions of grandeur but your friends people who would hesitate that's a different matter entirely just then Wolverine peers over his shoulder and he sees the room for what it really is what really happened all of his x-men allies have died by his claws after that he walked off into the wilderness and he found a train track where he laid down and let the train run over his neck and head over and over and Wolverine died Logan would never pop his claws again Logan and Hawkeye continue their journey east the next day through dooms head Illinois where a giant venom infected Tyrannosaurus Rex attacks them in a spider 'mobile they try to outrun it but it's so fast and Hawkeye uses the secret gun in their car to shoot it but it's ineffective obviously it's venom but it is just at that moment that a man dressed in a black code whispers a word and the Venom symbiote flies off of the t-rex and it collapses immediately before Logan and Hawkeye can ask any more questions they're instantly transported to a strange facility and it is here that they are greeted by a familiar face the White Queen Emma Frost who looked surprisingly young because she mentally projects the image of her younger self to everyone around her she has transported them to the Forbidden Quarter which is the home of her husband dr. doom we find out that her marriage has preserved the 20 members of the mutant species that remain as well as her old Ally Black Bolt the mysterious man who helped them with the t-rex after a few choice words and the has the spider 'mobile fixed up and she sends them on their way as dr. doom looks on shortly after departing from the forbidden quarter our two travelers passed through the town known as Pym Falls which as they're crossing they see why it's called that and they've reached their destination new Babylon which is overlooked by a giant statue of Red Skull as they drive into the bustling city Hawkeye finally reveals the true nature of his journey Logan had suspected that their secret cargo was drugs this whole time but as it turns out Hawkeye was delivering something far more that the two walk into a room where Hawkeye recognizes their contact a man by the name of Tobias and he opens the case to show Tobias that the package is intact and still containing 99 vials of super-soldier serum that they plan to use to spark a rebellion against the red skull twosome Ashland 99 Captain America's as payment hawkeye asks only to join the rebellion as a hero even though he's old and blind and Tobias agrees paka is the static and he tells Tobias man this is like when they first let me join the Avengers it just feels so good to be accepted somewhere but at that moment Logan is riddled with bullets by one of the men in the room and Tobias pulls a gun on Hawkeye and he shoots him in the stomach it was all a setup by Red Skull all of Hawkeye's hopes and dreams for redemption are gone and he says to the file Tobias do your worst then Tobias shoots Clint Barton Hawkeye right between the eyes meanwhile over in the Capitol building of new Babylon Red Skull remembers defeating his greatest foe Captain America as he stands in a room filled with the memorabilia of all of the departed Marvel heroes as Tobias and his shield lackeys walk into the room we see that Red Skull is wearing Captain America's uniform as sudden sort of sick tribute to his fallen enemy Tobias then drops two body bags in the room it also has the Super Soldier Serum x' and a suitcase of money that was going to be used for the whole operation just as Red Skull is complimenting them on a job well done Logan rises from his body bag still regenerating from the many bullet wounds and he punches out Tobias and the others shield members Logan looks at Red Skull and says you're going down schoo and the two of them engage in a bloody fight they throw punches back and forth of Red Skull locks the room down so that they are in there alone and he could take out Logan by himself Red Skull eventually picks up Black Knights evany sword from his trophy case and just as he's about to strike down Logan Logan blocks it with Captain America's shield Logan now armed with his legendary weapon has the upper hand and he soon knocks down Red Skull without warning and without mercy he uses the vibranium edge of the shield to decapitate Red Skull the first life that Wolverine has taken in over 50 years Logan quickly has to find an escape from the rest of soldiers that are in the compound so he puts his hand on Iron Man's suit in the trophy case and he decides to use that against the soldiers then he sees the suitcase full of money and he grabs it and he flies out of new Babylon using what's left of the suits power it turns out there is just enough power to take Logan from new Babylon to within a 36 hour walk of his home in California so all is well he's returning with two weeks to spare and the money so that he can pay the rent to the hull King and then live happily ever after but when he gets home he finds out the grisly truth the Hulk's got bored he walks into his home only to find his wife and two children murdered on the floor it is then with a resounding stick that Logan dies and a Wolverine is born again what happens after this is not pretty or subtle it's just pure carnage Wolverine does what he does best he hunts down each and every member of the Hulk gang and he murders them in as many grotesque ways as he can he does not hold back his revenge is nearly complete and after tracking down every member of the Hulk gang he troubles upon Bruce banners layer for the final showdown Bruce Banner has been holed up here with one of his grandchildren simply known as baby Bruce Bruce Banner doesn't give very many reasons for why he moved into the country and had a redneck family of hosts but he does explain that it was probably something to do with the camera radiation messing with his head a little so old frail human form of Bruce Banner with superhuman strength fights against Logan and as they fight banner reveals that he was bored of being a landlord bored of being a supervillain he wanted someone to fight and kill again which is why he decided to get his greatest nemesis Wolverine back but Wolverine is the best at what he does and he lunges into the old puny banner and he runs him through the stomach with his adamantium claws which finally awakens the Beast that is the Hulk now the size of a building he grabs Wolverine and he bites into him hours later another remaining Hulk relative walks back into Bruce banners lair and he sees Hulk sinning and reveling at his greatest victory he ate Wolverine but Hulk is having stomach cramps and suddenly Wolverine bursts out of Hulk's body presumably killing Bruce Banner The Incredible Hulk finally one month later Logan is at the funeral of his family he is there with the locals that knew him and his family and they're all sorry for his loss they all want to know what is Logan going to do now but he has nothing left with his family dead he is dressed up and ready to ride away from his old life as he's ready to leave one of them asks are you really gonna bring law back to this country and he replies why not got nothing better to do while the task may seem impossible Logan begins to ride off into the sunset with little baby Bruce Banner strapped to his back this leads us to a gang having a poker game talking about how the Hulk's are dead and everyone is grabbing up their territories one guy in a daredevil mask says that he heard it was a single guy and his friend and the Iron Man mask asks him what guy that's when Logan is standing in the doorway might be this guy it cracks open a beer takes a sip the man in the iron man mask tells him that he has three seconds to get out of them so Logan steps forward and pours the beer on the guy in the daredevil masques head to the ironman guy stands up and him and logan lunges forward cutting the man and then he cuts every thug there blood body parts and bullets fly on the room until logan is thrown out a window and onto the roof of a jeep he stands up screaming and then he shows his claws to the only man left the man and the daredevil masks take off that mask he tells him and the man to us he begins to beg please I didn't do none you wear this uniform and you don't even know who this is I just it's just cool so Logan guts in with the rest and he walks away people of the town walk over what are we supposed to do now you're free you're welcome the townspeople don't look too happy with them you can build something new you can build something worth living for he then calls for his horse I'm old enough to remember a time that hadn't gone to hell it doesn't have to be like this I'll be back and if you haven't built something worth living for I'll burn this place down and someone else will start over he then rides off onto the dusty trail as he's riding off he comes across the head of an Ultron as it lands in front of him he picks it up and he looks at it and he looks into the sky logan then goes home were the baby hulk that he rescued from before is sitting comfortably being raised by Danny cage the daughter of the real Luke Cage Logan makes sure that she's okay and that baby Hulk is okay and then he sets off on his mission to figure out where this Ultron head came from by going to a nearby town known as a tourist attraction due to it being the final resting place of Thor's hammer before he fell this place is where you could buy a Fantastic Four t-shirt or an Iron Man mask and it's very popular except no one's here Logan walks through curious as to where everyone is until he gets a whiff of Emma Frost he walks in and she shows him jean grainy tells her I must stop this I'm not Scott I don't like it when you mess with my mind so she changes into a young Emma one that Logan will recognize stop Emma show me the real you a girl has to keep some of her dignity Logan she tells him Emma explains that when Logan killed the Hulk's he started a domino effect the balance of the territories shifted and she ended up here but the punisher showed up and killed everyone she tried to help but she only made things worse and made them crazier she lays down on the bed and tells Logan that she knows where the head came from and why he's here she could read minds after all but Logan should stop what he's doing he can't save the world that's dooms job he turns looking at her oddly for that statement and then he watches her at lusion fade she grows older and he can see the bullet wound in her gut she's dying you had one hell of a run Frost Logan I missed teaching me too when I saw you walk in I thought you were the Angel of Death here to take me and as her voice trails off Logan gets up he walks to the wall a mighty dividing wall that he doesn't even remember when it was built he just showed up one day he sticks his claws into it and he begins to climb and once he reaches the top he can see for miles and nothing looks right what is this yes that's what a Thor from the four core floats in front of him what you are doing is forbidden what the hell are you supposed to be and why you dressed like a dead man the Thor hits Logan with the full force of their lightning and he falls up the wall and lands in the forest down below he gets up and as he heals he runs into Sabretooth with a collar around his neck claiming to be one of the horsemen the soldiers with Sabretooth begin to riddle Logan with bullets but before they can continue their fight there's a costume as lightning hits the ground and storm appears with the x-men they look at Logan and shock how is it possible it looks like his dad's dad but before he can hear any more he shut down by Emma Frost he wakes up in his own mind scape with them uh trying to figure out what's going on he remembers her dying a few hours ago and she remembers him being dead as well how are they both here but that's a question that they're both going to have to worry about later because Sabretooth and the horsemen blow up the wall magneto turns to Wolverine you brought this on us and he throws him out into the streets where he lands in front of apocalypse with the Thor finally returns and demands that Logan be returned to her he is to be punished the Thor throws down lightning and in the process injures the x-men in apocalypse his horseman a fight ensues as the x-men and apocalypse his men all begin to fight it out and Logan sneaks away from the battle to walk up a building where he jumps on the Thor slicing and dicing her she screams at him you dare lay a hand on me and strikes him with lightning throwing him far far away as she turns her attention to the x-men and the apocalypse battle Logan has no idea where he's going but it's far and beneath him that there is a city it's growing closer and closer until he hits the ground hard he wakes up in a lab with Tony Stark and Rhodey next to him Tony starts in with fast questions who are you where did you come from how are your bones laced of adamantium and how much that metal Logan asks him where am I now and that he looks at the window and multiple suits of armor flying around and Tony tells him tecnópolis Tony then looks at him you're from over the wall aren't you do you know my name Logan looks at him Tony Stark ha ha I'm so famous they even know me from Overlord dooms wall Lord to Rhodey steps forward do you have an issue with Lord doom that's when Logan sees rody is holding a Thor hammer of course not why would I so Tony sits him down your body is fighting off the deadly Tec virus in our atmosphere to us stand still but how Logan gets up and begins to walk out of the office thanks for the help and I have to go Brodie stops him I can't let you leave you attacked a Thor and you left your domain without permission without permission problem is old man you've left your domain that is forbidden there's that word again Logan then turns to Tony you remember me I'm sorry that armor of yours remember me no I'm sorry the x-men who were the x-men Brodie begins to charge up his hammer and Logan pops his claws but he can't take the might of Thor's hammer as he's thrown back against a wall unconscious again he wakes up in the zombie territory a land of punishment for people who have stood against doom where he's being eaten over and over again he wonders if this is hell or a test from God but he knows none of that is correct his only reprieve from being ian is when the zombies are distracted and they run off but during one of those times he runs into a cave where he meets Jennifer Walters the she-hulk she doesn't know who he is but once again he remembers his version and she explains that almighty Doom has sentenced her here this is her punishment once again Logan picks up on that weird terminology almighty doom he asks her why she hasn't just jumped out of here yet she tells her she can't do that it's just too high up so he asks her can you throw me suddenly the zombies find them and the fight begins again with Logan slicing up as many of them as he can rage fills him as she hold grabs him and begins that jump away higher and higher and then she throws him out of Zombie territory telling him that if he sees any hulks be nice to them he watches as the world has left behind again and she-hulk is taken by a flying zombie once again he begins to fall farther and farther until he lands on the roof of a building he gets up and he sees New York the old New York from his past as he fallen through time this time or is this another one of those weird worlds he seems to be traveling to he looks around and he remembers where all of this began with Ultron's head falling in front of him something is off about this entire world that he's in she-hulk keeps mentioning Almighty doom and he remembers the arguments with Brodie and Iron Man and of hakka lips just being there multiple people with Thor's Hammer's none of this makes sense Logan falls to his knees screaming aah and then he sees the superhero battle going on above his head and he ignores it climbs down off the building and grab some clothes out of a bin and then it starts to walk through the streets only to be stopped by Emma Frost again another version and a very young Jean Grey you look old as dirt Wolverine but considering you were dead yesterday I guess that's an improvement he begins to smell them and he realizes this is death Emma reads his mind and Jean joins her and they both see everything that he's gone through and everything that has happened to him so Emma asks him Logan can I hug you without you stabbing me and they embrace you don't need to be scared of me Jeanne I'm sorry but I'm more scared of what's in your head that can't be helped MMN then decide she's going to give Logan what he deserves after all of this a reunion so they bring him to a room and they give him a meal while he gets to see all of his old friends alive and well again the x-men that he remembers the time displaced young x-men and even a few new faces he has found the remnants of the real Marvel Universe from before battle worlds before doom took over and they decide to give him one more thing so they bring him to the home of the son of a Wolverine his son from the Ultimate Universe James Hudson he asks Emma why she brought him here and she explains he deserved to know that his legacy was living on some where tears began to roll down the old man's face good-looking boy and he asks you said a Wolverine where are we we're working on that there was some kind of accident and we seemed to be in two places at once two dimensions poured over on top of each other can't figure out how do ms allowing this so Emma and Wolverine enter his mindscape again as she explains that he needs to relax now time and space are broken and everything is wrong but eventually heroes would do something huge to correct this to make time and space right again she believes that when that happens he'll be leading the charge through the front door because just maybe all of his life times were leading up to this moment the universe was training him but the day that it would need him the most so what happens after that Emma what happens after we rise up against God I don't know but maybe after all of this maybe we'll get a second chance the only thing Logan can remember is a white light and then waking up in Times Square except Times Square should be gone all of this it's all dead he wait who is he Scotty no as Logan tries to make sense out of what's going on some officers begin to ask him if he's okay and he lashes out at them throwing a metal barricade at one of the officers in breaking the arm of the other the first officer fires his taser and then Logan tries to run at him and the officer pulls out his gun shooting him Logan falls over and as he picks himself up he pulls out his claws and he remembers Oh God he remembers the world isn't like this anymore the villains finally got their act together and they took over and the worst of them was banner he had a family he was trying to be happy but it really did just end all the same blood death and him alone like an animal looking at his claws Logan runs off to find a place to think because this is all different so he finds an apartment to crash in and he looks at the paper dated 2015 this was before everything went bad somehow he's back before the wastelands before his family how the hell is that even possible he begins to get dressed and he looks down at his hat and he thinks I'll Scotty had a hat just like that that was until one day when black buscher took his hat while they were trading and smacked Scotty knowing Logan wouldn't do anything Logan wanted to do something but he didn't and he left then it happened except it hasn't happened yet so maybe he was sent here to do something about it do what he does best Seligman begins searching for him asking all of the lowlifes until finally a few days later they give him the answer that he wanted as the night begins to cover the city Logan jumps through a window knowing that this is where the black butcher was and as he lands Logan is tased by a younger butcher telling him that he doesn't know why he's looking for him but he picked a fight with the wrong guy just as the butcher raises his arm to tase Logan again the butcher's arm goes flying off Logan grabs him and the butcher says is this about the robbery in Jersey I didn't mean to hurt those people and Logan tells him this isn't about that you hit my boy butcher tries to say he doesn't even know his boy but Logan holds his fist to his chin and then sniped as the butcher's body falls to the ground Logan knows why he is here he's here to a hunt so he takes out a pen and holds his arm out crossing the name butcher and next is a banner Logan begins to remember back to one night when he could hear the screams of another farmer die at the hands of the banner clan Logan and his wife Maureen would go to the farmers home the next day to see his body in the pieces and she tells him there's nothing they can do Logan tells her that maybe there was something he could do and Maureen tells him this isn't his fight he has a family now he's already fought his wars so he should just go home before they hear him and come this way except Maureen was wrong it was his fight all he did was watch and that was what got his family killed so now that he is in the past 2015 he's not sure how but he's here and it's time to set things right he traveled through the sewers of Manhattan when he finds the Hulk helping with a traffic pileup this isn't the first time that he's fought banner so he knows where to aim first the legs Logan crawls through the sewers and he runs past the Hulk slashing at his ankles before getting too far Hulk grabs Logan by the head and Logan slashes again at his hand this time freeing himself Hawk tells him that if he wants to fight fine but not here there are too many people and he punches Logan hard sending him flying he jumps after him but before knocking him back to the ground Logan thinks this doesn't sound like better for a second doubt crosses Logan's mind but then he remembers what his kids will do to Logan's kids and he won't let that happen he tries to jump back up to attack but kicks him upwards through a building all the way to the top Logan looks over at a crane coming from the roof any thinks new plan distract him with a quick slice Logan cuts the crane arm to fall and once Hulk catches it he moves in to attack before he can swing Hulk grabs Logan's arm and crushes it and then he slams him down telling him that's enough but it isn't for Logan as he stands back up and the Hulk tells him okay okay time out you actually look kind of messed up Logan begins to think again that this really doesn't sound like banner so he asks and hope tells him banner now wrong guy my name is Amadeus Cho I'm the new Hulk Amadeus says maybe he can help him but Logan hears the cops coming and he runs off as he looks at the streets he thinks Brooklyn momaday has punched me into Brooklyn but that's good I know someone here he was the only friend that I had in the future so all I have to do is sneak into his apartment and wait for him to return in the apartment a dog runs into Logan begins to lick him so he asks where his daddy is and then he looks up to see an arrow pointed right at him he asks Borden okay but the girl tells him you're only half right Logan looks up and he says he remembers she's the other hawkeye this isn't Barton's place she tells him her name is Kate Bishop not other hawkeye but Clint's away on a mission and now it's her turn to ask the questions like why is he ancient-looking and isn't he dead right now Logan explains that he's from the future which Kate doesn't find very surprising since the x-men are always time-traveling but what she wants to know is what's with the list on his arm he tells her that in a few years the bad guys will finally rise together and all of the heroes will die and that's the world that he came from but if he kills the people on his arm the future doesn't happen so Kate asks him what about Clint he says that he was one of the ones that didn't die a villain named Avalanche blinds him and I always end up helping him so she tells him that that can't be right below ghen walks off stating don't worry my healing factor will kick in soon thanks for the hospitality I'm just gonna be going on my but before Logan can leave he collapses slowly Logan begins to wake that company sees that he's still in the apartment and he asks how long he's been out kate tells him about 33 hours but after giving him a cup of coffee she says let's say that I believe you're from the future who else is on that list Mysterio I know where he is so let's go Logan tries to say that he works alone but kate tells him blah blah blah the grim Wolverine hunts alone and now me more grim because I'm like 90 years old okay so how about we just skip that part and we go off together the two of them travel through the city kate says that she needs to know something about the future who is the female Thor she's dying to know but Logan asks who Kay tells him you know the female Thor isn't there one where you come from and he tells her no but that doesn't matter people change costumes and names all the time I probably just missed it once the two of them reached the building that they're looking for kate tells him to hold on first he doesn't know about a female Thor the thing about avalanche well he's been dead so maybe this isn't his past maybe take some time Logan pulls his claws out stating that he's had nothing but time and time's up he kicks in the door and he gets sniffing around until he finds two men and asks where's Mysterio the men say they don't know what he missed Yuri oh but Logan tells him not to lie he slices one of the man's hands off Kay tells him to stop firing her to arrow next to his head but Logan turns to her telling her the one thing that she should know is that his healing factor works great against arrows and then he turns towards Kate with a quick slash he whips through her bow and Kate counters by hitting him in the chin and knocking him away after regaining his balance Logan grabs Kate by the neck and he slams her into the wall and she asks what you gonna kill me too and Logan tells her I'm trying to save everyone and he begins to leave once outside he begins to smell something and he begins to climb up a ladder and something hits his wrist knocking him back down a man tells him that he's gonna need to stand down soldier and his Logan looks up the shield hits off the wall bouncing back to the older Steve Rogers and he tells him that's an order Logan asks if it's really him but then Steve asks is it really you and Logan gets back up cage draws her bro telling Steve to be careful he's unstable and Logan points as Steve stating that's not you Steve never when told like this Steve tells him take a breath we'll figure it out the claws pop out and Logan tells them you're not taking me anywhere and a second later the arrow releases and the shield cracks Logan in a face later Logan wakes up deceased even Kate but they're not in the city anymore they're in Alberta Steve says yes near your home the x-men thought it would be a fitting place for it Logan asks them what is it Steve tells them what they're here to show him but before he lets him free he needs his word that he'll behave Logan agrees but as Steve starts to untie him low asks if this is one of Mysterio's illusions are they really back in New York Steve tells him to wait but then the claws come out and Logan begins to fight with Steve and Kate Logan cuts through Kate's bow and she tells him - that was the second poem that he trashed the fighting continues was Steve beating down on Logan with the shield until finally he stops moving through his heavy breathing Logan tells him you have to stop it I'm from the future where everyone's dead you the x-men everyone I have to stop him from happening Steve walks off telling him you need to see something the three of them walk into a cabin that's close by and Steve explains that one of his x-men Forge designed to this place to let him rest in peace as the elevator comes down Logan sees the figure of him Steve says that that is him encased in a dimension he died this isn't his past there Wolverine is dead when Logan walks over to the figure and asks this is really him isn't it Steve tells him yes he died so how is it you got here as Logan tries to remember he tells him I don't know all that I remember is my family the wastelands I'm in a flash Steve asks the family Logan tells him yeah I lost my family to the banner clan as Steve follows up Boehner Lord what kind of nightmare did you come from as he stands there Logan tells him the worst kind I've seen enough and he begins to leave Steve tells him that he wants to help but Logan tells him that if he wants to help just let him go ain't no place for him here and Wolverine is dead let him stay that way so Logan did what he's good at and he drifted around this wasn't his past so much is the same but so much is different there's nothing for him to fight here so he will just become a ghost but with all of that time he still can't shake the feeling that he's just biding time but for what and that he found it Logan's sniffs the air and the claws come out and a sentinel drops in he leaves towards it but the since it'll tells him please wait don't hurt me as a cloth stabs into his chest - logan asks not hurt you what is this then Logan hears someone it's Stormin Iseman as she asks if it's really him and Logan stops and thinks how the past is gone and tomorrow may well bring the hell that he fears but today today it feels damn good to be alive [Music] after spending some time with storm and the other x-men Logan decided that it would be best to have a little leave of absence from the team so he can go take care of a few things storm hands him a communicator and Logan says that he needs to do this on his own but storm tells him actually it's more if they need him he says he's getting used to the whole team's thing again but he'll be back once he got out of limbo which is where the x-men mansion was located Logan traveled the north all the way up to the kill horn Falls in Alaska where he finds a small community built around a gravel quarry the town has an ice road that allows access for only three months out of the entire year and he arrived that just as the road went out for the entire season so this is where Logan will be staying for a while even though he's never been here before it feels like he has and as he walks around he begins to remember back then when he was tricked into killing the other x-men all he wanted to do was pay the price for killing his friends and he would soon find a place just like this even though Logan tried his best to kill Wolverine the healing factor had other plans but from that day Wolverine was buried forever he couldn't kill himself but he could kill the man that he wants but his time would pass and kill Horn Falls Logan found himself a job and he began to blend into the community that's what he came here for and one night after leaving work he sees the dog whimper and he decides to give it something to eat however a voice behind him says that he shouldn't feed the strays mommy says that they will just keep coming back Logan asks the little girl if that's how her momma got stuck with her and the little girl sticks out her tongue the girl begins to pet the dog and Logan says that it seems like he likes her and the girl tells him because she feeds him - looking down on the little girl she asks what his name is and he tells her James and then he asks her what is her name and she says Maury and Logan thinks yeah that's exactly where he needs to be later that night Logan sits out in front of his Shack thinking about how this may not be his past he may never have met Maureen the way he did before but this time he can let her grow up safe as the dog walks off it soon kills and a voice begins to ask can Logan really be back then another voice says there's only one way to find out and that's what death Trek says it's time to go hunting the next morning Logan is woken up by a knock on his door for more regan and her mother asking if he's seen the dog burger anywhere Logan tells her that he hasn't seen him and marine asks what if burgers hurt or even eaten by a bear Marines mother Trish says that they can look for him after school but Logan says that she should listen to her mother he'll go looking for the dog if there's one thing he's good at its finding burgers the to say thank you to Logan before leaving but around the corner there's someone watching Logan heads out and it doesn't take him long to find the dogs scent and the scent is also something he's a little too familiar with as he finds Berger he sees the cuts on him were clean like a sharp clean blade and that he smells something else in the air he begins smelling machine oil and gasoline and then he finds a helicopter before he can check it out he begins to hear gunfire he runs back into the town but it's already too late there are bodies lying around everywhere and thankfully none of them are Maureen the gunfire suddenly stops and things get quiet too quiet and that an explosion goes off behind Logan knocking him away when he looks back he sees Bonebreaker one of the Reavers and the Reavers never travel alone Boden breaker begins to spin his Gatling gun again and he because the spray bullets down on Logan but as he walks through shielding himself he then gets close enough to cut through the gun however before Logan could swing at Bonebreaker a cannon comes out of his chest shooting Logan and blasting him away Bonebreaker says you know what the best part about having tank treads for legs is rolling over someone else's legs Logan screams out in pain as the small tank begins to crush his legs and when Bonebreaker parks on top of him he asks if he's even alive under their claws begin to stab up through the tank body and Logan comes ripping through it throwing the upper part or bone breakers body to the ground Logan then walks over asking do you know the best part about having knives in your fist this Logan pops his claws out stabbing through bone breakers neck and out of the back of his head one of the officers comes over to see what's going on but Logan tells him that he's gonna need his help he's gonna need him to get all of the remaining people in town down into the quarry while he checks on something he runs back over to a shack to grab the communicator that storm came up and he finds that his Shack is already destroyed on fire a little while later as people gather in the quarry Logan meets back up with them and Trish says that the kids aren't here they're in school and in the church basement Logan rushes back over to the church and just as the door opens a river starts to walk in and Logan appears behind him the Reavers body is then pulled back outside and that Logan goes back inside telling them that they need to move reen hugs logan and he tells her that she needs to help him right now she needs to take all of the kids over to the quarry at this moment once the kids begin to leave Logan picks up another cent and that his claws pop out one river says it's over Wolverine and another one grabs a child telling him to just give up everyone in this town is going to die Logan steps forward and he tells the Reaver that he would like to make a counterproposal let the kid go and I might let you keep your legs before he can answer though Logan punches through the Reavers head and then shouts from over in to take the others and run the other River stabs Logan in the back and after slashing back and breaking the spine Logan takes it and stabs him with it he then asks why are you doing this and the river begins to tell him that they just wanted to lure him out with the dog but she got other ideas Logan asks who in the river tells a Lady Deathstrike and as he finishes saying her name his head flies off in the air Logan heads back down to the quarry but he knows he's already going to be too late and as he walks up he sees Deathstrike holding Maureen and Trish hostage death truck says that she heard he came back but he cheated it was supposed to be dead for real this time but here he is older so she has a proposition she will led to one of these to go and he gets to choose who Logan tells her not to do the chouriço and Trish says just promised her that he'll take care of Maureen all right just promise her Logan says I promise and the Deathstrike tosses Maureen to the side and Logan asks if he got the shot death shrug asks what and then a bullet flies through death strikes back as she drops Trish behind her the officer from before says yeah I got the shot Logan tells him get Trish out of here I want to handle this one alone a death strike asks if he thinks that she's the only one coming for him do you think this will ever stop Logan he starts to make a fist he tells her well you got me now and a claw pops out and Logan because rotting towards her destroyed jumps into the air as Logan goes in swinging and gets him in the face and then before he can get back up she slashes away part of his face Logan tries to get back up with Deathstrike punches tearing through his stomach and out of his back and the officer tries to tell her to stomp with Logan beaten down she then turns her attention towards the officer she then raises her arms to kill him but Logan gets back up and he runs forward cutting off both the death strikes arms and then he punches her in the back and he rips his claws out the only thing that he can remember is the sound of death strike dragging herself over the gravel and the snow beginning to fall on then nothing a little while later Logan wakes back up and sees the officer sitting next to him he asks if Maureen and Trish are safe and the officer tells him yes but the little girl keeps asking about him Logan tells him to stay with them until help arrives he can't see them again and tell her that he's sorry for everything Logan leaves that he takes the dead rivers bodies and he begins to burn them then he watches the fire because he knows the district is out there and dozens like her and he's done waiting for them to bring chaos he will be the one to bring chaos and he will be coming for them once the bodies are burned Logan returned to limbo where ex Haven was and he can't help but think that tonight could be the night and that they're not ready he's let his guard down he then hears a voice in his head telling him that no he has it it's not going to happen tonight and then he looks up to see Jean he says it had happened on a night just like this and she tells him that it's not going to happen during his time the Xavier mansion was still on earth not in limbo magneto wasn't fighting with the x-men and Thor was still a dude but if he still has doubts that this isn't his time period that he's going to be tricked into killing everyone and they're gonna take a little road trip together she just wants to get her costume on back in Manhattan some of the last heroes made their final stand against the villains people died but now there's nothing people are living just fine Jean tells him that is 1:30 in the morning no mass villain attack no nothing Logan tells are ok you proved your point she tells him we're not done after New York where else did things happen so they teleport over to where hank pym made his final stand and died in that alternate timeline but again nothing happened and then jean decided to have one more stop and she teleports them again to upstate New York with a mansion once where Logan killed everyone in his timeline Jean tells him that is going to be ok and also she lied she has one more place to go this time they teleport over to Matt rapport and Logan asks what they're looking at now and Jean tells him that she knows that he's been on edge lately as this was the day that everything happened in his time but instead of being alone she brought some company they walk into the building and Logan sees Steve clinch Jubilee and even puck Logan asks Steve if everything is good he tells him olds moments later everyone begins to celebrate being together and Logan looks at Gina tells her that this better be a soda she tells him to stop being a party pooper old man as the night goes on Logan steps out onto the pier as the Sun rises in a short while later Jean comes out telling him that he needs to stop sneaking off like that but the Sun's up and they made it through another night Logan tells her yeah we made it through but as I'm sitting here I've been thinking about you a lot and this time in my world you weren't around you were already dead you've always kept me in line no matter how much things have changed you've always seen the light in the dark you remind me of my daughter you always see the best in everyone Jean tells him that she thinks he's getting soft but does he really think it's going to happen and Logan tells her no idea but I think you've finally got me to see that if it does I won't have to face it alone with death strikes still on the loose Logan heads over to Tokyo to meet with a contact known as Ito hoping that they know where to find her as the two sit at a bar Logan asks if Ito has any information and Ito tells him sure but where's the money Logan slides an envelope stating that all 1 million yen is there you know takes it and slides over a paper with the Intel he also says that he's done some digging himself and he found that there still appears to be a bounty on Logan 3 million yen to be exact as Logan opens up the paper he sees the word boom and he quickly realizes things are not about to go too well before he can even stand up Logan is shot over and over until his body falls down onto the table Logan thinks how he knew he couldn't trust Ito and unfortunately for ito and his crew they don't know everything about Logan Logan gets up throwing the table at the gunman and he jumps over to Ito popping his claws within seconds all of the gunmen are cut down and killed ito tries to escape but before he can even get out the door Logan Grahams I'm telling him that he has until the count of three to tell him what he wants to know a little while later Logan takes a boat out to a village where Ito said the district was but the strange thing is it doesn't smell anyone after a bit of searching Logan finally picks up on her scent machine oil and blood the trail takes Logan to an abandoned shack at the edge of the village he pops his claws ready to kill as the door opens the shack Logan hears district asking him if it's him he tells her to come out so we can see her and she says that she can't he's gotta help her he looks over to see the district is bound and chained up with cuts all over her body though this isn't the first time that Logan has been to Japan he's you're minded at the time that him and Maureen escape to the wastelands here back then they had other troubles to worry about the silent order Logan runs over to DES tried telling her that this better not be some kind of trick and she tells him that he shouldn't have come here it's exactly what they wanted Logan asks who and then he feels an arrow go through his arm and there's several more shooting into his back as his body falls to the ground he begins to feel his healing factor working with the arrows they were poisoned and they're slowing it down a foot that steps on his head and the voice tells him that he has no idea how long they've waited he now belongs to the silent order a little while later Logan finds himself in a hole and the voice of Maureen telling him to get up Logan says this can't be real that can't be you Maureen was left in the wastelands at a different time a different place before old man Logan found himself in this world Maureen was his wife before she was murdered marine tells him of course not he's still in Japan and right now he needs to wake up but be warned it's really going to hurt Logan opens his eyes I see the arrows from before still stuck in him but he sees the sunlight atop he begins to pull the arrows and he claws his way out of the hole and as he begins to get higher and higher the voice and before tells him that that was pretty impressive but futile the man pulls back at his boat he fires another arrow into Logan's chest knocking him back down to the bottom of the well he then says that he's been trying to kill him for days now but even with him being resilient they will find a way Logan looks at the man and tells him that's where you're wrong I already know everything about you your name is so he decided to order and I've already killed you once before back then when he and Maureen were surrounded by the silent order they attacked him one of the men said that his name was general so he Logan tried to tell those people from before that they were passing by but back then so he stabbed Logan in the throat except Logan didn't die back in the current day Logan goes on stating that he knows a lot of things like when so he killed him before he was a bit younger so he tells them that they've been after him for quite some time using Deathstrike as bait would surely draw him out without the aid of the other x-men logan calls out that he's sorry to break it to him but he's killed two before he has no problem killing so he again Logan pops his closet he because the climb again and as he does so he fires more and more arrows into him after finally clawing his way out so he asks if he's had enough and Logan tells him not even close des droits voice shouts it's no use you can't beat them and Logan pulls an arrow out of himself telling her the I'm gonna see above that it's just gonna be me and so he so he laughs telling him that won't be the case unlike you we are the solid order when you find one you fight all of us Logan charges jumping into the crowd of men cutting away who again but as the fight goes on Logan knows that even he can't outlast them like this so that means like it or not he's going to have to team up with someone who wants to kill him Logan cuts down the post holding up des Reich's cage and she steps out stating that she's not sure if she should thank him or just kill him right now the two stand back-to-back and Logan says that she can kill him if she wants to but they have to get out of here first you see back in the past and the other world the wastelands the fight didn't exactly go like this so he captured Logan and his wife more reading of the time and he had taken them to their leader Logan told Maureen that he was really sorry for what she's about to see and the leader sees Logan staring at some of the collections on the wall and tells him that his trophies are really something else though Japan didn't have very many super villains they all fell before this silent of order but right now it's about him how about they take a look inside to see what the real him is like shall they as the leader places his hands on Logan's head he begins to see Logan's life all of the death and destruction that surround him he then steps back asking so he what he has done he has brought a monster to them Logan stands out popping his claws telling Maureen I'm sorry but she could have water close your eyes back in the current times between Logan and death strike the to cut down most of the silent order but so he tells them that it's not enough death strike tells him no they used her as a bait so now she's gonna kill him so he pulls out his sword and in a flash tells her that now their story is finished with her Logan tells him to leave her alone he's already killed him before he's happy to do it again Logan and charges with his claws out but so he catches his fists telling him you claim to know me but I to know all about you through their struggle Logan headbutt Zoe to push him back but so he just returns the kick to the stomach knocking him away as the two fight the fight doesn't quite play out as it once did before this time instead of Logan standing over so he's body it's so he's standing over his butt before so he can deliver the final blow Logan kicks him knocking him over the ledge but rather than falling his body stops and floats and Logan begins to float as well the voice of a young boy tells Logan to stop stop hurting his friends Logan tells the boy the way he's looking at if those guys are not his friends they just want to use him and it goes on stating that he can help with this power there were others like him so please stop this the boy screams no he knows who he is he has seen the day of his death brought on by him Logan's body has slammed into the ground and the boy says that the day his power manifested he had a vision it was his future where Wolverine killed so he and himself but the killing didn't stop there he began killing everyone of this silent order those who tried to protect him but no matter what he just kept coming like a monster Logan slowly stands up stating that he isn't here to kill the boy that future is not going to happen that's why he came back here to change that right now their future is unwritten to both of their futures the boy shouts liar and so he tells him to step back but the boy because they lift up both Logan is so he again saving that he's tired of being told what to do they all just fail him he then holds Logan up and shoots him down into the well with death strike fell lifting up Logan again he continues to slam him down harder and harder each time asking why he won't just die death strike says that she asked herself that many times before and over and over again the boy just keeps lifting and dropping at Logan there are plenty of times that Logan wished he could have died like back when maureen washed him slaughter the silent order of their time one of these days he's going to die but that day is it today destroy grabs one of the stray arrows and throws it up into the well into the boy's leg causing him to fall down so he runs over to catch him but his grasp misses he looks down and he sees Logan holding the boy with his claws ready to pop out telling him playtime's over he then shouted them to send a rope down and so he says that not even the Wolverine will kill a defenseless boy there strike says maybe so but she sure as hell would so he tells the others to grab the rope while so he and the rest krabit death strike tells Logan that he owes her if they get out of here and Logan tells her that if they get out of here he's gonna make her a damned x-men but as the two of them go on the boys eyes begin to get wide and it is a massive explosion throwing both Logan a death strikeout as they watch they see the boy coming out of his body because a transform with a bright pink flash the boy's body grows into a giant creature and he starts to shout you won't kill me Logan runs up telling him to hang on he knows that he's scared right now but the boy tells him no he isn't scared of anything so he shouts that that is enough but the boy tells him to wait and several Spears shooting the Logan stomach because they think to himself that this is where his future finally catches up to him breaking all of the Spears he tears through the silent order and he punches upwards cutting away its so he's chested face he looks back telling the boy that the last time he saw his boy he was about the same age as him he would give anything to give his son another chance but this world is hard enough as it is so no he isn't going to kill him and if he stays - so he it's only a matter of time before someone does the boy breaks out of the giant body and places his hand on the Logan's head and he looks everything that Logan has been through everything that he has fought for everything that he has lost the boy leans back stating that he lost them all but he's here now how could that be Logan tells him that he barely understands his situation himself but he's living with it and right now he's got a choice because day was so he and let them decide his future or he could choose his own way so he shouts that he can't the solid order will rise and he is the one to lead them but as so he goes on the boy tells him to just stop he doesn't want to do this anymore he just wants to be a boy he then begins to destroy everyone around him pushing back to silent to order Logan asks did you and the boy says no they're not dead there's already been so much of that the boy that asks what happens now and Logan tells him I'll put a call in to shield they'll pick up so he and the others but do you you can come with me and leave all of this behind the boy that asks if there are other children like him children who are different Logan holds out his arms telling him yeah I know a whole mansion of them you could've loved it there [Music] but everything that Logan has recently been through he figured now would be the best time to sit back and finally enjoy a drink in peace except as he takes a sip from his drink cerebro shows up telling him that he has come to inform him that a notable mutant has gone missing at first Logan tells him that he can go get one of the others to find it this mute he's currently off duty but cerebro tells him that the mutant whose missing is Jubilee and his eyes wide he starts by heading over to Jubilees home in Brooklyn but rather than finding any clues on her disappearance Logan finds Jubilees son Shogo playing all alone Logan takes show go to cerebro and tells him that he's going to have to watch the baby while he goes out to find you believe cerebro tells him that he's not really programmed to monitor and watch over an infant and Logan says that he's got to improvise this time Logan then asks where was Jubilees last-known location because that's where he's going to be sending him cerebro says the last known location was Romanian but maybe they should drop the infant off with the other x-men before they can go Logan tells him no he's going solo with this and if he's ready go ahead and teleport him to Romania before he melts him down into a new motorcycle just as the pink light begins to shine cerebro tells him that there is no need for such threats in a flash Logan is teleported into the woods of Romania to begin his search but not long after walking a few feet Logan can begin to feel that there's something wrong with this place and that's when he finds blood on the ground he checks it and he can see that it's not Jubilees blood nor is it even human but then begins to hear a twig snap and a giant hand reaches out grabbing him by the face man-things slams Logan to the ground he picks him back up and sets him on fire Logan claws his way free and that's it he hears a scream yeah as a monkey jumps on his back Logan grabs the monkey and throws him off and then a Wolfman runs in slashing at Logan's back he turns back to attack the Wolfman on the wolf man tells oh oh ah whoa time out he then calls up in a Howlin commandoes to hold this man is an old Wolverine guy Logan tells though that the only reason they're not dismembered yet is because they're wearing shield uniforms so they better start talking and keep that damn monkey away from him while they're at it the wolf man says that his name is war wolf and they're the Howling Commandos an elite paranormal division called stink Logan stares Animus says you've got to be effing kidding me and man phibian asks which part wore wolf explains that his group is looking for the teamate - vampire by night they just happened to assume that he was one of the hostiles so sorry about that currently they're at war with Dracula and his vampires it goes on to state that he's been doing some recon and as of late all sorts of vampires have been coming to this place man phibian then asks why he's here and Logan tells them because his friend is a vampire and her name is Jubilee she must be under Dracula's control right now Logan ending is to walk off telling him that this is enough chitchat it's time for them to get their friends back moments later the Howlin commandoes begin their assault in front of the castle while Logan makes his way through the sewers and as he gets out he sees Jubilee as she shouts that he's gotta save her Logan tells her that it's going to be okay he'll get her out of there but then when he goes to check on her Jubilee says he's here to save me just as you said master a voice that asks is Logan if you really thought he could surprise him before Logan has a chance to react to Dracula grabs him and bites down at his deck after letting go Logan turns around and try slashing at Dracula but he slams him into the wall asking how long will that healing factor go to keep the infection out as Logan's body falls to the ground he looks at Jubilee and tells her that this is it her he knows that she can hear him think of her son Shoko Jubilee punches him telling him to shut up and Dracula laughs as he goes backed up beating on Logan after slamming him around a little bit more he then picks up Logan's body and tells him that he's going to try and fight off the infection but it's taking everything that he has isn't it a short while later vampire by night leads the other Howling Commandos and Jubilee says that the rest of their intruders have been captured Dracula tells them that this is most excellent they all deserve a reward for their work so bring them all to the throne room so they may feast but not long after that Logan begins to wake up chained to a wall along with the other Howling Commandos while Dracula taunts them Jubilee tries to fight back against Dracula's control over her and Logan shouts that she can do it she doesn't belong here think of Shogo she walks over to Logan but vampire by night kicks are telling her that that is enough Logan then calls back out to her stating that she can do it and then there's a loud thumping sound that's getting louder and louder and vampire by night asks if there are any more mutants and war wolf tells her nah he may have called a little backup though except he's not really little Dracula shout to tears and Olga rips the roof off and tells him that he just it looks like the commanders have gotten themselves into a 5a Sienna Man Thing jumps in it against freeing everyone from their chains but as he does Dracula grabs ahold of Jubilee he tells Logan that if he can't hurt him he's gonna have to kill the girl Jubilee smiles a throws Dracula off of her shouting for Logan to catch as he gets closer Logan pops his claws herring into Dracula stomach telling Jubilee that's my girl Dracula swings back telling Logan that he has all the time in the world he will rise again and Orko tells him it's time for him to help and he grabs Dracula and holds him into the sunlight as Dracula weakens Logan tells him that he's had this coming for a long time but he cuts off Dracula's head vampire by night that runs over telling warwolf that she didn't know what had come over her she's so sorry Logan looks back at Jubilee and says that it's been one hell of a day they should probably go home she grabs Dracula's head and tells him yeah they should but what should they do with this Logan laughs ha ha I got a few ideas and he calls cerebra seconds later cerebro teleports to the Sun and released his Dracula's head there to fall in short while later as Logan and Jubilee sit in her apartment cerebro tells Logan that it is done and Logan tells him that he knew that he would make a fine garbage disposal and Jubilee tells him to be nice Logan says that he can't he's got a reputation to uphold Jubilee goes on state and that is too late Shogo likes him and he can tell that he's just a big softy Logan tells him not to believe it he's tough as nails just ask Dracula so Shogo flings his food at Logan and he shouts Dracula Jubilee smile stated that she thinks so much is happy to have their mama back as Logan pulls the food off of his face he says that he is the only one there was a time when he thought that he would never see her again Jubilee laughs humming show go see told you he's a big softy [Music] as the Sun beats down on Logan maybe has to open his eyes that he sees that he's back in the same place where he came the wastelands but no longer does he try to figure out why he's back here but shine Tyrannosaurus bites down on him swallowing Logan up in one gulp but as Logan slides down on the belly of the beast the claws pop out and he rapes his way out falling and a pool of blood he grabs his hands slowly dusting off his coat thinking how did it get here I was just given a second chance to be a hero but his stead up back in the wastelands he tells himself to think just think what was the last thing that he can remember puck a puck in hockey no puck as an alpha flight puck he called for help he was a space puck was in an orbiting space station that read Richard used and there had been nobody in it for years that was when he got on he could smell it he could smell the brood what if he wasn't in space maybe that wasn't real maybe he's been in the wastelands the whole time all he knows now is that he was headed to a loss of Vegas to see Daniel Cage who was taking care of banners grandson Logan begins to travel the barren wastelands - Danielle's home but things are too quiet as Logan checks around the house he finds blood and he thinks what is that baby doing Logan forces himself to look in the crib and he sees nothing suddenly there's a loud thud hitting the closet door the claws come out Logan pulls the door back Radia hit and that he sees Danielle tied up he pulls the tape for her mouth and she shouts that it was Kang Kang was here and he took the baby Logan thinks to himself asking did Kang really do this is that how I got here what about that time when I was in space I was fighting off the brood trying to free those who were infected by them that's when Sasquatch attacked driven mad by the infection and then there was a bee kill also infected just before I was about to become a part of them that's what PUC called out to me but none of that matters right now right now I'm back on earth and I need to find a banner's grandchild if you're curious about this grandchild situation watch the original old man Logan's story lines we have it here on the channel when that story ends he has banners grandchild but when the new run started suddenly that child was missing maybe it's time for us to resolve that Logan heads off and he gets a chill one that runs down his spine a cold sensation that he's never felt before he blinks and he goes from being on earth to back in space puck goes on telling him how him and the other alpha flight members came here because of reports of something crashing into the space station but as far as he can tell now it was the brood who came aboard and just as they got here the brood took over Sasquatch and Abigail however before puck could go on the alarm sounds and the hatch doors begin to open logan begins to remember why he was so cold he was sucked down to the empty space and his helmet was correct Logan's vision fades anything is to feel like he's falling nothing to reach or grab on to nothing to stop the descent in a few seconds later Logan gasps as he pulls himself out of the lake that he just fell into he looks around trying to understand what just happened he was in space and and a blink of an eye he finds himself back in the spacecraft he checks around again and he sees that he is there and puck says that he's been out for about 15 hours as much as he'd like for them to go home they have to get back onto the space station they need to stop the infectious spread and get sasquatch and Abigail back before they can leave as that you begin to fly and crawl back into the space station Logan because to think that he should be back on earth looking for banners grandson Logan blinks and he sees himself back on earth making his way to Kang strongholds he remembers puck telling him to go back he just doesn't understand at all he looks at a pile of dead bodies that were his friends and puck says that it was the warlord the warlord of the wastes Logan shouts asking what's happening how is this happening everyone should be dead and where the hell is Kang a voice cuts through the silence telling Logan that he is here but before Logan can attack Kang Kang reaches out touching Logan's forehead telling him the question that he should be asking himself is where is he bits and pieces of information flood into Logan's mind he's here on earth but he's also up in the space station fighting the brute Loki snaps himself back to reality grabbing kang asking what have you done where's the baby kang tells him that he did take the baby yes but he was trying to stop the warlord from rising the one true warlord will rise and he will rule the wastelands before logan can ask Logan sees a giant Hulk walking forward Kang shouts that banners grandchild is the warlord the warlord looks down at Logan telling him you left me all alone and because of that the wastelands gave birth to me shaped me into what you see now the warlord grabs looking by the throat and he slams him into the ground shouting I of the voice once Logan hits the ground and he sees this reality shatter and then he hears PUC stating that they were alone and there was another ship that came to help it came from exhaling she came to help him but now she is the one doing this Logan asks who is doing this as his memories begin to piece themselves back together he sees her she Logan calls out to Jean but with the infection inside of her she doesn't answer and the brood begins to pull Logan away he tries to fight them off and that his vision begins to change again first he's in space then the wastelands then back in space and so on and just as the brood reached down to grab him looking and hear a voice calling out for help he can hear jeans voice calling for help Logan picks himself up but if he gets running towards that voice and as soon as he opens the door he sees all of the x-men's bodies dead and lifeless I Anne reaches up in the pile and as the dead bodies start to come back to life they begin to swarm on to Logan and he shouts at them please please don't let me hurt you like this again Logan closes his eyes and then the feeling of him being pulled apart fades and he opened his eyes to see the waist Lance he can hear something to the wind hear something crying he follows the sound and he sees a basket and inside of that basket his banners grandson Logan reaches down telling the baby that it's okay he's got him but as the baby's hand reaches up it begins to grow and it grabs on to Logan's face he sees the warlord towering over him telling him not to feel guilty for leaving him he's glad the world forged him soon it's what he was destined to do Logan sees the Warlord's sitting on his throne and he shouts I didn't mean to leave you the warlord tells him there was nothing to fear I became the king of this world and now all bow to me if you had raised me I would have grown up weak and vulnerable just like your own son and look what happened they're all dead Logan looks around seeing himself laying in a pool of blood at his daughter Janie asking why didn't he save them Logan tells himself no matter how painful it is this isn't real the real him is on the space station looking for Jeanne and now he knows what he has to do he pops a single claw telling Jean to hold still he's only got one shot at this because if he misses then she'll die Jeanne tries to stop Logan Logan shuts his mind down and he swings the single cloth screams across the back of Gene's neck slicing the parasite that's latched onto her head he quickly catches Jeanne before she can fall telling her it's okay puck calls out telling him no we're not okay there are too many of them we can't hold them back and as the brood begin to cover Logan and puck gene stressfully says that she can handle this says they all share one mind one big cold disgusting mind gene mutters the word sleep but in an instant the brood stop attacking and they fall asleep as a three kid back up gene tells Logan that she's so sorry and Logan tells her that it wasn't her fault besides it's all over now when Logan looks back at everyone gene looks at Iceman and says that he's going to be real pissed and Logan says that he's not cleaning up this mess calling the experts a short while later beast and the rest of the shield agents arrive and Logan sits alone thinking that there is something that he still needs to do as gene walks up Logan asks him everything's better and she tells him yeah just to kill her headache she wanted to apologize again for and Logan stops her telling her it's fine in fact he's actually glad this whole thing happened gene asks how exactly this is a good thing and Logan tells her because it made him remember something some way somehow he's gonna save him he has to go back for banners grandson [Music] logan has been called many things in his lifetime a mutant a freak of nature however the second part they got all wrong in nature they get along just fine as logan enjoys the scenes of the forest the sound of a branch snapping can be heard and two hikers startled the nearby deer the male licker looks at Logan and he tells him we didn't think that we'd find anyone out here and Logan just stares at them stating neither did I the female hiker then says that they got kind of lost and they really can't get a signal so Logan tells them to just head up the stream about seven miles and wants to get to the bridge go west about another five the couple thanks Logan Logan smiles as he can smell the fear of them fade and the change of that to relief just as Logan looks away he hears the all-too-familiar snikt and a blade shoots out of his chest Logan looks back at he sees the two hikers have now peeled away their flesh and they reveal their metal interiors the two robots are to cut away at Logan using their long claw like nails ripping Logan apart at this point Logan knows that he can't take the two of them on they're too strong too fast so his only option now is to run away he heads up the river he leaps off the ledge into the lake below and he starts to think of a plan the robots make their way down into the lake and they spot Logan's blood in the water and they attack him and as they come out they find only the chunk of Logan's flesh that he cut off to fool them over in the cave he lets his body regenerate and he begins to think who to be after me Weapon X weapon plus reverse those things had adamantium blades like fingernails there's only one person in the world who had those yo Rico meanwhile in another location your Rico suit that attest you but she tries to crawl her way out after a few failed attempts she just looks out of the tube and begins to scratch something onto it the scientists on the outside read the message kill you all and one says well that's cherry another one sets on a container labeled Logan he begins to pull out the chunks of Logan's flesh stating that they won't have to put up with over much longer they've got to now and only three to go and as the scientist walks off he passes three more test tubes each marked dominoe warpath and Sabretooth later that night Logan sets out to find the only person he knows can help him after following the scent he finds a tree with four claw marks and then a torn apart bear he smiles and says gotcha but before he can get far Victor Creed appears slashing away at him Logan shouts back to Kirti telling him it he isn't here to fight and Creed yells back a wire Logan jumps back telling Creed to calm down he can smell as good as him he can tell if he's lying or telling the truth Creed stares for a moment and he tells him I don't know why do you think anymore Logan looks at him telling him they got you too huh look all I know is that there are killer cyborgs wearing human skin Creed closes his eyes and he says the one that came for me was a little kid her face split having a million Kalon scam out Logan because the head of de cretes cabin and he says you look like crap by the way and Creed shouts well yeah takes a while to Rico half your internal organs and a hundred pounds of muscle once inside they decided that they need to work together they have to get a hold of one of those cyborgs and tap into its memory banks Creed says they have been fighting for over a hundred years why the hell would they team up now and Logan laughs telling him well I may have come here and passed every security camera along the way so just give it a few minutes before Creed can ask what he's talking about the cabin explodes and a cyborg up here shouting guy moutains Creed looks at a cyborg and says you son of a-- and logan asks how about a team-up now meanwhile over in arizona james proud store the man known as warpath notices a helicopter bothering some of the nearby mustangs as they run off he looks up the helicopter nice eyes and he begins to chase after he leaves up but he flies through the air with his knives and cuts the propellers as the helicopter comes crashing down he notices that the pilot is a dummy all of the muskegs turned back in to begin to neigh at James and then they transform into mechanical horses with claws one stabs into him but he tries to fight back but the number of horses is too much and they begin to overpower him back over in Washington State Logan and Creed fight off the group of cyborgs that are after them Logan shouts that they nearly killed them when they were separate so they're just gonna have to fight together one of the cyborgs cuts into Logan's stomach and Creed last telling him ha ha looks like you're getting slow I didn't a cyborg punches him Creed starts to get back up and telling him this is stupid I'm getting out of here Logan then watches his Creed runs and he says oh crap and he follows close behind once he catches up he says you know they do have tracking skills but they don't have our experience so I'm a bit curious as to how they would follow us if we went to a box canyon a short while later along the ridge one of the cyborgs because the snip but when it gets Logan he leaves out cutting off its head Creed grabs it and before Logan can tell him not to the head self-destructs Logan shouts we needed it alive and Korea tells him shut up there's more coming back aways two of the cyborgs locate the scent but they notice it everywhere one says it's a trap and they begin to take out clothing and change back into their human forms over in the bushes Creed and Logan watch and Logan mentions that he caught a whiff of the new skin and it's a dere scent they stole their blood and he kind of takes that personally Creon looks at Logan and he tells him I really hate you right now but you're lucky I hate those cyborgs more meanwhile back at the unclassified location the scientists get to work on their experiments on a warpath the next morning Logan and Creed's sit in a diner watching the cyborgs as they try to locate them but then they see them renting a car Creed points out stating that they're driving not flying which means they have no fancy sci-fi jets the to exit the diner and Logan begins to tell Creed what they should do when Creed starts to walk off Logan asks what's he doing and Creed points over to the gun store telling him that he's gonna do some shopping inside the cashier says that they have bigger guns but there's normally a lot of paperwork that comes with that and Creed holds out a fistful of cash telling him I got all the paperwork you need right here as the two cyborgs leave Logan and create a wait until dark and they sneak into the car rental place Logan says that these places have GPS in their cars so now they just have to follow where this went and later over in California Nita Thurman the mutant Domino rides a boat feeling the water and she quietly asks now no now no now Domino then jumps into the water and swims down to a clam and tries to open it up revealing a coin after swimming back up with the clams she tosses them onto the boat and the two men call out to her and they say that they're a little lost Domino points off into the distance telling them that they can just follow the shore to get back to the docks and one of the men says thanks but while we're closed a cloth brings out into dominos boat and another cyborg shouts how about you die now as the cyborgs begin to climb onto Domino's boat she grabs her guns from underneath the floorboard and jumps to the other boat firing as the bullets begin to bounce off the cyborgs open up their hatches and they point several guns back at her they jump back onto their boat and she leaves unto her as kicking open another floor board filled with grenades after tossing all those grenades Domino jumps into the water as the explosions go off and while underwater she watches that the cyborgs fall in and they claw their ways back up Domino shots really we're running out of boats here and then another explosion goes off speeding up for behind Crete laughs holding out a smoking RPG and Domino shouts Logan another explosion goes off sinking the boat though the cyborgs are on and Logan starts to help Domino up onto theirs actually because the dust yourself off Creed says that she's a hot one and then Domino pulls a gun on I'm telling him yeah super hot right now Logan tells her it's all right we're working together there's a bunch of cyborgs hunting mutants so you win and domina says that she was working some carefree mercenary work and they just lost her a quarter-million dollars in gold doubloons so heck yeah she's in meanwhile at a classified location in Washington DC a man looks at the reports and says the cyborgs can't swim and the doctor says given the amount of Anna meant ium they are extremely heavy so right now we need something incredible we're gonna need to merge them with the Hulk however not only did the scientists think that they should get a hold of the Hulk known as Amadeus Cho right now but so did Logan Creed and Domino Amadeus explains that right now they are off the Gulf of Mexico and there's a group of researchers using an oil rig as a research facility for Weapon X there's been a small group of scientists who are regularly seen there and that's who they're going to try and capture once the plan is set Amadeus leads the charge towards the facility by dropping out of the Olympus group airship down onto the oil rig he smashes into the rig and the others provide support fire while the rest of them can land after destroying the top forces Creed says that was a little too easy Amadeus tells them that those cyborgs are probably an early batch the real threat is deep inside however before holidays can get in the rest of the cyborgs make their way out they all begin to attack Logan gets stabbed and Creed shouts what the hell is this he jumps on top of Amadeus telling him look me in the eye and when he does Creed fires an assault rifle into his face telling him get mad already Amadeus rips through the Horde of cyber screaming you saw drew agreed last telling him pack got up going huh Amadeus then pulls apart the floor for everyone to make their way inside and as they get into the lab they see the test tubes Domino czo Rico's tuba says please don't make a regret this and shoots the glass freeing her Logan then gets a warpath out of his tube and then he runs straight into a group of cyborgs tearing them all apart Domino helps your Rico she extends her nails and Domino shots whoa whoa we're here to save you and are you okay Rico tells her no but she knows things that'll make this better she then sees the guru scientist and they run back and close the reinforced door locking around create hands yo Rico his jacket and says I'll give you a hand and he rips the door off one of the scientists shout that the lab has been compromised and Noriko jumps stabbing into his chest another scientist begs please don't kill me and yo Rico says I don't remember you crying when you were cutting into my flesh the scientists tell her that she heals in seconds they could never but your Rico grabs are shouting I could still feel it she pulls back her head and nowadays grabs are telling her you're not gonna kill anyone we're supposed to be the good guys Amadeus then looks at one of the scientists it says I know how we can make things right tell me who your boss is meanwhile at that classified location that we've mentioned multiple times in this storyline the shadowy figure says enough of this and seconds later the rig explodes the blast incinerate all of the scientists and Logan says every time we get close something always blows up Amadeus tell us if they just murder their own people but we can't be stopped now this place was a facility for extracting DNA when the cyborgs are being made as somewhere else Aloka says well I got one question who still wants a piece of those back over the classified location that doctor explains they did succeed in getting the Hulk sample well-done Reverend Stryker and Stryker tells Carla don't give me credit this was God's will [Music] on a long street of highway one can hear the birds tripping as they fly by that is until you begin to hear the sounds two men running Logan Falls closely behind Wade Wilson shouting damn it Wade I told you but before he could finish a fan is thrown on top of them the van begins to burst into flames and his Logan claws his way out he continues told you not to and then a tank is thrown on them Wade gets out of the wreckage stretching as a semi is then thrown and then from the fire Logan says damn it Wade I told you not to double tear them a bad moment a burning plane falls towards the ground about to crush Logan and Wade but how did our heroes find themselves in this mess well haha it all started two days ago in the New York subway as a group of thugs get on the train once max a book out of an older woman's hand and the leader of the group shouts that that's enough reading granny the woman picks up her book sighing stating kids today I would pay good money to see someone slaps some sensitive and the passenger next to her asks but what you know Wade pulls down his paper and then asks how much money exactly so after punching the leader of the thugs through his in newspaper he shouts it's hard-hitting news and Wade continues beating the thugs and throwing them out of the Train Wade then leans back into the train asking the old woman if they can settle that bill when suddenly Wade is pulled out by an older man the train door shut and Wade shouts hey wait the crab would just cost me money that's what old man Logan looks back at Wade before running up the stairway to lead Wade runs after him telling him wait I gotta talk to you and as Wade jumps down in front of Logan with his swords drawn Logan swipes at the blades cutting them telling Wade get lost kid I got better things to do Logan hurries on ahead and Wade asks better thanks kid up ahead in the park Wade jumps in front of Logan again shouting I want a do-over I lost at least 25 bucks because of you the least you could do is a pop the Logan takes his claws out again telling him move and Wade tells him make me so Logan charges Adam Wade slices into Logan chest and Logan slashes cutting down the second sword Wade then looks at the two broken blades and says it's a good thing I find these things at bulk and he stabs the two of them into Logan's shoulders Logan shouts I'm gonna rip you to pieces and he punches Wade in the gut stabbing into him Wade jumps back out shooting saying you got too much red meat in your diet let me introduce you to some afterwards Wade jumps back up and into a tree which Logan that cuts down causing weight to fall out the tree then falls on him Logan walks up the way telling him that's always been your problem all bark and no bite see I can make jokes too then there's a scream off in the distance the two of them look over to see people running away from a girl who seemingly said the area on fire Wade gets back up asking who's the dork and Logan elbows him in the face telling him none of your business Wade stumbles back shouting if you think you're gonna go save that girl then screw it I'm gonna go help her in for you and I'm gonna go help the hell out of her the two fight their way towards the girl with Logan calling out to her asking do you need a hand the girl gets up running away telling them just leave me alone Logan and way to begin to follow him in a hot dog stand suddenly falls in front of them and then bicycles Logan shouts you clumsy idiot and Wade says really clearly you're losing your sight in your old age if you think I did that Logan then stops and tells Wade shut up I'm starting to hear something as much as I don't want to say it I'm gonna need you to go up to the girl something else is coming wait doesn't fight fight can't believe I'm gonna miss the old Logan I mean the young Logan the wonder for you Wade runs off in a large helicopter descends and a voice over the intercom shouts target located acquire the weapon just then the armed soldiers drop out of the helicopter and Logan runs up ripping their group to pieces eventually the soldiers begin to overwhelm Logan and as they pin him down Logan asks is that all you got the man starts to walk down out of a helicopter telling the soldiers to fan out and find the others and then he looks at Logan and he asks where's the weapon Logan yells at him I got your weapons right here pal the man holds up a tablet with a picture of the girl telling him no you idiot to the girl where is the girl but if the man steps off the helicopter he looks at Logan and he tells them I know all about you just didn't expect you to be so old anyway you may address me as agent Hart from gen forum enterprises and back to the topic at hand where is the girl Logan says you mean the girl that's been getting away while I've been distracting you subtly he pops his claws lifts himself up to headbutt Hart and he kicks him back telling him I know for a fact that the girl doesn't like talking to strange men the solders begin as shocked Logan and heart calls out that they don't have time for this every went back into the helicopter and find me the girl Logan starts to get back up still twitching from the shock and he says oh that could've gone better maybe wait we'll look out for the kid after all meanwhile up ahead Wade runs up to the pushes her down yelling out of my way wait get me wild while the wilson looked out for number one as the girl falls into a pile of boxes we'd quickly stop sitting oh crap ready listen the girl of chillier I'm sorry I forgot I had to save you to stick it to stupid hairy face so precious what's your name and the girl tells him that it's Maddie and you really suck Wade throws Maddie into a box and then yells to the soldiers chasing them that you are so interrupting our conversation here Wade then kicks one of the soldiers headfirst into a pole telling them and don't be so rude my dude use your head Wade then takes out his gun shooting the soldiers in the face shouting ungag but after shooting a few soldiers Wade stomps inside stating he really missed my swords hollow notes they never let me down but from above more soldiers appear in the begin to fire down on Wade and Maddie and from the helicopter heart tells them report you have to take back the weapon alive just as the soldiers begin to respond a slight gurgling sound can be heard in Logan holds up one of the soldiers with his claws telling art you better stop with your cement left heart response telling them that is not an option Weapon X we have a mission and I'm going to complete it Logan pulls his claws out telling heart to just drop it the kids innocent and if I see you again you're dead Logan then drops the walkie-talkie and Hart tells the other soldiers to be a high alert weapon axe is loose consider him extremely dangerous as the soldiers respond Logan has already jumped off the roof as he was ready to kill more soldiers up ahead in the alleyway weight stops and tells Maddie that he's pretty sure that they lost him and Maddie asks who the hell are you anyway Wade asks how did you not know who I am I'm dead wolf the lovable Burke with a mouth poop jokes chimichangas etc Maddie stares for a moment and then says I'm gonna that's a hard pass I'm out Wade tells her listen you're in danger and I gotta help you it's my duty as an ex adventurer and also because it'll seriously bug Minnie Eastwood back there Matt even asks isn't he your friend and Wade tells her he's more like a co-worker one that I really hate Maddy stops wait and tells him look I don't know what else to say you need to get lost I know what I'm doing now leave me alone and Wade yells back at her I'm fine but only if you do something first and that's take this little miniature Deadpool figure if you ever in real danger you can just use that Maddy takes the figure it doesn't right this just got really weird but who suddenly up above a metal sphere appears and is thrown into Logan's back as he's jumping down to the two of them places Hey and that he's hit by a flying motorcycle Maddy sighs it says I warned you you should have left me alone and then she begins to run off a few moments later Logan and wait start to get back up and away tells him man feel like I've been hit by a truck Logan pulls his spear out of himself telling him you were just hit by a motorcycle anyway that kid needs help she's in way over her head and weight tells him I agree but miss sweet sixteen isn't gonna let us help her just then more soldiers begin to run at the two of them in a few moments later wait and Logan escape on the motorcycle that hit wade in the head Logan cuts off the armor the soldier that grabbed onto the bike and Wade that asks what does he want with the girl anyway and Logan explains that the girls an omega-level mutant her power lit up cerebro like the fourth of July she's gonna need proper training in the Xavier school can give her that and Wade that asks so what her powers then Logan tells him she's a teleporter it looks like she can only teleport objects not people though it looks like the Gen 4 mopes want to make a weapon out of her but we've been through this mess before haven't we Wade tells him yeah and look at us all right something we can agree on now let's hurry and get to the kid after making one more turn with the to catch up to Maddy and his Logan shells to her she turns back yelling I already told you to stay away I'm fight of my but then from behind a car a soldier steps up tasing Maddie and soon Hart's helicopter touches down Wade yells faster and furious sir here I come and he speeds up to catch the helicopter as the helicopter unloads hundreds of bullets Wade tells it okay that didn't go as planned and that's when the helicopter begins to escape with Wade getting back up telling Logan just so you know this is your fault the next day Logan follows Maddy's scent and Wade goes on explaining a story about these nuns that really ex-special forces so he beat the crap out of them Logan and stops wait for a moment and pops a clock cutting Wade's vocal chords and Logan simply says that's so much better Wade tries to speak but with his throat cut he ends up spitting blood all over Logan and then logan asks how could you even be more annoying without talking however below in the underground facility directly beneath the two of them Hart gives the order to prepare for a trial run of the new weapon while the to walk and Thwaites throat heals a mound of Earth begins to push up out of the ground and within it are a group of soldiers Wade yells I heard a bunch of weirdos like to kidnap girls but if they're so tough why are they hiding in a hill Logan tells them don't and Wade continues taunting two men I dare you I double dare you to do something the rest of the ground begins to open up and suddenly a jeep is thrown at them Wade pushes Logan out of the way and then he asks what the hell did that come from and Logan sighs stated that they're walking into this like a bunch of amateurs this is just a test site Wade then says that can't be good so what do we do now Logan tells him we run which now brings us to the getting of our story in which several vehicles including a plane are being dropped onto Logan and Wade with Logan shouting I told you not to tear them a short while later though as we'd begins to open up his eyes he sees Maddie she tells him man you guys suck Wade says man I'm just having a terrible dream so how are you doing and Maddie tells him it's pretty bad she's being tortured by lunatics and wave yells don't worry that's why I'm here to rescue you and she asks how exactly are they going to do that seeing as they are now stuck in prison with him so do they have any idea what it's like to be poked and prodded to be a lab rat Wade takes off his mask and Matty looks at I'm going oh just then Logan begins to wake up asking what the hell is that smell it smells like sweaty chicken like a giant moist band-aid and Wade clears his throat shouting oh wait looks back at Matty and says you can teleport things right how about you just teleport us and Matty tells him that she can only affect objects not living things she's tried so Wade tells her sure you can't you just need to focus really hard and Maddie's a spy sheathing is the focus her eyes go white in a small cactus Peterson Wade yells I knew you could do it and Logan sniffs and says that's actually a fake he pops his claws and he says we're gonna see how tough this doors gets Adam mentio as Logan walks and slashes at the door the door opens up an electric prod pokes him and shucks he's been dragged out of the room and Matty asks what are they supposed to do now and Wade says I got an idea and you're probably not gonna like it moments later outside of the cell Wade screams in pain and Matty shouts that there's something going on with this guy the guard runs in asking what's going on in Wade yells I've made a huge mistake however as the door closes behind the guard it suddenly kicked off its hinges and Wade tells himself all right can ruin this Wade walks out having Logan's claws and yells knock damn it Nick Logan leans up from the examination table that he was on asking snuck away desks what's wrong as schmuck Nick is in need of a reboot anyway he then jumps into one of the scientists stabbing him asking how about a new catchphrase then it's Stabbin time while Wade goes all Wolverine hacking people to pieces Logan that asks why does we'd have my claws and Matty doesn't well he wanted to help so i teleported them Logan says right won't do me a favor and give them back and get me out of here before we does something crazy world rather crazier Wade pulls the claws out of another scientist and looks at another and asks how many pieces can I catch you into he pulls back to begins to punch into the scientist with the claws but before the claws can stab Wade ends up just punching the man in the face hey let me guess ask what happened Logan screams as the adamant he was put back onto his bones as the scientist hits the button to open up the door Logan tells Wade take the kid and run Wade grabs Mattie and jumps over the next group of soldiers and Mattie asks what about grandpa what's his name Wade tells it he'll be fine it's everyone else that should be warned once the two are clear Logan begins to rip through everyone that is within arm's reach cutting off stabbing slicing stabbing more stabbing more cutting off once the bodies in the body parts at the ground Logan stops and he sniffs I can smell you art from the pile hard holds up a file telling him you don't understand you don't know what she is her file Logan runs up picking up Hart's body with his claws slamming him into the wall and heart tells him listen and he whispers something into his ear Logan pauses and then says I'm sorry this is some mess that we've gotten ourselves into the least I could do is put you out of your misery meanwhile back with Wade and Maddie Wade asks so have you ever tried teleporting a person and Maddie tells him to just drop it the exit should be right over here but it's not so Wade tell Zack rot and the door before them opens up with more soldiers behind it with Wade adding double crud what I wouldn't give for a pair of swords right now subtly swords up here in Wade's hand and he says oh I could kiss you right now but I'm not that sort of criminal and Maddie tells him Krause as Wade because to cut down the soldiers one manages to grab Maddie and put a gun to her head and tells way to stand down Maddie looks at the gun and makes it disappear and Wade then stabs into the man's throat telling him that's Teddy work so now let's make like a tree and open his door so that we can leave and then a voice tells him no Logan walks up all bloodied and bruised shards of glass sticking out of his body and he tells him the kid stays here Wade says I'm pretty sure we're supposed to be rescuing the girl not leading her to an impending doom Logan doesn't yeah that's not happening I saw her file she's too dangerous she's volatile unpredictable should have listened but I was too stubborn Wade takes out his sword and lunges at Logan Logan asks do you think I want this and then he punches Wade in the face Wade reaches for his gun stating I just think that you can't handle this well you can cut it out now and Logan proceeds to cut his hand off and wait shouts that's not what I meant you they just disarmed me well the two go back and forth hacking away to each other Maddy shouts would you just stop I never asked for help from either of you her eyes begin to glow and there's a flash of white and then suddenly everything around them because they look different wait sassy I feel you could teleport people and Logan tells him try and catch up she didn't teleport us she went and teleported everything else up above the three of them is the chunk of Earth that the facility was on ready to fall back on them Wayne who looks up and says well we better get the hell out of here Maddy do something she tells them that there isn't anything that she can do Logan looks at her and says you could teleport us isn't that right and that he says uh-huh Logan says look cerebro sent me here to stop you before your powers became too dangerous but it's already happening so go ahead and get us out of here before we're flattened maddie asks us okay then suddenly both her and Logan disappear leaving wade in the hole waited looks up at the falling rocks and shouts you have job to be kidding me a second later the entire facility falls on wait a few hours later the rubble begins to get pushed aside as Wade pulls himself out stating Wow oh that was easy talk about being stuck with you to rock in a hard place as Wade drags himself out he sees Logan walking towards Amity yells thanks a lot for leaving me to rot Logan doesn't say anything and Wade goes on talking to himself basically so Wade how have you been oh I've been totally fine but crawling under a massive base all day Logan looks at Wade and tells him no more playing around and Wade asks what did you do where's Maddy Logan tells him just drop it stay away from the girl the Wade tells him that ain't could have happened now get out of my way Logan pops his claws shouting make me the two starts stabbing and cutting at each other with Logan yelling would you just stop him listen Hart told me the truth before he died Maddy led them to gen form she set back and watched without even blinking as we killed all of those people there's something wrong with her we've been trying to save her but she didn't want to be saved she's a killing machine just like us I tried to shut her down but I failed let's flashback to moments after the base fell Logan shouts asking why did you Jake Wade and Maddy tells him because she knows about him and he'll be okay you however I'm not so sure about Logan asks what is that supposed to mean whatever it is it doesn't matter you're coming with me to the Xavier school but before Logan can grab Maddy she says I can teleport people but there's one problem and suddenly Logan falls to his knees in pain she says that she's sorry she told them to leave her alone back when her powers started showing she could just think about something to make it appear including people the problem is though that whatever she teleports dies she watched as she brought her dad home from work and he died right in front of her Wade didn't deserve that do you do you deserve it because what you're about to do to me and I'm telling you now once and for all back off come at me again and you'll regret it see you old man or not I really don't care at this point Logan tries to stand back up stating that he should have put her down when he had the chance and then he coughs up blood screaming in pain now back in the current time Wade says Wow and Logan tells him yeah I'm trying to heal ever since she learned in a hard way that teleporting people kills them and they made her wait tells him whoa whoa whoa you mean you made her either way she's kind of our responsibility now right she needs our help and Logan sighs telling him I'm not so sure the wait goes on telling him look maybe I misread the situation maybe Logan then tells him I can't blame you I'm guilty of the same we should probably just get going oh we're becoming friends do me a favor fist bump Logan looks at weight as he holds his fist up and then he smiles fist bumping Wade and stabbing into his fists two months later on a farm in Idaho a man takes his bags into a barn and he shuts it down as he does a voice calls out to him hello heart and heart looks back stating hello Maddie Maddie now with a new look and shorter hair says that she's heard that he's been looking for her well she came here to tell him that she let them experiment on her it was so that she could learn more about herself and he could never come looking for her Maddie's eyes begin to glow and from Hart's chest blood begins to appear and Maddie goes on stating those other two they best not make the same mistake as you with that Hart's body lifelessly falls to the ground [Music] it's been a long time since star-lord Peter quill has been on her things are completely different from the last time that he remembered it he lounges around his apartment in nothing but a sweat pants and he tells Abigail brand that he has plenty more beers if she'd like to join him Abigail tells him that it's not even 11:00 in the morning and he's already a complete mess after kicking his feet off at the table Abigail throws a masher telling him to get dressed the only reason that he is not in custody about the flight is because he saved the planet she then hands him a cell phone telling him that she has pre-programmed all of his known earth associates so try going out for once Peter looks at the bone and he sees that he only has two contacts how were the duck and kitty Brian you're staring at Kitty's contact Peter decides to call Howard for those of you guys who don't know Peter quill and Kitty Pryde were intended to get married until the entire incident in which the guardians disbanded happened Kitty went off to go join up with the x-men again and kind of just left Peter there after a short conversation with Howard Howard tells him let me get this straight you're depressed in you lonely how about you try being trapped on earth there's a duck boohoo Peter quill go to an art gallery or something maybe there's someone who wants take you for a Greek sculpture and then you can get all the attention that you so desperately need bye and so Peter does just that after listening to some old woman tell him about Van Gogh Peter hears a familiar voice across the hall when he looks over he sees Kitty the group of her students and he asks her what she's doing here one of the students says it's the boyfriend and Kitty snaps at him telling him that Peter quill is not her boyfriend now go look at some life-changing masterpieces while she talks to her friend Peter nervous he says look I know we broke up but I'm stuck here for a while and thought maybe we could hang out nothing more she tells him yeah about that she's actually really busy with the x-mansion being an actual Limbo and is that your gun how did you get it past the metal detectors Kitty walks off saying you know what forget it I have a lot to take care of with real children Peter shouts wait I'm trying not to be creepy or anything but a voice tells them you know bub you kind of are Peter looks over to see old man Logan and he says for the love of God how did you get past the metal detectors Logan tells him look you're raising your voice in an art gallery in front of children carrying a gun you best keep on walking Peter leaves and he heads back to his apartment trying to call Howard again but a beggar asks him for some change he says actually he does got some but before Peter can hand over the change the beggar says actually I'm fine gotta go Peter sighs telling him God everyone hates me the Logan's voice tells them actually it's because of me Peter asks what is this part to a big brother Logan are you here to fight or something Logan leans in telling him I've got no desire to knock you out but you going unconscious is not entirely off the table sure a while later at a local bar Peter sits with the beer telling Logan that this isn't exactly what he thought it would be and after several beers he says that he's got to hit the can we'll be right back when Peter leaves logan since the air and notices a man is about to pull a gun on him and as he points logan jumps up swiping away cutting the man's arm off Peter steps out of the bathroom zipping up his fly telling him you know I used to go in space adventures and then a glass is thrown against the wall next to him he looks over to see Logan fighting against a group of thugs and he jumps in the brawl telling him Wow I'm glad I'm trapped on earth who said of some dangerous unknown part of space the two starts swinging and Peter tackles one of the men to the outside and another calls for some reinforcements Logan jumps out asking Peter if he's up for this and Peter laughs aha I'll in fitness the to jump in and the thugs opened fire and a stray bullet hits one of the bystanders Logan's eyes turn white with rage as he rushes at the Cooper men Peter runs over to help the woman that was shot but as he does he sees a pair of headlights and he quickly takes out his element gun creating a pillar of stone causing the car to crash into the side Peter helps the woman up and the cops around Peter shouting for him to drop his gun Peter puts it down telling them cool what are the good guys like save the universe a bunch of times good guys one of the officers grabs peter slams him into a patrol car telling him that he doesn't care if he's captain america he's under arrest the next morning at the Manhattan Criminal Court Peter tells his lawyer no I will not autograph your paper with the headline and beginning arrested the judge bangs his gavel down saying that he would appreciate the defense not interrupting mr. Murdoch's closing arguments but before Matt can get back to his statement the courtroom bursts open and Abigail walks in stating that she understands that there are vigilantes in the courts that they turned a blind eye to for example daredevil Abigail and Matt lock eyes a beagle 2 steps forward stating that she has Abigail Miranda lieutenant commander of the Alpha Flight space initiative mr. Kroll here has saved the universe in his temporarily on earth as a guest of Alpha Flight and though they understand ignorant of the law is no excuse he did help people so please allow Peter back into their custody the judge sighs stating that it seems like every day there's something new pushing the boundaries of antiquated laws but fine mr. Quayle you are ordered to pay a $10,000 fine and contribute to 100 hours of community service Abigail Ben pulls Peter a sign telling him that this is the last time that she bails out his beautiful but two weeks go past and Peter tells the receptionist of the winter homes retirement community in New Jersey that he is from the golden Friends program to see Edmund Allen the woman says that mr. Allen is in units 207 please do not burn down the building or anything and Peter says I don't have any super powers after heading upstairs Peter Knox and Edmunds door and it Ben pokes out stating just go away I don't need you but Peter lets himself in stating that actually the courts need me here so tell me about your days gone by Edmund sits in his recliner stating I'm going to kill him my son Greg signed me up for the stupid program out of his own guilt for not visiting I'm perfectly fine on my own Peter tells him well not according to the court so how about we go out a short while later the two head outside and Edmund asks what are you supposed to be some disgraced astronaut Peter tells him not exactly but close enough I'm just a guy who likes adventure how about we go on an adventure Edmund shakes his head telling him nope I've had enough adventure for our lifetime it just comes like a tornado and it tears your world apart Peter tells him that he wasn't gonna ask him to go bungee jumping or fight dr. doom I was suggesting ice cream or something but before the two of them can go on there's a loud crash and Peter runs over to see two men robbing a bank who just happened to crush their own getaway car Peter says that he can't stay here and watch he's got to and then a voice shouts not so fast jerks Kamala Kahn and Miss Marvel jumps in grabbing and disarming one of the men stated that she surprised anyone would rob a bank in New Jersey she's all over this town Edmund says one it's a real superhero we should just go and Kamala grabs the other guy and says that the rocks are on the outside and there's no explosion so how did they blow up the bank suddenly a rock is thrown into Kamala's back and Mindflash shouts it's easy when you're mine blast Peter quickly jumps in tackling mine blasts and Kamala shouts you should run this is insanely dangerous and Kamala leans in asking white are you star-lord the guy with no superpowers and his trusty senior citizen sidekick who also has no powers I'm literally a child to can't even vote and I know that this is incredibly irresponsible go back to star cave or whatever it is you do why take care of these people with my superpowers it's Kamala walks off Peter says I was pretty fun right and as they head back Peter notices a bag money on the ground Edmond says that they should just leave the bag of trouble except now the bag is gone as the two of them get back to Edmonds home Edmond sees that his door is already unlocked Peter charges in to see a man going through Edmonds things and he grabs him but Edmond shuts wash my son Greg after letting go Greg asks this is who you sent there's a space Lord Peter says actually it's star-lord and hey I'm not the one breaking into apartments here Greg pushes Peter to the side stating the manager let me in since I am the one paying for all of this and Edmond shouts without my permission Peter storms out telling him you know what father-son squabbles is kind of a trigger for me so I'm gonna go and Greg yells yeah yeah better leave Peter turns back to argue with Greg but Edmond stop something tells him Greg look if you want Peter call sooner then you're gonna have to give them a job at your little bar the faster Peter prays is fine the quicker he'll be gone so I'll bout three days later Peter meets up with Greg and tells him that he's sorry he's late he's used to traveling millions of miles per second without a funny stench the subway system has been hard to get used to Greg says that you better get used to being bastard my boss doesn't tolerate lateness did you walk into a dark alleyway and after being let in Greg says welcome to the bar with no name try not to get killed three weeks go by with Peter having no problems adjusting to the villainous crowd that frequents this bar after punching jigsaw he tells javelin that he's sorry about that guy and she says that she could have handled it herself once the shift is over Peter heads home and Greg stomps I'm asking you gonna go see my dad if so tell him this is for him Peter says that he could do it himself but Greg says that they should just stay out of each other's lives father-son stuff you know Peter grabs the trash telling him yeah I get it my dad left over to knocking up my mom and then tried to kill me as an adult Greg doesn't that's pretty dark but uh given any thought to what I asked you earlier bitter says that he's flattered that he wants him to stay permanently but once the ship is repaired he's off this planet as Peter walks down the alleyway to the dumpster he tells himself look I'm finally making something for myself and then as he drops the bag into the dumpster he sees a shadow and quickly elbows hitting the person daredevil stumbles back and then he jumps at kicking Peter the two begin to fight and his daredevil pins Peter down he says I got word from the DA that you were supposed to be staying out of trouble Peter coughs asking is everything illegal off this planet element guns and garbage disposal but attack a guy in an alleyway while wearing a mask that's totally fine Peter gets up and he walks off saying I'll be sure to never take out the trash again daredevil stops him asking where's the money Peter stops asking what money daredevil shouts that you and Miss Marvel stuff - bank robbery and the police are short four thousand dollars I've heard stories about you but as daredevil goes on Peter walks off telling him I don't have to listen to this I've saved the universe a bunch of times that goes to the top of a resume you weird ninja as Peter walks on a crowd starts to gather around daredevil and he throws him a car telling him if you hear anything call me and get a better job - Peter looks at the card says wow that's some nice embossing later that day Peter goes down to see Edmund and the two take a walk into the park when Peter sees an ice cream truck and says that he hasn't had some sense forever Edmund walks up and asks for - and as peter reaches for his wallet edmund tells him a got there's the worid upon it peter grabs the cones and notices that Edmund has a lot of money in his wallet when the two of them get back to Edmunds apartment Peter tells Edmund that he couldn't help but notice how hefty his wallet has gotten and another funny news it turns out that there's a fair amount of money missing from that robbery I'd been stares for a moment he says look nobody got hurt from be taking it Peter says that's not the point people think that I stole it I've been then goes into his drawer and he pulls up the money handing it to Peter stating I figured though I already did buy some stuff like ice cream so there's only like 3200 dollars left so later that night Peter calls up daredevil to return the money and daredevil says he will see to it that it gets to the DA drop-off points as his friend mistakingly took it but he will need his name to keep an eye on him Peter shouts come on and then he sits down as his find it said minute Alan daredevil goes on and it stops wait did you say Edmund Allen elsewhere at this time a patron of the bar with no name Diamondhead wakes up asking where am i a female voice tells him that he really shouldn't have been spilling secrets about the bar thanks to you I've been giving to drop on these jobs before them she also realized that you can be more useful than just getting the information black cat stands over there with one of Diamond heads and legs telling him you're actually a resource yourself back at Edmunds apartment Peter asks daredevil think he's really supposed to believe that Edmund is some sort of supervillain Edmund gets up from his recliner stating cat burglar supervillains are idiots Edmund then tells daredevil that he quit the game after he barely got away from him during his last robbery he looks at a picture of his brother stating that he always swore that he would stop it if it got too dangerous and Peter asks what so you have powers and Edmund tells him no I have a suit that came out of somewhere or some who knew it was my brother's job to figure that stuff out all we knew is that it was something alien but the suit could just go places more specifically the boots in the gloves one day when my brother was working on the suit the men that he worked for killed him because he wasn't telling them his findings so using the boots and the gloves I killed his employers and with no one knew I took off the boots in the gloves Jared all says that he robbed people and Edmond says look around there's a little like I'm living a high life I gave most of it away already daredevil chefs it doesn't matter you broke the law and Peter stops him telling him look I spent years traveling through space so I legitimately do not care about your laws here just leave the harmless old man alone and let me handle this shouldn't you be punching drug lords and not star-lords both the men look at Edmund and daredevil leave stating if you step out of line once Peter then turns back to Edmund and he says that he thought that he was above it all but all he did was end up shutting everyone out this is what life looks like on the other side of bad decisions later that night at the bar Shocker asked Peter if he could tell him about Diamond Head you see a few nights ago diamond had left the bar and he heard a scuffle when he went outside to check on it there was no one there so he's just worried peter stops him telling him you're just worried that whatever happened to him might happen to you right and shocker shouts yeah or no well I'm just worried about diamond head too I'm complex Peter doesn't fine we'll go up back and check around to see if there's anything left behind so Peter puts on his mask and shocker watches and says that's a real iron Mitch right there I'm Peter shots oh my god stop talking Peter starts to scan the area and he finds some diamond dust along the walls and he says that this looks like there was a fight here shocker asks if he thinks that that dust is worth anything and Peter goes on completely ignoring that comment stating the trail stops at the streets so it looks like diamond had maybe was captured Peter takes off his mask telling him something happened and I could really use the distraction so you know I'm gonna go save Diamondbacks life Shaka does its diamond hand Peter says whatever he walks back inside telling Gregg to go over the security footage and Greg tells them that that is not good for business Peter doesn't nope or you know maybe Diamond Head but let's see as the footage plays Peter says that everything happened in the alleyway where the camera is not facing which means whoever did this knew how to not be spotted he can though make out the license plate so he's gonna make another quick call over at a gym Abigail picks up her phone asking what you run out of shirts or something in a short while later Peter and shocker head over to be addressed to where the license plate was registered to and they see that it's a to warehouse the to sneak in and Peter says that they should split up and chakras is no - way strike the numbers just like when I was in the sinister six Peter says yeah and how did that work out the to head down the hallway towards a light and when they open up the door they see diamond heads head and foot on the table before Peter could do anything shocker pushes Peter down telling him the doc and soon black cats men run in swinging I speed her friends off against the attacks he sees shocker taken down and he runs over grabbing his blaster one man grabs ahold of Peter to another swings up bad at him so Peter hits the blaster launching them both into the wall his vision then he goes to fade and as it comes back he sees black cat telling him then he's a pretty handsome renegade bartender isn't he not so sure about the beard though Peter says that he'll take that into consideration but I'm who the hell are you police she leans down smiling telling him that I'm your boss my name is Felicia but people call me the black cat Peter tells her that he would like to file a complaint with HR and Felicia laughs saying that she owns the bar so see the bar business has given her some valuable information allowing her to take over the city and she's going to need him for a little something you're about to break into the apartment of our next target the wealthiest denizen of the little bar and if not well you have someone close to you right Peter runs over to Edmunds apartment and as he bursts in his phone goes off and police she says no it's not the old man but you will need him because he will help if he wants to get his son back the next day Peter watches Edmund yzi walks into the building across the street stepping on air and he asks so you just had these magic boots and gloves lying around the whole time and you never told anyone Edmund calls back that these things breed secrets and those secrets cost him his wife and distance his son and broke their trust something that he might not yet get back peter Salk's telling him i would actually be surprised edmund walks back telling him the only reason he's doing this is because of Greg can't he just call those superhero friends of his Peter tells him that Felicia made it very clear that if she spots anyone breaking into javelins penthouse Greg gets it but he has a few ideas meanwhile later than made at the bar Felicia stands on top of it telling everyone that she's afraid she has an announcement to make people here have been selling the secrets of the individuals at the bar which is a clear violation of the rules but don't worry she has dispatched mr. Quillin mr. Allen because as a traitor among them someone named javelin everyone gets up and surrounds javelin as she tells him that they do know she's playing them all right all the villains moving on javelin and as they get close one of them has three claws shoot into his back as the man falls Logan says that he really needs stop drinking a barse meanwhile back at Felicia's warehouse Gregg asks one of the guards if he can find in a sandwich the guard tells him there's no way that he's giving him a bite of this $12 deluxe pastrami and then he lasts no this is a thud and the guard turns back he sees his partner knocked out daredevil smiling through the shadows over a javelins penthouse Edmond is cracking the save and he finds an envelope a small bag in a book before they can grab the contents the door opens the Felicia walks in stating that she didn't want them to have all of the fun she grabs the book and Peter says he doesn't get it she's a master thief why get them to break in so Felicia tells him that that's true she could have done this herself but she runs things in this town and it's all about delegation Peter then asks what is it that she wanted to steal anyway the police she starts flipping through the book that she took she says that javelin is a good thief she keeps up-to-date notes on how to break into pretty much anywhere that counts Edmond chasidy doesn't give a freak about her monologue they did what she asked now let Greg go Felicia leans in smiling Oh Edmond I'm going to need an experienced Steve to go through all these addresses and I'm afraid that Greg is going to be staying with me a bit longer subtly - batons are thrown knocking the guns out of the guards hands and daredevil jumps down from the ceiling while Peter wastes no time punching out the guards Peter grabs his phone and he calls Abigail stating that they are clear shut it down and just as he hangs up Felicia jumps over him and out the window and putting on his mask he says no lady he hits a switch on his belt rocketing through the glass ceiling jumping onto Felicia he then shouts I was stuck in this planet arrested having a terrible love life and Felicia then asks him why do you even care you're just a bartender Peter runs in telling her but I'm still Peter quill damn it I guard the galaxy including bars penthouses and people and the to start their fight a light is shined down on them and Abigail radios out but she's going to assume that he wants to arrest her right Felicia quickly kicks Peter back and jumps off the ledge of the building at his Peter runs over he sees Edmond stain and they're holding Felicia she screams for him to let her go and he says dude he has no choice these gloves they lock in and they don't move she isn't going anywhere but before Abigail can get to them Felicia crawls up Edmond and grabs his throat telling him that he should never across the black cat she then kicks Edmond as Abigail's men fire at Edmond falls from the sky Greg shouts for his father but Edmond already passed out when he landed on the car a few days later Peter wakes up and he gets ready for Edmonds service there isn't many that came to the cemetery and as the service finished Greg told Peter that he really appreciates him coming but please don't think that there is any more that he could have done for his father everyone knows that Peter quill did everything he could for Edmund and now he died thinking that he Peter stops him telling him who dad loved you and he would have given his life ten times over to save you as everyone leaves Peter is given a letter a short while later Peter walks into javelins penthouse asking you beckoned javelin said that she's glad that he came on such short notice and Peter tells her that he must admit it's a bit weird considering he did just try to robber javelin goes on stating that she's well aware of the position that he was in wanting to save Gregory and sending James to protect her she also has heard about his recent troubles of the law and the fine that he has incurred she would like to pay him for it as javelins hand creeps up Peters thigh he says wait are you trying to seduce me really that would cross three things off my sexy bucket list scenarios javelin bursts out laughing stating you're far too young for me and avoid says yeah you just learned how to grow beard bub Peter turns over to see Logan wearing one of javelins robes asking if there's any milk and Peter shouts who's the kid now Logan tells him looks good for the pose which Peter yells back your bones are covered in metal and you heal instantly Logan tells him man gruffly today computer says it's not that I'm just not happy nothing about what happened makes me happy as Logan goes on to make a joke he tells Peter you got your ticket out of here why not just go in dangerous some other seniors Peter turns back and punches Logan in the face telling him screw you and then he pulls his hand back in pain ah metal skull Peter continued swinging and beating into Logan until finally Logan grabs him and holds it in place and Peter sighs telling him you're not letting me go are you you just provoked me because you thought I needed fight someone other than myself huh Logan tells him yep you won this one saved the kid saved Lin all paid up yes there was a cost but it wasn't your fault you just need to learn to forgive yourself and move on Bob that's just life Peter hugs him and after a moment of silence he says your robe isn't open is it and Logan says yeah it is later at another bar Rocket Raccoon slams his glass down stating this one is so disgusting to the bartender says you just tried half of our specialty cocktails perhaps our drinks are just not for you please leave since you're clearly an animal here on your own rocket chefs look my own ax is in the can I'm a service record for an owner's anxiety and you can't legally kick me out of here so just give me another beer Peter walks up telling him thank God my anxiety is still here and on earth and I literally mean that sense you are still here are you doing in this gaudy restaurant raka tells him it had up right side plus I thought that this was like flapper doodles and Kramer six rocket then takes a drink from his beard he says look I'm still not ready to talk to you you really screwed things up Peter tells them I know but there's something I want to say them I'm sorry the guardians are my family the bottom line is I should have trusted you I should have told you to Thanos is right here I just didn't want a looot rocket jumps up on the table and he shouts damn right you think you could just waltz around the Gila leader and leave us all to be the king and then come back to be our leader again rocket leaves the restaurant and Peter asks what is it I can do rocket looks back at him and tells him it's just hi sometimes it's not our enemy as he walks out rocket grumbles Bob places he still finds me here and then he looks up at Abigail stating of course it was you happy go walks in and the waitress welcomes her asking if she would like Abigail tells her no never talk to her she pulls Peter outside and he says that he couldn't help but notice that nobody confiscated the murder of space raccoons weapons and Abigail asks him if he ever tried to take away garbage from a raccoon before let alone his guns Peter tells her good point and Abigail says swish teleporting them away and she tells him welcome to Alpha Flight aka her office Peter looks around asking does this mean that he got a job here and Abigail shouts never however you can have your element guns back the reason I brought you up here was to tell you that we've caught enough of the bro off to know this place isn't your home your home moves it's got a hall controls and weird friends so take your guns get a ship get those friends and get the heck off my planet [Music] deep in the cellar of a maximum-security super prison two guards get ready for what's about to come through that door one of the guards asks if it's really him and after the to hear a man screaming on the other side of it to the second guard says yeah it's him the second guard says that they really don't pay them enough for this kind of crap and three claws begin to tear through the door seconds later Logan rips the rest of the door off and he jumps through grabbing one of the guards telling him I need to get to the lower levels so open up the rest of those blast doors the other guard fires a shotgun into Logan's backs to Logan turns to him telling him that was a big mistake the two guards opened fire to slow Logan down and then a man piloting a mech suit steps out telling Logan that he's not sure why he's here but he better stand down Logan jumps to the suit and he begins to shred through it saying I really don't take kindly to orders after grabbing the man out of the mech suit Logan pops his closet to the man's and equity tells him you couldn't lose your head or tell me which way to go to the lower levels the pilot points at a door trembling and Logan tells him good boy and he tears through it leading the guards behind nine days earlier in illy oddest chambers she tells Logan that he's got to be kidding he wants her to send him back to the wastelands the same post-apocalyptic incredibly tragic and soul-crushing wastelands from when she came the same place where everyone that you know and love is dead and Logan says almost everyone and Ilyana says who the Hulk baby one of evil banners brutes Lilliana vet asks i thought you left him in a safe place well Logan says I did but I don't know how is safe being what Danny actually is it's only a matter of time Ilyana snaps her fingers telling him that's the other big problem time it isn't as simple as using my powers to send you back or forward the other problem is that the future might not even be our future Logan tells her that's why I came to see you and Ileana grabs Logan by the shoulders telling him I'm sorry but every time that we mess with time things go bad so just stay here Logan then tells her you know me and you know that I won't stop until I find a way to get back in Ileana tells him I know but my answer is no you're gonna have to find another way back in the current time Logan heads down the hallways of the prison when he feels a web stick to his shoulder he turns back to see spider-man Miles Morales Miles asks what's the matter did they run out of rice pudding in the x-men's cafeteria again Logan cuts the weapon telling him this isn't your fight you might want to back off when I got a chance Myles swings in kicking Logan telling him this is my fight now those webs are not cheap and why would you want to be breaking into a prison for supervillains he webs up Logan's feet telling him let me guess it's because you got some grudge against a baddie in here and you're gonna go provide some grim and gritty justice clothes hotter cold Logan steps forward of ripping the webbing apart telling him I'm not here to hurt anyone and Myles swings in again kicking Logan telling him yeah tell that to the two dozen guards that you just slashed up the two begin to battle it out and Myles tells him come on tell me what's up because these hero versus hero stories are getting really old maybe I could even help you Logan pops his claws selling him trust me ain't no one left who's gonna help me eight days earlier in each day after each person who could possibly send a Logan back told him no including dr. doom but as the fight goes on miles says that he's got to hand it to him he moves pretty quick for an old guy Logan turns back telling him you're just as mouthy as the other spider-man and then he cuts through the lock and Myles asks what are you oh oh Logan cuts the last lock telling him yeah no and all the villains begin to walk out of their cells while Myles tries to fight off the released criminals Logan goes down the pathway until he reaches the man that he's been looking for and as he walks into the cell Asmodeus asks I do not know who you are I am the scourge of Satan I am one who walks with the night Slayer of angels Prince of dark magic Logan holds out his claws telling him I know exactly who you are and I'm here to make you an offer you can't refuse Osmo Deus asks what is it that you want then Logan grabs him by the neck telling him I did my homework on you mr. Charles Benton files say that you zapped Hawkeye and Wonder Man back to the medieval times so right now I find myself in need of a man with those type of particular set of skills as he lets go along and asks so what's it going to be I can get you out of here and then you zap me back to where I need to go Osmo Deus falls to the ground coughing surely your friends would have helped you and Logan says yeah they thought it was a bad idea which is why I'm resorting to a piece of scum with no morals aahs Mateus sits up telling him if I could use magic I wouldn't be here I need many of my artifacts objects of power Logan pulls out a backpack that he was hiding under his jacket and he takes out a costume and a scepter and oz Mateus says those were taken by the Avengers long ago Logan tells him yeah I may have taken them from Doctor Strange so do we have a deal or not Osmo - shouts what do you want a blood oath fine we have a bargain the man is thrown outside of the cell and Logan says we may want to hurry up my little distraction has almost run its course miles with the rest of the security guards walk in and miles asks who the heck is that Osmo - shouts I am oz modeis and I walk in the shadows I are the scourge of Satan laughs and Logan cuts him off telling him yeah yeah yeah put a sock in it let's just get out of here how's my dear sighs and then creates a portal fine and a flash of light Logan and oz Mateus step out and Logan asks where are we oz modeis tells him New Jersey Stephen strange did not find all of my weapons and tools there are many still hiding here Logan asks them so hiding is a low-rent storage locker in Jersey and oz modeis tells him yes we all don't have xavier mansions or sanctum sanctorum snout do we Logan cuts the lock and pulls out the unit he says I can really smell the bold here as Osmo days because to go through his boxes Logan says I want to make one thing clear I need an escape hatch something for me to bring with me like a time limit oz modeis awesome yes yes I've gathered that too much I just need to find it I know I had it with the National Geographic Saha a few moments later as Mateus finishes setting up the makeshift ritual in the storage locker saying that this is so much easier with someone willing a few moments later he holds out an amulet stating this will keep you tethered to this time in place the spell will only last for four days though which afterwards you will be returned here with your body Logan asks what do you mean by body and Asmodeus explains it's your consciousness that will be traveling you will inhabit your own body in the past Logan says I'm not sure like the sound of that at oz modeis tells him well that's how the spell works so do you want to go back or not Ozma days and opens up a box and sets out a knife and Logan pops his claws oz Mateus tells him relax I just need to get a bit of your blood for the spell you could heal right Logan holds out his hand and he cuts into Logan's palm draining the blood into a small cup as he drinks it Logan tells Oh that is disgusting and Asmodeus tells him i need to do it if you want to return its blood magic he done leans forward placing his hands on Logan's head telling him I just need to look into your past a but to know where to send you Logan's consciousness slowly begins to lift out of his physical body and soon the ritual is over as he starts to get back up he tells him I must confess I may have fudged the details just a bit I didn't say which part of your past I was going to be sending you to elsewhere in the timeline Logan wakes up in a pile of snow covered in blood he starts to look around thinking this is it where I left a baby which part of the wastelands did you send me to Colorado as Logan takes a few steps out he sees a bunch of soldiers slaughtered scattered about before Logan has a chance to move a rifle as held to his head and a man tells him you better stop right there you filthy Savage shortly after a colonial man rides up on a horse telling the halt it looks like we finally got the jump on you the Canadians best assassin is now our prisoner Logan thinks to himself crap who's 1812 Logan is led through the snowy Woodlands and he starts to remember what this is it's the war of 1812 and he can't remember what happened next he's then thrown into a cell as general McMillan walks in telling him this man doesn't look so dangerous now does he McMillan looks down at Logan and asks why do you think I had my men scour in the woods for you it's because one of my soldiers you just butchered back in the Battle of Detroit was my son McMillan pulls Logan's head back slashing away to his face and without saying a word Logan growls everyone watches closely and they see the wound on Logan's face begin to heal and McMillan shouts for everyone to get out lock the cell captain Everett holds out ambulant and he says that they also found this near the prisoner and it's glowing Logan spots the ambulance the only way that he'll be able to get home and then his claws pop out he knows that if there's any chance for him to return he's gonna be with that amulet he rips through the chains and the cell bars and he charges at the soldiers all of them begin to open fire and as Logan leans back up all he can do is growl while Logan fires of the soldiers McMillan begins to escape with the amulet Logan tears his way through running after McMillan and then he tackles unto the ground taking back his amulet I've getting away he looks at the glowing amulet and then his spiritual body is taken back out and sucked right back into the timestream he thinks that maybe this nightmare is over and then the darkness and the pain sets in and it's pain that he's never felt before but then he remembers he does remember this pain and after working up the courage to open up his eyes he knows exactly where he is Weapon X however as Logan does open up his eyes he sees the amulet floating next to him he desperately swims trying to grab at it the scientists outside shock Logan to stop him but he continues to try until he finally catches the ambulant the timestream opens back up but he's pulled back out of his younger body off into another version of himself in the timeline meanwhile in the proper time as ammonius tells the henchman from all of the different organizations that he is now in possession of a weapon deadlier than anything that they could have ever known he'll start this off by asking how much will each of them pay for this man back with Logan his eyes open up and he sees the yellow and the blue costume which is much better than floating around in Weapon X and that's when he hears the sounds a tree snapping he looks up to see that he's in the middle of the fight between the Hulk and when to go Logan remembers that this is the first time that he ever went up against a banner between those two giant things is the amulet of course that's where it is Logan brings out his claws and he jumps into the middle of the fight shouting Wolverine is coming through Hulk shouts little man jumps around like rabbit stand still or gulps burst with a single swipe from the Hulk Logan's body is throwing through the trees but rather than fight off the Hulk he cuts into Wendigo the Hulk then punches when to go away telling him Hulk doesn't understand first little man fight Hulk now he fight Hulk and every Logan doesn't respond to him but it's Teddy just past the Hulk grabbing at the ambulance The Hulk knocks Logan back into the ground and he grabs the end of that asking what deuce but not knowing what the amulet is the Hulk and tosses it off into the woodlands he then digs into the ground pulling out a giant boulder and he says I will show Beauty bird Oh strong old girl Logan rolls around cutting into the Hogs leg and he runs into the woods with the amulet fell just as Logan grabs forth the Hulk jumps down right onto his back and he begins to pound but before Logan can lose the feeling in his body his soul is zapped into the time stream he opens his eyes again to see that he's not in the woods but in Central Park the place where oh no he could feel the fiery heat and then he hears Jean shouting that she is fire and life and carted she is now in forever Phoenix she blasts everyone away with a fire blast and Logan gets back up trying to reason with her hoping that this time things might be different he looks back at the amulet and he reaches out calling for Jean and that's when the giant of Phoenix appears Logan watches the Phoenix leave and with a heavy heart he picks up the amulet wishing to be anywhere but here with another flash of light he opens his eyes to find himself in Japan right in the middle of a ninja ambush the claws come out and blood and limbs fly everywhere and when it's all said and done Logan says that that made him feel better he holds out the amulet ready to jump yet again and then he stops saying that there's one more thing that he has to do he jumps from rooftop to rooftop until he finally opens the door up to see Mariko she asks if everything's alright and he kisses her telling her alright now I can go he pulls himself out of the water gasping for air the smell of the sewers he would know that smell from anywhere he was back in Madrid or back in the current time one of the hive ages asks how can they be so sure that they don't have to worry about Oberyn returning and Amy agent says they'll pay a million dollars they need proof that he's not there Asmodeus smiles telling them fine they takes at a dagger stabbing it into Logan's chest of course his body doesn't move because over in the past he yells as his body feels that pain but before he has a chance to even think about what just happened to a young boy skates by stealing the intimate the boy weaves through the crowds as Logan runs through knocking everyone over and then he turns in to the alleyway after the boy that's what he sees nothing then a group of men asked what a hairy barbarian is doing in their alley Logan looks at the men and he thinks to himself that he doesn't have time to deal with any Yakuza but it seems he won't have a choice in the matter he calls out to the leader dragon head telling them that if they're looking for death he'll deliver dragon head gives the order to shoot and all but one of the men light up Logan that one single man looks at Logan's body telling him he's toast and then the snick can be heard Logan jumps out of the trash telling them it took your best shot now it's my turn but in second the Isle away is littered with bodies and blood of the Dead Yakuza at Logan asked dragon head what about him still a tough guy dragon head runs off and he noticed the patch that he was carrying fell out he says screw it he puts it back on a short while later he catches up to the boy who stole the amulet and he happens to be sitting and eating a bowl of noodles Logan asks how are the noodles and the boy gets up to run so Logan grabs him telling him not so fast the boy asks what is this thing Logan tells him who knows freaks me the hell out - but I gotta go he grabs the amulet and he's brought back into the timestream than any police as he does a baseball was his bi and Bobby shouts strike Jubilee Hills how could that have been a strike that pitch almost took off his nose Logan looks Arana sees himself at Xavier mansion and it quickly turns to Bobby telling him you gotta listen I don't know how much time he yells that he needs to remember the address 1 2 3 Bleecker Street in Jersey the date is but before he can tell if Bobby heard him he's brought back into the timestream he then falls face-first into sand and he feels old he looks out at the sand hills and he says that this is it he's back in the wastelands he's back home he walks down to his old house and he grabs the door not thinking he really should he already knows what he's about to find nothing at the door swings open there's Scotty marine and Jade just like they were before he tries to process what he's looking at him Jade asks what he's holding he looks at the amulet and he steps on it telling them it's nothing I think this is I'm home I'm never going back later the light begins to shine into Logan's room and Mauryan says morning so what was that all about last night he says he uh just missed you that's all and then Maureen gets up telling him well she's not going anywhere after breakfast Logan as Scotty head out into the farm to get the tractor up and running and Logan thinks how he had forgotten how this was just being with family doing normal things as the hood was closed Logan tells himself that he came back for banners grandkid but it's dead he got so much more this is so real this is real he's home over in the current time though Asmodeus continues his business when suddenly shards of ice begin to shoot into the walls Bobby slides in with ice claws telling him an old friend of his said to come here on this day Jean then breaks in through the glass and tells I was mo Dias to release Logan for whatever that spell he's cast on him Asmodeus says that he can't and Jean asks what do you mean that you can't Asmodeus says I have lost contact with Logan's consciousness he's lost in time back in past marine comes out to slogan that she really is a natural huh it's like Jade was born to ride Logan looks out to see Jade riding a horse and Scottie says that she really shouldn't be out there today is payment day just then a ship flies down onto the field and one of the Hulk gang members says she looks cute another one tells her if you say so but I've never really trusted redheads Logan runs up asking what do they want and the banners tell him you should know why we're here res do Logan says you'll have it soon go into the market to do some trading he didn't clenches his fist as he thinks that he can do something about it this time all he has to do is bring up those claws and he could cut them right here and now except the claws they won't come out one of the banners punch into Logan while the others begin to stomp on him and he thinks to himself that's it that's the catch he can't change anything well in the past he's gonna watch them die all over again a little while later after getting patched up he sits on his steps and Moe Regan asks how are they gonna pay them he says it'll go to the market and trade some of their tools and then Jade calls out stating that she felt sad when they hit him she went ahead and fixed up the pretty necklace Logan looks at the ambulance tumbling back weighing the options leave this place or lose them all over again Logan tells Jade to give him an extra big hug and tells her that he loves her so much he holds the ambulance stating that one day he'll come home and find them dead but not today today they're alive and this is the best day of his life back in the current times he gasps for air and Bobby asks if everything's all right Jean helps Logan up and Logan looks at Bobby and says that he's impressed that the ice pick remembered Bobby says you know I'm not just a pretty face what should we do about Osmo Dias Logan tells him to toss him back in the hole they found him I'm going for a walk he walks up to the pier and he thinks about how the last year all he's been doing is running around trying to find a way back home but while he's been trying to forget them he'd forgot about the good stuff the way that Morgan would always seem to just wake up just before he could how Scotty always knew what tool was needed and never wanted to wait to get his hands dirty and even how Jade's breath felt warm in the back of his neck when she hugged him the past will always be with them but his life is here his life is now with that Logan takes to amulet and throws it into the river [Music] since returning to the current times Logan has decided to take some time to himself and do a little bit of traveling which is what brought him to toad River he parks in he stops at a local diner and then he smells the air and he could tell us something is off he hangs his jacket and Logan asks the waitress where's Lexi and the waitress says oh it's her day off how about I get you some coffee Logan sits at the bar telling her sure and as he looks around the waitress begins to pour a cup when Logan grabs the waitress by the arm Logan poles are closed and tells her there's never been a Lexi who worked here this place has been run by the same couple since the 60s what'd you do to them the cook jumps over the bar tops telling him it's no use pretending anymore it's still a family business just a different family in a different business he then tells Logan you took something from it something that we can't get back but it's not like we've ever personally met but you do know my brother Billy Bob Billy Bob walks out telling beyou I'm not sure about this I got a bad feeling view doesn't even respond and continues talking to Logan do you remember stealing Billy Bob's clothes and leaving him in a cave Logan stops and tells the group I don't know what kind of stunt this is this is impossible the claws come out and Bews face because the change into a whole kid he says oh but it is everyone begins to transform into Hawks in few shots you killed our paw and you ran over like a little rat hit yourself at a whole nother dimension but we found you and we're gonna kill you seconds later Logan is knocked out the diner window as one of the Hulk's jumps on him Logan punches his claw straight into this Hulk's face and then he thinks to himself that he killed the Hulk gang back in the wastelands all except Billy Bob you should have never let him walk the female Howe quickly slams Logan down on the rest begin stomping on his body telling him that it was easier than they thought but just as they stop Logan jumps to his feet swinging upwards carrying into another Hulk view then kicks Logan back and Logan lunges back stabbing into him and then ripping through the last Hulk with the four Hawks dead and Logan walks back into the diner telling Billy Bob you aren't going anywhere all I want to know is how how did you get here Billy Bob begins to panic stating that their paw he he found them and but before Billy Bob could finish beyou grabs one of the fryers in the back and pours it on to Logan Logan's flesh begins to melt away and the first thing that go his eyes so all he can do is smell his own sizzling flesh and then he turns to swing before he turns into a puddle of skin and boy bogans swipes into booze neck before falling and as beautifully Bob to help from Philly Bob tells him no and he escapes a short while later at the department age weapons facility Billy Bob crawls his way in and a man named maestro asks what happened where were the trucks at him and his brother were supposed to be getting Billy Bob says they tried to get him they had him Logan we tried to get him for what he did to paw but he killed everyone in Meister shuts watch you shut office a personal vendetta after I told you not to as maestro yells his body changes into a hunk and he smacks Billy pop telling him the blood of four lives are on your hands he starts to grip down on Billy Bob's neck and cambria yells for him to stop they've already lost four lives losing anymore won't help maestro tosses Billy about telling him now we're short-handed and I must assume they we are no longer operating in a veil of secrecy load up the trucks with as many missiles as you can get as everyone leaves maestro grabs Cambria telling her that her allegiance to her brother is admirable but if she ever defies him in front of the others again they will be sharing the grave back at the diner Logan fine neighbor generates enough to get up but he looks at the bodies and he sees what they should have looked like it he tells himself keep it together he didn't smell some of the blood left behind and can tell that those five weren't the only ones there are more a lot more and when he finds them they're gonna wish they stayed in whatever hellhole they crawled out of later to remote yukon territory maestro walks up to a compound on the arm two guards tell him that if he's lost best to be going somewhere else maestra says that he's heard that this was a good place to go people wanted to get off the grid they are in need of such a place all of the other guards tried to point their guns telling him that he better turn around before they shoot him where he stands maestro's eyes cloak reen and he tells them I said I needed this place so we're gonna take it as he finished the saying that a swarm of Hulk could jump out of the woods and they descend on the base back at the Department H weapons facility Logan pulls up to find the place of reeking of hope with no signs of any of them this facility was supposed to be cleared out of his and nuclear weapons but that isn't the case banners kids are too stupid to know what to do with them but they're not stupid enough to try something down the road at another diner Logan makes a call to the only person that he knows they can help him in this situation puck and he tells him I need a favor the kind where the person doesn't ask questions puck tells Logan asking for a favor let me just mark this on my calendar real quick Logan tells I'm around 6:00 or 7:00 this morning some trucks rolled out of a decommissioned apartment age bunker that you gone he needs to know if they can be tracked while Punk starts pulling me info up he tells Logan you're not gonna like what's going on but I know if you ever need help Logan doesn't acknowledge the offer and says he got the location yet a short while later Logan heads on Puck's lead and as he rides he hears something off in the distance an unmistakable sound and it registers way too late an explosion goes off destroying the motorcycle and as Logan picks himself back up an army jeep rolls by running him over he tries to get back up but as he gets to his feet he shot back down by several assault rifles one of the hulks laughs out loud ha ha ha that's how you do it no use getting into a punch-up naturally a madman like Logan another hole punches Billy Bob Ford of the gun telling him to finish it he owes it to his dad and the others that Logan is killed Billy Bob takes the gun and he nervously walks over to Logan's body but as his hand trembles he pulls the trigger except there's only a click with no gun fired Billy Bob asks why it isn't loaded why did they the before he could even ask the other Hulk's opened fire on him telling him sorry you're not welcomed in her new paradise Billy Bob a little while later Logan opens his eyes and finds himself chained to a chimney stack the Hulk from before shouts oh look who's awake we almost thought you were really dead this time Logan shouts how the hell are you here I killed your entire filthy inbred Hulk gang back in the wastelands and all tells them clearly that ain't the truth cuz we're here and thanks to your healing we can get ours again and again and again all the hulks start to unload into Logan just as they did at the ambush until he stops moving meanwhile back at the compound maestro begins his work on the nukes and Cambria says that it's quite alarming to see him in his human form so often maestro says that it's not because he enjoys it but there is something to be said for the nimble fingers of a human comes in handy when working on things that can blow us back to the Stone Age so what did you come for because if you couldn't tell I'm kind of busy here Cambria asks are we really gonna go through it this it strange that something so small could cause so much destruction why do we have to kill everyone why not just live here away from everyone and be with our own kind Mike Shore tells her it's because man will kill themselves too these weapons regardless I've seen it happen they're already dead all the hoaxes are doing is just moving up the expiration date we're doing this because man will never leave us alone they will hunt and kill us just they did to the banner of this timeline especially after all of the blood that we've shed the war has already begun the only question now is who will end it Cambria walks up stating that he's right she's just worried about Billy Bob he's been gone for a long time maybe she's just overthinking things back with Logan to begin to wake up again and he looks around on the Hulk's ask him what are you doing Logan says I'm looking for a way down so I can whoop your asses and the Hulk's tell him you wouldn't even last a few seconds against us Logan tells him where I'm from I used to beat your asses like a drum every damn time all those brothers and sisters all hitting like kids barely even tinkles the Hulk yells for him to shut up Logan laughs telling him I would have laughed back then too but was it too busy killing all of you the whole punches are Logan and Logan lifts himself up high enough for the hit to miss and destroy the chimney once free from the wall he takes the chains and he wraps him around the Hulk's neck and he pulls it back snapping the neck the other hoaxes begin to run up Owen Logan's healing factor being a lot slower at this older age he ducks away into the barn to figure out a plan one of the girl Hawks walks in with a minigun and out of the shadows he stabs her in the leg another one from outside the rows attracted to the building but when they go to check her Logan they hear something windup suddenly the rest of the Hawks are riddled with bullets as Logan stands up holding the minigun as the last of the bullets a shot Logan throws the large gonna wait he tells one of the hoaxes that he's got more than enough time to make his death long and agonizing the Hulk tells him it doesn't matter he's going to make him suffer worse than anything you can do to us Logan grabs the Hulk by the shirt asking who is he and the Hulk says laughs telling him moistures gonna kill you real good Logan pushes his claws into the Hulk's leg asking him who the hell is my strode why is he trying to kill me the Hulk says it's not just him it's everyone but before he could go any further The Hulk passes on Logan gets up thinking that he's never heard that name before but then again it could be one of those anomalies between his timeline and this one like that weird lady Thor as Logan walks he falls and passes back out later as he begins to wake back up he hears a voice tell him good morning and he asked what am I doing here the man says what no thanks your friends are worried about you and from the looks of it I can't blame them Clint Barton then asks so how about you tell your old buddy Hawkeye what's going on back at the compound one of the Hulk's from Logan's ambush to rags herself in stating every waters dead Logan got away Meister runs over asking what happened and she tells him Logan Godfrey killed everyone horse horse told him everything maestro tries to hold back his anger but he shouts to everyone we need to pack up the truck and get ready to move now then a voice tells him no one of the Hulk steps out from the group telling him we're done following you all over the place you promised us a paradise and all you brought us was closer to death enough with the hiding mice to tell them we're not hiding we're keeping a low profile there's more to battle than just blindly charging into smashing the enemy so what now do you think you can do Penner the whole corrine selling him yeah okay and I'm not afraid to get my hands dirty with one heavy punch that whole can knock somebody stood to the ground but as maestro hits the ground it against the laughs ha ha ha and he gets back up punching that Hulk to the ground he gets up on top of a beating on his head telling him I'm gonna be laughing long after you've taken your last breath my show starts to get up leaving a bloody mess with the Hulk's head he used to beat he asks is there anyone else who'd like to challenge my leadership over in Dawson City Clint Barton asks where they're off to now and Logan tells him there's no we uh sand road trips well it doesn't usually end well Clint l's them I get that you're like a lone wolf and all but puck said you called asking for help and asking puck for help despite being a loner means that things are real bad man since it wasn't around the first time you got to this timeline I'm gonna make up for it now Logan grunts and gets in the car telling Clint fine but we're gonna keep that chitchat to a minimum the two head out and Clint says look I know supposed to keep quiet but what's the future interdimensional version and be like is he like a real badass Logan tells him no he marries spider-man's daughter and they had a kid she didn't leaves you for an old Tron later you get cataracts and go blind and then you run drugs Clint tells him look wait a minute would you say I marry meanwhile open the mountains maestro pulls over and everyone makes their last checks on the nukes once everyone strapped in maestro tells them head straight to your targets let nothing stop you but we've already gonna barking the final step of our plan you've all managed to rise above the butter that that lesser different banner dams you to and for that I am proud of you my inbred interdimensional family back at the compound Logan and Clint make their way in when Logan notices all of the nukes have been dismantled Logan says these hoaxes they lift a bunch of nukes from Department H and then Clint looks around telling a well we found the missiles so crisis averted what do you mean by hoax as in more than one maybe you should tell me about everything that's going on now Logan says that the nuclear cores are gone other than that he really doesn't know and then a voice tells him that she does cambria steps out and the first thing that Logan does is shout where's maestro Quint pulls back his bow and cambria says please she just wants to help he once helped her long ago logan things back to the waste lands and how he used to have his pic stolen by this girl and after talking with her she stopped Logan tells Clint to drop the weapons and cambria goes on stating that she used to be with maestro but not anymore Logan asks where is he and how do we stop him Cambria says that she'll help but he's got the children with him they came here because maestro promised him something better than they ever had some decided to continue following him even after seeing how brutal he really is and the kids they just don't know any better so if I help you you have to promise that nothing bad will happen to them however we must hurry we're almost out of time my sir is sending out the nukes right now a short while later all across the globe the world sees firsthand what a group of Hulk's can do to them back in the mountains Meister drives the children telling them to remember everything will be fine you can survive just about anything the bombs won't hurt and just as he says in an arrow it's the windshield and Clint shouts to step out of the vehicle with your hands over your head Logan looks at I'm asking him really in Clint says well hey who's worth a shot but uh my sure doesn't look like he's slowing down man as the truck is closer Meister jumps in the window in his Hulk form quickly knocking both Logan and Clint to the ground he stomps on Logan telling him I've roared at others like you before you're just a shadow of the Logan that I once knew Logan gets up cutting away my chef's feet asking them you're really our banner aren't you just older uglier and Balder after cambria told me I wasn't sure what to believe every Bruce Banner that I know is and my show stops him what did interestingly enough I've heard the same about you but while those two fight cambria tells the kids that they need to come maestro's been lying to them the whole time those bombs are not gonna only kill the humans but even the Hulk's at the schref to the kids shout that she's lying Meister loves them and he would never do with that Clint says if you didn't notice talking to them isn't working I'm gonna tranq them now one of the children hit with the arrow rips it back out yelling you tried to kill us one that he punches Clint in the face cambria knocks the child off of clint telling them that they're trying to help with the other children tackle cambria telling her you're just a coward and a traitor back with the Hulk's across the world they all begin to pull out their switches and detonate the nukes but all that happens is foam begins to pour out of the tubs up in the Alpha Flight station puck last stayed and that the nukes have been neutralized and apartment H did some pretty hefty fail-safes just in case logan stabs into maestro at telling him did you hear that your big plan to wipe out the world failed my stuff smacks are telling him you can't lie to be like that i program the bombs myself logan wipes the blood from his face telling him well i got short friends in high places that tell me that you're programming ain't worth a damn Clint shouts I've wrapped up the last kid and Logan yells to him get away I'm gonna deal with banner maestro charges at Logan telling him that banner from the wastelands was garbage he had no imagination no Drive it wasn't half the Hulk than I am but rather than defending Logan runs into the hit and Meister stops and falls back holding his insights in Logan then starts to walk towards the maestro with his stomach cut open and then a voice shouts for him to leave him alone everyone looks back at the truck to see a little Malachi holding an exposed nuclear core he yells that if they heard Meister any more he's gonna open up the nuke and everyone will die and Logan tells him look you do that we all lose but the Meister shouts do it we're bored from the bomb Logan says I could see that you're not like if you're not a killer if you do that there's no going back Cambria tells him look listen to Logan maestro lied to all of you who sent the others to die while everyone talks Clint tells Logan and cambria to cover their eyes and he fires a concussive arrow behind Malachi Clint gets up stating - they only have 30 seconds before but before Logan can reach for the core maestro grabs him throwing him into a boulder and then he picks up the core stating I should have left you and the rest of your worthless kin back in the wastelands he begins to rip into the canister but before he can Meister fills a dozen arrows shooting into him Clint yells - Logan that he really could use an assist here and then he looks over to see Logan is still getting up and he says ah crap maestro takes the wrecked truck and slams it down on Clint and Logan screams for Clint as he runs straight and cutting into the maestro stomach again but then as he charges in and he gets close muster leans back kicking outward launching Logan across the forest back with Cambria she gets ready to leave with Malachi when maestro takes both of his fists and slams him into Cambria's back shouting but this is all her fault she tries to fight back but Meister picks up a boulder stating you were all wasted potential but before the rock can come down one of the children jump into it and all of them begin to shout and punch that he lied to them before my sir can kill any of the kids Logan runs back in telling Cambria to take everyone and get out of here Logan a Meister go back and forth punching each other over and over until both of them can hardly stand and Meister says this is it this is the Logan that I remember the broken Logan says I'm just getting started but rather than attack Mike returns it says I'll be back and we're gonna fight again just not today after maestro escapes clint tells Logan that he isn't gonna be winning any beauty pageants anytime soon Logan says that he thought that he and cleanses yeah I thought that too if it wasn't for Malachi over there Cambria tells Logan that she should be thanking him for helping but it is time for them to leave as well Clinton says why not just come back with them he has a whole apartment building that they could live in and Cambria tells him no they've helped enough and Logan helped them back in the wastelands but now it's time for them to start relying on themselves as she takes the children Logan says to just let her go she knows what she's doing once he's healed up enough the two start to walk back and Clint says so was that really banner it's just hard to not feel a responsible after what we did to our banner it's like he's paying for it like this is one of his nightmares come to life Logan tells him he's not the only one I killed the banner back from where I'm from - only thing I can say is that sometimes you got to learn to forgive yourself we've all made mistakes it ain't about the mistakes that we made in the past good people sometimes do bad things it's what makes us human [Music] as he walked down the busy streets of Tokyo he thinks to himself how he never thought he'd miss a place like this open roads the solitude of the woods those are the places when Logan can relax but there's something that he's been missing here probably just noise Logan stops by a bar to get a drink and as he opens the door there's a man standing in the front window outside a guru thugs follow the man out yelling that this is crazy Thunder territory he's gonna be drinking here he's gonna be paying for their drinks as well the man tries to get away from the thug wielding a bat but Logan tells the thug hey I've had a rough week how about we let this guy go and I'll grab a round for everyone the thug takes the bat cracking it across Logan's head telling him step off and soon the other thugs jump in to beat down Logan back in the day Logan would heal from these sorts of attacks in minutes but now he's going to be aching for days as the claws come out he swipes taking off one of the man's fingers in another's hand one moves grabbing a knife and stabbing it into Logan's side but he spins back slicing off his arm from the elbow the man screams it starts to laugh as another arm grows out replacing what was just missing he didn't says you're in for it now Yankee and Logan sighs telling him I'm Canadian after cutting the man's arm off again he pulls out the claws and punches the man out telling him that he's just gonna need a new way to take these clowns down the last thug standing begins to back away and Logan tells them that just because he can't cut off their limbs doesn't mean that he can't knock them the hell out the thug says it's all cool we're just having some fun we won't bother you again Logan grabs the thug by the collar telling him that he knows the three of them ain't mutants aren't humans the odds of them having the same powers too great what the hell is going on meanwhile over at the Ishida corporation dr. Tuco gets ready to head home for the night and once the lab is clear he takes three vials hiding them in his coat later as he walks out to his car before he can get in shouldn't get Hirata stops him telling him that he's working late as ever the problem is that he's been stealing from the company Tuco shouts back telling him I would never do such a thing there must be a misunderstanding and Shingen holds out his phone showing a video of Tuco stealing telling him that it's all right here how is this a misunderstanding Tuco falls to his knees telling him that he was forced to he can't do any finger he'll be killed Shin gunman shows an image of Tuco's wife and child telling him that if he doesn't tell them he'll send his men to his crappy apartment and they'll be the new test subjects soon the silver samurai suit begins to appear around Shingen and he grabs to go by the throat telling him tick-tock to code angles over the ledge of the parking garage and he shouts that it was Kenji from the crazy ThunderClan blade so to kill me before it could finish Shingen let's go and watch as Chico's body goes slamming into the side way below later over in a warehouse kenji tells his men to hurry up and get everything ready for their next shipment Tuco was supposed to be here three hours ago with the regenexx the boat to manjipoor is about to leave and there needs to be at least 10,000 vial shipped suddenly kenji hears something in Logan walks in throwing the guard station outside onto the floor kenji tells him you get lost old man and Logan tells him that he ran into some of his boys earlier the drugs that they were on shouldn't be in the hands of a bunch of drenched wannabes but by the looks of things it doesn't seem like you'd have the brains to come up with all this on your own so tell me where the drugs are coming from kenji calls out to the crazy thunders and within seconds they swarm around Logan he pops out his closet because to hack awake the men but as the fight goes on he notices some of the men aren't regenerating their limbs the only difference from before is the air is cooler which would make one believe that cold air slows down the regeneration process once the last the thugs had taken out Logan grabs kenji holding his fist to his chin telling him you have ten seconds where did it come from as Logan counts to one kenji spits into Logan's face and two of the outer claws shoot to the sides of his head he tells him that's two you don't want to see three Kenji's just find regenexx comes from some stitch named Tuco he works in some unknown lab all we know is where he lives and back in the Ishida corporation building Shingen sits in his office when he notices a red ninja run along the outside of his window he puts his phone down sign that he suits up into the silver samurai telling him that he was supposed to have dinner with a Swedish supermodel in 20 minutes the hand ninjas break through the window and Shingen gets to work carving his way through the horde while he fights he notices a man watching and he tells Gorgon that if he's hoping to stone him with his gaze he's got some bad news for him Gorgon keeps his arms folded it states that the hand has tried multiple times to unify with clan is she tough each instance he refused this is what he may call a hostile takeover Shingen cuts down more of the ninja saving that he's got a thing for this initiates sequence ha4 37 to suddenly lasers we gonna shoot out shredding the ninja where they stand and Shingen laughs stating that that's just one of over 5,000 defensive burger cones Shingen readies himself before Gorgon and he asks so this is where we fight right and goring and tells him that he will do no such thing he's already lost before shouldn't gonna respond he struck from behind and a female samurai pushes a sword through shingen's back she tells him let go of your life Kalani Ishida is now in the capable hands of the Scarlet samurai as the time comes for Tuco's memorial service people gather to pay their respects people begin giving their condolences to Tuco's wife Asami and among them is Logan that you walk off and Asami asks if he was a friend of her husband's but Logan says no he came to Tokyo to see him but he knows this isn't a good time he was hoping to ask her some questions regarding the matter he has resources that may be able to find out who did this Asami pauses for a moment and then tells him that they can talk but not here meet her and the Paris bar later that even the Sami walks off Logan walks by a grave marker and sees murica's name he takes a long hard look at that name and then he moves on later that night Logan heads to the bar that she told him about and she thanks him for meeting with her logan cuts right to a telling her that there's no easy way to say this but her husband had a name for himself by selling regenexx on the black market Asami says that she begged him not to do it but he wouldn't listen Logan goes on telling her that he was stealing it from Shingen Harada there's only one way that that could have ended what I need to know was about the drug who is he selling it to she begins to cry stating how to ko was working at regenexx for years it was supposed to be something good but he got mixed up with the crazy Thunder clan and then when they found out what he was working on they forced him to steal it from her onna Logan asks how much of this stuff did he give them if it spreads out too far people get but before he can finish Logan notices people in the bar trying to run out in a voice tells him go ahead finish that thought claws come out as Logan jumps up from the booth and before him is Gorgon the Scarlet Samurai and a group of Han ninja Logan then tells the sámi to get out but before she even has a chance the ninja hand grab her and Logan shouts to leave her out of this as he steps forward the scarlet samurai pulls out her sword swinging forcing Logan to step back and Gorgon says that he could see it now he's trying to figure out all the ways to save the widow and allow him to say that she is already lost Asami screams was one of the ninja stab a Sai into her chest but Logan lunges at Gorgon at the sound of it scarlet samurai quickly then cuts into the side of Logan's body knocking them down but there's something that Logan smells death in decay years of it Gorgon asks you smell it right what is it on the waiting ear so this moment now tell me what is it that you smell Logan charges it again cherry blossoms and Gorgon tells him yes what else next is rose water and Gorgon tells him to keep ticking the more things that Logan thinks of the more he tries to push them out only focusing on the fight with the hand and the Scarlet Samurai the more that Logan cuts away at the many realizes that it's the same as those thugs before their regenerating claws aren't gonna help him out here he punches into one of the men and the Scarlet samurais lashes upwards cutting off one of Logan's hands he grabs the nub whereas he had used to be thinking about how could she cut through a dementing him like it was nothing who is this person he turns and tries to escape but before he can go anywhere the Scarlet samurai slashes down along his back causing him to fall Gorgon tells him that he thought that he would have recognized it by now elsewhere in the trash Shingen groans as he wakes up and suddenly falls off of the heap on the ground he gets up shouting garbage those honorless bastards tomber me out with the garbage back in the bar the scarlet samurai holds her sword up above Logan's head and Gorgon tells her to take the helmet off first and Logan's mind he already knows who this is he's going to kill Gorgon for what he's done Logan says please don't in Gorgon asks what's the matter aren't you pleased to be reunited with your long-lost love Logan holds his arm up to shield himself saying Marco don't Marcos sword charges up but she says Logan's name slamming the sword down right beside Logan using the chance he kicks her legs out from underneath her he makes a break for the exit still missing his hand he pushes his way through using his left arm to cut anyone in his way a woman stands in the path before him but before the ninja cat killer Logan grabs her and runs outside with her after letting her go he yells for her to just go they won't be coming after you Ron back inside Marco gets ready to make chase and Gorgon stops there telling her that clearly she's not capable of taking Logan down she puts the helmet back on telling him that she was merely caught off guard a mistake that won't happen but Gorgon stops are telling her no you hesitated I saw it we brought you back gave you life and purpose and this is how you repay me just then one of the ninja walked back into the bar telling Gorgon that he's sorry but they've lost Logan in frustration he breaks one of the tables and and turns back telling the ninjas to go back out there and tear this out of art finding that mongrel keep him alive later in the poor area of town Logan sits in a corner allowing time for his hand to regrow as he sits there a voice tells him that he looks like crap and without saying a word he takes his one good hand popping the claws consists out next to him telling him does it look like I'm in my silver samurai armor I'm not here to fight it looks like Gorgon had his way Gorgon came after you Logan asks how did you find me and Shingen says Tokyo is my city I have eyes and ears everywhere they would seem that the hand have gotten ahold of regenexx hidden concise it says it was supposed to be something to make me richer than Tony Stark before the hand only had one weakness and that was their ability to throw soldiers at their problems with free genex instead of using a thousand soldiers they can use ten it was supposed to be secret until 2co Logan stops I'm asking the one you killed and Shingen tells him he was lying about it it's him that we need to blame for everything that's happening right now the hand brought back Marco and when they assume that I'm gone she would have the birthright to claim the corporation Logan and says it's not just a hand who has it there's already a shipment sent out to magic port for sale Shingen grabs his head yelling crap regenexx isn't ready it breaks down on its hosts eating o8 their muscle tissue and eventually killing them could be days or weeks Logan gets up telling him I know a way you're gonna help me take down the hand but you gotta promise me a few things stop making regenexx and financially take care of Tuco's kid who's now an orphan thanks to all of this and you do not kill Marco later at the Yashida corporation lab Gorgon and Marco talk when they hear a tink tink tink they look over and see a canister of liquid nitrogen thrown into the room and as Gorgon walks over to it as shuriken it's thrown into releasing the nitrogen into the room rapidly bringing down the temperature before anyone has a chance to respond Logan rushes and cutting down one of the ninja and Shingen says that Gorgon put a scratch on his desk Logan tells him shut up and Shingen asks why it's bo khat wood with vibranium inlay Logan says this is why I work alone Shingen jumps through a group of men cutting them down and yells at Gorgon you came into my home you killed me and you throw me into the trash when I'm done with you I will resurrect you and kill you again Logan tears through another group and he runs towards Marco telling her that he knows that she's in there and he knows it's hard to gain control but she can do it she swings her sword pushing Logan away stating nothing she failed once before but there won't be a second time Logan yells just think about the first time that we met how I gave you a white flower you have to fight this on the other side of the room Shingen chases down Gorgon and Gorgon asks how are you alive we killed you Shingen tells them that he has over 5,000 defense protocols being stabbed in the back was one of the first things that he planned for there's no way that you can win Gorgon turns it kicks up the window before he could jump out he tells him I can't and I will next time back with logan marco cuts into his stomach telling him he is nothing but a pathetic old man clinging to something that never was logan lays on the ground telling her you have no idea how true that is I'm not here to kill you again I've lived with that guilt for far too long Marco raises the sword telling him rest assured he won't be carrying it much longer but before she can strike a sword is thrust into her back and Shingen stands over her body stating you're welcome Logan gets to his feet checking on her asking what have you done and Shingen tells him oh please did I not just save you from a murderous ex-girlfriend relax she's still alive there's no way in hell I would let any relative of mine die well under the hands control I gave her the same thing that saved my life the wounds healed her before it was fatal all thanks to a bunch of little nanites of my own design though way too expensive to put on the market to real shame but now that I've released America from their control I figured that there's a favor and order Logan picks up her body asking what is it and shouldn't can tells him that he will take Marco to magic or just Rory what's left the rejects before the hand gets a hold of it or worse a competitor this can go one of two ways one the hand gets a hold of regenexx and people die two people use it and die destroying the company in the process or three we find the shipment destroy it and everyone lives happily ever after and you and Marco can ride off into the sunset either way after that I hope to never see any of you again [Music] it all started six months ago in the small Canadian town of fort wells one night as two locals get together for drinks an argument breaks out the younger man says that he needs to go back home to the wife before it gets too late the older tells him he's whipped can't even stay out if he wanted to but while their two drunkenly bicker a man sitting in the back asks if they're done being morons he'd like to finish his drink the older man looks back asking if he has something to state and the shadowy man tells him I do when I first came into this town I was taken back by all the wasted potential you have a plethora of unexploited natural resources and yet your town is falling apart at the seams so I'm left to ask myself what type of fools would be blind to the opportunities here and judging by the two of you I now know why the younger man says that if he wants to keep running that mouth he's going to be swallowing his teeth here shortly and the shadowy man smiles stating oh ho I'm hoping for a fight three months go by and a group of towns people find themselves in the harsh winter forest just outside of the town a little girl asks her father why they can't just turn on a flashlight the father kneels down telling her we just can't we have to be very client we have to make sure the King doesn't hear us as the group goes on a young boy named Joshua asks why are they running they have guns Joel the old man from before tells his son that he hasn't seen what the King can do you know back when Tony was still alive the man is a monster and guns won't hurt him we tried and he's got some sort of healing power you shoot him he just heals right back up and the woman asks wasn't he supposed to be one of the good guys he looks much older the group pushes on and as they pass by a tree joshua trips over a branch sticking out of the ground Joe quietly yells what the hell are you doing if you make too much noise the king will but before joel could finish isn't the walk and Joel's body is thrown against a tree with such force that he dies joshua runs over calling out to his father and behind them the king's voice asks did you really think that you could run you try and run again it won't just be one person now in the current time two men stand watch over the town entrance as another man walks up one of the guards asks what the hell are you doing here and Logan says I came around to see the boss man he around one of the guards says that the boss isn't taking any visitors right now if he doesn't leave right this second they'll open fire Logan sighs you don't want to do that as the second guard shoots Logan lunges at him he manages to throw the second man out but the first guard knocks Logan on the back of his head with his gun knocking him out a short while later Logan opens up his eyes as he tries to get up but he feels that his neck and his arms are bound joshua looks at Logan and tells him you shouldn't have come here Logan tells him but looks of things I have to agree with you there but why am I here joshua begins to unlatch the lock from Logan's neck and says you're here because we need to call for help the police the Avengers whoever bad things are happening here when the king showed up he just took over made the town work for him he makes the women people tried to fight back including my dad but the king is too strong just promise to come back with help as josho begins to cut the rope around Logan's wrist the guards come out shouting what the hell are you doing here Joshua tells them that this man can get them help but the guards push Joshua back in the shovel Logan out stating the king will see you now Logan steps out and he looks at the town and he sees nothing but ruin makeshift shacks scattered throughout the street people piling dead bodies in a truck he watches and quietly says my god he begins his march towards the king and after going into the church the king or as some would know him as the alternate universe Hulk named maestro sits up on his throne stating what do we have here I was beginning to wonder whatever happened to you after our last meeting did you come here to beg for forgiveness bended knee to the king Logan why would my guards bring in the Wolverine the two guards step back asking that's him Logan tells him I just had to sell it to your guards so that I could get close the time for you hurting people is over so how about you get off your damn throat or we settle our differences we didn't finish our fight maestro Meister asks is that really what you want there's no one here to help you this time Logan that's when there's a snick as the claws come out and Logan tells them yeah I'm sure the maestro charges that Logan knocking them into the street and it's at this very moment that Logan realizes this was a mistake the Meister is weak but he hits just as hard as the regular Hulk Logan right now has a slowdown healing factor due to his age and due to the fact that he's just not healing properly he even has bone claws in one of his hands he's gonna have to hope for a miracle if he's gonna drop a Hulk in his current state the maestro jumps down and Logan jumps on his back strapping in but the maestro grabs him by the face shouting you literal backstabber as Logan's body is slammed into the concrete Meister takes his time punching Logan over and over again Meister scoffs oh well that was disappointing I didn't think the fight would be over that quickly he looks back at the townspeople telling them don't just stand there grab a shovel and clean up this mess a short while later Logan groans as he wakes up in the middle of the woods naked as he gets up he smells something he runs over and begins to dig through the snow and soon he finds the source of that smell a pile of dead bodies he starts to make his way back asking what the hell is Meister doing here however as Logan gets closer to the town he remembers his healing factor isn't what he used to be he shouldn't have pushed himself that quickly he collapses into the street and he's spotted by Joshua and another young boy the young boy says that they should kill him but Joshua tells him no they need him to help the young boy tells him no way uh-uh he's gonna get back up the boy walks off Logan tells Joshua that he shouldn't be putting his neck on the line like this and Joshua tells him that he can't leave him out here he brings Logan back to an abandoned house and Logan tells him that a bag with me what I came in where's that bag Joshua runs out telling Logan to wait here he'll be back shortly with it as moments pass Joshua returns tossing the bag at Logan asking is he okay he's looking a little dead Logan doesn't na just feels like it he reaches into the bag and he pulls out a small syringe of the regenexx telling himself that he's gonna need to boost his healing factor if he's got any hope of taking down the maestro he gets dressed asking how long have I been out a day and tells him know you've been out for five days silence fills the room as Logan looks at his hands and Joshua asks is that normal not the coming back from dead part but how long it's taken you Logan tells him no usually it doesn't take more than a few hours to heal but lately look a Hulk not much different than this one killed my family and I'm gonna be damned if I'm gonna let the same thing happen here but Meister said that he's looking for something he's not sure what it looks like but it's a big machine like something out of a sci-fi movie you got anything like that around joshua tries to think but before he could give any real answer the two hear shouting from outside Logan looks out to see people gathering around asking what's going on Joshua says that the two men that brought him in the King thinks that those two knew who he was so he's tried them for regicide down below the man's wife shouts you can't do this he's a good man he's got children and the man tells his wife Angie I love you look after the kids for me maestro pushes the man for telling him enough quivering if she wants to be with you that badly she could be hung right next to you Meister takes his place at the nearby truck watching and as the executioner tightens the noose he tells the men I'm sorry I don't want to do this the man says that he knows but either way the king is going to kill them off eventually Meister shouts asking what's the delay people came here for a show back us out of the abandoned building Logan hands Joshua's bag telling them keep this somewhere safe I'm gonna need this I'm gonna stop this Joshua looks in the bag telling him thanks but suddenly there's a bang outside the execution a pulls the lever dropping the floorboards out from beneath the two guards but inside the young guard from before yells I told you before not to do this the young boy and the other guards opened fire and a barrage of bullets knocked Logan out of the window maestro laughs stating aha look who decided to drop in as Logan lays there he slowly reaches for the regenexx maestro walks over stating I should have known better the Wolverine doesn't die so easily Logan starts to stand back up telling him this is pathetic even for you these people can't fight back you're just a bully looking for easy pickings he grabs a syringe pushing it into his arm but before he could inject himself Meister smacks him across the street he steps down on Logan's back telling him like I liked it here though a little colder than I would want but you get used to it as a maestro continued stomping on Logan's body a little girl seized the syringe picking it up logan sees this and tries to call out to her but the moisture stomps one last time picking him up telling him we're just gonna have to find a more inventive way to deal with you Logan after locking Logan up Meister heads back to his quarters but he can't sleep something is off he gets up looking out the window and sees a group of people gathering and then the young guard from before calls out to him he says Angie the wife of the man that he hung tonight she's trying to get the people all riled up there's going to be a revolt earlier they found another trying to help Logan Joshua they were the ones who shot him before they barged in Logan said something about some sort of machine something out of a sci-fi movie maestro smiles did he now interesting later at the old meat market freezer two guards watch over Logan telling him that he made a big mistake coming here why the hell would he come back after getting the whoopin that he did but just then Angie opens up the door stating that she needs a moment with the prisoner the guard begins the state that she can't but Angie cuts him off stating that this man is the reason that her husband is dead she has every right to look him in the face and say her piece the guard looks back at Logan who says you got five minutes Angie well leave the chainsaw there just in case as the freezer door closes Angie asks can you do it can you really save us and Logan tells her I can try but if I'm gonna have a shot there's something too we got to find me there was a little girl who but just then one of the guards opens up the door yelling the king is coming we have to hurry Angie looks back at Logan it doesn't fine just tell me where I can find it a short while later maestro walks out of the meat market holding Logan up in Chains telling everyone that it has come to my attention that some of you are not happy some of you still think that the shell of a man can somehow save you it's insulting really this town was dying before I showed up you're nothing if only you had truly given yourselves over instead of plotting behind my back that we could have had prosperity and power Meister steps on Logan's face grinding it into the ground yelling if you are willing to follow then you're going to need to obey if you resist this town will be burned to the ground the time to decide is now you bow down before me or before he could finish several automatic rifle start shooting and angie leads a charge yelling that they are done bowing down to him the others focus that fire on maestro and angie runs over to logan statement as she found it is it really going to work she injects somebody tells her there's only one way to find out isn't there once the red jeddaks enters Logan's veins he shoots out telling Angie you need to get the people out of here now he pops his claws cutting through the chains and he stands out telling maestro it's time to put an end to this pathetic charade he begins to hack away into moisture but Meister knocks him back stating I have an offer for you follow if you're interested so maestro jumps off into the woods and Logan follows the scent until he reaches a cave he slowly walks in and Meister asks this is what you wanted isn't it the time-traveling machine there's nothing left in my world so I came here such a disgusting tannins splinter of time anyway my offer is dis step into that time machine go back home forget all about all of this and we don't have to deal with each other Logan asks why don't we both just go back and leave these people alone my sure leans forward telling him pass he spins back smashing the machine Logan shouts for him to stop and my stroke continues breaking the machine stating I gave you a chance to go back now you'll get nothing Logan lashes at a maestro but my show claps down on Logan's head he stumbles back asking us is that the best you got so maestro jumps into the air and as he comes back down Logan slices through his neck as a loud thud as maestro's massive head falls and hits the ground Logan lands readying himself to attack again but as maestro's body spurts out the green blood it slumps and it falls over he lets out a sigh of relief it begins to walk off stating that he can't let himself die here not like this like but after a few steps Logan's body goes out and he falls face-first into the snow dead and there you have it the old man Logan storyline now for some of you who are going to be stating it there is a storyline known as Deadman Logan a second series that tells the inevitable death of old man Logan and we're going to cover again right here at this channel because obviously we need to get to that point so you could probably foresee four parts to that coming out and then a full story for dead man Logan and then if it's still doing well probably just do a giant like five hour old man Logan video of everything that goes into him either way this was old man Logan as much as we covered on the channel and I hope you guys enjoyed please consider subscribing to the channel please consider liking and I'll see you next time right here [Music]
Channel: Comicstorian
Views: 2,646,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comicstorian, comic books, dc, dc entertainment, marvel, storytelling, full story, dc universe, justice league, comic theories, avengers, superhero, injustice, miles morales, deadpool kills the marvel universe, batman, gwenpool, godspeed, doom patrol, marvel zombies, spider man, logan, marvel comics, scene, xmen, adamantium, x men, claws, superheroes, movie clip, deadpool, x-men, hugh jackman, the wolverine, movie, comic book, yt:cc=on, weapon x
Id: 7nHzX9XYweM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 177min 54sec (10674 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 20 2020
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