Secret Empire "Hail Hydra Captain America" - Full Story | Comicstorian

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welcome to the full story series right here at comics torreĆ³n on this channel we like to take the lore behind your favorite video games comic books and movies and we break them down into digestible bites giving you an audio drama allowing you to keep up with your favorite pop culture element while going on with your day to day life occasionally our playlists get very long and confusing containing many many videos that may or may not be linked together and so to correct this we come out with these full story videos it's what we consider to be the entire story you need to know to understand what's happening now today we're gonna be giving you the secrets Empire's storyline but this one isn't going to be kind of clean-cut like many of our other storylines in order to fully understand what is going on in secret Empire there are some core of things that happen to be for the secret Empire and the Civil War - that you kind of need to know as to what is going on so that you can kind of a better understanding a few of the ones that are going to stand out is the rage of Ultron which is going to explain how Ultron and Hank Pym merged together we're going to talk about how Ultron came back we're going to talk about Avengers standoff how Steve Rogers became normal again and then we're gonna talk about his eventual hail Hydra moment all of this is gonna come together and then we're gonna touch on the Civil War comic and these stuff that's related to Civil War overall and what happened with Steve like I said it's gonna be a little confusing but as we give you all of the prelude we will hit secret Empire and then you'll get the entire story you'll have a better understanding as to what is actually happening in the secret Empire now I hope you guys enjoy and we will tell you what videos we chose to put into this playlist as they begin on the video but there are going to be some things missing that you probably assume is very important to it it's something we may not have actually covered on the channel so this is what we covered on the channel and what we consider important hope you guys enjoy our story begins years ago the savage monkeys are rage-filled and claustrophobic climbing over one another to nowhere confused by logic they dismiss it vicious filthy selfish fearful a fungal infection for which there is only one cure the rage of Ultron Captain America is running through a destroyed Manhattan as he shouts out for everyone to stick together and not to panic but as Ultron lifts off into the sky destroying a number of cars next to him Captain America finds himself leaping to save a civilian caught in the crossfire he turns to ultron your fight is with me Ultron what a fleeting motive disillusioned Ultron says he opens fire on Captain America who's hiding behind his shield you have false hope I'll promise you lack the power to keep good thing he isn't alone beast yells as he leaps into the fight with Hawkeye behind him on his Avengers Hoverbike beast provides the distraction while Hawkeye uses a 30 Megaton depth arrow on Ultron's neck separating his head from his body beast Hawkeye and cap begin running through the streets telling everyone to get to the George Washington Bridge they need to end this but before they can get very far Ultron breaks through a wall in front of cap luckily the rest of the Avengers are joining the fight as Iron Man Thor Scarlet Witch vision Hank Pym and wasp all arrive on the scene Hank begins to think to himself he's been dreading this day the day that Ultron's latest attempt at world domination would begin not a day goes by that Hank doesn't remember the first time that he tried to kill his son because for those of you who are unaware and this universe Hank Pym is the one who created Ultron Ultron also hasn't forgotten the day either because as the Avengers fly in for their assault ultron declares i have grieved for you father accepted your contempt for me and i've moved past it ultron quickly begins to remove the Avengers from the fight by grabbing both Thor and Iron Man and blasting them with his power you see father I know the only thing that you've ever wanted was to have an impact on the world and so you will the greatest impact ever felt I will kill what is most important to your quivering ego you know audience and they will curse your name as they die hank pym the genius who killed us all Ultron then throws Iron Man and Thor up at the Quinjet destroying it with Hank and the wasp inside the jet flies out of control and crash lands into a nearby building Iron Man and Thor began to plummet to the ground only to be saved by vision as he comes flying by meanwhile Hank is pulling an injured wasp out of the destroyed Quinn jet I have an idea Janet but you aren't gonna like it Hank tells her and she leans over kissing him that's the theme of our marriage while Hank is preparing his master plan though the fight with Ultron continues as many of the Avengers have recovered but as the explosions go off around the city and people are being injured all over the place vision flies in to confront Ultron his father and his creator ah there he is my son the posturing coward are you still pretending to be one of them Ultron asks as he sees vision coming and just as vision tries to face through Ultron to disrupt all of his circuits Ultron uses his countermeasure to disable vision Captain America looks up at a victorious Ultron and he tells Hawkeye it's up to us now Clint the heavy hitters are down but just as they're getting ready to jump into this point janet flies over and yelling that hank is injured and losing blood fast ultron over here is that his father is on his deathbed and he immediately takes off into the sky and towards the destroyed Quinn jet as he arrives he sees Hank with a piece of rebar going through his stomach hello father did you come to kill me off again Ultron asks and my too true to the ugliness inside of you Hank looks back at his creation his son all I ever wanted was for you to find a way to cohabitate to find a happy life you never cared if I was happy you only cared how I made you look a parent's love is unconditional that is the greatest lie all love comes with stipulations I would not conform to yours so you killed me Hank reaches out to Ultron I have failed you given up on you hated you I punished you for being exactly what I made you to be my reflection it wasn't your fault my son it was mine I'm sorry you deserve better than me but I will always love you put that last statement in fury it's all trying to see grabs Hank by the chest you will always love me you have hard to beat you're telling the truth and then Hank yells out do it now Hawkeye fires a sticky error at Ultron pinning him to the wall and shut Ultron gills out you deceived me you lied but Hank turns to him I didn't lie I am sorry and the Avengers proceeded to launch Ultron into space pinned to the modified Quinn chetan Hanks sheds a tear as he thinks of how he used his own sons love against him but Janet assures him he saved the world we now jump years into the future we have the descendants of Ultron trying to take over the world as usual and a new group of Avengers who have arrived to stop this the team now consists of Sabretooth Falcon is Captain America Scarlet Witch vision Quicksilver wasp spider-man and the new female Thor the battle between the New Avengers and the descendants of Ultron is pretty epic even involving Tony Stark's Sentinel with sentient life but Hank Pym stands on the sidelines in his original uniform as ant-man once again he holds his hand up to the battlefield as he thinks to himself he's doing what is necessary there's no such thing as god there's no such thing as a soul living or artificial so why can't you just handle this in this manner and with that he shuts down every robot with the exception of vision as the robots all hit the ground wasp turns to Hank and asks him what did you do they were robots I turned them off he tells everyone hearing this vision runs over with his eyes filled with rage he grabs Hank and just what the hell am I an anomaly Hank tells him don't wory vision the broadcast doesn't affect you and it shuts off their pain receptors so it is humane you are killing them vision tells him and Hank stares at him coldly that's not how I see it anymore I didn't kill them I turned them off everyone retreats back to the Avengers tower where they debate the meaning of life itself our robots alive do that have Souls is turning them off just killing them or is it just turning them off obviously vision stands for the robots being alive and that this is just killing them but Hank disagrees he's just correcting the flawed machines that he created their argument goes on until Falcon informs Hank that they're going to destroy the device that he used to shut off the robots but Hank turns to the group go ahead I'll make another I've seen what these things can do and I'll be prepared for the next world invasion before they can take the discussion any further though arrows crash Lance through the windows Ultron has taken over Titan he is our entire planet now he informs them so as they begin to plan how long it'll take for Ultron to reach Earth vision fiddles with the computers and removes Ultron's cloaking technology because Ultron is already here and sitting in his throne he thinks to himself once I sought your love father now I will take it and he begins his attack on the Avengers tower using robots built to be the former team of the Avengers Ultron versions of Captain America Authority yellowjacket all begin their fight and it doesn't take long for Ultron to remove the Avengers one at a time burst Scarlet Witch is infected with the Ultron virus then Quicksilver is attacked from behind and female Thor gets infected with it Falcons spider-man Hank vision Sabretooth and wasp I'll grab a Quinn jet and they begin to try and get away as they come up with a plan but they don't get very far before Ultron two gets attacking the jet and infects wasp jet explodes around everyone with all of them falling to the ground and eros asks have the Avengers actually ever landed the Quinn jet the remaining group begins to climb the nearby tower but along the way we lose spider-man and we lose Sabretooth in the end only Falcon and vision and Hank remain and the argument once again becomes do we kill the robots Avengers don't kill so it's turning off Ultron killing him but the bigger question becomes since everyone is now infected with this robotic virus would Hanks device kill everyone so vision offers an alternative he offers to phase and merge with Ultron using this frequency so that it would only kill Ultron but it would also kill vision Hank disagrees he won't let vision sacrifice himself but vision counters with if I'm nothing more than a machine what does it matter so they enact their plan with Hank approaching Ultron's base of operations all of Ultron soldiers just let Hank get closer because as Hank says he's here to see his son as the answer is Ultron's throne room Ultron looks down at him hello father have you come to unburden yourself with the live and conventional love to unburden her own a hatred and Hank tells him I don't hate you I'm disappointed you you want to hurt people an Ultron just turns his back to Hank yes I do and why did that end up becoming my primary motivation while trapped within my coffin I processed this very question and I discovered your memories the memories of an ashamed father of a withholding mother of coral children who smashed your inventions you are desperate for acceptance my rage is your rage I am the embodiment of what you truly want to erase them all we are all Tron and just then vision D phases from inside of Hank and he flies into Ultron merging with him half vision half Ultron this new being rolls around the ground in agony until Hank finally has enough and he yells for vision to stop but Ultron uses this to his advantage and he uses visions ability to phase so that he can leap into Hank's body phasing with Hank vision screams out no as he's thrown aside and Falcon hears problems going on inside so he flies overhead to crash-land through the windows and he lands in front of a merged Hank and Ultron earlier you asked if there was a god falcon well there is now Falcon leaps onto the combined two monster yelling for Hank to fight against him but Ultron throws Falcon off there is no conflict inside of us Hank likes it here I am him and Falcon punches Ultron across his metallic jaw you are not hanged him Ultron then grabs in throws Falcon aside when suddenly vision recovers and fly straight into Ultron pushing him out the back wall and into the open space of the city Hank your son is not you vision cries out but Ultron stands back up we will never truly hang son we were his reflection the two Titanic robots begin to slug it out with their lasers and strength there is nothing around them but destruction as they destroy everything but Ultron combined with Hank is too much revision and he begins to tear vision apart you will burn for what you did to me I was built hollow in a world where I didn't belong all hope appears to be lost when out of nowhere arrow steps back up there is one solution love to yourself and he hits the Ultra Hank combination with the power of love this flips the switch and Hank has given a moment of clarity while inside of Ultron the two beings begin to fight over control of Ultron's body and Ultron calls out no make it stop dear god what have I become and he flies straight into the sky aiming for space thus ending our conflict with Ultron's presence removed from earth the virus vanished from everyone that had infected our heroes all gather around to remember Hank the hero after everything Hank did he was never free of guilt and forever haunted by the many mistakes he made in his life if what Ultron stated is true the self-loathing and vile hatred that was within Ultron was also within Hank if this was actually a sign of him he was an astonishing man for dedicating himself to helping others and he will always be remembered as one of the greatest Avengers maybe one day he'll return and he'll understand that our story begins with an old man who was dying of cancer as he lays on his deathbed death doesn't come something else does that night he did die but it wasn't the end he was reborn by what visited him he has now suddenly able to hear plants but he wasn't alone he was saved he was inhuman eight months later Deadpool leads the charge for the New Avengers or so he thinks the old Steve Rogers commands this new group of Avengers consisting of spider-man doctor voodoo Deadpool Johnny Storm rogue and synapse their job right now to stop a new Android but this one is different it absorbs everyone's power so Johnny blast it with fire and rogue takes it down dr. voodoo looks and tells everyone that the Android seems to have organic cells covering its body and it can copy abilities of those that it comes in contact with synapse tells them that it doesn't have a brain that she can hijack but she can control the birds around it and they begin to Peck the Android Deadpool has a better idea though let's see how the Android likes being me Deadpool allows the enjoy to touch him and he Android begins to say how it is now Deadpool and then it dies spider-man begins yelling at Deadpool what if he would have taken your healing abilities and not your cancer a Deadpool tells him yeah but hey you can't argue with the results Steve begins to round everyone up and he tells them that they need to look good for the camera because the news crews are about to show up but spider-man doesn't care he tells Steve that Deadpool is too reckless and as long as Deadpool is on the team he quits Steve doesn't give him any resistance and spider-man walks off but now it is time to speak with the press so Steve wants to make sure everyone could see that mutants and Inhumans can work together in unity everything is going well until a reporter pokes a hot topic for rogue by asking why does she stay behind when all of the mutants left row tells him that she stayed because she wouldn't give up on her home just because of some inhuman poison Steve tries to calm everyone down just tell everyone they're like family sometimes families fight but the only thing that the paper caught was that rogue was shouting about inhuman poison broke tells Steve that she's sorry about the mess and they all head off to the Avengers headquarters which Yeso happens to be a theater Steve explains to brogue that he just wants them to be shown as a group with unity even though she doesn't really get along with synapse and dead Poole the reason Deadpool's on the team is because people love Deadpool how do you think the Avengers are getting funded right now as Steve continues to go down below rogue leave so that she can take care of some of her other business she flies off and goes into a lab and that's where she takes off her gloves showing that she's been infected with the terrors and miss the only thing that she can do is take anti taragan and wait hoping for better results down below Stephen goes to talk to dr. voodoo and asks what he thinks of the new team he tells Steve that there's been a lot of overturned with the members lately and with spider-man leaving things may be a bit difficult also isn't it what scene Quicksilver Steve tells him that Pietro took a personal day he's trying to enjoy life knowing that magneto isn't his father but over in New York as Quicksilver and synapse are enjoying a nice evening something's wrong the birds keep bothering synapse and suddenly she collapses quickserver grabs her before she falls but as he tells her he's going to take her to the hospital she tells him no they need to go to Boston an hour later over in Boston Deadpool flies in with the rest of the Avengers to find Boston covered in spores rogue and Johnny jump in to help Quicksilver as he starts to fight off the monsters that are attacking the people in Quicksilver starts to tell them that these creatures are coming from these plants over here they start out as these pretty whatever these are and then soon after this creature pops out rogue quickly punches it as the rest of the group begins to show up synapse informs them that she can't feel their creatures brains and Voodoo tells them that they aren't normal animals they have no souls he can only sense the abyss over in another part of the city an officer tries to tell someone everyone is being evacuated but soon after be start to swarm around the officer and he begins to shout who are you the man turns and tells him he is the shredded man soon back with the Avengers everyone begins to fight off the creatures and deadpool tells everyone to please not call PETA on him rogue tells synapse to try and disconnect the creatures brains but she can't and rogue responds with are you sure so synapse wants to know why she can't just trust her when a woman shows up with a child beginning to turn into one of these plants synapse uses her abilities to tap into the child's mind and boost its immune system but she can't fully stop the progression they need to find the source of this rogue tells Quicksilver to get the woman in the child to a hospital but over with voodoo and Johnny voodoo tries to understand the mechanics of this attack Johnny isn't sure about any of this but he knows some people who just might be so as he flies off rogue tries to call him out but Quicksilver runs by telling them that there's probably someone they should all meet and he runs back Johnny took a body over to MIT so that the scientists can try and figure out how this is attacking people but back with Brogan the others they continue to fight through the creatures hoping to catch up with Quicksilver rogue asks herself why is nobody listening to her is it because she's a woman but Deadpool tells her that it might be because she's a mutant food who tells Deadpool that he's not really helping a Deadpool tells him that that's his mutant power not helping over at City Hall the Maron forms the reporters that the situation is under control but shredded man comes to tell her that it's anything but dead that's when a giant stalk comes crashing through City Hall shred him and ending is to tell him that this will be the first of many to spread over the world but he gets stopped when Quicksilver runs in and punches him Quicksilver asks who are you in Hydra someone new actually it doesn't matter and I don't care I will stop you shredded man tells him that is so true no one cares and now it's too late the vines begin to come out and wrap around Quicksilver but he runs back over to grab shredded man and as he pushes him back shredded man opens up part of the stalk he then pushes Quicksilver in and the stock starts to close Quicksilver begins the shout that the Avengers will come for him and shredded man tells him hush you're just hallucinating you're already dead brother Rudy begins to reach out to Quicksilver and once he gets an idea of where Quicksilver is he tells Deadpool to cut the trunk open and do a quick Vudu then goes back to telling Quicksilver to brace himself things are not what they seem he's dead he grabs quicksilver's hand he tells him not to look back and as Vudu pulls him away from the demons they escape out into the shining lights of the real world but as they leave they hear a voice telling them that he doesn't like to be cheated in boudu now owes him Deadpool starts to do CPR on Quicksilver saving his life and that's when he calls synapse to tell her that they have cooks of her back but when Quicksilver asks Vudu who that voice was Vudu tells him a voice few souls living or dead have ever heard but he won't speak its name for fear that he might conjure it over in the streets angry citizens demand to be let out and that's when one pulls out a gun and then he suddenly hit with a beanbag Deadpool remembers when he first knocks someone out with a beanbag it was third grade but verow tells him no stories rogue tries to calm everyone down but they don't listen and they end up throwing a beer bottle at her but before they could see who threw it the crowd begins to run these creatures are now over running the streets and the team begins to hold the line but that's when another bright light shines her behind them everyone turns to see cable he tells everyone to cover their ears about to get loud and he blast the entire alley full of creatures cable begins to tell everyone that he came from the Year 2087 and their mission ended in a failure the whole world will become infected and the only people living are a few Inhumans cable tells them that he is now in charge but rogue argues why they should trust someone who could possibly be a terrorist Deadpool steps in and tells cable hey look these aren't some inexperienced mutants these are the Avengers so please put all of your cards out for everyone Cable begins to explain that these creatures are a new species of flora he then shoots down a winged creature and another voice can be heard stating that these flying creatures are how the contagion spread Deadpool looks at cable shoulder to see that it's his computer talking and he asks did he bring a tamagotchi for everyone and cable tells him to me Bell a bleeding edge AI from the 2080s cable man pulls out a file telling everyone that he developed an enzyme inhibitor so that they need to give it to everyone who was infected and they need to synthesize more fast Quicksilver steps up stating that this is his cue and he runs off but synapse and notice is something everyone turns to see the shredded man step out before asking cable blasts a hole through him Shredderman pulls down his hood telling them that he isn't what they should be firing at but then rogue flies in to punch him as he grabs her and throws her off buddhu sees the comp next to me he asks what he's done to the cop shred a man tells him that he will use the people that are escaping to spread his cure he starts to spread his mist over everyone and cable is the only one who manages to get a mask on Bell tells cable that if he doesn't chase after the shredded man his top priority is to help rogue she's already been infected with the Terrigen mists before this even started cable tells Bell to make more antitoxin when he notices synapse isn't affected she's not affected because this mist targets humans and mutants but not in humans cable tells her to follow the shredded man but do not engage he'll be there once the team recovers synapse starts to chase after the shredded man and then he appears in front of her and she asks why why do this the shredded man tells her that the Terrigen mists instructed him the mutants are to be smited they are incompatible but really the humans are the real problem synapse punches him asking him who he is at his side she keeps going until she grabs his mask demanding to know who he is she can't read his mind and he tells her that he went through a dramatic change after terrigenesis and synapse looks up stating it can't be he looks down asking her don't you recognize your own grandfather eight months ago when the old man was dying from cancer he went to help the person from terrigenesis and it was synapse instead of being able to feel plant life she felt the life of animals but with this the old man can save the world back in the current time synapse tries to tell him to stop this but he tells her that plants need a mass extinction it's the only way to save the planet she tells him that if he loved her he would stop and he shouts back telling her no one will stop this elsewhere as the Avengers begin to get back up they fight off the creatures trying to attack them bro complaint stating that she told Steve that they wouldn't need more fliers and that's when deadpool tells her he can fly come on sugar Deadpool jumps in her hands yelling fastball special and rogue launches him and as he's going Deadpool states that this is even better than Logan's sadden he takes out another flying creature and asks Quicksilver if he can get him some more ammo so Quicksilver runs and grabs a gun store clerk and brings him back the clerk tells him it's an honor to meet them and Deadpool says thanks now let's drop some monsters the two of them begin to shoot down more flying creatures back over at MIT the scientists begin making the antitoxin but they need to test it first Johnny takes it upon himself to test and he injects himself with it Quicksilver then shows up asking if it's ready yet and Johnny tells him yeah and anyone who's infected needs this so Quicksilver begins running at top speed injecting every single person but as cable and rogue continue fighting Cable sees something he sees synapse breaking shredded man's neck then everything is destroyed that's what he realizes her breaking his neck as how the mission will fail cable starts charging through blasting holes in his way when he finally reaches synapses he calls out to her telling her not to do it and he tackles her off of shredded man as he gets up he asks if what he heard is right is this man her grandfather and she tells him yes he was her grandfather cable turns to the man and he tells him that he is from the future and Shredderman asks him if he's here to tell him that his plan failed cable tells him that it actually did work and he's here to stop it in the future the only people alive are the Inhumans so he made a second formula that actually removes the inhuman immunity from the plague shredded man tells cable that he's ready for death and cable tells him he knows but is she and he turns his gun and shoots synapse shredder man calls out to synapse but she tells him she doesn't want to die but she doesn't want to live with the shame of what he's done she goes on to tell him that there's still time for him to remember who he was and he gets up to tell her humanity's end will be worse war disease rising tides he could have stopped all of that but now his will is undone and with that the plug begins to lift synapse tells him that they can help find a cure for him but he tells her to no as of now she has lost his love and next time there won't be any mercy Shredderman falls spitting bugs and tells her that with removing all of this he has destroyed everything including his body he can grow more as everyone begins to show up synapse asks cable at least for now don't tell everyone that he was actually her grandfather because for now it's time to go home Deadpool gets out of the helicopter telling Steve that he's quitting but Steve didn't accept any of his past resignations so he's not accepting this one either Steven asks cable if he plans the sticking around and cable tells him no but when Steve tells him that their next mission will be to take down Red Skull and retrieve Xavier brain Cable thinks that he could stick around for a bit Steven then tells everyone that they did the entire Avengers organization proud so it's time to rest up because they don't know what's going to be thrown of them next however somewhere in space a man in silver flies through a giant bug that's attacking a spaceship after doing so he asks if he has permission to come on board when the people on the ship ask him where he's from he tells him that he is Hank Pym in the silver around him is his old friend Ultron while paying a visit to gambit in New Orleans rogue gets a call from Steve Rogers that they have a priority alarm there's a capsule attempting re-entry from the International Space Station but I hid some debris Xander needs assistance landing the capsule should be falling between Cleveland and New Jersey but he needs to go him and Deadpool are taking down extremists in a wildlife preserve rogue reports that she'll handle it but as she gets closer to the Fallen capsule she sees that someone else is there to intercept it and brings it down to land as rogue lands next to the situation she tells the person thinks of the save and then she sees that person is Hank Pym he tells her that it's nice to see a friendly face and it's great that intelligent Apes haven't taken over since he's been off in space rogue looks at the suit that he's wearing and asks what is that and Hank tells her she knows what it is it's Ultron we've merged and I've mastered Ultron I just needed some time to get used to it Rowe tells him that she's glad to hear it they should go find Captain America and give him the good news over on the wildlife preserve Steve and Deadpool are taking out the extremists while Deadpool shoots one of the men telling him they only gets one warning shot once they capture the men one of and shouts that they are traitors to their species they should be standing with them not opposing them the Inhumans are taking over Deadpool tells them yeah yeah yeah just like when the mutants were before them and the Mutant Ninja Turtles before everyone else and blah blah blah they took our jobs rogue radios over to Steve stating that she's inbound to his location and he says that they're almost done here no need and then rogue says why did they off the run and Steve gets that and says copy see you soon he then turns over to Deadpool telling him rogues in trouble she used the duress code the Steve calls into full squad unity to assemble on his position as Hank and rogue float down Deadpool gives them a holy poop emoji Steve then mentions that Jena gave a wonderful eulogy and Hank says that he would like to see her when they're ready he's conquered Ultron if Steve tells him I would like to believe that Hank and then behind them the rest of the unity squad appears and Cable asks I trust that you'll be submitting to a peer review then Hank says that he was hoping he wouldn't have to do this but then his body begins to separate piece by piece and he tells them that as they can see there's not much organic matter left but it's still him and now he needs something from the suit then puts herself back together and Hank tells them that he hasn't had a burger in a month he's gonna see them all back at the mansion after Hank flies off Steve orders rogue to keep an eye on him while the rest of the unities Kwon go back to the theater and when they get back there he needs to make a call to Janet later Rogen Hank sit down after Hank has had something to eat and he mentions that it's a disgrace what they did to the Avengers home it's now a cheesy tourist trap rogue tells them of the money that they made from The Avengers mansion saved lives and Hank says that some things are more important than money like legacy where did they put it where did they put his memorial so rogue tags Hank over to the statue of him and Hank asks did anyone go looking for me or did you all just rush and put this up she tells him that they thought he sacrificed himself to save the world and then Hank reaches out to the statue stating this is a lie he's not dead suddenly the giant statue of him explodes and Hank says that was stupid but it felt really good rogue tells him you're only human right and then the two of them fly off with Hank stating that it's great to be home Hank Pym is back Hank quickly returns to active duty fighting against some monsters in the New York subway but as they begin to wrap up Rogen Hank noticed that there are still more creatures in the subway Hank mentions that he had a date and ro tells him to go ahead she'll handle it as the doors open Janet flies through zapping the creature Stadium is she thought she would join on the fun and after she finishes up and grows back to normal size Hank hugs her and then Janet goes back to being small stating she goes somewhere private once they fly up to the top of a building Hank asks how she is and Janet tells him that he's the one who's been lost in space and now merged with Ultron how is he he sits down and he tells her that it was a struggle they were at each other's throats for so long and neither of them wanted to admit to the other that they had a legitimate point of view he then looks over and he says I like the new uniform that's a nice necklace too she tells him that is from a friend and right now he needs to decompress from all of us find a place to heal like maybe go back to that Beach on Mon Tech he sits up and he says yeah I would like that and that's when Jana says that she needs to go so Hank looks up and sees the drone watching him and Jana tells him goodnight she flies over to a nearby building where Steve is watching Hank and he asks for her thoughts she tells him it's worse than she imagined her and Hank have never been to that Beach and Hank hates beaches they need to call it the reserves or something get them in the air because it may look and sound like Hank that's not Hank steve asks if she's sure and jenna mentions she still has Hanks living will and in bold letters it states do not resuscitate he never wanted to be a half corpse hooked up to a machine just look at him Ultron murdered Hank and now he's wearing his face keeping a drone on him isn't enough but Steve tells her he doesn't have a drone on him back over at the theater Johnny sits with cable while he works on his arm telling him that he has something important to ask him he's been waiting for months to hear some news is there a date in the future dead woman walks in on the conversation and finishes the sentence if half-life 3 is ever gonna drop both of them just look at Deadpool and he asks he thought Johnny said it was important Cable says that he's not sure if Sue and Reid are alive which is good news because that means that he can still keep faith on it soon they hear clapping and Hank walks in stating that at least their friends remembered him now if only the Avengers cared that much about their members as the Fantastic Four maybe he wouldn't have been forgotten in space while Hank goes on cable receives a message stating that Hank flunked the test and cable tells him you're right you once caught lightning in a bottle but that was a long time ago Reed has been gone less time than you and their statues you were a genius just unlucky to be a genius in a time of gods hank pym izikoff stating that at least you're being honest the Avengers wouldn't even exist without me I take one for the team and I'm still the bad guy still not to be trusted as the call thing continues he then asks what do I need to do and that's when wires begin to pop out of Hank's mouth and cable aims his gun telling Johnny get behind me that's when the voice of Ultron comes out stating we tried the boring way now we go loud ultron space because to cover one side of Hanks head and it begins to shine and then a massive explosion goes off blowing up the theater Jana flies through and Deadpool begins to open fire on Hank and he says he will destroy him and then they can finish their chat from earlier Jana grabs her necklace and she pushes the button and that's what a giant blue light blast through Hank and he falls to his knees she states that her mini EMP will only slow him down take the shot Deadpool so steve runs in and tells deadpool not to fire they don't take lives but Jenna says ultron murdered Hank Steve tells Deadpool not to and Jenny yells for him to take the shot so Deadpool fires the shot goes by Hanks ear and Deadpool tells them that was a warning shot my finger still on the trigger stand down and then Hank extends his arm and a giant spike goes through Deadpool Hank then tosses them to the side Hank and then stands over Steve telling him your greatest enemy has recharged and you let him walk among you steve says you know what they say keep your friends close and envision appears through the ground flying up and punching Hank and keep your enemies closer Hank's body flies through debris and vision quickly flies over landing on him and punching him over and over again as vision looks down on Hank he says that he's been watching him ever since he returned he thought that Hank had got through to him but Ultron's voice comes through stating you are mistaken we are all wrong and then Hanks voice tells them we are also Hank Pym Hank launches for trying to hit vision and the two of them struggle as they fly through buildings hitting each other during this up in space Carol receives word to initiate project Icarus by vision Carol sends out the order to Alpha Flight to deploy and then from the station a small ship believes and the report goes out that the ordinance is inbound back on earth vision of the hankichi knew fighting when vision hits Hanks so hard that it sends him flying out of the building cables and radios Janet telling her that they need her back at the base they have it Avenger down and they need the EMP meanwhile through the hole and Deadpool chest Ultron's device begins to burrow and spread throughout Deadpool's body Deadpool's body because they could fall city shouts to them to just kill him synapse that says it's beginning to get closer to his brain and Janet calls up vision to bring Hank back to the base as vision of rockets down into the park where Hank fell he tells her he will try Hank gets back up ripping a tree out of the ground and then he smacks vision with it as vision is knocked away Ultron sees a purple flash and he says I was wondering when you would show up seconds later Quicksilver appears running around Ultron punching up asking if they need him back at the HQ that's when rogue flies in tackling Ultron from behind stating that they can do it but Ultron slams his elbow down on rogues head and throws her body to the ground telling her stage ow Quicksilver runs over grabbing old Trump throwing him into the street towards people but before he can punch him again Ultron grabs his fist telling him outrun this Ultron then grabs the rest of Quicksilver and begins to bend his body and legs until his bones begin to snap the rest of the Avengers all run over taking the swings at Ultron but he tells them Janet tells him that he was the mistake that Hank regretted the most and now thanks to his technology bill ended forever she then pushes a button and the EMP goes off against stunning Ultron and cable says if the machine inside of Deadpool is now inert is he ready and Deadpool tells him do it under a cable skips one and two and he calls out three and then the machines inside the dead will begin to tear and rip outside of him cable says that this isn't the first time he's done surgery by telekinesis and as Deadpool lays back down he says dear Avenger form I didn't think it would happen to me but Steven says they need to separate Hank spotty out of that Ultron thing the cable calls out telling them to pull back the wounded the AI and his arm is booting back up and that means that Ultron is going to be getting back up as well Steve grabs his shield and he slams it down under Ultron's torso stating let's see him stand with no legs I don't know if Hanks alive but we can sort that out after we rip him apart all trumping is the shasta boy and then he punches Steve away into a nearby building and vision tells everyone get clear vision that runs up to grab a hold of Ultron and he tells him such arrogance you're trying to feed me alone a vision tells him incorrect I just sought to keep you here in the landing zone Ultron looks up and that's when the Hulkbuster suit drops on him and Tony says hi it's been a long time Ultron jumps back up punching the suit away stating please Joe and Sue's can't stop better they can stop me ten Tony tells him we're not trying to stop you just contain you Hulkbuster open the suit that opens up showing no one inside and then the soup begins to stuff Ultron inside of it closing it up cable says the target is secured and ready for transportation and rogue says thank you and that's what her vision voodoo and Janet all began to fly up into space and Tony states that he's logging off of the suit that vision is info command now everyone begins to board the transport ship holding the Hulkbuster suit and to begin to take off but that's when Ultron begins to rip out of the suit stating words space are we booty because they use his magics telling Ultron to join him in the swamps of Ogun here he will deal with all of the people that he's murdered and as the bodies begin to float to the surface they begin to state their entire planet is gone more and more bodies appear in boudu asks what have you done and that's when Hanks voice tells him don't worry I left the strongest of the alien planets to make sure that they knew or my home was the spirit trap begins to fade and voodoo says it's a galactic genocide entire planets murdered Ultron then breaks through the Hulkbuster suit grabbing Jan and telling her no more EMP burst from you thank you she shrinks Anna escapes but in doing so drops the necklace and Ultron grabs it crushing it Janet applies to the cockpit shouting Ultron's free and vision shouts for everyone to get to the escape pods but Ultron then grabs vision slamming him into the control panel stating none of you are leaving now now let's see where we're going as Ultron looked out of the cockpit he tells them very sneaky trying to fly me into the Sun and rogue shouts out and you won't be going anywhere either she didn't punches the navigation controls Ultron states that she just destroyed their navigation she has doomed them all and as the systems begin to fail and catch fire Johnny begins to absorb the heat and then rogue grabs Ultron telling him that they will be finishing their mission once Ultron is back on the ground vision asks and this is their end then let him understand his motive why the fuss you came to earth wearing your master's flesh to deceive us you didn't want to kill the Avengers you wanted to be an Avenger vision and grabs Ultron by the neck telling him Hank Pym was special he was gifted and flawed he created and he destroyed and he was destroyed by his creation that kind of symmetry is rare in nature he then begins to punch Ultron repeatedly until he stops and tells him you will cease to exist and then he stomps his chest into the control panel and he tells Johnny to fuse them to the deck Johnny because that released the fire that he's been building up an Ultron tells him please wait in Hank's voice and Johnny says it sounds so much like Hank but vision tells them it is not him put his voice from your mind Carole then calls out that alpha flight rescue is coming in hot though not as hot as they are probably right now voodoo grabs the team and begins to teleport them all over to Carol's ship and once there Rogue asked permission to come aboard and Carol tells her that's funny she doesn't remember her ever asking before Carol begins to get them out of there but Rogue stop sir we need to stay and watch this as the transport ship flies off everyone else can't help but not watch as they have to say goodbye to their friend again back in the transport Ultron says all life comes from the stars and yeah we will die inside of one but Hank tells them hold that thought small change of plans the ship flies into the Sun and buries itself deep and then Ultron asks my dad and Hank says I'm not sure deep inside of the Sun Ultron managed to crawl out into an ax tree No and then he waits Hank says they will wait here till they are injected by a solar wind and then Ultron says and on that day I will prove vision wrong Avenger to die this is Bucky Barnes and he's relieved to be back on the planet Earth he is the man on the wall charges protecting the earth from cosmic level events and while this typically takes him out into space he got a few warnings that there was something going on on earth and a top-secret shield facility he walks in with his stolen password that he got off a Steve Rogers and he tells the system's to play back the event that happened Aaron and that's when he sees it a horrible truth they were running tests on the Cosmic Cube and then he watches as something went horribly wrong the cube exploded killing everyone in the room and in its place a little girl stood there then a bunch of agents of shield shouted out for Bucky to freeze and the playback stops they hit him and he blacks out recently shield was accused of wanting to use the Cosmic Cube to rewrite an individual's history wouldn't brainwash them they would use the cube itself to completely rewrite who that person was their history their appearance and everything about them it would create the perfect prison one where the prisoners wouldn't even be aware that they were in a prison Maria Hills proposal was found out and made public and they had to stop the plan for Ally that's what they told the news because a young man with blond hair just woke up in an area clueless as to what was going on he had no idea who he was or where he was and he was found by the town sheriff and the sheriff welcomed him to Pleasant Hill the sheriff then brings our mystery man down to see the town's doctor and the doctor introduces himself as dr. Eric Slovak he looks over the mystery man and no one knows who he really is he doesn't really remember anything not even his own name he just woke up here the doctor after hearing this walked back into the hall and he began discussing what they were going to do about this man with amnesia he's hardly the first to arrive here in this manner and with him arriving here that means that the program is working but he is supposed to remember things something may have glitched hearing all of this terrifies the man and he runs out of the room trying to get away but he hits the ground before he gets too far as a memory of shield agents blasting him comes back to him he then wakes up on day two of this amnesia trip in the home of Dorothea Bixby she explains that the doctor brought him here after he fell and she thinks that he just needs a little fresh air to clear his head he walks around the town completely confused where is he the town looks like a small town in the middle of nowhere perfect happy and no one here is worried about anything something isn't right and he needs to get away to figure it out so he grabs a nearby cart he begins to drive for the exit to the town but that's when the police begin to chase him he drives the car off of a cliff and into a ditch and then he gets up and he goes to run off into the forest till he hits a force field and he sees a device with a stark logo on it then the police catch up and shock him he wakes back up in the doctor's office and he finds himself restraint but it's only temporary to begin seeing the town psychiatrist and the other individuals and he begins to figure out things first off he can't escape and secondly this is his home and he can be happy here on day 36 he was walking through the town when he saw a fire and a woman calls out that her baby is inside so he runs inside to save them but when he comes back out he realized that someone else is inside of the building and he runs in to find a man with a handkerchief over his face the man tells him that he needs to know the truth of this place which confuses our blond-haired mystery man even further what's the truth he's home but the man in the mask tells him that they can't keep him prisoner here for long and when he's ready to learn the truth of it all come to the basement of the bed-and-breakfast so on day 40 he decides to have a look and when he gets into the tunnel he finds the man that started the fire once again our mystery blond-haired man asks him who he really is and he tells him another prisoner like him he then shows the blonde man a device one that were removed the change that has been placed upon him and show them who they really are a green light pours over our two mystery men and they change into Baron Zemo and the fixer and they remember everything now Zima would like to know more about this cosmically powered child's so where did the Winter Soldier go well he went to inform Steve Rogers of what had happened that the Cosmic Cube had been broken he then gave Steve the location where the cubed wood moved to and Steve wasn't too happy about it he went to go see Maria Hill meanwhile Falcon currently acting as Captain America went to go meet his contact the Whisperer who was actually Rick Jones whisperer is the one that revealed to the world Maria Hills plans and started this rift between Steve Falcon and shields just as the whisperer gives Captain America the location that the cube is supposedly at they find themselves surrounded by shield once again Maria meanwhile has brought Steve to Pleasant Hill and introduces him to the most secure prison in the world the individuals brought here are completely changed and turned into docile individuals it's a perfect prison Steve is in shock he is the head of civilian oversight and this breaks so many laws he also demands that Maria let him destroy those cosmic cube fragments to prevent this from going even further she brings Steve to the daycare to meet Kovac a little girl with the powers of a god and while Eric's Levesque is explaining what's going on that Kovac is literally rewriting reality and changing it some of the town's folk are getting wise to the situation they are sneaking around and ends in the basement where brands emo is freeing them of the changes that Kobuk has made them into Maria Hill and Steve continue to argue over the best course of action to discuss how Bucky Barnes is currently in route to kill this child or at least that's how Maria's assuming Bucky is doing he is the Winter Soldier and that's when one of the residents in the town walks in demanding to speak to the mayor so he can blow up in their faces all over town people begin waking up and they realize what shield did to them imprisoned them in this place took away their history their lives their memories and as steam hits the deck dodging the explosion he calls in the unity for backup one of the Avengers teams and Baron Zemo invites it the more the merrier meanwhile Sam Wilson arrives at the location that the whisperer gave to him only to come face-to-face with another individual that decided to finally arrive the Winter Soldier himself both begin to wonder what's going on and they both hope that Steve can filled them in until they hear a scream nearby they run into a school to find two individuals known as the blood brothers approaching an undercover SHIELD agent named Avril Kincaid the two of them knock out the Blood Brothers and then they exchange information whit Kincaid she explains what this place was and how it's now broken she didn't fills the min.that in the museum is a weapon that can help them take back to city they've run across the city beating up as many villains as they can until they get a message from a glowing little girl she explains that she just wanted to make everyone happy and go bowling and now he needs their help or he'll die it doesn't take much for cap and Bucky to figure out what she's talking about the one who needs help is obviously Steve Rogers and the girl is Kovac the reason Steve needs help is because he's about to die because one of those villains that was here and is now normal again is crossbones and he throws the elderly Steve into a window and then into a wall bleeding him down and even Steve knows that this is probably the end for him you see after the explosions Steve was confronted by Baron Zemo and his new crew while Zemo could win right there right then right now he wants Steven Maria's sins to be shown to the world he wants to reveal what shield did to him and the other prisoners and he wants Maria and Steve to feel the shame of it all so he lets Steve take Maria off to get medical attention before she dies escorted by the local Reverend as they leave he tells his group to find Kovac before someone else does the Reverend escorts Steve and Maria to see Erik Slavic and he begins treatment on Maria Hill since Eric was the one handling Kovac before Steve asks him where she could have gone and Eric tells him that she loved the bowling alley and that gives Steve an idea the Reverend begins to bang on the door to mandate to be let in stating that the doctor-patient confidentiality has kind of exceeded itself at this point and that's when there's an explosion and it hits the Reverend into face Reverend walks in to find Eric with Maria telling him the Steve Rogers left the Reverend tells the doctor that it's okay that's the plan and he begins to change back into a red skull Steve runs over to the bowling alley and inside he finds Kovac he takes a knee and he asks her if she remembers him and she calls him grumpy explaining that she doesn't know what's going on everyone is bad and they aren't supposed to be she wants everyone here to be playing then she alters reality to bring in all of the super heroes and villains to one spot right here bowling Steve considers the power of this the possibilities this girl could end every conflict in the world in one shot but it's too dangerous so he asks her to stop this and she holds her head down making everyone vanish does she do something wrong and Steve tells her no let's just play a game she can't do anything and she's just a normal girl but that's when someone walked in pretending to be in their disguise and it was crossbones this brings us back to Steve being ready to die as crossbones beats him down into a bloody pulp that's when the Captain America shield comes flying through the window and crossbones catches it he looks down at it and he thinks how fitting it'll be to kill Steve Rogers with this Steve seeing his life ending thinks about everything that he did he thinks about the people that he loved those that loved him and returned he thinks about the good times what he was fighting for he thinks about those he inspired and those that inspired him and he realizes this is fine he can die proud he can die happy he can no peace but another voice speaks to him the one that is Kobuk as a light appears before Steve he sees her and she tells him that he doesn't have to die he can stay if he wants she can make him strong again she can make him a hero again as crossbones winds up but he gets ready to slam the shield down on Steve's head two hands come up catching the shield then Steve stands up pushing back crossbones taking the shield out of crossbones hands and he smashes crossbones knows Captain America and Bucky run into the bowling alley calling out for Steve and they're both stunts Wow about time it's Steve smiles back at the Winter Soldier a young smile good to be back Steve steps outside holding his old shield and Bucky and Captain America debate what this means does it mean that Captain America is Steve again and Falcons going back to being falcon because that would kind of sucked for Falcon because he just gave him the name Falcon to a new kid Steve walks over telling Falcon that he is still Captain America and this is his shield he gave it up to him the three of them will now work together to find Kovac during the whole crossbones mess she ran off and they need to find her before Zemo does after a few more apologies from Steve for not trusting Sam in our earlier adventure and not being there for Bucky when Bucky really needed him Steve decides that maybe they shouldn't be looking for Kovac because they may not find her before Zemo does the only way that they can guarantee with this is if they stop Zemo in his entire cooper fill-ins luckily while they've been dealing with the town dealing with Kovac and steve d aging a good chunk of other Avengers teams have arrived and had adventures of their own and now they're all standing in front of Steve spider-man Thor vision no of a missed Marvel Iron Man Deadpool cable robe Quicksilver and Johnny Storm are ready to fight Zemo and end this so where did Kovac end up well she ran off into the forest and eventually ran into Kraven the hunter because he was tracking her with the ultimate trap for a child a birthday party and elsewhere agent Kincaid runs into another individual undercover in this town an individual going by the name Wendel Vaughn he would like Kincaid to take the quantum vans but back with our Avengers teams Steve points towards emos troops and he announces Avengers Assemble everyone runs into battle and they tear down a wall during one of z moats grants in his speeches and he brandishes a sword at the pointing at his Steve in his army all of the villains and the heroes begin to battle it out powers tools gadgets going off all over the place but Steve she's coping in the middle of the room he shouts for his team to go get Kovac before Zemo can use her that's when Kincaid arrives brandishing the quantum bands which makes her the new quasar and she blasts the cube in an attempt to break it but she didn't she just made Kovac mad with all the fighting going on around here and no one being here to play with her and everyone's running to use her Kobuk has had enough and she grows to a giant size shouting that was very mean iron man looks at her and simply says oh hell angry baby giant angry baby I was just trying to make you all happy and you tried to hurt me and the first thing that she does is grab the Winter Soldier and throw him out of the building Steve shouts out Bucky but Kovac informs him that Bucky is fine she doesn't kill people than pointing at Zemo she says unlike him I'm sick of all of you go away she shouts and she begins to teleport everyone away Zemo reappears eleven thousand miles away into himalayas he lets out a sigh I was never good with children then Kovac teleports herself away leaving the remaining villains to fight every Avengers team then one of the greatest Avengers battle ever happens is all of the Avengers fought against a good chunk of the villains epicness happened that day Maria Hill was reprimanded she didn't lose her rank or her position because she fought against the people in charge none of them would have done what she did and she is here to prevent the worst from happening even if it means doing things behind everyone's back and she worked it out with the Avengers groups to keep what happened secret Steve also found his old friend Rick Jones offering him a new job and the original quasar went on to train the new quasar and Bucky Barnes well co big liked him she wanted to stay with him and the other people that she brought along with her that she liked the only real problem is Red Skull escaped because he wanted to restart Hydra in 1926 a woman is being pulled around the streets of New York by her husband she asks him to stop but he's also drunk begins to ask her if she's laughing at him confused she asks what is he talking about and he says I saw the way we're looking at your deadbeat no job husband she asks and not to do this in front of their son and he tells her this is good our boy could see a real man and she asks have you seen a real man lately so he backhands her until a woman in a red scarf walks over telling Joseph that he should help that woman up he tells her to mind her own business and he swings in her so she catches his fist and punches him back as she helps the woman up she introduces herself I'm Sinclair ELISA and you're a Sarah Rogers right she looks at the boy asking who is that brave soul back in the current day Steve Rogers aka the original Captain America comes crashing through a window he because fighting with the individuals on the train and Shara Carter calls him up on the cops Steve it's Sharon you know I thought I recognized that voice do you see the bomb I see the bomb Steve says looking through the window at the suicide bomber a poor man that was down on his luck when the Red Skull convinced him to do this he tells her that he's almost dead on the train and then he can double back to stop the Hydra agents at the staging area but Sharon smirks Steve we talked about this I remember arguing you were no longer alone in the field you have a team and they went back for you remember Jack flag and free spirits back in the staging area both of them leap into combat punching and kicking back on the train Steve wraps up the thugs and then sees the train has been detached so he runs full speed to the edge and he leaps over to the other car with nothing in his way he walks over to the suicide bomber you don't have to do this son there's a bad away we talked to your mother she wants you to come home look around cap don't you see it what they've done to us that's why I have to finish this there's nowhere left to go hail Hydra and he presses the button the train car explodes and Steve's faces he puts up his shield throwing him off on the train and with that he heads back to the base where he sits with Sharon on the deck of the Helicarrier she jokes that before he got old and then young again he knew how to duck punches and he tells her it's the new shield he's getting used to it they joke and he explains that the new Hydra is really bothering him what they believe in and what they do it's really getting under his skin she tells him not to let it get to him like that people fall apart they go astray but she loves how he tries she leans in to kiss him and she snuggles on his shoulder as they watched the sunset jack flag free spirit and Rick Jones all have a beer to celebrate and then news from Maria Hill comes down she's found Baron Zemo Shield has been looking for him ever since the incident at Pleasant Hill where he broke free and tried to control the Cosmic Cube going by the name Kovac he escaped with Slavic the doctor that Shield had used to research the Cosmic Cube and they've been looking for a little Kovac together ever since right now Zemo is in bagillion a city with no laws or rules which is basically supervillain central right now Zemo is standing on a rooftop with a few villains that he could muster up his plan is to stage a coup against a Red Skull he wants to make a better side of Hydra and take back the glory that's when we see it's only three people that have arrived Simo rubs his face I can't believe I'm starting over like this well don't worry Baron Zemo I think I can save you the effort Steve shouts as he leaps in with Jack flag and free spirit Zemo runs for his ship while the new Hydra agents begin to fight it out with all of the heroes and Steve runs through the ship leaping onto the roof of it he begins to walk up the ship as emo as taking off with Slavic tied up next to him he jumps onto the ship and with the age-old fight of Zemo versus Steve Rogers until Zemo drops the cargo hatch almost throwing Steve out of the ship he grips onto the edge of the ship while Jack Flags sees him and realizes Steve needs his help Zemo sees that he has Steve beat so he raises his sword to drop him off the ship only to have Jack flag punch him and help Steve up Jack sees the scientist and the defeated Zemo and he tells Steve that's awesome we accomplished the mission Steve looks down at the ground dammit is everything okay Steve no one is it I'm sorry jack he puts his hand on Jack's shoulder confusing him back in 1926 with that woman that saved Sarah Rogers and her young son Steve she wanted the show Sarah something something of interest a group that she might be interested in the Hydra Society and back on the ship in the current day cap throws Jack Flag out of the cargo door that's still open Steve regrets what he had to do as Jack was a hero a true hero but a price must be paid he walks forward to see Slavic hail Hydra so how did this happen how did our true and faithful Steve Rogers turn sides it all started back with red skull when he had the Cosmic Cube just when he felt that he had one Steve broke into his hideout and a fight ensued between them that ended with Steve shattering the Cosmic Cube those pieces were then collected and studied in a lab at shield where they reacted and killed everyone that was studying them Maria hill then brought in dr. Slavic to see what he could do with what remained because what remained was a little girl the cupid given life to itself and just as any child newly born she went to where she felt loved and safe and that was the Red Skull she arrived there asking with the Red Skull remembered her and he ordered her shot as a matter of fact he even told his thugs to aim a little lower if they're shooting at a child the bullets first bounced off of her and that's when his daughter sin decided that she would stop the child and once again the bullets didn't work and instead Kobuk healed her face red skull to managin to what was going on and Kobuk told him to stop yelling at her she thought that he would be nice like it was before before she was broken when they made a world together that ring a few bells and red skulls head and he finally realized that this was is Cosmic Cube confused and upset she asked a red skull if they could be friends again and with a grin he told her of course since shield had her Red Skull had her going back there for their testing so that he could spy in the operations against him she tells him everything and then when asked if anyone suspects she explains no one knows when her and Slav big are doing Red Skull hears a name and he asks who is dead so Kobuk showed him she warmth red skull to the shield base in individual amp where he kneels before Red Skull declaring him supreme leader using Xavier brain which he took years before this red skull looked into Slovaks memories to see what koubek had done she altered everything he's entire history had been changed in his new life Slovak was a trained Hydra agent and he grew up worshiping the supreme leader but these weren't just new memories for him it was his actual past his actual timeline had been altered to make this a reality so red skull had an idea to stage the entire Pleasant Hill event make a prison using Kovac so that the prisoners could break out Zemo could think that he was free this would allow Red Skull to infiltrate the entire event as the priest he steered the events to make us the Steve Rogers would go looking for Kovac and save him from his beating at the hands of crossbones because Red Skull wanted koubek to do something to Steve Rogers that she did compassionately not something that she was forced to do and just as Steve was about to die Kovac altered him she restored his youth in his powers yes but she rewrote his timeline in history she made him Hydra because Red Skull wanted to rule earth with Steve Rogers at his side and now he had it back in the current day Steve takes off his shirt and he runs the Hydra symbol onto his chest as he calls up the Red Skull he that asks for forgiveness the Red Skull tells him that will depend on your actions of a gilja after throwing jack flag out of the plane he sat and turned it on autopilot and removed slovaks mouth gag it's living smiled so it's true Supreme Leader said you would join us but I did believe I served the one true Hydra doctors living right not Zemo charade well this is wonderful let's go back to looking for Kovac I am so eager to serve the supreme leader doctor I think you misunderstand why I'm here it takes a second for syllabic to get it but he finally does oh no no no no Steve walks over and grabs the doctor Supreme Leader would like to thank you for your continued service and tireless pursuit of knowledge on his behalf and then as the doctor was calling out Steve jumped off the plane killing Boesel Vig and Zima at least that's the story that he told the Red Skull to make him happy with the answers Steve asked asla vague could have been useful in their search for Kovac and Red Skull tells him no because Kovac is gone if not she would have returned to me after pearlescent him as Steve tells the red skull there have been complications jack flag and limbs everyone showed up to rescue him but taskmaster arrived to fight against Sharon Carter luckily Steve returned to beat down tasks master and as martial law was called they got Jack flag out of the area Red Skull screams as Steve he's alive I didn't think that he could survive a fall like that but Jack's strong always has been you should have blowed him up with the rest of them it wasn't an option Supreme Leader Jack is strong he would have been a problem besides he deserved a real funeral - served - serves what do I deserve I have your supreme leader I am your life you are too soft have Rodgers it is clouding your judgment like that was the suicide bomber why did you try to save him I don't understand supreme leader the mission was intended to fail I didn't want to lose a loyal recruit Red Skull hangs up and Steve begins to walk out of the comms room he sees a man sitting there and he asks him dr. Slavic are you ready to do what needs to be done Steve explains that shield is tearing herself apart after the fall out of Pleasant Hill and the superheroes are now fighting amongst themselves thanks to something known as a civil war and when dr. Slavic asks him about Kovac Steve explains that he knows where Kovac is she's looking up to Bucky and working with the Thunderbolts he then reveals that Red Skull wanted to kill dr. Slavic but Steve sees a bigger purpose for dr. Slavic Steven tends their kill the red skull he feels that he is a poor leader for Hydra and he needs the doctors helped our tale begins with a man running through the forest out of breath and scared scared of what he is becoming he trips over a branch hitting the ground and he helps himself up using the tree next to him asking why would it stop it how can he stop it and he hears a voice behind him say his name Ulysses he turns around to see Medusa crystal and the rest of the Inhumans were the Inhumans and we can help this is a good thing cut to Manhattan our heroes fallen bloodied up and ready to fight to their deaths amongst a big celestial in the middle of this city The Avengers look up at it ready to hold the ground solo only to be surprised when their backup finally arrives the rest of the Marvel Universe the battle for New York against the celestial begins with every hero arriving and holding off the drones giving the magic users of the Marvel Universe the chance that they need Doctor Strange leads the charge as they use their combined magics to hit him with everything and everyone watches as he vanishes they've won with minimal damage and loss of life that's it it's over the world is saved so Tony Stark tells everyone party in my house drinks are on me everyone celebrates until the question finally comes up how did the Inhumans know about this attack how were they able to warn everyone Medusa brings the key members of the heroes of the Marvel Universe into a room and introduces them to Ulysses the poor kid is starstruck I mean there's Tony Stark and Steve Rogers right there he's such a fan of every one of these heroes Medusa explains that she knows the Inhumans keep to themselves a lot and they keep their own secrets but she wants them to be more involved and open with every one of their comrades so Ulysses explains that he can see the future Tony right away asks for a little Jean Grey the time-displaced younger version she sits down with them and tries to create a private to mine space for the two of them so that she can read his mind she quickly discovers that she can't read it Ulysses thinks he did something wrong and she tells them it's not him his mind is a closed system you always see his looks of the heroes asking what that even means Captain Marvel steps forward asking him if he'd like a job or is he exclusively working with the Inhumans she explains that her team The Ultimates could use his abilities much to the dismay of onie really Carol we meet one in human who could read the future and it's a closed system and that's enough for you it was good enough for you yesterday Tony yesterday I didn't know anything about any of this would you have changed your mind Steve Roger steps forward what's on your mind Tony nope not gonna have a morality debate with you Steve it never ends well and Carol steps back in morality debate how is this a moral issue you have it inhuman you can possibly see the future but we have no idea what his deal is nor do we know what probability ratio he's working with if at the end of the day everyone is alive isn't that the right thing to do Tony Tony asks Ulysse his story and he explains that he had a vision of the celestial he then ran into the woods where he was found by the Inhumans he explained what his visions were everyone saved the day Tony thinks about that okay so we have a guy that comes out of the woods stating oh my god I have a vision of the Hulk making out with Ultron and a baby popped out and the baby was Hitler spider-man raises his hand I'd pay to see that movie no doubt but do we stop the Hulk before that happens do we lock him away before he does something we don't like yesterday was easy big cosmic monster doesn't invade no harm no foul but what if the next one isn't easy what if the next one is one of us depends Carol tells him and after a little more arguing Tony leaves them to it the night continued on to me and humans went back to their base where Ulysses woke up in the middle of the night to another vision telling Medusa to get the Ultimates a little more time passes and Mary Jane walks into Tony's lab to tell him it's Rhodey Tony turns to ask if Rhodey is here and she looks at him sadly he's gone Tony he suits up any rockets off to the shield headquarters demanding to know where he is he's brought it to a room that is covered with black curtains to keep out the onlookers and he sees a body with a sheet over him and the destroyed war machine armor next to him he walks out furious demanding to talk to Carol to find out what happened and he finds her bedside to Jennifer Walters the she-hulk with her eye bandaged up he stops and he asks if she Hulk is McCarroll tells him she's alive but in critical condition it was Stannis ulysse saw a vision that he would invade so we brought the fight to him and the fight he shattered Rody's armor and he critically injured Jennifer what was road even doing with you he wasn't under team Carol he was on campus and he volunteered tell me you at least got danos he's in a Cell down below mission published Tony storms out telling them that he's going to end this no one is going to play God again but before Carol can get up to go get him Jennifer's handle reaches out and she tells her fight for it it's our future not his that she passes out and the machines all flatline Tony didn't go home he went to end this and to do that he went right to the home of the Inhumans he kidnapped Ulysses and he left a decoy so that no one would chase him Medusa saw it as an act of war Tony Stark declared war on the Inhumans but before they can act on this Carol showed up asking Medusa to stand down let her go to Tony's and get Ulysses back for them meanwhile Tony took Ulysses to a lab demanding to know how his powers even worked he began to run brain scans and ask the obvious questions are your powers bias are they altered by something racial sexual or political are you seeing things from a pure state or are they altered by your upbringing and Ulysses has no idea how his powers work and then the alarms go off telling them that there's been a security breach Tony walked over and untied Ulysses and too began to brush off the dust all right kid act like you were having fun and then the wall is blown out by Thor's hammer curl stands there you kidnapped this kid from his home Tony smiles that he puts his arm around Ulysses come on it's not like I tortured him he tortured me a little bit Carol tells Tony that she thinks he's having a nervous breakdown oh you think I'm having one well it's not a little nervous breakdown it's a complete and total nervous breakdown but as they begin to argue over Ulysses again a vision comes across one that Tony predicted kind of Ulysses sees the Hulk murdering the superheroes and standing over their bodies and this time everyone experienced it as well Ulysses powers were growing stronger Carol didn't waste any time going to Bruce banners lab where her and Tony both asked him if he had been doing any experiments that were gamma related currently Bruce Banner can't turn into the Hulk as Amadeus Cho took that power away from him but that doesn't mean he's not doing a research into why he's not able to turn and into gamma radiation in general he wants to know that Tony sees that and asks Bruce to step outside so that they can all have a little chat once they get outside banner sees every hero there and he asks oh god what did I do that's the thing Tony tells him you haven't done anything they explained that there is a young inhuman that experiences visions from the future and banner puts it together quickly you have a moral dilemma wait for me to Hulk out or prevent it from half Tony explained that their split as to what to do and Carol tells banner that they have proof that he's been experimenting on gamma radiation again Hank steps forward because he hacked into banner systems explaining Boehner has been experimenting on himself again banner of course gets mad you broke into my home you stole my work and you accused me of something I haven't done and that's when an arrow comes out of nowhere hitting banner in the head instantly killing him all of the superheroes saw the arrow come out of the forest and they rushed over to see who shot it to find out where it came from and they find Clint Barton Hawkeye there with his wrists out ready to be arrested now he's in court as the trial is going on and the judge is going to decide did Clint actually murder Boehner save everyone or did he do both and after everyone explains what happens Clint goes up to the stand to tell his side of the story he explains that a little while ago a banner came to him with a box telling him that it had been a year since he had turned into the Hulk a whole year and he told Hawkeye that if he ever turned again he wanted him to use this box to kill him he explained that it had to be Clint Bart because he's the only one of the people that banner knew that could live with the Act Clint explained that as banner was growing angry he saw something in his eyes something that showed him the banner was about to turn the judge has a difficult decision because so far the visions have all proven accurate if they are accurate then Hawkeye saved all of the superheroes and in turn saved the world but if they're false if there's even a hint that Hawkeye acted prematurely he committed murder since the death of Bruce Banner Carroll has been using the inhumans visions to accurately prevent over a dozen potential incidents around the world the judge asks Carroll have any of them been false well no not really she explains as Tony sits there waiting for the verdict to be handed out he looks back at the readings from Ulysses and he realizes something is horribly wrong Carroll went to go see Jennifer Walters as she ended up pulling through and she told her what happened that Clint Barton killed her cousin Bruce she sits up in bed wanting to know what was the result what did the judge deep Carol can't even get the words out as her eyes begin to well up with tears and anger because the glow in Jennifer's eyes as she demands to know the answer Barton was acquitted Hawkeye walks while this is going on Carol tackles a woman she was leaving a building and they take her briefcase away from her by force causing the first misinterpretation of Ulysses visions she saw that woman as a Hydra agent in a net briefcase was a bomb but in actuality the briefcase was completely empty meanwhile Tony doesn't know what to do with his information so he decides to call the heads of the Marvel Universe to explain Ulysses takes everything in from the entire world all of the energies and the thoughts he creates a possible future from those visions he's basically an algorithm that takes all of the data and says what could happen but he's not seeing the future because it isn't there he's using math and it's all guesswork so I've decided to call all of you together and that's what we see that he's talking to Medusa Steve Rogers Carol Danvers Hank McCoy Black Bolt and T'Challa and I'm going to listen to Steve Rogers because whenever there's a major divide between us it never ends well Steve gets up and asks Carol what do you think she questions it but Hank says he checked all of the data it's accurate so Carol says if someone were to come over to you and tell you that a man in the corner has a gun and he's going to shoot everyone do you check it or ignore it Tony questions that tell 80% 60% what what percentage of it being true does it have to be for you to act on it Tony what if I told you those visions were only 10 percent correct you're stating that if there's a 10% chance that Fanus is going to get his hands on a cosmic cube would I stop him that's more than enough in Rhodey would agree well I'd ask him but Captain Marvel tells Tony to back off and salutes Captain America before flying through the ceiling and into the skies Tony stands there with everyone I have to go public with this meanwhile Carol goes to the woman that they arrested earlier because to grill her ulysses saw her working with Hydra Carol can't have this one being the wrong one the first one to finally prove Tony's research correct but before she can figure the whole thing out Nightcrawler teleports in grabbing the woman and teleporting out Carol takes her team as she walks out to the landing area of the Helicarrier where she sees Tony standing with his side Steve Rogers Kate Bishop Miss Marvel the x-men Thor spider-man Doctor Strange and vision just to name a few Carol looks at him Tony Stark you're under arrest standing with her are the Inhumans magic blue Marvel shield and some other x-men to name a few good luck with that Carol when the public sees what you've been up to you're going to have your hands full what I've been up to you just broke into a shield facility No mater Europe it out powered right now Carol stand down Carol crosses her arms as the guardians of the galaxy jump in to join the fight the heroes go to war with magic plasma blasters and guns going off all over the place Carol flies into the sky blasting Tony's armor in the shoulder but he uses his other arm to tear into her stomach throwing her back meanwhile dr. strange and tango storm wrapping her up tight but she uses lightning to throw him back and frees him blue Marvel then comes out cracking Luke Cage across the face only to have know of a fire into blue marble space taking him out of the fight except it didn't actually damage blue Marvel so Nova launches into the atmosphere yelling crap you didn't get burned Sam Wilson a magic prepare to fight but she just teleports him across the United States while Rocket is shooting at everyone spider-man kicks him out of the fight and then venom tackles him telling him you're not spider-man star-lord stands in front of Steve Rogers oh crap I get the one with a shield I don't even know why you're here coil I was wondering that myself star-lord looks around who's that voice it's me Tony Stark I hacked into your headset I didn't even know it could be hacked into we're here to help a friend she said that you went off the rails and from the schoolyard ganging up crap that you just pulled I can see that I thought we were friends quill yeah well I'm better friends with her but as they're discussing the merits of their friendship vision gets electrocuted and is so pissed that he blasted the enemy shooting through them because they can phase out taking out the Guardians spaceship rocket is about to cry but Black Panther grabs Tony Stark and holds him down while Carol soars in grabbing him by the head then slamming him down she'd had backhands him across the jaw and everyone stops as a vision is displayed by Ulysses one in which Miles Morales is shown over the dead body of Steve Rogers miles falls to his knees and shock illnesses mask up allowing himself to breathe and tears begin to run down his face why would he do that what's gonna lead to him killing Steve Rogers why would he murder one of his idols and Carroll steps forward kid I'm sorry but you're under arrest it all began at the night of the party where they were celebrating the destruction of the celestial Steve had planned to have the entire tower destroyed he was going to kill as many heroes as he could but his plan changed that night because he learned of the inhuman at Ulysses and he began to realize that if Ulysses can see the future that he would be able to in fact foresee and stop many of Steve's plants the doctor he was working with insisted that they kill Ulysses and while Steve disagreed at first he didn't see any other options so that night he broke into the Inhumans base with the intention of ending Ulysses life except that was the same night that Tony Stark broke in and once again his plans were shot so he had another idea he sent a letter to Bruce Banner one that contained her research on gamma radiation the supposed cure for the Hulk's and thus Ulysses had a vision where banner was doing research on gamma radiation he was going to kill everyone drawing all of the heroes to his home and then Bruce Banner was killed by Clint Barton the plan was simple staged the visions and redirect everyone away from him and that would decrease the possibility that Ulysses would receive a vision about him it was working just fine until a vision of Miles Morales killing Steve Rogers was sent out to everyone luckily no one knows Steve's true intentions do they or do they know that he's been altering the visions and steering them away but what's gonna happen now we go back to the battlefield where everyone has just seen the vision and Tony looks at Carol I told you I told you this would happen did I not tell you you're turning on children now I'm not turning on him Tony Carol this kid in the short time that he's been an adventurer has done nothing but good this isn't banner there is no great area here I'm not turning on him I want him to come with us to ensure that this doesn't happen Tony the arguing continues with no one really knowing what to do but in the end Tony decides they let miles decide for himself Steve steps forward may I he walks over to miles and he takes a knee in front of him hi hi why did you pull your mask oh I couldn't breathe put it back the mask represents something it represents who you are you're spider-man and that means something to people it means a lot I would never do what that vision showed I would never do that I know son I don't know what to do now what do you want to do I want to go home then do that we'll figure out the rest later Carol yells at the captain this isn't your call he has a right to go home Carol but we can keep him safe we could prevent this we can make sure it doesn't happen he didn't do anything wrong just like Bruce just like roadie Carol is speechless for walks overtaking miles by the arm and takes off to return him back home Maria Hill then takes that as a chance to step forward until everyone that they're under arrest for the destruction that they've caused in the capital but everyone begins to teleport out and then Medusa warps the Inhumans home leaving Carol alone as they soar through the sky smiles asks Thor to leave him he just wants to be left alone and she leaves him on a roof understanding he falls to his knees and he takes his mask off tears begin to roll down his face as the vision is still fresh in his mind and he screams out things are rocky across the board the Inhumans have left to protect Ulysses the Guardians are bunking with Carol since their ship is gone and Toni's team is beginning to divide with people wanting no part of this any longer people are switching signs like Black Panther going over to Tony side as things are heating up and the predictions are becoming less likely to become accurate but after long debates on their next actions Tony turns to Steve telling him what happens next is up to you and spider-man Carol on the other hand is sitting on a roof of one of the buildings looking over in New York how could it come to this how could our plans fall apart so fast Ulysses was supposed to be the answer to everything but now now the vision shows one of her friends dead by a hero's hands Maria Hill walks out Peter quill storm and Jean Grey to let Carol know that they found spider-man he's exactly what the vision said that he would be on the steps in the Capitol waiting Ulysses is now standing at the edge of nuit iliyan the home of the Inhumans in a trance no one knows what's going on but Ulysses has actually traveled somewhere into the future maybe into the past or maybe he's in a different universe he stumbles and he falls down a cliffside landing in front of a big hulking green guy and he looks at him and declares meet he raises his hands to crush Ulysses but suddenly a man at a trench coat and hat leaps onto his back stabbing him and tearing him into the man in the Hat walks back to his horse and Ulysses asks him are you Wolverine Wolverine doesn't answer so Ulysses asks him what year is this Wolverine stops are you okay kid I don't think I'm supposed to be here what year do you think it is kid I don't know if there's no way to tell are you I'm an inhuman guess she missed the last bus the humans left the planet back when the world still looked like the world it did where are we looks like Jersey what happened Tony Stark happened what do you mean by that what happened here but the new Lisi starts to fall back into his own time and place and he yells out tell me what Tony Stark did everyone knows what he did he pushed her too far who's her who's her you Lisi says as he warps back to the present day meanwhile word gets back to shield that miles is now in the steps of the Capitol Carol tells Maria to relay to the local PD that they need to stand down she'll handle this one herself as the police leave the area miles looks out and he sees Steve Rogers standing there back in new Italian Ulysses turns to Medusa and tells her to call Carol they have to stop the fighting they can do this back at the Capitol Carol jumps out of the Helicarrier to fly over to the Capitol while Steve walks up two miles why are you here same reason you're here to prove it doesn't happen exactly right thank you for believing in me Carol that arrives hovering above them what do you expect me to do when you arrived here like this I don't know maybe you leave me alone like the cops did the cops left because I told them to please tell the kid I'm not Satan camp she's not safe thank you now can you please come with me so that we can get you somewhere safe she reaches her hand out and a shield forms around miles Carol turns back Tony Stark via man had faced me I wasn't hiding I was giving you one last chance and that was it and then out of nowhere Tony rockets in withold Buster armor he hits the ground at everything and Carol catches the punch throwing him back into the sky he launches a missile at her but she dodges while Captain America Chuck's behind his shield protecting her from the explosion the two Titans launched into the air and begin to throw everything at each other while miles is yelling to let him out of this bubble back and forth they go until Carol has had enough and she uses everything to put through Tony Starr's chest Steve Rogers and miles both look up in that hit an even shield is monitoring the situation Lulu Marvel tells Maria Hill that she needs to send them in they can stop this but she tells him Carol said she has everything under control it needs to be one-on-one otherwise we'll have every superhero slugging it out on the steps of the Capitol that's when Medusa calls her up telling her carol has to stop she has to stop now Tony and Carol go back and forth with Tony's armor falling apart I told you that if you interfere again I wouldn't be holding back you also said that you wouldn't arrest a kid for something he didn't do and then Tony fires a missile at Carol which she dodges but Steve gets hit by the full blast of them the readings come back that Steve is alive but he's unconscious and Tony goes back to fighting Carol while miles is punching the bubble trying to get out meanwhile back into a Tilian Medusa tells the Inhumans he'll hung up on her so the decision is made to get Ulysses himself to the Capitol to try and stop Carol back at the battlefield Carol winds up with another super-powered punch shattering pieces of Tony's arm off as he catches it and that's it Maria Hill tells all of the superheroes to get in there and put an end to this they all landed in front of miles to see him in the bubble and the first thing that they need to do is get him out while this is going on Carol and Tony continue to throw everything at each other slight problem though Tony's armor is failing and his AI informs him event everyone watches as carol hits Tony in the head with everything and as the suit falls to the ground she begins to try and pry the mask off seeing that failing she needs the helmet with everything and then she lands on top of him ready to throw a final punch ready to end this right here but before anyone can stop her she hits him she has Tony with everything completely shattering the suit as he falls to the ground from the explosion everyone sees a white light and the new lyses is showing everyone another vision he's showing them all of the visions he's showing every possible future to everyone he shows a world where the monsters are fighting the monsters led by Carnac one were the x-men and his sentinels are working together with only Nova to stomp them another time in place where spider-man killed Captain America and the capitals falling a future where the Inhumans are fighting for their lives against a robot invasion and yet another one where the Sentinels have won against the x-men a world where only Carol lives up to stand against Ultron is shown and finally a future where Odin set his back as Thor and he's fighting Loki everyone sees all of these possibilities and potential futures and a voice tells Ulysses you are one of us now everyone looks up to see eternity standing there in a white light and he tells him you have shown the earth all that you can you are now a part of the greater universe there is more than just the earth if you choose to join us ulysses smiles finally knowing his true purpose and where he's supposed to be and he vanishes telling everyone thank you everyone that appears back at the steps of the Capitol with miles holding someone again but this time he isn't holding Steve Rogers he's holding a critically injured Tony Stark sometime later Hank explained that Ulysses evolved into something beyond human and then Carol and him looked down at Tony Stark in a device that is meant to keep him alive Hank says that he can't operate or work on Tony because he's been experimenting with his own body for years and Hank is worried what would happen if he even took blood while they have no way to really save him whatever Tony did to himself is keeping him alive and it kept Carol from becoming the woman that killed Tony Stark Hank tells her you know he wasn't fighting you right he trusted you you pumped open a dangerous door Carol and deep down maybe very deep down he knew that you could be trusted you could have saved millions with it but he was worried about who would come after you he knew once you made profiling a thing made it into the norm how long would it take before someone else would use it for something less noble he knew what would come next he was a futurist to the end and with that they seal the Tony up in the device keeping him alive Carol went to see the man in the White House where she explained that the superhero community is pretty divided now some are overwhelmed some are just trying to hang on some think that they know what to do while others are lost others are doubting themselves some wounds will never heal and some have been inspired to do something new the man in the White House tells her the winner gets the price what project of yours would you like funded she tells him she has a few ideas but we aren't done just yet a Steve Rogers had manipulated the entire event by setting up the banner thing and helping the situation escalate what did he think of the vision of him dying at the hands of miles why would he go to the capital steps when miles was there you see following that he returned to his base where the doctor that he had been helping told him that he needed to kill that boy otherwise he was going to die Steve told him that the boy would be protected and to top it off he's going with stark and everyone to the capital the doctor was really confused why would you go to your own death and Steve explained while everyone was looking at Spider Man holding my dead body I did what I was trained to do I looked at everything and what I saw wasn't just my death but it was my death on the day that Hydra was finally victorious I won't die in those steps tomorrow it will come some time later and when it does it'll be worth it and the first thing that happens is Deadpool tries to break into the prison that Hawkeye is being held in to free him lost in a why he did this and he set up coins with a new identity to allow him to walk free Clinton refuses to go though he wants to take his chances within the court and while he used to hate Deadpool he understands it now Deadpool makes the hard choices for people so that others don't have to like Clint did with Bruce Banner Deadpool tells him yeah it gets easier it's the first kill that's the hardest but after a while I'm sure he'll be the next Punisher and as Clinton chuckles at that comment Deadpool wished him luck in the courts and says that he'll see him in 25 to life meanwhile Steve Rogers gets called to newett iliyan because of a vision Ulysses the new and human that the entire Civil War - event is based around warns Captain America that his team is about to make some very poor decisions and it's not Deadpool that he has to worry about it's cable and the children of the atom are about to wage war against the Inhumans Ulysses explains the cable is keeping rather poor company right now and cap has to stop it so he heads off to find cable and he finds him on a rainy night loading of a plane for a vacation he shows up with the entire law enforcement team to talk it out with cable but cable pushes him aside telling him that it's just a vacation and when he loads up in his plane Steve stands there doubting him on board we see Rogue is ready to go along with Sebastian Shaw and toad because they're going to find the cure to save mutant kind if you haven't been following the mutants storylines recently a cloud of terrors and myths has been let loose upon the world while this makes new and humans allowing them to grow the very same cloud will kill any mutant who breathes it it's been a time of tension between the mutants and the Inhumans but cable and rogue feel though they might have a cure to save everyone meanwhile over in Tokyo an evil organization known as the hand as aware of the passing of Bruce Banner and they feel that under some of their spells he might come in handy you know if they would raise him from the dead while this is happening Deadpool goes to visit Quicksilver in the hospital he's been recovering ever since Ultron broke his leg in multiple spots and we see that he's on the phone with a friend but it's not the friend that we're expecting as we see on the other side its Red Skull using the brain of Xavier that he stole to manipulate Quicksilver Deadpool goes of Quicksilver and synapse to the funeral of Bruce Banner where Steve asks him where the the mutants why aren't they here Deadpool Deadpool tells him I have no idea Steve and Steve warns him Tony Stark is about to wage war with the Inhumans over the Ulysses thing if the mutants are also going to start a fight on another front there's going to be hell to pay while this is happening cable rogue Shaw and toad are attacking a military base where they are testing the terrors of miss to see if they can find a cure as they run out of the base with the research we find a Deadpool standing in the plane munching on a snack telling them you know I had to lie to see Rogers for you you owe me one except Steve isn't dumb as he stands there looking at the group I warned you we're in a middle of a war my own team of Avengers protecting unity is breaking into a military base cable Kaleo said him you know we were up against Rogers the team myths are killing mutants step aside we're leaving with the research as Steve throws his shield a toad knocking him down rogue tries to talk down Steve but he's furious now you want to talk the only way this ends is you all facing justice Shaw steps forward captain mutant kind does not have years that it'll take to convince the military to share this data and cable blast Shaw with his gun let's speed this up now charged up Shaw asks captain to stand down so I don't have to fight but Steve's not stepping aside and the fight begins Steve punches Shaw and the cable tackles under the ground he begins to choke him with one hand while he gets ready to hit him with the other and rogue and knocks cable off of him stopping it she holds him down telling him everyone get on the plane and Steve calls out do not let them get on that plane Deadpool Deadpool looks down to the case with the research he debates his actions but in the end while Steve is his friend his daughter might be a mutant he can't let a cure pass him by and he throws it to toad everyone except Steve rogue and Deadpool leave the area Deadpool tries to explain the situation with his daughter but Steve doesn't care you lied to me my own friend's funeral you're fired Wilson and then rogue tries to defend Deadpool the Steve says the entire team is finished there is no unity in the unity squad which may prove a problem shortly as the hand because the Rays the course a Bruce Banner out of the ground rogue and Deadpool sit down to talk about what they're going to do now on their destroyed base of operations it hasn't been repaired since Ultron wrecked it that's what voodoo warns them that they need to get the Avengers together to fight against a weapon of mass destruction the resurrected body of Bruce Banner the hand is about to turn him to they're signed realizing Bill need help in this potential battle in Japan they decide to get the rest of the Avengers that they can find Johnny Storm Quicksilver synapse and wasp the team questions where Rogers in cable art but rogue says that they'll explain it later and voodoo makes it doorway to Japan they arrive and they immediately meet up with a lecture in the hand as the hand launches an attack on the team in the middle of Tokyo an all-out battle begins with rogue demanding to know where the body of Bruce Banner is being moved to once they drop them all voodoo reads the thoughts of one of the guys the letters of the location once again teleporting the entire team to the hands hideout they tear through the agents of the Han tryin to get to banners body and they actually succeed they get there and they stop the ritual that is going to revive him no big evil hope to fight until they discovered that it was all a ploy to get them away from the real Hulk he was resurrected hours ago he comes crashing through the wall his hit knocked the entire team out of the building and into the snow where Deadpool wakes up in a footprint of the Hulk cuz he got stepped on brogan Human Torch rock it off to find a way to get the Hulk away from the populated areas and Deadpool lets his brain men Siri call cable I'm sorry your highness I don't understand a ball table maybe the hand could resurrect Steve Jobs so I can kill him next time cable I note her there hear me over with cable and their little group they realized that the research that they retrieved is worthless and they're back to square one and that's what cable gets a news report about the team in a fight in Japan he asks Shawn toad to join him as he teleports to Japan and at first they agree but when they poke their heads through the teleporter they see everyone fighting the Hulk and they realize that it's a rather bad idea to join cable right now they had to hold with everything as they try to stop him and the whole chart is that cable and he says to himself dammit what a stupid way to die until rogue hits the Hulk with full momentum launching him into the sky no one dies today he takes his hand into the ground to catch and steady himself and then it is a rampage he grabs the giant gundam statue and throws it into a building the avengers tried to get the four survivors out of the town and Mbutu arrives stating he can ended this zombie hole but he'll need 10 minutes to prepare ro tells him he has five and Quicksilver carries him away to an isolated island known as Hashima island he asks how they're going to get the Hulk here and Quicksilver chuckles haha I have no idea and whoosh he's gone meanwhile Janet shrinks down and tries to talk some sense to him it's me Janet I know something terrible has happened to you well actually a bunch of terrible things happened at once I need you to fight this Bruce the Hulk is the strongest that there is but I need you to be stronger and the Hulk smashes his own head to get her out Quicksilver runs by catching her as she falls and rogue hits him in the jaw but the hit just threw him in front of a nuclear power plant Janet flies back over to tell Bruce that she won't let the Hulk win she knows that this was banners worst fear that the monster would prevail and she won't let it grow keeps hitting the Hulk around trying to knock him senseless until she throws him into the ocean giving him no time to do any real damage to the nuclear power plant except eyes to get closer to the edge of the area the terror in Miss in the area are severely hindering rogues powers Deadpool tells everyone I'm pulling around and if he goes to shoot wildly at the Hulk synapse tells everyone that she's suppressing the Hulk's optic nerve making it hard for him to see an electro tells her that's not how you blind someone so she runs in jumping on his chest and shoves her size into his eyes that's how you blind someone a synapse tells her well I did it first torch zooms in it turns it up to full blast using everything on the Hulk and the only thing that he did was burn off the Hulk's clothing as he rampages back to the beach to get his revenge on Jionni rogue yells for Johnny to run a Deadpool yells oh fudge she's nude play dead Quicksilver quickly runs over grabbing him and then voodoo reports to everyone that he's ready so cable body slide teleports The Hulk and everyone right to brother voodoo voodoo tells everyone to get the Hulk into the pentagram and of course this is the Hulk and no one can actually move him so synapse uses all of her abilities to block the signal from the Hulk's inner ear into his brain throwing off his balance and knocking him to the ground voodoo throws of a magical bubble to hold him there and that he walks into the mess to take this to the magical plane he walks inside and he finds Banner deep inside suppressed by the hands magic and he begins to remove the magical arrows and the hands spirit arrives telling him stop voodoo tells Banner do not speak your spirit is in jeopardy and that he turns to the hands spirit release the Hulk they warn who knew that if he does this his brother's soul who belong to the hand do you pick a friend or brother voodoo continues to remove the magical arrows telling them I choose my brother Banner the Avenger because Daniel damned himself the hands spirit tells him that they will share his words with their new slave and once free eles banner you are free walking the peace of the light I'm sorry that they abused you tears streamed down banners face as they step out of the magical plane together and voodoo holds banners dead body once again Deadpool puts banner into a body bang he which leads to everyone asking why Devils carrying around a body bag and the next question comes up was this the last Avengers mission is the groove done without Captain America broke tells them like hell it is Deadpool reminds them that they have unfinished business the Red Skull still stole Xavier 's brain from his dead corpse and he's still using it to have access to Xavier powers so the group decides they will continue on without Steve Rogers and Johnny asks a lecturer she'd like to join the Avengers she laughs as she walks away finding that hilarious everyone leaves rogue remembers how bad things have got while she was dealing with the death and the disease of the x-men have been coping with she forgets the cost that the Avengers have paid Hank Pym is worse than death as he's now half Ultron Odin's son is missing Wonder Man is lost in her head somewhere and now Tony Stark is down and so is Banner she can't shake the feeling that the worst is yet to come and as she thinks about this Quicksilver is wrestling with the Red Skull still in his mind talking to him telling him bring the Avengers to be right Steve was not the American hero that we all thought that he was instead he was raised from a young age by Hydra he had two agendas his entire life work for the US government as Captain America but secretly worked behind the scenes to propel hydras mission forward Red Skull took over Hydra and began to push his vision for it forward and Steve didn't exactly feel that red skull had hydras best interests in mind so he decided to build something behind the scenes while keeping himself away from the Red Skull he couldn't act directly against the Red Skull or even get close to him because the Red Skull had acquired professor xavier z' telepathic abilities so steve recruited his old friend Baron Zemo to help him build a new Hydra a secret army a secret empire he that manipulated his own Avengers team to stop the Red Skull Deadpool and rogue led the charge to recover professor X's brain and while it was a bloody mess they succeeded Steve then took Red Skull prisoner with the aid of shield and he let Red Skull escape sin his daughter brought her father into a hidden mansion where Steve was awaiting him as the Red Skull entered into the room Steve welcomes him it had been quite a while since they had seen each other face to face it's actually been since 1945 to be exact but in the current day the US government reports the situation red skulls Hydra just conquered the nation of sokovia and he is now threatening nuclear actions and the international community does not recognize them as a sovereign nation and leave them be back in 1945 Captain America went to defeat the Red Skull that day for using the name of Hydra improperly and representing its goals incorrectly but the Red Skull stopped him he had helmet Zemo in custody and he threatened to kill Captain America's dearest friend Baron Zemo if he didn't comply with red skulls a new Hydra order Neill or his friend would die and the current day Steve once again kneels before Red Skull as Red Skull demands to know how Steve can let this happen it was his Avengers team that removed the bright from his skull Steve stood up and he looked out the window into the night as he told the red skull that he tried but it can be difficult because he failed because of who he is in what he believes yes you served me no you misunderstand I serve Hydra you fool we Oh what are the same I am Hydra are you or is that something you stole the Hydra that I remember was a proud ancient order that valued strength over anything else it demanded sacrifice he then approached the red skull what have you sacrificed what have you done for the glory of anything but yourself I think I've listened to your commands long enough the Red Skull starts to see what's going on and he calls out for sin or crossbones but Stephen forms him they aren't going to help there's only us - now skull Steve grabbed him by his coding he threw him across the room and then he kicked and punched him into a table meanwhile shield begins to mobilize its forces to go against red skulls Hydra except Steve drags red skull to the window and throws him out allowing him to fall to his death at the rocks below I'm loyal to nothing but the dream and red skull was killed he walked out of the room where crossbones and sin were kneeling before him hail Hydra crossbones brings him a point though red skulls plan won't work with that xavier is brain and steve tells them that's right it won't but my plan will work with a little help and that's when Baron Zemo lands with the Hydra carriers which are carrying all of the Hydra billons all siding with Steve Rogers secret Empire it wasn't difficult for Steve to take over the world he is Captain America after all these things have been in the works for some time now backdoor deals and plans to ensure that there would be almost zero conflict when he took over I mean no one ever thought that he would betray them it started with the Chitauri he sent out a call to them secretly forcing them to attack the planet Earth with such a large force attacking Captain Marvel took everyone who could fight into space and they took out the first line they were there to defend the planet from this alien invasion the big thing is there's a new intergalactic shield that would surround the entire planet one that would block all oncoming attacks except it's not working right now Steve informs her that he has two of his best people working on it right now to try and get it up and running that's when we see riri Williams in the Tony Stark ai working on it for those wondering Tony Stark has been unconscious since the events Civil War too but he downloaded his entire memory personality and appearance into an AI which currently inhabits one of his Iron Man suits River Williams is a young girl who was able to build an Iron Man suit in an individual that Tony was intending to mentor before Captain Marvel punched him into oblivion Sharon Carter looks at Steve telling him about the other problem an army of super villains has started to attack New York and they just mobilize the response teams on the ground we see Luke Cage leading the defenders into battle he shouts out the battle cry all right defenders let's show these suckers what happens when you mess with our city which they do all the time but they should stop doing it Sharon informs Steve that there's also a third problem the Hydra forces have just invaded sokovia and the government formally surrendered giving up the launch codes to all seven of the soviet-era nukes that they had Hydra is threatening to use them against the European countries if they don't get recognized as a new regime and one of the shield helicarrier's just fell off the radar and they have no idea where it's located Steve Rogers has always been a master strategist but freed from compassion and mercy this was his masterpiece the forces of Earth were divided spread thin they had won so many times before this that they didn't know failure so when they did they fell hard and this is how he betrayed them the heroes began to fall and they're scattered battles beginning with quasar in space an insanely powerful superhero losing to the Chitauri ship when the protector of the universe fell so did the forces in spaces hope in New York nitro ran forward a villain with the power to blow himself up and it was Jessica Jones who grabbed him and launched him into the sky the explosion was so massive that it took out many of the buildings with it and that's when the reports of Hydra attacking all over the US began to roll in it happened Steve Rogers was placed into complete control of the US government due to a state of emergency being called shield now had controlled the US military and law enforcement agencies in Steve was in charge of shield that's when he acted the shield around the planet turned on to protect the Earth from the Chitauri attack and the fact that it went live baffle Tony and riri but at least it went up everyone cheered not fully grasping what just happened while everyone cheered the villains in New York begin to teleport out of New fleeing as fast as they can and the reports came in the heroes once again celebrated that's when the reports that they had found the Helicarrier came across but it was on full ramming speed for the one where the heads of shield were currently stationed the two Helicarrier slammed into each other and Charon heard the voice of Doctor Faustus coming over the intercom a well-known manipulator with the power to brainwash individuals he even brainwashed Sharon Carter to kill Steve Rogers years ago she knows what's going on they're brainwashing shield deck-by-deck Hydra agents boarded the Helicarrier and they moved forward and as they entered the command center Sharon opened fire on them and Steve told them hold your fire I am the man who runs the wheel all of the Hydra agents lowered their weapons and they raised their fists hail Hydra Sharon was in disbelief as the Hydra soldiers dragged her away calling Steve supreme leader he then took over the shield with Tony and riri unable to open up the shield door or anything and he called up Captain Marvel she called back telling him that they have injured they need to get to earth and he informed her we won't be opening the doors to earth there will be another wave of Chitauri and another they will be constantly attacking the walls of Earth until they find their queen Captain Marvel begins to grasp what he's saying oh my god Steve what did you do what happened to you I'm doing exactly what you would do you should be proud of your work you built a shield that will protect Earth from the greatest threats and now that you're on the other side of it this will be the last time that we speak every superhero capable of space combat in flight is now locked offworld Tony because to realize that something is very wrong and he Rockets with riri to go over to New York he realizes that whatever is about to happen is bad and on the outskirts of New York Baron Zemo holds up the dark old book and in an instant a spell is cast locking New York City itself into the dark world away from the real world and now in the dark dimension along with every superhero that was in that battle and with that Hydra moved forward taking over Washington DC Steve Rogers Hydra Supreme Leader just conquered the United States some time passed and it was official Hydra controlled at all and to begin to rewrite history the victor always gets to rewrite outside of a school in Greensboro Brian McAllister and Jason McCallister sit while Jason explains his lunchbox was stolen and brian says that he'll see if he can get him another one Jason walks into school and the children begin the day with the ceremonial hail Hydra the teacher then began to tell them the new history of the world Baron von Strucker was killed for treason and arm and Zola made the super soldier program and put Steve Rogers into it seemingly to work for America but in fact working behind the scenes as Hydra this is known as the great illusion and at the end of the war with the feet in their hands the Allied forces rewrote history and it was Captain America who restored us to our Hydra roots the children began to recite to the guidelines of Hydra trust Authority punish weakness report threats and using that as a cube one of the kids tells the teacher that Jason's older brother Brian well he's an inhuman a dirty filthy inhuman and under the new order all Inhumans are supposed to report in and be held back at home Brian arrives running and holding his stomach and as he enters he begins to vomit up a Captain America lunchbox his power is to barf up anything that is needed for any situation but before he can clean up the mess Hydra comes knocking at the door to arrest the unauthorized inhuman meanwhile in Las Vegas a kid is running from the Hydra police as they are surprised when Amadeus show the Hulk attacks them Bruce Banner was about to explode recently so in order to save his life Amadeus Cho took the power of the Hulk into himself but unlike banner Joe can control his transformations and he even retains a bit of his intelligence when hulked out the kid then looks up at the Hulk and that's when spider-man in Falcon land this spider-man is Miles Morales the spider-man of the Ultimate Universe and when that universe collapsed he was brought into the main Marvel Universe and this Falcon as an individual who had his DNA crossed with Red Wing Sam Wilson's Falcon hidden took the name of Falcon becoming Sam Wilson Captain America's sidekick they all lay at asking the kid for the information that he was delivering you see Hulk spider-man and Falcon are a part of the resistance and this kid just gave them a report that he had information that will save the entire world after confirming that he is legit they all climb into the fantastic car flying off with the new wasp driving it the new wasp is the illegitimate child of Hank Pym and after Janet Van Dyne approved it took the name of wasp to honor her father even though her father is a villain right now in Myr with Ultron but we'll get to that one later while this is going on a monster is attacking New York and Steve Rogers steps forward asking the monster to politely leave or he'll have it killed the monster of course lasts as Steve says it Avengers Assemble and that's what we see the forces that are working for Steve Rogers as his new Avengers Odin's son the former Thor is the hammer now lies in the hands of Jane Foster Thor Avery program division being forced to work for Steve Doc Ock now in a new body as the new spider-man since Peter Parker isn't hiding Erik O'Grady ant-man as the Black Ant in a possessed starlet which Deadpool and taskmaster Steve heads over to his council meeting where they inform him everything is going according to plan they've altered the fluoride in the water to make the populace more docile and they see no problems with the mutants to the northern border at the sovereign Republic of Newton they then explained that they made a new facility to hold all of the Inhumans that they have captured but there's a small problem a viral video of the resistance in Las Vegas the council states that there should be an example made the resistance flourishes in Las Vegas because the civilians believe in it and they allow for it but Steve has reservations he doesn't want to create a prison state yet the council tells him that he needs to act they haven't even executed the prisoners on death row yet when will Steve show his power show that he is not to be trifled with back at the resistance headquarters the doors open and Black Widow welcomes back the kits the champions as they go by in the superheroes circle while they assume that it's a successful mission Hawkeye fires an arrow demanding to know what they were thinking they were on a viral video Hydra knows that they're out there yet again the arguing continues as both Black Widow and Hawkeye want to know why the champions even left and viv the daughter of vision explains that they went to rescue this boy they met him on the Internet so both Hawkeye and Widow turned their weapons to him spy but he explains that he was handed a flash drive from Rick Jones that can save everything he has the answer to all of this Hawkeye tells everyone to take him to the drunk back was Steve he approaches Rick Jones in his cell Rick Jones is the same kid that Bruce Banner saved all those years ago but since that day he's been helping the superhero community and recently became an expert hacker Steve walks in asking him why he did it we gave you a nice apartment in protective custody and you stole one of the guards phones and hacked it Rick smiles one of your guys has a hella guessable iPhone password right and from there it took you three minutes to hack in and steal the most valuable files in hydras possession now you have to tell me who did you give those to Rick of course doesn't answer and instead he asks Steve was it weird for you when I used to dress up as Bucky Steve rubs his forehead I get it you won't tell me but I need people to think that you're sorry I need them to know you understand what you did is wrong just say the words Rick hail Hydra Rick looks at the ground and then back to Steve and he sings instead so Steve turns to leave oh come on cap listen buddy whatever they did to you I know you're gonna beat it okay I'm not giving up hope you always come out on top in the end and you know how I know that because you're my hero cap and Steve walks down the hallway sad about what has to happen next back in the resistance headquarters they lead the kid into Tony Stark's lab calling him the drunk he calls back I heard that keep in mind this is the AI Tony so we can't exactly get drunk but he reminds them that it's actually a code based recalibration of his behavioural modifiers there's no alcohol involved and he's managing it the kid isn't shocked he's Tony Stark and he delivers the flash drive explaining that this is it it's what's going to save the world Tony looks at it and tells him that he'll get to it on Thursday shocked the kid tells him that there's a chance to save the day with this and Tony explains that there is always a chance first they thought Steve was a clone or that he was mind control in both instances they lost many of their troops the fact is this is Steve and he has won the kid isn't shocked you're a superhero look around kid there's no superheroes here just fugitives back at hide your headquarters Rick Jones is hauled off to a post where he's tied up with a smile he shouts Avengers Assemble and the Hydra soldiers I'll shoot him to prove you don't mess with Steve Rogers the dreadknots are then sent in to Las Vegas the heroes thought that it was already as bad as it can get that was until Las Vegas was bombed to the point of no return and the entire city was leveled once the bombs stopped falling the resistance rolled out to save whoever they could but it was a massacre in the name of Hydra and the name of Steve Rogers what the heroes are really looking for was hope and without hope Black Widow knew what was needed they had to kill Steve Rogers she looked at everyone we do not have time to mourn we do not have time to be we only have time to act I'm looking for a team of volunteers for a mission that we all know we have to undertake we're called Avengers in these people that city demand vengeance the man who killed them must answer for what he's done no more games this time we don't shoot to wound we cut the head off of this beast and we take our chances with what grows in its place we have no other choice and Tony walks in actually we do he shows them the flash drive and on it is Ricky Jones hey everyone if you're watching this then I must have been made dead that sucks but here's the hope that you need I know what happened to Captain America how we can fix it Rick explains the entire situation the Cosmic Cube how Steve was altered how he believes his entire life was meant to be Hydra how he killed Red Skull and how he took over Hydra the entire plot of the last three years of Marvel is laid out for all of the heroes to soak in but Steve knew that there would be a problem he knew that Kovac had to be gone because they can't have a child running around with the powers of a god so he had Kobuk changed into a normal Cosmic Cube and then he wanted to use it to alter the entire world into hydras image not conquer it completely change it Erik Selvig the scientists who studied Kovac became attached to her though and he didn't want her to die so he broke the Cosmic Cube into pieces that he scattered them around the world I've attached Slovaks journal and all of the data that Hydra has the locations of the cube fragments so you can find them a head of Hydra and change Captain America back Joe lose hope and those are the last words he got out before his communication was cut off Tony tells everyone that he looked over all of this it's the real deal this can work black widow turns to him a city was just wiped off the map and you want to go play dress-up again even after this but Hawkeye steps in you're wrong Natasha a varsity was here he'd be the first to tell you she stops Hawkeye right there like hell he would if Steve were here and he saw himself like this someone who would kill millions of people he'd beg us to kill him and if you don't get that that you didn't know him at all with that she walks out of the room and so our heroes were divided Tony took a team and they decided that they would find the fragments using one of ant-man's contacts a smuggler known for getting people to save countries Sam Wilson former Captain America Black Widow decided that she would take who she could and save Steve by kill it was the champions who decided to join her they wanted to help her in a mission but they didn't agree with killing Steve Rogers they thought that there had to be another way Black Widow insisted that there isn't and they need to accept that meanwhile and another time in another place a spot called the vanishing point hope existed hope was real like Rick Jones said they can never take it from you you could only lose it either way hope has been gone for far too long for these heroes a woman was fleeing from various villains and a mystical looking forest and jessa they were about to beat her into oblivion a man stood before them a powerful and a heroic looking man as he raised his fists to stop the enemy it didn't take much he knew how to fight and that he reached out to the woman to help her to her feet to save her and she asked him what do you want and if one of her stood a man in military fatigues blond hair and a beard and he informed her my name is Steve Rogers and I'm just trying to get home Steve within the vanishing point helps the woman that he saved walked through the mysterious forest when he finally sits down it's because she's poisoned she asks what he meant by he was trying to get home and he explains that he has no idea where he is or what's going on he woke up here and he only remembers the basics name rank serial number but he has a feeling that there is somewhere that he is needed someplace that he needs to save as she coughed up from the poison he picked her up at he began to carry her through the forest meanwhile in deep space Peter quill Rocket Raccoon and baby Groot are standing in front of someone greetings everyone thank you for coming I hope you like the snacks that we put out my name is Peter quill but obviously you know me as the amazing star-lord and these are my associates rocket and I am Groot we're coming to you today on behalf of our planet Earth my homeworld I am Groot earth is under attack its most powerful country taken over by this evil organization called Hydra which turned out to be led by a guy that we all thought was a hero Steve Rogers Captain America now hold on not everybody buys it this is the real Steve Rogers could be a clone a robot a doppelganger who knows now to keep us straight a lot of folks are going with the nickname hides your cap captain octopus head and I'm partial to Steven but even with the interruptions from rocket Peter continues here's the big part he built this force field around the planet trapping everybody on the surface and we don't have the firepower to take it down and get back to earth so we've come here to ask for your help I am grill and then in front of Peter we see the various races in space kree-skrull baboon all of them we of course are very familiar with Earth so just to be clear every earthling is trapped off of the planet by the shield and the few remaining ones on the inside are facing certain death yeah that's pretty much the gist of it and with that the council's begin to shout at Peter shooting at him just as he runs for cover recalls of Captain Marvel to inform her that the request didn't go so well meanwhile down in Newark New Jersey Black Widow is continuing her little journey to recruit people to help her kill Steve Rogers and it is brought her to Maria Hill they go back and forth about how Black Widow is turning over to Hills way of thinking and then she hands Black Widow the Intel that she promised Steve Rogers social calendar so Black Widow snaps at her this is all you have for me it's the best I can do informants are hard to come by when they know that they're going to be facing a firing squad and most of my best people are already inside crossbones super prison there's some good chances here and when you take the shot all I ask is that you take some pictures you're disgusting Maria what he gets to go half my friends level a city and I'm the bad guy for wanting his corpse as my new wallpaper we all cope in different ways Natasha besides who are you to question me I'm morals I hear you have kids working for you now what she's referred to is the fact that the children team known as the champions has sided with Black Widow and the superhero debate of how to handle Steve and Hydra and she is training them to become killers even though they are still insisting that there is another way meanwhile over in Montana Sam Wilson the smuggler former Captain America tries to tell Tony Stark's team that this is pointless they can't save the world with most of the world agreeing with Hydra it would appear for many people that Hydra suits them just fine no one is fighting in the streets and no one is opposing him as Sam tries to walk away though they explained that they have an answer they can save Steve Rogers they just need the Cosmic Cube to reverse things back to how it's supposed to be meanwhile Steve reports to a situation room to an astounding hail hydra the operation led by Baron Zemo is underway they're attacking Atlantis the suppose at home from one of the Cosmic Cube fragments he leads the charge into the temple where they slaughter many of the Atlanteans and they move into the temple where black ant finds the supposed fragment Doc Ock moves forward to test the validity of it but finds that it's fake Namor has tricked Hydra again making multiple fakes and hiding them all over the place in response Baron Zemo stabs the priest in charge of the temple and ensures deep that he will find the cube he will search until there is no ever Namor to hide it and that he blows up that portion of Atlantis as he gets these reports Steve also gets the reports of another cube fragment wanted a very sketchy area a very hostile area they asked who Steve wants to send entity and forms them that he'll handle this one all by himself meanwhile Tony Stark's AI has convinced Sam Wilson to help them and he begins to move them through the backwoods to get them to safety his rules are simple everyone listens to him and no one runs ahead but Mockingbird notes that the device that Tony Stark has made to track the cubes doesn't actually say that this is where the cube is so why not tell everyone where they're actually going Tony shushes er because if they knew where they were going no one would go they'd be fools not to run the other way and in this area that everyone is heading to say it's one man no one expected to be on earth when the shield went up Hank Pym merged with Ultron Pym Tron sits in his home in forming his Jarvis to open up the front gates to everyone let them walk in it'll be so nice to see the family again over inside the vanishing point though they alternate Steve Rogers slays the woman down to rest and he continues on his journey alone hoping for the possibility of a better tomorrow he walks forward snapping twigs and branches as he goes then various Captain America villains jump out to stop him and two more individuals run up to save the day together the three of them drop each of the enemies and they stand triumphantly together all three men of the same condition though they can't remember anything and they agree that they could use friends perhaps even family so Steve Rogers Bucky Barnes and Sam Wilson continue to walk through the forest of the vanishing but black at black widows team the Red Room she has a Hydra agent hostage she begins to beat him relentlessly taking a knife to its throat his screaming attracts the kids who walk in telling her to stop what she is doing they insist that this is torture and she needs to end it he obviously doesn't know anything but she explains that he is on the cooked staff and the rebuilding ceremony and he was given a tour of the site which means someone needs to get her duct tape and a blanket once again the kids argue against torture to get the information and RiRi walks over untying the man who proceeds to grab the knife from his boot leaping at her shouting hail Hydra luckily Black Widow shoots the man before he can get anywhere and then tells the kids wonderful job now we have to switch motels meanwhile up in the far north in Alaska Tim grants territory sits Tony's team and Steve Rogers team approaching it Tony explains to his team where they are the area is dubbed the Ultron ik territories and most people don't even know that it exists before the planetary shield went up Pym Tron returned from the stars where he was last located after fighting against the uncanny adventures and we will link that story down below instead of trying to destroy the world or attack the Avengers he instead built a city to the north where he builds more Ultron's Hydra declines that it even exists and rumor has it that Steven pintron have an understanding Scott Lang steps forward asking if this is really Ultron because it's wearing Hank Pym face Tony explains that it is wearing that face as a trophy Ultron and Hank are merged in ever since then he's been a villain trying to defeat the heroes and the name of Hank Pym if you're curious about that story it's called rage of Ultron and I'll link it down below while they are approaching Jarvis reports to pintron that they are there I hate to see them like this you know we're supposed to be a team a family now look at us divided torn apart but all is not lost I can fix this I will make things right the Avengers at that moment everyone runs to their objectives and right away they cross paths with the opposing team ant-man vs. Black Ant Mockingbird vs. taskmaster and Sam Wilson vs. vision but the most significant is Quicksilver vs. Scarlet Witch to which he supplies that she's even around but unaware that she's possessed as he runs off from her attacks Herc declares that he'll help Quicksilver but that's when Odin's son arrives swinging his axe at his former friend in the middle of all of the Steve comes face to face so Tony starts AI Tony Steve not gonna lie kind of excited about kicking her but nobody being mad at me afterwards you're not the only one who's been looking forward to this Tony Tony fires his blasts and Steve blocks them with his shield and at that moment Pam Tron answers the scene blasting everyone and knocking them out no no no there's a lot to it oh I'm sorry it had to be this way but please know that I miss you also dude it's so good to welcome you home again they all wake up bound to a large dinner table where are we it's Avengers mansion or some kind of replica of it seriously what is this and that's when they see pintron there with an apron that reads kiss the Overlord honestly Jarvis did most of the work Mockingbird says it best this is officially the creepiest thing that I've ever been a part of agreed Ultron you will release us now Odin's son ads and Pym Shawn walks over Ultron Thor don't you recognize you can't you see my face I'm your old pal though I look around the table and I don't leave you nowadays either Tony steps in I can help with that Steve's had his reality rewritten by the Cosmic Cube Scarlet Witch is possessed by a demon vision is infected by an AI virus and Thor just wants his hammer back actually Tony I was referred to your side of the table or more specifically you in fact what happened to the that we all were in so much all about who is this nervous overreaching method of man in his place I don't I know it's you in there Steve helps out them hardly from what I hear he's so drunk he can't pilot the newer models everyone begins to argue again and Pam Tron eventually stops it but enough listen to yourselves bickering back and forth the hallways at each other's throats it's all you ever do anymore what's happened where did it all go so wrong you know this is exhausting it in this warm I can't even pee in something do you know why Ultron built this city and didn't come after you because you're tearing your lives apart he didn't need to attack you you're too to work or he could just wait you out Steve takes this moment to chime in Ultron I agree with you but Hydra is going to change all of that bring it into all of this weakness and corruption oh of course to you of course just like Tony's great plans for the superhuman Registration Act made everything so much better or when Wanda tried to fix it you always have big ideas for fixing problems but you keep making things worse that's why I brought you here so that we can all sit around all day reconnect with what we lost Steve certainly tells him I'm not interested in install Joe you have something that belongs to Hydra and mockingbirds Thompson we have a slightly different idea of who that belongs to but Tony chimes in did you have any idea why we stopped having these dinners these parties out by the pool Hank because of what you did to Janet Pym Tron snaps growing in size and grabbing Tony how dare you i disturb him particles I took artificial intelligence Academy what have you done your arrogance started to Wars you're in companies putting Norman Osborn in power and now he lectured me Scott Lang begins to talk down Pym Tron telling him that while Scott himself was a screw-up he looked to Hank as a guy who didn't let screwing up hold him back and he still sees Hank as someone who would do the right thing so Pym Tron shrinks back down to his original purpose he invites everyone to have dessert except on Scott's plate is the Cosmic Cube fragment everyone gets up to leave and Pym Tron allows them but before he can leave Steve asks Pym drop Ultron what was the point of the whole charade back there if you were just going to hand a cube over you keep calling the ultra wait is that's why Steve loaded up and everyone left he went back to the supreme command and it is there that we see Namor waiting for him after destroying locations at Atlantis Namor was there to deliver the Peace of the Cosmic Cube so that he can end the conflict between Hydra and Atlantis regardless of Tony winning against Ultron Tony's team is still not ahead of anything as Steve just got a piece anyway and honestly he's not too concerned about Tony winning back there either they have a man on the inside someone worked for them on Tony's team but who could that be over in Washington DC VIPRE gets a report that the Hydra agents have just captured Black Widow she walks in to see Black Widow in Chains and so they begin to question her as to what she was planning meanwhile outside the champions are looking at the facility and they decide that it's time for a rescue mission Black Widow proceeds to give up all of the information on her plan Stila Hydra transport ship and kill Captain America Viper is shocked why is she giving her all of this information Black Widow looks are dead in the eyes because Viper you shouldn't be concerned about me you should be concerned about supreme leader finding out about your little illegal operation here or you could help us out and not only would you be spared of Steve's wrath but you could lead Hydra when we take him down Viper pulls up to gun shooting the guards next to her telling Black Widow just a moment the champions actually were breaking into another facility to rescue a shriveled old man meanwhile Tony continues his journey and they arrive in Wakanda for the fragment that the chala has but he refuses to give it up instead he offers Tony's team the option to bring him the fragments and he will use them to complete their cause and do exactly what they want but he doesn't trust them to have it so they go to their next location majeure port with a rescue shanxi who supposedly has another fragment and as they find out he lost his one Hydra beat him and it looks like it was the x-men that took it the fact that they aren't collecting any more pieces brings Sam to question Tony's device the one that's supposedly tracking where these shards are and it's obviously not working until he tells them that there must be some residue with the fragments that are triggering it it does work trust him everyone begins to disagree that this is becoming a problem they haven't won anything and they keep losing the fragments what's next over in Washington the hammer of millionnaire sits in a field an ambassador McCoy the mutants in the north questions why Steve just left it sitting there Steve welcomes him asking him how things are in Newton and McCoy explains that there are problems but the mutants have their own nation run by them now it's a day that he never thought that he'd get to see so Steve asks him well then can you explain to me why kraken has told me that you have something that belongs to me McCoy tells him I have no idea what you're talking about and Steve tells him there's a reason that I left this handler in the field to remind all of those around me of its power that at anytime I can lift it again they views me as worthy so it is by my compassion that I do not to use it McCoy asks him are you threatening me no I'm reminding you I assume I'll be hearing from your office soon Steve leaves McCoy there to think on that for a moment and as he boards his helicopter he questions how his Avengers are doing they explained that vision is fine under the control of the AI virus though there is a hiccup once in a while but Odinson he's a bigger problem you may have been wondering why Odinson teamed up with Steve at all well he questions if what he is doing is the right thing Hydra tells him that they can save Jane Foster from purgatory the one that she now resides in and that they can restore the bridge to Asgard but he senses that all of this is aligned the things that he has seemed the innocence being persecuted the evil gaining control fear taking hold but he questions all of it because Steve Rogers is worthy and if he is capable of lifting the hammer when Odin's son is not then shouldn't Oh Dan son just follow him Stephen forms Hydra that Odin son listens to him and he'll talk to him so with everything still moving forward Tony's team returns to base to home they say hello to everyone and Tony goes into his lab where he meets up with a few of the others and they ask how things went Raj asks the big question did you tell them the truth the kid from before asks what truth and Tony explains it to him it didn't go well Tony in fact has never had a way to track the Cuba fragments they're working entirely off of Rick Jones data Tony just built them hope a pretended machine that made them think that they had a chance but elsewhere Mockingbird makes a call this is Mockingbird we have returned to the base and we only have two fragments up above hydras the dreadknots move in and Tony feels them approaching shouting turn on the shields they open fire on the mountain base with the resistance as Steve gets a report that they won't be able to break down the defenses so Steve tells them do not worry I have a secret weapon meanwhile in the vanishing point Steve Bucky and Sam walk forward so they trigger a trap Sam has captured Bucky has knocked out as Steve is hit in the back of the head and that's when they meet their assailant red skull back in the regular universe Steve walks into a room where he sees Bruce Banner a very much alive Bruce Banner the Hydra agent explains the spell that they used to revive him is only yes very little time and Steve might want to make this happen fast Odin son then leaps from the battle carrier into battle shouting forgive me and he slams into the side of the resistance base taking out portions of the mountain with him and barreling into the headquarters yet all he could do is dent the wall as the shields are holding up the team asks Tony if Odin's son is strong enough to break through what he tells him that he is it and then he turns back to the group our problem outside is being handled but inside we have a larger problem someone in this room is Hydra everyone begins to turn on each other such as accusing Quicksilver of running off in helping Hydra but he defends that those times he ran off explaining that he was looking for his sister meanwhile with Steve he stands before Bruce Steve can I you explain something to me your Hydra now how long have I been dead Steve tells them I understand that this must be disorienting for you and I wish that I could explain everything but unfortunately you won't be around that long Bruce back with Tony's team Quicksilver asks Mockingbird why is she sneaking off making secret calls and she outright tells them she's actually been reporting everything to Maria hill using this as a moment of truth ra's steps forward explaining Tony's device never even worked everyone begins to reveal secrets and argue and that's when Scott Lane steps up everyone stop all right it was me I'm the traitor I called Hydra back with Steve he tries to explain everything that he can what happened to banner why Hydra is good and why he should be helping them and banner tells him no just put me back in my box Steve looks at him I wasn't talking to you Bruce the eyes of Bruce Banner begin to glow green quicksilver turns on Scott slamming him into the wall demanding to know why and Scott tells them that they got Cassie they found his daughter and they're using her as a hostage and that's when Tony sees it on the screen the one thing that can break through the wall and the Hulk smashes through it Steve jumps down to walking after him with a halt because slamming everyone around while they try to fight against him all except for a Hawkeye he takes a knee ready to face his judgment for killing Bruce all those months ago the thing runs in shouting its clobbering time and he throws the Hulk into a wall so the whole counters with a punch so hard that it breaks off pieces of the fake Raj steps back up with the ultimate distraction for the Hulk and roids of the original Avengers team and he sends them off to strike them the resistance uses that chance to flee they try to get out of there but there are hundreds of Hydra soldiers opening fire on them when they get to their ship their only escape their stance Odin son ready to stop them all until he tells them to go get out of here they load up into the ship and they blast off to escape all except for Tony who decided to go back to his lab where Steve was waiting for him they begin to punch it out of the Hulk because they degenerate and fall apart turning dead again Steve stands over Tony Zola explained it to me you downloaded your actual consciousness into this AI so for all intensive purposes is actually you which is good because I would hate to think I'm going to kill him as she he raises his shield to finish off Tony and Tony shouts wait I'm sorry while he says that though Hydra command picks up a weird energy signature from the mountain Tony goes on I know it's not really you in there but I still want to say it when we went to war and I stood over your body I knew I hadn't want anything all I done was fail you I said then that it wasn't worth it and when you came back I told myself that I wouldn't make that mistake again but I did over and over and I thought that this time it was gonna be different right this is my chance I could be you this time give them all hope to make them believe in something and I screwed it up didn't I because I can build the most amazing things but I can't make myself what you are all I can do is fake it Steve so please know I wanted to save you so badly because I wanted to be for you what you always work for me my hero I'm sorry that I let you down cap and Madame Hydra runs and shouting Stephen goodbye son and as the building explodes in a massive explosion that Tony set off steam is teleported away saving him from that death meanwhile in the red rooms base black widows team she walks over waking up the champions pouring a drink for herself Hydra is one your friends are all dead tomorrow we kill Captain America but before we can continue that story there's the vanishing point where it would seem the classic Steve Rogers still exists and the original Red Skull in this world the Red Skull is beating into Steve telling him this is my gift to you Hal Rogers you will escape this place and at least you will know peace but back in reality Steve is standing in his command center thinking of the death of Madame Hydra the one who saved him she was basically his mother with in Hydra treating him like her own son and now he lost her he turned back to his troops and he told them this one is for you Alisa he stepped out onto the steps of the Capitol building to give a speech a vision for this new Hydra run government but nearby stood Black Widow calling out to the red-room team which is the champions to inform them that it is time to get into position earlier she had debated with spider-man Miles Morales as he felt that he was the one who was going to make the kill to murder Steve Rogers as he told her during the last civil war the inhuman who could see the future said that miles would kill Steve but Black Widow tells him that she can't allow that she won't let him cross that line she'll do it to ensure that he won't interrupt her she locks him in a vehicle and that's the last that she saw him the whole operation was then placed into motion and staged by Black Widow the kids were in place as a distraction and the old man that they rescued from prison was mosaic any human with the power to possess people Black Widow sent mosaic out to take over the Hydra guards and start a commotion and the kids are about to start the distraction while she positioned for her shot that's when she found herself under attack Frank hassel The Punisher opened fire on her sent by Hydra to remove the threat known as Black Widow as she kicked the Punisher in the face she asked him what did city promise you to get you onto Hydra side and Frank told her a safer world meanwhile spider-man breaks out of the vehicle and begins to swing towards the Capitol building Black Widow and Punisher go back and forth both highly trained and capable of delivering damaging blows but in the end Black Widow has just trained more and she got two knives into Frank's legs Black Widow looked at Frank as he told her Steve said he would bring back everyone that we had lost with the Cosmic Cube my family - Tasha she got back into position to open fire with the rifle and that's when she saw through the scope a Spider Man had gone up he had walked up to Steve and she knew that this was bad as she leaped out of the window both Steve and miles saw the vision they knew what was about to happen miles was supposed to kill Steve and as Steve tells miles we both know how this ends so let's see what you're made of Natasha is pushing her way through the crowd getting closer and closer Steve raises his shield and as he goes in Natasha jumps in the way pushing him but that shield it still came down it still did its damage and it broke black widows neck her eyes went lifeless and cold and she hit the ground killed by Steve Rogers miles saw it and he shouted no as he charged at Steve in a single punch miles broke this shield that Steve had been using as a replacement for his original and then he knocked Steve to the ground with a second punch he walked over grabbing Steve's body and raising him up prepared to do what he was destined to do to end this in murder and the wasp floats over telling him don't do it don't murder him and don't do it for yourself do it for her for Natasha she didn't want you to become a killer she would want you to be spider-man so he throws Steve's body down and leaving him injured in the Hydra guards run up grabbing their supreme leader while the champions are all arrested as Steve is brought out of sight he is brought over to Sharon Carter the woman who stood by his side all of these years and now that he's a Hydra agent doesn't want anything to do with him she also tries to murder him and he pushes her aside calling for the guards to take her away bring her to brainwashing meanwhile and the vanishing point the other Steve is about to be murdered by the Red Skull when he sees a woman and he sees her as hope hope that he can get through this so he dodged the club kicked the Red Skull before running him towards the cliffside they both plummeted over it and into the water down below as he thought to himself it's that glimmer of hope that keeps us alive in the real world the news of black widows death reached the remaining members of the resistance and everyone thought it was all lost the fight was over but it wasn't was it we just needed a glimmer of hope and it was Sam Wilson who put back on his Captain America uniform and told them we aren't done yet guys now I'm going to break the immersion for one second to explain something I'm going to be covering what happened with an issue 8 & 9 everything that is about to happen is going to be going very fast but every one of these is a plot point that has actually explained in length in tie-ins some of them were going to be covering like Deadpool the Darkhold and spider-man but some of them we won't to be covering like the inhuman liberation and the survival beyond the shield some of these you'll just have to read yourself but we will get to them in additional videos now let's go to the story Raj gets a machine working that projects a message within the dark hold and Beyond the shield into space to the teams of superheroes scattered about attention attention to everyone this is Captain America and I have an urgent message for you I know this is going to be hard but I'm going to need your help more than ever now here in the hydra controlled united states there is still an underground movement that is fighting back our battle has brought us to finding the Cosmic Cube the same cube that turned Steve Rogers into Hydra supreme got broken up and was scattered around the world we have acquired most of the pieces except for the final one and they are declaring war on anyone who holds it but there is still hope we liberated and Inhumans concentration camp and we met a new inhuman his name is Brian but Tony calls him barf his power is to create whatever is needed at the exact moment that we need it by throwing it up and he barf up the last Cosmic Cube fragment that's where all of you come in each individual charge of the Cosmic Cube has enough power for one to wish and I'm going to be using that wish to free you from the dark cold over in New York and bring down the shield over earth I know that some of you want to give up hope but this is our moment our chance to turn things around and I know that we've been divided torn apart and broken for so damn long but now it's time to assemble Tony Stark looks at Sam Wilson he survived the explosion he set for Steve because he still isn't the real Tony Stark he's an AI construct he looks at Sam like I told you Sam I use it to wish myself a birthday cake and then I tried to wish myself into being a real boy but it didn't work so you need to get up there and wish for nothing until you are high enough to affect everything then try and will it into existence like super hard good luck captain and Sam Wender up there whatever you do don't think of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man I say him launches himself into the sky everyone on the Darkhold and outside of the shield is getting ready they need to be prepared to charge in Sam soars through the air but of course this sets off the Hydra defense alerts and the jets are scrambled Sam knew that this was it the last hope the last shot and the Jets opened fire on him so if this was the last hope imagine how it felt to see it crushed so quickly that's when Sam was shot and he began to fall out of the sky plunging into the ocean below that was it heroes had lost the heroes in the dark hold were forever lost to the darkness the shield would never fall or wouldn't you see at the start of all of this quasar was rendered unconscious but she had now finally awoken she'd like to try cracking that shield because while the heroes fell again it was time to get back up and fight again Sam lifted himself up out of the water bleeding and injured and quasar hovered over the shield bombarding it with everything she used the power of the protector of the universe to shatter it into bits while the heroes of space began to move on the Chitauri Queen that Steve had kidnapped something else was going on yes the heroes in the dark hold couldn't get out but as it turns out there was one man who was maintaining that spell and one woman who had the knowledge of this she got this knowledge from Deadpool who had secretly been working as a double agent pretending to help Steve but actually finding out the info while Deadpool himself had been left to die Maria took the information and shot blackout in the head Captain Marvel during this swooped into a random house destroying it in a single blast as she prepares to the fight with her ex hero and as she does that the dark holed bubble around New York falls and the heroes realize that they have won there is hope hope lives on and they could still prevail in this battle and so they were ready to end this tale but inside of the vanishing point the other Steve was still pushing through the forest the woman who gave him hope wasn't real and she began to fade from existence and as he realized that it was Sharon Carter the love of his life and his only reason to exist he began to scream out in frustration that's what he heard a child's voice the voice of copic the little girl in the Cosmic Cube they're all gone we're alone now she apologized to OMA tears rolling down her face as she tells him that she wanted everyone to be happy but she messed it all up they wanted me to make everything better but I made it worse remember meanwhile at the Hydra supreme command base the removed king of Wakanda to chala stands before Steven x-men arrived to discuss the matters at hand but everything is slowed down by the battle the battle from the heroes that are pushing forward Steve just says I have them right where I want them all the heroes begin to get closer to the Capitol and even Peter Parker finally leaves in asking hey guys what did I miss besides the fascists take over the United States lots of death and destruction general chaos kind of an insensitive question now that I think about it from across the globe the heroes of all return they have all been given hope that they can finally end this and take back what Hydra has taken from them meanwhile Emma Frost and Steve begin their talks on the mutant surrender and how Hydra is going to be taking over new tn but Emma informs him no mutants will ever kneel to you and luckily magneto agrees with me magneto then begins to pull out the Hydra dreadknots from the sky pulling them to the ground crushing the metal of they are made of as he is the master of metal and even with all of that the heroes didn't have enough to win they were beginning to lose until one individual had seen enough Odin's son called out no more during to this the champions got free from their prison and they joined in the fight and while the heroes fought for the future the future fought for them they've went to her father clearing him of the virus Doctor Strange exorcised the demon out of Scarlet Witch and with a little help from Thor as he summoned her back from the plane of existence that she had been banished to Bucky freeze to chala bringing the Black Panther into the fight and even Sharon Carter who was faking her brainwashing seize the heroes finally prevailing seize the hope of victory as she begins to program the shield helicarriers that Steve stole causing them to fall out of the sky through all of it Steve still had a plan and that was to have the Cosmic Cube that he had collected placed into his armor into his chest making him a god can the heroes win against a god but back in the vanishing point Kobuk hit Steve with his memories and he being as you remember he was a soldier fighting for a cause that he believed in and there was a battle where he was about to die when he woke up here in this place I don't understand am i dead am i dreaming can I go home Who am I and Kobuk showed him a pool and in that pool was what had happened while he was gone he conquered the u.s. taking forth the hammer of Thor and he killed the Red Skull he realized what he was and what was happening he wasn't in his mind he wasn't dead this wasn't the afterlife or some other mentioned mrs. Kovach smeii of the people that she changed and that is all that he is a memory of how Steve needs to be so we asked her to bring him back put him back into reality the world shook something was coming so Kovac ran because in the real world while the heroes had defeated the armies the ships the vehicles they hadn't defeated Steve now Hydra Steve stood before them in battle armor with a cosmic cube in his chest and he looked down on the heroes stand down look we're finally here but you're too late the time for fighting is over it's time to rebuild Hydra is going to use the Cosmic Cube to restore the old world forge it into something better stronger and Logan stops him I don't think you got any takers in the crowd bub so Hawkeye is the one who calls it Burnett Avengers Assemble and as the heroes charged against him they didn't stand a chance with a single punch he leveled them all he erased all of the Marvel heroes from existence bringing the entire universe into the vision that he foresaw the entire world was altered of rewritten in hydras vision Steve had won this is the end of our story he gazed out and he was pleased he saw a vision close to perfection but something was missing hope still survived that's we hear a voice you know wise man once said it's not over until the fat lady sings and that's when behind Steve we see Sam Scott and Bucky Sam steps forward kneeling before Steve saying the words hail Hydra and he presents the last piece of the Cosmic Cube to Steve that was it Steve had become omnipotent and then it was gone you see Edmund and Bucky were shrunken down and in the cube so when it merged together Bucky went into it to get one thing inside of the vanishing point the alternate Steve was looking around for Kovac and when he found her screaming and crying out he told her let me help you above them a door had opened and together Steve and Kovac were pulled out of the Cosmic Cube and into reality behind Steve stepped out Kovac who reverted the world to the way it was supposed to be and that's when in front of Steve he was faced with his nightmare the true hope of the Marvel Universe Captain America stood before him and the red white and blue with a rather we look upon his face this imposter this fraud looked upon the real Captain America you are not real and cap looked back at him best as I understand it that's up for grabs at the moment it's time people saw the truth as the two individuals began to battle it out they were matched far too evenly and with each punch throw and there was another just as strong to follow it up both men saw Thor's hammer out of the way in the middle of the field and both men go for it Steve grabbed the hammer first but this was the moment that he had dreaded the reason he had never wielded the hammer because his rise to power was on the back of a lie he was never worthy so Captain America walked over here let me try and Captain America picked up the hammer and swung it hard the blow is so hard that it shattered Steve's armor and threw him to the ground because only the true Captain America is worthy and it was at this moment that Steve no Steven was defeated and Captain America stood over him that was it it was over the secret empire had been defeated Captain America returned the hammer to Thor and Kobuk looked at everyone I'm sorry I got it wrong but I know what to do now and I'll fix everything so she restored the proper timeline and removed the threat of Hydra once again she then gave a gift to all of the heroes something to remember the hope that they needed to discover who they really were this is the generations taya and I'll be covering those in a bit but once they all came back from their little excursion into the entire universe they had a newfound purpose one that told them why they're heroes why they are the Earth's Mightiest Heroes there you have it our secret Empire telling you exactly how we got to where we are in secret Empire now let me know in the comments down below how do we do do you feel that all of these pertain to the actual storyline that they are important and also if you want to support us and join the comic story and premium membership please consider going over to our patreon where we released a lot of our videos early access there days before they get put up into the actual YouTube either way guys just watching this is a huge support to us and I really do appreciate it and overall I'll see you next time right here at the comics Taurean channel
Channel: Comicstorian
Views: 1,162,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comicstorian, comic books, dc, dc entertainment, marvel, storytelling, full story, dc universe, justice league, comic theories, avengers, superhero, injustice, miles morales, deadpool kills the marvel universe, batman, gwenpool, godspeed, doom patrol, marvel zombies, spider man, captain america, steve rogers, hail hydra, iron man, hydra, comicsexplained, fluidicbeats, black widow, all new all different marvel, civil war, the avengers
Id: gNqu0I_zda8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 5sec (9005 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2019
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