GwenPool "Origin...Better Than Deadpool....The End" - Full Story | Comicstorian

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True tho

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Diamante778 📅︎︎ Feb 02 2019 🗫︎ replies

Comicstorian is awesome

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Lost_Trooper 📅︎︎ Feb 02 2019 🗫︎ replies

It's like eating an offbrand strawberry poptart. Sure, it's kinda nice, but just reminds one how nice Wildberry poptarts are.

Wildberry poptarts are Deadpool here.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Mar 07 2019 🗫︎ replies
welcome to the full story series we take some of our older videos combine them into this nice long epic video for you to enjoy on most mondays today we're going to be bringing you the full story of all of the gwenpool storylines starting from her creation as just a cover character who everyone liked the design of and then she got a really weird story - one of my favorite characters that was recently created in the Marvel Universe all the way up to her eventual ending and well and it's truly an awesome and amazing tale it really does build to something fourth we're all breaking to a different degree it I don't know what else to say without spoiling it because it's one of those it's like the matrix guys everyone said watch the matrix but no one told you what happened it was incredible this is gwenpool I hope you enjoy and I'll see you at the end [Music] Howard the Duck is finding it a tad difficult to breathe as there is the high heel of the black cat in his throat she releases him and tells him she wants to hire him for a job she needs him to find a woman and if he won't help she'll use this footage that she has of him robbing her house against him so he asks who do you want me to find black cat explains that she was conducting business on the rooftop of a building when someone came crashing through the doorway on a motorcycle shouting hello world she was wearing spandex in a modified looking Hydra mask and she had no pants on she slides her bike into all of the thugs and then stabs one of them in the hand with a pen trade Japan for your gun then grins at the thug I know terrible trade and she opens fire on all of them she did rides over to the box that everyone dropped hey that's what I came for and then she rides off the rooftop shouting bye Felisha black cat was the standing they were wondering who the heck was that and as gwenpool falls off the rooftop she asks herself you know I'm very curious I'm going to survive this and then she hits a moving truck filled with ducks furious that this crazy woman could have hurt those ducks Howard asks who she is Felicia tells them that she has no idea some kind of pantsless arctic ninja or something so why would you have me find it well earlier today Felicia was meeting with her police contact in the park and when pool shot him up like crazy so this led Felicia to assume the girl knows her somehow so she can't get her associates involved and Howard is in no way an associate so Felicia leaves him with the mission find this girl and find what she stole from Felicia and then she walks out of the room Howard walks back to his desk trying to figure this one out when he sees Gwen pool underneath his desk she crawls out and Howard asks what she's doing here trying to keep her from finding me yeah well there's plenty of desks around town so hide underneath one of those but she was hiring you to find me right right well ducky boy and when pulled whips out pistols I thought she might be Howard runs down to the street while gwenpool chases him down opening fire on him lady please let's talk I have no idea who you are I also don't want you to kill me she leaps over a fence and she replies to him what's the big deal if you die you'll disappear for publication and you've done that for months before even years at a time you'll just come back eventually public what are you talking about and you think of a book but damn I have not a book what's fire again well you kind of are wrong from what does that even mean you're all just comic book characters in my world Howard ducks recover and realizes oh geez I'm definitely not dealing with the same girl who's trying to kill me you know I wouldn't have to keep trying if you just stop jumping behind things Howard gets to running again you know for a lady trying to mess with a crime lord you're a terrible shot well I haven't been a superhero for very long you think you're a superhero I don't know if you just saw me but I just shrugged you see my dear viewers when pool got her costume it became a superhero back at Howard the Duck of volume zero issue five she was standing outside of big Ronnie's custom battle spandex when the end of the world seemed to be happening something about battle world and a secret war anyway she walked in after reading a review from spider-man that said that he had just been here and dropped off her a list of superpowers to get a costume made the clerk hit it fast and furious and handed her the pink outfit that she has now when she asked with a pants are she was told no pants only big boots and that's her origin she bought the costume Howard is shocked but he asks what this is all about and when Paul tells him that she stole that box and sold it to Hydra Howard stops Estanza you did what I needed money that's pure evil now it's fine The Avengers will handle it right Howard it quickly dials them up and gets a voicemail hello you've reached the Avengers emergency hotline we are unable to assist you at this time as the Avengers are and space to contact your local police department please dial and then he hangs up and so they get their bus to the Hydra base they start their assault by having Howard flyer in well he can't fly so they fall in and she throws him like a weapon at the Hydra thugs then a knife into another's head Howard is running around screaming the whole time but gwenpool grabs him and shows him the welcome mat well the he'll come mat gwenpool runs into the main lab where she being as shouting that she is here to stop them and the woman with the virus is in shock aren't you the one who sold us this well yeah but then I felt bad the Hydra woman disabled her quickly you're a terrible fighter I learned it on the job so Gwen has a new idea she reaches for the box with a virus and drinks it herself everyone runs away from her because she is now highly contagious and Howard asks her do you have like a healing factor or something nope I looked at that guy and assumed it was just the mumps we've got a mumps magazine in my world kid we have the mumps here and we have the vaccine - that is not the mumps settling when poo begins to grow out of control and she asks the hydro lady for a cure considering that she didn't want to get affected herself she handed it over to Gwen pool and Gwen pool was healed so she and Howard went back to finishing their plan as Howard went to go turn the box into black cat when pool in a robe showed up and offered to buy it off black cat for all of her Hydra money of course black cat took the money and the adventure was wrapped up as she watched black head walk away Howard commented that she gave up a million dollars and he thinks that she figured out how to become a superhero and when Poole replies with I don't think I like it that was so much money and they both walk off into the night and Howard asks so how did she end up on our world anyway I got here through the reality Nexus portal in the back of a wardrobe come on seriously I don't know a tornado tell me I fell into a hole chasing a rabbit fine when was just chilling at the local bank waiting to deposit some stolen money when the bank teller was trying to inform her that she needs some kind of identification of sorts and she informs the guy that she doesn't have any she's not from this universe well that's when bank robbers walk in and tell everyone to get to the ground Gwen smiles about it and tells the teller don't worry about it she's a superhero just don't tell anyone and then she puts on her mask stealing money cool cool but I'll bet you really wish you were robbing a blood bank then with a smile she shows them her rifle because you're about to be out of blood soon get it Joe puts fire in them informing them that cheaper for his guns the superpowers they return fire so she jumps over the counter and throws the grenade back over the counter blowing up the central area of the bank the poor hostages see her standing triumphantly and they try to tell her please don't hurt us Ghostface No Pants killer and Gwen is confused because she's the hero while the police don't believe her and they cuff her throwing her into the back of the police car in the back seat of the cop car she manages to meet one of the robbers that survived the hacker grunting him talk it out for a second until the cop pulls over demanding their money because they aren't gonna be making it to the precinct Gwen is stunned a dirty cop no way she turns to the hacker quick hack something else before he kills us the cop turns around not gonna kill you I'm gonna let you go I'm tired of all of this crazy superhero stuff so I'm letting you go and I'm taking her money which I'm sure you acquired illegally and I'm disappearing he steps out of the car telling Gwen that he's gonna give her another chance he's sure she didn't mean to cause any problems so he hands her the carny walks off and she races down the streets see I knew I couldn't get arrested and then she turns to her a new sidekick Cecil to inform him they're gonna be sleeping in the car tonight and that is how Gwen was sent on a righteous path with a kick-ass hacker sidekick shortly after that Gwen is hiding Hantu statue when sentinels are walking on the front lawn of a mutant building Cecil a hacker informs her that they need to apply a remote hacking device if she wants his help turning them off so Gwen makes a break for it dodging the lasers until she can apply that remote hacking device she then runs away from the Sentinels begging Cecil to make them self-destruct but Cecil informs her that she should probably get them off the front lawn first and she tells him the people are paying for a good show Cecil which confuses Cecil because he thought the wealthy mutant clients that hired her wanted the mess to go away and she tells him not them the people who bought this comic right you're a Truman Show thing Cecil says pushing the button blowing up the sentinels and the head of the Sentinel goes flying through the front window as you can see Gwen is making a name for herself as a merc achiever turns back to her broker Rani to get the next job it's a job to get rid of the alien weapons arms dealers and when Gwen sees the check she places her mask on her head takes a marker and then draws money signs over her own eyes the broker tries to inform her that she'll die but she ignores them and walks out because Gwen tells her that she can't die this is issue one or maybe even still a backup and another comic she can't die this early so she hits up a New York tour helicopter and once it gets over the submarine that houses the alien weapon brokers she jumps out of it landing in the ocean except she doesn't exactly land in the ocean she lands with a splat on the glass ceiling of the submarine and she sees someone inside already shooting up the aliens she drops inside yell whispering staff scream as she charges at an alien only to find him already dead so she takes his gun shoots him once and walks off Cecil calls her asking what she's doing because she's way over her head she should leave right now but she refuses to go anywhere until she resolves this mysterious murderer thing she walks deeper and deeper until she finds a man in a Hydra uniform killing the last alien and standing in front of a furnace and as he calls up his boss she pushes him in wondering who he was she then texts her broker Rani filling her in on the halt and heads back to her place with Cecil already there she hops right into the bathtub in her costume because she figures that the costume is probably a bathing suit that's why she doesn't have pants and then she realizes that having the sleeves on the costume wouldn't make sense for a bathing suit the news van goes live with Captain America informing everyone that someone killed all of the aliens and saved the city and Cecil tells Gwen that things may get messy if someone goes looking for her considering that she didn't actually save the city that's to the wall blows up and MODOK steps in you're the famous Gwen bull well you work for me now or else she looks at him and then laughs at his face MODOK is threatening me furious MODOK uses his head laser to fry Cecil killing him on the spot Gwen begins to cry she falls to her knees realizing she isn't the hero of the story she's a henchman he brings her to the base where she meets the rest of the MODOK henchmen and after MODOK explains his plans he leaves them alone and Gwen gets to know her new friends Batroc the leaper the terrible ion mega Tony and their first mission is a go Gwen plays along because she really doesn't want to die like Cecil so the terrible AI ends up flipping a car and mega Tony batch rock and Gwen take the prisoner out of it and they begin to race out of the scene with him Batroc tells mega Tony to kill the guy but instead mega Tony puts him to sleep because he feels that there's something weird about killing a guy this close but before they can do anything else is a crack of lightning and Thor lands in front of the car Gwen stops shocked that it's Thor and then she asks Thor how she gets her hair like that bat charge begins to shout get away from Thor you dumb children and Gwen continues his dry shampoo isn't it Thor walks over tearing the door off the car and pulls out the prisoner and then she opens up a portal to walk away except the terrible eye launches an explosion stopping Thor in response Thor throws her hammer up to the building while Gwen gets out and begins to open fire on Thor bat shark runs in picking four into the nearby building and when Gwen tries to stop her Thor tells her away pink fly-swatting her down Thor then walks over to bat rock and beats him down before knocking out mega Tony going to make is to panic oh no oh no what oh what's her name what's her name she's played by Natalie Portman in the movie Jane of course Thor stops in her tracks and slams Gwen into the wall what did thou say when lightning crackling from her eyes she demands to know what Gwen said and Gwen thinks quickly I said sprain were a real tight team and when we're hurt we tell each other our injuries this is very important it sounded like you said very well mayhap it was just spray while forest thinkin about that though Gwen knocks an RPG over with her foot aims it and launches it killing the original target Thor smashes the wall telling when that she has doomed hundreds she needed a magical spell out of that individual to save an entire elven village but that's a terrible lie and mega Tony informed Thor that they can take the man's magics and give it to her so that she can save the elven village Thor takes the concoction and tells Gwen that she has her eye on her and Gwen tells her you're very cool we should do this again sometime later that night MODOK is happy with the results and wondering where pool ran off to because she's on the roof of the base trying to figure out what's going on she's the hero right she's in a comic book world she has a costume someone is reading this story so why is she a henchman for MODOK and why is Cecil dead and what if Thor just kicked off an arc where she's gonna kill a mysterious assassin that knows her identity why did she say her real name quentin then realizes if this is real I'm a nobody and Botox gonna kill me I can't even get killed by doom or Galactus that's some bad truck walks over I want to see something going to shoot me she tells him no and he kicks her she opens fire on him irritated but misses every shot so he jumps in telling her to defend herself and when she falls down that jerk has the information he needs you are fraud I'm going to tell on you he walks inside and Gwen tries to stop him but he won't listen he considers her a liability so she tells him she'll reveal her power to him she knows everyone's secret everything bad truck stops if you're a telepath what do my thinking she explains that that's not it she's not from this world she's from a world where everyone here is a comic book character and she reads a lot of comics he walks off telling her if that is utter nonsense and she tells him no it's true that's how she stopped Thor so he asks for proof and she tells him to think about his life before his first meeting with Captain America that jerk tries to think about it and then he starts to realize that it is odd he can't think of anything before that day so she explains you didn't exist before your first appearance also you were created to be a goofy French stereotype what yeah you were named after bat Rijn which means frog like because of your jumping around I'm a master of sohbats the French arts of kickboxing at that moment MODOK walks in thrumming his accountant out the window because the accountant can't find the existence of gwenpool to pay her he sees Gwen and he tells her that she needs to get a bank no cash payments the modak company is on the up-and-up mendeecees bat-rocket he asks some what he wants and that jerk walks away nothing gawad heads back down to see her broker to ask if they've got any material to make pants yet and she's told that they don't associate tells her to get on that because she's tired of shaving her legs so much she wants pants anyway she explains that she doesn't exist in this universe so she needs a side job since MODOK won't pay cash and Ronny decides to help her out by cracking an egg in her hand and it reveals the time she's confused by that but Ronnie says come back after she has her citizenship so Gwen heads off to meet with bass rock begins to show her how to shoot and train her how to fight and he has a few questions for her such as do these stories have happy endings because I've always known defeat Gwen tells him that's because you're a bad guy in Captain America's ongoing story so where is the happy ending for the captain he has fought for decades with the illusion of a meaningful victory but the world is no safer now that it was before him he struggles for nothing what a fun children's story that must be the then time stops and Doctor Strange arrives out of nowhere I believe you're my one o'clock but the initial shock of a wizard appearing before her Gwen explains that she needs comic book universe citizenship he looks at the threads that make up Gwen and sees that she's not from this world so he goes to see what world she's from fascinating the world in the events of our world leave footprints or little retellings in your world then he sees his own movie Benedict Cumberbatch I can see that Gwen looks at home and asks if she can just walk through if she can go home the strange tells her it's not that simple sorry then he explains that if she goes through this whole becoming a citizen of the Marvel Universe her real family will find it hard to remember her they may even forget her saddened by this Gwen tells him it's probably for the best very well strange says as he pulls her birth out of the real world and moves it into the Marvel Universe he takes her home and he asks her is there anything else I can do for you so Gwen looks down at her backpack and pulls out Cecil's skull is there a way that I can talk to my friend for real strange rubs his chin while everything seems to be going well there's one slight problem that came out of all of this MODOK was looking for information on Gwen and he couldn't find anything until literally magically out of it nowhere it appeared in front of him he knew something is off and he's going to kill her because she must be fake so after the next mission breathing he asks Gwen to stay behind so that he can uh handle this MODOK confronts you thought you could trick the smartest person in the world but I have discovered you have no powers no skills no training nothing to suggest you are anything more than a normal person she asked did bat rock tell you Batroc knew ah dang it so how did you kill your predecessor I pushed him into a furnace when he wasn't looking so MODOK hits her with his head laser with the smoke all around the room MODOK he gives a head out of the room until he hears a voice hey smartest guy in the planet thanks for the money for the shield generator she dint throw his pink smoke bombs telling him that she's been waiting for a chance to get revenge for Cecil then using the training the bat rocks giving her she shoots out the head gem giving him his laser ability he charges that her so she ducks slides beneath him sticking a bomb to his leg pissed off MODOK shows her all of his weapons and he grabs her with a claw so she kicks him in the eye then using her swords she cuts off his robot legs and kicks him onto the ground using the kicks that batch our daughter thinking she's won she approaches him but he blasts off and he gives launching missiles at her she runs for it shouting how could you fit all of that in there you've got to be running out of ammo soon no no I'm not she takes cover and decides that she only has one shot left and she grabs Cecil's skull because she throws it out of MODOK Cecil I choose you it explodes and Cecil's spirit appears out of nowhere Gwen then pokes your head out hi Cecil I missed you you're a ghost dr. strange enchanted your skull so that I could summon you I'm a ghost what I'm dead yeah we can definitely talk about that later but first I need you to go stack MODOK MODOK oh right he killed me Cecil jumps into Murdoch's body because the terror part is programming which launches him into space Gwen walks over laughing and then after a very long paragraph explains everything to Cecil bat shock and the rest of the hedge fan walk in wondering what just happened and Gwen smiles thinking to herself I was right I'm the hero I said MODOK into space everyone but Patrick calls her over to the computer to inform her that the client would like to talk to the new head of the agents of MODOK Danny victorious she knows that she's an actual superhero in her own series not just some random a MODOK henchmen she really thought she was a henchman for a while there and for behind her bat truck says that it's nice that she defeated MODOK but well his employer is on the line wanting to talk to her Gwen says that she's sorry she just defeated MODOK like 60 seconds ago sue her for wanting some fresh air Tony steps in asking why does Gwen not find the person giving MODOK orders as scary as MODOK himself and Gwen decides that maybe she should take the call back inside a figure tells Gwen that he would like to meet their new representative since MODOK is now gone so they can continue their working relationship but they must be discreet about it after the call Gwen says that she would love to stick around and help it off but she'd rather just go back to freelancing and Batroc tells her they're all just mercenaries here so they need to stick together which is why they're sending her in as the representative since she defeated MODOK way to no superpowers Gwen says that she's pretty sure she's just in a comic book that got renewed or something and batch Ock tell so that makes no sense and then he hands her a Metro pass stating remember discreet means street clothes and public transportation over in Gwen's room she begins to tell Cecil the ghost that she appreciates him not using his ghost powers and watching her change real solid ghosts moved in and he says yeah about that can we talk about the whole returning as a ghost thing she shouts oh my gosh of course dr. strange said given the circumstances of your death you would be returned to avenge your death and reach peace but Cecil stops are stating that he's pretty sure he was at peace all he remembers is being zapped to death and then waking up after his skull was thrown when runs over grabbing a book stating the Doctor Strange also gave her this book so he should probably read it while she's out and she hands in the book but it just drops through his hands and she says yeah learn it some tips a short while later in the subway Gwen begins to panic as she sees who just said in front of her Miles Morales stares at Gwen as she nervously says that she's definitely a big fan of his work you know and she motions her hands into shooting webs with twit miles eyes widened because his secret identity was just outed and he rushes out of the train car she runs chasing after him asking what's wrong and as she steps out a web wraps around her arm and Yanks her off he shouts who are you and how do you know who I am inside Gwen's head she tells herself that she needs to make sure she does it's out crazy so she tells him that she's just a normal girl with secret knowledge from a dying watcher he because the thing about that for a moment he tells her okay but what am I supposed to do with you now when suggest that maybe they should probably just get on the next train you know or they can hang from the ceiling in the subway and a little while later Gwen walks with miles to a school as he tells her that he would love to sit and talk about Watchers and dangerous knowledge and whatever but he's already late for class and suddenly a giant explosion goes off in the school miles says that he's got a hurry and get in there so he rushes in behind a bush to change and Gwen asks how are we gonna do this web sling shot to the window probably a web sling shot through the window and miles stops her telling her that she's just a normal person and she responds by telling him that he's not a fireman so they should just focus on saving the day so as Myles puts on his mask he remembers that his last encounter it got tore up which is why he was on this in a way to be candid with his mask doesn't work with holes in it so Gwen holds the masts together while Myles webs it back into one piece and the two of them rushed into the burning building as Myles searches for survivors when begins to coughs Damien it next time she needs to get a flavor is this dense suit and Myles says that he knew he shouldn't have brought her in here he then webs Gwen and a few of the survivors together Gwen asks if she's just supposed to give them some comforting hugs or and then Myles flings her and the survivors out of the window after cleaning up to school Myles heads back home alone and as he enters his home his mother says a friend from school stopped by Myles thinks about it for a moment and then Gwen's tips out from the corner telling him you've got a steady buddy Myles mother says that she's glad that everyone at the school is safe but Gwen mentioned that they have a team assignment to do Gwen falls up by telling him yeah totally big project and then she leans in towards Myles stating that they need to figure out the mysterious bombing Myles tells his mother that they do she says that's fine just make sure you keep the door open back at the giant mobile fortress that the entire organization of mercenaries works out of bat Chuck says that it seems like when didn't make it to the meeting sooner display shows an incoming call from space and Tony begins to panic thinking that it could be MODOK bat jock tells him to relax as he answers the call and aliens appear on the screen looking rather angry and speaking in their weird alien language and as they go on they hold up a picture of Gwen who took a selfie after killing another alien like the back over in miles room when looks around and Myles tells her that he appreciates the help back of the school which really wasn't helping but this is where they should really part ways Gwen says they can split now but she totally knows secret stuff here when then asks Myles if he remembers when he snuck into the school and ran into a guy in an abandoned art room Myles says yeah he totally forgot about that Gwen goes on to state that at that you didn't see it but that guy was actually hiding something so they need to figure out who that guy is my house isn't the kids name is Damien and they have English Lit together though he's not really sure where this is going when then tells him that he's only in his universe because of the other universe he was important and boring characters made it here from the ultimate universe when it was destroyed she continued stand in the Damien was brought here because maybe the writer didn't want to drop the whole school bombers storyline miles stop sir asking what is she even talking about writer Ultimate Universe so she says okay wait I'm gonna tell you the truth I come from another world one where I can see what happens in this universe so just trust me on this and Miles tells her that she's not making it very easy a little while later over a Damian's house the doorbell rings while he's working on another bomb as he gets up to check on the door he sees no one there but before the door shuts Gwen sticks her foot into catch it he heads back to his room in a hurry and miles is holding the explosive asking why did he do it Damien asks how did he find him and Miles thinks of the school directory and says it was uh my spider-sense Damien that goes on stating that he bombed the school because of the lottery school system and it's symbol of inequality he then goes on explaining that it's just an unjust system and Damien begins to think that that's actually the first time that he said it out loud before miles that asks if he should just knock him out before he hands him over to the cops or but Damien begins to flee out of the room and as he does when jumps in his way holding a gun shouting hi any last words fell villain Gwen fires are gone and Myles jumps in knocking Damien down and then she says great now he's just passed out at Mile shouts because you tried to kill him a few moments later Damien's mother runs in asking what's going on and because the panic seemed Damien on the floor gwen starts to climb out the window telling her to chill out her super villain in the making is totally fine no thanks to spider-man here she then runs into the yard telling miles to hurry up they have to figure out how to take him out another day but before she can get very far ahead miles throws a web rope around her neck and pulls her back he know he has to know why and Gwen says that he tried to blow up the school he isn't important he's just a plot device a B storyline Myles tries to understand but Gwen says you're just in a comic book Gwen then shoots the web stated that she knew they should have started with a fight that's why they team up after a misunderstanding that's how superhero team ups work you fight in the new team-up she then pulls out her knife and miles punches her after tying her up to a telephone pole Gwen tells Myles that he's supposed to pull his punches and he tells her he did but now he's leaving her for the the last thing he's going to do is let a murderer run around on the loose and then he swings away when Dan Bing has to cry stating that she's not crazy later Gwen his book didn't place into jail where she sits in her cell she tells the officers that she would like to see her lawyers after being ignored she lays on her bed and then suddenly she hears a bomb go off in the distance the officers begin to run towards the sound but then there's another explosion knocking everyone away through the hole in the wall an officer sees a mobile fortress and Gwen says that her lawyers are here Batroc helps Gwen stay the night they found her because they saw her on the news it'll look like she had a busy day and that's when Tony fills her in that they're currently working on an offense against the aliens that are curly in a round to take over the planet as everyone begins to leave Gwen stands there thinking how all of this really isn't that fun the comic book world should be more fun this story begins in Time Square where Gwen finds herself being chased by squid-like aliens known as the Dafydd Ian's said she took a selfie after telling one other kind they decided that it was time to come to earth and get their revenge but after catching a baby of Higa dressed up as Gwen pull the aliens decided to compare the photo and it's a perfect match meanwhile over at the Bay Ridge area Batroc calls went from the mobile base as she heads over to meet with their contact asking how is it that she managed to escape the Dafydd Ian's she tells him that it was easy she dressed up a pig in her costume because all aliens can't tell the difference between the species Batroc asks if she knows this because of comics she tells him no it's because they're racist they are the enemy they are aliens and they are racist that's why as Gwen goes on Batroc stops her and tells her to just make sure that she leaves a good impression with their client their organization needs assignments in the back terrible.i shouts tell quite we need money MODOK gave us money Gwen says yeah she knows is the address correct cuz this place looks like it's somewhere that her grandpa would have come to retire after hanging up Gwen rings the doorbell to the client's home and the door slowly creaks open as she walks in she says that the spooky automatic door is more like it so that's cool after walking around the house for a bit and finding no one she says judging by the fine decorations she's pretty sure their client is Dracula so they're meeting Dracula she then asked Cecil if his ghost sense is picking up on the king of the vampires Cecil appears in a chair next to her telling her no he does not sense Dracula he's pretty sure that he doesn't even know if he could in fact she shouldn't even be in here says what else are you gonna do you're dead but judging from the silence that was probably too soon while the two of them go on the study door opens and out steps a plain old man the man shakes Gwen's hand telling her that his name is Vincent and all Gwen can say is that he's so normal Vincent then takes a seat at his desk telling her that he clearly remembers not inviting ghastly specters into his home Gwen tries to say that he's with her but Cecil tells her it's alright he just wanted to make sure she got her safe anyway so he'll catch her back at the base Vincent tells Cecil thank you for respecting his wishes may peace be with him soon - which Cecil tells him thanks once the two of them are alone Vincent explains how they live in a very turbulent world one where superheroes and villains battle over the fate of the planet every single day Gwen mentions that she knows of a world without superheroes it's pretty boring Vincent then goes on to say then the main reason he would like to continue working with them at MODOK is because they are in fact not superhuman but rather just normal people even terrible.i she's just a very nice young lady who happened to find a powerful magical headpiece and everyone else is just agents with guns Gwen asks other agents but rather than answer that question Vincent goes on to tell her that they are his kind of people which is why he needs them to handle the to fit Ian's problem however there will be a payment by the truckloads if they can handle it peacefully a short while later in the subway Gwen tries to figure out how exactly she's supposed to wipe out a bunch of super advanced aliens because now thinking back on it that sounds pretty hard but while she thinks she sees two officers making their way into the station the officers spot her and they radio in that they found her but as they go to talk to her they see when with her head in her backpack she pulls her head out wearing her mask shouting that she isn't going to jail and that's what she hears the aliens beginning to talk she looks over to see the two Didion's walking towards her and she says that's cool not only do the cops want to arrest me the aliens are working with the cops super cool not really though as everyone begins to surround her one officer shouts that she's under arrest for destroying a bunch of stuff and these aliens want to take her away or something they don't speak very good English Gwen notices that there's a passing trainer runs over to the crowd jumping onto the back of it telling him that if they ever figure it out never get back to her okay bye a little while later Tony starts to treat Gwen's wound on her arm and she asks there's a reason that their base is like hanging upside down or anything like that turning dismisses the question asking how did this even happen what explains that she may have jumped onto a speeding but other than that why is she on the news Tony tells her that it seems the NYPD and the aliens are working together so that would be newsworthy which means they're screwed his phone then begins to ring and gwenna asks if he's going to answer that he tells her nah it's just debt collectors back from what he didn't have health insurance and had to go to the hospital Gwen says that he won't have to worry about that soon the client gave her a job and is offering a truckload of money and right now everyone needs to meet up on the bridge the main rooms the bridge right while rounding everyone up when begins to hear laughing coming from terrible eyes room and she walks in she sees Cecil and another girl sitting there and asks who they are Sarah jumps up shouting oh my gosh it's me terrible eye and she hugs her and tells her that they never get to see each other out of costume do that she goes on to state that she shouldn't be keeping the mask off for too long sometimes she'll forget things and sometimes she just needs a break Gwen says right she remembers a long while ago that she was having a conversation with a rock sarah picks up the rock and says how could she explain it the rocks actually she really doesn't know maybe when she's back in character she'll remember Gwen tells her that's okay she doesn't care about the rocks but she does have a job so they all need to have a house meeting once everyone gathers up in the command verb Gwen tells everyone that their client has asked for them to eliminate the vidiians again there is a few problems with it so the Dafydd Ian's are working with the police and they have no clue where they are they also have some crazy overpowered weapons however she has a solution says they only want her she'll go back to Times Square and call them all out meanwhile to keep the police busy Batroc will crash the United Nations meeting while they chase em sisa will go check the police computers with a flood of false reports terrible I ork now Sarah will create a bunch of illusions making everyone think the banks are being robbed so long as it all goes according to plan she will be in Times Square killing all the aliens Cecil then asks Gwen why does she sound so confident about this plan and she tells him because she also has a secret plan however she can't reveal it right now until the super cool dramatic music begins as the night begins to set Gwen begins to get into position waiting for batch rock to burp Orion however while waiting in the alleyway Gwen notices that there are cops there which means Cecil didn't put in the false reports Gwen frantically tries to call everyone asking why they're late and then she notices a shadow walking up on her Vinson steps out telling her that he was hoping that they could talk Gwen says that she's about to pull off that big alien killing job so right now isn't the awesomeness of times but that's in Cecil appears from the wall shouting that the Davidians found their base and captured everyone Gwen asked how they found it and Vincent says that actually him that informed them go ahead asks why would he do that in Vincent tells her because her plan was to create a massive firefight in the middle of Times Square while disabling the efficiency of the city police the job was supposed to be handled peacefully and that was clearly not going to be that when that asks how did he find out and Vincent plainly tells her that he bugged her which came to his house nanobots in the air Cecil says they need to hurry and get out of there but Vincent Shao telling him to be quiet he then goes on to state how at first he thought the de fittings were the problem but now it seemed that they are the problems he grabs Gwen by the arm telling her that she will meet her friends soon but first he wants to hear more about this world in a superhero's it sounds a marvelous she takes out her gun and shoots Vincent in the side of the head telling him no I think I'm just gonna go save my friends and as Gwen pulls away Vincent's grip doesn't release he looks back showing the exposed part of his Doombot face and he tells her you are not going anywhere Vincent explains that his origin was that he is a Doombot who was raised by an old man who liked to enjoy a peaceful life until the superheroes showed up he then stops when he sees Gwen on the phone asking if she's even listening he's telling his origin story here and she doesn't mostly but Vince it starts to float shooting electricity shouting pow dare you ignore Vincent deunan after running through the street when says that she wasn't ignoring him she was just calling it her secret back-up plan as the phone picks up Gwen asks miles of mother if he's home to what she tells him no he's actually out but she can leave a message suddenly Gwen realizes that her secret back-up plan is not very well thought out she turns back after throwing her grenades shouting that she just tried to stop aliens like him Vincent knocks the grenade away telling her that she doesn't understand aliens mutants radioactive whatever's you all disturbed a place and it turns out that you are far worse than the two phidian's in fact they are being quite respectful in my home keeping an eye on the others until I return meanwhile over in Bay Ridge Batroc says that he doesn't like this their captors let the pig make a mess in the corner and they're just leaving it there back in Times Square Gwen crawls under a car asking ciess Olivia said any luck in hacking into Vincent but as Vincent pulls Cecil Adam up he tells her I wasn't able to Vincent has some magic protecting him Gwen decide stating of course he's a Doombot and then an officer leans down telling Gwen that she's under arrest for shooting up Times Square along with a bunch of other things while Vincent starts destroying everything shouting look what you're making me do Gwen tells the officer that there's a Doombot over there maybe she should prioritize a bit crawling out and when asked so the officer's name is she tells it that her name is officer gray but Gwen cuts our up telling her great you're no longer an extra and by the laws of the narrative that drives our existence in this fictional world we will meet again also Vincent's coming this way so watch out officer gray tells the others to focus on Vincent but as more officers show up one officer asks why is that police car going the other way the other officer is with him tell him that sometimes people have a day when they just don't feel like issuing citations to supervillains but in that car is Gwen speeding off saying how this car might be too useful back with officer gray Vincent tells her that they should de-escalate this situation he will start by completely leaving it that he jets off a short while later over at the mobile base Gwen tells Cecil that they have a real problem on their hands here she's out of ammo and they're fighting a long loss to do what the super secret back-up plan failed and there are some aliens running around also did she mention that there was a Doombot Gwen lays her head on the table asking what is she supposed to do and then sees that doorway with someone walking in it she jumps up and runs after the man asking who he is and the man says that he's just another field agent though MODOK never sends them out speaking of where is he their checks are kind of late he then continues to walk into the barracks revealing an entire team just sitting around and the man says that MODOK never sends them out to see the kind of action that she does and Gwen stares at him and says well you're about to the next morning Gwen drives the mobile base into Bay Ridge shouting over the intercoms that she's here to eat some calamari over in the definian ship the commander tells the assistant to go ahead and decloak the ships but what is calamari the assistant tells him that is a food that the humans make out of little ocean things that they kind of look like when the commander says that's gross Gwen asks ships and then suddenly several to fiddy and space ships appear out of the sky she will look around asking where is the battle mode for the base and he gets frantically pushing buttons and cecil tries to tell her where it is but through her many button presses she's not quite listening he then appears in the control panel shouting here push this button I can't because I'm dead Gwen pushes the button and then the machine guns and missiles spring out of the base she says very cool and she stares at the control panel again it says that she already forgot which one to push but before Gwen get fired vincent appears before the base telling her that he never meant for things to escalate like this especially not here damn it Gwen tells him that he backed the wrong horse baby now is personal now go get those two fitting is to release my amazing friends that we can go to fight in the ocean or something Vincent flies down to the Davidians telling them that he doesn't want any violence here though they can still kill her Batroc tells him that that's very classy you truly are the worst boss that I've ever had the Davidians point all of their guns at Tony and Gwen says fine and then she points the base's guns and an older couple walking outside Gwen shouts that she'll do it she doesn't even know these people she very much likes her friends so either fix this or she will kill off some random background characters Vincent stares for a moment and then begins to fire electrical blasts at the aliens she fires her cannons at the Dafydd Ian's ships destroying them and then the ship starts to go down towards the homes Vincent shouts that he's sorry for breaking into the Cooper's house but this is an emergency if they can't tell by now the remaining Cassini has begun firing at the Mona Lisa's legs blowing it away causing the base to crash down and Gwen shouts - Ronny asking if it's ready and she tells her that she's just finished though this is kinda pointless she then shouts that this would work because it wouldn't if it was just generic henchman release the pool boys the base platforms drop and out storm a squad of henchmen now dressed in Gwen's costume Ronny says that she understands now that she has no more pink fabric to give Gwen pants right and Gwen tells her this is totally worth it but while the pool boys begin to push back the forces on the ground - the other two phidian's airships begin to focus the fire on the mobile base as the base begins to fall Gwen shouts in the top and one of motox escape chairs she lands picking a bat truck and the others and then the base continues to fall Vinson flies up to try and catch it before it falls onto a house and he shouts that he's sorry that he has to do the city throws it the to fit Ian's commander says that there were fools to pursue Gwen and the assistant says you are a poet sir the base thing crashes into the other space ships destroying everything remaining in a sky and afterwards what the Davidians taking care of Gwen calls officer gray to tell her that it's safe for her to come in now what she does and she precedes her arrest all of the pool boys Gwen watches and tells everyone that once they get their new base of operations of running they've got themselves a real diddle of or jailbreak on their hands that jock tells her no there will be no jailbreak Tony says that everything is gone everything they had was inside of that base that was just thrown and destroyed that rock goes on to state how under MODOK they had leadership they were profitable and they didn't cause any undue trouble so as of now it's time for this group to dissolve Gwen shouts wait I saved you aliens are dead no civilians were even hurt I did the right thing and Batroc tells her that she did some time it doesn't matter there's no one better at fighting Captain America than him and nobody who loses to him either so this is goodbye Sara shouts the winds call me and she walks off while Tony says maybe they can get coffee sometime with everyone leaving Gwen turns to Cecil telling him that at least she has him maybe they go on a road trip in the cop car but Cecil stops are telling her that he would like to go visit his family by himself but when he gets back they can gwen hangs her head in her arms stating no she gets it by ronnie sits down telling when that she thinks she did a good job she remembers when she used to work and there was so much damage that nobody got paid so she can still offer her some jobs Gwen puts her mask back on and though she's crying she says that's great because right now she's in the mood for the most insane self-destructed stupid dangerous job that ronnie has it was just another night for Gwen when she suddenly realizes that she's in a Cell and not like an NYPD cell but an actual castle cell as Gwen gets up looking through the barred window she says that this is different surely there's a reason why she's here right all she has to do is think thinking back she remembers going to Ronnie's for some work and then seeing mega Tony and him completely ignoring her she shouts out that this isn't helping and that she just needs to get out of here that's when there's a clink at the door Quentin grabs a stick and Kicks down the door shouting knowing your captor will kill me and as she wildly swings her stick asking who's there a voice from under the door asks what Gwen shouts back that no she's going and then mega Tony pushes the door off stating no it's me anyway I'm leaving so good luck with whatever it is you're doing Gwen runs up telling Tony to wait her totally unfair knowledge of the comic book realm should help them get out of whatever this place is except that this is more of a sword and sorcery dungeon so she did nudges Tony stating that as weak she's got herself a cleric you're right right yeah Tony says no he's a scientist and not even at the moment because he doesn't have his equipment as the twos talk about it they hear a croaking and as they turned the corner they find a giant a room filled with fraud people Gwen whispers stating I know this situation no memories captured no gear this is level one all we have to do is figure out the it is right over there with the hanging Jane she charges into the room stating that she wished she had rolled a rogue but since she's a fighter she isn't sneaking by them she cracks one of the frog men and then jumps on the hanging chain which conveniently drains the room and sucks the fraud people away as the last one is pulled John he shouts to turn back escaped before they Adam give up a beast finds you Gwen and Tony stare for a moment trying to figure out what that meant and then another voice calls out from the shadows - Gwen Gwen shouts it is another frog and it knows her name but bat truck and Sarah walk out and bat Chuck tells her always with the slurs the group begins to go over what they know which isn't actually anything but then another voice echoes from the halls telling him to come this way for protection the group heads in the direction where the voice came from and Gwen says that it sounds like some kooky old timers going to give this a cryptic exposition as everyone walks into a seemingly convenient shop Gwen tells everyone look it's a fantasy Costco the shopkeeper tells them that they're going to need some armor if they're going to take all the unkillable beasts and my prices are very reasonable Gwen spins around cutting off the shopkeepers head shouting look they're slashing prices Patrick asks how did you and Gwen says is because I know everything here it's a game and everyone knows the same rules that I do just then a black mist begins to rise out of the shopkeeper and a firey figure tells them that it looks like a level-one decided that she knows the tricks and traps of the deadliest dungeon it goes on telling her you must be wondering why you're all here well it's because you're all mercenaries you like violence and money well now you're gonna have to go through a dungeon crawl all right if you wish Gwen stares and tells the figure your arcade the figure tries to hide himself no I'm not but eventually he rips his cloak off telling her fine yes I'm arcade since you've ruined the shopkeepers scene you must now go through the dungeon slaying enemies and solving puzzles if you want to have a chance at fighting me arcade lasts as he fades away and Gwen starts going through the shopkeepers inventory and giving everyone equipment shouting that it's time for them to suit up once everyone is ready to team pushes through fighting the Frog people from before and finally they reach the end of the level as depicted by the large wooden door with the word beast tonight Tony pulls out his dagger stating that he is done with this place they should just hurry up and leave and as he walks in a severed hand is thrown out the door and Tony stumbles back stating I did a dumb thing out from the doorway Deadpool walks out reattaching his hand stating first goony frogs and now Batroc the leaper 'he's little gang how many baddies of medieval hosiery do I have to kill to get out of here Deadpool grabs bat shocked by the throat and he jumps through a wall shouting oh you just passed the freshman through the floor no I'm not cos secret basement level as Deadpool slams bat rock into the ground again and continues talking Gwen jumps down cutting into him shouting you talk so much your word balloons are probably covering all the art Deadpool stumbles back and Tony shouts that's the famously crazy and yes unkillable beast using her comic book knowledge on him Gwen Gwen says that there's only one problem with that she didn't read Deadpool he was just a little - lol means Deadpool knocks Gwen into the water telling her okay the Deadpool comments-section is officially closed Gwen gets back up telling him this is it I you're supposed to play the game but just as she remembers it's a game a digital game board appears with everyone on it Gwen jumps back up into the fight giving everyone individual commands and the group manages to stop Deadpool where he stands everyone continues to keep Deadpool down but after being set on fire Deadpool tells them that's enough with this pretending that we're in medieval fantasy it's time to use that guns that I snuck in as he opens fire he hits quite and she falls back as Tony tries to heal her but just as the healing is finished Deadpool charges after Tony and Gwen trips him shouting you always protect the healer everyone surrounds a Deadpool as Sarah then casts a paralyzing spell and Gwen says that it's time to chop this boss up Deadpool then asks wait wait wait what's going on here and Gwen tells him that he's just a guest star in her book so she wins Deadpool thinks about it and he says ah now I get it we're in your book you're a fellow fourth wall breaker have fun he jumps up grabbing and shattering the gameboard and says that he'll show her how it's really done she falls and says to herself everything looks so different suddenly Tony asks how Deadpool punches I'm telling him Gwen there just gave it all away and made your Widow brain realized the horrifying light of all reality before you he and tosses the swords hitting Batroc and Sarah and shouts our little encounter is governed by an outside force and if that's the case your big trouble Deadpool punches Gwen and says that you may think that you're in a comic so you get the special protection because why you're so popular well I've never heard of you I've been in hundreds of issues countless series comics video games TV shows and so much merchandise he pulls out his knife going on telling her you first appeared as a backup and I Howard the Duck special only because they weren't sure if anyone would even like you you were the last person who could kill me she costs up realizing what's going on Oh God he's right but if he's so powerful why is he trapped you by Arcade why play out the story a Deadpool tells her well cuz we all live here right no one says anything in Deadpool tosses the knife telling them arcade is the real bad guy huh man I'm just beating up a teenager once they get outside Deadpool says this looks like a beautiful hidden land of fantasy or maybe that hidden door over there will bring us right to our cave Batroc kicks in the glass and when shouts hello your game is broken arcade arcade trips over himself realizing that everyone is here to stop him and he tells them haha job well done y'all made it to the second level let me give you your but before he can finish when kicks him in the chin a short while later everyone leaves arcades abandoned warehouse a Deadpool looks out and says Oh Staten Island just put me back in the dungeon Tony shouts hey my parents live here Deadpool tells him I'm sorry in Staten Island Tony sighs and says thanks but back in there I had a purpose out here I'm just a fat guy go ahead and stops him telling him that he's like Deadpool here we just got stuck in the plot and I've got an idea the next day Tony presents his devices to Peter Parker over Parker industries and Peter shouts that these are amazing he's totally reminded me from when I was a teenager and had to develop things on the fly because well never mind why out in the lobby Gwen and the rest watched the news as they cover a story on mayor de Basia who was standing evinced the Doombot from before who is now seen as a superhero for saving everyone Gwen says oh that's strange the mayor exists in her world too as Sarah says that's interesting do you think that he believes that this world is fake like you Gwen thinks and says that if there are people who are copies of people from her universe but before she can go any further Tony runs up hugging Gwen telling her that he's got a job a short while later back over at Cecil's parents home they have not been liking the fact that Cecil is now a ghost and he hides as everyone shouts that they need to hurry and exorcise him he tells himself that all he wanted to do was say hi to his mom but now their entire town has turned into duck dynasty meets ghostbusters suddenly there are several wax and Wham's and a Cecil looks out he sees Gwen standing there next in the knocked out men asking how would you like to be living again Cecil but when she finally got to what would be her home in the real world she nervously approached the door what is she gonna find there a version of herself a family that doesn't know her is it just dumb so she decided that it wasn't worth walking up to that door and learned what fate had befallen her family in this universe when the door opened out stepped her brother Gwen you finally showed up teddy your voice your you like the real you not the comic book version of you he turned to the door and grabbed her hand it's time to go home Gwen they walked into the house where there was a swirling portal in the center of the floor he jumped in holding her hand as he did he told her I'm taking you back home back to before you came here the world twisted and warped around her as she tried to tell him that she didn't want this she wanted to be in the comic book world she likes it here and that was it she found herself sitting in her room playing video games her mother walked in telling her that she shouldn't waste your time she should go get a job she tries to convince her mom that looking for a job is pointless minimum wage is garbage and most jobs want experience from outside New York leaving only New Jersey as an option and she's not moving to New Jersey huh but her mother told her you don't pay rent you don't have bills get your privilege tiny out in the streets and get to looking for something that's gonna pay you that minimum wage oblivious to the adventure that she just had when begins to wander the streets texting her old friends but they all graduated and moved away she was left alone here she walks into the comic book shop where she gets her latest poll and she looks down excited about the Secret Wars book she jokingly tells the owner that wouldn't it be nice to live in one of those multiverses that are fighting in the secret wars what if we are a comic book universe and the owner chuckles haha no Gwen why would I want to live in a world that could be destroyed at any moment and only a few select people get to live battleworld she asks if he's hiring and he says no so she walks out happy that she searched for a job she runs into her brother and they go talking about their lives their real lives not some crazy comic book nonsense but real life stuff on her computer that night select web sites appear blocked and she finds it weird but of course there are no answers and the next morning her father slams the newspaper down telling her to find a job she tells him that she will and her mother walks in suggesting that if she enjoys writing maybe she could get her GED and then go to school for an English degree but Gwen tells her that she doesn't need a degree she's working on her fanfic some of the best-selling authors started in fanfic her father asks her how's that going and she tells him that she's just waiting for some inspiration and he snaps at her again I knew it you can't even commit to something to care about she angrily stands up it's not the writing that I care about it's fantasizing about a better world than this one alright fine tell me what's so bad about your cushy life Gwen tears begin to fall down her face as she tells him I couldn't graduate high school all of my friends moved away that can't even get a job at a restaurant he doesn't help again honey if you stick to something that is in a video game or a comic book okay fine I'll go to my job good night teddy her brother is confused when got a job but her father continued to aggravate the situation it's her BS sleep study thing they don't normally have her come in at night though Teddy knows what this means this is the night that she becomes a gwenpool the superhero he needs to stop it this is his chance he runs to the building and he sees her staring at a giant pink orb glowing at light she looks into it and she sees Captain America's shield spider-man's webs and Thor's hammer and she tells Teddy I knew there were world's better than this one Teddy's confused this is it even how it originally happened this isn't fair the world isn't fair Teddy but look there's a better one right there it's so real I can almost touch it she reaches out but Teddy grabs her other hand and he gets knocked to the ground he knocks over a can which then gets shot by the giant pink or and now it's smoking she realizes that this orb could probably kill her instead of bring her to another world and she turns off the Machine and agrees with Teddy as they hug that was a dumb idea Teddy I could have died tomorrow I'm applying for a fast-food job and I'm gonna write the first chapter of my fanfic and if it sucks so be it I bet it won't thanks teddy and that's it the end of gwenpool or is it because Gwen turns around and sees some on the ground words that you would assume only we can see the end and as she questions it the words shatter and there stands to be continued Gwen moves on with her life getting a job at a movie theater but things are weird she's seeing titles and credits crawls such as the current one gwenpool beyond the fourth wall part two her day moves on as she sits on the train drawing characters in her notebook but the characters of MODOK and Batroc the leaper look a bit weird like something's missing for MODOK so she adds a mohawk like the one he had in her story and now that seems normal she begins to wonder if she saw this in a comic is she in one now she questions how she got on this train because she was just at work does she lose a chunk of her life between the pages between the scenes of a comic is she just living panel to panel she glances up am i seeing my thoughts as little pink boxes am I talking to my own captions if there are captions maybe she closes her eyes and she picks as nothing but white around her then she looks straight ahead she knows other comics are drawn she knows where the edge of the panel is that's what she touches it she snaps back to reality and sees that she's just touching a woman's face but she knows that that was real the angle of the scene must have changed it must have gone from straight to the side of her she goes home where her father is supporting her ideas now that she's working in improving her life but she walks upstairs and decides to try again above her she sees the caption but it's too high she can't touch it she begins to think that if that's her thoughts that she could fill it with words and she lets her mind wander over and over she just starts thinking about random things thoughts about everything and eventually the bubble gets larger and larger the caption fills the room pushing her into the wall which begins to crack and she throws herself out of a window and onto the grass in the front lawn her mother runs to her side and they bring her to the hospital where they're trying to figure out why their daughter jumped out the window and when she comes to she sees her brother sitting next to her and she explains to him that she thinks she's a comic book this whole thing is her story she then asks her brother what did you mean by this isn't how it originally happened this isn't fair he dodges the question and ignores her inquiries he then hands her her notebook and a pencil telling her that she probably would want this back but when she opens it she finds the pages of her comic book characters ripped out she thinks to herself he knows something I'm not crazy and then she reaches up to touch the caption box and feels it still there yep this is still happening she takes out her pencil and she experiments again reaching outside of the panel and she begins to erase the lines between the panel's because of that she can see herself in the other panels and she begins to talk to herself in shock the various paneled versions of herself begin to laugh and they begin to wonder if they're crazy as she begins to look into a Bolivian and then she wonders what if she crossed through the hole in the comic that she made where will she end up which brings her beyond the comic to the entire spread of every page she's now towering over her own story walking into the Oblivion space between everything which brings us to the start of the story almost where did Teddy come from and why did he have the knowledge that he did well when Gwen fell into the Marvel Universe so did Teddy though she had no idea that he was there she thought that he had died in the initial entry while Gwen was armed with the knowledge of comic books and how to become a superhero Teddy on the other hand was terrified and he had no clue what was going on when he went home he found his father but it wasn't his dad just a guy who had no idea who he was so he wandered the streets terrified of this world of giants and supervillains and things exploding all the time and then he saw her go in dressed his gwenpool he thought that she would help him that they could work together to get home but instead he saw her slaughtering dozens of people with a machine gun and he realized that the Gwen in this world with him was psychotic and then behind him stands at older miles Vic the Doombot and Sarah sorcerer supreme Teddy recognizes spider-man and then he asks Vinny when did Marvel get the Terminator Myles explains that they need Teddy's help because in the future Gwen is going to get a lot worse Gwen explained to miles that she was from a world where all of the people in the universe are comics and she used her knowledge of miles to destroy his life Vic continues that's not all she used her powers to walk through time and space crumpling it like paper so Myles Vic and Sarah all found out that Teddy ended up in this world also when they decided they needed his help to fix all of these problems Ascend went back home but how'd it go and find out this information well she's been reading the panel's she's still between the panel's and she's looking down on them it's here that she got her entire memory back while putting on her costume she read up on her own history and she got this costume by reaching into the panels and taking the extra ones as her parents are calling the police looking for her she jumped back into the panel to inform Teddy that she is pretty mad at him Teddy turns asking where she even went as she explained that she went between the pannels she remembered everything and Teddy looks at her you're in costume oh good you remember too then you didn't forget that you tried to rewrite time about two or three issues ago Teddy begins to explain that he thought she died when they fell into the wormhole and she tells him I know I just saw it in the comic you know in this world I didn't have a fun time like you Gwen should have put on the costume how is that a normal reaction to assuming you killed your brother Gwen I did a lot better than you until you teamed up with the Future squad or whatever they are and tried to rewrite my history for what they told me about your future what you've become I had to help them Gwen Gwen's parents hear them arguing and run into the room telling her that they can help and Gwen has had enough she reaches over and she tears the page in half revealing the Oblivion right there Teddy we never left the comic you didn't fix anything Teddy begins to panic but Gwen explains that all of this is an illusion this isn't the real world but more of a comic now come on we got to get through this whole thing before the page turns because I'm not above admitting that I'm new to tearing holes of reality and I'm not 100% sure what I'm doing right now the future squad appears before her demanding to know how she tore a hole out of the pocket universe that was created Vinnie the Doombot tells her that they aren't done they need to prevent her future and she pleads with them I'm not a baddie I don't want to become one can we just figure out what won't turn me into a bad guy and then she turns to Sarah please you're the only friend that I can trust how can we fix this and Sarah tells her that while they might be able to make an attempt at fixing the future the fact that they are still here shows that she hasn't been stopped and she asks what do I become exactly Spidey you haven't talked yet nice future muscles by the way he lunges at her grabbing her by the throat you become a worse version of yourself than right now selfish reckless utterly uncaring of anyone you meet here because you're the only real person in the world except you don't just shoot anyone anymore then he stops her miles you can't tell her we don't know she can miles turns around on the three then begin to try and figure out another plan that involves altering her memories again and while they do this she being is a sneak off once they realize she's leaving lightning bolts and webbing fly at her as she welcomes herself back to the superhero world hope she gets to survive miles looks at Vinny what's up with our aim and Vinny explains she believes herself to be the star of the story and any who opposed her are reduced to clumsy mooks she runs for it looking for the border of the panel until she finds it parkouring over the side of it and into the Oblivion of the comic book world again Jen's a tumbling and falling until she finds an establishing shot she falls into the jungle problem is sara is currently the sorcerer supreme and can find her easily so the future squad is right behind her they hit her with a free spell and begin to try and figure this all out again Sara suggests messing with her memories but Benny explains that that's what gave her these powers to begin with except while Sara and Vinnie are humanely trying to handle the Gwen situation miles has had enough when he webs up the two of them before grabbing Gwen and swinging off she's all excited spider net is saving me thanks because that whole memory-wiping thing was kind of scary I knew I could count on you to be the true hero miles but then as she's thanking him he throws her into the tree and he webs are up I'm gonna kill you oh I totally misread the situation I need you to understand why though yeah that's totally fair miles he pulls up his mask you're just quipping away and you don't even understand how big of a deal this is for me I don't kill ah dude you look like someone who's just ended their presidency you look old stop joking do you know how many lives you destroyed for years you stay like this a pain in the butt sometimes helpful usually not honestly I didn't think much of you but one day something is going to happen and you really stopped liking us all I was the first you came for you revealed my identity to the entire world and it didn't even take a day before my family was killed my mom my dad my wife and my child but that's not all though you spilled everyone's secrets revealing terrible things that caused the greatest superhero war of all time and it was all because it was fun for you once we figured out that you were just manipulating everyone we tried to stop you but you can just leave reality whenever you want you became impossible to fight you know everything and you may as well be omnipotent Gwen pauses for a moment though asking miles miles if she's so powerful why isn't she come back to fight you yet your brother you didn't know that he ended up here and it created a blind spot in your comic book knowledge so we could come back here and stop you he isn't a character in your world so you can't link back to the sequence of events but miles I can see your flashback she's in the comic now and standing over him as a giant version of future Gwen she flicks miles launching him into the sky that's all right babies hello beautiful Gwen calls out you killed spider-man and future Gwen laughs you think I killed him picture me out of cliff and I'll explain future Gwen that picks up her past self and puts her on to the cliff side next to a much smaller version of herself much better and then they look at each other while his flashback was interesting I'm not actually giant-sized speaking of spider-man have a look just as spider-man is about to die he webs his way back up launching himself towards safety see Spidey survives I could tell by the way I smacked him that it was just the end of the issue the younger Gwen asks herself so it was a cliffhanger haha quite literally we were on the edge of a cliff and it was the end of the issue the future grand that holds her head I'm being reckoned as we speak this is confusing wait they retcon my origin there was no sleep study I have to make sure you become me make sure I become you from what spider-man just told me I don't want to evil future Gwen looks at her what Sarah then runs in hitting future Gwen and Vinny pops up with spider-man climbing up the cliff future Gwen realizes exactly what's happening there changing my past and they're weakening me so they throw Gwen over the side of the cliff with no other option but to kill her but then future Gwen appears at the bottom to catch her Vinny as spider-man come down to attack the future Gwen welcomes her younger self to join in any time to save the both of them but Gwen herself is still confused she doesn't want to be evil while she's battling against the three heroes future Gwen asks her younger self have you even considered for a moment that you relied to maybe this spider-man is evil but as she's convincing herself that maybe it's a lie she's gaining more and more skills becoming the evil version of herself once again and that's when Sarah realizes they need to allow the younger Gwen to live to help her otherwise she's going to side with a future version of herself and become the omnipotent evil as the battle continues evil Gwen begins to vanish out of existence and spider-man sees it happening he turns to the younger version and he tells her you see this now you don't want to become evil so evil Gwen has finally had enough if she lightning bolts everyone and it shoots spider-man in the chest with a gun see this is why it's cool to be me why would you do that I know this looks bad little Gwen bad bad and future Gwen grabs her and brings her between the panel's again let's get out of space in time for a second so we can get a little perspective on this situation Gwen looks at her future self and tells her I don't want to be you I'm gonna do to you what you did a bad shock the leaper do you remember your home life what you hated so much that you had to get away well yeah I dropped out of high school I didn't have a job I lost all of my friends and my parents were on my case all the time nope your readers only just saw that an issue 16 of this series do you actually remember anything before this and future Gwen holds up a page of the first appearance of gwenpool disiike when you're a part of this world now and as far as the comics are concerned you never existed before that appearance you read all of the comics so you know everyone's secret identity and does that sound like a superhero power to you think about it you were forced to be a henchman for a MODOK the world doesn't want you to be a hero then in front of them the pages begin to swirl around in a vortex in the words Gwen Bullock odd kills spider-man appears you see you can't break the laws of comics none of this matters so you may as well have fun black male daredevil steal the mulatto and crash it into ego cut a deal with mephesto or start summer events you think cap joining Hydra was nuts wait until you make eternity to it it's so much fun Gwen looks at her evil self but why just because I can I stop trying to be good when I made a decision that I thought was right and then the universe or the writers or whatever decided that I was wrong I saved a friend and it was used against me and it was a 10 issue crossover with nine tions you tried to stop the school bomber the spider-man beat you up and when you thought CSUN was gonna be your ghost hacker sidekick they killed him and then you saved Bayridge and your team left you you keep going against what the universe wants for you and it's going to dispose of you nobody ever gets killed Gwen spider-man always comes back Gwen with pain in her eyes looks at her evil version yeah but you hurt spider-man yeah I did and I love spider-man I love all of them she grabs her future self and she tells her I will make sure I never become you ever and with that future evil Gwen was wiped out of existence Gwen is less standing on the endless landscape of the comic pages and she jumps between the panel's back to the jungle but everyone is missing even her brother crying she goes to see her friend Sarah who's now just normal Sarah and they talk and they discuss about what happened Sarah helps summon Myles and he swings in to see her and Gwen informs him that she's done being a mercenary she's seen where it leads and it's not good if Peter Parker can figure out how to pay for Aunt May's medicine that I could figure out how to get pizza Myles here is Peter's name and he tells a quiet quiet don't say that too loud so Gwen finishes you never have to worry about me enjoy your family someday she then sits there watching as one of her favorite superheroes swings off on another adventure as she prepares for her next one in the subways of New York a man whistles as it gets ready to board his train and stops and he see the entire platform filled two snakes like any reasonable man he immediately turns and runs yelling nope a short while later as the police arrive officer gray asks another officer why he didn't just call animal control the officer says well if it was an alligator sure but this it's a little different that moment Gwen slams her hand on the hood of the squad car telling them obviously has something to do with supernatural forces looking for you I'm a superhero who's here to save the day so everyone can relax as I take care of the problem and shoot a bunch of snakes she pulls out her guns heading into the station an officer gray asks is anyone gonna stop her and the other officer says well now inside the station two snake master is sitting on his throne of snakes and he says well this place is perfect for the master and his posse of snakes as he holds one of his snakes up it suddenly explodes and while Gwen starts shooting at all the snakes she asks did he seriously decide to claim this place the master says that he didn't just pick here because he controls some snakes it's because he controls all snakes just as more snakes begin to slither out of the ceiling Gwen says that there she goes again letting her overconfidence betray her and then one of the larger snakes ones towards Gwen as she screams the screams traveled outside of the station and gray and her men start to move in and that's when Gwen walks up telling them no problems the snakes had taken care of gray looks around asking where all of the snakes went and Gwen tells them you know I just went in and showed them who's boss the snake master told me that I was right and then I was the boss so he left but don't worry I'm a superhero now so no payment is needed unless it's guns I could really use more guns later that night Gwen heads to her apartment when she sees that pizza guy getting ready to deliver an order and she shouts that she can take that from him the man rings the doorbell saying sure I'll just give it to some random girl running down the hall and just as Gwen tries to explain that she lives there the door opens and Cecil who's currently a large purple mythical creature tells the man Bureau those are for me once the two head inside Gwen tells Cecil you know you could go out if you want to just put on a trench coat no one will notice you in your new body you have a gift now you've inherited the body of a mythological creature and you have actual superpowers now which gonna weights them doing and Cecil stops are telling her I'm doing what I like to do before MODOK murdered me can't I just be happy to have a body and then I happened to be inside of a body when then says that she's just worried about him it's all besides she's got a new plan of what she's going to do next and that's joined the Avengers Cecil stares for a moment then he turns back to the computer telling her good luck she pulls down her mask telling him all I need to do is show off some more good deeds and I'll be picked up in no time just to keep looking for that thing that we talked about later at Bay Ridge the criminal paste-pot pete spots an armored truck with two guards loading money into it he yells Bay Ridge it's time to look like a nice help of a spot paint the guards look back and ask paste-pot pete what the hell is pay spot hang on while I take a picture well the guards last Pete tells them yeah you just laugh while I shoot a dollop of adhesive here and there and over there the guards look at the feet and they see that they're now glued down and Pete hops into the armored truck and he speeds off but before he can get far Vince the Doombot flies down telling him you are not wanted here you must stop this right now Pete swerves and ends up crashing into a nearby building and then he jumps out shooting adhesive to Vince's feet shouting so the Doombot of Bay Ridge is real while Vince tries to move his feet Gwen pokes in stating she was wondering if he could help her with something in return she would totally feel with this whole situation all she asks is that since he's an old Doombot can he find a way to hook her up with meeting dr. doing himself Vince asked sir what are you talking about we have to deal with paste-pot pete completely ignoring Vince's statement Gwen goes on stating I'm ready to fight dr. doom and once I do that I can totally become an adventurer then shouts that you want to fight my Baker you're about to be killed by paste-pot pete glen says yeah about that I picked up some new moves since we last met check it out peeping is just spray adhesive at Glenn Inc when rolls out of the way Vince then says wow you moved out of the way incredible incredible moves that you picked up chitin gets back at her feet and charges that Pete's telling herself she just needs to see the borders of space and time the edges of the comic and as Gwen grabs Pete she pushes him out of the comic panel and into nothing the nothingness of the fourth wall the space between the comic in the real world Pete looks at the blank area asking what is this and Gwen tells him it's nothing it's time it's space it's a lot of things but for you it's the gutter sorry for doing this but as Pete begs of please don't leave me here Gwen let's go letting Pete fall into oblivion back in the comic Vince asks what did you just do Pete just disappear and when walks back over to Vince telling her I have some real superpowers now and I'm ready to turn those on dr. doom I'm gonna erase it and be taken seriously so where is he elsewhere dr. doom himself is watching the feed through vents stating to himself don't worry about my location doom sees you boo girl a short while later in the subway Gwen who rides on Vince's back as he Rockets to the caves asking where are we going and Vince tells her my facility is up here it's been in many hands over the years it was once a bomb shelter a monster shelter an actual gateway to hell but now it's mine as the two touchdown Vince goes on stating I can signal Victor Von Doom here so if there's going to be a fight at least it'll be taken away from everyone Gwen says I probably mess up the F line back there and Vince asks what doesn't these days just behind them another Gwen jumps into frame and the real Gwen looks back asking what was that and Vince tells her it's the rocks were in a cave there are rocks once the two head in when looks around at all of the doctor doom decorous says that she senses that there's some real daddy Frankenstein issues here regarding Doctor Doom a little while later another Gwen runs alongside the outside of the panels telling her don't mind me you're gonna understand what's happening in a bit suddenly does allowed Jim and Vince takes his place along the other doombots and they all announce latverian embassy subterranean facility security online gwen tells them i'm pretty sure you got some old code mixing you up so and then the doombots tell Gwen you are a foolish child Victor Von Doom answers before you can even speak Gwen asks if this is a trap well whatever as long as the big man shows up that's all she needs so let's do this but before she can finish that sentence a trapdoor in the floor opens she goes tumbling in as she falls a projection of doom appears and he says please forgive me about the bus they were designed when I was in a more melodramatic mood I was alerted when you told Vincent that you wanted to take two ouch so his old programming brought you here she asks wait if you're the real Doctor Doom why do you look like war machine in a hoodie doom sais telling her we're gonna deal with you later and Gwen falls into a cell at this moment in time if you're wondering dear viewer Doctor Doom has decided to become a good guy and this is his Iron Man style armor that he wears in his book that is happening in conjunction with this gwenpool book Gwen starts banging on the door shouting to doom to open the door so that she could kill him and after a few minutes she realizes he's probably not gonna come so then remembers that she can just step out of reality itself for a second so she pulls herself above that panels to see where she needs to go but all of the future panels just show the same cell and then she looks back and sees the old pages and thinks wait maybe she jumps back down into her cell and knocks in the door asking her for future self is out there in future Gwen tells her yeah just jump to an earlier page and Gwen says whoa spooky talking to yourself and actually getting an answer with that she jumps up to pull herself out of the comic panel and she being is to run back to an earlier point in time back in the main room doom releases Vincent from his control and as soon as Vincent is freed he shouts you disgusting bat doom snaps his fingers forcing Vincent to stand straight up and back in line standing okay maybe you should just stay here for now Vincent yells I have a life you know I'm not just some toy and doom asks I do understand that you brought a girl's here to point me from existence right why is it you despised me so much and Vincent tells them it's because I believe that you haven't changed doom sighs no one has but I'm gonna continue and maybe someday people will believe it but I've seen what you've been doing as of late I'm proud of you Vincent asks wait you're proud of me doom goes on telling him I've made many doom bots in the years but I've never made one that looked human dooms mask begins to fade and he holds up his hand telling Vincent wait a moment I'm going to fix your gash before Doom can repair Vincent though Gwen runs in grabbing the sword of the stone shouting miss she doesn't believe a word he's saying about changing she's read way too many comics that gives her an edge to know that he's still one of the main bad guys in defeating him is gonna give her a chance at actually mattering but this this ray here she can't all because she showed up in some obviously temporary continuity flipper you're a good guy doom tells her I'm not sure what to tell you and Gwen tells her say something like Richards or soft ik I don't care doom says Richards any because to fire a blast at Gwen but before it can hitch Gwen faces herself out of reality she then reappears at doom side slashing downward ripping through dooms torso causing the pages of the comics to tear open and then individual pages they get a flyout doom steps back asking why and then suddenly begins to crawl out of the wound stating insolate worthless insufferable the real evil dr. doom pulls himself out telling Gwen if it is doom that you have craved it is doom that you oversee doom stares at Gwen and Gwen shouts back standing ah hi I'm Gwen pool and I'm gonna kill you doom last haha of course you are you have summoned me because you wouldn't want to sully a victory with a lesser manifestation Gwen says uh yeah pretty much but you're going down so we should probably get to that part now doom begins to hold that his hands that he charges up a blast and he throws it at Gwen but she disappears reappearing right behind him by going between the panels again do starts laughing again stating doom will not fail doom Sibley is and ever shall be when then grabs doom from behind pushing them through the comic panels and then over the edge to fall into nothingness back in the real world Vince starts looking around and asks did she go and tells him mm-hmm guess we can leave now Vince just wait how how did you do that what later is the two heads of the streets Gwen tells Vince to hang on she's got to call it in to the Avengers hotline and report this but while Gwen tries to get an operator Vincent says that he still doesn't understand the beating doom just seems so out there she says yeah kind of anticlimactic huh wait if it was anticlimactic uh crap from behind Gwen a voice tells her that is a fascinating new dimension that you've discovered but it is no prison for two doom rockets down and Gwen says of course not I'm not allowed to take him out completely within the first few pages dooming is firing blasts of the two of them asking Gwen what other tricks do you have please don't disappoint me with a new apprentices riftwalk spell she takes out her guns I'm against firing and if the Bulls get close June creates a force field to catch them Vincent then runs up punching tube telling him no one cares about you you self-absorbed megalomaniac doom gets up asking a meal too much strikes its ambassador what brings you to such a levels of stupidity Vince brace himself and then yells because I hate you dad pauses for a moment he asks I am found unworthy of the love of my creation I couldn't possibly care Doom releases of blasts into vincent's chest destroying his body and as doom asks where's the girl Gwen sweeps his legs out from underneath them she then hops onto Vince's rocket legs telling him okay we need a do-over sorry that I unleashed a really bad guy into the world but before she can get far doom flies up to her telling her there are no do-overs and Gwen tells it well I don't fully grasp my new powers yet so I thought and as Gwen gets ready to phase out doom grabs are telling her oh no you don't she kicks herself off of doom into nothingness and she asks it he's really threatening her fine he can have her out of here he's just an ink on a piece of paper doom laughs telling her this is just another dimension to who is in control of this plane as in any other plane and then another voice tells him that he is correct and the hoodie wearing war machine doom appears and rips him apart as the other dooms body fades into the papers and flies away doom says that was rather interesting but he is right about too one thing you do not have any kind of magical powers Gwen sits down telling him yeah this just means that my new powers don't do anything and that means I'm gonna die soon as dooms mass begins fading he asks what do you mean and Gwen looks around telling him all around us a comic book pages when you look down one end that's where the story's going so for me that's what two issues worth it's gonna end unless it become a supervillain there was a point when I met my future self and she was totally evil so now I wanted to find a future right didn't become evil even swearing that I wouldn't become evil but as soon as I said that hundreds of pages of my future they just disappeared so I figured if I could kill Doctor Doom it would show that I'm important however Gwenda looks back at the pages that she's sitting on as she soon sees paste-pot pete except now he's back to being Trapster she leans in asking what the hell is he doing with his old costume and Trapster says because it was lame she then shouts I can't even off pay spot freaking Pete how the hell did he even get out maybe it's just some higher forces agreeing that a meaningless doom steps back into the real world grabbing pieces of Vince putting them back together telling her that just because you couldn't kill Doctor Doom or paste pot Pete doesn't you're useless she asks what is she supposed to do then everything that she does inches closer to those last pages she's stuck in a comic book universe and this comic book is being canceled now unless she can either kill him or become a bad guy there's nothing that she can do doom starts to fix Vince and tells her it just sounds to me that denying yourself is killing yourself make no mistake I am Who I am no matter what I didn't get here but dying myself a single thing including the desire to get better Gwen dances wait are you saying that I should become a villain and his doom rockets off he says I did not say that but good luck she sighs and says that may not be what he said but no matter what she has to become a villain and the New York City apartment of the leaper bat truck sings to himself as he looks into the sky and sees a flying casino he walks out onto his balcony twisting his moustache telling himself that it is such a beautiful night for a good old-fashioned heist once he readies himself he leaps off into the air towards the floating airship and aboard that airship the villains chance stands out onto the deck welcoming his guests telling them that they've worked hard to get everyone through security as quickly as possible one of the guests asks if it isn't a bad idea to have a casino you know just floating in the air and chance laughs stating that he can understand their concern but how about they make a wager on it and start the evening off right I guess nervous laughs back stating that it's all right but chance tells them oh come on as you can see a robbery attempt is already underway just outside of the ship three costumed villains fly down onto the deck and as they get close a force field appears zapping them and stops their chances of getting in chance yells see there's no chance that I would craft this luxury vehicle without proper security this facility is constantly and meticulously monitored from metahumans if they try to come on board they're easier to brush away plus there's some really neat magic stuff in stall two so if you have superpowers you're not getting on this ship which means bat truck who doesn't have superpowers can easily sneak onto the ship without setting off the security alarms he climbs up looking at his watch asking we have a schedule we need to her before he can finish two bouncers look at bat truck and ask if they could see his invitation he tells them of course just let me go through these pockets after a few moments Gwen runs in grabbing bat truck by the arms shouting there you are dad the invitations are right here once she shows the bouncers the invitations Batroc pulls her aside stating that he's glad she can make it she quietly yells that he could have bordered with the rest of them and not jump on board she didn't jump through the panel's of the comics to steal these invitations for nothing the to make their way through the casino area and they head into the upper areas at bat truck says the vault should be up here somewhere time to change and get to work after ditching the disguises he says that this is what he lives for see thrill the adrenaline this is life grin pulls down her mask selling him yeah this is alright tried being a hero and that didn't work so I'm ready to be a villain just up ahead bat rock stops in the front of the large vault that says zeroes is behind that door is Millions and very easily transportable cryptocurrency grin tells him uh-huh how're we supposed to get back is the door that truck says that he thought she was gonna use her new powers she looks at the vault and says that she can't there are limits to it without ever laying eyes on the inside she can't just jump to the scene not unless they had a prologue with a janitor in it or something Batroc snaps his fingers and says I got it you can see sound effects right and Gwen says yes he begins kicking the vault door over and over until it finally breaks open and says see I didn't hear a sound she holds up all the wax and the kicks and says yeah I just grabbed all the BAM so that no one could hear a thing so Gwen looks through the vault door and says that she thought this was supposed to be USB drives not hundreds of gold bars it doesn't matter anyway I can handle this if they just start throwing the gold into bags she'll toss it off panel at the last bag is thrown the bouncers come running and shouting to step away from the gold and Batra quickly jumps in kicking the bouncers allowing gwen and him to escape but before they can get far chance stops them in the hallway he points his gun stating he doesn't know how they got into the vault but he can assure them they'll have a long and painful chat about it after a few seconds one of the sacks of gold bars then appears and hits chance in the back of the head and Gwen doesn't fine we can have your money back run in Batroc head back onto the ship deck but before Gwen can ask what they're going to do bachelor eye grabs her by the hand and leaves he lands feet-first onto the nearby building where Gwen gracefully lands and rolls onto the roof as she gets up the sacks of gold begin to appear and they fall on bat truck if she shouts well there you have it I got the gold later on bat rocks apartment bat truck stacks the gold in the table and Gwen asks so this is super villainy right a bat truck does it well it might not be as bad as it sounds we did rob a villain and go ahead and ask so what we pulled a Robin Hood we're supposed to be super villains he gets up and asks why do you want to become a villain I picked this job so that I could give you your share of the gold it'll help for when you want to become a hero she pauses for a moment and laugh stating I should get going I will go out and I would trade the gold for actual cash Gwen stops again its eyes telling that Chuck you're not gonna be like this much longer when this book is over the writers aren't going to think of bat truck the leaper this way so before that happens I want to say I'm sorry she jumps up hugging Badshah telling him this is goodbye and as she sniffs she tells him we smell really nice and he shouts I just got new moustache wax as when leaves bat truck says she's crazy but she did well we'll talk soon Gwen sulk stating I really doubt it can't kill Doctor Doom and be a hero I can't knock off a casino I start a career as a great villain everything is coming to an end what am I supposed to do about Cecil mega Tony the terrible I bad shark might turn into a dumb joke third stringer again but at least he would survive but the supporting cast they're just gonna disappear once this is over as Gwen cries a voice asks excuse me who said anything about being done when looks up off panel and sees herself with a lot longer hair but not evil looking after a few moments of silence butor Gwen asks what nothing to say Gwen looks at herself and then turns saying no you're good no more future Alton at Gwen's thank you future Gwen jumps onto the panel in front of Gwen and tells her hang on your series is nearly over but I'm here to tell you that it is not the end you survived Gwen hops onto the panel sitting down saying you don't look much older than me maybe it's the hair and future Gwen tells her that people don't actually see age in the Marvel Universe unless it's very sudden and literal in the title of man Logan but that's the difference between the true future in the future of the evil one that you've rejected you see you have an outsider's perspective not just what's happening in February 2018 when wet and pole 25 comes out it's happening in June 2019 and trade and so on right now someone is reading this very moment years after the people who made this comic who died it's not just here you're gonna be in two video games there's gonna be toys guest spots in other titles fan art fan fics roleplay twitter accounts and all that stuff then someday one of those fans might get a pro gig and remember to stick you in some new version of the Great Lakes Avengers or something she sighs stating that sounds an awful lot like grandma's not gone but she'll live on in our hearts kind of a thing future Gwen says if grandma could do what we can do with panels she would be horrifying either way we're gonna go on to do great things like finally rescue Cecil from the mystical beast and even bring him back to life the same goes for the supporting cast they're all gonna get to live to see you were all supposed to be a joke sell some comics get a laugh and then be for God but you hung around and people started to realize that your powers who are kind of dangerous so much so that you should be a villain but instead you kept having a life of your own and then you learn to control it more than they realized when you refused to turn you knew that you were giving up your future at first you came to this world thinking that no one really mattered because they weren't real but then you did everything not to hurt them that's being a hero and doing things like that will buy some time around these parts even if it isn't in the pages of the unbelievable gwenpool Volume one future Gwen then points to the bracelet on Gwen's wrist asking what's that Gwen says that Doctor Strange gave it to her on the last page after helping Cecil since they kind of just flew through it she didn't get to figure out what the counter was for but she's pretty sure she has an idea on the next page Gwen hops over to the squirrel war of 20xx and fights with everyone to well defeat the scrolls including her squirrel self she then jumps to New York to help spider-man stop the Green Goblin and as Gwen Webb's up the goblins next she laughs shouting look huh Quinn look all I have to do is this she that hits the button for the web-shooters runs out of fluids and says oh well spider farts and begins falling while still hanging on to the Goblin suddenly a weapon that appears in the actual spider-gwen swings down asking what did you call yourself spider-gwen helps Gwen up and Gwen says she didn't think that you lived in this multiverse don't mind me later Gwen and the spider family all sit on a roof eating pizza and Miles says just one gobble an attack on Halloween I'll bet spider-man then pokes Gwen stating hey check it out I'm pretty sure that's one of yours Gwen looks down at a group of kids trick-or-treating and she sees a young red-haired girl with a headband wearing a gwenpool costume and Gwen just smiles the next page brings Gwen to Brooklyn to meet up with mega Tony and everyone including pig when she looks at pic Gwen and says that it looks like she was taken care of Tony tells her that Piggy Gwen insists on wearing her costume you know then a voice calls out stating how touching and MODOK flies down shouting it looks like all of my employees still have time to hang out when I was sent to space preparations will be appropriate but as MODOK looks around he sees the gwenpool mercenaries and shouts never mind you're all fired goodbye the next page there's some time with moon girl and the power pack kids next it's stopping by the police precinct to see officer gray but as Gwen looks at her watch she says that she's not sure how she got here but she's got to go there's only a few pages left and she is so not spending the last of them here goodbye a short while later the young girl that Gwen saw trick-or-treating grew up a little and is often picked on at school on one of those days Gwen shouts to the bullies to lay off the nerd and while that's happening she's writing fing Fang Foom and Foom shouts ring Fang Foom hungry for mean and bad children Foom then flies down scaring the bullies and as the little girl looks up Gwen tells Foom good work now you can bury yourself under our mountain or whatever it is you do on the next page Gwen spend some time with Squirrel Girl Doreen Green while she begins to work on fixing up Vincent the Doombot as Doreen gets finished Cecil tells Gwen that he did it he finally found her brother so Gwen and Doreen head into Hell to fight mephesto and with one throw from Doreen Gwen kicks mephesto in the head knocking him out she jumps down to untie her brother Teddy and he says that he thought that she had died when they came back the comic world he thought that he had died in the devil she tells him it's okay now that's the funny thing we're in hell the devil here is real and very punchable why haven't more superheroes just done that Doreen hears and thinks about it as this wait wait wait there's a reason why they don't just give me a second to figure it out Gwen looks at her watch and sees that she only has four pages left and she shouts that she's got to go there's another time that she has to be in later in the future when stops by a hospital to see the little girl that she rescued who is now a grown old woman she lays in her bed and says Gwen Poole is by her side once again like when she was trick-or-treating or were in fing Fang Foom gang how is she not aged Gwen tells us because she put on a costume and the old woman tells her see you're just a background character like me after a few moments of silence the nurse comes in he tells her not to worry she's just sleeping Gwen says that she's glad that she got to see her one last time it's time to go she climbs back into the panels to let the old woman sleep and she looks back on her life he hears something off in the distance she hears herself speaking about how it was the end of the last issue she turns back and tells everyone thanks for reading now if you'll excuse me she heads to the last page of the last issue she asks her younger self who said anything about being done and there you have it the conclusion to Gwen bull she really is one of my favorite characters that was recently created never expected that I would enjoy her when I started reading the books issues 1 through 6 I was quoted as saying hey this is kind of dumb she's just a wannabe Deadpool but as she grew and developed and became this crazy fourth wall breaking meta character that could realize everything that was happening I really fell in love with the character and I'm really sad that she ended up going away she has been brought back in the West Coast Avengers because it is a comedic book but they took away your powers it seems and it's just not the same character anymore uh Sal from comic pop apparently is also a fan of gwenpool I was not expecting that so Sal what did you think about this amazing run by Christopher hates I love this series and it's all thanks to you run of the book maybe going alright I'll check it out you know what I'm so glad I did three heroes Ark is incredible yes the story is really really deep deeper than Gwen bullies absurd ever be exactly because you think it's all gonna be like jokes but wear a pants are but he's that that could it turns out to be like a really really harrowing tale about this lady just placed you know millennium yeah and it's like affecting it really looked like he'd hit me at the end of it I'm like wow yeah when she sits down with her shovel very ending yeah and she's like no you're gonna be fine right boys and costume you're never gonna die yeah really cool yeah the way in the way they were that is just incredible and there are plenty of jokes as to where are her pants I'm sure no there's plenty of humor Chris Hastings knows how to that laughing you were in the I love that running gag like the girl never had the materials to make pants right it's a really definitely check it out if you want more raw you're not rob your sow Rob's from a different channel we don't talk to Robin II Britt we don't talk to behave any more talk to Robin the weak people anyway anyway that's Sal comic pop go check him out I probably should mix them up makes things confusing for branding purposes the link is down below to go say hi to Sal he does a lot of reviews of comic books on the regular he does exactly this he does like longer form content that you may be enjoying so if you want to go check them out comic pop its slash comic pop it's fine these full story endings these videos are like two hours long we normally have a really long endings because they just get to know us more personally because if they stuck it out this long they deserve a little bit they deserve a little bit more like you were here thank you you're incredible and if you stayed this long punched the code cookie just say cookie in the comments and I will have Dan send you cookies he's shaking his head that that is impossible he's literally writing on a marker board Benny we can't do that he'll figure it out if you all right cookie because you stuck around at the ending we are going to send you cookies oh and zanza will eat one not on camera and you probably see a news article youtuber went bankrupt dying a lot of cookies and trying to ship them all thank you guys we'll see you next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: Comicstorian
Views: 1,424,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comicstorian, comic book, comic books, dc, dc entertainment, marvel, gwenpool, storytelling, full story, dc universe, justice league, comic theories, avengers, superhero, injustice, miles morales, deadpool kills the marvel universe, batman, godspeed, doom patrol, marvel zombies, spider man
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 7sec (5587 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 12 2018
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