Speak Your Miracle Into Being - Archbishop Benson Idahosa

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i come from a country that has the largest muslim population in the world 56 million muslims the only single nation that has the largest muslim number in the entire universe is nigeria egypt is next with over 36 million muslims in egypt but there are 56 million muslims in nigeria and all of you know that there are only four million muslims in libya i hope you know that libya is made of four million people not forty not fourteen not one four not four zero four f o u r 4 but why is it that there's no problem between muslims and christians in nigeria the gospel everybody say the gospel i learned early enough to quench the fairy doubts of the enemy i learned early enough to tell lions to keep quiet for us to stay in the same room how god's metal what is god's method what you buying on earth is bound in heaven what you lose on earth is loose in heaven i did the recite pastor collins into the bible and you break are you listening to this for 17 years i did research into the bible every man in the bible that performed the miracle never learnt it every man that god used every woman that god used in the bible including the prostitute that the israelites came and met rehab never knew before what miracle was she just said when you come and overrun our land spam my house leave our home alone make it a miracle spot the wall of jericho we fall but the boundary house where rehab and her family stays must remain she never landed before she spoke it it came to pass joshua came [Music] to the war front joshua said son stand still moon stands still he's never seen anybody do that before he tried it and the bible said the sun still still and the moon still steal nobody told joshua this is how to do it he didn't go to the bible school of elementary practice every man and woman that have ever performed miracle in the bible tried it and it all worked so tonight i'm going on the subject bring your miracle about by speaking amen speak your miracle to existence let the hidden miracles come true let everything you need in life become a miracle by your speaking let healing take place by your speaking let finances be supplied by your speaking and i picked about seven men in the bible that spoke and something happened beginning with god god woke me up a few years ago he said you take a problem you passed a stuck a problem i have problems myself and i say you how he said yes i did but he said you can use my method the bible says in genesis chapter 1 first book of the bible the bible says here verse two well if you read verse one you hear what the bible says in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth no man helped god to create anything nobody assisted god no one became the helper of god in creation god the father god the son god the holy ghost and i know some of you don't believe in trinity i believe in trinity you may believe in one god but i believe in three i believe the father son of holy ghost i don't baptizing jesus only i didn't say you are wrong but i don't do that i've learned my bible enough if we are wrong on the day of judgment god will correct it but i don't want to go to jesus only and i'm not condemning anybody in jesus only if you make your choice but i believe when god said let us make man i believe he was saying us yes did you hear me that's all i also believe that jesus is baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son of the holy ghost that doesn't mean that those of you baptizing jesus only are not going to heaven if you stay with christ but i cannot guarantee you that you can do with only one minor the two that's my theory the lord god created the heavens and the earth period everything in good order what happened verse 2 created heaven and hell simple verse 2 and the earth was without form how can god create something without form have you ever sat down god woke me up and told me something happened after creation the devil came down and spread his wing over all the planet earth and nothing moved everything stays still the enemy blanketed everywhere lives to steal for many years the lord made the heaven and the earth and the outwards without form and void how can god create heaven and hell void it's not possible but the enemy came down but listen to my verse and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the spirit of god moved upon the face of the waters period verse 3 and god said everybody say that [Music] i didn't hear it [Applause] please one more time let me try my ears resting before god said nothing was moving everything's to steal the earth without form and void but the bible said and the lord god said and god said let there be and there was hallelujah god has to speak against emptiness god spoke against obstacles god spoke against darkness god spoke against voided world god spoke against the eld that was without form and void the lord suddenly said i can't let the situation remain like this if i let it be my creation will be wasted therefore what do i do i must speak and the lord god said let there be and the bible for the first time in english made mystic let there be requests and there was past tense how can it be god spoke to be the things that we're not visible to the eye but that god knew we're there there are hidden miracles you need to comfort you may not know how powerful you are until you begin to speak you don't know how strong in christ you are unless you learn to speak against methodologies and powers god said let there be light and there was light when was the last time you spoke against your dark hours what do we do when we have problems we shrink when our family is in trouble we shrink when we have no money in the pocket we shrink when we have not close to where we quiver when the enemies shout on what he's going to do we shake but i learned that instead of me to shake i can speak i look at circumstances i look at the happenings and i ask god what do i do and whatever god tells me i do god said let there be light and there was light why didn't god keep quiet as almighty for as many years as he kept quiet the earth was void as many years as god kept quiet the earth was without form but when he opened his mouth let there be light there was light god called the firmament and divided the waters the word says so god said let the waters under the heaven be gathered together onto one place and let the dry land appear and it was so and god called the dry land earth and the gathering together of the waters called his seas and god saw it was good and god said from the first time god spoke god has never kept quiet did you hear me did you hear me when you do not learn how to speak you become dumb and when you are dumb you become stupid no matter how old you are we have a son our first boy he's 13 years old he's five feet nine he's 13 years we didn't have children early so he has to grow to make up but when our son look at you like this he can tell whether you are stupid or why god gave him the gift of desirement he can look at you and say you need jesus if you need jesus he can look at you and say you need a baptism of the holy spirit if you need the baptism of the holy spirit god gave him the spirit of desirement he is not stupid he was nine months old when we sent him to england to start schooling he came back at the age of three he could write his name he's 13 years old i learned early enough to put god's wisdom in his head are you listening to me why did god not fold his hands and say one day the earth will change one day the war will change one day the water will move one day the firmament will separate one day the sky will part one day the land will separate from the water why did god not look at it continuously when you have problems and you don't learn how to speak the problem remain when you have sickness in your body i learnt early enough 26 years ago that i can lay hand on the sick and they will recover and when anything attacks my body and this it's not close he's not close she's not close he's not nearby i don't run and look for yellow page if i can lay hands on someone else and they recover what about my own body if it's my stomach i don't say doctor how are you can you heal me no lay hand on the sick and they shall recover stomach you are sick i command you be healed in the name of jesus somebody say amen as i am healthy 365 days of the year i don't wait for examination i know i'm well i confess it i stand by it i live by it i eat well i sleep well hallelujah [Applause] god spoke let there be light god so darkness why didn't you say beautiful darkness peaceful who has touched light he didn't god hates darkness are you hearing me when you are involved in dark walks you always afraid when your life is not right with god you are always afraid where you are not living right you are always afraid when your behavior is wrong you are always afraid when your conducts are wrong you are always afraid but when you are in the light as he is in the light we fear no evil how many can say amen to that okay that's god if god could not contain himself contain himself with a pleasure in darkness he must be entrusted in light that is what this man is fighting light for australia this is what this man is fighting life for england that's what took this man from new zealand from england to new zealand from los alamos to perth life for pelt life for fiji life for africa life for the world jesus is the light of the world raise your hand and say hallelujah if god were interested in darkness jesus would have been the darkness of the world that's why i don't want anybody to call me black man you stupid to call me black look at me whiting god i'm not this color this is white i'm not this my friend reverend calling is not this we are made in the image of god so if you are black you can keep your problem but i'm the image of god i love that god didn't make black and white god made people and i'm somebody you are somebody now how do we solve problems take david for an example david went to the warfront the philippines were fighting the israelites and david came to the war front big goload came and gloria said give me a man among you in your camp to fight for the nation of israel i gloria will fight for my people the bible said he didn't god's army and every time goliath came out the whole army of god ran back they were afraid and one little boy called david he came to supply food he didn't come with weapons of war he came with his mouth he came with his heart he came with his god three weapons three weapons his god invisible his belief invisible his mouth visible did you hear that did you hear that god is here but where is he sitting now he's here he's here he's there he's there he's there david came with his god big he said god is big but in his heart he has to believe first that his god is not as small as goliath so he opened his mouth he said great you stupid and everybody says shut up do you know every time you want to take the step of faith unbelieving believers are the first to tell you to shut up and there are very many methodists very many in assemblies of god very many uniting church very many apostles faith very many even in the faith people very many in the catholic unbelieving believers there are very many in the church they are in the church but they don't believe in almighty god so david said god shut up and saul said who brought this boy quiet he cried who brought him and the brothers came and said david you might have put us into trouble and they will say how they say that man is a giant what israel i did not know [Music] was that the giant killer was with david every time you know that your giant killer is standing by you you can kill any giant did you hear me you have a giant killer in your home every day his name is jesus hallelujah the bible says our weapons of warfare are not cannot they are mighty through the pulling down of strongholds of the enemy what did david do he carried his big god in his heart he notified heaven i said you military officers there in heaven come fight through my mouth he said go late in few minutes time i give your carcass to the best of the earth the lord shall put your head in my hands galea says you rat you rat and they will say you may see me like rat but my mouth will beat you for me somebody shot hallelujah how did goloya fall down goliath fell down to the confession of david he said today the best of the earth shall eat your flesh and the lord god will put your head in my hand and everybody said david shut up david said no my mouth will open and when i speak god will do it how many can say hallelujah so golear came when goliath was coming david turned and then we picked five stones j e s u s stones j-e-s-u-s f-a-i-t-h faith jesus fate but then he had faith in his heart he has jesus in his hands the bible says we serve that god as a consuming fire and then we look at goliath and said golett you are coming to me with weapons made by men but i come in the name of the lord the one whose army you defile i defile you back with the words of my mouth you all know the story five minutes later goliath was on the floor clear did not fall the time he fell he fell when david spoke did you hear me goliath died when david arrived at the camp golear died when david said he would die every demons in your body every sickness in your body every pain in your marriage when you begin to speak they start to die did you hear me no problem will be solved until you say yes to jesus some years ago i met a beautiful lady 25 years ago i met a little queen beautiful succulent she was tall brilliant i saw her say that's my wife i didn't wait for revelation from god some of you married by revelation i didn't marry by revelation i'm married by sin the bible said he that find it a wife find it a good thing it is a he that dreamt about the wife or he that sees the vision about a woman i just vision some of you marry when god show you vision i didn't matter i saw with my two eyes everyone the secret find it to him that nothing shall be open i didn't bother myself i was not that stupid to be lying down to look for my wife i still straight and when i saw her say if you are looking for a handsome man hit him up [Applause] if you don't want to marry on a cake gagoo pasta here is one but if you are looking for an old man your father's age don't look for them but if you are looking at my handsome man hear him out and she choose first day we met she knew she couldn't spare me all other women were around she said no i'm your wife but we were not husband and wife the day we met we got to the church and someone like colin came and said oh dao can you ask me that question again please i like it best man and then come on come on [Applause] come here stand there my best man you declare you the pastor [Applause] yes sir i'm ready sir will you have this woman to be your wife sir what did you say i didn't hear you will you have this woman to be your i will i will i will i will i will i will you brave enough to have this man to be your husband oh yes oh yes we couldn't wait to be told he the pastor didn't say did you dream of her he didn't ask this man if he has this woman whether she would be my wife if he has this man whether he would be his her husband he asked me and already my hand was already here did you hear me every man and woman hooked to faith will get resolved that's right amen hook your life thank you sir hook your life to faith hook your life to god who can like your trust book your life your confidence hook your life to waste of life say with your mouth go lay it fall down cancer fall down to back crosses fall down blend this spirit fall down lamb leg fall down deafness fall down blending spirit fall down every disease fall down everything fall down jesus said in mark 11 23. if you have faith like the grain of mustard seed you shall say to dismantling problems are visible that's why jesus said this some of you have imaginary problem don't waste time with the imaginary problem but if the problem stands before you then it becomes this then if you can say if you will say to this mountain be thou removed to yonder place and shall not doubt your god in your heart but believe in your mouth that whatsoever you say whosoever you are can have whatsoever you desire lift your hand and shut hallelujah that's the word of jesus now joshua knew that if the war persisted and nothing was done the whole army of god will lose the battle they defeated the hypothesis they defeated the jebusite they defeated the canaanites they defeated all the mobs all of them were defeated but when it came to jericho god said much and shout match and shout you say that's not hard but without faith it is impossible it's not hard too much but it's hard to shout when the wall of jericho stan and god say don't destroy with machine don't destroy with weapons but just shout is hard but god says shout and they shouted and when they shouted the wall of jericho fell down every war wall of jericho in your life wall of marital problems wall of financial problems wall of joblessness every wall every mountain that stands before you if only you can believe in your heart and believe in god i preach this message recently pastor collins if we will spend half of our unbelieving power your believing god will get more results i repeat on the second of this month to this 14th i preach in my church you know what god told us that's what i want to share with you tomorrow afternoon that's what i want to preach i'm not sure that i'm preaching tomorrow god said behold i do a new thing and that new thing is coming to australia something new you see the next conference you will attend in australia in perth in adelaide in sydney in brisbane in every part of australia you go the next conference you will attend you are going there as a participant or not a spectator what did i say you say man what did i say the next conference you are going to attend you are going as a participator and not a spectator you are going to help the conveners cast out devil heal the sick and raise the dead not as a spectator spectators are useless in the church participators are useful to god so the lord told me on the second of this month if believers will use half of their unbelieving power to believe god have half of your unbelieving spirit if you can use it to believe you will see miracles 365 days of the year but what is the problem we don't believe every day we are emotional people we jump when in the house i said jump we smile when reverend calling says smile we shout when pastor baker says shout we give when harry west could say how many can say amen we must become people of god's will in my church this will trill you when you come the next year match you don't tell my people to shout hallelujah before they shout when you utter a word of faith and power they disturb you i like it when i say god is ready to heal i don't say shut hallelujah everybody jump on but i believe it my people are looking for devil to strangle they are trained my people are trained to look for the devil and transfer him to death they seek people they don't say it's time for prayer now a woman in the church would margaret can just come out and say get up you stay here enough take the wheelchair go home that's what they are trained to do here you are hospital specialists you sing so much you've lost the censor that's a blessed assurance you are now singing blessed insurance blessed insurance supposed to be blessed assurance they are now singing blessed insurance and so instead of looking on the wall they are looking at the yellow page the bible says sin is sick among you let him call on the elders of the church not on yellow page and because you put your whole life in insurance you've lost your assurance for insurance it's supposed to be blessed assurance not blessed insurance how many know this song blessed assurance sing it not blessed assurance did you hear me next time you sing sing blessed assurance jesus is mine not blessed in children blindness is mine blessed in children cancer is mine now jesus is mine hallelujah [Applause] let's look at another character in the bible moses before the red sea that's what this man said two days ago moses was leading two million people out of egypt they got to the bank of the river reversing and moses said let's go to prayer meet the elder said let's pray the dick and say let's pray and all of them started praying and that's what i'm going to beg you people in england don't be over-organized sometimes organization kills the bird of dickens the king the bird of elders they killed the bird of the holy ghost replaced many things i believe in dickens i think i have about three thousand dickens but they don't decide for me we plan together but we take decision from god a friend of mine in america just lost his church the deacon sent him out the church he built from three people so one thousand people the board of dickens just said we don't want you again this acting the church is not ruled from the leg the church is ruled from the head and christ is the head of the church if you're a dicken don't take tea tonight unless you do the will of god moses said lord god oh behold pharaoh's army and look at the red sea god says shut up what do you have in your hand i must say lord then god said say to my people go forward australians have come to say stand up stand up stand up if you know you are in this nation now you may not be an australian you may be from england but you are here i want to do exactly what god told moses to do god said to moses say to my people every act of miracle is an action everything that produces signs and wonder must be an act god said to moses say to my people go forward look at the red sea look at the enemy soldiers but god said plunge yourself on the first of this month i preach if you can risk your life for a miracle you get the results just risk it say lord this is the recipe i was preaching on peter peter say if thou be if you are the one did me come and jesus said come peter tried it it worked australians one step god says move forward you are still standing move forward australians move forward wherever you are move forward pastor colin you think they heard me god said move forward move forward forward not backwards not stand still when moses spoke go forward they came forward and the red sea pattern we are breaking the chain of the enemy tonight we are going to match over the thing we fear the red sea was a symbol of fear that we're all afraid how do we cross and god say cross when you step out the water will no more be there god spoke right did you hear me it's time for every believer to learn to speak if you are poor speak to the spirit of poverty say to poverty leave me alone and let me walk with my hands i don't think you should go to brisbane racecourse as a poverty goal bread comes poverty go bread come the bible say let him that's told still no more and walk with his hands hard work back by god can bring results now i want to do another thing turn your back to me those of you who are there move forward the same thing when you turn your back to me you move forward that means go to where you are coming from forward anywhere you look at it you are still going forward did you hear me we don't go backward in my church we go forward there's empty when you turn your back to me you move forward that means go to where you are coming from forward anywhere you look at it you are still going forward did you hear me we don't go backward in my church we go forward finally peter spoke to the lame man at the gate of beautiful hurry up and sit down peter got to the gate of beautiful he saw the lame man at the gate of the church he didn't say [Music] peter said look on us look on us is the time now for the world to look on the church [Applause] is that correct you know what i say every year in our convention he had me say it a year ago i said government if you have problems see me if you have problems see me this is the solution to the government you are not my solution that's my solution but if you have problems see me you'll be surprised many of our governors see me many of our judges see me many of our lawyers see me they believe that i'm telling them the truth and i'm telling them the truth there's no problem you have that the answer is not here marriage law nation building constitution a to z all answers are here but with god all things are possible peter said look on us and the man looked the bible said fasting his eyes on them and peter said such as i have give id the name in the name of jesus christ of nazareth whose i am who myself rise up and walk he lifted up jumping walking and lifting and praising god australians you're murmured enough with your mouth you complained enough with your mouth let you speak faith with your mouth 17 years ago they brought one mad man to my church crazy fellow violent they chained him he cut it off they injected him two hours the injection power melted and they tied him and nine men carried him to my church i was younger than this 17 years ago and i heard god said tell him [Music] by himself to lose the chain and by himself to walk home when i said peter jesus says stand up lose your chain the whole crowd ran back and i said according to the word of god from my mouth stand up by yourself lose your chain take your wear it and go home today he has master's degree in business administration he's now married with four children god told me tell him rise up by yourself lose your chin look for clean wait go home that's all i said that's all i said that's all i said i didn't say it in my power i didn't say it in my name i heard god say say it and i said it he went home today he has master's degree he went to university marriage has four children has his own car his wife has a car they are living well through the spoken words no man could change him no injection could help him but the word of god healed him last year evangelion had bunkie came to join me in one of my crusades then we have a million people that night ten minutes i started preaching the blind we are seeing the death we're hearing the lame you see in africa the reason we see miracle pastor calling is that they say jesus will do it free i need not pay but in england and in australia i'd say insurance will pay no need for faith that's the problem you have here that's the problem if i come here next time i'm not going to pray for any sick i wouldn't waste my faith if you can't believe you go home tonight you are going to be healed for the last time i will not pray for you again tomorrow if you are still sick tonight the sickness must die amen [Applause] you see if i said that in venice city they will jump up and say i will not wait tomorrow but some of you have already paid for the insurance company so you must take the ticket it's difficult to explain it's hard the african man says if i can get it free i take it no need to waste the australian says insurance will pay no need to take faith isn't that difficult to explain i was preaching and a girl was carried from the hospital with ambulance paralyzed like skeleton and i looked at the crowd and i said rise up and run here she said as soon as you said that power came on me and lifted me up i began to run how i said it i said it and god did it i'm going to believe god for many many miracles tonight april 1964 i went for an open air service please remain standing i will find openness service in a village there were about 700 people present in those days 700 people in nigeria to listen to a crusade was the whole world gathered in those days 700 people 10 minutes when i started preaching of my associate evangelists young man came and said pastor benson rain is falling and he's very near here i heard god say tell him no i said no he said see it and i said no when i said that i just said no i did my hand like this 22 years ago this april we make it 24 years 23 years because 1963 and i said no that's all i didn't know what i did and i preached for one hour 11 minutes and everybody on the crusade ground was in the ring behind us and we all seen the wind blowing around us by the red standing there so i said i said everybody do you see what is happening at the back they said yes sir was that and i heard them shouting miracle miracle miracle we started to shout miracle miracle miracle i finished preaching one hour 11 minutes and i prayed then i said reign you cannot do your job i'm servant of god you are servant of god but i'm here in the image of god you can obey me when i pronounce benediction in the name of the father another son of the holy ghost and reign came boom and under the fall since that day i learned 23 years ago never to allow rain to fall while i'm preaching but two years ago two years ago we went to a crusade in enugu over one hundred thousand people gathered and i saw heavy wind coming and i said hey stop and i heard no padding i said red stop don't fall i had spent 54 minutes preaching and i heard god said no no that was the third night of the crusade yeah we have 56 cripples that have come to the crusade first night nine cripples were healed people from the hospital received healing but there were 56 cripples there that night they were all standing before me and every time i spoke i saw them every time i spoke i saw them when i saw the rain come i said no rain no rain and god said the oberon i said what suddenly the wind was so much my house just came took my bible my dress was sucked when i said shall we pray every started running and left their wheelchair behind not one person out of the 56 had their wheelchair they left it behind and went home the rain came to give them their miracle there's only one time in 26 years rain fell in our crusade and it fell so that all the people may leave their wheelchair and go home the bible did not say i will speak for you moses said joshua said david said jesus said god said tonight you say if you are sick come out and we will speak to your sickness we will speak to your sickness and you will speak to your sickness if you are tired of your disease it will leave you if you are tired of your pain if you are tired of your wheelchair you get if you are tired of your crutches you lift it up and throw them away that's all that's all i'm not coming to carry you i didn't come to carry the sick i come to pray but you will speak to your infirmities we rebuke the spirit of lambness we cause the spirit of epilepsy we cause the spirit of death we cause every infirmity we cause every disease we cause every sickness in the name of jesus of nazareth let's just raise our hands and begin to give thanks to god open your mouth right now [Music] i knew after the prayer of heaven last night we are not going to find many sick here tonight i knew that he was going to deprive me of praying for you he killed all sicknesses yesterday but if you came today raise your hands i begin to give thanks to god for your healing open your mouth say to your sickness say to your disease say to your pain raise your hands above your head stand up for everybody let's just put up god touch you right now it doesn't need too much action it is believing if thou shalt believe with the heart and say with your mouth that's all it takes come closer come closer come closer come closer let your hand come closer all who are sick we want to curse the spirit of infirmity i want to hear you now pray open your mouth and speak to your infirmities just tell pain to leave your body more in the name of the lord jesus in the name of the lord jesus in the name of the lord jesus in the name of the lord jesus in the name of the lord jesus yes miracle here for you tonight there's a miracle here for you tonight for your ears for your heart for your mouth for your hand for your leg for your crippled legs there's a miracle here for you tonight you have to believe it that this is your night you don't need to carry the sickness home again tonight by his tribe you are healed by his tribe you are healed by his tribe you are healed by his tribe you are healed by his tribe you were healed that ear must open now in the name of jesus of nazareth every symptom of sickness must die tonight it must die it must die it must die it must die in the name of jesus [Music] listen to me listen to me listen to me listen to me you are not here to watch boxing or football or cricket or hockey you are here to exercise your faith do you mean to be healed do you want to be healed that's what jesus asked healing is the gift of god you take it say after me everybody close your eyes if you want to if you want to open it fine but i close my own and when i open it i see a miracle dear father in heaven say after me i come to you in the name of your holy child jesus christ of nazareth he is now the lord of my life my savior my healer my deliverer my miracle worker tonight i submit myself to him satan listen satan listen hear the voice of god jesus is now in church he is my healer he is my baptizer he is my savior i am redeemed i am saved i am delivered sickness lose your hands satan lose your grip and hole now sickness leave my body this is the temple of the holy ghost you cannot stay here by his stripes i am healed now now now now now i am healed in the name of jesus i take my healing i take my healing in the name of jesus jesus i am healed i am healed my headache is gone my death is open my my trouble is gone my chest pain is gone my neck pain is gone in the name of jesus i receive my healing from the crown of my head to the soul of my feet right now right now right now i am healed i am healed i am healed i am healed hallelujah hallelujah in the name of jesus christ of nazareth i speak to you sickness i speak for your disease i speak to you [Applause] i speak to a blind spirit you foul blended spirit in the name of jesus christ of nazareth every blind in spirit i adore you to come out in the name of jesus right now receive your sight receive your sight receive your sight now eyes be opened in the name of jesus open i speak it now blend the spirit you are cursed the root die the root you stubborn blindness spirit lose your hands now see in jesus name [Music] you [Music] yes the earth is open right now in the name of jesus on stop death is open now if you will death begin to hear in the name of jesus christ of nazareth eight in the head yes always to my pain put your hand there right now something is going to fly out of your stomach you're going to vanish right now you have any stomach pain right now in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus you are healed now you are loose take your hand off is healed in jesus name your stomach is healed right now important not from the crown of your head you
Channel: Church Of God Mission International
Views: 41,901
Rating: 4.8320312 out of 5
Keywords: CGMi, Church Of God Mission Int'l, benson idahosa, archbishop benson idahosa, benson idahosa sermons, benson idahosa miracles, Speak your miracle into being
Id: dBpBktTGxWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 54sec (3894 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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