Putting Christ Ahead In All Things - Archbishop Benson Idahosa

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family of god hallelujah [Applause] children of the living god hallelujah [Applause] amen may i ask you for one little favor before i start to preach tonight you know the bible talk of scattered sheep so all of you far the back move forward move forward move forward feel every seat in the front and we're not staying long tonight i have a pastor from heaven i want to deliver it that's my job amen and i'd like to say this to you if you are very close to pastor jean thompson and dr james thompson the husband the two senior pastors here the woman among them my wife calls her my twin sister they weren't born the same day and they weren't even born in the same continent but they have blood covenant with them in the ministry the reason mrs idahosa calls her my covenant sister that's a word that's what he called her my covenant sister i'm glad i remember what she says if she hears this tip she's going to say that's not what i say you know women women can misrepresent you 200 times but if you misrepresent them once you're in trouble i can say anything i never make mistake with what my wife says but she's going to say that's why when you're a preacher you can't lie before your wife you can you can preach anything fire hell anything your wife will be looking at you because you get them and say i wish you are what you are saying that's why it's very important that you are whom you say you are because she owe you no allegiance to tell you that you are lying so the reason is because she believed that among all the american women preachers he has seen this woman and his husband practice righteousness she believes that [Applause] wholeheartedly my wife is a very strong woman and when she says i love you that's all because she has no reason to tell you i love you she doesn't owe you anything i can tell you i love you if i don't love you but my wife will never say i love you if she doesn't mine is just easy going i'm i'm there i'm for everybody my wife is not for everybody my wife just hi finish i can spend 200 hours asking you your job your family even when i'm not at peace but my wife have no time she selects friends in 124 countries we've been told she has very few friends because she doesn't want to be betrayed you can betray me 3 million times i'm still me but she doesn't have strength to be betrayed once she believes that this journey is a sincere journey so what she did tonight she didn't do it because i have need i want to clear that to you if i have financial need i will not come to washington god is my witness if i was really in need of money i would not buy ticket and come i know how to get money without working for it i'm so close to the revelation god has shown me in the world and if i need fifty thousand dollars this night i will not go to dallas i will get it i know how i wouldn't steal i wouldn't lie i'll get it because you will reach a stage in your life everything that concerns you will be god and once is god you can never face defeat and sometimes if that need is not met that is delay but delay will never turn to denial did you hear it it's like a woman marriage 10 years 14 years 15 years 20 years no child and the devil lied to her you are a day will come a man who have the gift of release we just come and say you are not barren be pregnant and the next thing she is pregnant that means it was delayed till all you would have done carelessly have been finished with then when that baby come that's a princess that's a prince can somebody say amen i want to thank you ministers in music department as we travel around we acknowledge people in different phases of ministry and areas and i find that those who take worship praise and choir ministry or music ministry as a calling they are there night and day in season and out of season those who came to see we come and go those who come to serve will stay are you hearing what i'm saying in your case you have come to serve and not to come and see and in serving god you see his hand in action i encourage you to be steadfast in the love of god be steadfast in the call of god he who had called you is faithful faithful is he that called you he will do it is anybody hearing what i'm saying faithfully see you say i've been singing in this ministry 10 years now 15 years seven years five years you are not wasting time you are singing because god needs your voice the people in this cemetery grave don't sing is anybody hearing what i'm saying i want to establish a foundation before i speak briefly tonight and go those of you who are committed keep your commitment because the god you are committed to is a rewarding god and very faithful he is very very very very faithful the next thing i like to say will be this in every ministry universally i just give you two examples beverly shea have been singing for billy graham now 51 years and cliff barros have been introducing billy graham 51 years these two men have been asked severally when are you starting your own you've been introducing one man for 40 years 45 years when will you start your ministry and i heard claibaro once said i've never had an unknown in my life than the one i have to introduce dr graham he said why invent a new wheel if i can flow with the existing one are you hearing what i'm saying there's a woman in tulsa ruth brooks ruth brooks she's been secretary to oral robot for 49 years secretary when aurora said good morning write a letter to professor idahosa in five minutes that letter will be on his table everything alright is thinking just anything he's thinking to tell me that woman would put it in writing and he was sad nothing to add she lives inside him by the revelation of god she is married i think with three children and the first child is about 47 or 46. she is older than richard robert who is now the president of the university and if you offend anybody in that ministry if you offend that woman you're finished now you can't tell me that you can be a man's secretary for 49 years without the man offending you are you hearing did you hear what i'm saying but you are so committed to god through that man that you have nowhere else to go not because you have no choice i wish i can speak english you are not looking for elsewhere because one way is right because one way is god if you are a person committed to anything with divided mind you never last and when you think maybe if i leave here to another ministry to another job to another place is where my blessing is going to come maybe but for me who know god the step of a righteous person is ordered by god i have preached using two lives since yesterday the first man i preached with was moses how many of you were here when i preached about moses yesterday what did moses do you you were here moses had a road you think you think that road was good do you have your own road now you think your road is good now god said to moses stretch for your hand is that hand good do you have a hand have you started to stretch it yes don't happen now let me deal with moses for example immediately moses pregnancy took place the king head and he said this one i must hear i'm dealing on divine intervention tonight your best way of living say that divine intervention my best way of living good now moses is a baby just blood and water and perhaps with bones just forming in the belly the king heard that the jewish woman was pregnant and he made a law and said all children from the age of one hour to two years from now from today when they are born they must be killed just because of moses well moses have no power inside belly to say i can't be born i don't want to be killed god allowed him to be forming and forming and growing and growing and growing when he was born the bible said the midwives that we are told kill him said this is a proper child say that to yourself i wish you knew what i said say to yourself i say i wish you heard what i said thank you say it now [Applause] the king said i've given you knife kill and the midwife said we used a knife to do good we wouldn't kill with it they told his mother to rush him out and run away she ran and took this baby bought the basket put the sheets inside put babies clothing and wrap this child and went to the river life of moses the one i preached the man with road now and threw him into the river no guide no god guide and guard you have it there was nobody to guide him and no one to guard him how would you say that god god all right all right let's put it in in simple language nobody to follow him to say flow this way and nobody to protect him one is god one is guide all right he had none the mother threw him to destiny and said i've done my part your father made me pregnant i have delivered you now they don't want to see you baba think of what life is that that child began to flow in the river and destiny had it that the king's daughter who wants to kill moses suddenly got up and said meds i want seven of you follow me to the river i want to go and have my back and the king's ushers cleared the whole road no man should be on the street because the princess was going to have her back everybody ran into the house and she got to the river before she removed her clothes to start bathing a man came in a basket and raised his feet i said what was that what's that they said let's see and the child flowed with no guide and guard and flowed to where she was and she looked at the basket and said i have gotten me a son was she pregnant did she get married does she have a husband but did she say she has a child yes she took this boy that's the child the father is looking for and brought the child to the house and the father said congratulations somebody give me a shout if you [Applause] i say give me a shout of hallelujah [Applause] and the father said this is so nice i've got me a grandson [Laughter] and he said the daughter said i need a woman who have breast water milk to feed and the father's employ and she came out and said where can we get a woman and a little girl said i know where you can find a woman and he went and called moses mother and they employed her to feed her own son with her own breasts [Applause] then the woman said i'm married and i have a husband we need a good home and a man said go bring your husband moses the sister the mother the father had presidential street in the king's palace paid for by the king the work of god somebody said hallelujah you're coming to harvest your life is in line with destiny it's not it's not because you couldn't find another church actually there are too many churches but you were looking for a place that your life can be molded are you hearing what i'm saying uh the knee the home office for me yesterday when they closed morning service and they said that the sanctuary was jammed the choir when they finished talking i said debbie do you know how many countries have been this year and your phone after every service in beni and they say the same thing i have i have traveled more than many preachers put together many many pictures put together as one i have done more traveling than all of them combined and many of them combined but i leave home because the church is not my own i don't protect the ministry the reason is is god's ministry and god made me general overseer and gave me grace not to look on what i have achieved i have one of the best homes you can think of in this world but i don't sleep it because when you come to where i am life is no more your own are you hearing what i'm saying now moses stayed in the house he was wanted when he was in the belly and the man who was looking for him didn't know for 40 years he became the prince in the palace gave him armies gave him everything and one day this boy got up and said that's enough i have proved to you that you're hunting me cannot hurt me oh god did you hear that the fact that the devil has been hunting for you for years doesn't mean he can hurt you [Applause] don't forget to give me that debbie you used to be my secretary now now that's that's muslim that is moses say that that's moses now say with me it's good for me everything god put in the bible is for our own example so that the day we believe what he did for one man that can become our own time say amen i preached yesterday about david where's the head of that where's that illustration is that in here well let me have that one now final from dr chin now i said i said to you yesterday please put your eyes on me don't look at them i'm the one preaching a man called goliath was in town that's not what we are looking for never mind okay thank you for that that head one we are going to have head too thank you brother good now now david was a shepherd boy his father had more than seven sons according to the bible and whatever is in the bible is correct god said loud go to jesus house an anointed king and this man like many american prophets went to jesus house immediately saw a man seven foot two he said that's he oh yes come on bow your head and god said please don't pour my oil away he's not the one second one came that's not the one third one came that's not the one fifth sixth seventh and every time he wants to anoint he will hear the voice don't this is not the man who was producing his sons got tired and the man who was an anointing got tired did you hear me so the somewhere finally said don't you have any other child he said the one is inconsequential it's a bush boy he's staying with animals he knows nothing about the house he started following sheep from the age of seven what do you need that for and some would say go bring him and they got to the forest the other brother the town boys the city men they got to the forest and said david david i said yes he gathered the sheep and came out and left his sheep with another friend of his courage fell and he came to town dirty undressed not neat with little stuff and came out and as soon as he came out the holy spirit said that's he everybody say that say it again god was not looking for a soldier he was looking for a shepherd [Applause] all the other men have been trained but god has groomed from forest to coronation from booth to throne destiny say to everybody destiny try it again destiny when he came he never he was anointed king of judah he never applied does anybody hear what i'm saying he didn't pray for it he wasn't looking forward to becoming a king his brothers didn't believe that he was a king he wasn't looking forward to being a king all his concern is i watch over sheep when they asked the other people what's your name he said general jesse what's your name major general brigadier connell captain when david came who are you shepherd seven seven these men that have meadows colors stars they call them powers degeneres god pass them back and send for someone in the bush there is something god has placed in your style and destiny where you are cannot remove is so imbed there so put there by god that no circumstance can take it away let me shut amen [Applause] my appeal to you all as i appeal to myself is please don't become so big to take care of yourself i know you didn't hear that don't get so wise to be in charge of your life believe you are not making mistake to be here believe you are not in the wrong place believe you are in the right place and if that is correct if god put you here you must not be one of the crowd because crowds come and go disciples stay i have had more opportunity than any preacher from africa not to live in africa if i come here i take three lies i get green card if i tell ten lies i have citizenship but but that's not what i'm looking for i can do it in germany i can do it in england i'm so known that if i want it i can get it i can tell the senators that i know the congressmen that i know help me become an american so i don't go home again now god told me before i was ever known if you stay here i kill you read fire his bone read my life story so if i was nothing and he said if you stay here i kill you think of what he would do and now that i'm something does anybody hear what i'm saying destiny destiny when david grew up and got now told him no giant from anywhere else no giant no force no height no with no depth can kill you david treated golear like that and a time will come brother when every circumstance before you will look to you like a little mosquito every circumstance [Applause] every circumstance every situation time has come let me not say it will come because i want it to be positive the time started since yesterday that any program you have in life one program two million ideas are you hearing me and one idea is enough to solve one problem that's why you are built up that's why you are encouraged to be in the lord for example if jesus came to the seaside and there was no sheep he doesn't turn back and say i can't go further what will he do he will put his leg on top of the water and it will become concrete you understand by his right but his left by his front but his back you're still water but where his feet is that's rude is anybody here what i'm saying that is the life of christianity christianity is discovery for recovery whatever you discover gives you a recovery you you find new ways every day you find new new new you you discover the new you every day is anybody here what i'm saying every day of your life you find that no matter how huge that giant is faith tells you faith tells you that's a balloon fate do you fear balloon you don't know what's called balloon balloon what's balloon inflated plastic you put air if this thing i have known this puppet now for more than a year i've known this thing for more than a year if suddenly it starts to rise and get so big when when they call me to a preacher i say calm down please i want to use you do you hear what i'm saying that's by faith because you know whom you are if you don't know who you are when you see this suddenly start to climb you flee but if you know who you are you say when you finish come back did anybody hear me i said did anybody hear me all right now hurry up now the reason i'm saying all this is because of what you are going to hear tonight thank you brother it doesn't matter no giant is too big for you to face marriage giant business giant family giant financial giant just let them make mistake to come near you when devil make mistake to come across you that's the last time he will make mistake now where is my other sword you know what i want you to do i want you to take authority from me and cut off the head of this giant did you hear me i passed my authority to you in jesus name and in the name of what you know come on do it go [Applause] that's right everyone say hallelujah [Applause] wait bring the head show the people he came so tall but where's the head in my hand did you hear me now everybody turn this way all of you turn this way say from now say it loud from now every chance that come my way will lose his head never to go back the way they came in the name of jesus i will carry his head to show the world no giant with flaming because he that is in me is greater than he that is in the world in jesus name believe it and shut amen amen and please when you have goliath's head in your hand don't leave it in the bush take it home even when it stinks show it as a testimony do you know that is the last time any goliath will ever test you when they remember that you hold the head of the giant they never come near you anymore somebody say amen thank you as a family for being a part of this work no matter how large a ministry is on earth the people that make things happen there are very few can i repeat that if a church have 10 000 people a membership effective attendance only about 40 people do the work all the rest are members they are dead to men and bad but those who make things happen are called apostles and disciples and that's what i want you to integrate yourself into don't be a member of harvest be a disciple in harvest are you hearing me when members are offended believe when members are angered they go when you do anything that they don't like they leave when you say what when you sing a song that looks against them they go but when you are an apostle nothing hurts you nothing because the first thing you ask yourself if i was a pastor i hurt myself the answer is no did you hear that all right now come to the book of john chapter 2 say with me loud divine intervention the way of living try one more time okay this story you must have heard it before you'll be a christian i'm taking 30 minutes from you then we go is that all right thank you thank you i need i need more than coming i love my coming here but i need more than coming i'm a part of this place john chapter 2 i told you yesterday whatever is in the bible that you make a story can never give you life but whatever becomes a revelation can give you a new beginning did you hear that all right verse 1 listen to this john's gospel chapter 2 verse 1 the third day there was a marriage in cana of galilee and the mother of jesus was there and but jesus was called his disciples to the marriage now listen to this marriage in cana jesus mother invited and jesus invited all right invited before the marriage took place is anybody hearing what i'm saying what does that mean to you or not put christ ahead of whatever you want to do if jesus is ahead of what your plans are whatever comes behind he will handle it let me repeat you are just saying them and you didn't hear me well if you break christ ahead of time whatever come right or wrong behind he that is ahead we handle it for you listen to why i said that when they wanted wine the mother of jesus said unto him they have no wine he's already dead verse five his mother said unto the servants whatsoever he said unto you do it somebody say amen for that now listen to these verses which have been neglected by many many of us now in the wedding there were uninvited pots read me verse 6. did you see it was not only human being that came to the wedding whatever you have at home that you didn't destroy would be useful one day some of you as soon as you buy a new dress you tear the old one no a good man live at inheritance each of us should be able to say to our children this was the gown of 1940 this is the gown of 1960 this is the gown of 1980 this is the gown of 1992. your child will begin to compare oh ho 1940 1960 1980 1990 what a big difference how will she know when she can see are you hearing you know what we have in the world today mothers competing with their children so you don't see your mama addressing to a show this is how we used to dress there was a wedding with jesus the disciples the mother governors everybody plus six spots thank god for sea spots wash and clean sitting down there and waiting for miracle now i want to ask you a question is there any pot in your house is there anything any vessel in your house do you have anything in your house at all a miracle waiting for you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] don't commonize everything you have god doesn't need a serious thing to do a serious thing common thing is enough for god to do the unusual somebody say amen now listen verse 7 jesus said unto them fill the water pose with water and they fill them up to the brim and he said unto them draw out and bear unto the governor of the feast and debate and when the ruler of the feast had tested the water that was made wine and knew not when it was but the servants who drew the water knew the governor the governor the governor the governor of the feast called the bridegroom and said unto him every man at the beginning just said for good wine and when men have felt drunk have well-dreamed then that which is worse but thou has kept the good wine until now verse 11 this beginning say that before yourself of miracles the jesus in cana of galilee and manifested his glory and his disciples believed on him believe me from my mouth testimony to you this week is a new beginning of miracle for your life [Applause] god who created heaven and earth started life again with miracle god the bible says in chapter one by him all things were created and without him is nothing made that is made and by him all things consist just listen to how the bible says in john chapter 2 verse 11 this beginning god is about to give every one of you who believe a new miracle beginning he will shoot you god will shed you from shame the lord will shed you from shame the lord will shed you from shame then lord will shed you from shame from now every shame will be behind you no shame will confront you because of the power of god that worketh in you the law shall cover you from shame in the name of jesus listen to this first where you are facing here is a man that has invited governors judges that wasn't a minor wedding the wedding with president clinton and all the senate members all the house of representatives all present and the best place the devil thought he would strike was through drink but jesus was invited [Applause] [Music] [Applause] why the man and the woman we are saying i will would i have this woman as your wedded wife what do you think he will say would you marry this man i will yes now they are saying i will and wine finish you know what jesus did he said i'm behind you continue with your program by the time you will know you have no wine sweet wine has appeared [Applause] god we shared you from shame from today he will protect you from sin shame so when you turn your face sweet wine has appeared [Applause] [Music] your next question the next question god is going to allow you to answer is why you brought street and not bitterness the next question you will answer from today will be why did you bring fruit and not bitterness is anybody hearing what i'm saying the governor asked why did you bring fruit one now when god takes your ugliness away your testimony is sweet [Applause] is anybody hearing what i'm saying god is going to take every bitter thing away from your life and give you new sweet life your sickness starts god will give you new sweetness while is still bitter how will i say this in america and to everybody here in this table while life is still bitter god will not let you know he will give you such a covering to concentrate on what you are doing that by the time you are told there was no wine wine has come sweet are you hearing what i'm calling divine intervention this man and this woman we are busy with their wedding and the crowd will saying no one the governor no one ever no wine but jesus didn't let the man where they know because if he knew he would have been shamed but jesus was invited [Applause] i said jesus was invited before you establish your business before you talk of marriage let jesus be ahead [Applause] so when anybody happen behind he will handle it for you somebody say yes lord don't go to any effort make no effort go to no business go to no settlement go to no deposit of a house what you call a mortgage down payment don't put down payment until you put god's payments [Applause] if jesus is ahead he can handle what is behind the man was not told they have no wine he invited everyone but jesus didn't let them tell him there was no way wedding day is not a disgraceful day and if jesus is ahead he can handle what is behind when it becomes sweet god will turn your eyes to answer questions why is it so sweet now stand up to your feet i want you minister to help me carry this thing i want to be the real me again i want everybody to come here thank you from the back or move forward here time to hear what i'm saying the man they told they have no wine was not drinking are you hearing me the man they told we ran out of wine didn't come to drink for he was there there's a man bigger than you now in your home when the devil tried to tell you you can't make it god is going to say go ahead with what you are doing i can handle this on your behalf is anybody hearing what i'm saying and the god we serve the one i serve my god you know paul grew in faith until he said my god shall supply your needs is anybody here what i'm saying and i'm going to believe god that the one this man bow his news too night and day the god who hear me where there's nothing to do anything and yet we are doing so much i mean we are doing so much in where there is nothing come to benin city come to nigerian and see what this man has done with money for the kingdom i want to remind him tonight there is no wine i want him to give you grace to continue is anybody hearing what i'm saying so that there be no shame in your calendar there will be no disgrace you will not be mocked no matter what you have passed through god will not give you a repeat of defeat did you hear what i'm saying please hear me and the way i have found me me the way i have found is the way of letting god supply my wine while my back is done to my problem do you know that every time you face your problem it becomes a problem and many times you are frightened many times you almost give up many times you cry as if you have nobody to help you try what i want to ask you to try tonight bring jesus ahead if anything try to threaten you just sit down for one minute and say god be ahead of this situation [Applause] and money is one of your most frightening things it ought not to be because life is more than remnant but because our hearts are so fearful because of our sight that's why i cease to see with my eyes now i try to see with my mind because everything you see with your eyes is ugly but you can take the same mind you don't need to practice witchcraft you don't need to practice magic you don't need to practice criticism you don't need to practice it but just take that same thing from here today oh what needless pain we bear oh because we do not curse everything to god in praise i want you i want you in favor of god to believe tonight everyone you need from now in total area of your total life god will supply can i hear you say amen put your left hand on your chest and raise your right hand father you sent me back home here again to remind them that things that are impossible with men is possible with god for with god all things are possible lord i pray you be their source and resources and i pray you be their shield and buckler be all in all in their lives as you take their griefs and give them joy help them not to earn money but to take money as tools proof to serve you to still work for you used to go all the way without looking back so when we run shot of wine you who is with us you who is already seated can turn water to wine so that the next question will we answer will be why didn't you give all the suit first and we thank you we prefer to say to them it is better to end sweet because god is here now raise your two hand and accept it shall be sweet for you in the morning in the afternoon in the evening from this day your life shall be sweet in the name of jesus open your mouth and glorify him receive it receive it receive it receive it receive it in the name of jesus amen amen amen
Channel: Church Of God Mission International
Views: 204,199
Rating: 4.7983193 out of 5
Keywords: benson Idahosa sermons, Benson Idahosa, CGMi
Id: V_tGdAbtmhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 59sec (3839 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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