How To Find Favour With God - Archbishop Benson Idahosa

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that's why i laid down my life to make room for you for i want more [Music] more of you [Music] hey decided thank you very much indeed i'm so happy to have my family here tonight with me and my joy to be here at this baptic coaster church [Music] did you hear me baptist church [Applause] once a quiet church but now a living church somebody say hallelujah god is here tonight amen hallelujah [Applause] [Music] hallelujah thank god dan god damn god damn god hallelujah holy spirit is here tonight we met with jesus thank you father you are here in your holy power bless your people touch them in every area of their life need and glorify yourself tonight the hour has come you glorify your son and your son might glorify you bless the pastor his wife bless this ministry let it truly be new way new way new way new way new way of living for the people that's my plan my expectation and i thank you for it in jesus name every child of god say amen [Music] thank you very much that's enough thanks thank you how would you feel if quietly in your house no one knew you you've never made noise in the city and one night you have a visitor and it says i'm sent by god to give you new direction how will you feel if you are struggling to buy two loaves of bread and a little kind of sardine to feed your wife and god said build me a big church how will you feel if you when the midst of many people who were rich and well they are known and god call you and say you're going to be king over the people that are known and you unknown i finally discovered that god can take a man from the inferior to make him superior to glorify his name many times the three people in the front here know the way i read my bible is a bit different it has nothing to do with location and situation i go to what the holy spirit asked me to do inside the aircraft from denver this afternoon i was meditating and god told me what to tell you tonight don't write god's unexpected action out of your life somebody hearing what i'm saying don't just in case you've laid out your life this is going to be i'm going to be a lawyer i'm going to be a teacher i'm going to be a doctor say it if god permits me because you may find that you are reading law to read the bible you have nothing to do no protest that god will say oh yes because of your appeal now i call you back to law it's too late look at the book of luxem luke's gospel tonight luke chapter one it starts from starting from verse 26 luke chapter one if you don't know where to find luke just look verse 26 and in the sixth month the angel gabriel was sent from god onto a city of galilee named nazareth to a virgin as opposed to a man whose name was joseph of the house of david and the virgin's name was mary and ginger came in unto her and said hell now that i highly favored the lord is with thee blessed are thou among women when she saw him she was troubled at his saying and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be i want to start by this introduction here is a girl probably between the age of 18 and 24. never before found herself in controversy never before found herself in trouble but here is a man who he came an angel who we cannot call human being but god's agent knocking at her door i said excuse me mary i have a message for you what's the message god says i should tell you you are highly favored among all women i believe mary must have said do you know where you are it's the wrong address how did you say god said what i am highly favored can you say that everybody by god if it is faithful you can't improve on it you may improve on your skill you may improve on your intelligence you may improve on your intellectual approach but if god favors you you can't improve on it down from us cured she was so known that the bible had to describe whom she is nobody ever heard of her before suddenly by god's divine intervention she is told among all women on earth they are going to make a difference now how did she how did because and this is what my prayer is for this country in particular america and any other civilized nation when you will not turn god's appearance to your personal method she did say i knew before i was expecting it i worked so hard for it i'm not sure you heard what i said she didn't say this is what i have been waiting for she was humble who am i when god wants to lift you it doesn't matter where you are instead of mary jump into the sky say hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah the bible says she was she was troubled at the same and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be verse 30. and the angel said unto her fear not mary for thou had found favor with god somebody shot hallelujah i believe there are many of us here tonight whose creation have not been revealed while you were made this man was once a police in this city this woman is trained as a lawyer they are not using their training why favor favor sometime you build your life in such a way you so know it to be and god allows you to go ahead he will not disturb you say god when you finish whatever i want to do with you i'm not going to seek your permission that's what i just told them in the office god never asked you do you want to follow me no he doesn't say are you ready for tomorrow i'm coming back to no he said get up follow me before you say excuse me i said shut your mind move quickly angel gabriel what are you saying the man said don't argue with me this is god's favor you didn't work for it you didn't merit it god choose it i'm just saying to tell you can somebody say me god wants to do for you what you never expected and if you believe what i'm here to tell you tonight watch your life from tomorrow it will take a new turn is anybody hearing what i'm saying it doesn't matter where you have been how bad or terrible how good or terrific something more than your life demand is coming your way and he's the favor of god when god called me dr you heard that from me several times he said son follow me i'm going to take you around the world i laughed i laughed i said son take me around where the world and i have never been stupid in my life i use my intelligence to ask god questions and says do you know who you're talking to you say yes i said you want to do what with me say i want to use you i want to take you around the world you're going to preach my gospel i said you missed the home address i've never seen you use a black man for the ministry or a robert white billy graham white teal osborne white why do you want to lie to me i say all the men i know who are youthful in the kingdom they are white what are you talking to a black man like me and the lord said to me are you black i said yes he said you know 32 years ago god told me he didn't know i was black i was so hold fine don't wonder why we are suffering like this you didn't even know that the black man existed that's why we are suffering he said that's not what i said i'm saying that i didn't know you are black i said why didn't you know is that because i never made a black man i said you see you're watching it you've washed them the whole situation you never made a black man so you only made white he said i didn't say so i said look at the world look at the whole world name one black man you use i said you ground your church on earth he said those people you are calling now they are in detroit they are not in me if they were a me they would have seen me than their skin i said but look at yellow white or a robot white billy graham white he said i didn't create a white man i said whom did you make he said i only met people in my image and likeness 32 years ago i changed my color from black and white i became a child of god so when you ask me where are you from made in heaven assembled in africa and dispatched to my generation you can pride yourself in your american native you can pride yourself in your african native but i'm made in heaven assembled in africa in this part of my generation [Music] and he said i'm going to take you around the world i said yes sir i sat home two years preached from village of villa prick from village to village these ones were used in those days i was preaching from one village to the other 25 years ago he said i'm ready to take you now i said to where i know you don't lie to where i've already know you never you don't like to where i'm going to send you abroad one morning february 1961 the late god in lindsay was a mount olives in israel and god told him go to africa pick a man and take him with you to america from mount olives never known my name never saw me before he flew from israel to london london to lagos nigeria and asked for a missionary called everything he said god woke me up and said you're going to look for a man called benson in the house he sought for me the next day they found me said god told me month only two days ago to take you with me and bring you back to do the work i sent you to do favor the day you will realize that it's not your skill it's not your might it's not your power but your god your prayer will change hackman took me to america brought me here gave me scholarship of everything books housing everything and he said to me benson anything you buy in any store in america send the receipt to my office they give you the money back and guess what i bought you don't tempt me with good things i hear this k sales and came up shoot in those days 25 years ago seven dollars for a suit i buy five i go to the office on monday they give me the money i came to america with one ton suitcase i left here with 13 suitcases bible feels six tracks filled for close for the rest and the lord said from now go ahead by one by one by one from one church to two to three to four to five to one thousand to two thousand more from twelve souls 200 souls to have a million souls to 1 million souls today to god be the glory how many millions i don't know favor how do we become doers of the impossible look at the answer the angel said unto her fear not mary for that had found favor with god and behold thou shalt conceive in thy womb and bring forth his son shall call his name jesus hallelujah god wants some men to be pregnant tonight not just women conceive something in your heart conceive something in your belly conceive something in your head thou shalt conceive in thy womb oh maracas yeah yes in your womb something wants to spring up something wants to shoot him something wants to come out god wants to put what was not there there so that you can say god did it can somebody say amen thou shalt conceive in that womb and very soon call him jesus he shall be great somebody say amen what god wants to put in your belly and your heart tonight shall be great i wish somebody could say amen to that i hope you are aware and prophesying on you tonight you don't need to pay me hundred dollars to hear me professor i'm not a commercial prophet i'm a servant of the living god you don't need to attempt prophet confess to hear what god is saying that's where some of you are missing is a prophets are coming to town all of us are going prophet prophet tell me what god tell me tell me something [Music] [Music] [Laughter] you need plain truth truth will make you free you don't need liars to tell lie over your head and you say prophet said two years ago one of our daughters in the minister said papa i want to marry i said don't she said a prophet told me god is going to give me double for my trouble i said you are going to get double trouble she said prophet i said prophet didn't tell you anything make effort to reconcile with your husband no no no prophet says don't go by prophet no marriage you come by prophecy marriage you come by looking look at the life of the man is he a godly man he doesn't know jesus she said buddy brother i said if you marry her him you will regret she went ahead eight months later he broke and we are counting how many times she has married because prophet said she called me papa i've left my man i said what happened i said you got double for your trouble because you refused to listen if god will appear to you the devil will disappear from you he shall be great say with me i'm expecting a great thing say it louder say it louder [Applause] verse 34 then said mary unto the angel how shall this be sin that i know no man you know whenever we want to do great things we are looking for man how will this impossible be how can this big vision be actualized i'll take you there just now the dream that is beyond my income and above my salary and above my education how can it be god is troubling me and you know god never give back trouble he never put you to bad trouble ever every time god tells me to do something i tell this my family god said do this in my country doctors are professors in university he's in university here professor in my country paid 220 dollars a month that's what they receive that's what they are paid every 30 days professor doctor two hundred dollars and that's a bill me a big church twenty ten million dollars how you gonna build that unless you hear god say it build me a school five million build me this one stupid thing i've been so used to now when god says it he will do it [Applause] i'm so foolish that i don't ask questions if that's what you say last year said to me last june he said study university i just got a check from you i gave to the school and i had 212 dollars left out of the money you sent to me i said study university now is the time i took the money i said did you see the figure you look at it it's not hamburger you're talking of university he said let my hand touch it [Applause] be so foolish to show god how lazy you are don't tell him you are clever i say 212 you want to start university say yes start it if you start it i do it i didn't tell you to build me a church i said i would build my church if you initiate it i will not grate it that's what god told me i started now we have dominatory for students now we have 300 students in the university in africa how shall this be say that everybody i didn't hear you please [Applause] say it one more time tried one more time and the angel answered and said unto her the holy ghost obama shall come upon thee and the power of the highest almost the highest say higher power say highest power that's what you need [Applause] how do i do what i'm afraid to do hook yourself isaiah what are you doing i'm plugged to highest power when you want to build a big church applaud to him did he fail joshua no did he fail him us no did he feel as high no is he going to start with you no how do i do what i'm afraid to do connect yourself to the power of the highest i don't have money shut up i know no man shut up i don't know the mayor my church is small your friend cannot pay the bill shut your mouth please what should i do connect your life to the power of the highest is anybody hearing what i'm saying [Applause] how do i become a possibility by linking myself to the god with whom all things are possible if you're a pastor raise your hand say hallelujah you can go to any gathering of shepherds roll on the floor left it tomorrow dieting tomorrow vomiting tomorrow check it tomorrow shaykh will not do it if god have not spoken when you finish exercising your flesh go home and take a shower and sleep because what many of you are doing today is that i want to go to where people are laughing amen i want to go to where people are falling amen i want to go no no you can roll your head on the third road if god said nothing nothing will change unknown mary unknown unknown and god wants to start to use the unknown to be known say that's me i didn't hear you i didn't hear you that's me god wants to start to knock at the door of people who know nobody how can this be the power of the highest you have been associating with low people go to the highest you've been associating with the bank every time you ask bank for loan they ask you to bring your grandfather and he's dead therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the son of god somebody say amen you know what this is telling me the next event in your life is going to be godly does anybody hear what i'm saying you tried your human being since say from now everything that happened to you will happen according to the grace of god can i hear you say amen for that oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes yes oh yes yes oh yes oh yes thank you lord [Music] verse 36 and behold thy cousin elizabeth she also she had also conceived a son in her old age this is the sixth month with her who was called baron that's what you need to that's what you need to hook your life to those who wear nothing that becomes something don't run after people who used to be who are no more you don't need it you don't need it actually i told my executive assistant i say when you are introducing me to any ministry in america don't send my profile don't send my cb what are they going to know about me and this and this and that and that haven't said oh is that what i came to preach i want to be a doer and a sayer i want my word to speak for me i want god to stand for me and i hear you say amen i'm one i'm one of the fifth most used human being on earth today and i'm the most traveled human being on earth today today 134 nations last year i did 1 million 164 miles for the gospel but that's not what brought me here tonight [Applause] i have a little church at home that looks like this small church in my city alone we have 114 churches now of the same ministry so instead of holding 10 services on sunday i hold 114 locations so i can save my strength keep it point of contact listen to this i don't want your husband to accuse me again look let's look at these words dicosa elizabeth she had also conceived a son in her old age let me tell you what god told me this about this doctor isaiah look for someone whom life was against but now life is in his favor relate relate find someone who out of the dustbin got promoted to this guy find someone whom this time last year his church was 50 people this year he's 500 people not the man who said when i was in tulsa when i was in dallas when i was in miami when i was in florida when i was in california god used to you don't need the god that used to in those days when i used to reside [Music] if god isn't he wasn't six months pregnant who was called baron i pray that each of you will stop looking at you yesterday and start to believe god of tomorrow somebody tap your right leg say amen lord because every time you look at your past life he's so ugly you don't want to remember it six months old six months pregnant for with god somebody said that say it again nothing shall be impossible is that in your bible now say it with me i'm with god from now everything shall be possible with me for i and god have become unbeatable team [Applause] made of the lord i love this be it unto me according to thy word and the injured departed from her somebody say amen i don't know how i'm going to do it i don't know how it will be done i don't know how to start i don't know what i don't know i don't know i don't know but oh god oh god just as you have said i stopped i stop stress now i live by your strength when you stop struggling you start strengthening when you stop attending the conference of the rich people i begin to find where god is moving god will talk to you that's why you are here tonight it's not a sunday god's supposed not to be talking on that day but he's talking to you now he's telling you the best is yet to come say yes [Applause] why did he bring you here he want to pregnant you by himself you tried the ideas and the skills of those who tell you how to do who have never done it that's the biggest problem you can find yourself when you become a student of a don't know how to do but teaching you how to do the man says i'm an evangelist the reason i'm evangelist because i'm an evangelist ask him did you pastor once yes first church faith second church faith thought church failed so what is the most successful way evangelist i'm a financial expert i'll teach you how to make ten dollars to one million were you a pastor before yes how many churches did you build i didn't build that's not the man you need find who wasn't who is look at the next verse but 39 and mary arose in those days and went into the hill country with haste into the city of judah when god talked to you stop looking for more talking function not action is auctioned good english revelation not used is lost if god gives you action and you don't action it you auction it you know auction to sell for sale free god talk to him mommy don't go to chicago to find out what he said he knew where you needed to hear it this is the night you don't need to go to new york put your hand here tell me what god says you said it he said it if you didn't say it 2 million prophet can tell you what god didn't say when you finish you come back to zero because god didn't say mary arrows immediately say that to everybody and went to judah she arose and went to judah god is telling you tonight relocate from your frustration get up start to do what everybody think is impossible [Applause] when i came here this evening you'll you'll be glad to hear the other pleasure the people that brought me when they saw there was nobody here they suggested to me let's go home we come back i agreed but when i saw her i said no i will encourage you by staying let me stay and not five minutes after i say let me stay my children pride tells you who do you say i should come and preach to god tells you one is enough [Applause] she arose said i'm go say i'm going to rise say it louder so i'm going to move to do what god is saying to me right now and entered into the house of zecharias and saluted elizabeth and it came to pass and when elizabeth had the salutation of mary the babe lived in her womb and elizabeth will fill with the holy ghost somebody say hallelujah whom do you visit when god talks to you who is your example that what you want to be that person has been it hear my english i don't want to confuse anything who do you visit when god unveils something to you look for pregnant person look for elizabeth who when you get to her house what you have been trying to find out she said proof elizabeth is a proof that with god all things are possible elizabeth is a proof that barron can conceive elizabeth that poverty can be changed elizabeth is a proof that that way can turn to light elizabeth proved that the weak can be made strong somebody say yes who is your elizabeth you pastors find a man like this visit his ministry don't go to preach go and listen don't ask for microphone ask for hearing phone [Applause] find out 35 years ago i started preaching 36 years and four months ago as an amateur when god called me 1961 tear loss born wrote me i wrote him a letter for trucks and others and he wrote me back with him just two small sheets brother benson now that god has called you if there's anything i can do to help you let me know i will stand by you every month i started writing for drugs for bible for literature i devote them for his tips i began to pattern my life after tear husband nine years ago he's come to nigeria several times but when he came nine years ago before the last trip he said benson you've done 10 times more than what i did why do you still call me your father i say because age and experience you cannot buy with growth he's been to 76 countries i've been 234 i still went to him last week to kneel and say pray for me he said i need your prayers say no father is father no matter how grown you are a child is not a father matter how blessed you are he cried on my shoulder i told him about the university i told him of the schools i told him of everything happening because when i became a pastor in our ministry the highest salary they paid me was six dollars a month a husband was sending me 10 extra and those 10 extra i hired three evangelists are giving them three three dollars a month today i'm who i am by god's people but i remember where i'm coming from every book i write now i brought you a new book that just came out of press last friday four facts that changed me husband picked me from unknown to make me know is your remodel who are you patterning your life after are you not in the country you have seen the mighty become nothing why can't you look for elizabeth mary went to look for elizabeth who is your elizabeth whose pregnancy sees you and the baby lived you need a litter because if you are not moving with inspire you so aspire you don't need you don't need aspirers you need inspirer you don't need a man who say 30 years ago when god used to use me you don't need that you need a man when you stand before the baby that's what you need find someone in this world whose faith can kick your faith find someone whenever you see him once a year once in three years once in four months once in three months that's my father oh by god's grace is still holding on tears says son why have you not forgotten me for 35 years he just wrote me a letter why have you not forgotten me for 35 years i said if i forget you now the children i'm bearing will forget me it's a seed if you say look at me mighty man of valor osborne used to be my friend when i was small but look at me now hallelujah god will say when you finish sit down pray go ahead before fall no matter how god lift you up stay there every day of your life look for elizabeth look for this effect elizabeth is an example that god has not changed elizabeth is an example that god is still good elizabeth is an example no matter how long you stay in barrenness you will conceive elizabeth is an example that yesterday may be rough today will be neat elizabeth is an example that god has not forsaken his own people elizabeth is an example that with god all things are possible sent to your feet you have an oil here you have an oil oil anointing oil dr isaiah can somebody join you take this thing away i didn't come i didn't come from miracle i come for god's power upon your life whatever you call it that's your business but i'm here for you to hear what you've heard tonight it's time for you to conceive the impossible are you hearing what i'm saying i told my son justin i said i heard the beauty of this finish i said that's phase one phase one be great but that's phase one that's phase one god wants to do for you what no man can do and i want to anoint your hand tonight i want to do it lightly lastly so the last three nights everybody i touched fell so i've told god when i come tonight nobody will fall just take the oil from my hand tomorrow night you see the power of god manifested here i want to anoint you for remember so you say he put oil in my hand i taught my head i went home my dream changed that's what i want to do for you one by one pastor and his wife come here touch my hand let your husband first i touch you with the anointing new day in jesus name i taught you the anointing for a new day in the name of jesus of nazareth receive i touch you with the hand of god fresh anointing new revelation new power in the name of jesus i touch you with the hand of god with this anointing the dawning of a new day in jesus name receive come up pastors touch my hand receive in jesus name receive from god in the name of jesus i touch you with the power of god i take every inferiority and every complex of the enemy from your life receive a new one fresh anointing in the name of jesus do you touch me i touch your hand with power i touch your hand with god i touch your head in the name of jesus your heart desire be granted the name of the lord be exalted i touch your hand that which you have cried before god for that it looks as if the dog closed the night we open it by this anointing yokes are destroyed and the name of the lord is magnified anoint you in jesus name who next anoint your hand please use that hand to touch your forehead everyone that i've touched in the name of jesus i thought you would break through i touch you will break you in the name of jesus hurry up the rest of you hurry up hurry up one by one just touch it and pass take the anointing in the name of jesus i touch you with miracle i taught you this miracle i touch you with this miracle i touch you in the name of jesus in jesus name i touch your hand with miracle touch it with miracle anoint your hand for breakthrough anointing your signs and wonders and great results in the name of jesus receive receive in the name of jesus i bless your hand i bless your labor i bless your effort i command you to be blessed i command you to be blessed in jesus name receive the flow of the holy spirit i taught you the breakthrough in jesus name receive in the name of jesus heal be healed be healed be healed jesus i touch you with miracle you need a miracle jesus name the name of jesus i touch your hand with miracle i touch your body with healing in jesus name in jesus name in the name of jesus in the name of jesus send it out jesus name in jesus name in jesus name strength to your body in the name of jesus receive respect foreign follow me in the name of jesus [Music] follow me let the power of the holy ghost of the holy ghost [Music] follow me [Music] tonight bodybuilders let it fall on me [Music] [Music] follow me [Music] [Music] the holy ghost let it fall and follow me oh let the power up the holy ghost did i go let it fall [Music] let him go let him go a holy ghost let it fall [Music] the holy ghost hey [Music] on me [Music] on me let it fall [Music] lord [Music] oh let the power the holy ghost right now right now and lord i want the power of the holy [Music] right now let it fall [Music] [Music] let it fall let it fall [Music] let it fall on me right now the holy [Music] [Music] the holy ghost [Music] the holy ghost i want the holy ghost the holy ghost the holy ghost the holy ghost the holy ghost the holy ghost we need the holy ghost we need the holy spirit we need your power let [Music] the holy ghost [Music] oh [Music] i know [Music] the holy [Music] [Music] let [Music] everybody [Music] lift your hands up everywhere [Music] say thank you jesus open your mouth thank you give god give god give god thanks thank you give god time for freedom and liberty give him thanks for freedom give him thank you for setting you free for setting you free give him thanks give him time give him thanks thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord worship him worship him worship him worship him the spirit of barrenness is removed the power of fear is removed you are losing the name of jesus thank you lord for this soul and spirit i set your people free i set your people free i set your people free i set your people free but when the son of man set you free you are free indeed thank you lord thank you lord thank you [Music] thank you lord open your mouth and give him glory open your mind and give him glory say hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord give the lord a shout of hallelujah give him a shout and shout [Music] [Applause] thank [Applause] [Music] thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord hallelujah hallelujah we bless your holy name in jesus name [Applause] amen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah holiday hallelujah halloween [Music] hallelujah [Music] for you have said in your heart how long will it take god to visit me tonight i have not only visited you i'm unveiling my glory that you cannot escape my hands shall do that which you cried to me about even with trial and tribulation that i brought you to i've stood by you that i may use you says god please be seated please be seated please be seated i'm only going to give you three suggestions before number one god does not need to notify you before he give you direction that's exactly what he did tonight he didn't tell you what he wants to do no but he has done what he has chosen to do if you accept it that this is what you have been waiting for to hear from god this time next year your life will be a new story altogether to the glory of god to the glory of god every normal child takes nine months to be born tonight god is going to impregnate you with idea vision and dream don't abort it be willing for god to let it come to pass how many can say amen to that [Music] i bless you i thank god for the opportunity to tell you what god told me to tell you you are going to look for elizabeth all those your friends there are some friends you don't need in your life they are they are dead their lives are not every time they tell you tragic stories dissociate and discontinue maybe until you get to my age where you can say like paul by christ's help i can do all things but until you get to that age anything that will soil you and put you down cut away from it are you hearing what i'm saying some of those your friends when they hear you buy a new car they are angry stop visiting them anybody you give testimony and your testimony become an offense plead with him to allow you to go on your own hold your ears say i hear you holy say i hear you it's not everybody got me to be your friend especially if your life is not like your life do you hear what i'm saying i told people in california two days ago i said you say papa why do you tolerate sinners like this because by years of experience i've found that no man's sin can stand the name of god no it doesn't matter what you do you only destroy yourself not god so i said that's why i told our rhythm because i have to be it i just say i'm not your i am like jesus go and sin no more if you hear it you'll be free if you stay in it he will kill you but those your friends who have no motivation nothing in them circulating nothing in them rising up your life changed from tonight you hear what i'm saying don't hate them but don't be like them anymore because there's something better in you tonight god has put something inside you no man will destroy it i bless you july 1st god is giving you a new meaning to your life will you do one more thing for me before you sit down stand to your feet don't run twice say god is giving me a turnaround one more time the lord is giving me a turnaround so shall it be in jesus name amen a new turn around in your life amen amen
Channel: Church Of God Mission International
Views: 578,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CGMi, Church Of God Mission Int'l, Benson Idahosa Sermons, How To Find Favour With God, benson idahosa, church of god mission intl, archbishop benson idahosa
Id: R0O12k3QEeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 27sec (4167 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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