Don't Let The Wind Stop Your Journey - Archbishop Benson Idahosa

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i said your god is on the mountain your ship will never sink oh your dream from now look out for jesus when everyone that comes to the office to work have gone look out for jesus when your friends whom you trust have turned their back to you look out for jesus [Applause] when the people started the rest with stuff the cost is too tough lift your head above the cloud see a light breaking through the clouds jesus is not far away from your tossed he never waits until you sink before he arrives your butt may shake your butt may almost sink but faithful is he that calm [Applause] the sheep will not sink because the master is going to appear that is your marriage being tossed right now maybe it's your finances that is admissible what god has told me to tell you because i'm on the mountain and because i sent you how many of you know god sent you here i said how many of you know that god sent you here that's why you are not one of the multitudes the multitudes are right now on the streets the disciples are inside somebody say amen men of god god knew you before he called he mucked you that you could face the storm even when you cry loud sometimes sometimes the wind gets so destined us that when we see jesus we think he's a ghost that's mine i have seen many gods several times and i love this part of it the bible said when peter finally saw christ he said if he'd be down beat me come and beat that jump down and walked towards him but midway another midway he began to sing this is the only english in the bible and i am going to tell the writers to correct it when we get to heaven you and i have begun many times to sing but we've never sunk are you hearing me anyone that god has given grace to begin to sing when jesus is around will never sing i wish i wish you are hearing what i'm saying you can only think when christ is far away when jesus asks you to jump down you may begin to sink but you never think god told us build me a cathedral of the holy spirit the only houses for the needy turn trouble around do a work in georgia and the gates of hell shall not prevent [Applause] it us join hand with a constraining master resign from being one of the motives join the one that god is telling today get to the book let's go over to the other side this ministry has just bigger school is coming bigger churches are coming we can sink when we have not reached the other side you may cry and die if you like no man that god sent to the other side sinks missing sit down sit down i said sit down there's no man that god told go to the other side that goes on you can never go under when you are going over jesus said go over everybody say over to the other side in your effort to go to the other side and midway of your vision expect the way respect the storm but ask yourself these five questions why has the wind come against me many times the devil wants you to think you are doing the wrong thing i know you and i are almost the same person the greatest time i get god's visitation in my life it's dumb time when i have storms i see god why do we systems midway number one the devil wants to give us distraction he wants to distract you from where you are going he wants to tell you you are doing too much he wants to tell you you are too much in hurry devil forget that god told you whatsoever you find to do it quickly if he can distract you he can direct you did you hear me i said did somebody hear me if the devil can distract you he can direct you but if you do not allow him to give you distraction he will never give you direction is somebody hearing me this morning god is saying yes there is storm yes here is wind but look out for jesus coming to me in the midst of my storm reason number two why the devil brings down midway is to force you to lose sight of where you are going he knows that wisdom comes you are going to panic he said i said oh god you are going to say oh me and all me never brings results amen does i say amen dogs amen is better than all me all god is better than all banks god you heard that the camera man god is with you in the face of all stones five reasons why the devil brings stuff i need way number one to cause destruction number two to force you to lose sight number three to give you choice to come back and faith trip faith way have no backward steps when you choose to go with god the ladder he places you have no downward steps you didn't hear me i have had more opportunities to quit the ministry than anyone on earth every time i finally say yeah that's all i'm waiting for this is the last stroke that broke the comments back god says to me where is it coming where is he coming you've gone too far remember you are midway if you take the same energy to go back has to go forward say midway do you hear what i'm midway if you are midway think midway midway coming from there going here midway now the devil said go back measure the trip again say midway instead of using the last energy to go to where i'm coming from why not use the same energy to go to where i'm going thank you one person headed is a call to the church power is the voice of god to the church if the devil asks you to come back tell him it's too late everyone says too late i know too much now so go back no going back say no going back fire not going back faster is not going back just not going back hallelujah don't go back you are midway reason number four why the devil challenge you midway is for you to think you miss god i'm not sure i'm not sure if god who asked me to build this big cutting we will not write in where we are building millions and millions when nobody was complaining when you say that you forget you have done the seeming impossible when man say could not be done god says you didn't miss god when your job is facing crisis because it's alive a dead job doesn't face trouble is somebody hearing what i'm saying every time people come to me they say papa i need prayer i say what for they say i'm passing through trouble i said go ahead i say son that's the right word go through go ahead if you are passing through god you heard what i said i said you heard what i said how many of you have been passing through trump how many of you have passed through trouble that's the gift of god to pass through and not die he's good hallelujah oh yes pass through that's why the bible says if you pass through fire if you pass through the water you will not die i see a new church coming from devil watch if you think you've ever seen anything the best is yet to come say hallelujah reason number five why the devil wants you to face down in the middle of the sea it's so that you pay no cost you pay no price people who are not willing to pay any price for the gospel we have no crime if christ big god where's the artist write it write it for me i want it somewhere in this church if christ beat god and died for me no prize is too much for me to pay for it faith is not christian noted it's not christian logic it's not gambling faith is life and my bibles they fight the good fights of faith and power says i fought a good fight god wants you to pay the price of appreciation when you swim out of trouble that's the price when you give tight and offering that's a prize when you work for the kingdom that's a prize when you join god doing something that's a prize somebody say hallelujah when my daughter came out just now among the team that one that fought for championship my heart many want to win without fighting champions are those who fight winners are those who took part in something rude is getting scholarship to read love because she jump up and put something in the basket i didn't know how to jump for routine jump she's brilliant in class and good in sports nobody says i win when you fight don't make christianity too cheap i pray people hear what i'm saying i'm flying back to florida to fly back to london tomorrow because god asked me to come and tell you what i'm telling you don't be distracted don't lose your vision don't come back you haven't missed god based on price and your ship will not sink somebody say hallelujah [Applause] finally oh god finally jesus appeared walked on the water that was tossing them the holy spirit told me this morning every wave that took you up god is going to put his leg on it somebody hearing what i'm saying make it a personal covenant for yourself every stone that lifted your ship up god is going to put his leg on top of that water are you hearing me jesus is coming towards you one day my bishop i was in the seventh day prayer fasting last day i lay flat on the floor in tears i said god all other churches that started before us the press doesn't say anything about them they don't make any noise about them they go on air and say good memorial service was held in the church yesterday as they bought for us the right against me they talk against me and i heard god say do you want to be like them i said yes lord he said you didn't hear what i said do you want to be like one of them i said excuse me he said dead hand do not harsh fresh eggs dead hands don't hush fresh eggs he says show me one ministry in africa that has established 6814 churches in 17 years show me one church that i've got 7 million members in 17 years the day you are free from trouble be ready to wear your crown and he said are you ready i said no sir how many of you want to die this morning i can kill you right now is there anybody who wants to die this morning raise your hand let me kill you right god said to me at every stage of the ministry when storm come look out for me i'm coming to you and not the devil can somebody say amen to that what are you facing this morning do you have any crisis in life the master that steals the tempest is coming jesus [Music] the stealer of the tempest the quencher of big storm is on the way to you to you to you to you to you to you to you the tempest will not last they will not break before your storm stops it's going to stop and the lord said to me do you want to be like them now i said no sir he said go forward everybody say go forward i have been united states now two weeks i'm going tomorrow i've got telephone call nine times from the governor and three presidential candidates have booked appointments with my secretary to see me when i arrived because i did not die midway [Music] presidents don't give certificate to churches that died say hallelujah say hallelujah look at verse 31 with me immediately jesus set both his hand and caught him and said unto him oh thou of little faith wherefore jesus died doubt and when they were come into the ship the wind ceased stand up with me i don't know why you left home but god brought you here i said god brought you here every storm in your life every way in your life [Music] i can see god stretching his hands and saying to you i'm with you i'm with you say with me god is with me say it again i'm not sinking i'm rising up i'm rising up i'm rising up i'm rising up i'm rising up make it your song from today my sheep is not sinking i've risen up i have wondered many times the water was below jesus feet he was walking on the water why did the water not toss him him hear me the wave tossed the sheep jesus had no sheep why did the wave not touch him he is a master over troubled water [Music] and the master of the troubled water is the one that gave you this assignment yeah yeah he gave you this job he called you yes the water was getting up don't complain every water in your life have rise right to rise up but the man who sent you on an error he's going to put his leg on top of it he's going to say to every wave you see my servant i sent him to the other side and i'm going to meet him in the middle of you see somebody say hallelujah say hallelujah hallelujah come on bishop [Applause] it's your life it's too late so go back you've known too much to go back the master is too close to you now to turn to the storm turn to him with your tempest and my bible said and they arrived everybody said they are right say it louder [Applause] god never sends you in an errand you will never arrive we still need some millions to finish the cathedral we will arrive the wind will soon cease because jesus jesus jesus i said jesus jesus is stretching his hands to you and to me heaven have just responded everybody say amen i see with my two eyes your marriage storm season your business dumb season and i want to plead with you sir please this is my application don't let these saints agree that there is recession god told me only those who turned their back to god have recession we say we have god who supplies all our needs according to his riches in glory hallelujah [Music] [Applause] no recession no recession the world the world have recession but the saints have reservation [Applause] my god and your god asked me to tell you change your mouth bless yourself call to be pretend that be not as if they were and it shall be so the righteous and the unrighteous are not the same he that keepeth jerusalem is watching over you the sparrows still have food the lilies of the valley still have food and your god we supply your needs [Applause] [Music] i want all of you there to come here with me i want all of you there to come here with me we are going to pray agreement prayer the storm is over i said the storm is over join hand with someone there your sheep shall arrive every sickness and disease in your body is destroyed by the hand that god stretched from the crown of your head to the soul of your feet sickness live now and go now this isn't leaving now fear god now in the name of jesus come out [Applause] right now right now right now whom the son of god set free is free indeed in the name of jesus your head is healed your eyes heal your neck here your chest here your womb here your feet here in jesus name you are here thank you lord thank you lord [Applause] you are set free in jesus name amen amen
Channel: Church Of God Mission Int'l - Common Impact Centre
Views: 146,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cgmiglobal, CGMi, Benson Idahosa
Id: hxrgtG4lESQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 18sec (2238 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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