Your Attitude Determines Your Altitude Archbishop Benson Idahosa

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hallelujah hallelujah so nice to hear that the choir just flew in from brentwood tonight thank god for all of you and dr colleen thank god for your life all you have done in england before the gospel became gospel in england a man like dr colleen eckhart brought his neck out out of the anglican mission to say if i perish i perish and those who say if i perish i perish never perish so we are glad to have you here tonight sir please take your seat when i saw his lawsuit bishop reed this morning at the heathrow airport i couldn't know him anymore it took me great time of introduction by dr root to find out who bishop reid is now because it's two years i saw him last and last year we traveled and traveled until we got to the end of the earth we are night and day separated in fiji and by the grace of god that's not the end we just began i bring you greetings from home from my wife who will be meeting me in few days we just finished great services which she continued today till tomorrow before she leaves to meet me on sunday and i was giving testimony to bishop read that last sunday we had a little baptism water baptism of almost 1600 people and first time i escaped after preaching to them i remember a few years ago went for water baptism and 1264 people were baptized one day and everybody wanted me to baptize her when it got to this time the lord said and he himself baptized not accept his disciples so i told the disciples to help me to do the baptism so i can live longer so i'm glad that i was able to see that but we are seeing great things at home and this year in particular which the lord told us 1998 is going to be the year for usual miracle i have been searching the scriptures and god has given me new discoveries in the bible and as dr collins said tonight i hope someone is here to get a miracle it may be a miracle of just knowing that you're a child of god that's a very big miracle you don't live in anxiety anymore maybe you are the miracle of just knowing that you are born again and you are sure of it that's a miracle in yourself yes i've seen with my two eyes dead raised 14 times leprous cleansed many times death here many times but the greatest miracle i have personally received is a miracle of contentment i know that my goal will supply all my needs no matter where i am night and day i believe in god that supplies not only heals not only delivers i said to them in benin yesterday morning i said you know in the bible it was not difficult for people to see miracle when people believed that god was present with them it is when god is not around you hear that first time bishop really said that about 12 13 years ago no miracle know jesus people said he was bragging too much and they tried to convert me to themselves i said no if a man said no no miracle know jesus try his jesus if it's the truth and later we found out that that jesus has not changed i said what would you have done if you were the one that came to jesus let cross i said go watch you okay you'll be so angry you mean you didn't pray for me go watch they left the bible said as they went say that with me they examined their bodies and saw they were cleansed dr calling that's one message god gave me revelation you know how we blame the nine that they didn't come back jesus said where are the nine where they're not ten cleansed if they say now because they didn't come back they must have leprosy those people were so shocked that they were healed they went home straight you mean just go home means i'm here all right he has asked me to go go so they went and went but one came back and said this is not how i was before i met you all part of my body heal and jesus said go you are made whole that one got to the other one got one did you hear me sometimes we want to do it in the former traditional way what is the traditional way i was in one meeting last time i saw everybody fall so i must fall that's tradition i was in another meeting i met people crying so i have to cry that's tradition when god wants to do it he can change his method anytime but the power never changed are you hearing me i want to speak tonight on attitude and what i believe has helped me in the last few weeks let's go to the book of numbers the book of numbers chapter 14. beginning from verse 21 i will commend the bible school class for dr collins this night verse 21 of number 14 but as surely as i leave all the elf shall be filled with the glory of the lord as truly as i live as truly as i live all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the lord god did not say as old as the world become let pasture feel everywhere that shall feel everywhere but god is saying as long as i'm alive my glory shall fill the whole hell somebody ought to shout verse 22 because all those men which have seen my glory and my miracles which i did in egypt and in the wilderness and have tempted me now these ten times i have not hacked into my voice or did not believe what i did surely they shall not see the land which i swear unto their fathers neither shall any of them that provoke me see it but say that to everybody i didn't hear you try it again and i said it in english way my servant caleb because he had another spirit with him i have followed me fully him will i bring into the land wherein he went and his seed shall possess it verse 28 say unto them as truly as i live says the lord as she has spoken in my ears so will i do unto you somebody should say amen i want to say verse 24 first in the midst of all chaos doubt and fears recklessness and doubts god said there's somebody in town who saw what 12 men saw he was one of the 12. when he came back he said things are not as bad as you think the land i want to see maybe it is not the same land that the other 11 saw i saw a land flowing with milk and honey and joshua said the land i saw floyd with milk and honey ten men said that's not what we saw the land we saw is a land that eat inhabitants and they gave the bible called the 10 reporters report evil reports but two men said we separate ourselves from their comments you see your attitude will determine your attitude your life hereafter will be determined not how much you end not how much you walk but how much of god's character is exhibited in you i have seen people taking to meetings led dying one of the most anointed men on earth can come and lay hands and say in the name of jesus i command you to rise and walk they lie and die not because the preacher was not anointed but the man never left home to see healing attitude i've seen many many many come to meetings where i preach sometimes never been to church never but carried at the point of death and you get there and say what are you here for sir i want to be healed when now why you are success means what you say now can you get up yes sir before you finish speaking they are standing what happened he left home believing if he can get there he'll be healed and there are those you need cruel and chisel hammer believe believe no believe no and they die in their unbelief not because god have no power to heal but they didn't come to be healed they came to see if god can heal and i want to let you know god is saying they saw my miracle they saw my hand they saw the mighty works i did but they doubted what i did they house told them it's a game it's a joke many preachers still believe the same thing today when they hear that somebody is here they say no in africa we don't fight whether men and women believe in god or not like i i came to england some years ago i heard a bishop say jesus was not born by mary and jesus didn't die and jesus i was shocked that's not our problem in africa the problem is between darkness and light and everybody who is in the church in africa have left one tradition or the other god is saying here these men followed me they were in my midst i saw them they saw me i performed miracles i did things that were shocking but they refused to believe therefore they would not see any other kind however in other words but one man who believed he had another spirit everybody in england may tell you how rough life is now economically this man is one of those who doesn't know whether there's hunger in england oh you say it's a rich man that's what he says he doesn't wait for you to tell him this man if his head is cut now and put in a bowl he will not believe he's dead calling echoed he will not believe me unless you tell me i'm dead i will not know and if my eyes are open and you tell me i'm dead i'm going to tell you i'm ready to bury you because i don't believe attitude and not that spirit as this world grow older and older and older so much of god will be said in different forms only those who believe in living god we see a living miracle may i repeat everyone around you will say things are very tough now in england only the man who said my god is tougher how another attitude another spirit what is that spirit the spirit that says i know my redeemer believe it what is this we are talking about tonight this paper says yes i can see economy fall but my god is still standing is anybody hearing me but my servant caleb and not the spirit he doesn't talk the way others talk he doesn't do things that others do caleb said i am 80. i am well able even though i'm 80 he said i'm stronger now than when i was 40. another spirit all the people that are 65 that live in the same time we kill up how are you don't you know i'm 65 peter are you all right i think so what's wrong i'm 65. i got a letter from president ora robot i made a copy for him today on the 24th of january or a robot turned 80 years i sent him a greeting card i sent him whatever i thought an old man needed he wrote me a letter i have to give him a cup he said benson thank you for all your gifts now my ministry is about to start look out for me he said look out he said i have now reached the age where moses started this ministry now you look out for me let me hear you say another spirit say it again i would have said now that i am 80 just in case i die meet me when we get there by and by here is a man of 80 saying look out for me my ministry is about to take off somebody shut hallelujah he was about not another spirit he is still of another spirit what is that spirit the spirit that says my god has not changed he's alive he's the same yesterday he's the same today he's the same forever somebody say hallelujah it's the spirit that says i'm well when i'm sick the bible says let the wick say i am strong the bible says let the poor say what let the poor say what let the week say what are you hearing what i'm saying it takes another spirit for you to say i'm 80 look out for me are you hearing me 19 68 november a car hit me on the street and been on top of motorcycle lifted me and threw me to the other side and i had broken bones in 10 places they carried me to the hospital and the doctor looked at me said are you not the miracle worker benson i said yes he said what are you doing here i said i came to see you he said do you know your body broke in templates i said no his bone was not broken he said i'm talking of you not he i said yes that's what i'm telling you my bible say his bone was not broken he said you are going to be in this hospital for at least four months i say i'm leaving tomorrow he said how are you going to do you already here i said that's why i'm here you touch it god touch it i get up you're not hearing me 10 places they took me to the world put a big cast and people were rushing to the hospital to see whether the miracle worker was really lying down and he wrote there the day i would be discharged suddenly on the bed in less than 30 minutes they finished the class with the date ahead you are healed that was all ahead i got up he said where are you going i said show me where the bathroom is i got there i took the hospital dress away i put my clothes acts chapter 3 says lifting lifting jumping and praising god so i said hallelujah read your bible acts chapter 3 i call it taxi i entered people who came to who heard that i was in the hospital lying down made my bed empty i'm telling you my life story another spirit i got home the pain was still there but i heard you are healed when it was five o'clock service time i carried my bible i began to preach in the church and people who heard that i was in hospital who left church to go and look for me we had told them preaching in the church they came back to the church to meet me preaching they said we will tell you you had broken bones in templates i said yes i've been healed many today did not believe i had broken bone in 10 places 30 years later i'm standing his bone was not broken what is it did you have broken bone or not i had i didn't have now was the doctor correct that my bones were broken yes did i believe it yes but what did god say you are healed i'm not sure you are hearing me it's not a lie when you are well and you say you are well it's not also a lie when you are sick and you say i'm healed for by his choice somebody shut hallelujah my servant this is my belief i believe that when they got to that land the eye of the other ten so exactly but keller really looked the way david looked at goleath he said are you sure you are 12 feet because you are tall but god is the most hard can somebody say amen to that glory i was tall but god was taller than him so david said this day the lord will put your head in my hand i never exceeded that day when goliath fell to his hand another spirit how do you look at things when they look bad how do you look at this when they look horrible what do you say when everybody say things are bad daniel chapter six we shall read on the 4th of january this year i turned 40 years old in the ministry not yet to a robot or a robot have just started so i have 20 years to start look at daniel chapter 5 you are going to hear strange things in the bible tonight calling daniel chapter 5 7 the king cried allowed to bring in the astrologers the charities the soothsayers and the kings speak and said to the wise men of babylon whosoever shall read this writing and show me the interpretation thereof shall be clogged with scallop and have a chain of gold above his neck and shall be the third ruler in the kingdom then came in all the king's wise men but they could not read the writing nor make known to the king the interpretation thereof there was the cesar greatly troubled at his continent was changed in him and his laws were astonished look at vasten now say that everybody please talk back to me please talk louder kings wise men astrologers success have no answer look at the word again now the queen by reason of the words of the king and his lord came into the banquet house and the queen speak and said o king live forever let not die touch trouble d nor let that continence be changed who is speaking who is speaking is he wise no she's not called a wise woman but she has a different spirit in other words excuse me bishop reed what did i hear you are doing sad no need change well why are you sad what i saw is terrible what they told me is terrible here is a woman not title in the world of experience and astrology and susan but she has mouth better than sousa that's what i'm after she had a different attitude look at vasilev read this very well with me loudly want to go and in the days of thy father light and understanding wisdom like the wisdom of the gods were found in him whom the king nebuchadnezzar thy father the king i said thy father made master of the magician astrologer chadians and sausage somebody shot hallelujah this man down here was master over magicians magicians will doing all if you read exodus chapter 3 you see the work of magician exodus chapter 4 magician esther chapter 5 magician exodus chapter 6 magician exodus chapter 7 magician exodus chapter 8 magician in episode 9 the bible says one boils b-o-i-l-s you didn't hear that the bible used the word they could no more contest with moses when their bodies were filled with boils and moses body was smooth is anybody hearing me tonight here is a woman dr root who said to the king verse 10 excuse me what did i hear is happening to you may you live forever however there is a man in thy kingdom somebody shut hallelujah not men a man in your kingdom who helped your father before he died he is still alive the spirit of holy gods upon him he's a wise man he's a man full of the holy ghost hear me he's a master over magicians did you hear that look at verse 12 for as much as an excellent spirit and knowledge and understanding and interpretation and dream interpreting and showing of hard sentences the last line and the spirit of deserving doubts stand up come on follow me dr colleen can you see us wherever you are all right close your eyes be talking everything i say you say is a lie you are blind that's a lie you are deaf that's a lie that's a lie that's a lie you came from england that's hear me everything you ever said to daniel that was negative he told us a lot he has the spirit of deserving doubts it's not that if i say you are very poor man that's a lie all of you here you are very poor all of you are sick all of you are blind especially you the black people mostly the white ones it is my prayer doctor calling okay that a day will come no matter how naturally true it is what you don't want use your spirit to condemn it come here you man with neck problem take your seat everybody stand with me stand here when we came into the church i saw you when they were asking for yellow cards you raise your hand through a force true now lose your bandage did you come to be healed take the bandage off turn your neck to the left-hand side turn it to your right turn your neck to the back now turn it to the front keep it straight keep your neck straight from where it was straight how do you want it to be keep it that the way you want it to be keep your neck the way you want it to be give me your hand give me your neck band can you run to your seat my question can you run to your seat turn your head here turn your head there by his stripes you are healed and by the authority of the word of god be healed now in the name of jesus go to your seat leave it everybody look at me it doesn't matter how long his neck have been there when i came in and sat my eyes went dead direct and when bishop reid asked who didn't receive yellow card his hand was only hand i saw a forehand and the lord said i healed him i'm not sure your hearing there is nothing that this man can do that the blood of jesus had not finished for you to believe in this than the blood of jesus is a misinterpretation yes this wedge your neck but christ healed your neck yes is anybody hearing what i'm saying this is a wedge so that the neck will not go from the place they want it to be but the hand of god is behind this bandage the hand of god is stronger than this bandage and unless he believes that this hand bandage is not as strong as the blood of jesus he will be sick but if you say with his same mouth if god say i'm healed i'm healed then he's healed but he said doctor have not seen it he will not be well until he believes he is well daniel was not only a man who said if you turn me to a lion then i will come out before he was thrown in he knew he was not going to be eaten by life now if i give you a big dog you are going to run not not lying i'm saying human but by what you are hearing now you wouldn't run amen amen now you have the gift of deserving that now did you hear me all right if i bring bishop rick's dog to say hello to you accept by what you have heard now what is the gift we are talking about tonight my eyes says i'm sick my spirit says i'm well what my spirit says is stronger than what my eyes see is anybody here you said to daniel i am not well he says it's not true you are aware i say look at my head he said i can't see you say i'm talking on my head no he had the gift somebody shot hallelujah of deserving no matter what doubt you gave him calling i didn't know the gift of deserving that was in the bible if anybody come to my house in nigeria and say my mother died i said congratulations they said you didn't hear what i said ahead he said my mother i just lost my mother i said congratulations they say why were you waiting for your mother to bury you they said no won't it be an honor for you to bury your mom yes sir clean your face so i can pray for you and they clean their faces and say go i'm not praying why because your mother has gone for glory oh all right sir thank you very much i'm going back home supposing i say oh i'm sorry i'm very sorry you really love your man oh god i'm sorry about that what are we going to do next i have increased your doubt and your fear but when i say congratulations you say what for thank god your mom died not you i have seen some people rush to me and say i just lost my job i said because your pay was too small have the gift of deserving doubt and that would never knock at your door [Applause] now dr calling is not a priest telling the king whom daniel is he's his wife the wife is telling him in your town somebody shout hallelujah in your kingdom say hallelujah there's a man in your kingdom he has excellent spirit say with me i have excellent spirit to dissolve my doubts he has the gift of interpreting hard sentences let me give you one example of the heart sentences they came to say daniel are you aware of what they are saying about you in town he said what the king is going to throw you to lion then then they say i'm the first to go and come back for you to hear you are going to lie on them that's a hard sentence but for you to say when i get there and come back tomorrow morning did anybody hear what i'm saying traditional religion says don't tell life when you are sick say you are sick belief says let the sick sam heal amen you didn't hear that let the bomb say i'm loose let the weak say i'm strong let the poor say i am rich somebody sat hallelujah another evidence of dissolving doubts shadrach meshach and abed negro the only african among the three people one british one american and one african it was about negro that said if you chose to the fire we will come out amen the scheduler said it's true the mission said very true they tied them they said but you are not aware the fire has been hit seven times more than before they say the higher the smoke the cooler the oven somebody shut hallelujah [Applause] maybe you left home oh bishop reeve is going to pray for me tonight yes they've asked the bishop to come if what i'm saying now cannot heal you lane of hand cannot heal you how many of you came that we are sick stand if you were sick when you came stand is that english word is that an english word if you were sick when you left home stand now get up and come here walk around and go back to your seat as you are coming the lord is healing you and as you are going back you are well for by his tribe you are healed in the name of jesus rise and be healed go back to your seat you are healed check your body when you get home the trace of your disease is dissolved somebody ought to join me to say amen have i prayed for you yes whether i lay hand or i pronounce it you are healed somebody who knows you say jump up among you god bless you god bless you begin to go you'll be stronger you are healed you are healed you are healed you are healed i say you are healed everybody get upset i'm healed as everybody get to but they say some of you get up everybody get themselves here by his child i am healed now look at me seriously how would you have felt doctor calling before you and i read in this book shadrach meshach and abednego we are told that fire we are going to be thrown in three of us come up now you'll be our informant come and tell us what the kings have done what is it's gonna bind you it's gonna bind you he's gonna tie you and he's gonna throw you in the furnace the leader of the three run away and say i don't believe in god anymore what do you think the other two would have done they're wrong i don't believe that three people spoke at the same time one said on behalf of the rest even if we are thrown in we will still not bow you know what the other two said amen did you hear that one of us among us must have the gift of saying no to what the enemy suggests do you hear me the first thing i told this man 13 years ago you are misunderstood don't misunderstand yourself are you hearing me then he asked me to come to this church the pulpit was there there were about 80 or 65 people they cleared the whole seats and began to dance and for two and a half hours they were dancing and jumping and praising god i said i taught people we are crazy in africa but there are mad people here in england for two and a half hours he was depressed worship leader no choir nothing everything was set aside in this church when this church began there was no time to pray for the sick they danced until they forgot they were sick are you hearing what i'm saying in the bible say with my bible there was no day set aside for healing any day sickness caught you by mistake you are healed by rights you didn't hear me read from matthew to revelation there was no there's a four days time there shall be a healing service when in the bible you are in this church and you are sick the next person told you just say you are healed that is the gift i brought to pennell this week let no man standing by you seek go sick don't wait for the bishop to say all the come out now if you are sitting near someone you hear him snoring what the message is going on deliver him from the gift of death don't wait because it's not every day god may tell this man to pray but it's every day that god heals that's right [Applause] excellent spirit come forth you come now for you to hear that the gift of interpreting her sentences is a gift he has it what should you say to yourself tomorrow when somebody come and say your car is stolen what will you say let me hear you say it shall be found i'm getting a better one did you hear what he said what did he say someone have taken my trouble that god may give me his peace that's what he just said the old car that has been stolen somebody needed it but god is going to give me a better one but for a testimony that one shall be found you didn't hear what i'm saying someone took it by mistake they will bring it by right twice in my city we were in convention one year my wife asked the driver to go and buy bread with jesse the general want to route thieves asked them to come out of the car and they drove it away in my city when they got home they opened the lockers to save their own money and they saw my picture they brought the car they drove it near my house and put the kill [Applause] when the driver and desi came and said jesse was shaking they asked me to come out they took the car i said they would bring it soon the same evening the same evening they drove the car near our gate and put the key on top and went by food less than one year doctor wrong child and four men will go to another town to give them the poster of my crusade in the town on the way highway men i don't know what you call them here but highway robbers stop their car at gunpoint ask them to come now follow them lie down they enter the car drove it away when they got three miles they entered a little lane to find out what was in the car they opened the trunk and saw my crusade pictures they they put the team back locked it and began to look for whom they took the key from they drove and met them and said we are sorry we didn't know it belonged to the house here you are with the key [Applause] that god has not changed what belongs to you the enemy shall not desire it and if they take it by mistake call it back in the name of jesus [Music] don't sing the lord gave the lord to god never took for god so love he gave you never hear god so hate he took am i making sense to you i know you left home oh when he finished tonight he's going to call me to put hand on me and what i said psalm 107 verse 20. he sent his word are you hearing me his word went forth and healed them what i'm saying to you night from god you are healed in the name of jesus several times we've seen that happen at home several times i was in america in november my second remember they took her car when she went to buy something she came home with taxi i said when do you want the car back she said they took it i said they didn't take it they would bring it back i said give me your hand i took her hand in washington we call this car back in jesus name she said amen but when she left she went to tell police and she went to tell you show them company i said maybe where did you go i've been looking for you for the last one hour did i not pray for you say yes i said but the car would be fun she said no i want israel to give me another one i said you shouldn't have said the amendment to my prayer because if you said amen the car will be found she said what should i do i said call the israelite coming and tell them that the bishop said you will find your car 30 minutes later the car was found god is the same anywhere yes i said god is the same anywhere yes don't be so used to the system of this society was done unless you fall you are not healed unless they lay hand on you you are not healed many people in the bible when peter passed who will lay dying they say who just by the same peter they say i'm healed by the shadow of peter not by the hand of peter many were healed how did it happen they believed that he pistol pass that way they shall be healed you left home this evening believing that when you get here you'll be healed it is me or read or calling or peter you were coming to see now i'm telling you you don't need to pay for your injection it has been cured somebody ought to say amen [Music] did you hear that yes i deserve your doubt i command your dad to leave you in the name of jesus listen to this the queen said daniel had that gift the bible said there was daniel brought before the king verse 14 the king said i have heard of thee that the spirit of god indeed and that light and understanding an excellent wisdom is found thee hear this the gift of wise men the gift of interpreting dreams is found in thee then the king said the gift also that deserves doubts verse 16 is found indeed if you can read the writing interpret it for me danny answered in verse 17 let your gift be for yourself and those who don't know god i will read the interpretation are you here tonight i came to take you to a new level don't wait for healing life before you are healed if you don't know how you feel you feel nothing i hear people say i don't know how i feel because you don't feel anything anybody who have a feeling should know nobody should tell me you are not well when i know i'm well you think it's everything that prophet says that you have to go back go and read the book of first samuel chapter one verse 11 said in verse nine then prophet eli said anna come here why are you so drunk at nine o'clock this morning prophet eli said you are drunk by nine o'clock verse 10 first time i won hannah answered and said no i have a problem that i want god to solve verse 11 for my soul is vexed and i'm pouring my soul read it for me pastor first samuel chapter 1 verse 11 i am pouring my soul before god i am not drunk this morning verse 12 then said the prophet then said the prophet the lord granted thy petition supposing when the prophet said a prophet as high as in life you are drunk and she began to vomit yeah she would have been drunk but she said i'm not drunk what's in your bible pastor yes sir yeah yes yes and she was in bitterness of soul and prayed and she vowed a vow and said who did she tell when she had trouble god did she tell her was in the church yes she was in the church but did she tell her problem to the pastor in the church look at your bible please start from vessel and as he did so year by year when she went up then said el khanna her husband to her hannah why weepest now and why eat us thou not and why is thy heart grieved am i not better to thee than ten sons so hannah rose up after they had eaten in shiloh now hannah she spake in her heart only her lips moved and eli said unto her how long will thou be drunken put away thy wine from thee and hannah answered and said no my lord i am a woman of a sorrowful spirit can't not thine handmade for a daughter of belial for as of the abundance of my complaint and grief have i spoken hitherto to god then eli answered and said go in peace and the god of israel grant thee thy petition that there has asked of him who is to grant your petition when you are in trouble who are you to tell god we must go back to the bible so come to the house of god means you have resolved god is my final solution yes or no whether you are prayed for not your belief shall make you whole take your sick when will you want your problem to be solved i didn't know you had one when will you want your problem to be solved there are two answers there are two answers and both of them are right when would you want your sickness to go he's gone who wants his own to go now who believe he's gone how many of you will like to have the attitude of is over somebody said hallelujah if you wait until the prophet the apostle the superior special healer come to you you may not be healed but if you believe before you leave home you shall be healed are you hearing me if you're in a wheelchair and you start to stand before prayer is said the spirit that told you to stand is stronger than when you wait for prayer to be saved did you hear me if you believe you are well nothing can make you sick yes the symptom may be there yes the pain may be dead but your spirit is stronger than your flesh did you hear me it's not psychology it's not therapy it's faith and confidence in god greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world when i rose from that bed in the hospital the first scripture that came to me was acts chapter 3 and the lamb man for 30 years were limping and jumping and praising god i asked myself what does limping mean he's about to get away that was my interpretation oh he's already said i don't want to be on the same spot i'm going home here i've seen proof and began to go bishop reed i've seen people that i tell get up as people they get up and fall as they continue to fall until you are no more able to fall and when they fall the second time sometimes the third time they don't fall anymore there are some i just said rise and walk before he's saying if they get up no matter how many times it is repeated healing is only once once once the root cause is killed the leaves will wither am i making sense to you yes i don't know in england but in africa trees have different strength there are some trees you cut down a day two three the leaves still look as if they are not dead come back a week's time it has dried up there are some sicknesses that look as if they are not healed take your eye from it and you are healed did you hear me yes confess what you expect and what you expect will be respected by god chapter 6 verse 3 daniel then this daniel were preferred above the presidents and princes because an excellent spirit was him and the king taught to set him over the whole room somebody shot hallelujah i'm here for the first time this year to give you another spirit an excellent a spirit that says i will no more talk the way the world talks because i fly so much every time i hear the pilot or the air hostel say fasten your seat bed i fast in my faith bed i've never seen any man saved by seat belt i've seen people save by faith belt when you rebuke the spirit of death you save yourself from disaster yes and this year is a year of unusual miracle god sent me to tell you dissolve your doubts and your doubts are not possessive from this day have an excellent spirit what is that spirit what god has said will come to pass what is an excellent spirit i am looking for a job i will get one for an applicant what's an excellent spirit i'm a barren woman said by others but i know i'm a mother of children that's an excellent spirit what is an excellent spirit but his stripes have been healed what's an excellent spirit i have no money in my pocket but god is going to provide that's an excellent spirit the spirit of doubt says god has not done it before he doesn't have power to do it and i know he cannot do it a believing spirit says do i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i shall fear no evil is that all right how many of you would like to exercise the gift of praying for one another from today how many of you would like to exercise or put to use the gift of praying for one another from today those of you who believe what i have said stand up pray for somebody who is sitting down did you hear that wait for somebody it is special belief that make people special come on there brother john what joe more than 10 years now almost almost 10 years how are you doing fine thank you joe you're going to die tomorrow you know that no no no supposing he said surely what do you think will happen to him tomorrow he'll be dead but now he said no you think he's going to die tomorrow joe are you dying tomorrow why because i don't want to offend your wife how old are you i'm a year older than last year he's one year older than last year how old is this man say what he said how old is he how old will he be next year how old will he be two years time you think he has written an application to death ever said no may i say the last word before i close in prayer don't write application to problem with your mouth say no to secrets say no to poverty say no to trouble and say yes to god and i hear you say amen [Applause] everyone around you may have a different concept but this my servant has another spirit did you hear that yes this is my servant that's the word of god that's another spirit and what kind of spirit i'm aware i'm alive i'm alive when bishop reads arrived beneath tens of thousands shout the word i'm alive allah that's his name in africa they don't know his name bishopri one year he came to nigeria i introduced him and he came and said i'm alive every subsequent year he has come his name is my life and i believe that my life is better than i'm not aware do you hear me yes if i were you i would say i'm alive if i were you when somebody say how old are you next time what will you say i said they asked you how old are you what would you say i'm a year older than when the bible says by the confession of your mouth beat unto you as that has believed i'm getting tired that people have to set a death too fast to pray to beware it is not fasting that we get the glory it's jesus fasting didn't die for you at the cross jesus died the bible did not say fasting took away your sin and fast heal your body fast if you want to fast but fast fast and believe quickly you
Channel: Church Of God Mission Int'l - Common Impact Centre
Views: 172,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cgmi, cgmiglobal, Benson Idahosa
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 9sec (4389 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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