Archbishop Benson Idahosa anoints Pastor Benny Hinn

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he that any hand has stretch of his life that is wrong to cause destruction and death shall not succeed but your mouth shall be the flame of fire what you bind on earth is bound in heaven what you lose on earth is loosed in heaven in the name of Jesus you have the anointing that no one shall touch and go free in Jesus name Amen amen as it they careful from today don't go near unless if you have good thing to say he get them power to war against what you teach these are meant when he said power against all on principle I went to a city some pressman arranged for a woman to hide in my hotel room I went to bed at a sleepy but two hours later somebody had meant a problem on the ward room I checked the bathroom I didn't think anybody could bend it what true when she was crying fire fire fire fire I'm burning I'm burning I'm burning I had the sound I opened the door nothing finally I decided to open the Wardrobe here was a woman all this burnt to ashes wood fire that's right that's right that's right that's right that's right he gave them power against unclean spirits she came out they just torn her skin peeling I said what happened why Atlanta honey is that Pressman give me money to say why you start slippin as you come out of the Wardrobe and lie with you so they can say you committed adultery she went to hospital seven days later she died touch not my anointed sorry I'm telling you dangerous story this morning but that's the gospel that's a gospel what you are used to is healthy parking double-decker banana cheese message why did you get the power to cast out Devils to heal the sick to raise the dead to open blind eyes I never got to crusade with a miracle happening you come to my city my house is like transition people night and the government Kings no bows touch me touch me touch me touch my robe touch my hand touch my head that's what they come for and it works as it works if you are going to be involved in the ministry that would bring glory to God get out of washee-washee simmons fine where God is doing something lively and be a part of that thing let's not only for pastor the colors oh well we've been in this city for five years Diamond electroshocks it what demons which is Caleta succeed whoa which is light and that light and darkness who run from the other say darkness the story I was told is that there's a land where there's never sunlight 24 hours every day and so somebody came to visit son and said as a city we are told that every day of the year is that so Sun said let me go there and see so son left su n left home I say let me go see that land he came and spent three moons looking for that land he couldn't find since I've been here for three months I'm looking for darkness you did hear myself they said how could you find it he said you told me that the place is always dark every day I've been here three months I've never seen that and the Sun till you leave that place will never come back how many who say amen to that he gave them power against Italy what I'm saying against unclean sport it gave them power we were going to build our first miracle Center Church can you be writing all I'm saying since when you come a very big man in the lands office I never who owned the land next to him to us gave him money and said there the government not to approve the building plan for us he came and removed all the pegs of the building of the foundation I went to him like a man as a friend it's not my house this is God's house don't take the pegs away it belongs to God for sure now you had violated the rules Georgian excuse me you can do it he said why not so we're back I said if you leave us alone you keep your job if you don't leave us alone I love you he said you don't work in the government say I'll move you because that gave me power to bind and to loose Caleb amoeba area lalala he get them power against all on Klinsmann has a friend is not my house if you remove the peg of my house fine but this is God's house he's a who is God as oh my god his back but the spirit told me now that my is going to become my friend so I drove to his office I went to their boss I said I'm hearing anger I said somebody has disturbed my spirit and he's touching God is touching me he said Who I gave him the name he said don't be angry the man that was the overall head for this state pleaded with me that's ok bye bye I left the next money they moved him from Orlando so to say to a fault not a day they transferred him and he said I'm not going so the boss are you losing a job either you go or you lose your trust is there I'm going he left six months later he saw me he said doctor the house I want to apologize to you for what I did as okay do you want to come back his ideas I took telephone call his boss they brought him back so when we need that money to put roof he gave me $200 for the same beauty he say you couldn't build he gave them power against unclean spores you playing with the gospel you are joking with the gospel jesus said the priests of the darkness of this war has time you have no part in me if you thank God for discomfort if it wasn't for this conference Christianity in America had three months left by generally all of you would have been greater trouble than you ever had but thank God mighty warriors confer can somebody say hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] the thermal become fearful for posture to write good timeline in America to own good home because the press is coming we can stop it and say we can stop it I say we can stop it we can stop at devil stop it dad oh stop [Applause] he gave them power against unclean spirit remember my first message in this place if I be a man of God play with God's people how you say his name is Big John Hall it's not just holly can haul you [Music] you can touch anything you don't touch my god they say what I'm talking it's time for the church to say I have power the world is making jest of the church as if we are orphans we are not orphans orphans we have a Heavenly Father [Applause] [Applause] he called them and give them power against unclean spirits what are you doing with this power you think I just are you a mental yes how do you know I fell yesterday he didn't give them power to fall he gave them part or lifted those who fell [Applause] so here all manner of sickness with my two eyes have seen blind eyes open I've seen deaf ears on stone I've seen them walk I've seen a child in our crusade in Kenya come Akagi field not just some deter you here there a child was brought to one of our crusade born with no eye balls flat face five days she came to this this woman brought his son to the crusade had first had what this one but no eyeball her face but no eyeball I had the woman what happened is that when she was pregnant the bewitched so that child was born with no eyeballs first night nothing happened blind saw one night 11 people got out of wheelchair the third night 17 blind people totally blind saw but this woman nothing happened so she called my wife ever evening tell your husband to give my child eyes I have prayed for blind eye to open but I've never seen someone with no eye in my life so my wife said he can pray for if the child was blind so she said the powder open bland I cannae know give new eyes [Applause] there was a power say power the last night she came to the mitten in Cana Cruces that in the afternoon I am she was on the field she came very close to the platform there about 200 ministers in my platform when I came I said so I said fine I looked I said my wife we are we gonna pass when we close this woman is gonna hold me I said she's desperate she said yeah when you ask them to close their eyes you can go that's a good that's a good one I preach I prayed and I said now lower your hand and where you have your problem I'm gonna ask God to open blind eyes or stop deaf ears which is my crusade character you can't lay handle five hundred thousand people she put two fingers in the place she thought the I should be while I was rebuking the Bucca somebody said hallelujah boy began to scream began to cry I'm looking for a way to escape the boys crying so and I said do not what you couldn't do before this woman began to jump and shout I thought she was jumping to come and meet me so I tried to jump down today because he he can see he can see I'm trying to go out so she spoke Swahili that the boy has a ball here am i trying to escape yes the woman shouting that the boy has to I boy so I jumped back that's why you can't take credit for miracles because I was trying to run away and God was at home I said God was at home all manner of sicknesses we brought the boy out and it was in newspaper in Korean the nation boy born with no eyeball receive miracle to bright eyeball we are created by miracle of God somebody say hallelujah that's why you are here all mighty warriors is a dawning of a new day is a dawning of a new day there's a dawning of a new day is dawning of a new day [Applause] it gave them power to heal all manner of diseases here today people gimmick people do what in I send you bandages send you toilet rolls and you send your dried bread send you pictures and ask you to put your hand on it which is not bad or what happens do you have the power when it come to tough time I believe in point of contact I believe in it but the greatest miracle that can happen in your life is the one that happened to you and you say Amen that child I open I began to weep three miracles has happened in my life out of the millions of miracles I've seen the first time I saw the dumb speak the first time I saw a leopard cleanse and the first time I saw this boy with no eyeball created by miracle all of the miracles I smiled but this three I cried and I have seen thousands of I've laid hand on dead people eight have risen from dead in my ministry was that on my calling I'm a bald man Oh come to calm you said somebody died I got the Nanga said dad you have no right to be here leave in Jesus name it give them power if you are going to pray the gospel not imitate any man that failed don't be too humble to look like a man who fail look like man who have succeeded go to Bennie hands go to our abort go to TL Osborn your sick cancer from in mind that I've done nothing the limited size you are you listing or you or you in your life is the man that I've done twice what you are trying to do once the only person when it criticize you and you say listen is a person that I've done twice what you are trying to do once if they've done nothing and they are making noise be like me first before you tell me what to do you've not done one tenth of what I've done and you're making noise the press asked me am i bad day 51st but the last two months what's the biggest problem you have ever have fun in your life as a me they said why I said because every time I believe you I do the wrong thing if I listen to what you say I missed a Mac so I listen to God you didn't call me I'm not gonna give our country you have did not come to God can somebody say hallelujah he kept them power against say against that's what I'm after many of you have power for this power for this power for this power for this power for that you've never had power against I couldn't be alive in Africa if I was having only powerful if I had the pie I've ever had was for I would have been buried long ago my city they used to use children blood for tea which is a wizard tell you two o'clock this afternoon I'm gonna kill you and you really die when God raised me say you stop it I woke up I said God I'm gonna stop it I said how do I do that and not by might nor by power but by my sport you want to be a mouth to bind until news I'm gonna be your mouth to set the captive free I'm gonna be a mouth to heal the city and I'm going to use you to send the power of demons out of this town so I send notice to all the witches and wizards as I'm here now government change hand you got that big brother Kaname Cheng Han you have been in charge now Jesus a million charge [Applause] [Applause] he got them power against unclean [Applause] spirits to cast them out when you live here Sunday night go to your city the demon or prostitute out the demon of witchcraft the demon of fear the spider put the church down capable mobile say plan about it he's not in love to use the name of Jesus or turn around I'm falling and getting out as child's play child's play Jesus SE sitten coming from heaven like lightning as in the bible i saw set and fallen down from heaven like lightning that's ray spirit of demons don't go back from Orlando gambling with the name of Jesus go mighty let everybody say you are no more afraid say yeah I resign I quit say I resign from fear club from dying club from being afraid and I say I quit Jesus in me glory hallelujah that's why you are here to learn how to fire up you get back to your town being charged it's a devil government changing government engine they were about to you know fear fear me everybody said that see it's time for theater hear me come to sell it all sides on the way that's why you must not clap as if you end agree that's why you must not sing as if you are having funeral it is the power and the anointing of God to sing dr. Hannah and I we are talking when driven big John Hall was singing us a look at this talent this height alone you frighten the devil if you do not improve on your gift your gift will be lost if you don't use your talent your talent vanish what while is day for night comment when no man shall walk again there's no city in America that need storytelling pastors they need Devo casters there is no city in America there needs no is making pastors they need devil casting pastors can I tell you a secret then I quit I want to tell you a secret and I quit you know when problem come to TV ministry when all the big TV stars began to consort Los Angeles trick stars first I had to get money from the people 1970 1985 the big ministries in America began to employ the services of the trick stars in Los Angeles to teach them how to sit on TV how to cry how to write million letters that is freakish how to appeal for money so none of them prayed anymore they began to learn tricks and the devil took advantage of their doing it a human ways instead of God's Way so the Empress paths to tell you when to cry in the middle of your program aspect to tell you how to bring your face how to appeal for money no gospel and the devil survive I gave it to you I will take it from you they left God's business to serve tables nobody was talking about missions they substituted the admission with the ambition so they gained ambition and lost vision and that's what ring TV and even the biggest name on TV - they deny that they are crystallisation give them power against all unclean spirit go back to your church after Sunday tell them a new man have come from Orlando another revival Reviver revive a blended ever in the blind when the dump in the sick when the leg the hand they sorry Carla heal on - go back and preach prosperity prosperity stuff from Tosa is from Jesus and it's not a white man's gospel is Bible gospel some of you black say the reason I am poor because I'm black is not because you are black because you are dummy stop nice making use your brain here's your hand the matter was that I bless the liver of your hands it's no different between Big John holem myself one head one head two eyes two eyes two hands two hands two legs to let was it different the use of the brain you put your brain in the freezer doesn't work but it'll work I give you results somebody say hallelujah and any pastor specialized in funeral service can never have Reviver any pastor specialized in funeral service in funeral service can never have Reviver so let the dead bury the dead [Applause] there are many posture that will I be here for they are gonna have dinner at this week I'd um bury the dead if I pray for you to get up you refuse someone else better you that's why I have 5,000 pastors I come as a brother get up your job ID nothing it I say get up you refuse second time get up I take my Bible I leave as a pastor John take care of him I was not called for the daytime call for delivery can you say Amen so if you are so used to memorial service funeral service you are not used to revival it's time for you to be used to revive her go bathroom Orlando is there why did Benny Hinn why did you go to Benny hands child I went there to bring your sword home to tell the devil everything that was against you the sentries is going to be my last statement of the beginning I'm coming back coming back sorry my conversion start in Africa today 52,000 people are coming why did you go to a land oh I went there to collect power against everything that was against me you hear me all my friends not those who believe in what I'm doing you don't believe in what I'm doing you want to take my life I report to headquarters they tell you if what happened to Jamaica happen in Africa the government would be on fire my people wouldn't let that nonsense happen of course anybody died try to touch you now starting god yeah I use a Baba here this message and a collection of all the messages are available as you eat assists inspirational world-class products [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Refire TV
Views: 577,849
Rating: 4.8806314 out of 5
Keywords: Benson Idahosa, Benny Hinn, steven furtick, td jakes sermons, td jakes, bishop david oyedepo, bishop duncan williams, bishop david abioye, archbishop benson idahosa, archbishop nicholas duncan williams, prophet bushiri, prophet bushiri walks on air
Id: n4OGLZbW9gw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 46sec (2206 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2019
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