T.L. Osborn / Walking In Power / #HeroesOfTheFaith / The Believers' Mission Of Healing

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god anointed jesus of nazareth with the holy ghost god anointed t.l osborne with the holy ghost same holy ghost say god anointed me with the same holy ghost [Music] i want to talk about why healing is god's passion and what biblical healing means in our world ideas that have kept me inspired truths that have anchored our ministry through these many years concepts that have kept me balanced facts that have kept my faith alive matthew 4 23-24 jesus went about all galilee teaching and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing all manner of sickness and disease among the people that's our ministry isn't it that's not the ministry of the church per se that's the ministry of every minister it's the ministry of every person of ever christian of ever believer his fame went throughout the country they brought to him all sick people with diverse diseases and torments and those possessed with devils and lunatics and those with paralysis and to heal them were healers that's our mission and great multitudes followed him multitudes will follow us when we heal them the closing day of our meeting in madurai india there was a great field of people probably a hundred thousand people that were so beautiful out on a big flat field and the platform was covered full of indian preachers pastors all in their white clothes beautiful and as they sang i asked them to wave their hand and they did and it looked like a field of ripened grain their their brown skin it and the sun was bright it really looked beautiful and as they as they waved and sang it was like heaven you know and i hollered while everybody sang i said preachers because some of the indian preachers needed perkin up a little bit you know they can tend to be a little a little hesitant and i said preachers look at your country your country is saying to you preach me your christ with miracles and we'll follow you that's what they're saying preach me the jesus of miracles and we'll follow what you tell us to do i believe that great multitudes followed him john john 17 he said as thou father has sent me into the world even so have i sent them into the world you can't make it any clearer than that he came and showed us how to do it one of the great things that daisy said she was full of little shark statements like this but she said one day honey why did jesus come and i puckered up to give her a good pontifical answer like we husbands do to our wives you know and and i saw it twinkling in her eye and i figured i better shut up and i listened she said he came to show us god well i said that's what i was going to tell you but she said that's not all he came also to show us us and i had never heard anybody say that as my father sent you even so sent me even so send i you and lo i am with you all way even to the end of the world you can't beat that that's reliable you can count on it i count on that that's not something to read that's not that's not just words to me that's not a ritual or a ceremony i believe that when you walk out on a platform amidst a sea of hurting people surrounded by demoniacs lepers witch doctors people dying and crying and moaning when you walk out there you cling to something what you cling to are promises like that lo i am with you alway and when i walk out there i practice as kenyan said so often wrote so often practice the presence of jesus i believe in paul's revelation christ in you in me jesus christ alive in me in the same way that god was alive in christ you believe that i believe that and when i walk out there before those people i depend on that that must be fact otherwise there's not anything i can do for those people i don't happen to have any tangles or gifts or blessings or touches or fires or anything in me that i've never had anything like that i i'm i'm nothing at all but i have this and this is what i bank on he has chosen us he trusts us he sends us i'm talking to you he sends us to heal the hurting people of our world to value and to esteem them as his special creation to love and serve him by loving and serving them that's the secret i want to plant some dynamic seeds in you about the believer's mission of healing seed power is ultimate power seed power is the only absolute true prophecy what is planted will come up you can bank on wheat if you plant wheat yes never fails true prophecy we have the power to plant what the people need and we can bank on it if we trust it the greatest parable jesus gave concerned seed power and we we must we must ponder this until we come to the place we trust the seed we believe in the seed often believers need to take a fresh look at life to realize how they can help heal a broken world the worst disease that a person can have is the deadly virus of a surrendered will of an empty life of neutrality without focus without commitment to do something when you reach that place you're dying the greatest revelation that god has ever given to humankind is sending jesus to show us that his will is to bring health and dynamic living to people that is his mission that is our mission that keeps a smile on our face a spring in our steps we're not deads where somebody arrived important with something good to say to everybody we have life and we transmit that life that's his mission that's our mission i'm alive he's alive i'm alive god is a life giver he can even give life to the dead you know how we know that he came back from the dead if he had not come back from the dead we can not be raised from the dead but he came back we can come back if you're dead tonight spiritually if you're dragging if you've lost the fire that this conference was put on to share with you come alive tonight so many people are already dead while their hearts are still beating that's a tragedy in one way or another they've lost their dreams their ambitions their desires for a better life it's tragic to lose that they've surrendered their fight for self-esteem they've compromised their potential they've settled what a tragedy to settle for mediocrity don't do it they've accepted nights of tears don't do it they're dead while they live don't die when your heart's still beaten they're boxed in their negative world they've chosen to give up don't do it as long as you can move don't do it as long as you can talk and touch and bless you can heal you're a healer for the world don't do it they've chosen people have chosen to die when they could choose to live tonight those kind of people if there's anybody like that left in this fire conference on this closing night you can experience the greatest miracle in the world you can come back from the dead tonight hallelujah what a wonderful thing to be able to save that say that with conviction and know it can take place that's the healing that god wills for you that's every christian's mission of healing in my book the best of life on page 131 i wrote something that is good for people like that i wrote this god has given me a power secret which i alone control soak this up listen to it get it off the tape repeat it get the book read it it is my right of choice my ability to decide how much i want out of life how high i want to climb how rich i want to be how long i want to live how much power i want to have or what goals i want to reach say i'm listening say i'm hearing i inform myself i set my targets and i achieve my goals because i choose to win i have decided that god and me cannot be losers together are you hearing me somebody's hearing me or i wouldn't have been impressed to bring this to you i recognize that god is at work in me i can't afford to ignore him he does not reduce himself to my standard but raises me to his standard [Applause] i have chosen and i have decided to get life's best have you say i have because i am god's best say because i am god's best he created me in his likeness first class all the way ought to be having you repeat these things do you believe them let hallelujah they're real they're real we are the people of god we're the nobility of the kingdom of god on this planet we're here for a glorious purpose it's in our hands and this mastership is in me the only person who can limit me is me because i make my own decisions i choose life success happiness health and prosperity i have decided have you decided something i have have you decided to die before your time or have you decided you will not die before your time you will live life to its fullness young people watch it it can happen to young people they can get down on themselves don't do it you've got life before you young people are committing suicide all across the country they're doing crazy things i'm talking to you i have decided to say yes to god's best because that alone glorifies him that alone fulfills my life and that alone makes my world better that is every believer's healing mission there are only two essentials in our believer's mission of healing number one what do we believe and number two what do we do about it that's all romans you know it ten and ten with the mouth with the heart man believeth unto righteousness that's what we believe and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation our mission of healing our calling our commitment our focus is you ready listen to serve god by serving people get the tape and copy these lines down to see god through seeing people to recognize god by respecting people well that'll stretch you a little bit i don't want to imp insist on it too strong but ponder it ponder it see what god will show you out of these lines to learn of god by observing people yeah think about it people are not to be ignored god is in them to discover god by discovering the value of people don't tell me you believe in god and don't believe in people and you think everybody is a skeptic no no that reflects your attitude toward god to connect with god by relationship with people say i like it tell me some more okay i'm glad you asked communicate with god by rapport with people you ever thought of that don't tell me you can talk to god when you can't talk to people don't tell me god turns you on when people turn you off no we find god jesus said what you do to the least of these people you do to me our mission is to glorify god how by putting up our hands that's good we do that but no by esteeming people that glorifies god you ever think of that we can't run around criticizing condemning everybody and then come and glorify god no that don't work that way i'm talking about our mission of healing the world needs healing you don't need religion needs healing to look to to honor god by valuing people to love god by honoring people to walk with god by walking with people you ever think of that yeah that may give you a new slant on thing think it over don't make a doctrine out of it i'm just trying to think of something to stir you up on this fire conference make you go home happy with new ideas something to preach about something to motivate you to study the scriptures and preach better see our mission we're saved and we become saviors we're healed and we've become healers we're lifted we're lifted and we've become lifter uppers of people we're blessed and we become blessers for some mysterious reason i grasped that concept early in life i was saved at the age of 12. i began to preach in the little country church at the age of 15. i was married at the age of 18. i became a missionary to india daisy and i did 21 and 22. why simply because we didn't we didn't have a call or anything but we just felt they needed what we knew about jesus more than people in our country so we went to them we went to the needy people we failed because we didn't know much but but we came home and when we came home god was merciful to us and knew it was our ignorance you know we were brokenhearted we loved the people we wanted to help them we saw the millions of people but we came home broken-hearted we but we learned the most valuable lesson the most valuable lesson that i can imagine we learn that christianity is a miracle way of life and without miracles christianity is only a philosophy bishop reed from england says no jesus no no miracles no jesus he harps on that that's a good thing to harp on we came home broken-hearted and that was when that was when the lord was very merciful to us we wanted to find someone that could that knew about miracles because we didn't know about it we had we had we had prayed for sick people in our ministry before we were pentecostal but nothing happened and that i can remember and uh so so we hadn't seen miracles and we were heartbroken but we saw the most important thing we saw the masses of people if this video has touched your life make sure to subscribe like comment and click the bell to stay updated on what god is doing at shake the nation's ministries and the emptiness of religion dead religion that affected us for life so when we came home we wanted to find someone that knew about miracles we heard about smith wigglesworth we were going to go to his meeting and he died so we heard about amy mcpherson we had heard about her we were going to go to the temple and see those big cases of uh stretchers and and crutches and canes and all that stuff and and she died just before we went and so we we had we we were near the uh assemblies of god campgrounds in oregon at brooks oregon so uh we had we heard we heard the good news that dr charles price was going to be the speaker that year so we were going to go he was a miracle man wonderful wonderful wonderful we had taken a whole stack of his golden grain magazines with us to india and read and so we were anxious to hear him and he died three in a row right when we were in agony looking for anybody with miracles and he died and so then they told us that hattie hammond was going to preach was going to be the speaker so we thought well we'll go we'll go it's not very far we'll go listen to her and that woman a great woman of god we didn't know her before we hadn't heard of her a great woman of god probably the greatest woman preacher the assemblers of god ever uh ever had she she was one of the great instrumentalities of bringing pentecost into the historic church denominations very talented woman and she preached on the subject if you ever see jesus you'll never be the same again out of john chapter one everybody running to see jesus and getting somebody bring him to see jesus and we went home weeping uh wiping tears to watch the road and the next morning when we at six o'clock jesus walked in our bedroom and i saw him as the first of four visions god gave me four vision i don't tell this often because i don't want people to chase chase visions i needed something i didn't have the kind of teaching you have today we have truth marvelous truth we don't need to chase visions but i needed something and i saw jesus when he came in the room it changed my life forever i lay there from six o'clock in the in the morning until two o'clock in the afternoon before i could move when i came out i said took days in my arms i said honey we're not preaching a dead religion we're preaching a living christ he's risen he's lord i knew he was alive it changed my life forever and that's as fresh today as ever and right on the heels of that a man of god came to portland all the churches of portland put on a big joint healing campaign which was a very rare thing to do back then and all the people came 8 000 people packed that big auditorium and this man came and and preached the gospel in such a simple way and when he and and and he he made me think of jesus he was so simple in his presentation when he made an invitation for people to be saved hundreds of them came forward i wanted to do that i lived for that and so so god let us see that and when i watched him and then he prayed for the sick and miracles took place and i watched him and i had my second vision i saw jesus in a person i saw jesus in that man that that's where he is that's where he works that's where he ministers that's where he lives today he was in a jew but now he's in you you understand that never forget that never forget that and so so that was the second vision so we were so overwhelmed with the the magnitude of this demonstration that we saw before our eyes we didn't go to bed we opened our bible sat down at our breakfast table and began to read and that's where we found all of these scriptures that are in the new testament we read the bible through every year but we missed all these verses we didn't we missed them and we found that jesus had given to his followers power and authority to cast out devils and to heal the sick and to cleanse lepers he gave it to him they had it they could go do it they went out and proved it come back said it works and we were overwhelmed and that was the third vision we saw jesus in his word and we looked at each other gog lied and said well there's nothing left for us to do but to do something about it we've got it figured out it's true let's do it so we ran ads in the paper and invited the people to church to bring the sick they brought them and we we we preached i guess i preached pretty good lots of people got saved and we called the people that were sick and laid hands on them and glory be they were healed it was marvelous little deaf and dumb girl healed a woman with her hip crushed 14 years earlier and her leg was six inches shorter drawn up because an incompetent doctor had set the bones crooked and and and we heard those bones crack as it straightened out but and we had our fourth vision i discovered jesus in me jesus in me that's the pauline revelation you haven't understood redemption until you understand that the reason christ can be in us is because he's paid for us so that our sins are expunged forever what the blood of bulls and goats can never do but jesus did it for us they had to bring offerings again and again but jesus came once once hallelujah hallelujah and redeemed us we have to get paul's revelation straight we are redeemed it's different ever every thing concerning our approachment to god changed when jesus died on the cross everything changed all the old system became obsolete all of it you ever think about that when john the baptist said behold the lamb of god that takes away the sins of the world they cut his head off because if that was true if the sins of the world could be taken away then then then then all that they were all of their sacrifices that they were bringing to offer to god were no longer efficacious no longer needed he didn't they didn't need to bring him in everything changed isn't it shocking to think about didn't need the priests anymore didn't need the temple anymore didn't need the altar anymore didn't need the place to offer the lambs anymore didn't need any of that a new way was opened and who was the way jesus was the way and and when he came and he redeemed us then we could be new people what a wonderful wonderful thing every life in every life here has purpose a divine purpose a divine mission of healing we can all be healers we are meant to be healers we need to grasp the big picture my daughter dr ladonna wrote a book the big picture get it it's wonderful it's being scattered all over russia and several other countries the big picture it's very important we all need to see god's big plan discover our meaning what do we mean to our world we need to discover the reason we are here and why we live and the power of love i wrote that book why after daisy died when she died we took all of her insurance money and sent it to russia to the press and bought books and scattered them all across the country and and i had i had to either stay home and feel sorry for myself or go to russia and so we went to russia to 10 countries to 10 cities across russia big auditoriums every one of them packed out and that saved me that helped me but that happened because i decided to love again i decided i must keep on loving i wasn't going to get married again but i could love again i could live again i must live i must love i must heal i must bless i must reach out and and that's what happened that's why that book has been such a blessing i wasn't going to print it in russia we printed 10 books and the people there were two women in the press who could read english and they read that book and they begged me they came begged me please include this one in russia i said no no no that's the story of of my woes after after i lost my wife that's my lessons that i learned no no no this is for russia i said why did you say that they said russia is hurting russia is hurting throughout the 70 years of communism our families have been split up our husbands and wives have been torn from each other children have been taken off and turned into state institutions russia is hurting russia is soaring russia is lonely did you know i get more letters from russia from precious people that were hurting that book helped them english isn't that beautiful listen listen we're healers we're healers that's that's our mission he saves us then he sends us as healer listen to the great commission in common language you ever think about reading it in common language let me give you some lines here they're interesting go jesus said we we know all this king james stuff but listen to it in in my lingo just real common stuff just boiling it down to essence go go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature what does that mean really i wrote down go tell what christ's death did for people see go tell what jesus how jesus died go tell it to people those who believe and are baptized will be saved i wrote down believing your report they'll be converted simple next one these signs will follow them that believe i wrote down miracles will take place when they get this new life you believe it this is what we have a hold of this is what we are this is the kind of people we are we're charged with this kind of stuff in thy name they shall cast out devils devils will obey you don't worry about them simple keep it simple they'll speak with new tongues yeah what did i write down you talk on new levels to rich people and poor people alike to politicians to business people to chemical dependents to the sick you'll talk new languages nice way of looking at it yeah i believe in new tongues but i also believe talking on different levels talk to anybody when we are the people of god that walk with god we can talk to anybody and they'll listen to us we're masters don't look at me like that say i like it yeah good good because what you have everybody wants get it in your head what you have everybody wants that's what keeps me going my world is so hungry for me when i arrive and walk up on the platform they look at me and ah what is this a saint or an angel or what what is this and to be honored to tell them about this jesus and what he's paid for there's nothing like it you can heal hallelujah they'll take up serpents and if they're drinking a deadly thing it will not hurt them i wrote down this themselves you'll overpower the evil that degrades society you believe that we're healers we're lifters they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover i wrote down you'll touch people with new love that cures sickness and restores hopelessness just our presence people that have given up on life will come back to life and say i can go again just because they meet us are you that kind of a person become that kind but when you get there you're wearing a smile and your eyes twinkle and there's a spring in your step you're not a drag stand up and if there's going to be a step take it good nobody wants a drag you won't turn them on and then you'll be mad at them and go home and criticize them because they don't believe in you let the sun rise in your face love people they depend on you this is a fire conference love conference hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah believe in your touch christ is in you when i touch people i'm conscious that there's a power in me they can't see i depend on that power everybody thinks it's some anointing i've got it's not everybody thinks it's some gift i've got it's not this is not good this is alive i mean i love you that are anointed i wish i had some but i can talk i can touch i can walk i can preach i can witness hallelujah and the poor devil can't do a thing about it he has to back off when i get there hallelujah hallelujah i believe that i believe that i really really believe that the foundation for our healing compassion is isaiah 53 you know that surely he has surely the prophet yearns and groans all for heaven's sake be sure that you know that he's born the diseases of everybody they don't need to be sick tell them i get to yelling when i get all warmed up and get happy i can't help it it's a habit i've been at it too long surely he was wounded for our transgression boost for our iniquities chastisement of our peace upon with his stripes we are healed for sure when jesus returned from the wilderness where he had been tempted of satan for 40 days the bible says he returned in the power hey listen to me he returned to show you how he came back he whipped the devil out there and he came back to illustrate to you and me how to minister preachers young people if the preachers don't catch on to this you young people catch on to it everything jesus says about his father in the gospels you can say about the father now read that with a new insight read the gospels with new insight and understand he is trying to show you how to talk about the father he's trying to show you what to do with the father he's trying to show you he's come to show you how the father wants you to be yes he came to show us the father's will the father's will hasn't changed the father's will was in him the father's will is in me no i come in the volume of the book it is written of me t.l osborn you believe that i believe that you better believe that or don't go out there where there's demons they'll spook you out of town i'm trying to get enough time to go down there to brazil and help those brazilians because they all believe in devils god bless the brazilian they got some of the greatest churches but they are so devil conscious it's a shame i know those preachers i fuss with them and i talk to they show me books they've written books they've got the pictures of demons they've got the pictures on the books i say for heaven's sake don't publish for the devil let him pay his own bill [Applause] yeah who in the world would put on a big campaign or build a big church and beautiful pulpit and air conditioning and everything and then like get up and let the devil use it free let him pay his own bill if he wants an audience let him go get one build a building get a crowd on his own so that he can pay the bill while he brags on himself don't let the holy ghost build preachers do it i don't like that i don't like that i won't i won't poor devil hallelujah hallelujah hello i didn't even look at my watch when i started but i know i got it's bound to be getting time to quit we know that it came from the wilderness the spirit of the lord is upon me me too what spirit is on you hey where'd you come from every place in the new testament jesus said god sent me every book of john except two or maybe i think it's two or three two or three anyone know i think it's two jesus said i'm son of god evidently that was important to him to tell the people that god sent him every time i go overseas i go out on a platform opening night did you know i walk out there i don't walk out there boastfully or bragging but humbly i walk out there i love the people they can feel that i tell them how far i've come across the ocean to come to them because i'm sent from god to them god love loves them i tell god loves you god has been thinking of you and all across this planet he found me a common preacher a messenger of his and he sent me to you and i've come here i am what i'm going to say to you is from him that's what jesus said said the words that i speak to you it's the father that gave me the words do you tell people that hey who sent you what do you believe about yourself if you don't if you don't believe god sent you stay home if you do believe god sent you act like it [Applause] we know about this the spirit of god that's upon us but the suffering world doesn't know it that therefore is our mission of healing god anointed jesus of nazareth with the holy ghost god anointed t.l osborne with the holy ghost same holy ghost say god anointed me with the same holy ghost let him function let him function you can do it believe in it he said you'll touch people and heal them believe who's in you when you touch people i walked down off the platform one night in philippines stadium was full packed they just jammed everywhere and i looked down there and i saw a little woman standing there holding her little boy and his head was great big and his eyes were distorted they looked like looked awful awful waterhead and so while they were singing we were they were having some worship while they did that i just slipped nobody knows i slipped down and got out among the people and got closer why did i do that well i'm no big king i didn't want to go down there and make a show of myself but i just had compassion on the boy and i thought well why not i've got time go down at least comfort the mother and i went down there and i laid my hands on that little boy's head comforted the little mother because they could speak english there so i could talk and and you know what the next day when i walked up on the platform and they were singing again i looked down there and i saw that woman again and i called my interpreter you have to interpret and tagalog but you can talk english with people but but in general so i called my intern i said hey that well is that the same woman that that i went down there to last night that had the waterhead baby he said yeah she's come back tonight to give thanks public testimony for what god did now who did that you think i did that no no jesus will do wonders if you'll let him let him but you know we in america in the charismatic world so conscious about being sure that everybody knows our gift and our anointing and all this holy stuff and seems like we we hesitate to give just let him have the honor he does it call an anointing call it gift call it whatever makes you tick good that's okay nothing wrong with that these are all bible terms they're beautiful use them go for it he does the work turn him loose believe in jesus and you that's what turned paul on paul got the rev why didn't the guys that followed jesus did get that revelation you ever think about that not a one of them and god had to go get go get an ex-rabbi you know i've thought a lot about that did i cut that too short are you thinking i said why did god call paul paul was a rabbi paul hated the christians paul was out to destroy them why did god call him and i thought maybe it was because he knew the scriptures he was a rabbi so he could quote the whole old testament verbatim maybe that's not for doctrine that's i'm just i'm just talking thank god paul received the revelation that jesus here at shake the nations we love to wear our faith on our sleeve so for hoodies like this our latest messages and other shake the nation's merchandise visit our online store at shakethenations.com jesus is in us hallelujah god anointed jesus and he anointed me i believe in the anointing the world needs healing not only for sick bodies but for sick lives and sick homes and sick relationships and broken confidence and broken hearts and broken trust needs to be healed it's being healed tonight while i'm talking jesus is the only answer to our broken and sick world no religion can tell people what we can tell people you're here from all over the world many of you are here tonight you can testify what we tell the people in these other countries no religion tells what did the buddhists tell them nice things but not what we tell them what did the shinto us tell them what do the muslims tell them no no we have the best message in the world hallelujah hallelujah we you know we went to india failed came back went again hallelujah that time we didn't fail now what a pleasure it is to stand before a multitude of people and proclaim the good news knowing the power of the gospel the first mass miracle crusade in history you don't know about it you want to know about it it took place in ponce puerto rico we went there i had talked with brother bosworth in michigan we were five weeks together in the masonic temple he said he said brother he pondered this he said if you could take a hundred sinners line them up and you tell them all the same gospel at the same time and they all heard it and they all believed it and then you led them in a prayer to accept jesus and they all accepted well now listen to this you preachers that that are that are you you need this listen and and they all accepted it at one time how many of them would be saved he'd chuckle and say all of them he said even the baptist would agree with that true true baptist would agree with that and they're good people john john osteen said god bless the baptist you know then he said okay let's take a hundred sick people and line them up and tell them the same gospel and they all accept it and they all believe it and you lead them apart how many of them be healed to all of them well i had to prove that i believed that that was that that had to be true so i went to an auditorium in in flint michigan and and the first time and and i called for everyone that was deaf to come forward they're 53. so in my mind okay i was facing 53 devils you know i call everybody sick they had a devil you know yeah i believe deafness is of the devil so i lectured all of them they all believed we all rejoiced together i prayed for all of them commanded the deaf spirits to leave them got through we lined them up not to pray for them but to test them and those days daisy had one of those little beautiful little elton ladies watch is about as big as your fingernail little bitty thing almost nothing to him but we checked every one of them with her little elves and watch perfect except there were three that couldn't hear it i said come back keep check this week let us know before friday those three came back it was 100 that's god's will that's god's will a hundred sinners we say and so when we were in went to puerto rico after that occasion with brother bosworth then we went to puerto rico and there we tried to get the mayor to give us the ball field because we had faith for a great campaign and he was stubborn and wouldn't do it so we had to go in an auditorium that seated around 14 or 1500 people i forget exactly how many and we preached and it was so beautiful and so many miracles happen there was a very wealthy person in in ponzi very wealthy and their daughter had polio and they she had braces and crutches and they had they had had those braces and crutches gold plated not not brass not not shiny brass gold plated they were wealthy people and she came across there and she was healed hallelujah and and we threw those beautiful crutches and scarred him up waffle threw him down there and and the next night the whole town tried to get in that building almost tore it down and the mayor came and the chief of police and the fire chief all came begging us please if if we close the meetings in that you can go to the ballpark tomorrow and we've got that's how the first mass wait that's not the whole story we went the next night the great field was packed to the borders every direction and and as we and and so i got real smart and i said i know how to do it i'm smart i know how and so i printed cards and put big numbers on them and gave everybody a card so it would have a place in the prayer line look look what look what what what a strain we go through when god makes it so easy but but but we so we we tried to give them cards and they almost killed each other to get the cards so that didn't work so but i'm smart i said oh i got another idea so we had about 20 policemen there help us control the people so we said we'll give the cards to the policemen and the policemen can't handle it good so we gave the cards to the policemen and the policemen we found out the next day they were selling them for ten dollars a piece that only wealthy people could get in the so that's how the first mass miracle service took place that's how and i was driven to it and being driven to it all this stuff from brother bosworth and what i had proven in flint michigan all that was coming back to me and that's where it began and it's been that way ever since now almost 60 years hallelujah isn't it wonderful god makes it so beautiful i thought i thought you might enjoy that but i want you people to know that in that meeting god did such wonderful things so many beautiful miracles there were 11 lepers one night came sneaked out of the leprosarium came and and hid under the stadium well one or two of the preachers knew about it they didn't spread the word because if the word got out the police would come and arrest them and take them back so we didn't want that to happen so i wondered what to do and so all of a sudden i told one of the preachers go get them and bring them up on the platform bring them up so we brought those 11 lepers that was that was a ghastly sight bless their hearts and they lined up on the platform and the talk about fire that fire that this conference is about was burning in me and daisy and we laid our hands on not on the cloth on their skin we pulled the clock back we were ready hallelujah this fire will burn up anything you believe that i believe it what we have what we have the whole world wants folks say i believe it we went down the line prayed a simple prayer that the people may know that the gospel is unchanged may the spirit of leprosy leave this person in jesus name short concise next one next one we pulled the clothes back put our hand down down the way hallelujah when it was all over then we called the police said you can take them back they took them back it wasn't very long before we got a letter from puerto rico you that anybody here from puerto rico check up on that you can check it out you can verify it a letter came yeah check it up a letter came one of them had been released a pastor wrote and said one of them been released cured released back to society it wasn't but a month or two until we got another letter within two years we received 11 letters all of those lepers were healed and released back to freedom what we've got is the best thing in the world nobody has what we have no muslim can heal a leper i got in the car in in the little uh volkswagen van and had divided india was trying to get out the gate and and so many people travel trying to get through that gate and there's one guy he was pounding pounding pounding he wouldn't quit pounding i said to the driver i said this guy really wants to talk to me stop and let's let him talk and so we stopped and i pulled the door back and he fell in on my legs and hugged my legs and looked up at me so beautiful he said brother aldrin i'm pastor so and so from my july i'm a pastor of a big church said i was a leper when you came to my july a few years ago and i came and it's near see what we've got is the best thing in the world we're the healers of the world let god jehovah refer heal through you turn him loose believe in him practice the presence of jesus god's priority is healing people when jesus came angel said don't be afraid i bring you the most joyful news ever announced it's for everyone a savior has been the savior savior savior from what savior from disease savior from failure savior from poverty savior from religion savior from inferiority savior from self-dignity savior from sin the savior has been born i found him i've connected are you god's priority is healing people our mission is healing people we heal people when we show them self-worth we heal people when we lift them out of negativism we heal people when we inspire them to partner with god are you say i'm hearing you we heal people when we cause people to discover their potential self value comes from knowledge inferiority comes from lack of knowledge when you drag in and ashamed before everybody you don't know what i know i'm a farmer from behind a white mule plowing under cockaburs but i'm a prince with god and i know it and the poor devil knows it i'm somebody arrived hallelujah and i walked in here tonight destiny was at work this bunch of people was destined to hear this old preacher tell you you got the best thing in the world live it up baby hallelujah you believe it glory to god glory to god glory to god glory to god our hurting world needs spiritual healers for lost and confused lives they need it they need you get yourself straightened out if you're not straightened out yet where you can think straight and think positive not crawfish but stand up and be all that you you'll have to get used to yourself you know you've been used to being intimidated all the time and ashamed to talk up and speak up when you spoil you speak your voice trembles and all that get over that wake up your kingdom person the world is waiting for you hey why'd god made ever make every face different ever knows a different shape i don't know but there's something about me that some folks like and something about my face that some folks don't like and same with you your face is different god gave you a thumbprint your face and some folks like the way you sound and like the way you talk and some folks don't well you can't help it if they don't but find the ones that do and and you can increase that number by saying good things and loving people and healing people and blessing people and lifting people hallelujah you can do it you you make your world your surroundings it reflects you the world around you is mean you know we don't like to say it but maybe they learned it somewhere so don't do that don't do that the world needs miracle healers all kinds of them the world waits for our song the world waits for our smile they wait for our words our words are healing words we talk like christ and the world is hurting and and we are the masters do you believe it jesus jesus his call is still still follow me follow me come to me imitate me realize my ideas understand my dream discover my priority to heal people and then you will really live like i planned for you to live hallelujah he said to his followers let's cross over to the other side i preached on it once in one of brother hagin's convention let's cross over i think he's still saying to let's cross over to the to the other side don't you and we're crossing over to the other side we're opening china listen what's coming out of this church is going to open china china is going to open china is going to open you hear me it's got to happen because we are the people of god and we're coming hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah so let's go let's go to the other side young people learn another language i i i told the board meeting today uh i've written two letters this week to japan to two preachers that speak english and i've told them i said make a main part of your outreach in japan that you teach english teach english they've got to learn english in order to go anywhere and get an interpreter who can interpret japanese nobody knows japanese no but they've got to learn english before the scandinavians have done that for generations god bless the scandinavians they always have to learn english before they can get an interpreter to the mission field where they travel to you know so the japanese have got to catch on to that their car companies their entrepreneurial companies they're secular companies they pick out certain people from among them certain uh nice potential people and they send them off and train them until they're fluent in english then they send them overseas to run their factories the church of japan has got to do that we've got to get english english classes going all over japan and then them japanese are going to come after us hallelujah and and they're the loving people of the world you believe that you believe that we can't let them die within the confounds of one country you know what i told the japanese jesus is bigger than japan although you can't afford to just stay in japan we're after them pastor we're going to get them glory to god so go as early settlers learn a language i can speak french i can speak english and spend an old guy like me and i keep learning i keep learning you never get too old to learn keep going go to a country pack your bags hallelujah practice your business and preach jesus my goodness how many how many how long have they been lining up the russians have been lining up to buy mcdonald hamburgers yeah and they line up to buy bibles and testaments if we'll put them there fire conference hallelujah fire to do this thing and that's what we're all about glory to god glory to god lord okay i turned the last page and i saw something i'm glad i saw it i i wrote it there so i wouldn't forget it little simeon in africa in in kenya was born without eyes born without eyes couldn't see blind his little mama little village woman heard about the preaching and and and brought little sim in and held him in her arms and simon was healed you know we can't understand that but it's a miracle but here's the thing it's a tragedy to be born blind but what's a greater tragedy is to be born with good eyesight and never see that's the big tragedy we gotta look we gotta say my eyes are made to see [Applause] my ears are made to hear i am made to do something i start to say go i didn't want to scare you to do something we can do something nobody's too old nobody's too young in in in our early ministry we prayed for a little water head baby it was 36 inches around 36 inches and about four weeks that baby's head was normal it was a miracle god did it he said god god never fails that's a tragedy to be born demented like that but what's the worst tragedy is to be born normal and not understand the opportunities that are ours to reach people let's not be that you you know that in years past and maybe way back in the villages of nigeria of africa they still do it there's uh which doctors are they practice some trouble they're illegal they shouldn't be anymore but but way back they're still doing a lot of witchcraft but uh but sometimes in in in past they there's an idea that every family is supposed to have one to be a beggar now i may not be getting this just right excuse me not germs and that don't mean everybody i'm saying way back in the villages but when i first went there it was rampant and and so they'll break the bones and and or put out the eyes that's a tragedy but what is worse is to be born in the family of god with good legs and not use them and good eyes and not see and good arms and not embrace somebody we are the people of god you believe it i think i think it would be appropriate to ask you i hesitate to do this because all of you will want to get in on it you wouldn't be at this fire conference if you didn't all want what i'm going to talk about but but we're healers would you like would you like don't do it yet i'm just talking i'm trying to see how to work would you like to be a healer do you want to heal people do you believe you can heal people do you believe christ in you can heal people i think it would be appropriate at the finale of this wonderful conference that i think it would it would amount to something it would say something to god if you left your seat and come up here and stood saying lord you died for me publicly i want to come and take my stand publicly i want to heal people i want to let you loose in me let's let's let's let's ask for the young people first let's let those under 25 let them be the first ones wouldn't that be a nice idea those that want to come up here and and you want to be a healer what i've said tonight has had some effect on you this is this this is touching to me this is touching to me this is touching to me this this is what is going to open china this is what is going this is opening china hallelujah hallelujah okay close your eyes say lord jesus you went to the cross for me you bore all of my sins you took all of my diseases you endured my judgment you set me free from the enemy you paid my bill thank you lord you came back from the dead to show me that i can come back from the dead [Applause] you live so i live the life of christ in me gives me divine life thank you father you are in me you are working through me teach me your way guide me your way hallelujah i've come forward tonight and i take my stand at the front in this church and i want the angels of heaven to know and i want every devil to know here i stand a healer of my generation hallelujah full of the holy ghost anointed of god it is written in the book behold i come to do your will thank you lord you and me are connected nothing can stop us hallelujah the world is ours in the name of jesus christ i give you my life lord all that i have is yours we want to thank you for watching if you want to know more about shake the nation's ministries and our youtube channel why don't you click the subscribe button also if you want notifications of our brand new videos why don't you click the bell there's so much more in shake the nation's ministry that you can get involved in why don't you click also the link to our website to find out more to find out more about our humanitarian armed hope of foundations make sure you click the hope of all nations button where you can learn about us taking the gospel to thousands of children around the world and our work in the ground of the nation of honduras we can't wait to see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Nathan Morris - Shake The Nations Ministries
Views: 350,353
Rating: 4.8454733 out of 5
Id: OalnbqFBUIc
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Length: 78min 34sec (4714 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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