Kathryn Kuhlman / What Matters Most / Heroes Of The Faith / Oral Roberts University / 1974

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for no one in the whole world is as hungry for more than the one who is speaking this morning if only these young people could know it for just a few minutes as i bear my soul to them i shall do something i have never done in my life before never [Music] [Applause] [Music] a great way god [Music] [Music] thank you thank you we both thank you and i want you to know that dino is going to be back again i was just thinking a few minutes ago while i was sitting there i've been hanging around the university so long that if a stranger not knowing who i they would think i was one of the students they wonder what i'm going to graduate do you know this what this is my third time you know it's like that but remember i never had the privilege that you young people are having you're having the greatest privilege in the world and whatever you do take advantage of it every hour is important you thrilled to nino's play millions thrilled to his play dino who is now the guest artist with some of our greatest symphonies in the united states he's coming back again in a great concert sponsored i understand by the senior class of oru the senior class is sponsoring yeah i think that's wonderful and he'll be back again in concert that's just a little bit of what you heard today that's just the lid don't miss it whatever you do october the 5th now if you have a date for october the 5th break it i'm just telling you something don't miss dinner's concert october the 5th i understand it's by ticket now you know what did you take it from there and it's sponsored by the senior class of who are you dino at the piano october the 5th and wonderful jesus i pray that not one person shall see catherine coleman not a young person in this place today shall see catherine coleman but i pray that not one young person shall cross the threshold of this place of worship the same young person they were when they entered the holy spirit shall move upon our waiting hearts when i pray for them i pray for myself for no one in the whole world is as hungry for more than the one who is speaking this morning if only these young people could know it for just a few minutes as i bear my soul to them i shall do something i have never done in my life before never and yet it's something i have to do but through it all may they know that the one who's speaking is crying out for more because there is so much more every atom of my being is crying out for more so much for it's a simple prayer but you know my heart i never planned too much in advance and i'll just be very frank with you i usually take one day at a time i take one service at a time if i plan in advance i would have had a nervous breakdown a long time ago let's just be practical about the thing it's just like that i knew i had the great service yesterday and so we were praying about that last night weary and body i'll tell you there's one of the shortest nights i ever spent something happened to tulsa time i don't know what it was but when i awakened this morning i was like in the same position when i went to sleep last night and i don't remember going to bed you know but when i awakened i tell you the truth i knew exactly what god wanted me to do and i'm doing something i have never never done in my life before i tell you the truth would i say to you the world does not know it is something that you don't talk about it is something you don't tell the whole world they wouldn't understand god has a purpose god has a reason for having asked me to do what i'm doing i'm going to tell you what katherine kuhlman is really like every time somebody gets dino off privately when the first thing they'll ask is what's miss kuhlman really like wherever they get my maggie i don't care where we are anywhere in the nation they'll get maggie off and say now maggie confidentially what is ms when they get dr metcalf someplace privately you know probably inviting him for just a little luncheon or something but they're really wanting to know just one thing dr metcalf confidentially what is miss crewman really like few people really know my sister my older sister who's old enough to be my mother said not more than three weeks ago she looked me directly in the face and she said you know catherine i really still don't understand you i really still don't understand you and i often smile when those who are nearest to me will say it's all right we understand you i know catherine i know her better than anyone else in the whole world and for just a very few minutes i'm going to tell you what she's really like you see what the world sees it's just the glamour of it all all of that 14 000 people really saw yesterday all that the thousands of people really see of catherine kuhlman and she comes walking out on stage with a long white dress and they see the smile and some say she's a little too theatrical somebody in the shrine auditorium who didn't know who my older sister was and they were sitting directly behind her they'd never been there before and they said don't you think she's a little theatrical and my older sister turned around and she said i want you to know i've known her since she was born and that's just catherine and they see the glamour of everything and they think it's wonderful and they think it must be a thrilling life oh it must be a glorious life all you have to do is to get on a long white dress all on earth that you have to do is to just stand up there and smile all you have to do is just do it i was on a talk show the other day dallas texas and i was being interviewed and one of the questions was miss kuhlman what would you say to to a woman who uh would aspire to be a woman preacher you know what i said i shocked the ones it was a woman who was interviewing me that she didn't get her breath for the rest of the telecast i'll tell you that i said all right i'll tell you what to do don't do it if you've never been called don't do it if you've never had a real call from god don't do it but if you've had a real call from god no matter what the cost is do it and it's just that simple i'll tell you what katherine kuhlman is really like i made disillusion you it's more than a long white dress it's more than just a smile on the face it's more than coming out on the stage i remember something that my papa said when i was very young my papa was my idol the most perfect man that ever lived and i'll still face the whole world and say i had a papa who was the most perfect man that ever lived he was my idol he was my love if ever a girl worshipped her father i worshiped my papa i believed every word that he said papa couldn't be wrong he couldn't and i remember one day that papa came and he said baby he called me baby and carried me when i was so tall my legs dragged on the pain he was still lugging me he said baby you know you can have anything in the world that you want i don't care what it is you can have anything as long as you have these two good hands anything anything in the world that you want you can be anything you want to be if you wanted enough i believed every word that papa said he said it papa couldn't lie these hands if i worked hard enough papa worked hard papa wanted money there was a day when joe was considered the richest man in lafayette county ask anyone from lafayette county go to my little hometown concordia missouri ask anyone about joe coleman i'm not a celebrity in concordia missouri but my father was a man who is the man they remember has one day being the richest man in lafayette county and he had told me baby you can have anything anything if you work hard enough with these hands but papa died without a copper cent he had lost it all before he died i have something i wouldn't part with for anything in the world it's a dollar beyond it's a crisp dollar bill a hobbit in a bible it's something very sacred to me something very sacred i seldom pick it out and look at it but there are times when i've taken it out and looked at it that was the inheritance that i received when papa's estate was settled the man who was once considered the richest man in lafayette county in missouri who said baby you can have anything if you work hard enough and papa worked papa worked morning noon and night he worked but when he died he had lost it all in the only inheritance that he left to the one that he loved more than life itself his daughter a man who one day would have given me his fortune a man who would have given me anything and my inheritance was one dollar i've seen people who have reached the very height of fame it was their desire it was their purpose it was their lonely it was everything oh fame but they forgot how thick people really are people are so fickle human nature is so thick when they thought that jesus was going to set up an earthly kingdom they followed him they wanted to be a part of that earthly kingdom they wanted a great position these opportunists that hang on and you'll find them everywhere and yet to the same people a very short time later was standing at the foot of that cross spitting upon him ridiculing him hearing him young people you have much to learn you have so much to learn i would give anything in the world this morning if i could just give you a little of some of the things that i've gone through to help you that you won't have to go through some of these things one thing learn and learn it well the fickleness of human nature they'll love you one day they'll kiss your hand one day and they'll spit on you the next there's only one upon whose love you can really rely and that's his love and so i considered it all it wasn't something that just happened overnight not really not really i considered it all the whole thing papa died never having heard me preach a sermon never once papa was killed instantly it was almost as though my heart of love was buried with him but i saw something i saw something it's one of the greatest experiences of my life when that love was transformed into a greater love and the love that one has for the master is not a human love it's something so precious so wonderful and if i were to tell you the scripture that means more to me than any other scripture in the word of god you wouldn't believe it you wouldn't believe it that's the reason i'm telling you some things the world has never known i don't talk about it keep me as the apple of thine eye cover me with thy wings dave had expressed it one day keep me nothing else really matters not really not really not really that really you get the place you know we have eyes for just one we have a mind for just one your purpose is fixed you may not know what i'm talking about today you may not know but i pray to god he'll give you an understanding he'll give you an understanding it's something that's spiritual it's something that you can't generic you can't manufacture it's it's uh i only pray you'll understand you live for just what you breathe for just one just one really matters really just what you'd live to please him keep me if this video has touched your life make sure to subscribe like comment and click the bell to stay updated on what god is doing at shake the nation's ministries [Music] as the apple of thine eyes keep me there are millions out there but i have eyes for just one keep me i really love just really really i would lie to you i told you i wasn't a lonely person i would tell you an untruth if i told you that i wasn't lonely sometimes i feel like the loneliest person in the whole world and yet i'm surrounded by literally thousands and they press upon you they growled by you they'll tell your clothing we love you we love you i know and that's priceless that's wonderful for real friends you can count them on one hand you could take away the thumb that word friendship and friends is so empty is so empty that word friend is so empty i want you to know the real katherine the one who lives with just one purpose keep me regardless of the price i'm human don't get the idea that i'm not human i'm more human probably than anyone else in this place today and besides that i'm a woman i was a woman before i ever became a preacher i'm a woman i'm human i have emotions i feel deeply if i didn't feel deeply how in the world could i feel for that one who is suffering in deep dis he has given me a love that is so priceless i guarded this carefully as one with god a jewel the most expensive jewel in the world think of the most expensive gem in the world and it's carefully and the thing that i guard so carefully is this priceless jewel that i have my love for the masses my love for people but it's a supernatural love i tell you the god's truth that i have stood before someone for whom i'm to pray knowing that i had no healing virtue knowing that i had no power to heal that one and there was an overpowering law of paul that one word literally i have prayed silently if it cost me my life please heal that one something i i can't explain to you it's something that's spiritual it's something that's spiritual some of you young people may know what i'm talking about some may never know what i'm talking about some may never know but it's something that he gives it's a gift paul knew it paul understood it as you read his writings it was his priceless gift nothing else meant anything to him as much as this priceless something but my love for the master keep me it's the apple of thine eye i seek to please no man i seek to please no woman i want his smile i want his favor i want him to fold me close to his heart i want him to look down and when his service is all over the crowd is leaving and i go back to an empty dressing room and i take off the long white dress and i take my feet out of the shoes i think of just one thing did i please him did i do my best for him my heavenly father it costs something everything worthwhile costs something you see young people is what you want most let me ask as i stand before you this monday morning what do you want more than anything else what in life do you want more than anything else what is it i ask you a direct question what is it and you know you know there isn't a young person this place but what knows the answer you know what your goal in life is you know at your age you may ask a youngster in the fifth sixth seventh eighth grade you may ask someone a sophomore in high school a freshman they may not know but you're at the age every one of you young people in this place or at the age you know as an adult what you want most in life you know you know what your goal is you know and many of you be willing to pay the price to attain that goal you may break hearts you may ride over people no matter what it costs ethical or unethical you're going to get it you're determined you're going to get it you don't care what it does to somebody else you don't care you're going to get it you've made up your mind you're determined but there's nothing that demands a greater price then to be the apple of his eye and to know that underneath i hear the velocity it means that two wheels have to be surrendered as one it's the hottest thing in the world that's the hardest thing in the world for remember he has a will a perfect will for you your will be his will he'll never force you never god the father did not force his son and jesus came right up to the very shadow of the cross remember something jesus the son of the living god but remember when he was in the flesh he was as much man as though he were not god know that i do not believe for one minute that jesus wanted to die i don't believe it i don't i don't believe it of himself and yet being as much man as though he were not god he had a wheel separate and a pot from the wheel of god the father and that whale was not surrendered until he came right in the very shadow of the cross right to the very point of death when he said nevertheless not to my will but thy be done and had he not surrendered his will to the will of the father believe me of a truth redemption's plan never would have been perfected you and i would never had life eternal you and i would never have had the privilege of being heirs of god and joint heirs with christ jesus for me to tell you that it's easy to surrender i wouldn't i'd like to take your face in my hands and say to you it isn't easy what i'm saying to you isn't easy and i'd look you directly in the face and say it isn't easy but i plead with you i will get down on my hands and knees and plead with you surrender that wheel of yours surrender it you may aspire to great things and say look what i can be look at my potentialities i can be the world's greatest the crowd will applaud but that's so temporary it's all so empty when you realize how fickle people are how short life is the price is too great really i've weighed it all and i made my choice and by choice by choice i have chosen his will and i pray the surrender of the physical body i'm talking about something i'm talking about something that's real i'm talking about something i have chosen it's my choice i have chosen to surrender my body as a living sacrifice praying it shall be acceptable unto him a living sacrifice filled with the holy spirit being led the holy ghost it's by choice it's by choice i wasn't very old i'm not quite sure how old less than 10 years of age at our house monday morning mama always washed always you've come from a home like that too tuesday was ironing day no matter what happened you've come from a home like that too we had a laundry stove in the basement and how often i've seen my mother she's always boiled the white sheets and the pillowcases one monday morning she had the boiler on the laundry stove in the basement when a telephone call came and a relative was very ill and they sent for mama and said would you please come quickly and mama said to me now catherine i'll be back don't touch anything it was the wrong thing to say but i'll be back just as quickly as i can and after mama was gone i thought i'll surprise her after the washing i'll do the whole thing i'll do everything and when she comes back she'll be tired she'll be so surprised you'll be so surprised and i went down the basement the boiler was full of water with the soap chips in it i put the sheets in it i got them out i put the pillow slips in it i boiled them and when they were through i boiled everything inside i boil the woollens i boiled the colored clothes i boiled them all and then i remembered my excitement when it was all over with my excitement was so great i thought won't you be surprised i could never tell you the thrill on the inside i could never i could never begin to tell you how i felt i could never tell you we always hung our clothes out on the clothesline you know and the box of that clothes line they were a little too high for me and i went in the kitchen got the kitchen chair and and uh would stand in the kitchen chair to pins some of the i thought some of them would look a little strange and i i pinned them on and then when they were all dry i got their clothes basket out you'll never know how to this day when i'm talking about you i i can still feel the excitement the excitement on the inside of me mama would be so happy mama would be so thrilled i did the washing but she'd come home and she'd find it all done four o'clock came five o'clock came mama didn't come home it was late and i didn't go to bed i waited i had to see her face when she saw what i had done and i had all the clothes they were all dry had them all in the wash basket i had them in the kitchen so the first thing she would see when she'd come home was surprise surprise i shall never forget she'd been in the hospital all that day so weary worried probably nothing to eat and she came to that kitchen door i'll never forget the look on her face i'll never she walked in and she looked at that clothes basket and she saw the expensive things that i had ruined there was a little shallow coat it was expensive it was especially made from kansas city i had boiled it and it shrunk to nothing some of her best things i shall never forget her face she stood there for just a moment looked at those things and then she looked up at me and she saw my face i think it was the hottest words that my mother ever had to utter when she said you did a good job i've often wondered what i'm going to say when i see jesus for the very first time knowing the whole world knows how much i love him no one no one know i would live on bread and water and work just as hard as i'm working today if i didn't get a copper scent if i didn't get a penny if i had to hitchhike instead of ride he knows my heart i started out in idaho on five cent roads and sleeping in a turkey house i'll go back again to the turkey house i'll go back again to just enough substance to keep my body going and i'll work just as hard i've given my life it hasn't been for six months or a year or five years or ten years yet never having seen him and yet for loving him enough to have given my life to you i often wondered in that moment when i see him for the very first time and i look upon his face and it's jesus it is jesus and there is jesus i know exactly what i'll say i know exactly i know i won't say i love you he knows that he knows that if he doesn't know it now he never will i won't have to wait till then to tell you but love is something you do you keep doing but when i see him i'll say just two words i tried i tried many things have been so wrong i've boiled some things when they should not have been boiled i've used too harshly detergent and some things where i should not have i've spoken words when i should have kept my mouth shut i've made decisions when if only i had waited i acted in haste when there should have been patience standing before you in this chapel this morning if only i knew right now if only i could know what he really hadn't for me in many instances but i ruined the washings not intentionally so help me god and he knows my heart i didn't do it intentionally i wouldn't have grieved him i wouldn't have gone contrary to his will for a title deed to the whole world i did it out of ignorance i did it because i was stupid i did it because i didn't wait for his leading i did it sometimes because i listened to other voices instead of his voice but there was never a time when i didn't want more than anything else for him to keep me as the apple of his eyes and as long as i know that underneath all those everlasting all i can face anything i can face all the devils in hell i can face the whole world and it never faces me never never why can i stand with my shoulders squares why can i speak with boldness where do i get my courage from whom do i get my spiritual strength from the one whom i love more than life itself one of these days i will preach to my last sermon one of these days i will have prayed for the last person who comes into a miracle service one of these days my old hearts will take its last speech and the world will call me a fool for having given my life for one whom i have not seen for more shake the nation's content check us out on social media at shake the nations on instagram youtube and twitter and at evangelist nathan on facebook but in that day in spite of my failures in spite of my mistakes i will stand before him blameless blameless he shall present me before the father blames do you know what that means blameless not because of my righteousness not to because of anything that i have done but i'll stand blameless through the perfection and the righteousness of his only begotten son my lord and my savior that's what he died for eyes closed every eye closed i told you what catherine cooper is really like misunderstood by thousands misunderstood but it doesn't matter it doesn't really matter it doesn't matter at all it really doesn't matter it doesn't matter the only thing that's really that really matters is my relationship with him i know what i want most i have but one life that's all and it passes very quickly young people it passes very quickly young today many of you in your teens and you fear the whole world out there you feel it is forever you feel it's forever but i tell you it passes very quickly the hours passed quickly the days passed quickly the months passed quickly the years passed quickly so quickly until one day you're startled and you'll say where are the years gone where have they gone have they gone what has happened to those years and can you give anything a word if you could turn the clock back but you can't and there's just you just you your life your life you've been a part of living what do you want most only you can make that choice only you only you the real you papa wanted money once he had it but all that he could leave his daughter when he was killed a child he loved more than life itself was a one dollar bill there are those who plane to the crowd they heard the applause find a woman in the newspaper this morning at the very height of her writing career at the very peak of it all at the age of 53 die the cancer what do you want most what do you what do you ask he asks you baby you haven't thought of it seriously you've been so determined to get it you've been so determined to get it that you haven't really cared i've thought too much about it but one of these days when it's all over with us can you stand in his presence knowing that you've been kept with the apple of his eye that you've been covered with his wings so beloved to be in a position where you're completely hidden under his wings it's so secure you feel so secure there's such security i can't tell you what that feeling is you become a very secure person there can be no insecurity i tell you that god's truth there could be no insecurity and this is a very insecure generation there never was a generation that was so insecure and some of you young people are so s insecure and some of you are not so young if you really face reality there's such insecurity there maybe you'll not be able to admit it yourself but there's such insecurity there that's the reason you have to lean so heavily on others but all the only person was a really secure person is the one who knows that underneath are his everlasting arms and you're covered with his wings hide me under the shadow of thy wings the evil one cannot touch me the waters shall not overflow covered with thy wings i protect it i'm not afraid i'm no longer an insecure person he is my god he's my everything i made the choice i made my choice i wish this morning and give anything in the world this morning i could make the same choice for each of you i give anything i wish i could take you by the hand and present you before the father and say to him i've made the choice for this one i have made the choice i choose that this life shall be wholly used for you at any cost at any price nothing from here on out will matter more than just to be the apple of thine eye with your smile dead to self two wheels having become as one but i can't go any further with you than i've gone and bury my own soul i've never done this before never but in so doing i can just help one of you young people just one of you the choice that you make can shape the world for god if i can have just one of you make the same choice that i made just one of you and that can be the most unlikely person this place just one of you if what i have said and bury my soul will help you to make that choice you may be the one who will literally shake the world for god no urging no baking it's something you're not compelled to do it's something that no one can influence you to do no i'm not talking no amount of argument no scolding no doctrine it isn't much learning perhaps not even the word and it's something even the master won't force you to do he hasn't forced me to do one thing it's my choice and you make the choice if you'll make that choice little do you know what he'll do for you i want you to come and stand right here not more than five minutes and then you'll be ready to go back to your class again and i'll pray for you come on i make that choice kathryn kuhlman i make that choice i make that choice katherine kuhlman i will make that choice coming down here in this hour with all of heaven bending low little do you know walking down these steps little do you know little do you know god's waiting for you little do you know from among you there will be those who shake the nations for god and i believe that i believe that i believed i believe that you're in a position in the position where he's training you for that very thing that's why you're here but it takes more than just the training it takes more than just the mental training it takes the consecration you've got to make the choice wonderful jesus is the power of the holy ghost i'll come among oh standing right here standing right here in this chapel this morning standing right here little do these young people know the potentialities little do they know the perfect will of god little do they know it's not an hour for compromise it's not sh it's not an hour to live yourself it's not an hour for selfish motives it's not an hour it's not an hour it's not an hour for that it's a day to be used as a must it's an hour to be used of the master it's an hour there's an hour to be used of him it's an hour please with the holy spirit upon me it's all over this place it's all over this auditorium and they're still coming down and they're still coming down [Music] uh [Music] [Music] uh [Music] uh [Music] ah [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] romans [Music] foreign [Music] oh [Music] oh all right [Music] [Music] um [Music] i believe that every angel in glory is bending low for out of this gathering this morning i promise you something i give you the word of prophecy from out of this group this morning there will be young people who will shake the nations for god there are young people standing just now in his holy presence who will literally shake the nations for god i worship you it's left with you he'll take he'll use what you yield unto him you make the choice president roberts where i am i pray that not one of these students shall leave this place this monday morning not one shall leave this place the same person they were when they entered may there be the glory and the blessing upon you my lord and my god here's one who's been obedient to you [Music] he knows better than anyone in this chapel this morning what we were talking about he know but it's still just the beginning for him it's still only the beginning for us for all of us amen amen amen somewhere somehow the holy spirit is going to deal with you and you'll know it that's what she's been saying that you're going to make a choice whether you want to make it or not you'll you'll make it one way or the other and today monday is the day today is the day of salvation is what she's been saying not tomorrow not the day after but today she's saying now she's saying it now in the spirit now it doesn't take you forever to make the decision god i submit my will to you to you god i may stumble and make mistakes and all that now but i'm going to get up if i stumble because i've submitted my will my will is yours god if i if i'm in a uh if i'm a religion major i'm going to submit my will if i'm an athlete i'm going to submit my will to god if i'm in the music department i'm going to submit my will to god if i'm a coach or a teacher or a president or a dean i'm going to submit my will to god i'm going to do it today somewhere somehow on this campus all over it anywhere on it that's what she's saying of the spirit today is the day submit my will mine to god miss coleman is that what you've been saying in the spirit exactly now tomorrow may be too late now this moment this very moment can it be done as they walk or as they walk on the campus or sit in a classroom or go to a dorm room or or at the dining table or what and after you have done it i came to that moment of decision and when i reached that decision it was definite the most definite thing that i have ever done in my life and i want you to know something i have never turned back once i have never for one minute turned back and don't you amen we want to thank you for watching if you want to know more about shake the nation's ministries and our youtube channel why don't you click the subscribe button also if you want notifications of our brand new videos why don't you click the bell there's so much more in shake the nation's ministry that you can get involved in why don't you click also the link to our website to find out more to find out more about our humanitarian armed hope of foundations make sure you click the hope of all nations button where you can learn about us taking the gospel to thousands of children around the world and our work in the ground of the nation of honduras we can't wait to see you next time you
Channel: Nathan Morris - Shake The Nations Ministries
Views: 237,341
Rating: 4.8720884 out of 5
Id: HKNqELlE17o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 2sec (5102 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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