Bishop T.D. Jakes Preaching Back In The Day

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tell them something's going happened in here tonight [Music] somebody acts like you came to have Church tonight somebody act like you came to throw down forties was good night [Music] whenever we get together like this something is supposed to happen there's too many believers in here for nothing to happen jesus said where two or three of us gather in his name there am I in the midst of them and with all of these believers in here tonight we ought to be able to late raise Lazarus up from the dead treat cancers rebuke the devil find depression and walk in the power of God and you believe that you've got brains for it right now [Applause] [Music] I'm delighted to be here with you honor to be back with Pastor Daughtery and his lovely wife and your church and just to have an opportunity to see believers gather together in the name of the Lord I think that we're setting a new presidents in our generation in that we're coming into it used to be that in order to fill up an auditorium like this you had to have Michael Jackson [Music] now you gotta have with Jesus [Applause] people come from everywhere and take off work and some get off work swallow a hamburger in the car and do their hair at the red light and pull their shoes out of the trunk of the car and do their makeup in the bathroom and enter into his gates with Thanksgiving and the courts with praise [Music] if you're sitting beside somebody who smells like McDonald's is because they just made up in the man I'm gonna get to church I don't care what it takes I'm coming in there I'm coming in there i'ma grab a sandwich and run in the house of God and bless God and give him the praise because he's worthy to be praised people don't understand what makes us gather like this they think that we just gather to be gathering but they don't understand that that the word is our confidant the Word of God is our counselor the word is our friend it's our therapist we could we couldn't afford to go to the analyst so we went to church what no meet him lay it out on a couch and talking about our childhood we laid out on the altar and said Lord if you don't do it for me it and not be done hallelujah he's been our marriage counselor he's he's taught us how to raise our children he's taught us how to handle our finances and I don't know about you but I believe that when you obey the book you can overcome any situation in your life if you believe that thank the Lord with me tonight so I'm delighted to be here tonight and I I can tell it reminds me of the old hobos in the West Virginia the Train would already be in motion and if the hobo was conscious the Train he had to be able to run when a move of God is already in motion you can't come in and I sleep in because the thing is already rolling when you get there you got to just go to running company ready to run and catch a hole to the nobody's gonna have to drag me and nobody's gonna have to catch me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] whoa [Applause] God my God my God my duck appeared the trimmers up in there quick I feel the trim another their way feel the treble of it up [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Cory Cory Cory Cory Cory Cory he follows the dermatologist run out of here tonight I will just leap out the window I would even try to spit in the mirror if I were the disease I would just get out of here right now because somebody's going to pray [Music] I'm excited y'all stand on rollin make me shout and run down now during the walk to theater do the Holy Ghost bumped and the sanctified mashed potatoes because when I think of the goodness of Jesus and all that he's done for me my soul cries out hallelujah my innermost being cried out Holly if you don't do anything else for me if I if I never get the house I water the car I wanna the friends are one of the popularity I want I think it because you reach down in the gutter and you're falling so in my life that's best sermon number one you got about three more of them and I'll go back to my room but I honored now I'm honored to be here with you somebody teased me when I came in the door they fit I look like I've lost some weight I told him I'm half the man I used to be [Music] [Applause] somebody said to me said uh Howard how did you do it asked that I suffered suffered like I got on a trip being like Ranma felt that bit but I purposed in my heart my father got to the age that I'm at now and got sick he was a big man also and he built a business and by the time he got it up to some side they got sick blood pressure went up so high his kidneys his kidneys failed his body got so weak that his heart eventually stopped beating he was sick for eight years and went from 280 pounds to 130 pounds and with a diol life twice a week on kidney machines and all of that stuff and my father died when he was 48 and I was 16 and the devil came along and said to me once I had been working in preaching and ministering and laboring for the Lord about the time I got around 30 man he said I'm coming to get you and my blood pressure went up to a 180 over 120 and he said I'm coming to get you just like I got your daddy now tell people all over the country at some point or another in your life you have to be prepared to fight your daddy's devil in fact a few a wise to see the devil doesn't have anything new so he keeps regurgitating the same stuff generation the generation the generation but what he didn't know is that I was packing some stuff that my daddy didn't know nothin about me so I got my Bible in one hand and my tennis shoes in the other and I started feeding my spirit and watching what I shared my body and I got on the treadmill and said I've been running for Jesus a long time if you make up in your mind that you want to live no devil in Hell can snatch away from you what God has for you to do I told him I taste bad right now I got to go to word explosion I got some things to do [Music] and God got just get some tremendous things I'm I'm excited about it I lost 90 pounds in the I think I think what was more important than that well I've found out how to take the Word of God and apply it against the thing that's trying to destroy you and I found out that if you just take the principle it's like I'm getting ready to put together a book and sure there are certain things in this word that if you would aim it at the thing that's aiming at you you can reverse the curse and get the big come on give God a praise you can River I don't care what it is I don't care what it is I don't care what it is I don't care what it is that devil might be intimidating you right now I'm saying you're going to get sick your mother got sick your sister got sick you mother had breast cancer you're gonna have rest cancer like she did your father died that is you're gonna die in a certain a bad devil in the liar you've got to take that Word of God and say greater is He that is in me than he that's in the world just because your parents got a divorce that means you're gonna get one just because grandma had a nervous breakdown that mean you're gonna have it just because you're on had Alzheimer's doesn't mean that you have to have it you need to plead the blood of Jesus and say wait a minute double up leave the blood a ditch that's not what I'm preaching tonight that I could [Music] I'm all fired up I've been putting together notes for ministry that I'm going to do in a book form called lay aside the weight and because when you don't have time forward look at somebody I don't have time for it [Music] you can't let anything or anybody hinder you somewhere out in the lobby or for your somewhere around here there's some books and tapes and some stuff that wouldn't be important if I just said it but it's crucially important because it's things that God said through me blessed to live in a generation that the Word of God is preserved in such wonderful technological ways many many preachers who preached in previous generations gave great truths and we've got some gleanings of what they said but we can't hear how they said it or how they moved when they fed it or how they looked when they said it or all of what they said but we are privileged to live in a generation that our technology has enabled us to capture not only the word that said but and I can't explain it because I don't know I'm about if technological of a one-foot Rev but uh it's amazing to me how the anointing of God can get on a tape I'm not even sure the technical people can explain it but when the anointing really gets loose in a service you can put that video or audio on and and and and it you'll forget you're in your living room and and the preachers say touch your neighbor and you forget you touch your lamp and say I don't know how that happened but but if they've happened we get praise reports people being healed and delivered marriages being restored curses being broken just through tapes and videos it's a wonderful time to be alive in the body of Christ go to the Gospel of st. Matthew as we prepare our hearts for the Word of God I'm thankful to the Lord mine my niece I looked on face she's my oldest niece because she is but that sounds like she's older than she is is here today Kelly would you stand I appreciate her being here in the service of the Lord with me amen hey man I think I'm gonna have a good time I want you to get the Gospel of st. Matthew chapter number 16 verse 17 325 and stand to your feet [Music] [Music] because he first because it wonderful did you know he loves you no matter what you've been through a singer [Music] [Music] because he first loved me he fart [Music] tonight Oh [Music] Wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I'll tell you to think about it a goal what nothing special about you he just loved you anyway but beyond all of your mistakes and just love you anyway somebody else would have through your way but Jesus he just loved it anyway [Music] Oh [Music] thank you lord [Music] [Laughter] somebody didn't go in this house tonight somebody didn't or don't be stingy and Gloria tonight don't say that don't hold it give me glory tonight because he first my god he loved me my god he just loved me sto blows might know is just a little old Sunday school song but it still blows my mind right now he doesn't love me I don't have the impression I don't have to prove anything to it he just loves me what I'm saying the book of the physical said I'm accepted in the beloved I don't I don't have to try to get in the clink or get in the club he just loved me when you know that he loves you it's not so important how other people feel about you're not so desperate and you're not so lonely because you know that he loves look at somebody say he loves me [Music] I better move you might be tired of standing look at the sixteenth chapter in the seventeenth birth God is so good to me I can't help but praising I know some folk don't have to praise him but I'm upon the contract I have a praising contract with God every so many blessings I have to stop and say thank you if I don't praise them the rocks you don't want the cinderblock in this building to have to start dancing funny do you I've got two trays and look at some I say I got the praising [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let us look at the 17th through the 25th verse of the Gospel of st. Matthew I like to read in concert from the Word of God if you would join me in reading the word verse 17 through 25 the sixteenth chapter of the Gospel of st. Matthew when you have it say Amen let's read together and jesus answered and said unto him blessed art thou simon barjona for flesh and blood have not revealed it unto thee but my father which is in heaven and I say unto thee thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against him and I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven continue shall find it can you say man look at verse 24 remain standing we're going to pray then said Jesus unto his disciples if a man will come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me my subject tonight an invitation to a cross let's pray spirit of the Living God we invite your presence you don't have to break in we invite studio manifests your glory in the midst of these your people we have not come to be convinced of thee we are already fully persuaded who you are we want to be equipped so that we might win others we thank you for where you brought us from it was such a terrible place so glad to be gone from there and we thank you for where you're taking us to is so exciting that it gives us the courage to press through everything we're dealing with now we believe you for miracles tonight in the name of Jesus we pray somebody shout amen you may be seated in the presence of God I have a tendency to vacillate in my study between the Old Testament and the New Testament I like the Old Testament because the Old Testament details the lifestyles of the men and women that God use and yet the New Testament points to the ministries and the words of the man and so I kind of need both because I need to know what you said then I need to know a little bit about who said it I need to know something about practical application to biblical principles I need to know from time to time that God used men like me so I need to be able to know a little bit about the specifics of their personal lives so that I don't begin to worship the men more than the God that used it it is extremely important that we never failed to be naked before people and reveal the fact that we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency may be of God and not above sadly many of us are so busy trying to convince the people that we are excellent that we have failed to point them to the excellency that is of God we must openly adamantly confess and insist that we do have the treasure but treasure is in earthen vessels they said he put the glory in a clay pot so that people will not be confused between the contents and the container and if they get anything from us it must be out of the depths of the contents of the Holy Spirit in spite of the weakness of the container in which it has been placed and we need to know that and we need to study that we need to be aware of that even at optimum peak of spirituality we are filthy rags in the sight of God what I like about the Old Testament and particularly men like Joel banned Elijah the lice and David and some of the other pigs right so the Old Testament is that we get to ride the rollercoaster of their lives we get to see Elijah call fire down from heaven and then come down off the mountain and run from Jezebel that's good it's good to see that you can be powerful one moment and scared to death the next we get to see David run after Goliath with the flinch are in Iraq and hit him in the head knock him out take his sword cut his head off and be that powerful be that victorious and then be on the roof looking at Bathsheba I know you can't not right now but later when you get home not tonight this before you go to bed tonight this not one time you don't have to tell anybody what it's about just just one little mom we need to see that even as Jesus see the the manifested presence of God the picture of God himself God manifested as God tabernacled among stuff even when Jesus makes his debut and steps down to 40 in two generations and says lo I come in the volume of the book to do thy will O God and he steps in the dressing room of a form of a virgin called Mary and Tabernacles himself in flesh and comes out God incarnate and becomes Immanuel God tabernacle with us that even in the manifest presence of God that we still have Thomas Doughty disciples jockeying for position we still have politics in Jesus Church you know with Jesus the pastor with with him the superintendent with him the bishop with him the prelate even in Jesus Church we got disputing Xand betrayals and and even though he hand-picked only twelve one of them was a devil we need to know that so that we can just figure as leaders that one out of every 12 that's good for you I mean it just it just helps your mind so that you don't get scared when you run into trouble and think you don't know what you're doing you figure that if Jesus got one out of twelve out of a blow you know we need to see that we need to see that when people get saved that they do not ascend into the heavenlies like a jet running down a runway and just go up into the upper echelon and escape through the clouds and sit down and Tabernacle with all the patriarchs obey we need to see that it's it's more like a rollercoaster ride and that it's more like Oh folks used to saying the old slaves used to sing sometimes up and sometimes down sometimes level to the ground but the storm is passing over hallelujah we need we need to know that life is tempestuous like when and there are moments that you are spiritually a student and and prepared to face the challenge and there are other times that you're trembling and saying God if you don't help me I won't be able to stand the storm with it I also need to see that Jesus was not so busy pouring himself into the public he was pouring himself into the disciples because I think sometimes we have taken on the mammoth job of trying to disciple people who who are not believers I think that we have become ridiculous even in the world trying to get sinners to live saved laughs and criticizing sinners for sinning because sinners are supposed to sin we have better focus on trying to clean up the church because it's hard enough to do that without us expecting people to live right without Jesus I don't expect sinners to do anything I don't expect them to understand me I don't expect them to like me I don't expect them to love me I don't expect them to hold their marriages together I don't expect them not to commit adultery I don't expect them not to fornicate I don't expect them not to be prejudiced I don't expect them to do anything because without Jesus Christ it is absolutely impossible the truth of the matter is even with Jesus we struggle sometimes and have two things in back they try if you don't know Jesus is the way the way you go [Music] you mean the hall it goes to be able to love me you love me without the Holy Ghost it just means you don't know me [Applause] I love him you don't know me even work with somebody every day and see all sides of their personality the only way you can love a person seeing all sides of them is that the love of God is she'd abroad in your heart by the Holy Ghost Jesus began to just take a little census to find out what the world was saying about him he says who do men say that I am and they responded the only answer that you can ever give to anybody who is a mover and a shaker in the kingdom that is some say some safety there will never be an agreement in the world about who you are some say thou art Elias and some say thou art Jarrett Jeremias and some say thou art a prophet if that the only compilation you can have about worldly people is that God won't let your enemies agree the rumors will collide and argue if to who you are some say valid to Jeremiah something there like something out of the problem he said no no no I'm not gonna waste time trying to change you don't see him trying to defend that you don't see him i arguing about that you don't see him there picketing and boycotting and trying to convince them as to who you are he said that's not even if what are you say that I'm you're the ones that I've poured into and laid but with you're the ones that I've given up my time and strength and walked across waters and seen people heal and who do you say that I am and out of twelve men we always talk about the one who spoke but I'd like to take a moment and point out the eleven who didn't because what if killing the church today is the silent majority who remain neutral in their convictions and can't quite make up their mind where they stand on any particular issue and they wait to take their cues from other people rather than to take a stand and say as for me and my the son of the true and living God and he was the first man to answer Jesus question in such a way that he just actually blew his mind Jesus said wait flesh and blood have not revealed this unto you but my father which is in heaven I wish I had time to really labor over that issue because that that that was an awesome thing because what that means is Jesus had not taught them yet who he was and for Peter to know who he was without being taught who he was Bob would even the mind of crises of flesh and blood have not revealed its under unit this is the first trace of Rhema before the cross he says flesh and blood have not revealed this unto you but my father which is in heaven he says some kind of way Peter you'll have tied in to divine information before the baptism of the Holy Spirit you are actually picking up you are picking up a wave links radio waves from heaven and they're coming to you and you're starting to sense divine things though you haven't even come to the point of receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit flesh and blood have not revealed it from you but my father which is in heaven hand upon this rock in other words I will build my church on the backs of men who can sense the truth of God in turbulent times I will not build my church on the backs of wimps weak panting wasted broke down intimidated scared to speak up men but I build my church on the backs of men who will step out and say down [Applause] if she studied church history all throughout Church ages every time there was a major move of God it happened on the backs of a man who got some sort of divine revelation that didn't even fit in with his generation and most of the time what we call truth today they call here takes at the time it was being preached they lock up nuns and threw down in pits for speaking and tongue there was a time in our lives of what we call precious today would have got you thrown out of churches you go go all the time you weren't always waving your hands and clapping and leaping and jumping but the people who are preoccupied with being popular rather than being powerful [Applause] instead of asking everybody what do you think about it what do you think about it and I just don't want to be on constant with everybody else Church doing what if you're showing I would have to be done what do you think about what the pastor said do you think there's gotta know whether that's got enough oh please [Applause] I'm in a radical mood tonight in case you kids go I have given up on fitting in I'm not interested in running in the pack I don't want to be in the clique and I don't want to be one of the good ol boys let me get a sermon in the beauty of holiness come over here to walk in the power of his word and I'm willing to be criticized to be christ-like I want the power of God to dwell in my heart some of you God could really use if you quit trying to fit in dr. speak to you if you quit voting on everything he's trying to get you to do [Applause] [Music] you just got me tonight and in the morning she the fan said blessed art thou simon barjona he said you're blessed silent the word Simon it implies that he was unstable and I want you to underline come quickly in your body I want you underline three things gonna get you a crayon this is where in the Bible Matthew 16:17 2:25 just three little things that might be of significance to you I turned 40 last month and went blind I just woke up one morning and couldn't see if the strangest day don't laugh you're next hiya I didn't think it would happen to me I didn't really believe that it happened to my mother and the other people I thought they were faking I want to testify to all the people that are still in your 20s they're not lying you turn 40 and go blind I'm teasing I tried to fight it and rebuked it until I was in the book of Job and was calling it Ephesians and then I said I think I'm going to have to get some glasses if I'm going to survive hallelujah everything don't get healed got to get fixed you know what I'm saying I'm telling you you got to make it work y'all know what I'm talking about if I don't get healed at least let me see the word I can't get it to work something I still want to see it yes amen hallelujah yes I want you to underline Simon in verse 17 Peter in verse 18 and Satan in verse 23 Simon Peter Satan say that with me Simon Peter Satan hmm sounds like three people Simon Peter Satan sounds like three distinct different people doesn't it doesn't seem like that Peter would be Simon or that Simon would be Peter or that Simon would be Satan or Satan Peter seems like they are to be three distinct people but each name is in reference to the same guy and in each case Jesus called him by all three names at one moment he called him Simon which means unstable like water tossed to and fro Peter means rock the next verse each other and says no you're the rock and then a few verses down he called them Satan Simon Peter Satan Simon Peter Satan in and amazing in the life of one man and the space of five versus he can go from being Simon to ascending to the high office of being Peter Peter down at the rock and upon this rock I will build my church can you imagine what it would be like for Jesus to call you in front of all the other preachers he say Eudora what you talkin about boy your chest your day book would fill up for five years I know you need me at your ministry Jesus said that would be awesome and at one moment he our sins above all the heads of the other disciples because he has a revelation he goes from being called unstable and inconsistent to being solid and foundational truths to being called Satan all in the space of one event up under pressure everything in you comes out and in spite of all of our teachings of our positive confessions and speaking the word in claiming the word in talking God talk and saying what Jesus says you might say what Jesus says while we're listening but if you get enough pressure on you you gonna say some of everything working yourself through the process to get to the place where you really it sounds like Joba schizophrenic one moment he says the Lord knows the way that I've taken when he has tried me I shall come forth in the next I should be the day that I was born in the breasts said gave Mesa I know that my Redeemer liveth and he saw stand again at the latter day Genesis will be under me and for you might not say it but you think I don't know what if the wall is going home [Applause] [Music] Peter I'm gonna give you the keys to the kingdom you got revelation man you're hearing from God you know who I am thought the christ the son of the true and living God and then Jesus says to him don't tell anybody who I am that's the most amazing thing because the one thing that I noticed about anybody that's great today they always want you to tell everybody who they are they said you biles so you get it right tell them who I am I have accomplished this this versus this I matriculated from this University I have these mini degrees I passed this many people I have traveled around the globe I am on television because jesus knew that when people know who you are too soon they are trying to destroy you before you reach your purpose so when God is going to do mighty things in your life don't be upset when he hides you anything precious has got to be hidden laughs lock you away somewhere back up in a committee in a US the boy locked in the back room over in the corner lay back people walking all passion don't even know who you are don't care who you got not thinking about you and you say I don't understand being overlooked and open wine order I've got this burning in my hands I got this anointing in my hand I've got the morning of it why don't they call on me why don't they use it is because God is thank you when God is really gonna use you the way you are he will destroy you you grew up here you gotta stroll till the time was right God what he loves plummeted the secret place of the Most High good morning of the Hulagu [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] however to get onto the jig Scoob [Music] God is saying I'm saving the best for last [Applause] I hid you in the cleft of the rock I hid you in the bulrush it's like Moses I'm hiding you getting you ready grooming you well if I don't hide you people will do one of two things either they're trying to abort your mission terminate you before you ever get a chance to do what God wants you to do or they'll rush your mission and try to crown you before you've been crossed [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and you don't want to let anybody ever put a crown on you before you've had a cross and if you have not had a cross experience the crown is too heavy for a head that haven't rested on a cross and so you only want what God wants you to have when God wants you to have it and don't let anybody rush you into your destiny don't tell everybody who I am cuz real anointing doesn't have to be announced when you are really the Christ when you are really anointed the name Christ means anointed you don't have to announce when you really gifted you don't have to say so don't let anybody push your flesh buttons till you start parading your gifts because if you're really equipped of God you don't have to say a word the anointing will speak for itself if God really call you to preach you don't have to pass out business cards if you I got a gift of healing you ain't got to tell her I'm a healer I'm a deliverer I'm an apostle I'm all shut up you I got a the people can heal don't tell it people get delivered call telling the people get saved don't tell it go tell nobody [Applause] I feel something here he said don't tell anybody you know you have perceived the Christ in me he says but don't tell anybody and in the next verse he says for I must suffer suffering is the lost ministry in the church today we have taught everything the gifts of the Spirit the operation of the gifts we have taught eschatology and Biblical prophecy we have taught that theophany and the anthropomorphic terms of text we have taught people how to communicate skillfully divine truth and to illuminate the most man new concepts a biblical concepts but we have not the primary prerequisite of greatness we have not only in the church it's in the family we've taught our children we got so well off now that we taught our children everything except what made us great we've given them everything the best schools we've given them the best education we give them the finest computers we've given them the greatest technology but if you think about it that's not what made you great what really made you great is suffering and dragging yourself up and not having no new Nike tennis shoe but passing in your heart I got the call anyway saying jeez I had on last week but I got to go you owe it to yourself to teach them to suffer [Applause] [Music] [Applause] whoa because if my children know how to suffer if something happens and I'm not there hard times and never be able to kill them cuz they're more how to take a lickin and keep on tickin [Applause] I got to go through some changes he said don't tell anybody who I am I've got to go through some changes I've got to suffer I've got to be rejected I've got to take rejection 101 to prove that this thing is not about popularity and to be thrown out of the circle ejected out of the clique I have to be looked over because of stone that the builders rejected chief Cornerstone you can never be great until you've been rejected you've got to go through rejection you've got to go through it you've got to go through it did you walk around people who don't have speak to you and don't you and I'm not thinking about will not help you because God is training you how to be a soldier you've got to be mistreated on your job to be lonely [Applause] [Applause] you watch let us say anything that is ever greatly used of God has endured pain and trauma and rejection and they've been ostracized and they've been lonely and they've been left and they've been forsaken and they suffered [Applause] a while it comes along and gives you your diploma and says now now I can use now I can put you on stage not because of how wonderful your gift is but because you your gift has been tempered in the furnace of affliction because I've taught you how to minister why your heart was broken I taught you how to be faithful in the midst of a trauma I've taught you how to endure hardness as a good soldier so I don't have to sit back and worry about what the devil's gonna do to you because you've already learned how to endure y'all don't hear what I'm saying and so Jesus says I've got to suffer many things and then Peter the big rock the stones that see sometimes we're trying to rebuke things they cannot be revealed Peter is trying to rebuke suffering oh no no we don't have to suffer you believe the words or just sleep what do you mean Jesus haven't you read the ladies book he just talking you don't have to go to anything you just I rebuke and that's when Jesus called the rock the devil [Applause] so get behind me Satan I said the Jesus he was the rock you said but now now I call him Satan one thing I want to talk about is I learned some about how Jesus evaluates people we always have a plus and minus column that's Sally I like her that's Mary I don't like her I know you can't know it now when you get home you wouldn't want anybody think that you don't like everybody because you're with all these Christian that's Richard and you can count on Richard death Michael you can't count on nothing he fears death Roger he's full of truth this that's that's this McGillicutty he you can't trust him we like to put people in columns but Jesus didn't do that he evaluates them not according to the flesh but according to the spirit and what they manifested at that particular moment and he had the ability to look at one person and see them when they were unstable and still celebrate them when they were solid and still discerned when they were of the devil without changing his love for them he always knew what spirit they were walking in from moment to moment can you y'all hear what I'm saying can you imagine how differently your relationships would be if you didn't have to file people if you've matured to the point that you can say now that's Christ in you but that's Satan talking now because if you can't do that the enemy will use people who love you to shift you out of God's will for your life he's too wise to use your enemies cuz you're not listening to them no way he's gonna use somebody you like because he thinks just so busy liking them that you can't tell when he is speaking to or you know you don't hear what I'm saying [Laughter] is it get thee behind me Satan and let me tell you why I call him say he said for thou savourest not the things that be of God in other words you don't because you have not learned to enjoy God's will for your life you have not developed an appetite for God's purpose because you just want easy boy religion that's the devil you'll know you're maturing when you can shout in a struggle when you can go let me give you babble when you can glory in tribulation mature Christians get happy at strange times we Christians get happy because a check came in the mail because they're not went down on the hand because the boyfriend said let's get married [Applause] but mature Christians have funny shouts they shout over bad news when the doctor says you're sick and it looks like I can't hear you thinking [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] whoa Wow well felt something that because when you start sound like that that means that you know that God's gonna get some glory out of this I don't know how he's gonna work it out I don't know when he's gonna work it out I don't know who he's gonna use to bring me [Music] god it's gonna make away from me touch somebody tell gospel make away from he's gonna make away you come pig away he's gonna make away I can tell I can tell he's gonna make a way I can tell I can tell because of what I'm going through all hell is breaking loose oh god it's gonna make away from me [Applause] I don't know [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] feel the authority [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] your surrounds me you make me run all over this place I feel their knowledge [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jesus [Applause] [Music] Jesus
Channel: Jonathan DesVerney Gospel Channel
Views: 118,007
Rating: 4.7501626 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop Jakes, Dancing, Preaching
Id: Zy7JkL_8Shs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 9sec (3909 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2017
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