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yo isn't that awesome joe dash it's sora from kingdom hearts yo version 13. nice yeah uh zelda and jigglypuff got buffed this patch no way pop god yep puff got buffed i love hearing that what's the how do people already have the patch notes i know they they put them out here wait uh let's get into the let's look at the stage real quick yeah hollow bash julion that's also known as hollow bastion i hate this place [Music] so of all the faults that don't load put the computer on as well do you want to play a sora i i want to complain yeah which one do you want to be the edgy one yeah i don't like the one that ford faces okay i really this is he this is that one's flames so this is kingdom hearts one two dream drop distance kingdom hearts three uh timeless river a valor form it's kind of funny actually timeless or guy fieri is definitely the moves i this one radiates like the dark link like for energy sora in the game all right dash do you guys get to play i get to you yeah oh i do get to play nice and i get to play the office oh dude he is float he is so floaty oh my god so it looks like if you just hold in a direction you'll just press okay you know what we needed swordness yes oh so okay you cannot sigh me and i be yeah you can only do upbeat and a side b that's kind of sick i was about to scream well you were at zero so like wait that's me though yeah i'm playing the cool one yeah i'm kind of mad that you got mine but it's all right you mean i got mine can someone just like tell me how much damage this move does just get hit by one oh cool and you probably get hit by multiple that's awesome okay and then blizzard oh that's stunt i got him ggs all right can i throw up air with his character that's how you know it's a good character i forgot we cannot hurt each other uh i can hurt dude that up here like maybe it was just the animation but it looks kind of good it looks pretty strong oh that's so weird that's so hard to adjust to this is going to be like the scrub move wait okay yeah i i was i look like i parry it and i don't do anything wait this character is this character's heat actually oh okay so wait i wonder can you sign me i win do you have to do all three side views at once uh yeah if you touch the ground you don't i i mean like in the air oh interesting it has to play all three oh no just stop just go neutral on the stick by the way that's how you stop it yeah if you go neutral but then you can't do a third one though that which is that makes sense yeah in my mind you're gonna be able to like it would be insanely broken you could do two and just like wait until you get all the way down here to do the third oh yeah but it'd be sick oh my god i wanna just like let me go to like all the way down here real quick no way no [ __ ] way why would i need to edge guard oh you don't even need to obviously you're saying sword can go under final destination if anyone's curious [ __ ] i need to update all my youtube videos right now i need to get three million views stat yeah so that was a turbo i earned yeah let me let me just let me test something on something oh yeah yeah do you need me to go off stage yeah let me i got so just come here it's just neutral get up for me all right and then okay that doesn't kill but that's pretty funny okay dude i'm so sad you can't up here out of that i know because i think they learn from bayonetta and smash four if i'm being honest i forgot he has to counter oh yeah he has a sword so oh this is kind of good um playing damage it's not that's not bad will you here go grab a ledge real quick i'm grabbing uh you get up attack [Laughter] okay let's get oh that's it's one of those down here oh wait wait hold up uh just okay come here oh wait you stand out let's don't even just neutral get up just look at this angle oh yeah i see what you mean is this two frame wait hold ledge hold myself ledge yeah run off sora okay sure he does two frames i wanna i wanna see what like uh where is it bro speed what are you trying to do i just want to see how active it looks because i think that's hitbox one one frame two three four six seven eight like if that's active for like six frames on a two frame that's pretty generous six to eight frames it looks like that's yeah pretty good because that shock wave is very active dude the apex of his jump is he just floats there for a second it's so weird it's like a mini peach float he's he's messed with the sword oh don't say that man we don't say that come on yeah he doesn't have the side view man he actually does he literally he has pk freeze too it's only i guess pk thunder what the [ __ ] i i i don't want to hear this i i hate this wait uh i want to see will you stay on the platform real quick because this just that sweet spot looks strong but i don't know how strong it is ally if it uncharged kills at 70 well sorry so a little charge but how long do i have to wait to okay so you can't like i'll be waiting a long time to and then side b that was one thing i was curious about yeah oh you can drop through the platforms with this like yeah i guess it's weird oh i just realized if you get the blizzard on someone yeah you can probably like if you get someone popping out and hit them with up smash at 80 they're dead dude this character's moving is so weird it is weird it's good though like it's kind of fun yeah oh that's super laggy have you used that yet tilt yeah look how laggy that is yeah that is laggy all right i don't know slow i guess i think about it i win wait tina's up oh i was like what the [ __ ] is wrong with this we can't hit each other bro you're just better than me dash yes i'll get this tv broken i want it banned okay any character has a down till that pops up yeah oh yeah you got down down till it up smash that's not true but down till up it probably is here let me down till up till someone who's not at a million percent so wait can you just can you angle your first iv up or is it your first side you have to go to the side uh i guess you have to do it okay yeah it looks like you have to do it sideways so you have to like okay yeah that's not bad does he have a kill throw yeah let me let me test these kill throws up smash up throw okay at 160 no f throw wait back throw it yeah because he swings dude that float is so menacing yeah especially i just get to come out here and then i do this and then i just recover anyways [Music] i got him ggs oh i was so scared you wouldn't be able to just spam this one move thank god if this is gonna cycle i think we're good to go you know just just hop into some friendlies real quick this this this is a character you know yeah this is he's a lot more fun than i thought he would be he's messed with the sword how could he not be fun shut the [ __ ] up okay okay all right you know we don't have a rule set on here so let's let's make wait did we oh yeah i guess we uh we can't what's wrong with two and a half minute time that's the real way to place matches what's that crazy intended for us i agree i he didn't make four stock you know the default i'm just gonna and he's done that for like every game now so it's it's obviously like a well thought out decision by him you know i think this game is based [Music] there we go testing out all the stages genius actually uh i'm gonna be sora but the blue one see that's him there he goes not all right also we don't have tags on here because this is a new switch welcome wait oh god i just assumed that o was over there joe you did it that's me wait oh that close enough [Music] [Laughter] draw your conclusion what i was going to type let us know in the comments whoa it could be anything it could be my name it could be something funny yo it could be something funny awesome wait i'm dead nope i'm i'm built different oh so i i think this is how sword did those are going to get yeah we're going to dive at each other back off dude i wish that would kill you like you're at 40 you should be you should be dead i know like he's a dlc character i i should be killing you at 60. and i'm not happy about it bro you stole my kill back off oh my dead i'm not dead i'm not dead okay cool please don't please stop please stop i'm so i i guess this is the meta i i think we've solved this game already i'm coming up there i looked at your person i got really disappointed because it didn't deal like 40. yeah but i you know that's fair dude you just get to stay in the air for so long with this character actually it's like luigi we are choosing to come down i i think outside of rob the less special fall your moveset has the hyper of character you are like the more hype you are yeah because i think bayonetta's hype despite like bannon has a let's say biggest potential for hype oh [ __ ] wait i forgot does this yeah i wish this stage just looked like this honestly yeah yeah that would be way nicer i don't want to see the hollow bastion ever again bad memories i'm gonna get it there's all my favorite characters mickey mouse you're at 28 oh okay i'm really glad i got a few swords final smash i hit it well sakurai wanted us to hide it so i was just making sure that no one saw it he did say that wait is it is there actually not any footage of it yet no remember he said i'm hiding it but then showed us it anyways okay that's what i that's what i thought happened but you know i i don't know oh my feelings wait down throw up b that killed at a hundred uh but i died in that that shouldn't matter at that percent interesting uh yeah interesting i'll say interesting time maybe it's just sora being white yeah here let can i grab something real quick let me yeah i don't think that's true but i think it's scary wait it's just down to robbie yeah [Music] this is just such a fun move to just smash actually it does jack [ __ ] yes but it looks like it's really funny if you get someone in the ceiling wait how much damage oh my god dude the way you just like hit my shields like we're able to like still fall back on the platform right there this character actually is kind of nuts goodbye i wish i would kill [Music] uh a v i'm coming for you oh my god dude his double jump so good it's i i can't tell if he's good yet i feel like he can't be bad with just like his recovery i don't think he can be bad but i don't think he's like as good as i once like i saw him and i was like he's gonna carry off the top but i don't think that anymore wait how do you cycle through the spells uh you just have to do them so if you're spamming it it doesn't cycle through or okay just by raw guess yeah you can you can keep holding that one okay that makes also you can reset them by go using taunts gotcha wow that sucks that is insane dude that's like the only final smash that has like a sensitive uh activation box yeah i can't believe that to you oh he's a nerd character isn't he yeah probably it's so big and you can just mash it and get a freak top also you can just hold it by the way you have something you have to hold it yeah you can just hold it no but pressing the button a bunch makes my brain activate yeah you you actually just can oh my god wait you can't just hold it this game character plays it i feel like i'm playing the game you know i was having why'd you remind me this is the kingdom hearts character i forgot i was having fun man i was having fun but then i remember kingdom hearts fans exist oh wait oh i thought thank you yeah i might have been a waters yeah i was looking at a dash how did you how did i do it how do i do it you're literally looking at my controller dude stop that's not a bad counter honestly i i stopped mashing so [Laughter] wait where the top oh they just no shots no shot mickey mouse shows up you're correct where is he i wish that they would like kind of there he is mickey what if they show the silhouette of mickey mouse are they are they even allowed to do that i mean only on the on the keyblade wait yeah see they only on the key there it is those three circles cost nintendo ten thousand like dollars per minute to show on screen dude it's just i think sora is unshield grabbable yeah dude he's gonna be mashing on your shield so much ah that w didn't play for the game all right play the game for itself for me goodbye every second mickey mouse is on screen it costs nintendo ten thousand dollars see that was a mix up right that was what a good mix up that was the stage is so sick [Laughter] ah got him ggs [Music] is this the game yeah this is fire beats ice that's just factual fire oh my god yeah good luck buddy oh my god dude the float's so good whoa that one's up okay good to know good soon now i'm really glad to find that out to you that i would say for a move like that i feel like that killed kind of early you know memes aside is a very fun character like honestly yeah i think watch the reaction to this video and if joe says this character's fine he has to mean it if i'm saying a good thing about a kingdom hearts game or anything kingdom hearts related at all i appreciate yeah even if you're just trying to footstool in the eye no i was trying to get you up wait it's easy to say something good about kingdom hearts it has mickey mouse that's no it doesn't it's mickey mouse where's mickey mouse right now actually joe makes a great point all right you're right i like i know we're just kind of pressing buttons today but i know like on day two we we'll have the twitter knowledge and we'll be like oh yeah he can zero to death donkey kong can't he i can't see character i really wish i hope someone like releases a like combo video of all the deal like a1 dlc combos on donkey kong everyone comboing donkey kong okay i i thought i was gonna scoop both of you [Laughter] dude no no no no you're actually at zero i i don't know it's it's hard to not have fun whenever it's like this character oh my god that catches actually yeah it's it's like we're fighting with luigi ladders but we don't go into special fall i mean we do but like you know we can just side me again this is i just face it okay i didn't space it right okay so i wonder what like the throw is into it because i don't know like his backdrop probably since too high up maybe his fourth row i guess oh that hashtag gets some distance [Music] i wonder if you can just be out of that down throw actually like it's probably stupid and not good at all but maybe no okay not this that was after by the way oh that's that throw yeah maybe that's the final smash call of the movie oh no and bye go away no you're being mean so wait aren't there there's no yellow or green skins right no that's weird i don't know wait hold up yeah you just down i think down smash like lower part of your body is invincible like like in because like he put he moved my collision box with that dude let's check i don't know uh here just run up and dash attack me but like you see my yeah collision gets pushed back it's like yoshi smash almost i don't know that's that's weird yo riku and characters yeah we got nominee why does that look like he's trying to kiss him i'm pretty sure like half the game is them like trying to make out i i don't know that kills early yeah it kills like a hundred is ridiculous wait what was it oh just upbeat just kills it's like not that it's not like i'd be like speed but it's still like pretty fast but i mean that could be wrong i actually don't i've played link like once in this game since it dropped so i don't know how fast this is [Music] did you hit it an activation box on it here we go that's such a cute skin what why didn't that kill it zero oh i wish it fades to white it only doesn't oh that's so sad i remember when you said fade it back i can tech that [Laughter] come on guys i can oh that that's that's like joe you died at 12-0 like yeah i didn't i didn't really play that last game and i'm okay with it i wish he had like a downer spike yeah i wish i wish this move or down down smash spike it looks like it should like it's so sad that it doesn't yes my wall edgardie hey i'm edge guarding me oh i'm sorry i i didn't mean to interrupt you all right i'm going to draw from over here now oh my god it goes through platforms guys what guys what what here we go here we go how do i heal no i'm dead goodbye world no no no no [Laughter] let's go guys oh why are you hitting me i think you're gonna go edge guard him okay i'll go instagram you don't have to i'm just gonna hang out here because i haven't started myself just kidding it was all part of my plan oh wait i'm alive still hello i thought that was me dude i love b button characters i think i think this is our double strat right oh yeah i mean i have not thought once with this character this is kind of sick joe imagine the timeline where you made sora i i will never i know that people are going to say that i'm not allowed to enjoy sora yeah that's fine i i think that i enjoy sora for the reasons that everyone should expect i enjoy sora yeah you just mashed side me out of that does look kind of good too oh yeah it looks like a good stone breaker fine mine yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah talk to him sora oh no no no just such an aerial based game like this is what i wish sonic was like i wish sonic would only like constantly homing attack not that he already doesn't it's just not as broken as it should be in my opinion yeah oh my god dude he's so floaty is this where i see the boat boat's my favorite character i mean i'm so glad they replaced donald oh his boat dude gets some distance that's such a pretty panel dude no i i wish the stage just looked like this i tripped oh my god no way i made that bad i don't think you're allowed to sd with this character if i can be honest i will oh my god i tried [Music] try to punish upbeat smile wait someone join me i was trying there we go uh-huh [Music] all right and i'm back [Laughter] can you survive the elements i i can't hit this oh my god that was just killed [Music] i did it guys broken character oh no wait i got him [Laughter] how could i not break that i hit it like 20 times i think you hit it like once it's like 20. what do you think of sora because i i'm very brain off and i see the room for degeneracy i know he's not like a me character but i think i'm gonna press buttons and have fun doing it yeah i i think this character might i think he's gonna be pretty good i i think just having this much air mobility yeah like dude this feels like smoother than pop almost so does sword puff feel better so yeah sword puff is scarily better honestly do that i don't know i don't describe it it's just weird it's like i jump and i stay in air it's because he throws his legs up i think that's what it is yeah like he just like catches air the animation for like his dash jump is so pretty also just like holding at them and just smashing a not that bad because you get like you just like kingdom hearts basically recreate a character oh my god that up here hit that dude am i up here beat up nothing i was like below me that's weird oh wait i forget he he doesn't reflect he reflects things through him oh yeah so it would hit dash but yeah yeah wouldn't it be like counted as mine for years yeah it would be mine and probably oh [Music] i i don't know what we're supposed to do i don't know he doesn't have like a lot of like just straight like straight up kill power you know what i mean [Music] oh okay there you go so you do have to space it a little bit though which is different than other final smash it looks like it has like a little hitbox right in front of it on does the guaranteed ko too yeah if only it i i think that it's kind of soft they never gave somebody a move that breaks invincibility yeah like after everything doesn't smash i just feel like that's just one thing that would have been casually funny and something like competitive players would have complained a lot about it yeah and i i wish it should i guess i'm just sad that we're not going to get that much more complaining about patch notes i mean minman still exists well yeah the world would be worse without her that is true but my life before midman versus my life after amendment oh i thought i got spike yeah i thought i spiked you too that was weird [Music] dude you can just camp so well on platforms with this character ah fun character make it back sweet this dashtag hits bro oh my god oh my god that that's how you do it i'm just waiting for the boat to appear that's all my life it's coming one of these games one of these games boat will show up [Music] i said that why are you just [ __ ] running away me yes i'm like i don't want to get hit because i want to see the boat [ __ ] [Laughter] oh my god i literally could not fall down to punish that i was just staring at the background i'm like i don't want to try and press buttons right now there might be a boat that shows up i'm glad we're on the same brain cell energy right now i like the funny outline of the stage at the bottom [Music] dude that downhill is pretty good actually [Music] oh there's another one huh [Music] i was waiting for the dunkin double there oh i thought i was gonna [Music] i think downtown there's pretty good [Music] one day one day he'll die one day he'll get edge guarded it'll be over i think it's uh i'm seeing like i like down through nair at low percents i don't really know what to do beyond that [Music] it's like weird what follows you get with like just this id you know it's like not that good it just puts it in like such a bad spot yeah cause like you still land before i mean because i'm also sore but if you're playing against fox you probably yeah fox probably is uh no why isn't that spike i think that deserves a spike bro i wish that move did yeah probably not as good against non-sora like i guess floaties that's ivy i don't know i i don't know what like pop and or samus are like supposed to do about that i think that's just like a good move they're hitting from behind popping in front so crazy yeah that i mean that's typically most multi-hits work in this game yeah but you just hold a and you just win yeah that's a little different uh oh backyard is not turning around it's not like rory what the [ __ ] i don't thought it's gonna hit nope that is such an insane move that down smash is such a sleeper move like it it's just does not look super strong on the surface but i don't know how it avoided my down air there i'll be honest whoa all right b-time no no it's not you guys don't have to but i wish i could be move out of that yeah i wish the fun just never ended you know i wish you could b move out of it but only neutral b so you had to shoot fire ow no i freeze goodbye sora bye i'm locking you into the cage blocked away for eternity that's me when i locked up i did yeah like as long as one of those hits i'm good yeah like how do you know i didn't that's good oh that goes pretty far actually what does i don't know what i think is maybe a spare [Music] i think like my biggest scare with like a character like this is like what if his multi-hits don't connect but i don't see that problem with him yeah oh my god that that's such a good move i'm saying it i think down smash is like one of his best moves whoa okay so you can't get lost in the sauce with side b [Music] can you yeah i just st with it and i was aimbotting yeah if you're kind of by ledge and then the third hit takes them off then gg yeah it typically knows to like if i just do this it usually the third one comes back on its own which is pretty pretty cool that they thought about that [Music] i don't want to participate in that that's my mom when she locks the computer after 30 minutes after 30 minutes oh yeah i used it too much i have to go back either do school work there's no way your timeline was 30 minutes on your computer [Music] i got no what would make you think that me wouldn't have more than why would you think i have more than 30 minutes on my computer oh no no we're genius both of us [Applause] oh i thought i was dead for a second [Music] goodbye i'm the winner and all tribe wins i did it congratulations you're swarming i had more falls than kos but i simply played smarter you just ran away uh and that's how you're supposed to play ffa no way great harmony hey i'll drive now you gotta beat pokemon trainer oh sweet what the [ __ ] what are you doing you're a coward i thought it was funny it wasn't my bad because now i have to fight oh we can play on his actual stage now why is that dragon roost island like as a song choice what's your problem what's your damage and why not literally any of the kingdom heart songs soraa [Music] also sora [Music] pop tart uh you could play a pokemon trainer if you unlock them oh but we didn't unlock them i didn't i don't want them to play uh my favorite character why oh you're a great question actually pikachu okay i get it yeah who's gonna combo donkey kong today just you wait it's time to win all right see you guys what he's in what uh no knock it off guys i think uh whoa what's going on with you uh okay okay let's fight on the hair yeah gentlemen we all get up here i was wanting to cheese donkey kong so i'm dead goodbye just kidding i got the most broken move in the whole video game they nerfed it where's that in the patch notes from someone uh oh [Applause] oh no don't know is right you're about to get hit by the best moving smash brothers oh [ __ ] all right i'm just gonna i just want to decide that's all i want all right see ya goodbye monkey goodbye oh my god where do i jump back on the hair [Music] it's a problem [Music] donkey kong's the problem you already know [Music] i really i don't like having two swords on screen because it makes reading uh and by reading i mean looking at the color about my magic move a little bit harder [Music] i just got covered dude that move beats out donkey kong guppy i i think that's how we know it's a good move that's the only way it wouldn't hit i've never seen donkey kong upbeat miss i've never seen donkey kong lists really yeah really donkey kong kids always go crazy now if i had my coconut gun it would hurt i swear any gun would hurt no i'm living no i'm living know what what does donkey kong simply do about this movie actually yeah i actually don't know wait joe i thought of a hilarious doubles combo yeah uh you just throw them to me just up throw you don't have to or just do up throw i think i i insist oh god that's that di i think like if you just upgrade someone and then the other sword just takes care of that yeah i see what you mean yeah i think that's just what you do on elite doubles i miss donkey kong you're right that's donkey kong too guys you just had such a warm smile for everyone damn one stock bucket that's all you need is it i think it's because this is the hair yeah my hair caught your hair i think [Music] that'll get up there that's a good one is it i wonder is it faster to like even use the taunt no oh yeah i see no reason to not just use it on always i don't know or not just like not just cycle through yeah [Music] is there a mix-up of am i gonna do it a third time yep there sure is that's so sick that that's actually a sick mix-up it's it's weird what this character has and i'm very dead oh nope oh no oh no [Music] [Laughter] so not not throw up there but no no no of course not i'm just thinking of a world where side b goes into upbeat instead of the other way around yeah if that happens it's a problem my life would be over please stop please stop please stop please stop oh wait our cause is just oh my god it's never been more just i like trying to smash the eye as hard as i can go get him oh my god he's already dead zero death on donkey kong but we took the 17 outside of the clip oh there's a scoop box on i didn't know that's how i feel right now get over there monkey do you think donkey kong would join a circus yeah i think he'd be like the ring leader of the bunch yeah people people do know him well uh-huh uh-huh he's finally back when did he leave i never understood that never made sense to me like bkc3 came out like a year before that i mean i guess that was 12 months without newton's diddy kong and dixie kong though no it was a it was kitty kong in dixie kong actually yeah so don kong wasn't there no he's there they're they're saving him i killed donkey kong actually donkey kong technically is cranky kong isn't he yeah he's like a different yeah he's like like the original dk and then there's lanky there is monkey kong my favorite kong is chunky god wait which one's funky or he does funky kong funky kong is definitely my favorite even though i hated them back in the day because of mario part that's so fair so valid honestly just adapt honestly him being the best mario kart wii player is hysterical to me no now it's funny but whenever i was like i just got upset at everyone kicking my ass with the character that i hadn't even unlocked yet on my own it was honestly i would have much rather him be a dlc character in that game because at least then i could have had an excuse of i didn't i could like i don't know i could have paid for the character oh god dude this past was like not bad my counter play wait oh my god i just realized do you mind white come on okay watch this can can can you please just let me yeah come on bo there we go he has doubled these are from what oh my god [Applause] bye but he has double laser he does have double laser and he can sd just like falco oh my god he really is a mid-tier huh wait hey donkey kong do you think donkey kong could beat sephiroth yes i already know this that's kind of sephiroth upbeat like donkey kong actually he kind of can with the sword of being sephiroth is how i beat the challenge the i love the sephirah challenge i thought that was so goddamn funny like the character comes out next week unless you're good at the game and i was that's why i beat him in 13 seconds sephiroth was like funky kong for a week you had to be good play him although i don't know i feel like no funky kong was hard to unlock but i'm done talking about funky kong i never unlocked him i didn't even know he was a character you had to beat every single uh time trial like ghost oh my god i'm that much of a nerd i just know you had to sweat hard to get it that's crazy so you earned is what you're saying no i didn't i i wish i did i was not good enough i probably could have cheated though i had a home brewed wii or dude that goes so the end up okay that makes a lot more sense but at the same time that also killed you at 120 still i stopped you man you don't have to tell me [Laughter] just look at the facts okay there we are bye [Applause] dude the b moves are so much fun with this character yeah i mean like look at down b yeah the counter oh i i do have a downbeat yeah check out this townsville mine [Music] yeah i hate that he has like a little bit of a brooklyn accent whoa oh yeah is he coming down eventually i love watching them go into the portal especially donkey kong donkey kong is my favorite like that that's my favorite final fantasy animation i've seen you could have just entered it donkey kong is my favorite i mean he is but i have to like goodbye he's my favorite in a lot of ways [Music] if you oh my god you can never go out there and just like come back on the platform probably go a lot further than what i think [Music] i'll see wait hold on i'm trying to see something oh [ __ ] oh no i just think the base knock back of those moves is really high so now if you just like kind of go bully people off stage uh oh yeah i just realized something but i just get to do this yeah it's not like you can die for going off stage with this character the only way you can die is if you down there like like below platforming oh we got a high tier on our hands uh oh don't you think that i just yeah he just edge guards people i i think that's all sore does i think he wins neutral in ed's guard so who do you think wins uh sora or a little mag uh i'll be honest uh i think the little mech magic might actually be hard because sora is good at people in the air and little mac's never on the air i mean as unlike the side that like how's little mac supposed to hit the person that stays in the air for like with a sword yeah all this time no like don't i i think it'd be easy don't get me wrong but i just wanted to be as easy as as the jokes might make it look you know yeah i got you what you mean yeah i was less looking at the jokes and we're just looking at the play style because i mean you literally just have to hit him once with nair i feel like he dies yeah yeah it'd probably be pretty easy yeah because just nair also you know it has that three hit combo well so does fourier that's the one i've been using because four there's a lot of bass knockback it looks like wait there's common oh my god no just just do a move and keep holding it yeah it doesn't even matter if it connects you so you don't need to hit the button oh my gosh i hold it [Music] i i've been like forward airing [ __ ] like oh my god meanwhile us donkey kong mains we have to think about when we hit our aerial button so true we simply can't hold the buttons your aerial side b i'm going to scream what about how much i love donkey kong oh goodbye sidebeam yeah [Music] uh you know i i take it back this is a fire song for sora [Music] oh my sword kind of nice though look at this i don't know which move that is can't hit me because i'm invincible wait what the [ __ ] dude i caught my roll yeah it's called a read heard of it never [Music] there's no in lag nice free thank you thank you and good combo by me it's funny because you can't get shield grabbed out of that move wait which moves ivy oh you're a four there because you usually bounce on my shield and go higher than it i had to like actually up smash you so i punished you which is a commitment you know that's true yeah yeah yeah i just love that you just get the match you either get to mat no it's just matching with this character it's it's like a polite mashing because you really don't have to spam the button i wish there was actually invincibility on that move do i win no [ __ ] me [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] so what do we think about sora kind of cool actually and i hate that face um it sucks that it's sore though they could have put like luigi skin over this they could have just added luigi is this luigi is that mickey no it's not it's a copyright strike i'm gonna i'm gonna implore some new strategies dude i can't believe that i didn't realize you could just hold forward and like or just hold the a button on all of his moves uh-oh [Applause] so now it feels like it feels like the direct for sora was like months ago now it does like i mean i guess he was announced what like early october it's now just like two weeks knockout yeah i never might have no actually i'm kind of sick with this no i it's pretty impressive like you can play sora just i don't know you can be so stationary with him or you can just hold forward and hit the a button like yo there's a lot of fun bring down oh character
Channel: Alpharad Deluxe
Views: 438,988
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3FvVzymX_Sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 49sec (3049 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 18 2021
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